#precisely because he doesn't have jgy's experiences. so a crash course would be. yes. an exhaustive course in ayaology
leatherbookmark · 2 years
a thing i would really love to one day see in a fic is like... for someone to have a first seat view of jgy’s life. i have that one post w/ invisible nmj floating somewhere around my old blog, but now since i’m reading the guanyin temple part, i’m thinking: lxc. it could go many ways, and of course “a whoopsie during a night hunt” is a perfect event to set it all off, like
has jgy been cursed to fall into a sleep so deep that he’ll die if he doesn’t wake up in x days, but someone has to perform a sort of an empathy on him to get him to wake up on his own?
or perhaps have jgy and lxc’s souls exchanged places? i think jgy would do his best to prevent er-ge from living his life, witnessing the Treatment and, god forbid, having to pick jgs up from his Adventures/visit a-yang’s merry laboratory/etc, so lxc’s body with jgy’s soul in it should be unconscious. it’s natural for his sworn brother to worry, but let’s say there’s nothing he himself can do, so “lxc” gets shipped off to the cloud recesses for slow healing and “jgy” has to get back to jinlintai and his duties, come on, all this stuff won’t deal with itself.
so, insert stuff like lxc quietly panicking about what would a-yao feel like if he woke up in not his own body, lxc quietly freaking out because of the way people treat jgy (he’s observed and heard some on his own, but living it is another thing and what the fuck), lxc quietly losing his mind because jgs wants him to do WHAT, etc, etc. he knows jgy the best and does quite a good impression of him, but when he doesn’t react quickly enough or makes a minor mistake, people are Cross with him and it’s not fun.
obviously, this couldn’t be that kind of story where souls go back where they belong and things go back to normal, so perhaps some nice complicit lxc-flavoured murder could happen after that. it would be fun
bonus if xy figures something’s up in like, 30 minutes of being around “jgy” and has the ball of his life
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