#please don't say mystic flour the game won't give her to me
mothy-mann · 3 months
Hey! Here's my all girls story mode team!
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crkstuffidk · 2 months
Warning to all you White Lily defenders, or just people that like her a lot, this is yet another post of me ranting about something I don't like about her. If you don't want to read this, don't, that's your choice, and this is also just my opinion that you are allowed to not agree with. Just don't come after me for it.
Okay so, there is one thing that I really don't like about White Lily, and it's that she was forgiven way too easily, and instead of feeling bad about everything she did, she felt bad about the one thing she did, after making it right(the beasts being freed) but them Dark Choco when he left the COD and abandoned the sword, he didn't want to instantly go back home. He went out to explore and(idk if this is correct I haven't gotten that far yet) help others to redeem himself. I mean Dark Choco literally went back home to give his kingdom the cure and safe everyone that was sick. That's an action worthy of being forgiveness, and also might I mention White Lily caused this. She's the reason that Mystic flour is free, and I'm pretty sure she has something to do with the cursed sword aswell. And yet she only felt bad after the beasts were imprisoned again, when she was the reason they were freed to begin with. I don't understand how they can write a pretty great redemption arc for one character(Dark Choco) where he instead of just assuming he's forgiven, he leaves to go find ways to redeem himself. But then they write an, in my opinion, stupid redemption arc, where she only feels bad after fixing one of the many wrongs she has done. And she didn't even fix it(as we now know)
And another thing that i just thought of, this is more about the way the story is written. It really seems like with White Lilys update, devsisters were trying to like shove it in our face that White Lily isn't bad or at fault for her mistakes, I feel like it was just trying to get us to like her. I understand that since White Lily is in game fully now, that means Dark Enchantress won't be our main antagonist, and to continue the game it needed an antagonist, so I get that, but I wish they hadn't gone about it that way.
That's it, that's all I have to say this time. Again, this is my opinion, you are all free to have yours, just please, please don't come after me for this.
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