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oldkpop-archive · 8 months ago
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pilsuk dream high icons
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bluemings · 2 years ago
👶 👶 👶 👶 👶
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name suggestions: jihoon, eunsik physical features they took from my muse: la altura de jiho, por supuesto physical features they took from your muse: más que alguna apariencia física sacó los modismos de euisik, como arrugar su nariz cuando algo no le parece. which parent do they act more like?: actúa como jiho cuando no sabe manejar situaciones de estrés y se encierra en su habitación pero es muy cercano a sus raíces y a la familia, cosa que aprendió de euisik. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: cuando tenía cinco años se lo llevaron a japón, donde euisik creció. vieron el mar y pasaron unas semanas recorriendo todo el lugar guiados por el mismo euisik.
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name suggestions: olivia, jade, lily physical features they took from my muse: los cachetitos de ollie, también su carita redonda y sonrisita physical features they took from your muse: los ojitos claros y cabello claro de eungi. which parent do they act more like?: definitivamente como eungi, es tímida y no tiene muchos amigos. ama viajar, ayuda en la tienda de vez en cuando y prefiere tener un buen amigo que muchos que no signifiquen nada. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: viajar a casa del padre de eungi los tres, donde jugaron hasta que se cansaron, rieron un montón y terminaros acurrucándose los tres en la cama de infancia de eungi. ollie terminó en el piso por elección propia, dándoles a los dos un besito en la frente antes de irse a dormir.
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name suggestions: heedo, minhee physical features they took from my muse: los ojitos de gatitos y la naricita de botoncito de gyul physical features they took from your muse: cabello naturalmente rizado y los ojos expresivos de hochul, también cuando sonríe tiene el mismo hoyuelo. which parent do they act more like?: como hochul. muy decida, segura de sí misma y quiere entrar en el negocio familiar de detectives. también tiene apariencia intimidante hasta que se le conoce, es un pan dulce que ama ser nerd de los videojuegos junto a gyul. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: probablemente el día que llegó a sus vidas, gyul no pensó en amar a nadie como ama a hochul y, sin embargo, la pequeña llegó a su relación como un rayo de sol que ilumina su vida. definitivamente, no pensó que alguna vez sería padre y apenas llegó la pequeña gyul supo que estaba listo para serlo y amarla con cada fibra de su ser.
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name suggestions: minah, dohee physical features they took from my muse: el lunar debajo de su ojo, cachetes redondos y estructura facial ovalada. physical features they took from your muse: nariz alta, lunar en la mejilla en el mismo lugar que pilsuk y mismos ojitos. which parent do they act more like?: un poco más como dam, algo fría y bastante centrada con ambos pies sobre la tierra. usualmente es la que no se deja llevar por los demás, la que prefiere sonar cruel antes que idealizar una idea imposible de alcanzar. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: el día que decidió seguir los pasos de pilsuk y ser cantante, al principio consideró también tener vida en el mundo de la medicina pero el canto es su verdadera pasión. su memoria favorita es cuando pilsuk y ella cantaron juntos su primera canción en el piano, era temprano en la mañana y se despertó con la voz de los dos armonizando en una hermosa canción que no había sido sacada todavía al público general.
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name suggestions: ryung, seungmin physical features they took from my muse: quisiera decir que la estatura y misma complexión muscular que hanbin. muscular pero no necesariamente en exceso, hacen una rutina de entrenamiento parecida. physical features they took from your muse: estructura facial, tono de voz suave y la misma sonrisa.which parent do they act more like?: creeeo que se parece más a jaemin en el sentido que quiere manejar los hoteles, no ha luchado tanto como la familia de jaemin pero sí ha escuchado historias al respecto. de hecho, está estudiando hospitalidad con especialización en hotelería para ser el futuro heredero de la cadena de hoteles. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: cuando estaban en estados unidos y jaemin se les perdió por un segundo, ninguno de los dos sabía inglés y tuvieron que llamar a jaemin por altavoz para que se comunicara con las personas a través de teléfono al mismo tiempo que los buscaba entre la multitud. un desastre, pero fue tan impredecible y estresante que después de reencontrarse estalló a carcajadas junto a su hijo.
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jingelbells · 3 years ago
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𝒜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒴𝑜𝓊 
A widow and a divorcee’s first meeting was not the best but can it lead to something more?
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i-chirve · 3 years ago
♡. @bluemings​
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cumpleaños. anticipada celebración. compartir con seres queridos especial fecha llena de júbilo su corazón. entre risas, chillidos y música de fondo, le están volviendo loco de sensaciones tan bonitas que no sería capaz de nombrar. tal vez en parte el agradecimiento que tiene para cada uno, sin mencionar que colaboran en disimular la tristeza que guarda detrás de deliberados acciones. un tonto por creer que muchacho de cabellera larga apareciera por la entrada de jardín, deseándole feliz cumpleaños así como si nada. no desea pensar más en el asunto, pasó una semana y media de la cual no tuvo noticias del otro. ese silencio confirmaba lo que hasta entonces no se atrevía a aceptar, resoplando adrede dada la cercanía de mejor amigo. “ ¡yah, ¿creen que es justo que tenga que beber esto?! ” muestra con falso disgusto la botella de jugo. uva, para ser exactos. desde que su gastritis empeoró, la sobreprotección de cercanos también. impidiéndole que tomara un trago de cerveza. “ es mi cumpleaños, deberían tener un poquito de consideración. ¿quién come parrillada con jugo? ” continúa despotricando, ganándose las risillas de los invitados. mismos que son cuatro jóvenes de apariencia amistosa, además de su hermana y tío. “ al menos debieron conseguirme de manzana, porque este sabe horrible. ” se inclina con la mano en caderas, entreabriendo labios ante gorjeo que apenas emitió. todo el cuerpo de pilsuk está inmóvil, observando en silencio la figura que se adueña de visión. “ dam. ” si acaso pronuncia nombre por encima de profunda exhalación, ladeando cabeza algo confundido. ¿en qué momento llegó? ¿cómo no escuchó el timbre? esas interrogantes le asaltaron una tras otra, recuperando segundos después el control de músculos al correr en su encuentro. “ viniste. ” como idiota susurra, mirándole de pies a cabeza porque maldición, luce mucho más atractivo que pasada reunión. “ mh, es genial que estés aquí. ”
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iusfairytale · 4 years ago
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[Kim Pilsuk] 𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓽 💜
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im-a-dumb-teen-boy · 6 years ago
Dinner like a begger
I know at thing point you’re not supposed to eat after 5 but that would be suspicious in my house cu were all night owls who have dinner at like 10-12 so I’m just not eating after 7. So anyway today I took a nap after school (right after I ate) and woke up at my 6pm workout alarm (which is being pushed back till after dinner so this also counts as workout fuel)
One school of tri-colored pasta (unseasoned not even butter or salt) and 2 pieces of toast with strawberry jam. (I know I could do without the jam buuuut I can’t just eat dry toast. I used the same amount I usually put one 1 pieces and spread it amongst the 2 so that counts for something right)
Anyway now off to workout
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jieunswifeu · 7 years ago
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IU 2018 calendar ©
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
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after a successful audition, the cast for the musical has been found and the production is now underway. the final casting was officially announced on JANUARY 30, and the first script reading happened almost immediately after on FEBRUARY 1. only the main cast was asked to be present. they began rehearsal that same week. the ensemble cast, however, will officially join rehearsals on FEBRUARY 8. they are, however, expected to come in with a minimum of preparation.
the ensemble cast members who come from other career paths will need to dedicate at least three days a week to rehearsal, while regular trainees will be present for a minimum of four days a week, following their regular trainee schedule for the remaining days.
as stated before, the premiere will be performed live on MARCH 13, and be aired on KBS2 at the same time. since it is a special to commemorate the 10th anniversary, and not meant to be an exact replica, the script has been altered to fit into a 3-hour performance. it will be presented at LG Arts Center every THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, with the last performance being on APRIL 3.
the plot will mostly follow that of the first season. however, as a fun reference, the rest of the kirin students will be named after characters from season 2, and will perform some of the songs from that season as well during the school showcase.
these six are the most prominent roles, and the plot revolves around them. with the altered script, they get a similar amount of lines.
while the rest of the main cast isn’t as prominent, they will still get a decent amount of presence in many scenes, and get to be the main performers in a few songs as well. none is more important than the other.
ALL REGULAR TRAINEES ( even those who missed the audition or joined after are automatically considered to be part of the ensemble )
on top of the season 1 tracklist, two songs from season 2, performed by the other kirin students, will also be featured during the school showcase:
please understand that we tried our best to make the best casting decisions according to a number of factors, including skill points, experience, career path, etc. we also tried to be mindful of a muse’s age when it came to the romantic pairings. if you have any questions or concerns, please message us.
The success of this musical special depends on its script but also on its cast members. you have until APRIL 10, 2021 to fulfill the following requirements depending on your type of role:
MAIN CAST: write a solo of 300 words minimum OR a thread of four replies with another cast member (main or ensemble). it has to be directly related to the musical, whether it takes place during rehearsal, on a peformance day or behind the scenes of a performance. you will be rewarded with +5 (ACTING or SINGING or DANCING or PERFORMANCE) and +5 NOTORIETY. as part of the main cast, this requirement can be claimed twice.
ENSEMBLE: write a solo of 300 words minimum OR a thread of four replies with another cast member (main or ensemble). it has to be directly related to the musical, whether it takes place during rehearsal, on a peformance day or behind the scenes of a performance. you will be rewarded with +5 (ACTING or SINGING or DANCING or PERFORMANCE) and +5 NOTORIETY.
use the hashtag lgc:dreamhigh. make sure to submit your points before APRIL 10, 2021 11:59 EST to the lgcpoints blog:
- SOLO/THREAD: +5 (act/sing/dnc/perf), +5 Notoriety [ LINK ] **main cast can claim this twice
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lhwn · 4 years ago
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Hoya related Instagram Update; 200927
Thanks to Hoya and Pilsuk I enjoyed the great work😌 #Musical #Something_Rotten #Recommended #Weekend #Daily_Life #Actor #LeeHoWon #Hoya #KangPilSuk
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years ago
| marked | j.jh | ch. twelve
genre: superpower!au
a/n: idk if i’m satisfied with this final chapter and it seemed rushed for me. you guys judge. 🤧 it’s the series’ ending. italics in this chapter meant dialogues. an epilogue will be posted in a bit! or a few hours later. enjoy! 😊 ~j.
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your legs wobbled at the endless running for escape. jaehyun, who was in front, pulled you to the location of original plan— the bridge connecting the two building sections. you had no idea where you’d go next. the continuous explosions and the weakening of your strength were getting the best of you. jaehyun thought the next and only escape would be in the next building. he knew that you both had to confront the supposed enemies; wonhee, boreum and whoever was to come your way, with whatever remaining strength you both had left.
the weather was colder than most days— comparatively to when you were alone, out in the snow. you took a glance at jaehyun, who was running out of breath and to the bridge in front of you. it wasn’t the time to stop. the explosions gone off as if they were chasing you. bricks and concrete blown up high in the air and came in crashing down to the ground. coincidentally though, missing both of your exhausted bodies. not later, the bridge you both ran on felt like it was about to collapse where the vibrations of every concrete developed cracks.
except it did.
you both screamed and closed your eyes to brace for the impact; the dark abyss of the new cliff seemingly created by the effect of the abundant detonation. the same cold wind felt like ice shards scratching through your sensitive flesh, exposed to the pain and vulnerable to the upcoming injuries. jaehyun unintentionally let of your grasp where you both appeared like sky divers who jumped off the plane for an experience of a lifetime. however this wasn’t that kind of experience.
“jaehyun!” you cried as loud as you could, forgetting the fact that he heard less now. he saw how your eyes welled in tears as they searched for that familiar comfort— him. as if swimming in the air as you both fell, he tried to reach for your hand. and he did however, a boulder out of nowhere came in between, breaking you apart from him.
“y/n!” jaehyun yelled in a prolonged tone.
quick bright flashes blinded jaehyun, and for a moment everything else felt like a dream. he saw figures ahead of him whilst he laid weakly on the ground. they appeared to be rescuers but the familiarity of those figures were the same ones that attacked at the mountain top. although his hands were tied behind, he searched for you. to his relief you were just beside him, like you did after eunwoo’s teleportation. but where were you both now?
the smoky figures came into a clearer view. people slowly arrived, a backwards self-disintegration, coming into form and into the flesh.
“the last absolutes..” a man’s deep baritone voice chilled you. it was then followed by laughs of the cursed and of evil doings.
“glad you got them out of harm’s way.”
“they’re quite a complicated duo but seriously? that’s how time-lock works, i get to move freely outside time. maybe admire their crying faces while i’m at it, awww.”
“let us mess with their memories, shall we? pilsuk, please do the honors.”
“well you do make a good choice, master.” she laughed.
if he was the master, then he was wonhee.
jaehyun saw how pilsuk curled her fingers, as if she was playing with poker chips. lights of electricity twirled around them, bringing them close to your forehead. you struggled with the zapping pain. jaehyun came in between, stopping the process of whatever her power was. “do you, perhaps want to join in as well? the more the merrier.” pilsuk’s screechy laugh annoyed your ears. she gestured another to accompany her.
jaehyun’s coat was then grabbed by another man, where he has the same power as pilsuk. he twirled his fingers to his forehead.
wonhee, boreum and the rest of them saw your past memories— the village they destroyed, the people they have murdered, the fire that scarred the victims, the aircrafts that dropped bombs. they smirked at the priceless memory of accomplishment. however they were very much disappointed at the fact two persons, were left alive.
“erase the memory of the battle. they won’t need it anyway. crappy absolutes.” wonhee ordered.
as they were being erased, a part of you felt weaker. you could sense jaehyun flinching at the pain. the weight of him beside you concluded that he felt weaker too.
“why are you doing this?” you asked as your head throbbed.
“a new world deserves better people. of course, you absolutes aren’t needed.” a lady spoke, later revealing to be boreum.
“there are more absolutes than you think!” you yelled. a stinging slap covered your cheek.
“ah~ you mean chanyeol, gongchan and wheein, yes?” she chuckled. “the offsprings of those core leaders. they too, survived the wipeout.. but it’s such a shame that they are not, like you two anymore. obviously they lost the power of absolute senses. oops?”
jaehyun could understand a little and got the gist of the converstation. “it’s your doing, isn’t it? you took their powers away!”
“well what a pleasant answer, boy! they should be at least thankful that i still left them with super strength, yes?” she clapped her hands. “and how lucky of you to hear most of what i said.”
you kicked a rock and aimed it to her. “you-!”
the rock stopped midway and fell to the ground. “time-control is such a convenient power, thanks hyunmin.” boreum said.
“boy and girl. we are the defects of the neighbouring country. we were neglected from our own, for not being able to possess any power.” wonhee walked up front.
“we didn’t ask for your history, bastard.” you spat.
“ooh, feisty. i kinda like you, girl.” he held your chin, bringing it up to a rise.
“don’t touch her.” jaehyun warned as he kicked the man.
“feisty as well.. but i don’t like you.” he punched jaehyun and the dimpled boy hissed at the force. “where was i? ah yes, boring history. then we came to your country, became regular, normal people who worked in the government. almost 85% of the workers were of us. and of course we planned to dominate your country after we learnt your country’s certain power categories..”
“..which are known for the ancient and the forbidden.” hyunmin said.
“yes we practiced the powers, book after book. and so we got the acceptance from our country. but people like you, the absolutes, saw through our plans and informed the president. a battle arose and a lot of people died. sad, isn’t it?”
you sighed at the story, who knew it would be true or not. you shrugged at the man with no interest. wonhee seemed to noticed but continued anyway. he hasn’t gone to the main and crucial part.
“the absolutes thought they defeated us and received victory. we waited years, here in the warehouse, for the right time to wipeout your people at the village where they were most concentrated at. so we did wipe them out! wow isn’t that great? it was..” wonhee trailed off. “not until we got a report that some survived. still, we waited, until the three young absolutes reached the age of 22; the strong age of power. so your leaders were, ended.”
“we could’ve waited for the time til the two of you reached 22 but, we got impatient, so here you both are.” hyunmin played with his fingers.
“y-you killed my family!” you scoffed as you tried to escape from the handcuffs.
“nuh-uh. correction, you did. what you get for being an absolute.” wonhee laughed.
that hit a nerve. memories of you taking people’s lives in the past years came in rushing like adrenaline. jaehyun saw how your eyes pricked with tears. you told yourself it wasn’t you who wanted them dead in the first place. but the universe seemed to want to let you know. after a long time, you felt alone again. even if jaehyun was there, the feeling outweighed your friendship.
jaehyun sensed your power of death luring them in. he slid to be beside you as he held your shaken hand. “it’s not your fault y/n!”
“finish them.” he ordered.
you then felt palms onto your eyes and jaehyun onto his ears. two voices battling each other, one telling you that they were giving your sight and hearing back, while the other telling that it’ll be gone permanently. to your dismay, it was the latter.
“mission accomplished.” boreum nudged wonhee.
“not quite yet, i want them dead.” he exhaled, observing how you had little sobs. “press the trigger button for our country’s backup. i sense something strange from the girl.”
crew 097 were stationed back at the core. currently in a spacious room of twenty-one people. after an unfinished rescue mission of code green to retrieve you and jaehyun, they all sat in silence. not a single word uttered since the building bangchan and others were in held hostage collapsed.
mina held in tiny sobs. she still had hopes of you and jaehyun being safe. eunha had comforted the girl, but it did no effect on her.
“seriously stop crying mina!” yugyeom spat, giving her a towel. “they’re gonna be fine! we’ll get them out alive.”
“haha what happened to ‘they can protect themselves for all i care’?” mingyu high-fived bambam.
“shut up!”
the crowd laughed at the embarrassed yugyeom who ended up hiding himself under a blanket.
yuna felt the strength regaining into her. seokmin and the rest of the people in the core were glad that her team and herself were alive. “i feel a lot better.” she stretched her hands up high.
“did you forget that the core has a strengthening source?” seokmin teased her.
eunwoo came into the room, a worried look seen in his face. “dude you seem like you saw a ghost.” jungkook laughed but the boy did not move a face muscle. “what’s the problem?”
a loud gulp was heard from eunwoo, his eyes held in tears. he took a deep breath before speaking. “swarms of planes and people came from the warehouse and..” he trailed off.
“captain ordered for code black.”
“what?” eunha stood from her seat.
“oh gosh we’re all gonna die.” sujeong rubbed her temples. 
“that’s a lot of enemies.” junhoe whistled as his palms rested onto the window sill.
the continuous punches and kicks from them had left you and jaehyun numb and seemingly close to being unconscious. “okay. enough with the torture. backup had just arrived and apparently they’re battling with boy and girl’s core companions out there.” pilsuk reported to her masters.
“they’ll be dead before the entire building collapses anyway. let’s go and-” boreum was cut off by a vigorous shake that had really imitated earthquake. the ceiling above dusted them with mixed snow and aged concrete.
“what the-”
jaehyun saw wonhee and the others falling down one by one, in which was a result of your own power. they became one of the lifeless bodies you unwillingly took.
he went under his arms, sliding himself through them where his wrists were in front of him. he managed to help you do the same. the only way to be able to communicate with you was through tactile signing. but he saw your crying and pained face. tears streaming like a fresh river from its main source.
his hands were brought up to wipe them away. his heart ached at the sight of you, also at the state of your cold hands that were now slowly turning to a darker shade. not because of the cold, but due to how powerful your powers as a marked had gotten. although he couldn’t be able to hear your voice once more, he understood your pain. demise of people laid into these innocent hands.
jaehyun’s eyes pricked with tears too. soon later his lips quivered in sadness, because of you.
you cried and wailed non-stop. but the warm hands that touched yours calmed you just a little bit. you knew jaehyun was there. “y/n..” you felt movements under your palms as he signed to converse with you.
“our friends are out there, jaehyun..” you signed by his palms. “it’s our fault that they had to fight them.. they shouldn’t risk their lives to save ours and.. i don’t want to kill anyone anymore..”
“it’s not your fault. none of this is our fault.. we didn’t choose to be marked. we didn’t choose to kill. but please do know that we’re marked for a reason. i’m very sure it’s not for a bad intention..”
“what’s the solution? we’re gonna die here in the warehouse and we’re vulnerable to death. the enemy already came..” your signed answer shocked him, but he remained unwavered, and strong for you.
a pause from his hands left you hanging.
and you waited for him despite hearing the crumbling walls, indicating there wasn’t any time left.
“there is one, but you have to trust me on this, y/n.” jaehyun’s large hands held yours before continuing. his chest hit hard, not knowing whether it was from fear or hope.
when your hands felt his, your heart sank at the plan he thought and proposed of. “jaehyun, i can’t- you’ll be caught into it too. i can’t do it.”
“i promise you. i won’t die.”
you touched his face and felt his dimples. he was smiling, but you read a lie through them.
jaehyun saw your hands, the shade of black already covering your forearms. it pained him to hurt you, but it was the only way to stop the war; to stop his and your friends from possibly dying.
the ground shook and you both felt another imitation of an earthquake around you.
to him, your eyes were still beautiful. they still brimmed with life. he wanted to think maybe it was him who caused them to have life at the very least. you felt his hands caressing yours.
“i want you to trust me. if you do that, i promise you i won’t die. please y/n-”
“I DON’T WANT YOU TO DIE BECAUSE OF ME!” he saw you mouthed instead of signing, your eyes boring into his even though you couldn’t see him anymore.
what you had said, that was the final blow. jaehyun regretted making you cry. he didn’t want to be the reason for your tears. his lips dropped and he wailed like he did in his room when he was alone.
you asked him why was crying, but he didn’t respond verbally nor through signing. because of this, you as well, cried hard.
you heard his hiccups and low groans as he cleared his throat. jaehyun was someone you adored. despite knowing his developing feelings for you since you arrived to the core, it gave you an ongoing giddiness.
though he felt strangely tired, he looked at you again. your eyes still stared into him. he smiled painfully as he clearly remembered how you loved his dimples. tears rolled down more when he knew you loved him so much, even if you didn’t tell him. jaehyun signed to you this one last time under your palms, later pulling you to close the gap in between.
what he signed left you smiling and it appeared to jaehyun in a sign of relief. he saw a dark light emitting from you and he closed his eyes, where your face was the last thing he saw before darkness consumed him.
the signed touch from jaehyun warmed you when he delivered the words:
“i love you y/n, my first love.”
you then felt his weight on your chest, unmoved. your heart probably sank at its deepest. deeper than the cliff below. deeper than the divers ever swam. it broke you for good. in a shaken state, you touched his fluffed hair. he didn’t keep his promise and you regretted not signing back in time..
telling him that you love him too.
| marked — chapter twelve: the only shot |
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j-wonwootrash · 6 years ago
11 and 31 with seungcheol? Angst pls!! Smt like.. where he cheated on you and you found out and broke off with him
11. “sorry i’m late.”
31. “i don’t know what to feel anymore.”
genre: angst (superrrrr i think, haha u judge)
prompt title: mistakes
a/n: yasss girl!! yassss!! i’m so all for angst nowadays and i hope this fits your liking~ will there be a part 2? hm, i don’t know, we’ll see. the feedback will decide that. 😉
A bow and an arrow.
Everyone in the world knew these essentials belong to the one who supposedly bring a boy and girl together. They were meant to fall in love, indeed. They did so, yet that was the point, they did. You wondered why, but in the past years, Cupid never told you one thing that could happen: 
That Seungcheol could fall out of love.
Did you fall short on his standards? Seungcheol wasn’t far-fetched and all the while you were with him as friends, he first made you feel you were special. The time you were best of friends, he treated you like a queen. And when you answered him, he was your queen.
You have asked yourself, where have you gone wrong? Loyalty and honesty was the second and third in your list, and as love was first, you thought it was the right order.
The night crawled in and the moonlight somehow was the only light source at that moment. Dinner was getting cold and you were getting sleepy. You understood how busy Seungcheol was because of the World Tour and you decided, maybe it was best for him to focus on it since it was his passion.
But that decision was the greatest mistake you made.
“Sorry I’m late. The traffic was really really bad.” Seungcheol came into his apartment, pecking your forehead as he saw you out sitting at the balcony. Not getting a response from you, he wrapped his arms around you. “Are you mad? Aw I’m sorr-”
“I’m leaving.” you took your stuff and headed for the door.
“Y/N?” he questioned as he followed you. “I noticed how you were cold to me even when we face-timed. Anything wrong?”
You turned around, your head almost to exploding at his airheadedness. “Tell me, Seungcheol, there must be a reason why I’m.. cold.” an emphasis onto the latter word.
“Ain’t got a clue.” he stretched his arms up. “Let’s get to bed and maybe watch some Netflix?”
“How about you go Netflix and chill with someone else?” you raised your tone.
A chuckle escaped from his lips. “I didn’t mean it like that y/n. Wait what? Someone else?”
“You think I don’t know? Gosh I’m not stupid Seungcheol!” you threw your bag to the floor. “You cheated on me!”
Seungcheol was taken aback at your response. “Where is this coming from y/n? Do you doubt me?”
“I never did. I never once did! Not until Jeonghan told me that your flight last month for the tour wasn’t in the morning but at night. And yet you were such in a hurry leaving at 7am, and heck, there was a twelve-hour difference!”
“Okay maybe I lied-” he got cut off.
“You went to her, huh. You met Pilsuk that day.” you clicked your tongue, arms crossed as you walked back to the living area.
“Ugh here we go again. How many times do I have to tell you that there’s nothing between me and her? And why are you so assuming to every action I do?!” he clenched his fists that his nails bore into his skin.
“‘How many times do I have to tell you that there’s nothing between me and her?’ Oh boo-hoo Cheol, don’t try making me laugh.” a mocking tone of yours made Seungcheol drop his bags in anger.
“You think you’ve done a great job, huh y/n? Well done! I applaud you!” a sarcastic tone was one thing he could never nail at. He made a clear lie. “How about that you met with Jihoon behind my back?!” he pointed his fingers at you.
You furrowed your brows at his actions. “That was a meeting for your surprise birthday! Along with the others!” you held your tears remembering how he didn’t show up that night, on his birthday. “I’ve been trying to make things work and good for the both of us, and what do I get in return? You slept with her!”
Silence filled the room, the clock that ticked lost its batteries, making it even more silent than it has been. “I slept with her because I thought.. I thought you cheated on me too!”
He stuttered, but he didn’t deny it.
“Now you’re putting the blame on me for the sole reason why you slept with her? Thought is just a feeling, Cheol! You slept with her because you want to be with her!”
“That’s full on crap y/n!” he brushed his hair in anger.
Seungcheol’s expression softened when he approached you as you cried and collapsed on the floor. He never saw you cry ever since you answered ‘yes’ to becoming his girlfriend. “I don’t know what to feel anymore.” you trailed off. “You.. used me to get close to her. And she’s my best friend.. Pilsuk is..”
“Babe..” his voice trembled too, a sound of guilt heard in the word you wouldn’t be able to hear him say anymore. “I’m.. I’m so sorry.. for what I did..”
“Say sorry to the child she’s bearing now.” you wiped your tears away and stood up. A blank expression on your face looked down at Seungcheol. “Tell them that their mother is just a rebound for their father’s desire.”
“Y/N.. Don’t leave me. You know how much I really, really love you..”
“Yes, of course I do know..” you knelt down as you caressed his cheeks where his tears touched the surface of your skin. “But you yourself couldn’t weigh the love you have for me to the one you have with her.. I’m sorry Cheol, but it’s over.” you grabbed your bag that laid on the floor.
“We’re over.”
The words from you was something Seungcheol never wanted to hear. He took your for granted and cried like a child as you stepped out at the door. Your hands couldn’t muffle your cries and the door behind you couldn’t muffle Seungcheol’s.
Seungcheol wanted to contact his best friend, Jeonghan, but failed to do so because his hands were shaking vigorously at the outcome of his relationship with you.
He wondered whether Cupid would do his job again, to make you fall for him again. But he realized the matchmaker couldn’t do just that. He realized it was you who fell out of love,
Because of him.
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my-woozi-happiness · 5 years ago
So I was watching these scene cuts from Dream High where Pilsuk(IU) decided to lose 30kg in 200 days and I was wondering....should I do the same?
I've been getting scolded by my doctor, parents and sister that I need to take better care of my body more and they're right, I know they are.
Now...I don't need to lose 30kg....a little more than half of that. 16.8kg to be exact....do you guys think I should try this? But then in 100 days? Since I only need to lose 16kg.
Don't worry! I will do it in a healthy way!!
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i-chirve · 3 years ago
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relación laboral. estaba rota, ¿cierto? su relación. aunque para empezar, no existió. culminación de contacto es cachetada a la realidad. aquel acto que disminuye los latidos del corazón, dejando un sabor amargo en su lengua. en vano resulta organizar algunas oraciones dentro de psique, ya que carmines ni siquiera permiten que sean puestas en libertad. con semblante decaído endereza postura, enfocándose en los temblorosos dedos que une entre sí. “ comprendo, tampoco lo veas como una obligación. ” aclara, esta vez usando un tono más o menos neutral. le lastimó demasiado con su partida, cómo demonios esperaba por un escenario distinto. realmente era iluso en circunstancias especiales. “ ¿por qué agradecerme? he llegado tarde, quizás en una temporada menos turbulenta podríamos —. ” explicación es interrumpida por vibraciones en bolsillo derecho. con un vaivén apenado, de leve disculpa, decide aceptar llamado. intercambiando unas cuantas palabras que por fracción de segundos, dibuja suave curvatura en rojizos labios. “ el sábado, falta todavía un poco. no, no he comido nada picante. si, abuelo. entonces hablamos más tarde. gracias por la sopa. ” corta línea después de dos o tres resoplidos, bajando aparato a la altura de muslos. “ disculpa, tenía que contestar. ” de lo contrario, no le dejaría en paz por las próximas horas. contar con personas como ellos sin dudas una bendición para el pilsuk, rascando zona de cuello en vista de que dam no estará en su futuro. no solo de esperanzas se alimentaba el hombre, y por cómo están concluyendo las cosas. una causa pérdida. “ mh, mi cumpleaños es el sábado. normalmente celebro este día en compañía de mis familiares y amigos cercanos. nada extravagante ni con muchos invitados. algo íntimo y discreto. estás invitado en caso de que no tengas compromisos ese día. ” suspira, alzándose sobre sus pies. supone que pasar más tiempo allí lo arrastraría hacia caminos masoquistas, alisando las arrugas de camiseta. “ ya es tiempo de partir. creo que he robado mucho de tu preciada energía. ” ríe, sonido plano y desganado. “ no tienes ninguna obligación en aceptar. sea tanto fotógrafo como asistir a la reunión. entenderé si deseas permanecer lejos de mí. ”
♡            pilsuk:
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“ de acuerdo. dos semanas. ” cualquier decisión será aceptada. lastimosamente emociones al desnudo complican anteriores argumentos. la seriedad que destila rubio ha removido los restos de un enamoramiento que todavía cuestionaba, resistiendo las ansias de reír dado inesperado comentario. una cara así, eh. tal vez jamás acabará con la idiotez mental; arriesgando los avances logrados gracias a insolente boca. “ entonces, ¿te parezco atractivo? ” vocaliza, un rastro de picardía profundizando en las esquinas de sus labios. de inmediato oculta nuevamente teléfono móvil, dedicándole persistente mirada, al perfil contrario, por supuesto. “ nos sobra tiempo, durazno. estaré sin actividades por alrededor de tres semanas. ” sí, demasiado tiempo libre. pero debía terminar el nuevo tratamiento para su gastritis, además descansar. algo que durante los últimos meses olvidó de hacer. así como aquel apodo que solía usar en los días de estudiantes. le asociaba con la dulce fruta debido al rubor que adquirían regordetas mejillas cuando estaba avergonzado. “ viajes de trabajo, por ende es obvio que tendrás que acompañarme. ya sabes, tomar fotos y eso. ” explica de la manera sencilla. recostando espalda del sillón, acomodándose de frente a dam. “ aún eres preguntón. facilitar los materiales para sesiones es bastante común, por si no lo sabías. ” cruza brazos, extendiendo carnosidad inferior en carismática mueca. cual le ayudaba con sus mayores, y espera que funcione con viejo amigo. “ dices nada personal, ¿actuaremos como extraños? ” ni siquiera oculta la decepción que colorea interrogante, frunciendo entrecejo. tal hombre abandonado. “ ahora mismo estás elevando mis niveles de tristeza. ” posiblemente perdió la formalidad hace rato. su comportamiento continúa siendo el mismo. incompetente para ciertas situaciones. “ ten piedad de este pobre ser humano. ” sin darse cuenta dedos alcanzan palma adversa, dibujando líneas imaginarias a la vez que le ofrece ligeros golpecitos. “ pensarás, ¿en qué momento pilsuk se convirtió en este tipo de persona, cierto? actuando como si la brecha de los años no está presente entre nosotros. ” articula, soltando el aire que retuvo por segundos. “ supongo que no dejaré de agradecerte. por escucharme. ”
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podía lidiar con dos semanas a su lado, si lograba mantener su distancia podría salir de aquel proyecto sin ninguna herida. odiaba la forma en que ritmo de su corazón se volvía errática de la emoción de volverlo a apoyar, que fácil eres choi dam pensaba para sí mismo.  “  no es justo que preguntes eso, sabes que sí  ”  intenta mantener todo de voz lo más neutro posible. no era justo porque desde el momento que sus labios tocaron los opuestos había dejado claro que le parecía atractivo y quería cruzar una línea que, lamentablemente, nunca logró cruzar.  “  no me digas durazno  ”  cual niño malcriado responde de forma inmediata, rechazando sobrenombre. en la secundaria era distinto, todavía había confianza y sentimientos de por medio; en la actualidad no quedaba nada, o al menos eso quería creer.  “  no sé si podré tener tiempo, no he tomado unas vacaciones en años, no empezaré ahora  ”  planeaba acumular días que no había tomado para llevarse a mido a otro país el día de su graduación. no lo cedería, no permitiría que pilsuk pasara sobre su rutina diaria a su placer.  “  uh, no. no lo sabía. nunca fui profesional  ”  dejaría que ignorancia respondiera lo que todavía no dejaba de encajar en inconsciente. parecía demasiado bueno, tan bueno que no podía creer que no había ningún tipo de influencia de pilsuk sobre ese dichoso contrato.  “  es lo mejor que podemos hacer, pilsuk-ssi. una relación estrictamente laboral  ”  y odiaba verlo así, aún recuerda cuando en la secuendaria en algunas veces era él quién solía hablar de más y herir sus sentimientos por error, siempre terminaba pidiendo perdón. pero esta vez no, tenía que establecer su limites.  “  lo siento  ”  escapa de sus labios. por elevar sus niveles de tristeza, por querer alejarlo, por no querer recobrar aquella amistad. atrapa labio inferior entre sus dientes frontales mientras suaves palmas hacen contacto contra su dermis creando un escalofrío por sus brazos y piernas.  “  siempre fuiste bastante imprudente, pil…no hay nada sorprenderte  ”  permite que una suave risa escape de sus labios antes de que sus manos se liberen de contacto.  “  no tienes nada que agradecerme  ”  sacude su cabeza en negación.  “  cuando te digo que lo pensaré hablo en serio, todavía no puedo decidir  ”  coloca palmas de sus manos sobre sus muslos adoptando una postura un poco más formal inclinándose en forma de agradecimiento.  “  gracias por pensar que todavía queda algo de mi que salvar.   ”
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jieunnie · 5 years ago
Hi! I'm kinda of new and I just watched persona she is such an amazing actress so I want to watch more stuff she's in but I have no idea what. Could you recommend me some dramas?
Hello!! One way you could watch her dramas is going by order of her works that shes done to see how she’s developed as an actress but I guess that’s good if you have a lot of time 😂
I highly recommend My Mister as it is definitely her best role out of every drama she has done. I could go on all day about it like seriously, you will not regret watching it. It is heavy but it’s also a healing drama and it’ll make you reflect on yourself as well as teach you life lessons. Lee Jian is #1 on my list and she has a soft spot in my heart
Moon Lovers is also a drama that I really enjoyed and Haesoo is a literal cinnamon role that didn’t deserve all the struggles that she went through. There are a few things I didn’t like about it such as the editing/camera work and people were 50/50 about her acting but I didn’t think IU deserved the criticism that she got (maybe I’m biased LOL)
Dream High is a cute and light hearted drama if you want to watch something after My Mister since it can get pretty heavy. It was her debut role as an actress and Pilsuk will make you fall for IU even more 💜 
The Producers was also good, only because IU’s character as Cindy was interesting, complex and closely related to her irl since she played the role of a singer that debuted at an early age. I think her character made the drama interesting and I honestly would’ve dropped it if it wasn’t for Cindy 🙊
Her other dramas are “Youre The Best, Lee Soon Shin” and “Bel Ami” which were also okay (I thought bel ami was cringe but watched it only for iu lmao)
ALSO, Hotel Del Luna is her most recent role, which is airing this year on the 13th of July at 9pm KST and her character as Jang Manwol that is as beautiful as the moon and you should definitely watch that to support IU as well as see a new side to her!
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im-a-dumb-teen-boy · 6 years ago
Lunch like a peasant
Even though I made it at home to eat at school, I left school early(cuz I’m a senior we can leave @ lunch cuz we don’t have the last 2 classes) so I didn’t actually eat till 2
Mixed vegetables and 2 pieces of chicken tenders
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jieunswifeu · 7 years ago
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