#phineas and ferb toddlers
sparklingsora · 5 months
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weeee cedric weeheeeeeeeeeeeeee
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gennydreams · 9 months
We talk a lot about phineas from straight on. But what about phineas from above?
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mammalsofaction · 2 months
Y'know what would be really funny? If each of the Flynn Fletcher siblings KNOW/have suspicions about Perry's secret, but they each keep it to themselves for individual reasons. It's been pointed out before that Perry can get REALLY reckless sometimes, and other times the boys are too clever/know Perry way too well.
-CANDACE has actually seen and interacted with Perry in secret agent mode, particularly during the time she thought she was high off her rocker and Perry had to save her from a self destructing volcano. She's had dreams where Perry was a secret agent in them.
-She doesn't bring it up or think about it much bc she just has like. A lot of other more pressing priorities most of the time, which is so valid. Also I lowkey thinks she suspects she's got a hallucination problem, like with the Zebra? I get why she doesn't talk about it out loud: she sounds crazy enough to her mother as is without suddenly talking about how their exotic pet is a sentient secret agent in a fedora.
-FERB figured it out almost immediately that day he and Phineas accidentally fell into Perry's lair and they pretended to be "secret agents" for the day. HE knows he didnt make that lair. Everything was almost toddler sized, but functionally and professionally equipped for a working adult. There were only two "P" s in the family, and it clearly wasn't Phineas. Also? Everything was Platypus themed. He put two and two together.
-I figure he doesn't talk about it bc he lowkey knows why Perry doesn't tell them. He and Phineas have a lot of faith in Perry, and Ferb is a lot less emotional. If Perry refuses to tell them about his double life and where he goes, hes just gonna trust him.
-Im pretty sure PHINEAS subconsciously knows about the secret agent thing. From where? Africa. He 💯 spotted Perry in secret agent mode on the other side of the gulf while hanging from that vine, and between his siblings Phineas is CLEARLY the one who knows what Perry looks like best. He can pick Perry out from colour and smell from every other brown eyed teal platypus in the entire tri-state area. He not only recognizes his paw prints: he knows Perry's healthy weight distribution on them to know whether or not hes injured or limping. Like....my boy can be oblivious and autistic 98% of the time, but Phin is also REALLY self aware and trusting of his own eyes and instincts.
-He doesn't talk about it because hes in denial 👍
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lesbianjennybrown · 7 days
You know how in that episode where phineas and ferb turn into babies and then Candace sends a picture to her mom and Linda is like “awwww cute baby photo” even though it’s canon the boys met when they were toddlers?
Do you think Linda thought Candace edited a photo of the boys together as babies and was actually just really touched by the thought? Or was she just too preoccupied by the event of the day to really look at it?
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ginnyweatherby · 10 months
hi i cannot sleep and my mind is wandering to the most random places tonight. so i come with a question: what are your headcanons for the whereabouts/backstories of phineas & candace’s father and ferb’s mother? please include as much lore as humanly possible
ok goodnight
Hmm, okay to be completely honest, I haven't really spent much time thinking about this. However I do personally think that Candace and Phineas' parents are divorced, while Ferb's mom passed away.
All that said, let's see if I can come up with something here...
Linda and Mr. Flynn were married young
Linda was still in her Lindana days then, he was some up-and-coming producer at the time
They met at a party somewhere and hit it off immediately. It's called networking.
They were the hot couple in the tabloids for awhile. You could barely go a week without seeing their faces or hearing their names somewhere.
Shortly after they were married, Linda found out she was pregnant and gave up the Lindana act to stay at home with the baby
Candace was a very ugly baby.
Candace loved her daddy, she was like a little duckling that followed him around everywhere
She liked to put on his glasses and his shoes and stomp around the house doing impressions of him.
They lived as a unit of three for awhile until Phineas came into the picture
Phineas was a sickly baby (you can't tell me that head of his made for an easy birthing experience), so it was hard on the family while he spent time in the hospital
He was also an ugly baby btw.
When Phineas was around two, all the stress had reached the breaking point, and they finally admitted defeat and divorced
I hate to say it was a bitter divorce, but well, there must be some reason he's out of the picture.
Lawrence and Mrs. Fletcher were sickeningly in love
Like ooey gooey mushy wushy stuff 24/7 just the most disgusting couple to be around.
They met as teenagers and were sweethearts ever since.
They liked to go on dates to cute little restaurants as often as they could
She loved movies, practically every weekend was spent at the cinema. She especially liked old black and white films.
She got sick when Ferb was only a baby, but she hid it well from him
She didn't want him to remember her ill.
Until she couldn't hide it anymore.
She passed away when Ferb was only a toddler
It scares him that the older he gets, the less he remembers of her.
Lawrence was - understandably - a wreck.
For several months.
Ferb stayed with his grandparents for awhile
Lawrence just couldn't cope with his grief and a toddler at the same time
Especially since every time he looked at Ferb, he saw her eyes.
Eventually Lawrence picked himself up, and while still devastated, knew he needed a fresh start.
For both of them. For all of them.
Ferb once asked why they didn't see Mummy anymore, and Lawrence almost broke down again
That's when he moved them to the United States
He knew he'd miss his family, but this was a clean slate.
It was hard at first, raising a kid on his own, but he knew he had to, for Ferb's sake
It's what his wife would have wanted. He'd promised her he'd do a good job.
He was so nervous the day he enrolled his shy little boy in preschool
They had barely walked into the classroom when a little redheaded boy took Ferb's hand and said "I know what we're going to do today!"
Lawrence met the boy's mom later that day.
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Lawrence and Candace
I think Lawrence and Candace's relationship is severely underrated. While to a certain extent it's partially because we spend less time with just the two, but what we do see is incredibly sweet.
The first episode we really get of them together is Lawrence teaching her how to parallel park. And then driving together in a Lawrence. While he's initially nervous, he tried to not let it get it to Candace, and by the end he's having fun, and has completely confidence in her. He's really proud of her and it's clear they both mean a lot to each other. They really are father and daughter with a lot of the same expressions throughout the scene. He really is proud of her.
The second episode I can think of is with the father daughter race. They always lose, and Lawrence's laid back personality contrasts with Candace's competitive one. But while Lawrence spent most of the episode, not actually with Candace, it makes it clear just how important Candace and Lawrence's relationship to each other. Lawrence enjoys spending time with Candace. Sure Candace doesn't LIKE losing, but she's still committed to it despite her usual aversion to potentially humiliating events.
In My Sweet Ride, we have Lawrence fixing up an old car just for her. She doesn't even have her license yet. Sure, he falls asleep part of the way through. But he genuinely was like, I'm going to build a car for her. Not only that, the same one he had as a kid.
It's not like they have a perfect relationship. Candace is A LOT and Lawrence is very laid back and often doesn't really get what's going on with Candace exactly. And Candace is often annoyed and impatient with him. But it's clear they care a lot about each other and are more willing to be patient with the others eccentricities. Even when Candace is complaining about her dad's stories she's still usually, somewhat, respectful.
Now I'm going to get a little bit... fanficy but bear with me.
Now in regards to in show, the Flynn-Fletchers are meant to show a healthy blended family dynamic. While this can come in many forms in reality, in Phineas and Ferb it comes in the form of what is functionally a nuclear family. Mom, Dad and three kids. Anything outside of that isn't important and is in fact probably takes away from the message that they are just like any other family.
But that doesn't mean I don't think it's worth completely ignoring. I mean, this is where fandom comes in isn't it?
We know from a line in Skiddley Whiffers that the Flynn-Fletcher kids have known each other for at least 6 years (or since the boys were about 3 or 4, and that Ferb has lived in the US for over half his life (so since he was 4 at most). While it's not clear exactly when Ferb moved to the US, or when Lawrence and Linda got married they've been a family for a while. Ferb and Phineas have known each other most of, if not as far, back as they can remember. To them this is pretty much how it has always been. This isn't true for Candace, who is 5 years older than Phineas, who therefore probably has some memories of a time before Lawrence and Ferb. While Lawrence already had a toddler son, Candace would have been a grade school aged girl. Phineas, at the very least, is very personable and gets along well with almost anyone.
But Candace is a very anxious person, and seems to have been an anxious kid too. "When I was small the world was such a strange place", the first line of Ducky Momo is my friend tells us one of the VERY few things we know about little Candace was that part of the reason for her attachment to Ducky Momo was that Ducky Momo comforted her when she was an anxious little kid. Now, the details Flynn-Fletcher family's backstory are unimportant, but no matter how things went down its very likely that Candace did have some big "confusing" changes in her childhood based on the two things we DO know: She and Phineas are full siblings, and Lawrence and Ferb came into their lives when Phineas and Ferb were at most 4.
This is CANDACE we're talking about there is no way she wasn't anxious about something. Whether it be not trusting Lawrence, or not thinking Lawrence would like her, there is very little doubt in my mind that Candace would take a bit to be completely comfortable with Lawrence. If Phineas and Ferb wasn't, well Phineas and Ferb, it would make for some easy drama for there to be tension between Candace and Lawrence by the time of the show. Phineas and Ferb isn't that kind of show of course, but that doesn't make their relationship any less sweet.
There's no way of knowing exactly how things went down, and quite frankly I don't need the show to confirm anything to me. Whether Lawrence somehow miraculously got Little Miss Anxiety herself to immediately like him and trust that he liked her unconditionally, or if he had to earn her trust because Candace worried he would hurt her family, or that he would leave because he didn't like Candace, the result is the same. Candace could not have been an easy kid to start parenting as an elementary schooler. This is a girl who went to Mars because she thought everyone hated her, got 50 patches in one day and joined the fireside girls to see a band, read all of Sherlock Holmes in one night. She is, quite simply, A LOT. But Lawrence and Candace ended up close by the time of the series.
There is a disconnect between them. Lawrence doesn't really always understand what Candace wants (in part due to the same sort of emotional oblivious Phineas also has). But that same disconnect exists between every member of the family to a certain extent. But ultimately Lawrence and Candace ARE father and daughter. She expresses annoyance with him, but he patiently keeps trying anyway. He may not have realized she still liked her Mary MacGuffin, or that constantly losing upset her, but he still makes an effort. To Candace, Lawrence is just her somewhat embarrassing, often boring, dad. But Candace still enjoys spending time with him and the things he does for her. And he's proud of Candace and loves spending time with her too.
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tartrat · 8 days
Kapyy but Night Swan got him or something
Funny idea that popped into my head on Monday night. Calling him "Night Kappy" makes him sound like a mushroom. Like what if there was a season were night swan just took over other coaches. If i were to make the twins headcanon into an actual fanfiction, Kapyy getting corrupted and Talia sway having to snap him out of it would be a plot point towards the end.
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I can't do feathers so i did his cloak and the feather accents the same way i'd do hair, i think it turned out all right. He's just really giving 90s supervillain here. For the chain necklace, i used the night swan badge from doing yssmiac but gold. I also just liked the idea of giving him those spiked bracelets.
I had to make a few concepts of what Kapyy would look like so here they are below. Have 90s supervillains, street kid or something. and the one thats totally not Cyclops from the Xmen. The out come is a mix between cyclops clone and 90s supervillain (2 and 3) with a bit of the others mixed in. I really wanted to give him the cyclops visor, I know nothing about the xmen but ive just been thinking about cyclops a lot recently and that got translated into this (watch me draw them high fiving or something). There was something about giving him longer hair for this that i just really liked. I really just went onto pinterest and typed "90s futuristic fashion mens" and found a few looks that i liked and mashed them together. Also feathers, a lot of feathers.
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The word "Night" doesn't look like a real word to me anymore ever since i started making this. I'd do a night version of Talia Sway but that would just be her wearing the reputation bodysuit but with feathers instead of snakes, and i've already done that with snakes. Unless i can think of something else
Personality wise, he would have the mouth of a sailor like this, but no one would take him seriously and they'd start laughing at him. He'd be like a toddler who heard a curse word once. Others think he's adorable and not a threat. He'd also be more of a danger to himself than others whilst like this, Talia has to tie him to a chair so he doesn't run into a wall and give himself a concussion by accident.
I'm planning a continuation for this one like i did for the visceral reaction post, i'm writing the dialogue in my notes app. I just want to try and improve my story telling and dialogue writing. it'll be funny. I started writing something last night where he can't sleep and asks Talia to stay with him, just twins headcanon stuff that's been floating around in my head because i listened to safe and sound by taylor swift on the bus home yesterday. Basically i have all these ideas in my head that i should put to paper.
Lastly what i learnt while making this is that Night Swan did such a good job on the just dancers outfits for tainted love, like she knows how to throw an outfit together. Gabriel Agreste wishes he could be Night swan (I've watch all the seasons of miraculous and had a visceral reaction when that teaser for the map dropped last year. Like that show's so bad but i can't look away). So i hope i make Night Swan proud with this design.
Also here he is in his unblended glory, looking like the backgrounds from phineas and ferb (because of the shapes on the track suit).
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Guess what time it isss!! Qsmp agere thoughts time!!!!
Bbh isn't technically Baghera's caregiver, but he may as well be at this point
Forever has taken care of little Cellbit once and would love to do it again, but Cellbit is not a fan (he never intended for Forever to know in the first place)
Tallulah can read littles like an open book, she just knows when someone is little
Charlie has a problem with sexualizing himself when he's slipping because he thinks it will pull him out of that headspace. It doesn't, and he doesn't find the strength to let ppl know until the last second.
Phil regresses very, very rarely, but when he does, Fit is his cg.
Roier loves wearing dresses and skirts while regressed because he wore them when he was little (I hc him as trans) he's a big fan of swishy skirts
Cellbit lets little Roier braid his hair (Jaiden does this occasionally, sometimes Richas will let him out things in his hair as well)
Etoiles is just as restless when he's little, gets upset when he's told he's too small to fight. There's been several instances of him getting back from a dungeon or fight and immediately going completely boneless and small. (Normally in Phil or Baghera's arms)
Maximus has tried to babysit a little before, but he got emotional and ended up calling someone else to take care of the kiddo
Mariana realized that little time is the perfect opportunity to help Charlie learn more Spanish. They use flashcards and watch/play videogames in Spanish if given the option, and there's special rewards for learning new words and phrases! Charlie loves showing off his new words to whoever will listen, it's adorable
Quackity hasn't regressed voluntarily since Wilbur left. He doesn't want to be little without his caregiver, and he doesn't want to ask anyone else to cg for him. Phil has offered to care for him time and time again, but Quackity refuses.
Jaiden has an endless supply of stories from back home (I hc that Jaiden was raised on a Pixelmon/pokemon world) that the littles find fascinating. She's trying to see if she can get access to her boxes so she can prove they're real.
Phil tends to forget that his wings are clipped and will get hurt because of it, for some reason little Phil hasn't processed that he can't fly anymore.
Wilbur doesn't let himself regress anymore, because he thinks he needs to be big for his daughter. Little does he know that his Dad regresses around Tallulah all the time.
Richas once looked Cellbit dead in the eyes and told him to go regress because he needed a break. Cellbit insisted he was fine. Richas then proceeded to do everything in his little dragon power to make his dad feel small.
I don't know much about Pac and Mike but I feel like they are absolute menaces when little. The most rambunctious pair of toddlers the server has ever seen. Need constant supervision because they are the regressor equivalent of Phineas and Ferb and they will get hurt if left on their own.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
tis time for the need for speed caper!
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notes under the cut as always
if you saw my boston tea party caper post you will already know that this is not my favorite episode. potentially one of my least favorites in the season. still has some fantastic moments though, and I'm excited anyway!
cool foreshadowing for next ep with neal. bellum likes him
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these bitches really ARE gay
i love how snarly they animate mech's face. her lip is curled or her nose is wrinkled
poor mechanic. so british it hurts a little bit
a choice of playdates 😭
cs: you can work remotely from my latop! the season being released in 2019: 👁️👄👁️
god why do they always make carmen's hottest and most showstopping outfits only get like a minute of screentime
the complete 180 from barfing at fish to proclaiming his love for a vile operative. fantastic
also mmmmmmmmmmmmmm the driver is a fantastic character. she's set up just enough w/ the green outfit and the mechanic letting us know that there's an operative already in dubai. plus she's milking trey without anyone suspecting a thing. she's so cool. imagine having to play dumb about your specialty for this arrogant little white boy
anyway trey sterlings little earrings
bonus points for how the driver only smiles when trey is looking at her
im a duke and ivy's a rocket scientist wheeze
god that cape on carmen is everything
who voices sterling sterling
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okay 1. daddy sterling 2. ITS MR GROUPER FROM BUBBLE GUPPIES JIDSHH. he's been in a ton of shit. soggy joe from amphibia, benzo in arcane, phineas and ferb and a lot of stuff as the amazing hulk. i wonder why they had him do the role GOOD LORD THIS GUY HAS BEEN IN A LOT OF STUFF
so has trey's va
and then the driver throws herself on trey as soon as she confirms that he's the one driving its so good
love how trey uses the wrong names just to be a dick
not entirely sure why zack and ivy went to the party at all when they could have just gone with carmen but whatever
ah, the part of the episode which makes me hate it. zack acting like a homicidal toddler
carmen and the fastest change of clothes in the world
i love how ivy is just glaring at him the whole time
my favorite part about cs being a kid's show is that when characters get arrested the cops just stand there really menacingly because they can't point guns at anyone who isn't dexter wolfe
i love the next few episodes of player and shadowsan bonding/gaining trust with each other tho
i love when carmen gets pissed off about stuff
i also like seeing how on edge she is- flattening herself against the wall on the roof when a car goes by and stuff because she's trying to figure out how she's going to get them out of jail
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i love her
HAHA okay i do love to see carmen yell at them because its SO emotive and GOOD but also IVY DID NOTHING WRONG SHE GETS THE SHORT END OF THE STICK
what was possibly worth risking your necks and mine and giving VILE a chance to win RNGRH its such a good line to show carmen's mentality. we see it in stockholm a little too with how she would almost literally rather die than let VILE win
how do they get home
mmmm this show is awesome with the setup for the driver
why would zack and ivy be knocking on his door if they knew he was supposed to be driving the car btw
man this show really tried to go for more refined themes in the depths of the episode. its implied that the driver seduced trey in his trailer and then stole all of his shit once he was undressed but obviously they can't do anything else with it but imply
i love how mad carmen is about literally everything in this episode she just snarls about things
the motorcycle driving animation is so slick though
the driver is underrated actually im realizing
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i LOVE the animation of the car speeding up to rocket mode its so cool
you can hear the tires squeal every time carmen/the sibs turn their vehicles around
carmen sandiego tragically dies in a 60 mile per hour head on collision atop a parking garage
"whats she going to do, give us both a piggyback ride?" carmen five seconds later:
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split up gang! lets look for clues
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carmen's hips. thank god for this shot
also i love the implication that carmen was just dramatically positioning herself against the wall and waiting for the driver to turn around
i love this fight scene with carmen and the driver btw its good. they are pretty evenly matched
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uhhh...where in time is carmen sandiego?
i also love the driver v carmen fight because they are like. clawing at each other. just brawling
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those are the fighting moves of a bitch who has been mad ALLLL day and needs to take it out on someone
ivy constantly being terrified of zack's driving because she's seen him flip the car completely upside down before is my favorite
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asami is that you
boston tea party and need for speed are truly a two part episode
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i love frames of carmen jumping off things before she deploys her glider
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she's literally so hot. also her forearm is disconnected from her elbow
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who still talked to carmen about a headquarters after she screamed "WE'LL CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT A HEADQUARTERS" into the phone and then hung up in a fit of rage because i wouldnt have
yeah they tried to fake us out didn't they
we got to see that workshop in s4 when carmen was brainwashed..
I KNOW A PLACE i love shadowsan
alright theres need for speed. im going to try to crunch out crackle goes kiwi maybe tonight but we'll see how it goes lol
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strugglingyetvibing · 7 months
let me put y'all on something real quick
we all know children's animation rocks (bluey, phineas and ferb, steven universe, etc etc etc)
well i've stumbled across a banger of a show that either i have yet to find the fandom for or is being incredibly slept on
it's called "Go! Go! Cory Carson," it's on netflix, and it is so freaking adorable
first of all, this is the character design:
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i mean, look at them!! the little green one is Chrissy, and she is the goat of the show. the orange one chrissy is sitting on is Cory, the blue one in the background is Mama, and the one with wood paneling is Papa.
the world of the show is super cute as well! i won't bombard with photos, but the plant life is all this neat felt-looking texture (which you can kind of see in the tree in the background of this pic), and the world itself is quite adorable, using over-exaggerated hills for much of the landscaping with sparse trees and bushes adorning them (which is reminiscent of a child's landscape drawing)
the show isn't built for older kids, like shows such as steven universe, but it's also not structured in a 'dora-style' format like some shows for kids are (being overly interactive with the audience with overwhelmingly positive protagonists or pointing out the obvious every five seconds to really drive home whatever message the show is sending)
the show is about cory and how he learns about life through playing with his friends and his family. it's really endearing, with a solid cast of characters, and the storytelling is very well done. the episodes, while short, are usually nicely paced, and they provide good messaging about healthy relationships with friends, family, the world around you, and even with yourself.
the characters are decently fleshed out as well. of course, headline protagonist cory has the most character development, and we ride along with him for most of the episodes. but chrissy is a pretty fleshed out character for being a toddler who still calls 'superheroes' "Scooplbeeple," and Mama and Papa have their moments that connect with older audiences that aren't just overused stereotypes. some of the episodes also vaguely spoof popular movies and television (like mission impossible's theme and dance dance revolution), which make these already cute episode even cuter
part of my system of deciding whether a piece of media is good or not (in my super subjective opinion) is if it can make me cry. it's not always a factor, but usually, if it makes me cry that's a pretty good thing. that's because there was enough emotional heart in the media to tug at my heartstrings enough to make me cry. bluey absolutely smashed this category out of the park (sleepytime, granddad, rug island, to name a few episodes that made me sob), and i could talk about how good that show is for quite some time. cory carson has six seasons so far, and i'm part of the way through season three. so far, two episode have made me cry, "Grandpa's Treasure" and "Show and Tell," so this show definitely passes the test.
long story short, "Go! Go! Cory Carson" is an adorable little Netflix show to check out if you have about 8 minutes to spare for an episode and want to see adorable little cars zoom around their cute little town, and i highly recommend it if you like children's animation similar to shows like bluey
but, really though, chrissy is the best character in the show, hands down. she's a little car of few 'words,' but when she speaks, you listen
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Kid Human Perry Stuff
You know I've seen various Human Perry the Platypus AUs. When he's an adult he's always Phineas and Ferb's Uncle, typically from Ferb's side of the family.
Which I've never exactly understood why. Is it because of teal and green being more similar than teal and orange? Or is it because they also tend to make him Australian, and Australia is part of the british commonwealth?
Not to mention making him a Fletcher doesn't really make any sense, because it seems like most of the time the AU also makes him adopted. Like I feel like I've primarily seen AUs in which he's Lawrence's adoptive younger brother.
Anyways this post isn't about that. This is more about Human Perry who is also a child AUs, which there are significantly fewer of, primarily because Human Perry was more or less created by Perrysmirtz shippers to make it less taboo.
So child Human Perry the Platypus, how does he fit into the Flynn-Fletcher household. He's obviously way too young to be Linda or Lawrence's sibling, because I'm having him be close to the same age as the boys and Candace. Right in the middle. If Candace is (recently turned) 15, and the boys are 9 (8-10) then Perry is 12.
He can't be a nephew. Tiana (Linda's sister) doesn't have kids and we see her get married in the series. While Adrien (Lawrence's brother) wouldn't have named him Perry.
He could be adopted. Linda and Lawrence could have adopted him after they got married, but that wouldn't make too much since as they haven't adopted each others' kids yet. Ferb is still just a Fletcher, while Candace and Phineas are both still just Flynns, while both Linda and Lawrence are Flynn-Fletchers.
He could even be a foster. Which would explain how OWCA would be able to just rehome him to a new family if they ever decided he had to be relocated, or his secret identity as an agent was revealed to his family.
I however vote on Perry being Ferb's older half brother on his mom's side.
Let me explain. So Lawrence and Linda obviously at one point had long lasting and serious relationships with different people. Linda with Candace and Phineas's bio-dad, and Lawrence with Ferb's bio-mom. Not to mention both Linda and Lawrence both whole heartedly take on and treat their step-children (remember no legal adoption) as their own children.
So I could totally see Lawrence still getting with Ferb's bio-mom, even if Ferb's bio-mom already had a kid from a previous relationship (human Perry). Like he married Linda and she already had two kids.
Anyways, Lawrence did indeed end up adopting Perry, so Perry is legally a Fletcher, but he's not biologically related to anyone but Ferb. He had to adopt Perry in order to retain custody after the death of his (first) wife shortly after Ferb was born.
So Perry and Ferb are bio-half-brothers but legally full brothers. And they're both Candace and Phineas's step-siblings. If Perry really needs to be Australian than his and Ferb's bio-mom can be Australian.
She died too early for Ferb to pick up the Australian accent, which is why he's so completely British. While Perry learned her Aussie accent long before his introduction to Lawrence (his step and later adoptive father), and later the American accent.
We already know that accent drift isn't a thing in P&F's world, with Ferb being the clearest example of this. He's apparently lived in America around americans for years, but his accent is just as british as any other british character in the show. With it being implied that he and Lawrence joined the Flynns in America when Ferb was a toddler.
So in P&F accent is something that's more or less set for the rest of your life by the time you get the talking thing down.
The OWCA situation is a bit different in this AU. You see, the thing is, Perry isn't an official secret agent. Or at least he didn't start off his nemesis-ship with Doofensmirtz that way.
His beef with Doof originally started because as we can see from canon. You see, Doof's inators very frequently just end up pointed at what Phineas and Ferb are doing in the backyard. Occasionally directly putting them in danger.
Much like how Isabella figures out that Doof's building was the origin of the static plague in Night of the Living Pharmacists. Perry similarly figured out where all these crazy sky beams that occasionally put his little brothers in danger were coming from, and went out to put a stop to that.
I imagine he eventually got co-opted into OWCA at one point, because that's kind of what OWCA does. Just accept/shanghai any effective agent that they can find. Let us not forget Planty the Potted Plant. And he's been with them for at least a couple years by the time we get to The Summer (the one that starts with a roller-coaster).
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magicmindless · 2 years
A hc list but it’s just Mary
(Disclaimer: a few of these might’ve been mentioned before in the miscellaneous lists, I know which ones they are but maybe I’m missing a few but whatever)
- She has no idea who her real parents were since she and James were adopted by Skip while she was a baby
- Yeah I think James would be her older brother (by like 5 years)
- Was very severely bullied as a teen making her into an anxious apologetic people pleaser with very low self-esteem
- Awhile back her friend suggested to her that she should try therapy because she seemed to have a lot of baggage so she did. It took some shifting around trying to find the right therapist for her but eventually it did help her overtime and she still occasionally has therapy sessions, just not as often
- She’s mostly recognized for her skill at painting custom patterns and designs for homes, buildings, and murals rather than just flat colors. Her work usually always ends up very clean and professional yet charming
- Has a secret talent for making semi-realistic/realistic paintings of things
- Besides painting she can do other sorts of arts and crafts like sketching and drawing and some diy stuff like woodwork
- She is uh, clumsy though. Between her and Sue she’s the better chef it just… takes her a few injuries to make a nice meal (thankfully the kitchen never caught on fire)
- Genuinely doesn't believe she’s that great when it comes to her more artistic side. Like she doesn’t think she’s terrible but it’s the classic artist thing to have a love-hate relationship with your skill right?… or is that just me?
- Is kind of shy in general and takes some time to open up to people but is a total sweetheart when she’s comfortable
- She gets scared easily. She especially doesn’t like anything to do with murder or a lot of gore yet she’s comfortable with paranormal stuff, though that’s probably because it’s less believable
- She’s not great at playing bagpipes but it makes her happy because they’re fun to play. She even attempted to learn a few gaming soundtracks to play (still not amazing at them but she likes it)
- Her favorite color palettes always involve cool colors like nebula and vaporwave palettes
- She liked Nintendo games when she was little, mainly Animal Crossing, Pokémon and Kirby. She still likes most games from her childhood, especially Animal Crossing. Her island is very pretty and she likes to collect bugs
- Grew an attachment to dogs because one of Skip’s friends had a dog and it was really friendly and she really liked it
- Dogs seem to like her a lot also besides her current pugs, like at the dog park there’s always a few dogs that might run up to her just because.
- She has a lot of stuffed animals, including one of a golden retriever with a lavender ribbon around its neck she got as a toddler and named “Doggy” (yeah, real original)
- Unfortunately, the original one got stolen by her high school bullies but then later Sue gifted her with an exact replica and she cried for 5 minutes straight
- She likes most house pets besides dogs. She especially likes Pastrami who has warmed up to her and James and will sometimes ride on her shoulder holding on to her collar
- She likes to hold little critters she finds in nature like frogs snails and some bugs
- Her favorite movies are mostly animated movies and she also likes a lot of cartoons like A:TLA, Phineas and Ferb, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Bluey, etc.
- She doesn’t drink often, only whenever she goes to bars with her friends but when she’s drunk she gets very giggly and euphoric although she gets whiny sometimes. She also gets very clingy to Sue when she’s around. Besides being kind of annoying she’s not that bad and will probably fall asleep later
- She’s pretty strong physically, even more than Sue but she wouldn’t hurt anyone. She did have a lot of play fights with James when they were little though, but nobody got hurt… most of the time
- I think I can consider Mary a comfort character, and if she had a comfort character, she’d have more than a few like Kirby, Bluey, Pochacco, and Snoopy and Woodstock
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mammalsofaction · 1 month
Flynn Fletcher siblings family headcanons (Human Perry ver)
Phineas was a dirt eating baby/toddler. He is a naturally curious child, and babies have the most sensory receptors in their mouth. It makes sense also that he is a huge fan of animals insects and the outdoors. His parents have taken to checking his mouth every so often as a baby and their anxiety rockets everytime they see him chewing something unknown. One time Perry pulls whole dead centipede out of his mouth and NOBODY can tell if it was alive when it got IN his mouth. One of the most anxiety inducing doctor's visits.
When it comes to snack time, it is imperative that Ferb has his own plate (he has sensory issues and hates sharing), Phineas has just enough to make it look like he has something on his plate and Perry piles as much as he can on Candace's. This is because the boys like stealing from Candace's plate, and sometimes it is all that Phineas actually eats.
Ferb is usually up to something. Whenever the boys are up to mischief Phineas usually means well, but Ferb knows EXACTLY what he's doing. They are the epitome of cat and dog best friends. Perry has taken to ensure that whenever he's sneaking around with tools to make sure he's either with Phineas, or he's not carrying something sharp like knives or scissors.
Perry used to have a leather jacket. He doesnt have it anymore bc Ferb threw in in their sink with the shredder as a baby and now it is completely unsalvageable.
Phineas was old enough to get his own room by the time Ferb and Lawrence moved in and they all went to IKEA to pick out their own beds to decorate their rooms as they please. It was a fond memory of family bonding
Phineas is actually more introverted than Ferb. Hes perfectly friendly and polite, but he has difficulty understanding social cues and usually finds little reason to seek out other people or clubs to hang out with besides the friend group he already has. He can also play perfectly fine on his own. Ferb doesn't talk much, but he doesn't really have to do much to get his points across. He's the wise man with few words.
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theuniversals · 1 year
my dance moves can be sorted into two categories: sims 4 toddler and a phineas & ferb character
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I think the subject of Zac, Vanessa & Ashley “not working” needs to just stop. We all know they are. Yes, Ashley is most known for HSM, Suite Life & Phineas and Ferb but to say “her career is dead” just because she chose to focus on producing and her business is the dumbest thing ever. I see Vanessa fans shit talk Ashley’s work all the time when literally her & Vanessa have done similar things throughout their whole careers. They both did broadway, they both did tv shows & movies, they both ventured into producing, they both have ventured into business opportunities which by the way, Ashley’s is doing amazing and so are Vanessa’s. I think people just don’t realize Ashley has done more than that because they don’t actively follow her like they did when she was on Disney, plus, Ashley has said she likes to focus on one thing at a time and it’s more prominent now that she has Jupiter because it’s hard to do multiple work projects with a toddler.
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trustalerts · 2 years
Perry the platypus voice actor
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D reveals that he was lying, and needs the Boys to fix the machine so he can take over the 1st dimension. Not wanting his two best friends to be hurt, he sneaks off again and turns himself in. D, warning him that if he doesn't turn himself in, the Boys would be hurt.
Inside, Perry sees a commercial on TV by the 2nd Dimension Dr. Phineas, though still a little bit angry at Perry, reminds the Platypus that 2nd dimension them might not know that he's a secret agent, so Perry takes off his fedora and pretends to be a normal pet, rattling off his famous chartle. So the Boys and Perry decide to find their 2nd dimension selfs to help them. After hiding in an alley from the patrolling Norm-Bots, Phineas tries heading back to the 1st dimension using a remote they made,but it doesn't work. Ds, having to fight 2nd Dimension Perry to make it. Phineas can't believe that Perry has been lying to him, as the Boys and Perry escape from the revealed evil Dr. D doesn't fall for Perry's pet disquise and by using the 2nd Dimension Perry, aka the Platyborg, to prove it. D, he had found his 2nd Dimension counterpart. Perry soon learns that this demension was ruled by the 2nd Dimension Dr. Ferb grabbs Perry as Phineas puts in the last piece, and machine powers up, and the gang steps through to the 2nd dimension. Perry then tries to stop the constructing without revealing that he is a secret agent, including peeing on Dr. D doesn't realize that his nemesis is there. The two are suprised to see Perry, and Dr. The Boys turn around to find Perry, who had slipped off his fedora. When he reaches there though, he finds Phineas & Ferb helping Dr. There his jet is towed off and Perry continues on to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. The hit knocks the cockpit off course and the jet crashes down to the ground. But the jet is a little cocky and Perry blasts off, knocking into a large cockpit with two Boys in it. Also, Perry recieves some new gadgets and a new mode of transportation: A new high-tech spy jet. D is building an 'Other Dimension-Inator'. Meanwhile, Perry heads off for the O.W.C.A. Soon they they have the idea of using the reflex to create a real sport known as Platypus Badmition. Outside, the Boys use Perry's reflex as a sport. Phineas then goes into another flashback, where toddler he and Ferb buy the baby platypus. The Boys' Mother passes by and reminds them of something special: That day was the anniversary of Perry being their pet. Phineas commented that having Perry wake them is great, and the song 'Everything is better with Perry' is proformed, ending with Perry and his owners sliding down the stair's rail. Phineas then brings the viewer in a flaskback to how they got into the situation: Early that morning, in Phineas & Ferb's Bedroom, Perry awoke, thanks to the alarm clock's mechanical arm, and woke the Boys. D chained together in the 2nd dimension, about to be fed to the giant 2nd Dimension Goozim. The film starts with Perry, along with Phineas, Ferb, Candace, and Dr. When he sees him, Phineas usually says, "Oh, there you are Perry." Role in the Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension D's plans for the day, he takes off his fedora and sneaks back to the Flynn-Fletcher household. D's machine, the Inator shoots out a beam that somehow causes Phineas & Ferb's inventions to disappear. Sometimes, though, before Perry destroys Dr. D's trap and stops the man before his scheme works. D tells Perry his plan to try to take over the Tri-State Area, almost always using a device ending with Inator. When he comes in, he is somehow trapped by the evil Dr. After the briefing, Perry leaves and heads to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, where his assigned nemesis, Dr. (Organization Without a Cool Acronym) to get a mission briefing from his boss, Major Francis Monogram. Perry is the pet platypus of Phineas Flynn & Ferb Fletcher, but every day, he puts on his agent fedora and sneaks off to the O.W.C.A. S a grrrrr sound, and quickly opens and closes his mouth to make it work. Baker makes this strange noise by only moving one side of his mouth, relaxing his tounge, make Perry can't speak, and can only make a strange noise people can only refer to as a chartle. His head his three tufts at the top, two eyes that don't look in the same direction, and a duck-like beak. He has four legs, his front feet being paws and his back feet webbed. 5 Role in Take Two with Phineas and Ferb.4 Role in the Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension.
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