privatetastebyanita · 2 years
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Seit 1991 gibt es bereits das Restaurant KONTRAST in der Südtiroler Strasse, welches als Tagesstruktur der ProMente Linz Stadt mit Sinn gebender Beschäftigung geführt wird. Ich bin seit Jahrzehnten dort immer wieder gerne Gast, im Sommer im Gastgarten, im Winter indoor. Qualität geht hier vor Quantität, gekocht wird grossteils mit Lebensmittel aus ☘️biologischer Herkunft aus Oö ☘️ Auf den Bildern seht ihr das heutige Menü - einmal die Fleisch-Variante, die meine Freundin hatte und ich das Vegetarische Menü. Die Griessnockerlsuppe war ein Traum! In feiner Hühnersuppe mit knackigem Gemüse wurden die flaumigen, hausgemachten Griessnockerl serviert 😍 Das Reisfleisch mit Beilagensalat war eine richtig grosse Portion und sehr köstlich, wie meine Freundin bestätigt. Zu guter Letzt noch der Apfelstrudel, der nicht hätte besser sein können! Fazit: Faire 12,50€ bzw. 13,50€ bezahlt man hier für das Menü, welches ich immer wieder nur wärmstens empfehlen kann! Geöffnet: Mo - Do von 11.30 - 14.00 https://kontrast.jimdofree.com/restaurant/ #privatetastebyanitamoser #privatetastebyanita #privatetaste #linzisst #promente (hier: FA Kontrast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSj0ibN44m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thatgirlsza · 9 months
Halloween ♡
Ryoumen Sukuna x fem reader
Fluff, scary wife lol
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Sukuna cracked the door of the main house open, just enough to fit his body. Inside, he walked in, dodging all the squeaking floor borders as he navigated himself around towards the futon that was illuminated by blue moon light. He saw the lumps of your body under the fabric and breathed in relief that you were still asleep and hadn't gotten in during the night.
Slowly, he slipped into the futon, trying to keep his cold body from touching you. He was glad you didn't stir. Soon he settles into a sleep burst as soon as his eyes shut and the lamp in the corner of the room goes on. He suddenly shots his eyes open and groans in pain, deciding whether to lie or not; either way, he will be lectured.
"Where have you been?" You asked coldly as you turned to face him, your big proment belly making him smile momentarily. "Will I be a little hot, so I?Try again, Ryoumen." You snapped, quirking your brow up at him in question. He swallowed roughly. Something about your pretty angry eyes over him made him want to run but made his stomach warm. He knew where he was so late at night; you did too, and that was the biggest issue.
You look at your husband, the great king of curses, reduced to something like a small child getting scolded by his mama. He looked so cute, nearly like his son, but that was besides the point. He had crimes to answer for. "So you're going to lie there and not tell me." Silence for a moment. "Fine." You turn and pull the blanket more towards you. "Don't touch me unless you are ready to speak." This was, of course, an empty threat because Ryoumen lived to hold you while he slept, but this way he'd tell you the truth in no time.
"I'm sorry I was messing around with the people in the village." He speaks, moving towards you but not touching you. You place your hand on the edge of the pillow. "Why?" You ask, looking up at the direction of his voice. Sukuna nearly winces as the words leave his mouth, "It's Halloween night." He spoke, and you flung the pillow towards him, making him fall back with a thud. You then turn to face him. "How dare you leave your wife at home alone and pretend to act like a fool in the village? I should beat you with this pillow for that." You yell, but not loud enough to wake your children.
You don't expect it when he pulls you into his body by the arm and snuggles you. "I'm sorry, it's just so much fun." He said he was pressing his face against your head even as you protested. "I meant no harm; no, go back to sleep so I can hold you two."
He slept in the other house that night.
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ilovetheriddler · 29 days
The Enigma Of Love.
(Gotham) Edward Nygma x F!Reader.
Chapter Four.
(This Chapter is entirely from Edward's perspective and recaps some previous events from his point of view. As well as helps to establish what point in Gotham this story takes place, and also a lot of Edward Pining and longing, enjoy!)
Word Count: 1,996.
Contents: A lot of pining, devolving feelings, longing, and slightly suggesting themes and conversations.
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It was supposed to be a perfectly normal trip to the library. He simply wanted to pick up some new Riddle books, and also perhaps a mystery novel or two. However, that changed the moment when the front desk came into his field of vision. More specifically, once he had laid his eyes upon you. You were deeply focused on inputing information into the library database. He found the focused look on your face to be... cute. He walked over to the front desk, standing on the side across from you. You didn't seem to notice him. He ultimately decided that the best way to both get your attention and greet you was with a riddle!
"I'm made from trees and can bring people either incredible joy or intense sorrow. I can be short or long, big or small. It can take people a long time to create me or very little, depending on the person. What am i?"
You appeared slightly startled by the sound of his voice. He felt a tad bit guilty about potentially causing you stress. You glanced up at him, and his breath hitched as he found himself getting a bit lost in your gorgeous eyes. Oh dear....
"I... I don't know, what is it?"
Oh god, your voice sounded so perfect to him. He smiled at you as he sat his choices for books down in front of you.
"A book! I um... I'd actually like to check these out... You know if um... it's not too much trouble, that is...?"
"Not at all! That's why I'm here, I just need to see your library card, and if you don't have one, then I'll have to sign you up for one."
He was relieved that he wasn't distracting you from your other task too much. He frantically felt around in his pocket for his library card, his thoughts running rampant. "Oh goodness! Oh dear! Where is it?! It should be in here somewhere, ah! Got it!". He pulled his wallet out and retrieved the card out of it and handed it to you, his face heating up some as his hand accidentally brushed against yours ever so slightly.
He watched with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as you pulled up everything on the computer. He found his focus being drawn to your hands. They looked so soft....
"Quite the um... selection you have here... I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you like riddles and puzzles?"
He was startled out of his thoughts at the sound of you speaking again, pushing his glasses back up some before answering.
"O-oh! Yes, I do enjoy them quite a lot...."
You handed him back his card, which he put back in his wallet and sat down on the counter as he grabbed ahold of his selection of books, adjusting them in his hands so they hopefully wouldn't fall on the ground on his way back to the precinct. You gave him a kind smile.
"Well, I hope that you have an enjoyable day, Mr Nygma. And that you also find those books to be to your liking."
He found your kind and polite smile and farewell to be captivating. He quickly stumbled out a response after a bit.
"O-oh.. um.. i..I will! T-thank you miss!"
He quickly made his way out of the library and started walking back towards the direction of the GCPD building. He glanced over at that one expensive sandwich shop, which he was ninety percent sure was actually just a front for money laundering or something in a similar vain.
He eventually made it back to the GCPD building and walked in, making sure his ID badge was still promently displayed. He noticed Detective Gordon and Bullock clearly arguing and discussing a recent case, Then he saw her, Kristen Kringle. He'd been infatuated with her for quite some time now, Pining for her love and affection, always leaving her well thought out riddles and even reorganizing the filing system for her... which she didn't exactly appreciate. He felt a sense of guilt, however, as he recalled how he had felt his heart speed up when he met you earlier.
How could he feel something for someone else after all of the effort he's put into pursuing Miss Kringle? He felt horrible over it, but he reassured himself that his feelings for you were just an acknowledgment of how kind and attractive you were, not a genuine desire to want to be with you like he felt for Kristen.
He made his way back into the forensics lab and sat down at the nearest table, slipping a new slide underneath the microscope and observing it, taking notes on everything important he found. Ed loved his job. It was something he greatly enjoyed. However It did frustrate him quite a bit over the fact that he had been reprimanded for performing autopsies without explicit approval to do so. The previous examiner didn't know what he was doing. He always missed important things, and Edward knew that he was absolutely being paid off, Which is why he may have framed him for stealing body parts so he would be fired.....he's pulled out of his train of thought by a knock on the door. He immediately heard Detective Gordon's voice on the other side.
"Ed, you have someone here to see you!"
Someone... is here to see him? How peculiar and exciting! He quickly went about attempting to tidy up his workspace somewhat. He needed to look decently presentable. After all, he had no clue as to who was even here visiting him! He felt his breath temporarily leave him, and his eyes light up in both surprise and excitement as he threw open the door and saw you standing there next to Detective Gordon.
"A-ah, it's um... you! What exactly can i... help you with?"
"O-Oh goodness! W-what is she doing here?! Oh dear..." His thoughts ran at a mile per minute as he tried to come up with some reason as to why you'd possibly be visiting him here! At his job! You chuckled at his clearly flustered state and reached into your pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing it to him.
"You forgot this on the library counter, Mr Nygma."
"Oh! T-thank you so much! I'm sorry if this inconvenienced you in any way..."
He quickly took the wallet from you and put it in his pocket. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten something so important! Or the fact that you took the time to return it to him.... you seemed.. very considerate as far as he could tell.
"Don't worry, Mr Nygma. I promise you that it wasn't any trouble at all!"
He felt his heart speed up slightly as you gave him a warm smile. "Oh dear... why does she have to be so kind and nice to me..?" He adjusted his lab coat awkwardly, attempting to find something to do to distract from the temporary silence.
"Well, I should be getting back to the library... my break is almost over!"
"Oh, um... Well, thank you again for doing this. I hope that the rest of your work day goes pleasantly..."
He watched as you walked away. Detective Gordon turned to him once you were gone from sight.
"I didn't think that you had any friends outside of work?"
"F-friend?! Oh, um... you're mistaken, detective. She's simply an acquaintance, nothing more... in fact, I just met her for the first time earlier today..."
In all honesty, Edward would love to be your friend, maybe even more.... but he wasn't ready to admit, acknowledge, or deal with everything tied to... that... idea yet, no, he still loved Kristen, and that's who he was going to pursue!
"Alright... I'll see you some other time then, Ed."
With that, Detective Gordon went on his way, leaving Ed to his work and his own thoughts. He got back to work looking over the samples and writing down everything needed.
Unfortunately, the next week was... less than pleasant for Edward, to say the least. He had started having these bizarre dreams, but oh, were they ever so lovely.... they were always exactly the same. He was sitting in the library, and you'd come sit across from him. The air would smell of honey and ink, and there would always be a piece of paper lying on the table, with a simple riddle scrawled onto it.
"I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am i?"
Love. The answer was love, and Edward immediately knew this. It wasn't really that difficult of a riddle, but it still warmed his heart all the same. He was slowly having to come to terms with the fact that his affection may no longer lie with Miss Kringle and that he might actually be falling for you instead.
Just yesterday, he returned the books he borrowed to the library and also got to walk you home. You hadn't remembered to bring an umbrella, so he had the perfect excuse to be close to you, and he loved every second of it. It was everything he could possibly want. He had refused your offer to let him rest his feet inside your apartment for a bit. He wasn't quite sure if he could handle being in such a... private place with you yet.
That was just last night, and he hadn't stopped thinking about it since. What if... he had agreed to come inside? He would have gotten to speak with you some more... maybe things would have escalated.... oh dear.... he was pulled from his brief fantasies as he heard an amused laugh, one he had unfortunately heard a lot in the past few weeks. He glanced up at his reflection in the mirror.
"What’s so amusing to you..?"
"Oh... It's nothing, I just can't help but find it a bit funny that you want something so desperately and yet don't have the nerve to act on it!"
Edward had started seeing this reflection of himself about a month ago, not long after he had killed Officer Dougherty. He could never allow anyone to ever know what he did. If it had been just one or two stabs, then maybe he could have painted it as self-defense, but over eleven? No, no one would believe that... his reflection couldn't help chiming in again.
"You went through so much trouble for Kristen... and yet now your attention has landed on someone else... I honestly can't really fault you, she is quite attractive..."
"Shut up! Don't speak about her.... you don't know anything about how I feel for her!"
"...We're technically the same person, I'm painfully aware of what you think about her. About how you fantasize about her pinned underneath you, those captivating eyes of hers looking up at you as she writhes in pleasure as you -"
"STOP! O-oh dear... no, i.. I can't think such things about her...."
He quickly finished washing off his face and left his bathroom. He chose to attempt to ignore his reflections words, even if they were true...
A few days later, after work, he made his way down to the library. He had to see you. You'd been consuming his every thought, and it was too much for him to handle. He was going to ask you out today, and that was final!
He walked into the library, looking around for you in a mixture of both nervousness and excitement, but stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes finally landed on you. You were leaning against the main desk, crying your eyes out.
Why... why were you upset...? He then felt something inside him burning as his mind went to a slightly different thought. "Who made her upset?"
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scorp10n1 · 3 months
Ned in Peril- House of a Hundred Horrors!
Chapter 22- The Darkest Hour!
Inspector Barrington, Charlie and Dick Hardy are on the case to stop New York Crime Boss Big Al Caprice!
Caprice has had the proment scientist Mason Baxter's son kidnapped by Rope 'em Hard Reggie (who also has Ned Carstairs captive!)
Caprice plans to exchange Mason's son for W.R.A T H. an experimental weather control device.
Caprice, attempting to stop Barrington and his colleages now has kidnapped Charlie! Can the Inspector and Hardy mount a rescue?
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coldgardengentlemen · 4 months
Prewar! Jealous! Robert House x Reader
Got tired of the lack of Mr. House fanfic and took it into my own hands.
Content warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, mild arguing, spanking, dom and sub dynamic, hair pulling, degration, humiliation, crying but nothin too intense, use of sir by reader, sex, house calls himself daddy, fingering, oral sex (female recieving), piv sex, light choking, cigarette play, human ashtray, readers head goes burrrr when someone touches their ear, allusion to sugarbaby lifestyle, overstimulation, orgasm denial, aftercare, porn with some plot, no beta we die like men, no use of y/n
Note: you and house have pre-established relationship, in my mind he looks like the mr house from the TV series, plus i kinda headcannon him to be like Gomez Addams with his partners, very passionate and adoring, also writing this in my notes app on my tablet and first ever fic ever let's go
Summary: the reader makes Mr. House jealous during a party and fifty smut ensues
The elevator ride up to the suite was quiet and tense.
Usually, the tension between you two in the elevator was sexual, passionate, and hot. The elevator door would close and no sooner would Robert turn towards you to connect his lips to yours. You two would make out like horney teenagers at the drive-in movies, tongues and teeth clashing as he desperately gripped your hips, you would run your hands through his hair. By the time the elevator door opens to the grand suite, you two would have begun getting undressed.
But not tonight.
Tonight, the elevator ride was filled with an awkward tension. At least for you it felt awkward, but judging by how aggressively Robert light his cigarette, the tension in his shoulders, and the way he's clenching his jaw. You could guess the tension he was feeling was of the aggressive nature.
Just as you began to open your mouth to break the silence, the elevator breaks it for you with a proment ding.
Robert began walking away as soon as the doors began to slide open, his legs taking him in quick, purposeful strides. Much quicker to his usual leisurely walk that he so confidently uses.
"I think I'll go to my study to work for a bit, you go ahead and go to bed dear"
He interrupts you from the walk-in closet, clearly trying to avoid talking about what happened at the party. A luxury you have no intention of letting him have as you make your way over to him.
When you step into the closet, you find him sitting on the bench, bent over, untying his shoes. His blazer, tie, and other accessories were already removed. He keeps his eyes cast downward at the task at hand, his eyebrows furrowed as he ignores your entry that was announced by the clicking of your heels.
"You're the one who told me to 'be nice and behave', I'm just doing what you told me"
Robert immediately abandoned the task at hand to sit up and look at you with a look that said, 'I knew you were gonna say some shit like that', equal parts pissed off and amused. He began standing up and stalking his way towards you as he spoke.
"I didn't tell you to flirt with some investor."
"I wasn't flirting with anyone, I was being nice"
"You were... enabling that man"
"Yes, you were enabling him, encouraging him to flirt with you like he had a chance"
"I know what enabling means Robert"
At this point, he was right in front of you, with you glaring at him stubbornly. His dark eyes stared into yours. He leaned in closer to your face, close enough to feel his breath against your face, never breaking eye contact, and spoke in a low, quiet voice.
"I think its best for you that I retreat to my study to work, I am in no mood to deal with your bratty behavour"
He remains in front of you to see if you have any kind of response, challenging you. You take a moment to decide, his demeanor almost making you consider listening to him.
In one dramatic movement, you crossed your arms over your chest and turned your head to the look away from him with a dramatic eye role, a scoff escaping your mouth. The purpose of the action was to give him a taste of his own medicine, payback for him ignoring you in the elevator and just now in the closet. But your attitude is quickly ended as his hand quickly makes its way to the base of your skull, gripping the roots of your hair and pulling you back towards him, causing you to let out a yelp. With your back to his chest now and his hand still holding your hair, he reaches his other hand around your front and places his hand on your throat. He hooks his chin over your shoulder and drags his nose up your neck, nuzzles himself along your jaw before he traces his lips along the shell of your ear. A shiver shoots up your spin against your will as he abuses his knowledge of your weak spots. You swear you can feel him smirk against your ear as be whispers into it.
"If that's how you're going to act, then a guess I'll just have to give you a proper attitude adjustment."
His warmth leaves you as he pushes you through the closet doorway by the hand that still has a strong grip on your hair. You let out squeaks as he dog-walks you towards your bed.
He sits at the end of your shared bed and maneuvers you across his lap and gives you a quick but firm spank on your rear, the sound of its impacts and your yelp filling the room.
"You will speak when spoken to and only when spoken to, now stay still and take you punishment like a good girl and I'll consider letting you cum tonight."
You let out a whine and are met with another spank on your rear before his hands find your waist, and he begins manipulating your body to the proper position. When he is satisfied with your positioning and the fact that you seem to be obeying him, he begins letting his hands roam your body as you lay across his lap. Fingers dance along you spine and ribs as his other hand smooths over the swell of your ass and he paws it with a firm grip. You feel your body and mind surrender as he massages your body, your previous bratty behavior extinguished by the thought of what kind of scene he is planning for you right now. He hums in satisfaction at how quickly you surrender to him, taking pride in the trust you are giving him. He slowly slides the hem of your dress up your legs, dragging them across your thighs and pushing them over the swell of your ass before securing them around your waist. As his hands roam over the newly exposed flesh, you feel your face get even hotter as you no doubt have a blush covering your whole faces.
"Twenty-five, hopefully that will be enough to teach you not to play stupid games. Does that sound good?"
His voice is rough with lust, and you can already feel his bulge against your stomach. Your head is already swimming with anticipation that you barely recognize him asking you the question, and you feel your heart swell as you realize he is checking in on you. You give a lazy nod and hum a 'mmhm', but are met with another spank.
"Use your words, girl," He states firmly.
"Y-yes sir... please punishe me"
"Good girl"
His tone is akin to that of a owner speaking to a dog, and the humiliation of it gose straight to your core. He begins his punishment for you, alternating which cheek he is abusing, occasionally rubbing your ass to sooth some pain, and praising you with each milestone.
"That's ten, your doing so good for me baby"
"Fifteenth, you look so pretty, taking your punishment like a good girl"
"Twenty, you're almost done dear"
Until you finally hit twenty-five. At this point, you have begun to squirm at the pain and totally not to get friction for the painful arousal you feel. Your arousal is very apparent to Robert due to the large wet spot that has formed on your panties.
"There, that's twenty-five, my dear." He coos as he caresses your bottom with his hand to ease the pain. His other hand gently guides your face so you are facing him.
And what a sight you are to him, hair a mess and sticking to your face due to sweat, or was it due to the tears that have fallen from your eyes. He brushes the hair out of your face as he coos down at you.
"Oh my poor girl, did daddy go too hard on you?"
His tone is on the verge of being condescending, but you aren't too concerned with that as you feel his hand on your rear slip between your legs. You involuntarily let a moan slip from your mouth at the much needed contact and quickly shy away, hiding your face in the comforter out of embarrassment. Robert let's out a chuckle at your actions as he begins to slowly rub your clit through your underwear.
"Acting so shy now? Not even an hour ago you were so confident. Flaunting yourself in front of the investors, laughing at their idiotic jokes and flirtations. Where did all that confidence go, hm?"
The grip in your hair returns again as he forces you out of hiding. You let out a moan and arch you back at the force of it.
"Tell me dear..." He pushes your panties to the side and easily slips a finger in. "Was this your plan?" His finger slowly pumps into you at a steady pace "make me jealous so that I angrly fuck your brains out when we return? Go all cock dumb as I ravish your body?" He adds another finger and begins a rough pace, making you forget that you are supposed to answer him. There is another tug to your hair and you feel him lean over you, his breath brushing against your ear. "I asked you a question pretty girl, or are you already to dumb to answer?"
"Yes" you push out honestly, your voice rough.
"Yes? Yes, what dear? Please use full sentences. I know you know how"
"Yes... I wanted to make you jealous so you would fuck me hard sir" at this point he has been fingering you rough and deep while his thumb rubs tight circles around you clit.
"...and how is that working out for you?" He whispers into your ear before letting out a chuckle and sitting up straight again. He quickens his pace, and you let out a whine, feeling your stomach tightent as your orgasam starts fastly approaching. "Did you really believe I would let you get away with that?" His hand in your hair leaves causing your face to fall back into the bed, and he uses his now free hand to grip your hip and keep you in place as you begin to buck at the feeling of your upcoming orgasam. You feel the coil in your stomach tighten further as you are pushed towards the edge. "No s-sir...ah... I'm so-orry sir, please. Fuck. Please, I'm so close"
"OH I know dear, I can feel how tight your cunt is gripping me" His fingers keep pumping at the same pace, your thighs clench around Robert's hand as you feel yourself about to fall off the edge. "I'm just not convinced you deserve to cum" and just like that he removes his hand from your wet heat, leaving you aching and dissatisfied as another whine escapes you.
"N-no sir, please I wanna cum" you plead, using you forearms to push the upper half of your body up so you can look at him properly. When you look at him, you find him leaning back onto his hands, distantly watching as he traces random patterns along your back, over your ass, and down your outer thigh. His face wears a look of faux boredom as he pretends to consider what you say before lazily tilting his head towards you, making eye contact that you have no choice but to hold.
"If you want to come, you have to earn it first," He states sofly as he arches his brow towards you. You push yourself up and crawl backward until you are kneeling on the bed beside him, his eyes following your every move. As you kneel beside him, you lean towards him and desperately grip his crisp white dress shirt. "Please sir, just tell me what to do," you plead. He takes a moment to appreciate the way you look at him in this moment before moving his face closer to yours, cupping your cheek. His eyes never leave yours as he gives a simple command.
And as if hypnotized by him, you begin to slide off the bed, sinking to the floor and kneeling at the space between his thighs. He looks down at you proudly, and you can't help but excitedly start pawing at his crotch. As you reach for his belt, his hands stop you with a grip on the wrists. "So eager to please but, thats no what I had in mind." He reaches behind him and grabs a pillow for you to kneel on. As you get yourself situated and wonder what else he could possibly want from you, you hear the flick of his lighter. As you look up at him, you find he already has his gaze set on you as he lights the cigarette that is caught between his lips. When it's lit he closes the lighter and takes a long, dramatic drag before blowing it down towards you, his eyelids heavy with lust as you close your eyes to better feel the cloud reach you face. He then leans forward, elbows on his knees as he takes another drag of the cigarette. He cups your jaw with one hand and squeezes your cheeks before fully leaning forward to blow the smoke into your mouth. He allows himself to kiss you fully and slide his tongue into your mouth before pulling away and leaving you breathless. He pulls back slightly, loosening his grip on your face as he seems to be distracted by your lip. His eyes meet yours as he slowly raises the cigarette into your sights, and he flicks the ashes off. You watch the ashes as they fall to the floor like fresh snow, the particles dancing in the air as they make their way to the ground.
"Do you know what I want from you?" He speaks softly this time, as if worried someone will hear him, as if what he is about to tell you is a secret. You slowly shake your head 'no', and he removes his hands grip from you and slowly begins dragging a single finger along your jaw before he holds it just under your chin. He holds eyecontact with you again, but this time with purpose, he is speaking directly to you now, outside of your little scene. "I want to use your mouth as my personal ashtray dear"
A sound escapes the back of your throat. This is unexpected. You won't lie, you have caught yourself admiring him while smoking. Watched how he would lazily hold a cigarette between two fingers, or how he would blow smoke out between his smirking lips. You begin to wonder just how long he has been wanting to ask this of you.
Seeing the surprised and confused look on your face, he begins to backtrack. "You can say no dear, won't be mad about it, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea -" you cut him off.
"No, I wanna try it." He studies your fave for any sign of a lie. "Are you sure, love?" You melt at how much he cares as you nod your head "Yes baby... just tell me what to do. " His eyes soften at you for a second before he readjusts his posture again, returning to the scene and his role in it.
"All you have to do is sit there and look pretty with your mouth open and tongue flat. You can just sit there all dumb as I finish my cigarette and ash them onto your tongue. " He returns the cigarette to his lips to take another drag. "Think you can handel that for me dear?"
Instead of answering, you eagerly open your mouth and let your tongue hang out as you stare at him with lust filled eyes. A smirk ghosts his lips before he bites it, not wanting to show you just how much this is affecting him. He takes another drag before moving the cigarette towards your mouth, and he gently taps the cigarette so the ashes fall to your tongue. You didn't know what you expected, as the ashes hit your tongue they sting for a second before the pain melted away and it just felt like there was a bit of dirt on your tongue. Upon watching the ash fall into your mouth, Robert has to suppress a shiver that rackes up his spine and instead altered for taking another heavy drag of the cigarette.
"That's a good girl. Oh, you have no idea what you do to me. " He ashes into your mouth again and takes another drag, his eyes never leaving the spot where the ashes are beginning to pile up. A satisfied smirk that might actually be a genuine smile crosses his lips as smoke seeps out between his teeth. "I can't believe you would let someone do this to you... can't believe you would let me do this to you. "
He takes another long drag and ashes it into your mouth. The cigarette is almost done at this point, and you feel a bit disappointed. The ash is heavy on your tongue and you can feel your clit pulsing with anticipation. "You look so fucking pretty like this" He takes the final drag and the sound the escapes you is pathetic, you feel your face become flushed with embarrassment. "Oh don't worry doll, I'll give you what you want after this" And with that he flicks the final ashes onto your young.
"Now." He leans in close again, demanding your eye contact. "Do you think you can swallow it?" You hesitate for a moment before deciding to commit to this entirely, and you close your mouth. In your attempt to swallow your eyes shut as the ash coats the roof of your mouth. Most of it goes down, but there is still some coating your tongue and the roof of your mouth. You hear a sigh escape Robert, and upon opening your eyes, you find him looking down at you, eyes darkened with lust.
Maintaining eyecontact, you open your mouth wide, showing him that you swallowed, some remains of the ash still clinging to your mouth. Then, as if he suddenly lost all control of himself, Robert let out a low moan, and his hand shot out and gripped your face before he leaned in and kissed your open mouth. Shoving his tongue into your mouth, he runs it along your teeth, slips it around your tongue, and dips it into the inside of your cheek. The kiss is sloppy, wet, and full of unwavering passion as you two moan into each other's mouth. As the kissing continues you feel Robert begin to pull back, guiding you back up to the bed until you find yourself laying with your head on the pillow, his body over top of yours caging you in. His hands begin to roam your body as he trails his kisses over your face and down your jaw before he starts nibbling on your ear. You feel yourself clench around nothing as you wrap your legs around his body, locking him in place.
"Fuck dear, you did so good for me... such a good girl" He begins to suck on one of the sensitive spots on your neck, marking you as his. "I don't know how I deserve you..." the hands that paw at you slip under your body and pulls the zipper of your dress down. You arch your back to give him better access as your own hands begin to unbutton his shirt. He pulls away for a moment and a whine falls from your lips. "Oh hush dear, I'll give you what you want" He states before he gathers the hem of your dress again and pushes it up and off of your body.
He takes a moment to sit back on his heels and admire you. A praising sigh leaves him as he looks down at you, disheveled and wanting, your lips swollen from shared kisses. He pushes his own shirt off and throws it to the side. "Look at you, this is where you belong." He unbuckles his belt and removes it with impressive speed. "You shouldn't be working or forced to entertain the minds of men far below us" He delivers open mouth kisses to the tops of your breasts as he unclasps your bra and flings it to the side. "You should just stay right here, in our bed so that I can ravish and pamper you at any given moment"
He leaves the bed to stand and remove his remaining clothes, pushing his pants down, his underwear coming with it as his cock springs free before he is on you once again. He leaves a trail of kisses down your chest and stomach before stopping at the top of your panties. He looks up at you with admiration and desire as he hooks his fingers in your underwear and slowly drags them down your legs, kissing the inside of your thighs as he goes. He lays on his stomach, head between your legs as he breaks his eyecontact with you to stare at your wet heat, he let's out a guttural moan.
"Oh God, is this what I do to you?" He uses both is thumbs to spread your folds and present yourself to him before leaning forward and placing a big, open mouth kiss to your exposed hole. He hums pleasantly at the taste of you, the vibrations going straight to your core, before he pulls back to lick his lips clean. "Fucking perfect" he growls before diving back in. Your legs lock around his head and your back arches off the bed against your will as he eats you out like a man starved. Deep moans leave you as your hand finds his head, gripping his hair as he alternates from sucking your clit and tonguing your hole. As he latches onto your clit again he tries a new approach, sucking your clit while swirling his tongue around it in circles as he pushes two fingers into you. Your stomach clenches at your incoming orgasm, even more sensitive due to the previous punishment and teasing.
"F-fuck Robert, I'm gonna -"
"Yes, do it, come on my face," He mumbles into you, his voice muffled as he continues pleasuring you.
Your toes curl from pleasure as tears fall from your eyes once again, pleasure overcoming you as you are finally pushed over the edge. A loud moan escapes the back of your throat.
Robert desperately drinks you up, embarrassingly wet slirping noises and his moans are all you can hear as you come down from your high. You weakly push on his head to signal you are too sensitive, and he pulls back to look up at you. He leaves wet kisses in his wake as he crawls up your body.
Your eyelids feel heavy, and you close your eye, relishing in the afterglow only for your eyes to be shot open at the feeling of his fingers entering you once again. His fingers pump in and out of you as a cry leaves you at the overstimulation. "Not quite done just yet dear, you still have to take my cock" You whine more as he removes his fingers and drags the tip of his cock along your folds, brushing against your sensitive clit before pushing into you in one go. Your walls are slick from the previous activities.
He lets out a low moan upon entering you, and his head falls into the crevice of your neck, overwhelmed at the feeling of you gripping him. He wraps one of his arms around your back as the other hoists your leg up further before he begins pumping into you. His thrusts are deep, passionate, hard, and precise, hitting that sweetspot inside of you over and over again. Your legs lock around him once again as you have no choice but to take what he is giving you, your body fully surrendering to the pleasure he is giving you. All that can be heard in the room are both your loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin. You are hot and overwhelmed with pleasure and begin digging your nails into his back as you feel your orgasm fast approaching, when suddenly you feel his hand snake between your bodies to rub your clit. Your orgasm surprises you and you come crashing down with a loud howl, and at the same time you feel Robert meeting his own end as his cum fills you. After a few final, short pumps, Robert finally steadies himself and collapses on top of you. His body weight is a comfort, grounding you as you run your hands up and down his back.
You both lay there quietly for a moment before Robert slowly and reluctantly pushes himself off of you and removes himself from you, a sigh falling from both your lips. When he speaks to you, he is out of breath and panting still. "Fuck love... that was amazing" He kisses your forehead and temple. "You did such a good job...mmh so proud of you" He kisses you lips once again, much softer this time as he gently cups the side of your face, his thumb tracing your bottom lip.
"Let me get us some water and a washcloth, hm?" He speaks to you gently, and you nod in response, not trusting your voice. As he leaves the bed to get the supplies, he lifts your hand to his mouth to kiss you knuckles in thanks and appreciation before entering the bathroom. You can hear the water running as you come down from the high, exaution overtaking your body as your eyelids fall heavy again.
When he returns, he gently wipes your entrance, cleaning it from the cum that continues to seep out of you, before he helps you sit up a bit and brings the water to your mouth, you drink from the glass greedily. "Slow down dear, I won't take it from you," He jests. You listen to him and drink slower.
When the glass is finished, he puts it on the bedside table, turns off the lights, and helps the two of you under the covers. You lay your head on his chest as he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead again. After a couple of minutes to relax, he speaks again, his voice almost a whisper. "How did you find it?... the scene, the..." and for once, he is the one feeling embarrassed. He must have been thinking about asking you to do this for quite some time now. You let out a pleasant hum before answering.
"It was good... I liked it"
"You did?" He seems almost surprised, looking down at you to see if you are lying.
"Yes baby, now let's sleep..." You whisper, eyes already shut as you prepare for sleep to take you.
It's quiet again in the room, the distant sounds of Vegas the only thing you can hear as he pulls you closer to his body and delivers a final kiss you your temple.
"Goodnight dear" He speaks in a hushed tone.
"Goodnight baby"
Isn't it kinda funny that the first fanfic I ever wrote was a smutty Mr. House fic where he uses you as a human ashtray... anyways, have a new appreciation for fanfic writers, this was three days of writing i think a total of 8 hours. Apologies for any Grammer or spelling issues its not my strong suit. Also open to any constructive feedback but please don't be mean to me I'll cry I hope you enjoy <3
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the-wisteria-house · 2 years
Forbidden Flame (Rengoku X Reader)
You had recently begun working at the Rengoku estate, needing to support yourself and your younger brother after the sudden disappearance of your parents. If if things weren't already complicated enough, you had to go falling for the oldest Rengoku son.
You were quickly trying to finish scrubbing the floors. You had to get your little brother from the elderly couple who agreed to watch him before sundown, and at this rate, it didn't seem you were going to make it.
You were usually done with most of your chores by now and preparing to leave, but the Rengoku Patriarch had gone into a drunken rage right before you were about to leave and demanded you stay and clean up the mess he made while his youngest son go fetch him more Sake from town since he had run out.
This put you greatly behind schedule, and you feared the couple that agreed to watch your brother would refuse to continue to do so if you were late picking him up again. You'd already been late once this week and knew they'd only had so much patience, and you couldn't afford to pay another sitter.
In your haste, you hadn't noticed the sound of footsteps approaching you until a shadow was cast over your form.
"Oh Rengoku-San, what can I do for you?" You stopped scrubbing the Sake stained the floor to look up at the man, who held a joyed but confused expression on his face.
"(Y/n), why are you still here? Not that I'm not glad to see you. It's always a pleasure. " He held out a large and scarred hand to help you off the floor.
"An accident occurred before I was to take my leave, and the aftermath needed my attending." You blushed as you expected the mans outstretched hand before putting your hand in his. The feeling of his hand against yours sent a tingling sensation through your body. How could a small touch do such a thing you couldn't help but wonder.
"Ah, I see. I'm sorry about my father... he wasn't always like this." The man knew that by accident you really meant his father went into another seemingly unprovoked rage, "I'll see that you're paid extra for the inconvenience." He squeezed your hand as he spoke, conveying his sincerity. He was slightly embarrassed by his fathers actions and that you had to deal with the consequences when you should be spending time with your family.
"I appreciate it, Rengoku-San, but that's not necessarily." While you did need the money, your pride had you declining the mans kind offer. You didn't feel right taking the money from the thoughtful man.
"I insist (Y/n) we've made you work longer than originally agreed upon. I'm sure you have matters to attend to outside of your occupation here."
You smile at the man, you found his kind nature admirable, "Okay, just let me finish up here, and I'll be off." You were about to bend down to continue your work before you were stopped by the slayer.
" I'll handle this. You should go home to your family." The brilliant smile he gave you was almost blinding.
"Thank you, Rengoku-San fir everything. You're such a wonderful man." You encased his hand with both of yours and gave his hand a gentle squeeze before gently letting go. He watched as you made your way to the front entrance, oblivious to the proment blush that spread across his face. How he wished to qwell the firey burning in his heart that would always make itself known whenever you were present. But he knew would forever be unable to do such a thing... despite knowing he didn't deserve to be graced with your love, he couldn't stop himself for caring for you. Sadly, he knew you would forever be unattainable, always right beyond reach.
Okay, I know this was short, but my friend @tengensimppp and I did a challenge where we had to write a story in 30 minutes, and I didn't get as far as i thought i would. 😅
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rineedagger · 10 months
I've been reading a lot of self-entitled people saying really inadmissible stuff about halsey. While I believe we MUST write to express ourselves freely, there are limits. Those limits are in the moment you starts pushing, punishing, mistreating or disrespecting someone else.
You HAVE to express your sadness, your disappointment, your rage, your helplessness. You HAVE to listen to them and you HAVE to be real with them. BUT you do not have the right to go and make someone else responsible for it. And you have EVEN LESS RIGHTS to make them the bulls eye of all those feelings. Your feelings are your guidance, to talk to you, to show you. Not to create villains and saints.
With that been said: Yo do have the right to express why you felt let down by one of your favourite artists. Once you've done that, you go and listen to those feelings and understand that your parasocial relationship with this person NEEDS to either (a) change or (b) disappear. Whether you like it or not, everything has an ending and, maybe, this is yours with Halsey. And that is fine. It'll hurt, but that's the right thing to do and that's the only thing that matters.
What I do not understand is that tiny part of people who are, so called, promental health advocates and feel entitled to go to someone else and punish them and spam them for not speaking out about something important, specially after this person coming out and explaining why, without even trying to make excuses about it. Even after this person let us know that, even if they're not being vocal, they're definitely helping out.
There are limits, ladies, gentlemen and my nonbinary hoes, and we must respect them. Each one of us is a whole human being. We've got a life on our own, our problems, our duties, our fears, our limits. We're more than just what you feel or think we might be. That is why, respecting boundaries and limits is our basic obligation towards the way we interact with our surrounding. We live in a pretty fucked up world that's going to become even more fucked up. I can't even start to understand why I need to make that clear when it is, literally, our day to day life basis. It is something we already know yet, we're even further and further for treating each other with a bare minimum of humanity and respect.
Stay by or leave Halsey, be real with yourselves above anything else. But respect limits.
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I'm just a few pages into reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and I already have many thoughts, but the most proment right now is something my grandfather used to say:
"El orgullo es pecado por algo" (Pride is a sin for a reason)
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links-in-time · 8 months
Link Fanfic - The Beginning of Something
Part 3
Nine heroes and Maari walked through the arches of Kakariko village. Red ribbons danced in the wind and the scent of cooking wafted up the path.
"Something down there smells good," said Hyrule. The other heroes also noticed a grumble in their own stomachs, remembering they had only had stew and biscuits in the last twelve hours. But their path lead through Kakariko village to the large house situated in front of the waterfalls.
"Anyone else feel like everyone is staring at us?" Wind asked, looking around as they neared the house.
It was true the group had drawn a lot of attention. The arrival of so many strangers in Kakariko after the appearance of monsters in the region was cause for suspicion.
"Don't worry about it bud, you'll get used to the attention as you get older," Warriors jested, nudging the young hero with his elbow. "Everyone loves a hero!"
Two guards stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to the house. They blocked the groups path as they approached. Maari pushed her way through the boys and waved at the guards.
"Greetings Dorian. We're here to see Paya, and Impa if she's here." Maari explained.
"It's good to see you young one. And I see you've brought the Hylian Hero with you. But who are your other companions?"
"That's kinda what I'm here to see Paya about. They're friends of Link's and I think it's important they speak with Paya and Impa."
"Alright, head on up. However I insist that all of your guests hand over their weapons before you present yourself to our clan leader." Dorian demanded.
"That might take some of us a little longer than others," Legend remarked, as he began taking his many rings off one at a time.
Once a rather large crate had been filled and sealed with the groups weapons and magical equipment, Dorian was satisfied enough to let them pass and enter the house.
Maari lead them all up the stairs, the thunderous roar of the waterfalls filled the air with each step. Wind was awe-struck, leaning over the railings to look down into the watery depths. He was so bewitched that Twilight had to shuffle him along to keep him moving up the steps.
"I wonder if this Impa is like the one in my time?" Time pondered alloud.
"Or mine?" Warriors chimed in.
"Or mine," Sky also raised a hand.
"Funny how a name like that could get passed down through so many generations." Hyrule pondered.
"What, you mean a name like Link!?" Legend huffed.
The others shrugged and chucked at his joke. But some of them had to admit that the history of Hyrule would be a lot easier to streighten out if all of its proment figures didn't all have the same names.
At the top of the steps Maari opened the double doors and Wild held them open as the rest of the group filed inside. As they looked around most of them felt a sense of calm and homelyness about the place. It was warm and the lanterns provided a soft orange light. The sound of the waterfalls was just audible through the thick wooden walls, but not loud enough to sound oppressive.
Seated upon a large cushion at the head of the room was a young woman wearing a wide coolie hat, alarmingly adorned with small blades. She had the symbol of the Sheikah painted on her forehead, two lidded bright red eyes peered back at them all from beneath the brim of her hat.
"Maari, I sent you on a recon mission and you seem to have found a small army," Paya began. "Care to explain what's going on?"
Maari dropped to her knees and bowed low in front of her clan leader.
"Apologies Paya, I went to investigate the portal which caused Impa such concern. I observed this group emerge from the portal before it closed. I followed them but I was careless and I was discovered."
"But in fareness to Maari, we're not just average travellers." Twilight butt in, giving Paya a little awkward bow as he spoke.
"No, you're not, are you?"
All eyes turned to the stairs beside Paya, where a woman less than four feet tall came towards them.
"None of you are average. I sense the triforce of courage... in all of you!" Impa blurted out. "I sense an explanation is required. Link, perhaps you could enlighten us?"
Impa turned to Wild, though all of the heroes were about to answer her question.
"Well, it's quite a long story and none of us know all of the answers yet," Wild replied.
"Perhaps we can hear your tales over some dinner?" Paya suggested.
More than one of the heroes whispered a subtle "Yes!" under their breath at the mention of food.
A short while later the Sheikah and their guests were sat in a large circle in the middle of the hall, passing around bowls of food and piling their plates high. Jugs of milk, hydromelon juice, and a few jugs of ale were passed around. Time was careful to make sure the ale jug didn't reach Wind, much to his chagrin. The young pirate relarely felt as though he was treated like a child by the others, except when alcohol was involved.
They discussed much together, Impa and Paya were fascinated to hear about the history the other Link's could tell them. Especially about the involvement of the Sheikah in the centuries long fight against the dark forces of the Demon King, Ganon, or Demise. In regards to the portals which had plucked them from their own times and brought them all together, some of them had theories but none had any answers.
During the meal and the talking Maari stayed mostly silent, listening intently to everything that was said. She was fascinated by all the Links and their adventures. Sitting between Warriors and Hyrule, Maari couldn't help but observe how they held themselves. Warriors appeared to sit at attention, back straight, eyes bright and alert. While Hyrule seemed more relaxed, enjoying the food and the company.
"While we aren't totally sure where the portals came from we do know one thing." Time said, interrupting the flow of conversation and drawing everyone's attention. "Wherever they send us, somewhere there is a dark variant where the monsters will be coming from. The Dark portals seem to stay open longer, allowing more and more monsters to come through."
"Once we clear an area of monsters Legend and Hyrule are able to close them by casting a simple spell," Warriors continued. "After a few days another light portal will appear and take us to another time where a dark portal has appeared."
"But so far we haven't been able to discover a pattern and although the monsters seem a little stronger than they used to be, there's nothing particularly special about them." Twilight added.
"I was hoping you might be able to lend us some of your wisdom Impa, have you ever read or seen anything like what we have discribed?" Wild concluded, turning to the sheikah elder sitting beside Time.
"Hmm, I have read many legends of portals and their abilities. The magic or science behind them escapes me however. Though Link, I'm sure you know someone else who might be able to help answer some of your questions," Impa inclined her gaze at Wild, who turned to look down at his supper.
"Who's she talking about?" Hyrule whispered to Maari.
"Zelda, she's quite a prominent scholar. She moved most of the palace library to the Gerudo city for safety after the upheaval. I'm guessing that's what Impa's referring to."
"Sounds like a good place to get some information," Hyrule replied, taking a swig from his cup.
"Sounds like a long way from here," Warriors grumbled.
"Not a fan of trekking across country?" Maari asked.
"Not on foot no. I prefer to ride."
Their conversation was interrupted as Paya got to her feet and addressed the group.
"It seems our talk has taken us into the early hours of the night. Please finish your meals at your leasure and I will organise beds for all of you."
A chorus of thanks and gratitude followed Paya's announcement, as some of the group raised their drinks or bowed their heads. Not long after, the boys had all finished their food and most of the drink had been drunk. Satisfied yawns escaped a few of their lips and thoughts turned to bed.
Paya had organised beds for them at the Shuteye Inn. However it transpired there was only room for seven of them. Though the inn keeper offered to accommodate all of them any way he could, there just weren't enough beds.
"Not to worry my friend, many of us have slept on floors before. It's just nice to have a fire and roof over our heads," Time insisted.
However, Maari had followed the group to the Inn and overheard the conversation. She stepped forward and waved to grab Time's attention.
"Um, if you need more beds, I have room at my house," She offered. "It's not spacious but I could take three of you at least. And you wouldn't have to sleep on the floor."
"We couldn't put you to any trouble Maari," Time insisted.
"It's no trouble at all, my father and brother are away. They won't be back for weeks and they certainly wouldn't mind me hosting some of you." Maari countered, hands on her hips which reminded Time of his wife Malon. If Maari had even half of her determination, there would be little point in arguing.
It was decided that Warriors, Hyrule, and Wind would stay with Maari while the others took the beds at the Inn. They agreed to meet back at the Inn for breakfast in the morning and bid each other goodnight.
Maari's house was near the middle of the villiage. A two story wooden building with a thatched roof like many others in Kakariko. Unlike some of the others Maari's house had painted straw targets set up outside. She explained they were for target practice, and demonstrated by flicking a small blade into the bullseye of the nearest target. From the ammount of damage and the level of paint that had been worn off the targets, Warriors was impressed by Maari's aim.
She welcomed them all into her house and lit a few candles as she directed them all to their beds.
"There's a bed in the corner over there where my father usually sleeps, and there's two beds upstairs."
"So two of us will have to share," Hyrule observed.
"I was going to suggest the three of you take the beds and I can sleep on a bedroll on the floor." Maari admitted, but the boys instantly protested.
"Were greatful for your hospitality but we can't take your own bed away from you," Wind protested, crossing his arms and turning a frown on Maari.
"He's right," Warriors agreed.
"Wind and I can share a bed no problem. He usually snuggles one of us when we sleep ahyway," said Hyrule, ruffling Wind's hair.
"I do not!"
"Yes you do."
"Well it's not snuggling, it's using body heat to keep warm." Wind retorted.
"Alright that's settled. The boys can take the bed down here and I guess, I'll take the other bed upstairs," Warriors decided, turning a satisfied smile on Maari.
Sleeping arrangements settled, the younger boys got comfortable in the bed downstairs while Maari lead Warriors upstairs. Two single beds sat on either side of the room under the pitched roof. A small window in the gable allowed the first of the moonlight into the room. Maari placed one of the candles on a table beside her bed and gestured for Warriors to take the other.
"Thank you again for your hospitality, as much as we're all comfortable sleeping rough in the woods, a soft mattress is always appreciated."
"You are most welcome. I'm glad to help really." Maari replied.
A little gingerly she reached up and pulled the carefully wrapped scarf from her head. Warriors was surprised by the white shoulder length hair which fell around Maari's face. He shook himself when he realised he was staring and turned his attention to his own clothing. He decided that removing his armour and chain mail would be enough for him to be comfortable while remaining decent. Maari hadn't removed much more of her stealth suit, other than her weapons and shoes, so he didn't want to offend her.
"Goodnight soldier," Maari yawned, pulling her blankets up to her neck.
"Goodnight Maari," Warriors replied, smiling as he laid down and allowed sleep to take him.
< Part 2 : Part 4 >
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You MUST use this randomizer (make sure to show us ur proment!)
Once you use get your proment, use this picrew to make your charter!
After you do that and show us the charter you made you tag your moots and anyone you want to try this!!
(Just note some things might not be in the picrew that the proment ask for!)
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@spooky-cat-and-corgi-girl @thequeerbitch @neptune-saurus andddd anyone who wants to join!!!
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illusivekati · 1 year
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Lime Green
Having tiger stripes or stretch marks or Cellulite, is not for everyone because of illusions of perfections are proment in today's society, your either too fat or too skinny, in order for the blossoming to happen you need to help yourself first and embrace yourself and your flaws whether they seen by the naked eye or not, loving yourself takes alot of effort but eventually its worth the effort, besides what is even normal now if we were all made the same the world would be a very boring place so embrace uniqueness no matter the shape or form ♥
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steelmanplus · 7 months
Proment Damla
Bugünün blog yazısında, proment damla hakkında bilgi vermek istiyoruz. Özellikle eczanelerde proment damla satışının ve fiyatlarının karşılaştırmasını yapacağız. Son zamanlarda birçok kişi proment damla kullanımı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak istiyor ve bu konuda birçok soruyla karşılaşıyoruz. Bu yazıda, proment damla ile ilgili eczane fiyatlarının karşılaştırmasını yapacak ve bu ürünün eczanelerde nasıl bulunabileceğine dair bilgiler vereceğiz. Artık proment damla hakkında merak ettiğiniz her şeyi öğrenmek için doğru adrestesiniz. Özellikle eczane fiyatlarındaki farklılıkları öğrenmek isteyen okurlarımız için bu yazı çok faydalı olacaktır. Haydi, proment damla hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için yazımızı okumaya devam edin!Eczanelerde Proment damla satışı hakkında güncel fiyat karşılaştırması ve en uygun eczane fiyatları. Proment damla satın almadan önce fiyatları karşılaştırın.
Eczanelerde Proment Damla Satışı
Eczanelerde proment prostat damlası satın almak isteyenler, ürünün eczane fiyatı hakkında bilgi almak için araştırma yapıyor. Proment damla, prostat rahatsızlıkları yaşayan erkekler için etkili bir destek ürünü olarak biliniyor. Bu nedenle, eczanelerde proment damla satışı oldukça yaygındır. Eczanelerde proment damla fiyatları markaya, satış noktasına ve bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Ancak genellikle eczane fiyatları karşılaştırıldığında uygun fiyat seçeneklerinin bulunduğu görülmektedir.
Proment prostat damlası hakkında detaylı bilgi almak ve ürünü satın almak isteyenler, en yakın eczanelere başvuruda bulunabilirler. Eczanelerde proment damla satışı genellikle reçetesiz olarak yapılmaktadır. Ancak ürünü satın almadan önce mutlaka eczacınıza danışarak kullanımı hakkında bilgi almanız faydalı olacaktır. Proment damla, prostat rahatsızlıkları yaşayan erkeklerin yaşam kalitesini artırmak için etkili bir çözüm olabilir.
Proment Damla Eczane Fiyatları Karşılaştırması
Proment Prostat Damlası, prostat büyümesi ve prostat rahatsızlıklarının tedavisinde kullanılan etkili bir bitkisel üründür. Özellikle erkeklerin sıkça karşılaştığı bu rahatsızlığın tedavisinde tercih edilen Proment Prostat Damlası, eczanelerde farklı fiyatlarla satışa sunulmaktadır.
Proment Prostat Damlası eczane fiyatı, promosyonlara ve kampanyalara göre değişiklik gösterebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, ürünü satın almadan önce birden fazla eczaneyi ziyaret ederek fiyat karşılaştırması yapmanız tavsiye edilir. Ayrıca internet üzerinden de eczane fiyatlarını karşılaştırabilir ve en uygun fiyatı bulabilirsiniz.
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kingmakercastle · 9 months
It's no secret who helped Lizzy wrap THIS present, when Lucien recieves a dazzling pink tiara and a gift card for texas roadhouse.
On the tag: Merry Christmas, love you! - Lizzy xxx
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Lucien smiled as he unwrapped the present from his daughter, it wasn't something he would wear but he could put it promently on display for all to see. He laughed at the Texas Roadhouse gift card.
"I guess I know where we're having dinner huh princess?"
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on "incertae sedis" from english wikipedia
Ablis Aborgan Adences Aftet Agicteany Agropin Amaterits Amole Anamille Anced Andenertia Andral Anionvel Aniscults Antion Applationom Areve Ariae Arion Arker Arlies Artio Artiondes Asomin Assal Assarion Assion Assionan Assiver Asteup Astion Ateting Atisia Aurae Auriptica Aurozoory Austaxonst Autia Avers Avessigh Babel Bassal Bassenis Becere Becicall Becier Becill Befiest Befor Befork Befortion Bescribe Bilactia Bings Binguagre Bionly Birenity Bocipt Bormary Bornis Boupsiniese Bously Brated Brusinimal Butered Calle Callids Calte Canio Cater Cation Certae Cesulation Chertio Clasonamch Clategrees Clumale Cniescript Codithed Codits Combilida Combirequi Comistied Commopida Conablia Conal Conditic Condoes Confliest Conom Conotaxon Conter Conthantols Coubtfuria Couthet Deadeques Deants Defieneode Degropeciew Degrould Dented Dentroidae Deque Dequirely Derapper Derfacer Deriandark Deristicle Dernidly Desean Desubdithal Ditich Doreforis Dorely Dormsts Dounced Duced Ducepica Eadis Edifichary Eptinedia Eukample Eukarthill Eupers Eupparibe Evied Evientoolve Examost Extead Facem Facersynal Famensuffic Famic Familly Faminamign Famnials Famprion Famprover Fordithiper Foriaporld Forly Formaled Fornalecif Foryor Fosal Fosamothen Fosts Frally Fropithal Frovale Funception Funclabocal Fungicall Gelacted Genetion Giner Ginve Ginveneods Gisto Glogivionly Glose Gordertain Gorgor Grecath Greferial Grenusly Gromisms Hargenclass Haric Hartes Haryother Hation Havals Hical Hisms Histly Horder Houggenet Hozoaddits Hydracic Hydrocater Hylogin Hylogy Hylonates Hylum Iforgae Inalecon Inartandard Inatkary Incenew Incepinque Incerfact Inclanomes Indes Inflia Inflidly Infoseed Inglums Inisily Inted Intly Inval Invenaders Invermen Investally Itheirdiver Ither Itherents Ithet Iticaure Itinsignier Jappany Japparly Japsin Kamistly Karee Kindae Kipublica Lablextere Larequirem Larina Lassighen Laticle Latigae Lationly Lisle Malbumal Malicatem Mallies Martived Mated Matic Matiests Matio Mationtonar Menistiono Micaguene Milable Milled Minthes Mistiotaxon Moditherily Modithighey Modivel Mologing Molown Molsofted Monstical Mopecilic Mopludy Moseanids Mother Motic Motineods Movesern Myonse Myonsed Myotaing Mysinad Nabecal Nadeform Nanotes Nattruncton Necumal Nerely Nertiant Nombire Nomill Nopers Nopertainis Notacer Nothed Nothisceny Obass Obtfund Onatestole Opicals Opostid Ordertidly Ordiattrus Ordical Orditia Origmated Ormaticates Ormead Ornaly Ornared Oryothow Otaxamin Otaxonamism Othed Otiver Palle Pangs Parefes Paria Parian Paric Pariptively Paroval Paryon Passil Pernation Phydralk Phydropria Phydrozoa Phylogelary Plactor Plases Plassis Plexity Pluters Podined Pootace Posed Posidead Posser Prely Pribe Probablids Proble Probly Promently Propict Proubing Proupent Proval Prozoa Prozoaded Prozoor Pubtfured Pulati Quatin Quescrian Questioted Ranion Reanothorms Rened Reque Requen Requently Rescriate Rever Revon Safes Sally Sareed Sauric Scrung Scrunt Separa Sheirea Shorgon Silia Similicat Sinaps Sined Spece Spelasee Spels Studerreque Subirch Subork Sucer Sucernimal Suces Suecies Sufficter Suffinimals Sugge Suggence Suirchan Synal Taing Tally Tatinad Tations Taxongs Taxonly Thanisly Tharad Tharees Thary Thavely Theiremon Thentruct Theres Therters Thined Thismst Thorgelarad Thoupsitia Thowes Throkarta Tinform Toology Tormard Tornianign Tracted Tresed Trobasted Tromenome Trovers Typinces Unced Uncelly Unchey Uncificed Uncileoding Uncla Unclationd Uncle Uncludest Undiathed Undific Undithe Unkno Untology Unton Upsidly Useed Usersin Vagensue Vaing Valledis Valles Vally Varevolow Vulated Vulatkamch Vultes Waystail Wersar Whilids Wikinch Wikiptif Wition Works Wough Wounto Zoaddit Zoadifor Zoolon Zoolso
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belvira · 1 year
I woke up an realized the next shadow box character I will make it is going to be mystique. Anyone know what comics feature here promently
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
[A photo of a gun painted like a pokéball. There is a very promented fishhook in a crossed out circle. Marq is edited to be holding the gun.]
I'm so sorry please don't sic Marq on me I just bought fresh shrimp this morning
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