#please you're chronically online... go away I didn't even said anything hateful??
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
Beige rights 🤍 I’m tired of seeing the same dark edits. I don’t care about blood, guts or gore. I don’t want to see your gel lighting edits. It’s ugly, boring. And you’re mad you cant do beige like us. 🤍
Also please give me URLs of those who posts those "same dark edits", I NEED MORE HORROR SIMBLRS TO ADORE AND LOVE ;)
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Series : To all the boys
Pairing : Moon Junhui x reader
Type : non idol au, ex-couple au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : cheating
Word count : 2k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 12.10.2020] | one | previous | next
You couldn't be in contact with Jun for a long period of time now and you were starting to get used to his absence rather than missing the hell out of him.
You have had talks with Seokmin when he bumped into you few times and you were glad to hear he was finally going out with someone instead of being stuck up on you, you learned her name was Seuji and you were very happy for him feeling a weight was lift off your shoulders.
"I've been talking with a guy from other school."
You casually mumbled scrolling through your Instagram not paying much attention to it.
"You're talking with a guy? What's his name?"
"Yoon Jeonghan."
It was Seokmin who had asked you that question and he was accompanied by Zeny and Dani, all of you sitting on one of the benches which were located at the garden of your university.
"You mean to say Yoon Jeonghan from Hanlim school? As in the one who went to the same coaching class as us?"
The other three were more attentive and interested in your life than you were at this point cause you just nodded your head with a little hum, you weren't even talking with the said guy with much interest but you had been continously talking with him so you thought might as well inform them.
The only people who were currently aware of you being in a relationship with Jun was only Zeny and Andie but Andie was admitted to another University and you asked Zeny to shut her mouth up since you weren't sure about your relationship yourself.
You didn't even spend much time with Jun before he left, both of you did try your best, him being the one to reach out to you more and you didn't quite get the chance to properly be with him as a couple.
But getting used to the university life was sure tiring and most of the nights one of you would just crash down on the bed and sleep not having enough will in the body to stay up and talk with each other.
You knew Jun was trying his best but he was living with his family and being with the family had its own ristrictions as compared to when he was in Korea, living alone in his apartment.
This was the exact reason why you didn't fancy the idea of long distance relationship, you had never been to one before but you had hated it'd idea ever since you were aware of it.
"Why are you talking with him out of all the people?"
You looked at Seokmin raising your eyebrows, you knew he was getting jealous of you talking with someone else but he can't tell you what to do.
"Why? You got some problem with him? Is he that bad? I'm just talking, it's nothing serious."
"He told me the other day that you said you like him but I didn't believe and now you're telling me that you guys are talking."
"I didn't say I like him, I said I like him as in person, it isn't my fault he's so full of himself, don't worry and focus on your own life."
"Just be careful with him y/n."
"Sure, I'm going to meet him after few weeks when he'll be back from his hometown though."
You got up from your spot, packing your stuff and going off towards your next class. Your mind was clouded with Jun but you weren't sure what to do with him and you had a date with Jeonghan too, hanging out with new people instant supposed to be a crime when you're in relationships right?
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"Jun come on pick up the phone."
Your heart beat was irregular as you anxiously dialed his number one after the other but he wasn't picking up.
You had met with Jeonghan today and you didn't expect it to turn out like it did. Now that you were back from it, you suddenly remembered about Jun which you had completely forgotten since the last few weeks.
Your breath hitched as you looked at the time, you knew Jun must have return from his college since it was late at night but you weren't sure why he wasn't picking up your calls and you needed to talk with him.
You groaned when he didn't pick up your call for 8th time deciding to just write him a message instead since you were getting drained due to nervousness and as the time passed, you were overthinking about how he would react.
You took a deep breath thinking about how you were going to start, you didn't expect yourself to lose control over your conscious state so easily.
To Jun : Hey, how have you been? I am sorry I couldn't contact you from past few weeks and you were too busy too, I tried calling you so many times because I wanted to talk to you about something but you weren't picking up so this is the only way I could get done with this and not feel anxious. Jun, I'm sorry, I know you would be confused as to why I am apologizing but I'm really really sorry, I'm crying as I write this I'm sorry I betrayed you. I never thought I would get attached with Jeonghan, I didn't think too much while I hungout with him, I genuinely saw him as a friend Jun, but he was so sweet to me and we kind of clicked, I was missing hanging out with you and he was there to fill your spot that I couldn't push him away, your thoughts were completely blocked by the thoughts of him, I forgot about you, I'm so sorry.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself as you wiped out your tears before hitting the sent button, he wasn't even delivered, he wasn't even online. You took the phone again typing another message.
To Jun : I don't think I can continue our relationship with the guilt I'm carring and you deserve better, I'm sorry I betrayed you like that I wasn't in my right mind I'm so sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me but don't blame yourself please, you're my best friend and this just isn't right. I shouldn't have broke your trust like that but whenever I am with Jeonghan I can't think of anything else other than him please don't be angry I really want to apologise for the damaged that I caused but this relationship just wouldn't work, I can't do this, I can't handle long distance relationship well I'm sorry.
You hit the sent button, getting away from the phone and started doing the house chores to keep yourself busy till the time he replied but he didn't.
You finished the chores later and went towards your phone to see if anything was sent but it wasn't which disappointed you as well as made you more anxious, what was in that mind of his.
You went inside the shower to relax your muscles and got dressed and did your night routine before plopping on your bed and tucking yourself inside the blanket.
You got you phone to see just a single message notification, your heart beat increasing as you unlocked the phone.
To y/n : Have you lost your mind? Are you aware what you're trying to say? How can you do this to me? I thought you loved me y/n this isn't a joke. I am studying and working my ass off here just for me to come home to see this? Do you realize how happy I was seeing all those calls and messages from you thinking you just missed me that much only to find out what? That you cheated on me? Is that what you're trying to say? I loved you, I love you so damn much and you did this? You had the nerve to even message me about it y/n, do you realizes you have tore me apart. I don't even know how to behave how dare you? I'm so angry, I did so many things for you, I didn't care about my own reputation just to gain your love and you let it go to waste? Don't you dare contact me after this y/n it's over between us, how will I trust someone else after what you did to me? I'm blocking you, I don't even want to see your face cause I myself don't know if I would be able to control my anger if I did, I hope that you atleast don't cheat him. I hate you y/n I hope you realize what you lost and what you did. Don't contact me or show me your face ever again I'm blocking you.
Your eyes with in tears once again as you read his message again and again, you knew he had blocked you and he was so damn angry. He should be, you deserved his anger.
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