#poor mac doesn't know wtf he's gonna come back to
bardic-inspo · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the lovely @persephotea <3
Tagging in turn: @poetikat, @electricshoebox, @velvet-verve, @some27-url, and @halkuonn if you'd like to share. No worries if you'd rather not!
Feel free to give this post a like if you want me to tag you in future WIP memes.
Most of Chapter 30 of Bring the Gasoline is bullet points still, but I have a few stray lines from each POV I can share. Tentative chapter title is "Trust Fall".
Get to Virgil,  get back to the Castle, and get on his knees to get back in Nat's good graces. Get used to being down there for a while. She’s gonna make him work like hell for it. Maybe, MacCready thinks, as he turns the wheel on the back of the suit and steam seeps free, this is the easy part.
& Nat:
Deacon offers his hand, but all Natasha sees is a speeding train. One more jump, and she’ll be swept away.
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