#possibly as an enemy but he's like captured and Munakata decides to try and sway him over
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
What if Fushimi and Yata never got close in middle school and Fushimi ended up joining the green clan? How do you think things would be with him there without Yata affecting his life? Also, the greens have this family dynamic too so I wonder if he'd be able to fit in. And this time around, Sukuna would end up being the new guy later if Fushimi was there first.
I could see him fitting in better with jungle versus Homra even with jungle's weird family dynamic if only because jungle does have the whole points and mission thing going on, so he's able to like have something to do besides sit there and play friends (in fact with the points system jungle pretty much has a way to literally quantify his existence, as long as he has more points than anyone he can stay in this place and that's what Fushimi clings to). Depending on how early he joins Yukari might not even be there yet, or at least might be fairly new to the clan so it's not even that big of a 'family.' I could see Fushimi preferring to talk more to Hisui than anyone, I think Yukari and Iwafune both would be hard for him to deal with – Yukari he feels acts too familiar with him (and please just imagine Yukari unconsciously taking Saruhiko as his new little brother to replace Kuroh) and Iwafune is way too parental in a way that makes Fushimi tense. He likes Hisui because Hisui talks about things in terms of games and missions, Fushimi has no interest in being taken care of like a child he wants to do great things and show the world.
In this AU I could see Fushimi ultimately clinging to Hisui in a way similar to how he is with Yata in canon, like for him Hisui is now the first person to really recognize his talents and Fushimi probably puts a lot of stock in never failing any of his missions because he basically ties his sense of self worth to his success as a clansman. He's also the member of the clan besides Hisui who is most proficient with computers so I could see him taking an administrative role a lot, maybe he doesn't do missions as often now but he runs most of jungle's systems and considers it a point of pride that he can hack into anything he wants. At some point I think he would grudgingly accept the affection given to him by Yukari and Iwafune but at the same time I think he would remain a bit aloof from them too, like Fushimi more than anyone is very adamant that this isn't a family and they aren't all here playing friends, they're just companions in a game who happen to have the same goal.
I think he wouldn't get along well with Sukuna either in this AU, I feel like the two of them have enough similarities that Fushimi would feel anxious about being replaced and would constantly lash out wanting to show how he's clearly the superior person. Like again especially depending on how young Fushimi is when he joins, say he was the youngest person ever to make J-rank until Sukuna comes along and while Fushimi acts like he doesn't care it really does rankle him, the possibility that this person could be more talented or take Hisui's interest away from him. Sukuna's willing to be open to Fushimi at first but Fushimi's always cold and sarcastic to him, constantly mocking him for being a kid, and it gets Sukuna's hackles up that he's always arguing back. Sukuna also worships Hisui too so that puts them at odds as well, they both want Hisui's attention and to be seen as his most trustworthy clansman and no matter how many times Hisui tells them to get along they're just constantly fighting.
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