#pro tip the next time you want to dress up as someone other than yourself don't yell your own catchphrase
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plusultraetc · 2 months ago
I feel like All Might tried to dress up as Santa for an event one year, complete with an 'I AM HERE! TO DELIVER PRESENTS!' and the bad news is he was very obviously not Santa but the good news is every single child present was so excited to see All Might they totally forgot about that other dude
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steelycunt · 2 years ago
took ten minutes creating a pros and cons list for each of the prompts they are. insane. settled on 18 though!!! gimme NOW!! am prepared for heartbreak or whatever else you decide!!!!!
HI my darling my light my love! you spent ten minutes creating a list im so sorry i spent ten years creating this drabble </3 it IS extra long just for you though (im not built for drabbles xx). post-poa r/s...on my blog...its more likely than you think xx
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He’s fifteen, and he’s quite sure that even if he knew what to do with his hands, they wouldn’t listen to him: they’re busy twisting themselves into a shy, twitchy knot in his lap. Slick-palmed, pinprick of blood on his left thumb where he nicked himself trying to fasten his new PREFECT badge to his school jumper.
All I want, he tells him (eyes steadily downcast, because he came back this year with a small silver hoop bitten through his earlobe and looking at it makes him fucking useless), is for you to do your top button up and pretend—just for my first day—that I am capable of exercising even the slightest bit of authority over you.
Ah, come on, Prefect Lupin. Sirius grips his hand and brings it to his mouth, flicking his tongue out over the bead of blood. Grin like the curve of a trigger. Surely, that’s not all you want.
He’s thirty-five, and his hands are in his dressing-gown pockets this time, and on nights like this he can tilt his head and close one eye and nothing’s really changed.
“You aren’t supposed to be out here like this,” he calls. He feels shy again. He feels twitchy. “You know that.”
Sirius turns. Today: him, sitting in the bathroom with a tea-towel round his shoulders, letting Remus cut his hair for him. Remus only spoke to say, do you want it the length you used to have it? And Sirius only spoke to shoot back, do you honestly think I remember that?
The trouble is that Remus does remember, and now the man sitting on his backdoor step looks horribly like someone he long thought dead. In a way, it was easier to see him unravelled, chewed up and spat out and still bearing the teeth marks. He looks too much like the boy he was, now—the boy who called him Moony, and held his fingers against his lips.
It makes him want to tear Sirius’ face off, confiscate it. Hide it in a shoebox underneath his bed, with all the other bits of that boy that he scrounged up and refused to let go.
“Out here. Good grief. Listen to yourself, Remus,” Sirius snorts. He tips back and splays one hand out over the doormat. His dry, split knuckles. “Look, half of me’s still practically in the kitchen, see? All I did was open the door.”
“Yes, but the orders were—”
“Oh, believe me, I know what they were. I’m laying low. I’m not to be seen, and under no circumstances am I to leave. Got it. Lucky for me, however, I know the bloke they left in charge of me��” he twists his mouth up, Remus might possibly retch, “and I happen to know he’s a rather soft touch.”
And Remus thinks, angrily: only for you. You made me like that. He just can’t stand himself—he’s thirty-five and they’re still doing this, this give-and-take, this inane wager. I see your broken ribs, and I raise you my severed arm. He’s thirty-five, and he’s still letting a pretty boy push him over in the playground.
He sits down next to Sirius. Elbow to elbow, knee to knee. His back garden, a miserable tangle of weeds like hair in a shower drain. It’s never bothered him until this very moment. He wets his lips.
“For a moment, when I saw the door open, I thought—I almost thought you’d made a break for it.”
“I don’t blame you. I’ve developed a bit of a knack for those.” Sirius scratches his jaw; neither of them have shaved for a few days. In the end, they’re a pair of old strays, sniffing around a scrap heap. “No, I woke up. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Needed some air.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t dream much these days, thank god. I reckon that’d finish me. It’s just the waking up—I’m not often able to sleep through the night—and there’s these first few seconds where I forget where I am, I think I’m back there. There’s nothing there to ground me. It’s quite frightening, really.”
“I know what you mean. Or…I suppose I was the other way around,” Remus says, catching himself on the threadbare heel of one of the socks he gave Sirius to wear. It’s a cramped, cold house, and there’s this want that he’s got, in the pit of his stomach—a want to see Sirius sweat again.
“For the first year or so, after—after James and Lily, I used to wake up and for a moment I’d just…forget that they were dead. Forget you were—gone. And then it would hit me all over again. Every morning, I’d lose you all over again. Like fucking—Groundhog Day.”
Sirius frowns; more lines on his face than before. Remus would like to touch them. He’s pathetic. “What’s that?”
“Oh. Never mind. Anyway,” Remus changes the subject, “there are things you can take, to help you sleep. I’ll try and get you something. And—some cigarettes, too. And anything else you want.”
It does something filthy, something downright devastating to him, to watch Sirius brighten at that. Like opening a window; like the fresh pink skin beneath a scab. He did that. He can still do that.
“God, yes, please—that would be grand. Fuck.” Sirius laughs, his breath rattles. “You’ve got no idea. The only two things I wanted to do more than have a smoke when I got out, were kill Peter and see you.”
“Well, I’ll go shopping tomorrow. And you’ll be two for three. Right.” Remus’ words slump out into the night, which makes them easier to say. He is thirty-five. There are things his hands want to do again.
“Shall we go to back to bed? You, er…” he squints, and swallows. “I was thinking—if you wanted to, you could…sleep in my room, tonight, with me? Only, I thought it might help…if you wake up, and there’s someone there, it might not…be as frightening. If you want. Only a suggestion, of course,” he adds.
Sirius looks at him. This is a song they used to know. “I think—we could try that, for the night,” he replies. “Yeah. Like being twelve again.”
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apollostears · 3 years ago
BEEN LIKE THIS [ h. iwaizumi ] II
↬︎ anime: haikyuu
↬︎ pairing(s): iwaizumi hajime x fem!black!reader & kyōtani kentarō x fem!black!reader
↬︎ warning(s): swearing, mentions of violence, slight ooc!iwaizumi
↬︎ wc: 2.5k
↬︎ PLOT. after breaking up with your longtime boyfriend, iwaizumi, you’re now finding comfort in old friends.
part one
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one year timeskip
"please, this kid is going to lose his fucking mind over this." kyōtani cursed excitedly, wrapping up the baby gift in cool alien wrapping.
you had walked past, holding a bag of gifts you had gotten your godson for his first birthday tomorrow. between you, oikawa, and his friends that baby was spoiled. emma hated it, but only because you guys always beat her to the best surprises.
"it still pisses me off how good you are at gift wrapping." you murmured, setting the bag by the front door and then talking a seat next to your boyfriend on the couch.
after breaking up with iwaizumi and having to start over, you ended up forming an uncanny relationship with kyōtani. the two of you had always been close since high school and had slowly drifted due to your commitment with iwaizumi and his with pro-volleyball. he was one of the first people to comfort you, despite the previous respect he had held for his old teammate.
you hadn't wanted to fall in love again, especially so soon. and you honestly thought you never would until you and kyōtani hung out more and it became easy. easy to fall in love with someone who loved you long before you realized it yourself. at that point, it was six months post-breakup and you hadn't heard from iwaizumi ever since that day.
while you were the godmother to oikawa and emma's son, iwaizumi was the godfather. you knew that you'd have to face him tomorrow for the first time in over a year, but you couldn't find yourself to care. not when he had easily moved onto his coworker less than two months after y'all ended things. besides, tomorrow was about your godson and nobody would distract you from that.
"princess, you're staring again." kyōtani mumbled, redness coating the apple's of his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"sorry my love. make sure write it's from you AND me. i refuse to have a repeat of the last time we got him something and you flipped it to make it look like it was only you." you lightly scolded, grabbing the remote to put something on.
kyōtani grumbled under his breath before reaching over to press a quick kiss to your lips and place the last gift on the table. with the sendai frogs on a by-week, you and kyōtani were spending some much needed couple time together.
"you nervous about seeing him?" kyōtani asked after a moment of silence as the tv show played in the background.
settled under his arm, you couldn't see his face but you could tell that he wasn't looking at you. "nervous? no. anxious? maybe. i just don't want him to do anything to jeopardize bubba's day." you admitted, dreading what would happen if iwaizumi dared to make a scene at your godson's first birthday party.
kyōtani gave you a reassuring squeeze in response, dropping the issue after that. it went without saying that kyōtani would quite literally do anything to maintain your happiness. even if it meant fighting someone whom he used to be friends with.
the oikawa house was completely decked out in alien decor. the whole thing looked like it cost a grip but it was a nice feeling to know that tooru was still the bougiest motherfucker you knew. walking up the steps to the house, kyōtani held the bag of gifts in one hand and held your hand in the other. using your free hand, you used the secret 'alien' knock emma created, to get it.
they were both dorks honestly.
the two of you waited a moment before the door opened to reveal hanamaki dressed like an alien. big head and all. kyōtani busted out laughing at his old teammate while you tried your best to hide your amusement.
"how much are they paying you?" you asked, tears welling up in your eyes from how ridiculous he looked.
"not enough." he deadpanned, taking the bag of gifts from kyōtani to put with the others. "close the door please." he called out, walking away from you two.
"this is the funniest thing i've ever seen oikawa do."
you finally let out your own laughs as you caught a glimpse of hanamaki hitting his head on the chandelier from it being too big. "i have to pee!" you wheezed out, hunched over in complete tears at the situation.
"c-come on babe. we gotta go—we gotta go see the kid." kyōtani stuttered, unable to contain his own laughter.
"y'all make me sick." hanamaki muttered, walking past the two of you to go take a seat on the couch.
after a minute, you both regained your composure and made your way to the back where everyone was at. so caught up in the sight that was hanamaki, you had forgotten all about your ex and happily went out to the backyard.
it didn't take long to spot your godson as he had spotted you before you were able to land eyes on him. you heard your name being yelled and then saw a cute toddler force his way out of his godfather's arms.
letting go of kyōtani’s hand, you crouched down with open arms to scoop the little boy up and pull him close to you. “there’s the birthday boy!!! how are you my little angel??”
he flashed you a toothy grin before rubbing noses with you to signal his happiness. it was odd, but when he was only a few months, he started doing that with you every time he was happy and it just stuck.
“uncle mad dog!” he screeched, flinging his arms out for kyōtani to hug him.
oikawa’s to blame for the nickname still being in play, but honestly, kyōtani didn’t mind. he’d do anything for the little spawn of satan. to him, baby oikawa was an angel born from an angelic mother and a demon father. it’s a funny joke the two of them have.
“y/n! mad dog-chan! glad you guys could make it!”
speaking of the devil. . .
oikawa and emma both walked over to you guys dressed up in star trek attire. your godson wiggled himself out of kyōtani’s arms and ran off to his friends that were playing in the bouncy house.
meeting the married couple halfway, you shared your greetings and followed them where the other adults were sitting. just about everyone was there, sitting and talking with daichi and ushijima on the grill, probably to prevent the others from eating all the meat.
iwaizumi sat next to akaashi with a pregnant woman on his lap and a ring on her finger. it was the same woman you remember meeting when she joined the black jackals team as an assistant athletic trainer to iwaizumi. honestly, you weren’t surprised that that was who he ended up with. you were just surprised at how fast they were moving. you’re with someone for four plus years and never got proposed to. let alone pregnant.
“did little oikawa call you mad dog, kyōtani?” kuroo snickered, a knowing smirk on his face.
you playfully rolled your eyes at his behavior before taking a seat next to emma on the shared hammock. “you still lookin like a rooster?” your man fired back, grabbing a drink from the cooler before sitting in between kindaichi and tendou.
the rest of you laughed at kuroo’s pouty face, enjoying the familiarity of it all.
“y/n, did you get the gift i sent you for your promotion?” hinata asked excitedly, lean legs having grown a bit with his hair still as orange as ever. he had an arm around yachi’s shoulders and it made you smile that the two finally got together.
“yes, i did thank you sho! it was very sweet of you.”
hinata smiled brightly at you in thanks. he was always sending gifts to his friends for every little achievement. it was sweet.
“i saw the huge bag of gifts you and ken brought in. please don’t tell me you spoiled the mess out of my baby.” emma pouted, giving you and kyōtani a look.
you put your hands up in shock. “in our defense. . . i told y/n not to go over board.” kyōtani spoke, throwing you under the bus.
“oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me! all we did was buy him a toy or two. . .or ten. plus the newest motorized car that just came out.” you answered sheepishly, realizing that you may have went over board.
emma gasped and lightly hit you in the arm. “now when he throws tantrums because he can’t get his way, i’m blaming you.”
you just laughed knowing that there was no way your sweet angel baby could ever throw a tantrum. “you got him that too? oh, what a coincidence!”
it was unintentional, but the hairs on your skin stood up as you heard her voice. she was looking at you with a smile, almost in a nice-nasty kind of way and it made your skin crawl.
“hmm, that’s unfortunate. no worries, that’s what receipts are for!” you answered back, trying your best to come off as polite.
the two of you had never formally met. you just saw her in passing when the boys were talking about her one practice. iwaizumi had never mentioned her to your prior to your breakup and you never brought it up to him.
“we’ve never met, have we? i’m maki, hajime’s fiancé.”
you could feel the energy shift as all eyes were on the two of you. emma held your hand and squeezed it as a warning. she knew what kind of woman maki was and knew she’d be able to get under your skin.
“good for you.” you gave a tight lipped smile before turning your attention to lev who was sitting in the chair next to you. “i saw you in the vogue magazine for germany with your sister. you guys looked amazing!”
lev had opened his mouth to speak, surprised that you had directed your attention to him instead of the woman across from you two, but was cut off by maki.
“hajime and i won’t be returning our gift by the way. we brought it here first after all. just wouldn’t be fair.” she interjected rudely.
feeling yourself grow irritated, you took a deep breath and exhaled, turning to face her now that she’s interrupted your conversation with lev. “that’s fine. i’m sure he’ll love the gift.”
you could see her face drop at the response you gave, seeing that it wasn’t the one she wanted. this woman could try all she wanted, she wasn’t going to win. no matter how much iwaizumi’s very presence makes your soul itch, you weren’t going to come out of character for her.
“didn’t you used to date haji? thank you, by the way, for giving him to me.”
now that comment made you heat up. you were tired of her already trying shit, and at a children’s party no less. there were few things you played about and your godson was one of them. you were not about to let her ruin this.
“iwaizumi, you better get your girl.” kyōtani warned, already growing agitated at her childish behavior.
your ex scoffed, now choosing to speak up. “nobody’s scared of you or her. besides, all my fiancé has done was tell the truth.”
“that’s enough hajime. cut it out man.” oikawa advised, but it was too late. the damage had been done and now you were mad.
leaning forward in the hammock, you clasped your hands together and narrowed your eyes at the vile couple before you before speaking.
“let’s get something clear; i am not the one nor the two. this is my godson’s first birthday party and i refuse to let you two bitches, fuck this up. rest assured, that if you say anything else sideways out yo mouth, i will drag you pregnant and all. your fiancé is a bitch and ain’t shit and won’t ever be shit. matter of fact, tell me; did he propose to you before or after he knocked you up?”
“oh shit.” atsumu uttered out loud as the rest of them listened to you clear her and iwaizumi with a quickness.
maki and iwaizumi looked at you in anger. “say something else to her and i will, quite literally, fuck you up.” kyōtani threatened, coming to stand behind you.
your heart was racing with adrenaline, ready to see what would happen next from the two. “that’s enough. y/n’s right, this is for my son and the fact that you are trying to start unnecessary problems, is very inappropriate. i’m going to have ask for you to leave." emma ordered.
“are you kidding me? oikawa, you can’t just kick me out of my own godson’s party.” iwaizumi protested, baffled that he was actually being asked to leave.
oikawa shook his head in disappointment. “i’m sorry, but your behavior towards y/n has been unacceptable. what my wife says, goes. we don’t need the unnecessary drama and i also don’t want to see witness maki being dog walked up and down my backyard.”
it was silent after oikawa’s admission and you were honestly a little surprised that he said what he said. iwaizumi would always be his best friend, but now that he was a father and a married man, there were other things more important than friendships. he wouldn’t allow iwaizumi or maki to ruin his son’s birthday nor disrespect you and get away with it. enough was enough.
“wow. you’re unreal you know that?” maki scoffed, standing up from iwaizumi’s lap and gathering her things.
you watched quietly as the two left the group of y’all and went out the gate to their car. once they were out of sight, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding and relaxed.
“are you ok?” emma asked you while kyōtani rubbed your shoulders gently.
“girl, i almost dog walked a pregnant lady! that was some scary shit.” you laughed, coming down from the adrenaline rush.
at your joke, the others laughed and slowly eased the residual tension. “is it wrong that i would’ve definitely paid to see that?” tendou asked.
“yeah, cause then i’d have to arrest you guys.” daichi commented, walking over from the grill with tongs in his hands and an apron on that said ‘kiss the cop.’
you were 100% sure suga bought that as a gag gift that daichi took literally.
“oh here comes officer daichi. always killing the vibe.” tanaka said sarcastically, to which earned him a slap to the back of the head by kiyoko.
“yeah yeah, come on so we can eat.” he muttered before going back over to ushijima.
as everyone stood up to gather the kids and get ready to eat, you and kyōtani stayed behind to talk.
“you okay princess?” he asked, sitting next to you in emma’s spot and pulling you in for a hug.
you nodded, grateful for his presence. “i love you kentaro.”
“i love you more baby. always.”
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NOTE. i hope you guys liked this final installment! i know a few of you asked for a part two, so i hope this did you justice! thank you for reading!
↬︎ join the taglist: @sweeneyblue1 @knjkitten @namjoonswifeyy @supop @exomama-random-writing @sunrayyellowhalo @pimpnameyannie @brownmochi
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years ago
I Long to Be
Pairing: Mr Freezy x hit woman!reader (kitten), Officer Bill x hit woman!reader (PG only for now)
Words: ~2.1k
Summary: Your new dynamic has Bobby ready to explode.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, over the pants hand job, dry humping, mentions of oral and penetrative sex), emotional manipulation, reader is a massive bitch, slightly subby Bobby (what?!?!), cheating adjacent, domestic violence as foreplay, inappropriate behavior at a funeral, gossipy neighbors, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: This is mostly just setting the stage for the next arc I’m gonna do with our murderers but whoo boy are you sluts in for a treat! Sorry for inflicting the stache on you, but I’m just gonna lean into it.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!!
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You moaned softly when Bobby pulled you back against his chest, the hand that wasn’t digging into your tit buried knuckle deep in your cunt from behind as he stroked your walls slowly.
“No marks.” You ordered when you felt his teeth scrape over your pulse, ignoring the snarl he shot you through the mirror before settling for licking a thick stripe up the side of your neck. “Don’t fucking pout at me, pretty sure even those dumb fucks out there would notice if I walked out there with a hickey. Control yourself.”
“You need to quit being a fucking bitch.” He growled when you squeezed his cock before starting to stroke it through his slacks again. “It’s been five days, if I don’t feel that warm snatch wrapped around me soon, I’m gonna fucking kill someone.”
“Then you’ll just have to wait even longer, Bobby. I told you, we’re gonna drill some fucking self control into you.” You rolled your hips into his hand when his palm ground into your clit, dropping your head back against his shoulder and purring when you felt his cock throbbing under your palm. “Plus, I’m still pissed at you for the unbelievable pile of bull shit I had to dig you out of.”
“But… fuck, kitten.” He buried his face in your hair to cover his groan when you squeezed him again, bucking his hips into your grip and tugging softly at your nipple as you brought him towards his peak. “I fucking need it. You can just suck on the tip a little, just tide me over, I’m fucking dying.”
“You’re fucking dramatic, I’m still letting you come, so quit being a bitch.” You felt warmth bloom under your hand and smirked at him, your pussy sucking on his fingers as he started fucking them into you harder until you came with a broken sob.
“You goddamn cunt.” He looked furious when you pulled away from him, growling when you wrenched out of his grip to straighten your dress out. “I swear to god, you keep fucking holding out on me and I’m gonna split you in half in front of those cunts until you’re bleeding and begging me to stop.”
“No you’re not.” You shoved your tits back into your dress and did up the buttons. “You’re gonna play the grieving husband and father for as long as I tell you, and once I feel like the fucking heat has died down enough, maybe then you can get your dick wet. But until that happens, you’ll just have to settle for hands and dry humping. Now shut up and try to look wrecked.”
He didn’t have to try, he was wrecked. Dealing with your constant teasing without being able to actually fuck you had him feeling like his nerves were frayed to the limit, and topping that off with having to play the tormented widower was testing the self control you were adamant he exercise. There hadn’t even been any jobs for him to redirect his pent up rage, so he was stuck settling for furiously jerking himself every night as he longed for your perfect, warm cunt.
You gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before opening the door and heading back out to the wake, not bothering to fix your face as it fit the narrative that Bobby had been comforting you while you cried yourself out. With how haggard he was, your stupid cunt neighbors had no problem accepting when you told them that you and Bobby had been supporting each other through this tough time. 
Bobby’s jaw was clenched tight as he stood at the edge of his living room, barely paying attention to the twats who kept coming up to him to tell him how sorry they were for his loss while he watched you act like the perfect grieving friend. You shot him a glare when he tried to move closer to you, hiding your smirk behind your drink and leaning against the wall when he accepted another unwanted embrace like a good little widower.
“Hi, Suzy?” You had to act quick to school your face when you turned and found the fucking cop who had flirted with you at the damn crime scene standing there, you had not expected to see him again.
“Officer Bill!” You caught Bobby start out of the corner of your eye, shooting him a glance to settle him before turning back to your surprising visitor. “Robert’s just over there, did you need to talk to him about something? I thought everything was closed.”
“It is, and please just call me Bill.” He gave you a nervous smile and stepped a little closer to you, fidgeting with his hands as he struggled with what to say to you. “I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I know these things tend to put all the focus on the family but I wanted to make sure you were ok? Since she was your best friend, I’m sure things are hard.”
Oh shit. Your flirting had worked a little too well, this boy was sweet on you. It took some doing for you to fight the pleased smile that tried to spread across your face, especially when you caught Bobby glaring at you over the cop’s shoulder when the man reached and gave your arm a reassuring squeeze. 
“It’s been so hard.” You gave a small sob and could have laughed when he drew you into his chest, burying your face in the warm planes of muscle as he did his best to comfort you. “I feel so alone now. I’d usually talk to Mary about this, but now I have no one. Maybe I could talk to Robert but he’s suffering so much worse than me, I don’t want to burden him any more.”
“God, you’re so sweet, honey.” You managed to disguise your snort as another sob, pressing your body close to his and trying not to grin when he settled his hands at the small of your back, “You can talk to me, Suzy.”
“Bill, you just met me.” This was working out great for you; a dumb cop who was already wrapped around your finger and a new way to piss off Bobby, what could be better? “I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“Baby, no, never.” He gave you a soft smile when you lifted your head to meet his gaze, cupping your face in one massive palm and gently brushing his thumb over the curve of your cheek in an effort to soothe you. “I just wanna help, but we don’t have to do anything you don’t want, ok?”
“Okay.” You leaned into his cheek and sighed softly as you batted your eyelashes at him, it had been a while since you had played this game, but seems like you were still a fucking pro. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure, darlin’.” You let him give your waist a squeeze before stepping back, your eyes finding Bobby’s and narrowing at the look of unbridled rage you found there until he was cowed. “There’s a little bakery near here if you wanna have some privacy.”
He nodded towards the gaggle of housewives that was watching you with interest while the rest of your neighbors started filtering home and you sighed, accepting his hand and letting him lead you towards the front door while you gave Bobby one more warning glance to keep him from doing something stupid. As soon as the door closed behind you the busybodies went crazy, whisper shouting at each other as they tried to keep some semblance of decorum while they packed up all the leftovers and helped Bobby clean up, or rather, did all the cleaning while Bobby started downing scorch like it was his job.
Thirty minutes later and he was finally alone, exhausted from all the unwanted hugs and sympathies he had to endure and wanting nothing more than to lose himself in you. But he couldn’t because you were still out with that fucking cop. He sulked in the chair at the front window, watching your house as he slowly drained the bottle of scotch and tried to keep himself from imagining what you might be doing with that fucker.
By the time the bastard’s car finally pulled up in front of your house an hour later, the bottle was empty, Bobby wallowing in a pool of self pity that he never would have admitted to and growling when he watched the officer help you out of the car and lead you to your front door with an arm around your waist. When he watched him give you a peck on the cheek he almost lost it, dropping the bottle and cursing when he heard it smash against the floor. At least you didn’t invite him inside, sending him on his way with a little wave before strolling into your house without a second glance. 
Bobby waited a few minutes after the cocksucker pulled away before storming over to your place, barely keeping himself together until he was able to knock on your front door. 
“Hey there, Bobby.” You gave him a wicked grin when you opened the door, stepping aside and letting him in. 
“The fucking cop?” He was itching to slap you, or maybe choke you, he was absolutely furious.
“Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.” You shoved him a little and snorted when he stumbled slightly. “Drunk again. What the fuck am I gonna do with you?”
“Fuck me.” He was so drunk he didn’t even care anymore, grabbing you by the back of your neck and dragging your face to his until his lips were devouring yours.
“Jesus, did I fucking break you, Bobby?” You chuckled when he growled in response and shoved you against the wall, grinding his hardened cock into your hip as he tried to wrap his hands around your throat. “No fucking marks! God, still haven’t learned, have you?”
Your slap sent him reeling, the only thing that kept him upright being your tight grip on his collar as you watched him with mock concern. He tried to snarl at you when you gripped his jaw in one hand, shaking his head with a demeaning tut before leaning forward to bite at his lips.
“You need to dump that fucking cop, kitten.” He purred into your mouth when you wound one leg around his hip and dragged him into you, letting him rock against you slowly with a low moan as his dick twitched in his pants.
“And you still need to fucking control yourself, instead of charging over to your single neighbor’s house like a bat out of hell right after your wife’s funeral when you know every fucking busybody in the neighborhood is gonna be watching us like a bunch of hawks.” You let him lift your other leg to wrap around him, pressing you into the wall and moaning into your neck as he ground right against your clit. “I’ll make you a deal Bobby; you manage to keep that temper of yours reined in and the neighbors off our backs for a whole month while I make that sweet, dumb cop fall in love with me, and I’ll let you do whatever he does to me, so you don’t combust.”
“You’re such a bitch.” His breath against your neck was desperate, the rhythm of his hips writhing against you growing frantic as you both neared your ends. “You let him fuck you and I don’t care, kitten, I’ll fucking kill him.”
“Aww, don’t worry baby, it’ll just be the tip.” You laughed when he snarled into your throat, forcing himself to pull back before he sank his teeth into you so you didn’t decide to torture him even more. “Look at you being so good, and I didn’t even mention your reward.”
“What is it?” Christ, you were just whipping men left and right today.
“Once I get that moron to give me his whole heart, I’ll let you help me break it.” He hit you at the perfect angle and you shuddered with bliss, your release soaking the front of his slacks as his own filled his briefs. “But in a way that keeps him wrapped around my little finger so we can use him if we need to.”
“Ugh, fuck. Fine.” He sighed defeatedly into your neck. “But if I haven’t had my dick sucked once by this time in two weeks, I’m getting a fucking toy.”
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andypantsx3 · 4 years ago
statistically significant | 5 | bakugou/reader
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length: 23,490 words | 7 chapters
summary: You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, m/f threats of violence, problematic behavior
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The next few weeks were a blur of activity.
When he wasn’t off on patrol or a mission, Mina and Kaminari kept Bakugou busy with dozens of team exercises, all of which needed your analysis. They ran him through any and every scenario that entered their brains, and after the first few rounds, Bakugou seemed to resign himself to their ministrations, his explosions no longer rattling the windows of the training room in displeasure. You’d reviewed footage of the first couple of rounds all together, the trio of heroes jammed into the tiny surveillance room with you, grimy with the ashy residue of Bakugou’s explosions, someone or another’s shirt partly melted off, and all of them looking exhausted but pleased.
Eventually, though, it became difficult for you to spare time in between your meetings with the other agency heroes. Bakugou was not helping matters by kicking the door down in the middle of your meetings and attempting to bodily remove anyone you were in conversation with whenever he wanted an update. You were dedicating almost as much time to breaking up fights and rescheduling appointments as you were to having the actual meetings themselves.
In the interest of maintaining the peace--and health and safety the Miruko agency employees--you wrote a quick script that monitored the training room footage and automatically ran your analysis program any time it keyed in on Bakugou, Mina, and Kaminari together on screen. It forwarded the results to their phones so that Bakugou wouldn’t come stalking in and making any more enemies than he already had.
That seemed to pacify him for a couple of days, and you managed almost twenty blissful meetings uninterrupted, until a Friday morning when no sooner had you flipped the lights on in the surveillance room than Bakugou was ripping the door open after you.
“Enough slacking off, nerd,” he growled, stalking over to loom over you in a vaguely menacing manner. It was early but he looked wide awake, maybe a little mussed like he'd already been training, the same combination of annoyingly handsome and intimidating as always. He was also dressed in some variation of his usual training set, dark fabric clinging to his chest, arms bare. The sight was really way too much for this early in the morning.
His sudden entrance startled you out of a yawn, and you just barely managed to catch your laptop before it slipped through your fingers.
“Good morning?” you hedged, looking up at him in apprehension.
He made an angry, dismissive noise. Before you could dredge up enough energy for a proper eye roll, something small and warm was thrust unceremoniously into your chest, briefly winding you.
You looked down at the item he was attempting to fracture your sternum with and found yourself staring at a white takeout cup.
You looked up at him in confusion but he just glared passively until you looked down again.
“....what is this?” you asked. Your hands raised automatically to take the cup from him.
“Battery acid,” Bakugou said.
You stopped, gaping at him, and he rolled his eyes. “The fuck do you think it is, idiot?” he demanded, gesturing at it forcefully.
You looked down at the cup again, a soft swirl of steam issuing from the opening in the cap. You brought it hesitantly to your face. A cursory sniff revealed very little in the way of poison--not that you had much expertise on the subject--but it did smell suspiciously like the house blend from the nice bakery down the street.
You stared at Bakugou with misgiving. “What is this, actually?”
He made a disbelieving noise. “You spend all this time acting like such a smartass and you don’t even know what a fucking coffee is? The fuck do you think you drink every morning?”
You couldn’t help but stare at him. There was absolutely no way Bakugou Katsuki was bringing you coffee. This had to be some kind of trick.
His threats from a few weeks ago floated to the forefront of your mind. I’m going to win the bet, he’d said, and then you’re in for it. Was this part of "in for it"? What was “it”, exactly, and was it likely that “it” entailed poisoning you in broad daylight in the middle of a hero agency?
The offing you in broad daylight seemed very much his style, but poison seemed a roundabout way to do it. No, if he was going to settle a score with you, it was going to be something much more immediate, and probably obnoxiously flashy.
You brought the cup to your mouth, taking a tentative sip. No acid tang of poison met your tongue, only the rich, buttery taste of the coffee. Though arsenic was said to be flavorless... Damn that was good, though.
Bakugou hovered impatiently, like he was waiting for something, wearing a strangely blank expression. You watched him nervously. Was the poison slow acting or something?
His scarlet gaze locked onto yours, and it suddenly hit you what he must be doing. You almost dropped the coffee. Was he...waiting for a thank you? As in, he was aware of and actively acknowledging that he’d just done something for you?
You decided to test the waters. “Thank you, Bakugou.”
He made an impatient clicking noise. “Fucking took you long enough.”
You frantically schooled your features into a mask that betrayed nothing of your shock. Christ, he was serious. He’d actually brought you a coffee, and he knew it was a nice thing to do? There was no way he was doing this just to do this. He had to want something from you.
“...So, what is it that you’re bribing me for?” you asked.
Bakugou’s face went dark, the tips of his ears strangely pink. “Fuck you. I don’t need to fucking bribe you for shit, with your obvious little crush on me.” He took a threatening step closer, and that familiar scent of gunpowder and caramel filled your nose.
You felt your face heat, your heart jumping into your mouth. Not this shit again.
So, it was absolutely true that you had a lot of trouble detaching your eyes from the width of his biceps, and that your brain ran wild loops every time he was close. But just because you had difficulty looking anywhere else when he was in a room, didn't mean you had a crush on him. He was way too much of a brat and it was exhausting trying to keep up with his weirdly intense personality. Just because he was pretty did not mean you had a thing for him...
“Why are you like this?” you complained, edging away from him as he moved nearer.
He smirked knowingly, taking another step closer. A small, traitorous shiver went up your spine at the thrill of a man so close. To your eternal embarrassment, Bakugou’s keen gaze seemed to catch it, a darker smile curling his mouth.
You opened your mouth to make some kind of excuse--though what you would have come up with was completely beyond you--when a head of wild pink curls poked itself through the door.
The intruder let out a quiet gasp, but that was enough to break the moment. Bakugou whirled on her, red eyes glaring.
“Raccoon, do you ever mind your own fucking business?” he demanded, in the tones of someone interrogating a war criminal.
Mina’s dark eyes widened innocently. “What? How was I supposed to know this is where you’d gone?” she asked. There was note of something gloating in her voice, however, and you got the feeling that she’d been hoping to catch you in some kind of act.
Your face went hotter. Why did everyone think there was a thing with you and Bakugou, including, apparently, Bakugou?
“Anyway, I’m not here for you,” Mina informed him briskly, derailing your wandering train of thought. “I was gonna ask stats girl to give us a hand this morning.”
She turned to you, her smile slightly predatory. “Blasty’s better at sticking close now, so we started focusing team exercises on victim evaluation. Any chance you can play civilian? Denki was for a bit but he started getting too into it.” A grimace flitted over her pretty features. “I almost lost an arm trying to stop Katsuki from blasting him clear into the stratosphere.”
You looked at Bakugou, but an irritated twitch of a blonde eyebrow was all you got by way of an explanation.
Your thoughts turned inward, wondering if this was a good idea. You’d been hoping to use the morning to get a little work done on a prototype of a productionized model, seeing as you had fewer meetings than usual today. And you hadn’t really come prepared for a potential roll around in the dirt and dust of the city simulation training spaces.
As if sensing your hesitation, Mina chirped, “I’ll let you a spare set of my training clothes so yours don’t get dirty! And you would probably be saving Denki’s life here--don’t you owe him one from the Hero Awards?”
Your gaze cut back to Bakugou without any direction from your brain. Bakugou appeared to be making no attempt to look apologetic about the incident at the Awards. He raised an eyebrow in challenge when your look lingered too long for his liking, red eyes narrowing in on you with a sudden heat. “The fuck are you looking at, nerd?”
“He means please,” Mina said, her voice going honeyed and wheedling. “Plus, it will be fun! I promise you I won’t melt any of your body parts off. Just Blasty’s, I swear.”
You couldn’t help the way your eyes stayed firmly attached to Bakugou’s face. His mouth twitched in obvious irritation at the implication that he would ever say please, but he made no move to correct Mina, limbs drawn in tight, defensive.
You looked down at the cup in your hand, sighing. He’d brought you a coffee and was doing minimal yelling. He appeared to be making some kind of effort here--though to what end you weren’t sure--and you supposed contributing to his training was ultimately your goal here, anyway. You could reward him for behaving himself as well as he knew how, and work towards your promotion at the same time.
“Fine,” you allowed, watching as Mina startled wiggling in obvious delight. “Let me finish this coffee and then I’ll help out.”
Mina clapped her rosy palms together. “Ahh! This is going to be so fun! You’ll see.”
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Mina’s definition of fun was any civilian’s definition of fucking terrifying.
It was one thing to see the three heroes using their powers on screen, or safely tucked away behind a meter of quirk-enforced glass. It was another thing entirely to be in the center of the action, acid sizzling mere inches from your feet.
“You said you wouldn’t melt anything off!” you shouted, stumbling away from Mina.
She’d accused Kaminari of getting too into playing civilian--whatever that meant--but you thought she was way too into playing villain herself. A hard look passed over her pretty features, sending a chill down your spine. With that dark look, those unusual eyes and twisted horns took on a more sinister nuance. She looked almost like an alien, and moved like one too, stalking you through the twisting alleys of the training cityscape.
“Accidents happen,” she cooed, almost happily. She threw up a twisting fistful of acid that hardened into a warped wall in front of you. You skidded wildly on the gravel to avoid it. “Now stay still, you’re supposed to be a hostage.”
A choked little noise escaped you. Honestly, thank god this woman was a hero. You might have trouble sleeping at night if you knew a villain like this was stalking the streets, unchecked and unbound by social mores. You’d probably still have trouble getting to sleep tonight, even after she went back to smiling and bouncing all over the place.
“Actually, maybe Kaminari should take over again,” you managed, stepping back from her. “Not really sure if I’m cut out for this.”
A loud boom drowned out her reply, an office front a few blocks away crumbling under the force of the blast. You gaped at the force that shook the street, even blocks away.
Mina used your distraction to her advantage, grabbing the back of your shirt to haul you towards her. “He’s so obvious, my god--how he got to be number eight is beyond me. Now come over here and do your best to look injured. He needs practice evacuating people instead of coming in blasting.”
She fumbled with something on her belt, pulling out several bright red bands that proclaimed various types of injuries in blocky white font. Then she leaned over you, shoving a band up your arm that announced SEVERE BURNS, and another on your left ankle, proclaiming a DISLOCATION.
She clicked her tongue, looking you over. “Would more be overkill? This is enough that he should at least hesitate before trying to blow me sky high…” She seemed to decide against more, shoving the rest back into her belt. Then she gently pressed you down to the ground at her feet.
“This is the part where I get to monologue,” she said, winking down at you. “Do your best to look helpless and make sure your severe burns thing is showing. I wanna see if he can prioritize rescuing you over my trash talk.”
A soft groan escaped you. Fat chance. Bakugou was the most foul tempered little shit you had ever met, and while it was true that his single-minded focus on winning the bet meant he was tolerant enough to be doing this exercise in the first place, you highly doubted he was going to hesitate if Mina was pushing his buttons as expertly as she usually did.
The chance to find out came soon enough. There was a strangled kind of yelp and a crackle of lightning followed a thunderous boom a few blocks away as Bakugou presumably rendered Kaminari’s perimeter defense useless. Then with another screaming explosion, he was rocketing over the buildings separating you, barrelling straight down on Mina.
Mina threw up another acid shield that hardened into a defensive wall. Bakugou’s first attack cracked it but didn’t manage to penetrate. There was barely a breath between the cracking and another explosion, however, and then the wall exploded inwards in a crackling shower of fizzing pieces. Mina crouched over you, breathing excitedly, “This is the fun part!”
Whatever reply you might have given her was drowned out by an angry series of hissing snaps from Bakugou’s palm as he stalked closer to you. The right half of his shirt had been singed off by lightning, it looked like, and a fine veneer of dust layered in his hair and on patches of his skin. It was just a training simulation, but he looked half-wild, teeth bared and eyes bright over the ash on his face. If he looked nearly this intense in real life situations, it was a wonder that anyone would agree to be evacuated by him at all.
Maybe that’s why he sucked at rescues.
“It’s fucking over, raccoon eyes,” he said. “Hand her over.”
Mina laughed, a delicate sound like bells. “Not another step closer, hero, or I’ll melt a hole straight through her pretty neck.”
You twitched away from her minutely. God she was terrifying.
“Quit it with the fucking villain act, fuckwad, or I’ll blow you all the way to hell,” Bakugou growled.
Mina reached for your arm, pulling you up next to her. “Hmm, then I hope your aim is good. She’s already got one set of severe burns.”
Bakugou’s crimson gaze cut down to your shoulder and the displeased twist to his mouth deepened. “Fucking--of course you got yourself fucking injured. Fucking idiot.”
“Hey,” you protested, shifting against the band. “I’m not actually.”
Mina kicked you. “Moments to live, this one. Unless you can pull a healing quirk out of those glorious buttcheeks of yours.”
You choked on your own spit while Bakugou snarled. “I’m gonna fucking remember this, you strawberry fuck.”
“Maybe. But she won’t,” Mina said, and suddenly there was a rosy palm in front of your face, dripping acid. A drop landed deliberately on the fold of the training pants she’d lent you, searing straight through with a loud hiss. Your heartbeat spiked in violent alarm. You reeled back, but Mina was still crouched over you, and you banged into her collarbone.
In the next second, everything went to shit. Something searing hot blazed just over your shoulder and Mina swore, jerking back from you in the blink of an eye. There was a deafening crack and a rush of burning air over you as Bakugou let loose an explosion at the same time he seized your ankle and pulled you straight underneath where he’d aimed the blast, missing you by inches.
“What the fuck,” you gasped. Bakugou grunted, and yanked harder, pulling you straight to him.
“Quit being such a fucking princess,” he growled, shifting an arm underneath you. You froze, suddenly wishing that his explosion had managed to hit you, searing off every nerve ending.
“What are you doing?” you demanded, sputtering in alarm when he hoisted you against him. You could feel every place your body touched his, and smell the sharp gunpowder and sugar scent of his sweat. He hooked his arm firmly around your waist, glaring down at you with one baleful red eye.
“Fuckstick gave you a dislocated ankle so I would have to fight her off with one fucking arm and carry you with the other,” he bit out, whirling when a stream of acid came hissing your way.
You gripped at his shirt, swearing. “Oh my god. What the hell is she doing, aiming for me? This is a simulation! Also, I can walk.”
He grunted. “You can shut the fuck up is what you can do.”
He executed another agile dodge, pulling you with him. “Now hold on, princess, this is gonna be a rough ride with one arm.”
You didn’t have time to ask him what the hell he was on about. He aimed a shot over your shoulder, the heat simmering and boiling in the air next to your ear, and you heard the impact of Mina hitting the pavement behind you. In the next second, Bakugou tightened his arm around you, and aimed a palm for the ground.
The next thing you were aware of was a strangled screaming sound. It took a second for you to realize the mortifying noise was coming from you. But in your defense, Bakugou had literally blasted the two of you clear above the alleyway. You could see the wreckage from Bakugou’s scuffle with Kaminari, and Mina scrambling to her feet, much smaller and further away that you were comfortable with. Your hands fisted in his shirt and you nearly decapitated him with the force with which you shoved your face into his shoulder.
Even with your eyes closed, you could tell Bakugou hadn’t been kidding about the rough ride. Another blast from his palm jerked you sharply to the right, and he uttered a soft swear.
“Hold tight, nerd,” he said in your ear. There was a series of more explosions and you spun violently in the opposite direction. You went careening over a low roof top to land heavily on the pavement, Bakugou twisting at the last second to take the initial impact to his shoulder, rolling over you to distribute the momentum.
You rolled twice more, eventually stopping with his hard body under yours, your face jammed unpleasantly into his shoulder, his arms bracketing your sides. One of his hands was fisted in the back of your shirt, and a tuft of blonde hair brushed your cheek.
He let out a huff. “If you ever let her put the fucking dislocation band on you again, I’ll melt your damn laptop.”
You pulled back from him, hissing into his face. “If you dare, I'll--”
“The fuck you gonna do, nerd?” he demanded, sitting up. Straight into you.
You gripped his shirt so as not to fall right off of him, widening your knees for balance. Then you froze when you realized he was pressed against you everywhere, hard muscle and the heat of his skin bleeding through your training clothes. He was hot like a furnace, ashy and dust-streaked like one too, and his eyes glowed like banked coals. He gazed back at you, his mouth setting with some kind of a challenge.
Then those red eyes trailed slowly and deliberately down your face, stopping right on your mouth. His fingers tightened in the back of your shirt.
You couldn’t help your sharp inhale. Holy shit, was he...going to kiss you?
You sat frozen, locked in place, neither willing or able to move away, like you were being pulled towards him like some kind of magnet. Was he really going to do it? Was he really going to kiss you? Or, no...were you going to kiss him?
You could, you thought hysterically. That’s what it felt like, watching him breathe shallowly, eyes fixed on your mouth. You could kiss him and he would let you.
Had that been what all the your little crush on me shit had been about? Had he been torturing you not because he’d noted the way your eyes lingered over him, but because it was something he’d wanted to happen? Had that been what all the threats were for, what the crowding you against walls and the frigging coffee had been about? When Mina had said he’d been fixated on you, did she actually mean it less like revenge and more like actual attraction?
You let out a shaky breath. Only one way to find out, you thought wildly, leaning forward with your pulse singing in your veins.
And then an explosion rocked the foundations of the building, throwing you forward against Bakugou’s chest. You gasped, the breath knocked out of you, and whipped around to glare at his free hand in accusation. Bakugou pulled you back, however, a hard looking passing over his face.
It was only seconds before Mina and Kaminari came scrambling out of the maze of training buildings, looking worried. Kaminari was already crackling with static, agitated whips of lighting zipping across his skin. Bakugou's palm started to grow hotter against your back.
His next words threw the situation into sharp clarity.
“That wasn’t from a training room.”
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tangerinemoon · 4 years ago
Something Wonderful
A/N: I wrote a self indulgent fic based on a musical because I have no self control. This is also the 3rd time I've attempted to write a fic like this, and this is the first time I've actually enjoyed it! 18+ DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!
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warnings: angst, smut, more angst, language, blatant references to the last five years
word count: 2860
Part of the Bakguo Birthday Bash server collab hosted by  @jodrawssmut @phasmwrites @katsukikitten @bakugotrashpanda @lady-bakuhoe and @ramen-rambles 
Event Masterlist Here
Five Years
The door slammed shut, a loud bag echoing throughout the apartment. Pictures on the wall shaking from the force of it, one of them crashing to the ground, the glass of the frame cracking. Emotions swelled up inside of you, threatening to spill over, to crack as well. 
You had told yourself in the beginning that a relationship with a Pro Hero would be hard, especially with someone considered the number two hero. He had assured you that you’d be fine, that the two of you could do it. Somewhere down the line you’d realized he’d been wrong, that you were both lying to yourselves. A fleeting thought in your mind wondering if you chased after him, would it magically make everything back to the way it was? Maybe if you tried more. Maybe if he communicated better.
“Maybe” doesn’t change a thing. It doesn’t turn back time to allow for do-overs. It doesn’t take back the words you said and the actions he made.
“You walk out that door, Katsuki, you’re walking out on us, so don’t bother coming back.”
A sob racked through your chest, as you pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes. You’d given him the invitation to leave and he took it. The truth was, it had been over long before that door slammed, before the argument that led to it. Both of you knew it, but only now you could admit it to yourself. You couldn’t paint your life with lies because you wanted it to work so badly. 
It started it out with small arguments. Frustrations bubbling over and spilling out. While Bakugo’s Pro Hero career had taken off, landing him quickly in the Number Two spot. Your career seemed to fall deeper and deeper into the cracks. It wasn’t that you were mad at Bakugo for saving lives and helping people. No, you were so unbelievably proud of him. That didn’t stop anxiety and self doubt creeping in after every failed audition as you watched the world fall more and more in love with him. There was no comparing your work to Bakugo’s. There was no comparing hero work to acting. They were two different worlds. In the beginning you were both so supportive of each other, but as time went on, Bakugo was coming home less and less. Which should be fine, he’s out saving the world. It’d be selfish to be upset over that. But hero work wasn’t just saving the city and catching villains. It was public events, parties, galas, meet and greets. Things you weren’t always invited to. Things he started picking over you. It was part of the sacrifice. He wanted to be the best, and the things apparently helped him become the best. But did that mean you had to be left behind? The last event you accompanied him to, he had been swept up by a swarm of people, leaving you alone at a table the whole night. With every time he was gone, self doubt would crawl into your mind and you couldn’t help but really wonder if you were still a part of his life. 
Tonight was no different. Another event, another party, another time to get dressed up and sit alone in the corner all night. Watching as reporters, heroes, and fans alike fawned over him. You had told him that you wanted to stay in, he told you that he had to go. 
“It’s not even your party, Katsuki!” you had said, “can’t we just stay in? Your whole pro hero career isn’t going to fall apart because you bailed one party. I don’t want to go, please. ” 
One thing led to another, and soon you were in a full blown screaming match in the main room as he continued to get ready. It seemed like all you did was fight now when you saw each other. About his job, about your job, about nothing, until finally one of you cracked. 
“Although you’ve made it clear that you’re not going, I’m still going, okay?” he clenched his fists, back turned to you as he spoke, “I’m not going to pause my career because yours is failing!” 
With that you told him to leave. After everything was said and done: Bakugo left. 
The life you’d built together was done. It felt like all you could do now was cry. Cry until you could pick yourself back up and try to put yourself back together. Sitting alone in the apartment that served as nothing but a bombshell of your five year relationship. 
You don’t know how long you were sitting there. It felt like maybe hours had gone by. Every time you thought you were done crying, a new fresher wave of tears came barrelling down your cheeks. It was starting to feel cathartic, to release every emotion that’d been stirring up inside of you. Eventually you pulled yourself up off the floor. Walking around the apartment now felt like walking in a stranger's home. You made your way to the bedroom, the room that once felt like a safe haven for the two of you, but now served as a cruel reminder by how empty it’d felt. Empty long before he walked out that door. 
You sat down at the edge of the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. In a few moments you would clean out your things from the closet and dresser. Taking any and all that you could with you, before calling a friend and seeing if you could stay with them. For now you’ll let the weight of the situation sink in just a little longer.
Your relationship was over. Gone. Somewhere along the way, something wonderful died. 
First Year
You’d met at a bar. He was out celebrating his birthday with some friends, while you had been dragged out by your roommate and their friends. It seemed like neither one of you wanted to be there, and by chance you both ended up sitting next to each other at the bar top avoiding your respected friend groups. He was hard not to notice, tall with messy blonde hair and bright vermillion, his arms flexing under his tight black shirt. You hit it off surprisingly well.
“I’m Bakugo Katsuki.” 
His name came out more like a grunt than an introduction, but you smiled nonetheless. You introduced yourself, and soon you found  yourselves spending most of the night together. He told you that he was a hero, on his way to becoming the best pro hero in japan. You told him you were an actress, and though you didn’t know if you were going to be the best, you just wanted to be good.
“You’re gonna be the best damn actress. Number One.”
His bluntness wasn’t something you were used to. He wasn’t trying to smooze up to you, buy you a drink and try and get into your pants with stupid one liners. Sure he was a little gruff but that’s what kind of made him so nice to talk to. At the end of the night you still went home with him…
The bedroom door shot open, Bakugo using one hand to keep you pressed against him while the other reached out behind him to slam it shut. Your shirt was long gone left somewhere between his front door and the hallway, along with his shirt and jeans. Bakugo pushed you down onto the bed, pullining is lips from yours. He stared down at you, placing a hand softly on your cheek, a stark contrast to the rough feverish kisses you had been sharing only moments ago. You nipped playfully at his thumb then lightly bated his hand away. You pulled him towards you by his, coming face to face with the prominent bulge in is black boxer briefs. You tugged them down, his cock springing free from the confines. He was big, very. Not too long but incredibly thick, with two prominent veins running along the shaft. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, your thighs clenching. 
Bakugo let out a quiet grunt, placing a hand at the back of your head. He didn’t push, waiting for you to move first. You took him in your hand, giving his cock a few firm strokes before leaning down and tentatively giving the head a lick. His hand tightened around the back of your head, a deep groan coming from the back of his throat. You took that as the go ahead, guiding him into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around the tip, your hand continuing to stroke what wasn’t in your mouth. You took him further into your mouth, sinking in about halfway before pulling back and sinking back down again. Bakugo’s hand guided you in a steady rhythm, cursing everytime you would take him fully in. 
“Ah, fuck baby. Yeah that’s it, fuck...just like that.” jis eyes fluttered shut, his head rolling back on his shoulders. 
You pulled back, wrapping your lips around the head and giving a firm suck, then pulling off completely. You sat back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and staring up at Bakugo. He stared back down at you, chest heaving and face flushed. 
Then he was on you in an instant, lips crashing against yours as he pushed you back onto the center of his bed. His hands were everywhere, gripping your hips, squeezing your thighs, finding their way around you back to the clasp of your bra. His hands fumbled only for a moment before you felt the cups loosen around your chest. You helped him pull it off, you skirt following soon after. His hands found their way to your chest, giving your breasts a firm squeeze. You moaned against his lips as he continued to massage your boobs, as he pulled away from your mouth, continuing his assault down your neck. He nipped at your pulse point, at the same time he flicked thumb against your right nipple, causing your eyes to roll sut with a soft moan. 
“Bakugo..” you whined. 
“Katsuki.” he whispered gruffly in your ear. 
“Hm?” you pulled back slightly, catching his gaze. 
“Call me Katsuki.” he spoke quietly, almost like he didn’t want anyone else to hear. You nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss. 
You stayed like that for a moment, just kissing and holding each other, Eventually, Bakugo’s hands started moving again. The tips of his finger grazed the hem of your panties, dipping in before pulling back. You whined, hips rolling into his touch, desperate for some kind of friction. He chuckled, fingers tracing along the sides of your hips then wrapping around the elastic and tugging them down in one swift movement. The fabric pooled around your ankles and you kicked them off, your panties landing somewhere off the side of the bed. Bakugo shifted his weight onto one hand, the other drifting to the space between your legs. The pads of his fingers were rough and calloused, different from his surprisingly soft touch. He traced down your slit circling arond yor entrance then grazing backup. His middle finger brushed against your clit and you let out a high pitched moan. He smirked , tapping his finger against the swollen nub. He began to rub firm circles against your clit and his lips slowly made their way down your chest. His lips latched onto your nipple as his fingers picked up speed. Your stomach tightened, you were panting and your skin felt so hot, Your senses were overwhelmed, the only thing keeping you grounded was him. He pulled off your chest, his lips continuing their trail down your torso. He nipped at your hip bones His tongue tracing along the skin in a pattern you could only assume was his name. It was all too much, yet not enough. You threaded your fingers in his hair, bringing him back up to meet your gaze.
“I need you insead me, now.” you panted,
Bakugo chuckled, “Easy there, princess.”
He reached over to the drawer in his nightstand, fumbling around until he pulled out a foil packet. He tore it open with his teeth, tossing the wrapper on his nightstand to be dealt with later. He pinched the tip of the condom, rolling it onto his length. Once the condom was secure, he settled back between your thighs, lifting one of your legs to rest on his hip. 
“You still good?”  he asked. You smiled up at him, nodding your head. Bakugo nodded in return then slowly pushed himself inside. He went slowly, stopping once he was in to let you adjust. You wrapped your other leg around his waist, giving him the ok to move. 
He didn’t hold back, pulling out and thrusting back in hard. His pace was unrelenting, in the absolute best way. He had your back arching and toe curling. Your nails raked down his back, nails digging into his shoulders, leaving crescent moons in their wake.
“God, yes Katsuki! Don’t stop!” you cried out. You didn’t care if his neighbors heard. Afterall it was technically his birthday and he deserved to know if he was doing a good job. 
“That’s it princess, say my name. Let everyone in the building now whose fuking you this good” Bakugo groaned. He shifted up onto his knees, holding your thighs even tighter around his waist. The new angle allowing him to thrust in even deeper into you, the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot everytime. You threw your head back, a load gasp falling from your lips.His hand snaked up your thigh to your clit, resuming rubbing harsh circles against it. Your abdomen tightening, you were close, and he knew it.
“Fuck  baby, I can feel you squeezing my cock. You’re close aren’t you? Come on princess, come all over my cock. Be a good girl and come for me.” 
Like his words held some kind of magic, you wall clenched around him and you came. Crying his name out. With a few more harsh thrusts, Bakugo followed soon after. His head thrown back as he came with a loud groan, his fingers digging into your thighs hard enough to leave bruises. Not that you cared. If he could make you come like that he could mark up your entire body if he wanted to. 
You both stayed there for a moment, the room quiet except for the sounds of panting. After a minute, Bakugo pulled out with a sharp hiss. Your legs fell limply at his sides as he got up to dispose of the condom in a trash can under the desk in the corner. You sat up, looking around for your bra and panties.
“Here” Bakugo grunted, tossing something onto the bed next to you. You looked down to see it was a grey t-shirt, his shirt. 
“Bathroom is the first door on the left,” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, towards the door. 
You were shocked for a moment, fully ready to call a cab and do the walk of shame home. Not expecting him to ask you to spend the night. You slipped the shirt over your head, thanking him before slipping out the door. You didn’t spend long in there, cleaning up and then heading back to the bedroom. When you walked back in, Bakugo was already in bed with the bedside light on. One arm propped behind his head while he scrolled through his phone with the other. When he heard you come in, he looked up, quickly setting the phone down. 
“Hey.” you greeted, making your way over to the otherside of the bed, crawling under the covers. Bakugo didn’t say anything at first, almost as if he was trying to rack his brain for what he wanted to say next. 
“You like breakfast, right?”
You were taken aback slightly by his tone, he seemed almost nervous. Was this the same Bakugo who just fucked your brains out?
“Yeah, I like breakfast.”
Bakugo nodded at your answer, that being enough for him. Reaching over to the nightstand to turn the light off. 
“Goodnight, Katsuki.”
You settled into the covers, almost a little unsure of yourself. You were about to turn over, when you felt Bakugo lightly grab your arm. He pulled you towards him, wrapping an arm around you and laying your head on his chest. You smiled softly, curling into him and getting comfortable, bidding him goodnight one more time. 
True to his word, Bakugo took you out for breakfast the next day. After which he asked for your number. And when you kissed him goodbye in his car after he dropped you off at your place you couldn’t help but think that every moment spent with him was something wonderful.
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uwuwriting · 4 years ago
What did I miss? w/ Hawks and Dabi
Request: Okay so hear me out: Hawks’ and Dabi’s s/o (as separate headcanons, or you can just choose one) is also a pro hero/villain and the lads think she died or something and they just become enraged and they’re so distressed (and the ending is soft because she’s okay and maybe they cry) I love your writing, I hope you have a nice day! -🐍
Lol I had a similar request some time ago for our younger boys which I never got around to doing because I’m bad at fulfilling requests and following orders lol. This will be both hilarious and angsty. Well hilarious if you have my sense of humour otherwise I’ll have to add cricket sounds. Okay maybe its not that funny but oh well, it didn’t make me cry at least. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: angst and fluff, mentions of injury and death, swearing. 
Hawks/ Keigo Takami 
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-Having two winged heroes on patrol always kinda led to disaster. 
-You both would race each other to your randevouz points or you would mock each other about your wing span. 
- “You know what they say about your wing span? The bigger the wings well....the bigger the assets.” 
-You had bigger wings then him just for a few centimeters but you rubbed it in his face all the time. 
- “Why am I in love with you again?” 
-It really bothers him bc you keep saying he has a smaller dick than you....and you don’t have a dick so.....yeah....anyways. 
-You were on patrol once again, goofing around on a rooftop.
 -It was late at night and you could be a little more handsy since there were’t many possibilities someone could walk in on you. 
-Keeping your relationship a secret is hard and baby can keep his hands to himself for so long until he breaks. 
-Suddenly out of nowhere you started hearing screams and cries for help. 
-Keigo didn’t even get a chance to say anything before you were flying towards the building that was on FIRE. 
-Dashing right after you he entered the building nad he was half expecting to see you there in the entrance, but he saw no one, only a large chunk of flaming wood etched into the mahogony floor. 
-His mind immediately went to the worst scenario possible; it was like he couldn’t control his own thoughts.
-But right then, when his panic was beginning to surface, he heard you calling out for him. 
-The rescue of the residents took around half an hour and it got harder and harder as time went on. 
-The fire was getting out of control and was getting harder to locate everyone.
 -One apartment was left in the end and you could here crying coming from inside. 
-The fire was basically licking at your boots at this point but you weren’t about to let someone burn. 
- “Get those last two outside and I’ll meet you at the rooftop across the street.” 
- “Y/N-”
- “Keigo GO! I promise I’ll meet you outside.” 
-And that was the last thing he heard from you that night. 
-He did as he was told, he got the last two people out of the building and soon after them a toddler was carried out of the building. 
-He waited for you to come out next but you never came. 
-The flames licked at the sky, their tips seeming to be touching the moon. 
-The roof collapsed in on itself making the rescue teams to back away as they looked in horror as the whole flat came crumbling down. 
-HE doesn’t remember much from that night. 
-He knows he went back inside or at least tried to get past the debris. 
-He remembers seeing the color of your wings, that beautiful white, peeking out from under a fallen beam. 
-He remembers the upper floor almost crashing him as he tried to get you out and then nothing. 
-He woke up in a hospital bed, dressed in one of those white robes his whole body screaming at him not to move. 
-If he was being honest he forgot for a moment the events of the previous night and he was expecting to find you sleeping on the chair next to his bed, your hand in his just like you had done so many times before. 
-But you weren’t there and then everything came pouring in. 
-Frantically he got up and he reached for the door, yanking it open and coming face to face with a doctor. 
- “Where is she?” 
- “Sir you should be in bed, you injuries-” 
- “goddammit WHERE IS SHE?”
-His outburst had attracted some of the nurses but he couldn’t care less about his image right now. 
-Where you gone? But he remembers getting you out from under those fallen stairs. Maybe you were already dead when he reached you. 
-No no no you had promised ot find him outside, you had told him so. That’s why he left, that’s why he did as you said. What was he supposed to do now? Without you here what is he supposed to do?
-Everything was muffled out, the ringing in his ears being to loud to allow him to focus on anything else. 
-His breaths came out shallow as his head swam with thoughts. 
-You couldn’t be gone you just couldn’t he had so much he wanted to do with you, so many things planned you couldn’t-
- “Keigo?”
-He turned around slowly. 
-At first he thought he was dreaming, your voice always seemed to soothe him when he was destressed. 
-But then his eyes landed on you all bandaged up and sporting crutches. 
-You were hurt but you were alive, you were here, you were alright.
- “What did I miss birdbrain?”
-He launched himself at you bringing you flush to his chest as he silently cried. 
-He let a few I love yous slip past his lips before you both entered the privacy of his hospital room. 
-Neither of you spoke for a long time. 
-You just held each other as tightly as your stitches would allow before letting all the tears fall. 
- “I’m here, we’re alright.”
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-You had been sent out on a mission on your own. 
-Dabi had tried to convince Shiggy to let him go with you but he refused. 
- “I’m not sending you on this one with her. She is the best suited for this job and I’m not letting you mess it up just for your fuck buddy.”
-Shiggy really knows how to push Dabis’ buttons and if you ask me Dabi makes it easy at times. 
-They were a pain in the ass. 
-I mean you are going out on a mission let a girl get prepared in peace.
-Before they could set each other on fire and then dissolve into dust you dragged Dabi away telling Shiggy that you would be going soon. 
- “Really Dabi at times I doubt if you trust me at all.” 
- “It’s not that I don’t trust you dumbass. I just dontwantyoutogethurt.”
-Legit you didn’t hear anything he said but you had an inkling.
- “Oh what was that?”
- “I’m not saying it again.”
- “Here I am going out on a dangerous mission and you won’t even grant me one wish...how cruel.”
-He ended up saying it again but really really begrudgingly. 
- “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?” 
-You kissed his nose then his lips and let out a small I love you before heading down to the bar and getting the last info from Kurogiri. 
-Now Dabi likes to see himself as a very heartless and stone cold individual. 
-But you always were the exception to his behaviors so he couldn’t help but admit that he was worried. 
-The mission was supposed to take three days plus one for you to return. 
-It was still day two and he was ready to pull his hair out. 
-But he promised you that he wouldn’t go out to search for you unless you have been gone for a week or more. 
-So he just waited in agony.
-The moment though that you weren’t back in a week as you said you would be he went into a silent panic. 
-He wanted to be nonchalant about it at first, just casually bringing up your whereabouts in convos with the league or asking Kurogiri of any mission reports from your end. 
-Always came up with nothing. 
-They had lost track of you two days ago and your last contact was yesterday. 
-Now he was sure going to come after you. 
-And no one could stop him. 
-He knew you were strong and that you could handle yourself better than anyone in the league but he couldn’t stop himself from going after you. 
-He had learned from Shiggy that the group you had targeted had a soft spot for torture if they caught someone in their territory.
-His mind of course went first to the worst case scenario, his pessimistc nature getting the better of him as flashes of you hurt on the floor of some basement ran throough his head.  
-It didn’t take him long to reach your randevouz spot, mainly bc he was driving around Tokyo like a maniac. 
-He entered the small house that was marked as you target and the first thing he was met with was blood. 
-It was on the walls and on the floor and he couldn’t tell if this was yours or it was someone elses. 
-Then he heard suffling from a closet nearby. 
-It was a low scratching noise coming from the closet in the far back. 
-He slowly approached it, his left arm letting small blue flames lick his fingertips as he opened the door. 
-And then his heart dropped. 
-Tumbling out of the closets’ interior was you, bloddied and bruised your arms barely keeping you propped up as you landed on the floor. 
-He didn’t miss a beat. 
-He scooped you up, moving stray hairs from your eyes as you barely kept them open.
-Your lip was split and you had a huge bruise right under your left eye. 
- “Hey there baby.”
- “What the fuck happened Y/N?”
-You cringed as he moved his arms under your back, the pain being too much even for you. 
- “They were waiting for me. I sent a message to Shiggy saying that I was coming back but he insisted I finish this. I managed to kill the leader but some of his rookies got to me.”
-He didn’t take you to the hideout. 
-Oh no.
-If he had done that then there would be no Shiggy to lead them and there would’ve been a large fire in that area. 
-He rented a room in a nearby motel. 
-He let you rest while he went out and got you some disinfectants and bandages. 
-Really when he was cleaning you up, if his tear ducts worked properly he would’ve cried. 
-You woke up at some point while he was finishing up and you could feel his trembling and his silent sobs. 
-You wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him as much as you could as you let your tears wet his t-shirt. 
-His hands went up and down your sides and back, pulling you into his lap as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
- “I’m alright, see? That’s my heart beat.” 
-You placed one of his palms over your heart in hopes that the subtle thud would calm him down. 
-He really loves you and he won’t let anything happen to you ever again. 
-Even if it kills him. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​
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ihatebnha · 4 years ago
todoroki + inasa
You are the luckiest girl in the world.
You must be. You have to be. 
You hadn’t meant to catch two of them at once. You didn’t even think that one of them would want to stick around. Not with a civilian, at least, so below a Pro Hero’s class that it’s not even funny. 
And yet, as you have long come to accept, both men, born of money, power, status, of refined tastes and the ability to have anything they could ever want, chose you to smother with affection.
You were shy at first, dancing around Shoto Todoroki’s attempts at taking you out, constantly keeping a hand on you, making sure your dresses sat right and that your hair was pinned correctly… because at the same time, you were also seeing Inasa Yoarashi, who would often try to overshadow Todoroki’s affection and care with the demand that you take a break from being someone’s show pony to sit on his lap and smother his face with pink chapstick kisses, meeting your lips every so often to give you tongue whenever he thought your attention was... elsewhere. 
Both of them are needy for your affection, attention, anything… Desperate to love you the way that they wish they were, taken care of, unconcerned, such that they are now show-offs; the both of them always competing with each other for you to the point where you finally had to make the agreement you barely managed to work out between the three of you months ago.
They’d give you anything, everything you could ever want, if you only gave them your love. 
And in your stupor, overwhelmed by gifts and kisses and the devotion of two attractive boys who wanted nothing more than to make you the happiest girl in the world, you found yourself unable to decide, saying that you wanted them both. 
And since it was you, since it was love, they had agreed to share.  
Inasa yoarashi has the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. Inasa Yoarashi is the biggest dick you’ve ever taken. 
And it’s currently shoved so far down your throat you’re sure you’ll be coughing up cum for a week. 
You watch as his heavy chest heaves from where you kneel below him, your pretty, hickey-covered tits on display as you gag on his cock, one of his big hands resting on the back of your head, helping to steady your up and down bobbing as you do your best to give him the best blowie he’s ever had in his life. 
His grin is wide, primal, eyes glazed over as he watches you take him, nose pressing into the knuckles of your hand as you attempt to stroke what your mouth cannot reach. 
You are gorgeous, small compared to him, as practically everyone is, and he is delighted, enraptured at the sigh of you below him...
However, he is not the only one looking at you with hungry, impatient eyes, as the moment is ruined by a soft voice and even softer eyes. 
“Move over,” says Todoroki, contrasting the loud lilt of Inasa’s own voice, a deep whine escaping his lips when you pull yourself off of his cock to flutter your eyelashes in Todoroki’s direction. You watch as he moves to take a spot at Inasa’s side, the hand that’s gripping the shaft of his aching cock telling you that he’s absolutely sick of waiting for his turn. 
Though his dick is smaller, it’s not by much, and you can’t help but reach out to replace his hand with your own, giving his length a few pumps at least to prepare him for your mouth. 
When you do start to take him, kissing his shaft before moving to suckle the tip, it’s not long before he’s hitting the back of your throat over and over, all the time you spent sucking off Inasa having prepared you for this moment.  
And Todoroki can’t help but sigh, using one of his hands to smooth back your hair gently as Inasa desperately rubs the tip of his cock across your cheek while you work him, his large hand having moved from the back of your head to get himself off in the absence of your mouth. 
“Baby,” he coos. “Look at me.” 
He is almost desperate, always in the way he begs for your attention, as if one day Todoroki will steal you away for himself and never let him see you again, despite the fact that he never wants to make you sad and you love Inasa, too. 
Though you’re still working Todoroki’s cock, you meet Inasa’s eyes, your crows feet wrinkling as you smile up at him in an attempt to soothe the aching pain of missing your mouth around his cock. 
Todoroki, though ever the patient soldier, isn’t fond of your attention being elsewhere, at least in a moment of intimacy such as this, and he can’t help but puff up his chest. 
“You’re distracting,” he complains, glaring at the ever-widening smirk that Inasa has on his face for stealing away your attention, before suddenly pulling out of your mouth with a pop. 
Confused and panting, you knit your eyebrows together, before the hand Todoroki laid on your head moves to cup your jaw, his thumb smoothing over your bottom lip. 
“Tongue out.” 
Immediately you obey, letting the wet muscle dip past the curve of your lips, and it’s almost instantly that Todoroki presses his hips closer to your face, using the opportunity to slap his cock against your tongue, watching as your eyes roll back and drool drips down your chin. 
“Pretty girl,” he coos sweetly, enjoying the warmth of your hands on his thighs while he savors the fleeting bits of your attention, aware of the way Inasa has started reaching out for your face again, as well. 
“Back to me,” he says, almost dragging you away from Todoroki, your vision now blurred from the whiplash that comes with pleasing both of them. 
With your tongue still out, you only hear the way he hawks before he’s leaning down and squishing your cheeks together. Letting a glob of spit drip from his mouth into yours, he watches as it bubbles in the back of your throat until he’s pressing his tongue against yours and letting your spit mix in an attempt to french you feverishly. 
Though one might say that they’re too much, their hands and lips too bruising, their cocks too big to constantly be stuffed down your throat, and that nobody needs to be spoiled with the amount of money and power they spoil you with, you can’t help but feel so loved. 
Especially when, after romantic escapades such as this one, Inasa always kisses the cum off your lips and Todoroki tucks you into bed. 
“I like the pink one.”
Todoroki stands next to you in front of one of the luxury store’s well-polished shelves, watching as you worry your lip between your teeth, glancing back and forth between two designer bags. 
“Why don’t we just get both,” Inasa says from behind you, fiddling with the tiny smartphone in his hands, stretched out on the white plush of one of the room’s couches, his massive form taking up almost the entire thing. “One from each of us.” 
You nod, slowly, turning to glance between their faces, but Todoroki is quick to catch your attention and dip his face to yours in a kiss so as not to let you look at your other boy. 
When he departs, your cheeks warm and his eyes intense, he plucks the pink leather bag off the shelf and plops it in your arms, the decision almost final. 
However, you still can’t help the concerned look you sport. 
“Shoto, it’s just... you got me a new purse last week.” 
As if the air in the room is gone, everything is silenced at your words. 
Todoroki’s eyes slide to your face, but Inasa is even quicker to respond.  
“He did?!” 
Instantly, as if he’s not 6’2 and almost 250 pounds of pure muscle, he’s at your side, thrusting the other little bag in your arms to match Todoroki, who has since crossed his arms at the gesture. 
You can’t help but blush, once again squeezed between the both of them as they glower at each other, knowing that later, when all three of you are back at your apartment, a new purse in each of their arms, you are going to be sore tomorrow. 
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cultgambles · 4 years ago
The Pro Hero Gala
Summary: Your first major outing as Hawks’ S/O turns steamy when his jealousy gets the best of him. 
Warnings:  n s f w ! , semi-public, not really use of pronouns referring to you, but u got a vag
WC: 2.3k!
Masterlist | Requests? open
“(Y/N),” Hawks whined, “We’re gonna be late! I’m sure you’ll look fine.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming! I’m just trying to zip up the back of my dress,” you giggled back. 
“The Number Two can help you with that!” he all but burst into the bathroom, taking in your form. You wore a sparkling red evening gown, with a low back, high leg slit, and dainty nude heels. Hawks whistled, pressing cold fingers against your back, slowly zipping the zipper up. “Got a bit stuck there, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, thank you. You’re my hero,” you sighed sweetly, pecking him on the cheek. His suit was a deep black, so different from his usual tan outfit. His tie was red, almost the same shade as his wings.
“You’re gorgeous in that,” he said, taking your hand to lead you out, “but we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry up.”
“I know, I know. Just a little nervous maybe.”
“Don’t be, they’ll love you.” This was your first time at a Pro Hero Event, of course you were filled with butterflies. You definitely didn’t belong, especially just being a normal citizen. Maybe you’d look just as fancy though? “Stop overthinking, chickadee, just be yourself. Stick by me, and it’ll all be okay. We can sneak out later, if you’re really feeling it.”
“While I would definitely love too, I’m not sure your PR team or fellow heroes would commend that.”
Quietly, a jet black limo pulled up in front of your apartment building and the driver opened the door for the both of you. 
“After you,” Hawks smiled, “Ww would just have to find the perfect time.”
“You just wanna look at my ass, huh?”
“You got me.”
The ride to the event was filled with mindless chatter, soft jazz drifting through the air. Hawks reached out to your clammy hand and gave it a squeeze as you both stepped out of the coach. In an instant, camera flashes blinded your vision, tens of reporters shouting your name for comments. 
“Get outta here, guys, you’re making my baby jealous!” Hawks scolded lightly, a wing covering your frame. Inside was as lavish as you could have imagined, rows of chandeliers, butlers floating around, gold accents everywhere, and of course heroes everywhere. Hawks checked in at the booth, gesturing to you as his plus one.  “C’mon, let’s go say hi to Endeavor.”
You shook your head at his enthusiasm, “One day I’m going to lose you to him.”
“Maybe! But not soon. Not tired of ya yet, kid.”
“Maybe!” you exclaimed in fake shock.
“He got a tight little ass,” Hawks shrugged. “Hey-yo! Endeavor, this is my partner I told you about, [Y/N] [L/N].”
You held your hand out to the fiery man, “Nice to meet you!”
“Likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you, Hawks never stops talking.”
“That’s cute,” you coo to your boyfriend.
“I’m gonna get something at the bar real quick. Want anything?”
“I’m okay, thank you. Well, actually, maybe a martini, please?” Hawks nodded and gave you a quick pat on the head. 
Endeavor was already talking with some of his acquaintances and you were left alone for the time being. Soon enough, some Pro who you didn’t recognize made his way to you. 
He was really laying on the sugar, standing oh so close, his hand ghosting over the curve of your hip. You laughed along, as to not be rude. Little did the two of you know, Hawks could hear every sweet word the man whispered, his feathers puffing up slightly. 
“[Y/N], here, I got it just the way you like it,” he glanced at the other hero, “Hey man, haven’t seen you around before.”
“Oh yes! This is my first event since my debut. Half a year, maybe?”
“Congrats! Hummingbird, I heard Miruko just came in. Wanna go say hi? I know you guys got along.”
“Sure, baby,” you smiled, feeling his bitterness seep through his mask. “Nice talking to you!”
“I leave you alone for less than ten minutes and you’re already cheating on me?!” he huffed, trying to hide a smile.
You sighed dramatically, doing a woe is me pose. “I just can’t keep them at bay!”
“How ya feelin’ for ya first fancy event?”
“Feeling a little better.” After twenty or so minutes more of mingling with everyone, the presenter stands at the podium.
“My Heros, I thank you all for attending this event, hopefully crime will just pause for this evening”--a couple people chuckled softly--“and have a wonderful rest of the evening. Please find your seats! Dinner will be served shortly.”
“Any ideas of what’s for dinner?”
“Not sure, I heard they hired American chefs, though. Where do you wanna sit?”
“Maybe over there?” you asked, pointing to an empty circular table.
“Lead the way, baby,” Hawks replied.
You and Hawks sat next to each other, facing the stage. Rumi across from you, and a couple others you didn’t quite know. As the lights dimmed, a familiar voice rang over your head.
“Mind if I sit here? I can’t believe all the seats were filled by the time I got back from the bathroom.”
“Ah, of course,” you smiled slightly. It was the Pro from before. Hawks huffed under his breath. The bread bowl made its way around the table and you leaned over to Hawks, telling him how much you love sour dough bread. 
“I like sour dough too!” the man next to you loudly said.
“It’s nice, isn’t it,” you agreed. C’mon, just leave me alone. Dinner continued, different groups putting on stage show shorts for entertainment. And with each comment from the stranger, Hawks’ attitude changed a little. His words a little sharper, eyes a little narrower. Of course, this was only noticeable to the trained eye. A spotlight shown on the stage, illuminating a row of women. Their beautiful display of the Thousand Arms Dance almost made you forget about the hand resting on your thigh. 
In two moments, that changed.
Dangerously close to your sex.
Rubbing small circles on the inner side.
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the show?”
“Don’t play coy with me, you whisper yelled. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, songbird,” he purred, fingers prodding your sex through your panties softly. 
“Okay. I see how it is.”
“What ever do you mean? Don’t go ignoring Mr. New Pro over there.”
You looked around at the table, everyone enthralled by the dance. Mr. New Pro was cutting his steak into fifty tiny meticulous pieces. Weird. 
“He’s not even talking to me,” you snorted, “for once.”
“But you like the attention, don’t you?” You choked on your water.
“Hey, [Y/N], look at my meat,” the other hero said, gesturing to his plate. 
Hawks’ eyes twitched. “Need to go right now.”
“Show’s not over, it would be rude!”
“Right now,” he hissed, getting up abruptly and dragging you with him. “Dinner was good, but I really want dessert right now.”
The bright lights of the lobby made your eyes take a while to adjust. A supply closet door left unlocked, now your small haven with your boyfriend. “In there,” you pointed.
“You got great ideas, hummingbird,” Hawks praised, pressing you against the wall and kicking the door shut behind him. He gave you a quick kiss before kneeling between your legs. They rested on his shoulders, fingers digging into your supple thighs. “Be quiet, you don’t want to attract any unnecessary attention, do you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Something about a bunch of Pros seeing you in such a compromising position piqued your interest. 
Hawks attacked your sex, sucking on clit before dragging a tongue along your folds. You threaded a hand through his wild blond hair. Even though you two weren’t dating for a super long amount of time, he was already a master at knowing how to please you. You chalked it up to his keen observation skills. 
His hot mouth brought you so close to your release until he pulled away suddenly. 
“Good girls don’t get to cum until they learn to not flirt with other guys.”
“Barely flirting!” 
“Not what I saw.”
He plunged a finger into your sopping entrance, massaging the spongy patch of flesh that made you throw your head back. 
“What did I say?”
It took you a couple seconds to find the words, to which he pulled his digit out. “No flirting?”
“Close, baby.” Hawks gently placed you on your feet. “Turn around.”
“I wanna see that cute face though,” you pouted. It almost cracked his facade.
“Well, I wanna see your ass pressing against my hips.” You bent slightly, placing your hands on the wall to brace yourself. “That’s it…” you heard his belt buckle come undone, pants dropping to the floor in a heap around his shoes. Hawks’ cold fingers moved your dress to the side, and slowly pulled your silky panties down.
“Glad I wore this dress?”
“You plan it?”
“Didn’t think it would be in the way when we got back home,” you shrugged. “Guess it works for any place, huh?”
Hawks breathed deeply, cock in his hand, running the tip between your ass cheeks. You pushed back, trying to get some friction.
“What are you not supposed to do? Get it right, and I’ll sink into that cute little pussy of yours. Otherwise, we go back to the ballroom, yeah? Dunno if I can handle it though, what, with what’s-his-face all over you.”
“I didn’t catch his name either,” you giggled before clearing your throat, “uhm...you said to not come until you tell me. I’ll be good. I’ll do as you say. Just please--”
“Since you said please,” he hummed, “easy to slide in since you’re so wet for me. Only for me. No one else.”
“Of course!” your walls stretched to accommodate his length. Hawks let out a low groan. “So tight…” 
You let out a high squeak, urging him to go faster. “Birdie, I...I can’t believe we’re doing this here…”
“A certain someone couldn’t wait..”
“I saw you getting pretty antsy too!”
“That little fucker had no business flirting with you right in front of me; and you. You allowed it, egged him on even,” Hawks growled in your ear. 
“Maybe..maybe I wanted a reaction out of you!” your sentence ended with a lit when his tip kissed your cervix.
“Bad move, kid, you know I’m not gonna go easy on ya. When I came back and he was all over you, oooh, I just wanted to kill the bastard. Hero status be damned. When he leaned a little too close at the dinner table, I just wanted to bend you over the table to show him that you’re mine.” Suddenly, Hawks pulled out of you, flipping you around to face him. “Look at me, beautiful.”
You struggled to open your eyes, Hawks’ pinprick eyes trained on your own. They were honestly set ablaze.
He looked beautiful like this: hair more tousled than usual, a bead of sweat on his temple, mouth panting and parted open. “Whatcha lookin’ at baby bird?”
“Just you,” you sighed contentedly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a searing kiss.
You heard his wings ruffle, and his hips slammed into yours at a more fervent pace. Mmmffmmm, came out of your mouth. “I’m--close!”
Jealousy forgotten for the moment, Hawks nodded against the nape of your neck. “Hold on a lil longer. Can you do that for me? Wanna countdown?” he cooed.
“Y--yeah, okay,” your legs squeezed his body to yours impossibly tighter. 
“Five,” he moaned. At least he didn’t start at ten, that would have been an eternity.
When four came around, you ran your hands on his feathers close to his back.
Three. Almost there.
Two, and it’s so close to one. You felt like you’re almost going to vomit, but in a good way. A tightening just about to unravel.
“One, look down at me ravaging this pussy. No one else can do it as well as me, don’t cha know?” Hawks snarled. 
You peeked at where the two of you became one, his hand snaking around to rub at your clit.
“Hawks! Coming, I’m coming,” you moaned, his name falling off your tongue like a prayer. You briefly wondered when he would tell you his real name, but quickly coming to this moment when he spoke.
“Sing me my favorite song, songbird. You know I love to hear it!” His hips stuttered, wings flaring out (you loved that part) as he came, hot cum shooting out into your waiting entrance. Your pussy milked the rest out desperately as you both felt the aftermaths of your highs. He rested his forehead against yours. “I just wanna stay here.”
“In this closet?”
“No, dingus, with you,” he rolled his eyes, pulling out of you gently. “Round two back home?”
“Maybe nail me in the sky or something,” you suggested, pulling your panties up and shifting your dress around.
“Don’t tempt me,” he smirked, picking you up bridal style. He managed to fly out without being seen, and the both of you looked upon a sea of shining lights.
“I’m jealous you get this view every day.”
“It’s better with you, though,” he smiled softly.
“What is it?
“You’re hard again? Already?”
Hawks let out his beautiful laugh and you snuggled closer into his chest. “Can’t blame me that my baby bird just put that idea in my head!”
👉👈 hi this is my first smut since a lil while so hope you enjoyed it! Maybe tell me what you thought?
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years ago
Request: Hello! Congrats on the 2k. Can I please have prompt 43 from choice 4 with Shoto for the 2k event? Thank you very much!
Hello nonny. 😊 Thank you so much. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for Todoroki so I hope you like to. 🥺❤️
Pent Up Tension || {NSFW} Todoroki x Reader
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Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, language, friends to lovers
Word Count: 1.7k
You saw the pro-hero running through all the chaos as you looked on. You couldn’t help but admire how your best friend looked so at ease out there despite the complete mess around him. He blasted villains with ease with a mixture of his flames and ice, perfectly intertwining with each other to make the most treacherous of attacks.
But that was Shoto Todoroki for you. Nothing less than perfection. That’s what he was raised to believe.
Another injured was wheeled up next to you, your eyes unable to be torn away from the scene before you. Another blast of fire made the temperature in the entire area rise, almost feeling like it was burning your skin.
The only thing that brought you out of your trance was the words of you co-worker. “Y/n! Earth to y/n. We have a patient!”
You shook your head as you came back to earth, instantly getting back to work. “Hand me that sterile spray and some gauze.” You reached a hand out as you smiled at the woman on the stretcher. “I need to clean your wound. But it doesn’t look too serious so this should only take a minute.”
Your small words seemed to put her at ease while you got to work, talking small glances up once in a while as you heard screams and praises by the people below.
When everything settled and the last injured was transported to the hospital after their initial field care he finally approached you, something he did after every battle that you were around for.
You had been lucky enough to be one of the only people in Shoto’s life that he had really let in.
You felt the warmth of his left hand on your shoulder and turned around, nearly jumping into his arms. “You did so awesome, Shoto!”
Shoto held you there, letting the hug linger a little longer than he should have. Cameras began to flash everywhere as they focused on the two of you. When he finally let you go he did something he had never done before. Whether it was the cameras or just his adrenaline from his fight, you were unsure, but you didn’t dislike it. A soft kiss was placed to your cheek and he slowly spoke as he walked toward the cameras. “I’ll be right back. Once I’m done with the press you and I can go grab dinner.”
You stood in place, barely able to move. You hand raised to your cheek, covering where he had just pressed his soft lips to your skin. A small smile spread across your cheeks despite the eyes you felt on yourself.
You heard the voice of your co-worker again, breaking you from your trance for the second time today. “Are you and Shoto a thing, Y/n?”
You turned around and raised your hand, waving them off. “No, we’re not. We’re just really good friends.”
The words almost hurt to say, especially after what had just happened, but you fought through it.
Your co-worker laughed and slowly walked away, ready to take off for the day while you stayed behind and watched him.
* * * * * *
Shoto smiled slightly as he reapproached you, wrapping his arm around your waist as he led you away from the remaining crowd of people. “How about we go back to my place and I cook you a nice dinner for your hard work out there today?”
You wanted to laugh at him. Shoto was never this sappy when it came to you. Your confusion was present on your face, but Shoto ignored it. “That sounds good.”
You looked down at your scrubs and realized that you were most definitely not dressed to be going anywhere. Shoto laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, leading you toward his car that was parked in the distance. “Don’t worry about it Y/n. You can borrow some of my clothes and I’ll wash your scrubs before you head back home later.”
You were still unsure of how you had gotten lucky enough to have a best friend like him, but you smiled and agreed, watching as he opened the passenger side door of his car.
The drive to his place was silent as you both took in the scene of what had just happened. It was something that you wouldn’t ever get used to, but you had someone who was always there to help you through it.
As you entered his house you took in the familiarity of it all. He didn’t change it much, the most he might do is move something around the room, but Shoto had never been a huge fan of change.
You took a seat on the couch and waited for him to bring you some clothes, and once they were in your hand you headed to the bathroom to change for the night. You knew that Shoto wouldn’t object to you staying the night, it wouldn’t have been the first time that you did it. He often left you his bed and slept on the couch so that you wouldn’t have to drive home late at night.
As you changed you heard pots and pans banging around in the kitchen as Shoto got to work. You climbed into his clothes and took in the scent of him, it had still been lingering on his clothing even after they had been through the wash.
When you opened the bathroom door you could already smell the food beginning to cook, and seeing Shoto at the stove had you drooling where you stood. You hated how attracted to your best friend you were and you hated that you couldn’t ignore it.
Shoto turned to see you coming toward him. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “I’ll never be able to get used to seeing you in my clothes.” A chuckle filled the kitchen as you walked to the opposite counter and faced him, climbing up onto it and smiling.
Shoto walked toward you and your heart began to beat out of your chest. What was wrong with you? Why were you like this?
His hand slowly reached out and touched the string to his sweatshirt that you wore, tugging slightly to even it out with the other. But once he fixed it, he didn’t back away. You were unsure, but you had thought that he had gotten closer to you. His warm breath touched your cheek and you realized that you had been right.
It wasn’t like Shoto to give in to his urges, but something about seeing you in his clothes was driving him crazy.
His lips slowly approached your own, the temptation to lean forward and press yours to his was about to suffocate you.
With a sudden movement, Shoto pressed his lips to yours, letting them linger as you danced together. His hands grasped your hips and squeezed, pulling you forward on the counter, pressing you into his own.
When your lips parted, you both fought for breath. Shoto nervously exhaled and looked down at your lap. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know wh-”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back to you, not letting him finish his sentence before letting your lips passionately hit him again.
As he pulled his head away you barely made out his words. “You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
You could barely control yourself before, but those words made you want to scream. “Then show me, Shoto.”
His hands grabbed at the bottom of the pair of boxers that he had given to you to wear and pushed them to the side. With haste, his hand slid up the leg, his fingers rubbing against your folds as he found your heat. As he leaned forward he felt the bulge in his pants growing with each passing second, growing painful as he ignored it.
You dropped your head back as bliss immediately began to flow through you, filling all your senses as you tried to keep yourself under control.
Shoto grabbed your chin with his free hand and pulled your face to him, staring with intent as he egged you on. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He removed his hand and placed it in your hair, tugging slightly as he spoke more. “You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to jump you, how long I’ve held it back.”
You grabbed at his belt and couldn’t undo it fast enough, pulling his pants down to expose his erection for you.
“Someone’s impatient.” He smirked as he watched your lustful eyes run down his body. “Better not keep you waiting.”
Shoto grasped his length and pushed the boxers you wore to the side again, lining himself up with your entrance and thrusting into you. As his cock filled you, you threw your head back again. His name left your lips as his hips continued to roll into yours. “F-fuck, Shoto.”
The more moans that came from you the quicker his pace became. His hair dropped into his face, covering his eyes as you slowly pushed it away so you could see him. Determination filled his face as he brought you closer to your orgasm.
The coil in your abdomen threatened to snap as he relentlessly rut his hips into you. He knew you were close so he moved his hand between your thighs, rubbing his fingers against your clit, the perfect mixture of pleasure as the coil inside you finally gave.
Your orgasm shattered the world around you as Shoto leaned forward against you and emptied himself out inside your cunt.
Shoto pressed his forehead to yours and smiled as he caught you staring back. “I’m so glad we finally did that.”
You chuckled and cupped his face into your hands. “I am too, Shoto.”
The sound of water boiling over the pot on the stove brought the two of you back to the real world and caused laughter to erupt from you. Shoto kissed the tip of your nose and smirked. “Maybe we should just order out?”
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @chaoticsimptown @ellechanwrites @bonnisimpparker @impinthecloset @taliyahvermillion @maat-the-prescriptive
306 notes · View notes
satendou · 4 years ago
⟼  roundabout
 next: full circle | ½
⇢ pairing: osamu/reader
⇢ au: aged up!au
⇢ summary:  osamu leaves you and learns the hard way how much you meant to him
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⇥  masterlist
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⇢ warnings: angst, breakups, cheating
⇢ word count: 5794
⇢ a/n: :)
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“You’re telling me,” you said, leaning back against the counter as you stared at Osamu, “that you’re breaking up with me so you can get back with your ex? That’s the gist of this right?”
He looked off to the side, crossing his arms in front of him before nodding. Coward.
From the outside, anyone would think this was just another casual conversation. Dinner simmered on the stove beside you, the smell soured in the wake of his words.
“Look, ’m sorry. I didn’t mean--” he started, still inspecting the floor as if he were expecting it to offer support as he broke your heart, but you snorted, stopping him.
“You know, I don’t really think I wanna hear this. I mean, you didn’t mean to hurt me? Is that it? Miya, you can’t break up with someone for your fucking ex and expect it not to hurt,” you said, and the amusement in your voice shook him.
His usually lazy brown eyes were wide as he watched you turn your back to him, stirring the food before it burnt. You weren’t reacting the way he had thought you would, but then he supposed he hadn’t known what to expect when he came in planning to break up with you. He was ashamed to admit a part of him had hoped for tears, with you begging him to stay. Annoying him would have made it made it so much easier to walk out the door.
But your quiet acceptance was a blow he hadn’t prepared for, and it made him feel even scummier for doing it to you.
And he deserved that.
“You can get your stuff out, if you’re ready,” you said, turning the burner off. Covering it with a lid, you moved the pan off the coils and pulled out your phone, checking the time. Your best friend should have been home by then, and you texted her to tell her that you would be coming by. “I’ll leave for a while. I don’t wanna see you when I get home, so make sure you’re gone.”
The tightness in your chest increased as you slid your shoes on. It had only been thirty minutes since you got home and now you were leaving again. You refused to cry in front of him-- he didn’t deserve that from you.
There was a petty voice inside of him, itching to pick a fight as you gathered up your wallet and keys, hand on the doorknob before turning back to him. His chest felt like it was on fire, hands balled into fists at his side as he stood in the living room watching you. The way you acted so callously made him wonder if you even cared.
“You can leave your key on the table,” you said, gesturing vaguely towards the coffee table. 
And then you were turning the doorknob and Osamu took a step forward, heart hammering as a question tumbled out of his mouth. It wasn’t a fair question and it was selfish, he knew that, but your coldness was killing him and he had to know.
“You don’t seem to care, _____. Did you even love me?”
Your laugh was cold and empty and the tears stung your eyes against your will, and when you turned back to look at him he finally saw the agony in your eyes. 
“Of course I did. Did you?”
And just like that the door closed on him, on you, and on your relationship.
You hadn’t heard from him since that, so why was his name lighting up the notifications on your phone? You pondered that question as you stirred your coffee, trying to ignore the sting of hope in your chest as you read his text. It was...strange, like he was dancing around something under the pretense of being polite.
‘Hey, I know you probably don’t wanna hear from me but Atsumu mentioned you got that promotion at work, so I just wanted to congratulate you. I know how hard you worked for it.’
It was stiff and polite, all proper grammar and punctuation, so unlike how he usually was-- or rather-- how he used to text you. You quirked a brow, wondering what he would care for anyway.
Screenshotting it, you sent it to Atsumu and to your best friend, both with a thinking emoji.
Atsumu responded with a shrug, but you knew he knew more than he was letting on. He was clearly trying to keep something from you, but you ignored the urge to pester him about it. You were still trying to heal from the breakup and getting involved in Osamu’s business would do nothing to help.
Miyu, on the other hand, sent several unfriendly emojis and a particularly violent meme, asking what the hell his problem was, and you smiled. Turning back to the window, you set your phone down on the table and sipped your drink, enjoying the cloudless summer day.
Osamu looked at his phone for the umpteenth time as he sat across from Kana, who was buried in her own phone while she giggled, before locking it and setting it down on the table. He turned to watch the people bustle up and down the street, trying to ignore the dashed hope sitting like a rock in his gut.
The next text came a few days later while you were lounging in the tub, waiting for Miyu and your other friend Hanaka to show up for a girl’s night. They had been a source of immeasurable comfort over the last few months and you were beyond grateful.
Your phone dinged and you picked it up, expecting to see an arrival text, but once again Osamu’s name flashed, causing you to frown.
It was an apology text this time, for his previous text, and you opened it to read it in full.
‘Hey, I’m sorry about the other day. I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to message you. I’m the last person you want to hear from, and I know that, but you deserved that promotion. I hope you have a good night.’
Same stiff and formal text, and you pursed your lips before locking it again. You really should have just blocked his number but, even as your finger hovered over the button, you couldn’t bring yourself too. The irrational part of your brain liked that he was still thinking about you and the petty part just liked leaving him on read.
Later, when you were out of the tub and Hana was in the middle of painting your toenails, you brought it up, showing them the message.
“Trouble in paradise?” Hanaka snickered, carefully laying a french tip across your toe. 
Miyu, on the other hand, snorted, glaring at the text on your screen. “Serves him right. We all knew Kana was a terrible person. I bet she’s cheating on him now and that’s why he’s texting you again.”
That thought made you frown, and Hana spoke up as she set your foot down on the floor again. “It isn’t your fault, _____. He made his decision, he has to live with it. I guess you should just consider yourself lucky that he broke it off with you before he did anything with her. I’ll give him credit for that.”
Miyu blew on her nails, her tone softer as she said, “Yeah, but he’s still an idiot. But I know that look, _____. You should be careful. Is he gonna run back to you and then leave you again the minute Kana begs him to come back?”
You had been hovering over the keyboard in his messages, considering a reply, but her words struck a chord in you and instead you locked your phone, muting it and putting the messages-- and Osamu-- out of your mind for the rest of the night.
Osamu sighed as he watched Kana getting ready to go out. She wandered around the bedroom in a sequined dress and heels, her hair done up and makeup applied, just hunting for her wallet.
She let out a triumphant noise when she located it and turned to look at Osamu, giving him a coy smile. “Bye, ‘Samu. Love you, don’t wait up.”
He hadn’t been invited out that night, and he checked his phone again, discovering a text from Atsumu inviting him to dinner with the Jackals, and he grabbed his jacket with a sigh.
You had left him on read again that night.
At work a few weeks later, you received a text from Atsumu, asking if you had decided if you were going to go to a party they were throwing in celebration of several people getting signed onto the national volleyball team. It was that weekend and you had yet to decide, knowing that Osamu and Kana were going to be there.
Hana peered over your shoulder at the text and hummed. “I...kinda think you should go. You shouldn’t distance yourself from the rest of them because of him. They’re your friends too.”
She was right. Of course she was right. They had been supportive of you after the breakup as well, with Sakusa even texting you-- because Atsumu and Bokuto told him to, of course-- that he didn’t want you to “leave the friend group” because of Osamu.
You sucked your lip between your teeth, nibbling the skin as you thought about it. As if you hadn’t been doing that for days anyway, mulling over the pros and cons of going but never reaching a solid decision. Ultimately, you locked your phone after telling him you would have a decision by the end of the night. It was the best you could do, and Hana returned to her own desk shortly after that.
You were in the middle of eating dinner when you received your third text from Osamu and read it with a mouthful of noodles.
‘You shouldn’t distance yourself from the others because of me. I won’t bother you, so tell Atsumu yes. He’s driving me insane.’
You couldn’t help but snicker at that, knowing Atsumu was still pissed about what happened between the two of you. He had called you not long after Osamu told him what he had done, going on a tirade about how his brother was a piece of trash and he was there if you needed to talk.
He could hear that you had been crying and his heart went out to you, but you had told him you needed to go. It had been a while before you looked at him without flinching or hanging up the phone after only a minute, and you had apologized profusely for it. But he understood-- one of the troubles with being a twin was when one was a bastard, the other got in trouble for it too.
You hadn’t held it against them when they forgave Osamu, though Atsumu assured you it was only after cold-shouldering him for a month to let him know they were not happy. None of them ever liked Kana, and had even thanked you when you seemed to revive Osamu after she left him the first time.
None of them could have guessed he would pull something like that on you, though.
Your fingers hovered over your keyboard before you finally replied with a simple thanks.
Osamu’s phone lit up and he glanced at it, his hands occupied with molding rice balls, and he almost dropped it back into the bowl when he actually saw your name on his phone.
It was only one word, but something in him eased when he saw it.
He smiled as the screen shut off again, then it fell as he remembered he was going to the party with Kana.
The evening of the party, you met up with Hanaka and Yuki outside the club. The team had gone to extremes, renting out a whole club for the party. The music was thumping when you got inside and with the lights down low, you could hardly make out anyone inside.
Yet somehow, Bokuto was still able to pick you out, calling your name loudly over the low beats and pushing his way through the crowd to pick you up in a strong hug. Hana and Miyu smacked his arms as he wrapped them up as well, then you were being led towards the open bar along the wall.
“I’m so glad you came, _____,” Atsumu yelled when he saw you with Bokuto. He was quick to pull you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. You could tell he had already been drinking and he was quick to fix up your favorite drinks, pushing them into your hands. “We’ve really missed you, you know?”
You had to yell to be heard over the music and gave it up after a few minutes, letting him and Bokuto guide you out onto the dancefloor. Pinned between Miyu and Hana, you let yourself get lost in the music and the sway of their bodies against yours. There were more people than you expected there and, when your drink ran out, you had to push your way through the crowd to get to the bar again.
The room was hot, the alcohol coursing through your body only serving to make you warmer. You passed Atsumu, who was wrapped around someone you had never met before. He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes.
As you made yourself a new drink, you casually looked around the club, taking in the familiar faces that you could actually make out. The flashing lights were wreaking havoc inside of your buzzed brain, everything taking on a fuzzy haze even when you tried to concentrate. 
Your heart fell from your chest down into your stomach when you caught sight of Osamu making his way towards the bar.
He was looking over his shoulder at something and froze when he turned back around, locking eyes with you. His lips parted and you could see the surprise evident on his face, his lazy eyes widening a little more as his steps quickened. 
Then he stopped. His whole demeanor changed, his eyes darkening as a frown marred his handsome features. You knew him well enough to recognize the guilt etched into his features, his shoulders hunching as he tried to sink in on himself. You gave him a little wave, your heart thumping in your chest.
In the weeks after the breakup, you had locked all the photos of him in a vault app and let Hanaka put the passcode on it to keep you out of it. When she asked why you didn’t just delete them, you expressed a hope that one day you would be able to look back on them without hurting, and you would know then that you were healed. She seemed to understand and her nails tapped the screen of your phone as she input a password.
Not seeing his face and not thinking about him had obviously dulled your memories because the sight of him felt like a punch to the gut. 
If you thought he was surprised before, it was nothing compared to how he looked when you actually waved at him. Your heart was pounding, blaming the alcohol on your reaction. If you expected him to take that as permission to approach, you weren’t sure if you were relieved or upset that he didn’t.
He hovered in the space between you, looking between you, the bar, and the crowd. Your anxiety eased the longer it remained between you, relief overwhelming the unwanted hope that bubbled in your stomach. Clearly he meant it when he said he wouldn’t bother you, and you gave him another small wave before disappearing into the crowd with your drink.
He watched you go with a forlorn expression, guilt eating at his insides all over again, but he was happy that you seemed well enough. You had acknowledged him, which was the last thing he had expected after the cold goodbye you left him with that night.
“Osamu,” a voice said from behind him, and he turned to look at Kana behind him. She was stunning as usual, her hand warm on his arm. “What’s wrong?”
He shook his head in answer, glancing at where you had disappeared amidst the gyrating bodies. If Kana knew that you were here and that Osamu had seen you, she would get extremely pissy and jealous, which was the last thing he felt like dealing with. On top of that, he knew that Kana would go out of her way to find you. She was spiteful like that, even though you had done nothing to either one of them.
“Nothin’, babe. Just got a little dizzy. I’ll get yer drink, just go back to the table,” he said, pulling his arm from her grasp. If she noticed how cold he was, she said nothing about it as she returned to the group-- of her friends.
None of his friends had joined them and, since you were in the middle of them, he couldn’t either. As much as he wanted to be with them, he would keep his promise to you, keeping out of your way to let you have fun.
With one last glance around, he returned to his table to find Kana and most of the others gone. The ones that were left kept glancing from him to the dancefloor and whispering.
He sighed and picked up the drink, downing it on one long breath before falling back against the booth seat. Staring into his now empty glass, he wondered about all the choices he made up until then.
You woke up the next morning with a wicked hangover, the room still spinning even after several hours of sleep. Rolling over to pick up your phone, you found there were a dozen text messages from the others, the group chat blown up with praise from the party and complaints about their hangovers that morning, but that wasn’t what caught your attention.
There were a series of texts from Osamu and your eyebrows raised higher and higher as you read them, your heart hammering away in your chest.
‘i know i keep texting u nf i don’t jnoq wh y’ ‘u look e d goo tonogjt’ ‘it’s funny’ ‘i thin kksna is cheating on m e’ ‘not that u shuld care right’ ‘atymi thunks im an idipt anf he’s right’
‘i miss you’
The timestamps between the first five and the last one was almost an hour’s difference and you were just starting to process them when another text slid in. It was short, just one word, but it spoke volumes in the emptiness of your bedroom.
You stared at it for a while longer, just processing everything you were feeling. There was a raging pain where your heart beat, threatening to come out of your chest every time it hit your ribs. You couldn’t think clearly, too many thoughts swirling, making your head throb in time with your heart. What had you done to deserve any of the things that had happened, were still happening to you?
You should’ve just blocked his stupid number because you wouldn’t be dealing with the confusing pain his drunken messages brought. A part of you wanted to believe him-- a part you considered stupid but were unable to ignore. The Osamu you had known, had loved-- still loved, much as you wanted to deny it-- seemed to come out in those texts, and that was a dangerous thing.
Groaning, you rolled over onto your back, reading over the texts again. You were balancing on a tightrope of emotions, dangerously close to giving into the desire to reply.
The typing bubbles showed up again, stopping and starting and stopping again for almost a minute. You held your breath, wondering what he was typing.
‘i’m sorry. i keep messaging you even though i told ya i’d leave ya alone. but i can’t help it. ik what i did was stupid and whta i’m doing now is even dumber but dammit’
You locked your phone even as the bubbles popped up again to roll out of bed, hearing it ping from amidst your blankets as you stumbled towards the bathroom. Your ears were ringing, your head was throbbing, and now your heart was pounding with nerves. You dug through your medicine cabinet for aspirin, listening to your phone go off for a third time.
You couldn’t handle it, whatever he was doing or trying to do, leaving your phone on your bed as you went to the kitchen. Starting up a pot of coffee, you hovered over the sink, sitting somewhere between throwing up and not. You startled yourself when a sob ripped from between your lips.
Sinking down to the floor, you leaned back against the cabinets, wrapping your arms around your knees as you cried. Your tears spilled over your arms and ran down your legs, your nose stuffing up and running. It was several long minutes before you finally quieted, the sound of the coffee pot beeping filling the silence that followed. Your ears were ringing again as the room spun, the nausea from earlier welling up tenfold with the increase in your headache, and you ran to the bathroom.
“Goddammit,” you muttered, your sinuses on fire. After rinsing your mouth out with water, you gulped down a second glass, staring at your disheveled appearance in the mirror. “What should I do?”
You were not about to get in between whatever was going on with Osamu and Kana, but the soft spot you still harbored for him was almost too loud to ignore. Digging your phone out from your sheets, you found 2 more texts from him.
‘i know i don’t deserve your forgiveness. i don’t know what to do’ ‘i don’t know what i want from this but please’
You groaned and unlocked your phone, holding your head in your hands as you stared at the screen. Tears stung your eyes again, your mouth dry as you typed your reply back and then called Hana.
‘I’m sorry, Osamu. I can’t help you.’
You still didn’t block him after that. The part of you that still cared was worried for him and you wanted him to be able to reach you if he actually needed you. After making Hana promise not to tell anyone else what he had said in his texts, you talked it out, explaining the myriad of feelings that were impossible to sort out. She praised you for being strong and not giving into him, remind you he had made the decision to leave you, not the other way around.
You had cried some more before then deleted the thread of messages again, unable to stand the temptation to look at them again. Things were, for lack of a better word, fine after that. You settled back into your post-Osamu routine, trying not to dwell on his pitiful messages or be reminded of him by mundane things. Atsumu didn’t mention anything new happening, so you assumed he was still with Kana.
A month after that fiasco, he hadn’t texted you again. Some nights you laid awake, staring at your ceiling, trying to ignore the hope that he would and the temptation to message him first. Whatever Kana was or wasn’t doing to him or behind his back wasn’t your problem or your concern, and you had to keep telling yourself that as you set your phone down on the nightstand that night.
Rolling over onto your side, you stared out the window through the small gap in the curtains, a small beam of moonlight filtering through and highlighting the empty side of the bed. If you closed your eyes, you could picture Osamu there, scrolling through his phone and laughing before showing you whatever it was. He always smelled so sweet and warm, like the confections he baked at his restaurant and you reached out to touch his pillow. It no longer smelled like him after so many months and a few tears fell, soaking into your own as you recalled how he would look at you. It was always filled with so much softness and warmth before he would pull you in close, resting his chin atop your head.
You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until there was a loud noise from somewhere in the apartment, causing you to jerk up into a sitting position, staring blearily at your door. Your eyes stung from your earlier crying, your skin still sticky from laying on your wet pillow. You rubbed at them while another round of knocking rang through the unit.
Suddenly nervous, you tiptoed down the hall towards your front door, pausing until a voice came amidst another flurry of knocking.
“_____, please, let me in. I--I need ya.”
It was Osamu, and the whole room spun in the dark as you stood staring at the door, unable to process the whole situation. Your pulse was thundering in your ears, your fingers and toes going numb as panic shot through you.
There was more knocking, gentler this time, and then a soft thump.
You stumbled towards the door and swung it open, causing Osamu-- who had apparently let his head fall to the door-- to pitch forward, stumbling into your apartment.
“What are you doing here?” you whispered, watching him catch himself from falling. He stood up straight and ran his hands through his hair, eyes wide and frantic in the soft light from the hallway.
“I don’t know. I didn’t know where else to go-- Kana confessed to cheatin’ finally and I left and just-- ended up here,” he said, falling to the couch. You turned on the light and stood there, uncomprehending.
“You could have gone to Atsumu’s or-- or Bokuto’s or-- literally anywhere else,” you said, still standing by the lightswitch.
Osamu groaned, raking his fingers through his hair again before lacing his fingers behind his head. His face was hidden in his arms, knuckles white with tension. “I know, I know but I-- I know it’s fucked up but I wanted to see you.”
The room fell into silence again, punctuated by Osamu’s heavy breathing while you lifted a hand to your mouth, staring first at him then down at your feet.
“Osamu, please, I can’t--” you whispered, and his head snapped up to look at you.
There was agony in his eyes as he tugged at his hair, standing up. You stepped backwards and met the wall as he advanced on you, hands raising as he came to stand in front of you, cupping your face. “I know, I know it isn’t fair. But I need ya to believe how much I missed ya. I made a mistake and I don’t know if I can ever make it up to ya. But you are the best thing that’s ever happened ta me, and I know that now. I should have known before, and ‘m sorry.” Tears were spilling down your cheeks as you stared up at him, lips parted as you sniffled, and he pressed on. “I’ve been thinking about ya everyday for months. Everything Kana did, I compared to you. How she dressed, how she cooked, how she talked, I couldn’t help it--”
“Then why did you leave? Why did you cheat on me with her, if you thought so highly of me?” you whispered. His thumbs rubbed at the tears, wiping them away slower than they were falling. You sounded so confused and hurt, shrinking in on yourself as he crowded you against the wall. He didn’t care if you kicked him out and told him to never bother you again, so long as he never had to see you like that again.
His throat closed up and he just stared, taking you in. Even crying, even hurting because of him, you were beautiful. Every time he thought of you, it was the image of you walking out of the door and his life, eyes cold and devoid of the love you had once looked at him with.
“Because I’m an idiot. I know I am, I knew it the instant I let ya walk out the door. But I was too stupid, too damn prideful ta ask ya to forgive me. And I’m a selfish bastard for asking ya now, but I can’t stop thinkin’ about ya,” he whispered, his hands sliding back into your hair. He tilted your head further back, eyes dipping down to your parted lips, but refrained from the intense urge to kiss you. He couldn’t, not until you said he could. “I’ll work everyday to make ya trust me again, I swear it, _____. I’ll prove to ya I love ya, just-- please*.”
“I--” you whispered, wrapping your hands around his wrists. Did you want to push him away or pull him closer? The two sides warred with each other, causing you to just stand there in confusion as you stared up at him. His rich brown eyes were glittering, and you searched for any sign of dishonesty in them, but all you found were tears. “I don’t know, ‘Samu. What happens if Kana comes back? If she says she wants you again? How can I trust that you won’t do this to me again*?”
He was already shaking his head, black locks flouncing with the movement, his hand tightening on your cheeks. Panic warred with hope in his chest as he moved impossibly closer, pressing his body to yours as he said, “I promise, I promise, I won’t. I’m done with ‘er. I told ya, I’ve not stopped thinkin’ about ya since I left. I thought-- I thought things would change once I settled down with ‘er but-- they didn’t. Even when things were...okay, it was always you. Maybe that’s why she cheated on me, I don’t know. It doesn’ matter ta me anymore, she can do what she wants. All I want is you.”
All your thoughts were swirling and colliding inside your head, overwhelmed by everything he was saying. Osamu was begging for your forgiveness, looking at you with such raw need and hurt that you couldn’t stop hope from blooming in your chest. But you tamped it down, not yet letting it take root. You couldn’t, wouldn’t let yourself fall victim to it yet, not when you were still so unsure.
Reading the indecision in the way you looked away from him, he whispered, “I know it’ll take time, and I’m willin’ to earn ya back, I swear I am. But if ya don’t want to, I’ll understand. I’ll walk out that door right now and never bother you again.”
“You mean it? If I tell you to get out, you’ll go?” you asked, watching the pain flare up in his eyes, washing the hope away. His shoulders slumped and he nodded, his hands slipping free of your hair. The way he backed away from you, looking so lost, caused your heart to thump and you stepped forward, closing the distance again. “Osamu, I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay, please. At least for tonight, I want--”
I want to be wrapped up in your arms tonight, I want you to love me the way you did before, I want you, you thought, finally letting that hope blossom in your heart. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe you would change your mind tomorrow, maybe he would change his mind tomorrow, but right then and there it didn’t matter.
Even if it’s only one last time.
He groaned and dragged you forward, crushing you to his chest and enveloping you in his arms. The familiar smell of confections filled your nose and your legs trembled as he dragged you down the hall to the bedroom while you clung to him, hiding your face in his shirt as your heart raced. If it was a mistake to let him stay, then you were willing to pay the price come the morning, but it felt right as he fell to the bed with you.
He pulled you to his chest, pressing your nose into the column of his throat as he hid his face in your hair. It remained silent between the two of you, the only sound in the room the creaking of the ceiling fan and your quiet breathing as you processed each other’s presence.
“Will you be here in the morning?” you whispered when it grew to be too much. “If-- If she* messages you, are you going to leave?”
Your heart skipped a beat when he pulled away and stared down at you. 
He took in your pale face in the faint moonlight, features pinched and drawn, eyes bright with fear. He rolled over onto his back and pulled you forward onto his chest, arm wrapping tight around your waist to keep you there. Into the dark, he whispered, “I know ya won’t believe me right now, but I’ll be here when ya wake up. I’ll go get my stuff from her place and go stay with ‘Tsumu while I figure out how I’m goin’ ta win ya back. I won’t let ya down again, _____.”
You continued to stare through the small gap in the curtains, listening to his heart beat erratically in your ear. You wanted to believe his words, wanted to believe you would wake up in his arms tomorrow morning, and hesitantly let yourself relax. It was a gamble, you knew that, in the same way you knew that if he was gone, you would fall apart all over again.
It was a stupid risk, but as your eyes closed, you let yourself believe in him, just one more time. 
He felt your breathing even out and carded his fingers through your hair as he stared up at the ceiling, holding your head to him as his heart filled with hope. He would prove he meant it, he would earn you back, and he would never, ever* put what he had with you at risk again. Rolling back onto his side, you tried to squirm away only to be pulled back into his arms. Unwilling to let you go, he chuckled when you grumbled before curling into him once more
He sighed as his eyes closed, soaking in the warmth and letting the familiar smell of you envelop him as he fell asleep. Tomorrow you might change your mind, so he would hold you close while he could and let himself hope before it was ripped away from him for the final time.
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⇥  masterlist 
⇥  taglist: @sluttony​, @visaintes​, @yunhosblackgf​, @super-noya​, @byebyes-world​, @newfriendjen​, @atsunakaashi​
433 notes · View notes
thesightstoshowyou · 4 years ago
Arkin x F Reader (NSFW)
Summary: You find something special in one of the Collector’s trunks
Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore, cuckholding, praise kink, daddy kink, creampie
This was another commission by the fantastic @roachcult. Another happy birthday present! Hope you enjoy <3
             You weave through the maze of wire stretched across the hallway. Your motions are smooth, practiced; you’ve been sneaking around this hellscape so long it’s starting to become routine. Duck, jump, turn, twist…. It’s like memorizing a dance.
             When you round the corner, you pause. The peeling red door at the end of the hall is closed. This could mean one of two things: One, the Collector simply closed it as he was leaving. This is unlikely; he never does anything without purpose. Which means the answer is two: He’s added a new victim to the collection.
             It is morbid curiosity that draws you. There is nothing that could shock you worse than what you’ve already seen, what he’s already made you see. Carefully, you ease over the spikes protruding from the floor and avoid the boards that will break under your weight and send you plummeting into a nest of barbed wire. Your fingers close around the doorknob and twist.
             The door swings open and you automatically duck, but nothing swings down from the other side. He must not have gotten around to setting the trap for this room yet. As you suspected, there’s a new red trunk sitting innocuously in the middle of the room.
             You wait, listening intently. No noise from inside, which leads you to believe the trunk’s occupant is probably dead. Still, you’re curious. Curious, and so incredibly bored.
             You’d taken to wandering the halls while the Collector is away, learning his traps, exploring rooms. You’ve given up on escape. Every exit to this enormous building is rigged; he would know immediately if you had escaped and it would take very little effort to track you down.
             Besides, you don’t necessarily want to die. Not yet, anyway.
             Tentatively, you approach the trunk. Cautious fingers unhook the locks. With a gasp you leap back as a body comes tumbling out of the trunk, a body that utters a pained groan when it hits the floor.
             “Holy shit, you’re alive?” you say, quickly bending down to assess the extent of the man’s injuries. He’s beat to shit, covered in blood and lacerations from head to toe. He coughs and blinks up at you with heavy, bloodshot eyes. You gently take his gore-covered face in your hands until he’s looking right into your eyes.
             “Stay still, don’t try to move. I’m going to get a few things and I’ll be right back.” You’re up and out the door in a flash, sprinting down the hall toward the Collector’s surgical room. Down a flight of stairs, around a few more corners, you find the heavy door and slip inside. As well as you can, you look past the carnage littering the exam tables. Hastily, you retrieve antibacterial ointment, a basin of water, wash rags, bottles of water, and as much gauze and bandages as you can carry.
             You’re going to be in so much trouble when he gets back….
             With difficulty, you manage to heave the injured man up onto a dusty armchair. You clean the dried blood and gore from his skin and treat his wounds as best you can. He cautiously watches your every move through half-lidded eyes, but when you lift the water to his mouth, he catches your wrist in a surprisingly firm grip.
             “It’s not poisoned. See?” You take a sip, swallowing and opening your mouth. He watches you for another half a second before ripping the bottle from your hand and chugging. You hand him the second bottle without another word.
             “Who are you?” he rasps once he’s emptied both bottles. His voice is soft, hoarse from a dry throat or screaming, but still pleasant. You want to hear more of it, desperate for anything other than the gravelly orders you’re given on a daily basis.
             You tell him your name, then, “I’m, you know, like you. A part of the collection.”
             “Collection,” he echoes, some dark emotion you can’t place crossing his face. Blue eyes snap back to yours before quickly assessing the rest of your body. Your cheeks heat up under his scrutiny. Meeting your gaze again and narrowing his eyes in suspicion, he says, “I know this mother fucker doesn’t discriminate, so why aren’t you all beat up?”
             You chuckle dryly, standing and lifting your skirt to reveal the lacerations littering your inner thighs, all in various stages of healing. Next, you hook your fingers in your collar and drag it down your shoulder, showing him the bruised bite marks marring your flesh. The man drops his gaze and nods once in understanding.
             “He doesn’t like to mess up my face, but everywhere else is fair game,” you say in a dull monotone. You’ve grown numb to it, numb to most things after living in this shithole for so long.
             “Look, I’m—I’m sorry,” he murmurs, shifting in the chair and wincing. You shake your head.
             “I’d be suspicious of me too. What’s your name?” You move behind him and urge him to lean forward so you can look at his back. You grimace at the deep wounds dotting his flesh, like little pits of ground beef.
             “Arkin,” he replies, tensing when you begin to clean his injuries, applying ointment and gauze where you can. He asks, “How’d you find me?”
             “I’ve been sneaking out of my room for awhile now. Gives me something to do besides staring at the wall. I’m sure…well, I’m pretty sure he knows, but he hasn’t said anything. So, I keep doing it.”
             “You haven’t tried to get outta here?” he asks, leaning back when you’ve finished patching him up, “And thank you,” he adds, assessing the cleaned lacerations on the back so his hands.  
             “Can’t. Everything’s rigged. He’d find me before I made it very far.” Arkin pushes to his feet, grunting with the effort.
             “Show me.” You bite your lip nervously. Walking around on your own is one thing, but leading someone else through this maze is another. The Collector will know. How harshly would you be punished?
             Clenching your jaw, you steel yourself. Maybe Arkin knows something you don’t. Maybe he can disable the alarms.
             You hold out your hand and advise, “You have to stay as close to me as you can. This place is a minefield.” Arkin grins sardonically at that.
             “’Course it is.”
             Arkin’s skin is warm against yours when his grips your hand. His palm is rough, calloused, but his fingers delicately brush the back of your hand. As you lead him through the halls, you wonder what he does for a living.
             “Okay, we have to be quick down this next one. It’s on a timer,” you murmur as you peer around the corner. The stacked saw blades glint ominously from the ceiling. You wait for the metallic clank, then the whir as the blades roar to life. They tear down the hall at great speed before disappearing back into the ceiling to lie in wait once more.
             Immediately, you slip around the corner, towing Arkin along behind you. You ease over a trip wire, and he does the same, but your heart sinks when you hear the clank. It’s early, too early. You whip around and watch as the rusty blades drop from the ceiling.
             “In here!” you shout, slipping into a dimly lit supply closet to your right. Arkin follows and swings the door shut just as the blades whizz noisily past.
             “Fucker. Must have changed the timer,” you mutter, taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart. It is then you become acutely aware of how small the closet is and how close Arkin stands to you. Timidly, you meet his gaze.  
             He’s looking at you, intently studying your expression. The single lightbulb hanging above you throws shadows across his face that darken the longer you stare. Anxiously, you bite your lip. You recognize the look in his eyes because you are thinking the exact same thing.
             The Collector would be furious if you allowed someone else to touch you, especially another in his collection. He would kill you, undoubtedly. You can see Arkin weighing the pros and cons just as you do; he wants to, wants to sully something the Collector deems as his, wants the revenge. You want that too.
What the Collector doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
             Arkin starts to whisper, “Can I—
             You hiss, “Fuck it,” at the same time and pop up on your toes to push your lips to his. He meets you gently, so tender you can’t help but gasp. It’s been so, so long since someone kissed you sweetly it nearly brings tears to your eyes.
            Warm hands grip your hips, pulling you in until you’re flush against him. Your lips part to make room for his tongue and the quiet groan that leaves his throat. One hand slides up your waist, your arm, to cup your cheek. Slowly, he backs you up until you’re wedged between his body and the wall.
            You break the kiss to take a breath before nuzzling the rough stubble along his jaw, trailing your lips across his neck. He groans again, fingers tangling in your hair when you place wet kisses to his pulse, under his ear. You taste copper on your tongue from the blood that still coats his skin.
            “That’s real nice, baby,” he purrs and you shudder at the way his soft, deep voice shoots straight between your legs and makes you drip. His hands trail over your hips, lifting the hem of your dress so he can drag his palms across your ass, cupping handfuls of flesh and squeezing. One set of dexterous fingers slides around to the front, teasing you through your panties until you whine against his throat.
            “That feel good, baby girl?”
            “Yes, daddy,” you purr into his skin. He utters a strained, “Fuck,” under his breath, fingernails digging into your ass. He pushes your underwear to the side, coating his fingers in your slick and circles your clit until you moan his name and buck your hips.
            “Yeah, that’s a good girl, I want you t’cum before I fuck you,” he growls through gritted teeth. You tip your head back to capture his mouth again and he eagerly swallows your mewls and whimpers. Warm pressure coils like a spring in your gut, your legs trembling the closer he brings you.
            You bury your face into his neck to muffle your shriek of pleasure when the coil finally snaps, but Arkin doesn’t wait for you to come down. He twists you around, simultaneously lifting your skirt and unbuckling his belt. You feel warm, turgid flesh brush your ass, then deft fingers as he pushes your panties to the side. In one, smooth thrust, he slams his cock into your fluttering cunt, pulling a strangled shout from your lips.
             One hand rests on your waist, the other around your neck as he snaps his hips. You meet each thrust, the both of you intent on thoroughly ruining something the Collector has claimed as his own. Arkin pants against your ear, fingers on your throat twitching as the sound of wet skin slapping against skin fills the little supply closet.
             “Yeah, baby girl, you’re doing so good, taking me so good. Fuck, you’re wet, fucking perfect, what a sweet little pussy….” Filthy praise spills from the lips pressed to the shell of your ear. Dazedly, you nod, biting your lip to keep your moans contained in your mouth.
            “You’re gonna make me cum again, daddy, please,” you whisper and Arkin responds with a brutal snap of his hips, one that makes you brace your hands against peeling wood.
            “Good girl. Say it again.”
            “Daddy, please, please, I’m going to cum, daddy, don’t stop—
            “Fuck yes,” he hisses, pummeling you into the wall. He pushes bloody fingers into your mouth to silence your noisy, high-pitched moans. You suck the metallic taste off his digits, squealing around them when your back arches, beautiful heat rolling through your belly in waves. Arkin groans low in his throat, hips bucking erratically as he paints your cunt with slippery warmth.
            Your knees knock together and you must hang onto the wall to stay on your feet. Arkin spins you around again, placing languid kisses to your trembling lips. You both jump when the mechanic whirr sounds outside as the blades race down the hall again. For one, wonderful moment, your world had shrunk to just your little closet. Nothing beyond this rotting door had mattered.
            Arkin pants, slumping against you and you wrap your arms around his waist to help him stand. He was already exhausted before this little venture. You can’t imagine how he’s feeling now.
            “Maybe we should go back, try again tomorrow—
            “No. No, I can do it.” Arkin takes your face in his hands and earnestly mutters, “I’m gonna get us both out of here.”
            You don’t believe him, but you smile and nod all the same.  
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andypantsx3 · 4 years ago
statistically significant | 4 | bakugou/reader
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length: 23,490 words | 7 chapters
summary: You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, m/f threats of violence, problematic behavior
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For someone so loud and obnoxious, Bakugou was proving incredibly difficult to track down.
You spent the next few days hunting all over Miruko’s agency for him, an apology sitting uncomfortably in the back of your mouth, but no matter where you went, the hero was nowhere to be found. You prowled inexhaustibly through the fluorescent halls of the underground floors, and poked around curiously amongst the messy piles of paperwork on the business floor. You’d even switched up your schedule in case he was specifically timing his entrances and exits around you, and had taken to lingering suspiciously around the training rooms like some kind of leery pervert, eyeing every blonde head of hair with a little too much interest.
The more you thought about it, though, the more you realized Bakugou wasn’t exactly the type to hide and avoid confrontation, so eventually you moved on to interrogating Mina and Kaminari on Bakugou’s whereabouts. Both of them claimed not to know anything, and no one else seemed to have anything more helpful to say either, nothing more than “I don’t know, haven’t seen him.” It was reaching the point where you were honestly considering filing a missing persons report if he didn’t turn up soon.
It wasn’t until Friday morning that you finally glimpsed a head of messy, ash-blonde hair stalking down the hall to one of the training rooms. You all but fell out of your chair and launched yourself out of the surveillance room after him, shoes slapping loudly in the hall.
You weren't exactly being sneaky, but you didn't expect Bakugou to react the way he did. As soon as you got close, he stiffened and whirled on you. You caught a flash of red eyes and white teeth bared in a snarl before the hallway tipped out of focus and your back hit the wall, Bakgou’s hand clenched in the scruff of your shirt.
“The fuck are you doing?” Bakugou demanded, crimson gaze searching you over. A scowl sat heavily on his mouth, and you noticed that the corner of it was bruised. A long scratch ran across the bridge of his nose, tapering off over one high cheekbone. The rest of him looked untouched--he was clean, and dressed in simple, dark training clothes again that hugged the planes of his chest and strong thighs.
You stared up at him, shocked to find yourself against a wall again. “You’re--you’re here.”
A blonde eyebrow went up. “I fucking work here, nerd.”
You suppressed an eye roll. “That’s not what I meant, Bakugou. I’ve been looking for you--I need to talk to you.”
“So you thought you’d charge me like a fucking rhinocerous?” he demanded. His fingers unclenched from your shirt, however, relaxing against your collarbone. You fought down a shiver as his callouses caught on your skin.
“Don’t run up behind a hero like that, idiot. Especially after a mission,” he growled.
You eyed the cut across his nose speculatively. “Is that where you were this week?”
“That’s none of your damn business, is it, you nosy little shit?” he asked, something like a self-satisfied smirk pulling at the edge of his mouth.
You let your head fall back against the wall with a thunk, sighing. You’d forgotten how annoying he was in the near week you hadn’t seen him. It was going to make apologizing so fucking frustrating.
“Can you please just not make everything so difficult for once?” you asked absently, trying to dredge up enough humility to get on with your apology.
Bakugou let out a grunt, but shifted closer, one very intimidating bicep coming up to frame your head. Your mouth suddenly went very dry.
“You’re one to fucking talk,” Bakugou said, staring at you with intent.
Mina’s comments on his romantic preferences flitted to the surface of your mind in a wild flurry. Your face heated, and you desperately pushed the memories down. As much as you wanted to snipe at him with an unexpected comeback on what he really thought of women who didn’t take his shit, you did not want him to know you’d been discussing his inclinations. Besides, that would be presumptuous. Just because he had a thing for mouthy girls in general did not mean that preference extended to under-caffeinated and irritable data scientists.
You pushed yourself away from him, pressing harder into the wall in an attempt to create space. “Look, I didn’t come here to fight with you, okay?”
Those crimson eyes watched you impassively.
“Then what the fuck did you want, nerd?” he asked, leaning slightly closer where you’d just managed to create an inch of extra space. You caught that scent again, hot and butter-sweet in your nose, like burnt caramel, and tried your hardest to ignore exactly how symmetrical his face was up close.
You suppressed an eye twitch. What was his thing about walls and intimidating people? And why was he so close to you? Had this man never heard of personal space?
“Actually, I came to apologize,” you said haltingly, looking up at him. If you hadn’t been watching him carefully, you might not have caught the minute widening of his eyes, the very slightest downturn of his blonde brows.
“What?” he rasped.
“You heard me,” you insisted. “I didn’t mean that you were--uh--weak. When I said I would help the other day. That’s the opposite of what I meant.”
Bakugou’s mouth pulled into an immediate snarl. “Fuck you. I don’t need your pity. I can handle myself fucking fine.”
You huffed. “I don’t pity you. That’s not what I meant.”
“If you fucking think--”
“I don’t!” you yelped, seeming to startle him. “Can you just listen for ten seconds? I’m trying to say something here.”
“Fucking obviously--”
“Bakugou, shut up!” you demanded. “This whole situation isn’t what you think it is, okay? I--I only made a bet with you in the first place because I thought you could jump rank, alright? When I say I’m helping you, I mean that I’m giving you insight because I firmly believe that you are capable of pulling this off. I....honestly, I wouldn’t have even made the damn bet if I didn’t actually want you to try this, because everyone knows you can do literally anything if you want it enough. Obviously you’re going to win.”
He was staring now, and it was all you could do not to shrink under the intensity of his gaze.
“So before you get your panties all in a twist over the fact that I used the word help, just remember that it doesn’t mean I think you’re incapable. I think you’re the most capable out of everyone here. And if you would stop being such a fussy baby for five frigging minutes, we could get back to retraining your habits so you could prove that you are!” you finished, huffing a little with the force of your anger. You forced your fists to uncurl from where they had balled up at your side.
Bakugou watched you carefully, unnervingly silent. You could feel his gaze almost like a touch where it brushed over you, and you fixed your eyes resolutely below his face, not wanting to look at him. You shifted uncomfortably against the cold plaster of the wall, waiting for the dam to break. Where was the screaming? When was it coming?
To your horror, a smirk pulled at the corner of Bakugou’s mouth instead.
“You think I’m the most capable, huh?” he asked. His arm shifted closer.
A flush washed through you with startling speed, heating your cheeks. “Oh my god. Shut up.”
His smirk widened into a predatory smile, baring a pointed canine. “It’s okay. You can own up to your little crush on me, nerd.”
You stared at him in shock. “How is that what you took away from this conversation? I didn’t say that. How in the world would you think that, when all you do is shove me against walls and act like a ginormous baby?”
“You’d prefer I shove you against walls and do something else?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow raising.
Your mind blanked out, fuzzy with static for a moment. You fought down a tiny, traitorous shiver. What the hell was going on in his brain? And how in the actual fuck was this the turn the conversation was taking? All you had wanted to do was get him out of his snit fit so you could get back on track to obtaining software engineers. How had he gotten so off track?
“That’s not what I--! I mean, you--!” you babbled uselessly, freezing up when he shifted his arm. He watched you with obvious relish.
“Ugh, I think I prefer you when you’re screaming at me,” you groused.
Bakugou’s smirk turned wicked, and he opened his mouth to say something you were certain you absolutely did not want to hear. Panicking, you brought a hand up and shoved it over his mouth.
“Whatever is about to come out of there, just keep it to yourself,” you commanded. “Now you’ve wasted enough time dicking around. We need to retrain your habits stat if you want to have enough time for everything to propagate in the model by the end of the month.”
A rough palm came up to yank your hand away from his face. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.”
You rolled your eyes. “Not if you want any chance of actually winning the bet.”
Bakugou scoffed, but to your surprise, he didn’t outright dismiss you. His eyes roved over you for a few seconds more, before he pronounced imperiously, “Tell me your big plan then, nerd. I’ll decide if it’s worth my damn time.”
You sighed. It was probably too much to hope that he’d suddenly be totally amenable to everything after your big speech. He wouldn’t be Bakugou Katsuki if he didn’t make everything such a production. At least he was still here and listening, despite the front he was putting up. And the weird conversational detour he’d attempted to take.
“I was thinking you need team training,” you said lightly. “To get in the habit of sticking close by to other heroes, and to practice evaluating situations more slowly.”
He regarded you consideringly, scarlet eyes flicking over your face. “You want me to train with a bunch of these b-list fucking idiots?”
You suppressed another eye roll. “Teammates. I want you to train with your teammates, Bakugou.”
He made a dismissive noise. “As if. I’m not going near any of those annoying little shits.”
You eyed him speculatively, a thought forming in the back of your mind. “....What about annoying little shits that will go near you?”
He scowled. “What?”
You gestured past him, to the window of a nearby training room, where two familiar figures were darting around the space, throwing up middle fingers at each other as often as attacks. “I have some people in mind.”
Bakugou glanced over his shoulder. Enough of his face was in view for you to see the thunderous expression that overtook over his features as he regarded his friends.
When he turned back to you, he was growling. “No. Absolutely fucking not.”
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“Heya Blasty!” Kaminari chirped over his shoulder, pausing when you’d opened the door to the training room. “And stats girl! Come to let a real hero show you how it’s done?”
He shifted up out of a crouch, scrubbing a hand through his hair. Sweat had dried in it, standing some of it on end like he’d been hit with his own lightning. Actually, judging from the singe marks all over his clothes, maybe he had.
“Shut the fuck up before I blow your brains right outta your skull,” Bakugou’s sharp tone issued from somewhere over your shoulder. You could hear debris crunching heavily under his boots, like he was stomping a little.
Mina’s wild pink curls peeked out from behind an overturned car. “Do I hear the dulcet tones of my sunshine boy, Bakugou Katsuki?”
A telltale round of crackling went off behind you, accompanied by a snarl. Mina just laughed, sliding out fully from her hiding place, looking completely unthreatened. “Relax, Blasty. No one’s around to question your tough guy image.”
Bakugou made a dismissive noise. “The fuck do you know.”
Mina made an amused humming noise. Her dark eyes found yours and she smiled conspiratorially. You were struck again by the mental image of Bakugou in makeup and had to suppress a wild laugh.
“Hey, quit it with the fucking face over there,” Bakugou barked, seeming to detect that mutual amusement was being shared at his expense. He surged past you to put his entire palm over Mina’s face. Mina only laughed louder, her peals of bright laughter muffled slightly in his hand. “I’ll fucking end you.”
Kaminari dismissed the two of them, golden eyes flicking over to you. He smiled boyishly. “So, stats girl. What brings you and your angry pomeranian here?”
“Hey, fuck you, pikachu,” Bakugou growled. Then, “You fucking--raccoon--did you just lick me?”
You bit down on a smile, glancing between Mina and Kaminari. It was unexpectedly cute, the way Bakugou was clearly outmatched by his chaotic friends. They seemed supremely unconcerned with the fact that he might actually follow through on his threats, if the way Mina was making kissing noises into his hand was any indication.
“I thought I’d ask if you guys would be willing to train with Bakugou. He needs...adjustments,” you said, making sure to steer clear of the word help. You’d said your apology, and it seemed like Bakugou understood now, but you didn’t want to muddy the waters any on that point.
“Aww, and you came to little old us?” Kaminari asked Bakugou. His tone did nothing to disguise his obvious glee.
“Fuck you, I didn’t come to you--”
“I did,” you pronounced, deciding to help Bakugou out a little. You weren’t going to get anywhere if he spent the whole afternoon flinging insults and insisting he didn’t need anything from Mina and Kaminari. “He has two areas he wants to retrain on. This afternoon I was thinking you could run a couple simulations where he has to stick close to you two instead of going off on his own to do whatever he wants.”
“I don’t go off and do whatever, you damn nerd, I finish the fucking fight--”
“Do you guys think you might be able to spare an hour or two?” you asked loudly. “I’m sure he’d be willing to return the favor for your retraining.”
Kaminari looked positively gleeful, and Mina’s unusual eyes sparkled curiously from over Bakugou’s broad hand. To your surprise, Bakugou didn’t disagree.
“If I get to play villain, I’m in!” Mina agreed, finally shaking Bakugou’s hand off. “I’m gonna melt your legs off,” she told him.
He scoffed. “Good luck trying without any damn arms.”
She made a kissy face at him. “Gonna be hard to come at me if you have to stick to Denki the whole time.”
“Hey,” Kaminari protested indignantly, but he was drowned out by Bakugou descending into an incredibly explicit rant full of choice invectives. This seemed to prompt both Mina and Kaminari to let loose their own shit talk--Mina's comments in particular so obscene and inventive they would make a frat boy blush. It took some prompting and several minutes before the three of them were coherent enough to discuss the training again.
When you eventually managed to reroute them, they drew up the terms of their practice--Bakugou couldn’t go further than fifty feet from Kaminari for the duration of the exercise, and he’d be docked points for every possible opportunity he had where he might have assisted Kaminari and instead went in for the kill on his own. You agreed to code something up quick to layer over the training footage, to identify when Bakugou strayed too far from Kaminari, or went for a shot himself. To make it stick, Mina also insisted that at the end of the exercise, if Bakugou had managed to lose more than ten points, he had to submit to a punishment of Mina and Kaminari's choosing. You shuddered to think of what that was.
Once the details were fully hashed out, you found yourself being immediately shepherded out of the training room by Bakugou. He ushered you along impatiently like a dog corralling a wayward sheep.
“I’m gonna let loose on these fucking clowns--don’t need your quirkless ass getting in the way,” he groused as he led you. This drew you up short at the threshold, and you gaped at him, eyes darting up to catch his.
You...hadn’t told him you were quirkless. In fact, you were sure you hadn’t discussed that with anyone here, not even Miruko. The fact wasn’t something that bothered you, but it also wasn’t the sort of thing you brought up all too often. So....how did Bakugou know?
His scarlet gaze flicked almost lazily over you, and he seemed to catch the unspoken question. Rubble crackled under his boots as he shifted his weight to one hip. “What? You think you’re the only one who’s done their research, brat?”
You felt your heartbeat stutter and then pick up, just the slightest bit. Done...his research? What exactly did that mean? And if he meant what you thought he meant, what was it he’d been trying to learn about you? And why did he need to know?
“Bakugou, what--?” you began, but he cut you off by raising one large hand and shoving you through the door. He leaned out after you, and you caught a hint of that burnt caramel scent again. Your mind fogged a little at his proximity.
“I’m gonna win the fucking bet,” he pronounced slowly, scarlet gaze cutting into you, “and then you’re in for it, nerd.”
You gawped up at him, unable to help the way your mouth hung open. Was he threatening you? And if yes, why was he looking so unusually calm about it? Where was the rage, the snarling and the spitting like a wet cat? And why was he looking at you like that?
Bakugou answered none of your questions, tossing you a wicked smirk instead. Then he turned and slammed the door closed on you, leaving you alone with a swirl of hazy, half-formed concerns.
What....the fuck had just happened?
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dnarez · 4 years ago
In Need Of Help
Pro hero Shinso is in need of more evidence to get a crazy man that has been eating pieces of people, he would do anything for some help.
[This is a gift for my followers in all platforms, forgiving me so much views, kudos, votes and followers in all my accounts, I'm very thankful for everything, so here's a little something]
His heels clicking on the pavement and a nearby bar was the only things that were making noise on that, cold and dark night.
Shinso knew that he shouldn't be there, even if now he was a licensed Pro Hero, he needed this, only one more information, one last victim, one small proof, and the case would be over.
That damn monster that lurks around every hour of the day would be behind bars, but for that to happen, for the victims to be able to sleep without a care in the world, he needed to do this, he needed to be here.
Here, in the middle of nowhere, with no backup, and cross dressing.
Someone, a monster, had been eating people, but only bits of them, the Thing would cut a piece of the victims body, sometimes a few pieces, normally from the legs or the arms. It didn't matter if you were woman or man, the Thing loved juicy and savory meat. By what the victims told him, they would be sedated on the area and cut open, the 911 would be called by their own cellphone, and a voice would ask for help, they probably used a voice modifier.
The Thing was described as a big and scary humanoid lizard, with golden scales all over their body, by the looks of it, the Thing was a male, but Shinso thought otherwise, he thought about what the victims said that happened before the attacks, sometimes a person would call for help, others were tapped on their shoulder, some were asked directions or the time, and others were asked if they wanted to have some "fun". But from all those times a female voice was permanent, the police said that it could be the work of two people, but that seemed very unlikely, since every single one of those victims said that it was only one voice, only one monster.
And now Shinso was walking around dressed as a woman, going through the almost empty streets, since most of their victims were female, he decided to make himself an easier bait.
'From 999 victims more than 80% were women, I hope this works'
By using a tight fit sweater like dress, some leggings, a wig and some make up Shinso looked just like any other women going home late at night
'I can't be too confident' he curved his body around the purse, looking down to the ground and trying to walk fast through the dark streets.
When walking by the bar some drunk men whistled and grabbed his arm "Come on sweetie we can have some fun with each other, why don't you look at me?"
The smell of cheap beer was sickening, but Shinso couldn't drop the act and punch that man's face, so he started to struggle against the drunk, with a choker that modified his voice to of a female, he said "LET ME GO!" The high pitched voice echoed throughout the empty street.
The drunk man pulled him closer, since Shinso was using heels he lost his balance and couldn't pull his arm from the man's grasp, who started to grope his ass "Ooooh! What a nice ass! You must go to the gym, come on~ I just want to have some fun with you baby"
"I said-!"
Suddenly the grip on his ass and arm was released, a humanoid dragon with golden scales, horns coming from their hair and was 5 meters tall held the drunk by his neck.
Shinso looked shocked at their size.
"The lady told you to let her go" the sweet and feminine voice didn't fit that thing.
The drunk was put on the floor, she glared at him "get out of here before I change my mind" he run back to the bar.
Shinso was still in shock looking at her "Y-you..."
The humanoid picked up his purse and gave it back to him.
"Y-you-... I-I-I..." Shinso sighs and calm himself down "thank you!" He smiled at her, and see she smiles back.
"Do you need help? This place is always a dessert at this hour, I can take you to your home"
'Bingo!' Hitoshi has to hold himself to not smile in victory "I don't want to bother you!" He says with a sickly sweet voice, and looks away playing that he's a shy girl.
"It won't be a bother, two women waking around is better than one alone, I know my way around here pretty well, why don't you tell me where you live so that I can take you there."
He nods and tells a hotel address.
"Oh! I'm also staying there! What floor you are in?" The tip of her tail is sawing lightly
"3rd floor"
She gasps and puts her hand on her chest "Me too! Let's go! You must be tired!"
He nods and smiles.
They walk side by side, but then she huffs and looks at the sky "I can take you there faster if we fly, I'm too lazy to walk" she picks him up with her tail around his waist and puts him on her shoulders.
"W-wait!" But she doesn't listens, and her size gets bigger, now she's 11 m.
With too much easiness you, the dragon humanoid, fly up in the air, over the city.
He holds tight to your horns, wait... the victims told them that it was a lizard looking person, the Thing could distort their voice, he just-... he got the wrong person, as you glide through the sky his wig fly away, he shrieks, panicking.
You laugh at him "You should have used that weird hair glue man"
"Y-you knew!?" He looks at you surprised.
"Of course! Your natural body odor can't be hidden by a mere cheap perfume"
Shinso blushes heavily. "I'm sorry I confused you with the cannibal that is running around eating people" he looks down at your scales and is impressed by their glow.
"You're not the first cutie, now why don't you tell me your name?"
Hitoshi covers his face with one hand. "You can call me MindJack, it's my hero name"
You nod and shook yourself "hold on, I'm gonna dive!" He holds tightly on your horns as you nose dive till you were next enough from the building you transform to a smaller dragon when you land on the roof. "You can let go now"
He releases you and step back, but falls on his ass since he was using heels.
"Hey... your cute!" You get close to his face, close enough that he can feel your breath.
Blushing heavily he gets up and nods to her "Thank you but I-" he notices he's necklace activated and turns it off "Thank you, but I have to go" your face lights up when you hear his voice "I really need some evidence on that guy".
"I can help you then" you state simply
"What!? NO! You are a civilian, how can you help me?" Hitoshi crosses his arms
"Because, my dear pro hero, you are trying to capture my good for nothing brother" you start pacing around him, about 2 m of distance.
"How do I know that you're saying the truth?" Shinso squint his eyes at you "you could very well be lying"
You nod, stopping in front of him "I can show you where he puts the meat that he doesn't eat"
"I thought he ate all of it"
You shook your head "He likes to put it away, like a prize, know what I'm saying?"
Shinso nods "let's go to the police station and-"
You flare up at that, now a pose extremely intimidating, with your wings open and tail waving around, nervous. "I think the fuck not! You are going to find that place alone if you want the police involved!"
"NO! Please! That monster is already in his 999 victim!"
She squints at him "no police, and no other pro heroes, I'm not found of that type"
He nods quickly, this is the only lead they got in the last 4 years, but something has been bugging him "Where is he right now? He didn't eat no one the last 2 weeks."
"He's waiting, he wants the people to be less aware at night, it is his last victim, he wants a whole person this time"
Hitoshi gulps "Where is he?"
"Don't know" you shrug "but since people are back at the streets at night he will be back in-" you stop and look at the moon, figuring out the time "in a few hours, maybe 5 or 6"
That put the pro hero on edge "what will he do when he gets back?"
You think for a bit and goes back to pacing around him "probably sleep, call me, and when the night falls he will go out and take his 1000 victim" you stop by his side this time "but I can help you~"
Shinso stops and things about it for a bit, if what she's saying is true then someone will be eaten alive that same shitty day. "And how exactly are you going to help me?"
"That's easy! I will put something for him to sleep on his morning juicy, he will sleep, I tie him up, and give him to you, with also his address so that you can take all the evidence necessary"
"You can't put someone to sleep and delivery it to me!"
"Yes I can, I will be his 'last victim' and say that I thought he would kill me, so you will just tell the cops that you came and rescued me from him, TCHARAM! What do you think about that?"
Hitoshi stops in his tracks, the cold midnight air on his skin makes him shiver from cold. "But what do you want in return? It's impossible that you are doing this just because you want to help, if you wanted to help you would have at the beginning of his attacks"
You nod at him and stops by his side, enveloping him with a wing, looking him up and down "You are right, I want something- no... I want someone, I want to have some fun... with you" you gently grab him by his chin "It's cold, let's go inside, so I can get my payment" you put your hand on his ass and nudge him to the roof door.
"W-wait! I didn't agree to this!" You stop and look at him amused.
"Oh! So you have another choice? That's news to me, since you didn't have enough option to not dress up as a woman" you gently hold the hem of his dress with a finger.
Hitoshi trembles, now realizing that you are right, if he wants your much-needed help he will... have to sell his body. "B-but I never-!" Shinso blushes, hard.
You laugh mocking him"You are a virgin!? How old are you? 25? 24? That's gold! Well... for me" when you pass the door and start going down the stairs with a hand on his lower back, you also take that time to transform in to your human form, with only small horns, a thin tail and small wings visible.
You look like a succubus to him, but the normal clothing doesn't match the lustful look on your eyes.
Opening the door to your bedroom and pushing him in with you was easy.
He sits on the bed and take off his heels as he watches you walking around. "How is this going to go?" Shinso feels small, like when people called him a villain in his youth.
Hitoshi was thinking of how he's an idiot for not taking his capture weapon with him, and even if he did, he realizes that it would be useless right now, but having it would be some kind of comfort.
You see him lost in thoughts, fumbling with his fingers, he's so cute! Even if he's tall for a man, he's small to you, as you walk around the room and go to the bathroom to get the bath ready, you hear soft steps walking to you.
"Don't you want something else?" When you look at him, he doesn't meet your eyes, he looks even smaller right now, hugging himself, in clear discomfort.
"I'm a doctor, I don't need money, I don't want fame or exposure, nor do I want anything that you may have... well, besides your body" you chuckle and start stripping.
Hitoshi blushes and closes his eyes. "I-I can find you someone better, maybe another pro hero, I was a classmate with some of the top 10 heroes, maybe yo-"
"Don't want it" you say like it was obvious "I don't like heroes in general, you are the first one that I feel attracted to" you walk to him and get smaller, now you're just a little taller than him, his sight is directly at your breast, but sadly he's eyes are closed. "Do you need help, or you can take your clothes off yourself?"
Shinso shivers from just thinking about her passing her hands over his body "I can do it!" He tries to keep his voice strong.
"So go on" you sit at the border of the big bathtub "give me a nice show will you?"
He looks at your naked form still blushing and then looks at the bathtub "aren't we just going to fuck? Why do I have to take a bath?"
"You are too feminine right now, don't get me wrong I love a woman in my bed, but right now I'm hungry for some masculine men at my feet and losing control" you put something on the water and mix it with your hand.
Taking a shaky breath he starts to get undressed. Shinso is disgusted at himself, selling his body to a random woman who says she is the attacker's sister, but... he has no other lead to that Thing, this is the last hope. So Hitoshi takes a deep breath and start to taking the dress off, he never thought that this would be his first time... he wanted to be with a lover or at least a friend that took pity on him, not this... in a run down hotel, with a stranger that says they have a lead. Being a hero sure sucks.
"Hmmmm, what a nice body!" He looks at your back and sees your thin tail make a heart shape "now the pants and underwear at the same time"
With a shuddering breath he takes them off, covering his dick with his hands feeling exposed under your eyes.
"Now come here, I want to feel you"
He obeys now in front of you, as you stay sat on the bath border.
You take his hands in yours and smile "we can stop this at any moment, you can go on without losing your virginity to me" Shinso sighs relieved and smiles down at you "but of course, I won't tell you anything or help you an all" his smile drops and a frown takes place, he shook his head, and you lick your lips at that. "Now let's start to clean you, the fun will begin soon enough"
You hold his hand and get inside the bathtub, pulling him with you as you sit down.
Shinso stays a little far from you, but you're still holding his hand.
Taking deep breaths and relaxing was good and all, but you wanted more, so you pulled him closer and kissed him.
The hero did not pull back, and instead kissed you back, that made you eager, as you licked his bottom lip asking for entrance, Shinso started having doubts, so he didn't open his mouth, well. Until he felt you grabbing his balls and massaging it, gasping in surprise was enough for you to start a full tongue kiss.
He grows and whimpers against your mouth, he turns you on so much! Maybe you should keep him, but let's see if at the end he will be your good boy or a damn pro hero.
He's dick start to get hard from you massaging his balls, and the kiss is getting louder from all the saliva, that may also be turning him on, it's the first time someone else touches him there.
Your tongue is bigger and longer than an average one, is also pointy and very flexible, so it's easy to wrap yours around his one, and you suck it, at that he moans, you separate the kiss to let him breath, and the face he makes is incredible, making you extremely turned on, damn this man is going to be your end.
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"So cute, so sweet!" You day, and he gasps air and hold your hand when you squeeze his balls lightly.
"Please... that's enough... I should go and- AAAAHG!" he shouts surprised by the feeling of something on his nipple, but your arms didn't move, one was behind his shoulder holding his neck from behind, and the other fondling with his balls, so what-
Looking down he saw the tip of your tail, it was a straight tip, no heart or anything, just like a snake's tail, it was doing circles on his nipple, with just enough pressure to turn him on.
"You are so sensitive! Do you pinch your nipples when you masturbate?"
"What!? No- AAAAAHG!" his hips jerks, you had suddenly licked his nipple.
"Don't lie to me~♡ they wouldn't be this sensitive if you never touched them" taking his nipple in your mouth and sucking it has Shinso growling.
"YES! I do pinch my nipples when I masturbate!"
You hum with his nipple in mouth making him whimper at the vibration, he moves his hand to try and alleviate himself a little, but your hand that was on his balls is faster, grabbing his dick and jerking it with enthusiasm.
That has Hitoshi on cloud nine, with the tail now wrapping around his balls and moving Itself without stopping, your mouth sucking and licking his nipple, one hand on the back of his neck caressing him, and the other masturbating him. It was too much, Hitoshi never felt like this, it was overwhelming the amount of pleasure he was feeling, all of this brought him to the edge quickly.
"I-I'm... I'm gonna! Ah! Ah! More! Just a little more!" He close his eyes but as soon as the sensation came from the orgasm, it went away he shouts, throwing his head back frustrated and opens his eyes, desperately pumping his own dick trying to cum, but you stop him and kiss his knuckles.
He looks at you, with an open mouth and relaxed slutty eyes trying to focus on you. "Please... please let me cum!"
You chuckled at that and kissed his lips "sorry MindJack, but only good boys can cum, pro heroes can't, and since you told me your pro hero name and not your real one, I can't let you cum" you pout at the idea of your new toy not cumming "I will give you a prize if you tell me your name" wrapping your hand around his dick and pumping it slowly.
But reason was louder inside Hitoshi's mind, it didn't let him tell his name, it would be too dangerous for him, so he shook his head.
You sighed disappointed but nodded "it's okay, you're here to make me feel good, so I will let that one thing slip, but if you ever change your mind just tell me"
He took in a deep breath and nodded, getting ready for your next move.
You sit in between his legs an open them, looking directly at his butt hole you tilt your head to the side "Have you ever stick something in your ass?"
At that he blushes hard and shook his head "No-! I-I never put anything there"
"Well... now you will" you wink at him and submerge in the water, with his dick in hand you put your tongue on his asshole, he's hips jerk in surprise, so you use your other hand to keep them from moving.
The sensation was weird and uncomfortable, he could feel you tongue slithering inside his asshole, the unwelcomed sensation made his dick start to go soft, but you jerk him off, so that he would relax on your tongue, and focus on something else.
Shinso looked at you underwater and was surprised by how little the bubbles got out of your nose, maybe your quirk had something to do with that? The jerking of his dick got faster, making him focus totally on that, as a result you went deeper with your tongue on his inside, and by moving around he could feel like you were searching something, but his dazzled mind could only focus on your hand that was holding his hips now going up and pinching his nipple, he grows at that and whimpers as you press your nails on it from time to time.
The warm feeling on his lower stomach came back, the built-up coming a little faster this time around, but it skyrocketed as you hit his prostate, making him moan loudly with a surprised yep.
"I'M... GONNA CUM!" Even if you were underwater you heard him, you already knew that he was at the edge of an incredible orgasm, since his walls were trembling around your tongue, his dick pulsating in your hand and his hips moving, trying to get more of you inside him.
When his eyes started to turn to inside his head, mouth lightly open with gasps and whimpers, he was almost there, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a- "NO!" He sobs as you stop everything at once and sit up on the tub.
He's sobbing like crazy, trembling all over from another orgasm being ripped from him, this one was so big too, he could feel that it would be one of the bests in all his life.
You purr at him and pets his head softly, kiss his cheek and the tip of his nose, hugging him from the side, he hides his face at the crook of your neck and his sobs stop after a while.
Shinso sighs, trembling in disgust from how well he responds to your touches, your hands feels so good running through his hair and his body, your cat like purr comforts him to no end, everything about you feels so welcoming... 'what the fuck is happening to me?'
After washing his face from the makeup and cleaning your own body he sits at your feet while you sit on the chair in front of your computer, without bothering to put clothes on or tell him to dress himself, it won't be needed.
"Right now I need to check some emails, so you'll go down on me if you do a good job I can get you some early evidence" you finish drying your body and spread your legs to him and start reading emails.
Hitoshi saw enough porn in his life that he knows what to do, pulling himself closer to her pussy and opening his mouth was an incredible view to you.
Starting with shy cat licks, you sigh in comfort and pets his head, going tight back to typing.
With a little more confidence that you gave him through the head pats he starts to savor you, his tongue licks for longer each time, and he feels the little button against it.
Your cellphone starts ringing making him stop his ministrations, but you gently nudge his cheek "don't stop, and be careful with your teeth" you answer your phone, and he goes back to liking you, now you were wetter than before, maybe you like the risk of being caught.
Shinso sucks lightly on your clit and sees you smiling at him with adoration "Yeah I refused her... I know, but I can refuse someone whenever I want" you sigh relived when he starts to get the hang of it. "Not my problem, I told you that I don't like heroes, and I also told you that even if it was an emergency I wouldn't attend them.... that was because I didn't knew he was a hero... that one was a vigilante... of course they are differeEEENT!" you look at him shocked, Hitoshi put his tongue inside you and was purposely rubbing his nose on your clit "hmmmmm... yeah sorry, I almost tripped...no no I'm- mmmmmmmmh! I'm fine... yeah? Well... then sue me, I don't care" you hung up the call and patted your thighs "hands where I can see MindJack"
Shinso puts his hand on top of your thighs, and you can feel pre-cum on one hand and a bit of it also on the tip of his other hand "Oh! So you did like my tongue on your back door!" You interlace your fingers with his hair and lightly pull on it making him groan, the vibrations hit you just right "ooooh~! Right there baby... such a good little hero, getting me nice and wet so that I can eat your cock with my pussy" that has Shinso moaning against you, you moan back at him and goes back to answering emails, but still gasping and moaning from time to time.
By the looks of it he's getting more clumsy and desperate by now, he starts to eating you aggressively, and it starts to turn you off, so you pull him away from your pussy "enough, you can't make me cum with your mouth, but don't worry, since this is your first time it's normal to not get it right hero"
Hitoshi sighs and calm his breathing, he grab both your thighs and look up at you with such a deplorable face that has your inside heating up.
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"Hmmmmm~♡ what do you want my little hero?" You put your thumb in his mouth, and he sucks on it "want to have something wrapped around your dick like there's no tomorrow? Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you" you close your laptop and focus on him, Hitoshi trembles under your eyes.
"I want to lose my virginity... please" he says with your finger in his mouth.
You chuckle at his face "How adorable, you never asked my name and still want to fuck me, how dirty of you, does it turn you on not knowing my name?" You put your feet on his dick and start to rub him.
"Name... I want to know your name, I want to cum saying your name"
Your smile grow darker "then tell me yours" Shinso stops all his thinking again, looking at her surprised, he shakes his head, you huff and nod "Okay, okay, well... right now you can call me doctor, or doc, when you tell me your name I will tell you mine" you get up from the chair and goes through your purse "lay down on the bed, let's get started, you can sleep here, tomorrow we will do all that hero stuff"
Hitoshi goes and sit on the bed with his back to the headboard, both hands on his thigh, his dick pulsating with an almost purple head, and and pulsating against his stomach.
You come back with a butt plug and lubricant, you open his legs and lick your lips at the sight "this one is small so don't worry too much" you spread the lubricant on his dick and then down to his asshole "I'm glad that I put aphrodisiac in the water, you needed to relax"
"You did what!?" When you were about to fit your finger inside he tensed the muscle, making it impossible for you to enter
You huff "I just wanted you to relax, don't worry I didn't put enough to make you unconscious or unable to say no, you can still get up and go out, I will even call and pay for the cab" you sit back and point to the door.
"But I need your help!"
"That's a shame, because I just want your body, I don't actually want to help, but I will if I can get what I want, now decide, will you go, or can I keep going?" You point to the door and then at his genitals.
Hitoshi looks in despair at you, his big and strong arms and legs, or his pro hero training, even his experience, nothing was usable here, even if he used his quirk, it wouldn't work, since he can't make her write the culprit's name. Hitoshi Shinso, the student of UA, the pupil of Eraser head, MindJack, the pro hero that helps the top 10 heroes under the table, is unable to help himself, and unable to not need your help.
You see that he noticed all this in a few minutes, that powerful man under you, makes you wet enough to make your slick come down to your inner thighs.
"Please... keep going" Hitoshi says in defeat, and you gladly oblige, you put your mouth around his tip and lightly suck on it, the pro hero groans, the feeling being out of this world, now relaxed and focusing on your mouth you put two lubricated fingers on his asshole, and slowly going more and more in, until only your knuckles are outside it.
The feeling of your fingers now moving around was groundbreakingly good, you were so sweet with him, even if this was supposed to pleasure you, maybe you like to be in control? That's possible-!!! Hitoshi yelp loudly by how surprised he is, you took him all inside your mouth, and he isn't small! And you just deep throated him, your wet and warm cave has him trembling from head to toe, while moaning loudly, not being able to hold back his moans.
"I-I'm gonna cum! Please let me cum! Please!" He says with tears in his eyes yet to fall.
But again you stop taking him out of your mouth, when he's at the edge almost cumming, Hitoshi sobs, his hands that was holding his own thighs are trembling as he holds himself back.
"Sorry, I need your name if you want to come" with your finger spreading his asshole, you kiss his tip again, it was pulsating with an almost purple head and pre-cum coming out of it.
"I won't give you my nAME!" you not only put the lubricated butt plug inside him, but also turned on the little vibrator, by the small switch that your tail was holding out of his reach.
"I already told you that it's fine, that you just won't cum" you get up and squad on top off him, lining his dick at your lower lips, and start to rub his tip on your clit, that makes you shiver and breathe heavily, thinking about what will happen next.
"Wait! A condom! I don't know if you are clean, and I also am too young to be a father!" He holds your hips up, not letting you keep going.
You sigh and get up, going to your purse and coming back with a paper and shows it to him. "What it says right here?" You point at a specific part and put the paper very close to his face, so he can't read the rest
"STDs negative, AIDS negative and other sickness that I don't know the name off, all of them negative..." you make a ball with the paper and trows it at the trash can, and you got it right... maybe that's a signal, that you will succeed this time.
"But what if- hummn!" You press on the butt plug and chuckles at him trying to hold back his moan
"It's a safe day, and I'm on the pill" you pet his face and goes on top of him again "now lay down and let your doctor give you your medicine"
He gulps and lays down, you fluff his pillow under him and smiles, his face blushing from how much care you have on your eyes, there is something more, like the cat that got the cream, but he isn't sure, that look vanish, being replaced by a lustful look.
You again line you two, and when you sit on him, taking every inch you both moan in sync.
"Oh my god!" You think that this hero is the cutest, he does the best facial reactions you have ever seen, it's quite addictive, but when you start to move, Oh! The face he makes is the best one.
"Don't stop- please! I'm gonna cum!" He throws his head back but groans in frustration from you not only stopping the movement, but also stopping the vibrator.
"Your name?" You ask again, putting a hand on his chest and caressing his nipple with your thumb.
His conscience was screaming at him, but his body was screaming for release.
You see his body twitching under you, the feeling of his dick inside you was deliciously pulsating, you wig your hips "Come oooon~ tell me! Tell meee~" you give small jumps and wiggle your hips.
He groans at the feeling, his whole body begging for release, "Hitoshi! My name is Hitoshi Shinso!!"
You smile at him and starts to move, "Hitoshi-kun! Cum inside me! Please! Please! Please!" At that he snaps and hold your hips up, as he fucks into you.
"Name!? Please! Please doctor!" You turn on the vibrator, and he moans loudly like a woman.
"Y/n call me, Y/n-sama, since I'm older than you, you need to uUuuUuUse~ aaaahn~♡, Hitoshi-kun! Give me more! Please!"
He moans back to you, seeing you on top of him, your breasts bouncing, was extremely arousing, but looking closely, your horns starts growing with your wings and size, your dragon scales are back but only in a few places.
You are meeting his trusts half way, your pleasure is building up, when suddenly it skyrockets, you look down at him and sees that his hand went up to your back, he's holding on your wings and pulling it from time to time, which makes you desperate, moving up and down you lost the patience when you started going over the edge.
"Toshi! I'm gonna cum!" your tail flicks the vibration to the max and drops the switch, coming to press and nudge your little button.
It was too much for him, the vibrations from behind hitting his prostate, your gummy walls squiring him so tight, the way your body moves with his, and the way you call, for his name is so sweet that he couldn't hold back even if he wanted, so he came inside you, his hot cum was the trigger for you too.
Waking up on the next day was a nightmare, his body was exhausted and his mind slower than normal, so after a few minutes Shinso sat up on the empty bed and looked around.
Your things weren't on the room anymore, some masculine clothes were on top of a chair with a note.
Hitoshi took a while to notice, but he was surprised when he did, not only was his body clean, it was just tired, and not sore, even a little relaxed, after reading the letter it made sense, and he sighs while holding back a smile.
'Hope you liked your post-sex massage, pro-heroes need their bodies on the daily, also...
It would be bad if we couldn't take my brother down, lets me up again today, yes?'
XoXo L/n Y/n
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ererokii · 5 years ago
Tsuki || Shouto Todoroki
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Shouto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
Tsuki means Moon in Japanese
Warnings: light cursing
Word Count: 2237
Synopsis: It’s time for you to walk down the aisle and Shouto reminisces your relationship beforehand.
Taglist: @shoutogepi @shoutosteakettle @shoutodoki @sugacookiies @burnedbyshoto @kingtamakimurder @pixxiesdust @fryingpanitachi
➺ Note: This is for the @bnhabookclub bingo event! The prompt is Wedding Vows
Bingo Masterlist
Todoroki Shouto adored you. Everyone could see it. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted you to be his for the rest of his life. He jumped at any opportunity that was given to him to make advances in your relationship.
Shouto stared into his reflection as he quietly fixed the bow tie of his suit. He tugged at the hem of the suit as he fixed the cufflinks on his undershirt.
“Todoroki!” Midoryia peeked his head through the door. “Are you almost ready? The ceremony is supposed to start soon.”
Shouto briefly nodded and pushed back a strand of hair that fell out of place. “Yeah. Just fixing myself. Do I look fine?” He turned around and held his arms out horizontally for emphasis.
He wore a dark grey suit that complimented his right side but somehow made his right side pop out in color. His hair was slicked back except for the hairs that were too stubborn to stay in place, falling in front of his face.
“You look great as always! But hurry up, I don’t know how much longer Kirishima can hold Bakugo down!”
From the outside, you could hear Bakugo’s yelling and the sound of explosions. Not too loud but loud enough.
A sweatdrop fell from Midoryia’s face as he stepped back. “Yeah we should get going before he somehow explodes this place”
“Right behind you.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“What if he lied and says no? What if this is some sort of game there are cameras secretly hidden so he can laugh in my face?!”
You paced back and forth, hands twitching by your sides as your dress dragged behind you. “What if he doesn’t love me?!”
“Y/N!” Jirou yelled that snapped you out of your panic, your head lifting quickly to meet her expression. “What?” You whispered meekly.
“Y/N honey” Momo places a hand on your elbow, a smile on her features. “You’re overreacting. Shouto loves you. Everyone can see it. I bet even strangers can see the love he has for you radiating off his body. There’s nothing to worry about. Plus he isn’t the type of man to joke about things like this.”
“He would be an idiot to say no! You have that boy wrapped around your finger! Tsu stop moving I can’t fix it” Mina grunted as she stood on her tiptoes, pushing the blue headpiece into her green hair. There! Perfect!”
You stopped in front of the full-body mirror, hands resting on your hips. The lace of the long sleeve ran it’s way down until it reached your forearm, the trim wrapping around with delicate patterns. Your back was exposed as the lace began again at the small of your back, flowing out as it trailed behind you. The dress hugged your curves, making you a walking statue of beauty. Your hair was in a low braided bun, strands of hair framing your face. A crown-like headpiece circled your head as your veil effortlessly enclosed around your body, making you look ethereal.
You teared up and began to fan your face. “Here they come” you choked out as you let your head hang back, a way to keep your tears at bay. “Aw Y/N” Ochako cooed as they came to surround you, wrapping their arms around your body but cautious of your dress and makeup.
“There’s no need to cry! You look so amazing! Every other bride out there in this world wishes they look as good as you!” Hagakure reassured, running her hand up and down your exposed back. “You look so beautiful. Shouto is one lucky man.”
The room erupted in agreement as a knock silenced all you.
You cleared your throat and fanned your face once more before speaking up, “Who is it?” you called and took a step towards the door.
“It’s Kirishima! It’s going to start right now so we all need to get paired up.”
Soon. Soon you would be walking down the aisle, holding the flowers tight to your chest to calm your nerves. Soon you would be saying your words of love to the man you were to spend the rest of your life with. Soon you would be leaving this place with your husband.
At the thought of leaving this place as Shouto Todoroki’s wife brought a smile to your face. You looked down at the carpeted floor as you gently kicked at it with the tip of your shoe. You were ready to start the next beautiful chapter with him. You remembered him acting strangely the day he asked you to be his on your fourth anniversary. He was a bit quieter like he reverted to his old school ways.
“Hello earth to Y/N? Did we lose her already?!” A hand waved in front of your face as a hand tapped itself on your shoulder.
Your head lifted quickly in shock, your eyes blown open as your mouth was parted. “What?!”
An amused giggle left Momo’s lips as she opened the door wider, allowing the rest of your bridesmaids to exit the room. “Don’t worry Y/N-San. It’ll be okay. We’ll all be up there!” she flashed you one of her charming smiles before exiting the room, leaving you by yourself.
You looked up at the ceiling as you let out your final breath, grabbing the flowers from the table and held it close to your chest. The music started playing, signaling everyone that you were to come soon. The beautiful melody filled your ears and it warmed the depths of your heart, the rhythm making your heartbeat join in sync.
You followed behind whoever was in front of you. It was hard to remember who was paired up with his groomsmen. Mina, who was in front of you, looked over her shoulder as her arm was interlocked with Kirishima’s arm. “It’s okay Y/N! It’ll be alright!”
Kirishima nodded in agreement. “It’s unmanly to be nervous! I bet Todoroki isn’t nervous at all!”
“Will the both of you shut up?!” Bakugo snapped as he fully turned around, dragging Hagakure in the process. “I want to get this shit over with but we can’t if you guys keep fucking talking!!”
Before you could retort back the doors swung open, allowing the first couple to walk through. Ochako and Izuku walked arm in arm together down the aisle, both showing their best smiles as your maid of honor and Shouto’s best man.
With space in between, each couple walked down in coordination before splitting up at the front.
You let out a deep breath as you clutched your hand to your chest. “This is it..” you whispered and let one foot move before moving the other, walking forward to a new chapter in your life.
As you made your appearance everyone stood up, Shouto’s head perking up at the sight of you, his mouth parting slightly. “Wow...” he whispered breathlessly as if you took his heart away from him again.
At the sight of your form walking closer and closer, he couldn’t help but drown in your appearance. You were beyond this world, something he couldn’t describe.
You walking down the aisle made him reminisce about how he got here. How he went from someone who didn’t need friends in his time in high school to having an almost wife by his side.
He remembered your first date. To be honest, he didn’t even know it was a date till you departed ways, asking for another one. Course he didn’t say anything about it but kept it to himself, lost in his thoughts.
The next dates after that were better than the first. The first being way too awkward that you did most of the talking. He noticed your form get closer and closer to him as you guys walked in the street, feeling the outline of your hand brush against his.
Your first kiss was… something to say the least. Your heads were angled weird as you bumped noses, emitting a noise from you and a soft smile to display upon his face.
Another date turned into another, then another, till it turned into your first anniversary. Your hardships only brought you guys closer, stronger to each other.
Your first fight tore him apart. He was being too distant as you said. He would come at late hours of the night and would leave first thing in the morning. You understood that he was a Pro-Hero, knew that he would be called whenever needed. You felt as if you weren’t needed and voiced your concerns.
One thing turned to another as he labeled you as clingy, not understanding, and whiny. You labeled him as distant, uncaring, and an emotionless bastard. The fight ended rather quickly when he saw your tears spewing out of your eyes as you whispered your insecurities to him. Right there he devoted any of his free time to you.
Yet here you were approaching him as he held his hand out for you to grab. Your smaller hand was engulfed by his bigger ones, leading you up the small steps to meet him at the top.
Your smile greeted him as he placed a kiss to your knuckles, placing your hand down by your side.
The voice of the Officiant, who was to wed you both was drowned out in the background. All Shouto could do was stare at you. His eyes drank in your figure as he slowly traced your form with his sight. To the way your hair was put in place to the flowing veil that covered your back, hiding you from the world. To the lace hugging your curves just right.
He snapped out of his trance when you took his hands in yours, facing him completely. Your lips moved that felt like an illusion to him. Your sweet voice filled the entire room as you declared your love for him. Your eyes gleamed with delight as your mouth was tugged up in a carefree smile, your hands twitching and squeezing with every word spoken.
Your eyes swelled up with tears as one of his hand reached to your face and gently wiped them away, his thumb rubbing the apple of your cheek gently.
“I promise to love you every day with my whole being Shouto. I promise to give my all to you through thick and thin. I love you Shouto.” You choked back a sob as you brought one of your hands to your mouth, covering it.
Shouto reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a white folded piece of paper. He unfolded it, fixing its creases as he stared down at his writing. “I had something pre-written down but,” he folded it again and placed it back inside. “I rather say what I feel right now.”
He let out a deep breath, “Y/N,” he began and lifted his head to meet your gaze. “No words can describe how much you mean to me. You’ve given me so many opportunities to prove myself that I was good enough for you. You were always there for me despite knowing what happened to me. You listened to me. You are my shoulder to cry on. As you are here for me, I promise to be there for you even though I know I’ll mess up.”
He grabbed both of your hands and held them to his chest. “You are my everything. You are my moon. You shined so brightly when I was in a dark place. In the dark, you showed me that there was something else out there that I couldn’t see. I promise to love, protect, and cherish you until I die and even until after that. My moon, I love you so much.”
He finished as your tears were openly flowing, your shoulders shaking as you shook your head.
“Todoroki Shouto, do you take Y/LN Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
“Y/LN Y/N, do you take Todoroki Shouto as your lawfully wedded husband!”
“Yes!” You cried out and gripped Shouto’s hands tighter, your makeup messing up slightly. Shouto could only smile at your messy appearance but to him, you were beautiful. Full of emotion. Full of love.
“I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the br-“
Shouto wrapped a hand around your waist and brought you flushed against his chest, one of his hands cradling your cheek and he placed his lips on yours, sealing your bond of an ultimate form of love.
Cheers boomed throughout the place, sobs erupting from your bridesmaids.
“They’re just!! So cute!!” Mina sobbed into her arm as Tsu rubbed her back gently.
“Todoroki-Kun and Y/N-San are cute!! I can’t wait to babysit their kids!!” Momo wailed out as she shook her flowers, the petals falling off everywhere.
“That’s so manly!!” Kirishima wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, Midoryia reprimanding Bakugo for making a smart comment.
“This was a beautiful ceremony Kacchan! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Bakugo grunted and looked away from everyone, a small smile forming at his lips. Even though he wouldn’t say it, he was happy for both of you.
You pulled away and leaned your forehead against Shouto’s, your lips ghosting his as you bring your left hand to stroke his cheek. “I love you, Shou.”
He placed his hand on top of yours, leaning into your touch.
“And I you, my love.”
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asian-hero · 5 years ago
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me?
A/N: What’s up? Here I am, due to popular demand, with a part two to this angsty little thing I wrote. I hope you enjoy ;)
If you haven’t read the first part, I highly recommend that you do. This is a direct sequel to the events that happen in the last part
Also, perhaps I’ll write one last thing for this little fic in the future, you know, for fun
Edit: So... fifth times a charm, right? If this doesn’t show up in the tags again, I swear I’m quitting
Summary: After a long night filled with your quiet sobs and Shouto’s soft snores, you come to the conclusion that you’re a bad bitch who doesn’t need someone to love them in order to love yourself. However, when you try to distance yourself, Shouto finally reaches his answer to his on-going self doubt and love for you
Words: 3,138
It was around seven in the morning when you had woken up. As you sat up, you could feel a sharp pain rush to your head, causing you to groan. Pressing a hand to your forehead, you found yourself sighing at the slight relief you gained, though it wasn’t for long. Soon enough you could feel just how heavy your limbs were, and how difficult it was to just keep your hand up. Rubbing your face, you stood up, heading towards the kitchen, in hopes that a glass of water would help you to relieve your aching body.
As you stepped into the living room, you could hear the faint sound of snoring. Creeping slowly, you found Shouto curled up on the couch, the pillow doing almost nothing to stop the snores from emanating from the man. Squatting down, you went to run your fingers through his hair, before you froze. Remembering what he had admitted last night, your loving caress was about to turn into a sharp slap in the face if it weren’t for the fact that you were so whipped for him. Yanking your hand away as if you’d been burned, you stood back up, storming towards the kitchen, loudly opening your cabinets and grabbing a glass and filling it with water. While your plan had been to just walk away, to head back to your room, and lie to him when he inevitably woke up and asked why you were locked up in your room, something overcame you as you once again paused by the couch. Looking down at him, you weren’t sure what feeling stood out more: betrayal or anger. You felt betrayed at the fact that he wasn’t even sure if he loved you, at the fact that he thought he was using you in order to get back at his father. You also felt angry at the fact that, if that were the case, and he was just using you, then he had been leading you on for an entire year, letting you believe that he actually cared for you, that he actually loved you.
So, no one could truly blame you when you tipped your cup upside down, spilling the ice cold water onto the back of his head.
Jolting up, Shouto gasped for air as his eyes ripped open. Blinking a few times, most likely to get the water away from his eyes, he stared up at you, a look of confusion gracing his features.
“(Y/N), what—“
“Sorry, I thought your quirk would freeze it before it reached you. Though, I guess I just don’t know anything about quirks, because, well,” You pointed towards yourself, a hollow smile on your lips, “Quirkless.”
He furrowed his brows, this time moving to sit up straight. Reaching out to grab one of your hands, he frowned. “What are you talking about—“
“You know, we should really go and visit your father sometime, Sho. I bet he’ll be thrilled to hear how you completely dismantled his dreams of having a powerful grandchild.”
A flash of shock crossed his face, but it was nothing compared to the look of realization he had when you ripped your hand away from his his, curling in on yourself. He stood up, moving to hold you tight, but you were quicker. Side stepping his advances, you put on your best smile, letting out a fake gasp.
“Oh, that’s wonderful! You can move,” Pointing towards the door, your features turned from your happy go lucky persona to a deep scowl, “Now, get out.”
“(Y/N), I didn’t mean—“ He tried once more, but you wanted nothing more than for him to leave you be.
“(Y/L/N),” You started, your hand still pointed towards the door, “You don’t get to call me that anymore. Now leave, go sort out your daddy issues and leave me alone.”
You knew that you were being harsh, and to boil down his mixed feelings over his father as simple “daddy issues” was more than factually incorrect, but you couldn’t bother to care at this point. 
When he moved to gain your attention once more, you snapped your neck towards him, your eyes almost glowing with the amount of anger that you contained. “There is absolutely nothing that you can say to me that’ll fix what you did. So, instead of trying to force yourself to love me, and lead me on for God knows how long, why don’t you just leave?”
You didn’t even bother listening to what he had to say, as you shoved him out of your living room and out of your door, slamming it in his face. As you heard his footsteps slowly retreating, you couldn’t help the loud sob that ripped itself from your throat. Slamming your hands onto your mouth, you made desperate attempts to stop the vulnerable sounds from coming out of your mouth, but it didn’t work. So, as you continued to sob, you couldn’t help but crumple to the ground, suddenly too weak to hold yourself up any longer. 
You hated feeling like this, feeling as though you were broken. It reminded you too much of your younger self, when you questioned why you had to be one of the unlucky few children to be born without a quirk. When you were mercilessly taunted by others due to your quirkless state. Or when you had realized that your dream of becoming a hero, of being able to save people and put smiles on their faces, was practically crushed before your eyes. You hated that you felt weak, that you were weak. It made you even angrier at the fact that you were crying over some guy, his social status be damned.
So, you allowed yourself to wallow in self pity for a few more minutes, no longer bothering to hold back your sobs, before you forced yourself to stand. Wiping the leftover tears from your face, you took in a deep breath, and willed yourself to calm down. After all, it would do no one any good if you just sat on the floor crying. You allowed yourself to feel hurt, to feel sorrow at your first real relationship ending, but you refused to let yourself get consumed by grief. 
Smacking your cheeks lightly, you headed for your room, moving to get dressed for the day. Though, as soon as you took a step, the throbbing pain to your head had returned. All of your adrenaline had left your system, and now you were left with the mess that was your hangover. So, changing courses slightly, you headed over to your medicine cabinet, pushing things aside to find some ibuprofen.
First, you’d take care of your pounding headache. Then, you’d start your life over, without Shouto.
At least, that’s what you were trying to do.
It had only been a month since you had broken up with Shouto, and it was easily one of the worst months of your life. Not because you were desperate to get back together with him, but because somehow, you had managed to run into him everywhere you went, whether it be figuratively or literally.
If you were off running an errand, going to buy some fresh produce that you needed, you would be stopped by the crowd of thousands who gathered in the square to watch the number three hero fight along side the number one and two. As you walked through your grocery store, all you could hear about was how amazing Shouto was, and how whoever his partner was was lucky to have him. 
You wanted to throw up.
There was also another time when you were out for a jog, just wanting to clear your mind as work as piling up. As you were running by some little kids, you noticed one of them was holding their notebook tightly to their chest as the others seemed to be in awe. Jogging closer, you managed to hear bits and pieces of their conversation, with the kid squealing in delight at the fact that Pro Hero Shouto just gave them an autograph. It made you pause in your tracks, and, looking from side to side, you saw someone who looked suspiciously like your ex. He seemed to have noticed you too, as he made his way towards you.
Before he could even reach out, you were running in the opposite direction, figuring that you had enough exercise for the day.
However, one of the worst run ins you had was while you were just sitting on your couch, watching some late night talk show while eating straight out of an ice cream carton.
You were simply minding your own business, not bothering anyone, when the host introduced their next host: your goddamn ex-boyfriend.
As soon as his name was announced you nearly choked on your ice cream. While you wanted to just change the channel, maybe put on a wholesome baking show to relax to, your fingers froze when you saw him enter the set and take a seat down on the plush couch. Even though it had only been a month or so since you shoved him out of your life, he looked much different. Though, as you continued to watch, you came to the realization that he looked different because his hair was actually pushed out of his face, unlike his usual mop of bangs hiding his forehead. It bothered you how you still thought he was handsome, but you couldn’t deny it.
The entire interview was pretty standard, with the host asking him about his career as a hero, any advice he’d give aspiring heroes, how he felt about Twitter accounts that were dedicated to him. You know, all of the usual topics.
However, one question had caught your wavering attention:
“So,” The host asked, a wide grin appearing on their face as they leaned in, “How’s the love life of a pro hero?”
Shouto shifted in his seat, and it was obvious that he was uncomfortable. He did answer the question, though, and you sat up straighter, wanting to hear his answer.
“Ah, I’m sure that can’t be too interesting to hear about,” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh please! I’m sure we’d all like to hear if there’s a special someone, right?” The host egged on, gaining the cheers of the audience.
He tilted his head, almost as if weighing the outcome of whether or not he said something. Finally coming to a decision, he cleared his throat, and you could’ve sworn that you saw a blush rising to his cheeks.
“Well, there is this one person,” He started, and as the host ushered for him to go on, he continued, “She’s one of the best people that I’ve ever met. She’s kind and compassionate, and always puts the needs of others above her own,”
He laughs lightly as he says the next part, but you can tell that there’s a bit of sadness with it, “But she never lets herself become a doorstep for others. She knows when to put her foot down and when to stand her ground,”
“You seem to know a lot about that last part,” The host said, clearly attempting to get a rise out of him.
It didn’t work, mainly because Todoroki Shouto was just so painfully honest when it came to how he felt, almost to the point where it became a bit concerning. “Yeah, you could say that I’ve made some mistakes,”
You found yourself furrowing your brow, confused at the whole mess that was appearing right on your screen. It didn’t help that you knew that asshole was talking about you, and he was saying everything you wanted him to say. 
Not wanting to hear the rest of what he had to say, you went for the remote once more, but were once again stopped by the hosts’ next question:
“Well, do you love this girl?” The host questioned, milking this subject for all it was worth, “I mean, you practically just announced your feelings for her on national television,”
You felt your heart freeze in your chest as Shouto smiled, and nodded his head. “I really do. I didn’t get to tell her that, but I love her.”
In all honesty, you wanted to chuck your remote into the screen as hard as you could, but then you knew that you’d just have to pay for a new one, and you really didn’t want to spend money on your fit of rage. So, as the program had gone to a commercial break, you slammed down your ice cream carton and picked up your phone, calling someone that you hadn’t bothered with for a while.
It took a few rings before the person on the other line answered: “Hello?”
“What the hell was that?” You hissed, not bothering with any pleasantries.
There was a brief pause, and you almost thought that he’d just walked away before he cleared his throat awkwardly, “You saw the interview?”
“No, Todoroki, I just decided to call you up to yell at you because I felt like it— of course I saw the interview!”
“It’s Shouto,”
You ignored him, continuing on with your rant. “Did you really think that announcing indirectly that you love me was going to fix anything? What was your goal with that?”
“I didn’t know where the questions were going, I just thought I should just answer them honestly,”
You scoffed, and though you couldn’t see him, you could tell that he was frowning, “Oh, so you can say that you love me in front of the nation but you couldn’t tell me if you loved me a month ago?”
“That’s different,” He argued, but you were having none of it.
“It’s not different, Todoroki! A month ago you were telling me that you weren’t even sure if you loved me, or if you were just using me to get back at your dad! For a whole year, you couldn’t figure out if you loved me or not. Now, all of a sudden you’re trying to tell me that you finally figured it out?”
The silence at the other end of the line gave you your answer. Sighing, you did your best to keep your tears at bay, but after a month of denying yourself the opportunity to feel upset, the dams were starting to open up once more.
“Do you know how hard it was for me to hear that? How, on our anniversary, you decided to let me know that you may have been with me for the wrong reasons? It fucking hurt, you know that right?”
You cringed at how weak your voice sounded, but you were thankful that you could express your feelings at all, with all of the turbulent emotions swirling in your heart. 
“(Y/N)—“ He interrupted himself, starting over, “(Y/L/N), I want you to know that I’m sorry. I know that there’s nothing I can say to change what happened. I can’t pretend that what I said that night didn’t happen, and I can’t pretend that what I say was entirely untrue. I’m sorry that it took you getting hurt and leaving that I finally realized just how important you are to me.
You aren’t someone I used to get back at my father. I didn’t seek you out to make him mad, nor did I change my plans when I found out you were quirkless. When we started getting closer, and time went on, I started getting worried that I may have been using you, because not only did it seem like that to my friends, but because I didn’t want to hurt you either.”
You allowed for his words to sink in, digesting everything that he had to say. Sniffling, you wiped away some stray tears that had fallen past your cheeks. “That’s a dumb excuse,”
“I know, but it’s the only reasoning I have,” He said, and you could’ve sworn that you heard a bit of desperation in his voice.
“That was a shit move you pulled, saying you loved me on TV,” You stated, your frown still present on your face, “I would have rather you told me that in person.”
“Would you have let me?”
When you didn’t respond, he spoke once more: “Would you let me tell you now?”
You played with the hem of your shirt, honestly wanting to be anywhere but in this conversation. “I don’t know.”
Your answer didn’t seem to deter him, as his tone changed from one of sorrow to one of hope.
“Well, would it be alright if,” He paused, unsure of how you’d respond, “If I tried to prove myself to you?”
“Prove yourself?”
He let out a noise of agreement. “Prove to you that I’m not lying when I say that I’m in love with you. I won’t force you to do anything, and if you feel uncomfortable, I’ll stop.”
After a beat of silence, he quietly added, “If you don’t want this, I’ll leave you alone, and we can go back to avoiding each other,”
You took in a deep breath, before letting out a long sigh. As much as you tried to keep your feelings stowed away, you couldn’t lie to yourself. You still loved him, and you wanted nothing more than to just accept you right away, to just start off where the two of you left off. However, the rational part of your brain was telling you to slow down, that, even if you wanted this to happen, you couldn’t just forget what he said that night. 
So, you finally reached your answer.
“Don’t expect me to go easy on you,” You warned, your heart beating wildly, “I won’t say anything if you want to try, but I’m not going to just run back to you because of this.”
You wanted to laugh at the sigh of relief that came through the other side, along with a quiet “of course.” Glancing over at your clock, you noted that it was probably time for you to actually get some sleep. Stretching a bit, you got up, getting ready to sleep away your worries for the next handful of hours before your shift.
“I’m going now, goodnight, Todoroki.”
Though you couldn’t see him, you could feel a warmth shooting through your body as he huffed out a laugh.
“Goodnight, (Y/L/N),”
Hanging up the phone, you watched as the call screen faded, and you were returned to his contact information. A small smile tugged at your lips, and as you put your phone away, cleaning up the mess that was in front of you, you couldn’t help but wish him luck. 
Though, you weren’t quite sure if he was going to need it.
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