#proceeded to make fun of me having whilst in the....heat of the moment ajksfsdgs GOOD TIMES AND YOU'RE WELCOME
causticsunshine · 4 years
so while deep-cleaning my room and workspace, i finally got to some boxes in my closet filled with old notebooks, cds, magazines, and posters had growing up and i got slapped in the face with a gd goldmine of 2011-2012 era one direction magazine spreads
and i had so many magazine and album book-let cut-outs on my walls growing up and kept a lot of them when we moved in 2013—because i was, you know, 17—so i’m going to share this with y’all so we remember what it was like when 1d was everywhere and the public image they had was still so carefully constructed...all squeaky-clean, non-threatening, bubblegum-pop boys...
also to appreciate how much better their hair and outfits got over time because dklsfdgl although this was their Twink Prime hey got played so dirty with their styling idc if it was for branding...that shit was insulting
(apologies for the quality; i have our basement which is super dark and has the worst lighting, and tumblr’s compression is murdering these pics)
but to start, here’s one of yours truly (don’t mind my cleaning clothes) just for size comparison:
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this is with it touching the ground... btw i’m 5′6″
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GOD I REMEMBER THIS boys i am so sorry....these forced poses...their faces on plates...louis are you okay
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british invasion....dating a fan article....and ah yes love secrets from the most experienced heterosexuals in the business i’m lmao at this el*nor section did i really forget they started that up so early on
also pretty sure i did the perfect match quiz and went backwards so i got niall on purpose....
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it’s crazy how like the Harry Fever has been going on for like ten years now my god, give my mans a break ffs he was just a boy.... it’s very jarring now too so to see niall with braces?? when he got them off i thought i’d never get used to it but i legit forget he had them sometimes
more under the cut!
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the raffle merch was so ugly oh my god.... and why did they act like XTF had been so long ago at this point?? they were like just barely on tour for UAN when some of these came out??
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louis idc what you have to say now okay, you looked SO CUTE in the suspenders... and omg their old color-coordinated outfits for awards shows 😢
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i felt weird having harry on my wall like this bc i was never attracted to him Like That lmao so i had this tacked up on the zayn side:
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zayn without a hundred visible tattoos, this felt like so long ago 🤧
i came back to this whole mess just this year after leaving when hiatus happened and it’s so jarring to see, well, just how fast the night changes dsldfkgmld i’m so sorry
but yeah uh i hope you all also have a headache now and also feel like you’ve aged like twenty years, because that is what i’m dealing with rn
you’re welcome
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