#please forces of the universe don't let me have two concussions within twelve months
what’s currently going on in my life is that I was cleaning up in the kitchen while listening to The Infinite Monkey Cage, which is an educational comedy podcast with Brian Cox (the science one) and Robin Ince. I left the door of the cupboards open for a bit after wiping their insides to get the vinegar smell out, immediately forgot about it, bent down to throw something away, got up again and, you guessed it, hit my head very, very hard against the cupboard door. For a second I feared I had taken the whole thing off its hinges. And, because I’ve had a bit of a rough week anyways, I descided to be a huge baby about it and started crying. Properly weeping. I was fully prepared to cry trough the entire next episode of Infinite Monkey Cage but Then Robin Ince, who was introducing the panelists, said “Please welcome Sir Patrick Stewart!” and the shock of that was so strong I immediately stopped crying. So anyways, how badly does someone have to hit their head before they should go see a doctor about it?
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