#pops here is like ''ah ah ah I know you reapers can't kill by your own hand- but do try it! flip that coin! *see how that goes for you~*''
biteyourcrush · 2 years
@atropaanimus​ replied: Both reapers are locked on target. 
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“Oh nyoooooooo, I’m shaking in my boots~!”
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“You reapers really are quite funny!”
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danieyells · 3 months
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PERVY OLD VAMPIRE IS AN ABSOLUTE GOOBER. . .he's also very very tired. But he has a very nice reaper taking care of him and a friendly dog that wants him to go outside more, so he has people who love and care for him even though he's. . .a little troublesome haha.
also I changed the format from previous posts and added the specific times and seasons and such for each dialogue! this should help lessen some confusion about how to get them.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Ah, there you are. I've a favor to ask of you— come to my room and I'll explain."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Oh? It appears we have some letters. Alas, my eyesight is not what it used to be. Read them out to me, would you?"
well maybe if you didn't stare at your tablet all day. . . .
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I have much to learn about the human world... Rui is teaching me a lot, but I cannot seem to divorce myself of careless blunders."
y'know, it's good he's trying to learn anyway. 400 years old is never too late.
"What did I do before Darkwick? I eked out a humble existence in Eastern Europe. Hm? The most powerful vampire? No, those are just rumors. "
didn't you confirm it yourself in the main story though--also if he was living in eastern europe for the past 400-ish years i wonder if he saw lyca when he was young, even if in passing? then again eastern europe isn't exactly small.
"I was taken by a sudden whim to travel abroad. I had heard good things about Japan so I came over to play, but alas, I was captured."
so he went to japan just to have a nice time for a while but the Institute decided to keep him trapped in Darkwick. . .and then they didn't listen to any warnings or concerns he had. . .no wonder he doesn't give a shit what's going on around here, why would he? They abducted him while he was on vacation--and for what?
"I have no interest in harming humans. After all, they die so quickly. They should enjoy their short lives while they can."
"(cough cough) Oh, it's you... I'm feeling worse than usual today. I don't suppose you could carry me to bed?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Good morning... What time is it? ...Still that early? Wake me up again at midday, would you?"
honestly Ed? Mood.
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"If this is about a mission, I can't help you, I'm afraid. I leave such day-to-day duties to Rui, so I suggest you ask him instead."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm more or less confined to this house most days, for various reasons. I'm on my best behavior. But I'll do what I can to support you from the sidelines."
y'know, he's offering to help a little even at Affinity 3 and that counts for something in my book.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"My favorite channel should be posting a new video at any moment... Sorry, but could we continue this tomorrow?"
you have not yet reached the stage of friendliness where you're more important than a youtube video lmao
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't suppose you know where Rui is? How troubling... My YouTube video has stopped playing..."
well at this hour i'd check either the bar or his room???
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh, it hurts... I cannot seem to shake this ache in the place Rui touched me earlier... I think I'll rest a while."
so it seems like either his limbs pop off/part of him breaks open when Rui touches him, or he suffers a great deal of pain for an extended period of time, maybe his body actively fighting extremely rapid necrosis? Rui did say that he basically insta-kills anyone who isn't super strong, so Ed being in excruciating pain instead of dying or losing a limb now and then makes sense.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I can't survive much sunlight. Without my parasol, I can barely go outside... (sigh) It really is quite punishing..."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sounds like Lyca's having fun, from all that yapping. I think it's good for him to develop some temporary bonds with humans at this time in his life."
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I felt the urge to go stargazing, so I went to a hill nearby, but Towa was there already and he chased me away."
TOWA STOP BEING MEAN HE actually he probably would have bothered you and if he smells like a corpse to you that would have been annoying even if he didn't talk to you BUT STILL DON'T BE MEAN.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You ought to be getting ready for bed. Me? Oh, I'll turn in soon... Just one more YouTube video."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Are you going for a walk? Take care not to spend too long in the garden. Humans are rather susceptible to the miasma there."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Do you realize that human society is controlled by a shady cabal of elites? There are many videos about it on YouTube."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The ghouls are rioting again? Ah ha ha ha, they certainly are full of energy. If you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a YouTube video."
he simply does NOT GIVE A FUCK lmao the ghouls could be dying out there and he'd probably shrug it off. Maybe keep an eye on things with his sixth sense or have some bats watch. Maybe that's part of why so many ghouls dislike him? he doesn't have any concerns for their plights and problems?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"How strange... I can't find my other sock. I could have sworn I put it here... Have you seen it?"
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Lyca made a mess again? Ah ha ha ha. Try not to judge him too harshly—he's not human, after all."
i think even for non-humans there's some cleanliness to be strived for. . .even pigs are pretty clean animals from what I hear. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Rui? Is my lunch ready yet? ...Oh, it's you. You wouldn't happen to be feeling heartsore, would you?"
he's asking if you're sad because he feeds off of tears more than blood. . . . .he wanted to see if you'd cry for him. . . . . . .wait how does Rui usually go about doing this!? Does he cry every day for him???
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Rui has his tavern work at this hour. He made sure I had everything I needed before he left, though."
ed's all cozy in bed with a nice bottle of tears and his fully charged tablet, all the dirty laundry's off his floor and everything--and now you're here! everything is perfect.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Has night fallen already? Do keep in mind that my vitality returns at this hour. You really should be more careful."
i'm kinda getting Taiga vibes here where as his affinity goes up he kind of clearly wants to eat you more, except where Taiga kinda tried to keep away from doing it until Affinity 24 where he snaps and ties you down and starts hurting you, Ed just starts warning you 'you're in danger being around me right now' lol. When he tells you to be careful he makes the sadist face, so he is telling you to be careful around him specifically. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep? Come, close your eyes. I'll hold you in my arms until you surrender yourself to the land of slumber."
isn't Ed's skin cold. . .I feel like it may be hard to sleep like that for most people lol then again maybe he'd be perfect for temperature regulation?
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ah, thank you for coming so early. I slept even worse than usual last night... The cleaning can wait. Let me rest my head on your lap, would you?"
'the cleaning can wait' huh. . .is this another Jin situation where he's started to expect you to clean up his room all the time lmao I MEAN RUI ONLY CLEANS IT ONCE A MONTH SO A LITTLE SUPPLEMENTARY CLEANING WOULDN'T HURT. . . .
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"How are you finding Obscuary? Anomalies live quite differently to humans, so you're adapting to it remarkably well... Perhaps you're predisposed?"
'hey i know you're probably scared about becoming an anomaly that will harm your loved ones and all but you may already be showing signs so you should just stop worrying and join us!' also do they really live so differently. . .so far the main difference is cleanliness lmao
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My, where did the time go? Talking to you is just so relaxing. Why? Perhaps it's because I know I could feast upon you at any moment."
in Japanese he says something like "The sense of security of being able to strike at any moment"--he's saying he could bite you and you're so comfortable with him you wouldn't even put up a fight before he could do it. He's making his 'sadist' face, but I think he means it in a 'you're relaxed around me, and it makes me feel comfortable to' way. . . .or not. He could just mean that he appreciates you as easy prey 8D
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Really. You became embroiled in another petty human dispute? How absurd you humans are. Come here."
he feels so bad for you and always getting involved in some shit. . .you know you wouldn't have to do any of this if you abandoned your humanity and just became an anomaly?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"So, you've come sneaking into my room in the middle of the night? You really are a wicked girl. What were you hoping for? Go on, say it."
Do you want him to feed off of you? Or do you want him to feast upon you? Or were you just that starved for his company? I feel like he's willing to put aside his tablet for you at this point, especially if you're coming into his window late at night for a little tryst.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Being with you brings up old, old memories... Perhaps it's because you remind me a little of her."
well he is hundreds of years old, so of course he had lovers in the past. . .I wonder if she was also mortal, and if he refuses to see humans and anomalies as compatible because of heartbreak. Or maybe he doesn't get heartbroken like some humans do, and it's just nostalgia. But for someone who struggles to remember things sometimes to have old memories stirred up, I think that's a good thing. He must feel quite old at this point, but having someone around who reminds him of being even a little younger must be nice, even if he doesn't think it will last. . .then again maybe that's part of why he seems like he encourages you to become an anomaly in his character stories. Because he'll get to have you around for longer.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"The plants in our garden become rather lively in the spring. See? There's a little cannibalism going on over there."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My favorite channels have been updating more frequently than usual of late. I suppose humans really do experience spring fever."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"(yawn) I look more tired than usual? Must be the spring weather... Goodnight."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Cherry blossoms are fascinating organisms. Born carrying the stench of death and falling all too soon... Just like humans, really."
i don't think most humans smell like death(unless we're referencing the poem about sakura trees having corpses beneath them to make the petals pink again) but go off i guess--also it makes it seem like he wishes humans lived longer? funny thing for a guy who thinks humans aren't compatible to say.
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Obscuary is lovely in summer. It's so dark and cool, with a lovely miasma breeze. I've no desire to step outside its confines."
honestly living in eternal night during the summer doesn't sound bad aside from all the bugs. but the tentacle plant in the garden probably keeps most of them away, so. . .obscuary in summer sounds lovely.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"How the sun mocks me... Vampires across the nation are advised to avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It was so hot this morning that Rui was walking around after his shower in just a towel. A sight for sore eyes, I must say."
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH HE IS BISEXUAL. in Japanese he says that Rui was walking around soaking wet and that he's incredibly handsome but doesn't mention the towel--so Rui may have been wet and bare naked walking around Obscuary. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"My air-conditioner? I believe I have it set to 64 degrees. Hm? You're cold? Humans truly are such fragile creatures."
that is almost 18 degrees celcius for the non-americans! it's not that cold imo but it's definitely a little chillier than most people like their personal space.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Humans take extra delight in their meals during the harvest season, do they? Interesting. Perhaps I'll follow suit."
lap up your tears nice and slow and sensual--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The stamina and physical strength of a vampire is dozens of times that of a human. We don't need to work ou— (cough) (wheeze)"
YOU GOOD BUDDY YOU STARTED COUGHING WITHOUT EVEN MOVING i mean i get it i have asthma but still--
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ah, the curtain of night closes. Now that the days are becoming shorter, my physical and mental health have much improved."
does that mean you don't need help getting dressed for a while--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How beautiful the moon looks tonight. Its light is such a comfort to us non-humans. You look rather lovely bathed in it too."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"(sigh) Even in the dead of winter, Lyca is so full of energy in the mornings... Just try to imagine waking to him barking in your ear."
that explains why you lock him out of your room lmaoooo
(between 11am and 4pm)
"What do you think of my dressing gown? Rui made it for me. It's surprisingly warm."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"(cough cough) I only took a few steps outside, yet I felt as though my heart froze over... It's best not to leave one's room on days like this."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"They say that on cold nights like this, humans long for the warmth of another. Well? Shall I provide it for you?"
His birthday: (November 10th)
"Having you celebrate my birthday makes all these long years of life worth it. How old am I? A gentleman doesn't tell."
given your estimate was 'idk 400 i stopped counting around 300' i think it's less you won't tell and more you can't tell lmaoooo
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday, is it? I'll have to give you a present. What do you want? Go on, tell me."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I heard it's a tradition in this country to impart small monetary gifts. Here, for you."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My, is this for me? I'm touched. I don't usually partake of human food, but I suppose I'll make an exception."
it's about the symbolism! it's the principle of the thing, even if the chocolate tastes bland to your vampire taste buds!
White Day: (March 13th)
"It seems that today those who received chocolates on Valentine's Day are supposed to return the favor. What a conscientious country this is..."
yeah but what'd you get them tho--
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Oh, I'm burning up... I'm not long for this world... Won't you grant me one last request? ...No need to make that face. I'm joking, of course."
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat. I'm a real vampire, you know. Give me your blood, or I'll play a trick on you."
probably the only time he's directly stated wanting to drink your blood lol
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. Rather amusing for a vampire to celebrate a holy day, don't you think? Let's fill tonight with magic and wonder."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"I'm going to lie down a while. If you need something, ask Rui."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hello? Oh good, there you are. It would be troublesome for me if you were to disappear. Let me know next time you decide to wander off."
WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'D BE TROUBLESOME. I guess it's because you clean up after him and help him and stuff. . .and at higher affinities maybe he feeds off of your tears and/or blood. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Well, hello there. It's been a while. Come over here—I've been looking forward to your return."
OUR SLOPPY LIL VAMPIRE BOY. Flirts, drinks tears, minds his own business, and is on his best behavior despite that he was abducted by Darkwick. They should be thankful he's not angrier, considering he's apparently strong enough to LEVEL A BUILDING ON HIS OWN. As his affinity goes up he seems to be more comfortable around you, although that comes with the concern that he expresses less human thoughts more openly. . .which isn't a bad thing, imo. He should be allowed to be an anomaly. He's not harming or preying on you, just saying he could and that he's dangerous. But he also just seems to like physical affection and flirting and having you do chores for him so he can be lazy. . . .
I love him lol he's stinky
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caranfindel · 4 years
Recap/review 15.18: “Despair”
THEN: The key to Billie's library. Billie wants to become God. Cas made a deal with The Empty. Chuck absorbed Amara. Jack absorbed Adam's rib. Dean pointed a gun at Sam (DEAN POINTED A GUN AT SAM.) Chuck is pissed. Jack is going to explode.
NOW: We begin right where we left off last week, with Jack about to explode with God-killing power. Sam half-carries him into the map table room, Cas tells him to take deep breaths and focus, and Dean gets all panicky and is no help at all. Jack wants the guys to just leave him outside in order to minimize the damage when he goes kaboom. {Sidebar... how far away would he have to be, considering that his explosive power could kill God? Discuss.} Dean yells at Sam to find one of Rowena's spells (and oh, Sam as Rowena's apprentice; there's a plot that was sadly wasted, wasn't it?) but he's interrupted by Billie and her scythe, which she's carrying in a very obvious way. She's furious, and tells them the plan to destroy Chuck was doomed "because of you." Billie can't stop Jack's earth-shattering kaboom, "but there is something I can do." She sends him to the Empty. Empty!Meg cheerfully points out that he doesn't look so hot, but then he looks explosively hot. Ah, there's our earth-shattering kaboom!
Bunker. Billie explains that The Empty was the only option to absorb the impact of Jack the Bomb. And that he's not necessarily dead, because taking out Chuck and Amara was the part that was fatal, not actually being the bomb. Hmm. So Jack's point of no return wasn't actually a point of no return after all. It's kinda retconny, but not really? I've decided it's logical and I approve.
However, if the Empty survives, "it's gonna be pissed." Particularly at Billie. And it's very strong. Billie and Sam remind us that the Empty can only come to Earth if it's summoned. They do not get into the details of what constitutes a summoning, but I'm sure that isn't important. And Billie might be willing to bring Jack back, assuming he survived, but not until Sam returns what he took from her. Chuck's death book.
Sam immediately goes on the attack. He points out that she was planning to betray them from the start, leading to the deaths of all the AU refugees and everyone who was brought back from death, including him and Dean. "Even if I give you the book," he says, "what's to stop you from stabbing us in the back? Killing us all?"
"Nothing," Billie says. She gets up in Sam's face and tells him Jack won't last long. Either give her the book now, or lose him forever. (Can I just point out that Sam is still a little bloody from Dean punching him in the face? After he pointed a gun at him?)
Meanwhile, in the Empty, we discover that Jack is still alive (yay) and that this episode was directed by Richard Speight (yay). He is surrounded by particles that gradually form back into Empty!Meg. And, as predicted, she's pissed.
In the bunker, Sam brings the book to Billie, but ignores her outstretched hand and slams it onto the table instead. It's a pointless little burst of defiance and I love it.
Billie flips to the end to read the new ending of God's book, "since you ruined the last one." She seems to like what she reads. Sam says "Wait, the ends of your books change? So me killing Rowena was presented as unavoidable fate but it really wasn't necessary at all?" No, he actually doesn't. But I do, on his behalf. It's a pointless little burst of defiance. Over in the Empty, Empty!Meg grabs Jack's head and says "you made it loud!" and this is a conversation I've had with my dogs in the wee dark hours of the morning more times than I can count because we just want to SLEEP, GUYS but before she can actually crush his head, Billie zaps him back to the bunker.
Billie tells the guys that Jack is hers because he's still useful. Dean responds by grabbing her scythe and swinging at her. She flings him away, but she's wounded and bleeding light. Oh, and she dropped the book. Sam and Cas ignore Dean crumpled over against the wall - Cas runs to comfort Jack, and Sam runs to pick up the book. Unfortunately, he can't open it. Dean says "hey, thanks for not helping me, guys" and Sam says "oh, I'm sorry, I guess I'm still a little rattled from you punching me in the face after you pointed a gun at me." No, he doesn't. But I do, on his behalf.
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Several people have pointed out how skinny Jared looks in these last few episodes, but this is the first time I've noticed it. It will be interesting to see how he looks in the two that were filmed after their Covid shutdown.
Time jump. Dean is sitting in the library, drinking whiskey. And I've said it a million times but I'll say it again - I could watch an entire episode that was just Dean drinking. And then it gets even better when Sam walks in wearing only a v-neck t-shirt. Single layer Sam alert, guys! How long has it been? Dean slides the bottle over to him and we get a little bonus hand porn and then this happens:
Sam, I'm sorry about... everything.
Dean, you don't have to -
I pulled a gun on you. It's like I just couldn't stop. You know, we were so close to beating him. Like, I could smell Chuck's blood in the water, and I - nothing else mattered. It was everything. And I just couldn't snap out of it.
Well, you did. You've snapped me out of worse.
Hmmm. Am I missing a time when Dean snapped Sam out of something? I mean, I know in Stull, Sam was able to overcome Lucifer because of Dean. But that was Sam snapping himself out of it. And Dean convinced Sam to give up the trials, but that wasn't Sam under anything that he needed to be "snapped out of." I think if you're going to give Dean credit for snapping himself out of it when confronted by his teary eyed, bloodied little brother, you have to give Sam credit for snapping himself out of his own situations.
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It doesn't matter. All that matters is these two sitting quietly in the dark, drinking whiskey together.
Dean's feeling some despair (nice) because Billie wants them dead, Jack is powerless (oh, wait, when did that happen?), and Michael isn't answering his prayers. No one is on their side. "Well, we regroup, somehow," says Sam. They drink a sad little toast to "somehow," and I die a thousand deaths.
Billie's library. Billie stalks angrily through the stacks. A reaper informs her he put up warding to keep the Empty out, and asks if the plan has changed. Yes, it has.
Elsewhere, a woman we don't know is cooking some seriously dry scrambled eggs. She thinks she knows what she's doing, because she's explaining to someone else in the room how to cook eggs so they're "not too runny, not too dry" but seriously. Gordon Ramsay would be appalled. {Sidebar: Gordon's eggs actually look a bit too runny for my taste, and my family would refuse to eat them, but this lady's dry crumbly eggs are still an abomination.} She turns around and we see AU Charlie sitting at the kitchen table. Oh, Charlie has a girlfriend! Sweet. And she must be in love, because she tells this girlfriend that they're the best eggs she's ever had. And also, she's still hunting. Guess she didn't retire to a mountaintop after all. Probably because she couldn't get wifi. Anyway. Her girlfriend's plate crashes to the floor because her girlfriend abruptly disappeared. (Aw, her name was Stevie. Stevie and Charlie. How cute is that?)
Time jump. Charlie's apartment building is called Kim Manor. Nice.
As Sam runs the EMF meter (and there's a nice wordless conversation where Sam lets Dean know he didn't find anything), Charlie talks about how they met (thanks to AU Bobby) and how she experienced nothing when Stevie disappeared. No sulphur smell, no cold, nothing. Dean and Sam have another wordless conversation about what they think happened.
Dean and Sam explain that Billie wants to send all the AU people back to their now non-existent worlds. So Stevie was from AU World too? I guess that explains how AU Bobby knew her. Coincidentally, Sam's phone rings, and it's AU Bobby. They have an extremely short conversation in which Sam learns that another AU hunter simply vanished. And there's no explanation on Sam's end, just "yeah, I understand." So have they already talked to AU Bobby about the Billie situation? Or was Sam and Bobby's conversation literally "hey, a hunter vanished into thin air, how weird is that" and "yeah, I understand" with no further discussion? Anyway. Dean says it's open season on anyone from another world (aw, sorry, Winchesters in Brazil), anyone who came back from the dead, and Sam gets a horrified look on his face and says "Eileen." Oh shit!
Meanwhile, out by the Impala, in broad daylight, Jack tells Cas that he feels strange because the plan failed and his destiny was averted. "I was ready to die, and I wanted to - for Sam, for Dean, for the world - I wanted to make things right. And now I don't know why I'm even here." OF COURSE HE LISTED SAM FIRST. Cas tells him he didn't need absolution from anyone, and that they care about him not because of his usefulness, but just because he's him. Somewhere Dean says "um, wait." Jack is scared because he's powerless and can't protect anyone. Cas is too. So, did Jack lose his powers after the earth shattering kaboom? Or earlier, and I just wasn't paying attention?
Nighttime. Dean speeds down the road as Sam texts Eileen. I don't know where Eileen is, but she must be pretty far away from Kim Manor. Sam told her to get out of her house, go somewhere public, and wait by her car. Now, I cover the guest star credits, so I don't know if Shoshanna is in this episode. But even unspoiled, I'm pretty sure she's not going to be there when they arrive. She starts to type a response, as evidenced by the bubbles, but then stops responding. Yep, just as I thought, no one is standing by her car. Sam finds her phone on the ground, cracked as if it were dropped (like, say, by someone who disappeared while holding it) and LOOK AT HER LOCKSCREEN. LOOK AT IT.
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Some will say this is just the photo that pops up when Sam texts her but they are WRONG. This is her FREAKING LOCK SCREEN, PEOPLE.
Anyway. He sees the unfinished message she was writing, which says she's by her car. Aw, Sam. Dean tries to talk to him and he says "I can't - if I let myself go there, I'll lose my mind, I can't right now."
Aw, SAM!
Sam compartmentalizes his grief and jumps into take-care-of-everyone mode. He says they need to gather everyone together, and they need to find a location central to everyone. Well, I mean, there is one place I know of that is literally the central most point in the United States, maybe you could go there? It's supposed to be secure from all things supernatural, too. Dean says that while Sam is going that, he is going to go end what he started. OH, GOOD. I WAS HOPING THEY WOULD SPLIT UP. "We couldn't make Chuck pay, but Billie? She left her blade. Her I can kill." Hey, wouldn't be the first time. Sam agrees, Cas says he'll go with Dean, and we get a brother hug. Once again, Dean does the two things I love when he hugs Sam: 1. he puts his arms on top, as if he were still the taller brother, and b. he looks away and packs up his emotions before he lets Sam see his face after the hug. "Let's go, Cas," he says. "Let's go reap a reaper." Cas turns and follows without saying anything at all to Sam or Jack, but I'm sure that won't be an issue.
Time jump - it's daytime. Sam's on the phone with Donna, who is standing outside her truck (but didn't she used to have a big black SUV?) at that bridge we've seen so many times. She's sending him to "the old Harmon property," which should be just what he's looking for because it has an abandoned silo. I mean, I wouldn't jump immediately to abandoned silo, but maybe there weren't any abandoned warehouses around. She says it's in Hastings, just south of her, and if you think I didn't confirm that the town of Hastings is in fact about 30 minutes south of Stillwater, Minnesota then you just don't know me at all.
Sam is at a gas station and oh, he's driving Eileen's car! That's not heartbreaking at all. I guess she didn't have her keys in her pocket when she disappeared. (Hah, like Sam Winchester needs keys.) Donna and AU Bobby are rounding up everyone they can think of. She asks what the plan is, and Sam bends down creepily to look at Jack in the passenger seat and says "I'm still working on that." I mean, I know they keep telling us Jack lost his powers, but the way Sam looks at him right here certainly suggests Jack is part of the plan, and maybe not in a good way. (Spoiler alert: seriously, why do I even bother.)
Sam comes around to Jack's window and tells him he needs him to drive, because Sam needs to work on archives and spells and stuff. And is that true, or is this just "I don't expect you to live through this part so I want to let you have some time behind the wheel of Eileen's 1970 Plymouth Valiant?" (At least that's what The Husband thinks it is.)
Bunker. Enter Dean and Cas. Dean declares that if Billie isn't in her library, they'll just trash the place to "smoke her out." It's an interesting choice of words.
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Foreshadowing Dean as the new Death? (Remember, I'm completely unspoiled. I know nothing.)
Silo. Let's stick to this location for now. Sam and Jack pull up and are greeted by Donna. Jack goes inside to set up the warding, and Donna gives Sam a nice hug.
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I want to be there.
She tells him she's sorry about Eileen and gets one of his sad little nods that I love so much. Bobby is already here, and she name-drops Garth and Jody and the girls, saying they're on "high alert." Sam tells her they're not on Billie's list, so they should be safe. And so should Donna. Well, that's good to know. Sam's surprised to see Charlie pull up. She tells him "I just don't want this to happen to anyone else." I don't know what you think you're going to be able to do, Charlie, but okay.
Turns out the silo is actually a Tardis, so I guess maybe it was a good choice. It's huge on the inside, and is also more finished than any silo I've ever been in (which is, okay, one silo, but still.) The interior is already heavily warded. Several people are milling about. {Sidebar: How many hunters were away from the bunker when Michael attacked, and why have none of them returned?} Bobby tells Sam that as soon as the hunters heard he wanted them there, they came running. "Whether you like it or not, you're the big man here." Hey, I wonder if the guy who called him Chief is here. Bobby, being a man after my own heart, is mostly concerned about the bathroom situation. Sam hopes they won't be there long enough for it to be an issue. He has a spell from Rowena (!) that should boost the strength of the wards, but that's all he has. Bobby doesn't look very reassured, and glances in a foreshadowy way at a family with kids. Sam looks around at all of these people he feels responsible for and takes a deep breath and oh, my heart.
Donna and Jack are painting more wards. Jack bends down to look at a plant, and Donna comes up to him and says "I'm no expert on this hoodoo stuff, but best we patch that up, yeah?" and I don't know what the hell she's talking about. What is this plant disturbing? Jack reaches out to touch the plant and it withers away as his hand gets close. Friends, I'm pretty sure this is a bad sign. Jack is too. He stares at his hand, and if he'd been watching a few seasons ago, he would have noticed that plants did the same thing when Amara touched them. Coincidence???
Later we see everyone watch as Sam recites the spell. (Yes, it's hot. Do you even have to ask?) The sigils glow red briefly and then fade, and the music turns ominous and I think this means his boost failed. But I guess not, because Sam says now they wait. But they don't have to wait long, because suddenly one of the children dissolves into smoke. One by one, all of the AU people dissolve like they've been snapped by Thanos. Charlie runs up to Sam and says "Sam, what do we do" just like Maggie did, and just like Maggie she's taken out immediately. Sam watches in horror as AU Bobby smokes out. He turns to Donna, who says "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good," and then Donna is gone! Crap! Jack and Sam are left staring at the empty-except-for-them silo.
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One more serving of despair, coming right up.
On to the other side.
Dean enters Billie's library, brandishing the scythe. Cas follows, bearing only a hangdog expression. Dean motions for him to go one direction and Dean goes the other, soon finding Billie. He thinks he's sneaking up behind her, but she says "So, I guess this is the part where I say hello boys. Hello, boys." Oh, I was wrong; Cas has his angel blade. Billie snarks about Dean's bad aim, and he says he wasn't trying to kill her then (which seems like a lie), but he is now, because of what she's doing to his people. Billie slams him against the wall again. She chokes Cas Darth Vader-style from a distance, and then the old fashioned way. "Remember when you stabbed me in the back?" she says. "Because I do." Oh, that's funny, because earlier Sam said she was going to stab them in the back. She should have said "like you stabbed me?"
Dean comes to the rescue by poking her with the blunt end of the scythe rather than the pointy end, so maybe she was right about his bad aim. Then he gets the blade against her throat (but still not the sharp end, just the back) and demands that she stop killing his friends. She says she didn't - it was Chuck. And Dean's wasting time.
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I'm considering it time well spent, because it looks so nice.
Billie tells Dean the injury he gave her earlier is something she can't recover from - she's going to die. She pulls away her coat to show him a nasty festering wound, and I wonder why something so physical would kill her, but. Eh. She tells him she doesn't care about his friends or family. "But seeing you here has reminded me of something. There is one thing I'd like. One wish before I go. I'd like to see you dead." She grabs her scythe back, flings the boys around, and slowly stalks toward them. Dean and Cas rush through the door back into the bunker.
Dean is panicky again, trying to figure out what to do next. He's suddenly struck down by chest pain, and I expect to see someone sticking a knife (or a scythe) in his back, but it's actually Billie doing it Darth Vader-style again. Cas drags him away as Billie monologues. "It's you, Dean; it's always been you. Death-defying. Rule-breaking. You are everything I lived to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate." Yeah, we know, Dean's awesome. We get this speech every season.
Cas and Dean end up in the dungeon storeroom. Cas gets Dean's knife out of his pocket and cuts his own hand to paint a sigil on the door. It looks like an angel banishing sigil, but apparently it block's Billie's power. Not permanently, though, because it fades as she pounds on the door. Cas says that since the wound is killing her, they just have to wait her out.
Yeah, and if we can't?
Then we fight.
We'll lose. I just led us into another trap. All because I couldn't hurt Chuck. Because I was angry, and because I just needed something to kill, and because that's all I know how to do.
It was Chuck all along. We never should have left Sam and Jack. We should be there with them now.
Yes you should, Dean, you really really should. Dean is practically drowning in despair, which, you know. Is a good thing. 10/10 would recommend. "She's gonna get through that door," he tells Cas. "And she's gonna kill you, and then she's gonna kill me. I'm sorry."
"Wait, there is one thing she's afraid of," Cas says. "There's one thing strong enough to stop her." He tells Dean about the deal he made to save Jack in the Empty.
Friends, I'm going to do you a favor. If you haven't seen the episode, and aren't planning to watch the episode, I want you to read this paragraph and then skip down until you see the pretty picture of Dean. And start reading after that picture. Trust me. So, Cas summons the Empty just as Billie breaks down the door. The Empty kills Billie, but she also takes Cas. Dean is saved but Cas is gone.
{Sigh. Can I skip this part? No, I owe it to you.}
Cas explains that the Empty was going to come snatch him away as soon as he experienced a moment of true happiness. But happiness isn't having, happiness is knowing. And Dean is wonderful and "Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love." You just threatened to shoot your little brother for love, for example. Cas is teary eyed and Dean looks confused as hell and I pause the TV and turn to The Husband and we have this conversation:
I don't think I can watch this.
Why, because it's so sappy?
No, because I think they're going to kiss.
What? Why would they kiss? Is there something I'm missing?
Because part of the fandom WANTS them to kiss, and there's this group of fans that are super obnoxious about it, and they harass the actors and the writers and I think now the show thinks EVERYBODY wants them to kiss. Even though the guy who plays Dean* says it would never happen. Because I know he wasn't happy about the way the show ended, and I'm afraid this is why he wasn't happy.
I don't think they're gonna kiss.
If they do, I'm done.
*The Husband is not on a first name basis with Jensen.
So, let me point out that The Husband, who watches this show the way a normal human being watches a show (i.e., doesn't interact with the fandom at all), had absolutely NO expectation that they would kiss. Anyway, with some trepidation, I push play again. And Cas is still going. Dean is the most caring, selfless, loving human being on earth (OH GOD MAKE IT STOP) and knowing him has changed Cas.
Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Because it is. I love you.
Don't do this, Cas.
We see a black blob materialize behind Dean, because even though the Empty can only come to Earth if it's summoned, there it is. And I could argue about whether Cas being happy actually summoned the damn thing but I've already lost the will to live, so instead I'm going to describe to you how I watched in horror, with my finger hovering over the pause button, as Cas reached out to Dean and put his hand on his shoulder. But he just pushed him out of the way. Thank you baby Jesus. Billie breaks the door down as the Empty slurps into the dungeon. It surrounds Cas and Billie and sucks them into its depths. Dean is left alone. Oh, and he has a bloody palm print on his jacket from Cas grabbing his shoulder. I guess someone did watch a little bit of older seasons after all. Hard to tell sometimes.
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I mean, at least he looked good, right?
Back at the silo. I've decided it must be mostly underground and isn't a grain silo like I thought. So what kind of silo do Yankees have that's mostly underground? Anyway. Jack and Sam emerge, having failed catastrophically at their mission. Sam is trying to call Dean, who isn't answering. He looks mildly panicky. "Sam?" Jack says, a little shaky. "Was it just them?"
OH CRAP. I didn't even think of that possibility.
"I don't know," Sam says, also shaky. And as we see an empty gas station and playground, it really looks like it wasn't just them at all. Sam and Jack look at each other, alone and terrified. And back in the bunker's dungeon, Dean's phone rings. It's Sam. He doesn't answer.
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So. You know how sometimes something really good will happen in an episode? And I'll say, no matter how bad this episode is, this 90 seconds makes it worth it? Well, sometimes the opposite happens. Sometimes you get a two or three minute scene - a horribly written, badly acted scene - and it's so awful that it ruins an episode. A season. A show. I'm angry that the showrunners pandered to a small, noisy minority of fans to throw something into the show that most fans didn't want and didn't help the story at all. I'm annoyed that, once again, Dean is put up on an embarrassingly overwrought pedestal. I'm kind of amused that they did this in the worst way possible. Cas's love was unrequited (unless they screw that up in the next episode), Misha's acting caused so much secondhand embarrassment that I had a hard time watching again, and from what I see on Tumblr, half of the Destihellers are furious because "Dean is a homophobe." Which is bullshit. Not returning someone's romantic affection isn't homophobia. It's consent. (I know... on this show? Ha ha.)
{Sidebar: If "Destiel" means the characters have mutual feelings for each other, doesn't this mean Destiel is not, in fact, canon? I mean, it was already so badly written that one could argue Cas wasn't proclaiming romantic love, but just a life-changing experience thanks to one human. Discuss.}
But I need to stop thinking about it. I can't - if I let myself go there, I'll lose my mind, I can't right now.
And this wasn't even the Buckleming episode, friends. There is probably a Buckleming episode left.
I got so distracted by this nonsense that I almost forgot to talk about the Jack situation. So here's how I feel about that. I love Jack as a character. I love him as someone the Winchesters could lose (Basically, someone to stuff in the fridge? Why not.) But I don't want him to be one of them. I don't want Jack's story to be treated as if it were as important as the Winchester's story. Just like I didn't want Cas to have his own plots. I want it always, always to come down to Sam and Dean.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to say. But for right now, all I'm saying is this: I pledge to stick with this show, to stick with fanworks, no matter how badly they fuck up the landing. But guys, you don't have to try so hard to fuck it up.
Two to go. As always, help me stay unspoiled, including casting info and episode titles.
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some time off in the distant future
[it's the year whogivesashit AD. somehow, antarctica hasn't melted into a few hundred extra feet of ocean depth, and the bone gang are all still alive.* for simplicity's sake, there aren't any new characters in the base yet.]
[in this story, we join a particularly boring day. airstrike is on the couch, barely awake, with nebula draped over his legs. she's tended to do this quite often now. bunkerbuster is in the kitchen, searching for things to eat in the fridge. maybe he'll eat the entire fridge. who knows? on another hand, bonecrusher's just woken up with a cube of energon. god knows where he gets them, because he certainly hasn't been getting them from the energon cupboard.]
BB: g'mornin', mister low energy all the time. how goes the dreaming?
BC: just as pleasant as can be. [he swigs some energon.]
AS: yeah, m... [yawn.] morning, bonecrusher.
BC: how are you doing this morning, airstrike?
AS: i just woke up, can't think too fast. i love how soft nebula is without her armor, i gotta say.
BC: good to hear. good to hear indeed. [he takes a seat on the couch, alongside airstrike and nebula.] of course, rockie's just as heavy of a sleeper as she's always been.
BB: she can never manage to bring herself up on time, hmm? i wonder why that is.
[a knowing chuckle from the couch potatoes.]
BC: heh. y'know, i've been thinking about my nightmares, past & present. remember the one i told you about rocketjumper being brainwashed?
AS: oh primus, that one's a real rollercoaster. what the hell got into your processor back then, boney?
BC: if i had to take a crack at it, i'd probably guess war trauma and instigations from then-recent events. god am i glad those nightmares don't exist anymore.
BB: hmm... hey, whatever happened to ground control and his human friends?
BC: well, they're humans. they died a long time ago. the only ones left are TYRANT, his gang and the spacesuit dudes in the vents.
AS: huh. i've been thinking about mafia soldier, specifically. y'think he's still alive somewhere?
BC: ah, mafia soldier. i haven't seen him in a while, but rumors have spread that he's still out there somewhere, lurking in the blindspots, as it were. maybe he's become immortal by marrying ms. reaper. god knows his fate. [a slurp of energon.]
AS: mm. i've also been thinking about the humans and why they think that there's distinctive 'good and bad' sides to us cybertronians.
BB: i think it's something out of necessity, to be honest. they need to have the autobots be the good guys so that they can be happy every time we, the bad guys, lose, or something to that effect.
BC: isn't there a reason it's called 'fiction', though? like, they can't just keep winning forever. besides, we're the most feared decepticon group still on earth. they'll probably just run out of morale eventually.
AS: hmm. how many autobot outposts have you destroyed?
BB: haven't had the time to find any, but of the ones i did, i busted 6 outposts.
BC: there was a fuckton of them in the amazon rainforest, dude. i think i crushed... ~27 outposts in there alone?
AS: 'was' is right, sheesh. have you seen any autobots in antarctica?
BC: no, and i'm guessing you're the reason why.
AS: eyup. 106 autobots found, 105 of them killed and 1 mortally injured.
BB: what happened to the last one?
AS: fortslammer stole the kill.
BB: of course he did. [chuckle.] he's always stealing kills these days, isn't he?
BC: [another sip of energon.] what was my life expectancy again?
AS: huh... rather out of the blue question. are you feeling alright?
BC: probably.
PW: [he leans out of his office.] hey, out of the blue doctor here! not sure what your life expectancy was, but i can tell you that you're not at risk of any surprise system failures. you're good.
BC: he-hey, wonderful.
PW: just call me if you need anything, i'm here forever. [he pops back into his office.]
BB: hmm. i can't think of anything to eat. has megatron (ambiguous) told any one of you guys about his plans for antarctica?
BC: don't know, don't care. megatron's plans are terrible and always end in failure anyway. oh, and try some oatmeal. that usually helps.
BB: sick. [he sifts through the cupboards for a bowl and some oatmeal packets.]
AS: [yawn] what if you just... had a spark attack? like the one moment you're alive, and the next, [he snaps his fingers.], gone like the matrix of leadership?
BC: i hope that doesn't happen soon. or at all. i'd rather die to my wife's blades than die of a spark attack.
BB: quite extreme, but i can see where you're coming from. mercy kill or otherwise?
BC: i honestly don't care. i just want her to kill me once i've lived long enough.
AS: is it because she's a milf?
BC: it's because she's a milf.
AS: knew it. hah.
BB: good ol' boney and wanting to die to his milfwife.
BC: mind if i lose consciousness?
AS: go for it.
BC: cool. i should be back within the hour. if i'm not, get one of the E-ESBs.
BB: g'night, sweet prince.
[bonecrusher's eyes empty themselves of any red, and his frame goes limp. his energon cube remains intact.]
BB: what a guy.
AS: damn right. [chuckle.]
[bang, new story from way far off in the future! they's just chillin :). seeya!]
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