#please just let him in to ride the swings he won't stop asking me
kaitowotd · 2 days
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Kaito's Word of the Day: Offseason
It's that time of the year again... I told him not to worry too much though, because the ice cream place will be open on weekends if we're lucky!
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smallestapplin · 1 month
Do you think Overlord from transformers would be type of guy "I love kinda of woman who can beat the sh t out of me"
Ok ok soo i imagine cybertronian reader who was able to beat the sh t out of Overlord who's now in love with cybertronian reader.
What would her team aka the lost light would react to this 😂😂
This had me cackling. Also I apologize I know you said fem but I don't know how to make the gender important to the story (I'm gender blind I'm so sorry.)
- you beating Overlord's aft was a miracle and a half. You utilized his pride and slowness against him, though struggling more than you'd like to admit, you managed to out pace him and put the large bot in his place.
- "I don't know what I did! I beat his aft and now he won't leave me alone! I even tell him off and that just seems to get him more interested!" Is what you cry to Rodimus about.
- "I'm gonna be real with you, I don't know how to help you with that. I mean, at least he's not going off the rails and starting fights?" It's all he's got. You know he's right, but it doesn't help you one bit, so yog end up groaning and slumping over in your seat. Roddy tries to pat your back and show you some cool earth thing he has, before Overlord finds you, and coos about how worried he was when you weren't in your habsuite, and glares at Rodimus.
- Overlord still tries to fight everyone, and by Primus Megatron gets it the worst, but he's happy all that's needed is for you to angrily yell Overlord's name and call him back like a dog. Megatron always breathes a sigh of relief when your enraged voice echoes through the room, calling for Overlord to "bring you aft over here right now, I swear to primus if I have to put down my report!-" and watch as the equally large bot instantly drops his fighting stance, rushing over to you, looking far too happy and pleased to be called by you (even if you aren't'.)
- You're tired, you just want to do you job and go about your day, not wake up from a statis to the large blue mech over you, holding a thing of energon for you and asking to spar.
- Ratchet and First Aid hear and see it the most, and believe Ratchet gives you high an audio processor full. You send Overlord to the med bay frequently, and he can't even scold the bot into being more careful cause he's not even listening! He has to deal with Overlord staring at you and not even hearing him.
- First Aid tries to help in that regard, explaining to you that this is getting out of servo, but Overlord nearly throws a medical berth at him for it, only stopping when you glare at him.
- "I fight him, he likes it, I ignore him, he likes that too! Nothing I do sends the massage home for him."
- Ultra Magnus wants to help, trust him he does! This is classified as harassment and he swore to always help his crew members....but....you are literally the only thing keeping Overlord docile, and First Aid and Rodimus have already reported that Overlord does try to swing at them for interfering.
It's safer for everyone to not, after all you seem to handle yourself just fine! You're a strong bot that can handle one of the strongest gladiators in history! He lets you vent as much as you need, but eventually has to tell you he can help once Overlord oversteps.
- Lucky you, you don't have to worry about that. Overlord is obsessed with beating you in battle, but also he loves fighting you, you carry yourself with such strength and confidence once against him, he's smitten. With your speed, to him, it makes your battles feel like a dance! Your movements and skill have him smitten, as does your attitude, your fire and sass have him weak in the knees.
- Prowl is somehow your only ride or die here, he's more worried about what Overlord could do but doesn't think before shouting at him to give you space or to frag off, the temperamental officer goes into protective mode when it comes to you.
- Overlord does not like Prowl because of this, but you cling to your friend in thanks.
- "It's every damn cycle, don't you have a hobby!? Frag I don'tknow, watch a movie, pick up blacksmithing, SOMETHING!" Prowl barely has time to dodge a swift punch, but he manages, and next thing you know there does the fourth table of the week, followed by more shouting, and you having to yell for Overlord to knock it off.
- Rung is definitely getting good use as a therapist, he's trying his best to give you coping skills to help ease your frustrations with your situation, and while they work, you just come back to tell him you came back to your habsuite to Overlord on your berth, and pulling you into his lap.
- "It's rude he didn't ask before doing so."
- "Oh my, he asked to spark bond-"
- Even just trying to have a professional conversation with you turns into a chore, not because of you, but because of the angry look guard dog standing behind you, glaring down at anyone speaking to you.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
Commander Fox! =D
“Please stop throwing yourself off buildings,” Thorn says, ragged in a way that makes Fox hide a smirk behind his pad. “We’re not all airbenders, and some of us have more self-preservation than a concussed tooka—”
“You mean you're cowards,” Fox says disdainfully, and scrawls his CC number on the bottom of the form, sends it, then closes the pad and clips it to his belt. The wind is strong here, Coruscant's wild weather pockets spitting out hurricane gales and stinging rain despite the fact that Fox knows the weather system is set for balmy sunshine. It’s making the rappel lines flap and swing alarmingly, not that Fox cares about that. Thorn seems like the type to, though.
“Affected by gravity, Fox, not cowards—”
Fox rolls his eyes, pulling his helmet on and checking the comm. They haven't gotten a go signal yet, and Stone’s generally good about not karking up, but Fox is feeling antsy. Their thief has been breaking into the Senate every single night, like a taunt, and only leaving signs on their way out, like they're daring the Guard to catch them.
Maybe it’s a personality flaw, but Fox has never met a dare he didn’t immediately latch onto with teeth, and he sees no reason why this should be any different.
And besides, this wind makes Fox want to throw himself right into the slipstream, see how far he can ride it before he has to start catching himself. If he aims right, he might be able to make it all the way down to the second level of the undercity; there’s a good access point near here, and the wind is temptingly strong.
“You're not even pretending to listen to me, are you?” Thorn asks on a sigh, martyred, like he’s the only reasonable one here.
“I only start pretending to listen when you stop bitching,” Fox says without sympathy, and checks the time again, shifting impatiently. It’s getting towards morning, and he’s run out of paperwork to kill time with. If the thief wants to move, they should do it now while Fox is in a relatively good mood, and not cranky from boredom.
He’s also curious. Whatever the hell kind of bender they are, no one’s been able to work it out.
A shadow, quick, darting. Fox almost misses it, because it blends in with all the hundreds of other shadows shifting in the light from passing speeders. Something about this is different, though, more fluid, more noticeable. He jerks his head up, and in that same moment a speeder’s lights wash across a window at just the right angle, illuminating a figure in dark clothes, headed at a run down a corridor that should have been locked down when that wing of the Senate was evacuated.
There's no pausing, no moment to think. Fox is moving before he can even register the motion, and he twists, hands up, will behind the motion. Leaps—
The wind catches him like wings, like vast hands, and he hurtles down off the side of the building, arrowing straight for the line of windows across the way.
Like every time, bending is instinct and an adrenaline rush and a burst of vicious, knife’s-blade joy that ricochets through Fox’s whole body, rises to flood him entirely, and he twists, foot leading, and feels the whirl of air that cracks glass like it’s a piece of himself. There's shouting from behind him, troopers scrambling to follow, but Fox doesn’t care.
He’s a howling wind, he’s a hurricane, and when he explodes into the hallway, a gale rising to a scream around him, it feels like he’s the most powerful thing in the whole galaxy. Like he’s invincible, untouchable, free.
No one’s ever going to take that away from him. Fox won't let them.
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avatar-anna · 5 months
Already Over
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A story told through text!
Your ex (don't pick up!): So...same time again next weekend?
You: No.
You: That was the last time.
Your ex (don't pick up!): You said that last time
Your ex (don't pick up!): And the time before that...
Your ex (don't pick up!): Come on babe, when are you gonna drop the charade?
You: Three texts in a row? Someone's desperate
Your ex (don't pick up!): You drive me crazy baby. You always have.
You: Sorry. I'm serious this time.
Your ex (don't pick up!): You're really going to let THAT be the last time?
Your ex (don't pick up!): You didn't even get to sit on my face!
You: I'll live.
Your ex (don't pick up!): I won't!
Your ex (don't pick up!): And what about your tits? I need to say a proper goodbye
Your ex (don't pick up!): Please baby I'm aching for you
You: In the two years we were together I think that's the most ridiculous thing you've ever said
Your ex (don't pick up!): You're really going to be satisfied with that being the very last time? I just think we can do better
(five minutes later)
Your ex (don't pick up!): You're not answering because you know I'm right
You: I'm not answering because I'm not entertaining this conversation anymore
Your ex (don't pick up!): Because you know I'm right
You: We. Are. Not. Together. Anymore.
Your ex (don't pick up!): See you say that but then Saturday night rolls around and you're asking if I'll come over
Your ex (don't pick up!): But don't worry baby I won't judge you I promise. I'll even let you sit in my face even though you've been so mean
You: Don't hold your breath
(five days later)
You: You busy?
(six minutes later)
Your ex (don't pick up!): Already on my way
Ames👯‍♀️:: Seriously?
You: What? Did something happen at work?
Ames👯‍♀️: No...
Ames👯‍♀️: You're really gonna make me say it?
You: What are you talking about?
Ames👯‍♀️: I saw Harry sneaking off to his car this morning
You: It was the last time I swear!
Ames👯‍♀️: This wasn't the first time?! Y/n!!
You: I know I'm weak :(( We just have a lot of history and he just knows me so well and he's hard to resist when he wants something
Ames👯‍♀️: So are you back together then?
You: No of course not
Ames👯‍♀️: So you're just sleeping with him? I thought that wasn't what you wanted
You: No I swear that was the last time. It was just for closure or whatever. He's just...we have a lot of history you know?
You: And not to get into dirty details but he's just...so good you know?
Ames👯‍♀️: Yeah please don't elaborate
Ames👯‍♀️: You have to stop seeing him babe
You: I know. I think I got it out of my system
Ames👯‍♀️: Next weekend we're going out to take your mind off him. We'll get dressed up, go out the whole thing
You: Good idea!
Ames👯‍♀️: Try not to sleep with Harry until then
You: You have my word!
Harry: Hey I think I might've left a couple things last time I was over. Mind if I swing by?
Baby🍒: What did you leave? I'll get it together for you
Harry: You don't have to do that. I'll be quick I promise
Harry: Unless...
Baby 🍒: Unless what?
Harry: ;)))
Baby🍒: I already told you that was the last time
Baby🍒: And don't even start because it was a great last time
Harry: JUST great? What do I have to do to make it excellent?
Baby🍒: I'm not answering that
Harry: Sooo there's an answer??
Harry: Let's see...maybe riding my thigh? You've always had a thing for my tattoos
Baby🍒: Stop
Harry: Reverse cowgirl?
Baby🍒 is typing...
Harry: Reverse cowgirl in my shirt?
Baby🍒: I don't like this game
Harry: That's because I'm right
Harry: Oh I know! We didn't do it in the shower
Harry: Let me and the showerhead make it up to you. Please???
Baby🍒: Swing by in an hour. I'll have your stuff for you
Harry: And...
Baby🍒 sent an image
Harry: Fuck baby
Harry: I don't think I can wait an hour. I'm calling and you better pick up
Your ex (don't pick up!): Baby...
Your ex (don't pick up!): You're killing me
Your ex (don't pick up!): Posting a picture like that just to tease me? That's mean
Your ex (don't pick up!) sent an image
(ten minutes later)
Your ex (don't pick up!): Don't ignore me now baby. Let me know when you're back I'll come over
You: Not your baby Harry
Your ex (don't pick up!): Oh come on don't be like that
Your ex (don't pick up!): And since when do you call me Harry??
You: Leave me alone
You: I'm finally moving on from you
Your ex (don't pick up!): Really? So yesterday was the last last last last last time?
You: Yes. We broke up for a reason. I'm not falling back into old habits with you
Your ex (don't pick up!) is typing...
(one minute later)
Your ex (don't pick up!): That sounds like some shit Amy would say
You: You caught me. I confiscated Y/n's phone for the night. She's having fun and meeting new people that aren't you. Maybe she'll even go home with one of them
Your ex (don't pick up!) is typing...
Your ex (don't pick up!): Bullshit
Your ex (don't pick up!): She was in my bed last night. I'll spare you the details but I don't think she's interested in going home with someone else
You: Maybe she will maybe she won't. It's her choice. You two are broken up. It's time you start acting like it
Your ex (don't pick up!): What if I don't want to be? Y/n is the one who broke up with me out of nowhere
You: Because you took your relationship for granted! And she doesn't want to wait for you to grow up Harry. Let her find someone who deserves her
Your ex (don't pick up!): Fine. Whatever.
(the next day)
Harry: I didn't take my relationship with Y/n for granted did I?
Niall (Whore)an: ...
Harry: Seriously?!
Niall (Whore)an: not for granted but...
Niall (Whore)an: but you went out with her less and less in the last year
Niall (Whore)an: and to be honest even i had a hard time figuring out what the whole situation was between you two
Harry: So because I didn't want to suffocate my girlfriend I'm a bad boyfriend?
Niall (Whore)an: i didn't say that! need i remind you you came to me for help
Harry: I know I'm sorry
Harry: I just don't want her to move on. What do I do?
Niall (Whore)an: maybe stop sleeping with her and actually talk to her.
Niall (Whore)an: and don't bother pretending. i know you're still hooking up
Harry: I'm taking what I can get man. It's the cold shoulder unless we're fucking
Niall (Whore)an: don't. you need to show her you're more than just a late night booty call
Harry: You know I've never really done the whole relationship thing before. Y/n was the first and I clearly failed epically
Niall (Whore)an: what do you want then? a relationship or a situationship?
Harry: With her I always wanted more, but I don't know how to BE more
Niall (Whore)an: start with no more hooking up. she'll never see you as more if you keep giving in or offering yourself to her that way
Harry: What if that just pushes her away for good?
Niall (Whore)an: it won't
Baby🍒: Come over?
Harry: I can't. I promised Niall I'd be his wingman tonight
Baby🍒: You can come after? Amy's spending the night with her girlfriend
Harry: Must be nice
Baby🍒: What's that supposed to mean?
Harry: Nothing. I just can't tonight.
Baby🍒: You haven't come over in forever
Harry: Like you've said a hundred times, we're not together anymore
Baby🍒: When has that ever stopped you?
Harry: I guess I realized I want more
Harry: I know now that I wasn't the best boyfriend, but I want to be
Baby🍒: What are you saying H?
Harry: If you'll let me, I'd like a second chance. I want to take us seriously. I know I wasn't the best boyfriend in the world the first time around but maybe we can talk about it? Lay all our cards on the table and figure out where we go from there?
Baby🍒 is typing...
Baby🍒: I don't know if that's what I want
Baby🍒: We did this whole back and forth thing for two whole years and you're now realizing you're ready for a relationship? I just think that window is closed
(four minutes later)
Baby🍒: H?
Harry: I get it. I'm sorry I couldn't get my act together soon enough for you
Harry: I hope you find someone who gives you exactly what you need
Baby🍒: Thank you
(one month later)
You are typing...
You are typing...
You: Hey
You: It was nice seeing you last night
Harry S.: Yeah. You looked good
You: So did you
You: Sorry if this is awkward I feel like I don't know how to talk to you
You: Maybe I shouldn't have said anything in the first place
Harry S.: Why did you?
You are typing...
You: I don't know
You: That's a lie. I know exactly why but it's embarrassing
Harry S.: What is?
You: I saw you
Harry S.: I know I saw you too
You: No I mean I SAW you. With another girl
Harry S.: Oh
You: And I guess I just got jealous which is totally stupid
You: But I think it made me realize what we could've had
You: And that sucks because I still really care about you even though I tried to pretend I didn't. I just didn't want you to hurt me anymore than you already had
You: You were ready and I pushed you away when maybe I shouldn't have
Harry S. is typing...
Harry S. is typing...
(five minutes later)
You: And...I've definitely scared you off. Or your girlfriend saw this
You: I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything
(twenty minutes later)
Harry S.: Where are you?
(ten minutes later)
You: What?
You: Sorry I just got out of the shower
You: Is that you banging on the door??
Harry S.: Yes!!
Harry S.: Come answer it it's freezing out here!
You: I thought you were with that girl
Harry S.: She came up to me at the bar
Harry S.: I haven't been with anyone since we broke up. I told you I was serious baby
You: You waited for me?
Harry S.: Of course baby
Harry S.: Now can you let me in so I can confess my undying love for you in person?
You: Coming!
Harry S.: You will be ;))
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fandomtherapy44 · 5 months
Dean x reader Can I get a double shot of Espresso and your number? Coffee shop AU
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Summary: A one shot of a coffee shop with Dean :)
Song Inspo : Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 1,385
Warnings: Language, Robbery with a Gun, a bit of French kissing
Divider by
Firefly Graphics
AN/ Hey yawl sorry for not posting for a while hit writer's block so hopefully this will get back into the swing of things. Also been obsessed with espresso so yeah I mean you have to write a coffee shop story, right!?
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I can't relate to desperation
My give-a-fucks are on vacation
And I got this one boy and he won't stop calling
When they act this way, I know I got 'em
I hummed while whipping down the counter and suddenly a pair of fingers rudely snapped in front of me. “Hey sweetie instead of the shitty concert why don’t you get me a fucking double shot.” I put my rag down and breathed in deeply. I need this job. I need this job. I need this job. “Sir we just opened if you could just give me a few minutes-” “I don’t fucking care that your lazy I need my damn coffee.” He argued like a child. “Sir please-” “You know what bitch I don’t need this fucking attitude I'm going to have this whole shitty place shut down in a week!” With that, he flipped over some napkins and stir sticks and slammed the door behind him. 
I sighed and went over to clean the third mess made by an adult this week. A lot of them barely had any patience waiting for freaking ice water. As I was cleaning a pair of muddy boots stepped in front of me.
“Need any help?” I looked up and saw the handsomest man I had ever seen. Green forest eyes, Sunkissed freckled skin, a smile that could make your darkest day seem bright. I forgot what I was asked for a minute.
“Uhh no no I'm good but thanks, it’s my job anyway.” “Yeah but that guy went out of his way to make it harder, what an asshole.” “Yeah well, they haven’t had their scheduled nap for the day.” We both chuckled at my joke and then came an almost comfortable silence that I broke. “So what can I get you?” “Just two blacks please.” “You just became my favorite person for the day.” I said half joking while making the coffee. “Really then maybe I'll come in every day.” And he did.
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Seeing Dean had become a daily experience that I had his coffee ready for him before he would even walk in. We would make small talk eventually learning small parts about each other's lives. Like with a co-worker but then we started to become more. “So Y/n I was wondering when you got your breaks.” I almost split the very hot coffee I was holding. “Why?” “I wanted to get to know you more.” It was a decision did I want this to just stay at a co-worker level or to grow into making something more. I gave him a wide smile. “Okay, so their…” 
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That morning coffee, brewed it for ya (Yes)
One touch and I brand-newed it for ya
Before I knew it Dean had become one of my best friends. It also helped that he was amazing to look at. “So my dad had left and me and my little brother had climbed on top of the shed thinking we were freaking Superman and Batman. And well let’s just say that we weren't made out of steel so I had to put Sammy on the handlebars of my plastic bike and ride him to the ER.” He finished by laughing so hard he slammed his hand on the table spilling our coffee.
“It sounds like you and your brother have a lot of those stories.” “Yeah, we do.” He smiled thinking in his head. He looks like he was going ask me something but at that time a guy walked in. “Oh hold that thought I'll be right back.” “So what can I get you?” “All of your money.” He raised his gun to me. “Okay yes, right way.” I opened the cash register. There was no way in Hell I was going to risk my life for six bucks an hour. I didn’t see but Dean had sneaked his way behind him. He whistled at the robber and he turned his head in confusion and before he knew it his lights were out.”Omg, how did you do that!?” He looked like cogs were turning his head. “Uhh, lots of Bruce Lee movies.” 
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I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer
Oh, he looks so cute wrapped 'round my finger
My twisted humor make him laugh so often
My honeybee, come and get this pollen
I had only stayed away for two weeks I would like to stay away longer but my boss needed me open. Why not another employee well because he was getting annoyed training new people you know his job fucking asshole. I stumbled my way to the shop it was about thirty minutes before opening. Then just my luck it started to snow which meant a line of customers wanting a warm drink to start the day and I was the only one for four hours. No wonder I only get paid six dollars an hour. But one good thing was waiting for me. “Ahh, you waiting for another robber Batman?” “Ha no just making sure the girl is okay.” That made me smile.
“Well, Bruce today’s coffee is on the house.” I opened the shop and we both scurried in away from the cold. “No no I couldn't plus wouldn't your boss be pissed.” “Well, he made come back after being robbed so he can fire me for all I care so you're usual?” “Ha, actually I'll get something different.” “Really well I'll be happy to do that.” He gave me his smirk and put on a little show looking up at the menu. “Can I get a double shot of espresso and your number?” I looked up from the machine. “Winchester you asking me out?” “Well, I guess I am.” “Well then I guess here it is.” I gave him his double shot with my number on the cup. “Pick you up at eight?” “Try seven.” “Yes mam”
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso (Yes)
Thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so (Yes)
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso (Yes)
Move it up, down, left, right, oh (Move it up, down, left, right, oh)
Switch it up like Nintendo (Yes)
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me espresso
I don’t think I've been this nervous for a date in a while the last few I accepted that we were both just filling time. But with Dean, I was making time to be with him. I fluffed my outfit one more time sprayed on my favorite scent and opened the door. I looked him up and down and he looked more nervous than I did. “Wow, you look… beautiful.” I blushed because it felt like a real complaint and not a tactic to get into my pants. “Well, you don’t look too bad yourself.” “Thanks uh these are for you.” He handed me my favorite flowers. “Thank you these are lovely.” I put them in water and we left.
It was nearly the end of the date and we had someway made our way back to the coffee shop. “Ironic no?” I nodded to the shop. “Actually I wanted to lead us here.” “Oh” “Look Y/n I really like you and I was wondering if you would to go on another date.” I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. “Mhh how about two dates and a kiss.” “I think I could arrange that.” He put his hands on my waist and slowly brought me into the kiss. It went further when I felt his tongue prod and I gladly accepted. We eventually had to come apart for air. He licked his lips tasting something. “Is that coffee lipstick?” “Espresso” I whispered and we went back in.
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Mm, that's that me espresso
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Would you guys want a part two maybe with some Smut?? 
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13as07 · 6 months
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Spitting Image #4
(Gaara Sabaku)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to silent.rosario]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 4,077
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Part five? Maybe. Prequel? Also maybe. Y’all’s thoughts?
     I have spent the last year and a half shifting between being thankful to Gaara and hating him. At this moment, I hate him. I am hot, sweaty, sunburnt, with sand in crevices I didn't know existed. And, this camel isn't too comfortable to ride. I am tired and irritable. Honestly, I'm just being a bitch right now and I know it. Sadly for Gaara, he's on the wrong end of the bitch stick.
     On the plus note, Yoshiki seems to be living his best life. Courtesy of his father's genes, the heat doesn't seem to bother him. If anything, he's enjoying the temperature and the feeling of the sand Shinki keeps playing with him in.
     "My Dear - "
     "Call me that again and I'll cut your tongue out," I hiss at Gaara, stopping whatever attempt at comforting he was going to offer this time. "I am not your dear, we are not together, you're nothing more than the father of my child. Don't let this move convince you otherwise."
     He goes stone-faced, slowly blinking in that dumb way he does when he's thinking. "Perhaps we shall spend the day cooling off once we get back to the village. I think the heat is getting to you."
     "And I think you're a dumbass with a weak pull-out game," I mumble under my breath, shifting on the camel saddle again.
     "My dear - "
     "I'm going to stab you."
     " - would you like me to get you down? Maybe stretching your legs will help you feel better. You get antsy if you stay still too long. Besides, I'm sure Shinki could use the rest."
"Jerk," I mutter, rolling my eyes at the man. As if he knows what will make me feel better.
I know he heard me, the proof being the slow blinking of his eyes again. Regardless, Gaara's hold on the camel's reins drops to grip my waist. He helps me down, sight as intense as ever as he settles me on my feet. "See? Better. Now, please be nice," he mutters, hands sliding over my sides to brush off some of the sand specks. "I'm not too fond of the attitude you have at the moment."
"Ya? You won't be too fond of my foot up your - "
"Papa?" Shinki calls, cutting off my empty threat. "Can Yoshiki ride the camel with me?"
"No," I answer, head snapping towards Gaara. "No, it's not safe," I repeat, glaring at the boys' father who seems confused by my decision.
     "It will be fine. Shinki has been carrying him, what would the difference be if he kept carrying him?"
     "Instead of a four-foot fall, it would be a seven-foot fall?!" I say more than ask, dumbfounded by the shinobi's thought process. "Not to mention it's a bumper ride than just walking with him in his arms. It'll be harder to hold him especially if he wiggles around."
     "It will be fine," Gaara repeats, lifting Shinki - with Yoshiki still in his hold - onto the camel.
     "It will not be fine. Gaara, get him down!" I shriek, panic quickly feeling me up. "What if he falls? What if - "
     "What if you calmed down?" He asks, leaning in to bump his nose against mine. I stand there stunned, blinking at the dumbass as my panic quickly grows into anger. "My apologies, Shikamaru does that to Temari when she gets a bit much to handle. It tends to calm her down, it does not calm you down."
"Of course it's not going to calm me down! My baby is up way too high! The chances of him falling and getting hurt"
"He is fine, my dear. Shinki is not going to drop him, and even if he does - which he will not - I am right here to catch him. Please calm down. Your irritation is starting to irritate me."
Before I can stop myself, my hand swings forward, having a mind of its own. A mind to smack the stupidity out of Gaara. The hit doesn't land though, he catches my wrist before I have a chance to touch him. "Perhaps while the boys take a dip in the springs, we can have some alone time. My brother tells me women can get irritable when their bedroom needs have not been fulfilled in a while."
He has to be kidding, right? Gaara can't be this stupid, this naive, this unaware of the things he says. "What the hell is your problem?" I hiss, trying and failing to tug my wrist out of his hold. "What part of 'we aren't together' do you not understand?"
Another round of slow blinking, making the black markings of Gaara's eyes stand out. I like his markings, the ones around his eyes, the one on his forehead. They're what originally caught my attention, but I can't think of that right now, because he is an irresponsible idiot.
"Would you like to sit on the camel with the boys? Would that calm you down?"
He lets out a soft sigh before turning away from me, going to work situating the three of us in the saddle. "Better?" He mumbles, his hand clinging to my thigh I have pressed against the sides of the animal.
"I guess," I murmur, trying to shake his hand off. "Can we get going? I feel like I'm melting."
"As you wish, Dear."
All I can think about is a cold shower and a nap as Gaara leads us around the streets of his village. Yoshiki has the same idea, my son is fast asleep, cuddled up in the back wrap his father is carrying him in. Shinki is fast asleep too, my watchful eyes on him as he rests in the saddle.
     "My dear - "
     "Stop calling me that."
     "My dear," he repeats, stopping in his tracks. "What is it that you want made for dinner?"
     "What do you want for dinner?" I ask, leaning closer to take a peek at Yoshiki. "I can make whatever you want. I'm not really in the mood to eat anything."
     Gaara's head tilts as his face scrunches up. "You do not have to cook anything for dinner. We have chefs at the palace. They shall cook us dinner."
     "My dear," he annoyingly says for the hundredth time today. "There is staff at the Hokage palace. They take care of things so there is less I need to do. Cooking, cleaning, all that stuff."
     "Oh," I mutter, the fears that come along with this move amping up again. "That's... useful."
     "Yes, it is. I will have to get Yoshiki and you ID cards for the palace but for now it should be fine. I also - " Gaara goes on a ramble about the things he needs to do to get our son and me settled.
     I let his ramble go on as I follow after him. Soon a round-looking building with a red symbol falls into view, standing out from all the sandstone buildings. "Gaara?"
     "Yes, my dear?"
     I brush off the nickname this time. "What's that building?" I ask, pointing to the symboled building.
     His eyes flicker towards where I'm pointing before falling back to me. "It is my home, our home. It is our home," he rambles, tugging in the camel's reins before his free hand falls to grip mine. "Let me take you home," he whispers, tugging all of us forward.
     What I think is eagerness flows off the man who's almost dragging me forward. "You seem excited," I tease, letting my eyes flicker down to our joint hands. I don't know how I feel about it. It's not the worst feeling in the world, it's actually pretty nice. Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not giving Gaara enough credit, or enough effort.
     "I am not excited. I am... I would like to see my family in my house. I would like to see that a lot."
     "So, excited?" I repeat, a smile crawling on my face. Maybe I should give him a chance, he is trying really hard after all. "Gaara?"
     "Yes, my dear? Have you given some thought to us enjoying our marital perks?"
     Just kidding. Gaara is an idiot who doesn't know boundaries. "No," I mutter, shaking my hand loose from his. "Just a reminder, we're not married."
     "Not yet, but - "
     "But never," I cut him off, leaning closer to him long enough to pull Yoshiki out of his carrier wraps. "We're not going to get married. Not now, not soon, not never," I hiss, holding my son to my chest as I storm away from him.
     "My dear? Will you calm down? I don't understand why you're upset," he calls after me, trailing behind as I rush towards the palace.
     "Because you're suffocating, Gaara," I shriek, quickly walking up the steps of Yosh's and my new home.
     "I'm suffocating? What do you mean? I don't understand, dear. Would you please explain what is happening?"
     "Dear Lord, Gaara!" I yell, turning to the side so I can look at him and not fall down the stairs. "That! You're trying so hard and... and... go away!"
     I storm the rest of the way up the stairs, Yoshiki now awake, my upsetness rubbing off on him and warming up his tantrum. "Ma'am!" A man at the entrance calls. His head is covered in a wrapping and one of those hourglass headbands I've seen around the village hangs around his neck. "You cannot enter the palace without showing your ID badge."
     "Bug off," I groan, storming past him to push the door open.
     "Madam, don't make you detain you," the man calls, jumping forward to tug my hand off the door.
     "Norio, unhand her this instant!" Gaara calls anger coating his face and his words. "She and my son are free to come and go as they wish. If you ever put your hands on her again, you will not be found by anyone. There won't be anything to find, am I understood?"
     He's fuming by the time the threat is let loose, jaw locked and murder swimming in his eyes. The look makes my heart pound in my chest and my arms tighten around my son. This isn't how Gaara acts, he's soft-spoken, he's gentle, he doesn't yell, and he sure as hell doesn't threaten to kill people.
     "Yes, Kazekage. My apologies, my lord," the guard says, releasing me before he bows. "My greatest apologies consort Kazekage."
     "My dear," Gaara calls, helping his son to his feet before working his way up the stairs. "Would you please calm down?"
     "Would you please leave me alone?" I shout, walking through the door before slamming it in his face.
     I storm through the palace, rocking Yoshiki who has started screaming in my arms. This village is suffocating, this house is suffocating, Gaara is suffocating. I thought he was just scary looking, that it was just how he looked, but after how quickly that threat came out and how upset he looked, I don't think it's just a façade.
     "It's okay, my love," I coo, shifting Yosh further up so I can cover his cheeks in kisses. "It's okay... we're just... in a village I know nothing about, with the only person I know being your father, who is scary as hell," I mutter more to myself than to Yosh. My soft tone works nonetheless, calming him down.
     As my son soothes down, I look around the random hallway we've ended up in. The thought of calling for Gaara crosses my mind, quickly being followed by the fear the scene outside has littered my nerves. "What position did I put us in?" I murmur, shifting Yoshiki in my hold. He smiles at me, hands landing on my cheeks to squish them as he babbles.
     "Lady Sabaku?" A voice calls, a young lady with a long head of raven hair asks, her head poking out from a door a few paces ahead. "Lord Gaara said you'd be home today. I have drawn an ice bath for you if you'd like to cool off. I'm sure the heat of the desert has gotten to you."
     My eyes flickered between Yoshiki and the woman, my nerves still shot. Is this a trap or am I just uneasy? However, I could use the cool down and Yosh is covered in sand. "Yes, I'd enjoy that," I finally decide, slowly walking forward. "Thank you...?"
     "Gou," the woman says, bowing once I'm stood in front of her. "My name is Gou, Lady Sabaku. I am your handmaid, my lady."
     "Handmaid?" I ask, shifting Yoshiki again. I don't know why he seems so heavy today. Probably because of the heat still seeping off my skin.
     "Yes, my lady," Gou says, standing up straight before she snaps her fingers. The door swings open wider, another lady - this one with short red hair - pops out from the room. "This is Sana. She is the palace nanny. Her primary focus is Shinki but until we find a nanny you approve of for Yoshiki, she will aid you in caring for him."
     "I... don't want her touching my son...s," I say, making it plural toward the end. If she's Shinki's nanny, Gaara must approve of her, so she's a good person... maybe? I don't know, especially after Gaara's little power trip.
     "As you wish, my lady. Give me a few moments to prepare your bath to suit Yoshiki joining you," the woman mumbles before turning on her heels.
     "Wait!" I call, holding my son closer to my chest as the Sana lady bows before walking down the hallway. Gou stops in her tracks, turning back towards me. "What... what is a handmaid?"
     "It means I am your personal servant. I am here to serve you in any way necessary, at any time, for anything you need. I am at your serves, my lady." She finishes off the little speech with another bow. "What you and our prince still like an ice bath?"
     "Yes, please."
     My eyes are locked on the boys through the cracked door. As I've been soaking in the bath, Shinki and Yoshiki have been playing with Shinki's nanny. She seems nice, which has helped me calm down a bit. Shinki is bouncing on the guest bed, making his younger brother tumble around from the mattress moving. The nanny promptly sat on the bed, leaning over the mattress to help keep my son upright and not accidentally stumbled on.
     There's a knock on the door before Gaara's head pops in, cutting off my view of the boys. "Hello, my dear."
     "I've told you to stop calling me that," I mumble, sliding deeper into the bathtub.
     "As you wish, my... darling," he mutters the last word, imaginary eyebrows scrunching together as he walks into the bathroom. "It seems that you have settled. I have had Gou and some of the other servants unpack your things."
     "In there?" I ask, flickering my eyes towards the bedroom.
     "Of course not. It's been unpacked into - "
     "We are not sharing a bedroom," I cut him off, sinking even lower, the water settling over my shoulders now.
     "Not for the time being. You will stay in the master bedroom. I shall stay in a guest room unless you are comfortable with us sharing a bed."
     "I'm not."
     "Then I shall stay in a guest room," he mutters, his eyes scanning the bath water before they flicker towards the window in the room. His cheeks are a light pink color, a bit blown out as he stares at the street outside. "Kankuro tells me it sounds like I have scared you. Is that true? Did I scare you?"
     "Maybe," I mutter, skirting my fingertips over the surface of the water. "You were a little... harsh with Mr Security Guard. You don't usually act like that and... it was scary."
     Gaara lets out a sigh before he sinks to the tiled floor. His chin rests on the side of the tub, his cat-like eyes locked on my face as he stares at me. His eyes are intense, not the 'I'm going to murder someone' intense but the usual 'trying to figure you out' intense.
     "I did not mean to scare you," he whispers, eyes flickering down before they settle on my face again. "I just..." his cheeks puff out for a second as his eyes jump around, ending up settling on the boys still playing in the bedroom. "I did not like how it made me feel... seeing the palace guard grabbing at you. It made me a little... I don't know."
     "You don't know what?" I ask, blowing on the water to cause it to ripple.
     "I don't know how you make me feel. I enjoy... you, but you make me very angry. Especially when you get angry and won't tell what I have done."
     I scan the confused man for a moment, taking in the dark circles of his eyes that are more visible because of his scrunched-up face. Slowly, I move my hand out of the water to cup Gaara's cheek, confusion flickering across his face as his focus shifts to me again.
     "Yes, my dear - er - darling?"
     I swipe my thumb over his cheek watching the confusion slide around his face. "You can be a little much sometimes. Just because we have a child together doesn't mean I want to, let alone am ready for us to be together."
     "I don't make you feel good?" He asks, his soft confusion is quickly bubbly to angry confusion. "You make me feel... nice. Why don't I make you feel nice? I do not understand."
     "You do, sometimes. You made me feel really nice the first time I met you - "
     "Well yes, that is what sex is for. To make people feel good."
     "Not just the sex, Gaara," I groan, dropping my hand from his face and letting it soak into the bath water again. "You move too fast. I am happy you want to be with me and I like having you around, but there are some steps between being strangers to being a married couple."
     "I am aware, but we... missed some steps. I like how you make me feel and you have had my son. I want you to be my wife, so you shall be my wife. That is what we are supposed to do."
     "My darling?"
     "I will make you a list."
     "A list?"
     "Yes, a list," I mutter, fluttering my eyes closed. "I will make you a list of stuff that makes me feel how I make you feel. When you have all the boxes checked off, you can ask me to marry you again."
     "Until then?"
     "Until then, stop asking me to marry you, stop talking about weddings, and just... stop talking about the future for now, okay? I just need some space."
     He blinks slowly as his eyes flicker between my face and my chest. "Alright, I will give you space."
     I let out a sigh, my shoulders relaxing at the spare-of-the-moment plan I came up with. It's not a lie, I do enjoy Gaara and a part of me will always love him especially since he is the father of my son. I'm sure if he slowed down I would fall in love with him, but if he keeps pushing I don't think it'll work out how we both seem to want.
     "Darling?" I hum a yes, opening one of my eyes to look at him. Gaara's eyes are soft and now locked on my legs instead of my chest. "I wish to join your bath. You should let me join you."
     I let out another sigh, deciding it would be easier to end my bath than fight the father of my child. "I'm getting out actually, do you mind grabbing me a towel."
     "As you wish, darling."
     "As you wish, darling," I mumble under my breath, a soft smile crawling on my face as I watch Gaara search for a towel.
     A knock at the door stirs me in my bed. Like usual, my first reaction is to check on Yoshiki who's asleep in the bassinet next to my bed. Gaara tried insisting on letting him sleep in the nursery set up for him across the room, but the thought made me panic. So many people that come and go from the palace that I don't know, let alone trust. I would have never been able to sleep with him so far away.
     Another knock comes, pulling a sigh from me. I've sighed a lot today, courtesy of Gaara's failing attempts to give me space. On the plus note, he hasn't mentioned anything about marriage or weddings since our conversation.
     "Come in," I mutter, flapping back onto the bed. It's huge, easily fitting three people fully stretched out. Everything here is huge, the rooms, the dining room, the hallways, everything.
     The door slowly gets pushed open, the light from the hallway sneaking in. "Darling?"
     "Gaara?" I sigh out, eyes caught in the hanging drapes of the bed frame.
     "Can I come in?"
     More light spills in before it's cut off by the door closing. The soft patter of Gaara crossing the carpet fills the space, soon replaced by the sound of him crawling into bed with me. The hot-headed Shinobi hangs his head above mine, his red hair fanned out and his forehead mark on full display, reminding me of the similar one our son has. "Hello, Darling. I have been looking over your list."
     "Yes. Should I do the things in order?" He asks, head tilting as his eyes run over my face.
     "Not necessarily, why?"
     Gaara settles down next to me, sitting against the headboard before he pulls out the paper. I shift in bed, mirroring his position. My eyes scan over the sheet, rereading the list I made for him.
     Date Nights
     Day trips
     Cooking together
     Late night cuddles
     Love Letters
     Star gazing
     Spa Nights
     "I don't know what cuddling is, but it is late at night. Would you show me?" He asks, cutting me off from finishing reading the page.
     My eyes flicker towards him, taking in the blankness of it as he looks at me for guidance. "Ya, I can."
     "What are the steps?"
     I let out an airy laugh, flickering my eyes around the room. "Just lay down, Gaara."
     "Why? Am I going to sleep? If so, I will need to change out of my day clothes."
     "Dear lord, Gaar. Fine, take off your clothes. Strip down to your boxes. I don't care," I groan, and lay back down on the bed. I snap my eyes closed again, soaking in the warmth of the bedding.
     The bed undips as he climbs out of it, the sound of his clothes shuffling off filling the space. "I am unclothed. Now what do I do?"
     I roll onto my back, letting my eyes scan Gaara's frame, the frame I haven't seen in so long. "What the hell is on your sides?" I ask, the imprints there snagging my attention but I am unable to make out what it is.
     "Your scratch marks."
     "The scratch marks from our night together. They made me feel... the ways you made me feel. So, I had them permanently stuck on my skin."
     "You tattooed the scratch marks I left on you?"
     My eyes blink on over-drive as I look at the emotionally unintelligent man next to the mattress. "Lay down under the sheets," I muttered, lifting the blanket. Gaara does as he's ordered, laying as stiff as a board once he's in the bed. I slowly shift closer to him, laying next to his side and resting my head on his chest. "You don't have to be... unclothed for us to cuddle, by the way."
     "It's love, by the way."
     "What is love?"
     "The thing I make you feel. It's called love."
     "Do you love me?"
     "I think so," I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. "You scare me so it's hard to tell, but yes, I think I do."
     "Do you know I love you?"
     "I mean, you gave me a son that's the spitting image of you so I'm pretty sure I know you love me."
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
My tire blew out today. The towman, for whatever reason, kept getting my location wrong and the road rangers were my knights in shining honor when they stumbled upon my car on patrol. Then, the tow arrived and was driving after me after they put in the spare tire, calling out that his ride was still free. Now, if this was late at night and the highway was suspiciously empty, which slashers / killers do you think would be after me and how could I fight them off? The tow guy is, of course, no help
This sounds so funny as a time sensitive question like "I'm not saying I am stranded on a desolate road with no help for miles but if I were how could I possibly fend of a serial killer that's banging on my car window? Please respond, asking for a friend."
Danny/Ghostface would certainly be an option if he was already on the move between towns or states, just a nice young man wanting to help get you somewhere safe and accidentally making a few wrong turns...then next thing you know, you're set loose to run free through the woods while he tails you, knife in hand. Your best option is to hope you find the main road before he finds you, but even then you'd have to pray there's even another motorist driving at this hour who'd be willing to stop at your distress. Just because you were stupid enough to get in a car with a stranger doesn't mean they are lmao.
The Sinclair brothers are a classic, of course -- that's kind of their whole schtick is helping out poor stranded motorists, offering to fix up their car while they come on into town for a spell, maybe check out the local wax museum to kill some time. Gotta be honest, your odds probably aren't that great since it's a 3v1...you might just have to grab a tire iron and start swinging if you want a fighting chance.
Michael can drive but he's a fucking menace on the road, he'll be ramming into you and trying to slam you off into a ditch or the median. You need to either outpace him or hopefully lose him with a few sharp turns, otherwise you'll be battered and trapped when he gets a tire to blow out or your transmission to die. Being wounded in a metal cage is the last place you wanna be when he comes stalking over to your wreckage. Although, he might more so be targeting the tow driver behind you, they usually wear those navy coveralls...
And there's a few more typical slashers who have a similar con to the Sinclairs; the Firefly family, the Sawyer family, whatever the cannibal inbred family's name was in The Hills Have Eyes -- these cases? 100% fucked. If you don't floor it and get the hell out of dodge the first second you spot any of 'em on the side of the road, you've practically sealed your fate. And it won't be pretty, or sexy, or fun. For you, anyways.
For a bit of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, Tiffany Valentine. For no reason other than you're practically alone on the quiet roads and she's bored. Just a quick little fender bender and then her nail file across your throat. Frankly, you should be honored to be killed by her, just let it happen, say thank you with your gurgling dying breath. Throwback to Urban Legend, but also Brenda. Who doesn't love a good story about flashing highbeams in the rearview mirror? You're golden if you remember how the legend goes and how the girl survives (even if the killer isn't the one in your backseat), or better yet, just don't flash your lights when you see her driving in the dark in the first place.
Purely DBD killers though, I'd really only pick out Legion, namely because they would have plenty of reasons to target you. They want your car, your money if you have it, and hell, they'll go ahead and take your life while they conveniently have it. The bad news is it's 4v1, the good news is they're all stupid teenagers. You have a 50/50 chance of being able to either outsmart them or just fend them off long enough to escape, but don't be surprised to find 4 different blades in your gut because you refuse to cooperate with their robbery.
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beggingwolf · 2 years
“Please let me take care of you.”
Alpha!Sid (rutting hard) saying this to omega!Geno (who rolls his eyes extremely put upon but also loving it).
Zhenya dawdles on his way into the condominium.
He offers some wordless greeting to the doorman. He stops by the mailroom and flicks through his keys to open his box—empty—before swinging by the front desk.
Masha, the bird-boned young woman who perches behind it, flashes her cool but pleasant smile at him before he can even lean his weight against the marble.
"The extra key you asked for," she tells him, sliding a small envelope across the desk's surface.
Zhenya picks the thin envelope up; the plastic card inside it clicks as he taps the envelope's edge against the tabletop.
"Don't give me that look," he tells Masha, and the barely-there smirk on her lips curls wider.
"Will you be having dinner delivered again? I can get a beta staffer to bring it up."
"No," Zhenya says. "Send an omega. Send two."
Zhenya likes the way that they get jumpy at the smell of an alpha in Sid's state. He likes even more how Sid won't even look at them.
She raises a pale eyebrow, but her expression grows impossibly more amused. She nods politely and Zhenya peels himself away, the plastic bag in his grip rustling as he slips the new keycard inside.
The elevator ride up somehow feels too short, but the walk from its doors to his condo is a long stretch. Zhenya knows this building costs what it does for its privacy, but he thinks if he tilts his head back enough and breathes in through his mouth, he can taste the musk of alpha scent on the back on his throat. It grows stronger with each step.
He fumbles his key out of his pocket just a foot from his condo. As he bends down to pick it up off of the tile, there's a soft thump on the other side of the door.
Zhenya hurries to open the door, and in an instant, Sid is there.
Immediately, Sid is pulling him into the condo. He shuts the door and locks it—twice, with the deadbolt—before spinning them so he's between Zhenya and the door and walking them deeper into Zhenya's home.
His face presses to Zhenya's neck, and Zhenya grins into Sid's hair.
"Hi." Sid's voice is low, alpha-deep in a way that will leave him hoarse in a few day's time. He noses at Zhenya's skin, his lips open against Zhenya's collarbone. "You're back."
"I make you wait so long," Zhenya hums, and he brings his free hand up to tangle in Sid's hair. It's summer-long, enough for him to be able to dig in and weave it between his fingers. He uses his grip to rock Sid closer into him, and Sid huffs out a wet breath against him.
"I could have come with you."
"No," Zhenya tells him, his voice teasing and a little mean. "No, you don't come. You too deep in."
"I'm not."
His voice is like a set of nails digging into Zhenya's back. It's sharp and promising. It makes Zhenya pull him closer.
"If you come," he whispers into Sid's ear, right below the streaks of gray at Sid's temples, "if you see people in store with me, you lose it. Alpha cashier, alpha in food aisle..."
He nuzzles closer, tightening his grip.
"Alpha who's hold door for me on way in."
Sid's teeth scrape against his throat. It's not a bite; just a press, a desperate hold. The sharp edge of his veneers settle against the tender skin of Zhenya's neck, and Zhenya smiles up at his chandelier.
He lets them stand there for a long moment, Sid's iron grip around him, his fingernails scraping gently along Sid's scalp. Sid's teeth stay there, and Zhenya can picture where they'll travel over the next few days. The stink of Sid's rut permeates every corner of his condo, and it makes him feel sharp and dangerous to have all this here, in his hidden home away from Pittsburgh.
"Don't go back out."
"No? Can't get food? Can't see ocean?"
"I'll get you food," Sid growls. It sounds like he's planning on hunting down some big game and dragging it to Zhenya's feet. "And you don't need to look at the ocean."
"What I look at?" Zhenya asks, already laughing as Sid's grip on his sides tightens before he starts tugging Zhenya towards the bedroom.
"Me," Sid says, kissing at the hollow between Zhenya's collarbones, then his Adam's apple, then the hinge of his jaw. "I'll give you something to look at, I'll... I'll.."
Zhenya slings the convenience store bag full of Gatorade onto the couch and lets Sid pull him away. He's already feeling a little wet from the press of Sid's body, and Sid's exploring fingers will coax more from him.
"Please let me take care of you," Sid breathes, like Zhenya isn't about to ride Sid through another gnarly summer rut after a season of suppressants.
"Only because you ask nice," Zhenya says, and kisses him as they fall towards the bed.
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mrs-pascal · 2 years
Deal Of Death - part 1
Tumblr media
Joel miller x gn!reader
Word count - 1.5k
Summary - running into your sister results in having to compromise. 
Warnings - course language, guns, death, threats, kidnapping kind of.
A/n - this is a reader x fanfic but they use a fake name in this which is Blake. Also this is based 22 years after the start of the apocalypse. Also yes I know that I spelt abbey wrong
The ice cold barrel is pressed against your head, you would shiver but your entire body is numb as you're thrown on the ground. “What is stopping me from putting a bullet in that pretty head of yours?” Abbey asked you holding you down, you guys were alone and covered in snow, “you won't, we both know it and you're not fooling anyone, I’m your family left you won’t kill me.” You say confidently, “your wrong but you can do a job for me.” You roll your eyes, “okay I'll entertain your little scenario, what is it?” 
“You know Joel?” You side eyed her to the best of your ability, “yeah totally,” sarcasm laced in your tone. She hit your temple harshly with her gun, “he's the man that killed dad, yeah he supposedly lives around here, I need you to find him and bring him to me and maybe I won't kill your daughter.” Your eyes widen as you look around the small cave you had found, after all the commotion you hadn't noticed she was gone. 
You twisted and turned but all that happened was her hands tightening, “you fucker! Let me go, I’ll kill you the minute you let me go.” She rolled her eyes, her braid swinging, “you won't, you're not fooling anyone.” She mocks.
Knife attached to your hip you stand behind the cliff hearing gunshots being fired you waited piering around the corner, seeing the boy was down. A second one went off and you see who you think is Ella or Ellie, whatever collapse, you take that as your que to step in. Rushing in you act innocent, “what happened are you guys alright? I heard gunshots,” rushing over to the boy to see him dead, you made your way to the girl. 
“Are you alright? Do you guys have med kits here?” She curses before pointing at a rusty cupboard, jogging over you grab the kit and opening it up, pulling out a tourniquet and tightening it around her leg. Pulling her with you, you drag her out of the broken shack and eventually push up onto the horse and make room for yourself.
“Which way?” She groans, head rolling and tipping, “which way?” You yell at her. She mumbles a quick, “the horse knows where to go just keep going north.'' You kick the horse's belly holding pressure with your legs, you hold the reins with one hand and an arm wrapped awkwardly around Ellie’s waist. 
The rides unsteady, awkward and you probably have less red blood cells then the number of times she almost fell off. But eventually you see a large wall, a dark maroon seemingly bolded shut, “help! Help! I think I have one of your uhh.. Friends she's bleeding, shot! Help please!” You see movement in your peripheral, a blond scarred woman with a cocked gun lowers it the minute you look at her, “Tommy open up!” she yells and the large door creaks open. 
You see a long haired blonde man peek his head around the large rusted door, you move your body slightly so he can see Ellie, “I know you don’t know me but she’s been shot in the leg, I've put a tourniquet around her leg but it won’t hold much longer she needs medical help now!” You yell, worried you kick the horse as the gate opens quickly. “The very last house on the left.” He said with urgency but before he could continue talking you took off, yelling for people to move and trying to weave between the people who didn't react quick enough. You leave shouting and surprised civilians in your tracks, skidding the horse to a stop at the end of the block, the thick wall stopping you from continuing. Hoping off the horse you hold on to Ellie making you stumble, you pull Ellie off and haul her up onto your shoulder. 
Stumbling into the house you shout out, a tall black haired woman walks out, “can i help you?” She’s cold, calculated and obviously blind (not literally), “fucks wrong with you? Can you not see the girl I'm carrying on my shoulder?” She begins to walk away and you take it as your meant to follow her, she nods her head to a table, you place Ellie on the table and leave.
Making your way out of the house to see the same blond now accompanied with an older man, Joel. The blond has the reins in his hands. “How did you know where she came from or her name? And who the fuck are you?” The older man walks closer with every question he spills out in a low and threatening tone. “I heard the gunshot and came running. She was with a young man, he's dead. I knew her name because the man yelled it as he got shot, and I knew where you were because I asked. And I’m the person that saved your friend or daughter or whatever the fuck so don’t give me that fucking attitude because I could’ve left her there but I didn’t,” you sighed and rubbed your face.
They stood there a little shocked, “I have to be off anyway,” you said as you made your way back to the gate you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your hand shoots up grabbing onto his wrist, “can i help you?” You asked, ripping his hand off your shoulder. “Why don't you stay a while?” Your plans working, they have a large population so you could tell that they were careless about who they let come in, “why would I stay? Also, I don’t have a gun.” You probably shouldn't say that to the man you're trying to kill but oh well, the blond didn't seem keen on unnecessary violence, “we can supply you with food and a bed for a little and we can give you a gun.” 
You pretended to think about it, the plan was in motion. “Mm okay but the minute you even attempt to pull anything I'll slit your throat.” The older man now disinterested walks into what seems like a bar, the blond follows him and you do too. “So I never caught your name? My names Tommy and that fucker over there’s named Joel,” you look at Tommy, studying his face the forehead wrinkles set into his face but at this point it’s hard not to find someone with wrinkles. “Blake, what's with Joel and Ellie? He seemed a bit protective,” Tommy laughs “a bit? Joels basically Ellie’s Dad, not by blood but get too close to Ellie and Joel will rip you apart.”
“So you guys have electricity? How’d you manage that?” You haven't seen electricity in over 20 years,Tommy nodded. “Yeah, it took a while to get but you know it's pretty stable.” You finally take a seat. You sit in comfortable silence, Tommy ordered some water, Joel was giving you side eyes. As if he was expecting you to pull a secret gun out and kill him. That wasn't exactly your plan but that was for much later, that would ruin it plus you think Abbey would actually kill you if you killed him without her watching.
The cold water running down your throat made you shiver, your clothes are thin and wet from being shoved to the ground by your sister, you think he noticed as you shivered because he asked, “you get into a scuffle?” He gestures to your dirty wet jacket, you nod. “Just one dude killed him he was alone.” He nods back, he stands up, “we should go get you some warm clothes.” You stand up smiling lightly before following him, you feel Joel's gaze on you as you leave.
You are now huddled in warm, thick clothes, the chipped plate is taken out of your hands now you're done with dinner. “Joel, will you show Blake to their temporary house please?” He sighs deeply before getting up and walking off you, you jog off to catch up, “what's your problem with me?” You asked but Joel remained stagnant, “like I saved your ‘daughter’ or whatever the fuck… Ohh is it because I left the dude. Look he was dead when I got there, there wasn't much I could do.” You defend yourself, he rolls his eyes, “I don’t know him,” oh. “Are you worried about Ellie, she'll be right.”
He goes right back ignoring you, seemingly regretting opening his mouth. He stops at a house, “there are 2 other people in here so be quiet.” Joel turns around and leaves. “Night, I guess.” You mutter making your way into the dead silent house, making your way up the stairs and enter a room. Thankfully it's empty, taking off two of your jackets and throwing them on a beat up chair, before crawling under the blankets you settle down. Nuzzling your face into the clean blankets, before drifting to sleep.
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snapehasppfingers · 1 year
Chapter 1 of Hate!
The Serpent
The train's scream fills the crisp autumn air, brushing through my silver locks as I let the suffocating breath through my lips. Here it goes I guess. With a humf I swing my childhood trunk over my shoulder and levitate my other belongings and make my way to my car. It's certainly  been awhile since I've set foot in this train, shame that there's still all the same divots and dents in the walls. Navigating the aisle was always a challenge, kids of all ages screaming, giggling, reuniting and some even crying. It's weird going back after thirteen years and no longer being so giddy to fully experience going to Hogwarts, and don't get me wrong I am excited but I feel old. As students make it to their cabins the train seems to still and pierce the air once again with its whistle, now I can stress out in silence. I grabbed my most recent pickup from Marlas Marvelous Books and Trinkets “The darkest arts” which has kept me in an unhealthy sleep cycle for weeks. 
Soon enough the train rolls to a stop, hissing for everyone to get off and let it rest. I decide to wait to avoid the rush and pure chaos that scurrys out of the train.  I grabbed my trunk and made my way to my first real home. 
The carriage ride was exactly what I remembered, uncomfortably bumpy and another head ache. I walked through the gates I walked through millions of times, still intimidating and grand. I immediately made my way to Dumbledoors office to ask what and where I am supposed to place my shit. I wandered through the halls like I was a 16 year old seeing it all again for the first time, the ceilings descending into grand structures, the delicate details of the halls. As I rounded the corner to his office I noticed the wall was already separated and faint voices could be heard the closer I got. He must be expecting me? No, I should wait. No it will be quick, just play dumb. Against my better judgment I decided to get it over with and climbed the stoned steps, that hopefully won't lead me to my death. 
Upon arrival the door was closed so I lightly knocked, which caused all sounds to silence and all that could be heard were footsteps. The old oak door swung open to the man himself, with his mystical white beard and moon rimmed glasses and upon inspection a genuine smile. 
“Ms. Middleton! How lovely to see you after such a long time, I have been waiting for you to get here!” He said with his gentle smile, he paused and looked at the other voice I heard who I didn't even register was there. I wish I hadn't, I didn't think I would have to see him again especially here. Severus Snape, where do I even begin? When I was attending Hogwarts I was one year older than him and I had taken notice of the only other person stealing all the good potion books and Defense Against the Dark Arts books. I was curious, sure but I never spoke with him when we would both be in the library past curfew. One night I asked if I could have the book he was reading because it hasn't been in the library for months. He was quiet and to be honest seemed uncomfortable with me interacting with him but once I broke that wall with him we slowly became “acquaintances' '. My thoughts were interrupted by Dumbdoors again. 
“I apologize I wasn't sure about your exact arrival, Severus and I were discussing lesson plans but we have covered what is needed. Right Severus?” His tone changed just slightly I couldn't quite tell what but I was more focusing on looking at him. I snuck a peak just to see his reaction, just to see if he's still the same Sev I remember. My hazel pools were only met with his endless onyx eyes boring into me, I felt my body shiver and I once again rested my gaze on Dumbledore. I don't think Snape heard him because he was still looking at me when I spoke,
“Please my intention wasn't to intrude, my apologies. I am only here asking where I shall be housed and my classroom arrangements. You may continue. I will step out until you're done.” I said with a small smile on my lips, attempting to disguise my anxiety. I kept my eyes on Dumbledoor awaiting a response but it wasn't him that spoke, it was a deep, silky and rough voice that could only come from him. 
“We have concluded our discussion, I will take my leave, excuse me Miss. Middleton.” He spoke my name with some type of emotion but I could only tell because we used to laugh when we called each other by our last names. His gaze lingering on me until he had to make it through the door, and with a woosh that infamous black cape he disappeared. 
Time skip (because I'm lazy :)
The next morning after I had gotten my rooms comfortable and the classroom at least moved into, I slept like a baby. My body ached from yesterday's events as I dragged my body out of my bed, I staggered to the bathroom and showered, making sure to take a moment to prepare for today. Today is my first day back. I need to make lesson plans and talk to all my old professors and maybe even some of my favorite old secret places. I got dressed in my simple robes with my hair in a ponytail and doc martens. I make my way to the Great Hall and feel myself get light headed at the anxiety coursing through my veins the closer and closer I get to those big ass doors. Sure enough the second I do, the only people here are the professors all eating in their “spots' ' in the front. 
“Oh my! Look who it is!” A shrill voice screeched out  as I shot my head to see who it was; they engulfed me with a hug. It didn't take much to know it was a “Mini” (a.k.a.) Mcgonagall, just by feeling her old woman arms wrap around me so tight my eyes started getting black around the rims, by her signature smell of- parchment, ink and herbal teas. Mini was like a mother to me all through my years, she helped the first day when I spilled my only ink pot on my paper, most others had the money to get more but I didn't so I remember just staring blankly at the sheet while my throat got hot and tight. She asked me for help in her storage closet and handed me a fresh bottle of ink as well as the most amazing hug a 10 year old had ever gotten.  Ever since then I liked her, which was rare, so this was refreshing. 
“Mini! I missed you so much! I'm excited to be working with you and learning from you all over again. How have you been?” I asked with the most genuine smile across my face, we walked and talked as she gilded me up to a seat. A seat by none other than Severus Snape, I mentally face palmed as I acted unaffected by it. 
“So please tell us all about where you disappeared off to after 7th year. I was so sad to hear, I'm sorry for your loss.” She smiled sympathetically, and I would find it endearing if she hadn't just brought up my fathers sudden passing in front of everyone, especially Snape. I composed myself and tried to tweak the original story which included me getting the mark and trying to find family in anything I could because I was so lost with myself. Yeah probably not the most welcoming start. 
“Mini I will happily catch up with you over some tea, now please tell me how things have been?” I smiled in a way that hopefully told her I don't want to talk about this right now, and she seemed to have gotten it. We chatted and eventually she started talking to Paloma, I turned my attention to my plate and not to the brooding man next to me. 
“ Ms, Middleton?” I stopped chewing as I felt his breath fan against my face with that question. I tilted my head so I could make eye contact but his eyes were set forward. 
“Yes Professor, Snape?” I cringed at the formality and the memory of us that would be laughing at this, but we weren't. 
“I wasn't expecting to ever see you again.” He practically yawned while saying it, making it feel like the biggest pain in the ass to talk to me. He was always a dick. I don't know why he's talking to me. I certainly don't want to talk to him. I rolled my eyes and replied with the same tone. 
“Sorry to disappoint you. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I bit out the last bit causing his focus to fail and his eyes to try and find mine but I was already out of the hall. 
Honestly I could be nicer but I don't owe that man anything but silence, he was never nice. Reasonably so I guess, when we were “friends' ' we talked about things, most of the time it was innocent and did not involve the more realistic concepts of our lives but we got into it on the late nights at the top of the astronomy tower. That was our spot, other than the library we would meet up there past curfew when we just couldn't rest and chat, sometimes we wouldn't talk at all until I lit a cigarette then he would ask for a drag. Thinking about it as an adult I liked him more than a friend but I could tell even then that he was just in need of company, and he treated me as such and I was always a second option. 
I rounded the halls and ended up in my classroom, which was all too boring and gloomy for my taste. I added my “touch” to the room and opened all the shutters and lit an incense. I knew I needed to plan my first month of lessons, so with an exasperated breath I sat at my desk and began my brian storm. My
experience from DADA while in school was average, and I always wanted to do more interactive things so I will add a defense spell course for students. As I was scribbling away a knock clouded the room with baritone echos, I wasn't exactly pleased to be bothered while i'm working but I got up and made my way to the large door. To my surprise it was Severus, he looked tired and worn out which wasn't a good look on him. I almost felt sympathy for him but then he opened his stupid mouth. 
“Sorry to disturb your time, I was sent down here to request a healing potion for Madam Pomfrey.” His gaze pierces mine as I look at him with a bored expression. I looked at him with confusion as I realized the potions professor was asking me to brew a potion for someone, not him. I inwardly rolled my eyes. 
“Forgive me if i'm wrong but I do believe that's your field of expertise not mine. I can do it, I just don't understand why I am the one doing it?” My face was plain but my voice rose with an interrogating tone. He then scoffed and sighed the biggest breath I felt on my face, which was not pleasant and I was already angry at his half assed reaction. 
“I am aware of my job, thank you. I have more urgent important matters to deal with and she asked me to ask you next. I simply don't have the time.” He said with a smirk threatening his lips, a smirk I wanted to jynx off. The audacity of this old bat. 
“That's funny actually because I also have more important matters to attend to like planning my class. So I know you're perfectly capable and I know Madam Pomfrey didn't ask you to ask me, you're just lazy. So if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my job.” I bit out at a dangerously low voice with death pooling in my gaze. He looked taken aback for a moment before the stupid smirk returned. 
“What important things do you have to do? Playing magic with fake spells because you aren't qualified to actually teach?” He bit out trying to hurt me in some sense which I had to contain my laughter. 
“You know Snape I don't really want to talk to you, I don't really know what I'm doing still. So I'm gonna return to what I was doing before you cursed me with your presence. Goodday.” I smiled and slammed the door in his face, and I smirked the whole way back to my desk. Sure what he said did hurt but I never want him to see me weak again, never again will I like or enjoy his presence.
Ok thats the first chapter please let me know what you think!
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wranglerbuttboys · 1 year
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That is one hot country but on a hot sexy country boy that is taking his girlfriend shopping then to work he'll swing by your home and pick you up because it's his day off he wants to have some fun with his bud hell yeah you talk about boys and girls and he gets horny real quick you will saw his boner grow in his jeans and you said to him I could take care of that for you but you said that in somebody words yeah I could take care of that for you but we can't do it here at your house why not yes I know how she's is if you found out that you and I had sex she wouldn't let me come back here again oh don't worry about her he would say I'll get down there and start sucking who knows I might just give you a surprise oh really and would that be bending me over your bed and put it in me there oh could be I can take a shower after I'm done I wouldn't mind having you in my shower with me oh really it'll be a lot of fun why don't we just go back to my place do it there just grab your beers and let's go I won't be honey then yes so it doesn't take long to get you back that way no one is your truck and her car is in the shop and her mom puts her after work anyways if anything happens between us it happens between us you know she didn't know she's pregnant right yeah so it's not yours how do you know it's easy to tell now with me being a neighborhood and watch every man coming out there yeah maybe you're right maybe maybe we should break up her and I but her mom says she thinks it's mine yeah I don't those guys are there from day and day out I never stop tell me that should be over here passed out drunk you think she cares to come and see where you're at now she knows you're a good hands you've got a guy that knows how good and pleases you you don't always need a girl to do that well I never had a mouth on it my new half and you enjoyed it so let's go over my place your truck's fine but where it's at and my drive way and she comes over and ask about you I'm going to say he's fine she would come over one of her boyfriend's up and have him come over and she would have had him and her bed and she'll be riding him like nothing so you're safe right here no matter what and when he wakes up in the morning she'll jump in the car with him and he will take her to work yeah cuz you will be at work cuz I made sure of that I made you coffee I made you breakfast and you got up and went to work and I had a good old time with you last night I don't have the times you did give it to me but you gave it and you were scared really good and yeah you come home tonight from work bring your beers over you have a clean set of clothes for work tomorrow I told her I did another side close for you in case you pass out like that again and never said if I was waiting for you here so you can take a shower here so I see you when you get home my bud so enjoy your day at work oh I will drop my day at work no matter how I do it and yeah I'll be at your house tonight and let's go out let's go out to dinner good let's do that see you around 6:00 yeah around 6:00 I'll be there I will do it before we go oh yeah the hanky panky thing oh yeah
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munsonxmayhem · 2 years
Could you do a joe x reader where they go out to dinner to meet his friends and they are kind of douchy to her and make jokes at her expense and instead of joe telling them to stop she laughs along with them so once they leave she's giving him the silent treatment and won't speak to him and he's confused as to what went wrong during dinner. She won't speak to him for the rest of the night going into the next morning so he keeps trying to get her attention and do little things to get her to speak and finally she snaps. You can end it with fluff or smut or both whatever is more comfortable for you 😉
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The Company You Keep.
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut
When Joseph had invited you out to dinner with friends, you never thought it would be like this. At first it was just a couple of comments that you’d brushed off, but things had taken a turn for the worse.
“So.. (Y/N).. What is it that you do for work again?” One of his friends asks from across the table. “Well, I-“ He cuts you off, “Sorry! What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” He says, and Joseph laughs. It would be funny to you if he hadn’t said it for the 15th time, knowing damn well he could hear you. It started as a joke about you being a quiet speaker, but now it’s just redundant.
“I-“ He laughs loudly, cutting you off yet again. You glance at Joseph, and he’s laughing as well. You roll your eyes, taking a sip from your wine and sitting back. His friend sees your expression, a curious expression on his face, “Hey, Joe. What’s up with your girl?”
He glances down at you, laughing. “What’s wrong, baby?” He coos, his hand resting on yours. You look up at him, “Nothing, I’m f-“
“Can anybody hear her?” His friend chuckles loudly, and everyone else joins in, too. You hold your glass up, doing a solo ‘cheers’ before downing the rest of the glass.
The ride home is silent, not that Joseph didn’t try talking to you; you just kept quiet. He reaches over, trying to hold your hand and you pull it away, keeping your gaze out of the window. Deciding that since they think you’re so quiet; you will be.
When you get to his place, you swing the car door open, making your way inside; leaving him baffled at the entrance.
“Baby, why aren’t you talking to me?” He pouts as you toss your purse on the couch. You silently make your way to the bedroom, kicking off your shoes. He comes in behind you, a worried look on his face. “Sweetheart, talk to me, please.” He says, gently taking your hand in his. You pull it away, sighing deeply. He groans at your silence, but not giving up.
He continues trying to get you to speak, even as you lay down to go to bed. Constantly trying to cuddle with you, and asking you what’s going on. You refuse, anger and embarrassment still coursing through your body. You finally drift off to sleep, allowing him to wrap his arms around you.
When you wake up the next morning, he’s glued to you. Prying yourself from his grip, you make your way to the kitchen. As you pour yourself a cup of coffee, and grab a muffin you hear footsteps from the hall. “Good morning, darling.” He coos, wrapping his arms around your waist as your sat at the kitchen island. You take a sip from your coffee, keeping quiet.
“Baby.. Did I do something? Did I say something?” This is when you snap. “No. It’s what you didn’t do. It’s what you didn’t say, Joseph.” He looks confused. “Your friends are assholes, and you just let them act that way towards me.” You scoff, putting your cup down. He looks at you, wide eyed. “W-What? Baby, what’re you talking about?” He sounds genuinely confused. You roll your eyes, “The whole night I was the butt of their joke. First it was just little things about my job not being as ‘high class’ as yours. Then because they couldn’t hear what I said one time, I couldn’t get a word in after that because they ‘couldn’t hear me’” You throw your hands up in disbelief, letting them fall to your sides.
“And you! You just kept laughing when they did it, not once did you tell them to stop.” You finish, putting the muffin back and stomping back to the bedroom. He jogs after you, “Baby.. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you hated it that much. They’ve always been like that.. I would’ve told them to stop if I knew it was bothering you..” He pleads, but anger is still permeating through your veins. You sigh, grabbing a fresh pair of bra and underwear before going into the bathroom.
You turn on the shower, stepping in and allowing the hot water to engulf you. That’s when you hear the shower door open, and you whip around. Joseph is standing there, in a t-shirt and sweatpants; now soaking wet. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
“What.. are you doing?” You manage to keep a serious tone. “I’m not leaving this shower until you forgive me.” He crosses his arms, keeping you blocked from the shower head he’s under. You roll your eyes, “Joseph, move.”
He shakes his head, “No.” You’re about to get out of the shower when he takes your hand, pulling you against him. He wraps his arms around you tightly, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I should’ve never let them talk to you like that, I swear to you it will never happen again. Please forgive me.” He pleads into your neck, his curls dripping water. You sigh, “Okay..” He snaps up, big eyes searching yours. “I forgive you. But if you’re going to be in this shower with me, you cannot be wearing that.” You laugh at his sopping clothes.
“Like how are you not uncomfortable?” You giggle, and he immediately starts shedding off his clothes, tossing them out into the open bathroom. When he’s fully stripped he wraps his arms around you again, placing kisses to your cheeks and neck. You giggle loudly, trying to push him away. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I love you..” He whispers. “I love you, Joseph.” He starts places kisses all around your face, muttering an ‘i love you’ after every single one.
When he finally parts, he grabs the loofa, putting some of your body wash on it before softly starting to drag it over your skin. You sigh out in relief as he makes his way around your body, lathering the soap across your skin.
You lean into his touch before he turns you around so you’re facing the wall. He starts rubbing it down your back and across your shoulder before he makes his way to your ass, dragging the loofa softly across the skin and down the backs of your legs.
You see him put the sofa back, and feel his hand trail from your back, to your ass, to between your thighs. You gasp when you feel his fingers glide through your folds. “Joe-“ He shushes you, placing his head in the crook of your neck and planting a wet kiss. “Let me take care of you, darling.” You whimper as he slowly pushes a finger into you from behind. He curls it and you moan softly. “C’mon, baby. You spent the whole night silent, let me hear all those pretty noises.” He coos before adding a second finger.
You moan loudly and he smiles against your skin, “There she is.” You feel his hard erection pressed against your lower back, and you take advantage of it by pushing back against his hand. He groans as your body gives his aching cock some much needed friction. He pushes in another finger, and your knees buckle. You reach out, hand holding the metal bar on the wall. He curls his fingers inside of you as he thrusts them in quickly. You’re a whimpering mess as you lean your head back on his shoulder. You feel him grinding his cock against you as he fingers you fast.
“Fuck.. Joe..” You whimper out, feeling the pressure building in your stomach. He stills his hips, reaching around with his other hand and pressing two fingers against your clit. “Oh my god!” You cry out as he rubs tight circles to match the pace of his fingers.
“Go on, sweetheart. Cum for me..” He whispers, and you’re done for. The knot in your stomach snapping as pleasure radiates through your body, making you shake against him. He feels your walls clenching around his fingers as he thrusts them through your high. When you’re finally relaxed, he eases them out of you. You turn to face him as he pushes his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean.
You stare at him through hooded eyes as he does it, not breaking eye contact. You reach down, pumping his cock slowly and his lips part, a soft moan escaping them. He grabs your hand, and you release him. He backs you into the wall, hands on your hips as he kisses you deeply. He brings his hands to the backs of your legs as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Jump.” He says against your lips, and you do.
He presses you against the wall, cock pressed firmly under your ass. He hisses as you reach down, pulling him to your entrance. He presses his forehead to yours as he slowly sinks in to you, both moaning simultaneously as he fills you up. He puts his head in your neck, and holds you up in his arms.
He pulls out slowly before thrusting back into you hard. You cry out, hands tangling into his hair. He groans as you pull at his wet curls. “Fuck, love. You feel so good.” He groans into your neck. You whimper in response as his hips slams relentlessly against yours. “Such a good girl..” He coos as he picks up his pace, his hips hitting yours quickly. He starts sucking and biting on your neck, a loud moan leaving your mouth when he connects with a certain spot. His brings his head down to your chest, placing sloppy, wet kisses on each of your tits.
“God, (Y/N), fuck. You’re squeezing me so good.” He praises, thrusts starting to get sloppy. He reaches down, his fingers rubbing circles against your clit as his other arm holds you up. Your body shakes hard against him as your vision goes white, loud cries and whimpers leaving your mouth. He slams in once more, before he releases into you. “Oh fuck..” He grunts as he fills you up.
He rests his head in your neck as you both come down from your highs, panting loudly. He slowly eases out of you, placing your feet on the floor and guiding you to the shower head. He rinses your body completely before stepping out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He helps you out, wrapping you in a towel as well before picking you up bridal style.
He places you on the bed, gently before going back into the bathroom; coming out with your bra and panties. He helps you put them on before grabbing a pair of boxers for himself. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his embrace. “I love you, so much. I’m so sorry about last night.” He mumbles into your wet hair. You reach up, caressing his face with your hand. “It’s okay, Joseph.. I love you.”
“Wanna sleep a bit more? It’s only 8.” He looks at the clock. You nod, eyelids heavy. He yanks the covers up over both of you, holding you close as you both drift off into sleep.
Authors Note: Here’s my Masterlist for those of you who want to read more of my work (:
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romanstheory · 3 years
A smut request where Roman gets upset with Y/n because her and his cousin, either Nia Jax or Tamina, fight at a family function because they can’t stand each other.
Of couurrsseeee!!!
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Word Count : 957
Edited!!! i read the request wrong
18 +
Today is Roman's family function, they have them throughout the year but they have one big one in the summer. Sort of like a family reunion but not really. It's no secret that Roman's cousin Nia Jax makes my blood boil, we're both pretty vocal about it. I promised Roman I would bite my tongue as long as she kept her mouth shut. "Look I swear I won't start any issues as long as she doesn't" I saw as I slip my shorts on. "That's not good enough babe, I need you to be on your best behavior even if she isn't on hers" Roman says putting his hair up into a bun. "If she can't give me respect, she's not getting any. End of story! Talk to her about it not me!" I say firmly. Roman breathes loudly through his nose and continues to get dressed
Roman already knows how I am when disrespected, but we've been together for a while now and there's no way I can avoid Nia at these events. She's obnoxious and makes sure everyone is aware she's there anyway. "Are you ready?" Roman asks me, grabbing his keys. I nod and we head out the door. I'm pretty quiet the entire ride "You okay?" Roman asks me. "Yeah, just trying to prepare myself for Nia's bullshit. I am excited to see the rest of your family though" I say. "I'm sure they're all looking forward to seeing you too" Roman says with a smile. We arrive at the park, and I can immediately hear Nia being loud and I swear my eye started to twitch. Roman looks over at me "Just try please" He says to me.
I shrug and we walk over to the family. I'm greeted by hugs and kisses from the entire family........ except Nia. She glares over at me and I shoot her a sharp eye roll. This bitch is so lucky I can't smash her face in right now! Everyone is ready to eat, and I offer to help serve. "She's not touching my food!" Nia says loudly. "Serve yourself then" I say sharply. "How about you don't give me orders bitch! You don't even belong here" Nia says even louder walking up to me this time. "How about you stay in your place BITCH and back up before I knock you the fuck out" I say screaming. All eyes are on us at this point, Roman and I lock eyes from across the park and he knows I'm going to snap. I see him rushing over when Nia pushes me, and everything goes black. I come to and Roman is prying me off of her while I have a handful of her hair swinging wildly. "Babe stop!!" Roman yells. "No whoop her ass uce! Fuck her up!" Jey screams. "Hit her for me too!" I hear Naomi's voice echo.
Roman finally gets me off of her and carries me to the car. "What the fuck was that?" Roman says loudly. "That bitch pushed me!" I say loudly back. "I asked you to keep it together and then you spazz on Nia and slam her head into the ground?" Roman says trying to calm himself "It doesn't make it any better that you were being encouraged. You two can't fucking get along for two hours while we get together with family". I sit silently in a rage "Tell that bitch not to try me and she won't have to worry about getting her head smashed in" I say in a calm yet angry tone. Roman rubs his head roughly as he watches Nia get into her car and leave. "Let's try this again..... but if she comes back we are LEAVING" Roman says firmly
We spend another few hours there while Roman mingles with his family before going home. Roman sits in silence the entire car ride. "When we get home, I want you undressed, waiting on me in the room" Roman demands. I nod, saying nothing as I know what's about to happen and it excites me. I love angry sex with him, it's always my favorite kind. We get to the house and I listen to his orders, going into the room and laying on the bed naked, with my ass in the air. He enters the room, and I begin to wiggle and sway my ass in the sir as i hear his belt buckle jingle and his pants go down. He walks up behind me, slowly putting his finger into me and pulling it out "Sweet and soaking wet" He says licking my juices off of his finger.
"Teach me a lesson" I say seductively. Roman wastes no time putting his length into me and beginning to crash out bodies into each other, his full balls smacking against my body with force. He uses his hand put push my back down, arching it even more. I moan and whine in pleasure as he groans and grunts "You will listen to me and fucking act right" Roman says slamming into me, filling the room with claps and noises from my wet throbbing vagina. Roman pulls on my hair tightly, causing me to moan and whine louder. "Take all of me" Roman grumbles "Take that shit!" Roman continues slamming his length into me as my legs begin to get weak with pleasure and I feel my body tensing.
I reach my climax and Roman keeps stroking, making my climax more intense. Soon he pulls out of me, releasing his seed onto my back and ass before he gets off of the bed and pulls himself up "Clean up, and don't ever fucking embarrass me again" Roman roars as he walks out of the room
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gucciwins · 4 years
Leather and Lace
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The one where Harry goes to the Grammy's and Y/N is his date
Word count: 4,960
A/N: Hello beautiful friends! Harry at the Grammy's just blew me away, the leather look is all I want to talk about for the rest of my life.
I was feeling inspired and decided it was only fitting to continue Adore You. Part two is Three Time following nominations. So this is part three. Yes, I have a soft spot for Harry and Atticus. Will always write for them if the inspiration strikes.
warnings: smut (female pleasure), pandemic
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There's been one thought running through Y/N's head for most of the day, and Harry can tell because it's nearing five pm and she has not started on dinner. Instead, she's sitting on the backyard steps that give her the beautiful view of the pacific ocean, an empty glass of wine in hand.
Harry doesn't say anything, just sits next to her, knowing she will speak when she's ready, but he also knows she enjoys the quiet moments with him.
Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, letting out a deep breath before settling down the wine glass to wrap her arms around his bicep.
"You asked me an important question."
"Wasn't that important." He shrugs.
"Harry," No nickname making sure he knows she's serious. "It is important. You asked me to be your date to the Grammys where you're opening the show and are a three-time nominee during a pandemic."
"Well, when you put it like that." He teases.
Y/N and Harry made two years of dating on February 16. To celebrate, they had dinner from their favorite Italian food place with chocolate strawberries for dessert that Atticus made for them with the help of Mitch and Sarah, who were more than pleased to take him for the night. It was a beautiful day primarily spent in bed talking and enjoying each other, reminding each other how much they were loved and would continue to be as years went on.
Two years and their relationship has been well hidden. Honestly, Jeff has been impressed at how not one word has gotten out. This may be due to only close friends and family knowing about the relationship. Also that they spent almost one entire year inside due to this ongoing pandemic.
She's not worried about others finding out about her relationship with Harry; that isn't her big concern; it is what they will say about her and Atticus. Harry is a single dad to the world, and Atticus is his first priority, and everyone knows that; she does not want to be the reason they write about how Harry is a neglecting father for dating someone so openly. She fears the backlash and how it can affect how Harry sees her.
Reasonably, Y/N knows that won't happen and that Harry sees her as his life partner as he's told her on multiple occasions. Also, the assurance that Atticus gives to her by calling her Mum more openly around their family. The constant I love you's get her through it.
"I understand if you aren't ready, love."
"Don't think I'll ever be ready, but there are lots of times where I just find myself wanting to shout it from the rooftops how much I love you." Harry smiles, knowing he's felt the exact same way.
"Yes, I'll be your date to the Grammys." She breathes out after a moment of silence.
Harry sits up straight, shifting to make her look him in the eyes. "Yeah, you will?"
"I'd be honored."
Harry's smile is breathtaking, and the next thing she knows, his lips are on hers. It's passionate and full of thank you's because she knows how much this means to him.
He pulls back but not before pecking her lips twice.
"I'm going to call Jeff." Harry rushes inside, leaving her alone once more, but a sincere smile is left on her face.
Y/N said yes because even though a part of her wanted to say no, the urge to say yes won because to be there by his side holding his hand no matter the results win her over.
She says yes because as much as she may have wanted to say no, the urge to say yes and be there by his side, holding his hand no matter the results, wins her over.
Harry comes back ten minutes later, a bottle of champagne in hand, with his eyes shining bright as if he had already won the award. "Jeff said it's all set. He's going to be our third wheel for the night."
She laughs, knowing very well he loves when Jeff has to be around them without his wife now. Always teasing him, but also very happy for him.
"Pop that open then! Let us celebrate." They walk back into the house, getting glasses, when they hear small steps approaching them.
Atticus is thrilled at hearing the news about Harry performing at the Grammys. He got even more excited when he found out Harry was taking Y/N as his date. Told them that she would be the prettiest on the carpet, Harry had pouted, asking what about him. Only to agree when Atticus said no one's beauty compares to his Mum's.
Harry had asked Glenne to watch over Atticus, and she eagerly accepted. They let Atticus know, and he was over the moon excited. Atticus knew his Auntie Glenne had a hard time saying no to him.
In a different time, if there was no pandemic, Harry knows Atticus and Y/N would have been the perfect dates for what is supposed to be a joyous night.
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Grammy day arrived, and Harry walked the red carpet alone.
It's something all three agreed on, not at all wanting to steal any attention when it was such a big debut for Harry. As much as Harry wanted photos with her, he knew this was the way to go; she would be sitting next to him for the rest of the night, which he was thankful for.
Harry felt comfortable and happy in his red carpet look. He was wearing a green and yellow check tweed jacket and a tartan sweater combo worn, flared trousers, and lavender boa. It was a bit different but entirely himself, and that's all he wanted.
As soon as he's done posing for photos, he has his mask back on and is ushered into his changing room to change for his performance happening very soon.
Y/N is waiting in there chatting with Sarah, and when Harry opens the door, he's taken back by her beauty. Yes, he saw her dressed at home, but she seems like a dream here in this new light. Y/N is wearing a lilac satin backless dress, a long slit going up her left leg. She's wearing gold heels that their wonderful friend Harry Lambert acquired for her. The gold primrose signet ring adorned her right-hand ring finger. A few more that she has gifts from her mother and others she bought for herself, but his attention is on the one he gives her because even as she is in a conversation with someone she's fidgeting with, she has the feel of it under her fingers.
"Clear the room, friends," Jeff announces. "Styles here has to get ready. We can start heading to the stage."
Everyone is up and out in a matter of seconds, Jeff shutting the door behind him, telling him he only has fifteen minutes.
More than enough.
"Are you going to help me or just sit there ogling me?"
She smirks. "If I help, there's no saying you'll get clothes on in time."
Harry feels a twitch in his trousers and knows she's right. He huffs, not bothering to argue, just throwing his lavender boa in her direction.
"I'll always accept a striptease."
"I should have had Jeff kick you out as well," Harry says, not meaning a single word.
Y/N pouts. "Not nice, H."
"Baby, please. No more teasing, not really a fan of going on television with a boner, especially in leather." Harry stops her before she can continue on.
"Alright, I'll behave."
Harry breathes a sigh of relief because he's always so close to caving in. She has that effect on him.
Y/N sits there, turned on by Harry changing his outfit. What she wishes she was home instead because watching and not being able to touch is absolute torture.
Harry shimmy himself into the leather pants wanting to get Y/N to laugh, and it works like he knew it would.
"Got a nice ass, Styles. Might have to take it for a ride."
Harry mutters a fuck, and she's giggling. "It's like you hate me."
"On the contrary, I adore you."
"Yeah, well, hand me the jacket, please."
Y/N gets up, the black leather cropped jacket in hand; she stands behind him, guiding him to slip in his left arm, followed by his right. It rests perfectly on his shoulders; she let her hands slide down his arms before turning him around and getting a good look at the completed fit.
She takes a step back as Harry reaches for the mint feathered boa slipping it over his shoulders before dramatically swinging it over his left shoulder. He poses a hand on his hip.
"What's the verdict?" He's biting back a laugh.
"I'm in love. You should ask for my help in designing a look more often." Y/N's gaze has not left his exposed torso. The butterfly fly tattoo starting back at her, Harry's a bit leaner, but he's never looked, fitter. Definitely, feel lucky she can run her fingers over his abs as soon as they get home.
"You recommended no shirt."
"And look how right I was. Your fans are going to go crazy."
"There's only one person I care about going crazy." He steps forward, pressing a kiss to her neck before trailing up to her lips. Leaving soft kisses, not giving her more, and she needs it. She needs him to push her up against a wall and just take her.
"Trust me, baby. I'm showing so must restraint right now. Fuck, you need to walk out now before you're late."
Harry smirks; he likes knowing the effect he has on her. She's the reason he's wearing leather, having confessed thinking he'd look really good. And right she was. "Need a good luck kiss."
Y/N nods, bringing a hand up to rest on the back of his neck, the heels adding a few extra inches making her aligned perfectly with his plump pink lips. She's gentle as she connects their lips; he wraps a hand around her waist before taking control of the kiss, slipping his tongue inside; she lets out a soft moan as he kisses her with all he has. Harry pulls away, a dimpled grin on his face. "Lots of luck in that kiss." a
She nods, still in a daze. "I'll be watching, baby."
Harry and Y/N walk out hand in hand, masks on as they find Jeff, who directs him to the stage entrance, a whispered I love you and a final kiss. He's walking towards the stage, greeting each of his band members lingering a second longer with Sarah.
Y/N was grateful she was allowed to watch the performance from a hidden side stage with Jeff by her side. Those three minutes of Harry singing, she was left in awe as she always is; he's got a way of capturing your full attention. She let out a gasp when Harry threw the boa and turned to have exposed his chest, a broad smile on her face. Jeff was trying to stifle a laugh next to her, and she knew he would be passing this information along.
She felt lucky to be loved by Harry.
As soon as Harry finished performing, Jeff ushered her to his changing room where she could watch the other performances as they waited for Harry to join them once more before going to sit at the socially distanced tables.
Harry came back, a deep smirk on his face, his mint boa now resting on Mitch's neck. "What you think, love?"
"You were wonderful; you and the band just killed it. I felt like it was my first time listening to it. Those note changes were beautiful." She hugs him, happy to have him in her arms again. "Get changed, not much time."
Harry nods, going to the clothes rack but comes back to give Y/N a kiss. She feels herself melt into his touch. She pulls away and sees his green eyes glistening. "Thank you for being here." Before she can respond, he's walked away and changing into his previous outfit.
Harry is dressed, and Jeff ushers them out. Harry leads, greeting people as they walk by, occasionally stopping for someone. Y/N falls behind, smiling at everyone from behind a mask, she laughs, remembering others can't see it, but hopefully, they feel it. She spots a women's restroom and grabs Jeff's arm to get him to stop. He turns concerned. She leans in close, letting him know she's heading to the restroom and will catch up soon.
Y/N is walking out of the restroom heading down the hall when she stops hearing her name called. She turns and finds it's her good friend Julia Michaels.
"Hi darling," Y/N greets a large smile hiding behind her mask. "You look brilliant." Julia was dressed in a black gown adorned with white patterns resembling seashells and her tattoos on full display. Y/N was in awe.
"Thank you! As do you." She says, pulling her in a hug. "Is that a bit of an accent I hear?"
Y/N laughs. "Don't know about that; I've been living in London for years now. Might be that I've been around my British friends constantly."
"That or-"
Julia is interrupted by a man calling her name. Y/N sees it's her boyfriend, JP Saxe.
"Ah, the beau is calling for you, it seems." Y/N teases.
"Oh bummer, I love chatting with you. I would tell you all about him, but I'd expect the same."
"What do you mean?" She feigns confusion, but Julia sees past her.
"Well, who's your date?"
She can feel her face warm, knowing exactly who she's referring to.
"I came with my boyfriend," Y/N answers proudly.
Before Julia can respond, Y/N feels a hand on her back and turns to find Harry behind her. "Calling for us to head to our seats, nominations up next."
"Okay, H." She smiles, knowing there was a look of concern for her hiding behind the mask.
Harry seems to remember she was speaking with someone.
"Hello, Julia, lovely music. This one always plays it around the house." Harry knocks his hip with Y/N's. "Especially this new song that's nominated, she always had it playing. Soon my son was singing it as well. It meant I had to join in. I don't like being the odd one out."
"Thank you, Harry; I'm glad you could all enjoy my music. We've been doing the same. Fine Line is a gorgeous album. Best of luck tonight." Julia tells him sincerely.
"You as well."
"One last thing between us."
"Of course," he nods.
"She's a special one; take real good care of her." Y/N has never been more thankful for a mask because it hides her face that she is slowly starting to heat up.
"I like to think I've been doing a good job, or she wouldn't have stuck around for two years so far."
Julia doesn't hide her shock, her eyes go wide, and Harry just smirks.
Y/N laughs. "We have been good at laying low. Except for this one, he likes to always be doing something new."
"What can I say? I like to keep busy." Harry shrugs, knowing everyone knows about his next film in London.
"Now we definitely have to grab dinner soon or a zoom date, I don't know. I want to hear all about it." Y/N can tell Julia is curious but overall happy for her.
With that, they bid each other goodbye, and Harry escorts her to their seats.
"Someone is very open," Y/N tells him, adjusting her dress as she sits down.
"She's a good friend of yours but also Niall's. I know we can trust her." Harry tells her honestly.
"I see. We'll see how interviews go soon." Y/N knows Jeff had told them he had to do at least one interview if he didn't win, and if he did, it would just be him addressing the virtual press room.
Harry is sitting in the middle, Jeff to his left andY/N to his right. He's never felt as safe when they name the nominees for the category.
Y/N feels the tight grip Harry has on her thigh, and his left hand is rubbing up and down his pants to dry the sweat she can only imagine is building up. She looks up at his face, but he's calm, but she knows him; there's a storm of thoughts running through his head. Y/N knows there isn't much to help ease, but she can remind him she's there for him. She lifts his hand that was resting on her thigh to her lips and gives it a gentle kiss through her mask, yes he can't feel it, but the sentiment is there. She sets his hand back, fingers now intertwined with hers. Y/N knows he's looking at her and meets his gaze reassuring him with his eyes she loves him.
Rachelle Erratchu is opening the envelope, and in the next few seconds, she will announce the winner for the best pop solo performance.
"Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles!"
Harry sits there shocked, his shoulders dropped, eyes wide, not at all able to hide the shock. He just heard his name called; he just won a Grammy.
In the next second, he's standing up, removing his mask, his nervous smile now able to be seen by the camera. Jeff is quick to pull him in a tight hug. Y/N stands feeling the happiness travel through her entire body.
Harry won.
A mask is no longer hiding his smile, and she knows if she removed her, she'd have a matching smile. Harry hugs her tight, her arms going around his waist; she can feel how fast his heart is beating. Harry is not at all ready to let her go but knows he has an acceptance speech to give.
"You did it, H," she whispers, ushering him to head up the stage.
Harry gets up, letting out a deep breath as he hears the applause continue. He picks up the Grammy for a second before setting it back down. He looks out at the audience, and he's just astounded that he's won.
"Wow, um..." Harry takes a deep breath before starting. "To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much. This was the first song we wrote after my album came out, during a day off in Nashville. I just wanna say thanks to Tom, Tyler, and Mitch, and everyone, Rob Stringer, everyone at Columbia, my manager Jeffrey who always nudged me to be better and never pushed me and thank you so much, and I feel very grateful to be here." He smiles at Y/N. "Thank you to my son, who has been the light in my life and my biggest fan. Everything I do is for him, and I hope I continue to make him proud. I love you, darling boy." Harry knows he's got only so much time left, but there is one last person to thank. He doesn't address her by name, but everyone in that room knows what he says next is for Y/N as he never takes his eyes off of her.
"Thank you for believing in me. I was not the easiest to deal with when we first met, but you're here and have been every step of the way. Thank you for helping me become a better man each day. I adore you." He chuckles, continuing on, "All these songs are fucking massive, so thank you so much; I feel very honoured to be among you, so thank you so much."
Harry walks off stage, leaving the grammy he had just won behind, eager to have Y/N back in his arms. His eyes are set on her; she's standing arms open, ready for him. He melts into her touch, hiding his head in her neck placing a gentle kiss on her exposed neck. "I love you," he whispers.
Y/N softly cradles his cheek as he leans into her touch, her eyes filling with tears of joy. "I love you, H."
Harry pulls away, letting her take a step back as Jeff hugs him tighter than before. He's so happy he places an affectionate kiss on Jeff's masked cheek.
Harry's happy; he knows he didn't need an award to let him know how talented he was, but it was an honor to have his support team by his side as he did receive the award.
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Harry had taken Y/N with him to help change, claiming he needed help. Jeff knew better but let them be.
As soon as Harry ushered them into the changing room, he pushed her up against the locked door, ripped his mask off, shoving it in his pocket, kissing down her neck.
Y/n reaches a shaky hand up to remove her mask, letting it fall in Harry's waiting hand to place next to him.
"Kiss me," she breathes.
Harry, never one to deny her, brings his lips to hers. Y/N felt her whole body tingle as he claimed control over her mouth, hungry and intense as if she'd disappear if he would slow down.
Y/N laughs as her hands rest on his shoulder, letting him kiss all the skin she has exposed.
"Baby, you're a Grammy winner." A hand now in his hair as she feels his lips right above the curve of her breasts.
"Just like you."
"Atticus must be so proud," Y/N says, now lost in thought.
Harry pulls back, "As much as I love our baby, please don't mention him as I'm trying to shag you in my dressing room."
Y/N grins nodding, she pushes the plaid jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. "Sorry, did you say shag? Is that Grammy fame getting to your head?" She teases
"The only place my head is going is between your thighs." His voice rough, no longer teasing. She can see the lust building in his emerald eyes.
"Guess I'm the real winner," Y/N tells him, pushing up her dress to reveal her black lace panties, Harry's favorites.
"Fuck." Harry trails his hands down her thighs as he sinks to his knees.
Y/N holds her dress up as Harry begins to pull down her panties, letting them fall to her ankles. "Those are too hot to be hidden, baby. Fuck, knowing you had those on the whole time for me has me so hard." He unbuttons his trousers giving himself breathing space.
"Please, baby," Y/N begs, wanting him to give her some kind of release.
"Alright, darling, since we don't have much time."
Y/N has her legs spread open for Harry; her face was flushed, knowing the pleasure Harry would soon bring her. She was wet; she had been since she saw Harry perform in his whole leather outfit; she swears this look will enter her dreams when he's away.
"Love, you're so wet." He smirks, knowing this was for him, but a bit of confirmation never hurt anyone. "All-cause of me?"
"Yes, always wet for you." She breathes out, looking down at him.
Harry leans in, pressing soft kisses on her thigh, getting her to relax, wanting her to enjoy this as much as he's going to. He loves how soft her skin is; he litters kisses as he watches her, still feeling how close he is to where they both want him to be.
Y/N feels like she can't breathe; Harry's teasing always so good but not now. Not when she wants him inside her, but she settles for him eating her out. He's proven more than a dozen times how good he is with his tongue.
"I'm ready, darling. I'm ready to taste you, fuck, you smell amazing, but oh, there's something special about how you taste. Will you let me?" Harry asks, always asking for her consent, never wanting her to feel pressured.
"Yes, please." Harry always knows what she needs; she's happy to relinquish all control to him.
Harry tightened his grips on her thighs, scooting closer. He smiles at how glistening her pussy looks for him. How wet he's made her. He didn't have time for foreplay as much as he wanted to tease her have her withering under his touch. He drove right in, his tongue in between her lips, tasting her sweet juices. It was good, sweet, and just for him.
Y/N let out a moan; Harry wanted more from her; he wanted her a moaning mess. Y/n felt his tongue against her most sensitive spot and felt her knees go weak, fuck; he knew exactly how to bring her the pleasure she seeks.
Harry's eyes were closed, focusing on the noises Y/N was making and savoring the taste.
Y/N has a hand in his hair, her right hand holding up her bunched-up dress. "My winner," she moans out.
"You're always a winner. Fuck, so good." She pants.
"You are….baby" Nothing's making sense. She's lost in her pleasure. Harry was focusing on her clit; he licked at the small peek, knowing she was close.
She pulls harder on his hair, he lets out a moan against her pussy, and it brings her twice the pleasure. "Make me cum, baby." She whines, "Show me exactly why a song about oral sex deserved to win."
Harry, edged on by her words, begins to suck on her clit, letting her feel the ecstasy it brings her. Y/N lost in her pleasure, misses Harry's cursing against her.
"Harry, I'm close." She whimpers out.
"Cum for me, darling." He doesn't slow down, lapping against her pussy, taking everything she gives him. He sucks on her clit, swirling his tongue around as he brings a finger to her hole, gently pushing in, knowing it will drive her over the edge.
"Fuck, you're always a winner. This mouth is always a winner."
Y/N whines out his name, pulling him closer as he licks up all she offered him, letting her ride out her orgasm enjoying every moment. Harry pulls his hand away, setting it on her exposed thigh, drawing small comforting circles, until he's sure she's ridden it through.
She lets out a long sigh as she slides down the door, no longer able to stay standing. Harry grins, guiding her down gently as he sits back on his heels.
"Can I return the favor?" She blinks at him, lust still swimming in her eyes.
Harry blushes but not at all embarrassed. "Watching you cum for me did the job, baby."
She pouts her lips.
"Can treat me to a good time later," he promises; she eagerly nods, already knowing how she'd make him go crazy at him. The taste of him on her tongue later, something to look forward to.
"Think this was the reason you had a third outfit picked." She jokes,
Harry laughs, "Definitely."
Y/N and Harry sit there staring at each other, blissed out in pleasure, taking in the other's smile when a loud knock on the door startles them reminding them where they are.
"When you walk out of here, there better not be a single trace to what you did in there," Jeff tells them.
Harry smirks, "oh Jeffery, who does he take us for?"
Y/N is helped to her feet by Harry, who slips her panties back up her thighs. Y/N walks to the restroom to fix herself while Harry washes his face at the sink provided. Harry is quick to get out of his clothes and into the final outfit of the night. An orange blazer with a white low-cut shirt and plaid pants.
He's ready to step back out and mingle, showing off his girlfriend to everyone who approaches them. Harry stands in front of the mirror looking at the deep red mark on his neck where she left a love bite; he doesn't even remember her giving it to him.
She smirks, seeing him trace his finger over it. Y/N walks up to him, placing the black-feathered boa over his shoulders.
"I could get behind the feathered boas if it means I can leave more kisses like that behind," Y/N tells him as he swings it over his shoulder, adjusting it to hide the mark that would bruise over the next few hours.
"We'll see, love."
Y/N stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. She smooths her hands over her dress, happy with how she looks. Not at all like she was just given the orgasm of her life. Harry smiles, grateful she was here with him on an important day. He loves her, and he knows she loves him.
"Ready, love?" He stands being her, hand on her waist
She turns her head up to look at him, puckering her lips, waiting for a kiss that Harry happily gives her. "Now, I'm ready."
Y/N and Harry walk hand in hand, masks on.
Harry may not have won any more awards, but he truly felt like he had won it all way before ever hearing his name being called. With a woman like Y/N on his side who was intelligent, beautiful, and independent, constantly pushing him to be a better person every day, there was no way he would ever know what it would be like to lose.
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Thank you so much for reading! I adore you. Hopefully, the future allows me to write for Harry, Atticus, and Y/N some more but for now I hope you enjoyed this continued story. <333
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mountkennedie · 3 years
Peter parker x gn!Reader
*Readers appearance isn't specified*
Warnings: like 1 swear word
Summary: you find out Peter's secret and won't tell on one condition
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You and Peter had been assigned as partners for a project in chemistry. It was a major grade and you both just wanted to get over with. So he said you should come over to his apartment to work on it at about 4pm. You didn't mean to get there at 3:45 but your mom is a busy woman and needed to drop you off a bit early to get some other arrands done. She won't even be able to pick you up today.
By the time you found his apparent it was 3:50 this wasnt your first time stopping by. Whether you should wait in the hallway since it wasn't the right time yet or go inside you were still wondering. But when you got there aunt May had just happened to open the door. Holding a trash bag in her hand she greeted," Oh what a suprise! Hi Y/n! Peter went out but should be coming back by the time he said."
"Thanks Mrs. Parker."
"None of that. Call me May." And with a smile she held the door open for you to let your self inside the apartment. You just went to Peter's room since that's where you would anytime else.
Sitting down on his bed you pulled out your phone as you waited. Not long at all after you heard his window being raised,'when will he ever put oil on that thing?' You thought. Standing up to go pull it back down, you see it's already back down. Rummaging on the other side of the room followed and you head turned to the noise. It was Peter but half naked, Spider man suit at his ankles, rushed Peter. Wait. Spider man suit at his ankles.
"Yeah uh Hi."
"You're Spider man!?"
After shushing you he pleaded," I'm not, I'm not, I just... I-"
"That's so cool! I won't tell I promise... on one condition."
"Whats the condition?" You didn't answer immediately. "C'mon Y/n what's the condition? Please."
"I want a ride."
"A ride?"
"Yes! Your always swinging around New York."
"Oh," he said much more relieved. "You sure? It's way more scarier than it looks."
"Yes I'm sure. In fact um, can you swing me home? My mom can't pick me up today."
"Uh yeah. Sure, but can I-" He was trying to say but was interrupted putting a shirt on.
"Is Peter back yet?" Aunt may asked barging in. "Oh! Well welcome back Peter, I'll be going now." Giving Peter a thumbs up she closed the door.
"Let's just do the assignment now. This is getting weird."
"Yeah," He agreed pulling on some sweats and joining you on his bed where you has sat down.
You both had finished sooner than expected but you did rush a bit to get to your condition. You packed up as Peter put his suit back on.
"Ready," the excitement in your voice put a small smile on Peter's as he put his mask on.
"Okay uh," he walked over to his window and you followed. He put your arms around his neck and in your ear told you to jump. When his hand brushed your butt on the way to your thighs he said a quick,"sorry."
He leaned back and went head first slowly out the window sticking onto the top part of the window and the brick next to it until he was completely out. He held one hand one hand on your back keeping you pressed into him and over his shoulder you looked down.
"Woah." 6 stories up was really 6 stories up. 'Of course, idiot,'you thought,'No backing down now you asked for this!'
"Yeah, woah. If you want to walk, I'll walk you home."
"No. Nope. I'm doing this." Your fear was bleeding into your voice and you hoped he didn't hear. He did of course.
"Hey," his voice was soft head still resting on your shoulder,"you're more safe then you realize. Promise. I'd never drop you."
That last part was unnecessary as you clamped onto him a bit more,"uh sorry. But I mean it, it's okay. And if you ever want off I'll let you off."
"Okay," you said between deep but somehow shallow breaths,"okay. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this."
You felt the rumbling of someone trying to hold in their laugh under you. "It's not funny!" You said with a smile on your face.
"It's a little funny..."
"Just swing, peter."
"Okay your wish is my command." And he took off the wind hitting you so suddenly was something that would take a while to get used to. You somehow found a way to hold on tighter and did.
"Hey um, Y/n? I know you're scared but I can't really breathe so.."
"Oh shit sorry. Wait I'm not scar-", at that moment Peter dipped low before shooting another web and you couldn't help the scream you let out into his shoulder.
"Not scared?"
"I was scammed."
"I experimented, and my results were as predicted." His tone was cocky. When did he get so confident.
"How far away are we?" You said trying to change the subject. He let out the laugh he'd been holding in then, you could help yours.
"A few more blocks. Why? Want to get off?"
"Suit yourself." He did another dip in his swinging, you choked down the scream you desperately wanted to let out but replaced it with very heavy breathing. Due to the wind you thought he didn't pick it up.
"You know I have advanced hearing right?" You really wanted to punch him. But not when he's the only thing keeping you afloat.
"Oh my God," you said as you plopped your head on his shoulder. "Is there anything you can't do?"
"I can't seem to get your attention." He said it under his breath but being as close as you were you picked it up.
"What do you mean?" But unfortunately you were arriving at your apartment. With a sigh you said," I leave my window open. 7th floor on the right side of the building." He went the complete opposite way. "No other way," you corrected. He brought you to your room and used a web to pull the window open. After helping you inside he tried to leave but you grabbed his wrist. "What do you mean?" You had to know at this point, you needed to know if what you felt was acting shared.
"Y/n," he took a breath. "I'm really tired of being friends. I loved being friends, yeah, but- only if your okay with it I just have- you know. I really like you. And I have for a while but I feel like I'm nothing but a friend to you." He stepped into your room. Thank God your door was closed.
"Peter! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I like you too. I have for a while now actually." The grin on his face made him seem like he might explode.
"Yeah?" He took off his mask.
"Yeah." He sounded so relieved. He stepped right up to you and put his hands on his waist. "Can I?"
"Please?" And you both finally released the tension between you too in a well needed kiss.
"Y/n? Is that you? I'm sorry I couldn't pick up up today, but I'm glad you got home safe!"
"It's my mom." You said reluctantly breaking the embrace.
"I should go 'cause May will wonder where I am and- yeah."
Before he put his mask back on. You placed a quick peck on his cheek. He flushed near immediately. "Bye."
"Bye. Wait you wont tell right?"
"Nope!" Mask on or off the smile was present as he stepped out your window and with a little wave, swang off.
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halaboyz · 3 years
pairing: non-idol! yunho x gn! reader genre: fluff word count: 2.7k warnings: profanities, no more that i know of
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pouting, you crumpled your handmade confession letter for him as you stare at him kiss another's cheek at the corner of the parking lot. tears pooled your eyes, but you can't seem to have to pull your eyes off of them as they cheekily smiled, avoiding each other's eyes- embarrassed.
as soon as he whips his head on your side, you have turned your back instantly and walked- almost jogged away which resulted in you crashing to a guy in his bike, toppling over him as his hands instinctively protected you from the one falling in your back.
"oh my fucking god," you gasp, looking at his close.. flawless face now scrunching due to shock and pain. your eyes wandered around looking for something to lean on and push yourself up, being restrained by his own arms around you. "i'm so sorry," dropping your hands on his chest and pushing yourself up, you grimaced as he groaned in pain.
you dusted your pants off, wryly smiling at him as you offered your hand.
"i'm really sorry," you mumbled, pressing your lips to a thin line as you felt shivers running down your spine when he took your hand for a pull.
"it's okay," he flashes you a quick smile, standing his bike up again and shakes his head to ruffle his own hair. he glances back at you and behind you, immediately knowledgeable of what you had just seen and with a crumpled paper in your hands. he sighs, smiling sadly at you, "do you want a ride?"
you simply gaped at him, tears once again in your eyes. grabbing your wrist, he pulled you to sit on the backseat of his companion bike- which was, thankfully, the one he had used as he had just dropped off his younger brother in school.
he started pedaling, off to god knows where but weirdly, you had the feeling to trust the face you had barely seen on school grounds, only on breaks and lunches and maybe rarely on dismissal too.
"y-you're.. yunho, right?" you clutched on his hoodie more, scared of falling off because of the bumpy road.
"how'd you know?" he chuckles, ignoring his heart skipping immensely at the warmth you emitted because of the proximity. "for sure i am just another face in the crowd. i'm surprised you know me,"
"you're.. uh," you bit your lips, "you're on the.. basketball varsity team, right?" you nodded your head, swallowing the lump on your throat as you thought of your crush again.
you've only known yunho because he's on the same team as your crush, the numerous games you have watched enough for you to know even just his name.
"yeah," realizing, he zipped his lips once again as the small sandwich house came into sight. "we're close,"
"close where?" you perked on your seat, trailing your hands to his shoulders to look over it. "oh, subway?" the hint of excitement in your voice made yunho smile once again, anxiousness all gone as he pedaled faster.
jumping off of the seat, you had taken interest in the paper in your hand once again just before you had entered the restaurant. yunho had taken notice of your stop as he parked his bike on the side, grabbing the paper from your hand and holding it in front of you.
"let me hide this first, okay? let's eat first," he scrunched his nose and waited for you, and after getting a nod, he tucks it in his hoodie's pockets and opens the door for you.
mumbling a small thanks, you had started to order your food and drinks.
"let me pay," you had started to dig out your wallet but before you know it, yunho had already handed out his own card to the cashier with a polite smile.
timidly slipping your card back into your wallet, you waited for him to finish ordering.
"i'll find us a table in the back.. i uh, thank you," you smiled at him, trudging to an available table you found in the back corner of the restaurant.
after a few minutes of awkwardly fiddling with your fingers, yunho had settled the tray in the table and handed you your own orders.
"are you good?" yunho watches you unwrap yours as he already was munching on his, propping his elbows on the table.
"me? yeah.. yeah!" you smiled, taking a bite of yours. "wait.. do you even know me?" you chuckled, seemingly weirded out by the sudden hanging out with an almost stranger just because you bumped into him by accident, after seeing your crush with another.
"of course, you're y/n," he defends, chuckling back at you. "you never miss one of our games."
"and that means?" you ask, raising your brow at him. "i'm sure i'm not the only one who always attends your games," unfocused for a moment with your sandwich, yunho cranes his neck at you.
"i mean.. i guess i just took interest in you at some point," he almost whispered, making you stop your movements.
feeling your cheeks heat up, you inhaled sharply to meet his eyes.
"t-thanks..?" you smiled awkwardly, earning a hearty laugh from yunho.
"i'm sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?" he asks, and you immediately shake your head. "so.. about a while ago," he presses his lips to a thin line, "i'm sorry you had to see that. they have been dating for a bit now,"
"yeah, yeah, no problem. it was good i saw them first before i embarrassed myself," you dryly chuckled, taking a sip of your drink.
yunho just watched you, growing fond in just a matter of an hour of you. meanwhile, you had just finished your food and when you finally had the guts to glance at yunho, he had already finished his and maybe quite for long now.
"sorry, i didn't realize you were waiting,"
"don't worry! i just finished mine too," he chuckles, his eyes trailing to the neatly folded wrap and the cup pooled in water due to melted ice on the inside.
"how much was mine?" you grab for your wallet and faced him once again, only to be stopped by his large hands on yours.
"it's okay, don't bother," he gives you a big smile which for sure, you felt your heart melt at the sight.
"let me pay next time then," you stood up, swinging your bag to your shoulders until you see him not moving an inch, seated there with a playful, smug look on his face as he suppresses the smile wanting to be plastered on his face. "what?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
"so there is a next time?" he stands up, tucks his hands on his pockets, and crouches to your eye level to lean closer.
"i mean.." you stammered over your words, only registering your own words on your mind that second, "i mean.. isn't that manners? you paid today, and i should pay you back at least. right? or am i not?" rambling, yunho found it cute and ruffles your hair.
"let's get you home?" yunho asks as he holds the door for you, flashing a smile to the workers inside.
"no, it's okay! i've bothered you enough, and home is just.. a five-minute walk from here so.." you watch him unlock his bike, smiling at him. "thank you again, yunho. i really appreciate it," ducking your head, you played with your feet until his shoes come to your vision.
you look up, flinching at the sudden closeness and feeling your cheeks heat up.
"no problem, though, i'll look forward to the next time," he winks, patting your arm and cycling away with a big smile on his face.
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"well that's a miracle," your friend, jongho, gawked at you. "you're telling me, for the first time ever- you won't go to the basketball team's game tomorrow?"
"yes jongho, for the nth time, i won't." you sigh with a smile on your face.
"not even after what yunho did for you? he saved you from embarrassment!" jongho snickered, making you think.
should you go? would yunho even see you?
"look, as much as i'm thankful for yunho, i don't think we're in that phase and that close to that extent," you squinted your eyes at him, shaking your head.
"you're so difficult," jongho pushed you lightly, "why don't you just like yunho? it's obvious he still takes some interest in you?" he smirks, annoyingly poking your sides.
"if i'm so difficult, you're unbelievable," you gasp at him.
"i've been your friend for years, you move on as fast as you fall in love with someone- which is a good thing! so what i'm saying is.. don't you find yunho attractive?"
"jongho- i know i fall in love easy, and maybe i moved on from mingi in just a week, but still!"
"you didn't answer my last question!"
"god, jongho! fine! he's handsome as fuck," you finally admitted, groaning as you push him away.
"so.. go with me tomorrow, please," last spurt, jongho thought.
"fine, jongho- now can you please, fuck off? you're so goddamn annoying," with your serious tone, jongho still knows you didn't mean what you said and chuckles it off.
what you don't know about your closest friend here, jongho, is that he had a life more than your friendship. actually, not that you didn't know, you just didn't bother thinking or bother yourself at least getting curious about it.
he had a life- and it included 7 friends he considered as brothers, two of them being mingi and yunho.
he has known the two's interests and every little details of their life, some of them being you. reason for not telling you? it thrilled him.
yunho has had his eyes on you for quite some time, but you were clearly blinded by mingi, who wanted to be friends with you, only because you were friends with jongho- and had his eyes to another.
"yunho!" jongho jumps on his seat and waves his hand, making you look at him with furrowed eyebrows. when yunho smiled at him and has caught a glance at you, his smile grew bigger.
yunho simply nodded his head your way, going back at the court to practice his shoots before the actual game.
"you.. know him," you said, as a matter of fact, hissing at him.
"you never asked!" he defended, nudging you. he pushed your disgruntled face away from and to the court, the game finally starting.
it was something usual, and your eyes still instinctively stuck on mingi, unintentionally ignoring the lingering glances of another, yunho.
"spare yunho a glance, god i'm dying from frustration," jongho cuts your concentration from the game, nudging you quite harshly.
"what?" you mumble, eyes finally landing on the point guard who just shot his shot, eyes meeting yours right after.
"you see what i mean?" jongho exasperatingly sighs, but suppressed a smile after your tinted cheeks.
"i- i don't," you stutter out, looking down until you've finally had the guts to look back in the game until it ended.
the crowd erupted in cheers after the game, yunho's team taking the win as usual. and once again, your eyes meet with yunho's, mouthing him a small congratulations before you left with jongho.
"hey, wait up!" you hear yunho from the back, so you and jongho turn around to welcome him.
"congrats, yunho!" jongho jumps at him for a bro hug, and you smile to mumble another 'congratulations.'
"thanks," he smiles back, sparing a glance on jongho and back to you. "can i have your next time today?" yunho raises his eyebrows at you, "..or you have plans today?" you glance at jongho, asking for help.
"i.. i don't know.. shouldn't you be like-" you ramble before you got cut off by jongho.
"completely free. totally free. no plans. just free," jongho shrugged, pushing you to the man's arm who quickly balanced you because of his sweat-covered body.
yunho looked back at you with anticipation, waiting for confirmation.
"i mean, yeah, i'm free but-"
"please, please, please wait for me here? i'll just get changed and get my stuff," yunho pleaded, revving his puppy eyes that you almost swooned at.
"..yeah, sure." you smile at him. looking at him almost wholeheartedly hopping back to the court with a smile worn on his face, smiling now and then to the people who squealed at his presence. "you're insane, choi jongho,"
"you'll thank me later," he winks, nudging you back when he sees yunho jogging back.
"do you want to come with us?" yunho asks him as he swings the strap of his duffel bag to his shoulder.
"what?! no, psh," jongho dismissed, pushing the two of you together. "i have plans.. with uh.. wooyoung!" he points to wooyoung from afar, waving at him then to the both of you, running away.
"i uh.. sorry about jongho," you start, "but don't you have a celebratory party or something?"
"oh, that." yunho shrugs, "we're doing that tomorrow, if you want to come- now you're invited,"
"no thanks, i'm.. really not fond of those things," you explained.
"okay," he smiles, and you feel the world brighten up at that. unexplainably, a small smile creeps up on your lips.
"so, where do you want to eat?" you ask, smiling at him.
"wherever you want."
"i'll be the one paying, yunho. just think where," chuckling, you face him while walking.
"anywhere will be fine when i'm with you," yunho mumbles but you just have got to have elephant ears.
"oh," you simply replied, awkwardly laughing. yunho just chuckles with his ears read, completely dazed at the realization that you heard what he had just embarrassingly said. "are you.. uhm, hungry? or are you settled with some ice cream?"
"ice cream is nice," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.
"i know a good ice cream shop," you jump on your place, quickly. dragging him by the wrist to the ice cream shop.
yunho here, stares at his hand and if it was possible for him to get redder, he just did.
"hey, yours?" you shake your hands that was holding his, only to throw it lightly when you've realized he's been zoning out staring at your hands. "sorry,"
"uh.. what? yes. right. i'll have vanilla please." he smiles at the cashier, then back at you who gave him a stink eye. "what?" he chuckles.
"v-va.." you fake gaged, "vanilla? basic,"
yunho laughs at your antics, ruffling your hair. he had only ordered that because he felt rushed, embarrassed and pressured at that second. but because of you and your personality, who always ignored awkward moments and always wanted out of it, you saved him from it.
"congratulations again, you played really well," you said as you took your seats, taking a bite of your ice cream.
"yeah? i think you've only watched mingi play though," yunho playfully banters, squinting his eyes at you.
"hey! i watched you too," you defended, pouting.
"okay, okay," he surrenders, laughing purely.
the rest of the time passed by quickly and comfortably like you have not just been friends for a week. talking about academics, jongho, and some bits of your personal lives.
"it's getting dark," yunho sighs, reluctant of stopping the night right there.
"yeah, i should probably head home," you pout. "i really enjoyed today, i hope i didn't tire you out."
"y/n, if anything, you energized me," and by this time, you've grown invincible of his flirts, frequently said in between conversations.
"really, then it's my pleasure," you jokingly bowed, a big smile plastered on your face as you head out of the shop. "i'll see you around, yunho,"
yunho gives the smile back, already having a pick-up line ready in his mind.
"i'd love another next time, y/n." yunho lowers himself to your eye level, "and would you mind calling it a date instead of next time?" he cheekily smirks, and you could only laugh at his attempt at flirting.
after fakely pondering for an answer, you finally burst to the brightest smile yunho had seen you on, squishing his cheeks.
"sure, yunho, whatever you want. and if that's a date, i'd love it even more," you scrunched your nose, booping his and escaping the moment before he sees you red, running home and leaving yunho stunned, but letting his lips slowly curl up and a heart beating more than normal.
what should you say? thank you jongho.
and maybe probably mingi too. because of a beautiful accident caused by him, you wouldn't have your heart fluttering right now- but not because of him, but yunho.
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