#potion mishaps
itstopplingdomino · 7 months
paper bird | fred weasley x reader
In which Fred Experimentalist Weasley convinces you to test his products and you, owed him a debt, reluctantly agrees. You don't get along with him but being in his debt is more irritating than his presence. Well, it's just testing products.. then he'll be out of your sight.
tags: gn!reader (usage of 'you' instead of specific pronouns), usage of pet/nicknames, strong language/cursing, potion mishaps, light angst, developing friendships.
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"Ugh! What did you put in that? That tasted disgusting! " You cover your mouth, trying to suppress a gag. A moment ago you downed a bright yellow potion that is supposed to make you incapable of uttering any negative words; supposedly your subconscious will replace it with a nicer version of it.
Clearly it is not working.
"Another failure.." Fred says as he hovers over the cauldron. He takes the quill that's tucked neatly behind hIs ears and began to jot down something on his book. He mutters absentmindedly, "I wonder if I put too much Troll's snot-"
You stand rigidly with your hands in fists, true disgust creeping up your spine as you watch the red-head idiot pretends he didn't just make you drink something awful.
But as he turns away, you could see his shoulder shakes.
This little shite.
He turns around wearing a shit-eating grin, taking in your red face and goosebumps along your arms with delight.
"Come on, I'll lose customers if I use ingredients like that." He says with a shrug.
You roll your eyes in chagrin. Ohh, one of these days he's going to get it.
"Whatever. Consider the debt's paid, Weasley. I've drank three potions, ate fifteen different pastries, and swallowed a pill. I am surprised I haven't vomited once the past two hours. What with your inventions tastes extremely-" You felt a hiccup coming but didn't quite release it.
"-unique." Huh? You try again, "I mean, tastes extremely-" Another rising hiccup that didn't pass. "-interesting."
You stand by the desk, confused, head tilted to the side as your eyebrow knits downward.
Fred looks up, eyes sparkling brighter than a muggle's fireworks. He ran to you and shakes you by the shoulder, "IT WORKS!"
Fuck. Great.
"How wonderful." You spat. Though the potion's effect makes your tone sounds sweet as if you are as happy as the creator of this potion. You shrug off his gripping hands. "How long will the effect last?"
Fred takes his book, forgotten for a moment on the floor, and flips through the pages. "Hm.. about an hour or two? Frankly I'm not sure," He shuts the book, a smug smile plastered on his face. "But that's what you're here for. I'll hang around you until the effect disappears."
"What? Not sure? It's your-" damn "-potion!" You hissed, yet again the potion's effect ensures your tone as soft as fwooper feather pillows.
"To be fair, you agreed to test it out. That includes finding out how long the effect lasts.." Fred raises his hands in surrender.
"Ugh. Fine." You say with the 'Ugh' sounding a little too close to Aww.
ꕀ ꕀ ꕀ
Gossiping has never been an interest of yours. There isn't anything worthwhile listening to anyway. All rumours bred from the same genre; romance - who's seeing whom, who had their heartbroken by whom, who's the most eligible dating partner, who's the most eligible sleeping partner, and the list goes on..
As you are stuck with the older Weasley twin, his younger twin (the one you could tolerate better) inconveniently away, you are drag into Fred Weasley's social life.
Which basically consists of bro-ly greeting between his quidditch mates, extorting money teasing the younger students and generally being friendly to everyone else.. Well, obnoxious Slytherins aside.
That's why currently you stand awkwardly behind him as he sips the latest 'dating theory', as he calls it, from three Gryffindor girls whose name you don't know - two blondes and one black-haired. Pretty sure they shares some classes as you but none of them ever exchange greetings with you and you aren't exactly the social butterfly of your year.
Obviously that title belongs to Fred Weasley.
"So.." Blonde One begins, "Who will you ask out this time..? I'm free for a night. I'm sure Andrew won't mind.."
Ah.. it's like that, huh.
Her friend, Blonde Two, lightly shove her. "You're terrible. How about me, Freddie? I learnt tricks from a scandalous muggle book. It doesn't have to be serious.."
The three of them giggles now. Quite honestly the sound is sickening. Personally what people get up to in their own time is no business of yours, like how some needs requires satisfaction, but you rather be spared from the details- and the proposition of it.
"Honoured, truly." Fred lets out a chuckle, albeit you could hear the slight waver at the end. Whether it's from nervousness at the prospect of potential three way, or the uncomfortableness of it, you can't tell. He continues, a bowing a little, feigning chivalry. "But you know I have rules; no taken ones and certainly no one my dear friend fancies."
"Ugh, if only Lee knows when to shut up.." She sighs.
Then Fred gives them an excuse, something about meeting Professor McGonagall for transfiguration assignment; which you actually knows he had finished and submitted the hour before you two met.
So he's uncomfortable. Interesting.
Once you two are far enough from prying ears and eyes, you ask him. "Why did you lie?"
He plays pretend.
You ask him again, with a little push. "You could just reject them, you know. What, you're afraid of hurting their feelings?"
He ignores you, choosing to point out the owls that flew outside.
Another push.
"Or did you actually want to do it with them both but couldn't agree because I'm there?"
Fred stops in his track and looks at you. His lips stretches into a false grin. Fake smiles eerily settles on his face. "How low do you think of me?"
"It was never high, Weasley."
You continue to walk past him, he follows suit.
"Alright, I'll bite." He says, falling into step with you. "The only image I care about is being the best prankster Hogwarts has ever seen. Having a threesome is no-way helpful in achieving that."
You bark out a laugh. "Please, Weasley. I think you and your twin have done enough to leave a lasting imprint as mischievous-" sods "-duo."
A groan escapes you which fuels joy for Fred. "So the potion still works.."
It's been an hour, you note.
"You know, you're a good company when you don't swear as much."
"Bold of you to assume that I want to be a good company to you in the first place."
Fred stays silent for several beats, then he stops in his tracks again forcing you to shift around to look at him when he didn't continue following you.
"I've been wondering.. what exactly do you find displeasing about me? You seem to talk to George normally. I actually didn't believe him when he said you didn't curse once at him until I saw it myself."
"Are you.. sulking..?"
Fred looks away and back. "Humour me."
"I'm not one for jokes-"
He whispers your first name in a pleading tone. The tone didn't catch you off-guard, you'd seen him use it playfully during his interactions with other students, it's the fact he uses your first name - generally preferring ill-suited nicknames he deems worthy like dear, sweetheart, and crassy (usually when you throw a lot of curses at him than usual).
It is probably the first time he ever calls you that.
You sigh, "Remember third year? You and your brother pranked me."
"Yeah, we jinxed a paper bird to peck at you. And what? You hold a grudge since then..?"
"No," You say firmly, moving to close the gap. "The pecking as annoying as it is isn't the reason. It's what happen because of the prank."
Closer now.
"That paper bird attracts the attention of a stray falcon, gods knows how it was there, and dove in to hunt it. Subsequently, attacking me too."
Fred eyes widens, "I remember.. George said you got into the Hospital wing for that. But they say you were fine?"
"I don't know where you got that information but I was in the hospital wing for the entire weekend."
A beat.
"George visited twice each day. He even brought some sweets from honeydukes and all. And you? You were nowhere. Even when I saw you in the next class, you didn't apologise. Merlin were you-" heartless "-indifferent."
He stays silent.
"Whatever. I don't resent you at all, especially not for the falcon - nobody knew it'll end up that way. But the way you act like it didn't matter if a falcon pokes out my eyes were infuriating. I just couldn't help but get angry looking at your stupid face."
Fred opens his mouth to say something but the realisation of the potion's effect no longer taking place jumps into you faster than he could get the words out so you speak first, "It's gone."
You touch your lips as if you could feel the effect physically fall off. "Fuck you," You tested, smiling at the success. "Yes! Thank fuck! Right, see you never then, Weasley."
Then you turn in your heels, speeding towards your common room. Fred remain stuck his spot as if you just casted a stunning spell on him.
Gears turning in his head and instead of the usual product ideas, he's thinking of something entirely different. He hears the door behind him opens and see a couple of first years ducking into the corridor now. He moves towards the door as he recalls back.
It amuses him that you never fall for his charms. Certainly there are others that don't, too, but that usually comes from house prejudices or blood status thing and typically if he's disliked so does George. It only piques his interest further than you laugh and smile, genuinely so, around his younger twin but rarely him.
At one point he did aim to find out, and found out he did. He isn't eased at all by the discovery of your animosity towards him. The real reason hits him harder than any bludger he took during Quidditch practices and actual matches.
Guilt trickles down and slowly enveloping him.
He groans audibly, surprising the first years that are passing by.
He looks at them with a half-smile.
Fred Weasley knows many sees him as a good friend, he's been made aware more than a couple occasions. Your crassness didn't bother him then.
But now?
Now he wants you to see him as one too.
Let's start with an apology.
--- A/N: There will be part two...
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Fusion Troubles
by Nakira Taisho
Date Posted: (2024-08-25)
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Ever After High, Monster High (Cartoon 2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Djinni "Whisp" Grant & Apple White
Characters: Apple White, Djinni "Whisp" Grant
Additional Tags: Fusion, whisp is a student at eah roll with it, Potion mishaps, roybel!apple
Summary: As with any class using potentially dangerous spells and potions...accidents happen
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solarisrasa · 2 years
Two Feet, More or Less
A bit of Malec Smut feat. poorly planned pranks with shrinking potions.
Rated M for obvious reasons. Includes a brief touch of dysphoria/body discomfort.
 When Jace asked about the shrinking potion, amidst a hundred questions about the contents of his apothecary, Magnus hadn’t given it much thought. He’d only stressed the importance of ensuring one also had growth potion on hand, just in case. The ensuing conversation about the dangers of growing one      specific    part of the body didn’t bear repeating anyhow.
 When he noticed the innocent little bottle of gray liquid was a little emptier than he remembered, he sighed and made a note to double-check Sherman’s well being. He never thought that Jace would use it on his own      parabatai.  
 Alexander, notably supposed to be in a meeting, threw open the apothecary door with a murderous expression. Magnus, not a man often cowed and      never    on the receiving end of his darlings full temper, started.
 “No. Don’t- don’t you-” but Magnus could see that his anger was already fading and it made his heart clench. Alec never could stay mad when they were in the same room, not unless it was      serious.    It was an affliction they both shared.
 It occurred to him, watching as Alec’s angry expression smoothed into simple exasperation that the face he so loved was at least two feet lower than it should’ve been.      Oh. Jace.  
 “Darling, you’re a little,” Magnus was trying not to smile, especially as Alexander stalked over to him and it became clearer, but he failed, “well, little.”
 “I’m going to kill Jace.”
 Magnus was a strong man but he couldn’t let that one go, “Well, when you can reach him again.”
 Alexander’s glare had not dulled, if anything the new angle made it appear sharper.
 “I’m sorry, Alexander, but you have to admit it’s a little funny.”
 “Magnus.      Clary    is taller than me right now.      Clary.    ”
 Magnus grinned, “I’m sure she enjoyed that.”
 “Yes, everyone took pictures. I feel ridiculous and so out of sorts it’s not…” Alec bit his lip and some of the humor went out of things as Magnus watched him shift uncomfortably before stepping with far more care than normal to get closer.
 “By everyone?”
 Alec cleared his throat, “Alright, not      everyone.    Jace didn’t want to actually hurt me or my-don’t you dare- my standing. No one important saw me. Just family, and Simon. And Underhill but he honestly just looked frightened.”
 Magnus laughed, concern easing a bit, “He probably thought it was a sex thing gone wrong or something and is worried what Lorenzo’s going to ask from him.” He gave Alec a gentle look, noting the distance that remained between them, “Are you alright?”
 Alec looked down, and like this Magnus truly couldn’t see enough of his expression to know what he was thinking. He raised his hand, ready to snap the growth potion up and draft a very pointed speech for Jace about boundaries, when Alexander spoke.
 “I’m alright. I don’t think I’d like most people seeing me like this and I wouldn’t have chosen it myself but,” Alec took a deep breath and closed the steps between them before looking up, “there is one benefit I didn’t think of.”
 Magnus’ breath caught as he looked down at his husband. Like this Alec would fold into his arms in a way his taller self didn’t, like this he could surround him completely if he wanted. He loved Alexander as he was and he didn’t think he’d like Alec to be so much shorter for long, but right now?
 He opened his arms and Alec stepped into his hold, hands tightening in the fabric of Magnus’ linen shirt just under his shoulder blades. Magnus melted a little, feeling how Alec pressed his cheek against his heartbeat and relaxed.
 “How long until it wears off on it’s own?”
 Magnus hummed and curved his arm to card through Alexander’s hair, “Given how much Jace used, not more than a couple hours.”
 Alec’s shoulders tightened and Magnus started to pull away but his husband’s grip tightened, “Can we, uh, can we just go to bed early?”
 “You don’t want the growth potion?” Magnus checked, leaning away enough to see more of Alec’s expression. He looked a little embarrassed but certain as he shook his head.
 “Alright. Then allow me.”
 Magnus moved quickly and scooped Alexander into his arms. He’d carried him before, short distances or when he was injured, but this was different. Alec was solid but he was lighter, smaller and Magnus didn’t need as much aid, both from Alexander himself and his magic. By the hitch of Alec’s breath and the way his husband curled into him, those differences didn’t go amiss.
 He didn’t say anything about it but they had barely made it into the living room before Alec was leaning up to press open-mouthed kisses against his collarbone, tugging the loose neckline of his shirt out of the way. Magnus shivered, prepared to continue to the bedroom until Alec laved his tongue over Magnus’ pulse point, using Magnus’ shoulders to pull himself close.
 He groaned and moved them so Alec was pressed tightly against one of the pillars, his legs wrapped around Magnus’ hips. It was a position they’d been in before, but with several key differences. For one, Alec didn’t have to duck awkwardly to kiss him or bite at his throat and his heels brushed new places on Magnus’ body. The thing that took the low heat in Magnus’ blood and burst it into an inferno though, was how Magnus’ body blanketed Alexander’s fully. The potion had reduced all of his proportions and he fit snugly between the wall and Magnus.
 “Alexander.” Magnus breathed, tilting his head as his husband worried marks over his throat. His fingers flexed against Alec’s hips and he adjusted them so the angle gave them both more friction. Alec made a strangled noise and thrust against him with a loud groan.
 “You’re...fuck.” Alec mumbled, biting at his collarbone again, “You’re so      big.”  
 And oh, but didn’t that twist into something hungry and      alive    in Magnus’ stomach.
 “Do you want more?”
 “Please. Like this Magnus, just like this.”
 Magnus was happy to oblige, snapping away most of their clothes to rut against his husband, letting his cock drag against Alec’s thighs, his cock. Alec was panting into the searing kisses Magnus dropped against his lips, sucking at his tongue and moaning as Magnus used his hold to move Alec’s hips.
 Magnus couldn’t force himself to let go of Alec, especially after he snapped away their underwear and could see the way his fingers fit into the curve of his hips. He was mesmerized by the way that Alec’s body surged against his at the slightest guiding pressure of his grip and the way that Alexander flushed and moaned.
 “Magnus, please. I-I want...you’re      so    much bigger.”
 He was right, Magnus thought, half-delirious. Like all of him Alec’s cock was smaller, still beautiful and still proportionate but beside Magnus’ it was clear how Magnus might feel inside his husband.
 “Hush love, I’ll give you what you want.” His magic rushed to his aid, both to ease the strain on his arms from holding Alexander and to tease over his hole. Alec made a noise like a wounded animal and tried to push back into the feeling. The brick facade at his back stopped part of the motion and Magnus’ firm hold stopped the rest, leaving Alec to make desperate sounds into Magnus’ throat as he returned his mouth to the hot skin there.
 Magnus guided his magic to open him quickly but not so rapidly that the sweet burn of it didn’t leave Alec half-begging for more. As soon as he was confident it wouldn’t hurt Alexander, Magnus lifted him higher, relishing the way that Alec’s legs spread around him and tightened in anticipation. He slid into the tight heat of his love’s body and watched as Alec’s mouth fell open around a choked breath.
 “Gods.” Magnus moaned, pressing his forehead to Alexander’s hair and listening to his husband sigh happily as they adjusted. Without his magic, Magnus was certain they would’ve fallen by now.
 Magnus rolled his hips and Alexander clutched at his shoulders. As he drew back and snapped his hips Alec chased the feeling of fullness, “Please, Magnus, fuck...fuck I was right...you’re-”
 Magnus snapped his hips forward and immediately had to pause to get ahold of himself. The movement alone had bounced Alec and that was...it was a lot.
 “You’re so big like this.” Alec whispered to him, sounded awed and overwhelmed and what little control Magnus had clung to snapped.
 He lifted Alec high enough that he could fuck into him properly, leaving Alec to cling around his shoulders, heels scrabbled at his back as he set a filthy pace, listening to the sound of their bodies meeting and Alec trying to speak nonsense as Magnus fucked him.
 The drag of Alec’s cock against his stomach added a point of heat between them and with a simple clench of Alec’s body as his nails dug into Magnus’ shoulders, Alec came between them, nearly sobbing out Magnus’ name.
 It took only seconds for Magnus to follow after, overwhelmed by the hot clutch of Alec’s body and the trembling of his husband in his arms.
 After Magnus laid him down in their bed and cleaned him, first with magic, and then with a warm cloth, too soothe more than anything since the majority of the mess was gone. He didn’t say anything for a long while, letting Alec lay with his eyes shut. When he finished and Alexander still didn’t open them, though he was certainly awake, he climbed into bed and summoned a light snack and water.
 “Are you hungry?”
 “A little” Alec didn’t look.
 “I don’t-” Alec shifted against their sheets, “I don’t want to see myself.”
 Magnus didn’t know what to say in the moment. Had Alec not wanted them to take things as far as they had? Magnus      knew    he was uncomfortable he shouldn’t’ve-
 “I loved being surrounded by you like that, but I don’t want to look at myself and see. I don’t think I could handle it right now. It’ll make me feel like...not me? Does that make sense?”
 Magnus touched the tips of his fingers lightly to Alec’s cheek and smiled gently, he should’ve thought about that, he supposed.
 “You feel wrong-bodied when you see yourself right now?” Alec nodded, “That’s perfectly understandable Alexander. Let me help you eat a little and then we can sleep. You’ll be set to rights when we wake.”
 Alec gave him a smile that could’ve melted stone and Magnus pressed a kiss to it, helpless.
 In the morning light Magnus found himself curled against all six plus feet of his husband and he hummed happily. Alexander dropped a kiss on his forehead.
 “You won’t want me to do that again will you?”
 Magnus scoffed, opening his eyes to meet Alexander’s hazel gaze, “I’d love you at five foot nothing as much as I love you now, but no. I prefer you as yourself, comfortable with me naked and tall enough to make shower sex difficult.”
 Alec gave him a playful glare, “I don’t know why you insist on trying ridiculous positions when there’s water involved.”
 Magnus smacked a kiss to his cheek and slid out of bed with a wink, “Adventure, love! Don’t worry, I’ll spare you this morning, we had plenty of adventure yesterday.”
 Alec smiled at him where he had relaxed back into golden pillows, “If there’s anything else in your potion stash you’re thinking about “adventuring” with, please don’t let Jace be the one to deliver them.”
 Magnus rolled his eyes, but paused to give Alexander a long look.
 “You sure you’re okay?”
 Alec seemed to sink further into their bed, happy and soft in the warm light of mid-morning, “I’m sure. Thank you for taking care of me.”
 “Always.” Magnus blew him a kiss and watched him purse his lips to mock catch it.
 “Go, shower. I’m going to lay here and be grateful for my body.”
 Magnus grinned, “Well...if you join me we could be grateful for it together?”
 “Magnus! You promised!”
 “Now, now. Alexander, I never said I wouldn’t try. Besides, not everything requires crazy positions and I’m feeling like a breakfast appetizer.”
 Alec’s scandalized expression made him laugh the whole way into the shower, though not as hard as the disgruntled but expectant look he got when Alec joined him a moment later.
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pencil-bug · 2 years
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Help! I'm a Pet
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dildosandtoys · 2 months
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she got hit with an age regression potion
he has to take care of her :3
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syr-monthly · 7 months
Sweet, Bloody February: Entry #3
Sweet, sweet magic mishap.
@quackquackcey blessed us with this steamy sweetness that will have you begging for more. (Me, I'm begging for more.)
"Stiles finally gets together with the man of his dreams.."
@jojorice also did the art for this fic that is so friggin' cute! I can't wait to see more Sterek work from her!
Read it here: Lava Cakes & Molten Chocolates
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franticvampirereads · 3 months
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When grandma says she wants to go to the bookstore, you go to the bookstore! Grandma came prepared with a list of what she wanted and we hit the shelves 😎. Here’s what I got on our little outing:
That Time I Got Drunk And Yeeted A Love Potion At a Werewolf
That Time I Got Drunk And Saved A Human
Marriage to Kitsune-Sama
It’s always fun hanging out with grandma! 😎
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shallyne · 2 years
If Mead Mishaps doesn't make it on the list of my favorite book(s) of the year I had a fucking good year reading because these books got me giggling and wheezing
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blkgrlsread2 · 9 months
"I've been burned with fire less hot than this." "I've tried to warn you." I said, finishing off my pie. He coughed into his elbow. "You made it look so easy." I shrugged. "What can I say? I'm sustained by the souls of the damned."
-- Kimberly Lemming, That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
I couldn’t help but eye the burly woman who just pulled a full ax out of her skirt. She locked eyes with me and shrugged. “It’s my good luck charm. I’m Becca, by the way.”
“Never get on her bad side.” Alexis whispered.
“Agreed.” I replied.
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf (Mead Mishaps, #2) by Kimberly Lemming
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bookishbethanyerin · 2 years
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• Review: Mead Mishaps series•
Y’all. You probably already know this just from the titles, but still, I will say it: these books are The Best.
They’re laugh-out-loud funny and endlessly readable and holy-whoa kinds of sexy and, just, such a damn delight. All of the FMCs are women of color, all of the MMCs are supernatural creatures of some ilk, and every single page of these oh-so spicy fantasy books is chock full of fun.
My new go-to piece of advice is to read these books tout suite – because there’s no point in denying yourself joy.
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Mead Mishaps
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That Time I Got Drunk And Saved A Demon:
A 5 star read for me. It was funny, I loved Fallon and Cinnamon's dynamic. I liked the plot. The spice was good.
That Time I Got Drunk And Yeeted A Love Potion At A Werewolf:
A 5 star read for me. Brie and Felix are adorable. Brie getting over her abandonment issues and starting to trust Felix. Alexis gets introduced and she's my absolute favorite. It was hilarious and again the spice was good and didn't overshadow the plot.
A 5 star read for me. I adored this whole book. Alexis was a masterpiece. I was laughing a lot, it was amazing.
A Bump in Boohail:
A 4 star read for me. A short Halloween story that I adored. Felix falling over a child? Definitely my highlight.
Mead Mishaps Series:
A very earned and deserved 5 star series.
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nzbookwyrm · 11 months
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tyrian-sexual · 2 years
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allbookedupblogstuff · 8 months
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion At a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming
Source: NetGalley – Thank you to Orbit!TL;DR: No quest, far less world, and more sex. Not as fun for me as the first one but mileage may vary. Plot: Focuses in primarily on the forced proximity of Felix and Brie. There is a mystery added on but it’s definitely not the focusCharacters: A lot of repeat characters from the first book, who I love, but honestly not enough for meSetting: This one…
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franticvampirereads · 22 days
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This was absolutely hilarious! I loved every minute of Brie and Felix being menaces together. I loved the easy banter they had and the ways they just fit together. I loved that even though Felix got hit with a love potion, he was just so gone for Brie from the first moment he laid eyes on her. It was really sweet! I also loved getting to see how all the demons and humans are getting along and adjusting. This book had me laughing and smiling the entire time I was reading it, and it’s getting a solid five stars! I can’t wait to read the next one. 😊
Bonus photos of some of the flowers from my garden:
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I have no idea what type they are (they came in a wildflower seed mix), but the orange one is so neon orange that my phone had trouble focusing on it 😂
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