muffinsblog · 5 months
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Cookie Clone Daze!
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larrydog · 8 years
Ship theory Episode 1 Lucky x Ralph
Hello there everyone, welcome to episode 1 of Ship theory, the segment that I totally thought of myself and not just inspiration from something WAY more popular than me…..you believe me right?
Well anyway, you guys know I love pound puppies 2010 (even though I have not seen all of season 3 yet but I plan too and if there is anything I can add from them I will later) and It you watched it like I did here is one thing you would get out of it, Lucky and Cookie are in love with each other and CLEARLY wanna be with each other but…..what if I said that's just not true? What if I said another pairing could just be as canon if not more than what the show would have you to believe? Well after looking through the “hint episodes” and other episodes, I think I can say that there is a good chance that Lucky x Ralph could be canon as well so let's get into it. For these journals I’m gonna break them down into 3 segments, The first one is The intro of the characters being used, The second one is bringing out evidence I have found and things that don't make a lot of sense to me and then The last one will be answering the question could this pairing be canon? Well, let's get into it.
Now, let's talk about the characters. Lucky and Cookie are two of the 5 main characters of the show. Lucky is the leader of shelter 17 with its goal of placing puppies to their perfect owner and Cookie is the second in command. Keep this in mind because this will be important for later. Ralph, on the other hand, is a secondary character that appears in 3 episodes (one of them being a brief cameo) to where he was very pessimistic about finding an owner. However, he does get one by the end of an episode that stars him which is Leonard Mcleash, the person working at the pound and this will also be very important later
Well, the first thing I think I should talk about is the Lucky and Cookie “hints” and some things surrounding them before I get into Ralph.
Now, first, there are “hints” throughout the whole show that felt very forced while seeing them a few times. It was always the same thing, they have some awkward moment but then it's forgotten shortly after. Now I know you guys are thinking, who agree with this statement I have made, “But that didn’t happen in rebel without a collar or when Niblet meets Giblet”. Well, I have some stuff to say about that as well soon. But besides those episodes, Lucky and cookie’s connections just seem pretty forced instead of letting time take its course for the two of them.
And from what I have seen in the show, if you really see this from another angle I don’t think Lucky and Cookie wanna have feelings for each other and wanna find a way out of it. Why do I say this? Well, I think the episodes “Rebel without a collar” and “When Niblet meets giblet” help support this the most and because of how I got this organized, I will bring up “Niblet meets giblet” first. In that episode Lucky seemed real to be determined to admit his feelings for Cookie but couldn’t because things kept interrupting him but what I think most fans don’t realize is that Niblet pretty much did it FOR them at the end of the episode saying things like “love and duty don’t mix” and they won’t end up together because they know it would be uncomfortable for the rest of the team and that they clearly in love with one another, right next to them so with that in mind and the fact that Niblet just said it for them why didn’t they end up together? I bet you're saying because Niblet just said love and duty don’t mix, okay. but how about earlier when Lucky said he was tired of putting work ahead of feelings, did he just change his mind or something? Did he decide work was more important and for that matter why? There is really no reason too since the whole team already knows there feelings for each other and they pretty much know there feelings for each other so….what's stopping them? And then you maybe be wondering “what if Lucky wasn’t interrupted? What if he had the chance to say something? Well i don’t know but from how the story was structured it seemed he would never say the word he needed to say and would just drop the subject as soon as he could I think this is evidenced by the fact that at the end he really didn’t say anything,Niblet did and nothing happened from there it was 100 percent ignored from that moment out so what does that say to you?
So Now I’m gonna bring up The episode “rebel without a collar” which I think may answer my other question and raise some other ones. In this episode if you haven't seen it pretty much what happened is a coyote came to shelter 17 by looking like a dog with how muddy he was and during that time the coyote name Fang doesn’t get along with anyone….expect Cookie the two of them have instant chemistry even after finding out he is a coyote and then decides to abandon her,position,her owners,EVERYTHING just for him and live with him pretty much in the middle of nowhere.now I don’t know about you but that seems like a VERY drastic move to make even if she did it because she was frustrated with Lucky for whatever reason since she gave up way more then a relationship with him so from how that seems, it feels like she is trying to run away from him or something she has been feeling but the question is what? And how strong is that feeling that allowed her to leave like that? Now I know you may be thinking “well she can back in the end after Lucky convinced her” true but that was because Fang was doing something she didn’t agree with but here is two things to wonder, if he wasn’t stealing or if Cookie was okay with him doing that, do you think she would have come back?  And who is to say Cookie’s feeling for Fang ever went away after this? Now even though I don’t ship this I really feel these two have strangely a lot of chemistry for just a “love triangle” that went nowhere after that episode  
Now that I have brought up points I saw from both of these episodes I’m gonna bring them together in this part. Now again Niblet said “love and duty don’t mix” okay that makes sense which could answer the question to why Cookie ran away since it seems like she struggles with wanting love and duty at the same time but can’t, so chose love with someone who has no duty to them because that is what makes her happy deep down but goes back to work anyway even Niblet struggles with that but also chose work because of the status quo which I think funny enough is what keeps Lucky and Cookie in the friendzone at the same time despite what the show will have you believe.what support this more is the last episode where they Thought Lucky was gonna have to move forever and that thought they was never gonna see him again and yes Lucky and Cookie seem sad and even share a sad nuzzle with each other but after finding out Lucky was staying the two of them STILL didn't admit anything to each other, like why? There is a zero percent reason at this point (besides the things I have pointed out in this journal already) and besides in most of these stories on the last episode the two love interest normally end up together mostly in these type of shows and I think the people knew the show was ending so they kinda left it bittersweet like that.why? The status quo.That's the only reason I can think of or they were just never meant to be with each other
So now that I have covered all that let's Talk about Lucky and Ralph’s relationship.Now the two of them didn’t really have contact with each other on “I heard the barks on Christmas” (through they did have a very shippable moment between them) but where I think the pairing really takes off is in the episode “once a Ralph always a Ralph” I feel like there are many things to wonder about in that episode. First is the unreal Trust Lucky has for Ralph, Now I know Lucky has a very trusting nature but even he has been seen to have a breaking point, but it's not seen when he is with Ralph.I mean yes he gets mad and annoyed at how apathetic he is but he gives him chance after a chance for a reason he has never given anyone else before. So now that I have got here I’m gonna list off some other things that seem strange to me in this episode
1.I've noticed in the episode is that Ralph ONLY winks at Lucky and Ace and ralph didn't seem to have "conjunctivitis" in the first time he is seen.Sure I could say it was just a plot device so people think he is a double agent so he winks at Ace but that raises a question. Why wink at Lucky like 3 times to prove this point? There is really no reason too since Lucky thought nothing about it afterward and neither did anyone else.
2.Lucky is smart enough to know if he just Left Ralph alone he wouldn't be having all the problems he is having in the episode and could just prove his loyalty in some other way and that he literally does not need him at all for anything, but was easily just wanting to add him to team (like thinking about it, he wanted a dog he didn’t know for that long, that he knows barely cares about anything to be a pound puppy, that seems to have some flawed logic behind there) and for him to care about something and helping others when he KNOWS Ralph doesn’t and most likely won’t do that ....if that doesn't sound strange to you I don't know what does
3. These two quotes
Lucky: it's time for operation Ralph! Ralph: operation Ralph? what's that? like I care.
Ralph: I stepped on a thumbtack but before I got Leonard to take it out I decided I didn't really care Lucky: see perfectly logical in a sad sort of way look, Ralph, I'm glad you're here
Ralph: really? that's rare.
So why is this strange? just throwing this out here that Ralph left Mcleash's office JUST to say that. I mean think about it, Ralph howled then when inside Mcleash’s office but then after Lucky said the first thing he magically ended up being near them outside and said something that made it kinda seem like he was trying to get some kind of attention turned his way.now lets bring up the fact that Ralph is apathetic, don’t you think this kinda goes against his character just to move the plot along and why push it so hard in the first place? Also, another thing is in what world was what Ralph said logical? Lucky knew that didn’t make sense to him if it did he wouldn’t have stuttered after he said that
4. These other quotes
Lucky: I swear he is a good Dog, in fact, I stake my reputation on it
Ace: in fact, I stake my reputation on it
Lucky: I can't believe I staked my reputation on Ralph!
This brings up a question of mine. Why would Lucky stake a PERFECT reputation on an apathetic individual that he barely knows? Honestly it doesn’t make a lot of sense when it comes to his character (and yes I know I’m bringing Ace in this mix too since he did the same which tells me there are some Ralph x Ace hints, here and there after all Ace called him a kindred soul and seemed to really want Ralph on his side. just throwing this out there but I’m holding to this to less water since it was just too forward the plot but then again it makes you wonder why they made this plot in the first place but this is for another journal.). Honestly, even if he was just saying it to sound flashy or just to show the group to have trust in him why did he start regretting that decision later? like he didn’t think it through enough and kinda just said what his heart told him too? Sure Lucky does that a lot but always thinks the whole plan through before doing anything, but it didn’t seem like he did the same thing here, Like he was distracted by something or some feeling.
Some small things I noticed 1.Lucky and Ralph are like almost together or near each other in every scene (not all but even the ones he is not in Lucky is still talking and or defending him)
2.Ralph lives with Mcleash so it make it easy for Ralph to always go back to the pound or for Lucky to see Raph at his Mcleash’s house
3.Ralph at the end did seem to know what he was doing with that sprinkler valve because I’m pretty sure it takes a lot a force to turn it on like he did but just didn’t know how to admit his feelings of why he did it I think it's supported by his and Lucky’s last line
“Lucky: well it's good to see that deep down somewhere at least you really care
Ralph: did I say I care? ehh maybe I do.all this now not caring has gotten so complicated.Caring just might be easier.....or not”
4.A question I have been wondering. If Cookie can fall in love with someone new in just one episode why can’t Lucky do the same?
5. Now this line right here is just strange and I think can easily be taken in different ways after the kennel kitten throw the small net on Lucky and Ralph(also I found it very strange that the net ONLY landed on Lucky and Ralph)
“ Lucky: you call that a net? Ralph: oh no I'm caught....” Take this as you will
6.I found it pretty odd as well that the name of the episode is an altered version of the pound puppies catchphrase when no episode title is like that
Now the last thing I wanna bring up in term of this pairing is Not an episode but a pound puppies Dvd that was made awhile back. Why is this important? Well  I found one very interesting called "Rare pair" which one of the episodes on It was "once a Ralph always a Ralph" and I get why the dvd was called that because each episode had odd settings to it that are very different from other episodes but tell me what is odd or Rare about that episode? I mean sure one can argue that it was because it was the third cat vs dog episode on the DVD but again what is rare about that? and what is the pair they are talking about? I mean in “catcalls”, what is rare about that is that the dog and cat get adopted in the same house and like each other (according to cartoon cat and dog logic anyway though they did imply a few cat x dog relationships before so this could help support  Ralph x Ace but I don’t know yet),that did not happen in Ralph's episode.
in fact, Ralph's episode was that generic cat vs dog fight where the dogs win there nothing special or Rare about that.Also if you look closely that “once a Ralph always a Ralph” have traits from the other two episodes, what they took from catcalls was him them trying adopt a cat and dog at the same time and what they took from the "kennel kittens return" was everyone thinking Ralph was a double agent but what’s funny is that Ralph's episode had an opposite way of ending then the other two did.so with the fact that the episode is just a fusion of two other episodes, the dogs win in the end like they always do,and out of all the episodes they could have picked that are way stranger then "once a ralph always a ralph" I ask again what is so rare about this? the only rare pair I can see is Lucky and Ralph with how close they were to each other and with Lucky defending him every second.
(what I found strange in the description of the DVD is that they only talk about 4 episodes but not the odd one out which is this one)
Also just throwing this out also in the DVD called "puppy love" yes they have a picture of Lucky and Cookie on the cover but the description says nothing about there "relationship" and if that did really wanna aim at Having all of these hints be known that then the DVD would have focused more on that but instead it's mostly just mutual friend love which I think its how its gonna stay for these two.sure they could have crushes on each other but that can fade and with how those two never admit anything it just might,
The conclusion could the pairing be canon?
Well even though it's my OTP I would have to say it could but it also couldn’t.I feel like for them to get anywhere Lucky will have to go into more personal stuff with Ralph,Try to get him to open up more and also work out his relationship with Cookie so he can focus on other stuff and personally I think it could work for the reason that since Ralph didn’t become a pound puppy he also in the same position as Fang with a guy who can give the love without any duty behind him and it just works even better since Lucky can always go see him, it is kinda scary how much in common Fang and Ralph have in common when it comes to interactions with Lucky and Cookie but hey this what I see and remember, this is just a theory a SHIP theory thanks for Reading this EXTREMELY long journal.
Note: Now for others I don’t really plan on having them this long (heck I didn’t expect this to go on for so long but I do think about this pairing like almost 24/7 so I guess I should not be that surprised) but it's my OTP and when you have one of those I think most people will really put a lot of effort into it and that's what I did but I will try to do that for other pairings as well (just not this long) so thanks for reading again and remember request are always open for more theories  just leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do. for now what I’m gonna do next is Puzzleshipping (request) Papyrus x Mettaton (request)
Nick x Finnick (if I can find enough)
Garfield x Odie
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