#plus i don't wanna draw attention away from the written story and stuff bc i'm rly proud of it qwq
henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
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ayyyy another redraw from ya boiiiii
i’m rly proud of this, and god i’ve improved so much from last time again! i’ve grown to love these two so much, especially these designs!
also, i made a revised version of the old story i made for the old drawing! so here’s a new one to celebrate ^^ (click the “Keep reading for the story)
     I remember our first kiss. Sure, it was so long ago and yet it feels like it was just yesterday. You were discharged from the hospital and we held hands on our way out. Your warm skin was touching mine once again, and oh how lovely that felt back then. You took me to your favorite spot in the next town over, New Harmony. The place you grew up. You parked the car and rushed the both of us outside and stood on the middle of the bridge, the sun just about to set.      You asked me, ”So, you like the view?”      “It’s lovely,” I responded. “I could stare at it forever.”      “You wouldn’t stare at me forever?”      I was confused. I didn’t know what you meant at that moment, as I was oblivious to your love for me. Even the glimmer in your eyes going somewhat dim when you said that. While you didn’t seem upset, now when I look back I could tell you were.      “I mean, if I could live forever. Then yes,” I responded, hopefully not giving it away that I had loved you too.      “I just wanted to thank you for visiting me every day,” you began talking, facing the sunset as you did so. “I remember feeling your hand clutching mine every time you cried. I felt it while I was unconscious. But that’s because I kept dreaming about you. I kept feeling you, hearing you cry every visit. And I remember every time I saw you leave, I got sad too. I wanted you to stay with me. And well…”      You had turned back to me, the shine back in your eyes. God they’re beautiful now as they were back then, those shining emerald eyes that I could never mistake for someone else. You had even stood closer to me, which I hadn’t really noticed now that I think about it.      And then you continued, “Well, I can stay with you for however long forever will last.”      I didn’t understand what that meant, but looking at you, my face felt beet red. God, it’s always embarrassing when I turn red because I always felt it, but at that moment I was too focused on your caring, joyous smile that made you so lovable.      I came to my senses for a little bit and I had asked you, “What do you mean?”
     And that’s when it happened.
     You had grabbed my right wrist lightly and placed a hand on my left cheek. You had to stand on your tippy toes in order to reach my lips. And then you placed your lips on mine. It felt like I was in heaven. At first I didn’t know how to enter its gates, but as I gave in more and more to you, the more those gates opened. The way you had kissed me so lovingly made my heart flutter, and I never wanted that moment to end. I ended up swinging both of my arms around your waist to bring us closer. I just wanted to hold you and enter heaven with you, because I knew that at that point I never wanted to separate from you.      But that time came for us to part, as we had trouble breathing during our moment above the clouds. We simply looked at each other lovingly and smiled. I let tears run down my face as I laughed with joy. My feelings for you had been reciprocated, and that was all I ever wanted. Sure, we didn’t even know each other very well, but we could get to know each other more than ever now.      I love you so much, Jeremy. I hope you can come back soon, wherever you are… I miss you so much my love…
Your loving husband,
     Mikah Fitzgerald
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