#plus i think him just being self-conscious about having an average face would be more interesting anyway
drdt-headcanons · 1 year
I'm not a big fan of believing Arturo is hiding some sort of scar underneath his mask (the dev confirmed he took it off to eat the cake in chapter 1 and just placed it back on). So he looks average at best, but thinks he looks unattractive himself. Felicity also had the same thoughts that she was ugly, therefore affecting her self esteem. The Giles parents didn't make it any better, which is what lead Arturo to leave and 'live his own life' while still having that horrible idea that he was ugly burned into his mind. Felicity wasn't so lucky ;-;
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lonleywriters-blog · 10 months
I hope you are doing well and if not im so sorry! I hope it gets better (it will it always does)
If you are still taking requests I was wondering if you could do head cannons (idk if that's spelt right, I cant spell to save my life) of gotham villans with a plus-size bf/gf? And if you do Jeremiah could you include pre-spray too? (Pre-spray Jeremiah has my heart) thankkkkkkk youuuuuuu!!!!!
Gotham villains with plus size s/o
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He isn't a smaller or average man himself so he can be insecure.
He genuinely doesn't even think of your weight, he is just so taken back by your curves.
He is entranced by the way your curves move and look.
He will buy you tight and fitting dresses all the time, unless he sees you are getting self conscious because of it.
He will sit you down and whisper sweet words in your ears for hours. He means every word to.
He loves to grab your thighs, it doesn't even have to be sexual.
If you are in bed reading with him his hand is just resting and lightly massaging your thigh.
He hates to see you cry or even slightly sad, especially if it's because of your appearance. He will literally drown you in affection until you can't say anything bad about yourself.
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He is so pathetic and needy, he is shocked anyone wants to date him.
He is even more shocked when it's a curvy girl, just his type.
He is literally always a blushing mess around you, it doesn't matter how long you have been together.
Will trace his finger up and down your stretch marks as he falls asleep.
If you ever mentioned being insecure he will find out why and point out every single reason he lives that part of you.
If you dress up he will let you walk him around like a dog, just happy to be by your side.
You could practically use him as an accessory, and he would happily thank you.
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Literally worships you, like actually has his goons worship you.
He will have shrines built, some combined with his, others separate.
He needs you to be seen and adored like he sees and adores you.
He will get the most expensive and flattering clothes, having you prance around for him.
You are like a model icon of the underground world, no one can say anything negative because you always look your best.
He spoils you. Hair, makeup, nails, anything you want you can have.
If you don't want anything at all he is more than happy with that as well.
Instead he will buy you movies, snacks, and the fluffiest blankets.
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My man will go feral.
He hadn't thought much of being with someone curvy, since he was mostly locked up or in middle of a big plan.
When he sees you, he drops everything. He doesn't care if he is getting shit at, he has to say hi.
He will never let you leave the house without giving you at least ten compliments and grabs.
He is obsessed with dressing you up.
Especially in vintage style dresses or gowns of any type
If he ever hears people talking about you he will torture them.
Sometimes he gets very tempted to just hypnotize you into being more confident when he sees you sad. He never would though.
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He gets so giddy around you, he just can't believe you are real.
You are real, and you really want him. That's almost too much for him.
He will do anything he can to make you comfortable and confident.
He always carries a mini lotion for your thighs so you don't get sores or chub rub.
He dots on you all day, you will distract him for work almost every time.
Can't help but grab your hips, literally always had a hand there.
He loves to hug you while you cook and use his hands to move your hips to whatever song plays.
He is obsessed with the way your curves move, he can't get enough.
He will beg you to sit in his face, he needs to feel your thighs around his head.
He is actually so whiny and pathetic for you.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
​Housewardens X Chubby!reader
This has been sitting in the drafts for ages. But for all my fellow Plus size Twst fans out there. 
This isn’t light hearted in tone like the Obey Me one, but even so, I hope you enjoy.
Just like with the Obey Me one, I do mention body insecurities concerning weight. 
Riddle is the one who has a lot to unpack. With his moms obsessive calorie counting and portion sizing, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had instilled in Riddle the idea the being over the average weight=the worst thing you can be. Riddle may not be rude to your face about it. But you can feel the judgment.
After his Overblot and realizing he was wrong and needing to mellow out a bit, is when he realized how horribly he had misjudged you. If you had been purposefully avoiding him so as not to deal with his bullshit, Riddle will apologize with you the first chance he gets, because who knows when the next chance will be? 
Over all Riddle has come a long way since coming to NRC, and he is your #1 defender. He will not hear any rudeness towards you. It is off with the heads of anyone that wants to make a comment about your weight or anyone else who is also plus size for that matter. 
In his homeland it’s actually viewed as a good thing to have extra weight. A bit of a hold over from the olden days of famine when people still lived off the land. Caring more weight meant you were taken care of and nowadays it’s a cute trait. So Leona does not mind at all, and has no qualms telling you he likes it.
You will be a pillow for this asshole. If you find him napping somewhere, you will be dragged down and have him lay on your stomach. 
Pretty much all of the guys from the Sunset Savanna are in the same boat as Leona for the as mentioned above reason. So they’re all cool, and if anyone ever bullies you for being plus size, you can call up one of them. 
Azul is the one that well and truly gets it. When you vent or recount a story about how the store carried nothing in your size. The times you felt the judgmental eyes of others. Or when you had to get off a ride because the seatbelt was a touch too small to buckle. It’s been a few years since Azul had been in your position, but that fat kid he was never truly left him in the back of his mind. Sure some of the other housewardens may be sympathetic, but Azul is the one that really understands how horrible it can all feel.
It’s one of two things with Azul. Either you are someone like him, who is self conscious and wants to loose weight, he’ll help and share tips on what helped him. (For a modest fee of course) On other hand, if you are comfortable and confident in your skin, Azul has a level of respect for you, and even a bit jealous. Your prior surroundings had not been cruel enough to you where you had endure the mockery he did. And if you were bullied for your weight, you didn’t allow it to break you. That quality alone is something Azul admires in you. In a way it makes him wonder how he would have been if his environment had been kinder to him.
Azul will not tolerate anyone who is rude to you for your weight. Even if it doesn't matter to you, it does to him. He’s not projecting, what? You’ll find minor annoyances like that start go away after awhile. If you ever comment on it he’ll simply go, “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed. But it so much nicer without people like that yapping away when they're not wanted?”
It has genuinely never occurred to Kalim. Well, not occurred but rather it’s not something he thinks about. Like he knows you're chubby, but he doesn't pay it much mind. If you’re some who is on the shy side, he has a knack for making you comfortable. If you’re more extroverted, you’ll get along with him phenomenally.
Kalim unabashedly adores you. He gives his affection you, whether that be platonic or romantically, without any thought. You’re one of his favorite people. 
If Kalim did have comment about your chubbyness, it is always positive. Boy loves to hug and cuddle you, he loves it. Give him all the snuggles.
Despite how Vil will diet at at the slightest sign of weight gain, he doesn’t expect that of you, that is just what he puts on himself. Unless you are part of something liek the VDC training camp, Vil will never impose his strict diet or routines onto you if that is not what you want, and you will never hear him comment on it either.
Vil doesn’t really care about you being on the plump side, what he does care about is whether or not you are making any effort. You know he doesn’t take sloppiness. If you tell him you have trouble shopping for your size, Vil will find something. 
Overall, despite being in a very vain industry and the rigid beauty standards he hold himself to, Vil has met many talented and gorgeous people of all shapes and sizes. So he views you in that same regard: Someone wonderful that he cares about dearly.
Let’s be honest, Idia does not care. If anything you guys are on opposite ends of the spectrum, you’re chubby (and if you’re short too like me, welcome to the club) and then you have this tall lanky mf. If anything Idia wishes he could gain a little weight so he can stop being called a radish sprout. 
 If you and Idia are romantically involved in some way, expect your thighs to be his new obsession. Even if you are not together and it’s just a crush on his part, he’s going to be thinking about it. He would like very much to have to have his head in your lap please. 
Unironically calls you “Thicc AF”. I will let you decide for yourself if that is an endearing quality or not.
Like Kalim, Malleus Doesn’t really care nor think about it. Fae don’t really have the same concept of fatphobia or body image issues like humans do. Plus a some very famous fairies are also on the more plump side. Malleus doesn’t really care. If you are self conscious about being chubby or tell him that other people are, this is all news to him. 
But it’s one of those things that, once you bring it to his attention, Malleus finds he likes those qualities about you. Whether that is in general or jsut because they are your traits remains to be seen. But Malleus finds he enjoys holding you, or laying on your stomach, lap, or chest if you will allow it. (Romantically or if you guys are just close like that.) 
If people gave you crap about your weight, you will find that is no longer a  problem, because no one wants the ire of a dragon for bullying his child of man.
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astralglam · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
1. What does your muse smell like?
without soap or perfume, 683 smells bizarrely sterile, chemical-ish, like a dentist’s office, bleach or cleaning supplies.  like hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs.  they have that faint smell of powdery clean cosmetics, only because they wear so much foundation, face powder and setting spray.  humans like things that smell less artificial, so 683 takes to using cheap perfume (think a teenager who just learned to douse themselves with axe or bath and bodyworks spray), which is artificial in a slightly more palatable way.  their clothes (which are almost all second hand) have that mothball-musty smell of a thrifted dress that hasn’t been washed yet, like an old book.    
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
cold, frigid and icy, almost like a mannequin’s if you left the mannequin in the freezer. their skin is tight over their tendons and fingers, with almost waxy, plasticy skin stretched over their joints and knuckles, which makes them seem very fragile.  sometimes their palms are uncannily clammy.  their skin on their palms isn’t rough or calloused but they’re starting to get scars on their fingertips from their voyages into the realm of string instruments.  they used to have very neat, clean and unpainted nails, but nowadays, they have divots and cracks because 683 is clumsy with the strings.  
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
683 is often at the mercy of when their friends will decide to cook for them/buy them food.  they don’t have any cooking skills and can barely wash and cut an apple (this isn’t because they’re stupid, on atomina they were used to communal dining with a designated set of people who cooked for everyone in their unit).  683 is naturally accustomed to eating plant matter and (unlike us humans) has a way better digestive system for breaking down cellulose and gets a lot more out of their vegetarian diet than you might expect (two stomachs aint for nothin).  left to their own devices they just eat Whatever (orange? handfuls of spinach, unwashed, pesticides dont hurt them.  microwave a tomato and watch it explode.  brave cutting open an avocado and just eating it with a spoon).  dinner is when priscilla either buys him take out or sid cooks something for him (and sid is an amazing cook!!!).  sid isn’t vegetarian, but his family is, so he knows how to make all kinds of dishes perfect for 683 -- substitute the dairy for nondiary alternatives and 683′s getting matter paneer (with tofu instead), malai kofta (with coconut milk), and aloo gobi (no butter), all sorts of things !!! 
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
sort of.  683′s voice, by itself, is nasally and weird and a little grating, but their devotion to music lets them make the most out of their “strange” voice and almost use it to their benefit to sound unique, different, super far out !11!11111  their lyrics, instrumentals and emotion combined is what makes them a talented musician rather than just a good quality voice.  so while they might not have a very pretty voice, they’re still a skilled singer due to their delivery.  
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
im assuming this is about bad (physical) habits rather than personality deficiencies (of which 683 has many).  683 stares, like, really just stares at people with reckless abandon, they havent figured out it’s rude.  they arent good at even pretending to listen so if they’re disinterested in what you have to say, they’ll look elsewhere, pick at their nails, mumble or interrupt you.  always finds a way to make the conversation about themself.  very disorganized and messy, has a hard time taking care of objects even if they value them (ex. dropping his guitar, misplacing jewelry, yanking a belt off and breaking it).  definitely self pities and has no problem trying to guilt you for everything and anything.  is a pretty frequent smoker, but is polite enough not to smoke if you ask him not to.  
683 is always a little nervous so their nervous ticks are just their baseline state of being (wringing hands, stammering, talking really fast, making insane gestures all around you but being too afraid to touch you, etc)
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
683 looks very put together at all times -- not necessarily polished or professional, but very intentional, in that you can tell they definitely made a conscious choice to dress the way they do.  he wore the same dumb uniform every day for the first 20 years of his life, so he’s very excited to try new clothing options.  
more femme-ish clothing preferences go to boxy, sleeveless a-line dresses, miniskirts, bright floral patterns, big plastic earrings, headbands, scarves, etc.  they like clunky platforms and prefer to wear boots.  very 60s mod and colorblocked.  she loves bright eyeshadow but tends to go for more neutral lipstick.  can never figure out what to do with her hair so she usually leaves it down or does a half-up half-down bun kinda deal.  
more masc clothing preferences are bell bottoms, button ups with butterfly collars, paisley print, turtlenecks and fringe jackets, etc. earthy tones and weird nasty olive green.  very late 60s / early 70s. prog rock flavor or glam rock flavor.  never got into the disco style only because he cant pull it off because he’s so scrawny and twitchy and has no chest hair to impress the ladies.    
one thing about 683 is that he hates tight long sleeves and goes insane if he has to wear them.  his uniform was sleeveless, so even short sleeves feel really weird and horrible on his arms.  prefers sleeveless, can do with short sleeves, 3/4ths sleeve or loose long sleeve, really tries to avoid tight/constricting long sleeves.  
i have a pinterest board of potential fits for him although i havent updated it because i barely know how to use pinterest.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
to most people, not really, he’s kind of a weird cagey asshole.  oscillates between fascinated with physical touch (suddenly wanting to hug his friends or snuggle with them or grabbing strangers when he’s trying to talk to them) to despising contact (cringes if you touch his hand when you pass him a cup).  he didnt grown up with a culture very big on it, so he isn’t sure if he likes it or not yet.  
to people he does care about, he tends to take his friends for granted but overperform affection for those he has romantic interest in.  not that he doesnt also dearly love and adore his friends, he’s just not the best at expressing his care for them other than random bursts of kindness and dissolving back into his weird normal self.  his understanding of romance has come from a very commercial, media-influenced place (he learns about it through television, novels and commercials, it’s not really inherent to his species) so he thinks romance is about buying flowers, holding hands, staring into each other’s eyes for three hours, etc. if he has romantic interest in you, he will constantly over and over again tell you how much he likes you and your company and you are soooo funny hahahhahhfhh, and will be unusually touchy (clings to your arm, sits RIGHT next to you, drops his head on your shoulder, etc).  
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
683 didnt know what blankets were until he came to earth (or deep space nine) !!! his old room was perfectly temperature controlled and he already has a lower natural body temperature, so there was no need for blankets at all.  human beds with big pillows and blankets are THE COOLEST, so he either curls up underneath a blanket with only the top of his head poking out or he sprawls out like a starfish to take advantage of as many pillows as possible.  his special move is to roll up in the blanket like some kind of little alien lumpia.  
he’s a fitful sleeper so if you sleep in the same bed as him, he’ll punch you or kick you on accident.  he does appreciate company, though, and will also plaster himself up against you and leech your body heat with his weird cold body.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
depends.  they have a very average speaking voice and aren’t necessarily very loud (plus platforms dull footsteps), but if they were excited, they might raise their voice or yell or exclaim something.  and then they’re very shrill, so yes, you would hear her.  
Tagged by:  @sampati im sorry i took like a week it was really fun i love to type letters and words on the computer Tagging: @dynaura or @pataparty (for whoever you want) / @phantombs / @ofgentleresolve (for lamon? or anyone you want, really!!) / @bystcrdust / @kyrieleisen / @baelends / @bup1957
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: the sims 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: settsu banri/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 2.1k words
𝐚𝐧: banri and reader? using the Sims as an excuse to flirt? more likely than you think. been playing Sims 4, and I got a surge of inspiration at like 1 am. also, friends to lovers is one of my faves, goes hand in hand w/ many tropes (fake dating cough cough)
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A laptop with no mouse, you’re such a pro-gamer.” Banri teases you, lifting the blankets slightly to let you settle in beside him. Fixing your position on the bed, you let out a laugh as he yelped from the skin contact.
“Your feet are fucking cold!”
You stick your tongue out at him, before turning on your laptop. “Then don’t make fun of my set-up, e-boy! You’re the one who wanted to game in bed.”
“I was expecting gacha-“
“I have event burnout,” you whine in protest, “I need a break from my eternal suffering, so we’re playing the Sims 4.”
Shuffling closer to you, his thighs now beside yours, he watches you load up an unfinished sim from your gallery. He snickers as he looks at the avatar closely.
“Oh, so we’re making each other then?” Banri asks, noting the various clothes that looked incredibly similar to stuff he actually owns. Clearly, you already got a head start. “My face looks kind of fucked though.”
Giggling, you turn to face him. “Obviously it’s hard to do your gorgeous, one of a kind face justice, have pity on my average sim-making skills.” You joked, observing Banri’s expression for a comeback. Whatever he throws at you, you’ll be prepared to throw back.
“Then I’ll let you look at my face as a reference, for as long as you want,” he replies, the quirk of his lips letting you know he had more to say. “Just like how you’re looking at me right now,” he continues, a little softer this time.
Caught off-guard, you force yourself to turn back to the bright blue screen as Banri’s sim lets out various sounds of Simlish non-sense. Did joining theatre make him even more smooth or something?
And here you thought you could avoid the feelings continuously sprouting in your chest. You supposed inviting the object of your affections over to your place didn’t help your case; with your friend spending more and more time as an actor, you secretly longed for and cherished the time you spent together.
Still, with how he grew and bloomed as a person it was hard not to catch feelings.
With a boyish grin set on his face, he found himself revelling in your cute embarrassment. “Made ya speechless?”
“Something like that,” you said half-heartedly.
You always found him attractive, bowl-cut, dumb animal print and all. Of course, as if you would ever tell him seriously lest his ego gets bigger. Yet when you were looking at a picture of him for reference, your thoughts weren’t ‘yeah my friend is attractive, what a good reference for this sim’.
Instead, it was more along the lines of, ‘I’d like to punch his mouth, with my mouth.’
Slightly concerned by your lacklustre response, Banri looks at your face for a sign of discomfort or anger. Lips slightly pouted, eyebrows somewhat furrowed, and eyes completely focused on the screen.
Wait, what were you doing?
“Yo what are you doing to my face! Stop stretching it out!” You were smiling again, so he wasn’t all that bothered by your petty retaliation really, plus it was nice to know he hadn’t said anything that was out of line with you.
“Fine, fine. I wanna get Banny’s face right.” You say.
Banri opens his mouth, then closes it, then lets out a huff of laughter. “You have a nickname for the sim now?” He was about to say more until one of your hands takes hold of his face.
Settsu Banri was not easily flustered, nor did his face turn red from small, insignificant touches. The tingling feeling rendered within him as your fingers brush against his skin, however, was present no matter how much he denied it.
This weird silence wasn’t really his thing, but if he spoke up now or teased you back, there was a chance you would stop. Why didn’t he want you to stop?
Your index finger traces his jawline, the pad briefly meeting his cheek before sliding upwards to the bridge of his nose. He didn’t close his eyes, but with your intense stare piercing through him, his gaze shifts towards somewhere, anywhere else.
The wall was a nice place to set his eyes on. Not so plain that his thoughts would wander but not so cluttered that he wouldn’t know where to start. There was a time when your room was littered with posters from different shows, games, bands- he could remember it pretty well, having made fun of you for it.
At the present a choice few posters still there, but now there was also the addition of photos of you and other people on the wall. Some were polaroids, others were pictures you printed out yourself and taped on.
From afar, he spots several photos with him in it- when you went thrift shopping together, the cultural festivals you dragged him to and the music festivals he visited with you. A part of him is pleased, smug even, to know that he’s important enough to you have his pictures up there.
He hadn’t really thought about it before, but when did the two of you get so close to hang out all the time? You had always been chill with him even when he was a delinquent, but after joining Mankai the two of you had grown closer.
“Oi, Banri. Look at this!”
Huh, when did you stop touching his face?
When Banri looked at the screen appraisingly, his sim version- Banny, you called him, looked a lot more like him. You even dressed him in clothes he would’ve chosen for himself.
“Like the animal print? Downloaded a bunch for you.”
He whistled, looking at the different outfits you chose. “You did pretty good, I guess. Could probably do better though.”
You scoff, looking a little doubtful. Sure, Banri excelled in many things, but making a good sim look-a-like isn’t a common talent, especially without any practice.
“Have you even played the Sims 4 before?”
Shrugging, Banri pulled the device onto his lap from yours. “2 and 3. Never touched 4, should be easy enough.”
He plays around with the options for a bit. After entering your name and gender, he looks through the possible aspirations and traits he could give your sim, which was easy enough. He briefly wondered if you would protest being given a mismatched trait, but when he hovers the cursor over one you don’t react at all. 
Calling out your name, he eyes you from his peripheral. This wasn’t the first time you spaced out today. One arm went in front of you as he waved his hand to catch your attention.
“You can… also,” you paused, chewing on your lip for a few seconds, “for reference. If you wanted.”
He whips his head to face you completely, looking a little shell-shocked.
‘If I wanted?’
He paused, figuring out how to phrase his response. Honestly, he probably didn’t need to- he already has your face mapped out and memorised in his brain at this point, but there was no way he was admitting that.
Besides, if you offered it wouldn’t be wrong wanting to accept.
“Not that I need it, but I’m just making sure, ya hear?” His voice was the same as always, not a sign of wavering to hint at his anticipation or nervousness. “Bet you just want my hands all over ya or something.” He said, doing his best to manage a playful tone but not quite making the cut.
If someone else had said it you would have felt called out, or at worst offended, but you knew he was merely slipping into the language he most felt comfortable using.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Your voice came out a little shaky at the start, but thankfully he doesn’t out you for it. “Just don’t be weird about it.” There was no doubt in your mind that your cheeks were hotter than the sun, but you were curious about how it felt.
“No pressure,” Banri said, hoping his face is still the picture of nonchalance despite the erratic thumping of his heart in his chest defying it. “You can back out anytime.”
You don’t answer, steadily avoiding his gaze by observing the hand hovering near your face. It twitched.
The blanket shifts as Banri sits in a way where he could look at you properly, putting the laptop aside.
As soon as you felt his fingers come in contact with your face you immediately shut your eyes, unable to bear the embarrassment. A multitude of questions ran through your head, unable to concentrate on a single one.
Why did you offer? Why did he accept? You did the same, so why was it such a big deal if he touched your face? Why did you touch his face in the first place? Why were you so touch-starved? Why did he it feel so nice?
You hoped closing your eyes hid the self-consciousness and pleasure you felt at this moment, enjoying his knuckles glide against your skin.
Banri narrows his eyes, stomach twisting at how overwhelmingly adorable you looked and how soft you were. Hell, you were turning him all soft and sappy and disgusting but that was the least of his worries right now. At least your eyes were closed, he doesn’t have to put on a facade— that this was just a friendly thing, because if he was reading the signs right you were both venturing somewhere beyond that.
His thumbs press against your cheekbones, so featherlight the sensation might as well be from a ghost. You stay still, unable— or perhaps unwilling— to move, and as much as you try to hold it in your breaths grow more and more uneven the longer Banri’s hand lingers on your skin.
You wonder if this is as intimate for him as it was for you.
Your skin is warm and soft, he’s a little conscious if the callousness of his fingertips feels uncomfortable to you.
Even with the slight roughness, his fingers felt infinitely tender as they swept through your cheeks.
Following your cheekbone, he moves to your jaw, to your chin, and with his fingers up again to his forehead, learning the planes of your face. He’s had you memorised visually, but it wouldn’t hurt to familiarise himself with the feeling of you. Banri stretches out his fingers before fully cupping your face with his palms, swallowing when you lean your head into one of them.
“Do you know,” Banri hesitates, “what you’re doing to me?”
His courage wanes, he wants to say more but it’s so difficult sorting out the emotions overflowing within. His head hurts a bit from figuring out what to focus on, the anxiety and panic or the joy and euphoria. The only constant right now was you.
One hand falls to your arm, slowly sliding up and down while leaving goosebumps in its wake. The other continues to rest on the side of your face, thumb inching closer and closer. As the pad brushes against the corner of your lip, your eyes open wide and gaze directly at the familiar pools of blue.
The first thought that flies through your mind is that he’s close enough now to kiss you. Everything about him, the air around them, feels warm and humming with an energy you’ve never felt from anyone before— other than Banri.
“This isn’t easy for me,” Banri lets out a breath, both of you doing your best to not disturb the feeling in the room. His hair falling loose but his eyes never leave yours for a second. “I’ve never… Look, I like being around you. You matter to me. A lot.”
You can’t help the smile that makes its way on your face, the utter adoration, and fondness and love you had for him escaping all at once. With what little space you had between, you pressed your forehead against his.
“You matter to me too. A lot.” You muttered, repeating his confession, closing your eyes again before ever so gently pushing your lips to his.
You’ve imagined how it would be like to kiss Banri before, rough and a little harsh, but as you felt his hand through the baby hairs at the bottom of your head you were more than content at his gentle kissing.
Banri continues kissing you slowly, unsure if the sun had already set, but all that mattered was this moment.
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want to order again?
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maraudingthrough · 4 years
hiii!!!! was just wondering if you could do a remus x fem!reader where they’re relaxing together watching stars (but they’re inside like maybe in astronomy tower or smth???) and remus brings up his insecurities around his scars and how they’re his punishment for being a monster and she consoles him??! she then thinks it’s fair to let him know one of her major insecurities - her stretch marks? please could she be plus sized and has them on her stomach etc?? she laughs it off about how she 1/2
also anon: 2/2 hates them and tries to make a joke out of it but he’s shocked at how she could be insecure and thinks they’re beautiful or cool or whatever?!?!?? all fluffy and lovey dovey?? i’m sorry if this is too long i just love me some remus lupin agh!!???!! <3
Brown Sugar: Remus Lupin X PlusSized!FemaleReader
A/N: Hehe, hi anon 💕I get it when you say you love Remus because I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH!?!??! I did an insecure (and jealous) Remus headcanons a couple of days ago if you want to check it out! Is there any other place at Hogwarts where people could stargaze that it’s not the astronomy Tower? I don’t think so, so imma use that location. 
PSA: To anyone out there who has stretch marks and don’t like them, listen here well honey, it doesn’t matter of you are skinny, plus sized or “average”. Skin breaks and you should be proud of having them, they are there because your body changed, transforming itself into the lovely being you are today! Wear your marks like a tiger! And remember, models have them too, it doesn’t matter how much people want to hide it like it’s ugly, they do have them because they are human too. Love yourself, although sometimes is hard ❤️ 
Warnings: self-deprecating jokes, suspicion of self-harm and things of the sort. 
Word Count: 1.2K
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Remus, being a prefect had advantages. No one would question him if he was out after curfew, for at least a while. And no one would notice his girlfriend sneaking to the Astronomy Tower, as she was under James’ invisibility cloak, carrying chocolates and other snacks for a quick date.
It had been difficult to arrange a date since Remus was full of prefect duties, helping around the castle to decorate for Halloween and (Y/N) was studying hard for her O.W.L.S, knowing exactly what she wanted to do after school and that she needed quite a few of them. So having a date and relaxing under the stars sounded perfect for both of them.
By the time Remus arrived, he saw his lovely girlfriend, eating a piece of chocolate and reading a muggle book. He immediately smiled, clearing his throat to make his presence noticed. “Finally!” (Y/N) exclaimed in a hush tone, closing her book and watching Remus sit down by her side. He leaned and kissed her forehead, holding her hand and interlacing their fingers.
“What were you reading?” he asked, interested. The girl just shrugged and replied,
“Sherlock Holmes.” Remus chuckled.
“Well, yeah, why would I stop reading these amazing novels?” she rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. “Look all the snacks I brought for you.”
“I am thankful, but I ate a whole feast not too long ago.” he said and then looked at the chocolate with want. “On second thought, I’ll take a piece of chocolate or two.”
They started chatting about classes, complaining about either their classes or their professors. It was when they were silent for a minute, that (Y/N) noticed how Remus looked at the sky with resentment, the moon looked like a thin smirk, smiling down at them.
The moonlight illuminated his features gracefully, his irises and brown hair lighter. (Y/N) could see it clearly, as he was propped in his elbow and she laid by his side, his warmth radiating her skin. She was cold, but she wouldn’t say anything.
(Y/N) was saddened by how unhappy Remus looked when the Moon shone up in the sky, and absentmindedly reached for a scar that crossed his right cheek, caressing it lovingly.
Remus flinched and grabbed her hand, her eyes saddened and he kissed her hand softly. “Let me touch your scars Remus, they deserve some love too.”
“Love? To the constant reminder that I’m a monster?” He scoffed while (Y/N) sat up, looking at him. She reached to cup his face, he let her. 
“Remus, you are not a monster. Your condition does not define you, if you truly were a monster, you wouldn’t put so much effort in keeping everyone around you safe.”
“I’m not doing it out of the kindness of my heart (Y/N)! I don’t want to be a killer!”
“I’m sure that from all the werewolves around the world, no one cares as much as you do.” he remained silent then sighed. “I don’t know how I can change your mind.”
“I don’t want to start this argument again. We have different points of view.”
“Yeah well, let’s talk about my constant reminder that my body is ugly, shall we?” She told him, huffing and crossing her arms, looking at her now very interesting knees.
“What are you talking about?” he asked baffled. He looked at (Y/N) and couldn’t find a single flaw, in his eyes, she was perfect.
“The same way you don’t like your scars, I don’t like mine.” Remus looked confused. Scar? What was she talking about? He never saw scars on her arms, face or wherever was visible. A ball of anxiety sunk in his stomach... was she hurting herself in anyway? (Y/N) noticed how he looked puzzled, his eyebrows furrowed looking adorable to her. She shook her head and laid back next to him like before. “Do you want to see them?” she asked, feeling self-conscious of her body. The rude remarks from either some family member or some idiot student where now cycling through her head. She usually didn’t care about her body being plus sized, after all she was fine with it so why should she listen to other people’s opinion? She actually liked how her body curved, the Hogwarts Uniform fit nicely.
But, oh the awful comments. They reached for her in the darkest nights, when her thoughts were self-deprecating and her self-esteem was low. (Y/N) knew it was normal, it happened to everybody because people are so self-critical with themselves, but if she criticized her own body plus third parties comments it usually destroy her, sometimes making her cry.
Of course, Remus didn’t know anything about this, so he nodded and wanted to see her scars, praying that they weren’t a cry for help. When she lifted her shirt up to her ribcage, all he could see was her belly and nothing was wrong with it. He was relieved she didn’t have any self made scars and to be honest, he blushed a little when he saw a bit of her lacy bra.
(Y/N) was so nervous and drowning on her sea of insecurities she interpreted Remus’ blank face as a sign of disgust. She laughed nervously, trying to mask her anxiety.
“I know they are disturbing, but to leave you speechless? They must be really ugly.” she told him, pulling her shirt down.
“The what are ugly, exactly?” he asked, still reminiscing on her soft-looking skin.
“The marks.” she deadpanned. Remus moved his head to a side, really, really confused.
“Which marks?” 
“The stretch marks!” she exclaimed. He still looked puzzled so she lifted her short again, pointing at the mark that adorned her sides. Realization hit him like the Hogwarts Express. It wasn’t that he didn’t see them, it was that he didn’t categorize them as something ugly or awful.
“You must be joking, right?” he asked, touching her soft flesh, feeling the small relief that the marks left behind. (Y/N) didn’t say anything, her cheeks bright red as Remus touched not only her stretch marks but a sensitive spot in her body. “This marks are natural love, there’s nothing you should be ashamed of.” he told her, still caressing her skin. He leaned down and started to peck her stretch marks making her gasp and sit up.
“Remus!” she exclaimed, giggling a little. “Don’t do that, I’m ticklish.”
“Your skin is so soft, and your marks deserve some love too.” he commented with a smirk, kissing her now properly and pulling her towards him. After a few minutes of intense snogging, some cleared their throats behind them.
“I thought you were more responsible Remus.” Lily’s voice echoed through the tower. “And (Y/N) please, don’t sneak out with Potter’s cloak around the castle, I don’t want to give you detention.” The redhead smiled while saying this, leaving them unscathed because she knew for how long they were craving each other’s company and if she had to bear one more complaint from (Y/N) about how much she missed those honey lips she would explode.
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nyeddleblog · 5 years
Short Skirts and Bright Eyes. [Part 1]
 Pairing: Kyle Scheible x Plus Sized!Reader.
Warnings: mentions of menstruation, cliff-hanger, lots of fluff and mostly Kyle being so out of himself it feels like he’s out of character... But don’t worry because I know pretentious bastards like him and in the next part I’ll make up for this.
Request: is it just like? Timmy only or could it also be Kyle from ladybird cause if so like you could do one where they meet at a gig and she’s pretty average good girl in her shell and they talk and get to know each other but like his friends make fun of him cause 1) she’s a bit bigger than him and 2.) he actually likes this girl and is so beside himself because of her
Summary: You look like a mess, you act like a mess and you’re probably the most average good girl he’ll ever meet, but he can’t take you out of his mind and you bring out the best of him.
A/N: Sometimes I have a hard time trying to figure out the meanings of some words since I’m a Latina and I still have a long path on the English Language to understand, and I didn’t know if by bigger you meant taller, older or a plus-sized reader so I went with the last one... Here when we say “más grande” (bigger) it can be on all three senses so... Yeah...
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Kyle wanted to get your attention, he wanted you to find him in the made-up stage and stare the same way your friends were staring at him; but you were shivering, uncomfortable between the crowd, trying your best to camouflage the fact that you didn’t even like your drink, that you felt far too overwhelmed by the loud music and all you wanted was to sleep...
His eyes locked on your face. He noticed that this wasn’t your kind of place and he could almost touch your discomfort, it was so obvious... But then you looked up, subtly throwing your drink to another plastic cup on the floor, and he had to make sure you noticed that he had seen you.
Your face was priceless, you almost raised your hands trying to prove your innocence but he already knew how you felt; sad, miserable, empty... He wanted to know if it was just the people around you, making you feel even more lonely than you already were, or if you felt like that all the time.
You disappeared with your friends at the end of the night. Kyle couldn’t catch you to explain how much he understood but did he even try? 
Besides any psychological analysis, he could only make out your sweet voice two days later. Well, he guessed it was your voice because he’s never even seen you before the party.
You were walking behind this... almost pink-haired girl, in a fast step, to try and catch her. The pain between your thighs was evident, a vibrant pink covering the skin thanks to the friction as you walked. The boy then realized that your skirt was far too short for a girl in a catholic school, and apparently, you were absolutely self-conscious about it, but reaching your friend seemed more important.
Unusually amused, Kyle set his book aside and observed. You seemed apologetic once you could talk to the girl, continually flattening your skirt from behind and groping to make sure it was decent, but never breaking eye-contact.
After what seemed like five minutes, Ladybird walked away and you turned around. It felt like a splash of cold water hitting his face, he felt unusually scared from only seeing your tears streaming down your cheeks, but he still tried his best to go unnoticed.
You didn’t see him, or maybe you just couldn’t begin to care about a stranger watching you cry. Kyle’s heart was hammering against his ribcage, demanding to be let out and comfort you. He surprised himself fantasizing about a scenery where he could catch you and blow your sorrows away.
That was cheesy.
“Hello, Kyle...” Jenna Walton purred on his ear.
He was never startled by Jenna before, but somehow you had unsettled him in ways you shouldn’t be allowed to and now anything that wasn’t ‘you’ was able to get him alerted. Jenna was amused nonetheless.
“Who are we staring at?”
“No one” 
He hummed, feeling suddenly annoyed. The book resting beside him was way more appealing than having a conversation about his growing crush on a girl who was not conventionally pretty, nor has he ever talked to. 
“She’s called ‘[Name]’ and when I asked you who we were staring at, it was only rhetorical. I saw you staring at her at the party, and now.”
Kyle turned around to frown at Jenna, trying to find any literary quote that would save his reputation of a pretentious clever boy. He couldn’t.
Now that Jenna acknowledged his small, very tiny, crush on you, Kyle found himself staring every chance he had. The way you would correct your own manners couldn’t be described any other way but ‘adorable’, and you would blush every time the nuns' would call you out for your skirt. He was secretly so glad you’d kept it that short, though, he wouldn’t be able to admire the rosy skin on your thighs otherwise.
But of course, the day you fell and your whole underwear was on display had to come. To be honest, Kyle couldn’t care less if you used lace or cotton, or if your panties were white, pink or black, but he caught the soaked pad peaking beside the fabric and he couldn’t do anything but rush to help you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
He sounded rushed, and alarmed, and so needy he cringed internally. Your tender eyes were welling up with tears as you got back to your feet. Kyle realized that you weren’t only bleeding from... There, since your lip was busted.
“Meanwhile nobody else saw that, yes.”
You avoided eye contact, giving him your best “please stop staring at me because I’m going to start crying otherwise” smile. He ruffled his hair, contemplating the situation. 
“I’m Kyle Scheible.”
Your smile turned genuine for a moment. He knew that because that was how you smiled at Julie. Then your irises found his and his knees became weak.
“My... name is [Name], I’m sorry we had to meet in this situation...”
His memory brought flashbacks of the party and your discomfort. Were you always this adorable or was he just idealizing you already? 
He opened his mouth, thinking of something smart to say, but the tears came back to paint your eyelids of a faded red, and he just had to hold you. You brought up a long-forgotten softness to his body.
“There was no situation more perfect than this one, honestly.”
You giggled unconsciously, drying your tears with the back of your hand. Kyle’s hand started to sweat and he wondered since when did he become this corny mess. Why did a girl like you make him this worked up?
“Thank you for not making fun of me, really” you whispered with a soft tone, and the way your orbes sparkled gave him a heart stroke. “I should probably catch my friends now, Kyle Scheible, but I’ll see you around.”
“You’ll see me around”
And, like an idiot, he smiled your way while you left.
TAGLIST: @velventeenaries​ @lawstudentbydayfangirlbynight​ @midzard-hoe​
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dangermousie · 4 years
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Even in the iffy machine translation, the end of the last extra story left me all sorts of emo. Sniffling from joy because this is so perfect as a coda and sniffling from sadness that I have no more.
I have been reading 2HA for almost two weeks, since May 31. I am a notorious speed reader (an average 300 page book takes me two hours) and I was reading it very steadily for these 11 days (though it was only the last few days where I basically stopped watching or reading anything else, obsessively binging.) The fact that it took me 11 days says something about both the immense size of this novel and the fact that I (a) reread my favorite parts mid-read and (b) had to take breaks from the emotional onslaught.
I went from disliking Moran and being not keen on Chu Wanning - the former was an immaturely evil reincarnation of a monster and the latter cold and unpleasant, as far as I was concerned - to bawling my eyes over both of them together or separately and being so invested, it was honestly a little scary.
Funny thing is I can pinpoint the exact moment I fell for CWN - when he throws his exorcism fee into the face of the evil elder who amply earned the wrath of his particular ghost and proceeds to restore justice. But I cannot pinpoint such a moment for Moran. I have no idea how I went from “I don’t like novels with an evil protagonist” to “I am sobbing over him so hard I want to barf” but there it was. I also can’t pinpoint when I went from “this is kinda random as a novel” to “this is really interesting” to “you can pry this novel out of my cold dead hands and then my zombie self will still fight you for it.”
But here we are.
I am always leery to claim I can be objective about something I loved so hard so I don’t know if my view of this novel as amazing is objective. All I can tell you is that it is impeccably plotted, has complicated characters and some beautiful language. It also hit my particular narrative and character kinks so hard they are still ringing - period setting, men with weapons, love beyond death and then beyond even that, redemption narrative, view of the power structures as hypocritical and corrupt, heroism, and above all for yours truly SO MUCH ANGST. I am a notorious angst vampire but despite that (or perhaps because of that), I don’t tend to cry over angsty things much. This novel made me full on bawl five times - (1) when Chu Wanning sacrifices himself for Moran at the rift and Moran realizes what has happened and the bit with the body and the wontons (2) Nangong Si’s sacrifice (3) Chu Wanning rescuing Moran from execution and fighting the whole world for it and then Moran dying in his arms and aftermath (4) destruction of Siseng Peak (5) the ending - though this time from happiness...And we are not even going to get to all the times I sniffled like someone with a permanent cold. Hell, I am getting sniffly now just thinking about it.
I could try to be objective and ask whether it would have been better to not have as many dubcon/noncon flashbacks (though for once, some of the sex scenes actually had to do with character development, which is a total rarity in any book) or whether Chu Wanning really needed to be the resident psychopath magnet for every psychopath in a hundred mile radius, but at this rate it honestly would feel churlish to nitpick anything that gave me so much pure emotional reading pleasure. Plus, one of the joys of this novel is how unrestrained, how far-flung, how gonzo it is in every way - from emotional to physical to plotwise. It’s like a feast with so much food some of it is going to fall off the table.
Don’t worry, I am going to go back to my regular scheduling programming soon but before I do, a little fun:
Favorite Character: Moran. Yeah yeah I know, it seems everyone’s favorite is Chu Wanning. I adore CWN and he’s a close, very close second, but I am such a sucker for painful redemption narratives. (Moran’s narrative is redemption of his character; CWN’s is slow revelation of his character.) Plus, he’s had the worst childhood of anyone in this book and you know me...
Most Hated Character: DUHHHHHH!!!! Past life Shimei. I am still pissed off he didn’t get a more gruesome death. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about him - even XSL, mad and evil as he was, still had a warm feeling for his teacher. But there was nothing but rot and murder inside past life Shimei. (I hate current life Shimei also, but nowhere nearly as much.)
Biggest OTP: duh! Moran x CWN is everything I love in an OTP. They literally died for each other twice. But it’s just wonderful to read about them in every way and it’s a rare OTP with big drama that I can also see happy in every day mundane surroundings. Nangong Si x Ye Wangxi are my runner up.
Best family: The Xues. Is there any doubt? They are amazing and loving and righteous. They managed to bring up Xue Meng who despite being loved and spoiled is a total pure, righteous puppy. They took in Moran and made him family (and even once they find out he’s not really family, they still love him every bit as much as if he’s their own; but then Uncle Xue was the best, most loving, and most proud father to Xue Meng, even if XM was not his biologically.) And they ran a cool righteous sect and were fun and warm and awesome. There is a reason why Chu Wanning, who is a paragon who every sect would love to have, stayed there for so long.
Biggest (for me) plot twist: there are so many, but for me it was the plot twist that Moran became Taxian Jun by absorbing the demon flower that controlled him and turned him into a monster with Shimei as controller voluntarily to protect Chu Wanning. That was the only way he had to prevent Shimei from turning CWN into the monster he himself later became. The bitter irony that he gave up his soul to protect CWN and thus became the soulless monster who reveled in destroying CWN is !!!! (Side note - I just now realized that alternate life Moran freaked out the way he did when he thought he saw Shimei with a knife while CWN was in seclusion was because he subconsciously remembered when he walked in on Shimei attempting to harm CWN with the demon flower years earlier (in either timeline) even as his conscious memory was erased.) Runner up: porridge. The fact that it was teen Chu Wanning who fed starving five year old Moran and saved his life and that it’s that encounter that made CWN leave the monastery and try to help the suffering world.
Character who died that you wish had lived: Nangong Si. Proof that being an awesome, noble person is not enough; I bawled when he sacrificed himself.
Character who lived that you wish had died: Nangong Liu. Yup, that murdering horrible monster made it through the whole book. JUSTICE where is it!
Coolest setting: I loved Netherworld. And not just because I am a sucker for Orpheus themes.
Angstiest moment: that’s like asking which pine needle on a 30 foot tree is your favorite. But to me, it’s Moran’s death after core extraction - when he asks if he has finally expiated and still worries he’s too filthy for CWN - my heart! And then CWN tucking in his body in bed as if he’s still alive and making food for him because Moran was always hungry as a child and so food is his love language. I was crying SO HARDDDDD!!!
Most wholesome character: Xue Meng. Are there even any other close competitors? He’s another character I started out rolling my eyes at and ended up loving.
Most romantic moment: Literally every single one, but to me it’s Chu Wanning coming to that hut at the end and finding Moran alive and waiting for him.
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soundwavereporting · 4 years
Sky Spies and Splitting Up Batchmates
IDW, pre-war (to be specific very slightly pre-Megatron: Origin); Cosmos, OCs, Sentinel Prime, Prowl, the tiniest of tiny cameos for Soundwave and Ratbat. Warnings for canon-typical racism/homophobia. 
This is based on a whole heap of headcanons, plus one or two panels from MTMTE. 
Iacon felt…small.
Maybe it was the way the crowds parted to make way for them, or maybe it was the way that they had to walk in single file or risk one of them accidentally stepping into the street.  
Cosmos missed Staniz. Staniz was made for mechs like them.
He supposed it was better than being separated from his batchmates during their constant, multi-year surveying missions studying the infinitesimal ebb and flow of energon. Their contract with Senator Shockwave wasn’t scheduled to expire for another three cycles, but today the Prime of all people wanted to speak to them about something equal parts vitally important and incredibly vague.
::He’s probably gonna send us to the Institute.::
As usual, Starburst’s mood was equal parts pessimistic and anxious.
“The Prime has better things to do than send three Lunabots to the Institute.” Cosmos spoke aloud, though he hoped it was quiet enough to not be overheard. Abruptly feeling self-conscious, he adjusted the temporary badge the Senatorial messenger had affixed to his armor, declaring him cleared to wander around inner Iacon for the day.
::Then he’s gonna reformat us! Turn us into his new sky-spies, or dump fissal radiation into our spark chamber in the hopes of creating outliers!::
Cosmos glared at his batchmate. As usual, Starburst was paying more attention to whatever conspiracy theories he’d pulled up on his HUD than anything else—more than once, Cosmos and Paradox had had to pull the mech out of incoming traffic.
“Shut up, ‘burst.” Paradox had been quiet until now, silently soaking up the sights of inner Iacon, but now the Grand Imperium loomed before them. It was no secret that the average Lunabot stood (literally) head and shoulders above most mechs, leaving the average, non-form friendly building more or less inaccessible to them, but the Senate’s Iacon headquarters were…something else.
They stepped inside.
A mech with the most spectacular, articulated rotors Cosmos had ever seen was arguing with the receptionist. He felt Paradox stiffen beside him, taking in the sight of said rotors as they shifted and swayed in time to his animated, angry gestures in the receptionist’s direction.
Not for the first time, Cosmos lamented knowing so much about the things that revved his batchmates’ engines.
The mech who had been standing beside rotor-mech whipped around, staring at Paradox as though he had broadcasted his taste for fully articulated rotors and flight frames on a loudspeaker.
Paradox, at least, had the sense to look a little embarrassed.
Starburst had frozen in the doorway, effectively blocking anyone larger than a memory stick from entering. Cosmos grabbed Starburst and yanked him forward. Starburst stumbled, tripping over his own feet and nearly falling head-first into rotor-mech’s stupid, articulated rotors.
Abruptly, Rotor-mech turned to face them. With a sinking feeling of utter dread that was definitely proportional to the situation, Cosmos took in the Senatorial crest emblazoned on rotor-mech’s chassis.
Apparently having noticed the same thing, Paradox squeaked.
Cosmos wondered if it would be bad form to just transform and break through the ceiling en route to outer space, never to be seen on Cybertron again. Maybe they could go find Luna-1! Surely such a feat would be enough to erase the—
“You’re here!”
The receptionist, whose public ID tag labeled him as Drawback, jumped to his feet and gently maneuvered past rotor-Senator-mech and grasped Paradox’s arm in a clear, albeit relieved greeting.
“As I was saying, Senator, our most wise Prime has a meeting with these three wonderful—and prompt!—Lunabots in just a few moments. As I said, I am more than happy to put you down for a meeting slot sometime…late next week?”
Drawback tugged insistently on Paradox’s arm, practically dragging the Lunabot towards the lift. Unsure whether they were meant to follow, but unwilling to remain, Cosmos and Starburst followed suit.
Rotor-Senator gawked. Even from this distance, Cosmos could feel the anger bubbling in the mech’s field.
“Thank you,” Drawback muttered, once he had herded them out of audio-receptor range, towards an elevator that would accommodate them—one of them at a time, at least. Paradox and Starburst clamored to be the first ones in, and Cosmos lamented the fact that he was going to be stuck in the lobby for even a minute longer than the others. “Sometimes I swear Sentinel sets up these appointments just to get out of meetings he doesn’t want to attend. And Ratbat knows me from Kaon, so he thinks I’ll just rearrange the Prime’s schedule! Just for him!”  
Cosmos had no real answer to that. He watched Paradox make his escape via elevator, peeking around the closing doors once more in hopes of getting another look at rotor-Senator. Starburst fidgeted in place and Cosmos could practically see the forums his batchmate had pulled up on his HUD.
“So, uh,” Cosmos said, hoping to break the awkward silence. “Worked here long?”
Drawback shook his head. “I’m usually posted in Kaon, at the um, local Senate building over there. Just here till the replacement passes all the background checks, then I’ll get to go home.” He lowered his voice. “It’s awful here.”
Starburst nodded enthusiastically, and apparently chose that moment to break his self-imposed silence.
“What’s this about?” Starburst asked. “I know that Lunabots consume more energon than the average mech but we wouldn’t be able to enter planetary orbit without all that fuel and! And Senator Shockwave himself declared us free to receive all the fuel we need, at least until our contract with him is up, and I—I really don’t want to get reformatted. Or brainwashed. I really don’t.”
Cosmos had to resist the urge to hide his face in his hands, but Drawback nodded. Considering the commotion rotor-Senator had been making out there, Starburst’s rant probably wasn’t the most outlandish outburst he’d ever been subjected to.
“Well, I know for a fact you’re not here to be brainwashed!” Drawback’s smile was as sincere as it was strained.
The elevator door slid open and Starburst practically jumped inside, leaving Cosmos alone with Drawback.
“You’re a Lunabot, right?” Drawback asked. “You like it?”
“Y-yes,” Cosmos said, mostly because he wasn’t sure if it was a trick question designed to weed out anyone who might be even the slightest bit anti-Functionist. For all he knew, the Senate was staffed with telepaths around every corner, taking notes on which visitors needed to be sent to—
Primus, now he was starting to think like Starburst.
“I definitely don’t get to see Iacon too often.”
Drawback nodded. “Well, if you get the chance—it’s not everyone’s taste, but there’s a pretty good Tarnian place in one of the lower districts. It’s size-friendly, too—lots of mechs visiting from Kaon and Tarn drop in, so you know it’s authentic.” Drawback coughed, awkwardly. “I, uh, run a regional cuisine blog in my free time.”
The elevator door chose that moment to open, sparing Cosmos from any more awkward small talk. Cosmos stepped in and Drawback waved goodbye, cringing as the rotor-Senator came into view, striding towards the hapless receptionist.
Sentinel Prime’s offices were on the top floor. Cosmos took a moment to wonder at the inefficiency of it all—Drawback certainly wasn’t flight-frame, and he doubted rotor-Senator transformed unless it was to show off. Did they all really use these elevators to navigate the building?
Maybe Sentinel wanted to hire them as shuttles.
Cosmos shuddered at the thought. He didn’t know how shuttlemechs could stand the feeling of someone moving around inside him, much less directing him.
The doors slid open, and Cosmos was relieved to see Paradox and Starburst waiting for him. Triplechangers stood guard at the many doors of the very intimidating hallway that stretched out before them, each nearly as tall as the average Lunabot. Cosmos wondered if they were allowed to skip the elevators and just fly up to whatever floor they needed to get to.
 Out of politeness, Cosmos nodded a greeting to the nearest guardsmech and got no response. Starburst had shifted back to internal comms and was sending them both a massive data-dump from the conspiracy forums.
As he usually did, Cosmos fell into step just behind Paradox, letting his batchmate take the lead. It wasn’t something that they had ever talked about, but where Paradox led, he and Starburst were usually content to follow. Paradox’s quick thinking had gotten them out of trouble more than once, and his cool demeanor had netted them the contract to work with Senator Shockwave. Cosmos would just have to make sure neither he or Starburst said anything that warranted getting their sparks extracted, and they would be good.
His audio receptors picked up the faintest sounds of an ongoing argument at the end of the hall. None of the triplechangers seemed particularly bothered by the noise.
“Nice place,” Cosmos muttered to himself. Paradox elbowed him. “What? It’s true!” The carpet under their pedes probably cost more than the three of them would make in a hundred cycles.
The door at the far end of the hall was more than tall—and wide—enough to accommodate the three of them. They stepped inside and Starburst raised a hand, awkwardly waving at the receptionist in the far corner, who didn’t look nearly as welcoming as Drawback had.
“Lunabots.” This receptionist didn’t have a public ID tag. “Right. Sentinel’s been waiting for you.”
Cosmos glanced at his chrono—they were nearly five minutes early, and the implication that they were running late irked him. Judging by the way his armor puffed up, Paradox clearly felt the same.
The receptionist gave Paradox a flat, unimpressed stare. Paradox met the stare with a patient half-glare Cosmos hoped he’d be able to emulate one day.
“Through the far door, and please—try to make it quick. Meetings with astro class mechs—much less Lunabots—aren’t exactly what the Matrix intended when it chose Sentinel Prime as its vessel.
Giving up any semblance of professional distance, Paradox grabbed Cosmos’ arm with one hand and Starburst’s with the other before either of them could start a fight or demand to know what the mech knew about the Matrix.
Without looking at them again, the receptionist waved them through. The door opened, and Cosmos came face to face with Sentinel Prime, who’d been in the process of storming out of his own office.
“Lunabots!” Sentinel composed himself quickly, spreading his hands out in that way Cosmos had noticed a lot of mechs tended to do when they were trying to show that they had nothing to hide.
Cosmos didn’t trust him, but earning the trust of a Lunabot wasn’t exactly a perquisite for the Primacy, was it?
“There are…three of you. Did we know three of them were coming?” The question was directed at the mech Sentinel Prime had been arguing with—an Enforcer-turned-aide, who’d done a worse job of pretending he hadn’t just been yelling at a Prime than he probably thought.
“Lunabots are created in triads.” The Enforcer-turned-aide was looking at a datapad. “Starburst, Paradox, and Cosmo. Here at Senator Shockwave’s personal recommendation.”
“Cosmos,” Cosmos said automatically.
Paradox groaned.
“Ah.” An unpleasantly familiar expression crossed Sentinel’s faceplates. “Well, we only need one of you for now. So.”
Paradox stiffened. “Sir—um, your highness, sir—“
Sentinel waved a hand. “Just Sentinel.”
“Sentinel, sir—Lunabots—“
“Lunabots are sparked in triads,” Sentinel rolled his optics theatrically and turned back to face his aide. “I heard you the first time. It’s not like they’re sparkmates, are they?”
Sentinel glared at Paradox.  
“No sir.”
“Good.” Sentinel turned back to Paradox. “Now. Like I said—well, I didn’t say: to make it short, we’re running short on mechs capable of orbital surveillance, and the Senate has authorized one—one—Lunabot to undergo a deep reformat and a class change to add to our ranks. Whichever one of you is chosen to be reformatted—“
Despairingly, Cosmos realized neither he nor Paradox had moved to shut up their batchmate.  Sentinel didn’t need to ask their permission, did he? This was just a formality—or maybe they were here to get evaluated, in which case…
Primus, they were going to choose Paradox.
Oblivious to Cosmos’ internal crisis, Sentinel was trying—and failing—to allay Starburst’s fear.
“Into a smaller, more compact, more fuel efficient body. You’ll get twice whatever Shockwave’s been paying you and so many upgrades you won’t even have time to think about your…friends. Brothers? And you’ll be doing your duty as a Cybertronian citizen, helping your Prime rid the planet of enemies of the state.”
“Sir, Decepticons are dissenters, not—“
“I don’t want to get reformatted,” Starburst snapped. Sentinel looked up, surprised. “None of us do. We’re Lunabots and we like being Lunabots.”
Cosmos seized the chance to nod. Vigorously.
Sentinel frowned.
“Please wait outside.”
He was half-expecting the triplechangers to accost them the instant the door closed, but the mechs remained where they stood, impassible and unmovable. The receptionist looked up and rolled his optics, then ignored them completely.
“They’re gonna split us up,” Starburst said, breathless. “The Prime and his little assistant—oh Primus they’re gonna turn us into minibots and make us hack transmissions and—“
“Shut up.” Paradox demanded, then turned to Cosmos. “What’s your take on this?”
“I—um. Yeah.” Cosmos looked away. “I think they’re gonna choose you.”
“Not what I was looking for.” Paradox narrowed his optics. “Maybe we can persuade Sentinel to take all three of us—barring that, maybe we can redirect him to another cohort of Lunabots.”
“I’ve never liked Quasar and his batchmates. They should pick one of them to be sky-spies.”
“Quasar is an idiot. Sentinel won’t go for it.”
“I’ll do it,” Cosmos said, before he realized the words had formed in his processor, much less left his voicebox. “Um. I mean—“
“No!” Starburst grossed his arms. “I mean, better you than me, but no.”
“If—if—Sentinel’s set on recruiting a Lunabot and can’t be persuaded otherwise,” Cosmos said, trying and failing to figure out where he could backtrack and retract his words. “I’ll do it.”
“But you hate surveillance,” Starburst said. “You—oh! You’re hoping that being a spy will be less boring than monitoring Cybertron’s energon levels?”
“I hadn’t considered that,” Cosmos admitted. “I’m still hoping Sentinel will let all of us get reformatted.”
Before Starburst could reiterate that he really didn’t want to get turned into a spy, the door to Sentinel’s office opened once again.
Feeling like he was walking to his own execution, Cosmos followed his batchmates. They trooped back into the Prime’s office in a single file, awkwardly standing as Sentinel looked them up and down.
“As I was saying,” Sentinel said. “For the time being, we still only need one of you. But Prowl here—“ Sentinel gestured at the Enforcer. “Has persuaded me to promise you that once the Decepticon threat has been eradicated from the planet, you will have the option to get your old frame back and return to your…’batch’. No hard feelings. And if, by chance, I am not in a position to approve the change, Prowl has been authorized to act in my place. Is that acceptable?”
Belatedly, Cosmos realized that Paradox and Starburst had taken a measured step back. He had volunteered, hadn’t he.
Primus, he was an idiot.
Before Cosmos could retract his offer, Sentinel held out his hand. Dumbly, Cosmos shook it.
“Welcome to Kaon Security Services, Lunabot,” Sentinel said. “We’re glad to have you here.”
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Sleep Demons
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: sleep paralysis, nightmares, cursing. That good ol angst and fluff
Summary: Being a hunter, nightmares are just another part of the gig, the only problem? The readers are worst than most.
A/n: Once again, I’m throwing another Dean comfort!fic at you. (Try and stop me.) anyways, hope you guys enjoy and my SPN taglist is still open! I also based this off my own experience with sleep paralysis.
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Nightmares were the bane of your existence.
You would think that being a hunter for so long that you wouldn’t be afraid of anything. You had seen everything from ghosts to the very devil himself. . . So what exactly was left to be afraid of? You would have thought the answer would be simple, but it wasn’t. It was about as long and complicated as the life itself.
As a life long hunter the days can easily blur together, and many times it can feel like you haven’t slept for days, but when sleep did come it was rarely ever relaxing. That was when the nightmares replaced the horrors of the waking hours, weaseling their way into every crack and crevice of your mind and paralyzing you with fear. . . Literally.
Your nightmares were worst than what most people had. They were twisted and warped and strong enough to partially make it into your conscious. Most of them were about people you had failed, people you had lost- and then there were the ones about people you were afraid to lose. Like Sam and Dean.
But the absolute worst ones were the sleep paralysis demons that came much too often. It was usually the same shadowy figure sitting at the edge of your bed when it happened. You had done some research on it when sleep didn’t come at all only to find out that it was the concoction of your body waking up but your brain still in dreaming mode, resulting in your nightmares being projected into the real world.
The end result was that the nightmares disrupted your sleep cycle and tried to jerk you out of it early, leaving your body in lock down mode while you were fully conscious. You had lost count of how many times you found yourself paralyzed in your bed. Sometimes you would even try to scream but nothing happened. The noise unable to escape your throat.
You of course didn’t tell the brothers of your problem. . . Especially Dean. He could usually read you like an open book but you tried hard to keep this hidden. You were a hunter. Hunters didn’t get scared. You didn’t need anyone’s judgment- so you suffered in silence.
And that’s the way it stayed for a very long time.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
“Y/N?. . . Y/N!” Dean sighed, his voice raising as he snapped his fingers in front of your face, snapping you out of your zoned out state. He had been talking to you for the past five minutes but only now noticed your lack of attention.
Blinking out of your thoughts, you looked across the table at Dean, finding his face screwed up in concern. “What?”
“I’ve been talking to you for the last five minutes- what the hell is going on with you?”
Shit. He was on to you. He knew something was up. Quick, feed him a lie.
“I’m fine! Just thinking about the case.”
At that you watched Deans face fall further, eyes filling up even more with concern. “Y/N we aren’t working a case. Now tell me the truth.”
In truth Dean had been concerned about you for awhile now. The bags under your eyes were there more often than not and this wasn’t the first time you had zoned out. He just didn’t know what was wrong specifically.
“Dean, I’m fine!”
The older Winchester let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms over the table as he leaned forward. “You’re sitting here drinking coffee at 11:30 at night. Sweetheart that ain’t fine.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “I’m just. . . So into this research. It’s a real attention grabber. Didn’t want to pass out.”
The hunter across from you rolled his eyes, clearly not taking the bait. “Well hate to burst your bubble there but that’s decaf.”
“Sam-“ you grumbled in annoyance, shoving the useless drink away from you along with your book. This whole conversation was turning into a train wreck. “I’m gonna kill him.”
The faint trances of a smile crossed Deans face, even if only for a moment. “Please don’t. Sure he’s annoying at times but he’s actually a decent brother.”
He was hoping to at least get a small smile out of you. . . But nothing came. Rolling your shoulders you gave him one last look before pushing yourself out of your seat. There was no point sitting here if you were eventually going to fall asleep. Plus, you really wanted to avoid telling Dean the truth. You didn’t need to burden him with more problems.
“I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” You yawned, already dreading the coming hours. “Good night, Dean.”
You didn’t even give him a chance to answer before you were stepping out of the library and down the dim hallway towards your room, leaving Dean in silence as he watched you go, expression still heavy with concern. He wanted to run after you, make sure you were okay- but he didn’t want to pester you, not when you looked so tired. He didn’t need to annoy you. . . Especially not at this hour.
It was maybe five minutes later that Sam strode in, claiming your now vacant seat as his own, only to find his brother staring off into the distance, deep in thought.
“Dude, you okay?” He paused, seeing he had yet to catch his attention. “Dean!”
“What the hell were you thinking about? You were totally zoned out.” Leaning back in the wooden chair, he folded his arms, waiting patiently for an answer.
“Has Y/N seemed off to you lately? Like not her normal self?
There was a pause from the younger Winchester before he answered. “I mean, she has seemed more tired lately, but that’s about it. Why?”
Dean chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to decipher the problem at hand. He missed the usual you. The vibrant and energetic you. Now that he had come to think of it, he hadn’t seen that part of you in a long time. You tried to act like your usual self but Dean suddenly realized there was a tint to it. What he and Sam had been seeing these past few months was just an act.
“God, I’m such an idiot-“ he sighed, head falling forward into his hands at the realization. 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Y/N! What else?” He half shouted, eyes darting back to the door to makes sure you weren’t listening in. “I mean, Ive been worrying about her for awhile now, but I just-.” he took a deep breath. “ Shes struggling with something.”
“Struggling with what?”
“Hell if I know!” Dean sighed, throwing his hands up. “I just tried asking her and she shut me down.”
“Then go talk to her.” Sam tried, seeing clearly that his brother wanted nothing more than to help you. Dean was always looking out for you, even if you didn’t always realize it.
“She went to bed. . . I’ll have to try talking to her in the morning.”
Sam tapped out around an hour later, going off to bed without a word, leaving Dean in a lonely silence. He was only half paying attention to the work he was doing, his eyes having gone over the same paragraph several times but not processing any of it.
It wasn’t until the clock on the opposite wall read 1:30 that he knew he had to surrender and give up. Maybe if he tried he could still squeeze in his average four hours of sleep before he had to get up and get back to work. Maybe it would help get his mind running again.
Peeling himself out of his seat and slightly stretching, Dean set off towards his own room, turning off the many lights that were still on as he went. The silence becoming almost deafening without the buzz of electricity.
It wasn’t until he was reaching for the handle of his own door that the silence was broken, a crash echoing down the hallway from the direction of your room and making him pause. Before he could register his own movements he was walking down the hall. He wasn’t sure if it was curiosity or worry that was pulling him along. Maybe it was both.
The hunter side of him wanted to throw open your door and burst in, but he kept himself calm, raising his hand to rap his knuckles against the door softly. “Y/N?” He paused, only twisting the knob a few seconds later when he didn’t get any sort of response.
He mostly expected to see you tucked under the covers and sound asleep, but instead he was met with a totally different sight.
You had your back pressed firmly into your headboard, knees tucked against you tightly while your hands were planted firmly against the headboard, almost like you had scrambled back in terror. Your eyes wide and glossed over with fear, tear stained cheeks a rosy red.
“Woah, hey. You okay?” His tone rushed as he stepped over the threshold, eyebrows knitting together in concern. He had never seen you like this and it made his stomach drop.
“Just-just a nightmare.” You panted, dragging a shaky hand down your face. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t want to annoy him anymore than you probably already had. He needed his sleep too and now your stupid little problem had stopped him from that. You should have known this would happen sooner or later. If you had just put your damn laptop on your desk instead of leaving it on the bed, then you never would have kicked it off when you had snapped out of your paralysis.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to apologize.” He breathed, “I get em too.” kneeling down, he picked your laptop up from the ground, setting it on your side table. Nightmares. He should have known. God, now he really did feel stupid.
“You- you can go back to bed. I’m fine.” You stuttered, looping your arms around your knees in hopes of finding some sort of comfort.
“Y/N, you’re shaking. That’s not fine. Now tell me what’s going on.”
Slowly he lowered himself to sit on the edge of your bed, watching you intently and giving all of his attention over to you. He wanted to help. He needed to help.
“I’m sorry if I woke you up. I didn’t mean to.”
“I wasn’t asleep. . . Plus I don’t sleep much as it is. Like I said, you’re not the only one who gets nightmares.”
“Oh.” You say in a lame response, looking down at your hands. You had been clenching them so hard that there were now crescent shaped divots in the skin of your palms. “I think mine can out beat yours though.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him. He was probably giving you some sort of pitiful look. “Not really. But I know that if I don’t you’ll just keep worrying about me.”
“I’m always worrying about you.” He swallowed, “ain’t nothing new there.”
“As a hunter I thought I wasn’t supposed to be afraid of anything.” You explained, tugging your comforter back over your tucked in legs. “Yet somehow damn nightmares are the thing that is tearing me apart. I think mine are worst than most.”
“Why do you think that?”
Letting out another sigh, you finally looked up, eyes locking with his jade ones. He looked concerned. He looked sad. “The sleep demons. The paralysis. They used to be rare but now it happens almost nightly.”
“I’m sorry, sleep demons?” His tone slightly raising in surprise. He wasn’t expecting to hear that. Hell, he didn’t exactly know what you were talking about.
You let out a soft hum, nodding your head in defeat. “They’re hallucinations linked to sleep paralysis. It occurs when a person is jolted awake in the middle of dreaming.” You paused, trying to find the best way of explaining it. “Basically you wake up - but your brain is still dreaming, and it projects your nightmares into the real world.”
Dean was silent for a moment, taking in the information slowly. You had been dealing with this by yourself? Alone? Why didn’t you come to him or Sam?
 “Why didn’t you tell us? We could have helped you sooner.”
“Didn’t want to bother you- plus, I hate even thinking about it, Dean. Everything about it is terrifying.”
Chewing on the inside of his lip, Dean dared to venture further into the conversation. If he wanted to help you, he needed more answers. “You could never bother me. I need you to know that.” He paused. “Now what is this sleep paralysis or whatever like?”
There was a stretch of silence from your end before you answered. “Awful. In every sense of the word. The first thing I usually see when I wake up is the same shadowy figure sitting on the end of my bed. I don’t know who or what it is, all I know is that it’s a concoction that my head made up. Maybe it’s how I envision fear, I don’t know.” You shrugged. “And when it happens I can’t move. I can’t blink. I sometimes try to scream but nothing comes out. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds. Sometimes a few minutes. And the whole time I just have fear coursing through me. It’s basically like starting a dream and waking up in the middle of it.”
“Y/N, you should have come to me! You shouldn’t have to suffer alone like that!” Dean let out a sigh, giving you one of his defeated looks that made your heart break in two.
He couldn’t imagine going through what you did on a nightly basis. Being awake and not being able to move? Not having anyone to help you? Sure, he had nightmares but those were nothing like this. They were usually about losing you or Sam. . . Or about the people he had failed to save.
“I’m sorry- I just-“ you panted, unable to form words as tears formed in your eyes. You were so tired, and still so scared. Your own mind would be the thing that killed you if this kept going.
“Hey, hey it’s okay.” Dean hurried, shifting so he could pull you into him, his arms wrapping around you to rub soothing circles on your back, almost instantly calming you. “It’s alright. I got you.”
You couldn’t help it that you were practically clinging to him like a life line. He radiated safety and comfort in way that nothing else did. Resting your forehead against his shoulder, you inhaled. He still smelled like cheap motel soap and something distinctly himself. It was calming. You almost didn’t notice that one of his hands had gone to cradle the back of your head, or that his cheek was pressed to your temple. he was just that gentle.
Dean Winchester. Both soft as cotton and tough as nails. That was one of the reasons why he was so dear to you. . . Along with everything else that made him him.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Y/N. I’ll always be here if you need me.” He muttered, pulling back just enough to press a kiss to your head.
“You can go to bed. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.” He gave you a soft grin as he toed off his shoes, taking up the empty portion of your bed, and hooking his arm around you, pulling you close. “I ain’t leavin you. Not now. Not ever. Sometimes even the monster hunter needs to feel safe.”
You should have resisted. Told the stubborn man to go back to his own room and leave this all in the past. . . But he felt so safe and warm. He was like a magnet and all you could do was let him pull you in, securing you in his hold.
“Also, just so you know- whenever I get a nightmare I’m coming and crawling into your bed.” Dean mused, nuzzling into your shoulder. “You just signed a contract.”
and that is exactly what happened. Because for almost every night after the first, You and Dean helped fend off each others nightmares. When you woke up frozen in fear, Dean was there besides you reminding you that you were safe until eventually the shadows slipped away. As for Dean, only reality was the woman held fast in his arms.
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​​​​ @amendoise​​​​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​​ @ericalynne007​ @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​​ @neerness​​​​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​​@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​ @akshi8278​ @defenderrosetyler​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​
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itsbajabitch · 4 years
You're my favorite thing to watch (Abed x Annie oneshot)
NOTES: So I like the concept of Annie not being skinny and basically just wanted more fat Annie content and was thinking about how I imagine Annie might remember the Abed insult episode stuff (S2E7 “Aerodynamics of Gender”) when they’re dating and get worried that he’s noticing all these ‘flaws’ about her, but never tell her. I imagine this is like season 4ish. There is discussion of body image and insecurity and that kind of thing but nothing graphic or detailed, it’s just a cute Annie x Abed comfort fic. Thank you to @s1owdanc32death for helping me get unstuck on the ending! Sorry if there’s weird grammar or formatting stuff, thats not my forte. Enjoy! 
It was another movie night in the Trobedison household.
I was perched on the arm of Abed’s chair and Troy sat in his own chair while we watched the Dark Knight Rises. This was a good day, or at least it should have been. Nothing bad happened, I had classes, study group and now I was in the comfort of my own home with my boyfriend and our best friend watching a movie. This should be enough to keep me happy.
It was one of those days though. A day where I felt restless and am hyper-aware of my body. A day where as soon as I woke up the feeling of hunger in my stomach awoke the part of me that makes each bite of toast at breakfast a battle and makes getting dressed take double the normal amount of time because I don’t like the way my body looks in anything. The kind of day that makes trying to sit through a conversation in the cafeteria so panic-inducing that I excuse myself to the library for some paper I have to work on. I know I can’t punish myself for having days like this, it's a part of the recovery process but that doesn’t make it any easier. 
And I know Abed can tell something is up, he’s been giving me looks all day, private check-ins. Each time I give him a smile and try to project some semblance of happy and normalcy. I don’t know how to explain that today some of, okay a lot of, my anxiety is Abed related. I don’t know how to have that conversation so I close my eyes tight in an attempt to center myself and when I reopen them I fix my eyes on the screen and try to focus on the movie. 
This plan instantly backfires.
On screen Anne Hathaway is in a skin-tight black bodysuit prowling around Gotham and immediately the comparisons and the insults come racing through my mind.
Abed had mentioned wanting to go to a convention together someday, what if he wanted me to dress like that, to be the Selina opposite his Bruce. What would he think seeing my body like that, completely on display with no cardigans or layers to shield me. I can hear it in my head, a ruthless cataloging of all my flaws in his cool monotone. Ever since Shirley, Britta and I used Abed as an insult wielding machine I’ve been thinking of all the things he might notice about me, but not say. It was getting better but then we started dating and I noticed myself thinking about it more and more until today and it’s like a damn broke and everytime I so much as breathe I’m imagining Abed picking apart my every imperfection. And it’s not fair. It’s not fair to myself or to Abed because he’s never done anything in our relationship to make me feel ugly or scrutinized but I can’t stop thinking about it and I don’t know how to stop and I’m to scared to talk to him about it and oh god what if I ruin the best relationship I’ve ever had because I can’t stop obsessing….
I move suddenly and my eyes jump back to focus. The movie is paused. I feel Abed’s hand on my back and realize Troy and him are both looking at me, concern etched on their faces. I straighten myself and start to sit up off the chair. “Gosh, sorry I just zoned out. I’m not feeling great. I think I’m going to lie down, but you guys should finish the movie. I’ll catch up later when I’m not so out of it” I say, trying to keep my tone even and not look so suspicious as I avoid eye contact and head towards my room.
As soon as the door closes I curl up on my bed and surround myself with my stuffies, clutching one to my chest. I feel like a kid again. I feel like it's high school and I’m spinning out of control using anything I can to try and get that control back. It’s really hard in moments like these to remind myself that I have grown and adapted and I don’t need that kind of control anymore. I sit up and force myself to do a deep breathing exercise. I’m focusing on counting each intake of breath, each hold, and each exhale. 
Time passes and I start to feel a little better, more grounded. My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I reach over to check it. 
A text from Abed, “water, tea, or special drink?”
I smile and think for a moment before typing my response, “tea” and then, “thank you” 
Barely a minute later there is a soft knock on my door and I look up to see Abed entering with two mugs, one gently steaming the other likely his special drink. He sets my mug on a coaster on my nightstand then turns to me,
“Do you want me to stay?” 
I nod and start to move over all my stuffies so he can sit beside me. As Abed settles in next to me I grab my mug, blowing lightly before I sip. 
“Did you guys finish the movie?” I ask, still looking at my mug. 
“No, we decided to pause and wait to finish it another night with you” he answers, no hint of annoyance in his voice. 
“We might need to start at the beginning”, I reply sheepishly, “I kind of zoned out”. 
“Are you feeling better?” he asks and I finally turn towards him, 
“I’m starting to. Thank you for this” I add, gesturing to the tea. 
“Of course” he says looking at me contentedly. 
I turn to set my mug back on its coaster, “I want to talk about something, but I’m pretty embarrassed and I don’t know exactly how to say it so is it okay if I just start talking and you listen for a bit?” 
Abed nods. I take a deep breath and face him.
“So I’ve been anxious lately, while more than usual, and it was really bad today and I guess I’ve just been really self conscious and stressing about how I look and that kind of thing except that now I’m worrying about how you think I look and I know it was a while ago, but I keep thinking about that time Britta and Shirley and I used you as some kind of take down machine, which I’m still sorry for doing that to you, but I can’t stop thinking about all the things you’ve noticed about me and didn’t say because you were being nice like do you really think that my laugh sounds like a piglet or do you think my face is too round or not symmetrical or notice that my clothes don’t always fit right and I know won’t look like Anne Hathaway in a catsuit and I…”
Abed’s voice pulled me back from my rapidly derailing train of thought speech.
Sorry I murmured 
“Thank you for sharing that with me. You’re right, I do notice a lot of things about you that I don’t say out loud, but it's not the way you think”
“What do you mean?” I ask trying to regain my breathe
“You’re my favorite thing to watch Annie. You read about 1 page every four minutes when you're studying, that's faster than the national average, and it's faster for non academic reading plus your forehead scrunches when you have to reread a passage. I notice which cardigan you wear most often and the different outfit combinations you favor. I don’t tell people these things because most people find it uncomfortable to be watched that closely, but I can’t help but watch you Annie. And I do notice your body. How soft you feel pressed against me when we watch movies or sometimes the light catches your face and it's so perfect I wish I had a camera on me to try and capture it.” 
I couldn’t help but smile. When Abed talks like that, so straightforward and sure, it’s hard to doubt what he’s saying, to not accept it as fact. I leaned forward to embrace him, but he stopped me holding me up instead and I looked up, finding his eyes staring back at mine.
“I am attracted to you, all of you, and I’m sorry if I don’t always verbalize that”.
He held my gaze for a long moment
My eyes watered and he loosened his hold allowing me to rest my head against his chest and wrapping my arms around him
“Thank you” I murmured, not moving my face from against his body. A moment later I part slightly to look back up at him 
“I’m attracted to you too”
A smile spreads over his lips and i can’t help but mirror it
We both let ourselves fall back onto the bed, lying down I nestle close to him
“For the record I think you’d make a great Catwoman, catsuit and all” 
I hit his arm playfully in response
“I’m serious. I’d never make you cosplay in something that made you feel uncomfortable, but it's all about commitment and character. We both know I don’t look like Batman, but when I put on the costume I commit so it works and Annie you’re so committed to everything you do so you’d be great. You as a Catwoman, hot. hot hot hot”
I grin again, pressing a kiss against his cheek then I whisper into his ear     
“Maybe for your birthday”
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Beautiful Versions of Brokenness pt. 2
Summary: Marinette is different. There was no denying it, but none would have guessed that the true reason was soul deep
Continuation of Prompt: If you're into Black Butler, maybe something with that and Miraculous ladybug? Or Black Butler with Demon Bim? I just think you'd do a good job with the Black Butler characters.
Part 1
Chat Noir reluctantly left so that Ladybug and Sebastian, shortly after, promised to meet up on the next patrol night so that they could properly discuss their unlikely reunion.
Instead of going home, Marinette leads them to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Parisians are used to seeing their heroine and a black figure at the top of the tower, no one would think twice if she arrived there. Sebastian follows as he always did.
“This isn’t my first life after Ciel then,” She hummed, once she arrived, deciding to deal with the first question on her mind.
“No,” Sebastian agreed, as her timer slowly beeped towards its end, “This is my 37th time meeting you since your contract was created. The 21st time you’ve awoken your Phantomhive memories.”
Her eyebrows rose, “it’s only been 130 years since Ciel died, how have I been reborn 37 times?”
The demon all but scoffed, “Really mistress? All these years with beings of heaven and hell toying with your life and you still believe we are playing by earthly rules?”
Marinette just glared, “You’re telling me Hell lacks linear time then? When I die, my soul just flies to any time period it pleases and becomes whichever child it can find?”
“Precisely,” Sebastian smirks, “There have only been a few rules your soul seems to follow, your eyes remain virtually unchanged, still the strikingly blue and purple hues they have been since our contract was sealed, your hair an inky black and your memories return within a year of the age you took your earldom, thirteen, or not at all. Other than that this is the eighteenth time you’ve taken a female form, fifth where you’ve been of mixed races, tenth of being Asian descent, you’ve been of African descent six times, middle eastern eight, Native American three times. You’ve been of peasantry or slavery six times, on three different continents. Though being enslaved has triggered your memories flawlessly every time and allowed for you to rise in the ranks of society with grace. Sixteen times you’ve been of noble birth in multiple different royal families across the globe. It’s been an adventure each time
“What about Lizzie?” She finally asked,” She never sold her soul, and yet Chat Noir is clearly my fiancé.”
Sebastian frowned, “To be quite honest, she’s never appeared before, or at the very least never awoken. Human souls are not supposed to be reincarnated so quickly, even by heaven’s terms we should not have run into Miss Elizabeth before the 30th century and I’ve never heard of the average reincarnation remembering their memories as vividly as Chat Noir did.”
“Who would know?”
The grimace was fleeting on the demon’s face but Marinette knew what he was getting at.
“The Grim Reapers,” She groaned, “Grell hanging around anywhere?”
“What makes you so certain that pest is still working off their debt?” Sebastian countered
Marinette glared, “Because I’ve seen a shockingly familiar red figure watching the Akuma battles before, but only the ones that might have high casualty counts if we had lost. Plus you’re always aggravated whenever I came back from those types of battles and she was the only one that I know that gets under your skin that badly. If she wasn’t so… open about her desires I would have loved to see her around more.”
The demon sighed, “Observant as always my lady. Grell Sutcliff, William T. Spears, and Ronald Knox have all been given special assignments to follow your reincarnated soul around as they are used to our unique brand of chaos. They are given time off when your soul is inactive, and this works counts as double time for their repayment… containing the destruction left in your wake.”
Marinette hummed, as her time finally wore out a Tikki appeared next to her.
“Sebastian,” Tikki greeted, cooly, drawing a wicked grin on the young girl’s face.
“Miss. Tikki,” He offered with his polite butler smile, the one Marinette knew meant he wasn’t happy, “A pleasure as always.”
“Oh, you’ve met then?” Marinette laughed with twisted glee “I haven’t seen you look so constipated since we had to do those Phoenix poses!”
She could practically hear the teeth grinding behind his forced smile, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about Mistress, I think the reincarnation process has scrambled your mind.”
She hummed, cheeky grin not falling as she passed Tikki her emergency cookie, “Either way, we need to plan. Obviously, we can’t play the butler and Earl roles as we once did so we must figure out new roles that we can play, and create a fake hero identity for you if you plan on continuing to help out during Akuma battles.”
The smirk he gave showed off far too many teeth, but instead of unnerving her, it filled her with a sense of comfort, “Allow me to handle everything, mistress. What kind of demon would I be if I couldn’t manage a simple cover story and superhero outfit.”
Marinette awoke the next day to find it starting off horribly. Not only had she overslept without the ever-present tapping on her balcony door Sebastian normally did whenever she slept through her alarm, but as she was rushing she tore her blue contact, only to find it was the last one she had in stock, her new order not set to arrive until later in the week. She decided to give the demon a pass just this once since he most likely was still coming up with proper identification and dwellings for him to stay at now that she required him to be more than just a bird.
Looking in her closet she paused at her normal outfits, plink blossoms, pink jeans, and ballet flats. It just… felt wrong with her new memories of the Earl rattling around her head. She wasn’t unhappy being a woman in this life, still feeling as comfortable as ever in her own skin, but the overly modern and feminine dress just didn’t sit right with Ciel’s memories so fresh in her mind.
Instead, she pulled out a peter pan collared button-down shirt with the collar and large buttons navy against the cream of the rest of the shirt, a forest green western tie clasped in the front. She also pulled on a pair of straight-legged green pants and a navy blazer adding a tan pair of thick heeled ankle boots.  For her final touch, she deep parted her hair, pinning it over her right eye and pulling it back into a bun securing a cream ribbon in a bow around the base of the bun once she was finished. Satisfied she grabbed her bag and took off at a run, bidding her parents goodbye as she attempted to make it class before the bell rang.
She arrived seconds late and found the room reorganized, seats had been moved and the open seat on her normal side of the room was right up next to Adrien. Well, she had to admit her previous actions around him had been overboard in retrospect, and while he was still cute but with Lizzie back in the picture it seemed almost like cheating on her old fianceé.
“Good morning, Adrian,” She greeted, choosing to stand in front of the desk instead of sitting down yet.  
The blonde turned to her and perked up, “Marinette! I’m loving the new look, very Victorian esque”
“Thank you!” She laughed, “I felt like a change, You look great too!”
She could feel the eyebrows around the room go up as she smiled gently at the boy, but it was a good change of pace for him, his usual sneakers, jeans, and T-shirt had been swapped out for shiny dark brown dress shoes, a fitted pair of emerald green pants, with a crisp dark blue shirt tucked in. When he turned she could see a silver lace embroidery cutting a wavy path from his left shoulder to his right hip shimmer. He even wore a simple silver ear cuff to finish off the look.
“I picked it myself,” He preened under the positive attention, “Father usually is so strict about what I wear in public but he said I did well with this one!”
“Well, I have to agree,” She hummed, “You should experiment more often, I’d love to give you critiques now that we’re desk partners.”
“Girl what?” Alya finally interrupted, “That’s not your seat, you’re sitting in the back now.”
She could stop her smile from falling into a stony blank look as she turned around, “Excuse me? Who made that call?”
“Well,”  Nino piped up with a slight weariness at her look, “She’s got hearing issues so we had to put her upfront, to make it work Ivan sat next to Mylène, Nate sat next to Alix, and she came up with the idea of moving me up here, so I could spend more time with my girlfriend.”
Marinette raised a brow making the majority of the room fidget, “Who exactly is she?”  
Before any of them could answer Ms. Bustier opened the door and started her normal classroom announcements, “Good morning, students. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu and she's back in school with us again.”
The Italian girl all, but bounced into the room to greet everyone, receiving a warm answer back as Marinette’s mouth thinned.
The fox paid her little mind as she pretended to gasp in surprise at the empty seat next to Adrian and started gushing, “Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you!”
Marinette tilted her head, “I didn’t realize you had a hearing issue, Lila.”
Green eyes flashed towards her as she painted on a self-conscious smile, “Oh Yes, I suffer from tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runaway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten,”
“Really?” Marinette questioned with a raised brow, “Well I am sorry to hear that, but I would like to know why your disability is ranking above my own.”
Lila froze as Bustier paled eyes widening with realization. The room grew silent before Kim slapped the desk, “Oh my god, we forgot Marinette can’t see!”
She laughed, shaking her head, “I’m not blind Kim,”
He waved her off, “You know what I mean.”
Nino groaned, slinking down, “You aren’t even wearing your contacts today!”
“I ripped one this morning,” She sighed in explanation, “My replacements aren’t coming until Wednesday. So I really can’t sit in the back of the room even if I wanted to.”
Alya’s face scrunched, “I’m missing something,”
Marinette stared up at her unblinkingly, “I have a severe vision problem that causes me issues with depth perception and distance, especially if I’m not wearing my contacts. As noted by my doctor I need to be sitting within the first two rows of the classroom, and to have a seat partner is willing to give me notes that I may have missed if my vision acts up. It has been on file since I was six years old.”
“Ivan and I can move to the back,” Mylene offered quickly, “I’m sorry for forgetting Marinette!”
She offered a soft smile, “It really is no issue, as long as it gets sorted.  While I must admit I believe the origin of Lila’s disability is fabricated, I am sympathetic to her for having said disability, but I refuse to not have my accommodations met just for someone else’s to be met.”
“Fabricated!” Lila gasped tears welling in her eyes, “How mean! You don’t like me, do you! You’re trying to make me look bad and have a hard time due to my disability!”
The ice that entered Marinette’s eye before she turned to the Italian girl sent a shiver down the class's spine, causing Chloe to shrink back and Adrian to sit up stick straight. Marinette felt an odd calm fall over her as the Phantomhive came out to play.
“You claim that you received hearing damage from being too close to an airplane because you ran onto an active runway to save Jagged Stone’s kitten from a jet preparing to take off,” Marinette repeated slowly, “ Not only does Jagged Stone despise cats, but he’s despised them since he was a child after one attacked and killed his parakeet, Juniper. This is an easy fact to look up as he’s mentioned it several times in multiple interviews. The pet he currently owns and has owned for almost twenty years now, is Fang, a freshwater crocodile that Jagged hatched himself. No one is stupid enough to forget the animal they heroically saved from a vehicle that’s accelerating an average of 32 meters per second squared, wasn’t even a mammal when I know that Fang weighs almost 200kg.”
Lila tried to break in but Marinette just straightened her back, and crossed her leg at the knee before continuing, “Furthermore, no airport in this day and age would allow for a teenage girl to make it to the runways where a plane was taking off without being tackled by security, nor do I believe that your mother, a diplomat, would be moronic enough to allow you to be placed in that much danger. If it did happen there would no doubt be multiple stories run by the media about it, internationally so since Jagged Stone is such a big name and you are the daughter of a diplomat, this would not be the first we would be hearing it.”
Marinette grimaced as she moved onto the next point, not even paying mind to the sputtering Lila was doing, “Based on these facts I’m going to assume the claims that he wrote a personal song for you that have been bouncing around are also false as if they’re not it does not paint a good picture that a famous man in his forties is writing and dedicating songs for you, a young teen fan. If these accusations were true, I'd be forced to believe that Jagged Stone is a hebephile or at the very least grooming you.”
Marinette simply crossed her arms as the room grew deathly silent, “Lastly, nothing suggests that sitting closer to the front of the room helps tinnitus, as the persistent ringing would not change and make little difference in a room this small. Most students with tinnitus require the student being given the option to move to a quieter location if the condition is triggered during class, groups the student is working with being given the option to move to a different area in case group work gets too loud during group activities and being placed near a low-level sound, such a small fan, computer, a heating element, or an open window, as complete silence can irritate the issue. I did enough research when helping Aurora fight for proper accommodations made in her own classroom on the subject to know that much. Or as by the way you are dressed and the fact you claim to have spent the last few months traveling the world, your family clearly has money so buying one of the many options of hearing aid out that that has been developed to assist and almost eliminate tinnitus would be overly easy. They sell them for around 270€, fairly cheap for accommodation products, and if your family truly took you on trips across the globe then you can’t convince me they don’t love you enough to shell out a few hundred euros to make your life easier. So tell me again why I’m making a big deal about making sure my own disability is taken care of?”
Lila sputtered, before bursting into tears, “I was too embarrassed to tell you the real reason! I didn’t want you guys to think less of me for taking a break with Prince Ali to go see a concert, I didn’t mean to get so close to the amps but… the hearing loss is so new I’m still adjusting”  
Marinette glared at her, “Save the tears. Lies are pathetic tools to use and earn you no lasting loyalty, and to accuse someone of being ableist for questioning the origin of your disability, not even the disability itself is vile. Not a single person in this room would have been upset at you if you told the truth instead of tried to force the issue of fake heroics.”
She sniffled, “I’m sorry Marinette, I didn’t mean to make accusations about you or your character. I’m still on edge from the whole situation…”
Marinette let her glare drop and gave a cool, “It’s forgiven this time, now can we please figure out the seating situation?”
“Well,” the teacher stepped in, “Since Adrian agreed to be Lila’s tutor to help her catch up-”
“Actually, Miss Bustier,” Adrian raised his hand sheepishly, “I was going to bring it up with you later in private, but I really don’t think I’d be a good option to tutor Lila given how full and sporadic my schedule is already, I really would hate for her to fall enough further behind.”
“Oh crap,” Alix swore, “We didn’t even think of that when Lila suggested you!”  
Adrian just gave a slight shrug, eyes not looking up from his desk, “It’s okay, I do want to help out the class as much as possible, I feel bad never being able to help out with anything after school.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Kim brushed off, “We get your dad is really on you about everything, we’ll just have to find stuff you can do in class instead!”
“Maybe,” Mylene squirmed a little in her seat as everyone turned to face her, “I mean just a suggestion… but maybe Adrian could be Marinette’s seat partner and help her take notes. You rarely miss actual class time for your activities and this way you’re helping out without committing to any extra time that your dad might not let you come for.”
Bustier clapped, a blinding smile on her face, completely missing how Lila’s face had twisted into an angry mask, “Excellent idea! Let’s all find new seats again, Marinette and Adrian stick together in the first two rows, Lila why don’t you sit on the left side of the classroom by the windows to see if that helps your tinnitus for now. I’ll call your mother in for a proper evaluation over the next few days and we’ll find a proper course to deal with your disability. If someone would like to volunteer to be Lila’s primary tutor please take the seat next to her. Everyone else please fill in!”
Slowly the room began shifting once again. Adrien and Marinette simply switched seats to allow her to better see the room as Alya, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel stayed in their same seats. Ivan and Mylene did move to the back row together as Max broke away from Kim to sit in the second row next to where Lila ended up and Alix slid across the aisle to take his old spot.
Alya was still looking at Marinette as if she had three heads, “Girl, what on earth was that? You’re like sunshine personified, but you just tore Lila apart like she was tissue paper.”
Nino huffed a slight laugh, “Keep forgetting you’ve only been in the class for a year, babe. You’ve never seen a Marinette takedown before.”
Marinette smiled, “Do not lie and do not do anything that might have permanent consequences. If they can not follow those two simple objectives in my presence then I will gladly set them straight. Lila not only lied but accused me of being a bigot, I will not tolerate slander.”
“Well I think it was badass,” Adrian commented, causing her to smirk wickedly.
“Thank you. It’s always nice to know my skills are appreciated.”  
“Oh do you need any notes from the last few days,” Adrian asked suddenly, sliding his notebook between them as the lesson started.  
She gazed down idly, “Not that I can think of but thank-”
Marinette had to keep her eyes from bulging as her words faded off, because in the middle of the page, squished between two facts about the Roman empire stood a simple sentence in perfect English.
I didn’t think I would see you until tonight, Ciel.
“How on earth were we this blind,” Marinette mumbled in English, earning a laugh from his once betrothed.
“Excuse me?”
The pairs heads snap towards the door as a worryingly familiar voice sounds through the room.
There in the doorway was a tall teen with shaggy raven hair as he sheepishly held out a paper towards the teacher, “Are you, Miss. Bustier? There seemed to be a mix up with my transfer papers. Mr. Damocles told me just to head down and you should have all of my forms by tomorrow, but he didn’t want to prevent me from starting today as planned.”
“Oh I hadn’t realized I was getting a new student today,” She apologized, taking the paper and skimming it briefly before turning to the room, “Class it looks like we’re getting another new face today! I want you all to welcome him with open arms! This is-”
He was shorter, a little lankier and with a rounder face then they typically saw him, looking every bit the fourteen year old he was in no doubt playing, but there was no doubt who it was.
“Sebastian,” The demon introduced, mirth dancing in those burgundy depths as he grinned up at the reincarnated duo, “Sebastian Michaelis. I look forward to joining your class.”
Tag List: @lividdreams9
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devintrinidad · 4 years
But, I like to think that 1146 is sort of oblivious when it comes to body types and such. - I actually really like that and think that’s pretty canon. If someone commented on what he liked best about her, he’d go on about her personality. Then get confused when asked about what features he likes best.
His friends would call her really cute and he’d be all ‘yeah her personality is cute. She’s like a grown up platelet sometimes’ (you can not tell me he hasn’t compared her cute attitude to a platelet. He practically did that in canon). His friends would be like ….Yeah that’s what we meant by cute. (Of course he’d see it that way). <_< 
Other immune cells (probably some rowdy Killer T’s before Memory T shut them up) would probably comment what a slick guy he is for getting a hottie red blood cell. 1146 would tell them she’s not hot. She’s perfect (in temperature but they don’t take it that way. They just think he’s being more smooth). 1146 has this reputation that 3803 is his RBC that he doesn’t know about). 
I think I got the idea he’d start to notice her beauty as a parrelell to NC. Maybe he’d hear NC comment on her beauty too much (I could honestly see NC asking 1146 why he likes 3803. After hearing him go on about her personality he gets a mix of competitive irritation and fascination. So he goes on a big lecture on why and how she’s so beautiful because 1146 obviously doesn’t appreciate her in a way NC does) and that’d make him a little furious. He’d be upset to see 3803’s former abuser only talk about her looks, Ecspecially when NC keeps claiming he’s trying to change and be her friend better. While NC conceeds 1146 has a point (maybe?) and he’s right about appreciating her personality more. Because he actually does. He likes how strong she was against him and others. But then NC asks is it really bad to appreciate how someone looks. =/ 3803 had told him in the beginning she loved his green eyes and the platelets told him the same now. Both times made NC really happy. Not to mention 3803 is very self conscious about her own looks and doesn’t like how different her body is compared to how the average RBC is. NC has noticed other cells like Macrophage and 5100 always call her features pretty or cute. Wouldn’t she also like to hear how beautiful she is from 1146?
1146 is stunned and doesn’t like this unknown direction. 0_0;,;;
NC somehow picked up on something crucial about 3803 that 1146 either didn’t pay much attention to (on account he can’t relate) or has been oblivious to. 
That gets him thinking if he’s been as attentive to her needs as he thought he had been or only seeing the things that matter to him about her. Then I guess he starts checking her out more and as a mirror to NC learning to love her personality more. 1146 finds himself really realizing how beautiful she is too (whether it’s because she is that pretty -she is- or because her personality made her really pretty to him). Which gets him flustered because he tries to compliment her looks, particularly after a incident when he over hears some cells whispering how weird she looks and wondering of her bad direction means there’s something physically wrong with her (the cells actually didn’t mean to be malicious. They were just curious in a insensitive way. But 1146 knew 3803 still heard them despite her smile never leaving her face). But he gets to shy and fumbles his words and ends up looking like a weirdo so much 3803 wants to get him to the infirmary because maybe he hit his head too hard in that last battle. 
But yeah that’s it. 1146 would like her plump soft rosy cheeks the best after seeing how much 5100 fixated on them so much. Which caused him to start thinking about them a lot. His most embarrassing secret becomes a desire to touch them with his bare hands (2626 would say, man THAT’S your darkest secret? I can’t decide if you’re just too pure or too dorky you know that). Yep, that’s right. 1146 would love her cute perfect heavenly soft looking cheeks. One time when he caught her and they ended up in a blood clot. 1146 was chill just chest to chest with her wrapped up in his arms. Because at least they were more comfortable this way. He was just mainly focusing on not trying to get too grumpy about his current trapped situation because this seems to happen to him a lot. But then a shift happens and 3803’s cheek ends up smooshed against his cheek. She’s totally fine and oblivious to his sudden stiffening because at least she can rest her head against him in more comfort. 1146 on the other hand feels like he’s been triggered by Dendretic Cell’s stash. Her cheek feels even more soft and warm and plump then he imagined and he’s trying to keep it cool because they’re going to he like this for 3 days (Dendretic snaps several photos of his position and he doesn’t even bother hiding it. 1146’s growing horrified expression make it better. Plus 3803 is turned away so she doesn’t see and 1146 keeps his trap shut because he thinks his voice would squeak from how overwhelmed he is from having his dorky innocent dream come true. And he doesn’t trust that Dendretic doesn’t also carry sound recorders)
Honestly it’s just too pure to imagine 1146 suddenly thinks her cute cheeks are the best in the whole body and the rest are just so inferior to her goddess level cheeks. XD
He’d still be most attracted to her character. But I could see him,becoming attracted to other parts of her because they’re her.
As for 3803, she likes his biceps. She kept grabbing them to keep her safe so of course she’d plainly say 'yeah WBC’s biceps’ if asked what she thought was 1146’s best physical feature was. Unlike 1146 she wouldn’t think the answer was a big deal and would easily answer the same question about the rest of the WBC boys. =P
Oooohhhh! Love the parallels that you drew here. Furthermore, love the idea that 1146 tries to think of ways to compliment 3803... Hehehe, and the whole spiel about him wanting to plump up her cheeks,,... That was so adorable!
And of course, I love how different 3803 is from 1146 in this regard. She would definitely be more straightforward and will definitely answer questions about the WBC if need be. 
(Much to everyone’s pleasure, 1146 is somewhat annoyed that 3803 is willing to give her opinions on the rest of the squad). 
2001: Definitely the lap and chest. Once 3803 smuggles on top of him, she can easily lay back and enjoy how firm his chest is and his thighs are plush enough so that she doesn’t get uncomfortable.
4989: His smile. He’s always so smiley and happy and it’s multiplied whenever he manages to invent a whole new weapon and doesn’t get caught by cell management, hahah.
2626: His eyes. 3803 has definitely seen his eyes many times and will never tell anyone what they look like except that they are beautiful.
2048: His legs. They’re very strong and powerful and sometimes, 3803 and 2048 race around the body to see who’s faster. (It’s 3803.)
Any spare thoughts and opinions? 
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
txt as high school au tropes
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⇒ summary: txt in a high school au setting.
⇒ [ high school! au ]
⇒ pairing: txt x reader
⇒ word count: 2.5k words
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting, parties, making out
⇒ note: hello,, yeonjun’s cover got me so emo last night that i knew i just HAD to finish this so i can finish the bad boy au i had started writing for him sksks. Also i only had a bad boy fic planned for yeonjun, but if you guys think i should write for the other members too, please send me an ask! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
choi yeonjun:
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↳ the bad boy
C’mon guys, this is badboy!!!! Yeonjun!!!!
okay, so yeonjun’s definitely the leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding kind of badboy
the one that gets into all the fights (ง’̀-‘́)ง
the one that smokes and drinks and punches his way around bc he cannot, for the life of him, control his emotions and feelings ‾͟͟͞(((ꎤˋ⁻̫ˊ)—̳͟͞͞o
he’s also hardly at school
but on the rare days that he’s actually at school, he’s always punching someone or he’s all bloodied and bruised
like,,, dude do you wanna die N O W???
the first time you met was at the nurse’s office
oh wow i wasn’t expecting that
the nurse wasn’t around but you volunteered there frequently, so you were the only one there
the door opens and you’re surprised to see someone you’re not familiar with??
he wasn’t wearing your school’s uniform,,,
who is this dude and why is he heRE
but he looked like shit and like he was gonna die
so even if he may be part of some sketchy gang
you had no choice but to patch him up pspspsps
he was covered in scratches and bruises and his lip and eyebrow were bleeding
ffs man
you told him to go sit on a bed while you went around looking for all the supplies you needed
yeonjun was being a lil shit too, bc he wouldn’t cooperate right away but eventually after threatening him that he might die if he was being choosy about who’s gonna patch him he gave in
so you started to patch him up and he was just
s t a r i n g 
he’s really attractive if he just wasn’t into fighting all the time y’know
girls still occasionally wanna try “breaking his badboy rep” 
all that cliché stuff
you get really conscious under his gaze and then he asks for your name and you ask him what happened instead psksks
he goes (◕︵◕)
so you give him your name fAM AND HE SAYS, “I’m Choi Yeonjun”
and then he tells you that he’s friends with two other choi dudes who are also really well known in your school
and then it hits you
damn y/n you’re so lost fam 
lmao so he does go to your school but you’ve never seen him before????
you finally finish patching him up and you wrap his knuckles in a gauze and his arm as well
“what kind of fight did you even get into?” (´・(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・д・`) ・`)・`)・`)・`)・`)
“the kind where I almost die???” ( ̄ω ̄;)
after getting him all patched up, you take a good look at him and whew he’s all better now
he doesn’t look like he’d die any minute 
then you smile at him like (✿◠‿◠)
“I like your smile, can I call you sunshine?”
yeonjun’s about to leave when you’re still bothered by the large cut on his eyebrow
you pull out a cute rubber ducky cartoon band-aid from your pocket and place it on top of the cut sKSKSKKS
after he finally leaves and says goodbye, yeonjun suddenly can’t stop thinking about you
and maybe, just maybe, you can’t stop thinking about him too.
choi soobin:
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↳ the rich kid
okAY so remember how badboy! yeonjun was friends with 2 other chois
Well duh who would those other two be (●´ω`●)
so soobin’s the riCH KID!!
like, he be drippin in finesse yo
(okay that was bad)
he wears gucci, channel, louis vuitton, armani, all that shit
jk you guys had uniforms
but there’s always something expensive on him
whether it be his shoes, or his bag, or maybe a ring
but he isn’t exactly the friendly type (๑◕︵◕๑)
he’s the quiet one out of the three of them and he always keeps a straight face
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
Like that ^^^^
despite having literally no emotion on his face whatsoever, his lips always seem to be upturned in a pout ksskskksks
and despite his cold personality, that doesn’t stop the girls from swooning over him lol
so,, y/n you’re a pretty clumsy simpleton
and you somehow,,, idk 
the world hates u
you accidentally bump into him like really hard when he was adjusting his precious Rolex on his wrist and the collision caused his Rolex...to...fly…
basically you broke his watch.
and everyone that was there was like :000
And soobin is just ( •̀ω•́ )σ
And you’re ಥ_ಥ
but he just sighs, picks up his broken watch and slips it into his pocket and walks away as if nothing happened
HNGGGGG o(╥﹏╥)o
you’re so guilty that you started to come up to him everyday asking how you could repay him and if you could,,, you know,, pay for it in six months time or some shit
and after a few days soobin’s had enough of you following him around
and ( ̄ー ̄)ノ
“can you stop annoying me? It’s an expensive watch, you can’t possibly pay for it”
wOW OKAY :///
“But i feel really bad for breaking it...( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )”
so soobin decides to make you his “servant”
and you know it’s stupid ,,, just bc he’s rich as hell doesn’t mean he can treat you like that
but he wasn’t giving you any options so you had no choice
you followed him around now and well, somehow
you got to know the real choi soobin hiding under all that expensive clothing and jewelry
the choi soobin that built his walls up so high that no one saw except his other two friends
and now, you.
choi beomgyu:
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↳ the heartbreaker
steals hearts left and right
or: also known as the fuckboy
he slept around and girls always fell victim to his charms
aside from the fact that he was just really really good looking and handsome and gorgeous and-
he was also really friendly and funny
you’d see him at parties all the time, and sometimes with soobin and yeonjun too 
there’s always a random girl on his arm too lmao
beomgyu’s never brought a girl to bed more than once before
it’s always just making out for like hours and one night stands here n there
and flings here and there
never had a serious relationship ever
and all the girls at school are fighting to be the one he decides to “do” more than once
i mean,, who wouldn’t want to be the first girl choi beomgyu ever fucks more than ONCE 
but you just can’t seem to share the same sentiment with the other girls at school
shouldn’t they be fighting over who gets to be his first serious girlfriend or sumth? the girls in your school r weird tbh
besides,, you’re too busy looking for new memes or something and aren’t fuckboys supposed to be the type to do one night stands anyway???
but you know, you’re the mc in this world y/n
and you caught beomgyu’s eye bc he’s always noticed you on your phone laughing at something or bopping your head to some cool new song
he can’t stop smiling every time he sees you do that
and get this,,, beomgyu’s never been the type to be all shy and flustered bc that’s just so not him
but then you get partnered up for a project and suddenly you’re approaching his desk with a bright smile on your face and 
“hi! I’m y/n!” you extend your hand out for him and he just
seeing beomgyu all flustered makes you giggle and he breaks out of his trance and goes back to his old self
“Hey, y/n. Let’s have a great time together(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ”
so that’s how you and beomgyu become friends
even after the project ended you still hung out and you even became somewhat friends with yeonjun and soobin
you sometimes went to parties with him too
and whilst beomgyu fell deeper for you
you remained clueless as ever
you just thought it was him being friendly and stuff bc that’s what he does
what you did notice though
beomgyu hardly made out or slept with anyone at parties now
he hung out with you and played games with you and with soobin and yeonjun
and he didn’t usually go to parties now if you couldn’t make it!!!
and everyone can clearly see how much he LIKES?? LOVES?? you 
so yeah, maybe beomgyu’s gotten rid of his fuckboy ways bc of you.
kang taehyun:
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↳ the valedictorian
name a smarter guy in your school than kang taehyun. Go
jk never gonna happen HE’S the smartest
literally breezes through his subjects like it’s nothing
idk how it works for you guys but in my school, we don’t have GPAs and stuff but anyway
he has like, an average grade of 99 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ (and that’s a 4.0 GPA right????) 
and all the teachers love him ofc
he doesn’t have to sit in front to be THIS smart
he can sit at the back row and be all emo with choi yeonjun if he wanted to and he’d still ace a test
h o w ⊂•⊃_⊂•⊃
and not only that
he’s got a really good voice?? he’s in choir omg
he has the voice of an angel ★~(◡‿◡✿)
he hits high notes like how he breezes through his subjects
he’s the type of guy you bring home to meet your parents after one (1) date bc they’ll love him anyway
aND if he could get any more perfect,,,, he’s captain of your football team AND class president
kang taehyun best boy _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
and you?
you guys are a match made in heaven
you’re his vice president, and while he’s in choir, you’re part of your school’s journalism club
plus, you’re smart enough to go against him but you like slacking off lmao
“you have all the glory in high school tae, i’ll kick your ass in college” PSSPPS
And if taehyun’s the captain of the football team, you’re captain of the volleyball team just bc
goals? I think so too (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
but sigh,,, yunno
as smart as taehyun is, he’s a bit dumb when it comes to matters of the heart
you’ve always loved him, but you realized it only when you guys won the science quiz bee the year before ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
basically, you’ve loved him for more than a year now,, sigh
and you’re just trying to find the right opportunity to confess
wHEN BOOM you suddenly remembered you’re on the school paper!!!! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
v-day is right around the corner and since you’re editor in chief, you decided that it would be nice to have a lil fun in preparation for the event
so you got the whole school dropping anonymous love notes for their crush!!
and the club went around pasting them on lockers for the students so they don’t risk the chance of getting caught pspsps
totally smart idea huh !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
all for the sake of confessing your feelings for your best friend.
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↳ the popular guy 
this boi
loved by everybody
and i mean everybody
even yeonjun and soobin who seem like they don’t give two flying fucks about anything
like literally everybody wants to be his friend !!!
there’s nothing people have to hate him for honestly
he’s in choir with taehyun 
he follows no crowd bC THE CROWD FOLLOWS HIM SKSKS
“hey, kai!”
“ey, wassup! I like your top!”
he’s a cute babie too oomf
the girls that aren’t swooning over yeonjun or beomgyu or soobin are definitely swooning over him
(with taehyun they’ve lost all hope bc they know his best friend’s the only one that’s supposed!! to!! stand!! next!! to!! him!!)
kai’s also really sweet and nice to everybody,, and i mean everybody
he talks to everyone, even those emo kids who sit at the back row
and even they can’t resist smiling :) 
he’s that kind of popular guy that’s really preppy and fun to be around
he’s the type to help girls carry their books, or help guys plan on how to ask their crushes out
everyone knows a lot about him bc he doesn’t hesitate to share and talk about his life bc he literally has no trust issues whatsoever
not in a bad way, tho!! he’s just really honest n stuff
the one thing that everyone doesn’t know about him is that he can play piano sksk ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱
they know he can sing, but they didn’t know he played piano like???
he’s never brought it up before
but one time you find him playing the piano in the music room
you’re in the art club and you guys usually stayed behind after school to work on your paintings and stuff when you were feeling like it
and it just so happened that you were staying behind bc you entered into an art competition and you had only two weeks left to complete your painting
but lately you’ve been running out of inspiration and decided to clear your thoughts first before going back to your painting
what’s that beautiful melody??? 
and it led you to him and you were surprised to see mr. popular in the room
and you didn’t mean to, but the door was ajar and you push it open even further to hear the song better
a chair was resting behind the door and it screeched on the floor spsps
Kai turned around and saw you
“oh! Hey y/n”
he stopped playing and you could see a faint blush on his cheeks ≧◡≦
“you play piano? i never knew” you decided to just step inside bc he wouldn’t mind right? rIGHT???
yeah,, if he didn't have such a big PHAT CRUSH ON YOU
“uh yeah, it helps me to clear my mind sometimes”
“i was taking a break too, i couldn’t finish my painting”
he’s always liked you, ever since you were lab partners for an entire year,,
you occasionally talked, but since he was on the more popular side and you had a smaller group of friends it was hard for him to find proper alone time with you
but life’s good to this baby and he finally got to spend his time with you.
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enbycalicocat · 4 years
Day 24: 19th of February, 2021
+ Implied/mentioned self harm (doesn’t happen within the story)
+ Very negative mindset (might be upsetting for some)
Below is a summary in case you need it (CONTAINS SPOILERS):
The main character is a diagnosed psychopath that’s going through his morning routine. During that he has some upsetting thoughts about how lonely he is, how difficult it is to pretend to be like everyone else, how he wishes he could be himself and people would love him like that, and so on. Then at the end, he mentions that psychopaths don’t necessarily have to be aggressive with other people, they can do that to themselves (and here he talks about self-harming himself later when he gets to work).
I’m not an expert in any sense of the word about the mental disorder described in this story. I’m basing the stuff I write off of articles and researches and interviews. You can ask me and I’ll give you the sources. That said, please do not take what I wrote as an accurate or precise description.
The alarm began to sing somewhere near me and I just hit snooze and went back to sleep. I needed to sleep a bit more. I'd gone to sleep late the day before yesterday and still felt incredibly tired. Plus, I'd been working on my personal projects a lot these days and that took up a lot of time and was also very exhausting. I deserved ten more minutes of sleep.
 There was a knock on the door and I woke with a start. My mom told me to get up from the other side and I thought with curiosity, did I miss when the alarm sounded again? Checking the phone, I realized that no, the second alarm hadn't sounded yet, there were still two minutes left.
 Getting off the bed, I felt mildly irritated. All I wanted was to sleep ten more minutes. Not half an hour, or something. What was ten minutes? Nothing! Couldn't I get that much?
 Once dressed, I went out of my room and heard the sounds of popping oil. Ah, right, I had to make the rice. My mom had told me the night before. But when I entered the kitchen, I found the rice was already cooking. Well, then, I would use this time to make my breakfast. I needed to start eating at the right times. The articles I read said the body functioned a lot better when we ate at the same times every day.
 "Please check if the rice is already cooked and turn the stakes onto their other side."
 Internally, I wanted to say no. There were things I needed to do (like my breakfast). But I had learned early on that I should accept the things my mom asked me to do unless I couldn't achieve them with my current ability, or the things I should be doing instead could not be postponed.
 The rice and the stakes taken care of, I quickly washed the tuppers I used to store my lunch and bring it with me. Seriously, couldn't my mom wash them? I needed to finish that thing I was writing yesterday, and I was tired from staying up the day before, so I went to sleep really early. Washing them would've taken five minutes tops. And yet here they were, unwashed.
That done, I finally made my breakfast. And finally ate. Half an hour later than I should've.
 "You were supposed to make the rice today."
 I looked at my mom, and determined from her tone of voice and her face that she was not at all pleased with me right now. But, why? I needed to sleep a little longer. Why can't I?
 "I told you I wanted to start leaving the house ten minutes earlier. Because I was not arriving on time at the house of my first client."
 Ah. I didn't really think my mom's request was that important. I wanted to sleep longer. I was her son. She could perfectly make up some excuse and her client would eat it right up. I'd seen her done it before. So, why couldn't she do it today?
But I had to consider her needs and the things she wanted. And had to put her first sometimes. Because that's what people did for each other. What normal people did.
 "Sorry mom. It's just that I was really sleepy. I didn't sleep well a few nights ago because of the drops that fall from that pipe within the walls. It woke me up at three thirty a.m. and I couldn't go back to sleep at all. And that same day I had gone to sleep really late, almost twelve a.m. because I had to finish writing. And then yesterday, I couldn't take a nap."
 I affected a very cutesy and pitiful voice, sounding as if I felt really bad about not cooking the rice as I had promised. My facial and body gestures changed as well. All done to appeal to her. So, that she wouldn't get angry. If she got angry, it would be a pain in the ass. And I wanted nothing to do with that. Thank you very much.
 My mom fell for it reluctantly. As we finished getting ready, for the remaining time in the house, I made a conscious and strenuous effort to pay attention to the things she wanted and put them first. Once in the car and on the way to the mall where I worked, I could finally relax and stop watching my mom's every move and word.
 Inside me, I heaved a sigh of relief. That had been some very tiring thirty minutes. And extremely lonely too. I hadn't wanted to do any of that. I didn't care. I had things to do. And I wanted to get them done first. Whatever my mom needed could wait.
But no. I couldn't do that. I couldn't say that. I couldn't put myself first like I wanted. Because that's not what people did. That's not how they behaved. It's not 'normal'. And I had to be like everyone else. Normal. However, doing that was exhausting, soul-sucking work. Because I was a psychopath.
 Empathy and average human interactions were not something I knew or could perform naturally. It was all an act. A mask. A persona. As if I were on stage.
 As I sat, my eyes were firmly trained on the window beside me with headphones in even though I wasn't really paying attention to the scenery and there was no music playing. This is what my psychologist calls closed-off body language. It makes it clear for people that I don't want them to talk to me. No eye-contact is really important in order to give the 'I don't want to talk' message. For me it's just usual behavior since I never look at people when they interact with me. But the 'body language' was based on the way neurotypicals perceived the world. Not on people like me.
 I wondered if I would ever be able to tell my mom about my diagnosis. If I would ever be able to take the masks off and just be me, the real me. If she would love me for who I really am. But the people around me had made it clear from very early in my life that no one wanted the real me. I was unpleasant. I was unlovable. I was not what they wanted. Not what they expected. And I had to be the way they wanted me to.
 Frustration coursed through my veins. Where is the fairness in that? I had to bend over backwards to be what they wanted me to be. I had to act stupidly and say stupid stuff to keep my job and keep a roof under my head. I had to be someone else entirely to exist in this goddamned world, to be able to pay for food and have the right to live and breathe.
 But no one stopped to think about how that felt. No one stopped to think about how humiliating and degrading that was.
 Why did I have to change for them? Why couldn't they change for me?
 Why did I have to be born like this? Why couldn't I be like everyone else? Why couldn't I control it? Why did it have to be this hard?
 Why couldn't they just love me?
 My hands traced the inside of my arms, hidden under the long-sleeved shirt I was wearing, feeling the scabs formed over the cuts.
 People where always worried about psychopaths being aggressive and killing. They knew psychopaths killed people, killed human beings, killed living beings in general. But they didn't stop to think (did they ever, really?) that psychopaths were people, human beings, living beings, and that they could be killed too, by their own hands. We were aggressive and tended towards killing, true, but that didn't necessarily imply someone else, we could just as well just be aggressive with ourselves, kill ourselves.
 So, I bottled my frustration, my anger, my disappointment, my loneliness, and saved it for later. Later, when I had a razor and the door of the store I worked in was locked and I was alone with my body.
24. Describe the exact day you just had, but from the point of view of a psychopath.
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vake-hunter · 4 years
Since you said that you’re interested in reading my thoughts regarding Cards here they are. Full disclosure; I haven’t actually played Fallen London since while the premise, worldbuilding and various other things are relevant to my interests, and if I did play my Ambition would definitely be Heart’s Desire, I haven’t the patience for all the grinding. Plus I got spoiled about a bunch of stuff which made the grinding seem even less worth it. So I’ve basically been treating it as a spectator sport/source of reading material. My knowledge of the game reflects this, which is to say that while it’s detailed there are probably gaps.
Now, on to the thoughts. Since Cards is very much a “depending on the player” situation there’s a lot of things that can be different from version to version but I figure that all of them would have to be at least a bit of an asshole in some ways given what they get up to over the course of Heart’s Desire, not to mention in possession of a very wide stubborn/determined/wilful streak given the amount of effort needed to make the Marvellous take place early because they didn’t want to wait a few years. Plus the various personality traits you’d expect of someone with high Persuasive.
While goals and motives likewise vary from Cards to Cards, I prefer the ones for whom the batification is a feature rather than a price because it’s more intriguing and it puts an interesting spin on the implied body horror stuff in the game. It also implies that they went with the choice they did for reasons other than just power.
In the case of my Cards, i.e. the one I created in my head for fic writing purposes after being thoroughly spoiled about everything, the batification is arguably the primary reason. Basically I saw the game text asking whether or not you recognise yourself in the mirror, decided that it would be interesting if the answer was “no, and that’s a good thing” or “actually I’m finally seeing myself in the mirror” and went from there. My Cards is someone who as a human was unfortunate enough to be the spitting image of someone he really, really hates (for good reason) and spent a large chunk of his life being frequently reminded about it until every time he looked in the mirror he saw them. Consequently he spent years at war with his appearance without much success and came to the Neath partly to get as far away from his past and people who’d recognise him as possible, but mostly chasing rumours that it was somewhere where he’d be able to solve the problem for once and for all. He started on the path to win the Marvellous with his desire being the total erasure of every feature he had in common with the person he hates. Then at some point he had a vision of his Destiny (probably Authority), decided that that way lay an extremely thorough version of his original goal with a bunch of extra stuff that he hadn’t thought of before then but now really wanted, realised that he wasn’t particularly attached to the idea of being human, and changed his plans accordingly. He expected the process to be unpleasant, although he quickly discovered that his imagination fell short of just how painful and difficult it actually is, but regards the end result as being worth it and besides, achieving his original goal would’ve probably also hurt like hell. Although not much has been done to his face yet (it’s an area that would need a lot of complicated and delicate work, plus decisions need to be made regarding the specifics) it’s already one that he doesn’t quite recognise, which is fine with him. It may not be the face that he’s used to seeing in the mirror but it’s finally his alone.
The one regret he does have is that he didn’t fully realise just how dense the Masters are in some areas prior to winning the Marvellous (he kind of had Pages pegged as one of those eccentrics who are given to strange behaviour and whose intellect is devoted to one or two areas and consequently don’t have much left for anything else). He therefore has some worries about the future of his own mind, although he’s inclined to put the bulk of the Masters’ collective intellectual short-comings down to alienness, the hubris of being higher up the Chain than humans, and them being too easily certain of things. Therefore even though certainty now comes more easily for himself he makes a conscious effort to think things through and generally does everything he can to keep his mind sharp and mostly free of Masterly cognitive cock-ups. So far it seems to be working well, as Pages keeps finding out the hard way. At this point Cards almost regards their continual state of move and countermove as a a game (if it’s actually Pages’ attempts at flirting, he’s completely oblivious).
Another unexpected thing was the more supernatural aspect of being a Master since he didn’t know about it beforehand and no one thought to tell him, so he was a bit startled the first time it kicked in. He’d probably deny the (well hidden) almost childlike glee that ensued when he realised what was going on. He’d also deny that he spent a couple of hours in his lodgings messing about with cards, dice and flipped coins shortly afterwards. 
My preferred headcanon regarding why the player is still running around as a human after the end of Heart’s Desire is that it’s at least partly to prevent anyone connecting them to the new Master. Both Cards and the other Masters try to act appropriately for whatever he’s being at any given moment, at least when anyone else is around. I don’t know about anyone else but my Cards has definitely taken advantage of the situation to be a troll more than once. He’s also taken advantage of the times he’s supposed to be human to do things he can’t do as a Master, for instance he’s done a few things that technically violate the prohibition against charity, justifying them on the grounds that a) he being a human at the time and humans aren’t subject to that rule, and b) there’s always an aspect of self interest involved, even if it’s just a matter of maintaining the separation between his two lives (there’s often more; Cards usually has an angle of some sort, even if the other Masters can’t tell what it is) so it doesn’t really count as charity anyway. More enlightened self-interest at most. 
So far he hasn’t had much unsupervised interaction with people when he’s being Cards so no one really knows what to think of him/it yet, although most of those who he has interacted with are inclined to tentatively regard him as one of the more amiable Masters. Except for this one bookie who tried to pull a fast one. Things didn’t go well for him at all and Cards has tried to ensure that this is as widely known as possible in the hopes of preventing future unpleasantness. 
Nobody believes the “long lost Master” cover story. The main theory is that Cards is a trading name but no one knows who, although Cards is short enough even with the framework that most of them can be safely ruled out (I figure that you can only add so much height before things get ridiculous and the average height in the Victorian period was under six feet). The second most common theory is that Cards is the offspring of at least one of the Masters (which one varies with the most popular guesses being Wines and Apples) who is only now old enough for Masterly responsibilities. Cards finds this theory amusing.
I’ll stop there because I’ve rambled on for long enough and from this point on things get less coherent. What do you think?
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