#pirater un compte snapchat 2017
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Méthode: Comment pirater les comptes SnapChat de quelqu'un et télécharger Chatlogs / Images / Vidéos
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Donc, vous cherchiezcomment pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement sans logiciel pour voir ou télécharger les journaux de chat de la victime ou des images / vidéos. Vous êtes parfaitement au bon endroit car aujourd'hui je vais partager ma méthode de travail sur la façon dont j'ai piraté les comptes de mon ami et découvert quelques conversations sales et embarrassantes avec des photos et des vidéos indécentes. Au début, je ne croyais pas vraiment que les comptes SnapChat puissent être piratés. Cette pensée a changé lorsque je suis tombé sur ce site qui vous dit exactement comment pirater les mots de passe SnapChat.
SnapChat est une application de messagerie instantanée / médias sociaux disponible pour Android et iOS. Cet outil donne aux utilisateurs un accès facile au partage de conversations / images et vidéos. Cependant, cette application est victime de pirates informatiques qui recherchent constamment des vulnérabilités. Heureusement, (pour nous) ils ont réussi et je suis aujourd'hui en train de vous partager une méthode sur la façon de bafouiller le compte de quelqu'un.
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Facebook Messenger facilite la communication entre amis et famille Ă travers le monde. Les gens ne doivent plus utiliser de courrier postal pour entrer en contact avec leurs proches. Ci-dessous, quelques statistiques de 2017 sur Messenger dont vous devriez ĂŞtre au courant.
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Tutoriel pour pirater le compte SnapChat et le mot de passe de quelqu'un
Méthode: Comment pirater les comptes SnapChat de quelqu'un et télécharger Chatlogs / Images / Vidéos
Donc, vous cherchiez comment pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement sans logiciel pour voir ou télécharger les journaux de chat de la victime ou des images / vidéos. Vous êtes parfaitement au bon endroit car aujourd'hui je vais partager ma méthode de travail sur la façon dont j'ai piraté les comptes de mon ami et découvert quelques conversations sales et embarrassantes avec des photos et des vidéos indécentes. Au début, je ne croyais pas vraiment que les comptes SnapChat puissent être piratés. Cette pensée a changé lorsque je suis tombé sur ce site qui vous dit exactement comment pirater les mots de passe SnapChat.
SnapChat est une application de messagerie instantanée / médias sociaux disponible pour Android et iOS. Cet outil donne aux utilisateurs un accès facile au partage de conversations / images et vidéos. Cependant, cette application est victime de pirates informatiques qui recherchent constamment des vulnérabilités. Heureusement, (pour nous) ils ont réussi et je suis aujourd'hui en train de vous partager une méthode sur la façon de bafouiller le compte de quelqu'un.
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Ce n'est pas votre outil de piratage de mot de passe conventionnel qui force son chemin à deviner le compte de la victime. Ceci injecte directement son chemin dans les serveurs de base de données de compte SnapChat et recherche les chaînes de nom d'utilisateur et rassemble les données nécessaires, comme le mot de passe de l'utilisateur, les chatlogs / images et les vidéos. espionner snapchat gratuit
Qu'obtiendrez-vous du compte de SnapChat de piratage?
Vous aurez accès à regarder ou télécharger tous les Chatlogs / Images / Vidéos. C'est génial
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Maintenant, vous pouvez facilement pirater le compte de quelqu'un sans utiliser de logiciel ou même toucher l'appareil mobile de la victime. Tout ce que vous devez avoir est son nom d'utilisateur pour commencer à pirater. Est-ce facile? Vous pouvez même traquer votre victime sans en avoir la moindre idée. logiciel espion snapchat gratuit
(Avertissement Cet outil est uniquement à des fins éducatives. Les fichiers et / ou entités numériques ne sont PAS stockés directement sur le serveur snapchatespion.com. Tags: espionner snapchat,espionner snapchat sans offre,espionner snapchat gratuit,snapchat espion gratuit,logiciel espion snapchat gratuit,logiciel espion pour snapchat,comment pirater un compte snapchat,comment pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement,comment pirater un compte snapchat sans logiciel,comment pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement sans logiciel,pirater compte snapchat en ligne,pirater snap sans offre et gratuitement,espionner snapchat sans verification,pirater snapchat iphone,pirater snapchat 2017,trouver mot de passe snapchat,pirater mot de passe snapchat sans offre,pirater un compte snapchat 2017,
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Tristan Harris, un ancien ingĂ©nieur de Google, considère que les technologies "piratent notre attention". Lors d'une audition devant le SĂ©nat amĂ©ricain, il est revenu sur les stratĂ©gies de persuasion prisĂ©es des gĂ©ants du Web.Â
Il a pour habitude de comparer les smartphones à des "machines à sous", que nous viendrions consulter en permanence avec l'espoir d'y trouver une récompense. Tristan Harris, un ancien ingénieur de Google, s'est fait connaître en 2016 pour sa critique argumentée de la façon dont les technologies viennent "pirater l'esprit" de leurs utilisateurs.
Ce 26 juin, il était auditionné par le Sénat américain, comme le relate le site Gizmodo. Les plus hautes instances américaines se penchent en effet sur les stratégies de persuasion déployées par les géants du Web - Facebook et Google en tête - pour retenir l'attention de leurs utilisateurs et faire en sorte qu'ils passent le plus de temps possible sur leurs services respectifs. Certaines de ces astuces sont connues de tous: les "likes" et le sentiment de satisfaction qu'ils procurent, l'enchaînement automatique de vidéos, les recommandations personnalisées en fonction de nos goûts ou encore le "scroll" de Facebook, qui nous incite à faire défiler du contenu sur le fil d'actualité de façon infinie.
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Elles viennent faire de l'ombre à d'autres stratégies tout aussi efficaces mais plus discrètes. Tristan Harris a levé le voile sur certaines d'entre elles lors de son audition.
Il voit ainsi dans le geste "tirer pour actualiser" - lorsque l'utilisateur fait glisser son doigt vers le bas pour mettre à jour le fil d'actualité - un moyen de maintenir les internautes captifs. "Cela fonctionne comme une machine à sous. Cette option présente les mêmes propriétés addictives que celles qui rendent accros [au jeu, ndlr]  ceux qui visitent Las Vegas", explique-t-il.
Le constat est le même pour la comptabilisation du nombre d'amis. Elle incite selon Tristan Harris à retourner sur le réseau social concerné tous les jours, pour voir si ce même nombre a augmenté. L'enjeu étant, en fin de compte, de "rendre dépendant au fait d'attirer l'attention des autres".
L'indignation comme moteur
L'un des passages les plus intéressants de l'intervention de Tristan Harris tient à ses quelques mots sur l'indignation en ligne. Les propos teintés de cette émotion ont tendance à être les plus viraux. "L'indignation, l'indignation morale, est le sentiment qui obtient le plus d'engagement. Pour chaque mot d'indignation ajouté à un tweet, le taux de retweet augmente en moyenne de 17%", note-t-il en reprenant une étude.
Pour susciter le plus d'engagement possible, il deviendra tentant de verser à tout prix dans l'indignation, ce qui s'en ressent fortement sur les conversations en ligne. "En d’autres termes, la polarisation de notre société fait partie du modèle commercial" des géants du Web, conclut Tristan Harris.
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A cela s'ajoute une couche de culpabilisation, pour ceux qui souhaiteraient s'éloigner de discussions clivantes et inutilement agressives. Car, une fois la ferme décision de quitter les réseaux sociaux prise, ces derniers s’efforcent de nous retenir. Facebook se montre insistant dès lors que l'on ne se connecte plus le temps de quelques jours sur son réseau. Ce manque d'assiduité vaut en général aux utilisateurs quelques mails appelant à se reconnecter.
Le réseau va plus loin lors d'une demande de suppression de compte, quitte à jouer sur les sentiments. "Le message "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte Facebook? Vous allez manquer à vos amis" s'affiche", rappelle Tristan Harris. Surtout, les visages de cinq amis jugés proches apparaissent pour faire machine arrière.
Ces techniques ne doivent rien au hasard et sont le fruit d'une mûre réflexion. Elles sont officiellement qualifiées sous l'expression "dark patterns", difficilement traduisible sinon par "design douteux". Ces mêmes techniques s'apprennent dès l'université. Stanford dispose ainsi d'un prestigieux laboratoire de persuasion technologique depuis 1997. De hauts cadres et designers de la Silicon Valley, recrutés par la suite chez Facebook et Google, y ont fait leurs classes. Tristan Harris également.
Pour ces mêmes techniques de manipulation insidieuses, les réseaux sociaux font régulièrement les frais de critiques. Ces dernières proviennent bien souvent de leurs anciens employés. En décembre 2017, l'ancien vice-président en charge de la croissance de l'audience de Facebook avait indiqué ressentir une "immense culpabilité" pour ce qu'il avait aidé à construire.
Il avait alors explicitement mentionné les boutons «J'aime», les cœurs, commentaires et autres recommandations personnalisées, à même de créer selon lui "des boucles libérant de la dopamine", une molécule qui joue sur la sensation de bonheur. Autant d'outils qui, selon lui, "sapent les fondamentaux des interactions entre les gens".
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Sport En Direct Du monde du football du rugby du basket-ball ou encore du handball les disciplines lors d’un championnat mondial comme les jeux olympiques d’été et d’hiver confortablement installés dans votre banquette comme de...
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Revue de web du 19 octobre 2017
Spotify lance une app dédiée pour les artistes
Grâce à cette app les artistes (vérifiés par Spotify) pourront modifier leur page, suivre les streams en temps réel pendant la semaine de sortie et retrouver des datas sur leurs auditeurs. Nice
Spotify ouvre sa search aux playlists tierces.
Grâce à un nouveau système de pitching pour les playlists dans la search, Spotify concède un quota de résultats pour les playlists des labels (Filtr, Digster, Topsify)
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Les annonceurs pourront désormais créer leur publicité avec une vidéo, pour générer des visites sur leur site web, un compromis entre engagement sur la plateforme et conversion, dont il faudra surveiller les résultats !
Quelles sont les habitudes sur les réseaux des 10-13 ans ?
Ils ne sont pas censĂ©s ĂŞtre inscrits, et pourtant, ils y sont connectĂ©s plus de 6h par semaine ! Snapchat reste majoritaire parmi cette population (Ă 76,7%), suivi de près par Instagram. Facebook n’est pas du tout une prioritĂ©, avec seulement 47,6% des moins de 13 ans qui y sont inscrits. Musical.ly est rentrĂ© Ă le 4ème place du classement avec près de 30% d’inscrits (dont 80% de filles). C’est surtout Youtube (comptĂ© Ă part dans ce classement), qui est plĂ©biscitĂ© et remplace la tĂ©lĂ©vision !Â
Des scientifiques préparent l’intelligence artificielle à faire des choix moraux difficiles : écraser 1 bébé et 1 criminel ou 1 sans abri et une femme ?
Les voitures autonomes pourraient se retrouver Ă devoir faire des sacrifices de cet ordre en situation de crise, et les scientifiques sont obligĂ©s d’y prĂ©parer les machines. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous aussi vous prĂŞter au jeu avec la Moral MachineÂ
L’institut Nielsen classe les jeux vidĂ©o les plus suivis en FranceÂ
Côté PC c’est League of Legend qui domine, et côté consoles c’est Call of Duty suivi de FIFA et Overatch !
La bonne nouvelle de la semaine : tous les réseaux wifi sont piratables
Vous pouvez y perdre vos mots de passe, mails, coordonnées bancaires, et des personnes malintentionnées peuvent utiliser votre wifi pour diffuser des virus sur vos appareils.
Dans le monde de Twitter en anglais, les hommes se remettent et se posent les bonnes questions avec le hashtag #HowIWillChange
Avec des centaines de milliers de tweets sur les hashtag #MeToo et #BalanceTonPorc, la parole s’est libérée comme rarement auparavant sur les réseaux sociaux. Des témoignages pour lutter contre la culpabilité mais aussi pour faire prendre conscience de l’ampleur du problème. Et si coté anglophone la prise de conscience semble commencer, on regrettera de ne pas voir plus d’hommes en France prendre part à la conversation (autrement que pour nous dire qu’on l’avait bien cherché)
Pendant ce temps, les footballeuses de l’équipe NorvĂ©gienne Ă Ă©galitĂ© salariale avec leurs homologues masculinsÂ
Ils ont accepté de reverser une partie de leurs revenus aux joueuses féminines pour que leurs revenus soient égaux, faisant doubler le salaire des joueuses. On dit bravo ! Et vous messieurs ?
Novak Djokovic ouvre en Serbie un restaurant dans lequel sans abris et personnes défavorisées pourront manger gratuitement !
Les boĂ®tes Ă dons commencent Ă se dĂ©velopper dans les villesÂ
Des boites en palettes sans cadenas permettent à chacun d’y déposer des livres, des jouets, des vêtements, que d’autres peuvent prendre à l’envie, au lieu de jeter. Sans cadenas ni surveillance, tout se passe plutôt bien, sauf quand deux personnes veulent le même objet de seconde main ! Une belle initiative en tous cas pour se débarrasser sans jeter, et donner une seconde vie à des objets encore fonctionnels !
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Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement
How to Hack Someones Snapchat Password There are heaps of diverse Snapchat hacks that permit you to do exciting and beneficial factors, but right here is 1, in certain, that will let you hack into any Snapchat account so you can spy on each and every information, video, or graphic the man or woman has despatched or obtained. The hack that is presented on snaphacker.co is in contrast to something you have observed prior to. If you ever wondered how to hack someones snapchat account you arrived to the appropriate spot. This is online straightforward and easy to use net platform. How it Operates You will find that this snapchat hacker lets you hack into any Snapchat account you want to. This signifies that no account is out of bounds for you. Whether or not you want to crack into the account of your good friend or even a celeb, you can do it. This snapchat spy took the first coding group a amount of months to create the tool, but it does actually work. There are very a number of various tools that claim to be in a position to attain what this a single does, but none of them genuinely can. This Snapchat Hacker will enable you to anonymously spy on any individual you want, so they will never really know that you have been hunting at their messages and other items. From the moment you enter the site of the snapchat hack app, all of your world wide web site visitors is routed through a number of proxy servers and personal networks. This primarily means that you won’t have to worry about anyone locating out that you have spied on their Snapchat account. Following you are carried out utilizing Snapchat Spy Application, all traces will be taken off from the website’s servers. This instrument operates on any device with an energetic net relationship. To Hack Snapchat account with this method is quite easy, and most men and women don’t have any concerns. This is a web-based platform, so you will not have to obtain anything at all on to your mobile device or pc. All you need to do is enter the username and begin hacking. There is a brief tutorial that will provide you with much more thorough recommendations if you require them, even though. You will need to click on on the big button to start off the approach. There are likely to be two of these buttons on the site. There is one particular on the top and a single on the bottom, and clicking both one of them will function just fantastic. Soon after you have clicked one of these buttons, simply type in the Snapchat username of the account you want to spy on. As soon as the account has been hacked, you will be in a position to see all of the pictures, messages, and video clips that have been despatched and received from the account. You will even be able to look at or save the hacked info to your pc or cellular gadget. Attributes There are a number of exciting characteristics to this snapchat password hack that you will want to know about, such as the anonymity. 1 of the ideal factors about this snapchat hack Android is that it permits you to include your tracks so that the people you hack never ever know it was you. This is an very easy way to hack snapchat of any person’s account, any person can do it. The truth that this Snapchat Spy is also completely totally free is undoubtedly a wonderful attribute, as there are several other hacks like this that cost the buyer a charge of some variety. This hack is entirely net-based, which is especially nice for individuals who do not want to down load something on their phones or computer systems. Maybe the most special characteristic of this hack is that it enables you to accessibility other people’s Snapchat account remotely, so you don’t need to have to actually obtain the person’s cellphone. This indicates that you can appear through the photos, films, and text messages in a person’s Snapchat account from the comfort of your possess home. You will be ready to entry a person’s Snapchat account whilst they are utilizing it, so there will not be any situation at all. Benefits of the Snapchat Password Hack 1 of the greatest factors about the Snapchat hacks is that you don’t even need to have a Snapchat account to get edge of it. Given that this hack is entirely net-based mostly, all you want to do is log into the internet site, enter the username of the person, and just press a button. This is absolutely the easiest and most straightforward guidebook on how to hack snapchat accounts correct now. Even individuals who have never utilized Snapchat before ought to have totally no problem with this on-line application. One more excellent thing about this Snapchat hacker is the fact that it’s totally cost-free, so you won’t have to spend something to use it. You won’t have to worry about submitting your credit score card info or something like that in buy to acquire entry to other people’s Snapchat accounts. Considering that the website routes your net site visitors by means of proxy servers and private networks, you will stay totally nameless the total time you are spying on Snapchat accounts. This is a absolutely danger-totally free snapchat password hack that will not get you in trouble in any way. These snapchat hacks are very powerful, which means that you can trust it will operate wonderful without having any glitches or difficulties by any means. Most Snapchat hacks that assert to perform possibly really do not operate quite effectively or at all, but that is not the case with this one. There are not any complicated or challenging techniques to stick to or things to download with this hack, which is one of the very best things about it. A lot of asked for snapchat score hack feature and we are functioning on it at the moment, in subsequent update score hack will be accessible as Beta feature. Conclusion We hope you discovered how to hack someones snapchat password by now. The simple fact is that the Snapchat spy app truly does perform, and it’s previously been utilised by tens of countless numbers of men and women with excellent outcomes. Since this hack is fully free of charge and does not come with any risks in any way, you truly have absolutely nothing to get rid of by striving it. Whilst it is real that there are really a handful of diverse web sites that assert to offer you what this 1 does, none of them can produce the exact same benefits. It is a swift, simple, and effective way to look at all of the photographs, films, and text messages that have been exchanged on any person’s Snapchat account. Unlike so many of the other Snapchat "hacks" out there, this one particular genuinely does offer you a way to spy on anyone’s Snapchat account for free of charge. Obtain snapchat app here for iOS and Android What variety of an app is it? Even when the spying software program market place if complete of hacking applications, it is even now difficult to decide on the precise device to use. It induced mainly by the security matters, as the greatest element of familiar apps cannot supply total safety of end users id, delivering the finish-customers with info about folks, who had been spying on them. This is an important concern to be deemed in progress, as Snapch builders spend a lot of attention on men and women who try out to hack their servers. In situation of being caught of employing snapchat hacks, the consumer will be banished, and his IP handle removed from program’s servers. When currently being caught on using spying applications, user’s account is completely banded from the computer software use. Thankfully, due to the developer’ best work, snapchat hacker application provides the needed anonymity, and permit consumers reaching all the necessary data although leaving no traces of invasion. It is carried out by the signifies of numerous proxy servers and virtual private networks that allow snapchat hack functioning in stealthy manner. The Positive aspects of Snapchat Usage When user tends to find out how to hack someones snapchat, password and achieve some knowledge, this device is the greatest selection. With snapchat hack android each consumer can obtain accessibility to any account he needs, hack any password and attain requested info. The software is designed based on hugely advanced approach, and is characterised by excellent performance. The hack instrument provides complete stability of private info, as you will by no means be traced to use an app. The person-friendly interface of an application permits handy and simple putting in method and use. This spying software even though remaining a single of the most utilised and popular hack apps can be easily downloaded, without any need to solution long pointless concern, and filling further forms. How the SnapHack App operates? The instrument is made extremely consumer friendly that any snap consumer can use it quite simply and quickly. Just enter the username of the account for which you would like to get the information and click on on post button , really up coming to it. You can see the not too long ago shared photos and video clips. Download all the sent and gained snaps, movies, images in just one moment using this great instrument. How to hack someones account? A merchandise which started its journey as a task at the Stanford University, the “Picaboo” has now turn into much much more than a basic selfie application, in its new avatar as “Snapchat”. The application is a mixture of each general public and private content, like messaging, photo sharing, publications and dwell function notifications like tunes or sports activities. While there ended up a lot of initial worries on the private utilization of this app, the modern scientific studies in 2017 has uncovered that much more than 70% of the users make use of the app’s imaging and messaging solutions. What is Snap chat rating hack no study resource? Snapchat hack is far more of a duplicate cat application of authentic app in which you can login using your account information. The app enables you to consider monitor pictures of the conversations and also to conserve the images and videos obtained on your account for a lengthier time period of time. It also permits the consumers to help save the conversations without the information of the sender. Darren Jone is the creator of this application. How is it different from snapspy? In app, as per the promise supplied by the application house owners, the pictures or the snaps that you forward do not stay lengthier than 30 seconds and every time somebody attempts to get a monitor shot of your dialogue, you will be notified of the identical. These are completely invalid when it will come to making use of Snaphack spy as the end users can now help save all their assorted content acquired on Snapchat hack for a very long time. Advantages of utilizing snapchat hack android or iOS How to use the snap chat hack resource to hack into someones account? You can use your app login for logging into the application and entry your messages, movies and photographs from this application. Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement There are several advantages to this application, which helps make it a more attractive one than the first variation. It supports photographs, movies, snaps and the most recent addition also Very easily conserve any gained photo or online video to your image album and share them later. You can publish any message you acquire on Twitter and Facebook Deliver snaps and films more time than ten seconds not like snap chat. Edit your snaps, draw on them or insert them to your stories. You receive notifications when there is a new post to your account and it is easy to search by means of the photographs way too. Has an incredibly easy to use interface and easy to comprehend. Details to don't forget Even though all this has proved password hack to be a worthy competitor, there are specified things 1 want to bear in brain whilst employing this app. The messages you send can now be saved and used later without your expertise. This can demonstrate very malicious, if your articles can be used from you for illegitimate purposes. When you log in to application, your indication in is right away logged out. So you will have to relogin into your application yet again if needed. So you are not able to in fact use equally the apps in tandem. The application in by itself is fairly beneficial than its parent variation but however it could confirm to be very dangerous if you are not mindful with the way you use this application. As a person rightly mentioned, “the greatest kept mystery is what you only know.” Use it correctly and you will be capable to make more out of the snaphack 2017.
0 notes
Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement
How to Hack Someones Snapchat Password There are tons of diverse Snapchat hacks that let you to do interesting and useful issues, but right here is 1, in distinct, that will allow you hack into any Snapchat account so you can spy on every message, video clip, or image the person has despatched or acquired. The hack that is provided on snaphacker.co is in contrast to everything you have witnessed prior to. If you at any time questioned how to hack someones snapchat account you arrived to the right location. This is on-line straightforward and simple to use internet system. How it Operates You will locate that this snapchat hacker lets you hack into any Snapchat account you want to. This indicates that no account is out of bounds for you. No matter whether you want to crack into the account of your good friend or even a celebrity, you can do it. This snapchat spy took the original coding crew a quantity of months to develop the tool, but it does actually operate. There are fairly a number of diverse tools that assert to be able to attain what this a single does, but none of them really can. This Snapchat Hacker will allow you to anonymously spy on any person you want, so they will never actually know that you had been looking at their messages and other items. From the moment you enter the web site of the snapchat hack app, all of your net targeted traffic is routed through multiple proxy servers and personal networks. This basically means that you won’t have to fret about any individual finding out that you have spied on their Snapchat account. Following you are accomplished making use of Snapchat Spy App, all traces will be eliminated from the website’s servers. This tool performs on any system with an active net link. To Hack Snapchat account with this approach is quite easy, and most individuals really don't have any problems. This is a net-based mostly system, so you won’t have to obtain something on to your cellular unit or pc. All you need to have to do is enter the username and start off hacking. There is a quick tutorial that will give you with a lot more detailed directions if you need them, though. You will need to have to click on the large button to start the approach. There are likely to be two of these buttons on the web site. There is 1 on the top and one on the base, and clicking both one of them will operate just fine. Following you have clicked one particular of these buttons, merely variety in the Snapchat username of the account you want to spy on. After the account has been hacked, you will be capable to see all of the photographs, messages, and films that have been despatched and acquired from the account. You will even be capable to check out or help save the hacked data to your computer or cellular system. Attributes There are a number of exciting attributes to this snapchat password hack that you will want to know about, such as the anonymity. 1 of the greatest items about this snapchat hack Android is that it permits you to protect your tracks so that the people you hack never know it was you. This is an incredibly simple way to hack snapchat of any person’s account, any person can do it. The reality that this Snapchat Spy is also completely free of charge is definitely a nice attribute, as there are several other hacks like this that cost the customer a fee of some sort. This hack is totally web-primarily based, which is especially wonderful for those who don’t want to obtain anything on their telephones or personal computers. Perhaps the most unique function of this hack is that it permits you to entry other people’s Snapchat account remotely, so you really don't require to truly accessibility the person’s phone. This signifies that you can search by means of the photographs, films, and text messages in a person’s Snapchat account from the comfort and ease of your personal property. You will be able to entry a person’s Snapchat account even though they are utilizing it, so there will not be any problem at all. Benefits of the Snapchat Password Hack A single of the ideal issues about the Snapchat hacks is that you really don't even need to have a Snapchat account to take edge of it. Considering that this hack is completely internet-based, all you need to do is log into the web site, enter the username of the person, and simply push a button. This is undoubtedly the simplest and easiest manual on how to hack snapchat accounts appropriate now. Even these who have never ever employed Snapchat before ought to have definitely no dilemma with this on the internet application. Another great issue about this Snapchat hacker is the truth that it is fully free of charge, so you won’t have to shell out everything to use it. You won’t have to fear about publishing your credit card information or anything like that in get to acquire obtain to other people’s Snapchat accounts. Given that the website routes your internet traffic through proxy servers and private networks, you will stay totally nameless the total time you are spying on Snapchat accounts. This is a completely danger-free snapchat password hack that will not get you in difficulties in any way. These snapchat hacks are very potent, indicating that you can have faith in it will work fantastic with no any glitches or difficulties whatsoever. Most Snapchat hacks that claim to work either do not perform quite well or at all, but that is not the case with this 1. There are not any puzzling or difficult techniques to comply with or items to obtain with this hack, which is 1 of the very best issues about it. Many requested snapchat score hack attribute and we are operating on it currently, in following update rating hack will be available as Beta function. Summary We hope you uncovered how to hack someones snapchat password by now. The simple fact is that the Snapchat spy app genuinely does perform, and it’s presently been utilised by tens of countless numbers of individuals with wonderful benefits. Because this hack is completely free of charge and does not arrive with any dangers by any means, you really have nothing to drop by attempting it. Even though it is true that there are quite a number of different websites that declare to offer you what this a single does, none of them can produce the very same final results. It is a fast, easy, and powerful way to seem at all of the pictures, videos, and textual content messages that have been exchanged on any person’s Snapchat account. As opposed to so a lot of of the other Snapchat "hacks" out there, this one particular really does provide a way to spy on anyone’s Snapchat account for free. Down load snapchat app right here for iOS and Android What variety of an app is it? Even when the spying computer software industry if complete of hacking apps, it is nevertheless challenging to select the precise instrument to use. It induced mostly by the safety matters, as the biggest part of familiar apps can not give entire security of consumers identity, providing the finish-consumers with data about individuals, who were spying on them. This is an critical issue to be regarded in progress, as Snapch builders spend a whole lot of consideration on folks who try to hack their servers. In case of becoming caught of making use of snapchat hacks, the consumer will be banished, and his IP handle eliminated from program’s servers. When becoming caught on using spying apps, user’s account is completely banded from the software program use. pirater snapchat Fortunately, owing to the developer’ perfect operate, snapchat hacker app supplies the required anonymity, and allow users reaching all the essential information while leaving no traces of invasion. It is executed by the means of numerous proxy servers and digital personal networks that permit snapchat hack operating in stealthy manner.
The Advantages of Snapchat Utilization When consumer tends to discover out how to hack someones snapchat, password and attain some data, this tool is the best choice. With snapchat hack android each and every consumer can obtain entry to any account he demands, hack any password and reach asked for data. The software is developed dependent on extremely innovative approach, and is characterised by great performance. The hack tool supplies full protection of personalized data, as you will never be traced to use an app. The user-helpful interface of an application enables convenient and simple putting in procedure and use. This spying computer software whilst remaining a single of the most utilized and common hack apps can be effortlessly downloaded, without having any need to have to reply prolonged pointless issue, and filling extra kinds. How the SnapHack App works? The resource is designed very person pleasant that any snap user can use it quite effortlessly and quickly. Just enter the username of the account for which you would like to get the data and click on on submit button , really following to it. You can see the not too long ago shared pictures and videos. Obtain all the sent and gained snaps, videos, images in just one moment using this excellent device. How to hack someones account? A solution which started its journey as a task at the Stanford College, the “Picaboo” has now become significantly far more than a basic selfie app, in its new avatar as “Snapchat”. The software is a mixture of the two community and private material, like messaging, photograph sharing, publications and dwell function notifications like audio or sports. Although there were numerous first worries on the private usage of this app, the recent studies in 2017 has uncovered that much more than 70% of the consumers make use of the app’s imaging and messaging providers. What is Snap chat score hack no study instrument? Snapchat hack is a lot more of a copy cat application of first application exactly where you can login using your account information. The application permits you to get display shots of the conversations and also to save the photographs and movies acquired on your account for a for a longer time time period of time. It also enables the end users to help save the discussions without having the understanding of the sender. Darren Jone is the creator of this application. How is it distinct from snapspy? In application, as for every the assure offered by the application owners, the photos or the snaps that you ahead do not keep lengthier than 30 seconds and anytime somebody attempts to consider a monitor shot of your conversation, you will be notified of the same. These are fully invalid when it will come to using Snaphack spy as the end users can now save all their varied content material acquired on Snapchat hack for a very extended time. Positive aspects of utilizing snapchat hack android or iOS How to use the snap chat hack resource to hack into someones account? You can use your application login for logging into the application and access your messages, videos and photographs from this app. There are several advantages to this application, which tends to make it a a lot more appealing one than the authentic model. It supports photos, videos, snaps and the most recent addition also Very easily save any acquired photo or online video to your photograph album and share them later on. You can post any message you receive on Twitter and Facebook Ship snaps and movies longer than 10 seconds unlike snap chat. Edit your snaps, attract on them or add them to your tales. You acquire notifications when there is a new put up to your account and it is straightforward to search by way of the images too. Has an extremely easy to use interface and easy to recognize. Details to don't forget Even though all this has proved password hack to be a deserving competitor, there are particular factors one want to bear in head even though utilizing this app. The messages you deliver can now be saved and utilized later without your understanding. This can show really malicious, if your material can be employed in opposition to you for illegitimate purposes. When you log in to application, your indication in is instantly logged out. So you will have to relogin into your application once more if required. So you can not truly use both the apps in tandem. The application in by itself is fairly advantageous than its mum or dad variation but but it could show to be fairly unsafe if you are not watchful with the way you use this application. As someone rightly said, “the ideal kept magic formula is what you only know.” Use it wisely and you will be ready to make a lot more out of the snaphack 2017.
0 notes
Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme 🔥🔥
Dans la soirée, un twittos américain a affirmé avoir piraté les comptes Twitter de Kylie Jenner et de DJ Khaled. Pour preuve, il a publié des photos, où il serait connecté avec les comptes en question.
Dans la story de Kylie Jenner, le hacker se serait alors fait une pub, afin de gagner des abonnés.
Ensuite, il a tweeté le message suivant, traduction : J’ai des nudes de Kylie Jenner AHAHA
Suite à cela, la twittosphère s’est rapidement enflammé. En témoignent ces tweets.
La meuf qui pirate Kylie elle est idiote au lieux de faire des pubs innutiles j'aurais fouiller les conversations comme never !!
— Maya (@mayadorable) 23 juillet 2017
Ptdrrrr le snap de Kylie Jenner a été piraté et askip ils ont ses nudes
— Флоренция (@florencebkl) 23 juillet 2017
— Wadvng (@NAAwhynot) 23 juillet 2017
L’article Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme 🔥🔥 est apparu en premier sur RapCity.
Source: http://www.rapcity.fr/snapchat-kylie-jenner-nudes-dj-khaled-pirates/
0 notes
Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme 🔥🔥
Dans la soirée, un twittos américain a affirmé avoir piraté les comptes Twitter de Kylie Jenner et de DJ Khaled. Pour preuve, il a publié des photos, où il serait connecté avec les comptes en question.
Dans la story de Kylie Jenner, le hacker se serait alors fait une pub, afin de gagner des abonnés.
Ensuite, il a tweeté le message suivant, traduction : J’ai des nudes de Kylie Jenner AHAHA
Suite à cela, la twittosphère s’est rapidement enflammé. En témoignent ces tweets.
La meuf qui pirate Kylie elle est idiote au lieux de faire des pubs innutiles j'aurais fouiller les conversations comme never !!
— Maya (@mayadorable) 23 juillet 2017
Ptdrrrr le snap de Kylie Jenner a été piraté et askip ils ont ses nudes
— Флоренция (@florencebkl) 23 juillet 2017
— Wadvng (@NAAwhynot) 23 juillet 2017
L’article Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme est apparu en premier sur RapCity.
Source: http://www.rapcity.fr/snapchat-kylie-jenner-nudes-dj-khaled-pirates/
0 notes
Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme 🔥🔥
Dans la soirée, un twittos américain a affirmé avoir piraté les comptes Twitter de Kylie Jenner et de DJ Khaled. Pour preuve, il a publié des photos, où il serait connecté avec les comptes en question.
Dans la story de Kylie Jenner, le hacker se serait alors fait une pub, afin de gagner des abonnés.
Ensuite, il a tweeté le message suivant, traduction : J’ai des nudes de Kylie Jenner AHAHA
Suite à cela, la twittosphère s’est rapidement enflammé. En témoignent ces tweets.
La meuf qui pirate Kylie elle est idiote au lieux de faire des pubs innutiles j'aurais fouiller les conversations comme never !!
— Maya (@mayadorable) 23 juillet 2017
Ptdrrrr le snap de Kylie Jenner a été piraté et askip ils ont ses nudes
— Флоренция (@florencebkl) 23 juillet 2017
— Wadvng (@NAAwhynot) 23 juillet 2017
L’article Le snapchat de Kylie Jenner et DJ Khaled piratés ? Twitter s’enflamme 🔥🔥 est apparu en premier sur RapCity.
Source: http://www.rapcity.fr/snapchat-kylie-jenner-nudes-dj-khaled-pirates/
0 notes
Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement
How to Hack Someones Snapchat Password There are lots of diverse Snapchat hacks that enable you to do exciting and beneficial things, but right here is 1, in certain, that will enable you hack into any Snapchat account so you can spy on every single concept, movie, or image the particular person has sent or acquired. The hack that is provided on snaphacker.co is not like anything you have seen before. If you at any time questioned how to hack someones snapchat account you arrived to the right location. This is on the internet uncomplicated and basic to use web system. How it Functions You will locate that this snapchat hacker lets you hack into any Snapchat account you want to. This implies that no account is out of bounds for you. Whether or not you want to crack into the account of your pal or even a movie star, you can do it. This snapchat spy took the original coding team a number of months to build the resource, but it does truly operate. There are quite a couple of various instruments that declare to be in a position to complete what this a single does, but none of them genuinely can. This Snapchat Hacker will let you to anonymously spy on any individual you want, so they will never ever truly know that you were searching at their messages and other factors. From the minute you enter the web site of the snapchat hack application, all of your internet traffic is routed through a number of proxy servers and personal networks. This in essence signifies that you won’t have to fret about any individual discovering out that you have spied on their Snapchat account. Soon after you are done using Snapchat Spy App, all traces will be taken off from the website’s servers. This instrument works on any system with an energetic web relationship. To Hack Snapchat account with this technique is very straightforward, and most people don’t have any troubles. This is a internet-dependent platform, so you will not have to download something on to your cellular device or personal computer. All you require to do is enter the username and commence hacking. There is a brief tutorial that will offer you with more comprehensive recommendations if you require them, however. You will require to click on the massive button to commence the method. There are heading to be two of these buttons on the internet site. There is 1 on the prime and one on the bottom, and clicking both one particular of them will function just fine. Following you have clicked a single of these buttons, simply kind in the Snapchat username of the account you want to spy on. As soon as the account has been hacked, you will be ready to see all of the images, messages, and movies that have been sent and obtained from the account. You will even be ready to view or conserve the hacked information to your computer or cell device. Functions There are a quantity of intriguing attributes to this snapchat password hack that you will want to know about, this sort of as the anonymity. 1 of the ideal items about this snapchat hack Android is that it permits you to go over your tracks so that the men and women you hack never ever know it was you. This is an really basic way to hack snapchat of any person’s account, anyone can do it. The reality that this Snapchat Spy is also fully totally free is undoubtedly a nice function, as there are numerous other hacks like this that charge the consumer a payment of some kind. This hack is completely internet-based mostly, which is especially wonderful for these who really don't want to obtain something on their telephones or pcs. Probably the most special function of this hack is that it makes it possible for you to accessibility other people’s Snapchat account remotely, so you really don't need to have to truly entry the person’s telephone. This implies that you can seem through the images, movies, and textual content messages in a person’s Snapchat account from the convenience of your personal home. You will be able to obtain a person’s Snapchat account whilst they are employing it, so there will not be any problem at all. Advantages of the Snapchat Password Hack One of the greatest issues about the Snapchat hacks is that you do not even want a Snapchat account to just take benefit of it. Since this hack is entirely world wide web-based, all you need to have to do is log into the website, enter the username of the individual, and simply push a button. This is absolutely the simplest and easiest manual on how to hack snapchat accounts right now. Even these who have by no means utilized Snapchat prior to should have definitely no problem with this on the web app. Yet another wonderful thing about this Snapchat hacker is the simple fact that it’s completely cost-free, so you will not have to shell out everything to use it. You won’t have to fret about distributing your credit card info or anything like that in get to acquire access to other people’s Snapchat accounts. Because the site routes your net site visitors via proxy servers and private networks, you will continue being totally anonymous the complete time you are spying on Snapchat accounts. This is a completely chance-free of charge snapchat password hack that will not get you in problems in any way. These snapchat hacks are extremely strong, meaning that you can trust it will operate fantastic without any glitches or troubles by any means. Most Snapchat hacks that assert to function either really don't perform extremely effectively or at all, but that is not the situation with this one particular. There aren’t any confusing or complex techniques to follow or items to download with this hack, which is one of the best things about it. Many requested snapchat score hack function and we are doing work on it at present, in subsequent update rating hack will be obtainable as Beta attribute. Summary We hope you uncovered how to hack someones snapchat password by now. The fact is that the Snapchat spy app genuinely does function, and it is currently been utilised by tens of countless numbers of people with fantastic results. Since this hack is completely free of charge and does not appear with any hazards by any means, you really have practically nothing to shed by striving it. Whilst it is accurate that there are very a handful of diverse web sites that claim to offer what this a single does, none of them can deliver the same benefits. It is a quick, basic, and powerful way to appear at all of the photographs, videos, and text messages that have been exchanged on any person’s Snapchat account. In contrast to so many of the other Snapchat "hacks" out there, this one particular really does offer a way to spy on anyone’s Snapchat account for free. Obtain snapchat app below for iOS and Android What variety of an app is it? Even when the spying software program industry if complete of hacking applications, it is still tough to select the actual instrument to use. It induced mainly by the security matters, as the greatest portion of common apps can't supply complete basic safety of end users identification, delivering the conclude-end users with data about individuals, who were spying on them. This is an important problem to be regarded as in advance, as Snapch builders shell out a great deal of interest on people who try out to hack their servers. In circumstance of becoming caught of making use of snapchat hacks, the user will be banished, and his IP address taken off from program’s servers. As soon as currently being caught on utilizing spying apps, user’s account is completely banded from the computer software use. Thankfully, due to the developer’ ideal perform, snapchat hacker application gives the needed anonymity, and let consumers reaching all the essential information although leaving no traces of invasion. It is carried out by the signifies of numerous proxy servers and digital non-public networks that allow snapchat hack running in stealthy manner. The Advantages of Snapchat Use When consumer tends to uncover out how to hack someones snapchat, password and achieve some information, this instrument is the very best alternative. With snapchat hack android each person can obtain entry to any account he needs, hack any password and achieve asked for info. The software is produced primarily based on very innovative strategy, and is characterised by excellent effectiveness. The hack instrument provides full safety of individual details, as you will by no means be traced to use an application. The person-helpful interface of an application makes it possible for practical and effortless setting up process and utilization. This spying application whilst remaining a single of the most utilized and well-liked hack programs can be simply downloaded, without any require to answer lengthy pointless question, and filling added forms. How the SnapHack App functions? The resource is created extremely consumer pleasant that any snap user can use it very very easily and quickly. Just enter the username of the account for which you would like to get the data and click on on submit button , quite following to it. You can see the just lately shared images and video clips. Obtain all the despatched and received snaps, movies, photos in just one moment employing this wonderful device. How to hack someones account? A merchandise which started its journey as a undertaking at the Stanford College, the “Picaboo” has now turn into much far more than a simple selfie application, in its new avatar as “Snapchat”. The application is a combination of both public and private content material, like messaging, photo sharing, publications and reside function notifications like songs or sporting activities. Although there had been numerous first concerns on the personal usage of this application, the recent research in 2017 has exposed that far more than 70% of the customers make use of the app’s imaging and messaging solutions. What is Snap chat score hack no survey device? Snapchat hack is more of a duplicate cat app of original application where you can login employing your account information. The app enables you to get display pictures of the discussions and also to save the pictures and videos acquired on your account for a for a longer time period of time. It also allows the consumers to help save the conversations without the information of the sender. Darren Jone is the creator of this application. How is it distinct from snapspy? In app, as for every the assure supplied by the application house owners, the pictures or the snaps that you forward do not keep longer than thirty seconds and anytime somebody attempts to get a display screen shot of your conversation, you will be notified of the same. These are totally invalid when it will come to making use of Snaphack spy as the users can now preserve all their assorted content received on Snapchat hack for a very prolonged time. Rewards of employing snapchat hack android or iOS How to use the snap chat hack device to hack into someones account? Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement You can use your app login for logging into the application and accessibility your messages, films and pictures from this app. There are a lot of rewards to this app, which can make it a more appealing one than the unique edition. It supports images, films, snaps and the newest addition also Simply help save any gained photo or video to your photo album and share them later on. You can submit any message you obtain on Twitter and Facebook Ship snaps and movies more time than ten seconds not like snap chat. Edit your snaps, attract on them or incorporate them to your tales. You obtain notifications when there is a new post to your account and it is straightforward to look through through the pictures too. Has an very simple to use interface and basic to understand. Points to keep in mind While all this has proved password hack to be a deserving competitor, there are certain things a single want to bear in thoughts while utilizing this application. The messages you ship can now be saved and utilised later without having your understanding. This can show really destructive, if your content material can be used against you for illegitimate functions. When you log in to application, your indication in is immediately logged out. So you will have to relogin into your app yet again if necessary. So you are not able to really use both the applications in tandem. The application in itself is fairly useful than its parent edition but nevertheless it could show to be really unsafe if you are not careful with the way you use this app. As somebody rightly mentioned, “the greatest retained mystery is what you only know.” Use it sensibly and you will be in a position to make far more out of the snaphack 2017.
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D’après Goldman Sachs la musique enregistrée pourrait rapporter 41 milliards en 2030, dont 34 milliards grâce au streaming !
En attendant, Merlin a reversé 1 milliard de dollars aux indés depuis sa création en mai 2008
Spotify signe l’accord qui lui manquait avec Warner Music
Deezer Ă©tend son offre Hi-FI !
L’offre jusque-là disponible uniquement sur Sonos sera maintenant disponible sur de nombreuses autres enceintes
Amazon sort une offre Ă©tudiante Ă 4,99$/mois ou 6$/6mois pour les utilisateurs Prime
Look What You Made Taylor Do
Vendredi dernier sortait le nouveau single de Taylor Swift, Look What You Made Me Do, sur lequel la blonde répond à la critique. Un règlement de comptes qui aura attiré les curieux et ainsi battu les records de streams en 24h de Spotify et Youtube avec respectivement 8M et 19M de streams !
Si Taylor a réglé ses comptes avec ses détracteurs, il faudra peut-être qu’elle s’excuse auprès de ses fans dans son prochain single car les Swiftties l’ont un peu mauvaise. En cause, un deal avec Ticketmaster supposer assurer aux vrais fans des places pour la prochaine tournée de leur idole qui finalement ne récompensent que ceux ayant les moyens d’acheter en plus du merch. Not cool
Sony signe un deal avec la startup Dubset pour monétiser les DJ mixes et remixes non officiels
Pour rappel la start-up avait déjà signé un deal avec Apple Music l’an dernier, mais c’est le premier deal direct avec une major du disque.
Facebook recherche un(e) responsable Music Publishing pour l’Europe !
Un pas de plus vers la monétisation ?
Festivals : la fĂŞte, mais pas pour tout le monde.
Si les festivals musicaux de l’été sont le plus souvent et pour la plupart, synonymes de fête et de bonne musique, pour certaines l’expérience tourne au cauchemar quand le harcèlement et les agressions sexuelles s’en mêlent. Si le phénomène n’est surement pas nouveau, les plaintes (partout en Europe) ont explosé cette année. On en parle ?
Vous avez raté les MTV VMA’s ? Retrouvez les meilleurs moments ici !
Coup de cœur de la redac pour les 4th Harmony huhu
L’engagement sur les publications Facebook est en baisse de 20% depuis janvier 2017
Pas d’explication qui se détache, mais on suppose un désintérêt progressif des utilisateurs pour Facebook, qui consulteraient le réseau de façon toujours plus passive. Une valeur sûre cependant, les vidéos génèrent 3x plus d’engagement que les liens, même si elles sont toujours aussi peu utilisées sur l’ensemble des pages de marque, par manque de ressources. D’ailleurs, les sujets les plus engageants en vidéo sont la nourriture, suivie de la catégorie mode/beauté puis les animaux. La durée optimale est toujours entre 60 et 90 secondes, sauf pour les Live, qui ne sont bénéfiques en termes d’engagement qu’au-delà de 3 minutes.
Facebook va également punir les pages qui partagent régulièrement des fake news en leur interdisant de faire de la publicité sur le réseau.
Enfin, en plus des rappels « il y a un an aujourd’hui », Facebook va programmer des rapports sur les mois ou saisons tout juste écoulés.
Ca va commencer à faire beaucoup de bandeaux qui peuvent apparaître en haut de votre feed… En tout cas, il sera désormais possible de marquer certains souvenirs comme douloureux, pour ne plus les voir apparaître !
Après Youtube, la « brand safety » intéresse aussi Snapchat
Le réseau va permettre à ses annonceurs de mieux contrôler le placement de leurs publicités, en excluant certains sujets, notamment les infos qui peuvent gêner certains annonceurs (contenus violents, tristes…)
Une croissance d’utilisateur ralentie mais un temps passé sur l’app qui augmenter pour Snapchat !
Avec environ 20% de temps en plus sur les 6 derniers mois.
Snapchat lance des comptes vérifiés pour les créateurs de contenus
Le but étant de retenir les influenceurs tentés par les stories Instagram en les valorisant, et en leur offrant de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que la possibilité d’inviter quelqu’un à collaborer, et de créer ses filtres personnalisés.
Des comptes certifiés vont aussi être lancés sur Whatsapp
Destinés aux entreprises, ils permettront grâce à un badge et la couleur des messages de confirmer l’identité de l’entreprise, pour les utilisateurs cherchant à joindre un service client !
Instragram met Ă jour ses carrousels en permettant de choisir le format
Vous ne serez plus obligés de poster ces carrousels en format carré ! Il faudra désormais choisir un format lors de l’édition de vos photos (portrait, paysage ou carré), et vous y tenir pour toutes les photos de cette série.
Le compte Instagram de Selena Gomez se fait pirater
Et post des photos de Justin Bieber nu… Quand on sait que le compte de Selena Gomez est le plus suivi de la plateforme une chose est sure : personne n’est à l’abri.
Nouveau design et nouveau logo pour Youtube pour la première fois en 12 ans
Le bouton play iconique de la marque vient se placer tout à gauche et non plus sous le « Tube ». Et cocorico, c’est un Français qui a mené ce changement !
Braceyourself Flood is coming
Si on parle beaucoup de Houston et des ravages de l’ouragan Harvey, l’Amérique n’est pas la seule touchée par des inondations catastrophiques en ce moment. L’Asie du Sud déplore 1000 morts cet été, et 41 millions de personnes touchées par des inondations exceptionnelles, tandis que l’Afrique et plus précisément le Niger est aussi meurtri par des pluies torrentielles qui ont fait 40 morts et plus de 77 000 sinistrés.
Pour Konbini, faire boire une fille « au maximum » est une « technique de drague »
Si l’on en croit la vidéo micro-troittoir sortie la semaine dernière sur leurs réseaux, provoquant la colère des réseaux sociaux, qui rappellent à juste titre que le consentement de la fille n’est plus garanti si elle est ivre et que cette « technique de drague » n’est en fait pas loin d’être une technique de viol. Il y a encore du chemin…
Les attentats reçoivent 5 fois plus de couverture médiatique s’ils sont perpétrés par un musulman
L’étude compare les chiffres aux Etats-Unis, où 12,4% des attentats sont perpétrés par des musulmans, mais ils reçoivent 41,4% de la couverture médiatique. L’occasion de rappeler que le terrorisme n’a pas de religion et que toutes les attaques sont condamnables.
Parlez comme Khal Drogo
Le créateur du langage vous apprend 6 phrases en Dothraki à utiliser tous les jours !
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Pour manger dans l’ambiance de Walking Dead, House of Cards, Game of Thrones ou Downton Abbey
C’est quoi le bonheur ?
De Catherine Dolto à Charlelie Couture en passant par Daniel Pennac, Libération propose 15 témoignages d’horizons variés pour réfléchir sur la notion.
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