mizumi-kahago-art · 1 year
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Redraw Cover-Art for Arc
That’s a redraw of the old cover art for Arc (see here).
The story summary will be very brief, as the OG-Roleplay was extremely long and it’d be become way too detailed to go more into the story. However if there are specific questions about any part of the story, I’m happy to provide/fill in the gaps.
↓  The story summary under read more ↓  
Arc Zero:
Arc Zero is about the time before Akai came to the castle, where it was only the Queen and the Knight. It shows their relationship prior to the Queen’s development. Where she used to be cold and co-depended on Knight for everything, where he was the actual ruler. It also shows the siege of the Northern Kingdom (Nashad’s Kingdom), how it fell, how Nashad lost his family, his status, his wealth, how he made a contract with a Demon and how he planned revenge.
Arc (Unfinished Web-Manga, Read here):
The main story of Arc is the Queen getting kidnapped by Nashad. So Akai and Knight have to rescue her. Along the story, Akai and Knight start getting along better and both have significant character development. In the end it is revealed, that the marriage of the Queen was just so she’d end her contract with Knight, trying to get her killed in the process. In the end, Nashad didn’t succeed but managed to escape. Things returned to normal afterwards.
After a two year time-skip, all the Characters had a design-change. Akai (now Kai) and the Queen due to a shape-shifting-potion; Knight because he wanted to let his hair grow out and Nashad because he had to, due to poverty. Nashad knocks on the castle doors one night, asking for help. Since his last appearance he had become homeless and no idea what to do with his life now. He explained to them, that he made a contract back then, with a powerful Demon-Lady, who told him to exterminate every Half-Demon in exchange for making him a Full-Blood-Demon. However after his failure to do so, his contract with her is off and now she’s hunting him. It takes a lot of convincing and restricting him before they decide to help him out, by going straight to hell to meet this Demon-Lady. As talking is of no use with her, they all have to work together in a fight, killing her. Returning to the earth surface, after everything is settled, they send Nashad off with a truce.
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rpgchoices · 1 month
How to install the free Icewind Dale II: EE with romancable NPC mod
Everything is taken by the instructions from the Enhanced Edition post and the NPC mod post! I just tried it on my own pc and wrote a summary point by point to make it easier (for my future self!)
You will need to have purchased the game itself to be able to install both mods.
Install Icewind Dale II (I did it from GOG)
Go to https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/87952/icewind-dale-2-enhanced-edition-is-released/p1 and download the zip file
Open folder for the game (on GOG right click -> manage installation -> show folder)
Unzip iwd2ee zip file downloaded in this folder
Run Setup-iwd2ee.exe and install. These are the elements in the folder and I highlighted the installation one. Follow the instructions.
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From now on to start the game you will need to click on (run as administrator):
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Now, to install the NPC Project mod:
Download the file here. Instructions are here.
Run the installer
Make sure to select the folder where you installed Icewind Dale 2
The installation should start (select language and all the single components and it should be done!)
I also run the "Setup-iwd2ee_mod_compatibility_patch.exe (this is a component of the Enhanced Edition mod and needs to be run after ALL the mods are installed)
Keep in mind that the Enhanced Edition version also has recruitable NPCs, so up to you if you want to use all of the NPCs offered by the NPC Prioject mod.
To successfully add the NPCs and the romancable options:
Start the game clicking on IWD2EE.exe as administrator
Start New Game
Start a new party
The first character is for your NPC
For the rest: Create new character -> Import, and here you can import the npcs of the mod
(I had to reselect their voice from the list of voices!)
Another way is to select the "Sir Nord company" among the already made parties and then delete the first character (Sir Nord) to add your custom character. In this case you can delete any character and re-import Sir Nord if you want him.
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And all should be in order!
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megamangx · 1 month
lobotomy corp the better human prioject
lobotomy corp was build by the company witch run gloverment now but it was mostly corprerations becuse money with lobbyists had killed democray
"we need to run if they finded out i made not state run art they will arrast me" said fina the artist but the robocops had grabbed her "you are using free expasssion you will be taken to the lobotomy corp" and they put her in the robocar.
at lobotomy corp angela was there with a paperclip "this is the dissenter we will fix her then" she shed
Fina cryed "please i like having free"
angela touched her cheak with a pat "we must make people confirming humans so webuilted lobotomy corp to give evberyone lobotomys to make them confirm to the new order" she said and put her on a medical chair
the doctors came with dentist dril and put it up her nose "i am not cutting ze skull" and she scredm "once we cutze free will part of ze brain out you will bne normel person" with sciance man
angela watched with no emotion as they used drills and hammers and machines to cut her free will brain out then put a chip up her nose "you are now good confirming citizen of ze state"
angela put her in a lad coat and gived her a job "You are assigned to lobotomy corp get to work" and fina nodded "Yes maam"
angela went into the head office where elon musk was "good work now i will make lots of pure chilran and bring eugenics back now we are done on step 1" he laughed knowing the world cold not stop him.
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Social Network BG Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/social-network-bg/17128608
Seamlessly Looped Social Media Background 25 fps 1920×1080 A big THANK YOU if you buy this clip! Please rate it Music not available with this prioject [information on project page]
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axtellastructures · 2 years
Because of changes some problems we face   in the construction of steel structural detailing, .These changes can occur from sometimes some errors, mistakes, and sometimes if the client's desires change. this can affect.  The structural design and geometry. There are four primary events- engineering, detailing, fabrication, and erection.
Engineering-  The best time to discover an error basically the change is usually during the construction of steel design. from these chnages including the placement of new steel not anticipated, this change might be already in the model, and any one of these changes may impact engineering. luckily, the impact is usually a little bit in the terms of time and cost because the changes are known and we implemented for the long term before fabrication.
Detailing: some times minor changes during the phase of detailing may have a large impact on the project, all depending upon the nature of the change. Sometimes the changes might be important but has little impact. This all depends on the type and timing of changes. to understand by dividing the detailing activities into four parts, details drawing, submittals erection drawing, and bill of materials.
If the changes initially occur.it is called an advanced bill. the new or replaced steel caused
sometimes the newly replaced part is not available in the purchased order. therefore the changed steel needs to be purchased separately, material handling and storage is a huge labor expense for fabricators.
Fabrication: Now the detailer sends the drawing to the fabricator's office to process. in this process includes we check the drawing to ensure all pieces are detailed, make a template, and then decide which piece will be fabricated first.
if a change comes in between fabrication it will inherently impact both detailing and fabrication.
then the impact is very high very half of the prioject is completed
Erection : changes that are occurred during erection are the most costly and expensive.
After changes were made the erection of the assembly is complete now requires the big cranes for the move or may require some additional rental equipment.
so at last Axtella structure's main focus is that we provide accurate drawings at once. No rectification is needed again and again.
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fiorelfajri · 2 years
 Halo nama saya Muhammad Fiorel Fajri Hilmi saya mahasiswa semester 5 di Telkom University Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis jurusan Digital Public Relations. Saya berdomisili Jakarta dan tinggal di Tangerang, alasan saya memilih Digital PR adalah saya ingin mempelajari lebih dalam mengenai komunikasi dan bisnis tersendiri.
 Basic saya adalah musisi dan pebisnis. Dalam bisnis saya pernah membuat FnB ( Food n Baverage) bernama C’Wings, bisnis ini berjalan 1 bulan saja karena pada saat itu saya sedang libur panjang. Sangat terkesan menjalani bisnis tersebut karena banyak proses yang saya alami mulai mereset rasa, pasar, dan bahan-bahan lainnya. Partner bisnis saya adalah pacar saya sendiri, mulai dari situ bulan Juni tahun 2021 saya mulai membuka usaha saya dan alhamdulillah dalam waktu seminggu saya sudah bisa balik modal dan saya berfikir kalau saya punya bakat bisnis. Lalu saya juga punya bakat sebagai musisi, saya memegang alat musik drum mulai sejak SD kelas 2 hingga sekarang punya band bergenre Black Chaotic Hardcore dan Death Metal. 
Awal punya band itu SMA kelas 2 bermain bertajuk metalcore yang sedang hype pada masa itu lalu masuk ke dalam sesi rekaman EP Album dengan nama Satan’s Breed. Dengan nama tersebut terdapat beberapa konflik yang terjadi terhadap orang tua saya yang berpendapat bahwa tidak boleh membawa unsur-unsur setan karena stigma yang jelek, sempat juga saya tidak diperbolehkan untuk melanjutkan band itu. 
Tetapi saya menjelaskan kalau ini hanya sebatas materi tidak sampai saya akan melakukan yang berbau memuja hal ghoib dll. Akhirnya saya melanjutkan band ini berjalan 2 tahun, tidak lama kemudian terdapat konflik lagi dengan band dan akhirnya bubar. 
Tetapi saya tidak berhenti begitu saja, pada akhir tahun 2021 saya membuat band prioject lagi yang lebih berkomitmen dan serius menjalani project ini, band ini bernama Archadia yang bergenre Death Metal berisi 4 personel, 2 bulan saya menjalani proses rekaman yang sangat pusing untuk mengejar tayang untuk memasuki lagu saya kepada beberapa label musik dan ada label musik bernama Blackandje. Blackandje ini mempunyai program untuk para band satu Indonesia yaitu Blackened Submission, begitu ada kabar tersebut dengan cepat men-submit lagu saya sampai menunggu kabar beberapa waktu, pada waktu yang telah ditentukan akhirnya ada beberapa nominasi 15 besar dari seluruh Indonesia dan dengan rasa sangat bersyukur sekali nama band saya (Archadia) memasuki nomor 2 dari 15 nama band dari seluruh Indonesia, membuat saya semakin serius menjalani proses ini. 
Tidak lama kemudian saya dipanggil oleh orang untuk menjadi drummer di band baru bernama TORE UP bergenre black Chaotic Hardcore dan sekarang saya sedang menjalani Java Tour yang akan menempuh 6 kota Jawa dan 1 kota sumatra dan akan berangkat pada bulan November 2022 ini. Dan saya akan melanjutkan bisnis FNB saya pada tahun ini juga, semoga apa yang saya harapkan semua akan berjalan dengan baik dan sukses untuk masa depan saya kelam nanti.
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illustraice · 5 years
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hades and kore on that ‘kiss’, according to gustav klimt.
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brownhillsbob · 6 years
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#365daysifbiking Telford - a paradoxical historic new town:
February 12th - Telford is a new town that’s about 50 years old: Yet it’s also a place of great history, considered by many to be the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Today, I discovered that even under the ‘new’ Telford there is a big, big past.
Riding up the cycleway to Hortonwood, I go towards Stafford Park then turn over the pedestrian bridge and go through Priorslee. At the Stafford Park/Priorslee crossroads, there is a mess of old signposts, their boards removed when the local cycle routes were redesignated. On the orphaned posts, as well as the usual mess of Sustrans guff were new stickers for The Miner’s Walk.
Intrigued, I looked up the website mentioned on the sticker, and found that it’s a local history project with a five and a half mile walk through industrially significant spots in North Telford.
There is a great website here. - go check it out. It’s superb.
I found out that only a few hundred yards from this spot, up until about 1910, there was a mine called Dark Lane Colliery. In 1862, it was host to the worst loss of life in Shropshire mining history when 9 men and 3 boys crashed to their deaths when a cage rope came free.
I had of course heard of the Dawley pits, and those of Coalbrokedale, but had no idea the history was so complex and far north.
So those little stickers led to me learning something new today. Wonderful.
I shall be investigating this further.
This journal is moving home. Please find out more by clicking here.
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manishved · 2 years
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Smartly Design 2 BHK East-West Facing Scenic view of Pure Green Nature Indoor Games Activities
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joculatrixster · 3 years
context timeee (also call me monarch pls ty-)
basically a year ago i was joking with an old mutual on an ask telling them that the fandom had animators,, va's and writers so we could make our own cr anime,, at first it was a joke but then most of their followers started saying that it would be cool so they made a server for the project
there was a buncha people who joined and i used to be one of the soon-to-be lead writers and va,, the thing is that the mutual started losing interest on cr and most people there also did,, so at the end the server was closed and we never got out of the planning phase
today i started randomly thinking of it again and i'm most likely considering to bring up the project again with a different premise !,, we all started it as an interpretation of our own lore bc cr didn't had a clear one and everyone thought kingdom was cancelled in those days,, but since we got more lore and even crossover characters i'm mostly thinking of bringing the idea as a little slice of life series by the sorts !
that would be rlly fun to see tho :O! 
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Quick distortion of my face over a print out using chalk..
I like the freaky, Halloween look this gave off. I did not plan to do this I was just unsure about what to do next and scribbled this. Thankfully it gave me an idea
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Facebook Like Reactions 12 Pack Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/facebook-like-reactions-12-pack/19587458
Facebook Live Reactions 12 Pack and Loop 25 fps 1920×1080 A big THANK YOU if you buy this clip! Please rate it Music not available with this prioject [information on project page]
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Rate of Disenfranchisement, by Race, 2016
Source: Uggen, C., Larson, R., & Shannon, S. 2016. 6 Million Lost Voters: State-Level Estimates of Felon Disenfranchisement, 2016. Washington, DC: The Sentencing Prioject.
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lesbianraskolnikov · 7 years
if you are requesting FREE art from someone do not be pushy and rude towards them and get mad when they havent completed your request...theyre doing it for free, at least have some respect and patience?
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