#pip fitz Amobi and her book nerd
Random Thought of the day. (This actually could be a Short story, but I’ll label it as a headcannon) pre agggtm.
The Quiet Affections of Pippa Fitz Amobi (HeadCannons)
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Paring: Pippa Fitz Amobi x fem reader
Warnings: fluff, heart melting fluff, stomach inducing fluff🤭
Pippa Fitz Amobi is a cuddler. You wouldn’t think it just from knowing her, but as soon as you two become girlfriends, and she’s completely smitten by you, she lets her walls down. She’s always the first one to initiate physical contact. It first happened at one of Josh’s football games. You had been a favorite of his lately, he adored you. “To pieces” as Leanne put it. Growing up you had a lot of siblings, so you were use to children, and you had first met Pip when your mother had inadvertently signed you up to be Josh’s baby sister in grade 8.
“Oh just this once love! Please!! The Amboi’s would be just so appreciative if you did! And you can make some pocket money! How does a nice fiver sound?” Of course you didn’t care a whit for the money. So you had agreed, taking your homework with you. You had known the Amboi’s for years, had seen them around town. You knew Pip from school, but you never spoke. You were to shy, and your schedules were always busy. Never synchronized enough to have a chat. But you knew she was kind, studious, always getting the highest marks in her year.
Josh had been overjoyed to see you, taking you by the hand as soon as soon as you had darkened the door, books in hand. He simply eyed you with his brown eyes, his brow squinting, “oh not another homework girl!” He whined, “all my sister does is homework! Are you going to do that all night too?”.
You chuckled, putting your books on the Amboi’s kitchen table, you leaned down so you were eye level with Josh, your eyes serious, “I may not know your sister as well as her friends, or you, but I do know she’s very intelligent, especially at schoolwork. Don’t you want to be good at schoolwork?”. Josh seemed to think before shaking his head, “Miss says my homework is atrocious! What does that mean?”.
You hid your smile, “I think it means you need a little more work”. Pip had come home well into the evening, you noticed because you had seen Cara Ward’s big sister drop her of. You liked the Wards, they were comical and always made you laugh, even if not on purpose. Pip at first had been surprised to see you, stopping in her tracks as she opened the front door, “mum! Can Cara sleepover on Friday?” She announced into the air, cheeks red when she found you looking up at her from the Amboi’s couch. Your cheeks red, smile wide.
You lifted your book in your hands, “Not mum sorry to disappoint” you had joked. Pip’s cheeks had turned a shade of crimson, she had shaken her head, a few embarrassed laughs falling of her lips. “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be here in my living room. Did Flora Cancel? Mum didn’t tell me she and dad were going out” Pippa stated, walking over and sitting across from you, blue watercolored eyes undoing her laces of her trainers. You shook your head, “I’m not sure about Flora, mum basically hired me for the job, apparently your mum thinks highly of me when it comes to children” you spoke, eyebrows lifted up as you turned the page on your book, “not sure why”.
You noticed Pip’s eyes had become trained on your book, a small smile perched on her lips. “Is that Great Expectations? I’ve tried to get Cara to read it with me but she just calls it “Newer Shakespeare”.
From then on you had been more accepting of babysitting Josh, Pipa would sit with you after you had put Josh to bed, eyes alight as you told her where you were in the book, how you felt about what was going on, how Charles Dickens had a way with words. She listened, attentively. At school you were more inclined to smile at her as you passed in the corridors. Pip had even gone so far as to find you in the library, “I just thought you’d like this book, it’s an Agatha Christie. It’s a first edition copy, took me ages to find. Dad had to go to ten second hand stores in London just to find it” she rambled, biting her lip. It was here where you first noticed how pretty she looked.
It hadn’t been this big earthshattering moment. It had been a small thought. But then that small thought became more. Until you didn’t think she was just pretty, you thought she was beautiful. With her soft defined cheekbones and her eyes. Which were different every time you saw her. At school they were bold, analytical, dare you say scholarly. At home in the comfort of her room, they were wild and magnetic. In the library they were radiant, and suddenly blue had a new meaning to you. It was the colour blue that made your heart race, made your tongue falter as she eyed you on her bed, waiting for your thoughts on the next classic she had leant you.
Then it was homework. You two had begun doing homework together, “a get together with a focus on scholarly matters” as Cara had put it. As Pippa worked alongside you, you noticed something, call it a earthshattering realization, but She was not the most objectively attractive girl in school, but her beauty was amplified because you admired her. Admired her for her absolutely angelic voice as she sang in the library, headphones in ears. Admired her when you sat opposite side of the room from her and watched her while she sang. She was confident enough and cool enough to have been one of the popular kids, but she didn't seem to care about that sort of thing. She was down to earth, and kind, and warm. And yes, pretty too. But that wasn't really the point. The point was, she understood you. And maybe just maybe, the way Pip would smile at you through the layers of books, might have made your heart ache in the best way.
Then it was pip herself who surprised you. She was more touchy with you, finding you at school and sitting so close your legs brushed. Holding your hand as you walked her to class. Letting you in her room, which you knew was special, only Cara and Lauren had been up here. You didn’t know what you were, best friends? But did best friends think about what her lips would feel like? How soft and warm they would be?
“Cara’s been my best friend since primary school. But you…you don’t feel like one to me. I’ve spent days reasoning with myself. Analyzing myself, trying to figure out why you feel different” Pippa had stated to you one day, out of the blue, her eyes seeming to shine, bold as the colour blue. “But I just realized. It’s because…your my person. You understand me. In ways nobody does. So when are you going to ask me out?”
So it was no surprise when you had asked her on an outing the next day, the book store of course. And she had said yes.
I just might do a actual story based on this. 🥺😭
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