#probably. glad i've never felt nostalgic about his content lol
yourenotacat-writes ยท 3 years
I'm not sure that this is what this thing is for but I just wanted to say that "Sweet Dreams, Princess" is one of my top five fanfictions of all time, and I really appreciate all the effort you put into it :D One of the best parts of it is how you include smell in your descriptions, really brings it to life for me. How did you get started writing fanfiction? Did you play Zelda games as a kid? Tsym for everything!
Omggg thank you so much!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•
Making my day is exactly what this thing is for lol I'm so glad you like it! I love adding little details like that, and I'm always happy to hear that they're appreciated! Also since you just followed, you probably didn't see this post from a few months ago, but it's the first 1500 words of the next chapter if you're interested! Feel free to ignore me if you already saw it tho lol
Anyway, I read fanfic in late middle school/early high school, but I never really engaged with fandom otherwise and just kind of forgot about it. I wrote original content throughout high school and went to college for screenwriting, but then had a very bad bout of depression which made me stop writing altogether. And then, BotW happened to me. I finished it, cried for 45 minutes, and immediately went to ao3 because I needed more. I got super nostalgic for the fics I'd read in my teens (though tbh it was mostly inappropriate stuff. oh to be young and unsupervised on the late-2000s internet hjghjdf) But it was the first time in a long time that I wanted to write and actually had ideas! SDP made me feel like I could write again or that I was even "allowed" to write again and rekindled that love-hate relationship for writing for me. So my little insomniacs will always have a special place in my heart no matter how much I've neglected them.
And I did!! OoT was one of my first video games! It was my aunt's n64 so I'd play with my cousin and my sister, and the rule was we could do whatever we wanted as long as we didn't save lol We were all under 7 so we didn't do much besides fly around with the cuccos or chase the dogs at nighttime or go fishing, but we played it for hours. And five year old me had the biggest crush on Adult Link, in all his polygonal glory sdfggdf I actually own that n64 and game cartridge now with her save file still intact, and I get extremely sentimental every few years I boot it up to replay and see her name in the second save slot. I also played all the 3D games throughout my life, though I've never finished WW or MM (...I know. Don't look at me like that ๐Ÿ˜ฉ)
Thank YOU so much for this ask!! I had a difficult week and opening up my askbox to this tonight truly felt like such a gift. Thanks for letting me ramble for a bit ๐Ÿ’–
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