#ppm potato
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coulrobotomy · 7 months ago
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Molcar goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great molcar Potato is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Molcar bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Potato." (x)
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im-the-stig · 4 months ago
A quarter Teaspoon gets you 2+ ppm of lead...
Hot damn, I was really hoping this was a "scare tactic" sort of deal where I would have needed to consume an entire bottle/tin of it to get that much...
But alas... A quarter Teaspoon is like horking down 10 sweet potatoes in a single bite as far as lead is concerned... That is really really bad...
US cinnamon and spice recall!
September 12, 2024
EGN cinnamon powder (2.91 ppm)
Mimi's Products ground cinnamon (2.03 ppm)
Bowl & Basket ground cinnamon (1.82 ppm)
Rani Brand ground cinnamon (1.39 ppm)
Zara Foods cinnamon powder (1.27 ppm)
Three Rivers cinnamon stick powder (1.26 ppm)
Yu Yee Brand five spice powder (1.25 ppm)
BaiLiFeng five spice powder (1.15 ppm)
Spicy King five spices powder (1.05 ppm)
Badia cinnamon powder (1.03 ppm)
Deep cinnamon powder (1.02 ppm)
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oaresearchpaper · 1 month ago
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chuckschmalzried · 11 months ago
Vintage Tupperware Measuring Cups Tested Positive for 2103 Ppm Lead 250 Ppm Arsenic Lead Safety Advocate Warns
Vintage Tupperware Measuring Cups Tested Positive for 2,103 Ppm Lead + 250 Ppm Arsenic, Lead Safety Advocate Warns https://theheartysoul.com/vintage-tupperware/ Do you remember that beautiful daffodil yellow Tupperware either your parents or grandparents had? It may bring back nostalgic memories of potato salad, baking cookies, or afternoon Tang, but there may be a reason to throw it out. As it turns out, they can be extremely high in heavy metals.  According to Environmental Activist, Tamara […] The post Vintage Tupperware Measuring Cups Tested Positive for 2,103 Ppm Lead + 250 Ppm Arsenic, Lead Safety Advocate Warns appeared first on The Hearty Soul. via The Hearty Soul https://theheartysoul.com/ February 27, 2024 at 01:03PM
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surly01 · 4 years ago
This Week in Collapse April 11, 2021
"Give me bacon, or give me death!" ~Shaneka Torres, February 9, 2014
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If you believe, as we do, that environmental and social collapse is already well underway, the news of the week provided a cornucopia of data points in confirmation. Next week will mark the sixth anniversary of the conviction and sentencing of Shaneka Torres for storming a Michigan McDonald's upon discovering her baconless burger. The frustration Torres felt is now mirrored in all of us as we consume each day's headlines in similar frustration.
But hostility, like violence, is as American as cherry pie. Did you know that members of the starving Donner party were offered assistance by local natives, only to be shot at for their troubles?
Washoe scouts brought the stranded migrants food — including a deer carcass, fish, and wild potatoes — but were met with hostility. On one occasion, an offering of fish was refused. On at least three others, the Washoe approached the Donner camps with food only to be met by gunshots, leaving one man dead…
When a scout saw the white people cannibalizing their dead, the tribe was said to retreat, afraid they too might be killed and eaten. From then on, the Washoe referred to the migrants as “not people.”
Today this hostility toward others, even those trying to help you, pervades most of American society. Many look back upon their high school years as an American version of "Lord of the Flies." Similar put-downs, one-upsmanship, and attack behavior can also be seen in our popular entertainments. This framing our headlong retreat from the natural world and from one another as we immerse ourselves in our phones. To say nothing of our political divisions, best characterized by objectification (of the other, making them “not people”) and derision, and where any attempt to find common ground is met by the back of the hand of friendship. Little wonder that the rising generations find our current set of arrangements hopeless.
But this week's headlines suggest that for a variety of reasons, that set of arrangements won't last indefinitely.
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Who could forget the recent Suez Canal flap with the large container ship stuck like a throat lozenge? Not Egypt, who has said to Ever Given’s Owners: Pay Us $1 Billion Or You Aren't Getting Your Big Boat Back. If you thought the Egyptian government would be thrilled to see it go, think again. Nice boat you have here… be a shame if anything happened to it…
“The vessel will remain here until investigations are complete and compensation is paid,” Osama Rabie, chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, told state television in Egypt on Thursday.
“We hope for a speedy agreement,” he said. “The minute they agree to compensation, the vessel will be allowed to move.”
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A country filled with people traumatized by the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 paid full attention to the threat of supply chain collapse. Why you should expect more Suez-like supply chain disruptions and shortages at your local grocery store  In one short week, the price of oil went up, and companies fretted as hundreds of ships carrying everything from coffee and cattle to toys and furniture were delayed. Just-in-time delivery means low to nonexistent inventories. Experts estimated that every hour traffic remained stuck cost the global economy over US$400 million in lost trade.
The pandemic revealed that even simple supply chains, such as that of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, can easily break in the face of disruptions. The same was true with food, personal protective equipment, pharmaceuticals and ordinary household items, which all suffered from severe shortages that lasted for months into the pandemic.
Pandemic-strained supply chains are now creating a global shortage of semiconductors, a component used in a wide variety of consumer goods, from Samsung smartphones and Apple laptops to Ford Explorers and Sony PlayStations. Virtually every piece of electronics needs a chip, and the supply chain is much more complex than for toilet paper.
All coming to a supply-chain chokepoint near you. Read more in The Conversation.
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The weekly economic news is not good, but economic news is never good.  How does a country deal with climate disasters when it’s drowning in debt? Not very well, it turns out. Especially not when a global pandemic clobbers its economy.
Today, the debt that Belize owes its foreign creditors is equal to 85 percent of its entire national economy. The private credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has downgraded its creditworthiness, making it tougher to get loans on the private market. The International Monetary Fund calls its debt levels “unsustainable.”  Many other smaller countries are in a similar bind. It's a house of cards.
Government Admits Zimbabwe Dollar Collapse, Pegs Passport Fees In US$. Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said the senior government officials had acknowledged Zimbabwean currency was no longer a viable option for offshore purchases. That's weaselspeak for “our money is officially toilet paper.”
“Foreign currency is required for the off-shore procurement of consumables. However, the current fees payable in the local currency are no longer viable…”
And that is just one domino. Africa offers others.
Collapse often follows insurgencies. Hunger spreads as Mozambique crisis reaches tipping point.
Insurgents from a group known as Al Shebab attacked Palma, a town in Mozambique’s far northern Cabo Delgado province. They launched an attack on the coastal town, firing indiscriminately, setting fire to buildings and killing dozens, according to local officials. Residents there did what people do: scattering in a desperate attempt to reach safety by whatever means possible: on foot, by road and boat fleeing with the clothes they were wearing and a few things for their children. To hide in the bush for the smoke to clear.
Townspeople joined thousands of others sheltering in displacement camps with limited food supplies across Cabo Delgado.
Much of the strife in the Global South stems from the stresses unleashed by climate change. The climate news this week was as ugly as the economic news.
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Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020
NOAA announced last week that levels of the two most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane, continued their unrelenting rise in 2020 despite the Covid-driven economic slowdown. Carbon dioxide levels are now higher than at anytime in the past 3.6 million years. The last time atmospheric CO2 was this high, sea level was about 78 feet higher than today, the average temperature was 7 degrees F higher than in pre-industrial times, and forests occupied areas of the Arctic that are now tundra.
Methane Has Never Risen This Fast in the Atmosphere
There’s more methane in the atmosphere than any other time since record keeping began. Levels really spiked last year, despite the fact that we were all inside for most of the time. Methane shattering records is one of those things that seems to happen every year. But what’s really troubling is that last year’s rise in methane levels was the biggest rise in a single year since record-keeping began. Methane is over 80 times more potent as a warming agent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.
Short takes and highlights from the week:
'A biological Fukushima': Brazil COVID-19 deaths on track to pass worst of U.S. wave
Brazil’s coronavirus death toll passes 4,000 a day for first time
Bolsonaro a 'Threat to the Planet,' Says Lula as Brazil's Daily Covid Death Toll Hits All-Time High
New 'Double Mutant' Coronavirus Variant Found In California
Americans' Worry About Catching COVID-19 Drops to Record Low
A record-low 35% of Americans worry about catching COVID-19. At the same time, 77% say the coronavirus situation is improving.
Ecocide: Should Destruction of the Planet Be a Crime?
Atmospheric CO2 Passes 420 PPM for First Time Ever
Scientists: Mass Extinction Is Coming as Organisms Flee the Equator-- Oceanic life is fleeing the increasingly-hot equator for more hospitable water, and a mass extinction event is likely to follow.
The Coming Antibiotic-Resistance Pandemic that Could Make COVID Look Like the Flu
America Never Wanted the Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses
Another Day, Another Far-Right Fantast: Texas Man Tried to Blow Up the Internet-- Federal Investigators allege that a Texas man wanted to use C-4 to blow up around 70% of the internet.
So it’s been a week of extortion for supply chain disruption, CO2 and methane-based catastrophe, immanent ecosystem collapse, unsustainable debt, and worthless currencies. Another week of downward spin as the American Empire unwinds along with late stage capitalism..
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healthherbsfood · 5 years ago
How do you test for lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity?
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Lactose intolerance is tested with hydrogen breath test. After measuring the base hydrogen level in the patients breath, a small amount of lactose is given to them, then the hydrogen levels of their breath is measured in every 15 minutes for 2-3 hours. If the hydrogen levels is higher than 20 ppm, it means the patient cannot absorb lactose. If you see a gastroenterologist, the doctor can prescribe you this test.
But if bowel cramps and bloating and/or diarrhea manifests after eating dairy products (except yogurt that has very low levels of lactose in it) it is very likely that you have lactose intolerance.
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The ultimate test of gluten sensitivity is colonoscopy and duodenal biopsy. But if you have bowel cramps, bloating and diarrhea or constipation and in some cases dermatitis (skin inflammation) after eating food with gluten in it, then it is very likely that you have gluten sensitivity. Wheat, barley, rye and oat contain gluten, but you can eat millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, rice, potato, coconut flour, chestnut flour, poppy flour or almond flour.
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There are several type of blood tests both for lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity, but being tested negative does not mean you do not have the condition, so I would recommend talking with a gastroenterologist in both cases.
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living-dead-parker · 6 years ago
12 Days of Christmas; Mistletoe - P.P
Summary: Day 6 - Y/N gets hurt and Sam both saves and ruins the day through mistletoe. 
Warnings: Cussing, some slight violence, and Justin Bieber.
Shidanke = shit (i use it to censor myself in front of kids tbh)
Word Count: 1.7k
series masterlist | masterlist
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"It's the most beautiful time of the year," you sing through the tears. Something about the song really gets you. That or maybe the fact that you just got fucking decked in the face probably prompted the tears. "Lights fill the streets, spreading so much cheer, I should be playing in the winter snow-"
"But I'm a be under the mistletoe!" Peter completes the lyric, causing you to giggle. He smiles at you, seeing you cracking a smile.
The day had begun like a normal one, waking up and being handed Morgan while Pepper and Tony ran some errands. You didn't mind this, as you like spending time with your little sister and they would be done in no time. Which they were, however, Morgan began to run a fever and your parents decided they would go into Protective Parent Mode (PPM) to take care of Morgan. That meant when duty called, Iron Man was nowhere in sight, but his understudy, Iron Y/N came out to help the Avengers. Yeah the name is stupid but no one really bothered to come up with a new name, so you all just ran with it. You're in too deep at this point that a name change is just off brand.
Peter, Sam, and Bucky had been summoned along with you, just the four of you as it was a simple bank robbery. ‘Simple my ass’ you thought. There were ten really buff guys, which was just so damn extra. They put up a good fight and at the end, you had gotten them all. Or so you thought.
In reality, the final one managed to escape once you had your armor off and just went for it, straight up decking you on the left cheek. Peter dropped the person he was helping up and ran over to you, leaving Sam to help the person up and apologize on behalf of Peter. The robber didn't care that you were tiny compared to him, his muscles bigger than your head. The force took you by storm, causing you to lose your balance and fall to the floor with a heavy thud. The adrenaline made you feel nothing at the moment as you suited up again and shot the guy with one of the repulsors, sending him flying across the room. The adrenaline remained for a few minutes but as soon as you crashed on the couch in the living room, you felt all the pain.
"Fudge bag!" you exclaim, censoring yourself in front of Morgan. "Shidanke, mother fluffer, son of a biscuit eating bulldog!" you yell at the pain really hits you, earning weird looks from everybody. You move down on the couch, your back on the seat of the couch as you let out a high-pitched squeal.
"Y/N, what happened?" Tony asks as he notices you clutch your left cheek. Peter leans forward, grabbing your free hand and helping you up. But you don't budge. Not that you need to, he just pulls you up and you're on his lap.
"One of the asshole robbers punched me, square on the face and he was gigantic and it hurts now. That stupid toaster, ugly burnt potato, bald-headed granny looking ass douche!" you rant, causing some of the Avengers in the living room to laugh.
"Oh sweetie, want to see Dr. Cho?" Tony asks as he stands up. You shake your head, flailing your arms as if you're throwing a fit.
"No, it's dumb. I mean, I could've died but whatever," you told the group.
Now, you sit in the middle of the living room on the coffee table as Dr. Cho checks up on you. Peter is standing next to you, holding your hand tight. Dr. Cho just tells you to hold an ice bag to your cheek and to take some Asprin. With a sigh, you watch as she walks away and giggles at something Pepper says.
"Give me drugs."
"Y/N, no," Peter says. You roll your eyes and take the bottle of Asprin from his hands, taking one capsule out and downing it with water. "You've changed, I don't even know you anymore!" Peter whines.
"Peter, this is where I die- what the fuck is this Sam?" you ask as you see Sam standing behind you and Peter, holding something above your head.
"You were getting annoying and I found this thing in some old decorations, so Peter please shut her up," Sam pleads, holding the piece of mistletoe above your heads. Peter chuckles, leaning forward and capturing your lips in his. His lips were sort of chapped but nothing too bad. The way his lips fit with yours felt perfect and you almost didn't wanna pull away. However, the sound of your father pretending to gag made the two of you split up, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
"You seem to be feeling much better for someone who was just punched by death itself." your father says. You giggle in response, nuzzling the side of your face that doesn't hurt into Peter's chest.
Soon after Sam's discovery of the mistletoe lead to the mistletoe war. It started off innocent, Tony taking the mistletoe from Sam and holding it above himself and Pepper. From there, Peter stole the mistletoe and held it above May and Happy's heads, though he got more than what he wanted. Nat took the mistletoe and held it over Steve and Bucky, expecting some homoerotic type of stuff to happen, but Steve just pressed a chaste peck on Bucky's cheek and walked away to go about his business. The worst of it all was Morgan. Everybody was tactical about it, putting the mistletoe over everybody who made sense. Morgan, on the other hand, held it above anybody and everybody's heads. This resulted in Pepper, May, and Steve getting caught in a three-person kiss, where they just gave each other kisses on the cheek. Tony wound up giving Peter a Hershey's kiss, and you got caught having to give not only Bucky but Wanda kisses as well. It was all in good fun at first, but Morgan wound up getting carried away with it.
"Morgan, sweetie. I beg of you," Tony pleads. You don't see what's going on, but the sounds of her sinister giggles fill your head and answer the dreaded question. You hear Natasha scream, go quiet for a second, and start screaming again. When Tony rounds the corner, he has a big smooch mark on his cheek. When Nat rounds the corner, you see her lips painted the same color as the smooch mark on your father's cheek. She holds a glare, upset she had to kiss the grown man who annoys her to her core.
Once Morgan catches sight of you and Peter, she runs towards you with a big creepy grin on her face. At this point, the child is just being a little creep, wanting to watch everybody kiss. When she approaches you, Peter is quick to grab her and hold her hand that holds the mistletoe out towards you. She giggles as you take the piece of mistletoe out of her hands, holding it away from her.
"You've had your fun, Morgan. Making Bucky and May kiss, of all people. We gotta cut you off kiddo," you tell the girl. She moves from Peter's grip, into your lap and wraps her tiny arms around you, causing you to melt inside. You hold the mistletoe above both your heads, leaving a kiss on her cheek. She squirms in your grip, rubbing her cheek with her hand as she claims that it was disgusting.
"Skedaddle, kid. Before I kiss you again!" you jokingly threaten, resulting in the girl jumping up and running away the quickest you've ever seen. The rest of the day seemed to go by in a breeze once the Mistletoe Reign of Terror was over with. However, as night approached, there was a whole nother wave of Mistletoe Reign of Terror that plagues the tower.
It started with you and Peter humming the lyrics to Justin Bieber's Mistletoe, having gotten it stuck in your head earlier that day. Peter was the next victim, soon the song would spread like a virus within the tower. It always does.
After Peter was Morgan, the one who made the song really spread. Morgan has a mind of her own, obviously. Because her father is Tony Stark, she also has thoughts that plague her mind, very philosophical thoughts that need to be heard and answered. So like any good journalist, she goes out and gets answers to the heavy hitting questions. The ones that matter. This usually means Morgan will wander throughout the tower and talks to anybody about anything. One time, she trapped Bucky into a three-hour conversation about what dreams mean, and why her dream about chicken nuggets was a plea for escaping the impending arrival of adulthood.
Morgan has a mind of her own.
With that, the three of you walk around singing the song, when suddenly May joins in. "I don't wanna miss out on the holiday, but I can't stop staring at your face!" the four of you scream, though Morgan's comes out in a more jumbled mess than anything.
The four of you sit down in the middle couch in the living room, playing the music on the main screen. The speakers are loud and everybody in the kitchen and in the restroom can hear the music. Steve comes out, groaning at the song, but once the song nears its end, he gets sucked in.
"With you, shawty with you! Under the mistletoe!" the five of you scream, making Steve sit down as well to watch the video play for the second time. The next ones to get sucked in are Nat and Wanda.
"I should be playing in the winter snow, but I'ma be under the mistletoe," the seven of you sing dramatically. After them joined Bucky, followed by Sam and Happy. At the end of it, Pepper and Tony came out singing the song too.
"Aye girl," you all scream "The wise men follow the star, the way I follow my heart and it lead me to a miracle!" you all continue, dramatic as possible. At the end of it all, the Avengers were all screaming Justin Bieber lyrics because of a four-year-old.
Please leave requests/asks. Also, please leave feedback or come talk to me about anything!!
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @bookgirlunicorn @bands-and-shietz
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drlaurynlax · 6 years ago
7 Most Important Lab Tests I Highly Recommend for You
Lab tests are significant to have informed decisions to provide the most appropriate treatment for a patient. Learn what are the most essential lab tests for you!
Everyone is into tracking nowadays!
In fact, there are approximately 10-million active FitBit users alone—and that’s not counting those of you who own Apple Watches, My Fitness Pal apps, heart rate monitors, and other logs and metrics that help you keep up with your own health and fitness.
A common question I get from both clients and other practitioners is what general lab tests I recommend for assessing a baseline for health—particularly if there are no serious health conditions to monitor.
Is it even worth it to run lab tests?
Lab testing can get expensive and not something insurance always covers. In addition, most docs don’t run them unless some imbalance is suspected.
However, having a baseline of health can be a powerful tool in your own tool-belt for “hacking your own health” and monitoring the effects (both positive and negative) of any lifestyle change or nutrition change you make.
Here are my top 7 lab tests I most often recommend to clients who come to me wanting to feel better, improve their digestion, balance their hormones or “boost their metabolism.”
I’ve also included a little explanation as to why these can be impactful, under what circumstances I recommend running them and healthy (functional*) lab ranges markers to look for on the test. 
*Functional lab ranges are a more accurate, up-to-date healthy lab range that are used to assess risk for disease before the disease develops,  compared to the standard lab ranges, many of which have not changed since the 1960’s and are used to diagnose disease once it is already a disease. In layman’s terms:
Standard reference range
The range most lab reports tell you is “normal” (but may actually indicate imbalance and early disease)
Functional reference range
The ideal range you want; an accurate lab reference range before disease, imbalances or risk factors develop.
Top 7 Lab Tests: 
Comprehensive Wellness Panel, including: Vitamin D, Total Cholesterol, Complete Blood Count, Vitamin B12 & Folate
Fasting Glucose & Blood Sugar Profile
Comprehensive Thyroid Panel (TSH, T3, Reverse T3, T4)
SIBO Breath Test
Food Intolerance Test (Cyrex)
Comprehensive Stool Test
DUTCH Complete Hormone Testing
Note: Not all of these may be warranted, based on your personal symptoms and needs. However, these are the most common ones I recommend.
Lab Testing 101
1. Comprehensive Wellness Panel
This includes: Vitamin D, Total Cholesterol, Complete Blood Count, Vitamin B12 & Folate
A general blood panel is a great place to start for assessing if you have any nutritional deficiencies that we can support via nutrition, supplements and potentially gut support. If levels are off or imbalanced, it indicates to me you’re missing something in your diet, as well as potentially not absorbing your nutrients (warranting a further investigation into your gut health). Here are some of the lab ranges I am looking for:
Standard reference range: Male and female: 100–199 mg/dL Functional reference ranges: Male: 150–220 mg/dL Female: 150–230 mg/dL
Standard reference range: > 3 μg/L Functional range: > 8 μg/L 
Vitamin B12
Recommended: 500 pmol/L+
Vitamin D
Recommended: 50-70 ng/ml
2. Fasting Glucose & Blood Sugar Profile
This test is for the client who has blood sugar imbalances, as well as an indicator of a need for more or less carbohydrates.
And get this: you don’t have to eat Skittles or donuts to have “blood sugar imbalances.” Common signs of blood sugar imbalances include: Headaches, afternoon crashes, caffeine or sugar cravings, PMS, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, “hanger” if you don’t eat every 2-3 hours, constant thirst, fatigue most often relieved by food, and feeling wired and tired at night. If you want to know if your blood sugar levels are normal, here’s what to look for:
Your blood sugar levels in your body (fasted). If these are elevated or suppressed, indicates you have blood sugar imbalances, and/or you are not eating the right nutrients for your body (undereating, not enough healthy fats, potential digestive issues if not absorbing nutrients properly).
Standard reference range: 65–99 mg/dL Functional (ideal) reference range: 75–85 mg/dL 
Hemoglobin A1c
A diagnostic for diabetes. An elevated hemoglobin A1c reflects higher-than-normal circulating glucose levels for the preceding three months.
Standard reference range: 4.8–5.6% Functional (ideal) reference range*: 4.6–5.3% 
3. Comprehensive Thyroid Panel (TSH, T3, Reverse T3, T4)
“Thyroid” is a buzz term in health sphere, but what does it encompass? The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland located in the front of your neck that stores and produces hormones impacting the function of virtually every organ in your body.
Thyroid hormone (T3) governs your metabolism and is associated with changes in body weight, energy levels, hormone imbalances and appetite/digestion imbalances. If your thyroid is off, you can bet your bottom dollar you’re health is off. I typically suggest lab tests like this as a baseline, but particularly find it necessary for those who come to me complaining of unexplained weight gain or weight loss/difficulty maintaining weight, fatigue and hormone imbalances.
T3 Free
Standard reference range: 2.0–4.4 pg/mL Functional reference range: 2.5–4.0 pg/mL
Reverse T3
Healthy reference range: 9.2–24.1 ng/dL
T4 Free
Standard reference range: 0.82–1.77 ng/dL Functional reference range: 1.0–1.5 ng/dL
TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone. Critical for every function of the thyroid. Standard reference range: 0.45–4.5 µIU/mL Functional reference range: 0.5–2.0 µIU/mL
Thyroid Antibodies (If Hashimoto’s—low thyroid—is a concern)
TPO: Reference range: 0–34 IU/mL Tg: Reference range: 0–0.9 IU/mL 
4. SIBO Breath Test
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is an underlying pathogen associated with many gut issues that don’t “seem to heal”—no matter how clean you eat or probiotics you take. As the name suggests, this is a bacterial imbalance in your gut, triggered from an overgrowth of bacteria in your colon to your upper GI.
While we all have bacteria in our guts—good and bad—this fermenting bacteria triggers a host of digestive and health imbalances including: IBS, IBD, bloating and gas, skin breakouts, allergies, low immunity, hormonal imbalances, thyroid imbalances and malabsorption. Often times we cite “leaky gut” as being the cause for digestive complications, but SIBO is a common silent culprit that often flies under the radar.
*Take Note
(Note on SIBO Testing for Clinicians: There are two types of SIBO testing: Lactulose and Glucose breath testing, but both monitor the methane and hydrogen levels of the gut. Hydrogen based SIBO triggers more bloating and gas after meals. Methane-based is frequently associated with more loose stools and IBS like symptoms down the line. Many people take this test and only look at the hydrogen levels or treat SIBO based solely on its presence in the upper GI (and bloating), and thus, miss out on the diagnosis of the disease. You want to look at both the hydrogen and methane results, and also recognize, due to the length of testing, there are often false negatives and false positives reported (since the test cannot assess the entire 12+ hour length of your digestive process for the full picture).
If digestive symptoms continue to persist, it is often recommended to begin an “anti-microbial” treatment (kills bad bacteria), coupled with a basic paleo diet (including some carbs and starches, like fruit and sweet potatoes/potatoes, jasmine rice) with the supplements). 
What to look for:
A high spike in the hydrogen over 20 ppm at any point in the test, and/or a spike in methane levels over 12 parts per million (or even over 3 ppm according to some criteria).
5. Food Intolerance Test (Cyrex)
Food sensitivities indicate gut imbalances, as well as can be highly informative to explain certain health conditions you may have—based solely on foods you eat that don’t sit well with you.
There are multiple panels you can run and I prefer to use Cyrex, based solely on the research and science backed by this testing, as well as the fact that the test assesses tolerance to foods in their most-consumed forms (raw or cooked).
Most food intolerance tests only test foods in raw form—not accounting for the fact that cooking foods changes the chemical makeup (and our tolerance or intolerance) to foods. I will most often run the Gluten (Cyrex Array 3), Gluten-Cross Reactive (Cyrex Array 4) and Total Food Sensitivity Panel (Cyrex Array 10), depending on the client’s symptoms.
6. Comprehensive Stool Test
This guy picked lingering parasistes and gut flora imbalances. I run a three-time sample to get a clear picture of any missing links. All ya gotta do? Just go. Parasites, fungal species and absorption dysfunction can all be indicated with the results from this test.  This gives me a better idea as to why your “clean eating” is not helping or health conditions persist.
7. DUTCH Hormone Panel.
A urine sample assessing your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol levels. This test takes a total of 4 samples in a day to get a clear picture of hormonal balance and levels throughout the day (as opposed to a blood sample that is just one shot in time). In addition, I will sometimes run the DUTCH 28-Day Cycle Mapping test if hormone imbalances or irregular periods/missing periods are indicated to see what your cycle is doing throughout an entire month in order to best support your nutritional needs. Lab tests like this one is very helpful.
Get it? Got it? Good!
If your doc won’t run these lab tests for you, consider working with Dr. Lauryn, OTD, NTP in her Austin clinic. You can also visit her virtual clinic to take back your health. Start today and become the best version of you, from the inside out. 
The post 7 Most Important Lab Tests I Highly Recommend for You appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/7-most-important-lab-tests/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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theculturedmarxist · 3 years ago
The question about whether the first gulf war helped the average kuwaiti civilian is an interesting one. I did a quick look and this story from 1999 popped up about the effects of using depleted uranium in the conflict.
Studies in Kuwait
The search for answers continues elsewhere in the Gulf, as well. The issue of lingering DU contamination in Kuwait is a political hot potato. Roughly half of the 320 tons of DU fired in the Gulf War was shot in Kuwait, to oust Iraqi occupation troops.
But because Kuwait was liberated by an American-led coalition, analysts say that Kuwait's official position is in "lock step" with the Pentagon. In other words: DU residue poses no long-term risk.
"It is safe for the public," says Yousif Bakir, director of Kuwait's Radiation Protection Division (RPD). "There is no contamination higher than background levels."
"That's a political answer," says one of Kuwait's senior scientists, upon hearing the official denial.
Searching "depleted uranium kuwait" turns up a bunch of "Depleted Uranium is totally safe and definitely not to blame for any health effects!" type cope, but I did find this more recent link.
According to a new research report, the extremely high prevalence of diabetes and obesity in the Gulf nation of Kuwait might be linked to the very high levels of uranium in these individuals. This in turn could be associated with the large amounts of depleted uranium dumped here in the form of US munitions during the Gulf war of 1990-91.
More than half of the Kuwait population is obese and a quarter are diabetic. Prolonged uranium uptake is already known to be associated with the development of diabetes and impaired kidney function. It causes both radiation-induced and chemical toxicity to the human kidneys, lungs and liver through a variety of mechanisms. Quite low exposures of 50 ppb (parts per billion) to 20 ppm (parts per million) can cause uranium poisoning with impaired renal function.
And that's just aside from all the links about the havoc DU has played in Iraq since the second invasion. I think it's pretty safe to say that US intervention hasn't been a bonus for Kuwait or Iraq (or Libya or...).
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liberals are so fucking stupid holy shit
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supermohit30universe · 4 years ago
The importance of starting your day with a healthy breakfast like oats
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Oats are a kind of cereal grain from the plants family. The grain refers specifically to the edible seeds of oat grass, which ends up in the breakfast bowls. Whether hated or loved for their mushy texture after getting cooked, oats are known the best for their health benefits and nutritional value. Oat is also best for someone trying to lose weight and control hunger levels because of its soluble fiber content and high water.
The ingredient is rich in phosphorous, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, and zinc. 
Health and oats
Oats comprise various components that exert health benefits. The primary type of fiber in oats is beta-glucan, which helps to slow digestion, suppress appetite, and increase satiety. The entire oats also contain plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens and phenolic compounds that work as antioxidants to reduce the damaging effects of chronic inflammation associated with diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 
As the research about oats is limited, most of the studies below assessed the intake of whole grains, which comprised of several grains in addition to oats. Therefore, everything cannot be applied to only oats.
Beta-gluten fiber helps to prevent the increase in insulin levels and blood sugar after having a meal and might benefit gut health as the fiber is fermented and broken down by the bacteria present in the intestines. Though a food rich in carbohydrates, minimally processed whole grain oats can be included in a diet of an individual having diabetes.
Heart disease
Oats are connected with heart health benefits, but the research has shown different types of benefits. Part of the variation might be caused by reviews or meta-analyses that compared different studies, or compared different forms of oats. Some studies analyzed not only the intake of oats but whole-grain consumption.
Digestive health
Fiber contributes to regular bowel and prevents constipation. It can increase the weight and water content of stool, making them simple to pass. Cereal fibers, which can be found in oat bran and wheat bran, are considered to be more effective than fiber from vegetables and fruits. The fermentation and breakdown of beta-gluten oat fiber have also been reported to increase the diversity of gut microbiota. In return, it might improve certain digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea, and irritated bowel syndrome. However, a lot more research is needed to evaluate the role of different microbiota on digestive conditions.
Weight control
Beta-gluten fiber attracts water and increases the thickness of food that is digested; it increases the food volume in the gut. This makes the digestion process slow and the rate that nutrients are absorbed, which in return, increases satiety. Although it has been shown that taking beta-glucan oat fiber increases satiety, other research has shown that intake of oats produces desired outcome of weight loss.
Here’s the collection of delicious, healthy, and quick oats recipes which can be tried at home. Oat like brown rice or whole wheat is a whole grain and comes with various health benefits. Different types of oats are available now. The recipes like oats omelette, oats chilla, oats idli, etc. are the healthiest options to consume in breakfast.
The collection comprises the recipes best for breakfast, lunch, brunch, or dinner. You’ll also find a variety of ladoo, muffins, pancakes, porridge, uttapam, chivda, etc. 
1-     Oats Upma
It is a simple dish that is similar to the basic South Indian item RavaUpma. It can be made by using any type of oats. You can either make it with mixed vegetables or plain. 
2-     Oats Masala Dosa
South Indian Crispy Dosa is made with spiced potato filling and oatmeal. It is kind of the same as a regular South Indian dosa. It can be consumed at brunch or dinner. 
3-     Oats Risotto
Oats are also delicious in savory dishes. An example is replacing rice in risotto with whole oat groats or steel-cut oats. Typically, the oats are first toasted for a few minutes in hot oil with aromatics like shallots or diced onion. Then stock and/or water are added, 1 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition, until the oats are cooked.
4-     Oats Omelette
Are you bored of eating that usual omelette? Keep your hunger away with mouth-watering oats Spanish omelette and keep your hunger away.
5-     Oatmeal
A breakfast favorite, cooked oats pair well with fruits, nuts, and seeds. Follow package directions for exact cooking times. Generally, less-processed oats such as steel-cut take 25-30 minutes to cook, whereas instant oats take 1-2 minutes.
6-     Oat flour
These are oats that have been ground to a flour-like consistency. Although it may be tempting to substitute oat flour for regular flour in baked recipes, keep in mind that oat flour lacks gluten, a crucial component that adds structure, moisture, and volume to a baked product; without it, cookies would crumble and bread would become dense and lack volume. However, oat flour can add chewiness to cookies and a boost of nutrients to bread. Substitute 25-30% of the flour in a recipe with oat flour for best results.
7-     Overnight oats
It is a quick, easy no-cook solution for a nutrient-dense breakfast or snack. In a medium glass jar, add ½ cup old-fashioned or rolled oats (not instant), ½-1 cup liquid such as dairy milk, soy milk, or nut milk, and ½ cup of any chopped fruit (banana, melon, apple, grapes). Additional optional ingredients include a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt, 1-2 tablespoons of chia/flaxseeds, nuts, or any spices. Tightly screw on the lid and shake the jar vigorously until all ingredients are incorporated well. Refrigerate overnight or for at least four hours. The oats will soften and the mixture will thicken into a pudding-like texture.
8-     Coconut oats
It’s a quick recipe that can be made in breakfast using fresh coconut, rolled oats, and usual spices. Serve it with curd. It is the same as South Indian coconut rice.
Pure oats are gluten-free but most commercial brands are processed in facilities that also produce gluten-containing wheat, rye, and barley. Cross-contamination can also occur if oats are grown too close to wheat crops. If there is cross-contamination of gluten in an oat product, it is difficult to know exactly how much. The Food and Drug Administration allows the voluntary use of the regulated term “gluten-free” to refer to products that contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. Because the term is voluntary, some brands of oats may be gluten-free although not labeled as such. However, those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity may wish to choose oats specifically labeled “gluten-free.”
Reasons to eat oats in breakfast
Oats lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and help you to go Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a viscous gel that helps to lower cholesterol and stabilize blood glucose levels. The insoluble fiber in oats helps provide a "moving" experience by curtailing constipation and improving intestinal health. 
2.     Oats protect your heart and colon
A variety of antioxidants known as avenanthramides are found exclusively in oats. Avenanthramides have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-itching activity and may provide additional protection against coronary heart disease, colon cancer, and skin irritation. They also may play a role in controlling blood pressure.
3.     Oats make an easy, nutritionist breakfast
One cup of cooked oatmeal contains about 150 calories, four grams of fiber (about half soluble and half insoluble), and six grams of protein. To boost protein further, my favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a swirl of almond butter nestled within. This powerful combo will keep you away from that midmorning visit to the vending machine. 
4.     Oats provide important vitamins and minerals
Nutrient-rich oatmeal contains thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, and iron.
5.     Oats are gluten-free
Oats are naturally gluten-free but check with manufacturers to ensure that their products are not made using the same equipment as other potentially contaminating grains. (Always purchase gluten-free products from reputable companies and read food labels carefully.)
6.     Oats can save you
Although oats are usually paired with sweet foods like brown sugar and cinnamon or fruit, oats also make a perfect savory side dish. Oats provide a texture similar to buckwheat, and their bland taste is like a blank canvas for a variety of seasonings and spices. You can combine oatmeal with your favorite veggies or last night’s leftovers, and top with an egg or a sprinkle of cheese to enjoy breakfast for dinner.
Foods that bring back comforting memories are precious and should be savored slowly. Make sure your oat is healthful by choosing brands with little to no added sugar, and add your toppings for flavor. To stay on the safe side, look for brands that list only oats on their ingredient list.
So, try these recipes like oats omelette, oatmeal, and upma along with others to keep your appetite and health in check. Have delicious eating! 
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oaresearchpaper · 5 months ago
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articlesofnote · 4 years ago
Carbon sequestration, by the numbers - part one of ???
So in addition to spending time thinking about the fucked-up United States political economy, I spend a perhaps-unhealthy amount of time thinking about climate change; in particular, how to stop and/or reverse it.  I’m pretty confident that it’s happening and that it’s caused by human activity, mostly a combination of fossil fuel burning (~64%) and land-use changes (~35%) over the last 170 years.  These activities release CO2, of which about 40% ends up in the atmosphere with the balance going to plant growth or being absorbed by the oceans.  The end result is that we’ve gone from an atmospheric concentration of ~288 ppm CO2 in 1850 to ~370 ppm CO2 in 2000 to ~410 ppm CO2 in 2020.  For reference, each ppm CO2 represents 2.13e15 (that’s 2.13x10^15) grams of carbon (NB NOT carbon dioxide) or about 2.13e9 metric tons of carbon; thus, in 1850 the atmospheric carbon inventory was ~613 billion metric tons (hereafter, a “gigaton of carbon” or Gt C), in 2000 it was ~788 Gt C and in 2020 it is roughly ~873 Gt C.  Assuming that the increase represents about 40% of the total emissions, that would imply humans have released about 651 Gt C over the last 170 years. So, I wanted to know: what would it take to get that CO2 back out of the environment? For what follows, I’m making a ton of assumptions about how this will be done, most importantly that we’ve got to use industrial processes to reach the necessary scale.  I’m all for, for example, re-planting forests and other kinds of bio-remediation, but I don’t (yet) understand enough to even begin to approach that analysis.  Basically, I’m the metaphorical man with the hammer, so that’s what I’m going to try to use to “solve” this problem (in the abstract, anyway.)  Anyway... As I understand it, it all starts with getting the CO2 out of the atmosphere, then you can either store it as compressed liquid CO2 or convert it into other carbon compounds.  For reasons which I will get into in a later post, I consider it a much better idea to convert CO2 to other carbon compounds, particularly liquid fuels.  So we’ve got two steps: 1) get the carbon out of the air, then 2) convert it to liquid fuels. The first set of numbers that I have is that of Carbon Engineering, which has a pilot industrial process for which they claim the following: “When CO2 is delivered at 15 MPa, the design requires either 8.81 GJ of natural gas, or 5.25 GJ of gas and 366 kWhr of electricity, per ton of CO2 captured.”  Now some considerations: natural gas is of course a fossil fuel itself and ideally we’d want a process that does not rely in any way on fossil fuels, but CE does use this process to sequester the carbon dioxide that the process itself produces so technically it’s “carbon neutral” in the abstract.  Interestingly, 1 GJ is equivalent to 278 kWh, so it seems that the gas + electric process is more energy-efficient.  I assume this is because you don’t need to worry about capturing and compressing the extra CO2 produced from burning the extra 3.56 GJ of gas in the first place.  The plant also produces CO2 at 15 MPa, which is roughly 150 atmospheres (if I’m doing the conversion right) - very convenient for further industrial processing and/or transport. We can use the Carbon Engineering numbers to figure out the energy needs of sequestration, but because they’re doing their math with CO2 rather than just C (as I’ve done above) we need to do a little converting: a given mass of CO2 produces 12/44 as much C - remember stoichiometry?  In other words, multiply a mass of CO2 by 0.273 to get the equivalent mass of C.  We also need to pick an energy figure based on the two they gave, so let’s just take a worst-case (and conveniently round) quantity of 10 GJ of energy to sequester 1 ton of CO2.  Irritatingly, they don’t tell us whether they’re using metric tons or imperial tons, so to be on the safe side let’s say they’re using the smaller imperial tons.  1 imperial ton is 0.893 metric tons, so we’re at 10 GJ per 0.893 metric tons of CO2, or about 11.2 GJ per metric ton CO2.
But that’s just the first step - getting the carbon out of the air. The next step is to convert it into other compounds.  Now, because we have an actual economy that uses hydrocarbon fuels, it will make most sense to create those from our sequestered CO2 and there’s some interesting ways to do that.  The one I like currently, and will investigate further for a future post, involves converting CO2 to CO + O2, then using the water-gas shift reaction to produce H2; combining H2 and CO in the Fischer-Tropsch reaction then yields a mix of hydrocarbon compounds.  Of course, burning these releases CO2 back into the atmosphere, which is going to make it harder to reduce atmospheric carbon inventories!  So, for now let’s just assume we’re storing the carbon once we’ve got it in its final form.  Another problem with analyzing the above process is that I don’t yet have the data on what the overall energy input would be.  What I do have is the energy requirements for a more fundamental process: taking CO2, stripping out the O2, and ending up with plain old C.  That process takes about 8.95 GJ per metric ton CO2, and produces 273 kg C.  Of course, this is based strictly on the energetics of the reaction that forms CO2, and it’s safe to say that no actual process comes close to the 100% efficiency implied by the ~9 GJ per metric ton of CO2 figure.  Fortunately, we have some frame of reference for this reaction in the real world - photosynthesis - which has a theoretical maximum efficiency of 26% or so and a practical efficiency of 1-3%.  Another company, Haldor Topsoe, quotes the following figures for a similar reaction: “The total energy consumption on an eCOs™ unit is 6-8 kWh per Nm3 CO produced.”  This represents about 50% efficiency in the worst case, which squares with what I know of other industrial processes.  Obviously this is a huge range of possible efficiencies, so I’m going to lowball it and say that we get 20% efficiency for the process CO2 -> C + O2 ; that is, it takes five times more energy than the theoretical minimum.  This gives us a final energy requirement of about 45 GJ to process 1 metric ton of CO2, giving us 273 kg of pure C once we’re done.  Adding this to the capture costs gives us a total energy input of 56 GJ to produce 273 kg of C, or a nice round estimate of ~200 GJ per ton of C sequestered from the atmosphere. Now, recall that we have 651 billion tons of carbon we need to deal with.  Using the figure we just came up with, that multiplies out to 130200 billion billion joules.  Small potatoes, right?  Getting that down into scientific notation, and rounding off as we have been (gotta remember how imprecise this all is) that gives us 1.3e14 GJ, or 3.6e7 TWh (that’s a terawatt-hour, i.e. a million million watt-hours).  For reference, the entire global electrical production was about 158,000 TWh in 2019; in other words, if the entire global output of energy were used for nothing else but carbon capture via the method I described above, if would take about 227 years to capture it all.  This doesn’t take into account further carbon emissions as a result of energy production using fossil fuels. I have good reason to believe this represents an upper bound on the energy required (another method that I tried gave an answer around 1.7e14 GJ as opposed to 1.3e14 GJ above, using far more pessimistic assumptions) but hopefully it gives you a sense of the scale of the problem.  Climate change is a problem that truly dwarfs anything in human experience - a problem that will require a multi-century global effort to resolve.  And yeah, you might call me utopian for even entertaining the idea that that’s a possibility - but that’s where we gotta start!  We have to accept that this problem is actually solvable.  I mean, hell, the alternative is the collapse of human society and the probable extinction of the human race - surely that’s worth preventing? Next time, a discussion of industrial chemistry and infrastructure investments! Sources: - Carbon inventories in the atmosphere over time - Carbon Engineering carbon-capture process info - Haldar-Topsoe “eCO2″ carbon monoxide production process info - Carbon monoxide thermochemical data  - Global energy production over time
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probablywarforgedrpgideas · 7 years ago
Play a warforged who can cut 900 PPM (Potatoes Per Minute).
They are an excellent chef.
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crohnsdigest · 5 years ago
What is the best diet for IBS sufferers?
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One of the most challenging aspects of living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is identifying (and avoiding) the foods that set off IBS symptoms. Because no two people are alike, there is no one-size-fits-all diet recommendation. Those with diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D), for example, would not have the same dietary triggers as those with constipation-predominant IBS (IBD-C). With that said, there are several diet approaches that appear to provide relief for the various IBS sub-types. Some may require tailoring to ensure sustained relief, but, with a little patience and some trial and error, you'll eventually find the eating plan that can help keep your IBS symptoms under control. Coping and Living Well With IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome is a medical condition characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel movement that, unlike inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), does not involve intestinal damage. In addition to IBS-C and IBS-D, there is also mixed-type IBS (IBS-M) in which diarrhea and constipation alternate. In the same way that the cause of IBS is unclear, there has been limited clinical research to evaluate the effectiveness of various diets in treating the disease. What scientists do know is that specific foods and dietary practices are closely linked to the onset of IBS symptoms.1 Based on a review of the current research, the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) issued dietary guidelines in 2014 to help people with IBS better manage the symptoms of IBS.2 Of the dozens of diets reviewed by the ACG, only two were found to be significantly effective in treating IBS symptoms: the low-FODMAP diet and the gluten-free diet. Even so, there is little evidence that the diets will benefit all people with IBS or address the underlying causes that give rise to the disease, including gut motility disorders, pain hypersensitivity, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). More often than not, an individualized approach will be needed to tailor an effective and sustainable diet plan, ideally under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. This may involve an elimination diet, in which suspected food triggers are removed from the diet and gradually reintroduced to see which, if any, cause IBS symptoms. Knowing When It's Time to See a Gastroenterologist
How It Works
Because IBS is such a complex disease, there is no one set route to take when designing the ideal diet plan. Most clinicians recommend a two-stage approach:1 Standard first-line recommendations include adhering to a regular meal pattern while reducing the consumption of insoluble fiber, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and fat. Regular exercise and the avoidance of dehydration are also needed.If these interventions fail to provide relief, then secondary measured—namely the implementation of a low-FODMAP or gluten-free diet—should be explored under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Additional tinkering may be needed if improvements are lacking or inconsistent. This would generally involve the identification of food triggers—including those that cause allergy or food intolerance—so that they can be avoided. The advice of a dietitian or nutritionist may also be needed to ensure you meet your daily nutritional goals. The Worst Trigger Foods for IBS Low-FODMAP Diet FODMAP is an acronym for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are the short-chain carbohydrates found in many foods that tend to ferment and increase to the volume of liquid and gas in the small and large intestine. The excessive consumption of FODMAPs can lead to the development of flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain.3 Given that these are hallmarks of IBS, it makes sense that eliminating high-FODMAP foods would help prevent and/or ease these symptoms. The diet can be challenging, as many common foods are high in FODMAPs. There are five types of FODMAPs: Fructans (found in wheat, onions, garlic, barley, cabbage, and broccoli)Fructose (found in fruit, honey, and high-fructose corn syrup)Galactooligosaccharides (found in legumes and beans)Lactose (found in milk and other dairy foods)Polyols (found in stone fruits, sweet potatoes, apples, and celery) A low-FODMAP diet is designed in two phases as part of an elimination diet:4 Phase 1: Foods high in FODMAPs are restricted for a short period of time, generally between three to six weeks.Phase 2: The foods are reintroduced into the diet, one FODMAP type at a time, to assess your tolerance to each. If conducted properly, high rates of response can be achieved. Research conducted at Monash University found that approximately 75% of people with IBS who attempted a low-FODMAP diet experienced significant symptom relief. Gluten-Free Diet Many people with IBS will report an improvement in symptoms when they eliminate gluten from their diet, even if they do not have celiac disease.5 Gluten is a protein found in foods that contain cereals grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. The notion that gluten plays a role in IBS is subject to debate. On the one hand, there are scientists who contend that IBS is a form of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a poorly understood disorder similar to celiac in which gluten triggers adverse gastrointestinal symptoms.6 Others argue that the FODMAP fructan, rather than gluten, is the problem.7 If a low-FODMAP diet is unable to provide relief, a gluten-free diet may be attempted to see if your symptoms improve. If they do, gluten intake may be increased to see how much of the protein you can reasonably tolerate. Doing so may allow you to eat a wider range of foods without such strict dietary controls. A gluten-free diet is defined as having less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten per day. A low-gluten diet generally involves less than 100 ppm of gluten. Before starting a gluten-free diet, it is important to test for celiac disease by serological testing, Transglutaminase IgA antibody, and total IgA levels. If patients have low IgA levels (approx 2-3% of the population) then the Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG antibody is used for screening. If the serological tests are equivocal, then genetic testing is the next step. If your symptoms do not fully resolve with a low-FODMAP or gluten-free diet, your doctor may investigate whether you have specific food allergies or food intolerances. Such a diagnosis may require testing and the input of an allergist. Your diet, then, would need to be further adjusted accordingly. Does Sugar Intolerance Play a Role in IBS? Duration Whichever dietary approach you take, adherence is key. Unlike some eating plans, IBS diets are generally intended for a lifetime and often require you to make significant lifestyle changes. This may not only include the avoidance of alcohol, caffeine, and fatty foods, but also the regular use of exercise to normalize bowel function and lose weight. A diet alone can often fall short in controlling IBS symptoms if you remain inactive and/or overweight.8 At present, there is no indication that a low-FODMAP diet or gluten-free diet can be used on an "as-needed" basis to treat acute symptoms. With that said, you may want to increase your intake of certain foods if you have diarrhea or eat extra prunes or bran on days when constipation symptoms are acute. What to Eat for IBS-C To ease chronic IBS-associated constipation, you will almost inevitably need to eat more fiber. It is important to increase the intake gradually to allow your body time to adjust. Generally speaking, soluble fiber is better tolerated by people with IBS than insoluble fiber.9 You will also need to eat foods that contain healthy polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat. Foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar are known to promote constipation. IBS-C: Compliant Foods Whole-grain bread and cerealsOat branFruits (especially apples, pears, kiwifruit, figs, and kiwifruit)Vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, and Brussels sprouts)Beans, peas, and lentilsDried fruitPrune juiceNon-fat milk (in moderation)Yogurt and KefirSkinless chickenFish (especially fatty fish like salmon and tuna)Seeds (especially chia seed and ground flaxseed)Clear soups IBS-C: Non-Compliant Foods White bread, pasta, and crackersUnripe bananasPersimmonsFast or fried foodsBaked goods (cookies, muffins, cakes)White riceFull-fat cream and dairy (including ice cream)Alcohol (especially beer)Red meatPotato chipsChocolateCreamy soups What to Eat for IBS-D If your IBS symptoms involve diarrhea, it is best to stick with bland foods, especially if your symptoms are severe. Fatty, greasy, or creamy foods are to be avoided as they can speed up intestinal contractions, causing cramping and runny stools. Avoid insoluble fiber, which draws water from the intestine, making stools loose or watery. Though you should make every effort to eat fruits and vegetables, it is best to limit your intake of fiber to less than 1.5 grams per half-cup during acute episodes.1 IBS-D: Compliant Foods White bread, pasta, and crackersWhole grains (unless you are gluten intolerant)White riceOatmealSkinless chickenLean meatLean fish (like halibut, flounder, and cod)EggsBoiled or baked potatoBeans, peas, and legumesBananasRice milk, almond milk, or coconut milkLow-fat lactose-free milkLow-fat probiotic yogurt (in moderation)Unsweetened clear fruit juiceHard cheeses (in moderation)ApplesauceTofu IBS-D: Non-Compliant Foods Fast or fried foodsFoods high in sugar (e.g., baked goods)Fatty meats (e.g., bacon and sausage)Processed meats (e.g., hot dogs and lunchmeat)Sardines and oil-packed canned fishCruciferous vegetables (e.g., cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts)Salad greens and raw vegetablesBean, peas, and legumesCitrus fruitsCaffeineMilk and dairy products (e.g., butter and soft cheeses)Carbonated drinksSweetened juices and fruit nectarsAlcoholDried fruitsMisoArtificial sweeteners (sorbitol and xylitol) Recommended Timing Many people with IBS find that eating smaller, more frequent meals places less stress on the digestive tract than sitting down for three large meals. Doing so ensures that the bowels move regularly and gently, as opposed to suddenly being full and then having nothing in them for five to six hours straight. However, some people with IBS-D may be advised to eat a substantial breakfast or sip coffee first thing in the morning to stimulate a bowel movement (referred to as a gastrocolic reflex). Doing so may keep you regular throughout the day. Taking a short walk after eating also helps, as can sitting in a chair during meals rather than slouching on the sofa. How you eat plays a role in whether you experience IBS symptoms or not. Eating slowly with concerted pauses between bites can reduce the amount of air you swallow during a meal. The same applies to eat on the run, sipping drinks through a straw, and chewing gum, each of which introduces air into the stomach and increases the risk of gas, bloating, and stomach pain. How to Eat When You Have IBS Cooking Tips When embarking on an IBS diet, the number-one rule is to avoid any deep-fat frying. As much as you may enjoy French fries, donuts, or fried chicken, these types of foods are banned whether you have IBS-C or IBS-D. Instead, grill, roast, or pan-fry meats with as little oil as possible. One trick is to spray oil onto the meat rather than pouring oil into the frying pan. You can also lightly sear meat, chicken, or fish to get a nice crust and then finish it off in a hot 425-degree oven for a few minutes just like restaurants do. An air fryer may also be a good investment. Vegetables Steaming vegetables make them more digestible, especially if you are prone to diarrhea. If you love salads but find them hard to digest, look for cooked salad recipes (like a Mediterranean Heart of Palm Salad or a Grilled Eggplant Salad). Peeling vegetables, tomatoes, and fruit also makes them more digestible. Instead of salad dressings or sauces, use a squeeze of lemon or lime, some chopped fresh herbs, or a mild tomato or mango salsa to flavor foods. Beans To reduce gassiness from canned beans, rinse them thoroughly and allow them to soak in a bowl of cold water for 30 minutes. If starting from scratch, soak the dried beans twice—first in hot water for a couple of hours, then in cold water overnight—before cooking them slowly in freshwater until very soft. Some people claim that adding ground ajwain (a type of caraway) or epazote (a Mexican herb with a pine-like aroma) can dramatically reduce the gassiness of beans as they cook. While there's no proof of this, it can't hurt to try it. Modifications The low-FODMAP and gluten-free diet are both considered safe in adults as long as the daily recommended intake (DRI) of protein, carbohydrates, and nutrients are met. With that being said, nutritional deficiencies are common due to the diets' lack of whole grains, dairy, and other important food groups. These concerns are amplified during pregnancy when nutritional demands are increased. A gluten-free diet, for example, is typically low in iron, folate, fiber, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin—all of the nutrients needed to ensure normal fetal development. While prenatal vitamins can help overcome these deficiencies, these shortcomings demonstrate how detrimental these diets can be if left unsupervised. This is one of the reasons why low-FODMAP and gluten-free diets are used with extreme caution in children who otherwise need a healthy, balanced diet to ensure normal growth and development. A low-FODMAP diet is only used in children with a confirmed IBS diagnosis who have not responded to conservative therapies. Similarly, a gluten-free diet should only be used in children positively diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance. All diets should be supervised by a doctor or certified dietitian, and dietary supplementation is typically recommended to help bolster nutrition.
Diets as restrictive as the low-FODMAP and gluten-free diet can be difficult to sustain. They require a commitment on your part as well as buy-in from your family. By focusing on the benefits to your health and well-being rather than the foods you're deprived of, you can learn to cope with the challenges of the diet and begin to normalize IBS in your life. General Health Both the low-FODMAP and gluten-free diets have their benefits and shortcomings. For the most part, the diets can be used safely in people with diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure) since many of the foods are considered beneficial to these conditions. Both diets require a period of adjustment during which time you may experience short-term side effects likes tiredness or bloating. Most of these resolve over time, although some (like food cravings) take concerted effort to control. The greater concern is the long-term impact of the diets on your health. Beyond the aforementioned risk of nutritional deficiencies, some scientists are concerned that restrictive diets like these (particularly those used without medical motivation) can lead to disordered eating.10 This was evidenced in part by a 2017 study from Sweden in which young girls with celiac disease were 4.5 times more likely to have anorexia than those without. Others question whether the long-term use of restrictive diets might permanently alter the gut flora, increasing the risk of bowel infection.10 There is even evidence that certain food restrictions can affect heart health. A 2017 study in the BMJ Clinical Research suggested that the avoidance of gluten in people without celiac disease increases the risk of cardiovascular disease due to the lack of beneficial whole grains. The Link Between Celiac Disease and Anorexia Sustainability and Practicality in the Real-World One of the common drawbacks to the low-FODMAP and gluten-free diets is the impact they have on one's social life. A 2018 review of studies in Gastroenterology & Hepatology reported that the persistent dedication to a restricted diet contributes to increased rates of social isolation as well as feelings of anxiety and inadequacy if adherence to the diet falls short. Luckily, there are ways around some of these concerns. Dining Out Unlike previous decades, gluten-free dining options have increased considerably, making it easier to dine out with friends, families, and work associates. Some casual dining chains have even gotten in on the act. Even if a restaurant isn't gluten-free or doesn't have low-FODMAP options, you can check the online menu before you arrive and usually find something you can eat. Some restaurants may even make accommodations if you call far enough in advance and advise them of your dietary concerns. Food Preparation Home-cooking has obvious health advantages but is especially valuable if you have IBS, as it provides you full control over your ingredients. The advent of the low-FODMAP and gluten-fee cooking has inspired food bloggers to post their favorite recipes online, many of which are good for the family as well as friends. For those who are too busy to cook, there is a growing number of meal kit delivery services that specialize in gluten-free foods as well as several that have started to offer low-FODMAP options. Cost Another issue is the typically higher cost of gluten-free and low-FODMAP foods at grocery stores. A 2018 study from the United Kingdom reported that gluten-free foods were 159% more expensive than their regular counterparts. This can make the cost of gluten-free eating prohibitive (although the costs can usually be reduced by avoiding packaged foods and eating real foods prepared at home). By contrast, low-FODMAP packaged foods are relatively difficult to find, with only a handful of specialty producers (Rachel Pauls Food and Fody) offering snacks, spices, dressings, and soup bases. These also tend to be quite costly. Side Effects Both low-FODMAP and gluten-free diets have side effects, many of which will resolve on their own as your body adapts to the eating plan Low-FODMAP Diet Side Effects Weight gainBowel urgencyFatigueDry skinFrequent urination  Gluten-Free Diet Side Effects HeadachesNauseaFatigueConstipationIncreased hungerWeight gainLoss of concentrationLeg cramps As profound as some of these symptoms can be, most people who turn to an IBS diet because of severe symptoms find them to be reasonable trade-offs in the long run. Support and Community It is hard to go it alone if you decide to start an IBS diet. As much as may want to avoid "burdening" your family with your decision, you may find it harder to cope if you isolate them from what you are going through. Instead, make them a part of the process by educating them about what IBS is and how the diet is meant to help. In some cases, it may open the door to making positive changes to your entire family's diet, rather than ones that only benefit you. Looping them also means you are more likely to gain their support and less likely to be sabotaged by those who might dismiss the diet as a "fad." If you are struggling to cope with the diet, let your doctor know so that adjustments can be made. You should also seek support from others who have experienced what you are going through. There are plenty of IBS support groups on Facebook as well as community forums offered by the non-profit IBS Patient Support Group. Your healthcare provider may also know about live IBS support groups in your area. There are even low-FODMAP apps and gluten-free apps that can help keep you on track if you need support, encouragement, or inspiration.
Low-FODMAP Diet vs. Elemental Diet
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where excessive gut bacteria are present in the small intestine. It is one of the more common contributing factors for IBS and one that is often treated with a low-FODMAP diet. However, in recent years, a disease-specific elemental diet was established with the aim of hindering bacterial growth and restoring the normal gut flora in people with SIBO. This liquid diet is controversial given that it involves the prolonged use of fluids consisting primarily of amino acids, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. It typically lacks protein (or contains only small amounts of protein) due to the risk of hypersensitivity in some people. Fat is usually limited to 1% of the total calories. Benefits and Challenges There is some evidence that the elemental diet can help people being treated for SIBO with antibiotics. The diet works by delivering nutrients to the first part of the small intestine. By the time the liquid reaches the lower bowel, there are few nutrients left to "feed" the gut bacteria. This mechanism of action may help resolve bacterial overgrowth. An early study in Digestive Diseases and Science reported that the elemental diet helped normalize IBS symptoms in 74 of 93 adults after 14 days, increasing to 79 adults by day 21. Other studies have not reported such positive findings. The biggest challenges of the elemental diet are, firstly, adherence and, secondly, the prolonged restriction of protein and fat. Depriving yourself of protein and fat for this amount of time can lead to a profound array of symptoms and complications, including fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of lean muscle mass, irregular heartbeat, infection, and more. Low-FODMAP Diet Intended for the ongoing control of IBS symptomCan be used on an ongoing basisCan be self-managedFoods can be obtained at any grocery storeSide effects tend to be mildAdherence can be difficult Elemental Diet Considered a last resort when all other options failUsed for two to three weeks at mostRequires doctor supervisionPowdered diet can be obtained online or from your doctorSide effects can be debilitatingAdherence can be difficult A Word From Verywell The relationship between food and IBS is a complex one, but there are changes you can make in both how you approach meals and the foods you choose to eat. A smart eating strategy can dovetail nicely with the medical treatment you receive from your doctor to relieve and control IBS symptoms. click here to read 10 dietician-approved lifestyle changes click here to buy udos choice ultimate oil blend click here to buy Udos Choice Super 8  Read the full article
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fourteen--steps · 8 years ago
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Thank you so much @headbuttingunicorn​ :D :D :D
I’m not 100% sure where my little guys originally came from but odds are good it was a feeder tank. The LFS if I’m being optimistic but probably like Petsmart. I rescued them from a bowl after about a week and a half dying in the lobby of my apartment building, they were definitely pretty sorry looking then :/
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For the last year and a half or so the three survivors lived in this 50 g
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Which technically could have sustained them for most of their lives (I think even by bare minimum standards a 65 would probably be necessary eventually for three fish), but it has weird dimensions (15x36x20″) and honestly?? They were just outgrowing it. They’re over 6 inches now at just a little over two years old. But I’ll talk about their care in here anyway because that’s where they’ve done most of their growing and living the majority of their life.
LOTS of filtration. I've had two Aquaclear 70s on this tank the whole time it’s been up, and for the last 4 months or so, a SunSun HW-304B canister as well. The AC’s are 300 gph (gallons per hour) each, and the SunSun is hOLY SHIT 525 gph oh my god how have I not noticed that.
(Weird story with that one??? I thought I ordered the 265 gph model, found I’d accidentally ordered the 370 gph model, and when the box arrived they had sent me this one which is oh my gooooodddddd 525 wat)
So I had around 600 (and then 1100 whooopps that’s maybe a little too much) total turnover per hour, or about 12x the volume of the tank. With goldfish I always recommend at least 10x, minimum. It really makes such a difference. Even if your water tests come up clear on water change day, the quicker you’re getting the ammonia and nitrite processed out of the water, the less stress the fish’s systems are under in the long run.
They're not expensive either! The Aquaclears are about $45 each online, and the canister is similar. Although sunsun being an Asian company their prices fluctuate a bit. 
I have a shit ton of pothos on my tank too, for nitrate munching purposes since my water comes out of the tap already at 10-20 ppm. I.... think it’s going to eat me someday o_O this is it with like four feet of trimming at least. 
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And even with all that, water changes! I’ll admit I wasn’t always solid on my w/c schedule, my health is iffy at best and running on a 10 day schedule happened fairly often, although I DO NOT recommend that. To make up for it, I almost always do 60-90% changes. Contrary to popular belief, large water changes are not harmful to your fish or your cycle as long as you match the pH and temperature of the fresh water going in. I refill in chunks over the course of an hour or so to avoid shocking them, they pout during the process but as soon as I restart the filters they’re back to normal.
I recently, and I mean recently, as in last week, upgraded to a FRICKIN’ ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GALLON TANK??? OMFUCKINGFUCK LOOK
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Holy shit I’ve been fighting with the manufacturers over this thing for wEEKS IT’S FINALLY HERE. 72″x24″x20″ which is such a good shape for goldfish, much better than the standard 150 which is taller and thinner. Ahhh they’re so happy they just go nyoooooom nyooom from one end to the other, and I can add more friends!! Right now I have Remy, Lilac, Ludi, and little Ametrine in there. Plus Sumi in quarantine, but she’s really sick all of a sudden which is why this post took longer than I meant it too, sorry :( I don’t know what happened she just dropsied out of nowhere the other night. She was due to join the others in a week or two, but if she pulls through she’s getting an extended QT now to be sure she’s really healthy
And a skinny lil blind dude I picked up not long ago who may or may not live by himself depending on if I think he can hold his own with the others or not? He’s a spunky cutie but Very Tiny.
Anyway the tank is kind of a mess cause I just chucked every piece of spare decor I have in there to give them something to do, but I have some nice driftwood and just bought a ton of anubias and I’m gonna try actual planted this time!!!
Food food yum yum :) Variety is the spice of life. This pic is from a while ago, I’ve added more to this now probably
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I use the Omega One and Thera A as daily staples, rotated with smatterings of the other pellets, as well as Repashy Soilent Green and some of my own homemade gel foods. I really wanna try Northfin pellets too, or AAP Paradigm when I get around to it. I do veggies a few times a week, I’ll buy a bunch of stuff fresh and then blanch and freeze it in baggies to feed over the next couple months. Zucchini, peas, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, spinach, collard greens, broccoli, watercress, etc etc. I usually have four or five at any given time. The frozen proteins I do once every week or two. I’m super allergic to bloodworms so those are a special treat I only feed with gloves :P but they get mysis or brine shrimp usually. 
It looks intimidating, but it’s not that difficult. I acquired this stuff bit by bit over the course of a year so you don’t have to go spend a ton of money at once. If I ever just happen to see something that looks fairly good quality for an okay price I’ll grab a small container to try out. Some I end up liking, some I don’t, but even the mediocre stuff I sometimes use as a junk treat, or as snail food. Like I wouldn’t use any of the foods here besides the Repashy, Omega One, Northfin, or NLS as staples. The Aqueon is okay-ish if you have no other option, but the Cobalt is too high in protein for daily feeding, and Hikari has gone so downhill in the last few years. I honestly wouldn’t even buy it, I just feel obligated to use up the bag I already have. Pick maybe two of those staple foods to keep on hand, rotate in veggies a few times a week, some frozen protein here and there and you’re set, don’t absolutely need anything else. Of course more is always better, if you can. 
And yes, sigh, dumb as bricks aren’t they? Picky too sometimes. Try a bunch of different vegetables, leafy greens are a good place to start, or zucchini. Boil them soft (you can just chuck it in a glass of conditioned water in the microwave for 2-5 minutes) and cut it into little bite sized pieces. If they don’t go for it right away, keep trying for a couple of days in a row. Eventually they’ll get hungry and warm up to it. Keep your plec occupied with something of his own to eat and feed the goldies at the other end of the tank to try and get them all a bit of something green to eat. 
Veggies high in carotenes are really good for enhancing color. So besides your obvious ones like carrot and sweet potato, that’s also going to be your dark leafy greens! If you can get your lil guys onto stuff like collard, spinach, chard, etc, that’ll definitely make a difference in their coloration :)
Gel foods are also a really good option for picky eaters. I’ve never heard of a goldfish that doesn’t like gel, seriously, they adore that shit. You can get premade mixes like Repashy, which you just mix up with some hot water and set in the fridge or freezer. Or you can make your own! Here’s some recipe ideas, or just google “goldfish gel food,” you can scale them waaaaay down if you want. I make pretty small batches that last a long time. And feel free to swap out ingredients too and experiment, or make up your own completely. Just stick to lean, low mercury seafood, and produce without too much sugar and you can mix and match as you please. The one in my freezer right now is mostly watercress and bok choy, a couple spoonfuls of NLS, some cloves of fresh garlic, spirulina, a few baby carrots, a bunch of gross string algae I scooped out of the snail tank, and a dash of paprika. The kids adore it.
Uhhhh let’s see, anything else? I treat with prazi once a year or so, preventative maintenance, like deworming your dog. Besides that I keep medicating to a minimum unless it’s really dire. Minor scrapes and bumps I leave be. Have pretty hard high pH water, usually around 8-8.2. No heater or chiller but the water temp stays low-mid 70s most of the time
I dunno, just plenty of love and attention! I redecorate their tank and make them little toys (try some sturdy nontoxic plastic beads threaded on fishing line, especially if you can find somewhere to wedge food in, enjoy the ensuing adorable) talk to them, draw on the glass...
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I love them!!! So much!!!! I owe them my life many times over, that’s not an exaggeration at all. Seeing them in their new tank has really reminded me of how far they’ve come and how much they mean to me. I’m not always a perfect owner and there are times I fall down on their care, but they’re still fat and happy and I’m always trying to do better
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sakurar0se · 6 years ago
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My Monthly Favorites - Winter 2018/Favorite 2018 Products
by Rosy Day Blog
Unfortunately I just had wayyyy too many products to test and review the last couple of months, so this post is a lot later than I had intended. As usual, I combined Winter 2018 favorites with my favorite products for 2018 (they are typically one and the same anyway). I noticed some of the products are the same as my most Fall 2018 favorites, but that just means I found my favorites for last year more recently.
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Acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner
I first used this a few years ago, but have since forgotten about it since I keep trying out new toners. I came back to this after seeing that Soko Glam now carries it. For me this is the best all-around toner. It is good at cleansing (if you like using toners to wipe off excess dirt/oil left behind) and it is mildly hydrating without being one of those thicker essence-like toners that can sometimes feel sticky and take forever to absorb. This toner also has 10% licorice water. Licorice is known for skin brightening and while I can't say that using this toner alone will brighten your skin, the soothing and redness-reducing properties of licorice will give your skin a more even and overall healthier and brighter look. When paired with the right products, it does help one achieve honey skin. Other interesting ingredients include rhubarb (soothing), green tea (antioxidants), and rose & peony (skin conditioning & brightening). » Buy Product
Facial Mist
Belif Aqua Bomb Mist
This facial mist acts as a hydrating intermission between my cleansing and toning steps. Especially after I take a shower, it takes me awhile to go from cleansing to toning, and in that time my skin starts to dry up (possibly making my skin a bit irritated as well). This provides a “better than just water” light-hydration and the light-weightness is perfect for quickly refreshing your skin. It also calms my skin (minor redness is instantly cured). I feel like it aids in healing my skin barrier as well. With the Belif, you get 2 travel sized bottles (for a total of ~4.04 oz for $34). A good deal if you ask me! Interesting ingredients include lady's mantle/oats/soybean ferment (healing & eczema), chickweed (anti-inflammatory),catnip/calendula (anti-bacterial), nettle leaf (acne), and saccharomyces ferments from potato & barley (product absorbtion & skin nutrition). » Buy Product
Eco Your Skin Layering Essence Ringer Drip in Anti-Wrinkle
This is perfect for the 7-skin method, though since it's $50 USD you probably don't want to use it all up too fast. It's actually good enough to just use for a 3-skin method. I prefer to just immediately transfer this from the packet into the included bottle rather than try and use this all up in one-go. This is hydrating yet still lightweight and it gives me instant glass skin. The effects are kinda comparable to a good sheet mask without all the waiting around or the heavyiness/stickiness. In the long run, this is cheaper than sheet masking everyday if you use this for at least 3 layers every night. This does smell a bit strong though. I don't doubt that this is a very concentrated formula - it smells concentrated. Thankfully the scent doesn't linger. Interesting ingredients include soy/adenosine (boosting collagen synthesis), black cohosh (anti-inflammatory), resveratol (anti-aging & firming), angelica herb (anti-bacterial), and red clover (repair broken skin). Ironically, I feel like this product has more "soothing" type of ingredients than actual anti-aging ones... » Buy Product
Calming & Nutritious First Treatment Essence
Atoclassic Real Tonic Soothing Origin Essence
This is an odd product in that it just seems like a fancy hanbang (medicinal/herbal ingredients) product mainly for reducing redness - which it does do very well by the way. However, this surprisingly keeps my hollow-ish/slightly sunken eyes nice and firm. It’s almost magic because this isn’t exactly advertised as an anti-aging or firming product, but I’ve gone through 2 bottles of this and it just amazingly works for me. It’s made up of 14% hanbang ingredients including chrysanthemum which even drinking the tea is supposed to help with wrinkles and anti-aging. Other interesting ingredients includes pomegranate (anti-wrinkle), rehmannia/sesame (nourishing & anti-inflammatory), peony/honeysuckle/licorice (skin conditioning & brightening), goji berry (hydrating & firming), ginger (antioxidant & elasticity), Ginseng (help boost collagen production), angelica herb/gromwell (anti-bacterial), cinnamon (acne), and licorice. » Buy Product
Hydrating/Anti-Aging First Treatment Essence
Ground Plan Energy Essence
If you are looking for a first treatment essence that not only is more hydrating than those light, watery types, but also contains zero fermented ingredients (like galactomyces for example), this is the one for you. Unfortunately fermented ingredients are such a double-edged sword. They either work really well for you, or you develop some kind of irritation preventing yourself from continued use. This essence not only contains enough hydration in my opinion to just use 1-skin (layer) rather than using the full 7-skin method, but also it contains a bunch of soothing and hydrating ingredients that really makes this perfect for sensitive skin. Interesting ingredients include oats (healing & eczema), job's tears/rice (brightening & balancing), winter melon (acne & anti-aging), rose (skin conditioning), edelweiss/purslane (antioxidants), beta-glucan/aronia berry (wound healing & collagen synthesis), anise (anti-wrinkle), East Asian mountain yam (for fighting collagen loss & reducing skin flakiness), and centella asiatica (anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial). » Buy Product
Anti-Aging/EGF Serum
Abib Hypoderma SP1-2GF Serum Cell Repair
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I initially got this 50% off, but even with a retail value of ~$92 USD, you are definitely paying for quality and advance scientific research with this serum. I still love my Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum, but this is like a more super-charged anti-aging version. This contains 10 ppm of SP1-EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) and 15 ppm of SP1-FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor). The SP1 is a special technology to help skin absorb the EGF/FGF protein molecules. While I don't have too many issues in regards to wrinkles and loss of firmness, after at least 1 month of use, this has made my skin more even (less redness), more baby soft to the touch, more bouncy/resilient, etc. You can say this does slowly reset your skin to a more youthful/baby-ish state. This serum even helped lightened these pesky melasma-like dark spots I had around my cheeks, and have made the minor pores I had on my nose nearly disappear. Other interesting ingredients include bamboo extract (helps absorb nutrients & boost collagen synthesis), niacinamide/honeysuckle (brightening & balancing), Japanese plum (glowing skin & eczema), centella asiatica/propolis (anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial), and lotus root (heals dry & flaky skin). » Buy Product
Firming/Softening Serum
Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum
If you are looking for a great multi-tasking serum that will even out, plump, and make your skin smooth (glass skin effect), look no further than the appropriately named Glass Skin Refining Serum. I only use Curology at least once a week and my skin seems to look the best the 2nd day after usage. With the Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum, I feel like I get that “freshly exfoliated” look every day. This serum contains Peach & Lily's properietary hyaluronic acid complex which according to them a "...blend of short-chain, medium-chain and long-chain hyaluronic acid molecules helps provide hydration at every level of skin; short-chain molecules sink into the deeper layers, while medium-chain molecules fill in the layers closer to the surface of the skin, and long-chain molecules lock in moisture on the skin's surface so that skin is plumped up from within while the outer layer becomes radiant." Other interesting ingredients include niacinamide (brightening & balancing), peach extract (fatty acids & firming), East Asian mountain yam (fighting collagen loss & reducing skin flakiness), madecassoide/beta-glucan (anti-inflammatory & collagen synthesis), and peptides (firming). » Read My Full Review » Buy Product
Anti-Aging/Firming Serum
The Plant Base Time Stop Collagen Ampoule
From my Klog article..."I woke up with really soft skin the next morning. The ampoule absorbs really quickly onto your skin and the softness just felt more noticeable after washing my face.” This is also a product that I’m sure helps with firming and elasticity overtime (one of the few Korean products that contains peptides). It contains 76.52% mushroom extract to stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Other interesting ingredients include mulberry (antioxidant), prickly pear/macadamia nut oil (softening & fatty acids), licorice (skin conditioning & brightening), persimmon/aloe vera/centella asiatica (anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial), beta-glucan/retinol (healing & collagen synthesis), kakadu plum (vitamin C & acne), and rapeseed (vitamin E). » Read My Full Review » Buy Product
Abib Hydration Gel Water Tube
One of the most lightweight hydrating gels I’ve ever used. Unless I layer a lot of hydrating products underneath, I never get that wet/oily “just applied moisturizer and I’m waiting for it to absorb” look. This is a moisturizer I definitely would not mind using if I’m just going to be barefaced. Even if I use this at night, I wake up looking almost the same (slightly glowy and hydrated) as before I went to sleep. In other words, I don’t wake up looking all tired and zombie-like. I also don’t oil up too much (if any) with this moisturizer during the day (unlike others) so this is also a good choice for warmer temps/Summer time. Interesting ingredients include red seaweed (hydration & collagen synthesis), sugarcane (antioxidants), meadowfoam (balancing & moisturizing), mushroom/niacinamide (anti-aging & brightening), cactus flower (anti-inflammatory), and moringa (firming & anti-bacterial). » Buy Product
Facial Oil
Peach & Lily Pure Beam Luxe Oil
This is a nice facial oil that doesn't feel super oily. In fact, it feels light (yet still hydrating) enough that if you feel like you need more hydration, you can very easily add more layers. Even with the additional layers, it doesn't go full blown greasy. This oil is 100% natural & plant-based and is more affordable compared to many facial oils that seem as expensive as a high-end serum or cream. Ingredients includes jojoba seed oil (balancing & repairing), squalane (antioxidants & moisturizing), grape seed oil (anti-bacterial & brightening), camellia (antioxidant & omega-6 fatty acids), and sea buckthorn oil (anti-aging & healing). » Buy Product If you have any questions about any of the products above, please let me know. Photo Credits: Soko Glam/Sephora/Peach & Lily
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