#princesses that he has chest hair but they just accept marco as a girl with chest hair but i think that's it
coldduckweaselkid · 2 years
seasons 3 and 4 of star vs. is when the show’s writing was starting to fall off. seasons 3 and 4 were also the seasons that stopped including hints for marco being a trans girl. coincidence?
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tell-mi · 5 years
One Day, Maybe
Part 1 - Beat of my heart
Chris Evans x Anastasia Hofmann (25 year old actress and mother of 5 year old Nathalie)
Warnings: whole lotta fluff and language
"Nathi, beany, come on you've gotta stay at the kindergarden. Mommy will pick you up at evening. Okay?" you smooched your little bean goodby. That's how you called your five year old daughter Nathalie. Every morning since a week your heart broke into tiny pieces, when you saw her little face turn sad. You moved from LA to New York for a new TV series a year ago but Nathalie still wasn't getting used to it. Especially after your filming break of two months. It wasn't the first move with Nathalie. The last years have been incredible for you and your acting career. You broke up the theater school in Berlin five years ago, as you knew you had been pregnant. Marco, your boyfriend and the father of Nathalie just broke up your relationship and left you. Never have you heard of him again. You knew that it wouldn't ever be possible to go on with acting and raise a girl as a single mom, so you took the hard decision. As Nathalie turned three you two moved to LA due to a surprisingly acting chance for a sitcom which just came up. You accepted the possibility to get a contract at your dream job and it pushed your carreer to the top. Within a few month you became one of Hollywood's most demanded actresses on TV shows.
Nevertheless you always decided in favour of Nathalie. She was always your number one and no job in the world was worth leaving her to some Nanny's for weeks without seeing her. So you only accepted job offers if there was the possibility to take her with you and a kindergarden nearby.
The last movement was a hard one for Nathalie. Growing up in Germany she went into a german kindergarden and only spoke this language. In LA you have found a german kindergaren for her as well. You wanted her to continue speaking her mother tongue and in the afternoon you started to learn english with her. She was really good in it now with her five years. But now in New York there was only the possibility to bring her to an english kindergarden, which turned out to be a bit difficult for Nathalie. Maybe that's why she made you a hard time every morning while leaving her behind with a nursery teacher.
You arrived on set a few minutes to late again. Almost sprinting to the hair and makeup trailer you just finished in time with the dressers. The series was something between suits and billions. Some intrigue filled lawseries. It was a good storyline and your charcters development during the season was great. Which was one reason every single fan hyped the series. Not to say, Chris Evans being your costars made all female fans love the series.
You've just started to film the second season the past week and got very excited about the twists and turns. While going through the Skript at the table read you saw that there will be a few steamy scenes between Chris and you. Your characters didn't like each other very much, as they were concurrents, but it may turn out that after a few drinks they will land in each others bedrooms very soon.
You always appreciated the friendship of Chris and you. He was a sweet and handsome person. A good raised one too. He was a true gentleman with that extra scoop of smut written across his face while he flirts. You always enjoyed flirting with Chris but never took it too seriously, as you thought it was just his thing. His own character is some kind of the flirty one. It wasn't something he does exceptional for you. At least this was your perception of him. The chemistry between the two of you was kind of special since the first day you've met. It felt like you knew each other for a lifetime. It was so easy going with Chris. Talking about your life's, your family, your dreams. You two had the chemistry, everyone saw during interviews. Your fans shipped you thatfore.
But whatsoever, it was a hard time for Nathalie at the moment and you don't want to bother her with new strangers she has to get used to. That's why you didn't want to see someone, even if you could have a lot of men who crushed over you. You tried a few dating apps here and there but never really got into it. And additionally, you haven't brought one single man home since Nathis birth which made you into a dating analphabeth.
The moment after you went throughout the sex scenes at the table read, Louanne, the director, called it a day. It was earlier than normal, a few minutes past three. You normally picked up your little Bean at seven. The earliest time they allow the pickup, due to pedagogical reasons, was five. You decided to rush to a cafe and let yourself enjoy the few spare time you've had for months. Sitting at the table with your double-chocolate-doughnut and a large coffee infront of you, you checked your phone and found the dating app, which showed you, which user was nearby to meet up. 'Hmh, maybe I should give it a try and have a nice coffee date until I pickup Nathi' You scrolled through your phone until a deep but familiar voice raised you out of your swiping routine.
"You don't really use this, do ya?" You looked up into his beautiful piercing green-blue eyes. The same eyes which glared at you an hour ago with a smirk, as you finished reading the sex scene. Why was your heart pumping so badly by the thought of being near to him all of sudden?
"Nah, I..I wanted to uninstall it. Tried it once, but just some creeps there."
"Good, heard some weird stories about it. May I?" Chris gestured to the seat infront of you, one hand holding a coffee, the other one holding a sandwich.
"Sure, sure. I just grabbed some stuff until I pick up my little Bean" you cannot help but smile of the thought of your daughter finally happy again to see you.
Chris lips also rose up by the sight of you being happy.
"You cannot deny, you truly love her."
"I do!" You sipped on your, still too hot, coffee. "I mean, sometimes the little princess can truly be a pain in the ass."
"What!?" Chris almost chocked his coffee.
"Yeah, yesterday she managed to lock herself up in the bathroom. Can't tell you how this girl was even able to do that. But I ended up asking Mister Smith to help me break the door. You know the Smith's? My neighbor from downstairs." Chris not making an expression as if he could remember. "The older couple which was sitting in the frontyard as you dropped me off the other night after our season one wrapping drinks with the crew."
"Oh yeah, yeah, that really nice couple. The lady sitted Nathalie, wasn't she?"
"Yeah right. By the way, Betty really liked you." You bit a huge bite from your doughnut, almost spilling out the cream to your pullover.
"Does she?" Chris smiled amused while observing your eating skills.
"Yeah, she told me you are the most handsome young man she saw since Walter. And I cannot proof her wrong, though" You smiled at him, your cheeks slightly turning red at what you just said.
You heard his chuckle. It was really precious, as if he was the kind of shy guy, which he surely wasn't. He waved you off with one hand. "Come on, there must be one hundred men who are way better than this old house here."
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it Evans." You tried to manage the doighnut into your mouth but ended up with the chocolate cream all over the plate and a bit on your chin. You had to shake your head at yourself for this clumsyness. Now it was your turn to chuckle which slowly raised into a soft laugh.
Chris couldn't hold back but laugh at you as well. "I would bet your five year old has more grace than you." he sighed in between his laughter.
"Ah, come on! You don't even know how hard it is to eat a dougnut with so much cream on, Mister superhealty sandwich!" you moaned at him.
"It isn't that hard, Stacey!"
"Uh huh!" You scratches a bit of cream from your plate to your finger and tipped it on Chris' nose. Now you were the one who had to grin. Biting your tongue you tried to suppress your laughter. Chris took the cream from his nose liking it from his finger.
"You are one mean young lady, Anastasia. But thank you, I wanted to taste your dougnut since I had to look at you biting in it. It was either this way or I had to lick it from your face." he smirked. It was those kind of flirtings which made the butterflies in your tummy wake up again. You was used to his flirts, but the two of you never had been alone somewhere. Everytime it was at the bar or a restraunt with your other colleague's. It was easy and not to intimate. You've always got the feeling that it might go deeper when the two of you would have been all alone but never imagined it would happen.
"That would have been interesting, though" was your only answer at Chris' point.
Now you could say it was him, who turned slightly red. Quickly he raised his coffee to take a huge gulp. You've watched the clock, it was slowly turning five and you wanted to pickup Nathalie earlier to go walking in the park with her.
"Look, I have to go, pick up my little one." You stood up from your chair, Chris was doing the same. He pulled you into a hug. It was something you often did. No unusual thing for you. But this time you would have sworn the hug was tighter than every hug before. And it lastet a little bit to long to just be a friendly kind of hug. Nevertheless, you enjoyed it. You really loved his cologne. And you kinda liked it that Chris was nearly a head taller than you. You could swear, you always had a thing for tall, bearded man.
"See you tomorrow Stacey, have a nice evening with your daughter!" his lips were rally near your ear, you could feel his beard tickle your cheek. He left a quick kiss on your left cheek before pulling back.
Grinning like a little schoolgirl you also pulled away but let your hands slide to the side of his chest and holding on to it a little bit longer while staring in his gorgeous eyes. You didn't say anything before letting him go and leave. Your facial expressions said everything.
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Not Good Enough?
A/N:The reader has a name Faith cause it was so long and i kept confusing myself with (Name) and (Y/n). Also I am so sorry if its shitty I made this half asleep while listening to my dog snore.
Warnings: Blood and Mentions of death. Also heart breaks.
Words: 4265
Faith's PoV
You gave Star a smile when she continued to talk about Marco. That's all she talked about, Marco Marco Marco. But who where you to judge? You are her bodyguard, ever since she was born you were given the job to protect her.
Those were the rules back in Mewni.
When a princess was born they chose another baby that was born the same day to become her bodyguard. You were older just for five minutes, but she still treated you like an old wise woman not like a 16 year old.
" Then he completely forgot about our Friendship Thursday. " You snapped out hearing her babble again and again about Marco.
Honestly you didn't hated the guy, instead.. You were jealous. You've fallen in love with the princess when you two were celebrating your 7 birthday. You knew her good side her bad side the crazy side, every side of her and you still loved her.
You told her when you were both 13 but she just sadly smiled at you before saying she saw you as a friend. She knew you two where soulmates through the marks on your shoulder blades but she didn't want you. You were common and the same specie as her, she wanted different. She didn't wanted to be forced to love you and you understood.
When she told her parents they told her no because you were her soul mate, but when they talked with you in private you just gave them a sad smile and told them as long as Star was happy you were happy.
" Maybe you should tell him how your feeling? I mean, sometimes people don't realize they are hurting others and they need a little communication to realize it." You told her making her stop pacing around, she placed her hand on her chin while thinking. You smiled knowing she was actually thinking about doing that, you knew all her expressions.
Star grinned and nodded before running to find Marco not before yelling. " Thanks Faith! You are an amazing friend! "
Just after making sure she left and wouldn't come back, you let your fake smile falter and release the tears you were holding back. Even when you told her you understood she didn't want you, you felt your world rip in pieces when she planned a future where you wouldn't be included.
You cursed yourself for feeling this way but it wasn't your fault. You were born to be hers and she was born to be yours. She just didn't wanted you, you aren't good enough for her. Shaking your head you left Star's room and went to her closet where you have been force to live since Star's appearance on earth.
" Heya Faith! How you doing? " An old forgotten unicorn sat in the chair you gifted them. They had pink fur and manly features but they preferred to go by non gender pronouns and you didn't really judged anyone.
" Not so good ST." You smiled at them before laying on the actual clean floor you had to clean so you could sleep. Sweaty Tooth (or as they liked to be call ST) frowned seeing your hurt face.
" It's Star isn't it. Tell me Faith, you come every night to do the same-"
" By that you mean sleep? " You interrupted them jokingly but you shut up when they shot you a warning glare. And to be honest you weren't feeling like cleaning cotton candy from your hair.
" You come to bed to grief as if someone you loved had died. And if you tell me that a loved one of yours dies every night I will use my special candy attack on you again! " ST threatened making you slightly chuckle.
Sighing you bit your lower lip while looking at the ceiling of the closet. Star had offered to make you a room but you didn't wanted to ruin Marco's house anymore so you decided to stay in here.
" The thing is.. You can't tell anyone ST. " You pointed your finger at the unicorn who raised their hooves in surrender.
" Cross my hearts." They crossed their heart like four times before smiling at you.
You couldn't help but smile back at them, they've been your best friend since you've arrived to the closet. But your smile didn't last long when you continued to speak the truth.
" Star is my soulmate... But she doesn't wants me, which I can totally understand. I'm from Mewni just like her, I was trained my whole life to protect her. I can't give her the new things this Marco kid can give her.... I'm just.. Normal in her eyes. A friend.. Not her soul mate." You felt tears slide down your cheeks when you felt your heart throb with a familiar pain.
ST stared at you with sadness before they slowly stood up from the chair and floated over to you. You layed on your bed an arm around your eyes and with your pijama clothes which was a huge white shirt with two pink hearts and black boyish shorts. ST slapped your arm away making you complain at the slight pain before avoiding their eye contact.
" Listen Faith... If you are her soulmate sooner or later she's gonna realize that she loves YOU not Marco. This has happened to some soulmates, where one doesn't wants to accept it but you can't fight with fate. She'll come around, Soulmates always do." ST had managed to make you stop silently crying before you slowly spoke.
" But it hurts.. It feels like my world doesn't has any meaning. Like my existence is completely useless when she's with Marco, what kind of effect as a soul mate am I giving her when she doesn't even acknowledges me... I just feel like I'm missing half of me." ST frowned placing one of their hooves around your shoulders in a comforting way.
" Just be patient.. She'll come to her senses. After all she IS your soul mate." You smiled at them feeling better after talking it all.
" Thanks ST."
" So Faith. How often do you work out? " You stopped doing push ups before standing up to look at Star. You felt your heart flutter in happiness feeling her eyes on you, she had that effect on you. She could command your heart to stop beating and you swore it would stop if she wished such thing.
" Uh.. As often as I can? After all I know you are capable of protecting yourself but a little more protection couldn't hurt." You replied to Star giving her a warm smile. Star hummed in acknowledgement when you continued to work out, unknown to you she stared at your body a little too long to be friendly while biting her wand in concentration before shaking her head when she caught herself.
Star left the schools gym not long after you two finished talking. You felt your heart hurt at her leave but you continued to work out.
When you finished working out you accidentally crashed on someone. On instincts your hand went to grab the falling person and you held them close to you so they wouldn't hurt themselves on the fall. You looked down and noticed it was a blonde girl who seemed shocked at this scene.
" Are you alright? " You slowly let go of her making sure she was alright, after all you had super strength and speed compared to the humans. The girl nodded before her eyes went to your stomach and she blushed you curiously looked down and remembered you were in sport bras and shorts, and she had a full view of your toned body.
You also blushed embarrassed before taking a towel and covering yourself up.
" Sorry! I swear I'm not harassing you or anyone for that matter. I was just working out! " You bowed at her respectfully before leaving the gym in a hurry.
The girl stared at your leaving form before she giggled amused.
" Star.. Why can't I go with you? " You pouted at her, Star grabbed her lunch before walking to a table where her friends were waiting for her. You followed her like a laser shooting puppy awaiting her reply.
" Because I'm going to a date with Marco, and two friends of Marco. It's a double date silly." Star explained like if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You felt hurt but just smiled widely at her instead.
" Oh Okay! Have fun on your date! " You smiled before turning around to go outside to wait for the school to end and walk back home with Star.
Star watched your leaving form and felt her heart warm happily that she knew someone like you.
" She's so... Nice. " Star bit her lower lip before feeling her heart beat quicken, she placed her hand on her chest. What is this feeling? It was so sudden and new she couldn't understand it.
" Hey Star. " Star snapped out of her trance when she heard Marco's voice and she fake smiled at him.
" Heya Marco."
You sat on one of the benches placed outside the school while you waited. You were pretty bored so you started cleaning the front of the school and then the halls to help the janitor who smiled at you thankful.
You were about to take a piece of paper in front of one of the lockers before bumping on someone's head. You realized the girl in front of you was also about to get the paper and she smiled at you sheepishly.
" Nice seeing you again." You recognized her and she was the girl you bumped into when you were in the gym.
You laughed before taking the paper and standing up.
" Hello there mystery girl." You mused making her giggle.
" Says the one wearing armor. " You glared at her playfully when she tugged your white shirt which had the art of an armor, your black pants and white sneakers.
" Charmer." You smiled at her throwing the paper out.
The girl offered her hand politely with a smile.
" Name's Jackie." Jackie slightly blushed when you took her hand and kissed her knuckles like bodyguards did back in Mewni.
" Faith."
After talking you realized Jackie just finished the exam and she was free to leave the class also meaning she was free for an hour until the next class. You told her about you being Star's bodyguard while she told you about her life.
" I know it's weird to say this. But I actually have a crush on Marco. Sadly for me, he's going out with Star." Jackie smiled at you making you smile back at her.
" Well looks like we are connected after all. I am in love with Star." You sadly smiled at her.
The two of you connected really quick after discussing what was the favourite things about your crushes. When Jackie invited you to go eat dinner with some friends you accepted knowing Star would leave tonight to go on her date.
Star was chatting with Marco while they waited for Marco's friends to arrive. They were on a fancy restaurant in a table for four, They sat beside each other while waiting.
When Marco stared at the entrance of the restaurant open mouthed like he was on a trance Star turned back only to do the same. Maybe Star would have been jealous that Marco was staring at Jackie but she was also stuck in a trance when she saw how amazing Faith looked. The tall pale female had her short hair brushed backwards while she wore a white tuxedo matching Jackie's dress.
Feeling her heart start beating out of control she chanted in her head.
-No, stop. You like Marco not Faith.- Star looked away to another table only to find almost everyone at the restaurant were looking at Faith and Jackie. They looked like a couple from a Disney movie.
Jackie pointed at their table and you could swore you felt your heart stop. There was Star looking everywhere except where you were and Marco staring not too discreetly at Jackie.
" I didn't knew Marco and Star were the ones we were going to meet up." You whispered on Jackie's ear while walking towards the table.
Jackie simply smiled at you and winked making your eyes travel to study Star's form.
Oh shit... She just stole your breath away.
You sat across Star with Jackie sitting across Marco. Star finally had the courage to look at you only to blush.
" You look... Good. " Star told you making your heart explode in pure happiness.
" You look gorgeous and enchanting. I love how that dress compliments your eyes and those earrings clearly have a magical effect on your hairstyle. " You spoke without thinking. To stop, you had to bite your tongue ignoring the surprise expression of Star.
Star bit her lower lip before focusing her gaze on Marco who was lost in his own world with Jackie. Who Star thought she loved.
-I don't want her... I can't love her.. - Star chanted in her head avoiding the hurt look on your face when she ignored you.
" Star, we must leave NOW." You looked at Star desperately waiting for her to say goodbye to her earthly friends.
Star glared at you not caring that you were just worried for her. Star hugged Janna again before running to stand beside you. You closed your eyes making a portal in below the two of you, both of you instantly fell and arrived back to Mewni inside the castle in the throne room.
You opened your eyes before looking at Star who crossed her arms with the expression of pure anger.
" Don't patronize me in front of my friends ever again." Star said getting angry really quickly not knowing why.
You looked shocked before you glared back at her. You were tired of this bullshit and she was going to hear what you would say whether she liked it or not.
" I'm not patronizing you! Just because I care I'm suddenly patronizing you! " You hissed making her grit her teeth and storm up in front of you.
" Oh you care cause you were told by my Mom that your my soul mate. " Star pointed her finger at your armored chest while poking you harshly.
You grabbed her hand with a furious expression.
" I care for you because I love you! IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND! "
" YES IT IS! "
The argument kept going for a while, but you stopped when Queen Moon grabbed both of your hands to make you look at her serious and desperate expression.
" Faith listen to me, we need to leave now. Star is in danger." You felt your heart stop beating hearing Queen Moon's words. You nodded before leaving to prepare the warnicorn and a carriage to leave in search for a safer place. Unknown to you Queen Moon's disappointed expression on Star at the way she treated you.
You coughed feeling a monster punch your stomach and break your armor. You swung your sword and decapitated the animal like monster who was trying to get to your princess. Panting you kneeled on the floor, you were wounded and exhausted.
" Faith are you alright? " Queen Moon looked at You worried but you smiled at her and slowly stood up.
" I'm alright My Queen. Go back inside the sanctuary." You walked inside the sanctuary only to see Star munching some snacks clearly avoiding you, Queen Moon followed your gaze before looking at you sadly.
You sighed and sat on the floor. You tried to get into a comfortable position to guard the door as the Queen and the Princess layed on the floor to sleep.
When Queen Moon noticed you guarding she sat back up before walking to you knowing Star had fallen asleep the moment her head layed on the floor.
" Faith..." You turned your head up to see your Queen looking at you sadly. Standing up you bowed respectfully making her place a hand on your armored shoulder. Her other hand went to your pale cheeks as she leaned your head up so you stood straight. You were shorter than her but taller than Marco and Star.
" My Queen, is something wrong?" You looked at her concerned when she stared at your face like a concerned mother.
" Faith I have always seen you as one of my own, even more official when I found out you were Star's soulmate. I thank you for protecting Star and now Me." You bowed once again not speaking, you knew she wasn't finished. She looked at you with appreciation but also sadness. " Speak to me Faith... Why do you look so broken..."
You looked at her your eyes showing the Queen nothing but pure sadness. " I Love Star.. " You whispered your voice breaking as you tried not to cry. She hugged you petting your hair to calm you down when you started shaking immensely. " And she says she doesn't wants you? " Queen Moon guessed. You nodded, your body and mind tired. You haven't slept anything from protecting Star and Queen Moon.
Queen Moon hugged you for a long time comforting you, after that you smiled at her and you told her to go to sleep. She would need it for the war against Him. You stayed awake but closed your eyes to meditate trying to gain some energy.
A few hours passed when Star was awoken by someone carrying her. She woke up feeling movement before looking at the sanctuary underneath the now black waters. She looked up to see your exhausted expression making her heart clench in worry. You had dark bags under your eyes and your face was all scratched up and bleeding a little in some places.
" Where can we go now? " You asked at Queen Moon sighing. You gently placed Star on the ground before looking at the Queen's double faces. Wait... Something was wrong. You looked at the Queen weirded out before looking at your armored hands only to realize you had four of them.
" Mom... Something's wrong with Faith.." You heard Star speaking to her mother but you couldn't really focused. You looked at Star's face one more time before everything went dark.
" Faith! Wake up! " Queen Moon slapped Faith's almost white cheeks trying to get a response. Moon was so focused on trying to realize what happened to Faith she didn't noticed Star staring at Faith worried.
" Mom what's on her lip? " Moon followed where Star pointed out only to see a black slime trailing from Faith's lips to her chin.
" No... Star we must find someplace to stay and fast! " Star looked at her mother and nodded, Moon followed her daughter with Faith on her arms. Hopefully it wasn't too late for Faith.
Everything hurts.
Especially your heart when you think of Star. But there's also hope.. You will still love her no matter what..
You gasped quickly sitting on the unknown bed you where. You looked around only to see Buff Frog. When you tried to leave the bed he quickly placed his hands on your shoulders.
" No moving! You got poisoned." You decided to comply so you got back on the bed.
" Star.. Where is she? " Buff frog looked like he wanted to keep his mouth shut but knowing you where Star's soulmate he decided to spill.
" She went to confront Toffee."
When Moon realized that Star cast the Whispering Spell, she yells at Star to get away, Star looked at her mother only to feel someone push her out of the balcony not before placing something on her hand. She screamed when she fell but Buff Frog appeared and grabbed her, taking her and her mother on cover when the balcony explodes. Pink smoke was everywhere but Star ignored it, instead she slowly turn to look at her mother who watched the smoke in horror.
" Mom... Who pushed me? " When Queen Moon didn't replied she opened her fist revealing the object that person gave her. Her blue eyes widened in despair, the object was a necklace You had gifted her on her tenth birthday.
" Buff Frog! " Star shouted making the tall monster nod and take them with a jump to where Ludo and you were last seen. He carried both of them down the crater, only find Ludo kneeling with pink glowing eyes.
" Star.." Ludo talked but Star would recognize her soul mate no matter where or when you were.
" Faith, What where you thinking! No ignore that, where are you? " Star gripped Ludo's tiny shoulders staring at his glowing pink eyes desperate to see your face.
" I.. I d-d-don't kn-ow." Your voice started breaking up the connect slowly disappearing. " Faith? Faith! " Star yelled but didn't receive a response.
Toffee re-assumed control of Ludo's body and looked at Star and Moon with a grin.
" I see you care for Faith.. A lot." He mused making Star glare at him darkly. " Where is she!? Give her back! " Toffee hummed before laughing.
" Now you are worried? After mistreating her? Not caring for your own soulmate is pretty bad Princess." Star considered his words, he was right. She mistreated you, even when she was insanely in love with you she just denied it. She hurt you and instead of hating her you just pushed her out of harms way.
" My finger back in exchange for her."
Moon looked at Star and walked to him. She gives Toffee his severed finger. The finger binds to Toffee's hand and his body completely regenerates. He spits out Ludo's body and crushes the drained wand crystal to dust.
" Where is Faith! " Star yells at Toffee who fixes his hair.
" She's gone." Toffee tells them and walks away.
Moon stared at the ground distraught by Faith's death who she saw as a daughter. Moon lost her temper as the diamonds on her cheeks turned black and black veins on her hands crawl further up her arms.
She attacks Toffee in a blind rage but Toffee dodges and catches all of her punches. Using Star's now shattered wand she attempts to cast her darkest spell on him again, but all of the wand's magic was gone and it had no effect.
After immobilizing Moon and tossing the wand and it's shattered crystal towards Star, Toffee begins to leave but Ludo grabs him by the leg and asks him something Star wasn't paying attention to. Tears slid down Star's cheeks, her legs lost all their strength as she fell on the ground.
" No... Not her.. " Star tried to reassemble the pieces of her wand in last effort to bring her soulmate back while crying tears of sorrow. She lifts the wand but the pieces turn into dust making her heart grip in despair.
Star screams only to take a new mewberty. She moved her hand towards the wand making it float towards her, she grabbed it and upgraded it. She takes aim at Toffee and shoots him with an obliterating blast of magic that reduces him to bones and melted flesh.
Star collapses with exhaustion Moon and Buff Frog rush over to help her stand on shaky legs.
Toffee crawls toward Star and laughed maniacally. Before he could say something Ludo finished him off, dropping a stone pillar on him.
" Star your wand! It's glowing." Star watched in awe as her wand glowed and floated in front of her.
Her heartbeat increased and she began to feel happy again. The glow took the form of you as the wand released your body.
" Faith.. " Star breathed in relief and she ran in front of you. She expected to see your calm smile and your eyes that looked at her with pure love, she didn't expected you to fall limp. She quickly took you in her hands her face worried. " Faith? "
No response.
Moon and Buff frog looked at each other knowingly, their eyes filled with sadness. Star's lower lip quivered when she realized your state. She hugged you tightly not wanting to let go of you.
" Please wake up... I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for everything. I love you, I really love you Faith." Star cried tears of sorrow as she trailed her hand on your pale lips.
Queen Moon wiped her tears trying to be strong for her daughter. She placed her hand on Star's shoulder making the blonde princess look at her in sorrow.
" N-No.. S-she can't be.."
" Star... Let's go.. "
Star looked at you one more time, she was hoping you would wake up. Smile at her way one more time and tell her you loved her. But deep inside she knew she missed out all your love. By becoming obsessed of rebelling against her mother she decided to follow Marco around instead of accepting her future. Her future was something she didn't wanted to accept, but at least in that time she had you by your side. This time she lost you thanks to her own recklessness.
She lost the most important part of her, the former white tattoo on her shoulder blade was now black. She let go of your limp body and slowly stood up in shaky legs. She turned to her mother and hugged her tightly sobbing loudly.
She lost you..
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confusinglump · 6 years
Instant Family?
Title is not that great, hell even the story might not be that great. But I'm giving it a go. Once again, I'm not a great writer but this has been rolling around my head.
Henry had laughed so much tonight, his cheeks still hurt. A very competitive game of DDR (dance dance revolution) with Elsa and her kids, turned into the silliest dance party he's ever been too. Furniture had been pushed to the side so Elsa could properly teach the kids how to dance the running man. Henry dared not to get up and try that at all, he'd need more than those two beers at dinner to even attempt it.
Henry loved the energy and closeness of her family and they welcomed him like he had been a friend they've know for years. Henry admired they way she handled the kids herself. She didn't sweat the small stuff and she understood they are great days and others where its okay to have cereal for dinner. The excitement surrounding them was so infectious that he found himself often walking over to their condo after the gym. He felt completely accepted and it reminded him of his home back in Jersey.
Though at times his heart felt heavy, he longed for a family just like this. Rambunctious kids running outside with vivid imaginations. He imagined someday rolling out of bed on a lazy Saturday morning to the smell of chocolate chips waffles and bacon. Hearing the hushed squabbling over how many pieces of bacon they could sneak before setting the table.
Five year old Isabella had let Henry in on the bacon heist that occured every Saturday morning. It was cutest thing to see Isa explaining to him that he should probably use his superman powers.
"Henry you gotta be super duper fastest!"
Henry smiled at the seriousness in her tone. Isa had even offered to distract her mom if he needed help, since he didn't have the suit on. That was his first of many Saturday morning waffles.
Henry was caught off guard with the screaming excitement of Elsa and kids when Push It by Salt n Peppa came on. He couldn't help but smile at how free and in the moment she was. He laughed loudly and shook his head, when Elsa started shimming her shoulders and shaking her head. Strands of her hair were coming out of her loose ponytail, her eyes were closed and she smiled bright. it tugged his heart when he saw her in these joyful moments. The kids fed off of her energy, 5 yr Isa was mimicking her mothers rhythmic movements. He was surprised and impressed that even 12 year old Marco was dancing.
Elsa danced hopped her way over to Henry and made a big show of of using her air lasso to pull him to her. Henry let out the biggest laugh at her silliness. He shook his head but rose to his feet and rolled his shoulders along with the music. He hadnt felt this carefree in long time. He was loving it.
**"Alright, alright niños, its time to get ready for bed." Elsa called out as she shut off the speakers.
His favorite chorus of "But mom" started.
Elsa laughed and shook her head.
"Sorry guys tomorrow is another day, go get ready for bed I'll clean up."
The kids grumbled as usual but listened anyway.
Henry sighed, this only meant he had to leave soon. He already missed them. He thought about Elsa a lot, envisioning waking up to her morning kisses before the hustle and bustle of getting the kids up for school. He could see himself teaching the kids rugby, proper soccer and maybe taking them camping. He wouldn't mind a few princess dress up parties or helping Isa sell all her troops girl scout cookies either.
At first when he meet the new single gym member he tried to be completely charming, hoping to ask her out.  But a little self doubt crept up on him and he lost his nerve. Later he heard through the gym grapevine that Elsa wasn't ready to date. That stung a bit, he definitely felt a spark when they talked.  Then he learned that she was divorced with two kids and that threw him for a loop. He wondered if he was responsible enough to date a parent. Dates would require extra planning so anything spontaneous might be out of the question.  He supposed it was for the best. If they had started dating and it became serious how could he leave her and her kids for months at a time. She would need someone more present right? He couldn't do that to them, so he kept his feelings towards her to himself. And hoped she wouldn't catch him staring. Instead he settled for friendship and greedily accepted an open invitation to her house anytime.
Henry started moving furniture back and picking up pillows off the floor while Elsa swept up a bit.
"You don't have to help me clean up Henry."
"I really don't mind."
Elsa beamed and it made his heart beat a touch faster.
He was lingering a bit after saying his final goodbyes and wishing Isa a goodnight. Marco would always pound his fist and Isa would raise her arms so he could carry her into a big hug. Sometimes he'd make silly faces just to hear her cute little giggle.
Elsa felt her stomach in knots, she felt hot, sweaty and completely nervous. Last time she walked Henry out she gave him small peck on his cheek. She hugged him like always but he smelled so delicious and when hugged her a little tighter she just went for it. She was definitely sure he thought it was just a friendly peck. There was no way he'd be interested in someone like her, right? But oh god did he make her swoon everytime he offered to throw the football around with Marco or when he'd set up a little tea party fort with Isa. He was completely sweet and patient with them. He didn't know how much it meant to her that her kids got to see a how caring and understanding a man could be. Marco really looked up to him, always eagerly taking in any advice Henry gave him.
For almost a year they've known Henry and her feelings for him seemed to triple each time he was around. He always offered a sympathetic ear and encouraging words. He was so tender sometimes it felt like her heart was going to split. He was such a goofball and she was sure that not everyone knew that side of him.
The kids had already rushed off to bed and that left both of them standing around awkwardly.
"Walk me out?"
"Of course."
She lead him down the narrow hallway to the front door. Elsa opened the door and as Henry passed in front of her he playfully nudged her shoulder.
"Everything okay Elsa?"
"Oh, um yes. I'm just tired."
"Are you sure, do you need anything," his voice a little more serious.
"Hmmmm, maybe next time you can bring Kal? I'd love some fluffy cuddles."
"Ugh, Kal gets all the attention!"
"Oh stop it, you know we love you too!" Elsa laughed.
Henry laughed along but he felt giddy about her saying "love" even though it was in friendship kinda way.
"Come here," she said as she opened her arms.
And this was his favorite part of the night.
This time he leaned down wrapping his arms around her waist and she quickly wrapped hers around his neck. She whispered in his ear, "thanks for coming over" and he squeezed her tighter hoping for a repeat of last week. He felt her turn her face and gently kiss his cheek again. His body felt like it was vibrating and he swore he could feel her heart beating out if her chest. Henry pulled away slightly to look at her, he smiled a her blushing face. He saw her eyes glance down at something, his lips maybe? She bit the corner of her lips and slowly pulled him back down to her. Henry then felt her soft lips kiss his once then twice and finally he kissed her back. Her lips parted and he hungrily kissed her, he hoped she could somehow feel how he felt about her. Elsa moaned into his mouth and Henry gripped her hips. She pulled back breathlessly, her chest rapidly heaving. Henry felt a jolt of sensations, his body feeling cold and hot with a flush around his ears.
Elsa was in some kind of euphoric state and suddenly she felt freezing wave of embarrassment rush over her. She quickly pulled away, stuttering an apology.
"I, I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to, mean to...I'm really sorry Henry." " You should probably go," she whispered.
Henry was completely confused as to what was happening now. Did she regret kissing him? She wasn't even looking at him.
"Elsa, can we talk about this for a minute."
They both turned to see Isa rubbing her eyes walking towards them.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I'll call you" she whispered.
"Mommy, come read to me please."
Elsa quickly scooped up Isa and turned back to Henry pleading him with her eyes.
He wanted to stay, he wanted to tell her he'd wait outside if she wanted, so they talk tonight.
"Please Henry."
The looked she gave him broke his heart, her eyes were starting to well up her nose getting a little pink.
"Okay. Tomorrow?"
She nodded, feeling relieved.
He closed the gap between them and hugged them both.
"Goodnight princess."
"Nite Henry."
He kissed Elsa's cheek and walked out the door.
*** FYI DDR is still awesome and so is Salt n Peppa. Push it, push it real good🎶🎶🎤🎶🎶
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chiimei · 7 years
Our Bloody Hell Fate - Chapter 1
Recently I came across @gosshiku-hime-wa-yami-san amazing fanfic “Fire Safety is Important at a Blood Moon Ball”. (Go check out this fanfic as well, it’s worth your time!) It was such an amazing fanfic that it inspired me to write my own Tomco fanfic with the blood moon au! Not only that, I also found @shittyloops  badass demon!Marco design. [here] So about the fanfic, this will be a story about Marco and Tom standing under the blood moonlight and Marco becoming a demon. I hope you would like this story! Enjoy reading~
Short Story Summary: Marco decided to go to the Blood Moon ball after all. He knew Star wouldn’t like it, but he can’t trust that demon ex-boyfriend of hers. He wanted to save Star, but... he didn’t know this ball turned his life upside down instead. For good or for worse.
FF | AO3 |  Wattpad
He can’t believe that Star honestly left him to go to the Blood Moon Ball with her demon ex-boyfriend, Tom. He just can’t trust that guy, not only because he’s Star ex, but he’s also a demon for God sake! He’s from the Underworld, not some rainbow paradise. He can’t help but worry about Star, though he also knows that she could take care of herself. However, that’s about fighting, this is about dating. That demon doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would change easily and would be bad for Star to date again. Besides, it’s more fun to stay here at home.
He sighed loudly and sunk deeper into his chair, sulking about the fact that Star chose her ex above her friend. He grabbed a handful of nachos to stuff them in his mouth while listening to Mexican music. With a mouthful he held his fingers up, pretending he has a ton of fun.
“I’ll have my own Blood Moon Ball in Star’s bedroom. Where it’s always funnnn...”
He even wore his special black tuxedo for this evening. Now Star’s not here, it all feels meaningless. He planned to have a lot of fun without Star, so he could brag to her what she missed out. However, in reality, it’s impossible to have fun without his best friend. He glanced quickly at the Blood Moon, wondering if Star was having fun without him. 
He looked back in front of him and grabbed another handful of nachos, stuffing his mouth full of it. He should really stop worrying about Star. It’s not like anything could go wrong at a demon prom… It’s not like anything could go wrong since Star has her wand with her to protect herself. Besides, if Tom really changed for Star, then he could protect her in case some other demon wants to hurt Star… Yeah, these thoughts are totally reassuring to him. Totally.
“Blood moon tonight.”
Did Marco hear that right? He looked around but saw no one standing close to him, yet he heard a voice. He glanced at a portrait of an old sea captain. It couldn’t come from him, could it? He quickly glanced at his nachos. Maybe he ate too much from them or they are expired. Or he just felt so lonely without Star that he’s hearing things. Well, whatever it might be, he will just shrug it off and continue with chewing his nachos.
“The moon of lovers.”
“Okay, now I clearly heard it,” Marco thought and was truly weirded out by it as he jumped out of his seat. He looked suspiciously at the sea captain’s portrait again. What does it even mean by ‘the moon of lovers’? Marco ran his eyes over Tom’s bell and the hammer. Could it be some kind of evil spell to trick Star? Something that will make Star love Tom? Or maybe there’s some other dark magic going on? Who knows what Tom might be planning. By all means, his gut tells him something will happen and he doesn’t want to find out what that might be.
As he looked how the bell’s red crescent moon ornament shimmers, he remembered again, it was a demon prom in the Underworld. Not a great place for a human to walk around. So he decided to go in a Día de Muertos disguise. Well, he basically just wears a skull with a mustache mask, but that should be enough. At least he hopes that would fool the demons. Once he put the mask on, he gazed at the bell again. 
Three full seconds of air in, then a deep breath out. He knows Star wouldn’t be happy about this, but his gut tells him to go to Star. He needs to take her away from the ball. As he slowly took the bell and the hammer in his hand, he closed his eyes, rethinking if he was making the right choice. Once his eyes opened, they were full of determination. “This is for Star’s sake,” he convinced himself in his mind as he hit the hammer against the bell.
“Whoa, wait a second. Are you getting angry?”
Star asked, slightly surprised, not that it was a total surprise since its Tom after all. She knew he still has a short temper and-
“No.” Tom denied while glaring at Star.
And he’s a liar as well. Him frowning in anger wasn’t convincing his ‘no’ at all, which only annoyed Star more. She doesn’t want to deal with Tom’s temper again, so she will leave him be. Maybe he could cool down that way, though that might be difficult for a fire demon.
“Look, you do you, Boo. I'm gonna go get a drink.”
As Star walked towards the bubbling punch bowl, Tom kept petting his bunny till the fur goes straight up. He can’t help but feel so frustrated about Star’s behavior. He knows he needs to do his best to win her over, but not only did she not accept his spider hair thing. She also didn’t appreciate what he does for her. He kept everything low-key for her, which made the rest of the guests bored. As a prince, that’s quite a sacrifice. Actually, he doesn’t care about his image as the demon prince of the Underworld, if that means having Star back as his girlfriend. He even hired a life coach, which made other demons look at him like he lost his mind or look at him with pitiful eyes. Of course, they still behave well-mannered when they face him if they consider their lives as precious.
“Hm? ...Oh no, he doesn’t.”
Tom noticed some demon offering Star to dance and no way in hell will he make that happen. She’s his date for tonight after all. 
So this was a demon prom huh. Marco actually expected it to be more...gore? Or at least more horrifying. For now, it reminds him of some Halloween party. Maybe the Underworld wasn’t so half as bad as he thought it would be. Even though those are real demons that are walking around, instead of children in costumes.
He shook his head and slapped his hands on his cheeks. He shouldn’t get distracted so easily. He needs to find Star and get away. A human isn’t supposed to be here, after all, so he needs to be quick.
While searching for Star, he bumped into someone… or something? For a split second. he was sure he saw something black in front of him. Like some black fire? Or black energy. He wasn’t sure what it was, but when he bumped into it, it gave him a grim feeling in his stomach. However, that awful feeling disappeared in an instant, like it never happened before. Now, in front of him stands a girl with long red-orange hair who seems to be around his age. She wore a short white dress with sleeves that go wider to the end. She also has a white mask on the top of her head, it looked like a shape of an animal’s head, but he couldn’t clearly see what kind. The young girl, who surprisingly looks very human, smiled sweetly at him as she walked around him out of curiosity.
“You know, humans are like food to demons.”
She whispered in his ears and smiled smugly at him, while her eyes are glowing red. She took a step back while holding her hands up in defense. She chuckled as she saw the horrific look in the boy’s eyes and him suddenly striking some fighting pose.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not one of those human eaters after all. Instead…”
She firstly rolled her eyes and then she glanced around to see if someone was paying attention to them. When the coast was clear, she grabbed a transparent small bottle with strawberry-pink liquid out of her sleeve. She took a step closer to the boy while pushing the bottle in his hands.
“Drink this before someone else notices you’re human. You may ‘disguise’ as a demon, but you still smell like a human. Once you drink this, your human scent will disappear.”
Marco suspiciously examined the bottle, even smelling if it doesn’t smell like poison. Instead of some poison-like or disgusting smell, it has a sweet scent, like strawberries. He gazed from the bottle to the girl.
“Why are you helping me?”
The girl chuckled once more and turned around, holding her hands on her back. Her eyes were directed to the ceiling for a second. She then turned around to face the boy again and smiled brightly at him.
“Let’s just say I want to see a special dance before it becomes a slaughter party. Anyways, you don’t have to drink that bottle if you don’t want to, it's your choice. Well, good luck for now and in the future, boy.”
She patted him on the shoulder when she passed him by. Marco didn’t quite understand why she was wishing him good luck, so he wanted to ask her what she meant by it. However, by the time he turned around, a crowd was gathering as a demon, which looked like the ball organizer, asked for attention when he tapped the microphone.
“Hey, is it just me, or do I smell a human here?”
A demon asked who stood quite close to Marco, which startled Marco so badly that he breaks into a cold sweat. While his heart was almost leaping out of his chest, the demon next to him laughed and slapped on the back of the other demon’s back.
“A human? Here? Ha! You must be crazy! Maybe you drank some of that unicorn blood, makes you imagine things you know. There’s no way a human could come to the Underworld. Doesn't princess Star reek of humans? She’s living on Earth now, right? So maybe it’s coming from her.”
Marco was half paying attention to what the ball organizer is talking about while listening more to the demons close by. He glanced at the bottle before glancing quickly at the demons again.
“Maybe I should drink this just in case… if something bad will happen to me, I’m sure Star will help me. Better safe than sorry.”
He mumbled softly to himself while finding some courage to drink this mysterious drink. It didn’t seem dangerous, but one doesn’t judge a book by its cover either. That girl,  who looked more like a human than demon, seemed kind enough. He sighed slightly and gulped the liquid in one shot, hoping no one else would notice that there’s a human in the midst of them.
“...Hm, I feel nothing.”
Once he drank the bottle empty, he looked at himself. At least he doesn’t feel weird or any pain. His body didn’t change into anything as well, his arm appeared to be fine too. He even sniffed at himself, but he doesn’t notice anything. In fact, he still smells like nachos. Maybe that drink didn’t work on humans? He shrugged as he was at least relieved nothing bad happened. Since nothing changed, he will just continue searching for Star once the speech or something was done.
“...binding them together for eternity in its hypnotic, ruby, brodum.”
The demon ball organizer finished his talk. The light of the blood moon covered the skylight opening as the eerie organ music started to play. While the music started to play, the demons started to dance. 
“Ugh! That's the wrong piece of music! This is gonna drive me crazy. Alright, don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.”
Tom shouted loudly enough for Marco to hear. Thanks to him, he found Star right away. Besides, Tom was even walking away from Star, which gives him a great opportunity to take her away from this ball! At least that was the plan before Star started to aimlessly wander around. He even called after her a couple of times, but she didn’t seem to hear him. Just when he was almost able to grab her arm, someone else grabbed his hand and pulled him towards them.
“Hey, do you have some business with my date?”
Tom did not want some demon stalker to follow his date. He won’t let anyone ruin this dance with his date. When he saw some demon going after her, who was also inches away from grabbing her, he couldn’t stand still and do nothing. He grabbed his hand and pulled the guy with the skull mask towards him so he would face the mighty demon prince. He asked the skull demon with a fierce tone what his business was with Star, trying to suppress his anger. Just at that moment, the light of the blood moon shines on them, drowning the ballroom in red light.
[Next Chapter]
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lawchan89 · 7 years
No Matter What
@saveshootingstar wanted a Starco prompt, so I whipped this up at their suggestion. Also for @ghostgetters cuz both of these nerds indirectly challenged me to write a makeout scene. Love you guys <3
“How many packets of airline peanuts did you steal?!” Marco looked over her shoulder with his jaw hanging open as his warrior princess fianceé rummaged around in her purse.
“Chill out, Marco. They got, like, a bajillion of those -- ah, here it is!” Star whipped out a silver glittering scarf she had bunched up in the bag and unfurled it. “It’s for your Abuelita. On Mewni, we have to give gifts to the elder family members of our betrothed as a token of our gratitude for inviting us into their home.”
“Actually, I’m the one that invited you.” He chuckled slightly under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I, uh...I haven’t told any of the Diazes that we’re engaged yet.” 
Star suddenly stopped walking up the dusty desert-like road and whirled around before Marco rammed into her. “What?”
“Why not?” she demanded, folding her arms across her chest. “You proposed to me almost a month ago!” 
“I’ve been busy--”
“Oh we’re all busy, Marco, that’s no excuse!” She narrowed her eyes as she peered up into his sheepish gaze. “There’s something else goin’ on.”
Marco chewed the inside of his cheek nervously. There was no easy way to tell her the truth -- that there was a definite vibe that his father’s side of the family didn’t care for Star. That every time they flew down here, he was terrified someone would make that fact too obvious, and they would depart Jalisco in rage and tears. He couldn’t do that to her, he cared about her too much. But they were family, and...well, they at least had a right to know that he was going to become prince consort of a distant dimension.
Star’s boisterous energy and magic usage with her inherent power (thankfully they would never be able to get her wand past airport security) freaked his religious and superstitious relatives out. His great uncle had called her a witch (“Hey, she should take that as a compliment” Janna had said), and his grandmother had muttered “diablo” at least three times under her breath. But the enthusiastic reactions to her powers from his little cousins seemed to have distracted Star from all this, and she was convinced they loved her.
“I...wanted us to tell them together.” Lying to the woman you love. Nice move, Diaz.
Star instantly stopped surveying him and smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek and hugging his arm in both of hers. “Aww, that’s so nice! How should we do it? I’m thinkin’ a flashy fireworks display on the beach -- ‘Mr. and Mrs. Star Butterfly’!”
“Marco, mi neito!” Abuelita Linda didn’t stop peppering Marco’s face with kisses for several minutes after they walked in the door. “Come, we make you lunch -- you’re too thin.” She turned to her grandson’s girlfriend with a tight smile Star read as genuine. “Hola, Star-girl.”
“Hi, Abuelita Diaz!” The princess grabbed the older petite woman into a tight bear hug that caught her off guard. “Hang on, I got you something -- close your eyes.”
“It’s fine,” Marco assured her when his grandma looked at him in slight alarm. She did as she was told, and Star draped the scarf around her, giggling with glee. “Okay, open.” 
“Oh!” Abuelita’s eyes were wide as saucers when she saw the sparkling gift, nearly blinding her when caught by the light of the afternoon sun. “Es muy brillante,” she muttered as pleasantly as she could, squinting.
“Pfft, it’s nothing,” Star spluttered, waving her hand in the air, “Just the most rare and expensive fabric on Mewni that only the royal family has access to.” She gave Marco a quick look, as if asking him if it was okay to pop the news, and he returned it with a “not yet” shake of the head.
“Marcooooo,” came a whining voice from the back living room, and little cousin Nina wandered into the room. “Did you bring the Star-girl with you?”
“Hey girlfriend, what’s goin’ on?!” Star said cheerily, bending down to the little girl’s level and holding up her hand for a high five. Nina half-heartedly slapped her palm to hers, not taking her attention off Marco.
“Papi said he wants to know--”
“Marco, good to see you!” came Uncle Enrique’s bombastic greeting as he flung back the beaded curtains hung in the archway. “Nina, don’t you have cartoons to watch?”
“But you said to ask Marco when he was gonna dump that crazy blonde girl.” 
Star froze, her smile melting off faster than ice cream in the hundred and ten degree weather outside. “Say what?”
“I-I, well you know--a joke! I said it as a joke!” Enrique stammered, chuckling at his nephew who didn’t even crack a grin back.
“And then you said her heart tattoos made her look like a clown and her magic is gonna kill us all--”
“Nina, ir en la otra habitación, por favor!” Grabbing his daughter by the shoulders, Enrique steered her back through the curtain and out of sight.
“They’re not tattoos…” Star finally managed to say, her eyes lowered to the floor.
“Heh, kids you know? Say the darndest things.”
“Yeah, all that honesty must be so hard to live with,” Marco bit out icily, making it clear that he did not want to exchange another word with his uncle. 
“Aiiiiiiii!” At the scream from the kitchen, several heads poked out of the living room to see Abuelita tearing across the front hall, her fingers scrambling at the scarf around her neck. Ripping it off, they saw a deep red rash embedded in her skin.
“Oh my gosh -- Abuelita I am so sorry--”
“No! You stay right there!” the elderly woman shouted, pointing her finger forcefully at Star, who stepped back almost frightened. The other uncles, aunts and cousins who had stepped out to see what happened all exchanged the same look when they saw who Marco had brought with him. “Oh, it’s her” their faces all read.
Star didn’t even acknowledge their stiff greetings or pleasantries, she only saw the glares from Enrique and a few others who were tending to Abuelita’s allergic reaction. She bit her lip as it started to shake, wrenching her purse off her shoulder.
“Here, there’s some ointment at the bottom somewhere,” she muttered to Marco, flinging the bag into his stomach.
“Earth aloe isn’t gonna help that, please just use it.”
But Marco didn’t immediately go to his relatives, who were whispering rather horrible things in Spanish that thankfully Star couldn’t understand. Expression and tone were universal, and she appeared to have finally read those loud and clear.
“Star wait, where are you going?” he called, grabbing her wrist as she headed for the door.
“Away from here.” She sniffled, withdrawing her hand from his. “I’m sorry...I didn’t know…” And then she was gone.
Marco’s chest felt like it was on fire as he turned and marched towards his grandma, the tube from Star’s purse in his hand. Wordlessly, he squirted the purple cream into his palm and gently smeared it around the redness on Abuelita’s neck. Within seconds, it disappeared and her tan skin returned to normal. 
“There, you happy now?” he announced to the whole room, glaring at Enrique in particular. “You finally showed your true colors. You don’t have to pretend when she’s in the room anymore. Don’t you just feel so great?!”
No one dared to answer, so he went on: “That scarf was a gift, a custom in her kingdom. I’m sorry it backfired, Abuelita, but that’s no excuse for the rest of you. You think I don’t hear what you’re saying behind her back?! You think that’s gonna change my mind about her?! It’s not! I love her with all my heart! Star Butterfly is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me! And if you can’t accept her and everything that she is, then you can forget about me speaking to any of you ever again!”
Clutching Star’s purse tightly in his fist, Marco stormed towards the door after her -- but not before delivering the final touch over his shoulder. “By the way -- we came to tell you we’re engaged.” And he slammed the door behind him.
He found her down on the beach, curled up into a ball with her face in her knees, her arms wrapped around her head. Even as an adult, Star still retreated to this position when the world became too much for her to bear. It wasn’t until Marco sat down in the sand beside her that he realized the waves had been drowning out her sobs. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around her huddled form and pulling her close to him, his nose buried in her golden hair.
“You lied to me,” Star hiccuped, but didn’t shrug him off.
“I know, I -- I’m sorry.” He literally didn’t know what else to say. 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me? Why’d you let me believe they liked me?” 
“‘Cause I couldn’t do that to you…” Marco trailed off, knowing it was a terrible excuse, but it was all he had. “I didn’t want...this to happen.” He couldn’t stand seeing her cry, it tore him apart every time. And the fact that his own family was the cause of it only made it worse. “I didn’t wanna break your heart, Star. I didn’t want you to feel like you did something wrong. ‘Cause you didn’t.”
She turned towards him, sliding her arms around his waist as his cozy red hoodie surrounded her. He felt his chest dampen from her tears, and he kissed the top of her head with a soft “Shh”.
“I guess I should’ve seen it coming,” Star mumbled in his arms, closing her eyes as evening darkened the sky above them. “Never thought about it when Abuelita or your aunts didn’t hug me -- my mom and her family aren’t huggers either. The kids...I mean, who knows?”
“The kids think you’re cool, trust me,” Marco smiled. “You saw Nina back there -- one hundred percent genuine.” He paused, letting out a long sigh. “I told them about us. I got mad and blew up in their faces and it sorta slipped out.”
“It’s okay. But what’s not okay was keeping all this from me in the first place. I-I feel like the biggest fool, Marco.”
“You’re not. And you’re right, I should’ve told you the truth.” Now it was his turn to glance downward in shame, and Star lifted her head to him. “We should go home.”
“Yeah...maybe we should.” But neither of them moved, the tranquility of their area of the beach surrounding them. Stars began to twinkle in the clear sky, the waves rolled in and out in a steady pattern, and sand got stuck between their curled toes.
No stars were brighter than the ones in his future wife’s eyes, glittering like her namesake as she brought a hand to his face, cupping it as his lips drew nearer. And at once, every care flew from their minds the moment her lips captured his. There was nothing but lips and hands and skin, fingers stuck in thick hair, sand getting everywhere once they realized they were lying in it. Star slipped her hands under his hoodie, feeling his fingers clutch at her bra under her dress as their mouths and tongues continued to work passionately. 
It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter anymore that not all of Marco’s family loved her, it just wasn’t meant to be and she could learn to accept that. She was still loved. She was loved by Marco Diaz, the most wonderful young man she had even known. Who rubbed his lips over the flawless ivory skin on her neck and collarbone as she sighed contentedly, a shiver of excitement rippling through her as his hands passed over her breasts, cupping her slender form delicately and respectfully. Even in the heat of the moment, he treated her like a queen. 
“You’re still crying,” Marco whispered as they stopped to catch their breath, his eyes opening to find themselves lying on their sides, Star staring at him like he was her eternity with tears dripping off her nose.
“I’m just happy,” Star whispered, pressing her lips to his eyes, cheeks, nose and lips again. “Even after all this, I’m happy, Marco. ‘Cause you’re still here.”
“Sure am, I’m all yours.”
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
“We still gotta invite them to the wedding though.”
“They can sit in the back. And they won’t come to the Castle wedding, just the Earth one.”
“Alright, deal.” And their ardent intimacy resumed.
Neither of them noticed the light of the full moon above bathing them in a deep wash of bright blood red.
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wouldn't it make more sense, in canon, for marco to be a trans boy? i mean he was in such joy when he got a chest hair, and we had an entire episode about how marco wanted facial hair. i don't think he'd be proud of those things if he was a girl. (well irl some girls don't mind having hair in some places, i just don't think it makes sense in a cartoon.)
I think the general consensus is that while trans boy marco is an OK headcanon to have, if it happens in the show it would be v Not Good.Marco has been put in a dress and shown to feel comfortable and happy in it, they have referred to themself with female terms multiple times when it's clear everyone accepts them as male, a villain believes they're a girl, they have a princess persona they use to inspire girls to think for themselves. All these things would be awesome for a transitioning girl but REALLY yuck for an already transitioned boy, in cartoon terms anyway.Whereas all the 'male' things that Marco revels in could easily still be enjoyed by a girl, or be explained away as marco acting how they believe they're supposed to act.
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