#plenty of character social interactions? check
fairuzfan · 7 months
It's the zionist concern anon again. I will say for now that with what you said about prioritizing Palestinians I do agree. The people going through a genocide are a bigger priority than people who are not going through a genocide. I just fear that due to the fact I am neither Palestinian or Jewish that I may end up embracing stances that I do not actually understand and that innocent people may suffer because of it. I do not want to be irresponsible. I am also someone who lives in a country built on stolen land, so that does to some sort of extent influence my feelings on Isreal as I imagine many people in Isreal share my thoughts on the fact we have lived our entire lives on stolen land. As I said before, I also do not know any Palestinians personally so I find it hard to know who I can ask about the history, Hamas, technical details of politics, etc without risking being taught the wrong things. On a much more selfish note, I also struggle with debilitating mental health issues that make it very difficult to navigate moral issues especially if the moral issues do not impact me on a personal level. So if I am being honest, my questions are not entirely selfless as I have very self-centered fears on if I am actually a horrible person. I thank you again for being so understanding, but I figure the right thing to do here is admit I am likely not as pure intentioned in my questions as I should be when a large factor to why I worked up the courage to ask is in hope I am worrying too much about my quality of moral character from a selfish perspective. Again, I thank you for being so understanding and willing to answer these asks instead of just brushing me off as a horrible zionist.
I don't think you're a horrible person at all I just think everyone has underlying zionist biases because it's a product of the society we live in.
And I do understand where you're coming from, honestly. Something that always helps me is remembering something that my parents taught me as a kid: always stand on the side of the oppressed. Now as I grew up I realized you have to define what oppression means and I think exploring that will also help you get a better understanding of how to combat other forms of racism/antisemitism/transphobia/etc.
If you do want to learn about hamas tho, I would suggest taking a look at Tareq Baconi, he has a lot of writings about the history of Hamas and he's Palestinian. There are also Palestinian podcasts and social media accounts. I understand that not knowing a palestinian personally to help you guide yourself through these things is daunting, but there are plenty of resources to help! It's why I'm here on this blog honestly, I don't mind you reaching out to me for questions or anything.
A good principle to remind ourselves with is "how can I ensure that justice can be had?" And to find the answer to that you need to look into multiple types of antizionist thought. Some blogs I like to check out for a diverse antizionist opinion are @el-shab-hussein and @bringmemyrocks as a couple of examples. Plus I'd look to Black American thinkers on antiracism (like Angela Davis and James Baldwin and Kwame Ture) because they do a good job of showing you how to examine your internal biases which we are all subject to.
I don't think this selfish to want to be a good person. I have the same worries. I actually do get worried that sometimes I'm *actually* a bad person secretly without me realizing and I reach out to friends and family to talk it out. Something that helps me through this is realizing that you have to forgive yourself for previous beliefs you've had and promise yourself to do better because at the end of the day youre human and you make mistakes.
But really my biggest advice is to read and listen to a variety of schools of thought and if you can, interact with local communities dedicated to antiracism. Even if theyre digital communities! That will help a lot with identifying any problem points.
Again, feel free to reach out with any questions. I don't think you're a zionist at all! Please don't worry and thanks for reaching out :)
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draco-after-dark · 8 months
Idk if you answered an ask like this but how does JD react to his brofhers? I can't help but feel he'd be a bit protective of Branch in particular
Actually no one has asked this yet. I've answered about the brothers reactions to Feral but not what his thoughts on them are.
If were talking about when he followed the group back to Pop Village since that where were up to in my fic and he's only really interacted with Branch and Floyd. He's only briefly seen Bruce so I'm going to leave him out for right now.
Feral as a lot of conflicting feelings. Part of him wants to just grab them all and crush them into one big hug pile but the other part of him still remembers how terrified of him they all are. Except for Floyd which is one of the main reasons he only activity seeks Floyd out when he's alone but still keeps his distance.
Not to mention after be finds out through Branch that Bruce is in fact Spruce. The purple haired troll he bit on the arm it just makes the whole situation even worst on Feral end since now he's not only scared all his brothers at one point or another. But he's also physically hurt one of them.
The whole reason he's even stuck around the pop village is because he just wants to keep them safe even if that means he has to keep his distance and interactions to a minimum. For their sake and his own. He is very out of touch with socializing.
Another big reason he's been so back a forth with seeking them out only to then run away is for the past 20+ years he though they were all dead. He went from having no family to seeing all of them alive and well (for the most part) In about 24 hours.
So its a lot for his brain to process.
Also yes he is very protective of them all, chapter 9 and 10 show a bit of that where Feral saves Bruce from some big spiders. More of Feral protecting too be writing but yes big man protect the family.
On a side note you can expect lots of Feral JD and Branch interactions to come in the story. They're my two favorites and I'm bias so L. There will be plenty of adventures with the other brothers as well too. Also some surprise character appearances too.
But yeah excited to write more and if you want check my fanfic 20 years is a LONG time (Feral JD AU) on ao3
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victimeyez · 3 months
Me and my buddy stumbled on your writing andnow we're hate reading just to see how low you're willing to go for the shock factor. So far the Enema Bag Shiver is the funniest, it has turned into our favorite character so far, but the #1 is still the toddler costume for the pedophile implications. To be honest its brave you included that in a story all about kinks you personally have :D Anyway I'm sure its important to the plot too. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to saturday :)
Idk man, kinda sounds like you're my biggest fan.
This story has not been updated regularly until very recently, and It's been ongoing for almost a year. Are you on my taglist? Would you like to be?
I'm not sure how you would stumble across my content. No one has a strictly My Little Pony blog and then randomly reblogs my work. Everything I write is tagged to hell and back, and is exclusively shared within the whump community. Obviously something attracts you to whump, and I write whump. My blog is labeled Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. If you look in the bag and yell at me that you find a dead dove in there, that's not on me.
You have to be actively checking my blog, because you've sent me multiple anon messages, and check to see if I've answered them. When I don't within a few days, you still want my attention so you send more. You want to read the story, and you openly enjoy it, but you're having a hard time reconciling the judgement you make on me with the fact that you genuinely like my content. So you eagerly read it, but send me anon hate so you can still give yourself a big pat on the back and feel like you have a moral superiority. Your case isn't special. It is incredibly common, and certainly nothing new.
What if you could just enjoy the things you like? There's a whole community here that shares your interests and has fun interacting with it. You don't have to put it on your resume, but there's a space here that is appropriate for it. It involves sensitive content, sure, whump is a facet of horror. Torture scenes are incredibly common, even in mainstream media. Game of Thrones featured graphic rape scenes and incest, yet it has unbelievable mainstream appeal. It's okay to like content that involves mature themes and touches on sensitive topics, and the majority of people do.
A lot of people have a hard time being genuine about their interests, whether they carry a taboo or are just considered cringe. I realized years ago that by owning the things I enjoy, no one can hurt me with it. I was a superwholock teenager to the core. I am bad at ice skating and swimming! I'm a fat little boy and I dance funny!!! When you refuse to be ashamed, other people have no power over you. In fact, they start to feel more comfortable being themselves around you, too.
I'm not stooping to anything. I'm an adult with a busy life, who chose to post my writing online, fully knowing the possible consequences, and being fine with them. I have made interactive elements of the story so people can vote for what they want to see - and when I listed the crazy BDSM couple Lisa and Mark, they won the poll by a landslide. There are plenty of people who can distinguish fiction from the author's core morals, and I'm not interested in pandering to anyone who doesn't.
The shock value comment is interesting - if I'm just trying to shock people, why would I hold back? Why didn't I write a whole disgusting scene with the enema? Why have I stated that I will not be writing any kind of age play scenes in this series? There is a plot, character arcs, backstories... Sarge could not be more of a parody unless I had him wear a shirt that said "I am a caricature of the american military industrial complex, republican politics, imperialism, and the intersection it finds with men who struggle socially and turn to red pilled reddit and toxic masculinity as a balm". Seems a bit on the nose, though. Do you think all content that involves horror or mature content is only designed to shock?
If you think I've got this all wrong, and I'm a huge pretentious asshole, that doesn't change anything for me. But you have committed yourself an awful lot to something you supposedly hate. Why don't you just stop reading? You won't even come off of anon, because you know I'd just block you and move on, and I think you would be upset if you couldn't read it anymore. I'm just another freak on the internet, right? Block me and move on. Prove me wrong. Throw a party that you trumped me and won. Feel superior. Do a backflip. Good for you buddy. Or maybe tell me, who actually is your favorite character?
TLDR; you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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ethicstownpod · 8 months
I've just updated the general 'tag to use if you don't want your post shared' post, but since that won't be seen in the main tag I'm making this separate update too.
People (well, currently one person) are starting to write/share fanfic and that's so cool! I can only imagine a slight uptick in this once S2 airs, as you actually get to hear Adults Interacting and if I know AD folks you like to get shippy!
So here's our unofficial-official statement on fanfic:
I won't be reading any fanfic. I am so, so appreciative that it's being written but 1. I am not the target audience and 2. Whilst I can't see things getting legally dicey it's better safe than sorry.
However, this is a very small but tenacious fandom and I want to help you get your art out there! I'm more than happy to share fanfic from this blog.
The caveat: I will not share anything more NSWF than the show gets. So mild gore, existentialism, character death, corruption etc. as well as things like moderate profanity, and fade-to-black intimacy are all perfectly share-able. I will never, ever (god forbid) try to stop you writing anything more explicit, nor do I mean to imply it's a lesser form of art. But I want people to be able to expect the same from our socials as they do from the show.
If you do not want your fic shared you can always ask us to remove reblogs, or use the keepyoursecrets tag (in conjunction with regular show tags), which we have blocked. It's our last reblog prior to this post if you'd like to check it out in full.
If one day our audience grows to the size where you're getting plenty interaction simply from the tag I'll likely stop sharing fics. But until then I just want you guys to feel appreciated for your hard work - it really helps the show get noticed!
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ruiniel · 1 year
Hi there, was hoping I could ask your advice if it’s okay! How might someone relatively new to the Castlevania fandom on Tumblr get to know the community better? 👋 I know everyone is super hyped for Nocturne, so I figured now was a good time to try to become more active in the fandom!
Hello dear, you're absolutely on point! 🕸️The Fandom🦇 is slowly awakening now that the Nocturne sequel is hitting the bend, so this is the perfect time to dive in, I'd say.
Now, I tend to be a fandom hermit personally on here for Reasons, but this isn't about me. Here's some resources!
Follow the tags! I noticed some of the most popular ones are #castlevania, #castlevania nocturne, #castlevania netflix, #castlevania fanfiction, #netflix castlevania. If you have particular character faves, follow their tags too
There are many creatives involved and versed in the Castlevania show&game lore on here. Browse the tags and posts, see what sounds interesting to you. Reblogging or commenting are always good ideas. If you see a piece of meta you like, comment, reblog, send asks, see where it gets you! This fandom has low key gained me some friends for certain.
Here's some blogs from which I've seen plenty of castlevania show (and game inspired) media, I've not interacted with all but worth checking out, mostly going from my side-blog items heh:
Other informative/fun blogs:
@castlevania-gallery (art reblogs)
Blogs of people involved in the show(s) relatively active here:
tendermiasma is a character artist on Castlevania & Castlevania: Nocturne
samueldeats blog belongs to Sam Deats, director of the series along with Adam Deats
This list is by no means exhaustive and I am missing blogs for sure, therefore making this rebagel🥖able for anyone who wants to say hi, self-promote, both, or just add to the list.
Welcome to the fandom!
PS: won't comment on fandom dynamics or conflict, I avoid that as a rule, but remember to curate your experience: use the privacy and block features available. One aspect that (for now) makes tumblr different to other socials is that your fandom experience here is highly influenced by who you follow/see in the tags.
I'll also say the series fandom is *very* vibrant on twitter (or 'X', now, I guess). So if you're up for the latest and greatest, it's usually there. Not sure if you use that platform tho.
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vvyvernicus · 26 days
Since I didn't officially participate in AU-Gust this year, I wanted to show off an AU I came up with for The Villainess Wants To Make Her Husband Slim Down fandom.
@juchioris has made plenty of shorts for this fandom for the AU-Gust challenge, so please check them out if you're interested!
This isn't a fanfiction per say, but another alternate AU with key details focusing on one character in particular who has major changes in comparison to canon, which alters the original story.
It's a little throwback to an old post of mine, where I turned the male lead, Alois, into a "Cold Duke of the North."
This expands on this version of him. Also spoiler warning for key changes that alter important plot points in the original novel!
It's a little lengthy, so I'm putting it below the cut!
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In the original plotline of this universe, Alois Montchat is reviled as "The Toad of the Swamp". At the time our main female protagonist Camilla meets him, she is repulsed by him, as he has all the features that earned him that nickname (he is obese with blemished skin that's bumpy like a frog's). However, in this AU that is not the case.
This AU's Alois takes on a more regal appearance, more befitting of his status as a Duke. He's always well groomed and dresses in fitted clothes. His skin is clear because he regularly applies special creams to combat the strong magic in the air that damages people's skin in Mohnton. He's also a lot leaner than his canon self, no longer eating unhealthy meals and avoiding exercise.
His personality has shifted as well, fitting well into the "Cold Duke" stereotype. However he is also more confident and feisty than his more mellow counterpart. If someone doesn't agree with him, he's quick to assert his authority and won't hesitate to use his appearance to threaten others. There are still traits that remain the same, as it's still Alois at his core.
Underneath the intimidating aura, he's quite antisocial and a recluse. He disdains the idea of social events and refuses to go to them, not because in the distant past that his family was excluded from them, but because he just doesn't like people. Still loves reading and learning about history.
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His first meeting with Camilla is much different. Originally, Camilla is sent to him as a bridal candidate as a punishment since no one wants to be wed to the hideous toad duke. In this AU, Camilla is still punished for being a villainess, but is essentially sent away to die.
This Alois is rumored to be monstrous, as he doesn't socialize and people who have interacted with him mention his poor temperament. Since Mohnton is a land where criminals were dumped, it would suit him to have a ruthless side to him. Camilla is sent off to be a bridal candidate for him, since other women are too scared, but it's wildly expected that Alois will just kill her instead. Camilla still has her uncontrollable temper and bad attitude, which everyone assumes will frustrate Alois and he'd put her out of her misery himself.
Camilla herself is not thrilled about this and is even a bit worried about the potential of dying at Alois' own hands. She still loves Julian, but has come to the terms that he wants her dead since he himself came up with the idea to send her to Alois. When she meets Alois, she does find him attractive, but also intimidating.
Instead of screaming at him to lose weight like in the original story, she holds her tongue more at first, worried that a wrong word may get her killed. Their first meal together is intense, with Alois telling her that he has no intention of keeping her around and that he doesn't trust her. Not wanting to get thrown to the streets, Camilla's new goal is to find ways to get on his good side while she tries to figure out a viable escape plan that guarantees a comfortable life for her.
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Now, delving into the more spoiler territory of his character, Alois is a man who experienced some serious childhood trauma. This is still the case in the AU variant of him.
The events in the original are still canon up until Alois is 15 years old. This means that:
1. Camilla had still given him her cookies when he was 10.
2. He was taken from his true home and had his memories wiped.
3. His "parents" still treated him poorly and forced him to adopt fake traditions with the intention of altering his appearance.
Alois is secretly the true second prince in the story, but he was kidnapped and swapped with a fake shortly after his 10th birthday. He was forced to grow up in Mohnton and assume the identity of the heir to the duchy. However, because of his princely features (his red eyes and silver hair), Alois might be revealed as the true prince and ruin their plan.
To avoid looking too much like a distinguished royal, Alois was forced to eat an absurd amount of food, all heavily doused with fat and sugar. He also was not permitted to use skin creams to protect against the miasma in the air. Because of this, he rapidly gained weight just as planned.
However, once Alois turned 15, was when a switch flipped inside his brain in the AU. Tired of playing the part of the obedient son, suffering at the hands to please his parents, he rebelled against them. He was sick of eating the revolting food all the time, tired of feeling terrible as the food took a toll on his health.
His parents were not pleased and it devolved into a huge fight between them. He lost control of his magical powers during the fight and ended up killing them. At first he was shocked, but ultimately relieved not to be under their control anymore. The senior servants panic and try to control the situation, but he threatens to do the same to them if they dare force the traditions to continue.
Alois ends up losing the excess weight by returning to a healthy diet and engaging in active hobbies; favoring ones that can allow him to defend himself without relying on magic as it can be unpredictable. Despite this, he retains trauma from feeling like a prisoner in his own body for 5 years.
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Having Camilla as a bridal candidate was not something that Alois wanted. Not only does he distrust strangers, he also has no experience with women. So he does not know how to properly interact with her and tries to keep his distance initially.
When she arrives, he gives her the courtesy of having one meal with her per day, but he does not care to bring up conversation with her. Their meals are initially eaten in silence as Camilla tries to figure him out.
Although he is intimidating, he does not wish to bring any harm to Camilla. He makes sure that she is given proper accommodations so that she isn't uncomfortable during her stay. Even if he doesn't want to marry her, he's not cruel to her for no reason.
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Just like in the original plot, when Camilla mentions that she likes cooking, he's compliant with her using the kitchen. He says that he would consider sampling some of what she makes, provided that it's not overwhelmingly sweet.
The servants still don't like Camilla much, but she also doesn't have to deal with the rude head maid Gerda.
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While Alois is skilled with magic and has a lot of it because of his bloodline, he still trains regularly in other forms of combat. Mostly out of precaution and he finds that he can be more precise with physical attacks if he needs to defend himself in a pinch. As a result, he's in much better shape than his canon self.
This makes him look more like royalty, specifically more like a sibling of the two princes. There had been rumors of him being an illegitimate heir, with the past duchess having an affair with the king that resulted in Alois' conception. Alois himself couldn't care less about being a prince, truthful or not, and just wants to live a life of solidarity.
He trains so much because he is afraid of showing weakness after what he had gone through during his late childhood. Deep down, he secretly knows that his parents were trying to kill him off slowly by making him eat unhealthily for five years. So he does this as a continued act of defiance and self preservation.
Since Alois is not "The Toad of the Swamp", Camilla makes no jabs at his appearance. Instead she finds herself struggling to keep her eyes off of him, worrying that staring too much will have negative consequences.
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Ah, the trauma. This poor man has a lot of it. Arguably more so than the original Alois, but probably a typical amount for cold dukes. While the canon Alois is slightly more open, this AU version buries his feelings like he's hiding previous treasure from thieves.
While he bottles up his emotions, there are times when they all come loose. Especially when his parents are brought up, more specifically the things they put him through. When Camilla eventually broaches this topic with him after seeing an old family portrait, with a younger, pudgier Alois, he completely loses it.
This is the moment Camilla realizes how flawed he actually is, despite his usual nonchalant, cold demeanor. She gets to understand him more as a person and see why he acts in the way he does. Camilla is terrible with providing comfort, but she knows how to listen, something that Alois never trusted anyone to do before.
Alois goes into full detail explaining his hatred for his parents actions and how he was rewarded by them by having to fix everything all on his own. He couldn't even trust his own servants, so many of them were discarded and replaced with new ones after the incident. He even goes so far to say that he doesn't even like his responsibilities that much, but he does then anyway because he is the sole heir to the dukedom.
From this moment onwards, Camilla decides to act nicer to Alois. Usually offering to be someone to vent to, in exchange Camilla vents her problems to him. This is what really starts to bond the two of them.
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Just like in the original, Alois is still the ML, while Camilla is the FL. So by the same string of fate, they are destined to fall in love. And just like in canon, Alois falls first. Not to say Camilla isn't attracted to him initially this time around.
After they start talking and being more honest with each other, he finds himself wanting to spend more time with her. Though since he initially wanted nothing to do with her, it's hard for him to say he wants the opposite. So he spends a good portion secretly pining for her.
The main story events are when they really get to interact. Like when Alois has to go somewhere in the duchy, he makes up some excuse for why she should come along. At this point Camilla is no longer afraid of him and is somewhat happy to see new parts of the territory.
He's really bad at feelings. Poor guy doesn't know how to flirt to save his life, let alone have a charming conversation with a lady. His ego is too big to turn to Klaus this time around, so he's figuring it all out on his own. Camilla is usually not able to pick up on his interest, but she still finds him endearing.
At the very end of this AU they get married. Something we didn't see in the original story unfortunately. Alois ends up proposing to Camilla, who ends up liking him more than she expected, and she accepts.
I don't really have much to say about their wedding, just that Camilla's parents were not invited. Her personal maid from the royal capital, Diana, was able to come and then live with them in their estate. Other characters that show up, Klaus, Gunter, Nicole, they're all there too.
Oh right, the villains of the original novel. In this AU, it's bittersweet as while Alois and Camilla find happiness, the villains get away with their plans. Alois has no idea he's the true second prince and is finding his own happiness with the woman he loves.
Thanks for viewing this word dump of an AU! Not sure if I'll write a full fanfiction of it, but a small short here and there are high possibilities! This fandom needs more love.
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deusexlachina · 4 months
Antisocial DAO Part 1 (Dalish Elf Origin) - Defy societal beauty norms and good taste
In which I make the worst Dalish Elf ever and look upon my creation with pride.
My lack of social skills extends to character creation.
Because I Am Socially Inept, I must avoid levelling Cunning or Strength. This would pose major issues to Rogues and Warriors, respectively, so I must be a mage. Mages in Thedas are required to join the Circle, but, having already played the Circle Origin, I decline this invitation and use a mod to have the Dalish Origin while being a mage. (Given that there are Dalish mages, it's a little strange that you can't do this by default).
To help immerse the Warden in the world of Thedas, they use the same appearance options as almost all other NPCs. This is a solid design choice that I will be entirely subverting. After giving myself a Seriously Spooky Stare, I install a mod that expands the range of hairstyles and pick ostentatious twintails that go down to my hips.
I just need a name. Something goth, but also elvish...
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Deathroot it is!
I have made yet another Horrible Goth Girl, but something's missing. I end up going back to add in facial tattoos, on the grounds that all Dalish have them and they're religiously significant. This is religion. Fashion is another story.
Being able to safely ignore Cunning and Strength, I put all my points into Magic. I choose to start with Paralysis, favouring the Entropy spell tree, mainly because it seems the most goth and edgy. I am rewarded for my aesthetic choices: paralysis is fantastic against the enemies in the ruins.
Unfortunately, as I explore the ruins, I lose my buddy Tamlen, and only survive because a mysterious human carries me back home. The Keeper sends me and Merrill out to go rescue Tamlen. This is the same Merrill as in Dragon Age 2, but here she isn't Welsh, isn't a blood mage and doesn't look like a baby. She's also not nearly as strong as her sequelized self, so to avoid dying horribly, I grab another friend, Fenarel.
Merrill protests at this unauthorized addition to my party because Merrill is very strict about the rules and would never do anything Keeper Marethari wouldn't approve of. There's an easy social check to convince her to let Fenarel come, but I cannot pass it because I Am Socially Inept. So I have to swallow my pride and Ask Mom if I can have a warrior in the party. Thankfully, she says yes. She even thanks me for asking her upfront, a scrupulous act that I have done solely because I could not convince Merrill to have a strong party otherwise. I cleverly forget to take a screenshot of this part.
Time is not on my side. I have been infected with the Taint, a disease which is very serious, despite the name. My friends notice I'm strangely pale.
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I ask what they're talking about, because I'm always pale. And the veiny marks on my face are my Vallaslin, thank you very much.
After an unsuccessful hunt for Tamlen, I encounter Duncan, standing ominously amid the fresh corpses of several powerful darkspawn. There are a lot of pressing questions here, but the most pressing one on my mind is "Can I loot these bodies?"
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He lets me loot every single one of them before talking to him. Poggers.
Duncan is a Grey Warden, an expert in my disease, and promises an unspecified cure if I just leave my family and join his secretive order. Unfortunately for him, he's a human and humans are currently preparing to forcibly displace my clan. The game, realizing this, gives you plenty of opportunities to openly distrust Duncan, and I pick every single one of them. This guy seems sus.
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You always encounter Duncan, but the ways you can interact with this key character depend heavily on your Origin, giving you meaningful, interesting character choices right from the start. Take notes, Inquisition!
I tearfully embrace my clan and depart. This is a very solemn moment, full of gravitas and dignity. I am leaving my people, perhaps for good, and setting out on a dark, lonely path to fight nightmarish monsters. There is nothing even a little funny here.
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shrimplyfangtastic · 1 month
20 questions for Fic Writers!
Hi hi! My lovely friend @gamingwithsydney tagged me in her reply to this list of 20 questions for fic writers. Apologies that I'm only getting to it now! <3
Tagging others is a bit daunting, so instead I choose to tag whoever ends up stumbling upon this ^_^
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1. How many works do you have posted?
Just checked, and apparently I've posted 31 works on AO3, and 1 to Tumblr, leading to an impressive total of 32! Wow, when did that happen? XD
As a oneshot writer with plenty of WIPs waiting for me, I'm sure that number will only grow higher before the year ends.
2. What is your total published word count?
Almost 14k on AO3! That's a lot more words then I imagined it would be at, to be honest.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, and more Genshin Impact.
Or, that's what's posted at least. I've got a couple (read: MANY) WIPs waiting to be edited/lengthened that have been written for the Dead by Daylight, Monster High, Twisted Wonderland and Fable 2/3 fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by Kudos on AO3?
At 37 Kudos we have Love You For Eternity an Eimiko drabble, followed by Like A Cute Stuffed Toy (36, Eimiko drabble), Romaritime (33, Part of Collei/Freminet Series), To Distant Shores (31, Part of Collei/Freminet Series) and Silver Threads Among The Night Sky (29, EiSara drabble).
My favourite from the above list would have to be Romaritime.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do reply, most often aiming to overcome my anxiousness and respond within the same day of the comment! While I write with the understanding that I am the audience I wish to reach with my works, it's nice to see that there are others out there who share the same interest in fandoms and love for characters that I do.
I like engaging with fandom to meet new people and create strong connections, so each interaction is greatly appreciated and cherished.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I like my angst endings implied rather than explicitly shown, so I think that leaves my FocaFuri drabble Her Prophecy with my angstiest ending. Typical Fontaine shenanigans, I'm afraid.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Romaritime has a happy end, I feel! Some cute but awkward interactions between Collei and Freminet. There's also my Yelan/Emilie drabbles — My favourite being Little Gift By My Pillow — which all have happy ends. I like soft Yemilie.
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
If I do, I'm unaware of it 😜 I don't really think a hateful comment or bookmark would effect me too much, honestly. As I said, I write with the additional intention of serving as my own audience, so if someone does not enjoy what I have to offer then I must kindly redirect them towards the Back button.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't... Yet.
There's no plan to explore smut writing anytime in the near future, but it's certainly not off the table! Ei/Kujou Sara have almost tempted me before, and smut ideas for Reaver/The Hero of Bower Lake from Fable 2 have been floating around in my mind.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't post crossovers, but I've got a couple notes for an EPIC: The Musical/Genshin Impact series. I don't think this will be seeing the light of day for quite a while though, unfortunately. Otherwise, if I were to write other crossovers I think I'd either want to explore Descendants/Twisted Wonderland, or Dead By Daylight/Fear & Hunger.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge XD
As far as I'm aware, my works are only available on AO3 in English. I am open to translations though, as long as I'm properly credited and informed through any of my social medias.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Co-writing wouldn't really suit my way of writing, but if I were somehow able to find someone who follows the same writing process as myself, I'd love to co-write a Genshin fic one day. Maybe something Collei/Freminet. Perhaps something to do with this Pirate AU idea I've had for awhile. Dunno!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oof, that's a difficult question! I think I'll split them by fandom, as choosing just one is much too hard.
Monster High: Kieran Valentine/Spelldon Cauldronello
Dead By Daylight: Sable Ward/Mikaela Reid
The Sims 2: Nervous Subject/Pascal Curious
Genshin Impact: Kaveh/Alhaitham or Emilie/Yelan or Layla/Kirara or Lisa/Il Dottore (Okay okay, I'll stop here!)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Either that EPIC: The Musical/Genshin Impact crossover, or the Genshin Impact Pirate AU idea. Although, now that I talk about that Pirate AU, some more ideas are coming to me... Hm... Mermaid Freminet...
16. What are your writing strengths?
My writing stamina has gotten pretty strong over the years, and I greatly cherish my ability to draw out inspiration from quite nearly anything.
I also quite like that I no longer feel an ounce of shame in my interest towards writing fanfiction, and instead embrace my creativity with welcome arms.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
As of right now, I'm pretty happy with my overall writing style. If I had to choose some things that could either be improved or be explored in another way, I think my dialogue could flow smoother? Maybe include more metaphors in descriptive scenes? I've always liked more flowery prose, so if I were to revise my own style and pick apart "weaknesses", it would be to achieve that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've written dialogue in another language, but I believe that if I were to try, I'd almost certainly need to have someone who knows the language that I could turn to and ask for help.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fandom written piece was actually for the Creepypasta fandom over on Wattpad, back when I had a big fat crush on Eyeless Jack. While it's been taken down, I still have it saved in multiple folders so I can look back and awe at baby Shrimply's writing.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
In terms of published works, I'm rather fond of Romaritime (Collei/Freminet) and She Fears Not The Weather, She Fears Not The Sea (Eimiko).
In terms of yet-to-be-publushed works, I'm writing a oneshot that I absolutely adore on how I think Kieran and Spelldon's (Monster High) second encounter would go :D
EDIT: Haha, did I talk about Romaritime enough? :P
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thebaroness-art · 1 year
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🌊 Aqua Art Challenge (Raffle) Prizes! 🌊
Congratulations to the winners of the Raffle! After way too long, here I present you the gorgeous characters I had the honor of working on:
Ferenir belongs to @the-flame-blade Amelia belongs to @thewitchpainter-art Artedil belongs to nothlirien on Instagram Daricelly Mooness belongs to daricellymooness on Instagram Corey belongs to @letho-arts
Thanks to everyone! Feel free to contact me in private, so I can send you the full resolution files and the PNGs for the tokens!
The next challenge won't probably come so soon since I can barely take care of anything else other than work and school exercises, but do stay tuned, for there will be plenty of things to celebrate!
Right ahead, personal and blog updates!
I AM ALIVE!! I completed the first half of the master class I've taken, so I'm finally free to resume things from where I left off, with some news!
I'm changing the purpose of my Instagram profile to... simple art corner! I'm going to spam whatever nice thing I feel like sharing, from the most messy quick sketch to the most refined masterpiece I can create, for the sake of sharing and connecting with y'all! My Artstation will become the ExtraPolished(TM) portal to check my works for professional purposes, but for what concerns the rest, I really want to get back to have fun with social media.
Why not, after all? Before they became a whole stressful mess with algorithm problems and stuff like that, sharing things was a mean to create chances of interaction! I think I've been neglecting that side of my activity online for way too long, and I can't wait to get more in touch with everyone.
With all of that said, I'll be on vacation for the next month, but the prizes of the DTIYS are finally in the making together with a few more personal pieces I've been delaying for too long! Plus, I'll reorganize and share my best exercises for this course, because goodness, that was a blast of inspiration and improvement! Hopefully you'll think the same on the long run 😊
Thanks for making it this far, I'll see you all very soon! . . . . . . #artchallenge2023 #paintedsketch #ttrpgart #portrait #digitalart #dnd #pathfinderrpg #commissionsopen
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supermacaquecool · 7 months
Odd pair commentary now
Okay, I'm not sure when I started writing this, I have the vague inkling of wanting to finish it for the first Survive week? Or is it just because I wrote a lot of Ryo fic for it? Beats me.
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So yeah, I went to check my twt and I posted the first excerpt (the one above) I wrote for it on Jan 26th of last year lol It was around those times.
I remember a mutual had brought the topic of ships and how Ryo is likely the second most shippable Survive chara lol At any rate, it got me thinking I wanted to explore their dynamic. This funny interaction was the seed from which the whole thing sprouted lol Before I started the game myself (I knew plenty of spoilers already, though) , I knew from a certain drawing on twt that they cook together in Truthful, so I had been looking forward to seeing that a lot. I think the fact they're the same age and Ryo helps her out brings a sense of equality to their relationship that Aoi doesn't really have with her juniors, much less Shuuji. So I thought it could be fun. Incidentally, the way the affinity dialogue plays out where Ryo shows up to help her crackled me up really hard lol The way she ends up bossing him around much to his chagrin and the way he swallows his pride are pretty priceless lol
Another scene I really like with them (the other one I know of???) is that one that takes place when they're about to head to the northern shrine, and Takuma and Aoi show up late bc they got sidetracked with repairs LOL I loved the way Ryo chewed her out for not prioritizing lol So this is kinda inspired by that, tho he gets frustrated at her here for not asking for help (or expressing herself, period LOL). Now that I've written more, I have noticed that I like writing other characters finding my fav annoying, which is just unbelievably funny.
So, it was fun writing those points of friction between them, Aoi disliking Ryo's rude attitude and Ryo finding grating that she clams up lol It was not the cause for huge conflict, but it gave way to some fun smaller instances of awkwardness. I'm very fond of Ryo getting admonished for speaking rudely to her only to nearly call her a dumbass five seconds later lol
Aoi's reticence to rely on others takes the bulk of the scenario:
Ryo cranes his neck over her shoulder to take a peek at whatever she was doing on the counter.
This was a fun, physical way to get accross the way he's basically having to force brute his way through understanding her, since she isn't really communicating. She's clamming up so much to the point it makes Ryo nearly lose his patience near the end. Aoi doesn't really budge much in this fic, it's all Ryo and Labramon having to do the heavy lifting to bridge the interaction which is also funny. All the things she goes out of her way to cover their bases and not trouble others causing her to be cumbersome to be dealt with lol I'd like to write them scolding each other more, plus the mutual annoyance they learn to tolerate as they grow to trust each other more lol The way they're nearly opposites in the way they choose to deal with social interaction makes them very funny in my head lol Rude boy and proper girl, get on each others' nerves, now! Despite that, I think they're likely to feel real kinship with each other as the only competent caretakers and cooks of the group lol It's just a matter of growing comfortable with each other, so that's what I'm aiming for portraying.
As per usual, Ryo's pov is very fun to write. His brusqueness marred to his keeness are a blast, so I mostly think of this one as a fun little snapshot at how their dynamic could play out.
Ryo sighs, catching her drift. Despite all their talk about how charging to the factory will mean facing the Last Boss, some part of her doesn’t believe it’ll be over yet. Not like he can blame her. He doesn’t buy it either, that they will be done with all of this that easily. Really, given how things turned out in the waterways, preparing for the worst isn’t wrong but…
Highlighting this paragraph bc I didn't explore this aspect much, but that's another common ground for them: their catastrophizing LOL They could either make each other's anxiety worse or really bond over it. If I were to write them together again, I'd probably want to explore that territory.
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Hi! this is kinda a broad question but i am just getting back into fl after years away from it and i was wondering if you have any tips for early game players, especially wrt fun character building? i feel like the game suggests a strong path with making your name and I am struggling to figure out when i should make 'in character' decisions vs. following this kinda tutorial vibe of early game. are you expected to do all four MYN or do people focus on just the ones that make the most sense for your character?
i thought i'd ask you bc you have some really cool fleshed out characters but if you know of other blogs that have more early game tips and stuff i would really appreciate it. i am also a little unsure about the social aspect of the game, is that for interacting with friends from real life who also play or do people contact random people through the game?
i love your blog and hope you are having a delicious day
Putting this under a readmore since I wrote a lot more than I thought I would-
MYN storylines are good for early game stat gains, but they can be rather tedious and are by no means a strict requirement (I myself have never fully completed every single one). MYN storylines do, however, permanently open up certain areas- some of which can be accessed through other means (wolfstack docks, the flit), some which can't/can't without fate (the shuttered palace, mahogany hall, the foreign office, the university, the labyrinth of tigers, etc.) which are required for ambitions or later game content.
Personally, I do whatever storylines are most beneficial for my current gameplay, but pick and choose as to what I actually consider canon to my characters.
-Wolfstack docks is unlocked via the Dangerous MYN, but I believe you can buy your way in with items. The Labyrinth of Tigers is unlocked at the end of the MYN, but the only way to gain permanent acccess outside of the storyline is via spending Fate, and most of the things you can do there are unlocked via MYN. Out of all of them, at least in my opinion, Dangerous is the most worth doing. It's also one of the least annoying. It also later opens up dock brawling, which is good for getting certain hard-to-get items.
-The Flit is unlocked via the Shadowy MYN, but can be unlocked via a skill check (albeit an annoying one). Mahogany Hall is unlocked via either the Shadowy or Persuasive MYN, and I believe there IS an option to gain access via fate? Don't quote me on that. Mahogany Hall is a good place to have unlocked, as it's required for a certain storyline that can get you useful items.
-The Forgotten Quarter is unlocked via the Watchful MYN, but you can buy in with items. The University is, again, only otherwise unlockable via Fate, and similarly to the Labyrinth, most options are locked until you reach a certain point in the MYN. Depending on your actions in the storyline, you may also temporarily be kicked out of the University. The university is required for some later game content, such as getting your own laboratory. The Watchful Storyline also grants you the trait "Scholar of The Correspondence", which is necessary for some ambitions.
-Writing a Short story is unlocked via the Persuasive MYN. The shuttered palace is as well, though you can buy in via fate, as is The Empress's court, which has no other way in. Completing the Persuasive MYN grants access to the foreign office, which also has no other means of entry. And as stated before, it is one of the two ways to gain access to Mahogany Hall.
As for social actions, it's hard to contact random people, as you need access to someone's profile to add them as a contact- but it's not required you know them IRL either, as plenty of people online have linked their profiles to add them. I myself don't know anyone IRL who also plays, all my contacts are from online.
Once you have someone added as a contact, you can send them a calling card through your social engagements (shown below), and they can choose to accept or deny to become an Aquaintance.
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Some social actions only require you have them as a contact, others require you be acquainted.
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johnny-bravo · 1 year
hi folks! if you're a fan of classic cartoons and/or Johnny Bravo, you're in luck! because i happen to have a fan-made Johnny Bravo reboot comic in the works! ✨🌈 😎
in this story, Johnny is still your classic womanizing goofball, getting himself into plenty of silly situations—but it'll also focus on some more serious topics as well, such as personal growth, mental health, issues with family, relationships, and so much more! 🩷 i'll be posting some of the characters and their short bios, so you can get a good feel for what to expect from them!
so, Johnny's geeky best friend, Carl Chryniszzswics!
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art by @radiostatic0 🩷
At first glance, Carl appears to be pretty much everything that Johnny isn't. He's nerdy, geeky, timid, and a lover of all things science. Despite this, the two of them are known somewhat as a duo within Aron City, mostly because Carl is typically only ever seen hanging around Johnny whenever he's out and about. Carl's more of the shy and quiet type, and simply doesn't have any other friends his age—though, to be entirely fair, Johnny doesn't have many either.
Intense social anxiety often prevents poor Carl from interacting with other people. Of course, he's trying to improve on this aspect—especially now that he lives all on his own. He's only just recently moved out of his parents' house and into his own apartment; all the sudden changes can be a lot to handle for one guy! And add the lack of a steady job into the mix, and, well, that sort of stress can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to Carl's fragile feelings.
got any feedback or ideas you'd like to share? you're always welcome to let me know, any time! 🩷✨
in which case, you should consider checking out our discord server! here, you can also catch some "behind the scenes" on the comic's progress, and chat with some other fans of Johnny Bravo! 😎
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turbulentscrawl · 8 months
Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening/night. I was wondering if I could get a matchup?
-I go by she/her and they/them. I'm still figuring out my preferences but if preferably to be matched with a male character.
-I am an infp, 4w3, love language (both giving and receiving are alright with me). When around people I'm unfamiliar with I'm more introverted and don't talk much but when around people I'm familiar I'm more talkative and expressive. I have trouble expressing myself (I express myself through my art sometimes not most of the time though so I'm more quiet on my emotions and just bottle it up) and I have trouble with understanding myself on an emotional level.
-My hobbies are drawing, reading a piece of literature or any book, making paper flowers or small clay items. I'm interested in the paranormal, urban legends, conspiracy theories, abandoned places, true crime cases, missing persons cases and I have a deep fascination with animal skulls. I'm a big fan of found footage or analog horror despite being someone who's easily scared.
-My personal flaws would probably be I tend to talk or mumble to myself, probably my anxiety when it comes to meeting new people or even interacting with someone, I can't say no to someone most of the time, I have a very messy sleep schedule, I get irritated easily and that I do procrastinate alot so most my work is done last minute or half assed.
-I don't have many life goals but some basic ones are getting into an art school (I hope to get into fine arts or architecture) and getting a good paying job to sustain myself in life, the more weird ones are exploring an abandoned building or town and doing some ghost investigation or starting a small animal skull collection.
-For relationship deal breakers would be someone who judges or compares me too much as I'm extremely insecure of myself and someone who doesn't respect boundaries (as I dislike physical touch even if the person touching me (like a hug) even if they're someone I'm close to but if they do I'd prefer if they tell me beforehand that they want a hug).
Thank you for reading this and I apologize if this was very messy, you don't have to do the match up if it's too little information to work with.
I Ship You With...Aesop Carl!
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-This pairing is made due to your similarities! You both require patience concerning emotional communication and social anxiety, which I think should be easy given you can empathize with one another's struggles.
-Aesop has to be with someone who doesn't rely on physical touch to feel loved, and it's even better that you prefer not to have much of it at all. When either of you do need some contact, he prefers it to be bluntly stated so you can both mentally prepare for it. And when you do need something like a hug or a hand to hold, he prefers to be able to keep a skin barrier, like his gloves.
-Aesop is strict about some of his own scheduling, but doesn't care much about your own. His work and health are his, and yours are yours. That's not to say he doesn't care about your wellbeing...but he doesn't see it as his place to nag you. He'll give you an occasional reminder about your to-do's but otherwise he lets you handle your own stuff.
-Your Lova Language is missing from your 2nd point, but I'm guessing it was either Words of Affirmation or Quality Time based on the rest of the info, both of which Aesop prefers himself. He is a bit awkward about delivering praise--when he received it growing up, he was always paranoid that it was fake, and he's concerned you may feel that way when he does it--but he always has plenty of nice things to say about you in mind. Additionally, he loves parallel play. He's more than happy to sit near you while you both engage in your own hobbies and just check in with you occasionally.
-He's not easily disturbed or scared, so your love of true crime, analog horror, bones, and other "creepy" things don't bother him. He's likely to sit through some with you in his spare time--though he would like to put his two cents in throughout the video. Even when it's outside of his expertise, he obviously has a lot of experience with anatomy and bodily injuries. He's got some interesting perspectives, and may even help you conquer your fear of them a but to have them dissected?
Runner Up: Orpheus
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olumine · 10 months
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LET ME SAY IT ANOTHER WAY : i call myself wound, but i will answer to knife.
an independent roleplay blog for the traveler, lumine / ying from genshin impact, as written by kendall (21+, he/she). minors dni. exploring themes of war, violence, blinding light, gender, being an alien, dehumanizing the hero, adrift in a world not your own, and more.
this blog will stay low activity. minimal formatting. mostly minimal effort. i don't have the energy these days for extensive rpc aesthetics, though i'll spring for a funny little icon every once in awhile. extremely headcanon dependent + canon divergent -- i've completely overhauled everything, down to the character design. not involved in the genshin fandom at large on basically any grounds. please note that while i don't consider myself particularly "selective," i am very busy. heavily affiliated with @kunigutsu's scaramouche, @bezdnayaks childe, & @yanwangye's zhongli.
under heavy construction!
(more extensive pages are under construction, but between the wiki & the caveats i've written below, i'm happy to mess around with plot & answer any questions til then.)
interaction .
as it is, standard interaction rules apply. other than the usual (don't be pushy, don't be a bigot, don't be weird), i'm very chill, i like to plot, to discuss interesting dynamics, & i'm good with every format of writing short to long. i'm fairly new here in terms of genshin impact but have been rping on tumblr for way too long at this point, & i'm coming back after an extended break. one thing, i really prefer it when ideas are exchanged mutually rather than one-way, so if we're plotting, please feel free to hit me with whatever & i'll match that energy!
portrayal .
okay, here's the big thing. please take a moment to briefly read over my interpretation of the traveler! while i enjoy the core lore of the traveler, i'm interested in pushing the personality + characterization notions gestured at by the game and playing around with them, pushing them to different limits. as it stands, my idea of lumine is quite. quite overhauled, so i'd appreciate any double-checking before assumptions are made. i don't own anything beyond the concepts i personally came up with, obviously. as it stands, this is a work in progress always, i'm still making my way through the full plot to boot, so bear with me. also, i am comfortable with duplicates, being followed by and interacting with!
biggest notes .
— my lumine is genderless, and is socially read as on the masculine side of the presentation spectrum. while i'll use she/her for ease, this is NOT a girl. no gender in space, and all that. this definitely includes her canon design! while i might reblog or like art that is designed in alignment with canon, that's not actually how i see her at all. give her pants. bigger muscles. strong strong hands. i'll write notes up on it in the future at some point. — genshin impact's got some, huh, things going on in terms of weird age gesturing while still being plenty sexualized. don't know what that's about. don't like it. don't subscribe to it. lumine is, appearance wise, mid 20s, but much older than that in actuality, obviously. — vital here, i basically do not know about fanon, i just got here, but what i've seen scares me so so so bad. i do not jive with essentially any of the "blushy, soft, ultra-squishy" of lumine. again! dni! — she's a fighter, intense, a little adrenaline-fueled. rougher around the edges, a little angrier, a little pushier; a little bit rude and sharp and to the point at times. i portray her with the idea that while she is helpful, she can be a bit begrudging, a bit worn through and over it, and absolutely not liked by most people she comes into contact with. i'm very down to explore dynamics that are more fraught than friendly.
character thesis in the meanwhile! scroll to the bottom for a bonus picrew of the babygirl.
The Cosmic Terror Of Light and Light As A Destructive Force
taking the knight thing to its natural conclusion of a girl who is so so so mad all the time and also so so repressed about it, but like, barely.
I Am Asking You To Endure It coding
getting more impulsive and weird as time goes on. already was kind of not cool not normal but objectively getting worse WHILE getting stronger.
you can trust her with your keys and your personal quest but she might deadpan roast you for your problems in the process.
vibes include being Covered In Blood and clearly exhausted but letting paimon hold her hand when she's scared
This Is My Brother And I Need A Shovel To Love Him
the hero has been irrevocably changed by the journey and even if she could go home, home would no longer exist to her! she knows this and is choosing to ignore it.
emphasis on the feeling alien + isolated + not belonging to the world. you're a strange human-thing that doesnt follow any known laws and well, isn't that a bit sad.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Technical machine character development questions || Accepting !
@technodromes sent: (for SR)
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
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Unlike most Ricks, SR has never really developed a charismatic people person facade he can use during interpersonal interactions. He tends to be awkward when engaged outside a work setting and often stumbles on his words while he fails to cover up the fact that he has no idea of how he should behave and respond.
In particular, among the many things, what confuses the hell out of him is being flirted with. Most of the times, he doesn't even realise that it's happening unless the other person is extremely explicit about it, either with their words or with their actions, and when he does grasp what's going on, he tends to freeze up and get flustered very easily.
In part, this is due to the fact that he can't understand why someone would want to flirt with him when there's tons of more suitable, more equipped Ricks around. It's not even a matter of low self-esteem, even if that plays a part in it too. He is very much aware of hardly being most people's type and of how awful he is when it comes to any sort of courting ritual.
So, in those occasions, he gets overwhelmed by confusion, both born out of surprise and because pick-up lines, avances and flirty jokes simply confuse the shit out of him. When put in those situation, his one and only strategy is to flee the scene as soon as possible, even if that means making a complete fool of himself far too often.
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SR tends to be pretty subdue whenever he is dealing with his superiors and anyone who is considered above him in the hierarchy of the people who work for the President. Duty is one of his core values and he sticks to them with every job, task and order he is given.
This, however, doesn't mean that he never has doubts or that he always blindly follows what he's told to do. His loyalty is always a choice, whether or not he agrees with his commanding officers' decisions. Still, he never talks back, never lets his disagreement or inner turmoil be known. He listens, takes note, goes off to do his job.
There have been plenty of times when his orders haven't sat well with him. If he can find a way to conciliate his own views with his duty, he follows it and does his damn best to still be a good officer while remaining a decent person. If that turns out not to be possible, he swallows his uncertainties and reluctance and does what he has been told to do, clinging in pure Rick's fashion to the "don't think about it" motto.
Having to compromise himself for the sake of his job is one of the two things that can drive him to get wasted, the other being issues with his family, back on his Earth. Since on a normal day he never drinks if not socially, finding him shit-faced drunk is one big neon sign that something is wrong.
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Compared to many Ricks, SR is tendentially much calmer and less easy to anger. He can be extremely patient and has a lot of self-control when it comes to keeping his temper in check. It takes a lot to make him angry, as a general rule, but there are a few sore subjects that instantly make him snap.
The one thing thing that is guaranteed to get you roughly grabbed by the collar in the best case and with a gun shoved down your throat in the worst is talking ill of the few people he cares for. It's a short list that basically includes his family (yes, even Beth's wife, even if she doesn't like him at all) and AR.
At times, it can also extend to other versions of his daughter, of Summer and even of Morty (despite the fact that he doesn't have one). Considering what the general attitude towards Mortys is on the Citadel, that should explain why he never carries a weapon on him when he's off duty.
As for his best friend, he agrees that AR deserves at least half of the shit people say about him, but that doesn't make it forgivable. He can scold and judge and call the black market dealer names. Everyone else has better make sure he doesn't hear them doing it.
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pinnedangel · 2 years
you can call me angel, i am a switch vers. this is approximately one half hard kink blog, one half place to put down long rambling tangents for the sake of making people read them. i do not content tag posts that are not my own, except for cnc-related posts explicitly mentioning rape, which are tagged #rapekink. check below the cut for a general content list and some of my personal boundaries/blockable offenses. i am single and not actively looking. i do very much enjoy flirtation or sexting, but am autistic with a low social threshold, so i may not always do well with long conversations. deleted mutuals are always welcome to send me a dm or ask about whether i have any posts they're trying to recover, i am happy to go through the archives of this blog in order to help people get their posts back! this is my main blog, but not my main account, so there will sometimes be gaps in content when i'm not logged in here, but for now i've been logged in for a couple months which is why the non-kink content has started to bleed through. my personal tag is #saintly thoughts.
as an advertisement and warning, on this blog you may see posts about:
-consensual nonconsent, including content that directly refers to rape
-dubious consent, including intoxication and somnophilia
-corruption, mindbreaking, manipulation, gaslighting, and abusive dynamics
-fearplay, including kidnapping/captivity, gratuitous bodily harm, and threats of death. may also include snuff, but generally i'm more into the threat of being killed than the actual idea of it
-gender play, in the sense of non-detransition related forced feminization and masculinization
-primal, predator/prey, and petplay
-monsterfucking, oviposition, egg pregnancy and laying
-size difference and object insertion
-fauxcest, heirophilia, dollification, hypnosis, overstimulation and edging, exhibitionism, impact play, knifeplay, general bdsm dynamics, and more.
i try to keep this post updated with at least my most regular topics, but this is not an exhaustive list.
soft limits:
gore, necrophilia, age regression, boot licking/humping, violence that involves losing teeth, scarification/tattooing, parental fauxcest, direct snuff, gunplay
these are things you might see posts about occasionally but i’d prefer not to be engaged with on. if i’m reblogging posts that include them, it’s either enjoyment from a nonsexual or very abstracted perspective, something i’ve reblogged because it includes other elements i do enjoy, or something that i am just starting to explore interest in but haven’t figured out how i enjoy it.
hard limits/filtered tags:
pregnancy/birth, lactation, hucow, piss, scat, vomit, abdl, armpits, detransition, misgendering, feeding/feederism, beastiality, feet, needles/piercing, amputation, castration, extreme body modification
i’m not going to block you if you follow me and post about any of my hard limits. i follow plenty of people who post about some of them but post about other stuff i like, that’s why i have the tags filtered. i just might not follow you back if that’s your main focus. i pass no judgements on kinks as long as they’re between consenting parties and you’re not trying to put your kink content on the posts of people who don’t want it there.
if i block you, it's most likely because i looked at your blog upon you following me and could not determine your age or even if you were a real person. i also tend to block cishet people, as i would rather they not interact with my personal content.
if you see me tagging posts with #🎥 that’s simply a way of keeping track of things that not only do i enjoy from a personal standpoint, but also that make me think of the dynamic between two of my characters. sometimes the kink posts i write are about those two as well. it's mostly a dynamic centered around nonconsent, manipulation, and general emotionally (sometimes physically!) unsafe kink practices, which are things i've been exploring quite a bit lately. you can ask about them if you'd like, otherwise i probably won't directly say much about them on this blog.
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