#plus all of mumbos hermitcraft but that’ll take a while
weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
so are you watching any povs besides grian, zedaph, mumbo, and tango?
Nope! Though I did watch ethos s7 and 8 and pearls s8. I wanna focus on just these four as s9 is coming out ^^
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windfighter · 3 years
Apparently we're fighting the hermits now? Okay then, I'll go too!
Keralis - Keralis is great at escaping and I am great at missing. We'd be in a stalemate until he realizes he can fight back. He'd call me sweetface and ask why I'm doing it and I'd die from regret (or from a creeper that sneaks up on us while we're fighting). He has a pretty but punchable face. Might fight him, but would rather just tour his base. 3/10
Rendog - Have you seen his wrestler-skin? I stand no chance, but maybe I can use the opportunity to unlock hidden background lore for my own character. 5/10 because we always need more lore
False - No one raises a sword against the queen. 0/10 but I'll enjoy watching her fight the rest of you.
Ex-eye-suma - People say he's punchable but I just want to hug him. 0/10 because even if I tried he'd just look at me and I'd put away my sword again.
cubfan135 - Mr 135 fan of the cub has it coming. I love him but holy carp does his grinding put the rest of us to shame. 8/10 I would get completely destroyed but it would be worth it.
B of the double of the O - This man is feral. He carries knives hidden under his shirt every day. Little does he know I also always carry hidden knives. Our defeat will be mutual and everyone watching will wonder what happened. 4/10 because I don't actually want to fight someone with that much feral energy.
Beef - Would fight him only because the shaders. Would proceed to get completely destroyed. 7/10
Mr Goodtimes - I would win but at what cost? At least he would laugh in confusion while it all goes down. HIs laugh would distract me and his right hand enemy bdubs would come in and slay me at the last second. Oh looks lite I didn't win after all. 0/10
Tango - This man regulary handles ravagers. No way in Hel I'm fighting that. I'd try and he'd sick his iron golem/ravager army on me. My only hope of escape is that the ravagers and iron golems get distracted by each other. 4/10 because at least it'd be an amazing sight watching that army march against me.
Iskall - We'd both be too busy laughing our asses off at the squeakies on top of pacific. Also they're a former hitman and I can't even hit a bale of hay. 0/10 would much rather just hang out with them
Impulse - Would absolutely fight. I'm going to deck him so he finally gets some sleep. Will challenge him to a pillow fight in hopes that it'd help. He would build a pillow fight minigame and proceed to completely wreck me. I will lose but at least there'll be a new minigame for everyone to try. 10/10
Grian - Not as feral as bdubs, but definately chaotic. I stand absolutely no chance and when I try to fly away I'll wreck myself against a wall. Our battle will be quick, unspectacular and forgetable. There's no reason for such a battle. 0/10
Welsnight - Something about him makes me want to fight him, no matter how awesome he is. He will defeat me twice - once in battle and once with a great disstrack. What did I do to deserve that? I'll love him for it. 6/10
Mumbo - Only one I stand a chance at defeating because even if he's secretly buff he's a disaster and a spoon and he'd be distracted enough by something for me to land the killing blow. If we fight near his redstone machinery I will lose tho, because I'd be too busy trying to see what's going on. On the plus-side he'd be too busy explaining it to actually fight me. 0/10 because there wouldn't even be a fight.
ZombieCleo - No, just no. She would kill me with her sarcasm and I would thank her (and then she'd proceed to kill me with her sword just to get my head). 2/10 because it would be fun to see my head in her armor stand scenes.
Etho - Ladders might not be as good at PvP as he once was (his own words) but I have never actually done PvP and I can barely defeat a zombie. He would stand still and I would miss him. He would teleport away and then proceed to headshot me wih a firework. 4/!0 because at least my demise will be colorful
Joe Hills - We'd start fighting then it'd turn into a poem writing marathon. He'll tell me I made a good attempt at rhyming and then teach me about the history of poetry. I didn't know I was interested in that but I can't stop listening. His dogs will tear me apart while I'm distracted. 7/10 because honestly poem writing marathon with Mr Hills sounds like a great time even if it will kill me.
Zedaph - eeeeeh... I'd try but then Tango will arrive to either help him or help me and I'm not prepared to take that chance. There is also a chance that Zedaph just straight up feeds me to Bone Apetite and I'm not sure how good my remains are for bonemeal. 1/10
Hermitcraft recap - will absolutely fight. I have no chance because they will tagteam me and I can't even hit the broad side of a barn in daylight. They might be too busy with making the next recap show and that'll allow me to take them, but that would be dirty and I would rather not. 9/10 because it'll be pretty hilarious.
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