#please stop. she's just as socially inept as yato. she just never
calamitouscyan · 8 years
 Before people fill up Nora/Mizuchi/Hiiro’s tag with silly and pointless hate against her character (if they didn’t already lmao) I want to point out a little something that’s relevant about her, something people often tend to dismiss.
 Nora and Yato share more or less the same ugly experience of child abuse. Yato might have learned here and there about human and society, but Nora has never had that chance.
 Why do I point this out you ask? What does it have to do with the kiss scene?
 I always like to mention about how Yato is an inept with social concepts, most evident in the way he shows his “love” (which is actually just obsession tbh). Nora though, due to her lack of contact with anyone at such a young age, is 1000% worse.
 While yes, there may be some intention behind her confession and kiss other than just a silly sudden show of affection, there’s a high chance she believes to be honest here, just like she believes her words are honest when she says them to Yato. Not saying that she does actually “truly love” Yukine, though. If there’s something she and Yato share is the fact that they don’t really know how to interpret their emotions, thus the reason why both read their obsessions as honest affection for their respective individuals.
 On Nora’s case though, she is obsessed with Yukine just the same way Bishamon was obsessed with Yato. Intense hate creates said sick obsession with the target, and with the knowledge she has about emotions, it’s probable that she took said fixation as some sort of twisted love. A fake love, but she might believe it IS honest.
 The kiss? I don’t think she had a full out bad intention with it. There’s a chance she thought that was the correct way to approach. Could she be trying to manipulate Yukine with her “feelings”? Absolutely. But while I don’t believe she truly feels love for him, I also don’t think she was just sputtering some silly lie.
 tl;dr: Stop hating her for the same reason you “aww” at Yato, thanks.
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