#plus (and I've said this before too) you can always ask about character details and etc directly bc I have all the current info in my brain
constellationcrowned · 6 months
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((Finalizing and making the muse bios public is a ways off (I'm waiting for ch3 to release tbh, because there'll be a lot more to use, cover, etc) but when I do for the sake of accessibility not only will each bio have its own navi (which I can provide a sample of) I'll also list the notable tws associated with each character, primarily because they can be pretty severe and I don't skimp/water them down when writing. Safety is important y'know?))
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e-vay · 1 year
Here's a new assembly of asks, assorted by topics so you can browse only what interests you:
Anon Asked: Have you ever watched The Nightmare Before Christmas? I was wondering if you watch it during Halloween or Christmas or do you consider it as both for the two seasons?
A: I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I consider it appropriate to watch for the last quarter of the whole year haha.
Anon Asked: Do you sometimes envision you and your husband as Sonic and Amy?
A: I do not, we really aren't anything like them. Ryan is very quiet and humble and shy. And yes I am forward and romantic like Amy, but unlike her, I'm an annoying little gremlin LOL!
Anon Asked: Have you ever watch 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'? You MIGHT like it amd I highly recommend you watching it ( but don't force yourself if you don't want to)
A: I've never actually watched it properly, but I've watched compilations of it and I really enjoyed what I saw! I love the art style of it and I like how all the turtles are unique. Plus Ben Schwartz, c'mon!
Anon Asked: Hi e-vay, have you ever played life is strange?
A: Hi! YES! I loved that game. Nana always said that she was Chloe and I was Max haha. I didn't play the sequel though.
Anon Asked: Here’s some positivity to counter that negative ask you got! What’s your favourite thing about your new style? *grabby hands* Gimme all the details!
A: I appreciate that. Honestly, I didn't purposely "change" the way I draw; art just evolves over time ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Besides, I still think my style is MY style. I feel like the characters are more on-model and expressive and don't look as flat as I used to draw. If people don't like my art anymore that's fine. I like it, so really that's all that matters.
Anon Asked: EVAY I AM DISTRAUGHT, I've been perusing your blog looking at fanfics but I keep coming across some posts that I can't access anymore like ones by kbspeeding :( Do you know of any way to read them?
A: I know, it breaks my heart, too :( To my knowledge, there's no way to access the posts of anybody who has deactivated their accounts. I wish that wasn't the case because I sincerely miss her work, but I have to respect her and others' decisions to remove their content.
Anon Asked: What do u think of the amy rose ballerina hc? I think it’s so beautifully graceful and fits her so well💗🩰?
A: I'm not sure what specific headcanon you're referencing, but I definitely believe she knows ballet! Especially her idle animations in the Boom games. That girl knows how to dance.
Anon Asked: Do you like sonic unleashed or have you ever played it?
A: I never had the chance to play it, but I love the story and I love what I've seen. I am hoping they'll re-release it for the PS4 (or PS5) so I can finally play it!
Anon Asked: If you don’t mind me asking, what do you think of Barry the Quokka, the protagonist from The murder of sonic the hedgehog? If you don’t know anything about them what do you think of their design?
A: Of course I know the trash bin king! I like his design a lot. He's super cute and I love a nervous wreck of a character. I also loved that he was just this totally normal dude who has to spend an afternoon with the most insane group of friends ever.
Anon Asked: If you had to choose, what is your favorite and your least favorite sonic game?
A: I always have a hard time answering this because there are so many styles of games and I think some are better at certain aspects than others. For example, I think Frontiers had the best writing and actor perfomances. I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best gameplay and replay value. And Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is my favorite of the classics because I think it's the most visually perfect and the gameplay is a lot of fun. But if I have to choose, I guess I have to go with SA2 because I never get sick of it. My least favorite is Sonic Spinball haha I suck at it.
@tonyrockstar15 asked: Hey E-Vay, have you thought of making your own Sonic Fan-Cartoon?
A: I kind of already do that with my comics :) I would love to make animations, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to do that kind of thing regularly.
Anon Asked: Do you think sonic does his taxes?
A: He has no income! But if he did make any money, I'm sure Tails would make him do it (and by that I mean, file his taxes for him because he's worried Sonic will do it wrong)
@twistedchaos101 asked: Hey, What is your expectation for the new Sonic Frontiers DLC?
A: Sweet, sweet content! By the time I'm writing this I've already played some of it and I LOVE IT! UGH, Sonic Team has been so good to us in 2023! 😭💙
Anon Asked: Hey E-Vay! Big fan of your art. I was curious to know what’s going to happen with the Hell Hath No Fury comic? Will it be continued or left up to fan interpretation following the Shadow page?
A: Thank you so much! I will finish it. It won't be left up for interpretation. I just have to get to it.
Anon Asked: Is there a possibility that everyone I mean Sonic,Shadow,Amy,Tails, Aurora and so on have some mental illness? I now that Shadow does have PTSD at some point, but does anyone else have some specific mental illness? Btw love your art ✨
A: Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm not a professional so I don't feel right diagnosing anyone with anything, even if they are fictional characters. I personally suffer from anxiety and depression so I can speak to that, but I don't think I am the person to comment on anything else.
Here are some fun questions I received from @pccyouthleader about Aurora that I wanted to share:
Q: What are Aurora’s primary and secondary love languages?
A: I had to take the Love Language quiz as Aurora. I got her primary as Quality Time. Physical Touch and Acts of Service were nearly tied for second.
Q: Does she like practical jokes? I remember you saying at one point that sometimes she acts without considering the reactions.
A: Yes! She loves a good prank, so long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. Sometimes she doesn’t realize that not everybody enjoys a practical joke though.
Q: Is Aurora competitive?
A: She is, because she feels like she’s got a lot to prove. But not to the point where she’s going to hurt a kids feelings just so she can say she won at something. She’s always going to let little ones win.
Q: Do she have a guilty pleasure?
A: She loves reading romance novels and sometimes she writes friend-fictions like Amy does in Sonic Boom or Tina in Bob’s Burgers hahaha
Q: What quality does she most value in Shadow?
A: She loves how he is unapologetically himself, if that makes sense. Despite what he was created for, he is his own man/hedgehog and he’s forged his own path. Even when others try to put him down or break him, he knows who he is and he doesn’t back down and she’s in awe of that.
Q: Pet peeves?
A: Closed-mindedness is the main thing. Whether that’s about something important like accepting somebody for who they are, or something small like not willing to try a type of food for the first time. She doesn’t understand how people can be like that and it irks her. She also hates when people agree to something and then they flake out haha
Q: If she were shopping, what type of store would she choose and what type of item?
A: One of those record stores that has a little bit of everything. You go there for music and movies and books and they always have fun, quirky gifts. Even though the world she lives in is futuristic, she can appreciate classic things and finds them fascinating. Otherwise yeah she’d love a thrift shop because there’s always strange stuff in there. Wherever she shops, she can’t leave any store without getting something silly that she found cute.
Q: What is her most and least favorite chore?
A: Her favorite chore is spring cleaning, where everybody rummages through everything and downsizes stuff. She likes it just because of the things she’ll find that she’s forgotten about or never knew was in the house. Her least favorite chore is laundry. It’s boring and it never ends!
Q: Outside of swimming and singing, what others hobbies does she have?
A: She loves to dance, that’s a big one. I’ve also joked in the past that she’d do really well if Shadow ever brought her to a gun range, so with that in mind she’d find things like laser tag and paintball super fun
Q: I remember you saying she hadn’t traveled a lot, so if Aurora could choose anywhere to visit, what place would she most like to see?
A: She’d love to go to outer space. She’d never been to space before meeting Shadow. But she also gets that it’s a “ridiculous” dream since she hasn’t even explored all of her own planet yet. Honestly she would be happy to travel anywhere, she wants to see the whole world and beyond. She wants to experience the most of life.
Q: What is her favorite fairy tale?
A: Thumbelina. She could see herself in that story a lot: a small lady who is loved but doesn't really fit in anywhere, and gets whisked around by others trying to control what she does with her life. In the end she's rewarded for her kindness and finally finds where she belongs.
@nerdk7 asked: Don’t know if you answered this question, but how did Shadow propose to Aurora? Was it sweet? Chaotic? Or both?
A: I can't reveal that yet! 🥰 I want to keep it a surprise!
@mod-bubamon asked: I have a question about cc...maybe a few im sorry I'm kinda obsessing over how adorable she is tailsxcc for life We know cc can indeed feel,but can she feel pain? Does she know about the ai art and apps? How does she feel about them? I'm sure that in winter mobians fur coats grow thicker. So did cc somehow implement that into her body? Also how much more cuddly would she get when tails fur grows out? Sorry for all the questions out of nowhere, I've been a fan since I've started tumblr a while ago.
A: Please don't ever apologize for questions. I'm happy you're so interested! And especially glad you enjoy CC! When she was in her original "drone-like" form she couldn't feel pain but she could feel fear. When she builds her Mobian body, she engineers it so she does have all kinds of feeling-receptors, including pain. Not that pain is enjoyable to her, but it's important for her to be able to have as much of the Mobian-experience as possible. I wasn't expecting AI Art to pop off the way it has so I never thought to include it in my work. CC is beyond the AI form now though, she's a full on person. Just like Sage became a full person, beyond just her programming. So I think she and Sage have the ability to create their own forms of art from their own minds. I think I've address something similar in the past: CC has the ability to just play music from her body like a speaker, but she preferred to learn how to play an instrument because she wanted to experience the art form properly. CC didn't think to include a winter coat for her Mobian body, but upon snuggling with Tails she'd definitely add that to her list of future modifications! He's the fluffiest of them all in the winter so he'd be so snuggly and warm and lovely. Thank you for following me!
@firerush asked: What does Aurora think of her Werehog form? What does she think of Shadow's or even Sonic's if that's canon?
A: She likes that she's finally tall, but other than that she doesn't like how she looks. She's very self-conscious about her werehog form. But she loves how Shadow and Sonic look as werehogs.
@jhyannarqq768 asked: How would you think if Aurora was the project while shadow was a mortal one? And i just wanted to ask how would you think if there's a another universe that Aurora it's he imortal and shadow it's the mortal?
A: Well, if she was the project she wouldn't be Aurora. She is the creation of Sonic and Amy so without them she wouldn't exist :) As far as her being immortal and Shadow being mortal: If Shadow was engineered in the 50s and he wasn't made immortal then they never would have met. He would have passed away long before she ever came around.
Anon Asked: How good of a fighter is Rory?
A: She is average as far as physical combat. She's better at diversions and dodging, using an opponents' energy against them. If she was playable in a game, I imagine she'd have a lot of QTE actions that allow her to dodge a boss and make them tire themselves out before she uses her light powers to damage them. While she attended the Young Heroes program she learned combat, but Sonic never wants her in harms' way so he instructed her to always try to distance herself from enemies so she can use her long-range light powers. But she won't back down from a fight if it means she can protect someone else.
@jordanjoebanana asked: Can the Shadora kids turn super when they have all the emeralds or is it only just Shadow,Aurora,and Sonic?
A: All the kids can go super except for the third litter (Cinder, Diamond and Boon). Those three aren't able to use chaos emeralds at all. The family does not know why.
@mysticalsuitfury asked: What led you to create a child for sonamy and naming her aurora?
A: I always make fan kids for everything I'm obsessed with. If you knew me from my Naruto days, I had a huge world of Naruto kids. So naturally I wanted to give my favorite couple of all time (Sonic and Amy) a kid! As far as the name, Aurora is my favorite name in the world. Ever since I saw Sleeping Beauty as a child, I've loved that name. So I gave my favorite name to the child of my favorite couple. Also I think it suits her personality: Colorful, cheerful, hopeful.
@twistedchaos101 asked: Aurora speaks how many languages?
A: She only speaks English.
@aurorathehedge6 asked: How old is Ruff and T-Bone since Aurora is now an adult and have kids?
A: Ruff is 8 years younger than Aurora and Tumble is 12 years younger than Aurora. For most of my comics where Aurora is not yet married, she is 20 years old.
@animeartbros asked: Do Aurora Piper and Blitz hang out much?
A: Piper and Blitz are constantly bickering so a girls' day out tends to involve a lot of yelling and picking on each other haha. It involves a lot of Aurora going "Girls, remember, your sister is your best friend for life. You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings! TT_TT Please stop fighting."
Anon Asked: Has shadow ever taught any or all of his kids how to use a gun and if so how did Aurora feel about it? | And another Anon asked: If Shadow tells his children where babies come from, I am sure that he taught them how to 'defend yourself' with a gun at a very young age ... or at least tried haha I see sometimes short comics in which Shadow tries to teach Cream how to use a gun and I can imagine that this mf would totally try to do the same with his children. Would Shadow succeed if he tried this or would Aurora stop him?
A: Gun-wielding is a part of Shadow's identity so I'd never take that aspect away from him. And Aurora actually enjoys shooting too (targets, not people!) so she doesn't feel weird about that topic. However, I believe that they are huge proponents for RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP so they keep all their weapons securely locked up and unloaded at ALL TIMES. And Shadow wouldn't teach the kids how to shoot until they're MUCH older and responsible enough to handle such a dangerous weapon. But you'd better believe he trained them well in marksmanship via laser tag and paintball as kids!
Anon Asked: Hi! I noticed that in your Aurora-comics Sonic grows a mustache as he gets older - what made him come to that decision? And what does Amy think about it???? What about kissing Sonic with a 'stache? I, personally, think he kind of resembles Eggman so, I'm not that big of a fan but that doesn't matter! I'm more interested on their POV. I still love the way you draw them, btw. And it's really sweet to see them together through the passage of time 🥰
A: Hi and thank you so much! Honestly, the reason I gave him a mustache was just to make him appear older haha. I tried multiple ways to age him up but the mustache was the most effective. Originally, I wanted to give him something more distinguished but I ran into two problems: 1 - I didn't want people mistaking him for Uncle Chuck. 2 - I don't see Sonic taking the time to properly sculpt a mustache/beard, so I gave him something rough and simple haha. I have drawn him deciding to grow it out and Amy's reaction to it :) Amy loved it, then didn't like it, then went back to loving it because now she gets the most ticklish, delicious kisses! 🥰 The good thing about hair/fur is that it's not permanent! You can always change it :)
Anon Asked: Omg ur feeding us so WELL with the content I honestly can’t picture actual sonic canon anymore without Aurora like she is completely canon in my mind I love her so much!! Also I have a kinda weird question, if Aurora saw a gay or lesbian couple out in public as a little kid and she was curious about it, how would sonic or amy explain it to her?
A: Aw, thank you! Well the Sonic franchise has been feeding ME well this year so I have the energy to nourish you all hahaha. I'm so happy you accept Aurora 🥰 I like to think that Sonic and Amy are very accepting and loving people and would raise their children to believe that too. Also, Aurora is VERY used to seeing public displays of affection from her parents, so if she saw two people kissing or holding hands in public, no matter their gender, she'd be bouncing up and down "OOH ARE THEY IN LOVE?! ARE THEY IN LOVE??" and Sonic and Amy would be like "That's right, Tiny!"
Anon Asked: What have been going on in Aurora's mind when she was a baby?
A: I'm not sure babies think about much 😉 Just general thoughts of "Mom, Dad, Food, Joy, Sleepy" But hey I could be wrong!
Anon Asked: Out of curiosity, I know that you ship Shadow + Aurora together (and I’m okay with that)… But what if the Time-Travel Adventure never happened?… What if Shadow never went on a Big-Space Adventure and stayed with the Others?… What if he was there to watch Aurora grow up, with the Others?… What would their relationship be like, if that happened?… Would Shadow become like Aurora’s Uncle or be like a Teacher/Mentor to her, in the ways of combat?… Or would they somehow still have a romantic relationship, instead of platonic? 😇?
A: Even if Shadow never left, I don't imagine he'd spend much time with Aurora as a child. He and Sonic are not friends, and though I'm sure he'd consider Amy a friend, I don't think they're close enough for him to want to be actively involved in their kid's life. I don't think he'd even be actively involved in Ruff and Tumble's lives if he was on-world the whole time. It'd be more of a "Oh... hey kids... just here to see your mom... goodbye..." He'd likely be more of an idol to Aurora and she wouldn't mean anything to him. That being said, I do believe in soulmates, and again Shadow is immortal so he does not age. So I believe that once she's grown up, that's when he starts to really see her for who she is and that attraction would come later in life, but that would not happen while she was a child obviously.
Anon Asked: What was the scariest movie that Aurora ever saw and how exactly did it end?
A: Aurora does not like scary movies so she avoids them haha. Sometimes she'll agree to watch a classic horror movie with Shadow because he likes that kind of thing but she still finds it terrifying haha. Aurora can sort of handle movies like Wolfman or Dracula but not anything more intense than that. She couldn't sleep for days after "Night of the Living Dead (1968)"
Anon Asked: i appreciate the effort you went thru compiling all those asks. felt like a free readers digest that was nice to read through! …and now here are more questions 😈 1- how does grandpa sonic feel about shadow’s shadoralets? i wonder if he jokingly calls em faker and lil fakers sometimes haha. 2- whats it like having amassed long time followers of your art stuff? (ive been around since the ol 2009 days)?
A: I'm so happy you enjoyed my last set of asks, Anon. I hope you return and see your question here! Grandpa!Sonic is wayyyy more accepting of his son-in-law at this point and doesn't hold (much) ill-will towards him. However he does revel in the fact that Shadow doesn't know a moment of peace now that he's got a million children haha! But he loves his grandkids to death and so does Grandma!Amy. I did an old comic (having a hard time finding it right now) where Sonic has a dream about his future grandkids and when he wakes up he calls them "Tiny Fakers" but he would never actually call his grandkids that. They're his family! I appreciate that compliment and I can't believe you've been following me for so long! I'm honored (and blown away haha!). Honestly though I don't really think about the concept of having "followers" all that much. I just look at it as I'm here having fun drawing silly things and I've been lucky enough to have other people come and enjoy it with me. I'm very thankful for the support, especially to those who have tagged along for as long as I've been online.
@tatablue2004 asked: Do you like silvaze?
A: I like it enough, but I don't actively seek it out. I'm mostly indifferent to Blaze and to Silver as characters so I'm not that invested. But I do think they're cute.
@chrismantike asked: What’re your thoughts on the shadaria ship? A: 👎
Anon Asked: Sonadow yes or no?
A: Yes! I like them having a bickering, sassy relationship where they still annoy each other but they actually really care about each other.
Anon Asked: How do you feel about Sonic x selly? Would you ever draw them? Maybe for a time travel thing or a space rip or something??
A: I believe you're asking about Sally Acorn. If so, no I do not ship it and I won't draw it. If you're referring to another character, then I'm sorry but I don't know who that is.
Anon Asked: What do u think of amy being sapphic in any shape or form?
A: That's hard to say, since we've only ever seen Amy have eyes for Sonic. I'm not against it, though.
Anon Asked: In your universe, have Sonic and Amy had any suuuper big fight in the marriage? If so, what would it be like for them and how do you think it’d “affect” their relationship??
A: I mostly avoid heavy topics and fights because we get enough of that in other media and I like most of my art to be a safe place people can go to to just get a good boost of feel-good serotonin! So for my main storyline, they get into little arguments and bicker over small things because all couples do, but I try not to ever put them in a giant blow-out fight that will alter their relationship. That being said, the biggest disagreement I ever have them going through is in Aurora's Time Travel adventure (which still hasn't been published yet, sorry!). Sonic adamantly believes Aurora should not risk her life and time travel in that story and Amy disagrees. This will put tension between them for awhile, but ultimately they will be okay.
Thank you all for the questions! There are way more but I don't have the mental capacity to answer any more at this time lol
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
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weekend-whip · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to say I LOVE your fic, and how you characterise the ninja - they’re so realistic in how they act and they have such unique ways of thinking! I also love the way they all interact with one another - the shenanigans never fail to make me laugh. I’m trying to write something myself atm, and I was wondering if you have any tips on how to do consistent characterisation/character arcs? It’s something I struggle with lots and I think you do it really well! Tysm
Thank you!!
I've gone into a few details on my approach to writing overall right here, but for specifics relating to your question:
Revisit the source material often! It can be easy to forget some of the more nuanced aspects of a character the longer you go without directly experiencing it (and being influenced by ~fanon~ which is not always a bad thing), but that right there is the foundation for consistency and for finding ways to expand on the character too!
A few examples of things to pay attention to when doing so are a character's dialogue/infliction (what phrases they say, how they say things, etc), how they react in average situations vs extreme ones vs personal ones, the ways they act/stand/look when not saying anything or aren't the focus, or trying to imagine what might be going through their heads, whether they're speaking or not!
Plus, it can even serve just as a quick refresher! Even I still go back and do that once it a while, especially when I need to figure out how to write a fresh character's voice (totally not as an excuse to rewatch ninja pfft what)
Read fanfiction! Yes, I know I just said we can get a little too buried in ~fanon~ sometimes, but something that can help your understanding of a character is to study how other people understand a character! Maybe they do things with Kai you agree with! Maybe they handle Cole in a way you disagree with! Either way, that does help sort out what you want to do when you write, and help you come up with idea you might not have considered otherwise!
It can also help you with the "filling in the blanks", for stuff like character dynamics for people that haven't ever spoken/interacted at all, or how a character would react in a situation they've never been forced into in canon and you're not sure where'd you start with it otherwise. If nothing else, it gives you a nice place to jump off from! And something to talk about with other fellow writers!
I just personally think it's important to remember a character's base foundation before pushing them outside of their establish box—bending without breaking, so to speak
Character Arcs:
Sometimes development can happened within a single chapter. Sometimes it's something that is contested across the entire story! One of the first things to determine is how big of an impact a character's arc is going to have on the overall plot. Is their development the plot itself? It is developing at the same time as the plot, or because of it? Is it something that happens on the side but works in service to the plot? Or does it happen independent of the plot entirely?
After asking these questions, you can then determine how important the character arc is going to be, and from there sort out how much focus you want/need to put into it. Does it all happen throughout the story as whole, just when the timing is right, or do they get a subplot dedicated to it? Those types of questions can help you decide how you want this development to unfold too.
The way I generally do it (primarily in my rewrite) is to block out the main events of the overall plot, and then detail where each character would be at in their growth corresponding to the event and/or the point in time, that way I can pace things a little easier, and figure out how potential changes can/will ripple effect down the line. Of course, this may not work for everyone or for every story, but it could be something to try!
Always!! Write!! It!! Down!! Maybe you've got it so well planted in your head and you'll only ever glance at it once, or maybe you'll make a bunch of changes to it in the future, but write out your overall plan(s) for the character(s) at least once, and then go from there. It's just good to have for a reference, and having it all in front fo you can help you visualize some of the finer details down the line (since you don't have to waste brain power constantly recalling the order of events or whatever—you can start digging deeper into the fun stuff!)
Remember it's okay if a character is static too! Depending on the plot/setting, there's going to be characters more situated for the plot at hand than others, and it's okay if everyone isn't going through something at the same time. A character might not need to undergo some astounding personal revelation; but whatever they can contribute can still be important!
So, if some of your struggle is that you can't figure something out for a character to do/learn, it's okay to put them in the backseat until they are needed, or give them smaller, less dramatic goals to overcome! That way there's not as much pressure to cram everyone into the spotlight, and gives you more breathing room to write their moments more naturally, rather than forcing something that might not even be necessary!
Anyway, hope that helps somewhat! ^-^)/
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 85 // Idiocy // Day 59
Contents (Warnings): Lynette starts her training (slight angst, vore mentions, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on A03
Wordcount: 2,138 (Sorry, I've been busy with some irl problems and new puppy!)
Song I correlate to this Chapter: Not found yet!
(Nov. 25th, Friday)
We were still off for Thanksgiving 'weekend'. Work resumed tomorrow, Saturday. So, Wicks took it upon himself to stage our training today.
That's why I was a bouncy, nervous wreck. I never used a weapon to fight someone before. 
I also wasn't thrilled to see Garter coming along. Not because I disliked him, I liked Garter, but I didn't want more people to witness my incompetence.
I don't want them laughing at me later. 
Knife? Wicks hadn't mentioned what the weapon was until now. I can't imagine a stab wound would do anything against them. They could use reversal magic and then crush me into dust.
A hand gently caressed my back, rubbing it firm and reassuringly. It jostled my sweater. "It'll be fine. We are going over the basics today. You need to learn how to handle a knife."
I didn't like the idea of being made into a tub of protein powder.
Lev. My mind whirled back to the blender incident. I knew I'd be fine, physically, yet it was an experience I never wanted again.
The umber-skinned male popped up to meet us. He always wore a cheery smile, "If you do good today, we can get ice cream too."
It's a very tempting incentive. I had to act like it wasn't—Wicks remained on standby. He waited to joke with me about being excited for some ice cream. 
I held it back. "That sounds lovely."
"You're trying too hard, Lentils." Wicks whispered to me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I raised my chin and crossed my arms. 
"And if you fail today, no ice cream," Garter said. 
Wicks pulled his arm back, "Yep. You even have to watch us eat it."
Garter pulled back when the elevator dinged for our floor. "Good idea, Boss. We get ice cream regardless. I like it."
"That's not fair," I whimpered. How can they be so cruel? 
Wicks stepped out first. The elevator itself already looked to be of a higher class with the mirrors behind us and the sheer size, capacity, and trim. However, the inside of the building itself felt eerily imposing. Everything looked to be made from wood, polished and gleaming with an invitation I didn't ask for.
The space felt so vast I imagined it'd fit at least two Naga's comfortably, plus I could see there were several halls that looked to branch in different directions as if they were at the center of a maze.
And worst of all, it was quiet. I didn't hear much coming from any direction, except a light tapping that I couldn't see the owner of.
Another subject that made little sense, despite the ornate details done to the walls and grand arches above, there are no chairs, tables or artwork. Nothing.
I barely took a few steps outside, before Garter threw his head in front of me. "Don't worry, I can sneak you some ice cream if you do badly."
He's sweet. 
"Thanks," I whispered back. 
The mystery behind the tapping was solved.
Garter and I moved out of the way for the thin, stalky male, much like Garter, to scramble forward. He went straight for the elevator. I ducked under the long rolls of papers.
They look like building schematics. Is this place new?
"Oh, sorry!" Their voice left in a timid croak. He flipped back to face us—he huffed, and his short chestnut locks spurred out as rushed as he was. 
"You okay, Zetsu?" Wicks put a hand on my arm and pulled me closer, unconsciously. 
He nodded, then heard the elevator door closing, and blocked it with his foot and body. It made his papers fall from his arms and onto the ground. "Ah!" Garter got the door for him while Wicks and I helped clean up. 
"I'm sorry my head has been spinning lately." I piled a few scrolls into his arms.
Wicks loaded the last scroll, "I also thought you were leading us to our block today?"
His loose smile dropped, "Yes! Good thing you caught me, ha, ha..." he let his head fall to the side. He muttered more apologies under his breath. "You're in block D, and the training weapons are out. I just got called upstairs." He bowed his head, "Thank you, Wicks, and..."
He stopped his bow. His vibrant violet eyes, which reminded me of Zilla and Zane's, inspected every inch of me. I felt like they picked at every detail of me. 
"I don't think we've met?"
"She's a new recruit," Wicks said. 
I was told to pretend Wicks and I didn't know each other and I was a rank, classless.
"Well, hello, I'm Zetsûboooooooo," he attempted to put his hand out to me and almost dropped them all again. I threw my hands against him to help keep them in place. He fixed his grip. "Thank you, and call me Zetsu for short."
"I'm Lynette, nice to meet you, Zetsu." I shared a smile, "No handshakes are necessary. You worry about getting to where you got to go with all of those intact."
As I said that, the elevator door Garter was holding open beeped. 
Zetsu threw himself back into it so it could close. "Okay! Thank you, and nice to meet you too, Lynette!" The door closed after.
"Is he a friend of yours too?" I asked Wicks.
"Kinda..." Wicks shifted his gaze. Garter pulled back from the elevator in toe. 
"Did something happen?" I asked, absentmindedly tugging at his hoodie. Is he dangerous? He seemed fine? I'm not the best judge of character, am I? My head scrolled back to Claudia. I would have never known...
Wicks peered down and gently put his hand on mine. "I'll tell you later." 
Garter walked ahead of us, leading. I released his hoodie. Should I be worried? Did I meet some kind of terrible beast? Why would Wicks not want to talk about it now? Were they something to him before.
My eyes widened, and I gasped, "was that the person you were dating? IT wasn't a LIE!"
Wicks stopped in his tracks. He flicked his head to me immediately, utterly confused.
Garter quickly got to us. He used my head as an armrest and encroached upon Wicks's face. "YOU WERE DATING SOMEONE?!" 
The anxious befuddlement grew on my brother's face. "What are you..." he trailed off. Put his lips together to keep his mouth shut and backed up. 
"You were lying to me!" I exclaimed. Garter was still using my head as a rest. 
He yelled out, putting his hands over his face. "I'M SORRY! I couldn't think of anything else to say that might sound plausible! I couldn't tell you the truth yet."
The fingers he tangled with his hair pulled more strands out, and it fell over his face.
His best friend finally let me move freely. "You shouldn't lie about a bond mate if you're embarrassed. I'm without one, but I carry it with pride." 
"It wasn't for that, Garter!" Wicks pushed himself ahead. "No more talking about this, especially not in the halls. Let's get your training started." 
I can't hurt her. He didn't realize how hard it would be to simply grab Lynette out of things. 
He constantly hesitated and retreated from any slash she did.
Thus, he called a break so she could keep going over the feel, weight, and motions he taught her. 
"What's the matter, Boss?" Garter questioned. His friend loved getting up close and personal with people and to make himself their "height". Every time you do that, I feel smaller...
"What did I say about-" Wicks cut himself off and exhaled. He wouldn't argue about the 'boss' nickname today. He pressed his back further into the wall. "I'm so afraid I might hurt her."
Garter looked over at Lynette, who had her back to them. She was determined, to say the least, even though her form was subpar at best. Especially when she stood before Wicks or Garter with the training weapon. Her hands shook like a chihuahua outside in a thunderstorm. 
"You put a cloak on her; she'll be fine." Garter gave two thumbs up as reassurance. 
"yeah." Wicks bit the bottom of his lip. I would never go that hard on her, but I don't know why I keep imagining it. "I don't know."
Garter stood up straight. He tilted his head to stare at the high ceiling. Then, a bright grin peeled open his lips, his very subtle incisors were shown. "Let me take over. I'll gladly train her!"
What?! "Garter-"
He didn't even let Wicks rebuttal. 
The tall lad made his way across the grounds and to Lynette. "Hey Lynette, I will be your training partner today instead of Wicks!"
Wicks glanced back and forth between her and Garter. She looks tiny. 
The Oni of the mountains waved both of his hands at him when he saw Wicks's concern. "It'll be fine, boss—I'll go super easy on her! Trust me!"
Lynette peered at her big brother. He wouldn't dare... Garter had a track record of hunting smaller prey. They got most of those urges out with training, yet he still falls victim to it occasionally.
The only reason I even brought Garter was because I promised him we'd get some training in today. "Sounds good." Wicks shouted back. He said it for Lynette's nerves and gave the go ahead to Garter. I'll trust him.
Wicks thought, though he intently watched every motion Garter made. 
So far, his best friend didn't purposefully try to break the cloak; instead, Garter never gave her a chance to strike him. He'd quickly grab her out of a strike, pin her down, disarm her, or hold her arms up so she couldn't attack him.
He's just bullying her. 
Wicks sighed, he undid his ponytail entirely. He pet at his straighter hair. He gathered a few things so far. I should start training her in basic combat too. If she knows how to properly move and hit someone, she'd be more effect with a knife. She's relying on the strikes too much.
Garters tease echoed out in the empty, magic enfused steel room, "Do you like getting caught?"
"No!" Lynette whimpered with slight frustration. "I just never fought anyone before!"
Garter returned her knife after he poked her stomach with it, "Weird. Where I came from, you learn to fight as soon as you can walk." He waited for her to get back into a stance. He did the same. "How about I call you what we do to those who haven't learned to fight yet."
"An insult?"
He snickered, "a ginkoose, which translates to a child with newborn strength." 
Lynette shook her head in protest, "It's not my fault you guys are stronger than me—you guys are monsters."  
"In human cases, most monsters aren't much stronger or faster than humans." Garter laughed and pounced at Lynette, "So you're using excuses~!"
Lynette avoided him and continued to do so. Garter gave chase. It's going better than I thought it would. 
And, of course, as soon as Wicks thought that, he noticed Garter's black hair shifting white and flaring with volume.
Wicks pushed off the wall and ran at them, specifically for Garter. "HEY, GARTER, STOP, DON'T YOU DARE!" He couldn't let his friend try and eat Lynette.
Wicks got to Lynette, yanked her out of the way and took the force of Garter's hand as his case broke. He slammed back into the wall, it wasn't that hard, so at least Wicks knew Garter didn't lose all sense of, 'being gentle'.
Once the Oni realized his mistake, now standing at thirty or so feet tall, his four arms out and one pinning Wicks to the metal wall, he let out a nervous chuckle from between his giant fangs.
"I went a little overboard huh?"
"You think?" Wicks asked with an eyebrow raise.
"Are you okay?" Lynette got closer.
Wicks shot her a glare, warning her not too.
Garter didn't let his grip go, "does this technically mean I win since I trapped you?" His best friend said, "and if it does that mean I can eat you?"
A dastardly laugh broke out of Wicks vocal cords, he stared at Garter, "you're in direct contact with a magus, I'm not unconscious nor even trying to use any magic. Then, after trying to get my sister, you have the audacity to ask me if you can eat me?"
"Yes?" Garter said, plainly.
There was a long pause before Wicks noticed the seriousness on Garter's face, accompanied by the innocent puppy dog eyes. Wicks flailed his legs, "YOU AREN'T GOING TO CONVINCE ME, NOW PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I MAKE A SNACK OUT OF YOUR ENERGY!"
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. I'm glad I put out a story that people can enjoy! I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable, as always~).
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Catch up, see some maps/art, or check the latest release dates down below  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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would you mind talking briefly about your outlining process? what do you include/exclude and how detailed do you get? (and how much - if at all - does the final draft differ from the outline?) i'm trying to start outlining my own writing and don't even know where to begin lol
also i adore your writing, it's absolutely beautiful and i get so excited every time you post about it
i would be happy to!!! 🥹 i'm so flattered that you asked!!
(the funny thing is, i didn't always use outlines. in high school when i was required to turn in an outline + an essay, i'd just write the essay first and then break it down into an outline and my teachers never said a thing. and when i first started writing fanfic i didn't plan anything out at all, i'd just write for a couple hours and then toss it up on quizilla - yes i'm OLD - and call it a new chapter lol!)
i usually use my outlines as a space to just word vomit my ideas! i treat it almost like i'm explaining my idea to a friend (which i do a lot, my friends are constantly getting the "so i have a new idea..." text), and it can either be a series of bullet points or just a stream of consciousness with bits of dialogue thrown in here and there as i think them up.
the nice thing about having an outline is it holds all of the ideas i have so i no longer have to worry about remembering them (because i have a TERRIBLE memory), and it also gives me something to go back and reread when i'm trying to get back into the headspace of an idea, especially if it's been a while since i last worked on it.
as for the final draft differing from the outline, it sort of varies from project to project. sometimes (a lot of times, actually) when i'm writing the characters sort of just take over and steer me in a completely different direction and then i have to try and figure out if i like this new direction or if i want to try and turn it back around to what i meant to have happen. or, sometimes i think "okay, this didn't work out the way i thought it would but i can take the original idea and tuck it in somewhere else later on and it'll be fine!"
(a great example would be the most recent chapter of onlyfans that i've finished, only it hasn't been posted yet so i'm not going to give away any spoilers and instead i'll use another example!)
so this is an excerpt from my outline for the onlyfans au, specifically for chapter three:
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and this is how this scene played out in the actual fic:
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for this part in particular, i stayed pretty close to the outline! (now i'm sure you can see why the outline for this fic is over 20k...)
but on the flip side, if you were to read the outline for chapter nine, you'd only read about chrissy and eddie's beach date. i didn't plan to write jeff into that chapter at all but somehow i ended up with an entire scene between him and eddie PLUS a full scene of chrissy and eddie making plans to go to the beach! neither of which were in my original outline!
long story short (sorry if i've gone a bit overboard on this, i just really like talking about my writing and i'm so touched that you wanted to know in the first place 🥹), my advice for outlining is don't be afraid to keep it simple. if you're struggling to outline because you feel like you should be fleshing out the story fully before you start writing and it's just not working, then just jot down whatever ideas you do have and go from there!
sometimes a story will just shape itself as you write it, and even the best outline in the world can't always hold itself up to what the story becomes. nobody's forcing you to stick to your outline! it could be as detailed as the excerpt i shared above, or it could simply be something like this:
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what's most important is that your outline should help you. if you want to outline your ideas before you start writing, go for it! if not, don't feel like you have to just because other people do!
i hope this helped (and i didn't ramble too much...) and again thank you so much for asking!!! and thank you so so much for your wonderful compliment about my writing 😭 it really means so much to me that you and so many others enjoy what i've shared, especially because sometimes i let myself get bogged down with self-doubt and that makes writer's block all the more tough to handle.
thank you anon 💛 you're welcome in my inbox anytime!
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insipid-drivel · 7 months
DID vs. PTSD: A Surprising Showdown
After spending months basically going door to door looking for a therapist, I finally met one that's taken a particular interest in the way my PTSD and DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder, aka "multiple personalities") fight against one another rather than compound on one another.
It all started today when I was feeling generally Angry about some bad memories I had stewing in my head from the days when I was still in my abusive biological father's custody. You don't get DID without an element of abuse or neglect at a young age, so it's not a big shock to hear folks/systems talk casually about a traumatic event. Mine comes largely from my biological father, who I very seriously refer to as a psychopath. After many years of describing him to mental health professionals across different focuses in my own journey toward finding the right doctor, "psychopathy" is a word I've heard used a lot by them in response. This isn't to say all psychopaths are bad people or inherently abusive. I just happened to be stuck with one that was.
Like a lot of people with PTSD, there are days or moments where my head feels stuck in a particular moment, and it's hard to shake off the negative emotions that result. I've done enough work that I can generally make progress in pulling myself out of ruts like that if I have an opportunity to talk through exactly what's going on in my mind. I mentioned to my therapist that I often sink into my DID and embrace my alter personalities for help in wiggling loose from the cycle of memory and emotion. It's a very natural behavior for me, because many of my memories that took extensive work to recover were a result of my alters "returning" them to me. Memories of dissociative events aren't entirely lost to my brain, and are instead stored by the personality/ies that were in the forefront of my consciousness at the time an event occurred. With enough work learning how to communicate and negotiate a symbiotic relationship with them, they gradually began "giving back" the memories to me.
My therapist stopped me at this point. We were on a video call, and I could see she was intrigued and perplexed at the same time. She asked me, "Can't you ask for your memories back since you learned to speak back and forth with them?" (For context, I didn't learn how to talk freely with my alters until I was about 28. Before then, the little buggers were very stealthy and hiding as the characters from books I'd written)
"I can," I said, but I had to qualify it. "They don't always agree to do it."
I'm used to the jot of concern that comes on any therapist's face when they're first learning about how my DID ticks. At first blush, some of our "protocols" seem restrictive and on the edge of giving them too much control. I personally welcome the system and was part of its construction, because when you have people in your head that can take your body for a walk on a whim, forming positive relationships built on trust and firmly-established boundaries keeps everyone feeling like they've got an equal space to work from.
So, she asked, "What happens when they're not sure if you're ready to remember something?" - A great question, by the way, because we're not flawless. My Team, as I prefer to call them, aren't perfect. Quite a few of them struggle with basic etiquette like wearing pants. Plus, making it a rule that they're capable of flaws keeps things interesting and promotes growth and communication, in my experience.
"I'm given options," I said in return. "I can either remember through a dream. If the memory is too intense, the dream can be trashed and forgotten before I wake up. It subverts a lot of the damage of letting the flashback play out completely." I'll wake up feeling distraught and upset, but the finer details of the memory will be completely gone. It kind of feels like my Team is able to quickly reset my brain to its most recent previous version in the event of a mistake like that.
She nodded along while I continued. "The other option is to remember while awake, but the memory is altered by the personality that remembers it. Instead of remembering as though it's happening all over again, the memory will be tweaked so the other personality is physically present and capable of intervening or speaking through the memory, and even outright changing what happens in it."
This is where my therapist's interest reached its most piqued. I'd used a real example where my biological father had attempted to harm me in response for something I'd said back to him. It was one of the more intense moments that I'd ever dissociated and switched personalities with my Enforcer. I dissociated from the event so intensely that she was able to manifest more strength than normal and seriously injured my biological father. He wound up in the hospital getting emergency surgery, and I remembered none of it.
My therapist began to explain a form of memory regression therapy that utilized similar tools, except the imaginary helpers were usually real people, such as loved ones and friends. Through this therapy, the survivor could reenact a traumatic moment while experiencing the sense of support and protection provided by the volunteers.
"It's like your alters have learned how to do that organically to help you heal," she concluded, looking off in the mid-distance while she fiddled with her glasses. I pointed out that what I'd just described was why I wasn't going to her for help with my Team or my DID.
She asked me one final question before our session came to a close. "How is it that you got the negative-presenting ones to become positive helpers?"
She was referencing Marchosias, one of my Team that scared the shit out of me throughout my childhood. It's not weird for kids with DID to perceive their alters - especially negatively-tuned or aggressive ones - as paranormal activity. Marchosias was the only one of my alter personalities that actually did physical harm to me - mostly through scratches. Otherwise, I would perceive him as trying to drag me out of bed by my feet at night, shaking my bed, or chasing me down hallways to try and pull me into dark rooms. One of the reasons I became a practicing Druid at 14 was as a coping mechanism for learning how to fight what I thought was a demon.
I explained to her, "I eventually figured out how to see that scary time through his eyes." Alter personalities aren't necessarily born into the world knowing everything (or more) that the brain they're living in knows. Some are confused and need guidance. Others are aggressive and angry because they can sense the stress and trauma of the primary ego, but don't know how to help or make it stop.
I had to talk to him for a long time and ply him with encouragement. Marchosias isn't proud of the way he treated me when we were both surviving. My biological father was a big guy - about 6'3" and always 200lbs+. I'm a small person, and that's when it clicked.
Marchosias was trying to abscond with me, as it were. The rooms he tried to pull me into were ones that my biological father couldn't easily fit into, like a small side bathroom or an honest-to-god closet. The scratch marks I got on occasion were from his clawing attempts to pull me out of where I was to drag me to where I'd be safe, even if that was just under the bed.
He was treating me like an adult trying to take a frightened pet to a vet. I couldn't understand the scope of what he was trying to do, and as far as I could tell some eldritch entity was Trying To Take Me Away, but our relationship underwent a serious mending once I understood that he was trying to take me away from where the trauma was originating from.
All in all, it was a very intriguing session, and further substantiation that DID, systems, alters, teams, multiples, or whichever is your preferred term isn't just a source of dysfunction; it has the power to form abstract methods of healing, too.
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Lance 💝
Shane 👗
Gareth 🖕
...First of all, thank you for sending this ask! 💖 REALLY improved an already stressful day for me ;v;
So, let's start! I'll reply to each emoji as best as I can. ~ Though be careful, it's been quite a long time since I've written in detail about Lance and Gareth's personalities, so there could be something I missed.
Lance: 💝 - A headcanon about their love language
If I had to describe Lance's LL, I think the best type that'd describe him for me (At least from what I have seen) would be Words of Affirmation. I think that if he were to have a crush/be attracted to someone, most of the time he'd have no issue approaching and flirting with them. Plus, he is very open with his thoughts as a whole: If he finds his crush beautiful or with any other quality he's fond of, he WILL say it out at any chance. He also likes doing physical gestures too, although only when things seem to go steady. But nonetheless, if you're dating him expect being hand-kissed at any chance.
A close second for his most common LL would be receiving gifts. Don't mind him, Lance has all the money in the world and wants to spend it on you (Be it flowers or jewelry). In fact, now onto an actual headcanon, it was during the FFI where he bought his first gift with romantic intentions; taking advantage he could finally talk with his crush without any intimidating adults (or little butler) around. He bought her a little KOQ emblem brooch... 🥺
...Ok, I'll confess that when I first read the ask, I got confused with "Shane", given I had never written such a name before on this blog. But I soon realized it was Shine, so... Here you have. And if it wasn't him, then... Sorry! You can ask for another character in exchange. ;____;
Shine: 👗- A headcanon about their clothes
I'll be brief: Because his parents were constantly always working outside, Shine had barely any time to do clothes-shopping with them at all. So for the most part, his wardrobe is full of loosely picked clothes, leftover ones from his father's younger ages, OR, even some bought without even prior consultation. But being fair, not even he cares much about styles and all. What he values in clothing is actually texture and comfort, SPECIALLY considering his sensory issues.
Even as an adult, when he moved with grandma Sun he only brought with him a very limited number of clothes. Typically you'll see him on his most common look: puffy red jacket and grey baggy trousers. However in this life stage more choices of his do appear, such as him prefering to wear platform sneakers (Who knows why). If he has to buy new clothes, he'd rather go to a thrift store. Not only he likes what they sell, but he's also aware of the darker side of fast fashion and the ecological damage it causes. He is not supporting that industry at all!
...I'm aware that the ask game only said one (1) headcanon, but I'll add something extra here because I actually have a special HC for Shine when it comes to this specific topic:
On Sun's house there's many things she preserves from her past, and that includes clothes. Many decades might have passed, but her sundresses still look beautiful as ever, even to Shine himself. Keep this a secret between us, but when nobody is around he likes to try them out on himself. There isn't much to this at all; it's just simply something he enjoys doing. However, while he doesn't care about imposed genders on clothes, he's aware society still thinks otherwise. So for now, him wearing dresses is only something he'll keep to himself. And he isn't ready to share this with anyone else either :(
Gareth:🖕 - A headcanon relating to anger
And finally... Remember when I wrote about how Gareth was pretty much forced to repress himself a lot? Yes, that includes many of his own emotions too, including anger; with the excuse that it looks "Impolite" on a butler. So yeah, he could hold the most intense wrath within him, and yet he'd still be forced to keep a numb face. Extremely damaging to his own mental health, unfortunately...
At school things are a bit more relaxed, so Gareth HAS some ways to express his anger if something or somebody is bothering him there. Best example is obviously aganist Lance, specially if he gets annoying with his "Lancelot kills Gareth" all over again. However, it is to clarify that when releasing it all, he'll mostly leash out, never going with any violence. Sucks, because there's many people that Gareth would like to fight, yet is aware of the family's reputation and how any action can ruin it all forever.
At least if you want something sligthly better, Gareth eventually manages to free his anger aganist the man that has forced to repress it. I won't be spoiling it much (?), BUT this is after the FFI, a time period when things around him started to get worse and worse; to a point where he just couldn't bottle it all up anymore.
...Regardless of how that specific scenario ended, it gradually led to a positive impact on his life; specially on his transition to adulthood. Around GO, I think the (former) butler would finally come on terms on his anger. He doesn't repress himself anymore and will express it when needed, but he still prefers to avoid extreme violence… Unless you threaten him or his spy partner, that's for sure.
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xaaxaa-translations · 2 years
Interview with ザアザア - Love Letter
Diary with drawings - An-chan
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100th month - 30 days
Weather: hot
Group: ザアザア
Name: An
It's An-chan.
There was a recording today.
Everyone was talking a lot.
Today was a good day too.
Thank you.
How ザアザア hold chopsticks.
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A game of telepathy (understanding each other without words).
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This will test the level of synchronisation of the band members.
This time it will test the telepathic abilities of the vocalist and the receiving abilities of the band members.
Let's begin!
The vocalist will wish for the thing he wants to get now.
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Reiya drew "a door leading anywhere" (Anime Doraemon).
Looking at the amazing creature in An's drawing, Kazuki said "I thought it was something from Dragonball". But it was an eel, that's what Kazuki has been eating a lot lately.
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Kazuki drew a gift card and Haruga answered correctly!
Come up with snowboard designs for winter 2018.
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(snowboarding inscription)
An: Too early for snowboarding, let's start with the sleigh.
Haruga: Careful. The path can be slippery, so be careful.
Kendama championship - a test of physical ability
Now we are going to test the physical abilities of the musicians.
This time using the game of kendama.
It's an ancient Japanese game.
Whoever handles the ball best will score the most points.
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An: 0 points
Reiya, Haruga, Kazuki: 15 points
Interview about the lyrics of Love Letter
New single Love Letter released on 5 December.
Hear the soulful story of 4 people expressed in this album with the theme of letters.
Int: This year is the 4th anniversary of ザアザア and the single "Love Letter" is released on December 5. In the age of smartphones and social media, "love letters" seems rather old-fashioned.
Kazuki: It is. Truth be told, that song was written in the image of a character from a game. I've been playing Monster Strike a lot lately, and I really like Shurinkara's character design. It's what inspired me. I thought "I want to create a song like that". Plus, the costumes are based on Shurinkar's design too.
Reiya: A monster, it is a monster (laughs).
Kazuki: A monster that symbolises love.
Really, because its design is based on heart shapes. After you got the idea, how did Love Leter become complete?
Kazuki: Yeah, like always. First, we came up with the album title and cover, and then we created the melody.
Haruga: We started with the guitar. With the riffs that were in my head.
Int: And really, the guitar riffs in the intro are really catchy.
Haruga: I thought I wanted to play what was going on in my head, but even though I tried, it didn't come out the right way. As it happens sometimes, the more you think about it, the more things you don't understand.The riffs of that tune were played intuitively and I just wrote it down the way it was.
An: This tune is quite subtle. We thought about making the guitar part live and it came out very natural.
Reiya: When we all recorded it together in the studio, everything slowly fell into place.
Haruga: That's true. I was recording without any thoughts in my head and when I woke up, it already took that form. (laughs)
Int: Before that, ザアザア always stuck to a session style in music, but now so many bands make music by discussing every little thing, and the fact that this song was made by exchanging sketches really means a lot.
Kazuki: It does. We don't discuss everything in detail when we make music. That's the norm for us.
Reiya: We were asking ourselves if it would be interesting if we tried that "slippery, unpleasant, sticky" sound? Something like that.
Int: Ahh, that slippery unpleasant feeling… It's really felt in the words and the melody. Even though you originally got the inspiration from the game's character, the song itself feels like a separate story. Is it a story about an idol girl fan?
Kazuki: Although the love letter theme came from the image of Shurinkara, the lyric itself is something I've wanted to write about for a long time. This character is an idol fan, and at the same time he tends to secretly think "isn't she, the idol, interested in me?" As for me, I've studied this fragile fan psychology and wrote this song from a "if I were them" perspective.
Int: In other words, Kazuki himself didn't have any experience of "fanhood" in the past?
Kazuki: That's right. I haven't had that kind of experience. Because even though I was someone's fan, I had no desire to be associated with or drawn to someone. How shall I put it… I understand what it means to be a person who lives in that world. Although it may sound strange, but even if I had a chance to get my favourite artiste's number, I wouldn't call her.
Int: Why is that?
Kazuki: I'm not interested. I don't have any thoughts of getting close.
Int: Is that so?! (smiling). Love Letter-hero is different in that way.
An: He has a very strong desire to get closer, and at some point it gets to the point of madness. (laugh).
Reiya: Even so, I think I'm a little bit familiar with that feeling. Once upon a time, I used to like idols. (laughs).
Haruga: I may have felt that people who can understand this song are suddenly closer than I thought.
Int: Also, the single Love Letter includes the songs "どこかのあなたへ" and "人間界からの手紙", and they too are linked by the theme of writing. It's an incredible way to look at the world!
Kazuki: "どこかのあなたへ" is a song written by Haruga's intention, who wanted to make a song using acoustic guitar.
Int: What about the lyrics?
Kazuki: It was originally a letter addressed to the parents who left the world. Before, because of the awkwardness, there was no opportunity to talk to each other face to face. That's what it's about.
Int: By writing this lyric, did Kazuki put some of his soul in order?
Kazuki: Yes, I think so. I'm glad I was finally able to write about it.
Int: Next, "人間界からの手紙". I was thinking that the sound here is also chaotic and the meaning of the lyrics is quite "heavy" too.
Kazuki: "Running away "* has become a big problem lately. I had an idea that it would be good if this song would make you think. So I wrote the lyrics. The trick was to add a slightly half-joking angelic look, but unlike the result, in fact we used that space to convey fear.
(* About the "running away" thing, it was more likely to mean suicide. Although, from the text, I think more meaning is invested in the fact that "out of this world go the innocent")
Int: Speaking of which, on December 25th Shibuya WWW you will hold a oneman called "The Day It Rains" to commemorate the 4th anniversary. How do you imagine it to be?
Reiya: Although it's the biggest ever live show for us (by number of people), we want to do it the usual way.
Kazuki: I think it'll be an important first step for growth.
An episode related to fan letters.
Int: Have you had such experiences?
An: I have. I wrote once. About 10 years ago I was an otaku (laughs). At that period, I sent a fanwriting to a seiyu who sang songs.
Int: What was the content of that letter?
An: Uh, the content…? You mean what I wrote? Just some kind of impression of the CD. "I like it so much I listen to it every day!" - Something like that. (laughs). "I've been listening to this most of my life" - I wrote about two letters like that. Also, after I joined ザアザア, I got a better chance of getting heartfelt letters from the fans. I once said that I loved watermelon, and along with fan letters I started getting gift cards that could be exchanged for fruit. It actually made more sense than sending a watermelon, and I was like, "Wow, there's a system like that!" In every sense, I'm glad I joined ザアザア. (laughs)
Reiya: If you look from the receiving side of a fan letter, it usually says things you don't know or don't remember. For example there is a careful description of what was in the Live: "It was like this" or "It was like this. It was really cool. I loved it." When I see how carefully it's recorded, it makes me really happy. "It feels like a happy accident" I often think of it that way. Thank you.
Haruga: Recently, I got a message on a card that makes a sound when you open it. For a moment I was amazed. It was in the dressing room and everyone around me was turning around in amazement, so I closed it instantly, and read what it said when I got home.
Kazuki: Particularly impressive are the letters, from start to finish, full of remarks. Detailed, like "That song didn't sound good at the last show". These remarks are pouring out like a stream, and at the end it says something like, "Kazuki-san, I love you." (laughs) Immediately it's clear that it's written from the heart, to make me a little better.
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abysscronica · 1 year
I hope it's ok to ask, I noticed you don't interact with many blogs or fandom discourse in general. Is there a reason?
Okay, I've received a couple of asks and DMs more or less revolving around this topic, so I'm going to address it here.
My blog's main goal is to interact with my existing readers, since all my stories are on AO3 and Wattpad (I've only posted a couple here). I use it to answer your questions on my writings, the characters, and whatever you guys want to ask me, and I love it. Of course I'm happy if I get some more readers from Tumblr, but that's not my primary aim here, at least for now.
It would be great to use this page to expand my followers, but I barely have time to actually write these days, so unfortunately, at the moment, I can't afford to spend any to curate this space... except for answering your asks. (on this regard, I know I'm months late for some, please don't lose hope, everything is there and will be worked on eventually!)
That said, even if I do get time to dedicate to my tumblr at some point, it'll probably be ordering my posts and posting my other stories, not much more. Before I go into more details on my thoughts on fandom discourse and fics/headcanons, let me repeat the usual disclaimer...
The ones below represent my very personal views. They are not right or wrong, and it absolutely does not mean I disapprove of different views. I encourage you all to enjoy the fandom experience and community in the way you see fit, as long as it's not damaging you or anyone else.
Fandom discourse. I... simply don't really care about it. I'm talking mainly about One Piece, but this can apply to any content I enjoy. Here's how my experience goes: I read the manga, the SBS, watch the anime, consume basically any content available. I follow a couple of OP youtubers talking about every little thing, from chapter reviews to any kind of news (Tekking101 and Sawyer7mage). Then I write fanfictions based on all the knowledge accumulated, of course expanding into my personal headcanons. This pretty much satiates my thirst for content and need for sources.
Obviously I enjoy talking about OP with other fans, especially like-minded ones such as Kid Pirates fans. Buuuut being an active part of the community can also be exhausting. I'm sure you know there's a lot of Kid dissing going on for example, and Kid fans are often caught in battles to defend him. I honestly don't want to take part into it, because I don't think other people's feelings about a character should influence my experience of the show anyway, so I don't care about changing their mind either. I just... wanna do my own thing and share it with my mutuals & readers.
Analyses, meta, theories. Honestly, the two OP youtubers I follow (plus Arthur's posts on Twitter) fulfill this need in a very comprehensive way. I've yet to see a single tumblr post that comes even close to their insights (but if you know some, feel free to point me in that direction, I'll be happy to check them out). They often even contain inaccurate information. I do reblog whatever I deem interesting though, and I'll gladly answer to anything if you wanna know about my thoughts.
Fics & headcanons. Once again, I'll always be super happy to share my content with you guys. I cannot accept fic requests but feel free to ask for any headcanon you may be interested in!
As for other people's stuff. I said this before, unfortunately I'm a terribly picky reader (this does not only apply to fics, but to literature in general). The slightest hint of "unjustified" OC, a Mary Sue trait on a MC, too many cliches, a writing style that does not catch me... I'll scroll ahead. I know many will roll their eyes at this, and they are right, but I just won't impose something I don't fully enjoy to myself, not with my limited spare time. But writers should write whatever they want and I'll never be unsupportive of that, even if it's not my jazz! The stuff I read and enjoyed, I reblog.
This should be all I have to say on the matter. If you have any further question, feel free to send and ask.
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belovecore · 2 years
Hellooo fellow transformers selfshipper, welcome to the community!! :] For the ask meme, how about ❄️ and 📌 for kraken? -geckokiss
OPEN & ACCEPTING! | Unconventional Selfship Asks
( ooc: aaa, thank you so much! i'm so glad everyones so nice and welcoming here. i haven't really been able to dip into selfshipping as a community before but i feel it'd be nice since i've been wanting to share how important fictional characters are to me. great to see other tf shippers too!!)
[small reminder for readers: zero is me. i sometimes speak in 3rd person for comfort reasons!]
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❄️ It is winter time and it snowed for the very first time!
What are the plans for this winter with you and your f/o? Do you plan any outings? How does a typical cold day together look like?
So for these sort of deals, it completely depends on where it takes place but for this ask I will do one where Kraken and Zero are living together on Earth!
Kraken is used to being on spaceships or rather, Cybertron- which is normal for his kind but once he's on Earth and sees snow for the first time. He is immediately intrigued. He literally stood near the window of the large shared garage just to watch it come down while his audials wiggled slightly and he just observed quietly for a few minutes.
He isn't scared as much as it just really excites him to see how a planet's atmosphere can cause different living environments. That's definitely a big plus for his curiosity when he moved to Earth alongside Zero.
Zero doesn't always leave when its winter, very sparingly cause they get cold easily but don't mind if they have motivation and lots of layers to keep warm. Their notice of Kraken's interest gets them to dressed up and take Kraken out to show him snow and all the silly little games humans do in the snow like snow angels, snowmen, snowball fights.
Kraken really likes how inventive humans are all for the sake of fun, and he gladly partakes even though he's not usually too hands-on in activities unless he knows he's comfortable. He's always comfortable around Zero :)
Once that's all said and done, Kraken has no qualms returning to their 'base' as he calls it to warm up. Kraken having to scrape off ice and snow from his pedes so he doesn't track it in but can settle down while Zero cuddles up to him in his lap. He's always so warm, and they get to wear their weighted blanket around them and let Kraken ask them countless questions about winter and snow.
Zero doesn't mind answering and happily explains in full detail to what he asks, and at some point even brings up how humans make special hot drinks just to warm up when it's cold outside! Kraken cannot digest normal human food stuffs but he can get the bare basics and apply it to energon treats for the same effect so they can share a cute hot mug moment together!
Other than that, they tend to stay in and focus on staying together and catching up tv shows since they have time to burn until it's warm again to go outside and explore. Kraken's always been one for exploring once he found out just how big the Earth was and how much life it had. Kraken also has a tendency to talk a lot during shows, but Zero doesn't mind as they both speak outloud statements or questions and the other answers or offers an explanation of what they think as they intake new information from the series.
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📌 Your f/o has gotten the idea stuck in their head that they want to write you little notes for you to find throughout the day. They get up early to start hiding all the little notes they have written the past few days.
Where do they hide the notes? Is it places you visit daily or more obscure places so it comes as an extra surprise when you do find them? What's written on them? How does your f/o react whenever you find one?
This is like 100% on the money of something that Kraken would do! He's comfortable showing his love but sometimes he likes to be more creative and just get these sudden ideas to do something cutesy.
Kraken recalls information on how Zero usually goes about their day, especially around him and he places them specifically in places they will go through or find. He sorta did want to go the route of making it like a riddle or treasure hunt but can't help himself and wants to be around when they do find them so he can see their face!
Kraken takes care to put very specific sappy words or sayings on the notes but with a twist. He will put them in morse code and add a key to decipher it!
Zero knows what Kraken's handwriting looks like, very perfectly neat but usually in all caps as he prefers and when they find one they are set on decoding the note to impress Kraken and also do so cause they really wanna know and know how much it means to him.
One after one, Zero gives a soft 'aaw' and chuckle and gives him a soft playful pun back and lots of praise. He loves praise, it makes him melt and his engines rev.
Zero keeps each note in their special binder, nice and organized so they can look back on them and cherish the memory since their memory isn't always so great so it's nice to have something so they have help and can relive those special times.
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goshdangronpa · 2 years
DR Diary #3 (12/6/22): How It Started, How It's Going
I'm probably well past the anniversary of when I got into Danganronpa, and my starting this tumblog is firm evidence that my fascination with it has only grown. I've been meaning to analyze why I love it so much, but maybe I should take the Mad Hatter's keen writing advice and start at the beginning.
It began with a hoodie. My partner owned (still owns?) a white-and-purple jacket with a strange mascot on it. Years ago, I asked them what it was. They went on about a creepy bear called Monokuma and a game whose complicated title would always slip my memory. As with many of their interests, I had no idea what they were talking about but they seemed to enjoy it. "Cool," I said, and carried on with our day.
There is a cycle to these things. My partner would tell me about something they enjoy and say that I should totally try it. I would say that I would give it a whirl, but we just wouldn't get around to it. Not because they'd insist and I'd refuse, but just because. This could go on for months, even years. Then one day, on a whim, we're watching a playthrough of a game that feels more like a motion comic than an interactive experience. (This is how they got me into the Pokémon video games, RuPaul's Drag Race, and a truly staggering number of anime.)
I may discuss Trigger Happy Havoc in greater detail in another post, but the experience was strange. I wasn't actually playing the game, which affected things more than you might expect. Most notably, I didn't witness any Free Time Events. The person doing the playthrough would go to bed each time, eager to reach the meat of the story faster. (My partner and I called it Depression Mode.) This may be why I didn't connect with the cast as much as in the games where I was in control and did every FTE I could.
Even without that key element of the Danganronpa experience, though, I had a blast. We watched virtually nothing else for over a month as we marathoned more than 90 half-hour long videos. The twists, the drama, the intensity, the emotion, and the zaniness all combined into a unique atmosphere that engrossed and still engrosses me. It's also one of my favorite kinds of story: one that pits huge personalities in an extreme situation that requires extreme measures for escaping or just coping. This allows characters to do ridiculous things and take huge swings that would normally feel unrealistic, but are totally rooted in who they are (see also: Season 1 of Riverdale).
45 hours of content can wear one out, even if it's enjoyable. I told my partner that I'd like to wait a bit before tackling the next one in the series. Then I realized that maybe instead of watching someone else have the full experience, I could try to play it too. And wouldn't you know it: the mainline games plus an extra one were all collected for the Switch, and Christmas was around the corner ...
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katerinabythesea95 · 3 years
Scream rant
In the opening scene, i noticed that there are times when ghost faces tone changes, idk if anyone else hears it but i think it's cause bother Billy and Sty are taking at the same time not just one of them.
I think that Stu was the one who slices Steve and he hides behind the chair so Casey can't see him.
Also Casey has the same sweater as Stu, so maybe he was annoyed that he gave it to her and bought another one or there were two of them so that they could be twinsies when they were dating and Casey kept hers for some reason.
For those who don't know, the sheriff in Woodsburo is the same one in Nightmare on elm street. Which could mean that both movies occur in the same universe which in turn explains why when Dewey asks him if he thinks it was Billy who did killed Casey Steve and tried to kill Sydney, he replies: "20 years ago i would've said no, but kids nowadays..." Nightmare on Elm street came out 20 years prior to scream and also has the same director, Wes Craven.
Billy's motive is really clear when you pay attention to how he talks to Sydney. He sees her as merely a object for his own selfish needs, so yes he was upset about his mom leaving because of her mom, but he was really pissed about how Sydney changed, even though he tried to down play it.
You know the part where Sydney's in her house and Ghost face tried to attack Sydney? Well I always wanted to know why he waited so long to do so if he was already IN THE HOUSE AND SHE FELL ASLEEP. It would've been way too easy for him to kill but since he probably overheard Sydney talking to Tatum he thought it was best to play it safe just in case Tatum walked in and called 911 idk it's a loose reason but the best I can come up with RN.
I've watched some videos on details we've missed and along with the sheriff thing, i remember how they pointed out in a video that both cotton and billy lool similar especially from behind or sideways so it's easy to see why Sydney thought billy was cotton that night her mom was murdered.
There's a lot of forewarning in the scenes leading up to the big reveal of ghost face
you can see it in the first scene with Syd and Billy where a cover of don't fear the reaper plays in the background as they make out.
When ghost face chases Sydney up the stairs in the early scene, if you listen closely, you can hear him say, easy! Easy! Which is what Stu says to Tatum at school when she hits him with her lollipop
In that same scene, you can see Stu check his face for bruising from the night before when Sydney hit him
The two pranksters who dressed up as ghost face.
When Sydney asks how you cut someone open and Stu describes it graphically
The moment at the movie store, with billy Stu and Randy is a dead give away even if you haven't seen the movie before.
Billy's creepy stares lol
The whole EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT! is true. Cause i see all the characters and they each have a pretty plausible MO to be ghost face, not just Billy and Stu I'll dwell on that in a another post maybe.
When Billy tells Sydney that her mom was sleeping with his dad, Notice the look on Stu's face. You'd think he'd know this info because he's bff's with Billy but honestly his expression makes me think otherwise.
Im trying not to be disappointed if Stu isn't in the fifth instalment because I somehow have this idea in my head that he's still alive somehow and has passed down the ghost face mask onto the next generation.
I was looking at the cast for scream five and Randy's sister plus her kids are gonna be in it, so Im really intrigued cause she isn't talked about much or shown in the past movies except the second movie.
I think randy made more movies than the one we saw in scream 2, so maybe the Main characters find them and that's how they bring Jaime back. Also maybe there are videos he has with Billy and Stu in them at the very least.
Im trying not to expect too much for the movie but also i hope it doesn't disappoint too much
Maybe we'll get a backstory about how the gang met and maybe all the clues will point to Stu but if it's not his kid then maybe his ward. Or someone from his or Billy's family. Like for break it's not really that hard to come up with a good explanation to bring back Stu.
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regretthatsme · 4 years
A Night to Remember
Harry Potter x Reader
I finally wrote it. This is smut. Very smut. Exceptionally smutty. 18+. Angst too.
Harry was lost. He didn't know where he was going and he didn't care. It was too much. First it was Cedric, then Sirius, now Dumbledore. It was all too much. Too much. Too much. Too-
Harry collapsed to the floor. He couldn't breathe. The walls were closing in. His heart was racing. His blood was rushing. What's happening? He was dying. He had to be. It was to only thing that made sense. Death seemed to be the only constant in his life. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate.
The voice called to him. Must be an angel.
He felt something touch his hand, though he couldn't have told you what it was. His hands went numb long ago.
"Harry. Listen to me. Can you hear me?" Yes. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to say it so bad, but he couldn't. His body was unable. A small groan was the best he could do.
"Okay. Okay. Okay, listen to me. On three, we're going to breathe together, alright?" He could tell the voice was panicked. The was a certain exasperation that could only be described as anxiety. "One, two, three." Harry gasped at the air like a dying man. He kind of was.
"Good job, Harry. You're doing so well. Again. One, two, three." He gasped again but it was much easier.
"You're doing so well. Again. One, two, three." Harry finally opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, but he could make out a face, but there was little detail. His vision came into focus and saw... one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen. Her hair, her eyes, her... concern. She cared. She cared about him. This had to be an angel.
"Am I dead?" Harry asked. "Are you an angel?"
The angel laughed for a second before responding. "No. I am not an angel, and, as far as I'm concerned, you are not dead."
Harry took another deep breath before mumbling, "Too pretty to be a person."
"While that is a very lovely compliment, I hate to say I am a human." She softly brushed hair off of Harry's sweaty forehead. "Now, it's quite late. We need to get you to bed." Her voice was as gentle as her touch. Harry limped back to his dorm, with the support of the lovely angel student. In his delirium, he forgot to ask for her name. The only thing he remembered in the morning was a yellow tie around her neck.
"Honestly, Hermione, it isn't that big of a deal."
"It is that big of a deal, Ronald. It's ridiculous. She's insisting that she survey the entire school! What is she even searching for? I can only imagine the affect on her mental health. Lack of sleep is very-"
"Will you please be quiet?" Harry whisper-shouted. His friends made a habit of bickering like a married couple and it's been getting on his last nerve. "And what are you on about, anyway? Just let them search Hogwarts."
"Harry, it's more complicated than that-" explained Hermione before Harry cut in.
"How? How is it more complicated? Please, enlighten me."
Hermione looked at Ron, almost as if asking for permission. "Well, it's Y/N. She's the Hufflepuff prefect. Ever since a few weeks ago, she has insisted that she is on petrol. And she checks the whole castle. It's like she doesn't trust us." Hermione expressed. "One time I followed her around the school and the whole time she was mumbling." Hermione was clearly livid about this. Y/N was showing a clear distrust and disdain for the other prefects. I mean, Malfoy is understandable, but Hermione? Ron? They were the nicest, well meaning people that Harry had probably ever met.
"Actually, she was mumbling about you, Harry." Hermione said.
"Yeah, she kept going on and on about how you were and if you were okay. Which, don't get me wrong, is a perfectly valid thing to worry about. You have gone through much hardship, and mental health is important, but it seems a bit out of place, especially considering that she probably has never spoken to you or even taken interest in you before." Hermione confessed.
Harry was quote confused. Why would she suddenly start to take an intrest in me? Unless...
"Hermione, what does Y/N look like?"
"Oh! Um.... she has h/c hair and e/c eyes. We have a fair few classes with her. She's always top of the class." It all came back to him in one big rush. The hair that framed her face perfectly, her eyes that sparkled like jewels, her tender touch.
"I.... I think I know her."
If she goes on petrol every day, travels around the whole school, and I have an invisibility cloak plus a map, we will find each other.
Harry crept into the hallway and took out his map.
Where is she? Where is she? Where is-
Y/N L/N.
Harry raced to her. He moved as fast as he could. He was running and running and running until-
She's there.
In front of him.
And she knows he's there.
Because she's calling his name.
Harry takes off the invisibility cloak. He clears his throat. "Hello, Y/N." She nods towards him as a hello.
"You need anything?" Her eyes began to fill with concern. "Oh no. Is something wrong? It has to be. Why would you be coming to see me."
"No!" Harry was quick to reassure Y/N. He cupped her cheek and caressed her cheek bone. Maybe the James in him was acting up, but she didn't seem to reject his advances. In fact, she seemed quite comforted by it. "No. No. It's not that. I just wanted to say.... thank you. So incredibly much."
"What ever for?"
"For... just worrying, honestly. I know you helped me when I was having a panic attack and then you stayed up every night to see if I need help." Her face heated up. Harry could feel it on his hand. He smirked a bit. "Thank you. Truly. I just wish I could repay you."
"I can think of a few ways." Y/N slapped a hand over her mouth. "I didn't mean to say that."
"Well. How do I repay you?" Harry's smirk was much more apparent.
"I told you, I didn't mean to say that."
"But you did say it, and I would really, really, really, really, really, love to make it up to you."
Y/N looked down for a minute before mumbling "a kiss."
"What was that? Speak up, love."
"A kiss. I know, it childish and your not going to want to - mmmph!" Harry had already pulled Y/N into what she desired most. It was... perfect. Nothing short of absolutely magical. It was soft and quick and yet spoke so much.
"Was that good enough?"
"Actually, I'd quite like you to do that again." So they did. And then again. And again. And again. And again. Each time longer than the last. A passionate battle of lips, teeth, and tongue. A quiet wimper was released from Y/N. "Ha-oh!-Harry."
"Yes, love?" He began to kiss down her neck.
"Harry! We're in the middle of the hallway! Anyone could see us."
"What are you suggesting?"
"How about we go somewhere a bit  more...... private."
The two teenagers quickly ran off to the Room of Requirements, which had spawned a rather lovely bed, a loveseat next to a fireplace, and bath, which was sure to get some use later. Their clothes came off in a frenzy of hushed whispers and lingering kisses.
Soon, the gravity of what was about to happen took over Harry and Y/N.
"Are... are you sure?" Harry asked. "Are you ready?"
"Yes." Y/N said. She kissed Harry so softly. So lovingly. "I've never been so sure of anything."
Harry smiled before kissing down the expanse of her body. First her neck, then her tits, then her stomach until he was right in front of her sex, glistening in the romantic light of the room. "You look so beautiful."
"Please what, princess?"
"Touch me. Please."
Harry finally gave Y/N what she wanted. He placed a thumb to her clit. She bucked her hips into him. "Try to keep still for me, sweetheart. Can you do that?"
He rubbed soft, sensuous circles. Luscious moans left her lips. Her hips moved occasionally and every time they would, Harry pinned her hips down harder. "Your pussy is so pretty." Whispered Harry. She moaned at this. "Such a pretty pussy. Looks good enough to.... eat?"
"Yes! Please. Please eat me out." Her begging was all that Harry needed to hear. His tongue met her folds and he moaned, the vibrations sending shock waves up her spine.
"So sweet, darling." He said as he inserted a finger. A large gasp erupted out of Y/N's mouth.
"Oh, fuck!" They kept this up until Y/N could feel her orgasm approaching. "Fuck! Oh..... I'm gonna cum. I'm close." Harry pulled away just before she could. The whine that left her lips was almost pitiable. Almost.
"Awweee. Did I made you cry, Angel?" Harry mocked. Y/N hated how that turned her on even more.
"Why did you do that, Har?"
"Well, personally, I would love to feel you cum on my cock." She hummed before nodding and spreading her legs even wider. That was before her eyes snapped open.
"Wait!" Her eyes held so much worry.
"What? What's wrong?"
"It's just... I've never done this before."
Harry cooed and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry. We're going to take it nice and slow. Ready?" She nodded once again and he entered her. They could only look into each other's eyes. Harry hissed through his teeth like a snake, which would not be too out of character seeing as he is a parceltongue. Y/N had a slight grimace on her face as a tear trickled down her cheek. Harry kissed it away as he let her adjust.
"You can move. Please move." He moved slowly and the slightly uncomfortable feeling slowly became a most pleasurable sensation. The moans became louder and louder as the movements became faster and faster and the sound of skin-on-skin became harder and harder. Soon, the familiar feeling bubbled up again. "Oooohhhhhhh fuck. I'm so close. I'm going to cum. Please let me cum. Please, please, please, please."
Harry let her beg for a few more seconds before allowing her to cum with fake reluctance. Her pussy squeased him just right. She absolutely milked his dick. He came not even a minute later. His head naturally found its way to the crook of her neck. She gripped his broad shoulders as she came down from her high.
"Holy shit. I just fucked the chosen one." Harry giggled with her as they collapsed on the bed. Harry slowly pulled his dick out of Y/N.
"I need to get a washcloth for you. We made quite the mess." One conveniently formed next to them. He ran the cloth under the tap of the bathtub. "Can you spread your legs for me, Angel?" The feeling of the cold cloth made her jump.
"'m sorry."
"Don't be. You were incredible." Y/N smiled.
"I'm going to remember tonight forever."
"As will I."
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The First Letter
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To: Choi Seungcheol
From: Y/N
Hi, Seungcheol.
I know that in your life, I've probably been a side character. A classmate in your autobiography or life movie. I don't expect to become anything more than that because now, I don't think I have a chance.
We've known each other since we were young. We've known each other for all of our life basically, right?
I can still remember what a cute kid you were back in kindergarten. You were such a nice little boy and whenever the other kids picked on me, you would stand up to them and say, “Hey! I'll tell the teacher and I'll also tell Y/N's parents about everything!”
I don't know if you remember that, but I do.
When we went to middle school, I think that's when I first began liking you. Even though we live just a block apart from each other, we didn't talk a lot outside of school. Since we were both classmates and knew each other's house location, it was a bit awkward for me, but thank you for talking to me when we waited for the bus at the bus stop together. Sometimes you would just briefly mention my hair or the small details like new shoes or socks.
Thinking about it still gives me hope that you like me.
Throughout middle school, you always fed me hope. Maybe because in general, you were just a charming, manly, attractive, and caring guy. Maybe I'm still misunderstanding too many of your actions.
I can remember so many times that my heart fluttered and my stomach filled with butterflies because of you, Seungcheol. Since this is a letter to you that I won't send, I guess I'll just write them all down here to keep as a memory, just in case I ever miss you or feel nostalgic. You're my first love, after all, Seungcheol.
There was this time when we were in 6th grade. In 6th grade, both of us didn't talk much, and surprisingly, we didn't get a lot of long-term projects together. I don't think we got any at all actually.
Anyway, it was the middle of spring and both of us were just hanging out with our group of friends. You were throwing around a paper ball, playing a game of catch with your friends during the break. I was just being the usual me, listening to my friends talk while drawing dancing cartoons in the empty spaces in my notebook. Sometimes I would glance up and catch a glimpse of you catching the ball.
Despite being in middle school, you had really large, muscular arms. I was watching you and your friend play catch for a bit. Your friend was right next to me, catching the ball, and you were on the opposite side. I turned back to my notebook then all of a sudden, the ball flew right in my face from your hands.
I let out a small “ouch” even though it didn't hurt. Your friend asked me if I was okay, to which I replied that I was fine. Just then, I don't know when you came, but you came in front of me and took my face in your hands. It only hit my forehead but you examined my cheeks, chin, nose, turning my face in all sorts of directions while asking “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” and saying “I'm so sorry” repeatedly. As I'm writing this, the lingering feeling of your warm palms holding my head and the side of my neck still makes my heart race. I didn't think my heart could beat so fast but it did. I think that's when I was sure I liked you more than a one-sided crush. It became a one-sided love for another two years.
There were way too many times my heart fluttered because of you but because this letter is already so long, I will only express my side of three of those times.
I hope this is an event that you remember. It was the day when you, me, and two other friends went to an amusement park. I think of this day as a double date. I can still remember my friend joking about how you and I looked so good together. I don't know if you noticed but I was so shy. She was also joking about how ‘this was a double date’ and because I was being paired up with you like that, I was just feeling over the moon. You didn't even say anything to deny it, you just laughed as I did.
I remember how your friend was convincing you to ride some rollercoasters but you were so afraid and whining. I remember just thinking you were so cute even though the memory is a bit blurry.
After that, because I wanted us to get closer, I said, “I'll ride it with you, it'll be okay.”
You were still skeptical but to me, it looked like you were giving in. I always wonder if it was because of me or if you were annoyed by your friend's continuous convincing. If it was because of me, then, I might regret not telling you my feelings.
Anyway, I rode the rollercoaster with you and I was, evidently, really scared. I was so scared to ride that thing that I was unintentionally screaming with you with my eyes shut. My hand was holding tightly onto the bar that secured us and I couldn't open my eyes at all. Just then, I felt your hand on mine and I could feel the courage to open my eyes. When I finally stopped yelling and opened my eyes, I saw that you still had your eyes squeezed, gripping my hand tightly.
You looked so cute, Seungcheol. If you opened your eyes, you would have seen how brightly I was smiling. Later that night, I remember, I rolled around in my bed and wiggled thinking back on it.
However, whenever I tried to get close with you, I always backed out because even though there are small moments like those I mentioned, there are more times where it seems like you don't like me the way that I like you. I don't know your heart and I know better than anyone that being friends with you would only make my love for you grow deeper.
It's the first time I'm feeling this way for anyone and I don't know what to do. I want to get closer and explicitly tell you that I like you and want you to date me, but at the same time, I don't know which decision is right. We're both still young is the only excuse I can think of, but still, I can't bring myself to tell you how I feel. All I know is that I might be in love with you and you make my heart race.
This is the last thing I'll share in this letter, even though you won't receive it. I just want to tell you my honest feelings that I can't tell you about physically. Yes, I'm being a coward and writing a letter like this.
You know, Seungcheol, you always had this strong aura to you. You can be so cute but you're so masculine too. I like how caring you are, always taking care of your classmates. I admire you for having such a great sense of responsibility. You always remind me when I'm on cleanup duty. Not to mention how charismatic you look when you rap alone at the bus stop. Your deep voice is beautiful when you sing too. I don't think you know how much I know about you. I don't want to seem creepy because these types of things are just things I can't help noticing. I don't even know why I'm writing this down, it just crossed my mind just now. I might as well pour out the rest of my heart to carve you out, right?
There was this one time last year, at the bus stop, when I arrived before you did. Usually, you always came to the bus stop first, and honestly, without you there made me feel uneasy. It made me realize a lot that your presence gave me feelings of reassurance and comfort. Without you there, I was so paranoid that I took out my headphones just in case my headphones would block out the sound of someone coming. I just remember feeling so scared, clenching my cold fists in my lap. The morning was gloomy and it was even raining.
I remember my mind racing, waiting for you to come. However, I was getting even more scared at the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to hear anything so I just wore my headphones again and listened to some music. I was looking down the sidewalk in the direction of my house, wondering if I should ask my father to drive me to school instead, when all of a sudden, you yanked out my headphones.
You were panting, covered in rain. I stood up because I was shocked and nearly wanted to hug you for coming but because we weren't close, I knew it'd be awkward if I thanked you or something. However, what you said to me, has always lingered in my head.
“Hey!” You shouted in a scolding tone, placing your hands on your hips. “What are you doing out here all alone? Why didn't you go back home and get an umbrella, it's raining so much! Plus, you could have waited until I came first until you decided to sit here alone with music blocking your ears! What are you, stupid!?”
At that time, I just stood, frozen. I was wondering why you didn't have an umbrella meanwhile my heart was fluttering. I was wondering why you were scolding me. Were you worried for me? Do you like me? Those questions still float around.
After scolding me, you sighed and apologized.
“No, it's okay,” I said quietly. I couldn't tell you that I was scared because I just didn't know how to say it without making it awkward. If I did say that I was scared since you weren't with me, would things change?
In the end, you were still soaking wet so you called your dad to get you an umbrella. Why was that? Why didn't you just come out with an umbrella?
I have so many questions about so many seemingly minor things you do to me. Are you worried just for me or are you worried for everyone, including all our classmates? Do you find me a source of comfort or were you just too scared to think on the rollercoaster?
Since the questions will never get answered like how this letter will never get mailed, I will conclude negatively, that you don't feel the same way. The main reason I'm writing this letter anyway is that I'm deciding to get over you. I know we're probably going to be stuck in the same high school but I'm going to stop loving you foolishly like this.
Thank you for being my first love. You being yourself made me feel so many different kinds of feelings, so many different emotions. I fell in love for the first time and I'm glad it was with someone like you, even if the ending is bittersweet. After summer break passes, I'll make sure to get over you.
I won't forget you though. I won't forget the way you cared for me. I won't forget the way you are.
You're an unforgettable first love, Seungcheol.
© serenityseventeen
6/18/21 - 3:39 pm
a/n: I'm in love with the entire Your Choice album!!! Ready to Love is such a beautiful song, gosh, I'm in love with it!!! Seventeen always has superior B-Sides and ANYONE is my new bias wrecker + The members posted on Instagram today for the first time in forever (except for Seungkwan)!!!
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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interact-if · 3 years
Hello mods! I know there are five mods (right?) running this blog, so I think each of you have your own taste when it comes to choosing/reading ifs. My question is- I don't know if this have been asked before, but what is your favourite if genre(s)?
no one had asked about us before indeed! i believe this is the first ask that addresses us personally!
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I'm not much of a genre person, really. All i really look for is an interesting premise and I am biased to read games written by friends LOL
The only thing I do enjoy is reading games written in lighter styles, which isn't to say I like light topics only, I just have a hard time focusing on writing styles that become too detailed and almost massive to read. And again, I've got nothing against people who write that way and I have read and loved IFs like that! I just need more brainpower to read them which I don't always have
I do avoid games that become sad just for the sake of being sad since my mood dampens easily, and I do tend to enjoy games in which your relationships with other characters can change wildly based on your choices. Hopefully that somehow answers your question??
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Hmmm 🤔 I read any and all genres, like Cruz, it's the premise and the characters that hook me.
That being said, I like 'smaller' plots, where its about the characters, the relationships you build, the stakes are personal (think The Fog Knows Your Name, Slammed!, to name a couple), and less 'we need to save the universe bc we live in the universe'. If the story isn't personal then it takes a lot for me to get invested.
That being said, stories with 'big' plots can still be personal, they just got to emphasize character interactions, push the 'found family' or whatever aspect. Like 'it's all well and good that we need to save the universe, and I'll do it, but I'm doing it for these specific people tyvm'.
I do like heists, I like games that touch on heavier topics and let me explore the ugly, more desperate, parts of being human, but also enjoy a good rom-com, and always bounce between medieval fantasy to cyberpunk sci-fi.
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Ohh, I'm a massive fan of all genres, send me an IF and tell me a single trope in it and I'll read, that's all it takes.
I do love sci-fi and fantasy - modern, high, a sprinkle of it in the corner of a single sentence - plus supernatural-types of IFs, where something isn't quite normal or expected from our world, but very interesting to read and get into! You got a vampire? Sign me up. You got werewolves? Sign me up. You got angels? Demons? Some obscure supernatural creature I cannot think of right now? Sign me up.
Add some mystery in there and I'm good to go. I'm a very simple enby 😌 I am also incredibly weak so I tend to avoid tragedy IFs, but do gravitate towards both heavy and light games, depending on how much brainpower I have after
Thank you for asking!!
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I've always been a versatile reader so the genre doesn't really matter to me. if the premise catches my interest, then I'll definitely be reading it! I guess you could say it more so depends on the plot of the project itself, rather than the genre.
Then in that case, I'm partial to IFs that put a heavy emphasis to the connectivity/relationships of the characters with each other? Not just in a romantic sense too, I really enjoy projects which focuses on familial and platonic relationships with a good mix of personal stakes from the plot.
If we're talking go-to genre interest though, it would probably be either horror or mystery. I was raised on those genres and I guess they just rooted themselves into my heart 😌
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True to form, I think I’m opposite to most of my fellow mods LOL?? While there’s not a lot I don’t enjoy (...any? I don’t enjoy?), I think I have a particular hankering for the complex, slightly heavier, slightly sprawling plot monstrosities—the more brain-bending, the better. Conspiracy, mystery, lore. All of that? My jam. As a result, I tend to love high fantasy, myths, mysteries, things of that sort, mostly because that’s where you tend to develop a lot of intrigue, but you can also develop a similar complexity with sci-fi, which is another genre I’m feral for.
I really, really appreciate when a story is structured in a way such that, as you’re reading, you don’t even realize that a larger plot is brewing/unfolding, that the hints are right before your eyes—my favorite stories have always been the ones where the plot direction isn’t glaringly obvious, yet once each point is revealed, the steps taken to get there are clear-cut. The kind of story that leaves room for the audience to prospect on what might happen because there are hints sprinkled everywhere. The kind of story where everything feels very organic—the plot “twists” are appropriately shocking, scandalous, heart-wrenching, but don’t come out of nowhere, because everything in the story has a foundation.
Ahem. Waxed a little poetic there. Anyways. Big fan of fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, brain-bending mind-melters; that’s pretty much the only kind of TV/media I watch, too. Other than stand-up.
I do enjoy a little supernatural, apocalyptic, and low fantasy content as lighter reading, too, though! I don’t usually look for that kind of stuff to be mind-melting, though, LOL.
And, also, the brain-bending, mind-melting stuff tends to have a 50-50 shot of also being horror-related, so I think it’s fair to tack on that I like horror, too!
TL, DR: I, Dani, have terminal chatterbox disease, can’t ever be concise: favorite genres are mind-melting/brain-bending, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, horror. Add a splash of some supernatural and apocalypse in there!
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