#plus size tropical dress
angryrdpanda · 8 months
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Since it's Summer here again in October...
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natalinidesign · 7 months
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 3 months
The Temptation Chapter 1
Summary: Father Barnes is devout, steadfast, and undeterred by flirtatious congregants.  So why does this fallen angel tempt him so?  You cannot serve two masters.  Will he choose God, or his heart? Here's the Priest!Bucky x curvy!reader fic! I hope y'all like it. Warnings: eventual smut; religion (yes it's a warning); mentions of past sexual assault
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“Father Barnes, I have some unfortunate news.”
Bucky turned towards his senior priest, Father Richards.  “Yes?”
“Constance Y/L/N has just passed away.”
“Oh,” Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed as he processed the news.  “How sad.  I mean, she was getting up there in age but, still, a great loss.”
“Yes, it is.  Her funeral arrangements will be handled by her granddaughter, Y/N Y/L/N.  She should be landing into town tomorrow, I was hoping you would be willing to pick her up at the airport and bring her to Constance’s home, then schedule a meeting about the arrangements and the service?”
“Of course, Father.”
That’s where Bucky found himself now, waiting in the baggage claim area of the airport with a sign in his hand that had her name written on it.  He had no idea what she looked like or knew anything about her.  As he looked around, waiting patiently, a woman came through the door that made him do a double take.  She was beautiful, short and curvy, dressed in a long black dress that she kept stepping on, covered by an oversized, long, black and ripped sweatshirt that read “WOMEN RUN SHIT” in red embroidery, Converse sneakers that peeked from under her dress, with long pointy nails and her pink hair piled atop her head, held up by a black scarf.  She had very little makeup on except for a dark, blood red lipstick that Bucky couldn’t seem to stop staring at.  She looked around until her eyes fell on Bucky, read the sign, and gave him a polite smile as she headed towards him.  Bucky gave her a polite smile back as he tried to hide the panic he was feeling inside.   
“Father Barnes?” Y/N asked as she approached him.
“Yes, Y/N Y/L/N?”
“That’s me,” she flashed him a full smile, making her teeth look stark against her lipstick.  
“Is this all you have?” Bucky asked, looking at the purse and backpack slung over her shoulders and the large rolling suitcase she had.
“Yep, don’t have much.  Thank you for the ride.  I haven’t been to Brooklyn since I was a kid and I just didn’t wanna deal with the hassle of a taxi or Uber.”
“It’s no problem.”
Bucky tried hard to not stare at her or even look at her too much.  He had been a priest at his parish for 15 years, and had never had a moment where he felt like he was being led astray, like he’d always been warned about during his seminary years.  He felt secure in his promises and covenants to the church and to God.  And yet here was this woman, who just waltzed into his life on a chance, who he was feeling something very strange towards that made him question his life.  And he didn’t even know her.  Sinful.
“So what do you do for a living?” Bucky tried to break the ice as he drove silently, weaving through the New York traffic as best as he could.
“I’m a traveling photographer,” Y/N said as she watched the buildings and bridges fly by.  
“Really?  That’s interesting.  How did you get into that?” he asked.
“Um, it just kinda fell into my lap, I guess,” Y/N answered, giving him a glance.  “I grew up in Brooklyn, went to the church and everything with my grandmother, but at 16 I decided it wasn’t for me and went through a bit of a rough patch for a while.  Started taking pictures as I went from place to place, posting online, and gained a following.  Here I am, 16 years later, getting paid to go places and take pictures and give travel advice.”
“Wow,” Bucky breathed.  “Where’s your favorite place you’ve been?
“Well, traveling as a plus sized person has its challenges,” she started, shifting in her seat.  “The place that I felt most comfortable was the Leeward Islands, so Bora Bora, Tahiti, those areas of French Polynesia.”
“Very tropical,” Bucky commented.
“Ha, yes,” she giggled.  “A big reason why I loved it.”  She paused and looked at him.  “Have you ever been on a beach like that?”
“No,” Bucky answered.  “A beach at a lake when I was a kid, but nothing quite as pretty as crystal blue waters,” he glanced at her, giving her a lopsided smile.
“Hm,” Y/N watched him, a sad expression flitting across her face.  “That’s too bad.  There’s really nothing like it.”  She paused again, a mischievous grin pulling at her lips.  “A pretty thing like you on a sandy beach in Bora Bora would do wonders with the locals.”
Bucky’s eyes widened at her compliment.  He cleared his throat and swallowed as he tried to relax the blush that filled his cheeks.  “Thank you for the compliment.”
“Anytime, handsome,” she teased him, huffing out a laugh at his expense.
Bucky wasn’t blind to the fact that he had attractive features.  He’d been hit on too many times to count by the women, and some of the men, in his congregation throughout the years.  Some tried harder than others, the idea of a forbidden love or lust-driven “corrupting the priest” sounding appealing.  He’d been able to squash those easily.  He could of course see or recognize when people were attractive, and occasionally had the fleeting thought of “what if?”  But it sounded different coming from her for some reason.  
“I mean really, if the priests looked like you when I was in church I would have paid more attention.”
She said it in such a deadpan tone that Bucky couldn’t help but to fully laugh.  She joined him in laughing as they finally pulled up to her grandmother’s brownstone home.  Bucky helped her hoist her large luggage up the stairs.  Y/N grabbed the key from the hidden spot that the estate lawyer had told her about and let herself and Bucky in.  She wheeled the luggage off to the side as she looked around the foyer.
“Almost exactly the same,” she muttered.
“You know, it’s just very strange for me to call you Father,” Y/N interrupted him as she whirled around to face him.  “What’s your first name?”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up.  “Oh, um, it’s James, but I always went by Bucky.”
“Bucky?” Y/N repeated it, looking confused.
Bucky silently reveled in how she said his name.  “My middle name is Buchanan, don’t ask me why,” he joked, making her snort.  “Bucky for short.  I just always went by that rather than James when I was younger.”
“Well is it alright if I call you Bucky?” Y/N asked hopefully.
Bucky really should have said no, that it’s not appropriate for people to call him by his name rather than his title.  Yet he found himself saying, “Yes.”
“Great.  I’m sorry I interrupted you, what were you going to say?” 
“Well, my senior priest, Father Richards and I would like to set up a meeting with you to go over the funeral arrangements.  When would you like to do that?”
“Sure, um…” Y/N got distracted by something in the foyer.  Bucky followed her eye line to the large cross her grandmother had mounted above the door.  She sighed heavily before meeting his gaze.  “How about tomorrow?  10 a.m.?”
“That sounds great,” Bucky agreed.  “Well, is there anything else I could help you with while I’m here?”
“No, thank you.  You’ve been very helpful,” Y/N gave him a tight lipped smile.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Great, see you then.”  Bucky turned away and out the door, unable to handle being in such a close space with her anymore.
As he got back into the parish car and drove back to the church he heaved a heavy sigh of his own.  This is going to be dangerous.
The next morning Bucky found himself taking more time to get ready.  He was trimming his beard, redoing his hair in a bun and repeatedly straightening out his Roman collar and his shirt.  He knew why he was doing it but was in deep denial.
Father Richards was waiting in the main office as Bucky went out to the sanctuary to see if Y/N had shown up yet.  When he walked in he easily found her sitting on one of the pews.  Today she wore a long, fluffy cardigan with a sports bra and flowy lounge pants.  She wore no makeup and her hair looked like she’d just rolled out of bed.  
“Good morning, Y/N,” Bucky greeted her as he approached.
Y/N was staring at the large cross at the front of the sanctuary with the statue of Jesus hanging on it.  Her eyes slowly turned to him, a frown on her face that she tried to hide quickly.
“Good morning, Bucky,” she greeted him, her voice sounding scratchy.  “I’m sorry I look a mess, the jet lag is making me feel rough.”
“I understand, it’s alright,” Bucky gestured for her to follow him.
He led her back into the hallways of the church until they reached the main priest’s office.  Y/N paused for a moment outside the office door as Bucky held it open for her, before she inhaled quickly and stepped through the door.
“Miss Y/L/N, my name is Father Richards,” Richards held his hand out, which she stiffly shook.  “I’m sorry we couldn’t meet under more pleasant circumstances.  May I offer my deepest condolences to you.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said somberly.  She sat on the chair in front of the large wooden desk.  Her eyes settled on one scuffed spot on the desk as Father Richards and Bucky sat across from her.
“So, let’s get started,” Father Richards began.  “I’m sure you know your grandmother was a big supporter of the church.  She gave us some of our largest donations over her lifetime.  She had some instructions she left with me but I wanted to make sure everything sounded good to you before I enacted them, or if there was something left in her will that I wasn’t aware of?”
“The will and everything else is stuck in probate court right now,” Y/N answered, her tired eyes trying to focus on him.  “So honestly, whatever she told you is fine.  Doesn’t really matter to me.”
“I see,” Father Richards said, sounding a little annoyed.  Bucky glanced at him.
“Please don’t mistake my indifference for not caring,” Y/N retorted.  “I loved my grandmother, I just didn’t love her religion.  And that caused a rift between us.  I haven’t seen or spoken to her in years, so I was pretty surprised when I got a call from a lawyer in New York telling me she’d died and left me everything,” she continued, her words getting more curt by the second.  “No offense to either of you but me being here is highly triggering.  So is there anything else you need from me?”
“Uh, yes,” Richards tried to recover the conversation, his tone sounding more jovial.  “She did ask that you sing at her funeral.”  
“Absolutely not,” Y/N spat, her eyes narrowing as she minutely shook her head.
“Oh, well, I mean that’s what she wrote here–”
Bucky watched on in concern.  He knew the church came with a lot of baggage for some people, that its history was unclean.  He worried about what this would mean for them as she worked with them for this funeral.
“Hm, of course you don’t have to, but she always said how you had a lovely singing voice–”
“I said no,” she seethed.  “Now if you’ll excuse me,” she stood suddenly, Bucky and Father Richards copying her.  “I need to go.  Just call me if you need something else.”  She rummaged into her cardigan pocket, pulling out a wallet and taking out a business card, flinging it at them on the desk.  “Good day.”
She turned on her heel and hightailed it out of the office.  Father Richards and Bucky exchanged a bewildered look.  “Go,” Father Richards instructed.
Bucky jogged out of the office to catch up to Y/N.  “Y/N, please wait!”
Y/N sighed loudly as she turned back around to Bucky.  “I’m sorry for my rudeness, I just can’t stay here,” she said, continuing to walk away. 
“Hey,” he jogged around her until he faced her.  “Obviously there’s some deep problems you have with the church.”
“No shit Sherlock,” she dodged him, heading towards the front doors.
“And I don’t blame you!” Bucky walked alongside her.  “There have been bad things that have happened in its history.”
Y/N stopped abruptly as she rounded on him.  “To ME!” she pointed a finger towards herself.  Bucky stopped, his eyes widening at her.  She was shaking as she tried to calm herself.  She took a deep breath and a step back from him.  “I appreciate that the church has given you comfort, peace, a purpose maybe, but I grew up here,” she paused, stopping herself from crying.  “Father Carmine was here before you two, right?”  Bucky nodded his head slowly as he watched her.  “He hurt me.”
Bucky felt his heart plummet.  He had met Father Carmine many years ago as he and Father Richards were transferred in to replace him.  He had had an amazing rapport with the community, his congregation seemed to love him.  Now Bucky knew the reason for his sudden retirement.
Y/N scoffed.  “That notch on the desk?  In the office?  That’s from the heel of my shoe,” she took a step closer to him as she peered up at him, a fury in her eyes that made him feel like withering on the spot.  “My Mary Jane shoes, from my school uniform, when I was 15 years old.”  Bucky felt like he was going to throw up as he digested this information.  “So you’ll have to excuse me, if coming here to the place where I was abused and then unbelieved by the woman who raised me who I now have to bury, is dredging up some pretty raw emotions in me right now.”  Y/N was whispering now, her eyes filling with tears as she glared at him.  “Every cross, every Jesus statue, every rosary, every goddamn Roman collar,” her eyes flickered to his neck, “reminds me of that day.  So the fact that my grandmother was willing to still hold her funeral here in this godforsaken place, and then have the audacity to throw her money at me and ask me to sing?”  Y/N shivered violently as she grunted.  “I can’t…”
Bucky didn’t know what to do as he watched her fight off an oncoming panic attack.  “Y/N, hey…look,” he started to take off his Roman collar.  She watched him hesitantly.  “See?  Look, just me.  Not Father Barnes, not Father anything, just Bucky.”  He held his hands up towards her in a sign of meaning no harm.  “Constance was extremely devout, for sure,” Y/N scoffed again, rolling her eyes.  “But that was no excuse for her not to believe you,” he took a step forward.  Y/N’s eyes narrowed at him.  “You deserved to be believed.  You deserved justice, and you never got it.  I’m so sorry,” he took another step until he could reach out and hold her arms.  He lowered his face so he was eye level with her.  “I’m so sorry for what happened to you.  You didn’t deserve it, no one deserves that.” Y/N’s tears finally fell as she shook in his hands.  “And I’m sorry for Father Richards pushing you, he’s a very…no nonsense, regimented kind of guy.  But he should have taken your refusal the first time.”  He squeezed her arms and she took a shaky breath.  “We’ll follow her instructions, get through the funeral, and then you can be done with this place.  And go enjoy a long vacation on a beach in Bora Bora for me.”
Y/N laughed at that, her smile finally breaking the sadness etched in her face.  She wiped her eyes as Bucky dropped his hands from her.  He felt like his palms were stinging from the sensation of touching her.  “Thank you, Bucky,” she sniffed.  
“No problem,” he smiled at her.  “I know this isn’t a great place for you, but I hope you know that I believe you, and I’m here for you.”
Y/N gave him a long look, her eyes roaming his face momentarily.  She nodded and turned to leave, then suddenly turned back around and walked up to him.  She wound her arms around his waist and gave him a hug, squeezing him.  He barely had a chance to hug her back before she stepped away and walked out of the front doors.  Bucky watched her leave, already missing the way she smelled.
**picture if from Pinterest, it's A.I. so there's no "artist" or "creator"**
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moonbiscuitsims · 2 months
My Stardew Valley project: Lots Layout plan in TS4
(This is not/will not be a save or a download as I use way too much CC for that, just a personal project and plan of lots I found suitable; I don't know how long this will take me or if I'll ever complete it but having a plan helps me so much to not get stuck later)
I'm sharing this in case it is handy to anyone wanting to do a Stardew Valley save in The sims 4 from scratch (lots off gallery are limiting with their sizes and needing specific lots, so I'm starting from zero unless a lot fits) without ugly set dressings or stupid backgrounds that don't make sense, and trying to group together the lots properly like they are laid out in the game so you can see them in the distance, or at least put them on an isolated lot with a clear surroundings if they have to be separated. It isn't perfect and is subjective and pack dependant but I spent a while today just laying out in my blank save (I use the srslysims blank save for this) where I wanna build what and who lives in each lot, so I'm sharing it in case it saves someone time or is useful Some lots are for a few sims living together to do two or more builds on one lot. This could possibly work with For Rent, but I don't dare try it lol. Others are just living alone. Others are just community. The main worlds I'm using are:
- Henford on Bagley:
The finwich area for the main Pelican town area ➡ 1= 1 Willow Lane (Sam Vincent Kent Jodi) + 2 Willow Lane (Hayley and Emily) these are here because of the river and the bridge leading "down to the beach" just everything is perfect for me. 2= Mayor's Manor, 1 River Road (Alex, George, Evelyn), 2 River Road (Pam and Penny trailer) this one is a little cramped and will have to be one next to the other but it can work. That way all these people live in the village centre. 3= Stardrop Saloon, maybe a little square if it fits, but probably not. 4= Harvey's clinic, Pierre's store. 5= Blacksmith and Library (+the little ice cream stand or market stall) 6= Joja Mart and/or Cinema (I'm doing both) 7= Bookseller with cute hot air balloon (this is random I wanted to do it, but it is usually just an empty area) 8= The farm 9= 24 Mountain road (Maru Seb Robin and Demetrius) 10= Quarry (set as generic) 11= Linus's tent 12= Adventurer's Guild and Mines (marlon gil and dwarf)
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Willow Creek (Community Center)
It is on the big lot in willow creek, no surroundings or buildings, so It was perfect, and gives enough space to build the community center plus the childrens park and the natural area around it and it's by a river.
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- Moonwood Mill as Cindersap Forest
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I know it's a bit grungy and has industrial deco but I don't mind these buildings as they fit with the nature imo. It had the perfect amount of lots for what I needed, plus a river. 1= Wizards Tower 2= Travelling Merchant 3= Marnie's Ranch + Leah's Cottage 4= Krobus/Sewer (this is the main reason I chose this world and I know there isn't a beach but the sewer pipe with trash aesthetic and the large lot in the forest was enough for me) 5= Mouse Hat shop /Abandoned house
Granite Falls for Secret Forest:
I'm doing this one (using Zerbu's all worlds are residential) in Granite Falls in the National Park lot, I just liked how big it is, how tall the surrounding trees are, and that it has a little waterfall area.
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Glimmerbrook as the rest of "Mountains" area (Railroad and Spa). I choose that lot of the railroad cause i can add a tunnel for the train with tool and it looks like its coming out the cliff
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Sulani as the Docks (with Elliots shack and Willy's shop) the build i've placed is from the gallery and is a water lot with the Night market (I really liked this and didn't want it separately) so I had to place it here. I do not actually like Sulani for this though, it is far too tropical and its on an island but I am forgiving it for the sake of having the beach lot. I wish Brindleton Bay had a beach lot near the docks would have been much better. You could change this and put it anywhere if you build your own beach as a pool but I hate doing that... In Sulani I'll also build all the Ginger Island stuff, but I still haven't played through that properly so I can't say what is going where yet.
Forgotten Hollow (witch's swamp/hut)
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Forgotten Hollow as the witch's swamp /witch's hut area (again this is random but I wanna include it and make the witch for fun)
Oasis Springs as The Calico Desert
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This large lot is perfect. It has a road, not too much going on around it except rocks and desert, and I'm gonna put everything here (Sandy's shop, Mr Qi's casino, and the desert trader outside). I will not be building the bus stop anywhere cause it is unnecessary. I forgot to mention but also the skull cavern might fit here or I'll do it on some other lot maybe OTHER INFO
Mods I'm gonna use to help the lots work as intended: I'm gonna play with littlemssams live in business mod to achieve the character being able to live on what should be a community lot and for it to still be functional, as well as chingyu's welcoming lot trait to avoid sims not being able to do what they want on these lots without being "innappropriate". For each of the lots and worlds I selected I spent time entering each and deciding which areas most closely resembled the areas from the game. For example if it had a lake or river nearby, or if the lot was big enough to build each thing. This could change but I think I'm happy with it. I might have to change some of this or make tiny builds to fit the multi build lots. Every single thing is super unfinished and empty, this is just my layout plan.
Conclusion: I hope this helps someone or if not and you even read this far that you like my idea :) If I forgot something or someone or said a name wrong, sorry, though I haven't fully finished the game yet. Basically I tend to get super overwhelmed and annoyed if there are stupid buildings or things that don't match, and am unable to just randomly plop any build anywhere like many players do due to obsessing over it not looking right around the build...maybe I'm a perfectionist or wish it was a blank world, but this is my next best thing. At least this was easier than my Cyberpunk save with way more foresty/countrysidish options 😅
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maliciousalice · 3 months
👕 & 🍽️? For the trek ask game
Heheh thanks for Asking Meg!!! All aboard another long winded ramble about my wife ST: Voyager!!!!!
👕 Character whose fashion you like.
While I answered in the last one, I think I'll add to it by saying I love the Ds9/Voyager Uniforms--Infact I'm a HUGE sucker for them--At least to me, they feel like THE signature trek costume rather than TNG or TOS ones. Plus, they are fun to draw! I love how they look on the actors with the structured upper half, and loose, high-waisted pants that give everyone the illusion of height.
Those that are dressed in the uniform are portrayed with a respectable heft and a pleasant, overall shape. I know it's not the case, but they look like they are really practical. This is fully intentional as the lead costume designer said they wanted the suits to appear modular and have advantages in different environments. That's why sometimes they are unzipped or twisted around, depending on the narrative.
I could go on and on about them. I act feral over how they look when when all the actors stand together, turned in various ways, posing so that that folds pucker on their joints, or when subtle differences in their body sizes take up screen. It just looks so cool! I'm a big fan of squad-based, colour-coded uniforms and clean silhouettes.
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Most importantly though, it gives them all BODY-ODY-ODY!!!
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🍽️What alien food/drink would you want to try?
I wish I could find the video but I've seen bits and pieces about how they designed the food on the sets and I think it's super charming!
Lots of effort went into considering the cuisine. It just about decorates every set and It was important to the show. Voyager engaged in a lot visual gags, or dialog discussing food. It was in a comforting way that would present the characters with their personal ideals of home.I find that subtext of world-building really endearing.
Many scenes involved characters bonding in the mess hall, socializing around food, or isolating with it to gain a sense of self. In contrast, it's used as a device for diplomacy, or to make settings seem more alien, unnavigated and removed from regular comforts. It's even incorporated into main plot points, such as with Tuvok in ''Riddles'', when he gains a newfound skill around cooking after a serious accident, and he solves the plot by decorating a code on a cake. Through food, we saw a lot of what it could be like to be a crew member on the ship, and live inside their Universe. It wasn't always pretty but they made it work.
We have a really rich food bowl and diverse food-culture In Australia, I love noticing exotic food that are used as set decoration of as props--I am used to seeing tropical fruit or Asian ingredients around my community, so it's fun to see it transformed. And much like the characters in Voyager, I relate to the comfort and the charting of new territories when it comes to seeing/ eating food.
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I suspect being a chef / working in hospitality would be an interesting occupation in Trek. Everyone complains about the lack of authenticity from replicated food, so I'm sure being a good Chef would be worth your while.
I genuinely want to try Old-mate Neelix's cooking. He seems so creative and passionate about what he plates up, and he CLEARLY (they all put on weight haha) kept the crew well-fed. ''Bitches make do'', but you can tell he cares by the questions he askes everyone, or the detail he places into his recipes. I'd like to see what all the fuss is about with Leeola Root Stew. I bet it's not that bad! (I like bitter food) Or better, serve me up a Jimbalian Fudge cake! It's so quaint how there is an evolution to his work as he gets more integrated with everyone.
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(crying over this ^) Neelix Nation Rise Up!!!!
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pudding-parade · 1 year
Via Discovolo by MomSonSimFun
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Do you like Monte Vista but maybe not the size or pre-population of Monte Vista? Then this world might be for you. It's a smaller island (1024x1024), with many of the buildings in Mediterranean style. It gives me a bit of Isle of Capri vibes, with its multi-level terrain sculpting, and with many of the lots built cliffside.
It's an old word, uploaded in August of 2010, when the only EPs that existed were World Adventures and Ambitions, and this world uses items from both. It uses a few decorative things from the Store, but there's no CC. All of the lots that are built are fully furnished/decorated, with about 15 empty lots, most of them also cliffside. So if you fancy that kind of building, this would be a good world to mess around in. It would also be a good world to "dress up" with Mediterranean-ish items from the Store/Monte Vista and/or later EPs, not to mention CC. But, if you're not into building/decorating and just want a world to plop some Sims into and play, this world is ready to go as-is, as well, though of course it lacks community lot types from later EPs. It does, however, have all basegame rabbitholes as well as all of the "standard" basegame and Ambitions community lots, plus a few extras, like a church that can serve for weddings and a drive-in cinema. (Which doesn't have an actual, functional movie screen, but you could maybe add the one from the Store movie theater, if you have that). It doesn't have a standard "big park," but it does have many smaller ones. There's also a big-ass waterfall on the "back" of the island with a fishing spot at the top of it.
According to its Exchange page, the world has 37 community lots and 65 residential lots. So, there are a lot of lots packed into this little island. Many of them are small, especially in the "downtown" area, where there are many densely-packed smaller lots, mostly 12x15, with either rabbitholes or 3-story townhouses on them. But, the other residential lots range from a studio-style military bunker(!), to a residential lighthouse, to "standard" starters, to larger family homes, to a couple of small farms with pre-planted harvestables, and then up to sprawling Spanish-style seaside villas and one castle-type place on its own private terrace. Most of the bigger/non-starter homes outside of "downtown" come with cars or motorcycles, even. The "downtown" area is more old-looking, while some of the outside-of-downtown lots are quite modern in style. So, there's something for everyone. And, for the collecting-minded, there are all the spawners that existed at the time the world was made except for the WA China and Egypt fish spawners. You can catch frogs and snails, though, if your Sims are hankering for some frogs' legs or escargot. (I've always wondered why there isn't an escargot recipe, since you can catch snails...)
Overall, it's a cute little world made by, if the username is any indication, a mother-and-son team, which I think is cute. I'm pretty sure they made all the lots (except the firehouse, which is EA) as well as the world. And if you like this one, they uploaded two other (even smaller and older) worlds, too, which you can find on the Creator tab of this world's Exchange page. I have one of them, Bougainvillea Bay, in my "active" in-game-available worlds. It's also quite nice if you want a small, ready-to-go tropical island.
Anyway, as usual, the title of this post is a link to the world's Exchange page or, if you don't want to deal with the Exchange or with the Launcher/sims3packs, I have uploaded a .world file here as well. If you download that, it goes in your install files under GameData - Shared - NonPackaged- Worlds.
Now, let's move on to more pics and stuff, behind the cut.
Here are map view and Edit Town view of pretty much the entire world:
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Next, some of the community lots.
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An interesting thing that the creator did is to build overlapping walls around and roofs over the rabbithole buildings, to sort of disguise them and make them blend in better with the surrounding buildings. This is an interesting compromise between rabbithole buildings that just don't fit into a town's theme and the practice of hiding rabbithole buildings in basements. It's a neat idea, I think, and one that that I haven't seen done very often. All of the rabbithole buildings except for the bistro in this world are "disguised" this way.
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The cliffside building on the right of this pic is the library. The entire back of the building is two stories of glass, so your sims will have quite the view while they're reading or studying.
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This is the drive-in cinema. Apart from parking spaces for cars, grills, and the little decorative ticket booth that you can see, there are two buildings with restrooms and another with a fridge, counters, a coffee machine, and seating. (I'd put a food register in there instead.) There's also a small playground and a dumpster, which I think might be the only one in town. LOL Like I said, the screen isn't an actual screen, but you could maybe rig up something with the big movie screen Store item, if you have it.
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This is part of one of the three cliffside parks on the highest terrace in the world, just down the street from the city hall. They're hard to take pics of because they're narrow and have a lot of trees. This one has this bit that juts out over the cliff, though. It has a telescope and a nice view of the town below and the ocean beyond.
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This is the cemetery, which makes use of the henge rock formation and is overlooked by two big cliffside homes.
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This is one of the small parks in the world. It has a playground, a picnic area with grills, the little fishing pond, and the area to the right surrounded by white picket fence has harvestables in it.
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From left to right in this pic, we have the disguised day spa rabbithole and then two of the three-story townhouses typical of the "downtown" area of the world.
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The teeny-tiny junkyard is squished between the laundromat on the left (which has three entire empty floors that you could finish with stuff if you wanted to) and a townhouse on the right. Behind is the disguised theater rabbithole.
And there are of course more community lots, but that's enough pics of them. Let's move on to residential lots.
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This is the "castle" lot, with a nice porte-cochère. It sits on its own private terrace overlooking the town below.
And here are a bunch of others, from the hilarious little bunker to the grandest of the villas.
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And, here's probably my favorite of the residential lots in the town:
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I, as a claustrophobe, can definitely appreciate a three-story-tall tower of windows. LOL
And that's about all I have to say. Nice little town. Small in size but packed with lots that can be dressed up with a little remodeling/updating or left and enjoyed just as-is. I love the terrain sculpting with the multiple terraced levels and the use of rocks, and I appreciate what was done with what, at the time, was limited resources in terms of existing EP/Store content.
I'll leave you with a couple extra scenery pics because it wouldn't be a post from me without a pic of a big-ass moon. :D
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unlikelyfacecowboy · 1 year
Free Returns ✓ Free Shipping On Orders $49+ ✓. Plus Tropical Print Tiered Layer Swim Dress With Bikini Bottom- Plus Size Tankinis at SHEIN.
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angelandgypsy · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Spell & The Gypsy Mossy Strappy Dress Plus Size XL.
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myclothesbucket · 6 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Pink Tropical Print IMPROVED LIVING House Dress Nightgown Plus 3X XXXL.
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mhkeiger · 4 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lilly Pulitzer UPF 50+ Skipper Dress Tropic Down Low.
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diliwriter · 5 days
Where can I buy a dress in Sri Lanka?
Shopping for dresses can be a delightful experience, especially with the convenience of online dress shopping in Sri Lanka. Whether you’re looking for a casual sundress or an elegant evening gown, the island offers a variety of options to suit your style and occasion.
In the bustling streets of Colombo, fashion boutiques and markets abound, offering an array of fabrics, designs, and colors. For those who prefer a more traditional shopping experience, local markets and shops in Kandy or Galle provide a taste of Sri Lankan culture along with beautiful attire.
If you’re on the hunt for something unique, consider visiting the artisanal shops in smaller towns, where you can find handcrafted dresses that reflect the island’s rich heritage. These garments often feature intricate embroidery and vibrant patterns that are sure to make a statement.
For the eco-conscious shopper, there are also sustainable fashion outlets that offer dresses made from ethically sourced materials. These eco-friendly options not only look good but also contribute positively to the environment.
No matter where you choose to shop, it’s important to consider the climate. Lightweight fabrics like cotton and linen are perfect for Sri Lanka’s tropical weather, ensuring comfort throughout the day.
As you explore the various shopping destinations, don’t forget to check out the seasonal sales and discounts that many stores offer. This can be a great opportunity to snag high-quality dresses at a fraction of the cost.
When it comes to convenience, nothing beats online shopping. With just a few clicks, you can browse through extensive collections and have your chosen dress delivered right to your doorstep. Plus, online stores often provide detailed size guides and customer reviews to help you make an informed decision.
Finally, if you’re looking for a trusted name in fashion with a reputation for quality and style, Sriyani Dress Point is worth visiting. With their exquisite collection and attentive customer service, you’re sure to find the perfect dress that will make you look and feel fabulous.
Remember, whether you shop in-store or online, Sri Lanka offers a dress for every shopper out there. Happy shopping!
Sriyani Dress Point
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angryrdpanda · 2 years
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katelynnmae09 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Kate Kasin 2-Pc Tropical Mesh Swim Dress & Boy Shorts Swimsuit Plus Size 2XL.
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hobicakess · 2 months
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SUMMARY: . The Min Brothers were fucking insane
PAIRING: Ganster!yoongi x reader / Law enforcement!AugustD x fem! reader
RATING: 18+ (I am not a babysitter. You're in control of what you consume)
CONTENT WARNING: porn with HELLA plot   violence, plus sized reader , afro asian reader , dead bodies , blood , slight gore mention, stalking , twin rivalry , yandere, heavy angst, nonconsensual recording + photo taking , death threats towards innocent people, cheating, mc is very ... not smart! ( for the plot ofc ) , gang violence, reader not having a great relationship with law enforcement, reader has a criminal record ( don't we all? ) , murder , character death, guns, kidnapping ( kind of ) , e2l ( more like fuck buddies ) , hints to a robbery, SMUT hate fucking , clit / coochie smacking , bondage with a tie , overstimulation , degradation , gagging, car sex , bratty reader , dom!augustd , sub!reader , spanking , biting , spit mention, i hope that's all.
TAG LIST : @kooliv @princxssly82 @btsw1fe @princess-sunshyn @goldenmidnight @borahaerhy @itzz-me-duh @akiiron @thisladysperspective @kooliv @whenthebeatdrop-beatdrop @jenniexjenny @bashbri @cherryjenie
A/N: this is my longest fic ive ever written! the amount of times ive scraped this and rewrote it should be illegal. i honestly didn't see it becoming this big all i wanted was for me to hunch the police 🫤 WELL HERE WE ARE NOW!!!
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Looking a man in the eye and shooting him dead was never on your bucket list of things to do. You always wanted to go to Hawaii and lounge around in a tropical setting, or a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower but you simply weren't normal enough for that.
You were at your mailbox boredly flicking through the bills and useless advertised telegrams when a bright yellow envelope caught your eye.
You tuck the rest of the envelopes under your arm— using the acrylic nail on your index finger to open it. Slowly you began to remove the endless series of pictures. They all contained you and Yoongi together in multiple situations. One of you holding hands and walking into your apartment, the other of the two of you coming out of the car together. Your hair was disheveled, your hand tugging at the top of your dress, a wide smirk on Yoongi's face as his eyes looked directly into the camera fixing at his pants.
You swallow hard, heart beating a bass drum in your ears.
This is exactly what Yoongi warned you about in the beginning of your relationship.
“Y/N L/N?” You jumped shoving the photos into the envelope turning towards the voice. You are met with a man, his eyes a light shade of brown and his hair dark and curly.
“Who's asking?'' Clearing your throat, the grip on your once useless mail got tighter watching him dig into his pocket, pulling out his golden badge.
“Detective Kim Taehyung, I’d like to talk to you back at the station. Little birdy told me you know the whereabouts of Min Yoongi. Otherwise known as ‘Suga’.
You gulped, looking over his shoulder and seeing his partner leaning on the edge of his patrol car the ripped man throwing you a smile and wave. The bunny like smile didn’t even match his hulking figure.
“Well, your little birdy? Was wrong Mr. Kim have a good rest of your day.”
“Please don’t make this any harder Ms” You begin to walk away from the fed quickly, descending up the stairs of your home.
This is exactly what Yoongi didn't want.
“Y/N L/N you’re under arrest for the murders of Kim Hongjoon, Song Mingi, and Choi San"
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At the Seoul police station, you were roughed up and thrown into a cold interrogation room. Rubbing your raw wrist throbbing from being bound too tight by the handcuffs you were unlawfully forced in. Groaning your head banged on the cool metal table. The names of any of the men Detective Kim had listed didn't ring any of the bells inside your head. You had your petty crimes throughout your youth, but you were partially civil enough to not murder anybody. This was a tactic to get you to spill what you knew about your boyfriend, and his very illegal line of work. Hell, you didn’t really know anything but, in all honesty, you were ready to fold when he pulled his badge from his pocket. You and law enforcement never mixed well.
You hear the door open, making you sit up straight with a scowl deep on your face. "No one read me my rights."
He chuckled, his dark hair shiny in the low yellow lights. He turned, and your mouth dropped open. “I'll be sure to scold my officers.”
This man was a carbon copy of your Min Yoongi.
The only difference was that the scar on the left side of his face looked to have healed better and was faint. Unlike your boyfriends, whose scar was still an angry, bright shade of red, thick, and tissuey leaving him partially blind.
You knew your boyfriend had a brother. A brother who was in some type of higher up position working for him and covering his messy jobs. Though he rarely talked of him in greater detail, Yoongi had failed to let you know of his very identical twin. “You might catch flies Mrs. Y/n”, setting a large binder on the cold table and taking a seat in the wooden chair in front of you. You shut your mouth, mind running a million miles per hour.
“Seems like he doesn't talk about me much” A noise of disapproval left his lip. Lending you his hand, “Detective August, I requested your presence here in regard to my brother current whereabouts”
Your mouth turned into a thin line, and boy you really wished you knew. “I don’t know what you're talking about...” he hummed, cracking open the large binder skimming through it.
Your body stiff as he read off a file everything about you, “Your grades were decent in high school, though you dropped out suddenly in the middle of your senior year, you were homeless for a year after that, and you have a couple petty thief's and three assault charges”
He looked at you, nodding “You and my brother are a perfect match”
“My brother keeps many women around” he started leaning back into the chair, legs crossing “But you? He's kept you around for the longest, seven months?”
He whistled mockingly, “That's a world record. What makes you so special, huh?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, nails digging deep into your skin as your leg bounces with anxiety. He was pissing you off and the smirk told you he knew it. You could jump over the table and punch him for being an asshole cop and just for unfortunately sharing the same face of your absent boyfriend, but you didn't need another assault charge on another cop.
"And what the fuck does that have to do with me?”
“I always keep tabs on my little brother, always running around and making messes around the city"
So, you're his personal maid?" Watching his jaw clench you smile in satisfaction.
He harshly began to pull out batches of pictures, men whose faces you've seen before somewhere in your life. Till it clicked in your brain— all of these men have tried to make a pass at you over the past couple of months of you dealing with Yoongi romantically. The next handful of photos he pulled were them all laying in pools of their own blood.
"Very sloppy jobs done by yours truly."
Your stomach twisted in knots. You knew what Yoongi was capable of, but all of this for you? You swallow hard, letting a loud sigh leave your lips. "I haven't heard anything from him in 3 weeks he never tells me where he is, what he's doing, or when he's coming back”
August cursed under his breath, hand wiping down his face, "There's been radio silence for five days, were not even sure if he's in Korea anymore."
With that the worst possible scenarios flashed before your eyes, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Y/N, we’ll find him. It's not the first time this has happened”
“And how long was he missing?”
“A year and a half.”
You swallow hard, "And my murder charges?".
"They've suddenly been dropped. I'll be sure to remind my men to be less rough next time"
“Next time?”
The long months of being with Yoongi him disappearing on you wasn't rare. Being that he constantly let it be known that his line of work wasn't meant for you, and you didn't need to be involved. Three weeks has been the longest your lover has been gone. Three very long weeks with not even the smallest bit of news from Hoseok, his right-hand man. You were worried sick, but you knew your boyfriend was tough, and he always came back home to you.
Towel wrapped around your body, you sighed heavily, feeling yourself buzzing from the red wine you'd been consuming since you walked in the front door. It was near dark when Detectives Kim and Jeon dropped you off at home, apologizing for how forceful they were.
You didn't even know if you should have been talking to him and telling the man anything, but you just figured it was fine because he did cover a lot of Yoongi's ‘accidents.
After rubbing your body down with essential oils, you jump at the sound of the phone ringing. The caller ID stating ‘unknown' made you immediately press the green answer and put it on speaker phone, “Hello?
“Don’t you miss me, doll?” You stiffened hearing his voice for the first time in weeks made your body feel like jello. “You mad at me, princess?”
“Mad is an understatement.” glaring at the bright phone screen, “You're so cute when you frown” his words made your glare deepen, looking around your bedroom.
“Is there a fucking cam-” he cut you off. His voice was deeper than usual, all dark and serious, different from his usual playfulness. “I know you saw my brother today.”
“It's not like I had a choice” he clicked his tongue and mumbled shit over his breath and slightly ruffling like he was running his hands through his hair.
“I don’t want you seeing him again, he's a fuckin’ pig. You need to be more assertive. Hobi told me you folded as soon as Taehyung pulled out his badge”
You were at your breaking point, you haven't spoken in weeks and now he was trying to coach you?
“Oh fuck you Min Yoongi, our first conversion in weeks is this bullshit? I've been worried sick.” he stayed silent on the other end listening to you rant about everything. You weren't a dumbass. You knew that dealing with a gangster would come with extra baggage, but this was making your head hurt.
“Your killing innocent men for flirting with me? Then you might as well murder the 14 year old who gives me a free rose every monday”
“You think I won't?” blood running cold as a chill ran down your spin
"Yoongi can't be serious right now” His sigh was loud and frustrated, “Me killing six men for you isn't serious enough?”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want my brother around. Of course, he goes to you when I'm away. He’s already getting to your head and filling it with nonsense so he could have you to himself”
You scoff angrily, scuffing down your glass of wine. “You're so delusional, fuck you and your brother, I don't want anything to do with either of you anymore. Don't bother coming back here” he paused, then his laughter rang through the speakers like he was watching a comedy special.
“Youre hilarious, baby." he sighs and sniffs. “You know I can see you right? Been watching you since I left.”
Your eyes scan every corner of your bedroom. “You don't want me to come back and play with that pussy for you?”
“No.” You didn't answer just staring down at your clench thighs as his soft hum fills your ears, “You're not a good liar momma.”
“Fuck you Min Yoongi” he hummed, almost sounding like cats purr “I plan on fucking you.”
“l'll be home in two days, and I'm gonna make it up to you with this dick deep in your guts."
“I love you, and stop drinking so much your hangovers are the worst.” he hung up with that leaving you shunned to tears. Throwing your phone down you turn up the whole bottle of cheap wine.
Fuck you Min Yoongi
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There were three things that you learned over the past 24 hours.
1. No matter where you went there were always people watching you.
Even your own house isn't safe. Yoongi somehow placed cameras in unknown places all throughout and his men were on your tail along with August and his lackeys.
2. Yoongi was so right about your hangovers.
Your head was thumping the moment you woke up in the morning, still you got ready for work.
3. The Min brothers were fucking insane.
Pulling on the detective's sleeve, you drag him outside the saloon. August had shown up today at your workplace asking around for you and causing a scene. Knowing how nosy and gossipy your coworkers and customers were, you'd be the hot topic for weeks, horrible for your lowkey reputation.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you ask when the two of you were furthest away from the shop and out of sight.
August stared you down, face blank. You hated that he shared the same face as your boyfriend, and he was just as handsome, but the way he carried himself was totally different from his brother.
While Yoongi was very loose and airy, August was tight and stiff with every movement. Despite that, both brothers had a very demanding and dominated aura, taking up space even in the largest room.
“ If you had to ask me something, a phone call or text would have been great. Instead of barging into my workplace like a madman”
He blinked once, twice, then again, looking behind you. You turn and see several people entering your job. He then gripped onto your forearm and dragged you into his chest. You fight against his grip, cursing him and complaining.
"What's going on? Are you crazy?"
"Listen woman" he hissed grip tightening as he shook you slightly. "My brother needs to tighten your leash before I have to."
You open your mouth to get ready to mouth back, but his look shut you right up. "Those pictures you got in the mail. Who do you think sent them?"
You swallow hard before gulping harshly, putting two and two together. He knew what was going to happen if you stayed in the saloon longer.
"Now be quiet and get in the car."
August was seated beside you in the drivers seat of the tinted Audi. You hated this, you wanted to sleep but everytime you dozed off August was there to flick you in the forehead claiming he wasn't going to carry you when the ride was over. You kept asking him when that time was coming and his answer was always a dry 'soon'.
"You have a very foul mouth for a lady," he grumbled, not even looking in your direction.
"And you're annoying. No wonder Yoongi doesn't like you”
He growled hands tightening on the steering wheel. “Me and my brothers relationship is hardly any of your business” With a roll of your eyes and a huff, you cross your arms.
“You two should have never made it my business." his eyes shifted towards you for the first time since getting put in the car. His eyes burning into the side of your head, but you kept your focus outside of the window, ignoring him. Your thigh began to bounce in anxiety as you got tired of his staring.
"Can you keep your eyes on the damn road?" You snapped at him. "You've spoke to my brother yesterday, no?"
"So what if I did." Looking back out the car window.
"You remind me of my brothers last whore. A dumb puppy." he said, you didn't even think when your hand raised smacking the clone of a man across the face. The raw sound of the skin colliding echoed throughout the car.
"You sound jealous of your little brother August." His face went through the most emotion you'd seen him show.
"Awe, poor August always in Yoongi's shadow, hoping and wishing to be just like him- ACK"
August foot slammed hard onto the break sending you forward, seat belt digging in your chest, head inches away from hitting the dashboard.
"Don't talk about shit you don't know about" his voice raises looking at you with slitted eyes. But you didn't have to know much to figure out that August was living in his brother's shadow. So you pressed on, acrylic nails tapping all over his buttons.
"Yoongi gets to do things without consequences while you pick up and clean up after. I'm sure you're tired, I know you wished you could make a mess and not clean it up for once."
“Get out.” and with that you opened the door, slamming it hard beginning your long walk down the dark road. Hearing the sound of the driver side door close your turn and see August. Giving him two middle fingers you grabbed your phone from your work pants, cursing as there was no cell service. You heard August behind walking steadily.
You must have misjudged the distance between you and him before you knew it you were lifted off the ground. Your phone is thrown to the ground and his shiny dress shoe is stomping on it. You claw at his back, kicking and screaming “You psycho! Put me down!”
A smack echoed through the trees. Your ass stings as you embarrassingly laid limp over the detective's shoulder. He walks both of you back to the car. There was no getting out of this situation and before, you knew it. You were thrown into the backseat of the car, an angry August looming over you.
You both were breathing heavy as you stared at each other, and before you knew it, he was smashing his lips onto yours. You should have screamed more, or headbutted him like Yoongi taught you, bit his tongue when it slipped inside your mouth, but you didn't.
You allowed him to put his tongue in your mouth. You allowed him to grope your chest as he grinded himself against your crotch and you let the moans slip from your mouth. High-pitched and whiny they were. When you two parted a thin line of spit followed his lips immediately latched hard onto your neck.
He was mumbling. You couldn't what he was saying with the way his hands roughly dragged your work pants down your ankles and rubbing you through your damp panties. Humorlessly he laughed,
“If this is the mess he would leave i wouldn't mind cleaning it”
"I wonder which one of you got the most attention growing up?" smirking as you egg him on further, making him bite your neck hard, you were sure there was blood leaking. "You run your pretty fucking mouth too much." Shoving your panties into your mouth roughly shoving your legs up to your chest.
Staring at your glistening folds he groans, slim fingers ghosting over your peeking clitoris. Your thighs quiver as his fingers sink into your wet hole, moaning against the damp fabric in your mouth. “I wonder what my brother would say if he knew how easy it was to get you spread open for me.”
Lewd sounds came from the bottom half of you as his curled fingers roughly fucked your insides, you were sure that the mess was leaking onto the dark interior of his car. He never looked away from your face, staring intensely into your eyes and every time you closed your his thumb would press directly on your swollen and sensitive clit. “You're gonna cum?” He asked obviously, telling from the way your thighs twitched and from the way you squeezed his fingers like they'd stolen something from you.
“Slut” he hissed, watching you fall apart in loud high pitched, pornographic moans. He didn't stop his movements until you were sobbing for him to stop, the buzz and sting in between your legs was simply too much to handle. “Tch...” he removed his finger from your insides smacking his palm against the wet flesh. His pants were hurriedly unbuttoned, and his hot flesh smacked onto your own.
When he sinks himself into you— gasping out loud nails digging into your palms. While Yoongi was long and curved at the tip like a dagger stabbing at your g spot, August was thick from bottom to top, feeling him throbbing inside you as he forced himself deep into your stomach. “This is why he kills for you, fuck...
His thrust rocked the car heavily as your moans and his occasional grunts filled the small space. Your noises muffled against the panties in your mouth, damp with your saliva. You could feel his thrust becoming sloppier and your stomach tightening. The grip on your neck loosened as he pulled you to kiss him. Your organisms crashed together as your thighs shook against his waist and he came deep inside your withering body. The two of you laid there breathing heavily as your eyes slowly began to drift shut. “If this is what gets you to shut up, I would've done it a long time ago.”
He huffs, swiping his fallen curls back as he moves to untie you, removing the cloth from your mouth as you limply laid. He wrapped his suit jacket around you and pulled up your pants still mumbling. “Sleep well, we've got 20 minutes left.”
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You awoke with a yawn rolling over you blinked a couple times before remembering your night eyes popping open you wipe the sleep from them, blinking. “Goodmornin’ doll.”
Min Yoongi hovered over you with a gummy smirk causing you to gasp. Leaping up from your plaited position your arms wrapping around his neck. He hugs you back tucking his face into your neck, inhaling the sweet scent that always stuck to your skin. In that moment you forgot that you were supposed to be mad at the man too overwhelmed with his presence. He pulled back pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes were darker than usual. Sucken in from the weeks of lack of sleeping and you noticed how much thinner he was.
Then it hit you like a truck.
August, kidnapped? the car, his dick . . .
You were a dirty dog clinging to your boyfriend after getting your brains fucked out by his twin brother who he obviously dislikes.
You cry into his neck as he shushes you, he was way too calm about this and that was just the signs of a storm slowly but surely brewing. He lets you go softly, standing to his feet. Nodding at the clothes hanging on the dresser in front of you "Put those on and meet me downstairs." With a quick kiss he leaves you sniffing and alone.
Descending down the long staircase your bare feet pad against the cold tiles. You spot Yoongi and his men standing at the bottom. Yoongi watched you walk down hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket, cigarette burning between his lips. He was quick to grab you when you finally hit the last set of stairs, arm snuggly wrapping around your waist as he walked you through the large house.
"Where are we Yoon?"
"Do you trust me?" He asked, as Namjoon opened the door to the outside. Your eyes widen in horror as you see what's behind the door.
He grabs your face to make you look him in the eyes as he asks you again more aggressively "Do you trust me Y/N?"
You sniff back tears looking the man you love in the eyes. "Yes. I do Yoongi."
He clicks his tongue staring at you a moment longer. "I don't believe you."
You let out a string of protests as he drags you outside, you stumbled falling to your knees. You hand smacking into the pool of blood. You gagged dry heaving as Yoongi scoffed at you snatching you back to your feet.
Blood staining the concrete ground as multiple bodies lay only inches away from you both. Their faces were covered with blood stained bags, and their hands and feet tied together. You could hear some sobbing and begging while others laid still more than likely dead.
You stood there shaking in fear as you watched Yoongi pull a gun from the waistband of his pants. While Namjoon and Hoseok pulled a squirming man in front of you. "You see, doll everything I do is for a reason."
"I tell you to stay out of my business for a reason"
"I tell you to keep Hobi at your side for a reason."
He clicked the silver weapon as he yanks the sheet of the man's head revealing August. His face was bruised and bloody as he stared from the gun to you. A humorless chuckle leaves his lips as he bows his head to the ground. "If you shoot me, our pact is done, and you'll never see the light of day or your slut again."
Verbally wincing when Yoongi knocks the butt his gun against his brother's face. August makes no sound head turning as he spits the blood from his mouth. Yoongi crouches down to his level, clicking his tongue as he hums. "I'm not gonna shoot you August what kind of little brother would I be?"
"Grab the runts." He tells his right hand men, bringing in Taehyung and Jungkook who struggled against them. "You see brother you think you're so smart because you got your little degree."
"But that doesn't mean shit." He stands to his full height turning towards. "There's a reason our father gave me his empire and not you. You're predictable and impulsive you think fucking my girl is going to send me over the edge and make me break our pact by ending your miserable life."
He laughs, "Well August... I'm not going to kill you no matter how much I'm burning too."
He turned towards you giving you a gummy smile. Not at all appropriate for the current circumstance you were in. "She is."
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- © hobicakess ! do not steal, modify, copy, plagiarize, nor repost any of the works on this blog without given permission!
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barbarabgb · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Dress Floral Tropical Print Summer Plus Size 22 / 24 (1X) Ellos.
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giftsforus · 3 months
Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt
The Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt is not just a piece of clothing; it is an expression of style, comfort, and a touch of the tropics. This shirt is not limited to any gender, making it perfect for men and women alike. Its vibrant colors and unique design make it a fantastic gift idea for anyone, regardless of age or personal style. The Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt takes inspiration from the picturesque landscapes of Hawaii, known for its lush greenery, beautiful flowers, and laid-back lifestyle. The shirt features a striking combination of tropical flowers, such as hibiscus, orchids, and plumerias, intricately woven into the fabric. These floral patterns create an eye-catching contrast against the solid background, instantly capturing attention and making a lasting impression. Made from high-quality materials, this shirt offers unparalleled comfort that complements its impressive design. The fabric is soft, breathable, and lightweight, ensuring a cool and comfortable fit, even in hot and humid weather. The classic button-down style allows for versatility in wear, making it suitable for various occasions - from casual outings to beach parties or even tropical-themed events. What sets the Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt apart from other shirts is its inclusive nature. It is designed to be a unisex garment, providing a perfect fit for both men and women. The loose and relaxed fit ensures comfort for all body types, while the available size range guarantees a suitable option for everyone, from small to plus sizes. This shirt makes an excellent gift for anyone, whether it's a loved one, friend, or colleague. Its vibrant colors and tropical patterns evoke a sense of joy and adventure, making it a perfect present for those who appreciate unique and stylish clothing. Whether they live in a tropical paradise or simply want to bring a touch of the tropics into their everyday life, this shirt will transport them to a beachside vacation whenever they wear it. Furthermore, the Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt is suitable for a wide range of occasions. Its casual elegance can elevate a simple outfit, making it appropriate for social events, parties, or even work-related functions, depending on the dress code. The shirt effortlessly combines comfort and style, allowing the wearer to stand out from the crowd while feeling relaxed and at ease. In conclusion, the Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt is a versatile and stylish garment suitable for men and women of all ages. Its striking design, comfortable fit, and inclusive nature make it an ideal gift for anyone, regardless of personal style or occasion. Whether worn for a special event or as part of a casual ensemble, this shirt is sure to bring a touch of the tropics into anyone's life.
Get it here : Highland Cattle Tropical Flower Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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