#probably the most adorable ship in bakuman
frenchibi · 8 years
Tagged :D
I was tagged twice (again??) – so have more answers under the cut :D
This one was by @gummicows, thank youuu :D
1) Has any of the fandoms you have been in disgusted you? Yeahhh but I tend to just avoid the people that for example ship things I don’t?
2) If you wanted to change your url, what would it be? I’m actually very happy with my url :D
3) Do you have any hobbies? UHMM so many??? Writing, drawing, singing (solo & choir), skiing, reading journaling, cooking (occasionally), collecting books (does that count)…? I enjoy crocheting too sometimes, and I make videos :D
4) How socially awkward are you (stories anyone ;D)? I’m actually pretty… confident, most of the time? Obviously I mess up sometimes but I wouldn’t call myself socially awkward. I get comfortable in social situations relatively quickly, unless there’s people around that I seriously dislike ^^’
5) Do you have a musical preference? That depends on what I’m doing and how I’m feeling :D For singing, I prefer Disney songs or songs from Musicals (Les Mis, PotO and Hamilton own my ass). For writing I like to listen to instrumentals and soundtracks (also works well when I’m having conversations that require my full attention :D). For driving, I prefer rock music? My dad introduced me to a lot of 80s rock music when I was little :D And then I also really enjoy pop and indie music? I like uplifting songs best, and I pay a lot of attention to the lyrics most of the time ^^
6) Are there any books that hold a special place in your heart? …do you have 3 hours?
The short version of my answer is yes, there are many. Some examples of which are:
Harry Potter by JKR (because those were the first books I read on my own, and in English, too? That was a big deal for me, a bilingual German kid xD My teachers let me read under my desk in our English lessons in primary school :D – and because Harry Potter made me dream, and made me want to write stories myself.),
Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (because it left an immense impact on me that few other books will ever have? The story is astounding, it’s written in such an engaging way, and I just… *clenches fist*),
The Hours by Michael Cunningham (given to me by an English teacher after he read some of my original work – it’s been really inspirational for me, and stylistically SO INTERESTING??)
Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers (yes, a German book, I prefer to read books in the language they were originally published in, even if I generally prefer to read in English – in any case this book blew me away with its creativity and wit and just the general… richness of the world the author creates? It’s fascinating. I believe it’s called The City of Dreaming Books in the English translation)
The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness (which is just… I love the concept, I love the characters, I love how it’s done – just, all of it. It’s fantastic.)
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (because it is intriguing and heartfelt and hilarious at times, in a morbid sort of way, and it taught me a lot of big words as a kid in a non-condescending kind of way xD I used to have the audiobooks as well as physical copies and those are books and CDs that I handled VERY, VERY OFTEN.)
(I’m limiting this to six now bc this is getting long but I have like 20 more, if you want recommendations hmu, send me an ask :D)
7) Any movies you’d recommend? Ohhhh, boy – I’m Marvel and Disney trash and there’s not much more to it. Big Hero 6 was my absolute favorite until Moana came along (before that it was The Little Mermaid, probably? Ehh), I love everything concerning Captain America and Iron Man (ahhhh), I also really enjoyed Star Wars (All of the older ones, and The Force Awakens was awesome, as was Rogue One) and I have, surprisingly, seen all the James Bond movies except the most recent one? xD It was a family thing. I also enjoyed the HP movies even though I liked the books much more, and Fantastic Beasts was, well, FANTASTIC.
Oh, ohhh and I love Ghibli movies? Ponyo was adorable, I loved Howl’s Moving Castle (because I loved those books so much too?!?!?) and Spirited Away – those movies just make me feel so happy?? Ahh, and one of my favorite animated films is Garden of Words (Kotonoha no Niwa) because it is just BREATHTAKINGLY beautiful?? It is just gorgeous to look at. 8) What is a phrase you commonly use? …I don’t think I have many English ones here because most of my rl conversations happen in German xD I bet I do have a bunch of phrases I use a lot in writing, though none are coming to mind right now. 9) What is the first thing you notice when you see someone? The way they treat other people. Their body language and the words they use when they’re talking to someone they see as an equal or someone they think of as “beneath them”, versus how they talk to superiors. I pay a lot of attention to words and honestly barely any to appearance (mostly because I find it difficult to look at people directly? It’s an issue. I can’t remember faces at all, but you can bet I’ll remember the things you said).
10) Have you ever fainted or passed out before? Yup, in school when we were forced to do a 30 minute run at 40°C ^^ fun times. It’s been a couple years though xD
My questions:
1. Something you wish your parents had taught you?
2. Something you want to change about yourself?
3. Something you hope to never change about yourself?
4. Describe your best friend or a very close friend in 5 words.
5. Your favorite place to be?
6. Favorite artist (musician, actor, writer, artist, fanartist/fanfic writer? Pick one, or two, or all?)?
7. Website you spend most time on?
8. A dream for the future?
9. Something you’re proud of.
10. Recommend something! A movie, a song, a book, a fic – anything! :D
(I tag @chxngsey, @seijouho, @ghost--fox, @heirxx, @cheatos, @missellaineous, @fandang1, @screamingnitrogenchallenge, @joanofarcticmonkeys, @cheetahleopard, @lalikaa - you’re all welcome to do the above tag and my 10 questions, or the tag below, or both :D @gummicows and @iwazumie feel free to do the ones you haven’t? xD)
…and this tag is from @iwazumie, thank youuu :D
Relationship status: single Lipstick or Chapstick: *whispers* both Last song listened to: …surprisingly, I haven’t listened to music today except when I was in the car with my brother… he was in charge of it though cause my radio’s broken, and I don’t know the titles of the techno stuff he listens to xD Last movie I watched: Moana (…for the third time.. whoops) Top 3 shows: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD *hyperventilates*, Haikyuu, Bakuman? (I’ve seen so many, it’s hard to pick just 3 ok?? Noragami, Barakamon, Baccano!, Durarara!!, Death Note, Soul Eater, One Punch Man…?) … and if we’re talking about stuff that’s not anime… Game of Thrones, Supernatural (though my enthusiasm is waning), currently Brooklyn Nine Nine :D Top 3 characters: Edward Elric (I love him), Iwaizumi Hajime (I LOVE HIM), Olivier Armstrong (She’ll kick my ass and I will thank her for it) Top 3 ships: IwaOi, EdWin, Yato/Hiyori
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