#plus he's 18 for god's sake he's supposed to wanna blow off responsibilities and weddings and stuff to fuck around have fun
sophsun1 · 2 months
Can Debbie not emotionally manipulate someone into changing their plans because she doesn't agree with them for five minutes pls?
I'm giffing the wedding episode and when Justin announces he's going to the white party with Brian, she lays the guilt trip on him so fast as if going means he's doesn't care about Mel and Linds which blatantly isn't true. He's shown to love them both very much but that doesn't mean he can't also want to go away with his boyfriend for a weekend, both can co-exist at the same time.
Even Mel though disappointed manages to say that Justin deserves to have some fun after what he's been through even if she doesn't mean it. Debbie's retorts are always dripping with disdain and some form of 'ugh, you're behaving just like Brian would' again with the passive aggressive digs. i'm tired.
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