#pigsy: we have two weird monkeys now. emphasis on «two». you're one of them
byfulcrums · 10 months
What I want most in the entire world is for Sun Wukong to slowly be more included in the LMK gang
After a life-threatening event (post LBD, after the scroll, etc), MK and his friends usually share a group hug. A family hug! And Sun Wukong stays out of it, either walking away or just standing there and watching them
I want SWK to start hanging out around them a little more, either because they're stuck together due to yet another world ending event or something else, to the point where they start to warm up to him (and he starts to warm up to them) and begin to like him a little more
Honestly if we get more than 5 seasons (which please please please let them be well-done, don't let the sequel curse affect LMK too) then I'd like this to be long. Let's say, in one season he hangs out with them and they begin to at the very least tolerate him, in another season they become a little more closer and pretty much already consider him some kind of friend and then at the end of the next season he's already one of their best friends
And it has to end in yet another group hug scene! One where when Sun Wukong smiles fondly and walks away to let the family have their moments in peace, someone (let it be anyone who isn't MK, just to show how MK isn't SWK's only friend [besides the monkeys in FFM. And not counting any god or being he is friendly with because we know he doesn't see those much] anymore) calls out to him and says, “Where the fuck are you going. This is a group hug, it doesn't work if the whole group isn't in it” and he smiles (let him cry dammit) and joins in
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