#pretty sure some of them are kinksters. it's a comfort thing more so than anything else for me though
cerise-on-top · 2 months
more team up tickles for shadow company and kortac but it’s just Reader getting attacked?
I wrote a Shadow Company fic on accident. Sorry. I'll post something for KorTac tomorrow, if I remember to do it. But even then, it'll only be Horangi and König. König because I love him, and Horangi because I've written team up tickles with him and König before.
Shadow Company Team Up Tickles
It’s not that unlikely that some of them would take a little bit after Graves. Some of them would be confident and cocky. Some of them would become rather touchy. Some of them would become playful. It’s not that uncommon for the Shadows to goof around a little bit. They’ll playfight plenty, and tickle fights are not unheard of either. Sometimes the Shadows make plans regarding who’s going to be their next victim. Usually it’s Graves, but sometimes their goofy boss joins in on the fun. However, today you seemed a little more on edge than usual. Although nothing in particular may have happened, you were still a little pissy. A few Shadows have approached you already, trying to soothe your anger with hugs, cuddles and kisses. Angry as you were, you turned them down. So naturally, more drastic measures needed to be used against you.
You were in the training room, silently seething as you stared at the punching bag. Could you really let out your anger like that? Or would it only be a gateway into something worse? You weren’t sure. With earphones in your ears, you opted for finding the right song instead. Something aggressive. Some form of death metal would do. Distracted by the device in your hand, you ignored the majority of the world, as you had been all day now. With a sigh, you could feel the anger rising yet again as you were unable to find the correct song to set the ideal mood. Had it been up to you, you would have thrown your phone on the floor and smashed it into a thousand bits and pieces. The music you were currently listening to wasn’t nearly aggressive enough. You needed something to rip heads off to.
A tap on your shoulder and you turned around. Met with a cocky smile, you were not quite in the mood to return it, you found yourself face to face with Phil, a few Shadows entering the training room behind him. Although you would have loved nothing more than to ignore him, you took out your earbuds.
“Looking a bit stressed there, sugar.”
“Phil, I am this close to killing someone. What is it?” Holding back a sigh, you counted the Shadows behind him. There were three. 8-4, 7-2 and 2-3. The three that tried to cheer you up today. You were fairly certain they were up to no good, even if you weren’t quite sure what they were going to do. Regardless, you wanted nothing to do with it.
Phillip slung an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. “Just needed to cheer you up a little. Can’t have you sulking around all day, after all. Give us a smile and we’ll leave you alone.” There was quite a bit of strength to him, you likely couldn’t pull away from him if you tried.
“Nothing to smile about in my life. I’ll be fine, just leave me alone. I’m just gonna blow off some steam tonight and by tomorrow I’ll be back to my usual self, I’m sure of it.” On the one hand, you wanted to lean into him. On the other hand, you wished you could have just weaseled your way out of his grasp. In the end, you opted for staying completely still, letting Phil do as he pleased.
8-4 walked up to you, gently taking your hand in theirs and placing a kiss on top of it. “We’re gonna leave you alone once we’re certain you’re not gonna blow the place to smithereens. For now, just relax, we’ll take care of everything.”
7-2 was wearing her usual, cocky grin. Oh, she thought she was so much better than you. She had something planned. They all did. If you spent any more time with them, that’s when you were going to blow up the company and everyone in it. 2-3 seemed shy, as per usual. Had you not been so angry at nothing, you would have assured him that everything was going to be alright. Not that you understood how someone as anxious as him was such a capable soldier anyway. Sweet as he was, you couldn’t believe he was such a good leader.
Now it was 7-2’s turn to speak up as she made her way towards you. Standing still right in front of you, she put her hands on your hips. “Sweetie, you’ll be leaving this room with a big smile on your face, I’ll personally make sure of it.”
“And how are you going to do that, bastard? I woke up ready to murder someone.”
Slowly, she ran her fingers up your sides, tenderly holding onto your ribs. “I have my ways.” That twinkle of mischief in her eyes did not go unnoticed by you. And all of a sudden, it hit you.
“Don’t you fucking dare, asshole,” you snarled, baring your teeth. As much as you loved her, as much as you loved all of them, you couldn’t believe just how stupid all of them were.
“Oh, I think I will.” Her eyes showed nothing short of madness as she held onto your wrist. She was considerably taller than you, considerably stronger as well as a result. No matter how much you fought, no matter how much you struggled to break free, she slowly brought your arms above your head. “You’ve insulted me for the last time today. You’re gonna apologize to us all, won’t you?” Even as you tried to kick her, she did not budge.
Phil released you. “2-3, your turn. You’ll be starting off nice and slow. Maybe you can get our beloved little Shadow down onto the ground. You have two minutes. Make them count, soldier.”
“Fuck you! All four of you! I’m going to get my revenge on all of you once I get out of her fucking grasp. You dumb brute, I’m going to make sure to give you nightmares!”
You could merely watch as 2-3 placed himself behind you. He put his hands under your shirt, waiting another few seconds. “I’m sorry, but you kind of deserve this today.” And with that, he skittered his fingers over your sides. You jerked away from his touch, closer to 7-2. 2-3 was gentle, you wanted to punch him for it. Although you squeezed your eyes shut, you did not giggle. No, you were much stronger than that. What kind of soldier would break after the first few gentle touches? As he drew circles on your tummy, it quivered a little bit. No matter how close you pressed yourself to 7-2, he always found a way to get you there. When he ran his fingers across your back, you hid your face in 7-2’s shoulder.
“Damn, if you wanted a hug so bad, you could have just said so.”
“Shut- Shut up! I’m concentrating here!” That cunt honestly had the gall to hold both of your wrists in one hand, snaking her arm around your waist and squeezing your side rapidly. Unfortunately, that was enough for you to push her away, falling right into 2-3’s arms. As you stepped back, he placed a leg behind yours, making you trip. Although he may have caught you, he still lowered you onto the ground, making you even more vulnerable. Naturally, 7-2 took this as an invitation to straddle you. However, other than that, she did nothing. None of them did.
“Good job. 8-4, would you like to have a go solo? We’re all going to to wreck our little grump together afterwards.”
“Don’t you fucking dare humiliate me like that,” you growled, spewing poison at those snakes. They had the antidote to it, however, as they didn’t even flinch.”
“I’m gonna hold our little sugar cookie down, you do as you please, alright?” No matter how much you thrashed, no matter how much you tried to buck her off, 7-2 stayed right on top of you.
8-4, that bitch damned to an eternity in hell, kneeled down next to your feet, taking off your shoes. “You know, all of that could have been prevented easily. Just be nicer towards us next time and we’re gonna be nice to you too! Even though I think we’re being merciful towards you right now, we’re just making you smile, love!” And with that, they started scribbling away at full speed, never even once considering your feelings.
You tried to kick, you tried to thrash, but it was no use. Biting your lip so hard, you drew blood, you started to smile.
“Aw, darl, you’re looking mighty adorable with a smile on your face. It suits you!” You didn’t even notice as Phil knelt down beside you. “Just let the damn break, we’’ll all be happier if you do.” And with that, he dug his fingers into your armpits. You almost screamed when he did that. Clamping down your arms, curling your toes, it was soon too much for you and you actually started laughing. Grabbing Phil’s hands, you almost always missed. And when you did grab one? Bastard held your hand for a few seconds, giving it a few reassuring squeezes before going back to tickling you. “Look at you, you’re so cute. We should get you good like this more often.” He cooed. As much as you despised that fact, he sounded as though he was being honest. But then again, he wouldn’t be torturing you like this if he didn’t enjoy it.
Another two pairs of hands joined in, one tickling your ribs and your stomach, alternating between those two spots, and the other going for your other foot. One pair of hands was gentle, drawing small circles on your soles, gently caressing it, the other pair was rough, drilling into your ribs, vibrating there and being rather unrelenting.
“Will you apologize now?”
“You should laugh more often. We should do this more often!”
“I’m not being too rough here, am I?”
“No, if anything, you should be rougher. Hold the toes back like this and scratch like that.”
You screeched, tears welling up in your eyes. The sensation was overwhelming.
And with that, all eight hands ceased their onslaught at once. Panting, you just lied there, eyes closed.
“You better not have pissed yourself.”
As much as you would have loved to retort with a “shut up”, you stayed quiet. If you had been rude, you might have had to go through this again.
“You cheered up now?”
“Yes, I’m… I’m sorry.”
You were being sat up and held against someone’s chest. Judging by their scent, it was likely Phil. Wrapping your arms around him, you hid your face in his shoulder. Although he may have been an idiot at times, your commander still stood for safety. He could always make the others go away, should he feel more merciful now. Another hand rubbed your back.
“We didn’t go overboard, did we?” You didn’t respond.
“Oi, fuckface, you do realize that just about the entire base would help you get back at us, right? You better keep that revenge close to your heart, I wanna get a good fight out of you next time.” Cunt. And yet you loved her for being so stupid. And yet you loved all of them, despite being the greatest morons on the planet. They were your morons, and you were theirs.
“Do you want me to bring you a snack? Maybe some water? Wouldn’t want you to be too exhausted, after all.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m fine. But thank you.” Snuggling more closely into Phil, you slowly calmed down.
“Let’s get you to bed, shall we? Do you want me to carry you?” His voice was teasing, but you knew Phil would have carried you to bed if you said yes. It was tempting. Being in the arms of your strong commander sounded nice. But then again, a small snuggle pile with all four of them sounded ideal right about now as well.
You ended up heading to bed either way, surrounded by all four of them. Although they may not have joined you with sleeping immediately, making sure you were alright for the majority of the evening, they did eventually. You loved your boyfriends, your girlfriends and your partners. Although they were bastards, each and every single one of them, you could always count on them. On the battlefield as well as on base.
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granddaughterogg · 6 years
Azrael is a kinkster, yo. Azrael/Reader. Lemons ahead! Part 1
Chapter 1
Some people just burst with sexual energy. Their stare strikes sparks, their body language is hypnotising. You have serious trouble listening to what they say, because your mind is occupied with... very nonverbal things. You’ve met quite a few of such people lately. Azrael is not one of them. If you had to describe Azrael in one word, it would probably be: decent. Of course, the Archangel of Death possesses a lot more traits than this. He’s wise. He’s also candid, tactful and immensely empathetic. Yeah, he overflows with empathy. You’ve yet to see him lose his temper. Which is no small feat, considering how easy it would be to crack the shits in the company of your beloved Darksiders. Hell, there are moments when even you get a bit overwhelmed. They are four very distinctive personalities who bicker a lot.
There are days when Death is being more difficult than usual, War is pouting somewhere in the corner, Fury lashes out at everyone and Strife decides it’s the perfect time to tell a poop joke.   You told him once what you think about poop jokes. Remains to be seen if the message has come through. On days like this you feel like pulling your hair out. Enter Azrael. Azrael the tactful, Azrael the charming. Azrael with this level, kind, yet irresistible voice of his. And magic happens. You suspect that the key to the angel’s success is that he respects everyone. He believes in equality. And his attitude comes through. He brings out the best in people. He and War are practically war buddies. Even though you find it impossible to imagine how their cooperation looked like. Death is actually fond of him; and people who Death’s fond of could be counted using fingers on a sawmiller’s hand. A very unlucky sawmiller’s hand. Fury loses her aggressive attitude when Azrael is around. Even Strife, who doesn’t like the guy that much – begrudgingly respects him. You feel that the angel should work in NATO. He could save humanity from many wars. That said, those are all not very sexy traits. You fail to imagine Azrael engaging in anything erotic. Of course, you’re a big girl now - and aware that it doesn’t take a testosterone-addled hunk to have an interesting sex life. Never the less, your angelic acquaintance always looks way too occupied with more important matters. Much more important. Speaking of looks. He isn’t classically attractive, but has a great profile. And beautiful hands. You always watch them eagerly whenever they emerge from all those fancy sleeves. Oops. Anyway, you two are now friends, right? It’s been a few months since War took you on a trip to Heaven. You’ve visited quite a few times since. Sometimes accompanied by one of the Horsemen, sometimes by all of them. The angel and the Darksiders had their own pressing matters to discuss, of course. But Azrael always made sure that you feel important and welcome. He would brew you great tea (seriously, you’ve never tasted better.) You two would talk at length; mostly about books. This guy is a crazy book magpie. He collects them all. Angel ones, human ones. he’s not too haughty to read the demonic ones either. If something has been written down, Azrael sooner or later will get his shapely, narrow hands on it. And then he’ll sniff it.   He probably sniffs books.
I require pleasant company for the weekend.   Would you care to come alone?
You got this mail on a Friday afternoon.   Really terse, considering who the sender was. If, say, Strife wrote it – you’d suspect that someone clobbered his head with a thesaurus. But emails from Azrael were usually at least one page long. And he wasted entire paragraphs asking you about the weather, about how you were doing and so on. This message was almost...sloppy. Hectic. You pondered a little. Reminisced his subtle smile and those pretty hands, caressing some large-ass tome. Azrael probably obtained a first edition of Balzac or some such and he couldn’t wait to show it to you. Well, you were down with that.
Sure, I’ll come around. Just give me about two Earth hours, okay? I’ll pack the essentials and also change into something spiffy.
Excellent. I’ll open a portal next to your house. And yes, please do dress nicely. Although you always do.
Oh Azrael, you smooth-tongued lad. „Guys, I’m going to Heaven for the weekend” you proclaimed, standing in the doorway of your shared living room. (Yes, you and the Horsemen live together. You’ve bought a house. But it’s a different story for another time.) There were no objections to that. All Four had a day off from their murderous duties. They spent whole Friday lazing around on sofas, watching youtube or just dozing off. You’ve already learned that the Horsemen are like predators in that department. They don’t spend energy unless they have to.   „So. You’re going now?” muttered War. He was lying on his back, one arm tucked under his head, the other – the iron one – hanging limply. It already carved a trace on the wooden floor. „Well, yeah. Azrael invited me” you answered absentmindedly.  „Now I need to do my hair...no, first I need a bath!” Death was resting on another sofa nearby. He raised his head a little and gave you an inquiring stare. It was short and piercing, like a tiny electric shock. „Loosen up, girl” chuckled Strife. He had both of his eyes closed. A PS4 pad and a half-eaten doughnut rested on his tight abdomen; remnants of impulsive decisions, defeated by idleness. Sometimes you wondered how is it even possible to eat so much junk and still look like Strife does. „Whatever you’ll do, he’s still gonna be the sharpest dresser.” „Yeah right, but I don’t mean just him, but all the other angels, too. I don’t want his colleagues from work to think that he’s friends with some uncivilised slob…” „Colleagues from work” said War slowly and pensively, as he often does. „That’s a flattering way to put it, when he rules them all with an iron fist. You know that, don’t you? No lesser angel will dare to offend you. And if one does… „...then we’ll come over and have a chat with them” finished Strife. „It’s been some time since I’ve plucked pigeons.” „Thanks, guys. I appreciate that” you said, genuinely grateful. „But I’ll feel so much better about myself if I doll up. You know how Azrael is...so posh and all.” „He’s hella boring though” said Strife. „What are even you gonna do with him for two days straight? Drink his wretched tea?” „That too, yes.” You smiled. „But I can feel it in my water that it’s about a book.” You’ve been already closing the bathroom door behind you, when Strife said in a hushed voice: „It’s always about some book. That guy’s a pervert.” „Stop it, Strife. ” That was War. ‘What? I call it like it is.” Fury said nothing, because she was fast asleep. She snored tiny cute snores. Death might be a big, intimidating mass of bone and sinew. But he can move like a soft pool of shadow if he chooses to. He did just that to get you at the very doorstep. Away from the others’ earshot. „So, when can we expect you to come back?” He was standing next to the coat stand. You had no idea how he managed to blend in with the wall. As usual.   His voice was relaxed, but you could feel the tightness lacing the words. „Azrael’s gonna send me back on Sunday evening” you said, looking into this closed off, seemingly impassive face. You knew it so well. „Death. Are you worried about me? I’m going to Heaven. Heaven. What could possibly go wrong in there?” ‘I’m not worried” he said, observing some wall crack right to your head. „Azrael is my friend. I’d entrust him with my life. I’m just...ascertaining things.” You let out a deep sigh. You felt so sorry for this man, unable to spit out a simple „I’m gonna miss you” even if his life depended on it.   But that’s what he was saying. With all his body language. His back bent slightly more, his hands hanging a little looser than usual. As if the sadness weighed on him. You embraced him - abruptly, before he had a chance to step back. You pressed your cheek to his hard, exposed torso, which (contrary to the folk stories that we humans sometimes tell each other) wasn’t cold at all. „I love you so much, you know?” you whispered into his left pectoral. That horrible scar has long disappeared without a trace. „I am going to be back home on Sunday evening. Even if Azrael conjures me a truck of books. I promise.” Death’s large hands embraced your shoulder blades. The Horseman closed his eyes and pulled you close. Very close. And then he let go. „I know. Have fun.”
Heaven! Are there even words in any human language that could describe its glory? I don’t think so. What if I tell you guys that everything is high-rise and steep and haughty in there? That everything is luxurious, but never vulgar – and constantly bathed in subtle golden light? Are you going to be satisfied then? Angels live above the clouds. Rainy day is just an expression for them. Wait. I’ve got it.Imagine an Apple store which has been designed by Michelangelo. That was Heaven. Azrael lived in a lavish apartment at the top of one of the White City’s spires. At least you guessed that there must be more rooms than just this huge one. In which you’ve spent so many evenings, chatting passionately about this and that. A spacious room with a decorative rib vault and a shit ton of books everywhere. Books upon books. Carved bookshelves crammed with tomes; some covered in wood, some in silk or even animal hide. A whole lot of regular cardboard covers, too. Azrael updated his collection on a regular basis. Many of those human books were gifts from you. There were also scrolls of parchment and papyrus stacked together and threatening to fall over. Heck, you’re sure that you’ve spotted a bunch of dusty clay tablets in a corner.   Next Christmas this guy is getting a Kindle. You sat in two soft, obscenely comfortable armchairs, covered with slightly worn out periwinkle velvet. Soft music poured from somewhere – relaxed, jazzy downtempo. You had no idea where do they get these earthy tunes from in Heaven. For all that you knew, Azrael wasn’t familiar with spotify. You drank the tea. This time it was green jasmine. With a drop of acacia honey added for good measure. It tasted like the first day of spring. Azrael put the cup aside, rested a cheek on his hand and gave you a gentle smile. „What are you thinking about?” You smiled back at him. „I think that you look ravishing today. That colour” - he pointed at your peach dress - „really showcases the tone of your skin.” „Wow. Thanks” you said. Internally you were squeeing in delight like an excited teenager. Azrael could be so chivalrous. OK, you thought, that’s enough with this line of thinking. Get your shit together, woman, before you tip something over and embarrass yourself. „All right”, you said, putting your cup away; the fine china clinked on the marble tabletop. „Nice little chat that we’re having. Don’t keep me waiting though. Bring out the book! The angel tilted his silver head ever so slightly. His eyes glinted with amusement. „The book? I beg your pardon?” „Well, it is about a book, isn’t it? Like usual. Some rare first edition long out of print, which you really wanted to share with me...Right? Azrael?” His eyes were as milky and opalescent as a cloud. And as serene. You started to blush under this constant stare. „What?" you asked, annoyed a little. His narrow lips curled up in a cryptic smile. „Come on, it’s not funny.” „Indeed” he said slowly. „I’m afraid that I owe you an apology. I lied.” „You...did what?!... When? Also, is lying even legal for you?” „Just right now. I wasn’t thinking about your dress, even though it is quite lovely. I was thinking...” he reached out with his long, slender arm. His fingers stopped mid-air, a mere inch away from your face. „...that I would like to kiss you.” There was a pause. During which your whole world twirled around, stood on its head and fell back to normal. Normal enriched with new, exciting possibilities, that is. "Oh. Right. Sure! I mean, go on. I can’t see why not…” What started as a nervous chirp ended in a mumble. Azrael put two fingers on your lips. You parted it; it was quite instinctive, really. You wanted him to touch you where you were soft and moist. He did just that. For a briefest of moments. Than he took his hand away. „Come here” he said in a low voice. „Okay. You mean...me, there? Right, that makes sense. God!” you whined. „ I’m so akward.” „Let’s keep God out of this” Azrael said with such a face that it was practically a wink. But then again, you had yet to see the Angel of Death winking. You stood up, not quite sure where your legs are – and came over to him as he asked. Azrael sat back in his armchair and pat his lap in an encouraging manner. It was the most un-Azrael thing that you’ve ever witnessed him do. Up until today. When the count of surprises was really going to pile up. You were in such a daze that for a moment there you forgot how to sit on another person’s lap. Especially when said lap is completely covered with sophisticated, flowy, floor-length angel robes. „I said: come here”  chuckled Azrael. „Do you mind if I?...” he gestured explanatorily. You nodded. Stupid redness burned your cheeks. Azrael put his hands around your waist, lifted you up and put on his knees as if you were a cat. The silk rustled. He smelled nice. Definitely non-angelic. Like...roses, maybe?   You knew that scent, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. „What now?” you whispered, stricken with this dumb, embarrassing shyness which you haven’t felt in such a long time. Which you hoped to never feel again. It wasn’t like that with the Darksiders. Not at all. Sometimes they would scare you. Or dumbfound you. But none of them has ever made you feel so small. Not like this highly restrained, immaculately dressed, back-combed man does.   A man with beautiful cheekbones. That much was evident now, when you sat so close. They really were top notch. „Can I?...” you breathed. He nodded smilingly. All this time he didn’t break eye contact.   You touched his cheek. It was pleasantly cool and softer than yours could ever be. Also, his face was covered with delicate fuzz, as bright as frost. „Do you even shave, Azrael?” „That is one peculiar question to ask” he said, still smiling. „That is one peculiar question to ask” you repeated, leaning in desperately and closing your eyes. „Kiss me then.” He weaved fingers into your hair and pulled your head in so sharply that you trembled. And then he kissed you. He was gentle - at first. Tested your boundaries. But you had no patience for such subtlety anymore. You immersed both of your hands in angelic locks and moaned urgently, while you pressed your lips to his. Well, you didn’t have to tell him twice.   He laughed breathlessly at such eagerness and went in with the tongue. And what a brilliant, flexible and knowing tongue he had. As expected of an angel. Time stretched like the most polite and accommodating of rubber bands, so a thousand years (or two minutes) later you were all taut as a bowstring. And rather wet. When it comes to the technique, his was definitely second to none. Azrael was the figure skating master of kissing. Those nimble lips of his were driving you crazy. He knew what he was doing to you. And he was savouring it. „Mmmm...mhm! Don’t stop!” you groaned when the angel finally broke contact. He let out a small chuckle - and suddenly bit your lip. „Azrael!” you cried out. He smirked so smugly you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it. You had no idea that this noble face is even capable of such a dirty expression. „Stop...laughing...at me!” You were in a daze. You lunged forward and bit him back. Azrael cried out a little and touched his lip. It was bleeding. You have drawn angelic blood. It was as bright red as your own. That chilled you the fuck down. „Oh, shit. I’m sorry!” you called, terrified. „I’m so sorry! I got carried away. Carried away...with you.” Azrael wiped his lip and shot you an inscrutable stare. Only now have you noticed how wildly dilated his pupils are. The vivid blush that coloured his pale cheeks. He wasn’t toying with you. He went along for the ride. „I wasn’t laughing at you” he said. „How could I? I was laughing TO you. Because you’re just so ardent. Impulsive. You feel a physical sensation and you follow it with reckless abandon. I happen to think that it’s amazing.” You felt like an utter moron. Something incredible has just happened. You had this little moment of magic, Azrael and you. And you had to destroy it. You let your worst instincts take the wheel. Just because this man made you feel inferior. „I apologise for at” you said, gently touching his bitten lip.   „I would never want to hurt you like that. I have no manners. Maybe I should just go.” „What?...” Those pearlescent eyes went wide with surprise. „What are you talking about, my dear? Please don’t. That…” - he touched his lip - ”is nothing. A trifle unworthy of my attention. At least when compared with what I intend to do to you.” „What?”   Despite your desperate suggestion, you stayed still in his arms. Your heart was pounding. Your body ached for more pleasure. You didn’t want to go anywhere. And Azrael was holding you quite firmly. „I planned to be prudent and unhurried” he stated, shaking his head with a little rueful smile, as if admonishing himself.   „But with you...such approach is pointless. You’re like a flame. You burn through my reason.” He put his fingers on your swollen, wanting lips again. You let him slide them in this time. Slide them deeper than neither prudence nor unhurriedness would suggest. You sucked on them and you looked him in the eye, feeling crazy fearless. Suddenly you didn’t care whether you come off as uncivilised anymore. „I am going to undress you and tie you up. And then maybe I will whip you” said Azrael, looking you in the face with a tender smile.   „I haven’t decided on that last one yet.” Oh. Oh. You felt like an ice cube melting on fire. Does that metaphor even make sense? An urgent, eager flame licked your innards. „The question being of course: what do you say to that?” „Yes!’ you cried out. „Oh, please, do it! I’m in. Yes to all of the above.” He kissed you again – deep and hard. Unabashed. You didn’t even try to stifle the moan that rose in your throat. „I can see that we are on the same page here” he breathed into your lips. Then he pressed his to the skin at the nape of your neck. You inhaled sharply. „I am so glad that that is the case.” ‘Wait” you huffed, putting both hands on the embroidered front of his shirt. „Did you just say: undress, tie up and whip then?” „I said exactly that.” It was amazing how quickly Azrael could put on that official, venerable face of his.   "And then I’m going to fuck you.” „Good! I was just about to ask that...” It was worth it. If only to see how this self-satisfied son of something holy loses his composure. And regains it in a split second. „And not even once” he added. „Not twice either. There is a probability that by Sunday morning you’ll start to cry and beg me to stop fucking you.” You threw him a breathless, shit eating grin. Your direct future looked positively – heavenly. “Wonderful. I can beg alright, if it turns you on.” „Very. You shall see for yourself.” There was something in his half-lidded stare that made your insides tingle.
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daddyspumpkin86 · 6 years
BDSM: An Ethnography
Disclaimer: As always, this blog is written from the point of view of a brat submissive. Please keep this in mind, and just bugger off if you feel the need to be negative about my experiences.
This is an ethnography I wrote for my Rhetorics of Pop Culture class a couple of semesters ago. The assignment was to write an ethnography about a counter culture - in which we were to demonstrate our understanding of the concepts we discussed during class (hence the citations.)
The Ultimate Surrender: Living the Lifestyle
In early 2014, the hype for the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey motion picture began. I had heard of the steamy book series written by E.L. James, but had never really had an interest in it until I saw the preview for the movie. I am still somewhat embarrassed to admit that I actually like the book series, mainly because critics affectionately dubbed it “Mommy Porn.” Surely, as an English major, I was above reading that sort of thing. I normally turned my nose up at authors like E.L. James, because I thought their writing gave women unrealistic expectations of what relationships were supposed to be like. Fifty Shades of Grey totally fits that mold. But, one fateful day, completely out of the blue, my curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded a bootlegged copy of the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey. I finished it in two hours and read the other two over the rest of Christmas Break because the story reminded me of my husband and me, and all we’ve gone through over the last twelve years. That week, the BDSM rabbit hole opened, and I gladly jumped in with both feet.
What is BDSM?
BDSM stands for Bondage & Discipline (BD), Domination & Submission (DS), and Sadism & Masochism (SM). The acronym, BDSM, helps those of us who live the Lifestyle bundle all of the possible avenues under one umbrella name so that we can teach others what it means. We call actively living this way living the Lifestyle instead of just saying, “oh hey, I practice BDSM,” because it helps us avoid having to endure the stigma that has been attached to our way of life by popular media, and others who oppose our subculture (Haenfler 2016). We also have our own set of rules, just like every subculture.
Titles & special names
When writing, most of us will capitalize words like: Lifestyle, Master, Mistress, Maitresse, Dom, Domme, Domina, Top, Daddy, Mommy, Sir, Ma’am, or whatever the title of the person who is the Dominant party in the relationship may be. The Dom/me or Top chooses their title depending on what kind of Dominant they want to be, or are, and there are many more titles than what I have listed here. Simple capitalization of a title while writing shows a sign of submission, and knowing one’s place in the BDSM Hierarchy. Submissives are called subs, bottoms, babygirl, babyboy, princess, little girl, little boy, little one, kitten, and many others that. Most have custom collars with their names on them, like the one pictured here.
Be Excellent to Each Other
We call non-kinky people vanilla because they don’t have any exotic flavors in the ice cream that is their life. When we have playtime some of us call it play and some of us call it scening. Just depends on what generation of the lifestyle you’re around at the time, and how structured the play session is. We use safe words, like red for stop and yellow for slow down, every time we play. We also do not follow proscribed gender roles; in fact, many of us challenge them with things like sissification (the feminization of a male, by a Dominant woman, at his request). If you’re non-binary, transgender, cis, asexual, or whatever and want to be a Dominant, do it! If you want to be a submissive, do it! If you want to be a switch (someone who does both), do it! That’s the beauty of this Lifestyle, you can be whatever you want to be and no one will judge you for it. If they do judge you, they’re an elitist prick and shouldn’t be part of the Lifestyle because they don’t belong there. We follow the credo, “Your kink is not my kink, and that’s okay.”
When someone who actively practices BDSM hears “I live the Lifestyle” in public, it tips us off, but not everyone in the room, and that’s the way most of us prefer it. We can also ask others “are you part of the Lifestyle,” without outing them in public, because if they aren’t they’ll ask, “what lifestyle?” Unfortunately, because of the controversial nature of our relationships, most of us have to stay behind locked doors and maintain a vanilla appearance. There have been many kinksters charged with assault and domestic battery over bruises, or loud noises that led to a welfare check, because of over-concerned vanilla neighbors, friends, or family, even though what we do is 100% consensual.
Many of us have to hide our identities, and where we live, for our personal protection because some people really do hate the way we live, and have threatened to hurt us. This is why I have chosen to write under my pet name, Daddy’s Pumpkin. They either don’t, or don’t want to, understand how living the way we do enriches our lives, but that’s okay. It gives us things that we’re lacking, thereby making us feel whole, if even for just the hour or two scene we’re participating in. I have an anonymous Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress blog because my family would never accept the way we live because they think anything like what we do is abuse. I need to be part of the Community, but I have to do it secretly so I can maintain a career outside of my personal life.
As a responsible member of the kink community, I have to write a disclaimer about this topic. First, I want to be clear that the Lifestyle is NOT what you see in porn videos, nor is it what you read about in romance novels, or on the Penthouse Forums. That’s why the kink community hates Fifty Shades of Grey. Christian Grey is abusive, and uses being a Dominant as justification to beat women because of his psychological issues. Yes, some people in porn today do live the Lifestyle outside of their careers, but most of them perform it for the money and don’t live their lives as strictly as the actual kink community does. Please remember that they are all paid performers.
I’ve learned a lot from www.kink.com, where all three of these performers work, and I am very impressed by what they do in creating our ultimate fantasies, and shipping together the performers in pretty amazing ways (Duffett 202-207). Everyone just needs to remember that porn is for entertainment purposes only, and do not try what they do in the videos at home unless you know how to do it correctly and safely. There are on-average 10 professionals involved with each shoot at www.kink.com to ensure the safety of the performers. I also follow Sunny Megatron, a well-known sex blogger, and her blog is http://www.sunnymegatron.com.
My Frame of Reference
Most of the people I know who participate in the Lifestyle live by the simple principles of Domination & submission, in which one partner is the Dominant partner, and the other is the submissive partner. Thusly, in this series of articles, I will only be discussing monogamous, Dominant/submissive (D/s) relationships, as I am not familiar with polyamory and cannot claim to understand it. I will also do my best to remain gender neutral, as I know there is not just the typical male Dominant and female submissive mold as popular culture would have us believe (Nowell 2011). Many people in the community are non-binary, transgender, or cis, as well as pansexual and polyamorous, gay, straight, and lesbian and I do not discount their relationships at all. I’m just the most familiar with my niche in the Lifestyle. The rest of the acronyms usage depends the parameters of the relationship. There is always an agreement to which the Dominant and submissive have both consented, either verbally or in writing. It’s good to write the relationship parameters down whether you’re a newbie or a long-time kinksters, because sometimes we forget what we’ve agreed to, and that’s when things can go terribly wrong during a scene.
Contracts typically include what the Dominant will and won’t do, and what the submissive will and won’t do, as well as what they’d like to try as they grow to trust their Dominant. The contract will also detail what words the Dominant prefers to use as safe words. The submissives portion of the contract normally has an intensity scale for each activity as well so that the Dominant knows how hard to push them during a scene. When something on the contract is an absolute no, it is called a hard limit. Hard limits are not to be broken, and both Dominant and submissive have the right to call anything they want to a hard limit. If either party breaks hard limits, it’s a gross violation of trust and can end a relationship immediately depending on the situation. When something is a maybe or they’d like to try it, but with provisions, it is called a soft limit. Limits can be re-negotiated at any time, and honestly should be gone over regularly as the partners get to know each other. A true Dominant will only do what the submissive has agreed to, and will not push them into anything they are not comfortable doing. A good resource for contracts is BDSM Contracts.org.
Types of Activities
Bondage & Discipline (BD) play a large role in many D/s relationships, as do Sadism & Masochism (S&M), for both punishment and fun. Most Dominants are also Sadists (they like to control and administer pain & punishment), as most submissives are Masochists, (they like to be controlled and receive pain). Most include punishment in their contracts for when the submissive breaks rules, or gets sassy with their Dominant so they can remind the submissive whose boss. That’s what floggers, riding crops, whips, canes, paddles, leather straps, hot candle wax, clothes pins, clamps, electricity, fire, needles, spanking, slapping, punching, ball gags, blindfolds, embarrassment, public humiliation, and uncomfortable or predicament bondage are for, most of the time.
Types of Dynamics
However, punishment can also be fun for major masochists, and some actually piss off their Dominant on purpose to get what they want. These submissives are called brats. So, if the Dominant finds themselves with a hardcore masochist, they really have to get to know their partner on a deep level, and find out what tool they really hate used on them so they can use it for punishment. For example: I have a friend who hates canes, so that’s what her Daddy uses. But it’s not just to make us cower in a corner. The whole point of using an implement that scares the submissive is to maintain control, but also to push their limits and help them to not be afraid of that implement any more.
I know this sounds insane to those outside of the Lifestyle, but the whole point of a D/s relationship is safety and structure for both the Dominant and submissive. It gives them a space in which they can explore their limits and needs together. True Dominants are very nurturing, squishy-hearted, people, and that’s what attracts submissives to them. They want a piece of property (yes I know that’s problematic to feminists, but remember the submissive has chosen this role) that they can spoil and do with as they please, which totally does it for submissives because that’s how they want to be treated. People who fall into the submissive mold are looking for security and safety from someone they can grow to trust with their life. Someone to fill their heart with love and feelings of being cherished; someone to fill the void they feel in their lives (Lacan quoted in Storey 2015).
Domestic Service Dynamic
However, there are many titles and dynamics within the D/s lifestyle, because there are many types of D/s relationships, some of which don’t even involve sex. Domestic service is one of the most popular types of non-sexual D/s relationships, and the one I use most as an example when talking to newbies or people who are curious, because it doesn’t make them as uncomfortable as talking about sexual servitude does. In a domestic service situation, the submissive can feel safe and cared for without worrying about being pressured for sex. Simultaneously, they can fulfill their desire to serve someone and be rewarded for a job well done. Often times, domestic servants exist alongside the Dominants full-time submissives, and don’t get a lot of one-on-one time with the Dominant because they’re usually performing their duties while the Dominant is at work, and they don’t typically live with the Dominant. Rewards for great service come in many forms, but the most common reward for domestic service is alone time with the Dominant, be it a date, shopping, or being spoiled. All most submissives want is to feel cared for, safe, and useful to whomever they are serving, as set forth in their contract.
The 24/7 Dynamic
A 24/7 live-in submissive performs all domestic and sexual duties for the Dominant, according to the contract they have arranged. Many of these submissives are actually wives and mothers, so these duties fit right in with their routine, but they have added significance because the Dominant has agreed to a much greater reward than, “thanks for buying the shaving cream I like babe.” A lot of what is required of a live-in submissive is expressed in daily rituals like (but not limited to): making breakfast, packing their Dominants lunch, setting out their Dominants clothes, doing laundry and putting it away correctly, making the bed, cleaning the house, going grocery shopping, having dinner on the table when the Dominant comes home, making sure the kids have done their homework and are ready for school the next day, and tucking in the kids at night and reading them a bed time story. Many do have cages, like this one. Some are kept in them for long periods, and some are just used for play. After everything for the day is done, kids or no kids, the Dominant and submissive spend time together and the submissive is rewarded for a good days work as the Dominant sees fit. Actual recognition from your partner for your hard work every day, imagine that!
Why live this way?
I have often thought about why I chose to finally tell my Husband what I needed, and have concluded that living this Lifestyle really does fill a huge hole in my psyche. I grew up in an extremely disciplined, military home, and I was majorly missing that discipline. At the time of my inception to the BDSM world, I felt like things were spinning out of control with our life, with school, just with everything. Having my Husband take the reins and literally make me follow chore lists, a homework schedule, an exercise schedule, a cooking schedule, and a schedule for everything else we could think of (because I’m obsessive compulsive) has really helped me become a more disciplined person. It has also helped alleviate the major anxiety I used to get from not feeling like I was doing everything I was supposed to be during the day, because my compulsions were getting in the way.
BDSM provides structure for many people like me who suffer from emotional and mental health issues. It also provides a way for us to let go, and just be who we are without repercussion, or judgment from others. I trust my Husband more than ever, because not only can I trust him to take care of me and keep me safe, but now I can trust him to call me on my bullshit and keep me in line when I am not capable of doing it myself. We have become closer than I ever could have imagined over the past three years since we started exploring the world of BDSM together. I’m grateful every day for this wonderful thing we have found.
Works Cited
Duffett, Mark. Understanding Fandom: An Introduction to the Study of Media Fan Culture. Bloomsbury Academic. 2013.
Haenfler, Ross. Goths, Gamers, and Grrrls: Deviance and Your Subcultures. Oxford University Press. 2016.
Storey, John. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. Routledge. 2015.
Nowell, Richard. "There's More Than One Way to Lose Your Heart": The American Film Industry, Early Teen Slasher Films, and Female Youth." Cinema Journal 51.1 (2011): 115-40. Web.
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foxtailapp · 3 years
The Importance of Safe Words in RACK
This post is originally from Pleasure Uncensored by Foxtail. It can be found here.
  Sometimes, the best adventures come from getting out of your comfort zone. But, when it comes to Risk Awareness Consensual Kink (RACK), you need to establish safety. What may be your comfort zone may, for someone else, might be the worst sexual experience they had. But what we want is for everyone to have the best experience they have with satisfaction. 
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    First things first, you need to establish safewords. Why? If you have no idea what we are talking about, then keep scrolling and find out more.
  What is Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK)
  In the BDSM community, there is a philosophy called Risk-Aware Consensual Kink or more commonly known as RACK. The Risk-Aware Consensual Kink follows similar principles of SSC. SSC is an acronym for Safe, Sane and Consensual. The difference between the two concepts is that RACK looks for Consent in activities with potential risk.
  Some argue that the theory is based on the idea that every action includes some amount of risk. What is safe is determined on an individual level. But what one person considers safe, another will not.
  That is why it’s essential to be safety conscious person. Being safety conscious means being aware of an activity in which you are engaged that can pose a level of hazard and the likelihood of unintentional hurt.
  Several kinksters draw an analogy between the decision to engage in BDSM and hobbies such as hiking or skiing. Sounds fun right?
  RACK and Drugs
  RACK also considers the potential of playing while intoxicated. In many BDSM circles, this is not accepted or permitted during fun gatherings, although some individuals love the sensation.
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    However, participating in kinky practices while being under the influence increases the likelihood of things going wrong. This may also drastically alter the pleasure for the participants, especially if one individual remains sober.
  Should you choose to engage in RACK activity while intoxicated, be mindful of any additional hazards. Drugs might add to the body’s natural reactions to BDSM.
  Safe Words and Signals in RACK
  Before you get into RACK you need to set “signals” and “phrases” that stop unwanted activity. A safeword is a word that the partners in a BDSM event use to ceases an activity if anything terrible happens.
  For example, when gaged or have “something” forced down your neck, you will have breathing issues. Safewords, in this case, are useless. In other cases, when tied or immobilized, words are a lot better. It’s a lot harder to snap your fingers or give a wink while you are in the most uncomfortable position.
  As we said in some cases, communicating would be difficult. So if you plan on doing multiple kinky BDSM stuff, it is wise to agree on an actual world and another type of a signal as a backup. After all, some motions are more challenging to perform while restrained. If your hands are numb from kinky stuff you did or was done to you, then you should have an emergency phrase prepared as well.
  Better to be safe than sorry.
  How to Pick the Best Safe Word
  Sex makes the whole process of finding a safe word more difficult. We say so many words amidst pleasure that it does not even make sense. You might evaluate your definition of desire and create a system of words because saying a clear no will not work.
  In reality, driven by the excitement of an intimate moment, it is pretty usual to scream. A few “slaves” like to scream as loud as they can, and for some people, that might be the scariest scream they have ever heard. These screams would warrant a 911 or ambulance call. However, their enjoyment comes from the domination of a ruthless torturer that overlooks the cries. Instead, the slave is offended if the pain stops.
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    You can also hear expressions like: hold it, I can’t take it anymore, stop, or other similar phrases. But these kinds of things will only increase the passion and excitement. After all, it is called Risk Aware Consensual Kink. 
  The safest alternative is to settle on a wholly irrelevant term that you will certainly not call out by accident. While practicing RACK, it is best to avoid complex terminology or words that are hard to pronounce. However, things like “turnip” or “crisis” are ok. If you’d like to be secure, the optimum is your actual surname, which you will undoubtedly recall. Adopting the erroneous american method known as “semaphore coding” might also be a suitable option.
  Getting to use Your Safe Word
  There are a certain number of times that you will have to say your safe word.  For example, you might need to say it 3-4 times before your partner stops.  This is just in case you were just panicking but then later get to find out that is pleasurable, which means not saying if the agreed number of times will encourage them to keep going.
  Also, not only will you prevent any misunderstandings, but the recipient will have time to properly consider if he genuinely wants to quit the activity or not. At certain times one stimulus is more potent than the others, or a moment of weakness causes you to feel the need to quit, but you instantly regret it.
  Understandably, people in positions of power need to be astute enough to see that even a partially safe word is a signal to hold back just enough. Get to catch your breath and carry on after a few moments.
  Although everybody has the right to explore RACK in any way he/she sees fit, it is essential to recognize when safewords should be used. The underlying notion is that a safeword is an exceptional circumstance that should only be used when there are no other options. Sure, it’s best to be prepared, but employing safewords unnecessarily negates their use.
  What Might Happen if You Dont Use Safe Words?
  Although these may not seem to be able to happen during sex, incidences of not using safe words when you need may include the following:
  Nervous breakdown
Being dizzy
Shortness of breath
Pain as a result of nerve damage
Flashbacks of a terrible event
Persistent aches and pains
  Some of these signs may, however, be difficult to note if you are intoxicated. This is why we stated before that it’s not a good idea to take drugs or alcohol (or even both) during the RACK process.
  Do Not Be Scared or Ashamed
The most significant risk of mishaps during RACK activity with a mate is failing to utter a safe word in a crisis.  As stated a few lines ago, when this occurs, it is almost often the result of a skewed perception of the connection between the bottom and the authoritative spouse.  And, it does not matter the type of trauma that you may be going through, be it physical or mental. Utter the word whenever you feel that you are at risk and you may be in danger.
  Many lovers feel obligated to satisfy their partners by all means. Therefore, they withstand everything or assume they are genuinely lesser to the Dom and have no grounds to speak out. Therefore, using a safeword for these people is equivalent to confessing a personal failing or terrible shame.
  If the spouse chastises you, claiming you’re not a good slave when you use your safeword, it’s his problem. Therefore, let him find someone more compatible with his skill set since no erotic activity warrants damage. Sex, whether even without whipping and straps, serves the exact purpose of pleasure and fun, not harm.
  It’s Not Only About the Bottom
  Remember, two people are involved in the whole process. Therefore, the dominant may decide to utter the safe word as well. Doms have the same right as everyone else to quit playing if they do not feel happy about everything. Maybe they won’t choose a safe word in this scenario. But, they also can’t be blamed if they do not act exactly how they are supposed to at the end of the day.
  We are quite sure that it will be a lot of fun once you get to establish your safeword and sign. RACK will help you explore a whole new sexual world and may just change your life forever. Make sure that you get to pick the best partner as well. One who will respect you and listen to you whenever you get uncomfortable.
  If you liked our article, check out our page for other BDSM, Kink, Pleasure content. Hope you have fun!
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itshummelswitch · 4 years
WHEN: February 24th, 2020
WHERE: Squires, kink club.
WHO: Sebastian Smythe & Kurt Hummel | @markedswitchsmythe
EVENT: First Kurtbastian meeting. Flirting & dirty talk ensues.
Honestly Sebastian taken the more open minded approach to this place, if they were stuck here.  Why not at least embrace it for a little while? Besides, that blond kid Sam seemed to OK with being here long term, at least longer than the rest of had been here.   Sebastian leaned against the bar, the long dancers body arching out as he curled a hand around the cocktail and took a little sip of it.  It was easier than you thought getting into this place,  a simple line about some dominant inside he was meeting and just like that- he was in.  He'd even plucked up one of those green tags from the counter - all system go for any boys around who might take his fancy.   His shirt was already gone  to show off those slender but tone body- years of dancing finally coming in handy.   Sebastian's pants looked like they were painted on, the tight jeans showing off his ass in a specular way as he leaned over the edge of the bar,  hearing the thumbing music and a few more...interesting and bold couples getting together around the club. God, this place could be fun at times.
After what seemed ages, Kurt had allowed himself to actually get out and explore. During the appropriate times given to him, of course. Last thing he wanted was a big, burly guy to come in and drag him back home or anywhere else for that matter. He wasn't exactly the most fond of being touched without his consent, and this place still gave him an anxiety spike. Despite Riley and Sam's words of knowledge to ease some of that paranoia, he still wasn't too sure if he should believe what he saw. People in collars, and people without. Nudity blatant and out in the open with no regrets. This definitely was far out of his usual comfort zone bubble, and he wasn't sure if he was ever going to get used to it. Having been escorted inside the biggest club known as Squires by an unnamed Dominant, who had shown up like some guardian angel to help him be granted access, he found himself with a blue bracelet. Adding some color to the bland cuffs he was still stuck with. He did want to educate himself. There was no way he was going to be a stick-in-the-mud this entire time. If he was here, he might as well start learning sometime. His outfit consisting of red pants, that hugged his curves and highlighted every asset he had in this club lighting. The black button down with the long sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms was a nice and simple touch, contrasting his pale white skin and tone arms for the club-goers to admire as he passed them. Not knowing where to put himself, he finds himself at the bar, noting the temperature being thick and hot which already had his throat feeling dry. He wasn't much of an alcoholic drinker, as he knew he was a lightweight to begin with, and opted for a simple fruity drink to sip at as he settled against the edge of the bar counter, arms resting comfortably in a lounge-like position.
Sebastian's eyes ran along the club before moving back to the bar as he took a little sip of his drink.  It was easy to soak in the displays of flesh and some of the bolder public sex going on but his eyes were quickly drawn to something a little closer to home. Well, closer to the bar anyway.  And certainly something more covered up than some of the other boys around.  Still there was no denying that Sebastian felt the wind get knocked out of himself a little at the sight before him.  Honestly, it was like the other was some god damn forgotten god.  His head tilted as his eyes ran down that dark hair and the pretty, pale, almost porcelain skin.  Perfect red lips and really, his eyes drifted down to that perky ass showed off in the pair of tight red pants as he leaned over the bar. Sebastian sucked on the inside of his cheek as he pressed his lips together at the sight.  That ass alone could start the trojan war at least in Sebastian's eyes.  It's hard to miss that pretty blue colour of the others cuff, in contrast to his own green as he brushed past a few people to simply take the empty spot at Kurt's side. "I'd offer to buy you a drink but you've already got one. Sort of a waste of a good line, though." Sebastian teased as he shifted his arm against the bar and his body turned to look at the other.  The shirtless dancer giving his best thousand watt smile as he held out his hand.  "Sebastian Smythe.  How about I get your next one? Or like, some food sometime?" He added, his bright green eyes dancing into Kurt's.  God he hoped this came off as charming and not...well, creepy as hell.
Kurt could feel a few onlookers eyeing him. It wasn't like he hadn't been in a club before, as he and his ex visited a rather popular one in New York a few times. And it was always a little flattering. Knowing he had someone's attention on him out of interest. Even so, with the coveted moaning going on in the background, it was going to take a little more for him to feel comfortable in being eyed like a piece of meat on a stick. Baby steps. The voice cutting through his senses, he turns to face Sebastian. Feeling his cheeks warm at the charming almost pick-up line, he does offer a warm smile - flattery never being a subtle point for him. The name being the hitting point that for him to put two-and-two together in the end, as he shifts against the bar. "Oh! You're Sebastian?" He asks, his grin dialing up as his eyes move to soak this man in. Silently applauding the outfit choice, as he couldn't help but notice the lack of shirt with those hip hugging pants. This guy was hot. Confident too, if the green bracelet meant anything. Never a bad look in Kurt's eyes. "You look so much better in person then whatever my head made up when we were talking in the chat." Another quick sip of his drink, he shakes himself. "Kurt. Kurt Hummel. The guy who lost his cat?"
It's hard to miss the others slight blush and it's a good sign that he's at least making a positive impression.  There is a little arch of his eyebrow at the other saying his name but god, doesn't it feel like the sun is shining on him directly from Kurt's smile?  There was tilt of his head as he finally gets the others name.  "Ah. Kurt. Right.  Along your not at all hateful cat. " His voice was warm and teasing though,  a broad grin dancing along his lips as he could feel the others eyes on him - soaking in his near nudity.  At least the other liked what he saw. "You're aware a statement like that does rather make curious about what I looked like in that handsome head of yours while were talking." He teased as he sipped of his own drink before lowering it to the bar.  "Always good to put a name to the face though." He hummed, his hand reached out to tap the others blue cuff. " I see you've chosen to take the plunge when it comes to this place.  That's properly for the best considering god knows how long we'll be here for."   He pointed out with a little tilt of his head.
"I can assure you, my imagination couldn't cook up anything as good as you look." Kurt takes another sip of his drink, then sets the glass down, turning to face the bar for a better leaning pose. Maybe even taking advantage of Sebastian's eyes on him in the process. "And what about you? Am I a disappointment to what you may have thought I looked like?" Curiosity killed the cat as they say, and maybe it was a sort of fishing for a similar compliment, but he didn't care. Who could blame him. A friendly face and knowing someone here was setting his mind more at ease. Letting him relax. Perhaps even enjoy himself. More baby steps in the right direction. He can only smirk slightly at the pointing out of his blue bracelet. He didn't know what he was thinking when he chose it. It seemed like a good common middle ground? He didn't not want to interact, but he also didn't want to give anyone the idea that he was down for a sudden pull into an orgy of sorts. He wasn't that level of confidence. Not yet. "According to Sam and my brother, we probably will be here for a long while. They managed to do it - so might as well. Right?" He gives a nod towards the others green bracelet. "Has anyone taken advantage of you yet?" It sounded a little wrong coming out of his mouth, and he hoped it wouldn't get taken the wrong way. Even if Sebastian was half naked, and clearly down for anything.
"OOoh that's quite the compliment.  Careful you'll have me blushing." Sebastian added with a flash of that smile as he kept his eyes on the other, though he might have let them drift down the others body as he moved to soak in that gorgeous body again.  There's a gentle laugh at the others question but it's not cruel at all as a hand lifted to brush against his own jawline.  "God the last thing you are is a disappointment. You're...stunning, Kurt. " he pointed out with a wave of his hand.   "  I mean, could go on for hours but those eyes alone are super distracting and your ass is..." Sebastian added with a shake of his head as he trailed and he took another sip of his own drink to cover any more embracing compliments to flow out of his mouth. "I get the feeling Sam and your brother are right about that and..the place doesn't seem as terrible as it could be.  Certainly nothing all that shady about it. Yet anyway.  And hey, at least everyone here seems...cool right? They're gonna go at your speed Kurt. At least any kinkster worth his salt would. " Not like there was some weird SAW style killer around the island or anything. It just seemed to be...exactly as the man in the room he'd awoken up in said it would be.  "Why? You curious about taking advantage of me? " Sebastian teased at the question of his own colour as he shot a wink over at the shorter, pale boy across from him.  "Because trust me when I say I'd more than be OK with that." He added before he finally addressed the question with a little shake of his head.  "Not tonight but it's still early yet. I was more just getting use to the club and you know, exploring it. Taking in the sights."  Sebastian answered the others actual question with a simple one shouldered shrug.
"Would blushing be such a bad thing?" Kurt has to ask. He's already in the club. This guy was already half naked as it was. Blushing would seem to be lower on the expectancy scale of things someone in here would shoot for - and that was not intended for any pun making either. Something about the club air. Getting out of his house, and just experiencing people was a nice. And thankfully his current company was even nicer. It didn't hurt either that he was a good piece of eye candy. "Maybe," He comments about the two Dominant's who had been here longer, knowing a thing or two. "Riley has been known to be a bit of a know-it-all." Which was the truth of the matter. It's a miracle he doesn't choke on his drink as he tries to finish it right as the mention of being taken advantage of gets brought up. Teasing of course, but his cheeks tinge even hotter. Or was it the humid atmosphere? Hard to tell. "Well - I don't know about you. But I wouldn't mind exploring these sights a little better and take full advantage of your outfit - or lack thereof." Empty glass aside, he pushed away from the bar. The music was doings things to him, and he wanted to move to it.
"Maybe not a bad thing but certainly a rare thing for me which would make you...well, special." Sebastian countered with a little arch of his eyebrow as he took a little slip of his drink.  Not like Sebastian often was thrown off his game and hey,  causing such a reaction would be an achievement for him.   There was a little one shouldered shrug as he placed the glass back onto the other. "Is he? Can't say I've really got any decent read of your brother.  Other than he really does not like your cat."  Riley hadn't exactly been all that open as some of the other people around the island. There's a little lick of the switches lower lips as he watches the others reaction to his words. Oh, it was pretty glorious.  "Oh really now? Well, now, Minou, you can take advantage of me and this outfit however you want.." Sebastian was smart enough to get the others intention however and he pushed off the bar himself and made the rather bold move of just slipping his fingers into Kurt's and moving him towards the dance floor.  His fingers slotting into Kurt's almost perfectly as he pulled the boy into the mass of close dancers and let the music was over them both.
No one had grabbed his hand before out of the blue. Not since his ex - but even that had been short lived in its prime. It wasn't an unpleasant warmth spreading from his hand either throughout his entire body, that just further pumped him up to the music. Needing to move. Needing to do something with this man on the dance floor. Almost a perfect stranger, who Kurt was obviously feeling an attraction to. And the tighter his pants got, the more obvious that was. No shame, Hummel, if anything Sebastian came across as someone who would be smug and flaunt that knowledge. "So, have any saucy stories of your experience in the club life, le beau?" Kurt asks once they find an empty spot, giving his free hand a chance to hook a finger on a tempting belt loop, pulling the slightly taller man in closer to feel the heat radiating off each other.
Sebastian easily relished that closeness between himself and Kurt,  his trademark smirk dancing along his lips as the other tugged him forward by that belt loop.  His hand keeping locked with Kurt's as the other moved down the others slender hip with a tilt of his head.   There was a little dip of his eyes at the others rather...more evident crotch but he kept his comments to himself as he leaned forward to brush his lips near the others. "Oh- plenty.  Sometimes It was just good to blow off steam...work got too much and you just wanted...some release.." he teased, the words dancing over at the other like a spell. "What do you wanna hear about? Times I dominated sweet, cute things like yourself Hm? Had them moaning for Daddy?  Or times I just...gave up control?" He asked curious what the other might take.  God knows Sebastian was never one to skip some dirty talk or at least, some dirty talk story time.
Okay. Kurt was getting the appeal of being in a place like this. Being open, free, without any judgement passed. As some bodies in the room were even closer in contact than he was with Sebastian right now. And he could just about taste the other man's breath on the tip of his tongue. So warm and inviting, begging him to give something up. And he wanted to. It was a matter of knowing what that something was. Smirking in retaliation to the one opposite him, he doesn't shy away from the questions that intrigued him even more. Knowing that Sebastian had played both sides of the coin made more sense as to why he was a Switch - if only he could say the same. "I'm sure you could pick a favorite time for both." His fingers walking slowly from one loop to another. "Don't spare any details. Being stingy is for other nights."
Oh, he liked this side of Kurt, that mischivious light in his eyes and the way he leaned towards him, that ferity energy flicking back and forth between the two boys.  " Oh right then.." Sebastian tilted his bead back slightly as he gave a little hum, as if he was dwelling over the many times he'd indulged in a bit of kink to pick out the best ones. "Back home there was a club much like this one...And they had this big stage in the center.  And there was pretty shy boy I'd be courting all night.  He liked a strong hand and being put in his place.." Sebastian hummed, the story weaving over the other like a spell.  "The club was pretty full, it was a Friday night but the moment I dragged that boy up onto the stage.  Every single person's eyes were on us.  I pushed him to his knees.  Those pretty innocent eyes staring up at me as fucking hot as hell."  Sebastian continued.  " God, if I could tell how hot that sir that dropped from his lips were..well..you'd be just as taken with him as I was.  I slipped my cock out from my leather pants and...not to brag but hey, I'm impressive enough that the boy literally whimpered.." he hummed.  " I throat fucked the boy till tears came down his cheeks. Right there. It was like this...performance.   And addictive power rush..." Sebastian's eyes met the other.  "How's that?"
Truth be told, Kurt was taken aback that Sebastian actually had to think of a time. Were there really that many?  Being surprised shouldn't be a thing he figures, not with how good of a game Sebastian talks. He clearly had the experience under his belt to prove he knew what he was doing. In a way it made Kurt more at ease, hips pressed against one another in such close proximity. This was clearly a kink club, he was going to be in good hands if anything escalated past dancing. Brow lifted as the story unfolds, he can picture it clearly in his mind's eye. Blood traveling south of the equator would probably be noticeable more now in their shared space, but Kurt keeps dancing. Doesn't stop. Won't stop. "That is incredible, actually." The corner of his mouth quirks. "Especially considering you being so humble about bragging about how impressive you are." His tongue teasing at the corner of his own mouth. "The only juicy story I have is that my ex made me come at work, without even touching me since he was in a class at the time."
There was a little smirk as he felt something rather noticeable press into his hip from the other boy, it was nice to know that he'd done his job with that story.  Sebastian kept up the movements himself though, dancing along to the pounding beats, though there might have been a little more deliberate grinding once he felt such a...reaction.  "Oh yeah? Glad you liked it."  Sebastian replied as his eyes met the others as he bit his lower lip before he gave a shrug at those next words. "Oh so humble. Doesn't mean I was lying at allllllll."  He promised- more than away he was rather gifted in that regard.
Sebastian's head tilted at the others words with a little impressed hum. It was a pretty hot image. "And just pray tell, how did he make you do  that??  Come on, details Hummel. Fair trade and all that."  The taller point pointed out as his hands moved down to brush along Kurt's hips, a firm grip against them.
A soft laugh erupts from somewhere in the Switches chest, not knowing why he was so willing to share such an intimate story about his ex and the time he had made a mess out of himself at work. But he wanted to share it. What would Chandler care? The guy wasn't here. The guy was his ex. They weren't the most romantic love story to exist, so he didn't have anything to lose. Not when he was this close and being hyper aware of where he was being touched. "Well, it started off innocent enough. He was bored in class. I was doing the easy task of filing things." Kurt begins, rolling his hips at a particular good beat in the music playing overhead. "He mentioned how he could see some girls underwear from where he was sitting. And he stated he'd like to see me in something lacy and black. I humored him and said he was in luck because I had some in a secret drawer. He took the bait and asked where I got them, and why he never saw them before." Head tilting to the side, Kurt bring an arm up to wrap securely around Sebastian's neck, pulling their bodies even closer. "He then proceeded to want photos of me in those underwear. I said I was at work. He said that I should wear them to work the next day, and send him a photo. I asked why. He then said he likes the idea that I would wear those just for him, and how he'd come for me at my lunch break. Bend me over my bosses desk, and pull those lacy beauties aside, and..." He pauses, biting on his bottom lip as he tickles his fingers against the back of Sebastian's neck. "Are you sure you want to know the rest?"
Sebastian tilted his head as he soaked in that story but it certainly took a direction he wasn't expecting but god, if the image of Kurt in a pair of lace, black panties didn't get him hard as rock even right here in the rather public space of a dance club.  Granted the others grinding didn't help anything but he was pretty sure that Kurt could feel his reaction to the news that Kurt had a secret draw full of lacy underwear.  It was a little betrayal of his body for one of his most favorite kinks.  His head tilted back against the others arm but he kept that closeness, deliberately grinding his half-hard s and very prominent cock against the boy as he smirked at those next words.  "I can't say I blame him. I rather want a picture of you wearing a pair now..." Sebastian near groaned at that fun visual image of Kurt bent over a desk and being fucked while still wearing a pair of lace panties. "And fucked blind?" Sebastian finished, his eyes heated as his hand moved down Kurt's back as he gave a chuckle at those words. " Oh, I'm so very, very sure. I think I need to know the rest if anything. Don't leave a guy wanting like this." He shot back, his body rolling to the music again, pressing his hips against the others.   Sebastian's eyes meeting the others as he felt the rest of the dance floor - hell the entire sex club- fade away and it was like the two of them alone in the world. "Go one. He wanted to bend you over a desk and move those panties aside and fill you up to the brim..."
0 notes
granddaughterogg · 6 years
Azrael is a Kinkster, part 3
Azrael looked almost pained. His fingers still caressed your cheek.   „I need you to understand this: there is no point in loving me because I could never love you back. Not like…he does.” 
The whole shebang can be comfortably read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17956949/chapters/42410612
Your climax came and went, crashing over like a wave. You thought that Azrael is being crassly inconsiderate. You expected him to be the classy type. Someone who stops dead in his tracks and celebrates his lover’s bliss. Instead, he went at it – went at you – like a beautiful, ruthless machine. Moving back and forth in your swollen, tender insides. It was the weirdest sensation. One part pleasure, two parts increasing annoyance.   You almost told him to cut it out. But didn't you let this epitome of class tie you up and have his way with you as he announced?  Rough treatment did not diminish your desire for Azrael. If anything, it made you want him more. You got a little moist every time those narrow lips uttered the word „fuck”. A word you’d never suspect someone as refined as the archangel even knows. What you felt towards him was...complicated. You were complicated. Then something else roused in you. You couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment, but in a few more thrusts the pain melted away. Pleasure came back with a vengeance. Suddenly you were again soft, oh, so soft, pliable and hungry for more.   A surprised, breathless yelp escaped you.   Azrael leaned even closer. That glorious mane of his now dishevelled, falling all over his face in messy, sweaty strands. His ferocious smile almost brushed your lips. „That’s it” he gasped.  "The second time is always better, little girl. Now come for me.” As dazed as you were, your mind somersaulted at those words. The gall of this dude!... „You...holy bastard!...” you gasped back, knowing well that it doesn’t sound very condemning. You were already on the verge again.   And he didn’t make you wait. It was harder this time. Longer. Sweeter. Your whole body arched into a violent spasm. The bounds that held you crackled all over. You dug your heels into the mattress and came, drawing out his name in a prolonged sob. Once, twice. The second time your breath hitched and your voice broke. Your own cry sounded as if coming from afar. There was only his pulsating presence within you. Only pleasure, like he requested. The feeling of submission. The sweetest defeat. The moment you caught your breath, Azrael covered your mouth with a violent kiss. Then he let go, threw his head back and shuddered all over. His wings stretched fervently to their whole impressive wingspan. It was so bizarre - yet so beautiful - that you couldn’t look away. It took you a second or two to understand that he, too has reached his peak. How do angels climax? Pretty much like people do. At that moment you saw him relinquish all self-control. No more Mr Smug Guy. His white eyes half-lidded, face flushed, lips parted ever so slightly. A hoarse moan escaped them.   He looked as if he was praying. You felt him throb inside you. Indwell you with hot liquid. And then his long, slender body went limp. The angel sighed softly, buried his face in your breasts - and stayed that way for a while. He was glistening from sweat. You would love nothing more than to caress his hair. But then again, your hands were tied. A minute passed. You counted his slow breaths. „Please tell me that you’re not asleep” you muttered. Azrael snorted. His laughter reverberated in your solar plexus. „I might be old, but I am not THAT old.” „Why, you’re positively ancient!” you chuckled. He lifted his head and shot you an impish smile.   „Apparently you like your lovers that way”. „Yeah!” No way in Hell (or Heaven) you were gonna feel ashamed about your preferences. „What did you just call me, by the way? A little girl?” His eyes glinted. „And what did you call me? Born out of wedlock? My mother would be so perplexed.” You felt awkward. „Sorry about that. People tend to say weird things in the heat of the moment.” He cocked an eyebrow. You decided to sweep this one under the rug. „Wait. Azrael. How come that you even remember your mother? Wasn’t that, you know, at the beginning of times?” He went serious all of a sudden. „You see,” he said in a low voice „being an angel means that I remember everything.” You looked into those ageless eyes. Registered deep, bluish circles under them for the second time. „So there’s no reprieve from any stupid thing you ever do or say. It’s gonna haunt you like forever.” „That’s exactly how it works” he gave you a weary smile. Your heart twitched. Either you were being skillfully manipulated, or he just let you at what’s actually going on under these glossy locks. Either way, you started to care for Azrael. Like, more than before.   You flexed your fingers, which apparently fell asleep. „Could you please untie me now? I really need to use the toilet.” „Of course.” He supported himself on one elbow and made a quick, elegant gesture. The elaborate ties fell off your limbs, rustling softly.   You looked at your own wrists in amazement. „That was angel magic, right?” you asked him with a grin. „If it’s so easy for you, why not tie me up magically in the first place?” Azrael’s lips curled upward. „Because that, my dear, wouldn’t be half as fun.” You tried to get up - and found out that you cannot. Your eyes widened in faint surprise. A moment later Azrael was right beside you, one long arm curled protectively around your back, another holding your hand. He gently lifted you to a sitting position. „Too much?” He asked, watching your face from up close. „Thanks, Az. Not at all, I’m just a little...light in the head...” you whispered, resting your burning cheek on his forearm. Then you giggled and added: „After all, that was one hell of a double orgasm.” Azrael brushed a damp streak of hair away from your face. „That’s an interesting way to put it, but yes.” His smile was almost cat-like. „And I savoured your cries of delight.” What the hell were you crying again? Azrael. „Uh, the pleasure is mine” you muttered, suddenly hot under the collar. If you were wearing any collar, that is. You stood up – slowly. Something wet and sticky dripped down your naked thighs. You dipped a finger in the wetness and put it in your mouth. „Hey, you’re not gonna believe this.” You shot him the widest, stupidest happy grin. „Angel cum tastes like coconut!” He stretched gracefully and lied on his back. Those glorious wings covered the bedsheets. „And why do you assume that I don’t know?..” You flushed a little. Which he noticed. „Shoo!” chuckled the angel. „Away with you for now. The bathroom” – he gestured with one long arm -  „is that way.” Sometimes you wondered if residents of Heaven have to pee. Azrael’s posh restroom threw that doubts over the window. Apparently they did. Or maybe your angelic companion conjured this room up just for you.   The place was as huge and spotless white as the bedroom. The sheer diameter of the tub made you rethink what little you knew about feathered creatures and baths. But then again, Azrael wasn’t a bird; no matter how shockingly birdlike some of his reflexes. He was… ...he was something else. You emerged from there properly refreshed. You had to strut through this whole ginormous, mostly empty room to reach the bed. Azrael lied on his stomach this time. His wings relaxed, sharp chin resting on entwined fingers, eyes glued to your exposed body while you walked. Instead of being shy, you decided to bask in his approval. Take it all in. Just like his seed. „You’re beautiful,” he said quietly. Then he rolled over – the feathers whispered – and sat up. „Hey, you’re not that hard on the eyes either” you quipped, getting on the bed and nesting yourself between his legs. Post-coital Azrael was indeed the sexier you’ve ever seen him. He seemed younger, rejuvenated. The once immaculate hair a wild mess, his fine features relaxed, a faint blush still gracing those pale, protruding cheeks. Which you were seriously transfixed with. „May I…?” Your fingers almost brushed this incredibly fine, silvery fuzz that covered his jawbone. Azrael smiled and nodded, fixing you with a calm gaze. You traced the curves of his face, holding your breath as if you’ve been allowed to touch a priceless artefact. You tipped his forehead, went along those mysterious white markings, along the sharp line of his nose - and lower. Your fingers brushed over the curve of his lips. Only now you realised how parched they were. Like a mortal’s. You wanted to fix this. You wanted to fix him. To cure him of whatever he endured by living way too long within that brilliant, perverted mind of his. Maybe to love him, even. It didn’t make much sense. You didn’t recognise your wants anymore.   „You unhinge me...” you murmured and went in for a kiss. His eyes flicked with surprise, but then he closed them – what long, silver eyelashes he had! - put one hand on the back of your neck and pulled you in. This time the way your lips met was almost solemn. Soft, sweet. Tender. He enticed you only a little, his knowing tongue fluttering around yours like a candle flame. You moaned.   One thing was certain: The Archangel of Death sure knew how to kiss. You probably weren’t neither the hundredth nor the thousandth human that he kissed. There must have been legions graced with his attention. They probably loved him, too; who could’ve resisted such overwhelming charm? They all withered and died of old age, while he remained the same. Poised, elegant. Unsullied by their fleeting humanity. In control. Always in control. It was a chilling thought. You broke contact, breathing deeply through the nose and trying not to lose your mind. „I like you unhinged” his lips brushed the skin of your neck. You got goosebumps. „But I can see what’s going on in your head right now. Please don’t do this to yourself.” You winced. „Are you reading my thoughts, Azrael?!” The angel let out a resigned sigh. „I would never do such a thing.”   „Then what do you mean?...” He cupped your face and looked you straight in the eye. His expression was part tender, part worried and a bit of something you couldn’t decipher. „I am a scholar. It is my job to know things.”   You covered those slender fingers with your own. „So you had me all figured up?...” You murmured, relishing the caress. His skin was cool and smooth. The archangel’s lips tilted upward in a strange un-smile. „More or less. I observed you with great care. I listened thoroughly. You are a kind person. And you’re prone to having that...saviour complex.” „Seriously, Azrael, what the fuck.” Your hand fell off. His remained firmly where it was. He sighed again. „Respectable as such intentions may be, they shouldn’t be applied indiscriminately. I’m sure that Death deserves all your compassion, as tormented as he is...but I don’t.” Suddenly all the words left you. You could only stare at him, wide-eyed, numb. „No, I really don’t.” Azrael looked almost pained. His fingers still caressed your cheek.   „I need you to understand this: there is no point in loving me because I could never love you back. Not like...he does.”   Was it your imagination or did his breath just hitched? „You seem awfully sure of that...” you said slowly. „You can’t save me. It wouldn’t be fair to make you waste your time and try.” You felt lightheaded again. Although it was not from bliss. „Are you’re saying that you don’t have a heart? Like Howl of the Moving Castle?” A weak-ass, desperate attempt at a joke. But hey, at this point it was either wisecracking or crying. Azrael shut his eyes for a while, inhaled deeply and opened them again. „Heaven help me,” he said with a steady voice. „For I don’t.” You went silent for a long while. Azrael looked at you with calm determination and simply waited. In a way he just subjected himself to your judgement. An all-powerful heavenly being. Waiting for a human to collect her thoughts. Being a human doesn’t mean that I’m insignificant! cried a tiny voice inside you. My feelings are important. I am important. I am my own person. Whether Azrael wants me or not doesn’t define my worth. The dense fog that clouded your head started to disperse. You just gave a little too hard into your afterglow. That’s all it was. Being railed like this will jack your mind up. And he obviously did want you – unless an angelic body can lie. He wanted you so very much. Just not as his loved one. But you didn’t even need him in such a way. You had Death. „You know what”, you said, putting a fresh smile on your face and your small hand on his, still resting on your cheek. „I appreciate your candour. Although no one has ever been so cruel to me...while being so kind.” Azrael’s relief was palpable. „That’s what I specialise in.” That impish grin of his came back as if it never left. What a player, you thought to yourself. But a decent player. A rare kind; a fuckboy with some integrity. An honest lothario. They don’t make them like that on planet Earth. „So you’re, as they put it, emotionally unavailable” you muttered. You traced his collarbone and then leaned in to plant a quick kiss there.   „Yes. But I’m very much fuck-available” he stated, a smile lacing his words. „Any time you want me.” „Good. That’s a solid base for friendship.”   „It is.” You kissed him again. Azrael gave out a small sigh of pleasure. „Real questions time. Azrael, do you even shave?” He threw his head back and laughed - again, a string of silver travelling through your ears. „And here I thought you’d let me off the hook.” „Seriously. I want to know!” „I do. Once in a millennium.” He smirked. „I mean, I call for a trusted friend. I’d probably cut my own throat from lack of practice. Last time it was actually Abaddon who shaved me.” „You let Abaddon press a blade to your face?” „Why not? He had way more experience with pointy instruments of bloodshed than I ever will.” You gave out a piercing laugh, straddled his hips, pressed both palms to his chest - and pushed. He chuckled and obediently landed on his back, on those rustling feathers. Now you had him where you wanted him. He was all taut and angular, as slender and supple as an eighteen-year-old boy. Covered with this incredibly fine, silverish fuzz, which tickled the skin on your forearms. It formed a narrow path on his flat, milky white stomach and all the way down to party town.   He was as unlike Death in the corporal department as possible. As they say: variety is the spice of life. And you savoured your spices.   Your hands wandered lower and lower, taking in every curve of this pretty body. It seemed so fragile, so delightfully human. It sure could be aroused as one.   You started innocently enough; with a kiss to his lower abdomen. And then another. And another. Azrael closed his eyes and gave out a pleased hum. Your sneaky fingers closed tightly on his half-asleep manhood and got to work. He gasped.   „What...” that’s all he was able to say before you went in with your mouth. Smiling with you face full of dick is no small feat, especially when said dick expands in a hasty manner. But you managed a grin. You looked your angel dead in the eyes – now wild and wide - and sucked on him. Slowly, pensively even. From time to time you would break the pace to caress every wet, pulsating curve of his shaft’s head with your tongue. You were very thorough with that. He tried to fight back a moan, Creator bless him. You just sucked harder. Azrael gave out a series of undignified „a-a-ahs.” It was music to your ears. Soon enough his narrow, boyish hips worked in unison with your mouth, rhythmically arching upwards so that you would take him all in by every slide. You could feel his arousal, bordering on painfully hard. He was getting close. „No.”  You were surprised how firm and level „no” it was. „Hmm? Buh whye?”   „Stop that.” Azrael reached out and caressed your ruffled hair. „Don’t get me wrong, I love what you’re doing...but that’s enough of you coddling me. It is high time I coddled you instead.” You let his stiff cock of your mouth and wiped your face. „You sure? Because we could be done here in a moment or two...” „I don’t want to be done in a moment. Or two” said Azrael with conviction. You had to admire the man’s backbone. (And his dick. Seriously, it wasn’t the most impressive you’ve seen yet, but it was shapely.) „Fine. Have it your way.” Your smile soon morphed into a surprised yelp, because he suddenly sat up, got a hold of you and flipped you on your stomach. All in one swift motion. He might’ve been thin as a toothpick, but he was anything but weak. It was your turn to give out a disoriented „What?...”   Azrael sat astride you and leaned in so closely that your upper bodies were touching all the way. His hot breath rustled those little hairs on the nape on your neck. You trembled. „I think it’s time for some whipping” he whispered into your ear. You felt as if a tiny electric shock went through your nether regions. „Yeah! I thought you’d forgot about this by now.” „Didn’t I tell you that I never forget anything?” There was a playful edge to his words. „Real questions time. How’s your pain tolerance?” „Uh...I was, um, treated with a leather belt, then a leather flogger...and with a standard horse whip? I think...” „You think?”   You gave out a breathless laugh. „At that point of the evening I seriously couldn’t say. I was dead drunk.” „Drunk shenanigans with a whip.” Azrael uttered under his breath. „How wonderful.” „Hey, we all had that one or two experiences which we are not exactly proud of. So easy there with the moral assessment, Metatron.” „First: what did you just call me? And second: I am by no means assessing you. I am assessing the whip-bearer.” You snorted into the bedsheets. „You know what, I’m just going to use my cognitive powers here. Does this – he slapped you on the buttcheek with the palm of his hand – hurt?” „It tickles.” „Oh really. How about now?” He slapped harder. You felt a pleasant sensation reverberating through your butt. And nether regions. „Still within the boundaries of Tickle Town.” „And now?” Something stiff and leathery met the skin of your backside, producing a juicy splat. The ants that apparently lived in your ladyparts really got to work. „That...almost hurt”, you murmured. „You’re good with this kind of hurting?” „No! I mean, it’s okay, but give me more!..” Azrael chuckled. His slender hand caressed your (still almost intact) ass. „Don’t feel like you have to strain yourself for me”, he said. „I can have my fun no matter how hard I'm hitting you.” „That’s so considerable” you mumbled into the bedsheets. „I am a sadist, not some depraved monster.” That laughter of his was like a sunbeam. Azrael conjured a few other toys – you thought „conjured”, because he put them out of thin air, apparently – to meet and greet your buttcheeks. Some of them were flat and rigid, while other more snake-like and resilient. You received a hit after hit, one always a bit stronger than the last one. He was a methodical man. Angel. Person.   Your ass must’ve been nicely flushed by the time he was done. In the meantime, your sinful insides went tender and moist, yearning for a more substantial treatment. You were getting aroused, but not really in pain. Which was nice. But also kinda sucked. „That’s the last one for today,” he said in a low voice, tracing your inflamed buttocks with something cool, narrow and leathery. You felt all the little hairs on your body stand up. „Oh, that’s it, isn’t it?” „Yes, that’s the riding crop” said Azrael matter-of-factly and used it. You almost choked on your breath. A flash of acute pain tore through the comfortable daze which enveloped you. You couldn’t help but give a small elated groan. „Huh. I guess we’re finally getting results here” he said with the most level, scientific-like tone of voice. „More?” „Yes, please” you gasped. Another slap, another flash of red behind your firmly shut eyelids. This time you actually cried out in pain. „You’re good? Or should I do it again?” „Again!...” „Again what?” Oh, seriously, fuck this smug bastard. „Please hit me again, Azrael”, you gasped. He did.   The thing about the riding crop is how surprisingly quickly the pain accumulates. You might think: Phew, that wasn’t so bad, and get brought to ugly tears the very next minute. It’s like wasabi for the outer flesh.   That’s exactly what happened to you. The fourth slap made your eyes water and your whole body tremble. It really fucking hurt. The older marks, left by various blunt instruments got ignited by the cruel kisses of the whip. Your ass started to ache all over. Azrael’s handiwork must have left some permanent bruises. You couldn’t see much. So you imagined the archangel - what with his intelligent, sensitive face, his all-around venerable demeanour, standing over you with a horse whip in his hands. His lips upturned with a cruel twirl, those pale eyes half-lidded with pleasure… and sleek, sticky wetness covered your inner thights. „You're dripping ”, observed Azrael in a casual tone of voice. „One more for the road, or have you had enough?” You didn’t answer. „Well?” „I... don’t know...” you whimpered. „I honestly don’t know...” ‘Don’t know’ counts as ’yes, please’ informed Azrael and smacked you again. You screamed. It was an ugly sound; half a sob, half a piercing wail. You hurt so much. Your battered backside was pricking, pinching and dully aching at the same time. You couldn’t take it anymore. On the other side – you didn’t want the spell to break. Azrael had you lying here, shamelessly presenting your ass to the stars, completely helpless and despondent and yearning. And you relished every minute. „Seriously though, my dear. You can just tell me to stop and I will stop” assured your angel in a friendly manner. „But if you don’t...” he traced the curvature of your upper thighs with his tool of choice. „No, not there! Definitely not there!” you cried out in panic. What a lovely laugh this man had. „Should I stop then?” You were in a daze. Tears of pain and arousal covered your face, staining the pristine bedsheets. You ass was in hell and your insides all soft, tender and in a dire need of a dick. You had to spell it out. „Take me, Azrael” you whispered. „Just...fuck me now. Okay?” „You forgot the magic word.” Fucking brute. „Please fuck me. I need you. I beg of you.” He lied on top of you, pressed his supple body to yours. You felt his firm arousal prodding at the small of your back and gasped a little. God, he was hard.   One of his long arms closed you in a tender embrace. He leaned even closer and wiped the salty wetness from your cheek. „You are so brave and resilient and I adore you”, he whispered straight into your ear. His other hand caressed your inner folds. Two nimble fingers zeroed in on your wet entrance and started to play with it. You moaned. „There, there. It won’t be long now, I promise.” His cock slid in without much resistance. You were so ready, after all. You felt his firm length filling you to the brim. A guttural groan escaped your lips. „Sing away, love.” There was warmth in his voice. And what did he just call you? Back and forth you went, back and forth, the oldest dance move of them all. He swayed you like a ship on friendly waters, slowly, without any rush – that is, until you started to arch your hips and beg him to go harder. Then harder he went. Sweet darkness swelled over and covered your eyes until there was nothing else in the whole world - only him. He was a considerate man. Angel. Person. Azrael.
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