#procrastinating on picking it up again but let me have my fun /lh
ay2k01 · 4 months
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more chapter 1 brainrot 💀
yes the suit is glowing and i fucjed around with vhs filters jgckgc
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bakerysnake · 2 years
Apricot, blue, carrot, cherry, emerald, jade, lapis, lemon, magenta, navy, pink, red, rust, turquoise, & vermillion?
apricot: where would you like to travel? tbh my ideal vacation would be exploring my own city, every single nook and cranny, from the tourist attractions to the amazing restaurants in the middle of nowhere but since i have to travel and go somewhere else, i'd go to denmark in the winter around my birthday and see what it was like then (i'm gonna eat lots of pastries like my mom did >:D)
blue: seaside or forest? hmm seaside i think
carrot: favourite class you’ve ever taken? this year, english, i love love love my teacher, he's definitely the best teacher i've ever had
cherry: what’s your favorite type of art? writing, bc i can learn from it, enjoy it and pick up little nuances i wouldn't have been able to if i was viewing other types of art
emerald: what’s your favorite article of clothing that you own? these baggy jeans my dad bought me that go with pretty much every top i own :D
ginger: black and white or color? colour (ehehe i just had to /lh)
gold: do you wear jewelry?
green: do you like pastels?
jade: what is your favorite movie?
lapis: do you have a favourite stone/gem? do pearls count? i've always loved them and emeralds, very pretty <3
lemon: what do you do for fun? talk to my brother or walk around with neighbourhood friends. considering all the things i do in my free time/procrastination time, being with these people is the only one that always always makes me feel like :DD
magenta: favourite memory? i've got two for you! i was in my old house and it was storming. everything was painted in shades of black and gray, no colours to be seen. i stood outside on the balcony getting drenched and feeling a kind of joy that's like letting go of your inhibitions and truly living in the moment it had been a long day and i was going to sleep pretty late. i felt restless and apathetic, like i wanted to feel something very badly and i hadn't felt anything worth looking back on in months. i looked out my window to see a golden light on the balcony of the next building, and it filled me with hope. i felt like i did back in 7th grade when i spent most of my time daydreaming and didn't have to worry about wasting my time that way. i felt creative, like an artist, like i could shape life with my hands and direct its flow. i still cherish that feeling a lot, it's one of my faves
navy: if you could live anywhere, where would you want to live? canada, because i've heard a lot of good things about it, an aunt of mine lives there, and one of my irls says she'd like to live in canada again too (she used to live there as a kid)
pink: what’s your dream job? psychotherapist <33
orange: do you believe in magic?
pink: what’s your dream job?
red: what’s your favourite song? i don't really know, i've got a lot of songs i like and there's no real favourite rn. my go to for this question is can't we just leave the monster alive? by txt but i'm pretty sure i already told you (and i haven't listened to it in months) maybe young robot by dance gavin dance?
rust: what is your favourite flower? i like irises, marigolds and hibiscuses! oh also orchids and monkey face petunias ^w^
turquoise: do you like to sing? kind of, i don't like singing with people who'll tell me i sound bad but i love singing on my own or fooling around with karaoke
vermilion: what would you do if you got a million dollars? there's a post somewhere here about how you can save your million dollars, help those who need it and do a bunch of other stuff, so i'd look through that post carefully and then do the stuff it says ^w^ and probably save for post grad college since i wanna study psychology outside india
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