hola-soy-jade · 6 years
Heyo!! I am kinda new to the Hamilton fandom, and I was wondering if you could give me a list of ships?? Thanks!!
Oh, welll(My english is not the best, sorry)You want to know the names? Um, I'm gona tell you the most common onesLams (HamiltonxLaurens)Mullette (MulliganxLaffayette)Hamliza (HamiltonxEliza)Jeffmads (JeffersonxMadison)Phildosia (PhilipxTheodosia)Elams (ElizaxHamiltonxLaurens)Hamburr (HamiltonxBurr)Hamgelica (HamiltonxAngelica)Marliza (MariaxEliza)Burrdosia (BurrxTheodosia)WashingtonxHamilton (I don't remember the name xd)Thaurens (JeffersonxLaurens)Leeburr ( LeexBurr)Leebury (LeexSeabury)LeexLaurensThere's probably more but those are the ones I remember now
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chiscribbs · 8 years
Could you tell us John's possible thoughts on PhilipxTheodosia?
That she’s waaaaay out of his league, probably. And also that, knowing Burr, Theo isn’t going to be easily wooed by his charming poet persona. But he knows that Philip - like his father - loves a challenge, so it’s not like that fact deters him at all.
Of course, John always enjoys rooting for the underdog despite the odds (and he IS Philip’s guardian after all), so he does what he can to push the scenario along.
For instance, lately Theo finds that her papers and hats seem to get carried off by the “wind”, and land right at the feet that Hamilton, curiously often. (Over doing it juuust a bit, dontcha think John?)
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