#phew okay i think that's all i wanted to say about naoya
queen-of-bel · 5 years
 Devil Survivor spoilers
Okay, I know I already wrote an analysis for Naoya, but that was pretty disjointed as I wrote one half before playing Overclocked, and then tacked more in a reblog after playing it. I just want to consolidate it into one, more coherent post (and i added more stuff!), so here we are.
kaido | atsuro | amane | gin | mari
Naoya gets a lot of shit for two main reasons. One is that some people think he has equal responsibility with the Shomonkai for YHVH sending the ordeal. The thing is, Naoya wasn't at fault here. Another reason is that it's his fault Kazuya and his friends were trapped in the lockdown.
Let me start by addressing the latter point.
Yes, he invited Kazuya, Atsuro, and Yuzu to Shibuya knowing that they would get trapped in the lockdown. But here's the thing. The Shomonkai had already defeated Jikokuten six months prior to the beginning of the game, which meant the barrier between Tokyo and the Demon World had begun to deteriorate. This is why demons such as Kudlak were able to come into Tokyo on their own.
So, let’s say that Kazuya, Atsuro, and Yuzu weren’t in the lockdown during that week. There are two things that could have happened. Either the humans trapped in the lockdown failed, and humanity is eternally stripped of their free will, forced to walk under YHVH’s command, or somehow the humans are able to end the lockdown and survive another ordeal.
Let's be honest. The most realistic way the the lockdown could have been ended is if the demon tamers broke out, like in Yuzu’s original ending. We all saw how that turned out: Honda lost his fucking shit, and everything was thrust into a truly chaotic world.
Even with Yuzu's eighth day, the only way to make things right is to restore the barrier, but Kazuya only did that because the government was treating them as terrorists. And the only reason the government was so easily able to identify them as terrorists is because Izuna and Fushimi had frequent contact with them throughout the lockdown.
So my point with that is, if normal demon tamers broke out, it would be harder for the government to identify who the "terrorists" are, and it's pretty unlikely that they would have been searching for a way to fix the situation they're in now.
So, we see that breaking out of the lockdown would be a bad ending for humanity. What about other ways of ending the lockdown?
Well, any other means of ending the lockdown involves either rewriting the summoning program, or becoming King of Bel. Both options just aren’t realistic without Naoya’s guidance. Yes, it is possible that another person with Abel’s essence was trapped in the lockdown, and could have defeated either Beldr or Belial, but the likeliness of them discovering the truth about the War of Bel on their own is questionable. I think it's highly possible that Loki would've told them, but Loki is a trickster, and would've manipulated the situation for his own enjoyment. So yes, maybe another Abel could've become the King of Bel through Loki's support, but Loki has his own selfish agenda, and frankly I'd be pretty terrified of a world where that Abel became overlord.
If none of the above happened, then we all know what would happen. The UEM field would annihilate everyone in the lockdown after the week was over, and humanity would be stripped of its freedom, forced to walk along YHVH.
So to summarize what I've said so far, if Naoya hadn’t involved Kazuya and his friends, there isn't really a good ending for humanity. Either the world would turn into a chaotic wasteland, a... less than ideal person would become King of Bel, or humanity loses its freedom.
Okay, so now that I talked about why Kazuya needed to be in the lockdown, I'm going to talk about Naoya's involvement with the COMP creation, and why that doesn't mean the lockdown was his fault.
Again, the dissolution of the barrier between Tokyo and the Demon World had already begun because of the Shomonkai.  Defeating Jikokuten was difficult and put a huge strain on Amane, but it wasn’t impossible. After she had time to recover, the Founder would have just had Jezebel defeat the other three Devas, thus completing the dissolution of the barrier. The Shomonkai would just summon demons the old fashion way, and guess what? YHVH would still order the lockdown!
So really, by the time the Shomonkai commissioned Naoya to create COMPs and the Demon Summoning Program, it was already inevitable that the lockdown would happen. The COMPs made the ordeal come sooner, but it still would have come anyway.
Despite the fact that Naoya was commissioned by the Shomonkai, he had modified the program so that the Shomonkai didn’t have complete control, though. During Gin’s battle against Azuma, the “safety” precautions that Azuma assumed Naoya had put on the COMPs didn’t exist. Evidently, despite Naoya’s desire to get revenge on YHVH, Naoya didn’t agree with the Shomonkai’s morals.
He even says this on his eighth day, saying that while humanity does deserve to be free, just as the Shomonkai teaches, humanity can't be free if they are being led by a demon. Only a human (who has become a demon king) has the right to lead humans.
And yes, the demon summoning program wasn’t without casualty. We all know that Aya was dragged into the demon world and killed. But here’s the thing. Aya knew what she was getting into. She sacrificed her life to complete the demon summoning program. Naoya didn’t sacrifice her. This was made clear when she left her sequencer with Haru. If Aya didn’t know she was going to die, then why would she task Haru with completing the dispelling song? Haru even says during her route that Aya must have known what was going to happen.
So I know this was pretty lengthy, but I think this is a good case for why Naoya didn't have anything to do with the ordeal.
Alright, I'm going to talk a bit about Naoya's morals now.
Naoya makes it very clear that he has no qualms about killing most people who stand in his way (more about that later). He’s so desensitized to the concept of death that he really doesn’t give it a second thought. He also strongly believes in the concept of the strong ruling over the weak in society.
Here’s the thing about this philosophy, though. Historically, SMT games have presented chaos as just straight up darwinism. Anyone can do anything they want so long as nobody is strong enough to stop them. Chiaki, Takeshi, Walter, the Gaians– all of them subscribed to this interpretation of “strong over the weak”.
However, there’s a more subtle interpretation that doesn’t get explored that much. Those who are in positions of power don’t have to abuse their abilities in order to rule over others. Nothing in the chaos ideology says that you have to use the power of demons for selfish purposes. Just that you side with the demons for ultimate freedom. That freedom can be on an individual level (where we see the “might means right”), or can be used for humanity as a whole (focusing more on freeing humanity from YHVH’s rule).
That’s where the kill/no kill sub-routes in Naoya’s eighth day come into play. Both of those routes represent the two different interpretations of chaos.
So now that we’ve broken down chaos as an ideology, let’s get back to Naoya.
Naoya doesn’t give a shit which path Kazuya chooses. To take the time to convince others that the angels are the true enemies, or to kill anyone who may oppose the overlord, it’s all the same to him. The only thing he cares about is being on Kazuya’s good side. This is why he stops Kaido from attacking the mob that confronts them on the beginning of the 8th day. Naoya needs to learn Kazuya’s motivations for becoming the King of Bel. If Naoya does something which upsets Kazuya, he runs the risk of Kazuya changing his mind about Naoya’s plan. Especially now that Kazuya is the commander of all demons. If Kazuya doesn’t agree to Naoya’s plan now, Naoya will never get another chance to defeat YHVH.
So, if Kazuya wants to be the overlord purely because he wants power, Naoya has no reason to stop Kaido from killing the civilians. On the other hand, if Kazuya became the overlord truly to help humanity, Kazuya would be pissed that Naoya/Kaido are using their power for personal gain. Naoya is now forced to have unwavering loyalty to the overlord.
We know that Naoya doesn’t really care what choice Kazuya makes, but which route would Naoya choose if it were up to him? Honestly, I don’t know, and I don’t think anybody can know for certain. Killing all those with a dissenting opinion is certainly a much faster method. On the other hand, having humanity unite to back the overlord would absolutely give Kazuya more power. Also, keep in mind that Naoya does truly want what he feels is best for humanity– to free them from YHVH’s rule. This is evidenced by Yuzu’s eighth day where Naoya admits he didn’t anticipate Kazuya’s actions, but is pleased nonetheless because his goal of YHVH abandoning humanity has been completed. 
We do know that Naoya has no qualms about killing his enemies. In Yuzu’s seventh day, he volunteers to attack Shinjuku because that’s the only point where human soldiers are guarding the barricade. He knows that Yuzu doesn’t want to kill humans and even says that he’ll have more fun dealing with humans than angels.
This last statement is an interesting one because we know that Naoya absolutely detests YHVH and the angels. So to say that he’d have more fun fighting the humans than the angels that he hates so much? That means that the SDF soldiers are at the absolute top of his shit list right now.
So why is this? Why does Naoya hate these humans even more than the beings he considers to be the embodiment of YHVH’s wrath?
Again, Naoya values humanity and humanity’s freedom more highly than anything. He already dislikes the Japanese government, saying that the “gross incompetence” they displayed while dealing with the angels is a sin. My guess is that to him, the only thing worse than YHVH and the angels would be humans who side with angels. He views this as a betrayal to humanity, and this betrayal will endanger humanity’s well-being.
So, back to the question of which method Naoya would prefer. The answer to that question is dependent on Naoya’s opinion on the demon tamers’ actions-- does Naoya view the tamers as traitors to humanity as well?
Because he has to be entirely neutral during the beginning of his eighth day, we have no way of knowing how he feels about these people. He tells them that all of their lives combined are still worth less than Kazuya’s life, but that doesn’t mean Naoya will jump at the opportunity to kill them, either.
Although, in his no-kill route, when the civilians ambush Kazuya and the group in Miyashita park, Amane attempts to convince them that the angels are the true enemies. When this fails and the civilians seem to only get more worked up, Naoya says that they must retreat from the conversation or else the group may end up having to kill the civilians. He also states before his challenge on the 5th day that Kazuya should "eliminate anyone who stands before you by your own power! Your own will!”
If the question we’re trying to answer is “Would Naoya kill people who oppose him?” then the answer is clearly yes. But the question we have is slightly different. The question is: “Would Naoya kill people who oppose him as a means of introducing the overlord to humanity?”
This distinction is important because how the overlord deals with this situation is going to drastically affect the entirety of humanity’s future.
When Naoya talks about killing the SDF soldiers in Yuzu’s seventh day, or eliminating those who stand in his way, he’s referring to very localized and isolated incidents. On the other hand, having Kazuya’s first act as the overlord be to kill everyone who opposes him has a drastic effect on humanity as a whole. Killing those with a dissenting voice leads to a tyrannical rule, and I’m not positive that this is something that Naoya agrees with. 
He is at least partially okay with it, given that he doesn’t object if Kazuya chooses that route. To Naoya, a tyrannical rule led by a human is better than a tyrannical rule led by YHVH. Even so, we always circle back to the point that Naoya wants humanity to be free above all. Humanity in his kill route is not as free as humanity in his no kill route.
When we take all the above points into consideration, there’s simply no way we can know how Naoya would handle the situation if it were up to him. His first instinct probably is to kill people who stand in his way, but does his wish for humanity’s freedom override this initial urge?
At this point, it’s worth noting the difference between Naoya and Cain. As confirmed by the writers, Naoya has two sets of memories. Cain’s memories are the accumulation of his previous lifetimes and are the cause of his suffering. Naoya’s memories, on the other hand, are purely related to his current life. The writers have stated that throughout his lifetimes, Cain has lived pretty normal lives and is implied to be a kind person. Revenge against YHVH is always on the back of his mind, but is typically not the driving force behind his personality.
However, when he sees an opportunity to get revenge, that’s when his memories as Cain really take over him. He has endured so much loss and torment over thousands of years, and he won’t let anything stop him from getting the revenge he was wanted this entire time.
This doesn’t stop the fact, though, that he has bonded with the people in his lifetimes.
As we clearly see in Amane’s original ending, and eighth day, Naoya feels extremely guilty that he killed Abel. On Amane’s seventh day, he lashes out at Kazuya, having a complete and total emotional breakdown, all the while begging Kazuya to hate and kill him.
The next day, Naoya completely shuts down. He doesn’t care about revenge anymore. He feels hurt and betrayed by Kazuya’s decision to become the messiah. Ultimately, he feels hopeless. His brother hates him, his chance at revenge is over, and because he refuses to give into YHVH, he accepts that he is bound to be cursed forever.
The rest of Amane’s eighth day is pretty straightforward, so I won’t analyze it much further. We know that throughout the lockdown, Naoya truly cared about Kazuya’s safety, Naoya respects Kazuya so much that he let Kazuya choose his own path instead of forcing him to be overlord, and Naoya steps in during the battle with Okuninushi to save his brother.
Another time we see Naoya's guilt over killing Abel is during his seventh day. When the angels fight Kazuya in front of Hills building, they attempt to reawaken his memories as Abel.
Naoya's reaction to this is really interesting. This is one of the few times in the game that he actually panics and shows signs of vulnerability. He frantically tells Kazuya not to listen to the angels and says they're only trying to confuse Kazuya.
Now, Naoya is a walking database of human emotions and behaviors. This is why he's so good at predicting what people will do next. He prides himself in being able to anticipate Kazuya's actions and fully understands his motivations. We see this in the email he sends Kazuya at the end of the sixth day, when he says "Kazuya, come to me. Now." That's a pretty cocky thing to say, so we knows he's confident at knowing what Kazuya will do.
But Kazuya's trump card over Naoya is his memories of being Abel. From Naoya's perspective, it would make perfect sense for Abel to hate Naoya. Any reasonable person would hate their murderer, and possibly even moreso if their murderer was their own brother.
Of course, there's also the possibility that Kazuya wouldn't remember his life as Abel, and would sympathize with what Naoya had to endure. But the key point is, Kazuya has the potential to have two sets of memories, just as Naoya does.
So when the angels try to awaken Abel's memories inside Kazuya, Naoya doesn't know if that'll be successful. If it is, and Kazuya does remember Cain killing him, there's a chance that Abel doesn't forgive him.
This is what terrifies Naoya so much.
Of course, if Abel doesn't forgive Cain, then there's the possibility that Kazuya won't go along with Naoya's plan anymore. But I don't think that's what Naoya is most worried about.
Remember, as we saw in Amane's eighth day, Naoya respects the choices that Kazuya makes, and really cares about Kazuya's wellbeing. He also says in his own eighth day that he's lucky to have had Abel by his side throughout the ages. This implies that no matter how many times he was reincarnated, there was always somebody with Abel's essence close to him.
For thousands of years, Naoya has felt utterly alone, but the knowledge that his brother was close to him was probably his only source of comfort.
So when the angels ask Kazuya if he really has been reduced to a mere human, Naoya doesn't panic because his plan's success is in jeopardy, he panics because he might lose the only thing he feels that he has.
There is one other time that Naoya shows true vulnerability. In his eighth day, when he realizes Metatron is planning on using God's Thunder to purge the earth, he panics, saying he didn't anticipate this action.
Again, Naoya wants what's best for humanity, and YHVH killing everyone on the planet certainly goes against Naoya's wishes. Naoya gets scared not only because he failed humanity, but he's about to be responsible for his brother's death. Again.
Thankfully, Kazuya awakens to his overlord power in time, and Metatron concedes, so Naoya quickly goes back to his usual calm demeanor. But for a few seconds, he did break his facade and show a moment of weakness.
Speaking of breaking his facade, he does show a couple other times of letting go of his typically cold personality. After successfully convincing humans that the angels are the true enemy, most of Kazuya's friends rejoin the group. They start having heartfelt interactions (Midori excitedly chasing after the group, Kaido calling Atsuro "otakuro"), which leads Naoya to chuckle and comment how this is a boisterous group, but it's not a bad thing.
In all of his lifetimes, Naoya has felt extremely lonely because he knows everyone around him will move on, but he never will. If YHVH is killed, then his punishment will be over. This means that he knows this will be his last life. He'll get to pass on just like everyone else does, and as a result of that, he's allowing himself to be more open around people.
In the very beginning of the game, Naoya is implied to not have any sense of humor at all. Yuzu says that the Laplace email must be a joke, and Atsuro says that Naoya must have a sense of humor. But the way Atsuro says this means that Naoya hasn't been shown to joke around, and Atsuro is just assuming that Naoya has a sense of humor because Naoya is human, too.
At the end of Naoya's no kill route, though, Naoya shows his lighthearted side by teasing Atsuro about his crush on Yuzu.
Taking the previous two points into consideration, I think it's safe to say that Naoya is slowly opening up to other people now that he knows his punishment will be over soon.
Naoya gets written off by a lot of players as “evil asshole cousin”, but is actually an extremely complex character. The Shomonkai forced him into a tough decision by defeating Jikokuten, and the only thing to do at that point for the sake of humanity was to get Kazuya involved. This happened to coincide with his goal of defeating YHVH, so Naoya put a very intricate plan in action to undermine the Shomonkai and ensure that their plan failed, all the while freeing humanity from YHVH’s reign. His two sets of memories make him a walking contradiction. He’s kind and ruthless at the same time. Manipulative yet respectful. He carries around a tremendous amount of emotional baggage, pain, and suffering, and while he does have a personal stake in making Kazuya overlord, he also does it for the sake of humanity as well.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
kunikida doesn't deserve this shit
Yohei: *asleep, Toru sleeping on his chest* chie: *smiles and snaps a pic* Yohei: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *taps glasses with Tachihara* Tachihara: -_- "Just don't get the appeal of this season..." hirotsu: just enjoy it. *sips* Motojiro: =w= "How very zen." Tachihara: -_-; "Can't even find anyone around today..." leo: *entering with tea* is there anything else you would like today? Motojiro: owo "Do you have lemon for the tea~?" leo: i think so. i'll go and check, sir. Motojiro: "No problem--I'll handle this!" *pulls a lemon out of his pants* leo: ._.; hirotsu: that's just.....unsanitary. Motojiro: "I promise you, I kept the lemon hermetically sealed. My pants double as a sterile environment--" Tachihara: *spits up his drink, laughing hard* Motojiro: ._. "???" leo: ._.;;;;; hirotsu: *mortified* Motojiro: "..." *light bulb* "Hey! I didn't mean 'sterile' like that! I promise you, I am fertile!" leo: .... *blink* ????? hirotsu: *pinches nose* oooh dear lord... Tachihara: *laughs so hard he has fallen backwards in his chair* Motojiro: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Takehisa: *looking outside* maki: ? Takehisa: "Oh. Hello." *small smile* maki: hey. ^^ Takehisa: "Hmm...New sweater?" maki: yep! *it's a pusupusu sweater* ^u^ Takehisa: "It suits you." -elsewhere- Touma: *tosses slop into the jail cell* gil: eyyyyyyyyyyy Touma: "Eat up. Merry Christmas." gil:.... can we order pi-zza~? OwO Touma: *tosses a phone at him* "Try..." gil: *dialing* hello- *No signal* gil: D8 ray:.... that's just mean. gil:....im keeping the phone! Touma: "Have fun with that...I left some photos on it." gil: ???? *checks photos* *They show certain vampires being tortured...* gil: .___________.;;;;;;; *checking* boss lady and una arent in these. *phew* Touma: "Just a matter of time~" gil: YOU FIEND!! -elsewhere- Chuuya: *playing with Mito and her new toy* "You want the mouse? Catch it! Catch it!" mito: *tackles* *mreow!* Chuuya: "Hee hee..." *checks his phone* -messages from kouyou, kajii, and hirotsu- Chuuya: *pulls up Kajii's* Motojiro: [TELL THEM I'M NOT STERILE] Chuuya: "..." *deletes* *pulls up Hirostu's* hirotsu: [how was everything at home?] Chuuya: [peaceful day. sonia liked your gift] hirotsu: [glad to hear] Chuuya: [how were things on your end?] hirotsu:..... -he explains what all happened- Chuuya: "..." [keep the liquor cabinets locked. please] hirotsu: [noted] Chuuya: *checks Kouyou's message* kouyou: [merry christmas, chuuya ^^ how's sonia?] Chuuya: [same to you! she's happy] *sends a picture of Sonia hugging her new plushie* kouyou: ^^ Chuuya: [how was today?] kouyou: ... [eventful. leo tended to guests today] Chuuya: [so i heard. LOCK THE LIQUOR CABINETS] kouyou: [already done] Chuuya: [thanks. when u heading to shrine? new year?] kouyou: [yes. i got a new kimono for sonia to wear ^^] Chuuya: [excellent! can't wait for her to see it] -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Here you go, little one..." *sets the plant down in her new indoor butterfly garden* akaderu: ...cute. Kepuri: *beaming* "Of course--because I'm the genius that added a greenhouse when everyone said I couldn't!" *dramatic pose* -elsewhere- Gin: *washing dishes* naoya: *asleep on the couch* zzzz Gin: "..." *puts a blanket over Naoya* naoya: =w= Gin: *sighs* *looks out the window* -elsewhere- otogiri: *reading* ... Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "Beware the wolf: that scent was not normal." otogiri: ?? Letter: "I spotted something outside where I am staying. When investigating, I smelled a wolf--but there was something off about it. I have only encountered that scent around certain individuals: they call them Ability Users. Keep our family safe from them." otogiri: hmm.... Letter: "Take care of yourself, especially at this time of year. I know it is difficult--but I also know you are the level-headed one." otogiri: ... Letter: *the letter is signed with a fox pawprint* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *knocks on Nozomi's door* nozomi:....its open... Akitaru: *enters* "Hey. We sliced up a piece of Christmas cake for you." *holding the plate* nozomi:....*sad nom* Akitaru: *small smile* "Your aunt helped Relan and Iris with the recipe. She seems to know her way with chemistry." nozomi: ..... Akitaru: "...How did you spend last Christmas?" nozomi: .....dr i- ....aunt karin and i went to a light show. Akitaru: "You liked it?" nozomi:...it was nice. Akitaru: *nods* "That's good...Your aunt really cares about you. And I think she appreciated your gift." nozomi: .....im glad... Akitaru: "You should be. You make her happy...And she worries about you." nozomi: .....*shaking* Akitaru: "..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Feel okay?" lisa: y-yeah... Vulcan: "You need some tea?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: *strokes her head* "I'll be right back..." *puts on a shirt, steps out to the kitchen* lisa: ..... Vulcan: ("...Maybe a doctor...") -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders, sighs* stocking: *panting* f-fuck... Kid: "Amazing..." *presses his lips to her side* stocking: *shudders* Kid: *smiles, rubbing her hip* "D-Did you like your present?" stocking: oh you know it *kiss* Kid: *smooch* ^\\\^ "Thank you for that...Stocking? Do you..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...I know this is a lot to discuss...Children." stocking: kid... Kid: "Because...we haven't used protection, and I..." stocking: *hug* Kid: "...I want to be the father of your children, whenever you're ready..." stocking: i would like that ^^ Kid: *smiles* "Okay..." *smirks lightly* "I think we got in a lot of practice already." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddles with her* "Can you keep me warm tonight?" stocking: of course~<3 Kid: *pulls the blanket over them, resting his head next to hers, massaging her side* -elsewhere- Izuku: *sets his new shirt over his chair, sets up his new All Might Funko figure* ^^ -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *looks at a photo of his child* mary: mr fitz? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Yes, Mary?" mary: *hug* shelly christmas! Fitzgerald: "...Um...'Shelly'?" mary: um, hello? *points to herself* Fitzgerald: "...Shelly...Mary...!!! Oh!" *claps* "How clever!" mary: ^u^ Fitzgerald: *pat pat* "Shelly Christmas to you, too." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: >3< oscar: so you've been intimate with another man, so what? i've done it plenty of times. Steinbeck: "I don't even know what happened! I just woke up with him in bed with me..." oscar: do you feel anything in your bum? Steinbeck: O_O "No!" oscar: how about you, marky? twain: *shrug + 'i dunno' sound* Steinbeck: -_-# "What, you just go into random people's beds?" twain: it was cold and i had a few many eggnogs. Steinbeck: "And that's a fine excuse?! What if you ended up in someone else's bed, like Ebie, or Oscar--" oscar: not that i'd mind~ emily: you're shameless... Steinbeck: "If you're going to be like this, we're not having you drink that much in the future." twain: =3= mean. -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("How's he holding up?") atsushi: (i think he's doing better...am i doing a good job? looking after him?) Odasaku: ("Do _you_ think you're doing a good job? Have you noticed a problem for him?") atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("I mean, it's not like you know what it's like to be a future potential father...although you've done well caring for others, haven't you?") atsushi: ... (i mean, i _think_ so?) Odasaku: ("...Kyouka looks like she's doing well. And Dazai is handling this news better than I thought he would...") atsushi:... (i guess) *lays down and sighs* Odsaku: ("...Things will make more sense after you get some sleep.") atsushi: ...right.... night. -a few days later- atsushi: *fixing up his bowtie* Dazai: "...Bowties are in now?" atsushi: i just decided to go with this... y-you dont have to if you dont want- Dazai: "I'll stick with the regular tie..." *looks at his pants* "...Are these 'dad jeans' now?" atsushi: i dunno. ^^; -elsewhere- yana: everyone ready for this? lydia: <yes> Ivan: *picks up a radio* yana: alright... *puts on a cape and rat mask* <all soldiers, move out...> -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "And make sure to stand up straight, don't move unless commanded to, and no making a mess on anyone's feet." Mr. Tsubaki: Q_Q mary: yessir! *in a stitched green dress* Fitzgerald: "I leave the pet in your care. Where are the others?" *finishes his tie* bram: here... Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott?" louisa: h-here sir! Fitzgerald: "Eckleberg?" eckleburg: i'm here as well! Fitzgerald: "Ah, very well." *turns on the lights* "Now, we party!" *The disco ball descends--and smashes on the floor* louisa: ._.; Fitzgerald: OWO; "...I knew I shouldn't have installed that myself." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *tugging his collar* naomi: *has her hair up in a bun* yosano: all set? *she wore a pantsuit* Kyoka: *in a dress* "..." *nods* atsushi: you ready, lucy? Lucy: *hiding behind him, curled up into a ball* "I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS. I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS." atsushi: *holds her hands* it's ok, lucy. Lucy: .\\\\. "..." *gulps, slowly walks forward* "What will he say..." atsushi:...i think they'd be happy to see you. ^^ Lucy: "I hope so...I just don't know--" *looks* "...Is that a doggie door?" atsushi: huh... aya: this is gonna bo soooo coooool! *A fox pops out of the doggie door* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" atsushi: woah! aya: awww how cute! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *leaps out...sniffs at Aya* aya: hehehe~ ^^ *holds her hand out* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *doesn't smell like the wolf* *nuzzles into her hand* aya: aww ^^ eckleburg: please, do come in. -inside is quite the fancy shindig, they even have a full orchestra- Dazai: "..." *stares at Eckleburg* "Oh! Look! They have their own Kunikida!" *points at Eckleburg* eckleburg: *blink blink* um...hello? ^^; Kunikida: *facepalm* "Just...be quiet." atsushi: (wow, i feel like i just stepped into an entierly different world....) Fitzgerald: "Welcome, former enemies!" ^w^ atsushi: YEEP! kenji: howdy! ^^ Fitzgerald: "Howdy!" *holds out his hand to Fukuzawa* "No hard feelings, right?" fukuzawa:...*squint* *shakes hand* Fitzgerald: "Very good. And how are your subordinates after your nasty poison incident?" fukuzawa: on edge. *squint* Fitzgerald: "Like a sword's edge?" *beat* "..." *laughs at his own wordplay* fukuzawa: .... atsushi:.... >->;; *takes lucy out onto the dancefloor* Lucy: owo "??? O-Okay?" atsushi: ok, i think i got this *puts a hand on her hip and dances slowly* .///.;;; Lucy: .\\\\. "...Okay...This is nice." ^\\\^ Fitzgerald: *turns, spots Lucy* "???" atsushi: ^///^.... *notices fitzgerald* OwO;;;; (MMMMMMMM!!!!) Fitzgerald: *points to his eyes, then at Atsushi* *deathly serious face* atsushi: *SWEATS* Dazai: "Mmm...The cheese is excellent!" louisa: *she nods* the highest quality in the city. Dazai: "You got some Ritz crackers for these?" waiter: *walks up to kunikida* champagne sir? Kunikida: "...Yes, thank you." waiter: enjoy yourself. ^^ *walks off* .....*he is in a secluded area* *over earpiece* he's here. yana: good, make the request. Kunikida: *sniffs his glass* waiter: *mushitaro* *walks up to the conductor* may i make a request? Conductor: "Hmm?" mushitaro: i would like to request 'polovtsian dances?' Conductor: "Hmm...Sure, we can play that..." *informs the band* mushitaro: thank you~ *vanishes into the crowd as the music begins playing* -in the basement, several figures with rat masks and capes ascend up the stairs as the music begins playing- -in the ballroom- atsushi:.... *tiger senses* !!! Lucy: "???" atsushi: something...feels bad... Lucy: "..." *looks around* atsushi: come on, we have to warn the others. i think the rats are about to make a counter attack... Lucy: *whispers* "Around here, I can't recognize where they can be coming from--" -the doors swing open and several of the rats have secured the exits as people scream- aya: !!! naomi: !!!! shit! Kunikida: "!!!" *pushes Aya behind him* fukuzawa: *he has his sword* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looking around, then dives under a table* Dazai: *looks up, mouth full of cheese* "???" O_O -someone in a rat mask and cape steps up onto the podium, their voice distorted by the mask- Conductor: *still conducting* O-O;;;; yana: {GoOd EvEnInG, dEaR pAtRoNs. PlEaSe, Do NoT bE aLaRmEd. ThIs WiLl OnLy TaKe A mOmEnT oF yOuR tImE.} Tanizaki: *standing in front of Naomi* "..." louisa: oh dear. ._.;; Lucy: *looking at the windows* "..." yana: {yOu SeE, oUr LeAdEr, Mr DoStOyEvSkI hAs ReCeNtLy BeEn DeTaInEd. So We HaVe TaKeN iT uPoN oUrSeLvEs To PaY eViL uNtO eViL.} Kunikida: *narrows his eyes* ("Interesting phrasing...") yana: {wE oNlY hAvE oNe, SiMpLe ReQuEsT; fOr DoPpO kUnIkIdA tO sUrReNdEr HiMsElF tO tHe AuThOrItIeS.} atsushi: ???!!! fukuzawa: what? aya: kunikida? Kunikida: "!!!" yana: {iF hE rEfUsEs To CoMpLy, WeLl, InNoCeNt PeOpLe ArE gOiNg To GeT hUrT...} *looks at one rat* {<you know what to do.>} Jordan: Q___Q *tries to make a run for it* rat: *shoots him in the leg* daisy: !!! rat 2: *drags her onto the stage at gunpoint* Jordan: *screams, howling in pain* Kunikida: "!!!! Stop this!" yana: {tIcK tOcK, mR kUnIkIdA. oR tHeIr BlOoD wIlL bE oN yOuR hAnDs. JuSt LiKe ThAt ChIlD's...} Kunikida: "..." *shivers* "Is this...what that is about?" *looks at the Rat* "...Will you let me use that phone in the corner?" rat 3: {gOoD lUcK.} Kunikida: "..." *holds his hands up, walks to the phone* "..." aya: h-hey, kunikida? atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "..." *looks back at Aya* aya: *she looks worried* Kunikida: "..." *puts on a smile* "It will be okay." atsushi: what are you- Kunikida: *picks up the phone...dials 911* atsushi: !!! operater: yes- Kunikida: "I am calling to make..." atsushi: kunikida, dont do it! Kunikida: "...To make a confession. I was the one who killed the child discovered in the mines on the outskirts of town." aya: !!!! fukuzawa: !!! yosano: what the hell are you- atsushi: but that's wrong! you know you didnt do it! Kunikida:…….. rat: <quiet you! let him talk!> Kunikida: "...I am willing to surrender myself to police custody." operater: ...we'll transfer you over now. aya: *teary eyed* kunikida.... Kunikida: "Thank you. ..." *holds Aya's hand* aya: why? why would you let them get away with this?! Kunikida: "Because I have faith in my ideals..." aya: .... Kunikida: "..." *hands his book to her* *looks at the Rat* "We done here?" yana: {gOoD} Kunikida: *nods* "I fulfilled your request. Now uphold your obligation: release your hostages and let the others get medical attention..." yana:... {vErY wElL} -smoke fills the room as the rats exit- Kunikida: "...Doctor, please tend to the man with the bullet wound." yosano: ...right... atsushi: *tries to run after the rats....but they're long gone*...dammit! Jordan: *crying in pain* yosano: it's ok. it'll only hurt a little bit more, then it will be alright. aya: kunikida, you cant let them take you to jail! you know you didnt do it- Kunikida: "My ideal...of protecting you all outweighs even the truth." aya: *tears falling* louisa:....lord francis, should we- Fitzgerald: "Let the police in upon their arrival." atsushi: what?! fukuzawa: ....kunikida- Kunikida: *lowers his head, holding back tears* "I am sorry, sir..." fukuzawa:...are you certain you want to do this? Kunikida: "Sir...I cannot let this hang over my head...My presence here after what happened could taint our...your agency." atsushi: ...... Lucy: "...This is stupid...Isn't anyone going to say something?" Dazai: "..." *turns his back* yosano: you cant just let the rats win like this, you idiot! naomi: you didnt have anything to do with- Kunikida: "I didn't save the child, now did I?!" naomi: ...... -the authorities soon arrive- Kunikida: "..." *holds up his hands* jack thompson: a thorough investigation will have to take place before a conviction is made, for now, you'll be in holding. aya: you cant let them do this!! Ivan: <How do you think it went?> yana:..... *removing her mask*...........*sigh*.....*making a call* gonch, give me a moment. Fyodor: *over the phone* <Yes?> yana: <good news, you'll be getting a new cellmate soon.> Fyodor: <...> "Happy New Year, then." <I look forward to the company.> yana: ..... Fyodor: <How do you feel?> yana: <what does it even matter? after all...> *fake smile and dead eyes* <im just your puppet, right?> Fyodor: <An extension of my will...Very good tonight, Yana.> yana: ... <alright, so what's our next move?> Fyodor: <Allow me to speak with our guest. I need something to be thrown away as well.> yana: <and that would be?> Fyodor: <Mushitaro knows: just let him know to proceed.> yana: <understood> -elsewhere- Katai: *reads the text message* "..." *shakes* keek: we have to bail him out somehow! he wasnt the one who did it! Katai: *shakes his head* "Kunikida is stubborn: his ideals won't allow it..." keek: t-then the agency just has to prove he is innocent! Katai: "..." *nods* "That would be up to Ranpo, then." keek: i'll do what i can to...true, i did use to do jobs for the mafia...but after the agency saved my life, the least i can do is repay them! Katai: *weak smile* "They'll appreciate that..." *pulls up footage* "...B-But I think we'll need protection...I don't want us to get hunted again." Q_Q -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." grimoire: .... Alone: *stares* "...Can I try on your glasses?" Kunikida: "..." Nals: "..." *dramatic hair flip* grimoire:......not very chatty, is he? Kunikida: "...Officer?" sancha: yes? Kunikida: "I would like to request paper and something to write with...like a crayon?" sancha: how do we know you wont try to escape? given your ability... Kunikida: "You can ask my supervisors at the Agency: my ability only works on a particular type of paper..." -elsewhere- madoka: happy birthday, guys. ^^ kyouko: happy birthday! Rin: *blows a party favor* "Thanks!" Yukio: "Um...Yes, thank you." konekomaru: we got your presents here. ^^ Rin: "Sweet!" *grabs one for Yukio, tosses it to him* Yukio: "H-Hey! Careful! It could be fragile..." shiemi: ^^ nee: ^o^ Yukio: *opens his gift* -elsewhere- Yumi: "What do we know about his confession?" lord death: it's only that, thus far. there isnt any evidence to prove or deny it... Yumi: *points to the report* "Look at the residue left on the remains--confirm what makes up that explosive." nygus: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *shaking under his covers* secretary: .....so creepy....what do you think, mii? Mii: "..." *gets under the bedsheet, cuddles against Mori* Mori: Q~Q *tentative pet* secretary: ._.;;;; Mii: =w= *purrs* Mori: *his eyes start to close slightly...* "Zz..." *falls onto the bed in front of the Secretary* secretary: eep! .-.;; Mori: *his head falls right at her legs--he's out cold* Mii: *rests on Mori's head* ^w^ secretary: ._.;;;;; Mori: *snore* Mii: *lowers his head to the Secretary* secretary:... *pet pet* im not sure how you arent scared of him... ^^; Mii: *purrs, gets off of Mori's head, lies on the bed* secretary:.... *gives mori a pillow to hug onto* Mori: "E-Elise..." -elsewhere- *Mr. Tsubaki's letter sits opened in front of Tsubaki* tsubaki:..... *The letter informs her that he has only told her and Otogiri about the Wolf, and to take care of his family--* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "There is not a moment where you are not on my mind. I want you protected..." tsubaki:...*hands shaking* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I admire and appreciate your care to keep my family away from these C3 bastards. But I won't rest peacefully until I find how to keep them away forever. When I do, I will come home to our family." tsubaki: *tears falling* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I love you." *pawprint signature* -elsewhere- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: =~= stupid cramps... Kid: "..." *sets the warm water bottle down* stocking: *sniff* thanks Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *opens a box of chocolates* stocking: *mouth open* Kid: *feeds one to her* stocking: ^u^ Kid: "Which flavor did you get?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *holding her hands, sitting on the couch, nervous* mary: you're lucy, right? it's so nice to meet you! ^^ Lucy: "Yes? And you are?" mary: mary shelly! im new to the new guild! and this is my buddy, bram! bram: h-hello. Lucy: *waves* "Hello. ...How do you like it here?" mary: it's been sooo fun! they even have a foxy! *holds up mr tsubaki* say hi, toby! Mr. Tsubaki: ._. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "May I pet him?" mary: sure! ^^ Lucy: *pets 'Toby'* 'Toby': ^w^ -the next day- Dazai: "...Damn it." ango: we'll see if there is anything to do regarding the investigation. Dazai: "How will you explain this to your boss if he asks why you're helping defend a friend of a frenemy?" ango: i think it will go well. Dazai: "Until then, we have our best investigator checking for evidence, too." -elsewhere- ranpo: *in a bear suit* Patty: "Want a balloon, Julie?" julie: *she nods* ranpo: here ya go! -elsewhere- Kyouka: "...Aya?" aya: *punching a pillow* this sucks! they cant just do this when he didnt do anything! i'll beat those jerk rats into next week! Kyouka: "Your time will come. But until they show themselves, you can either keep punching a pillow, or train to eliminate them." *assassin's stare* aya: ._.; kenji: for now, lets keep looking for clues! ^^ Kyouka: "The police would have the mines shut down. We could sneak in there, or search elsewhere." aya: hmmm.... Kyouka: *pulls up a map on her phone* "Here is Death City. We are here. The mines are there. We can trace paths they took to get to other locations..." aya: hmm, so we're around the slums still... Kyouka: "We could interrogate potential witnesses..." aya: alright! let's go! Katai: "Wh-What are you all talking about in there?" *he's rolled up in his futon* aya: EEK! kenji: hi mr katai, are you trying to become a butterfly in the spring? Katai: o_o; "...I don't...think so?" *shakes his head* "Wh-Where do you think you're all going? You can't just go through the slums alone..." aya: we're investigating, duh! Katai: "Not alone!" *whips the futon off of him in a dramatic pose--and it hits him in the face, knocking him back* aya: ._.; Katai: "...Help me up, and let's interview some suspects." -elsewhere- Ivan: <Was Master pleased~?> yana: <sounded like it. mushitaro's already hard at work.> Ivan: <Usually is...> *sets down a map* <Which is the next tunnel to create?> yana: *takes a look* hmm. <this 'nether' seems of interest...think we had a guy there that didnt come back...> Ivan: <Send a scout first?> yana: <sounds good...> -elsewhere- Haumea: "Okay, I finished erasing our path out of the old site...It would've gone faster if I had had some time-manipulation help, Little Bro." Sho: "..." Jonah: "Did you get that thing I asked you to retrieve~?" Haumea: -_-# guruna: you're shameless. =3= arrow:.... assault, are you awake? Assault: X____X Haumea: "..." *sniffs* "Is he dead?" guruna: *fire tornados him up* WAKE UP!! >3< Assault: O___O "AAAAAAAH-" *smashes against the ceiling* Haumea: ._.; Jonah: *giggles* arrow:.... *siiiiigh* *A loud thump is heard from the room next door* Haumea: O-O; "...The Preacher is displeased..." arrow: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sets down apples sliced like bunnies* "Hungry?" lisa: *nom* Vulcan: ^^ "I can put some peanut butter and raisins on them, like we used to do..." lisa:...*small smile* t-thanks, vul. Vulcan: *smiles* "You're welcome." *takes a sip of the milk* "...You see what Iris has done to her garden?" lisa: ...havent seen it. Vulcan: "I know it's kinda cold out, but with the snow, it really has to be seen in person." lisa:...r-right. Vulcan: *small smile* "You could try on that new sweater..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "You got someone housesitting while you're on your mission?" soul: kilik said he'd cover. Black Star: "That'll be good." *passes a drink* "You still going solo on this one?" soul: yeah. stein said he'd help me out if need be. Black Star: "...Keep mace on you." soul: noted. -elsewhere- pushkin: um... we maaaay have a small problem. Chuuya: "Specify." pushkin: well, kati and i were at the in-base bar, and she thought to mix vodka, white wine, and redbull together and......the regret is instant. Chuuya: "...What has to be cleaned?" katya: *completly wasted* EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK~ EVERYWHERE, THERE'S A FACE~ OR SOMETHING-SOMETHIN-SOOOMETHIIIN~ Chuuya: "...Coffee. Lots of it." katya: *climbing onto pushkin's shoulders* heyyyyyy whos my soft pillow boy with a baby head, hehehe~ =w= its so soft *pats his head* how you even doin' that? pushkin: yes, i have a soft head, kati. Chuuya: "..." *snaps a photo* katya: *blink* pushkin are we dead? pushkin: no, we arent dead. Chuuya: "Get her to bed. Now." pushkin: <no need to tell me twice> katya: MUSH! MUSH! Chuuya: "And keep it down--some people are working. And I--" *SLIP* *SPLAT* katya: *peeeek* Chuuya: *he slipped on vomit* Q___Q -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How was your Christmas, sweetie?" stocking: it was great~ *smiles at kid* Kid: ^\\\^ felisia: oho, do anything naughty~? stocking: m-MOM! >///<; Kid: O\\\\\\\o Mephisto: "Dear, please, you're embarrassing them." *turns to Stocking* "So, are you pregnant yet?" stocking: DAD. Kid: *all color has faded out of his face and suit* Mephisto: "There are techniques--" stocking: *covers ears* FALALALALA IM NOT LISTENING. Kid: *still pouring tea into a cup--until it overflows* X____X felisia: ^-^; -elsewhere- Shotaro: *making a bed* "I'll be done with them in another few minutes! Can you check on the soup?" kyouko: ok! Rin: *stirring the soup* "Should be about done..." *looks down* "You got the spices?" Ukobach: *thumbs up* "Eeep!" kyouko: good job, uko. ^^ Ukobach: ^o^ *mixes the spices, dropping them into the soup* Shotaro: "???" ("Who the heck they talking to?") -elsewhere- Joker: "Think you can sneak into where the Hoods were before?" scarlet: it's a possibility. Joker: "Try it. Or we can send Ivy or Victor as a test-run--" scarlet: after victor's _last_ excursion in the nether? Joker: "...I mean, he'd know the area. I'm sure he's not that traumatized--" Victor: *curled up in the corner* scarlet: *sweatdrop* Victor: "Can't sleep...Preacher will eat me..." Joker: -_-# "Fine. Get a Hazmat suit for Ivy." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lays out a kimono* tsubaki: getting ready for new years already? Sakuya: "Someone has to. If I lay it out, I'm hoping it'll get the others to get ready--" Belkia: "I lost my kimono in a fire." Higan: "I started a fire." otogiri: .... im not even shocked. Black Star: *sighs* "You're going to have to shop for more..." *hands Otogiri some money* -elsewhere- Crona: *looks out the window* mami: *making lunch* Crona: "...What do you want for the new year?" mami: hmm. hard to say. Crona: "...Yeah...Maybe just peace?" mami: *nod* yeah... -elsewhere- Kyouka: *holds up an image of Rat graffiti* "We know you know where they are. Talk." mrs uraraka:...is this deadmau5? Kyouka: "That is not the correct answer. Answer it correctly, or I unless our martial arts experts." ochako: eh? kyouka? what's going on? Kyouka: "Oh. Hello. I was interrogating this hostile witness regarding the location of an enemy troop suspected to be in this area. Could you help me getting a statement from this person?" ochako:..eh? ^^; *looks at her parents, confused* Mr. Uraraka: O_O; "...Young lady, we haven't seen that graffiti--" Kyouka: *holding a taser* Mr. Uraraka: "!!!" *stands in front of his wife and daughter* kenji: *holds onto kyouka's hand* it's ok kyouka, i dont think they mean trouble. if you've seen anything, let us know, ok? ^^ Mr. Uraraka: OWO;;; "Tha-Thank you, young man." *pushing his wife and daughter along* "L-Let's get the heck out of here now..." Kyouka: "..." *looks at Kenji* "..." kenji: i think if we ask nicely, they'll help us out better. ^^ Kyouka: "Hmm...You try the next one." *points* "Like that one." kenji: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "Target acquired." *aims snowball* mono: *humming* Emine: *toss* -BWAB- mono: ACK! Emine: "Bad deed complete." *BAD DEED GET* mono: im trying really hard to like you guys more, BUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU MAKE THAT DIFFICULT!! DX< Emine: "...Then fight back. Throw a snowball." mono: *grumble* fine! -elsewhere- Relan: "One step...There you go." shinra: t-thanks. iris: ^^ Relan: *smiles* "Easier with two to lean on, huh?" shinra: yeah, haha ^^; Relan: "How about we try that waffle mix the Commander bought?" shinra: sounds good! Relan: "Iris, what fruit we got?" iris: i bought strawberries and blueberries. Relan: "Sounds good!" *opens the cupboard--and a random Yuu falls onto him* yu: woah! hi. -elsewhere- Mifune: *knocks* tsubaki: yes? Mifune: "Hello." *holds up a bag of oranges* tsubaki: oh, thank you. ^^ Mifune: "You're welcome. How is the end of the year going?" tsubaki: busy. Mifune: "Preparations for the new year ceremony?" tsubaki: ..y-yeah. Mifune: "...What is the threat?" tsubaki: ?? Mifune: "You seem nervous. Is there a threat inside?" tsubaki: oh, no, they arent that bad- naho: *peeeeek* Mifune: "???" *waves at Naho* naho: hiya! Mifune: "Hello." *looks at Tsubaki* "How many do you have here again?" tsubaki:... a lot. Mifune: "Hm. Big house, then--" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *staring at his meal* "..." grimoire: ... Alone: "...You two gonna eat that or what?" *already licking his own plate* prisoner: *nom nom* Kunikida: "..." *sips his milk* Alone: "So..." *slobbering* "What you in for?" Kunikida: "..." Alone: "...Overdue library book?" Nals: -_- *trying to fix his hair in the plate's reflection* prisoner 2: he's just under suspicion, unlike that guy....*points to fyodor, who is in a corner by himself* Fyodor: *humming* Alone: "...So, what's his deal?" Nals: "He could use a haircut." Kunikida: "!!!" prisoner 2: *whispers* i think he's some kind of cult leader, i'd avoid talking to him if i were you... Fyodor: *looks up at Prisoner 2...winks* prisoner 2: *she backs away, uneasy* Kunikida: "You're right. Do not go near him. Do not touch him. Do not talk to him--" Alone: "That just makes me want to touch the girly-hair man more." Fyodor: ._. ("...'Girly'?") prisoner 3: didnt you hear? he killed a guard just from touching him! Alone: "I mean, maybe it was something the guard ate--" Nals: "We're still cleaning the remains off the floor." -_-# Fyodor: *smiles at Prisoner 2 and Kunikida* prisoner 2: *she's shaking* Kunikida: "...Stay back from the bars. Do not do what he requests. Do not touch him." -elsewhere- Katai: Q_Q "No luck finding new information today..." *rubs his shin* "And that one old person kicked me so hard." aya: that just leaves-....*gulp* _that_ house... Kyoka: "..." *knock knock* man: yeah? what? Kyoka: *holds up a drawing of the Rat symbol* "Greetings, citizen. Have you seen this symbol before?" man:.....s-sorry, i dont know....*shaking* Kyoka: "Kenji, hold the door open." kenji: ok. aya: ??? Kyoka: "Sir, we just want to know whether you recognize this symbol. Yes or no." man: p-please, g-go easy on us, we just lost a family member- Kyoka: "We are not here to hurt you. We are investigating criminals and murderers. Your information can assist us." man: ....... -he tells him all he knows, though it’s not much- Kyoka: *nods* "Thank you for your information." *hands him a card* "Call with any new information." man:...o-ok.... Kyoka: "..." *stares intently* child: .... Kyoka: *spots the child* child: *he and several others just stare at them* Katai: Q___Q "So many...kids..." aya: ..... kenji: *waves* ^^ Kyoka: "...Are you the father of them all?" man: w-wha no! they're my siblings, i look after them... Kyoka: "Ah..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking at the canal* atsushi: .....*pats his back* Dazai: "...This is where we met." atsushi: it was only a few months, but it feels like it was years ago... Dazai: "No kiddin'. Time's weird..." *falls back into the grass and melting snow* "...You ever think about kids?" atsushi: ._.; im still 18?? Dazai: "Yeah, but I'm trying to teach you to put a hat on your jimmy, or else you'll have a child before you're ready." atsushi: .____________.;;;;; Dazai: "But seriously, you've thought about whether you want to have kids in the future, right?" atsushi: i guess? ^^; Dazai: "...I didn't think I'd live long enough." atsushi: .... Dazai: "...What do I do? I can't just go away..." atsushi: i guess be there for your child? if it were _him_, i think that's what he'd do... Dazai: "...Yeah. He would've." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...He used to play this game with the kids..." *small laugh* "He'd try to get them to try to assassinate him." atsushi: ^-^; really now? Dazai: "Yep. Made a game of it. He usually won." atsushi: i guess he was a lot taller than them... Dazai: "He was a full-grown adult. They were just...little kids." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "...Am I going to die?" atsushi: no, you're going to be fine, i think. Dazai: "...Dying before your kid is even an adult...I...have not wanted to live..." atsushi:.....*awkward hug.....it feels....comforting, somehow* Dazai: "..." *small sob* atsushi: come on, lets get home... Dazai: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Iida: *walking through a park* "..." momo: hey tenya. Iida: "...Momo?" momo: mind if i walk with you for a while? Iida: "...Okay." momo:....*holds his hand* Iida: "..." *looks down at the ground* momo:...*hug* Iida: "..." *he doesn't move...a tear falls down his face* momo: im here, ok? Iida: "..." *slight crack* "O-Okay." -elsewhere- Emine: *covered in snow* Yohei: "...The heck happened?" mono:... .-. we went overboard. Yohei: "...It looks like you won, at least. Congrats, Mono." *hands her a shovel* "You two can now shovel the walk." mono: =3= -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." *turns the radio louder* "..." <When?> lydia: ?? Ivan: <Isn't Master going to give us future instructions?> yana: <give him time. he's gonna need it.> Ivan: <But I want to know noooooooow...> *whine* yana: <ok, i got the next order.> Ivan: OWO "Yes?" yana: bosses orders. chill the fuck out. Ivan: <I'LL DO IT! I'M THE BEST AT CHILLING, MASTER~> lydia: ...*sweatdrop* -SCREAMING- Ivan: "Eep!" mushitaro: I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING!!! TT~TT Ivan: O_O; "...What happened?” mushitaro: I AM IN PAIN AND I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUCK!!! *he is screaming and crying* yana: need us to pick up some discount christmas chocolate- mushitaro: DO IT!! Ivan: *puts on fuzzy hat* "On it!" *runs--into the wall* yana:....lydia? lydia: <understood> *exits* Ivan: X_X zoey:....i'll be treating you now~ Ivan: *dazed* "Master? When did you get so ugly?" zoey: *jabs a scalpel into his shoulder* HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER YOU FILTHY WRETCH!! yana: play nice you two! -elsewhere- leo: .... Akutagawa: "Thank you for the tea." leo: you're welcome. *bows* Akutagawa: *nods* "How has your day been?" leo: alright, mostly. been busy with working around the estate. Akutagawa: *nods* "I can imagine the work here must be exact..." *stabbing his fork into a stale gingerbread man cookie* leo: ... Akutagawa: *stab stab STAB STAB* "Why won't you die?!" leo: s-sir, please calm down! Akutagawa: "How much longer will this go on?!" *smashes his fist on top of the cookie* leo: !!! -squeaky- -someone threw a plush tiger- Akutagawa: "..." Q_Q leo: ?? *looks up* Gin: "..." leo: ah... -elsewhere- Lucy: T__T "I was so worried he'd hate me..." naomi: well, looks like things turned out well ^^ Lucy: *nod nod* "I'm just so happy..." *ugly crying face, Izuku puddle of tears* kirako: *hands her a bucket* Lucy: "Th-Thank you..." *catching her tears* -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzz..." {Rintaro: "Where are you going, Father?"} {ougai sr: hm? oh, im just tending to a patient. they're very sick...i dont think they're going to make it.} {Rintaro: "...That's very sad."} {ougai sr: *pets his head* it is, but even though doctors save lives, we cant save them all. *out of rintarou's view, he smiles a dark smile*} {Rintaro: "What if we could?"} {ougai sr: ...*hands him some money* here, why dont you buy yourself something nice? papa has to work now. *small forehead kiss*} {Rintaro: Q_Q "O-Okay..." *turns* *walks away*} {ougai sr: *enters the operating room* … *looking at the woman strapped to the operating table.....looks at his medical tools*} {Woman: *trying to scream*} {ougai sr: shhh, it's alright ma'am. it will only hurt for a moment~} Mori: *shifting in his sleep* "N-No..." fukuzawa:..... Mori: *mutters something in...German?* fukuzawa: ??? -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What a mess...When is Jordan coming back to work?" louisa: sometime after the new year. bram: .... Fitzgerald: "This is all embarrassing...Eckleberg, how did they even get inside?" eckleburg: they must have had someone hack into the system. i'll have to work on an update to the system then. Fitzgerald: "Do it, Old Sport--quickly and correctly." eckleburg: understood! -elsewhere- Poe: *has cut up and laid out newspaper clippings* rowena: ?? *Clippings show Kunikida's arrest, Fyodor's capture, and some other random items--with one having a raccoon ink-print on it* rowena: investigating something? Poe: *small yelp* .\\\\. "Y-Yes? I just thought I noticed something..." rowena: like what? Poe: *points at a photo behind Kunikida, when the news photographed the handcuffs being put on him* "This photo was from December 27th. Why does the calendar behind him show December _28th_?" rowena: ?! Poe: *nods* "Someone tore it off...Was it Kunikida? If so, why?" rowena: we'll just have to investigate further, right? Poe: "Yes! ... 'We'? You're up for this?" rowena: *she nods* i can invite one of the new club members to assist us too! Poe: "??? 'New club member'? Who?" rowena: it's a surprise~ ^^ Poe: "Oh, well then, let's see it when the time comes." ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *still frozen and all color faded out of him* o_o kirika:.....*rips one of his sleeves* Kid: *wakes up* "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE MY ATTIRE WITH YOUR AWFUL SYMMETRICAL FOOLISHNESS! SHAME! SHAAAAAAAME!!!!" kirika: he's alive guys! liz: oh thank god. Patty: *holding a coffin* "...Nuts." *Hugh pops out of the coffin* Hugh: "THIEF!" tetsu: kidnapping, technically. Hugh: >3< -elsewhere- Haumea: *has a slap mark on her face* -_-# "I changed that brat's diapers, and this is the thanks I get? Rotten little rugrat..." arrow: as a _child_? Haumea: "I was a child prodigy at my age! What, older sisters change their baby brothers' diapers all the time!" guruna: werent you like, 5 or something? Haumea: "You all calling me a liar?! Lying's a sin! I'm no sinner!" arrow:.......do you want a polite answer or an honest answer? Haumea: "YOU LIE, YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" guruna: oh haumi, we're _in_ hell, and we've _been_ in hell 8D Haumea: "..." *forehead flick* guruna: *twitching on the floor* HFJK<FNJLJDKNVKJNDJKVOKL -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." sonia: *drawing* Chuuya: *turns over...yawns* *looks around* "???" sonia: *drawing a picture of the people in the mafia, including rain, but mori has horns and demon wings* Chuuya: "...Sonia? You been playing?" sonia: *holds up her drawing* Chuuya: "...It looks good." *points at Rain* "Is that Mommy?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: "It looks good...I'm sure she'd like it." sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "...I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: *smiles* "...Let's get you some dinner." -elsewhere- chie: *rocking toru* toru: zzz Yohei: *puts batteries back into the security camera* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *grumbles* kinuta: gooooood, it feels like we havent done _anything_ =3= *letting him rest between her breasts* PlushFix: =\\\\= "No kiddin'...The va-cay was good and all, but can't we do some thievery?" hina: fuck yeah! PlushFix: *muffled voice* "Rob some mansions!" hina: murder some fuckers! PlushFix: *more muffled* "FUCK YEAH!" -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *fanning himself with a scarf* mikan: feeling hot? Asura: "...Yes." mikan: hmm. *puts an ice pack on him* Asura: =\\\\= "Thank you...Why do I feel so warm in winter..." mikan: perhaps you have a fever? Asura: "I don't feel sick..." *unwraps some scarves* -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: you ok, kiddo? *in the bath with him* Kid: *smiles at her* "Much better now." stocking: glad to hear~ *leans against his chest* Kid: *strokes her head, kisses her forehead* stocking: hehe, strokes circles on his chest with her fingertip* Kid: *small gasp* ^\\\^; *rubs her shoulders* stocking: so handsome~ Kid: "So beautiful..." *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- {Mrs Kusakabe: "All done!" *holds up a mirror* "What do you think of your Halloween costume?"} {shinra: cool!} {-he pokes her stomach-} {shinra: what do you think?} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "Hee hee!" *holds her belly, impersonates a silly voice* " 'I think your costume looks great, Big Brother!'"} {shinra: i cant wait to see you!} shinra: *yaaawns* *looks at the window* morning already? *The room is quiet* shinra:....*looks to his side* Relan: *sleeping* shinra:....*kisses his forehead* Relan: =w= *yawns* "Sh-Shinra?" shinra: morning rel. *hug* Relan: ^\\\^ *strokes his back* "Morning...Up early?" shinra: yeah. sleep ok? Relan: "Pretty well...Felt snug." *smiles* shinra: ^///^ .....i wasnt...._too_ hard, was i? Relan: .\\\\. "...I didn't think so?" shinra: ah...*hug* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." lin-kimpur:.......*hugs him* Emine: *yawns* "..." *looks into her eyes* "...Morning." lin-kimpur: *sniff* m-morning.... Emine: "...What's wrong?" lin-kimpur: j-just sad i guess..... Emine: "..." *hug* "Talk?" lin-kimpur: can i just lay here for a while? Emine: "...Of course." *shifts to rest his arm under her* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *rings the doorbell* ochako: hey todoroki! ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello. How are you?" ochako: feeling old =3= Todoroki: "??? You don't look any older than when I saw you last..." ochako: yeah... ^^; Todoroki: "Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize your birthday..." ochako: it was two days ago? on the 27th? though to be fair, i dont remember you asking... ^^; Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I'll remember it, then. And treat you..." ochako: aw, thanks. *hug* Todoroki: ^\\\^ "You, um, have breakfast yet?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *studying the other inmates* prisoner 2: *she's uneasy* Kunikida: "...You." prisoner 2: ??? w-what? Kunikida: "What are you accused of?" prisoner 2: ...m-murder of a coworker.... Kunikida: "Oh..." *steps back* prisoner 2: i-it wasnt me! i didnt kill her! Kunikida: "...Who was the victim?" prisoner 2:....her name was noriko shirono. Kunikida: *nods* "I'm familiar with that case...So you're..." prisoner 2: kanae minato. Kunikida: "...I remember your public defender was shoddy." minato: well, it's my fault for going with 'dewey, cheetum, and hao.' Kunikida: *already writing in chalk along the walls* "The alibi you gave was flimsy yet not unbelievable." minato: im telling the truth though! Kunikida: "...Have you gotten a lawyer to appeal your case?" *still drawing a diagram on the wall* minato: no such luck.... Kunikida: *drawing diagrams of angles* "No...Angle is wrong." *holds a hand up to her head* minato: eh- Kunikida: "Wrong height. And furthermore--" *Creepy laughter echoes in the jail wing* minato: *shudders* Kunikida: *trying to stay calm...* Fyodor: "Child...His truth will _not_ set you free..." minato: ....... Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is fair?" minato:........... Fyodor: "...It may be. After all...maybe you're guilty of something..." minato: ........ Fyodor: "What if you _did_ do it, but suppressed--" Kunikida: "Shut your mouth this instant!" guard: alright, you're going back to solitary... *using a stick to guide fyodor to his cell* Fyodor: *slight giggle* "Careful--I'm ticklish..." guard: ..... Fyodor: *goes to his cell...after turning his head to smirk at Minato* minato: *shaking* Kunikida: "...That man is a sociopath. Block out his words. Just--" {Kunikida: "I killed the child."} Kunikida: "..." *shell-shocked* minato:...... {*staring at shirono's crumbled body, with blood all over her*} .... Kunikida: "..." *falls back against the wall...covers his face* -elsewhere- Ivan: <Is he pleased~?> yana: <sounds like it, he's making some new friends.> Ivan: <...Just friends?> yana: <yeah, 'friends' maaaay be pushing it. this _is_ fyodor we're talking about> Ivan: *loud sigh of relief* <Oh, thank goodness--I thought he had replaced me!> yana: <gonch, you're one in a million.> Ivan: "..." QWQ "Thank you.” -elsewhere- Poe: *walking nervously, looking around every corner* bear: *staaaares* Poe: O_______o;;;; bear: hey poe! Poe: *covers his face* "DON'T EAT ME, GIANT BEAR!" -the 'bear' removes it's head, revealing....- ranpo: yo. Poe: ._.; "...Oh. Hi. ...Is this a punishment?" ranpo: sorta. -he explains what all happened- Poe: "That's...rather humorous. Hee hee..." ^^ "Have you seen anything interesting?" ranpo: it's a work in progress....*notices someone* oh, hey mr fancy hat and fancy hat junior! Chuuya: "...Walk faster, Sonia--" sonia: *glaaaaares at them* Poe: ._.;;; *whispers to Ranpo* "Do you think they're still mad--" *A shoe smashes into Poe's face, knocking him back* sonia: *kicks him in the shin* ranpo:...i'll take that as a 'yes'. Chuuya: "Sonia, you know that's inappropriate--without also kicking him in the other shin." Poe: *scrambles away--leaving a bag behind* "Have mercy!" ranpo: ?? *examines the bag* *Inside is a small jewelry box* ranpo: *about to peak* *Snatch* ranpo: ?? Poe: >\\\\< "No!" ranpo:....*realizing* oooooooOOOOH poe you dog! 7w7 Poe: "YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU'RE JUST A BOY IN A BEAR SUIT!" ranpo: *innocent whistling* Poe: *grumbles* "Tell no one..." ranpo: hey, if you arent gonna say anything, neither am i. sonia: ??? Chuuya: -_-# "Give me back my shoes" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zz..." Katai: ._.; "How long has she been out?" atsushi: she must be exhausted... Katai: "She was really going all-out detective style..." *hands Atsushi a blanket* atsushi: well, we are a detective agency. *chuckles and covers her* Katai: "...Most of us..." atsushi:....r-right.... Katai: "...How was everyone when I wasn't there?" *hugging his futon* atsushi: maybe ask fukuzawa? Katai: *nods* "H-He just seems...serious lately. And busy." atsushi:.... >->; Katai: "Maybe I could bring him his favorite tea--and those sweets he liked." atsushi: sure, go with that ^^; Katai: "Yay!" ^^ "..." o_O "I would have to go outside to get treats..." kenji: we'll go with you. ^^ Katai: *loud sigh of relief* "Oh thank God..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Maki, tell the Captain I'm not asking her." Takehisa: "Any information about the Hoods--" Vulcan: "No! Just back off..." maki: what's going on? lisa: *shaking* Vulcan: *glares at Takehisa, holding Lisa's hand* Takehisa: "The longer we wait, the harder it will be to locate the Hoods. Maki, if you knew where they were, you'd tell us, yes?" maki:...i mean, of course i would....but lisa...her circumstances are different. Takehisa: "..." *sighs* "Just...give us whatever information you have--" lisa:........ Vulcan: "...You don't have to...Take your time." lisa:......s-shapes.....e-everything's just shapes....*shaking badly* Vulcan: "Okay, that's enough..." *holds her* "It's okay..." Takehisa: "..." lisa:....*her breathing steadies* Vulcan: "Let's go...Take a walk..." Takehisa: "..." lisa: o-ok.... -elsewhere- Dazai: "You sure a prison break isn't still a viable option?" yosano: that will only make matters worse. Dazai: "Not if we do this gradually..." *takes out a pair of chopsticks* -chop- yosano: do not. Dazai: >3< "At least I'm thinking of an idea. I don't see anyone else. Oh, I know!--Let's ask Kunikida! Oh, right--HE'S NOT HERE!" kirako: *hug* down boy. Dazai: TT\\\\\TT kirako: better? Dazai: "A-A little...This is all just so much all at once." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "And then we'll get you a new dress, and maybe design your hair--" Jeje: *stuck on Mikuni's shoulders* -_-# "Kill me..." metsu: ... ?? there's a customer. Mikuni: "???? Welcome, to our little curio shop--" rowena: um, h-hello. .///w///. Mikuni: "Well, howdy, missy!" rowena: i wanted to give you something for the holiday! >///< *hands him a heart shaped box of chocolates* please enjoy it! Mikuni: OwO "Ooooo! We love chocolate, don't we, Jeje?" Jeje: *judgy snake face* -_-# metsu:.... Mikuni: "Did you make these?" *takes a bite of one* rowena: myself? oh goodness, im not that skilled. .///.; Mikuni: "D'aw, that's a shame. You should try--making chocolates can be fun!" *holds one up to Jeje* Jeje: *shakes his head 'no'* -elsewhere- Hyde: *searching through online streaming videos* "...Shit. I remember this film. I was at its premiere." licht: didnt you kill the lead actor? Hyde: -_-; "...Let's watch something else." -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." marie: whats up? Yumi: "Just trying to figure out a few cases. How are you?" marie: busy, there's a mjolnir family reunion coming up. Yumi: "So you're traveling?" marie: and little christa too~ ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "She'll be the center of attention." marie: >u< Yumi: ^^ "I hope you have fun there. Is everyone going?' -elsewhere- Anya: "Classes will begin again soon." tsugumi: yeah. Meme: "Picked your classes?" tsugumi: *she nods* Anya: "I'll be in history, public speaking, and more combat courses. You?" tsugumi: hmmm. i guess i want to learn more about this whole 'grigori soul' thing... Meme: "So a 'soul studies' class?" tsugumi: yeah, that. Anya: "I heard that course is intensive. Maybe talk to the teacher?" tsugumi: noted. mio: how about you, meme? Meme: "I'm not sure...I was looking at combat classes and...some advanced studies." ao: oh? Meme: *nods* "Maybe, I don't know, pursue some more intellectual studies?" mio: that's great. ^^ Meme: ^^ "How about you, Mio?" mio: not sure just yet. i might see if there's some kind of coding class or something. Meme: "Oh, you'd be great! I know they want to add more of those classes." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? What happened to you?" Poe: *has a shoe imprint on his face* Q_Q "I don't want to talk..." karl: *chitter* *pap pap* Poe: TTWTT *pat pat* *sets his bag in his locker* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *tending to his grapevines* dorothy: *staaaare* Steinbeck: "??? Yes, Dorothy?" dorothy: can i watch? big brother's being a buttpain. Steinbeck: "Sure...What's wrong?" dorothy: he's just a bit much when it comes to brotherly affection. not in a weird way, mind you. Steinbeck: "...Okay? Um...What boundaries do you want him to practice?" dorothy: he needs to learn to chill the heck on out. Steinbeck: "I could send him out on errands. Or--" baum: JOOOOOHN!!! Steinbeck: "?!!!! Wh-Whhat?"at?" baum: *holds dorothy close* dont lust after my sister you sick bastard! i should have you fined and arrested! dorothy: =_=; Steinbeck: o_O "I...wasn't...?" baum: you better not have been. T_T Steinbeck: "I assure you, I wasn't...Um...Do you need to take a break? Get a snack?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *trying on his formal kimono* "..." kirei: getting ready for new years festivities? Benimaru: *nods* "Thought I should check to make sure it still suited me." *holds out his arms* "How is it? Good size?" kirei: *she nods* ^^ Benimaru: "Thank you. How is festival organizing going?" kirei: the sisters are all working hard. Benimaru: *nods* "Your kimono?" kirei: i already have it set out. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* mary: whats wrong, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: TT3TT mary: *brushing him* Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= *fox sigh* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Tah-dah!" *he's in a Bedazzled kimono* Sakuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "I have gone blind." tsubaki: it's certainly...unique. ^^; Belkia: "Thank you! They called me mad for daring to sequin a kimono!" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his tea* "...I just remembered, I'm not a big fan of tea. But you were, weren't you?" fukuzawa: yes. Mori: "...Very traditional...Samurai..." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "...I remember...milkshakes." fukuzawa:....should i have someone picks something up for you? Mori: *nods* "And lemon cookies." fukuzawa: .. Mori: "Maybe...chocolate. Rainbow stickers..." fukuzawa: .... --# Mori: "..." *finishes his tea* "..." *stares at the tea leaves* "...I want to get better." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "..." *holds up the cup* "Do you read tea leaves?" fukuzawa: not normally. Mori: "...Oh. Was hoping someone could predict these." fukuzawa: ...... >->; (i dont want to let that girl near this lolicon.) Mori: "...Well, I better sleep..." -morning- Kid: =_= stocking: rough night? Kid: *nods* "Migraine..." stocking: aww. Kid: "Maybe some medicine and water..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *yawns* -...- Kunikida: "..." *looks at the wall...picks up his chalk* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *claps his hands* "Line up! We continue inspections." -staff lining up- Fitzgerald: "...Eckleberg! Fix that tie!" eckleburg: *doing so* Fitzgerald: *walks by--then leans down* "And you. Where were you at 11:59 PM the night of December 27?" worker: i was home! you can ask my mother! Fitzgerald: "HOW DO I KNOW YOUR MOTHER WASN'T INVOLVED IN THIS EVIL PLOT OF EVIL?!" worker: Q_Q daisy: sir, he's pissing himself. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...The self-urination is a rather convincing piece of evidence. Very well. Jordan, clean this mess up." jordan: -_-; -elsewhere- Steinbeck: -_-##### twain: that seriously happened? Steinbeck: *small growl* "Unfortunately..." twain: what's his deal? Steinbeck: "He has a sister fixation. And as someone with sisters--that's pretty messed up." baum: its not anything weird or lewd! keep your perverted ideas away from us, freak. twain: ._.; Steinbeck: "Just...keep him occupied. Like, a jigsaw puzzle, or compare beauty tips." twain: can do! -elsewhere- Ivan: -_-# <Such noise...> yana: hmm? Ivan: <Tell that cow to stop her groaning...> yana: oi, medic, you ok? zoey: ah.....h-hungry....my baby needs to eat..... lydia: <vachenka, i know you dont like her at all, but it wouldnt kill you to be less of a dick.> Ivan: <No, it actually would. It's a medical condition. Tragic.> lydia: ... T_T; Ivan: <Why don't _I_ prepare her meal?> *innocent smile* lydia: <i will handle it.> Ivan: -3- yana: (boss, please get home soon before i lose what remains of my sanity...) -elsewhere- minato:.... Fyodor: *humming* minato: *tenses and tries to walk away* Fyodor: "Still running?" minato: w-what do you want from me? Fyodor: "To free this world of sins..." minato: but why are you targeting me? i didnt do a single thing to you! Fyodor: *smiles* "If I seek to eliminate this world of sin, I have to make every person I meet be honest with themselves." minato: i-i didnt murder her! Fyodor: "So why are you here?" minato: i.....*shaking* i didnt mean to.....i-i had to....i-i was......*her eyes are wide, tears falling* Fyodor: "...Child..." minato: *hyperventilating* {minato: *asleep*} {-someone sneaks into her apartment and enters her room....and starts choking her-} {minato: !!!!!????} {shirono: this is for your own good. you're going to bring us all down if you keep living... *she seems unstable*} {minato: *kicks her off before grabbing scissors, and in a fit of panic, stabs her to death* ah......ah...... *screaming*} minato: ....... Fyodor: "...You had to do it, didn't you?" minato:....*crying and trembling* Fyodor: "And like any murderer, now you are here." minato: ...............*catatonic* Fyodor: "The truth...shows you why you are here. But the truth...can also set you free." minato:...w-what should i do? Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is appropriate?" minato:.....i...i dont know..... Fyodor: "Which sentence did they give to you, when they locked you here?" minato:.....i dont remember.....7 months? Fyodor: "Seven months? That is all for killing?" minato:........ Fyodor: "It is said that, to take a life, only one thing can be done to make up for that sin...An eye..." minato:....for an eye.....*glances to the door leading to the stairs* Fyodor: "Shall I help you?" minato:....please.... Fyodor: *looks at Alone* "You. Wolfman." Alone: *Scooby 'Huh?' noise* Fyodor: "What if I offered you freedom?" Alone: "...Like, escape from here?" Fyodor: *smirks* Alone: "...Yo, Grimoire? You--" grimoire: dont trust this man. i get a bad vibe from him. Alone: "But Grim--freedom! He's offering--" Fyodor: *already talking to another prisoner* "--if you just do as I ask." grimoire:.... !!!! Prisoner #1: "AAAARG!" *picks up a metal tray--and smashes it into Alone's face* Alone: "OUCHIE!" *knocked down* grimoire: hey! what the hell are you doing?! guard: hey-HEY! Prisoner #1: *kicks at Grimoire's face* Fyodor: *stares at Minato* minato: *makes a beeline for the stairs, running up them* -Outside- Kunikida: *lifting a weight...in view of the roof* prisoner 2:....eh? whazzat? Kunikida: *looks up...squints, to see the distance and against the bright sun* minato: *stumbling to the roof's edge, staring down below* ............................. Kunikida: "That's...!!!!" minato: *closes her eyes.......and leans forwards.....almost falling in slow motion........* -crunch- -the prisoners are screaming and running away- Kunikida: *just stares...so shocked, he drops his weight* -the guards are doing all they can to handle the situation- Kunikida: *looks at the fence between the yard and where Minato...* "..." *runs...and jumps, crawling over the fence* guard: h-hey! GET BACK HERE! Kunikida: *runs to where Minato is* ("What am I doing? I'm not Yosano. I'm not...I'm not able to do anything...But I have to try...") -she's already gone....just a crumpled form laying in blood, with a few bones sticking out- -the top of her head had caved in from the impact- Kunikida: *stares wide-eyed* "..." *he's just standing...staring* -silence, save for a ringing in the ears...- -THUD- guard: get back in your cell! Kunikida: *knocked to the ground* -elsewhere- liz: *watching tv*.....!!!! *horrified* Wes: "...God..." julie: liz? uncle wes? what's going on? liz: !!! hey kiddo. why dont you and riley get the gamecube set up and we can all play mario party? julie: for real? ok! *goes to do that* Wes: "..." *holds her hand, shaking* -elsewhere- yuma: happy birthday, mifune. ^^ Mifune: *small smile, nods* "Thank you." angela: we got you mochi! -there is a little box with mochi shaped like rabbits- Mifune: "Oh! Looks good..." *hugs* angela: *huuug* ^u^ yuma: ^u^ Mifune: "Well...let's dig in." -elsewhere- Lucy: *washing plates...turns on the radio* -seems some christmas music is still playing- Lucy: *sighs* "Corny, but familiar..." *turns up the volume* -the door opens- atsushi: hey lucy. *wave* Lucy: "Oh, hey." *waves* "On break?" atsushi: yeah. school starts up next year. *yawns* pulled an all nighter last night.... Lucy: "On studying?" *dries her hands* atsushi: yep. Lucy: "That's some commitment...You try a nap, or do you want some coffee?" atsushi: yes please. -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down GET* "Alright. Get to it." get: *salute* chie: *chuckles* booo. Yohei: *smiles* *pats GET* -elsewhere- PlushFix: =w= "If I could smoke again, this'd be heaven..." hina: *giggling* shaula: yeeep dats da good shiiiit. mimeca: =w= saku:..... <idiots> PlushFix: *stares at Shaula* "...Pretty hair, BT-dubs." [[as in BTW]] shaula: magic, bitches, lul. beatrice: =-=; (lady shaula i love you but you're so strange sometimes) -elsewhere- Johannes: "..." *sighs, tears a page out of his notebook* metsu: doctor? Johannes: "What?" *ripping the page in half* metsu: ...nevermind. Johannes: "..." *returns to his writing...the torn up page is next to Metsu's feet...One word is legible: "Sister"* metsu:....... -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Looking forward to the festival?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "We'll get some treats, Grandma will want to look at the lanterns..." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Any games you want to play?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *setting up a booth* kyouko: im here! sayaka: *was dropping her off via scooter* Hyde: "Yo! There are some boxes to unpack." kyouko: ok then. Hyde: "Getting here a problem?" kyouko: i got a friend to help. sayaka: *waves* heyoo. Hyde: *waves* "Hey. I'm Hyde." -elsewhere- Poe: "...Ghastly." lana: *holding him close*..... Poe: *shivers* "Just...I've written things like this..." lana: *listening* Poe: "B-But I wrote those things so that...because I thought they _wouldn't_ happen...or that I'd be st-stronger when they could..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: "...What if I did those things..." lana: you know you're not that kind of person, edgar... Poe: *covers his face* "Have you read what I wrote? I trapped...you and Ranpo and that doctor in my book..." lana: you have dark thoughts. but it was technically all fiction, right? ^^ Poe: "Sucking people into that fantasy...was to get Ranpo killed..." lana: .... Poe: "..." *shudders* "You don't recognize how awful death is...until you face it..." *rubs his arms* lana: ....*she hugs him* Poe: *weeping* lana: *kisses his forehead* it's ok. im here, karl is here, your sister is here, we're here, ok? Poe: *nods...shivers* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *groans...opens his eyes* "Wh-Where..." -he was back in his cell- Kunikida: *feels his head--winces* "Ow!" guard: i see you're awake now. Kunikida: "...She is..." guard:....miss minato sadly didnt survive. Kunikida: "..." guard:..... *walks away* Kunikida: "...Another...Another...Another...Anoth--" *sobs* "Another...Another..." guard: *walking down the hall* Kunikida: *lying on his back, just crying* -elsewhere- Katai: Q~Q blair: *in cat form, sleeping on his lap* Katai: *strokes Blair* T\\\T -elsewhere- Ivan: *giggles* mushitaro: well _you_ seem chipper, whats up? Ivan: "Master just keeps making his glorious plan work..." mushitaro: ah. Ivan: "Soon, his glory will bless this entire world~" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Kenji, lift it." kenji: *liiiift* Kyoka: "Now. I will ask the question again..." guy: ._.;;; Kyoka: "Have you seen this man?" *holds up a photo of Fyodor* guy: h-he's that guy who got arrested, right? Kyoka: "Correct. Have you seen him before his arrest?" guy: i-i saw him at the cafe when he got arrested! Kyoka: "Why were you there?" guy: i-i was getting my coffee like i always do in the mornings when i go to work! Kyoka: "For whom do you work...?" *holding a blade* guy: Q-Q i-i work at an insurance firm! aya: *examines his id card* he checks out! Kyoka: "...Okay. You may go on your way..." *reads the name on the ID card* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." ango: so you chose _here_ of all places? Dazai: "A reminder of who has been lost--and a promise not to let that happen again." *smiles* "Because I intend to end this." ango: ?? Dazai: "You and I know the Rats are behind this. Now, I've been patient with you getting the evidence..." ango:...something seems wrong....someone's been tampering with evidence. perhaps via an ability? Dazai: "??? How can you tell it's altered?" ango: call it instinct....*showing him some photos* Dazai: *looks at them* "...From a distance, nothing looks too out of the ordinary..." ango: but up close? Dazai: *holds it closer to his eyes...* -elsewhere- Tuhl: *shivers* saki: you ok? Tuhl: "Just feels chilly in here." saki: *hands him a coat* Tuhl: "Thanks..." *puts it on* "You okay with this weather?" saki: yeah....smore? Tuhl: "Please." ^^ saki: *setting it up, heating the marshmallow with a finger lighter* Tuhl: "..." *sits across from her* "Any spices to add...?" *staring at her finger* saki: tuhl, you dont add spices to a s'more. ^^; Tuhl: "Well, not even some cinnamon?" saki: hmm, well maybe a little. -elsewhere- Lucy: *puts a blanket over Atsushi* atsushi: zzzz.... =w= Lucy: "..." *sits by him on the cafe couch...rests her head on his shoulder* "..." waitress: *snaps a pic* ^^ Lucy: .\\\\. *puts a finger over her lips to say "Don't make noise, please..."* waitress: *nods* Lucy: =\\\\= *small cuddle* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Comfy?" felisia: =u= *nuzzles* Mephisto: "I'll take that as a yes~" *pours more hot chocolate* -elsewhere- Motojiro: ^wX *he has a black eye* leo: ah! what happened? ayako: *bruised* X3= Motojiro: "A minor workplace accident FOR SCIENCE!" leo: you really should be more careful... Motojiro: owx "??? We were wearing goggles..." leo: *getting him ice* Motojiro: "Thanks, ma'am." ^wX *elbows Ayako* "Isn't that nice?" ayako: yeppers! Motojiro: *contented sigh* "So lovely...Like lemons." ayako: xwO ~?? Motojiro: "Sweet lemons...Pretty lemons..." =\\\\x leo: ? Motojiro: "She even smells like lemons..." *he's...floating...* leo: s-sir, sir! ayako: WOAH! Motojiro: "..." *opens his eyes* "...Oh! Sorry." *turns off his air-belt, landing on his feet* ayako: SUCCESS! leo: ^^; Motojiro: "So, we got the air-belt to work, I didn't lose my eye--Ayako, you're hair is still on fire." ayako: *licks her fingers and puts the flame out on her hair antennae, going out with a 'tssss'* Motojiro: *thumbs up--then blood squirts out the top of his thumb* leo: *bandages him* Motojiro: .\\\\\. leo: you really should be more careful, sir... Motojiro: "I-I guess? I mean, have to have a little danger for an experiment..." leo: but what if you died? what then? Motojiro: owx "Well...I'd get to know how the brain operates near death?" leo: ......*sigh* just look after yourself, ok? Motojiro: .\\\\\. *nod nod nod nod nod* -the next day, new years day- Black Star: ^w^ tsubaki: everyone ready? Black Star: *nod nod* Belkia: "Ready!" Higan: *fanning himself* -elsewhere- Patty: *dressing up* "Almost ready!" liz: yep! Patty: *steps out...she has makeup on* liz: oh wow, nice job! Patty: ^\\\^ "Thanks. I thought I'd get all pretty-ified..." julie: ^u^ Patty: "How you like your kimono, Jules?" julie: ^u^ *she's in a pink one with flowers on it* Patty: "So cute..." *holds up the phone to take pics* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *adjusting his sash* fukuzawa: is everyone ready? Kyoka: "...I'm used to this attire anyway." atsushi: yep, all set. aya: mmhmm! Lucy: *blinks* "...Dazai...What are you--" Dazai: *he's wearing a ski mask* kenji: are you cold? aya: ROBBER! *kick to the balls* Dazai: .________O *collapses* Lucy: "...Well, if he was going to have kids--" atsushi + ranpo + fukuzawa: !!! *clasping their junk* yosano: oh, even _I_ felt that. Tanizaki: o_o;;; *hides behind Naomi* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "!!! ..." *smiles* sonia: hiya grandma, hi miss leo. Chuuya: *waves* -elsewhere mushitaro: that Q-ball kid braided the medic's hair.... ^u^# looking at it pisses me off. Ivan: "Then un-braid it." mushitaro: ooooor~ *holding scissors* mushishishishi~<3 Ivan: "...Doooooo iiiiiiiit..." mushitaro: *sneaks over to her room*..... *grinch grin* zoey: *resting* mushitaro: *griiiiins* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hee hee...So pretty." mana: .///. um..t-thanks... Shotaro: "??? Hmm?" *turns back, holding rock candy* "Oh, Mana. Didn't see you there." *holds one stick out* mana: ...... -_-; Emine: *smirk* nea: the festival is really kicking off, eh? Shinoda: "Indeed. Comfortable?" nea: mmhmm~ ^^ Yohei: "Liking the cold's got to help with that..." *holds Toru* Assi: *munching on tako* mono: 737 ..... Assi: "??? Want some?" mono:..*nom* =n= *kimono flip* mono: h-HEY!! Emine: "Bad deed complete..." Assi: .\\\\. mono: I'LL KILL YOU! D8< -elsewhere- Rin: "Madoka!" *waving* madoka: *hug* Rin: ^\\\^ "Glad to see you..." tatsuya: hey rin! Rin: "Hey, Big Guy!" *holds up his hand for a high-five* -high five- tatsuya: ^^ Rin: "So, what you two up for? I really want to play the fish game." tatsuya: that sounds awesome! Rin: "Let's go then!" ^W^ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *smiles* "It looks good." kim: yep. Jacqueline: "..." *brushes her hand* kim: *holds her hand* ^///^ Jacqueline: ^\\\^ *small squeeze* "L-Let's walk..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *nom nom nom nom nom* tamaki: ^u^ Arthur: "Tasty, right?" *hands a napkin* tamaki: yeah! Arthur: "..." *smiles* "That's good news..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Lookin' good~" vivian: hehe, why thank you~ huang: *glaaaare* Kishiri: owo;;;; *keeps an arm's length away from Vivian* -elsewhere- Kid: "Another anpan?" stocking: yes please! Kid: *unwraps it, offers it to her* stocking: *nom* <3 Kid: *smiles...* "You look happy..." stocking: i am~ ^^ Kid: *smiles...brushes her hand* stocking: ^^ Kid: "...Let's make this a good year..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the lanterns* hirotsu: a lovely sight. Akutagawa: "Yes..." *taps one lantern* "...It's light." higuchi: it sure is. Akutagawa: "...Did you go to these festivals often?" higuchi: yeah. Akutagawa: "With your sister?" higuchi: *she nods* Akutagawa: "...We didn't." higuchi:...*pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "...Can you make this time good for her?" higuchi: i will. -elsewhere- Izuku: "Looks cute." ^\\\^ tsuyu: thanks. ^^ Izuku: "...Y-Your family seems to be having fun!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...I had a problem finding a kimono in my size." miwa: ^^; Takehisa: "At least it covers you--and we are all grateful for that. -_- Hibana: "Still surprised they let gorillas into the festival--" Akitaru: -_-### Karim: *rolls his eyes* pearl: ^^; Konro: *sets down the tray of drinks* "Here you are." shinra: thanks for inviting us. ^^ fang-hua: glad to be back, sir. Benimaru: "Good to have you back, Fang-Hua." Tsukiyo: "And me~?" Benimaru: "..." Tsukiyo: D:< kirei: ^^; glad to see you're back as well, miss usada. Tsukiyo: *bows* "Thank you." TWT -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* naho: are you cold? Sakuya: "A little..." naho: *huuug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: *nom nom nom nom nom--* tsubaki: ^^; mahiru: hey guys! Kuro: *carrying snacks...that he is eating* "Hmmm thmmm." ("Hey, there.") tsubaki: enjoying the festival? Kuro: "Yes--but the walking is tiresome." -_- mahiru: -_-; what _isnt_ tiresome for you... Kuro: "Sleep..." tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop* Black Star: *grabs a bit of Kuro's cotton candy--* *GRAB* Kuro: *death glare* "Bad move..." Black Star: "..." *death glare returned* tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop x2* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and the damn thing won't change no matter how many times I wash it!" *his hair is still styled* itsuka: ._.; Bakugo: "I might as well just shave it--BUT I CAN'T FIND A BLADE TO CUT THROUGH IT." -elsewhere- Victor: "...This is fun, right?" nozomi:...i-i guess... Victor: "...You like rides?" nozomi:...y-yeah... Victor: "How 'bout that one?" *it's a caterpillar kiddie ride* nozomi:..... tamaki: i'll even ride with you. nozomi:...o-ok... Victor: ^w^ "Three tickets, please--" -elsewhere- Shima: ^\\\w\\\^ "So many cuties..." izumo: *side punch* shameless! Shima: "Ow! Oh, what, you think I'm the only person who appreciates fine human form with stylish outfits?" izumo: shush. konekomaru: come on guys, lets try to get along. ^^; Shima: >3> Bon: *eyeroll* "Come on, Konekomaru--let's go for the games, leave the lovebirds alone." izumo: w-what?! D8< Shima: "It's not like that!" ):< konekomaru: take care you two. ^^; Bon: *waves* Shima: >3< izumo: *grumble* just great... Shima: "...Want a soda?" izumo:...fine. -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding binoculars* kenji: *nom nom nom* Kyoka: *sighs* "Nothing..." *picks off one of Kenji's tako* kenji: did you want one too? Kyoka: *nods* kenji: here! *hands her some* ^^ Kyoka: "...Thank you." *nom* nankichii: um...h-hi... gon: *fox chitter* Kyoka: *waves* "Hello, Kenji's friend." kenji: hey kankichii! are you here with the others from your place? nankichii: y-yeah.... ???: nanki, these your friends? Kyoka: *stares* man: hi, im Eiji Yoshikawa. i work at salamander publishing too. nice to meet ya. ^^ Kyoka: "Hello. Are you an editor?" eiji: *he nods* i also write a few samurai stories in my spare time. ^^ Kyoka: "...Do you need someone to model for painted covers of your books?" -elsewhere- Katai: *holding his futon...which is also dressed in a kimono* aya:....i have no words for this. Katai: "I-I just wanted to match..." Q~Q higuchi:... D8 YOU! Katai: Q______Q "Oh shit..." *hides behind Aya* aya: oh, its your ex and her girlfriend. Katai: Q_____Q "Sh-She's not my ex--she wasn't into me..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "How are you feeling?" lord death: content~ ^u^ Yumi: "Good." *smiles* "Because you still have to read your opening remarks..." lord death: right. Benimaru: "Death? This way..." *hands him the microphone* lord death: alrighty then! -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Having fun?" yuuji:...i guess so. Aizawa: "Hmm." *nods* *points to a building* "Go for a tour in the game house?" yuuji: um, sure. Aizawa: "I wonder if it's a haunted house, or..." -elsewhere- Burns: "...This seems like a waste of time--" foien: well, the others seem to be enjoying themselves. Onyango: "Indeed..." *sampling the ramen* ruby: yeah, let loose once in a while! >3< Burns: "...What would you suggest?" ruby: face painting! >u< Burns: "...Wha?" x_o; ruby: *pushing him along* Burns: "...This will not end well..." Onyango: *small smile* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." himawari: are you alright? Shamrock: "Just...reflecting." *stares at the water* himawari:....*small chuckle* Shamrock: "..." Xw^ "Just thinking about...the next steps." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holds up Sonia* "Can you see now?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: *smiles* -elsewhere- Stein: "..." *lights up* nygus: figured i'd find you here. Stein: "You found me. What's up?" nygus: havent gone on your mission yet, huh? Stein: "No...Delay after delay after invasion after delay." nygus: ah. Stein: "I'll be leaving after the New Year--unless more delays." -elsewhere- Gopher: =w= kirika:.....*awkward lean* Gopher: o\\\\\o "...Is this reality?" kirika: *pinches his cheek* easy there, goph, dont have a heart attack on me. 7///7; Gopher: "Ouchie!" ^\\\\^ "O-Okay...Is-Is this comfortable?" kirika:...i guess. sorry, affection aint one of my strong suits. 737; Gopher: "It's fine...No one's perfect...Not even someone perfect." *smiles* kirika: =///,///=; Gopher: "If that...you know, makes sense..." *looks into her eye, smiles* kirika:...t-thanks. =///=; -elsewhere- Vulcan: *holding dozens of animal plushies* lisa:....*small smile* Vulcan: ^^; "Guess I got overly enthusiastic..." *spots some children* "Maybe they'd like the ones you don't want?" lisa:.....i-i guess.....um....h-hey...? Child #1: "??? Yes, ma'am?" kurome: ?? lisa: here, you can have these. Vulcan: ^^ Child #1: o___o "Wow..." kurome: thanks lady! papa, look! "Kurome's Father": "That's adorable." ^^ Vulcan: "..." *whispers to Lisa* "Jeez, that guy's voice is deep..." yu: ^^; "Kurome's Father": "Did you thank the nice lady?" kurome: *nod nod* "Kurome's Father": "That's good. Let's keep looking around..." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *has set up a booth for the shop* "Can I interest you in one of our curios?" lana:...?? edgar? Poe: *death glare* "No jury in the world would convict me..." Mikuni: *looks around--spots Lana* "And what can I do for this happy coup--" *sees Poe* OWO;;;; lana:.... ^^; should i give you two some space? ^^;; Mikuni: D: "Don't leave me alone with him!" Poe: "Yes, please give us some space~ I'll need no witnesses." *slasher grin* Mikuni: O_________O "JEJE! SAVE ME!" Jeje: "No." Mikuni: "YOU TRAITOR!" Poe: *leans forward, still smiling* "...How much for the volume of love poems~?" Mikuni: "FREE! JUST TAKE IT!" *throws the book at Poe* Poe: *one-hand catch* ^^ "Thank you." *offers it to Lana* lana: ^^; aww. *smooch on the cheek* Poe: ^\\\\^ Mikuni: *crouching in the corner* Jeje: *draws -_- on his brown paper bag* -elsewhere- Meme: *rings a bell* mio: *making her wish* ao: *in her miko garb* thank you for your patronage. Meme: *nods, smiles* "Tsugumi, you're next!" tsugumi: *making her wish* Anya: "..." ao: what will you wish for? Anya: "...Just keep it simple, I guess." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sips his tea* oscar: how's it going in here, johnny boy? Steinbeck: "Quiet..." oscar: ah....missing your family? Steinbeck: "A bit...I wrote again." oscar: i see. something on your mind, hun? Steinbeck: "...I don't know. Just feeling listless, like I'm waiting..." oscar: still shook up about the twain incident? Steinbeck: *spits up his tea* *cough hack cough* oscar: ohoho, its alright. i wont judge~<3 Steinbeck: "J-Just, no, okay? I don't even..." oscar: johnny boy, its alright. if things did happen, how would you feel about it? Steinbeck: "I-I don't even know that I said it could happen..." oscar: hmm... twain: *peeek* you still mad? Steinbeck: *throws tea cup at him* twain: *dodge* no hard feelings, buddy! *runs* Steinbeck: >~< oscar: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: to the new year. Kid: "To the next year." *clinks glasses* -elsewhere- atsushi:.... Odasaku: (How you hanging in there?) atsushi: alright, for what it's worth. Odasaku: (...Worried about something?) atsushi: *lays on his back* just everything that's been going on, i guess.... Odasaku: (Such as Kunikida?) atsushi:.....yeah... Odasaku: (...Have they let you visit?) atsushi: *shakes his head* Odasaku: (...Have they scheduled a trial?) atsushi: it's still under investigation. Odasaku: (...And Dazai looks depressed by it all...) atsushi:....should i talk to him? Odasaku: (Please?) atsushi:...ok....*knock* dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" *opens the door* "Oh, hey! You're back?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "Eh, alright. You?" atsushi:.....*awkward hug* thought you needed that. Dazai: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah. Thanks..." atsushi: here's hoping next year gets better.... Dazai: "...No kidding...For us all." -beginning of Y6-
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queen-of-bel · 5 years
phew okay this was sitting in my drafts for so long, but an analysis for second best devil survivor boy (tadashi nikaido) 
naoya | atsuro | amane | gin | mari
Tadashi Nikaido is genuinely one of my favorite characters ever, but I see him get reduced to just "tsundere gangster" but he really is a lot more than that.
Let's look at how he was first introduced. If you remember, there was a thug who was harassing an SDF solider to be let out of the lockdown. He's quickly stopped by Kaido who clearly has no desire at all to spar with the SDF. After Atsuro notes that Kaido has a reputation of treating his members well, Kazuya approaches Kaido for help. Kaido doesn't know of any secret exits, and hasn't seen Naoya. Then, Kaido decides to take it a step further, asking the picture of Naoya to be sent over IR so he can show his crew once the cell lines come back on. This wasn't something that Kazuya asked him to do. This was something that Kaido volunteered to do. He didn't have to do this for 3 strangers, but he did anyway.
The next big thing we learn about Kaido is the "bloodless murderer" and its connection to Kaido. In case you need a refresher, one of the victims was Kaido's brother. It's at this point that we start to see a darker side of him. He finally figured out the secret behind the murderer (that it's a demon) and how to avenge his brother (by using the COMPs). He even calls his brother a "wuss", implying that he thinks his brother died because he wasn't strong enough to fight off the assailant.
Alright, let's throw Mari into the picture now. In case you need a second reminder, Mari is childhood friends with Kaido and his brother. Mari and his brother eventually get into a relationship, but Kaido secretly was in love with Mari, too.
The text differs slightly between the original game and Overclocked, but when Kaido and Mari are arguing, Mari beings to either say how Kaido's brother was her lover, or that she blames herself for his death. Either way, Kaido becomes enraged and cuts her off, and even goes so far as to say he wishes he were the one to kill his brother. He then yells at Mari to stay away from the bloodless murderer before storming off.
The glaringly obvious takeaway is that Kaido has serious issues conveying his emotions. No doubt he's jealous that Mari fell for his brother and not him, but he's also having difficulty expressing his grief over his brother, even resorting to saying something like this to cover his grief. Mari realizes this is just a cover, though, and asks Kazuya to forgive Kaido, as Kaido seems so angry at the moment because of his brother's murder.
Now, jump to the battle where Yuzu gets us into that bet with Kaido and Honda. This is where the lockdown begins to break him. After Kaido realizes he can’t win the bet against a bunch of high school kids, he cries out “I wanted to gain power, but I can’t... I can’t protect anything!” His strong will is what summons Pazuzu, who comments on his "bitter cries of despair".
Note that the first reason he states he wants power is to protect something. He doesn't want power for personal gain, or any selfish reasons. He wants the strength to avenge his brother and protect Mari. He doesn't care about crushing everything or taking over the world-- he just wants Mari to he safe.
So whether or not Mari survives the battle with Kudlak is going to really define Kaido's outlook, but before we jump to the fifth day, let's take a look at what happens on day 4.
At Suidobashi, we find Kaido and Honda getting into a fight with a bunch of civilians, with the intent to kill the civilians. After talking to them, though, Honda says that the civilians attacked them first, and Honda and Kaido were merely acting in self-defense. After they leave, Atsuro says if he were in Kaido's place, he would've lost control, too.
Let's now talk a bit about Kaido's role as a gang/thug leader.
Kaido doesn't want to lead the Shibuya Daemons. He explicitly tells Kazuya, "I don't really care... I'm only leadin' these guys 'cause it was my brother's gang." Kaido only views this as a responsibility his brother left for him, but despite the fact that he has a reputation for treating his members well, he couldn't care less about the Daemons.
So, jump back to the battle where Kaido/Honda are fighting the civilians. This is all really important to consider when Kaido calls Kazuya and everyone "justice freaks".
At first, it seems like Kaido is just displaying typical, thuggish, "fuck the cops" kind of behavior. But considering his behavior and what we know about him up until this point in the game, it doesn't really make sense.
Kaido didn't start the Shibuya Daemons, nor does he want to lead them. Kaido broke up a fight between a gang member and an SDF soldier, when he easily could've joined in, or at the very least, ignored it. Knowing all this, Kaido is probably best described as just "transient" as opposed to having any actual convictions. Maybe he doesn't care enough to outright respect the law, but he doesn't seem to have an active interest in breaking the law, either.
So where does the "justice freak" thing come from?
The most likely answer to me is that Kaido is frustrated with the Japanese law enforcement for not making any progress in the bloodless murder cases. He laments several times that it's been so long since his brother was murdered, and they still don't know who did it. One of the instances where this is shown is when Kazuya gives Kaido Mari's bag. Kaido says "I've been waiting for this... It's been seven months now since my brother died... I'm finally gonna nail the bastard that killed my bro and cornered Mari!"
So, Kaido already has lost hope in the justice system, and knowing that it was the government who enacted the lockdown certainly didn't improve his opinion on the government. Also, now that he sees demons, the same creatures that killed his brother, are on the loose, Kaido knows that if he makes one misstep in the lockdown, he'll die. Especially considering that he thinks his brother could've protected himself if he was stronger.
At this moment, laws don't matter to him anymore if they're just going to hinder his survival. Note that Kaido never did anything that didn't have to do with his survival. He never robbed anybody, he never looted any stores, all he wanted to do was get stronger so he could survive and protect Mari.
Okay, so now let's jump into the 5th day mess, where Mari's fate is defined.
Let's start with if Mari dies.
If Kazuya is there for the battle against Kudlak, but didn't give her purse to either her or Kaido, Mari is killed in front of everyone. Kaido absolutely loses it, and afterwards, falls into a state of shock and depression. I'll touch more on this later, but Kaido says "Mari... I let down my bro... And now you too..."
The next time we see Kaido, he's fighting Keisuke, where their morals are clearly clashing over the proper use of power. This bit of dialogue is only triggered if Kazuya witnessed Mari's death, but Kaido does say "without power, you can't protect anything close to you" before continuing the fight with Keisuke.
If Kazuya didn't witness Mari getting killed by Kudlak, he'll get a email from Kaido that night saying that Mari was found dead. His words indicate that he lapsed into a depression from how powerless he felt.
Either way, the takeaway is that if Mari dies, Kaido blames his lack of strength for his failures. This solidifies the thought in his mind that if you want to survive, you have to be strong. After all, if he were stronger, he could've avenged his brother and saved the woman he loved, right?
Okay, let's rewind day 5 and see what happens if Mari survives.
If Mari survives, and Kaido defeated (well, helped to defeat) Kudlak, he credits this to his strength. This is evidenced in his fight with Keisuke if Mari survives, where he says "If you don't want to die, you gotta get strong! The weak have no right to complain!"
Whatever happens with Mari's fate, the events of the fifth day confirm to him that if he wants to survive and protect anyone, he's got to get stronger. He just has to.
It's after the fifth day that he totally snaps.
On the sixth day, he rants to Kazuya how humans are basically rotten and his desire to crush everything. The stress of the lockdown has finally gotten to him. After he sees stuff from the Japanese government abandoning the civilians in the lockdown and their plans to kill everyone, to the civilians in the lockdown losing all sanity, killing others and causing pure chaos in the streets, Kaido has lost all hope in humanity.
He's extremely bitter towards YHVH and the angels who enacted the lockdown in the first place, which is why he teams up with Naoya to make Kazuya the overlord. At this point he's just gone insane, truly believing that he can't survive without power, and after a week of seeing people's ugly side, he detaches himself from humanity, seeing people as only stepping stones to make himself stronger.
I want to stress one more time that Kaido does not typically share these sentiments. Even at the end of the lockdown, he knows deep down that people aren't inherently bad. He knows that people were pushed this far because of the lockdown, just as he was. This is evidenced by his reaction to Keisuke's actions on the sixth day. If Keisuke is alive, he tells them that he forgives Keisuke for what he did. If Kaido killed Keisuke, Kaido will apologize to Atsuro, saying that under different circumstances, he and Keisuke would make great friends. He even takes it a step further, saying that he understands if Atsuro doesn't forgive him, and if it would make Atsuro feel better, he can kill Kaido.
The best example of Kaido's true nature is in Amane's eighth day, where he actually agrees to help the Messiah and protect the barricade from the demon tamers fighting to get out. He says that this is the least he can do, considering how hard Kazuya is working to help people. These actions would make no sense if Kaido was truly as power-hungry as he appears to be on the sixth day. In fact, this solidifies the theory that Kaido just... exists. Just two days prior, he was seething with rage, vowing to crush the SDF and YHVH. And yet, now he's siding with the Japanese government and the Messiah.
Clearly, Kaido is the type of person who just adapts to the situation he's in. He doesn't particularly have any morals, but instead, he just goes with whatever is happening in his environment. This is even implied in the materials guide, where under Kaido's favorite music, it says "club music?" including the question mark. Being a highschool dropout (also stated in the materials guide) and a gang leader, it's no surprise that he frequents clubs, but it's interesting that he has so little convictions that even his taste in music is left to be shaped by his environment.
Honestly, I think it's very possible Kaido has some form of undiagnosed mental disorder, quite possibly borderline personality disorder. Besides his feelings for Mari, he has no real convictions or ambitions in life. He's just aimlessly doing what life handed to him. His brother died? Well, guess he has to take over his gang. Being stuck in the lockdown? Gain more power to help him survive. Messiah is working to save humanity? Time to side with the angels.
Yes, Kaido has his issues, but the reason why we see his nasty side so often is bc of the cruelty of the lockdown and how that honestly made him snap. The game, however, also conveys multiple instances where his true nature is shown. Despite it all, he's very conflicted about the whole situation-- bouncing back and forth between attempting to murder others to listening to his conscience and displaying compassion towards others. At the end of Naoya's no kill route, Kaido states that he's doing this because he wants to stay by Kazuya's side. Metatron even notes that Kaido is doing this out of loyalty to a friend. Granted, Kaido isn't the only person Metatron says this to, but if Kaido really did only choose this path to gain more power, Metatron would've said so.
Kaido lives an aimless and metaphorically nomadic life, at times showing symptoms which hint at depression or an underlying mental illness. What he is not, however, is your typical power hungry SMT chaos rep. He's a far more complex character than that. He allows his convictions to change very suddenly, just to match the environment he's in. Really, he's this tangled mess of emotions that he has never resolved, and as a result, has become an extremely apathetic and aimless person.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
after the events of the nether, Christmas is just around the corner.
[[cont from part 70]]
*The ground is shaking* komori: !! maki: what do we do? Akitaru: *kicks down the door* "Emergency!" 'eyebrows': wah! commander huang? where is she? it's an emergency! -and so, upon huang's arrival- Huang: "Arg, patient information, stat." Nurse arg: sword was impaled through his stomach. heart, lungs, and spine were injured, he's in critical condition! Akitaru: "Doctor, Shinra's body may have gone through Overheat. And he has the Adora Burst. Can you save him--" Huang: "Commander Obi, I have surgery to perform. Stand aside--" iris: *praying* Huang: "It's not up to me whether the boy survives. It's whether his flame--" Relan: "PLEASE, SAVE HIM!" Huang: "..." *spots Iris and Relan* iris: he's an important person, to all of us... -later- tamaki: .....damn! we should have gotten there faster, then maybe....*sigh*.... Huang: *in surgery room, in scrubs* "What is his heart rate now?" iris: please let him pull through... Arthur: "..." *approaches the door* Relan: "..." Arthur: *pushes the door slightly* "..." Akitaru: "--then the snake flame can heal the fire user from the inside." maki: i see... komori: ...... ritsu: ah. m-m-mr oubi! Huang: *removes her gloves and mask* Akitaru: "??? What?" -later- shinra: *groans* ugh....s-sho! tao: ~? nurse arg: wah! p-please lay down sir! shinra: um....hi? tao: hiya! im tao sangoku! what's your name? *shes hanging upside down via a monkey tail?* shinra: um...it's shinra. nurse arg: ^^; please try not to startle him too much, tao. he needs his rest. tao: ok. see ya! ^^ *exits* -elsewhere- tamaki:...he's going to be ok... Relan: *sighs* iris: it's awful. maki: yeah, and just before christmas, too.... komori: ........ Arthur: "Granted, almost none of us left this without an injury..." Vulcan: "..." tamaki:.....*shaking* Arthur: "..." *holds her hand* tamaki:...t-thanks... Arthur: *smiles* Relan: "And Nozomi? And Lisa?" misora: i need to make a call, brb~ maki: lisa's asleep, and nozomi......she' hasnt said a word. Victor: "..." nozomi:.....*practically catatonic....* karin:.......... Takehisa: "In some ways, we're in a better position...and in others...it's revealed some uncomfortable truths." maki: are you alright? you got zapped pretty bad... Takehisa: *holds his head* "Migraines..." ???: oh? what's the 8th doing here? tamaki: ah! vivian: *in a nurse outfit* hello~ Relan: ._. "???" iris: she's vivian helvitz, part of the 6th brigade. ritsu: *hiding behind her* Arthur: "I didn't know Helvitz had medical training." vivian: i've been learning during my time here at the 6th brigade. plus, *opens her fan* im sure torry would love to see me in a nurse outfit <3 tamaki: TMI! Arthur: "I mean, granted, everyone likes someone in a nurse's outfit." tamaki:... >///>;; Relan: ._.; "So, Miss Helvitz, how are patients here?" -elsewhere- Joker: "...Okay. Repeat that?" misora: I DONT WANT TO! just thinking about it makes me want to puke! ivy:....gross. scarlet:...fuckin' hell. Joker: "Another Adora user, more Hoods...We got our work cut out for us." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Any better?" mikami: i-i think so... Hibana: "You'll need your sleep." *slides a cup* "I brewed it from plants in the garden." mikami: thanks. *sips* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...I think the earthquake has stopped." fuyumi: that's good...*phew* Todoroki: *sighs* "I'll check for damage..." *picks up a photo album that fell* -it's of him, fuyumi, and their two brothers, one brother's face is damaged in the picture...- Todoroki: "..." *sighs* "Fuyumi? Have you heard from..." fuyumi: *she shakes her head* no. Todoroki: "Hmm...Mother..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Roll call." ruby: ruby jackson reporting sir! pearl: here! foein: here i am. dia: i am here, sir. Karim: "Here." Onyango: "Here." ruby: *whispering* hey pearl, think we might hear some cool veteran stories from him?? pearl: ^^; Burns: "You have your assignments, get to work." Onyango: *points at Ruby and Pearl* "You two, with me." ruby: *squee!* pearl: ^^; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *opens the front door* fukuzawa: *nods* he's in there. Kunikida: *approaches* "How would you like me to proceed, sir?" fukuzawa: just keep him out of trouble. Kunikida: "Very well. I will--" Mori: "More seltzer!" fukuzawa: *looks kunikida right in the eyes* good luck. Kunikida: -_-; *nods, turns to Mori* "Hello. I will get you--" Mori: *breaks down sobbing* Kunikida: ._.; "I...What do I--?" Mori: *hugs Kunikida's legs* "I MISS HER SO MUCH!" Kunikida: "I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS! LET GO OF MY LEGS!" Mori: *crawls up Kunikida* Kunikida: O_O; "What are you d--" Mori: *somehow manages to crawl into Kunikida's arms, being cradled like a baby* =_= "Zzz..." Kunikida: O-O;;; "...How am I even holding you? What is my upper-body strength now?" Dazai: "..." *snaps a pic* Kunikida: *GLARE* Dazai: ^_^ "This'll go great in my photo collection!" -elsewhere- Rin: *shudders* kyouko: *pats his back* you need anything? Rin: "N-Nah...I mean, maybe another ice pop?" kyouko: ... aaalright then. i'll see if we have any. Rin: "Thanks..." *fans himself* -elsewhere- baum: *holding up a dress* oh! ho about this one, dorothy? it would look so cute ^^ dorothy:...it's nice, i guess. Steinbeck: *looking at hats and ties* "Hmm." twain: what about this one? *holds up a tuxedo t-shirt* eh? eh? ^^ Steinbeck: -_-; "Try something that is actually fashionable." twain: what? i mean, it's classy, but it also says 'im ready to party'! Steinbeck: "...Oscar. Show this philistine some 'class.'" oscar: *cracks knuckles* can do~<3 twain: OwO; -you'd rather not know- twain: AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Steinbeck: "Ebie, get the camera." ebie: on it! twain: TTuTT itchy... cant breathe... baum: ._.; dorothy, honey, stay close to big brother. dorothy: =A=; Steinbeck: "Got to say, not the worst choice. Need a better tie, though." -elsewhere- Sho: *unconscious* Haumea: ^-^ dahlia: was knocking him unconscious needed? Haumea: "D'aw, what did you want from me?! You know how powerful Sho-sho's universe-manipulation powers are?" arrow:.....you seriously did not just call him that. -_-; guruna: kururuuun.... Haumea: .\\\. "...What's wrong with calling him that, Arr-y?" Jonah: *glances at Guruna* "???" arrow:....you're lucky im otherwise incapacitated. Haumea: "..." *takes out a permanent marker* dahlia: *stares at her with those creepy ass, pitch black eyes* do not. Haumea: OWO;;;; *holds up Guruna as a human shield* -elsewhere- Victor: *knock knock* nozomi: ........ Victor: "Yo, Nozomi. You hungry?" nozomi:....*staring at the wall* ........ Victor: "..." *sits beside her* karin: ......hey, kiddo. i know, i cant undo the damage that's been done, but you're not alone, ok? Victor: *nod nod* "..." *scoots a bit away from Nozomi* ._. nozomi: .........was it.....all pointless? karin: ?? Victor: "...The...?" nozomi: father's research.......he worked so hard....and mother's death-......he wanted to help people.......and he died too.......was it....all for nothing? karin: you stop that. nozomi: ?? Victor: "..." *taking his book* karin: toshiaki was helping people. he was a good man. and if it was helping, then it wasnt pointless, no matter what _she_ said. nozomi:.....she said....i should have died...... Victor: "..." *thumbing to a page* karin:.............*hugs her* it's ok. i know she's still in there, inside that person. we'll save your mother. nozomi:.......*whimpering and hugging* Victor: *jotting something* "..." karin: *even though tears are falling, she remains calm* -elsewhere- Katai: *knocking on the door of Keek's home* *clutching his pillow* Mrs. Harue: "Yes?" Katai: "H-Hello, m-ma'am...I brought the snacks Keek likes!" *holds up a grocery bag* Mrs. Harue: "...I've had too many weird people around my daughter." *picks up a baseball bat* Katai: OWO;; "I'M ACTUALLY A FRIEND! I'M KATAI!" keek: mom! it's ok! it's one of the guys who helped me out! Mrs. Harue: "Oh! Well, come in, dear!" ^^ Katai: O__________o;;;;; "...May I use your bathroom?" -After that- Katai: "...How are you?" keek: been alright. just using a wheelchair to get around....it's surreal, being home. Katai: *nods* "...How are your parents doing?" keek: worried about me, as you can see. Katai: *nods* "...Do you get out?" keek:...sometimes. usually with my mom. most of the time im just in here, making game mods. Katai: *nods* "...Your computer running well? What processor you got?" -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "We have a lead." tsubaki: !! really? Sanjuro: *nods* "They keep going to this spot...You may remember it..." tsubaki: .... *she nods* right. Sanjuro: "You'll need backup." tsubaki: it's ok. we'll handle it. Sanjuro: "...Has Black Star recovered?" tsubaki: *she nods* Sanjuro: "Then be safe." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- lisa: ......... Vulcan: "..." *offers a hand* lisa: *holding him, breathing* im lisa.....im lisa..... Vulcan: *nods* "Yes...You are. Lisa...You're here." lisa:.....*nuzzles into the crook of his neck* Vulcan: *strokes her hair* "...I'm happy you're back." lisa:.....dont let go... Vulcan: "No, I'm not..." *holds her* lisa: .....*breathing to steady herself* Vulcan: *inhales slightly* -elsewhere- Poe: Q_Q lana: *petting his head, letting him rest on her lap* Poe: *shudders* "So scary..." lana: it's ok, edgar. it's stopped now. everything's fine. Poe: *slight shiver* "O-Okay...Can I stay here for another minute?" lana: take all the time you need. Poe: "..." *closes his eyes, hugs her* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *takes his new glasses* "Thanks for bringing these." maki: not a problem. ^^ Takehisa: *puts them on--then holds his head* "Ah!" maki: !!! are you ok? Takehisa: *shakes his head* "It-It's nothing...Just migraines." maki: ... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "How is she settling in?" kouyou: she still seems so forlorn... Akutagawa: "Is it just her personality?" kouyou: perhaps. maybe it could be something else. Akutagawa: "...I think I know one detail." kouyou: hmm? Akutagawa: "I think she misses someone in the Rats." kouyou: oh? naoya: you mean beaky? Akutagawa: "...The bald one?" pushkin: RUDE! naoya: no, the creepy guy with the golems. katya: you mean vachenka? Akutagawa: "Yes, him." katya: yeah, she has a serious crush, but he has a crush on dost. and in his case its more of a borderline obsession. and the medic _also_ loves dost, and both she and vachenka are batshite psychotic, soooo, you can imagine how that goes down. Akutagawa: "..." *draws a chart* "Like this?" katya: hmm... hold on. *making some adjustments* there we go. kouyou:... *blinks* pushkin:... >///<; naoya: wait seriously? katya: yeeep. -elsewhere- Relan: "..." shinra:....*holds his hand* h-hey, we're still alive, right? Relan: *nods* "...But we didn't..." shinra:...we didnt save sho this time. but im certain i made it through to him, even if a little bit......iris told me how you both handled that one hood. *hug* im proud of you both... Relan: TT\\\TT *hug* -elsewhere- Konro: "You heard from Kusakabe?" fang-hua: no, why? Konro: "...He seems to be recovering, but he was hospitalized." fang-hua: !! Konro: "The Eighth's mission to the Nether was...not entirely successful." fang-hua: .... Konro: "They retrieved one missing person...and were not able to retrieve Shinra's brother." fang-hua: i see... kabuki: who did they retrieve? Konro: "A woman the Hoods had indoctrinated. She knew the Eighth's engineer." kabuki: ah. -elsewhere- Crona: *curled up in a blanket* mami: *making hot cocoa* Crona: "..." ^\\\\^ mami: enjoying the movie so far? Crona: "Y-Yes...It feels...comfortable and happy." mami: *she smiles and sits next to them* Crona: "..." *lean* mami: u///u *hug* Crona: .\\\. "..." *hug* =\\\u\\\= -elsewhere- kirako: *humming* *Knock knock* kirako: *she checks to see who it is* *It's Dazai...who is being held up by Kyoka* kirako: *opens the door* hey you two, what's up? Kyoka: "He's tired." Dazai: =n= "Mori..." kirako: oh. Dazai: "I need a drink..." kirako: what did you need? Dazai: "...Water?" kirako: sure thing. *smiles* Dazai: *sits down* Kyoka: "Need help?" kirako: keep an eye on him, would you? Kyoka: *salutes* Dazai: *nodding off on the couch* -elsewhere- Motojiro: *glaring* "You stupid imitations..." *grabs a lime* "AND YOU'RE PUNY!" sayaka: *working part time* sir... sir are you ok? do you need help? Motojiro: *stares intensely* "I want you, when you come to work each day, to speak to each of these tiny green bastards and say one thing to them...'Shaaaaaaame'..." sayaka:....*confused blink* -elsewhere- Todoroki: [handling things okay?] ochako: [ya] Todoroki: [have you seen any action?] ochako: [had to stop some thinks from falling, including a photo of my grandma ^^; ] Todoroki: [good practice for your skills. damage from quakes?] ochako: [not much] Todoroki: [same. surprising they would hit this area] ochako: [yeah, given all the magic barriers to protect from tornados and stuff like that] Todoroki: "..." ("So it either _was_ magic...or came from _inside_...") [yes. odd. stay safe] ochako: [kk. u 2 ^^] Todoroki: *small smile* -elsewhere- Yumi: "It makes no sense: how can earthquakes be generated?" marie: perhaps some kind of earthquake quirk? Yumi: "There are a few in the global database, but I cannot determine where they were at the time..." -elsewhere- Joker: "...Hey, Red?" scarlet: hm? Joker: "Given Victor's report, gonna need more careful surveillance of the Adora's..._all_ the Adora's." scarlet:...*bites her lip* Joker: "Just letting you know now. Someone's going to have to do it..." scarlet:....r-right... Joker: "You want it?" scarlet:....*sigh* i may as well... -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "..." scoops up snow* naomi: *making a snow angel* aya: ^^ Tanizaki: "Aya, how's the snowman coming along?" aya: *thumbs up* Tanizaki: "Great..." *opens the bag, removing a scarf and food coloring* -elsewhere- Gin: *takes off her mask, inhales* higuchi: long day? Gin: "Very. Tachihara screwed up." higuchi: oh boy, what did he do this time? Gin: *taking off her jacket* "He thought it would be sooooooo cute to make a mixtape for the Rat...which he then played on a boombox...that he held over his head...at a mission." higuchi: oh my god. Gin: "It alerted the target..." *rubs her arm, where there's a bruise* higuchi: !!! *getting the 1st aid* Gin: "It's fine...I just got blindsided--AH!" *accidentally bumps her arm* higuchi: easy, easy. *patching her up* Gin: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Emine: "..." *shudders under covers* setsuna: emine? Emine: "...What?" setsuna: is everything alright? Emine: "...I'm fine." *he's still shaking* setsuna:..... *hug* Emine: "..." *small sob* setsuna: *hums* Emine: "M-M-M..." setsuna: its ok, take your time. Emine: "...Mom..." setsuna:...*small smile* -elsewhere- Sho: *groaning in his sleep* {Sho: *sees an infant* "???"} {baby sho: *crying*} {Sho: "That's...me?"} {-a horned being appears before them-} {Sho: "!!!" *starts to bow* "...Wait..."} {shinra: sho!} {Sho: *turns*} -thud- Sho: *collapsed on the floor* "..." *small whimper* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *passing through halls* heibito: *clinging to his leg* Asura: "...Are you comfortable?" heibito: ba! ^u^ Asura: "..." *takes a step back, then lifts his leg high* heibito: i gotchu leg! Asura: "Yes, you do..." heibito: *giggling* Asura: "But..." *a scarf rests along Heibito's head* heibito: ?? Asura: *small laugh* "Where's Daddy?" heibito: *grabbing at his nose* Asura: *nasally voice* "Yes. Here's Daddy." -morning- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: *giving toru a bath* toru: ^o^ chie: ^^ Shotaro: "Need any help, Chie?" chie: can you get the towel for toru? Shotaro: "Sure!" *picks up Toru's koala bath towel* toru: shotawo! Shotaro: "Hee hee...Here you go, Toru!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Take it easy, Son." shinra:...*nod* can i have some water? Akitaru: "Sure thing...I'll be right back." *exits to the kitchen* shinra:.... *looks out the window* *Clouds pass...It looks like more snow today* shinra:....*sigh* Hibana: *crying* "My sweet sister! Your hair!" *gripping Iris* iris: grk- >-< Hibana: "When I find that awful man who did that, I'm GOING TO RIP HIS BALLS OFF AND FLUSH THEM DOWN THE TOILET! ...Also, good work, Relan." Relan: .___________. tamaki: ... Hibana: "So--" *lets go of crushed Iris* "--how are the rest of you handling things? You all look rather beaten up. Except Maki--who looks great." -karin explains what all happened- Hibana: "...Karin, I'm sorry." karin: it's....*sigh* it's been rough, on all of us. *glances at nozomi's room* Hibana: "...Has she come out?" karin: *shakes her head* Hibana: "...I remember how long it took others to exit...Have you gotten her breakfast yet?" karin: of course we have. Hibana: "Is she eating?" karin: ....*goes in to check* -nozomi is asleep on her side, the plate clean- Hibana: *whispers* "...At least she's eating." karin: yeah.... Hibana: "Maybe...something can be done to get her out of the house?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "What was grocery store work like?" soul: it was exhausting at times. i saw a shitty coworker of mine get murdered. but in all fairness, he deserved it. Sakuya: ._.; "...Dude, that's kinda fucked up." soul: yeah. it sure is. Sakuya: "Did they catch the killer?" soul: ... Sakuya: "...Gonna guess no, then. Shit." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." ("I don't even know what it was like for her to lose her family...Even after I lost mine...") lisa: zzzz..... Vulcan: "..." *pulls the sheet over her shoulder* lisa: *holding onto his hand* Vulcan: "..." *rubs her hand lightly* lisa: *she seems to calm down* Vulcan: "..." ("Not letting you go...") -elsewhere- Black Star: *rotates his arm* "You set?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "...Why did your brother hang out there?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "I mean, I know he was targeting what...my people did. But the people here just seem like such wimps--" -chop- tsubaki: behave yourself. Black Star: T~T "I just got out of the hospital, Tsubaki..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "??? Oh, hey." *waves* scarlet:... *nod* Chuuya: "Haven't seen you around much." scarlet:...busy with work. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Can relate." *presses elevator button* -elsewhere- Mori: *sniffs* TT~TT atsushi:....are you sure he's going to be ok? fukuzawa: define 'okay'. atsushi:... ._.; Mori: *stares at Atsushi* "...Fluffy." atsushi: ._.;;;; i think he has a fever... fukuzawa: i'll inform yosano, then. Mori: *pats Atsushi's head* atsushi: o_o;;;;;;;;;;; odasaku:...this is just disturbing on a whole new level. Mori: "Kitty..." TWT "I never had a kitty. That survived." atsushi: .________________________.;;;;;; *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Mori: "Kitty want a treat?" *holds up a can of fish* -elsewhere- Lucy: *looking at tickets* ^_^ kenji: what're those for? Lucy: "The winter concert..." kenji: ooh! fancy! naomi: werent we also invited to the manhasset's christmas party? Lucy: *nods* "A lot to do for the season...So many pretty winter dresses to try..." ^\\\^ naomi: *squeee!* ^^ Lucy: "Hee hee...Let's see what we can find at the mall!" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "How are you adjusting?" leo: ...alright, i suppose... Akutagawa: "...It's a nice outfit. Is anyone giving you any trouble?" leo: so far mostly only mr tachihara and mr kajii. Tachihara: *with a black eye, holding a wrapped gift* Motojiro: *wearing an apron...with burnt cupcakes* Akutagawa: "...I took an oath not to kill. But do you want me to maim them?" kouyou: why are you two still here? shoo! shoo! golden demon: *le tosses them into the pond* Tachihara: "GAH! I CAN'T SWIM!" Motojiro: *upside down* .-. Akutagawa: "..." *thumbs up* hirotsu: just stand up! kouyou: *sigh* i do apologize for those mongrels. please, right this way, dear… leo: *following her, passing by an abandoned room, fitting for a young girl* ... Akutagawa: "..." kouyou: here you are. it's fairly simple, but feel free to decorate it how you please. leo:....thank you, miss ozaki. Akutagawa: "We can get you food." -once kouyou exits, leo looks at her old maid dress, which has been folded and placed on the futon.... she picks it up and hugs it a bit- {Ivan: *knock knock*} {leo: !! <yes?> } {Ivan: "Good day. How are you?"} {leo: <w-well. the first night was...alright, i suppose...>} {Ivan: <Hmmm...Not the most comfortable bed?>} {leo: <actually, it's the best sleep i've had in a while. i guess im still adapting to the change of environments...>} {Ivan: <...Change can be good.> *smiles*} {leo: .. .///. .... ?? <what is that?>} {Ivan: <Oh! I thought you would need these...>} {leo: ?? *she examines the bags contents* !!} {Ivan: <You looked like you needed new clothes other than...those.>} {leo:... <i suppose that makes sense...>} {Ivan: *smiles* <They will feel more comfortable--and more fashionable.>} {leo: *she nods* <i'll...get changed then...>} {Ivan: <Very well. I'll finish breakfast.>} {leo:.... *small blush*} leo: ...... Akutagawa: "..." *cough* leo: !!! oh, i didnt know you were still there.... ._.; Akutagawa: "I did leave. I brought back water." leo: oh... r-right. thank you van-...*tenses* m-mr akutagawa.... Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sneezes* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: *inhales* "Yes..." *looks at a postcard* kim: *glances* Jacqueline: "My aunt..." *sighs* kim:...*pats her shoulder* Jacqueline: "...The first Christmas not having...anything to do with them..." -aunt amelia: hope you like the present i sent you. love you so much - auntie ^^- Jacqueline: "..." *sniffs, wipes her eyes* kim: *hug* Jacqueline: *crying* kim: it's ok...its ok... -elsewhere- Benimaru: "--and with the Eighth having fewer people, I am assigning you to their station until they recover." fang-hua: understood. Benimaru: "Will you need us to do anything while you are out?" fang-hua: keep an eye on tsukiyo. kirei: noted. Benimaru: "??? What is the worst that--" ???: "AAAH!" Tsukiyo: "Just put it on! It'll look cute~!" fang-hua:... >->;; Benimaru: -_-### "...Tranquilizing her seems appropriate..." -elsewhere- Takeru: *heating yams* hito: *nom* Takeru: ^^ "G-Good, right? Helps with the winter..." hito: indeed. an excellent job. *salutes* Takeru: *salutes...small giggle* -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." guard: you better make it quick. Fyodor: *takes the phone* "Hello." yana: hey dost, how's prison? Fyodor: "Oh, you know..." <the food is not so good, miss the mirrors...> yana: <that sucks. so what's our next step?> Fyodor: <Could you send a hint to our friends in blue? And pay a visit to the party?> yana: *looks at the rat mask* <i think that can be arranged...> -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *hiding behind a tree* tsubaki: ..... Magaki: "..." *small inhale* tsubaki: *jumps at them* Magaki: *dodges, passing their hand along the tree--heating along its bark* "..." tsubaki: why? why are you doing this? Magaki: "To get what the others have..." *The tree is starting to shake at its base* tsubaki: !! *dodge* *The heat from the tree explodes at its bottom, sending out wood chips* Magaki: *passes the rain puddle, no reflection but one hand along it* tsubaki: *smoke bomb form and rolls out of the way before changing back* Magaki: *now holding the Uncanny Sword* "..." tsubaki: *charges forwards* Magaki: *charges as well, slicing the Sword close to the ground* tsubaki: *jumps up and chain scythe* Magaki: *dodges, runs up the chain* "You are blessed with multiple abilities...Why won't you let me have one?" tsubaki: !!! you already stole my brother! Magaki: *reaches the top, leaps...stares at Tsubaki...smiles* "And he says hello." *pulls back the Uncanny Sword--* tsubaki: *winces* Magaki: *swings the sword--and it stops, just in front of Tsubaki's nose* tsubaki: !! Magaki: "...I just...want to be like the others." tsubaki: what do you mean? Magaki: "..." *lowers the sword* "I have no reflection. I'm...not like the other vampires..." *inhales* "Not like the one I smell on you." tsubaki: !!! Magaki: "It must be nice...to be one of the Sins and not...some outsider like me..." *stares at Tsubaki* tsubaki: so then, you're a blood sucker? Magaki: "...I don't know?" *withdraws the Sword back into their hand* "I just...have small memories before I thirsted for blood. But I don't like the taste." *inhales* "Some smell better than others." tsubaki: .... Magaki: "I want to be...normal." *passes their hand into a spot of sunlight--showing smoke coming off from burning in the light* "That is _not_ normal." tsubaki: ...... Magaki: "...I have nothing in me. I'm blank. But you...You have multiple abilities...Do you have a favorite?" tsubaki: ....*she's shaking* Magaki: "...He misses you." tsubaki:....what do you want? Magaki: "...To be normal. What do normal people...vampires...have?" tsubaki: its.....hard to say. Magaki: "..." *sits down* "...What is he like?" tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "Melancholia." tsubaki: .....there's a part of him that's twisted, and broken. but lonely, longing for family. Magaki: "...Everyone seeks family...or has one and is annoyed by them." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "..." *summons the Sword* tsubaki: !! Magaki: "..." *sets it down carefully in front of Tsubaki* "..." tsubaki:....*hesitantly reaches* Magaki: "..." *steps back* "Take care of him." tsubaki: ah- Magaki: *removes their umbrella, opening it, turning to walk into the sun* "He missed you." tsubaki: where are you going? Magaki: "...Wherever orphans go." tsubaki: .....we could- *Magaki has vanished* tsubaki:......*takes the sword* was it....even a success? Black Star: *behind a tree* "Well, they left you what you lost, right?" tsubaki:....perhaps.... Black Star: "Is that really the Sword?" tsubaki:....yes. Black Star: "Then...do you think they'll cause more problems?" tsubaki:... im not sure. Black Star: "...Stay a bit, see what happens before we fly back?" tsubaki:....maybe get home tomorrow. Black Star: "..." *pats her hand* -elsewhere- tomura: ..... Stain: "Conviction..." tomura: that really....fucking hurts you know.....kurogiri, deal with him. Kurogiri: *standing motionless at the bar...he has a slice along his side that is bleeding* "...I can't. His Quirk..." -small punches on stain's leg- Stain: "???" *looks* "..." ._.; kurome: *punching his leg with her tiny lil fists* leave papa and uncle tomura alone, you big meanie! >n< Stain: "..." *sighs* "Child." *picks Kurome by the back collar of her shirt--and sets her on a coat hook* "Stay there, please." kurome: >n<# Kurogiri: "It is okay, Kurome. Everything's going to be fine..." tomura: ....'convictions', eh? i wouldnt go that far... *disintegrates stain's knife that was in his shoulder* but if i have motivation, i'd say that all might.....and the piece of shit society that follows him, i want to crush them all to dust....hehehe.... Stain: "..." *shudders, leaps up* tomura: running off already? Stain: "...I just realize something about our goals." tomura: oh? Stain: "...Our goals are absolutely divergent, except in one regard: we both want to destroy the status quo. That ambition is all we have in common." tomura: ugh, whatever. after all, im the kinda guy you hate the most, right? Stain: "Regardless, I see that conviction in you, especially when you were near death. I am curious...if I let that seed of conviction grow, what will it yield?" tomura:....kurogiri, what's this guy even yammering on about? Kurogiri: "He's saying you both want things to be different, only whereas you want to kill heroes to get rid of them, Stain hopes to kill a few of the ones he considers immoral to motivate hereos overall to be better people." tomura:.... Stain: "Hmph. What he said." tomura: ...*grumbles* Stain: "And when I see what you do next, after I've accomplished my goals...I'll deal with you all next." tomura: .....'fuck outta here. Kurogiri: *able to move* "Kurome..." kurome: *has already teleported besides him, clinging to his leg* >^< Kurogiri: *pat pat* "We have concluded negotiations. We will return you." Stain: "Good...I have something to take care of." -elsewhere- Bakugo: O_______O jeanist: yes, much better *has styled bakugou's hair....to look just like his own* Bakugo: "...This...is awful." jeanist: up next, your clothes. Bakugo: "AND JUST WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CLOTHES?!" -elsewhere- Uwabami: "But it's not all about the fashion. It's also about giving back to the community." *takes out shirts* "So put these on~" itsuka: *looks* ._.; (lots of zoo promotion...) -elsewhere- Gunhead: "And one! And two! Put some umph into it, folks! Let's see you really pack a punch!" ochako: huah! -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: nervous about heading home for the winter break? Iida: "How could I not be? ...Sir." manual: it's understandable. ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: "Hmm...Chie, the thermostat working okay?" chie: yep. Yohei: "Guess I'm just chilly..." *grabs a sweater, puts it on* chie: *snuggle* u///u Yohei: =\\\= *puts her arms around her in a hug* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Can I get you anything?" kirako: orange juice please. Dazai: "You got it." *opens the cupboard, takes out a glass* "Keeping up your Vitamin C?" kirako: yeah. Dazai: *pours the glass* "Cool..." *hands it to her* kirako: *sips* thanks. Dazai: "..." *sits down* kirako:....im not mad at you, if that's what you're thinking... Dazai: "I know...But I am at myself." kirako:....*sighs and pats his back* Dazai: "...Would you...have me in the child's life?" kirako:....of course i would. Dazai: "..." *nods* "I want to. I will...if you'll have me." kirako: *she smiles* Dazai: *small smile* "...This will change plans." kirako: hmm? Dazai: "I'll have to put off suicide attempts for at least 20 years!" TTWTT kirako:... *small chuckle* Dazai: "Hee hee..." kirako: ^^ *small hair ruffle* Dazai: *sniff* "You'll be a great mom." -elsewhere- Black Star: "All packed?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "Same." *lifts up the luggage...his hand is still bandaged* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *opens the door* shinra: ?? Akitaru: "Doing okay, kiddo?" shinra: yeah... Akitaru: "Well, I wanted you to know we got some help coming in while you recuperate." shinra: ah. Akitaru: "I hope it's some relief--but just know, we want you back at work quickly, and we look forward to having you come back at full fire force." shinra: *chuckle* right. Akitaru: "Hee hee..." *pats his head gently* "Now, work up that appetite. We're almost done with your meal--" *BOOM* shinra: 0_0; Akitaru: O___O "...Why did I let them handle cooking--" Takehisa: *turning on fire extinguisher* tamaki: >^< -elsewhere- Kid: *sets down hot chocolate* "All set." stocking: *cuddles under the blanket* Kid: *smiles, puts an arm around her shoulder* "Ready?" stocking: *turns on the movie* julie: OuO liz: *leans against wes' shoulder* kirika: *nom* Wes: ^\\\^ Gopher: ._. -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Faster! We have to clean all of this mess up--BELKIA, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Belkia: "I WASN'T! YOU KNOW I DON'T!" otogiri: he isnt wrong. Shamrock: X_< "They will be back from their flight, and building a snowman inside a heated house was not a good idea!" Belkia: "Hmph. He looked cold outside..." *holds up his magic wand* -elsewhere- Katai: *cleaning the sink* "...How did I let this get so dirty?" *spots blood on the floor* "...Oh, right. I got shot." ^^;;;; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Hmm." aya: ^^ Kunikida: "You finished?" aya: yep! *holds up an orange dress* Kunikida: "...Hmm. Good color choice." aya: *grins* -elsewhere- Asura: *pats his mouth with a napkin* "Very good." mikan: mm~ Asura: *smiles* "Anyone still hungry?" -there are a few people dead at their feet- heibito: mm! mm! *raising hands* guy: n-no please- *SHRK-* guy: *screaming out* Asura: *draws out the soul* "My child hungers..." -the guy drops dead- Asura: *holds it to Heibito* heibito: *nom* Asura: *smiles, pets his head* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Any luck talking to your boss?" sachiko: nothing yet. Spirit: "...I remember hearing a lot of the criminal reports..." sachiko: ... Spirit: "Some people got close to finding her location..." sachiko: *she nods* Spirit: "But they disappeared, too..." sachiko: ..... Spirit: "So...I worry about...whether the hospital even wants to find her..." sachiko:....*shaking* Spirit: "..." *hug* sachiko: thanks. Spirit: "Just be safe. If you're going to talk..." sachiko:...yeah... -elsewhere- Hyde: [can u send a ride?] kranz: [on it!] licht: =_=; Hyde: "...Don't look like that. We get to pass the time with a game!" licht: oh joy. Hyde: "I spy with my little eye something...white!" licht: the snow. Hyde: "D'aw, how did you guess?" licht: because it's fucking everywhere Hyde: "..." *SPLAT* licht: ?!?!?! Hyde: *already has seven other snowballs ready* licht:.... *glare* oh it is on. -elsewhere- Joker: *lighting up a cigarette* ivy: *drawing her little snake from it* ^^ Joker: *small laugh* "Good work on that..." ivy: i've had years of practice... Joker: "...I see." *exhales* "Odd the various ways these powers can be used." ivy: mm... Joker: *forms the cigarette flame and smoke into a diamond* scarlet: .... Joker: "Want to try, Red?" *holds up a cigarette* scarlet: *ignites a flame on her fingertips* 3rd gen, remember? Joker: "How can I forget..." *puts cigarette in his mouth, leans it to her fingertip flame* scarlet: ...*rolls eyes and gives him a light* Joker: *puffs* "Thanks~ Now..." *exhales* "We got word Shinra is recovering. But Hoods are now off the radar." scarlet: hmm... Joker: "Victor will of course be listening in on the Eighth. That leaves placing others close to the street and in levels of government to spot some other locations. And of course keeping track of the other Bursts." scarlet: ..... Joker: "Ivy, how you feel about taking a walk to talk to some less-than-desirable informants?" ivy: eh, sure, why not. Joker: "Scarlet, think you can get an in with some governmental types for info?" scarlet: perhaps. Joker: "Try your best~ Meanwhile, I got an idea where I can learn something new..." ivy: oh do you now? Joker: *smiles* "After all, if the Hoods knew to try out some abandoned parts of town, maybe someone else knows about some other abandoned spots..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *stroking Sho's head--as he is unconscious* ^w^ "Little bro is still so tuckered out..." guruna: kururu, indeed~ Haumea: "I bet...we could dress him up funny before the bosses realize." dahlia: *staaaaaaare* Haumea: owo;;;;;;; *backs away from Sho* -elsewhere- Mori: *shifting under bedsheets* fukuzawa: .... Mori: "..." *small grunt, as he peeks over the sheets* "...Sh-Shizuka?" fukuzawa: ?? Mori: "Where is she?" fukuzawa: i dont know who you mean? Mori: "My secretary. Where is she?" fukuzawa: probably back at mafia HQ? Mori: "...Oh...I hope she didn't leave." fukuzawa: i doubt it. Mori: *sighs* "Good..." *rubbing his head* "Ow..." fukuzawa: try to lay down for now.... Mori: *does so* "...Tell Rain I'll be back at work." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *asleep on the plane* tsubaki: .... (did i do the right thing, letting them go?) {Magaki: " 'Family'..." *sad smile*} tsubaki: ..... -elsewhere- Magaki: *enters a doctor's office* -it's empty- Magaki: "..." *checks the door leading past reception* -...- Magaki: *enters...and takes keys from behind reception before heading to a supply closet* *opens a freezer...pulls out a blood packet* "..." *nom* -elsewhere- Jeje: "We have a problem." metsu: what did he do this time? Jeje: "No, not Mikuni--C3." metsu: ?! Jeje: "I found this..." *holds up a broken communications device* "It was in the corner..." metsu: why would this be here? Jeje: "Surveillance? Maybe they want information?" metsu: perhaps... -elsewhere- Ivan: *shirtless, rubbing his hands* <C-Cold...> -…- Ivan: <M-Master? Wh-Where...> something plays over the radio- Ivan: "...!!!" *turns up the radio* "..." <Ave M...> -the radio is the only sound filling the underground tunnels- Ivan: "..." *crying tears of joy, smiling* <M-Master! I will! I will!> -...- Ivan: *grabs his items, searching for a book* <J-Just need to map it out...> -morning- tsubaki: we're home. lavender: welcome back! soul: *phew* Black Star: "You tired, buddy?" *waves with his bandaged hand* otogiri: you're injured. soul: oh shit dude, what happened?? tsubaki: ... Black Star: ^^; "J-Just a sunburn..." soul:....in winter? Black Star: "...They had sun abilities or something with light." tsubaki:......im pretty tired, im going to take a nap.....*closes the bedroom door behind her....and lays on the bed, crying to herself...* Black Star: "...Shit." lilac: i-is she gonna be o-ok? Black Star: "...We didn't catch them. She just didn't feel like she could kill them because..." -one explanation later- himawari: oh dear.... naho: poor tsutsu... Black Star: "...Were there more of you guys?" otogiri: in terms of melancholy subclass, yes, but most of them.....*looks at lilac* ..... naho: *takes lilac to a different room* otogiri: they perished in the incident involving greed. Black Star: "...Sorry. And the other Sins? Or is there another Sin other than your guy?" otogiri: -_-; shamrock, please explain it to him. Shamrock: "You have met every vampire out there. If this is a new one, we do not know of them, or they are a bloodsucker." Black Star: "...And what's the difference again?" Shamrock: *facepalm* lavender: welp, time to call the experts... Belkia: "Librarians?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *buried in snow* X_X romina: *digging him out, in her red whale suit* julian: *in his pink whale suit* honestly... Hyde: "How was he able to win..." X____X licht: even a shit rat with as small a brain as you should already know. *poses* i'm a heavenly snow angel, who has a birthday coming up soon. Hyde: *pops up* "AND I'M NOT GETTING YOU ANYTHING, MEANIE!" licht: *glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare* Hyde: ._____.;;; *backs away* -elsewhere- Kid: *shivers* stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: =\\\\= *holds onto Stocking* stocking: so cute~ Kid: "How are you?" stocking: good. *kiss* Kid: *small smile* "G-Good..." *looking down* "J-Just..." stocking: what's up? *rubs his back* Kid: "I h-had some troubles sleeping." stocking: aww. Kid: "Just...a lot to think about. A-Am I ever going to be..." stocking: ?? Kid: "...ready to be the kind of person I...should be?" stocking: *hug* its ok. as long as you're you, then it's ok. Kid: *sniff* "I don't feel like 'me' sometimes." stocking: is it the other you? Kid: "A-A little...I keep feeling that tension." stocking:.... *locks door* need me to talk to you? Kid: "..." *nods* stocking: ok. Kid: *closes his eyes...* *It gets dark* stocking: ... *Black lines appear along his face: Mad!Kid has arrived* stocking: hey, kiddo. Mad!Kid: "...Hello." stocking: something bothering you still? *pat pat* Mad!Kid: *recoils slightly* "I-I don't..." stocking: not used to being whole, eh? Mad!Kid: "H-How is this whole? I miss being...separate." stocking: it's ok, just focus... Mad!Kid: "...I focus on..." stocking: *holds his head to her chest, to listen to her heartbeat* Mad!Kid: .\\\\. "...I focus on you..." stocking: .... *just lays there with him, until he calms down* Mad!Kid: *breathes more calmly, his eyes closed...leaves his head on her chest* -later- stocking: better now, kid? Kid: *yawns, nods* "Y-Yes...Thank you for calming him--...for calming me down." stocking: any time. ^^ Kid: "..." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Anya: *reading a book: 'Maria'* miss misery: enjoying our reading selections? Anya: *looks up* "The prose seems a bit lacking, but her history is fascinating." rowena: indeed. *reading the pit and the pendulem* ao: isnt that your brother's name? rowena: yes. our mother named him after the author. interesting, right? ao: doesnt that get confusing? rowena: *looks at the screen* you have no idea. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "My stomach..." akaderu: need a doctor? Kepuri: "I-I don't know..." *gets out of bed* "I think I need the bathroom..." akaderu: uh, sure, you do that... Kepuri: *whimpering as she enters the bathroom and locks the door behind her* -elsewhere- *In an alley is a person dressed in an overcoat, talking to Ivy* "Overcoat": "What? Some weirdos in hoods?" ivy: yeah. let us know if you see anything. "Overcoat": "Well, you know my price, so have it ready--'cause I get results." *smiles--showing a missing tooth* -elsewhere- *A court secretary hands a file to Scarlet* Secretary: "This is the map of the city. I'm surprised your company is looking into subway refurbishment." scarlet: *in glasses with her hair up* it's not a problem. we figured rebuilding the subways will be beneficial for all parties involved. ^^ Secretary: *nods* "Just glad for it. Some of those tunnels are so creepy and..." *squirms, sweating* "I-I heard there are gh-ghosts in them..." Q~Q scarlet: well, im not too scared. -elsewhere- Sho: *grunts, struggling to wake up* dahlia: good morning, lord sho. Sho: "...Where am I?" dahlia: our new location. Sho: "...Why are you keeping me here?" dahlia: ... -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." {Younger Medusa: "And what would you have us do now? They're dead."} {shaula: figure it out yourself, idiot!} {Medusa: "!!! Watch your tone, Shaula..."} {shaula: just stating the obvious~} {Medusa: *already summons a Vector Arrow*} {arachne: settle down you two, or mother will be displeased...} {shaula:...} {Medusa: "..." *crosses her arms*} Medusa: *holds her head* "So annoying..." -elsewhere- Izuku: *looking at his phone* "..." ("Iida usually replies quickly...I haven't heard from him.") *texting* [any word from Iida?] ochako: [not yet, probably busy] Izuku: [i hope so--he's usually faster at replying. how's everyone?] tsuyu: [getting ready to head home for the holidays] sato: [you were @ disney, right? b careful with the mouse ears, after the RHOD incident...] tsuyu: [noted. tnx 4 the concern ^^] Izuku: [not the worst advice ^^; ] Bakugo: [WHY ARE YOU INCLUDING ME IN THIS CHAT] hagakure: [it's a group chat, silly ^^] Bakugo: "..." *[BAKUGO has left group chat]* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *fills up a glass with water* kim: hey jackie? Jacqueline: "Hmmm?" kim: *smooch* Jacqueline: O\\\\\\\O kim: what? Jacqueline: .\\\\. "I-I just...Wh-When did...Why?" kim: what? you're cute. Jacqueline: "..." *tearing up* kim: ?? Jacqueline: "A-Am I dreaming? This doesn't seem real that you..." kim: jackie....back in france....did you mean what you said about us...y-y'know... Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "Yes. I...have known for a long time that I...love you." kim: *smiles and kisses her cheek* you precious dork, just shush and be my girlfriend. Jacqueline: Q\\\\Q "...Will you be my girlfriend?" kim: of course! -elsewhere- ox: .... Harvar: "..." *pat pat* ox: excuse me for a moment... *goes into his room and screams* *exits* ok...im good. this is fine! QuQ Harvar: O_____O "...Dude." -elsewhere- Victor: *standing at Nozomi's closed door* "..." karin: still staring? Victor: *small yelp* *turns around* karin: ...she's a good kid, with her heart in the right place. but you...i cant be too sure of. just know i got my eye on you... Victor: ^^;;; "Your concern makes sense, ma'am." karin: *glaaaare* you better not go trying anything with her. _especially_ with her in this state. Victor: "!!! I'M NOT--" *covers his mouth, whispers* "I'm not trying to do anything! I don't know what to do when she's feeling this awful! I don't know how _I_ would feel in her place..." karin: .....nozomi? you doing better? nozomi: ........ Victor: "!!! We-We're here for you..." nozomi: ....... -elsewhere- Black Star: *lying beside Tsubaki* "..." *hugs her* tsubaki: *sniff* t-thanks... Black Star: *rubs her back* "You did what you thought was right..." tsubaki: i-i guess..... Black Star: "Hey...This is you you're talking about--you do no wrong." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "...Please don't blame yourself. I'm fine, you're fine..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking out the window* louisa: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *spots two lights in the bushes* "???" -a shadowy creature, resembling a wolf, can be seen- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *darts from the window to the hall* louisa: e-eh? toby? what's wrong? wolf: *flees, turning into a dark mist that slides up to a roof of another building* ???: <what did your beast see, lydia?> lydia: .....<i will send the report to you now....> *she pets the wolf's head* Mr. Tsubaki: *in the courtyard, looking through the bushes* "???" Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sniffs--then recoils* "!!!" louisa: toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *sneezes, pulling out of the bushes...he approaches Louisa, hopping to go back inside* louisa: *picks him up* what's wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: *squirming out of her arms, as if trying to get her to go inside* louisa: are you cold? *heads back in* Mr. Tsubaki: *seems relieved when the door is locked behind them* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...What if there _are_ more of us?" lavender: like more stray subclasses? Shamrock: "Maybe? Or something else entirely...What if Mr. Tsubaki's creator made more?" lavender: what? otogiri: you mean the other servamps? Shamrock: "What if this is another Sin? What if..." *shakes his head* "I don't know." himawari: .......vainglory... Shamrock: "???" himawari:...*shakes head* just a thought. Shamrock: "..." *sighs* "Maybe." -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." shiori: mama? Yumi: "!!! Shiori...?" shiori: *reaching up* Yumi: *picks up Shiori, smiles* shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *hugs Shiori* "Can you say 'Mama' again?" shiori: ^o^ mama! Yumi: "Shiori!" *nuzzle* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *sets down an empty glass* -it's silent- Chuuya: *slides the glass away...leans back in the chair* mito: O^O~? Chuuya: "...Mito, hop up here." mito: *climbing up his leg and lays on his lap* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "...I miss her more..." mito: *nuzzles into his hand* Chuuya: *pets more* "..." *sighs* "I'm pathetic, aren't I?" mito: mreow? Chuuya: "Alone, depressed...I couldn't even tell her what I felt." mito: *laying on his lap, purring* Chuuya: *strokes her* "...I need more in life..." mito: ?? Chuuya: "Just...If I can just make Sonia's life good, maybe that'll be some penance..." mito: =w= Chuuya: *strokes* "And some cat toys...I just feel...empty." -elsewhere- Relan: "Oh! Miss Fang?" fang-hua: hey, im just going to be here until shinra recovers in full. until then, please take good care of me. Relan: *nods* "The Commander asked I set up your guest room. It's all set. Right this way--" komori: ... Relan: "...Um, Miss Fang, this is our new medic, Komori. She's been busy given how...injured we all got." ^^;;;; komori: [nice to meet you] fang-hua:... ^^; nice to meet you too. Relan: *opens the door to Fang-Hua's guest room* "And here is--!!!" fang-hua: ._.; um... *There are posters of Hibana everywhere* Relan: "HOW DID SHE MANAGE TO DO THIS IN THE 10 MINUTES I WALKED AWAY?!" fang-hua: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Hibana: "--and that is why I keep multiple posters of myself with me at all times." mikami: o.o ryuuko: ... gabriella: so cool <3 Hibana: *beaming* "Yes, I am truly selfless in sharing my divine image with the masses~" Rino: "Tch. It's 'selfless' to do that?" Hibana: "..." *shiny eyes* "Maybe I should be more 'selfless' and give you a Princess Hibana-approved makeover..." Rino: ._________.;;; "..." *tries to run* -elsewhere- Karim: "...The Commander has not let his office. He just keeps asking for more files." pearl: is he alright? foien: i hope so, my hand is 40% papercuts now... Karim: "Can't tell...When he's like this, it's usually some investigation." *whispers* "And after the 8th..." pearl:... Karim: "...I think he's up to something." -elsewhere- Akane: *reading crime reports* clay: anything new? Akane: "We've had more food and clothes getting stolen from people's houses." -elsewhere Ivan: *wearing a new coat* =w= *looks at street signs* ???: *spots him* !!!! <goncharov?> Ivan: *turns* "?" lydia: <and here i thought you had died....> Ivan: "!!!" <Had not expect to see you.> lydia:... <im on surveillance upon the boss's orders...shall i give you a lift to our new location?> Ivan: "..." <Oh no. You don't mean I have to ride--> -a shadowy stag appears from her shadow, with multiple red eyes- lydia: <relax, my beasts wont harm you....not unless i say for them to...> Ivan: Q~Q <...My head doesn't need to be gnawed on...> *climbs on* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *holding up a clawed punching bag* naoya: rough day? Akutagawa: "This 'no-killing' plan sucks." -elsewhere- Mori: *hiding under the bed* yosano: mori, get out from under there. Anya: O_O; tsugumi: eh? kyouka, what's going on in there? Kyouka: ._.; "It is nothing. Proceed with walking." *pushing Tsugumi* Mori: "ELIIIIIIIIIISE!" tsugumi: o-o; mio: ?? Mori: *leaps out the door* "You've come back~!" *arms wide opened* Anya: "..." *YNGLING PUNCH* Mori: *slow-motion face caved-in--then thunder-struck through the wall of Tanizaki's apartment* tsugumi: *wince* oooh. that had to hurt. naomi: D8 Tanizaki: *in the bathroom* o_o;;;; *he was in the tub* ao: oh my, you're making quite the array of interesting friends these days, ohoho~ Tanizaki: "..." *hides his rubber ducky* Anya: "DON'T EVEN WITH ME, AO!" Mori: *bleeding on the floor* "She's alive..." =w= naomi: *storms out of the apartment and stomps on mori* GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF OUR APARTMENT YOU PERVERT! DX< atsushi: TT_TT i just wanted all of us to have a nice study group, and we cant even have _that_ can we? Kyoka: "To Deathbucks. We dine on sweet treats and study away from this madhouse." Mori: "OW! OW! OW! Oooooooo--OW!" mio: seconded. Tanizaki: *covering himself* "So embarrassing..." *trying to summon Snow* Meme: "Thirded." tsugumi: gagantous. Kyoka: "Run quickly. Do not look back at Tanizaki's nakedness." Anya: .\\\\. tsugumi:....she sounds familiar... -elsewhere- yana: ... lydia: <we have returned> yana: hmm? oh hey gonch, thought you died. Ivan: "Same." yana: i take it you heard orders via the radio? Ivan: "Yes. Where is Master?" yana: oh he's in jail. Ivan: "!!!" <Break him out!> yana: gonch, chill for a sec. *whispering something to him* Ivan: "..." *Grinch smile* <Yes.> yana: as for other updates, pushkin, katya, and lev were caught by the mafia. pushkin and katya actually joined them. lev, im not sure what her deal is, but she's being held in kouyou's estate. Ivan: "..." <Why would they do that?> yana: *shrugs* not sure yet... zoey: *humming in another room* Ivan: "..." <What. The. Fuck.> yana: hm? <what?> Ivan: <Why is that whore here?> zoey: my sweet baby, papa will be here soon~ yana: um, this little thing called 'she's our medic'? Ivan: <KIDNAP ANOTHER ONE!> yana: ._.; lydia: <s-should i tell him?> yana: <dont, you'll just make him more upset-> Ivan: <If half of that zygote was not Master's, I'd rip it out and stamp on it with my shoes!> yana:..... .___________________o;;;;; ooooooh shit. Ivan: <Think I didn't know?!> yana: oh shit who told you? Ivan: <I got a note! I'm going to slap Pushkin's face right off!> yana: ... =_= goddamit pushkin. Ivan: <I'm going to wring her neck!> lydia: <goncharov, please calm down> Ivan: *marching forward* lydia: *holding him back* Ivan: *continues marching, but comically slowed down by Lydia* lydia: *pulling him back* >,< Ivan: *pulled back* <GAH!> -elsewhere- Burns: "Dia." dia: yes? Burns: "I will be out on official business." dia: understood. Burns: "Stay here to supervise missions and emergencies." dia: right. Burns: "...Is that going to be a problem given your previous 'personal' trips?" dia: *wince* no sir... Burns: "Good." *salutes* -elsewhere- Master: "Here's your drinks." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* tsugumi: thanks! ^^ mio: *siiip* =w= Anya: *takes up her saucer and cup, sipping tea* atsushi: sorry about our 'guest'. ^^; Anya: "Hmph. You should be. What a disgusting old man." -_-# atsushi:.... QuQ (you have no idea......the shame of that DVD still haunts me....) Kyoka: "Which subject to work on first?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...She's been really quiet." himawari: im sure she'll feel better soon. naho: yeeeah, its almost christmas time too! >u< Black Star: "...Oh, crud." ._.; "I still need to go shopping..." naho: we can go to chibuya crossing! there's lots of cute stores there! Black Star: "Works for me--as long as I can find something good quick!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *sets down a wrapped box* "I-I-I wanted to thank you for your mentorship so far, sir!" *bows* gran torino: hm? oh, thanks kid. see ya in january, you know where i'll be. Izuku: "Right here! Thank you again!" *bows again* -elsewhere- Gunhead: "Heading out, kiddo?" ochako: *she nods* it was a pleasure working with you, sir! see you next year! or month! Gunhead: "Or both!" ^^ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: =w= *humming* blair: you seem happy ^^ Jacqueline: "...Blair...Um...I have something to say." blair: oh? Jacqueline: "...KIMANDIAREDATING!" blair: congrats! Jacqueline: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." *sighs, sits back* "I feel this sense of relief after so much...just..." *wipes her eyes* blair: *pat pat* Jacqueline: "Th-Thanks...I feel like I've been hiding so much, and I get to be more transparent." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I'd give him some space: he seems to be dealing with a bit." 'nurse arg': *looks over at burns* Burns: "..." *hands a file to Akitaru* "Read this before you let the boy see it." Akitaru: "??? Okay, sure?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *holds up earrings* "Think she'd like these?" lavender: i think so. Black Star: "Cool! ...But I think there is something else needed...Maybe something that goes with her eyes..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Maybe he'd..." *sighs* "I don't know. I wanted us to get him something good, but with everything happening, I don't think a Christmas gift is going to be enough." iris: maybe a party? Relan: "Oh!--That's a good idea! And we could make him a cake." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *knocks* fuyumi: welcome back, bro! Todoroki: "...I'm happy to be back." *smiles, sets down his backpack* fuyumi: how was it? Todoroki: "...I learned a bit about my ability." fuyumi: ah... Todoroki: "...I don't want to talk about the rest right now.” -elsewhere- Touma: *smirking* "And how are our 'guests' [prisoners] today?" yumikage: noisy. =_= gil: WE KNOW OUR MIRANDA RIGHTS! i dont know who miranda wright _is_ mind you, BUT SHE WOULDNT WANT US IN HERE! -elsewhere Benimaru: *looking in the mailbox* "...Hmph!" -elsewhere Stein: *wearing reindeer antlers* "...This is why I wanted to get out of town." aya drevis: they're very becoming on you. ^^ Stein: "Hmph. I draw the line at the light-up red nose--" *A wind-up rat toy spins by with a red nose* Stein: "..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *hanging a lemon at the doorway* leo: um...sir? ._.; Motojiro: "Ah~ You're under the lemon! You know what that means..." leo: ._.; i fail to understand? (why a lemon of all things?! ._.;; ) Motojiro: "It means 'pucker up'..." *mouth spra* -CHOP- kouyou: *fist steaming* no. Motojiro: X______X Akutagawa: "Hmph. How pathetic." leo: ._.; i-i do apologize, sir. Motojiro: "It's okay--I forgive you--All three of you..." *passes out* XuX Akutagawa: "..." ("Not even good enough for fertilizer...") ayako: *punching him* DONT YOU DARE DIE ON ME NOW YOU SON OF A BITCH! XD Motojiro: "GAH! Stop--OW!--punch--OWIE!--ing me--UMPH!--" *high-pitched squeal* "THEEEEEEERE!" X~X naoya:.......ah, he'll be fine.....in a few days. Akutagawa: "But his chances at procreation have diminished." Motojiro: "The lemons are my babies..." leo: *thoroughly confused* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *hugging his zebra doll next to the Christmas tree* stocking: so cute~ Kid: =w= "I just...felt nostalgic." stocking: hehe *kiss* Kid: =\\\= "Mmm..." stocking: i love you so much~ Kid: "I love you, too, Stocking--forever." -elsewhere- Mifune: "Need any help wrapping?" yuma: hmm. we need more wrapping paper, for sure! Mifune: "There is more in the closet." *slides the door, reaches from the top shelf* "Here you go." yuma: thanks. ^^ -elsewhere- Poe: *takes off the Santa beard* "Those children are so rambunctious!" lana: you seemed to handle them fairly well. ^^ Poe: ^^; "Just like dealing with any child--just have to talk to them like this is all real." lana: *she smiles and holds his hand* Poe: .\\\u\\\. "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sets up Christmas lights* "How's this...?" yu: *thumbs up* Vulcan: "Awesome." *tosses some garland* "Get that up. Make it perfect." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *knocks on the 6th's Brigade's door* nurse arg: yes? Kishiri: "Hello, ma'am. Is Vivian in?" nurse arg: well- ??? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <3<3 nurse arg: *glasses crack* oh not again! -LE TACKLE- vivian: ^///w///^ Kishiri: .\\\\w\\\\. "...So good." *cheek smooch* nurse arg: ._.; huang: *a-HEM* vivian: OwO; Kishiri: .\\\\\\. *looks up* "...Hey, Commander." *salutes while still tackled* huang: going somewhere, kishiri? -angry fire snakes- Kishiri: O_____O; "I WAS JUST VISITING MY GIRLFRIEND!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "...I feel an intense sense of joy." gabriella: hibana? o.o ?? Hibana: =w= "Just like karmic justice dispensed~" -elsewhere- Spirit: *sets down the shovel, knocks the snow off his shoes before re-entering* "Okay...Walkway is now shoveled." izumi: *phew* sachiko: thanks you two. *hug* Spirit: ^\\\^ "Izumi handled a lot of the work..." izumi: d'aw.. sachiko: well, i just got done with cookies. izumi: awesome! Spirit: "Those should be tasty. Maybe with some hot chocolate?" -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up in the corner* mahiru: i got the kotatsu ready. Kuro: "!!!" *dashes, dives under it* mahiru: !! *chuckle* cozy? Kuro: =n= "So warm...Needed this..." *curls up in a ball* "My cuteness needed it." mahiru: ^^.... ......... Kuro: *sits in Mahiru's lap* mahiru: o///o;.... thanks. *pet pet* Kuro: =_= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Resting well?" kirako: yeah. mii: =w= *laying on her stomach* Dazai: "Need a refill?" ^^; ("Don't look at me like that, sir...") kirako: yes please. Dazai: "Coming up!" *takes the glass--and fast-walks the heck out of there* OWO;;;; -elsewhere- Katai: "I-I'm not usually one for house decorations." ^^; "Usually, I just sleep in during Christmas...Not much to do anyway..." -knocks- aya: hmm? Kunikida: "Hang on--I better check." *looks through the peephole* blair: *waves....in a sexy santa outfit* Kunikida: "...Katai, it's for you." *opens the door* Katai: .\\\\\\. *covers Aya's eyes* blair: heeey, katai~ aya: ???? Katai: "H-H-H-Hello!" o\\\\\w\\\\\o "Wh-What brings you by?" blair: thought i'd come spread the christmas cheer your way <3 Katai: "The more the merrier! We-We were putting up decorations. C-Can I get you something to eat or drink?" *stands up--lifting up Aya as he is still covering her eyes* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *hands the file to Takehisa* "Not yet. Not until he's feeling better--you understand?" maki: ... Akitaru: "If Burns shows up, get me--I'll talk to him." maki: understood... Akitaru: "...Has he woken?" maki: he's taking a nap. Akitaru: *nods* "Let him sleep. Keep some leftovers for him in the fridge." -elsewhere- Gopher: *flying...looking down at Christmas light displays* -elsewhere- Ivan: *glare* zoey: *hisses* Q: *protectively hugging his mommy* Ivan: "Surprised you aren't dead." zoey: i could say the same for you... Ivan: "Because Master protects me and guides me wherever I go." zoey: is that right?.....but i know, that he loves me.....i have his baby inside me...<3 Ivan: <You smell of whores and death.> zoey: you're just jealous...<3 Ivan: "And Master won't touch a fat cow like you." zoey:....you're lucky im pregnant....otherwise....i'd be cutting into your lobo- ???: ugh, will you two give it a rest already? _some_ of us want to sleep! Ivan: "???" mushitaro: i know you two cant stand each other, but can you keep down the squabbling? its disrupting my good night of sleep and i have a busy week ahead of me! >3< Ivan: "Tell the beached whale to silence herself." mushitaro: woooow, are you really going to be so petty about this? Ivan: "ANYTHING FOR MASTER!" mushitaro: do you need a drink? Ivan: "..." *smirks* "Yes. I love the taste of alcohol, because I am allowed to drink it." mushitaro: good, i have a few zinfandel spritzers! ^^ Ivan: <Let's do this!> -elsewhere- katya: *chuckles* pushkin: ?? <what's up?> katya: <just feeling tonight's gonna be great...> -back underground- Ivan: *swinging his shirt over his head, screaming Russian death metal* yana:....oguri, why the fuck...? Ivan: *grabs her face* <YOU WEAR THE FACE OF MASTER, ONLY TINY AND FEMININE!> mushitaro: ._.; i have made a terrible mistake. yana: ....*blink* <gonch, go the fuck to sleep, for the love of fuck> Ivan: <I WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN EXCEPT WITH MY MASTER'S SWEET FIRM BEHIND! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--> *collapses into tears* yana:... *siiiiigh* come on, lets get you to bed. *drags him too his room* Ivan: *whimpering, shaking* yana: *tucking him in* <easy now, the boss knows what he's doing, have faith, ok?> Ivan: <M-Master...> yana:... *sighs and pats his shoulder* .... Ivan: *cries to sleep...* yana:.... *notices something* here.... *hands him a makeshift fyodor plushie* it's that doll lev made for ya. Ivan: *cuddles* =w= -elsewhere- leo: ......*staring up at the ceiling* ..... Akutagawa: *knock* leo: ?? oh...hello again. Akutagawa: "Hello. ... I couldn't sleep." leo: so you came here? Akutagawa: "...It's calm here. And the pastries are better." leo: i suppose so.....the aesthetic is different from what im used to...rather ornate. Akutagawa: "...I thought the same when I first joined." leo:....you lived in the slums before, right? Akutagawa: "...Yes." leo: ah.....i had been in the slums before as well before joining the rats back home. Akutagawa: "Oh? Around here?" leo: oh, not the slums in the city, the slums in moscow. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "I can sympathize, even if I cannot imagine..." leo: it....wasnt always like that....actually, i had been born into a rather wealthy family.... Akutagawa: "..." *nods* leo: .....they were all slaughtered.....because of my ability, i was the only one who survived.....i lost everything in one night... Akutagawa: "...I'm sorry." leo: ..... Akutagawa: "...I can only imagine what you felt when...Just the desire to kill." leo: no......just a desire to die....i wanted to be with my family again.....my time on the streets only made it worse... i had to use my body to get by.....*shaking* an inability to die....allows for horrible, horrible abuse... Akutagawa: "..." *sets a hand in front of her* leo: ?? Akutagawa: "...I'm sorry you lost your family. And for the abuse you have suffered." leo: ... t-thank you, sir. Akutagawa: "You're welcome. 'Akutagawa' will do." leo: *she nods* Akutagawa: "...Will you be okay tonight?" leo: i-i think so....talking helped, i think... Akutagawa: *nods* "Well, if you need to talk, I'm pretty much training and...not killing. At all. ... I need cookies." leo: good night, then. Akutagawa: "Good night." *stands, exits* -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: u///w///u Kid: *whispers* "One more day..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Kunikida: *snoring* aya: morning! its christmas! Kunikida: "Wha--I thought that was tomorrow..." *falls back to bed* aya: well technically it's christmas eve, but still! Kunikida: "Hmph. You know the rules: you open your gifts on Christmas." aya: i know. =3= -elsewhere- fukuzawa: *opens the door* are you any better yet? Mori: *he's torn up his bedsheet and re-fashioned it as a doll* "We're fine!" fukuzawa: ... *closes the door* Mori: "Hee hee...Aren't we, Elise? ...Elise? ..." QWQ; "Why won't you talk to me..." {Rintarou: "It's a pretty doll, isn't it?"} {elise: it sure is! ^^} {Rintarou: "I'm glad you like it! Merry Christmas..."} {elise: aww, *hug* >u<} {Rintarou: ^\\\^ *pat pat on her back*} Mori: *hugging his doll* Q___Q -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I hope poinsettias are okay..." *sets down the small vase* -silence- Chuuya: "Sonia's enjoying her first Christmas. I mean, I hope she is...I tried to get gifts she'd like..." -...- Chuuya: "Things you would want to give her...Rain..." -...- Chuuya: "I wish you were here...That is what Sonia really wants for Christmas." -...- Chuuya: "..._I_ want that." -...- Chuuya: "...I wish I had asked what _you_ more what you liked about Christmas. I wish I had made those days better for you..." -...- Chuuya: "...Merry Christmas, Rain. I miss you." -elsewhere- Yumi: "You'll need to look your best at the tree ceremony..." *holds up a tie* lord death: ^^ Yumi: *puts it on him* "And maybe this time give longer remarks. 'Have a happy' tends to be too curt." lord death: ^^; -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "What are your plans for tomorrow?" higuchi: i might stay home with my sister and watch movies in our pjs. Akutagawa: *nods* "Gin and I will open gifts and get Chinese." higuchi: sounds like fun. ^^ Akutagawa: "Should be less crowded, at any rate..." *jabs his chopsticks into his food--jab jab jab* -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Here are the presents~ Pass them out." shishido: *poke poke* dafuq r these? Uwabami: "You have to wait 'til Christmas to open them and see~" aoi: ^^; -elsewhere- Rin: *pours batter into the pan* "And the best part is, we got some extra batter left for Candy Cane Birthday Christmas Cupcakes!!!" momo sakura: yay! ^o^ Yukio: "Maybe we should stop calling them 'Birthday' when we keep confusing those traditions with Christmas ones..." Rin: -3- "You're no fun..." -elsewhere- ochako: so did you come to see the ice sculpture displays too? Todoroki: *nods* "It helps with ideas." ochako: ah. ^^ Todoroki: "...Mother liked them." ochako: hmm.. Todoroki: "...How about you? Are you ready for tomorrow?" ochako: *she nods* snuggies, presents and hot cocoa, heck yeah! Todoroki: "Heh...Fan of snuggies?" ochako: nice and toasty. *holding his left arm* ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Happy to help..." -elsewhere- Patty: *puts Julie on her shoulders* "Can you see the tree lighting now?" julie: *she nods* Patty: "Hee hee...Takeru, take a picture!" takeru: *snaps a pic* Patty: "Awesome!" *smooch* takeru: ./////. heather: they're lighting it up! -the display looks amazing- Lily: "Wonderful, isn't it~?" misono: yeah... shinoa: ^^ Lily: "...How about I get us some drinks~?" shinoa: that sounds lovely! Lily: "Be right back..." *pats Misono's shoulder* misono:....... (it's been a year since.....) shinoa: ... Lily: *approaches the concessions--his hand shaking slightly* ^^; "I'll have some hot chocolates, please. 3?" Hyde: *hands them over* "Here." -_-# "I never get a day off, I got punched in the face--" Lily: ._.; "...My, my..." misono: um....hello? shinoa: hello~ Hyde: "HELP ME. They hold me against my will so I can earn money." Q_Q misono: i believe that's called a' job'. -on the tv screen, the concert has started- Hyde: "!!!" *pushes Misono* "OUT OF MY WAY! THE SHOW IS STARTING!" misono: >3< Hyde: *stares* Lily: *catches Misono* kyouko: D8< for fucks sake, cranz... =_=; misono: thank you, lily. Lily: "Of course~" Hyde: "SHH! I can't hear..." licht: *playing the piano* Hyde: *shiny eyes* hyakuya: ... soul: woah... Patty: "Oooo..." riley: dang... Wes: *playing to match Licht* ("...Very impressive...") -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets Toru down* toru: *babble* chie: *changing him* aaand there we go! *lifts him up* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "And someone will be going to bed soon, before Santa arrives." toru: baba! Yohei: "Hee hee..." *hug* -elsewhere- Lucy: *looks up at the lit-up Ferris wheel* *smiles* atsushi: did you want to ride? Lucy: "Yes!" *takes his hand* atsushi: *smiles and walks with her* Lucy: "Can see so much of the city, lit up for the season!" atsushi: yeah. Lucy: *goes to the booth* "Two tickets, please--" *looks at the window--which is empty* "??? I don't see anyone..." ???: "I'm down here." atsushi: ??? ._. um... Lucy: *looks down into the booth* "???" Mineta: "That'll be $3 for your friend, but you get in free." *winks* Lucy: "..." *picks up the booth* atsushi: ._.; Mineta: o_____O *SMASH* Lucy: *drops $6* "Keep the extra." *takes Atsushi's hand* -elsewhere- Relan: "Shinra? Need a refill?" shinra: *he nods* thanks, rel... Relan: *pours from the pitcher* "...Maybe go for a walk tomorrow?" shinra: s-sure. Relan: *smiles* "W-We can look at some Christmas displays..." shinra: i'd like that Relan: "Great..." *pats his hand* shinra: *small smile* Relan: "..." *just sits silently* shinra:.... ?? you ok? Relan: "Just...glad you're here." shinra:....*hugs* me too.... Relan: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- leo: *walking around the estate* Kouyou: "Enjoying the view?" leo: *she nods* the snow is nice.....nostalgic.... Kouyou: "Did you play in the snow this season?" leo: ....well....sort of.... *remembering the swingset..and ivan*.... *small blush* Kouyou: "You should do so again. Who knows how long it will last." leo: ..... Kouyou: "...Oh, don't be shy. Even adults play in the snow." leo: ...im not properly dressed. ^^; Kouyou: "..." *sighs* "It's far too early, but I might as well..." *takes a present off the table, hands it to Leo* leo: ?? o-oh i shouldnt right away- Kouyou: "Just open it. It'll be okay." leo:....*she opens it* *Inside is a fancy warm winter dress with a matching winter hat and gloves* leo: ....t-thank you, miss kouyou. Kouyou: ^^ "You're welcome. Now, go get dressed and play." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *holds Lisa's hand* lisa: *holding him* keep me warm tonight.... Vulcan: *nods* "Of course...." *hug* lisa:...*kiss* Vulcan: *smooch* lisa: *pulling him down onto her* .... .///. Vulcan: o\\\\o "...Are you...comfortable?" lisa: *she nods* i missed you, you know...... Vulcan: "...I wanted so badly to bring you home sooner..." lisa: well, i-im here, now, right? *she's smiling, but there are tears in her eyes* Vulcan: "..." *gently wipes tears from her eyes* lisa: *holding him* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Hmm..." *picks out a candy cane* felisia: *hug from behind* mephyyyyy, im low on cuddles =3= Mephisto: "Hee hee..." *bites on the candy cane* "My apologies." *hug* felisia: ^^ <3 -elsewhere- Shotaro: *knocks on the door to an orphanage--with one of his six arms...he has a bit of spider cartilege between his lips and three arms carrying gifts* "Hope the kids like these..." sister: oh why thank you, young man! Shotaro: "You're welcome!" *hands the first bag* "I hope the kids like them!" -elsewhere- Ivan: =____= *takes medicine* yana: rough night, eh? Ivan: <Alcohol was a mistake...> yana: *pat pat* you're gonna be fine, gonch. Ivan: "..." <Is he ever returning?> yana: im sure of it. he knows what he's doing. Ivan: "...Why did he impregnate her?" yana: ... <cant say, for sure, but im sure he has his reasons.> (i should ask him next time...) Ivan: <I'd be a better parent than that cow...> yana: <maybe> Ivan: *sniff* <I'm going to shower..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Excellent performance, Licht." licht: indeed. *pose* for i am a heavenly angel, sent from above. Wes: "..." *laughs* "Glad you got into the Christmas spirit, angel-guy." *pours some champagne, passes it to Liz* liz: ^^ Wes: *passes a glass to Licht, holds up his glass for a toast* "Here's to our successful performance." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Fang-Hua, a word." fang-hua: yes? Takehisa: "If you see Commander Burns arrive, notify Akitaru. Do not let Shinra know." fang-hua: understood. is there a reason? Takehisa: "...We anticipate Burns wishes to debrief Shinra about his encounter. This information is not for the First: the Eighth has already debriefed Shinra, and Akitaru does not think it is worth bringing up those memories to Shinra." fang-hua: ah... Takehisa: "Also, be prepared for Christmas light accidents. We tend to get increased fire reports around-" *A crash is heard outside* fang-hua: ?!?! tamaki: *SCREAM* WHAT THE FUCK?! fang-hua: *heads outside* ._. oh no. Tsukiyo: "Whoops! I mis-estimated that last jump! How you been, kitten?" fang-hua: tsukiyo... ^^; Tsukiyo: "At least I had a soft landing~" tamaki: HOW IS GETTING TIED UP IN OUR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS A 'SOFT LANDING'?! Tsukiyo: " 'Cause your bosom is so soft~" *rests her head there* -CHOP- Tsukiyo: XWX tamaki: i dont need to deal with this. *slams the door behind her* fang-hua: ._.; .... ^-^; missed me, i take it? Takehisa: "...We'll untie her, and leave her with the rest of the trash--" fang-hua: mr hinawa... *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: *rabbit yell at Takehisa* Takehisa: .____.; *runs away* Tsukiyo: *smiles at Fang-Hua* "I didn't want to spend Christmas away from you! BFFs! Oh, and I brought your present--" *pulls it out of her pocket* "At least it didn't get crushed..." fang-hua: 0-0; ^^;;; -elsewhere- Mikuni: *walking through town* ^^ *his doll is dressed in her Christmas garb* misono:.... !!! >->;;; oh dear lord mitsuba: o///o; Mikuni: OWO *shiny eyes* "HOWDY!" mitsuba: >///>; shinoa: oh hello. ^^ rowena: .///w///. h-hello mr mikuni. mitsuba: o3o ?!? Mikuni: *takes off his hat, bows* "How y'all doin'?" rowena: ^///^ doing well. mitsuba: 7///3///7; *muttering* misono: ... Mikuni: "And how's my fave-or-ite brother?" misono: *cringes* Mikuni: "You get under the mistletoe yet with your significant other?" misono: you shush! >///< shinoa: oh my, misono, so flustered~ misono: s-shinoa! dont encourage him! =////n////=;;; Mikuni: "Just take care of my little brother: he is fragile and needs the best of care." misono: *hides his face under his hat* >///~///<;;; rowena: aww. mitsuba: *silent screaming* Mikuni: *looks at Rowena* "Hey, ain't you the one makin' that occult club?" rowena: ah! yes! that would be me. ^///^ mitsuba: D8< Mikuni: "How's your membership round-up going? You got a big number of people joining?" rowena: the club has two members, three counting myself. ^^ Mikuni: "Then how 'bout I join your club and help--" Poe: "Help with what~?" ^^# *death aura--as he holds up Karl* Mikuni: owo;;; rowena: oh, hello brother. ^^ misono: ._.; mitsuba: is that a raccoon? Poe: "And he bites." *holds Karl at Mikuni* Mikuni: ._____.; karl: =3=; Mikuni: *steps back to behind Misono* rowena: but, i've never seen him bite anyone. ^^; misono: mikuni can you not. Poe: "He only bites _bad_ people..." Mikuni: *shivers* "Raccoons are frightening..." *his fake-voice has dropped* rowena: ?? hmm? misono: miss...um.... *ahem* ma'am. you dont want to accociate with my brother. he's just going to cause you trouble. Mikuni: D:< Poe: *nod nod* ^^# rowena: but he did help save me from that mugger, after i fended him off a bit. Mikuni: owo *nods* mitsuba: *quietly fuming* Poe: "I have to agree with the tinier brother--" misono: D8< Poe: "--this boy seems to be dangerous, no-good, a hoodlum, ill-mattered, poorly dressed--" Mikuni: "HOW IS THIS POORLY DRESSED?!" D:< misono: mostly the hat. the people who can actually make a fedora look good are few and far between these days. Mikuni: Q~Q "How can you say that about your brother..." misono: do you want a polite answer or an honest answer? shinoa: buuurn. Mikuni: "WAAAAAAH!" *dramatically flails his arms as he runs away* rowena: that was a bit mean. D:> misono: trust me, it was justified. -elsewhere- Burns: "..." *remembers Joker's earlier attacks on the tournament* {Joker: *sneers*} Burns: "...The hell." *sets out photos on his desk...They include the charred remains of Shinra's house, the ruins of Hibana and Iris's old church...and he sets down a metal cross* "..." -knock- dia: commander? Burns: "What?" dia: how is your investigation? Burns: "...Progressing. How are the troops?" -elsewhere- Hiro: "Comfy?" EF: *she nods* thanks for inviting me. Hiro: "Happy to have the company! Mom and Dad encouraged it. And, hey, we got dessert..." hime: try not to make out too loud. EF: e-eh?! O///-///o; Hiro: -_- "Thank you, sister..." *musses her hair* hime: >3< -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *passes a hand along Lisa's face* lisa: *laying in his arms, in their bed* zzzz..... Vulcan: *sighs* ("Just...get better. Please...") -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *shudders* naho: *snuggle* Sakuya: "S-Sorry...Just cold." naho: *snuggles* Sakuya: "..." *contented sigh* "You're stubborn, aren't you?" *hug* naho: ^///^ Sakuya: *forehead smooch* naho: >///< hehe~ Sakuya: *pat pat* "Let's get another blanket." -elsewhere- Kid: "I thought that went well." *looking up at the tree* stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* "But we weren't under the mistletoe?" stocking: still~ Kid: "Still..." *takes her hand, kisses it lightly* "My wife." stocking: hehe~ so cute <3 Kid: ^\\\^ "Thank you...for making life so much more full of light." stocking: ^///^ thank you too, kiddo. Kid: *small squeeze on her hand* "...I would like for a future Christmas...to share this visit with...our child." stocking: ... i would like that too... ^^ Kid: *smiles* "That...means so much." *wipes his eye* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: *with a Santa cap, playing with his child* "Ho. Ho. Ho." kurome: *hug* ^u^ Kurogiri: "Hee hee." *picks her up* "Want another candy cane?" kurome: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *holding a letter in his mouth, which he drops into the mail slot* ???: mail call! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *jumps away from the mail slot, tries to look fox-casual* =_= tsubaki: *she picks it up*... !! *The letter has just a fox symbol on the front of it* tsubaki: *opening it* *There are separate letters inside, each addressed to someone in the house* tsubaki: mail call, everyone! naho: ??... !! oh! otogiri: *taking hers* lavender: d'aw. Sakuya: "??? The heck is he doing this...He shouldn't be risking himself over Christmas..." Black Star: *judgey face* "..." *takes his with a pair of tongs* tsubaki: ^^; himawari: ^^; Shamrock: *holds the letter close to his chest* Xw= lilac:...*small sniffle and smile* Belkia: "Oooooo!" Higan: -_-; "The fox doodle leaves a bit to be desired." -elsewhere- Dazai: *underneath Ango's window, singing Christmas carols...badly* "--FIIIIIIIIVE GOLDEN RIIIIIIIIINGS!" ango: dazai, please go home, you're drunk. Dazai: "NOPE! I had to give up the drink! For reasons!" ango: =_.=; Dazai: "Now, where was I? ...I lost track. I'll start from the beginning. 'On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a par--" *BONK* Kunikida: *holding a mallet* "..." Dazai: XWX ango: thank you. Kunikida: "You're welcome." *drags Dazai by his ankles through the snow--as Dazai's head hits a fire hydrant* Dazai: "UMPH!" ango: well, have a pleasant christmas odas- *tenses*.... merry christmas, kunikida... Kunikida: "..." *nods* ango:.....*closes the window.....looks at a framed photo....of himself, dazai, and odasaku*.....*sigh* merry fucking christmas..... -elsewhere- Arthur: "How's Nozomi?" tamaki: ....asleep right now... Arthur: "Man...This sucks." tamaki: i just...i want her to feel better.... Arthur: "What would make her feel better is getting her mother back--or knowing she has a family..." tamaki: ...if what miss karin said was true, the things nozomi's mother said.... Arthur: "Yeah...But given where her mind was, who knows..." tamaki: ......hey, nozomi? nozomi:...... tamaki:....*hug* we're here for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* *pats Nozomi's back* nozomi:....*shaking* Arthur: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Giriko: "What you doing, Preacher?" justin: i'll just be looking after the young ones at the church today. ^^ Giriko: "...They got enough for tomorrow?" justin: *he nods* Giriko: "Good on you." *pats his back hard* justin: oof- haha ^^; Giriko: "See us before the new year, you got that?" justin: right. ^^ *exits, shaking slightly* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *plugs in the Christmas lights* kim: looks great! Jacqueline: "Yeah...We did good work." kim:...*smooch* Jacqueline: "Mmmm~" *smooch* kim: ^///^ Jacqueline: "...Want to watch the lights for a bit?" *holds her hand* kim: sure. Jacqueline: *sits on the couch, guiding her towards it* -elsewhere- sonia: zzz Chuuya: *tucks her in, sets the doll under her arm* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *small forehead kiss* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." ("I want more for her...") -...- Chuuya: ("Rain, what would you do?") -...- Chuuya: "..." *sighs...* *stands up and leaves the room* mito: *mew* Chuuya: *smiles* *strokes her back* "You'll get your gift in the morning..." mito: *purrs and nuzzles into his palm* Chuuya: *picks Mito up, keeps petting* mito: *paws his mouth* Chuuya: "Hee hee...That tickles..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *knocks* soul: yeah? oh, hey. Spirit: "Hey." *holds up a basket* "Sachiko made some cookies." soul: cool. thanks. *small smile* Spirit: "And..." *hands a wrapped gift* soul:....thanks. Spirit: *nods* "...You hear from your brother yet?" soul: of course i did. he did great at the concert today. Spirit: "Good to hear...Wish I could've gone." soul: how's izumi? Spirit: "Happy to have a break from school--even as she can't stop studying..." soul: ah. Spirit: "...You got your next mission from Lord Death?" soul: i will be in january...kind of nervous. Spirit: "You can always ask for backup..." soul: noted. -elsewhere- Jonah: *holding a doll he has dressed as Misora* elsewhere- misora: *cringing* Akitaru: "??? What's up, Misora?" misora: just an uneasy feeling. *excalibur face* miwa: well, take it easy, k? misora: ^-^;; yeah... Akitaru: "Maybe ask the medic for some medicine?" misora: s-sure! serina! -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzz..." fukuzawa:....*noticing mii enter the room* do you think he will recover from this? Mii: "..." *looks at Fukuzawa* "This is hardly like previous circumstances...It depends." fukuzawa: ... Mii: "I think this needs something to shock him out of it...His assistant has not returned?" fukuzawa: ...no....i think i know what the agency's next step will be... Mii: "Oh?" fukuzawa: investigating mori's origins. -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Well, at least it's quieter now." kirei: *nods and leans against him* Benimaru: "..." *puts a hand over her shoulder, kisses her cheek* kirei: *blush* Benimaru: "Kirei..." *rests his knuckle under her chin* kirei: ?? Benimaru: "..." *closes his eyes* "..." *leans closer to her lips* kirei: *smooch* Benimaru: =\\\\= *smooch* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *throws a snowball* naoya: hyah! Tachihara: "Eep!" *dives into the snow, tries to tunnel away* naoya: *eye glint* found ya! -le pelt- Tachihara: "AAAAAH!" *SPLAT* *warbling noise* naoya: *peace sign* nyehe~ Tachihara: *spits up snow* "Man...Brain-freeze..." -early morning- julie: yay! presents! Patty: "Woot! Open these bad boys up!!!" liz: they seem to be having fun. ^^ roxanne: indeed they are. Patty: *shaking a box* stocking: hey kiddo. Kid: "Good morning." *cheek smooch* "Merry Christmas..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *hands her a medium-size square box* "Here's your first gift..." stocking: *opening it* *Inside is a candy-coated (actual candy) photo-frame with a photo of her and Kid from Halloween* stocking: oh, kid. *huuuuugs* Kid: "Hee hee...And it's edible, too...The frame, not the photo...Although the photo is sweet, too..." stocking: hehe, i know~ *smoooooooch* Kid: ^\\\^ kirika: *rockin her annual krampus sweater* Wes: "Fashionable sweater, Kirika..." ^^; kirika: 's a tradition. *sips her slushie* lord death: ^^; Yumi: "Death, let's give Shiori her gift..." lord death: here you go~ shiori: ba! Yumi: *moves Shiori's fingers to the wrapping* "Rip away here--" Kid: owo;;;; shiori: *grab and tear* stocking: *holding kid's hands* Kid: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Open it up, sweetie~" hanako: *opens it* wooow! *shiny eyes* Hibana: "And you can put your dolls in here, re-decorate rooms..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Who'd you get for Secret Santa?" mono: *shrug* *opens her gift* -it's a nice vest- nea: ^^ Shinoda: "Good choice..." *opens his gift* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." naomi: *puts reindeer antlers on him* ^^ Kunikida: ._. "...Is this humorous?" kirako: certainly festive. atsushi: ^^; Dazai: *holding ice to his head* =_= atsushi: how're you enjoying the christmas party so far? Kyouka: *munching on cookies* ^W^ Lucy: *sips hot chocolate* "It's pretty cozy." yosano: glad to hear ^^ atsushi: *small smile* Lucy: *sets down her drink, hands Atsushi a box* atsushi: *opening it* *Inside are swimtrunks, a t-shirt, and a watch* atsushi: oh cool, thanks! this is great! Lucy: "You're welcome! And because it's winter, the swimtrunks were on sale." *Fitzgerald smirk* atsushi: ^^; i see. Lucy: ^^ "...So, where's my present?" atsushi: ah! here! *hands her a box* -it was a hairpin- Lucy: "Neat!" *brushes a hand through her hair, before placing the pin* "Like this?" atsushi: .///. *nod* Lucy: ^\\\^ *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "You may begin the dissemination of presents." mary: bram! open mine first! bram: um.... oh, t-thank you. *it was a scarf* Fitzgerald: "Lovely color." *looks at the tree* -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." *sets down glass* yana: thanks. *sips* .......are you mad at me? Ivan: "..." <No. Just confused still...> yana: hmm...<you miss him, huh?> Ivan: <Immensely.> yana: .... <he'll be fine.> Ivan: *nods* <I still worry...> yana: .... {yana: eh? me? temporary leader?} {Fyodor: <It will be necessary.>} {yana: i know but....why me of all people? im not exactly a 'leader' type of person...<even _if_ i'm partially you...>} {Fyodor: <I don't mean to undersell you, but would you have me leave it to someone else? Ivan? Zoey? Freaking Pushkin?> {yana:....fair point.} {Fyodor: <You also have something the others do not have: ambition.>} {yana: *headtilt* <oh?>} {Fyodor: <You just need some direction...Leadership can be part of it.>} {yana: ......} {Fyodor: <Have you considered where you want to be in the future?>} {yana: ....in all seriousness....not really...} yana: .... Ivan: <...What do we do tomorrow?> yana: ....in a few days.....*smiles* we have ourselves a party to crash. *looks at a file...of kunikida* -elsewhere- Belkia: "MERRY FLIPPING CHRISTMAS!" ^u^ naho: YAAAY! XD tsubaki: ^^ Shamrock: *hands a gift to Himawari* himawari: thank you. Shamrock: *nods* "You're welcome. Open it up..." himawari: *opening it* *Inside are a gardening book, gardening tools, and a set of seeds* himawari: why thank you. ^^ Shamrock: X_^ "Happy to..." -elsewhere- Relan: *sets out the cake* shinra: *nom* =w= Relan: ^^ "We tried to make it to your liking." shinra: thanks, rel. ^^ Relan: "Merry Christmas..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *yawn* twain: *laying next to him* mornin' ^^ Steinbeck: ._. "...What?" twain: what? Steinbeck: "...WHY. ARE. YOU IN MY FREAKING BED?!" twain: why do _you_ think? 7u7 Steinbeck: O_____O;;;;; *takes the pillow...and covers it over Twain's face* twain: *muffled yelling* Steinbeck: *straddles Twain, holding the pillow down harder* "WHAT WERE YOU DOING TO ME?!" twain: i wasnt doing anything too weird! Steinbeck: *screams, as he stands and slams himself down onto him again* "I'LL KILL YOU!" twain: *SCREEEEEAM* Steinbeck: *SCREAM!!!* twain: OSCAR HELP!! oscar: ^^ breakfast is rea-............. Steinbeck: O\\\\\o "..." *slow head turn* oscar: ^u^ ..... ^u^;;;;;;; Steinbeck: "...THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE." oscar: ^u^;;;;;;;;; *slowly closes the door* Steinbeck: .\\\\\\. "..." *slow head turn to stare at Twain* "..." twain: jeez....you dont have to be so rough? ouo; *outside, where Ebie is playing, just within view of the window* ebie: ?? *SMASH* dorothy: o-o;; *A vine has tossed Twain out the window* baum: D8> twain: AHHHHHHHHHHH *plomph* COOOOOLD!!! DX> -he's naked- baum: !!!!!! *covering their eyes* DONT LOOK! ebie: ??? dorothy: =A= what heresy is this? Steinbeck: *huddles under his blanket* "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead..." TT\\\\TT -knock- oscar: is everything alright? Steinbeck: "I need a new lock..." oscar: understood~ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Merry Christmas, Blair!" blair: thanks sweeties ^^ nagisa: hope you like it! Jacqueline: "???" blair: *opening her gift* awww. *hug* nagisa: ^^ Jacqueline: "..." *small smile* kim: *hug* ^u^ Jacqueline: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Todoroki: *holding the present* fuyumi: merry christmas, mom. yuki: ah....thank you... *small smile* Todoroki: *hands her the gift* "We got this for you..." yuki: *opening it* *There is a snowflake pendant inside* yuki: *teary smile* it's beautiful.. Todoroki: *small smile* "Merry Christmas..." -elsewhere- Poe: QWQ lana: do you like it? Poe: "I-I love it! Thank you!" =w= lana: ^^ *smooch* Poe: ^\\\^ "H-How is yours?" *holds up a gift box* lana: it's amazing! thanks! *hug* -elsewhere- Arthur: "What do you think?" *He got Tamaki kitty headphones* tamaki: =///= c-cute. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." mrs iida: is everything ok? Iida: *weak smile* "...I like being home." mrs iida:....*hug* Iida: "..." *shaking* -elsewhere- Mikuni: Q____Q "..." *holds up a new hat he got for Christmas* "...You don't think my hats are dumb, do you?" metsu: do you want a polite answer or an honest answer? Mikuni: "...Let's go with polite~?" ^^; metsu: it needs work. Mikuni: -_-; "...Well, it's the thought that counts." *puts it on* -elsewhere- Gopher: "A Christmas gift, sir." ^W^ Inside is a new fiction book "I thought you needed something fun to read..." eibon: oh, why thank you. ^^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How is it?" sonia: *hugging the plushie tightly* >u< Chuuya: *smiles* "I'll take that as 'good.'" -elsewhere- Kouyou: *lights a candle* leo: ... Kouyou: *holds her hands in a prayer* leo: *notices a photo on the butsudan* *There are two photos: one of Kouyou and a man, another of her in maternity wear* leo: .....were they- Kouyou: "They are ones I wish to have a good holiday, wherever they are..." *sad smile* leo:...i see... Kouyou: *nods* "Well...I suppose I should see how dinner is coming..." leo: ... -elsewhere- Medusa: *sitting at a Chinese restaurant* "...Do you have milk?" clerk: um... ._.; Medusa: "What?" clerk: let me check... -elsewhere- Stain: *hiding in the shadows...snow falling* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *hugs his doll* fukuzawa: .... -with the agency- atsushi: traveling abroad? Kunikida: "Yes. We need to gather more information to ascertain solutions to these problems." naomi: oh that sounds so cool! i've always wanted to travel abroad! *hugs tanizaki's arm tightly* Tanizaki: ._.; "Um...Is it possible to have more come along--" Kunikida: *intense stare at Naomi* "Will you be taking care of paperwork while we're abroad?" naomi: OuO; Tanizaki: "I-I'm sure Naomi can handle paperwork for us abroad. You'll need someone highly organized to be in communication with the home base, right?" *nervous smile* Kunikida: "...Fine. But we'll have to save on money by sharing rooms--" naomi: fine by us~ 💗 Tanizaki: *corner of shame* Dazai: "I GOT KUNIKIDA'S ROOM!" Kunikida: -_-# "Don't you have a pregnant partner to take care of?" Dazai: *corner of sorrow* atsushi: ._.; Kyoka: "I am attending to make sure everything is organized. What are we investigating?" Kunikida: "Mori." Kyoka: *corner of fear* atsushi: .___.; Kunikida: "STOP THAT BEFORE WE RUN OUT OF CORNERS!" *looks at Atsushi* "Get your stuff in order." -elsewhere- Giriko: *snaps a photo* "What a cutie..." arachne: ^^ anna: ^o^ malaria: *smiles* Giriko: "Now, just need to set up the tripod--" *lifts it up--and one leg of it slams into his face* "!!!" malaria: careful there ^^; -elsewhere- Wes: *knocks on Soul's apartment's door* soul: hey bro. ^^ Wes: *holds up a box* "Merry Christmas, bro." soul: oh cool. *small smile* Wes: "Liz sent her regards...You still going to dinner tonight?" soul: yeah. Wes: *looks around the living room before sitting down* "...You traveling?" -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *pours more scotch into his Santa mug* scarlet: ... Joker: "...All the offices closed. No new leads..." *passes the bottle* ivy: *chug chug* Joker: "..." *pulls out another bottle with a bow on it and a note: 'To: Dad; From: Your Son'* "Good thing people don't remember to lock up..." -elsewhere- Katai: *taking a sled to the top of a hill* ._. "..." *gulp* aya: *has on goggles* you ready for this, uncle katai?! Katai: "I-I hope so..." *gulps* "Just hold onto the sled and...don't let me die like this..." aya: ^^; blair: here we GO~ *le push* aya: WEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Katai: "Eeeeeeee!!!!" O______O -fwoosh- aya: *pops her head out of a snowman* *blink blink* im good! Katai: *buried in the snow, the sled propped up like a tombstone* blair: *digging him out* you ok? Jacqueline: ._.; "...You made interesting friends, Blair." Katai: .\\\\\. *nod nod nod* nagisa: me next! -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Okay, all set!" *he got an exercise bar to put into his doorway...and he's got his legs around it* "Watch me do sit-ups!" setsuna: ^^ mana: ... Shotaro: "Okay...One!" *lifts himself--once, before he falls down onto his head* "OUCHIE!" setsuna: are you alright? D8> Shamrock: *crying, reading his letter* X___Q himawari: ?? Shamrock: *wipes his eye* "So heartfelt. So sincere..." Belkia: *turns his letter around* "...All he wrote on mine was, 'Be on good behavior. Don't go to jail again.'" naho: listen to him. Belkia: >3< "I do what I want!" -chop- Black Star: *glaring at his letter, shaking* "...I'm gonna kill him..." otogiri: behave. Belkia: X_X tsubaki: *looks* *The letter reminds Black Star that he is short (ignoring Mr. Tsubaki is shorter), that Tsubaki likes him more, to take care of his family--then has a crude drawing of Mr. Tsubaki stabbing Black Star in the back* tsubaki: *sigh* ^-^; Higan: "His artwork has gotten better at least..." ^^; Sakuya: "..." *just staring at his letter* lilac: ?? Sakuya: *folds the letter, tucks it into his shirt pocket...smiles at Lilac, trying to hold in tears* "What did he write to you, Lilac?" lilac: h-he told me that everything w-will be ok... Sakuya: "..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* "Y-Yeah..." -elsewhere- Kid: *rocking Shiori* shiori: zzzz Kid: *smiles, stops rocking...puts her to bed* stocking: so sweet. Kid: *nods* "Best infant sister I could ask for..." stocking: *hug* Kid: *hug, pat pat* "...Stocking..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *pulls back slightly, whispers in her ear* "We need somewhere more private..." stocking: *walks with him to their room* Kid: *closes the door behind him...locks it* stocking: should i close my eyes~? Kid: "Oh, I'm not sure I can trust that~" *has the blindfold in his hands* stocking: !!... you naughty boy. Kid: *has put the blindfold on her, stands behind her, already unbuttoning her shirt* "My naughty girl~" stocking: *soft shudder and sigh* Kid: *his hand rubs along her bare stomach as he lowers the shirt off of her* stocking: ahh.... Kid: *his hand lowers further down, his fingers just tugging under her pants, as he kisses along her shoulders* stocking: mnh~<3 Kid: *one hand unhooks her bra, the other unbuttons her pants* stocking: kid, fuck... =///T Kid: *whispers in her ear* "I'll have to hurry...Do you mind handcuffs?" stocking: please do. Kid: *has removed her bra, puts on the handcuffs...pulls down her pants and underwear at once* "Oh, nice color today..." stocking: ah~ f-festive, right? Kid: "Quite~" *walks her forward* "Watch your step...I'm going to set you on your knees..." *he has already set up her 'gift,' as she feels her knees resting on pillows--and something long and hard right in front of her sex* stocking: mmmmn~ *shaking her rear a bit* Kid: *rubs her bottom* "Your 'gift' is ready...I just need to put it in..." stocking: oh _fuck_ yes... Kid: "Then get ready..." *guides her to lower herself onto the device, its length sliding into her...* stocking: *moan* Kid: "And now..." *she hears a click--and hears a vibration that is sent into her and up into her core* stocking: a-ahhhhh~<3 Kid: *he is behind her, his hands sliding up her sides* "And that's the _low_ setting~" stocking: f-for the love of god, let me suck you off. Kid: "Very well...Just one moment~" *turns the setting up higher...before he stands pantsless in front of her, as he guides her mouth to him...* stocking: *taking him into her mouth, licking* Kid: *moans* "G-Gah...Hee hee...T-Tickles..." -elsewhere-
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