#personally I'm just not interested in pregnancy tropes in general lol
flopgirlsummer · 9 months
still in denial about the more or less confirmed mpreg narrative. I have somehow trojan-horsed myself by believing they wouldn't go all-in with the omegaverse, when they have literally slapped us across the face with that plot line within the first three minutes of the first episode
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suzukiblu · 9 months
It feels a little weird and awkward to say this but thank you? For doing so much accidental baby acquisition/baby acquisition stuff in general? Its kinds always been my favourite thing to both read and write (has consistently been for over 10 years now) but people seem to majorly have a thing against it (especially when the parents are teens, which like, kinda fair because thats not SUPPOSED to happen irl, but thats also what makes it so interesting to explore in fiction yknow? Especially as a teen pregnancy baby myself) so I always feel very discouraged from writing that stuff. People go on and on about "kids not being a mandatory life step that everyone wants to do, stop giving these characters kids" and I'm just sitting here, absolutely certain I'll never want kids myself, wanting to explore the topic in fiction, and feeling super hurt by that. Why cant those people just leave it alone if they don't like it? What happened to dont like dont read? Why do they have to pick on people who write these topics?
That got a little venty, sorry
Anyways, I just really want to thank you for writing kidfics so often, as weird as that is. I've only been following you for a month but its already made me start feeling better about my own writing and favourite tropes. Its dumb to let assholes get to me, but they do start wearing you down after 10 years yknow?
Thank you, I'm so glad you're liking my stuff! And don't sweat it on the venting, I get it, lol. Sometimes you just gotta vent some.
Honestly I was kinda meh on kidfic/baby acquisition fics when I was younger and tended to go the "don't like/don't read" route on them myself, but these days it's just kinda helpful to be able to get out some of my feels about both how I was parented and how I'm very unlikely to ever BE a parent despite having previously wanted to, so like, accidental baby acquisition especially has just been REALLY vibing with me as a genre. Like--in the sense of if I ever end up with a kid myself, it almost definitely will BE unplanned and accidental, and also in the sense of my feelings about the idea of making a very deliberate Choice about being a parent, as opposed to just kinda doing it as another checklist item on the list of expected things you just do as you go through life.
Also I'm glad to hear you're feeling better about your writing, it's nice to hear I could help with something like that. ❤ I've been very lucky with the reception I've gotten for my stuff, generally speaking my readers either just don't engage with what they're not into or tell me "hey I'm not even into this, but actually I really enjoyed the way you did it once I tried it". So like, usually I prescribe to the theory of writing about things I care about and trying to be honest and not self-censor too much about the feelings and thoughts I have on those topics, and just try to let my audience find me via tags and word of mouth. If there's people who aren't into my preferred genres, then they can just go play in their own corner of the sandbox and I'll play in mine.
Plus fuck it, man, I just like writing cute kids and also working out personal trauma and helping other people just, like, get the catharsis of reading a healthy parent-child relationship. It just feels good, y'know?
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Trope Game
Thanks to @marlowe-zara for tagging me. This one looks like it could be both fun AND controversial lol!
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
• -10 -> very dissuaded
• 0 - don't care either way
• 10 -> very enticed
• nope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional.
Age Gap: -5 depending on context
If its human. If the age gap involves one party who is either a child, a teenager, or a young adult, and the other party is much older, then I'm not gonna read it. If its a Twilight situation where a 200 year old vampire is grooming a teenage girl, I'm not gonna read it. If however, it involves an immortal billions of year old character, who looks like an adult human, and their lover is a consenting adult human, then age gap is meaningless. (Aka Twilight wouldn't have been creepy if Bella was in her fucking twenties or older okay)
Codependency: 3
I mean I don't really care if it's a theme or not, but codependency tends to be a huge element in the canon for most of my ships - see Crowley x Aziraphale, Dean x Cas, Nandor x Guillermo. etc.
Enemies to lovers: 7
Yeah this is good. This is fun. We love a good enemies to lovers trope!
Enemies With Benefits: 6
Prob wouldn't read a long fic about it but an under 5k porny one shot hells yes!
Fake Dating/Relationship: 4
I used to enjoy this in Destiel fics specifically where it was canonverse and Dean and Cas had to pretend to be a couple for a case. I loved that. But outside of that specific ship and context, I dunno if I'm all that bothered. Depends on the summary and the general context.
Found Family: 8
So long as we aren't talking Avengers fanfiction lmao. It works really well for those certain fics where loneliness is clearly a contributing factor in the protagonists issues.
Friends to Lovers: 9
I mean, its basically my fave dynamic in canon so of course I'm gonna love it in fanfic.
Friends with Benefits: 3
I mean, I'm a romantic, so I prefer fanfics to at least hint towards the pairing developing more, so if the fic is clearly just a friends with benefits trope with no hints for possible future development I might be turned off. If its a trope as part of a wider story arc though I'm all for it (love those GOmens fics where they've secretly been friends with benefits for centuries but they are both idiots who are also madly in love with each other - ooh same for Dreamling actually)
Hurt/Comfort: 9
I eat that shit up. lol
Love Triangle: -5
I'm not gonna read it unless the summary is really compelling.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0
Meh, it's unlikely to swing me either way unless there are other tropes included to entice or repell me.
Monster Fu... Relationship: 4
I don't mind it. But only in certain contexts. It's not my kink, but I'm all for Monster Fucker fics where the trope could realistically fit the pairing. (Dreamling does this well actually, It's the first pairing I've come across in a long time where I think it works because Dream is canonically quite monstrous when he wants to be.)
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc.: 0
depends on context, summary, and other tags. I'm not that interested in this trope either way on its own.
Opposites (like grumpy x sunshine, etc): 9
I can't help it i'm a slut for this trope. Just look at GOmens, look at OFMD - then again its more like aesthetic opposites than personality opposites. There has to be a "meeting in the middle" ultimately.
Poly: -3
Sorry, I'm a monogomous bitch and I like my ships to be the same way (except for those slutty slutty vampires actually)
Pregnancy: -9
Usually a hard nope. But I didn't give it a hard nope just BECAUSE there was that one Dreamling fic that I read which actually worked really well because it was technically a magical pregnancy that didn't include any actual biological childbirth, no one was actually pregnant, no ones body changed to accomodate a baby, and no one had to go through the process of physically pushing a baby out of their body. But yeah pregnancy and childbirth of the human kind are complete nopes for me. I will not read pregnancy fics - whether mpreg or regular preg or anything else. I don't wanna hear about pregnancy, or labour, or anything like that. its just a huge squick of mine.
Second Chance: 0
Meh. Its not gonna influence me either way
Sex to Feelings: 4
This is alright. Friends with benefits that develop feelings yeah? So like what I was saying above. But it was overused in romcoms in the early 2000s so Its gotta be compelling to pique my interest.
Slowburn: 6
I like it, but I like it when the pacing is decent. If its glacially slow I might get bored. If its slow burn because the fic is 600k words and they only get together in the last 10,000 words I'm likely to get annoyed with it. It's gotta be real good at keeping the story interesting, keeping the drama going, and keeping the sexual and romantic tension on point.
Soulmates: -8
I don't like it. This is all those soulmate AUs where it'll be something like "you are born with a tattoo of your soulmates name... etc" I dunno why it just doesn't compell me and I prefer stories where the characters come together despite the odds.
Tagging: @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site @tickldpnk8 @just-cosmere-fan @academicblorbo @notallsandmen and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure though!
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marley-manson · 1 year
sex pollen, hurt/comfort, unrequited love, mutual pining, mpreg, fake dating
Thank you!!
sex pollen
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I'm in favour of it, though it depends on the circumstances. Porn with the focus on desperate horniness? Good. A focus on the dubcon? Good. Quick and easy get together scenario? Good. But if it's a way to get two people to fuck followed by several scenes/chapters of awkwardness and regret before they actually clear the air and get together that's more of a pass for me.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I like the hurt part, I tend to lose interest when it comes to the comfort part. I find that the main appeal there is usually the fantasy of a perfect partner who will do everything right and drop everything to care for the person who suffered's every need, and it's a vibe that wigs me out a little. On the other hand it's one of my favourite things if the comforter like, kinda sucks lol, and does the wrong thing sometimes, or makes things worse, or it's just awkward and difficult for everyone involved.
unrequited love
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I usually love it. If it's a ship I prefer one-sidedly it kicks ass and I rub my hands together gleefully while reading it, and if it's a ship I prefer as a happily ever after ship, then it's ideal angst for when I'm in a certain kind of mood, and one of the few tropes nearly guaranteed to make me cry lol. As long as it's not just shoved in as a prelude to a ship I don't like, ofc.
mutual pining
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Solid fundamental trope right here. It can be written annoyingly, eg contrived misunderstandings, badly paced slowburn, but when it's good it's top tier.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I've never been able to get into it, whether it's a magic/sci-fi scenario, mundane but shh don't ask how, or omegaverse. I mean pregnancy isn't my thing in general, I don't enjoy it in f/f or het either, so it just follows that mpreg wouldn't do it for me. Get that man an IUD.
fake dating
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Can definitely be a lot of fun, but not something I'll go out of my way for, and often depends on the author. imo it's best if it's a ship with tension, like enemies, rivals, or ascerbic friends. Ooh you know what the best mash ship for this would be? Hawnk. Or Charhawk. Charles decides to come out to his family even if it means being disinherited bc he's finally decided to live his truth, but he doesn't actually have a partner and he needs to bring one home to drive the point home. Or Frank shows up in Boston and crashes on Hawkeye's couch after his divorce because he's so much of a sadsack that Hawkeye's his best remaining friend and Hawkeye can't throw him out, and Hawkeye's gay friends assume they're fucking so Hawkeye plays it up to mess with Frank, but then they invited to a couples-only thing or something that he wants to go to for... some reason idk I'm spitballing here. The point is this would be comedy gold.
Send me a Trope and I’ll rate it!
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
Just a random thought but what are fic troupes that give you the ick and troupes you absolutely eat up 👀
Ooooooh, this is a really interesting question! I don't know if there are any tropes that full on give me the ick -- but I have zero interest in A/B/O, Hanahaki Disease, and Soulmate AU fics. I'm also not particularly interested in historical/period pieces. It's not like I'll write off a good fic just because it has one of these aspects, but it does have to be pretty good for me to get invested.
Tropes that I love though? Oh let me count the ways. Idiots to Lovers/Bad at Feelings is a real personal favorite of mine. Enemies to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Unexpected Pregnancy, and Fake Relationships are great too -- situational comedy in general. And damn, do ya'll know that I LOVE some hurt/comfort.
I also just really love some good comedy -- especially in sex scenes. Romance and passion and intensity is great, but also, let's be real, sex is just embarrassing and hilarious a lot of the time - and above all else it's supposed to be fun. So I love it when I can have fun reading a sex scene too. But I also love when things get serious in a story. When characters learn and grow from each other, when they have a meaningful impact on each other's lives outside of just falling in love.
...although, I don't know if that's so much a trope or just good writing lol.
Aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs and sex pollen. That's some good shit right there.
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mad-hunts · 3 months
shipping meme!
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between: i think that it would be interesting to do a blend between these two, where we could maybe lay some groundwork down regarding their dynamic / a possible ship between them that would detail what each of us might like to see out of it and/or how we could envision them either becoming an item (sorry, i just love that term for two people who're each other's significant other LOL), or becoming one once again if you'd like to go with the exes route or the second chance one. but then we would kind of wing it from there... however, with having a general idea as to where we want to go with their dynamic, if that makes any sense. though IDK,, perhaps it's because i've been seeing so many edits for ships who were exes but rekindled their relationship with each other that i feel like that'd have potential to be a kind of fun dynamic for wanda and barton, but also sad at the same time (,:
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( AHHH, hiii, itzel! thank you so much for sending this in and possibly being interested in shipping with barton :D it honestly made me so happy to see this pop up in my inbox, because i absolutely ADORE your account and your portrayal of wanda!! but yeah. with all of that said, i just wanted to let you know that two of barton's most negative traits are ones that i have pictured possibly interfering with his romantic relationships before, and this is that he can be closed-minded in a way / stubborn.
and i say in a way for closed-minded because he is kinddd of selective (okay, he can be REALLY selective, ngl haha) whenever it comes to accepting other people's opinions of things. so i could imagine that it could take him a bit to actually believe that a hero and a villain could be together since... well, they would more likely than not have a conflict of ideology going on there + i could NOT imagine that wanda would agree with a lot of things that barton does if she learned just how terrible of a person he really is (,: and that's honestly completely understandable so i'm not trying to like say she'd be bad for not agreeing with it.
i just think that they would probably have to come to a solution where barton either doesn't bring his 'work' up around her, and/or maybe depending on how attached he is to her, he could make an effort to cut all of the bad things he does down. but yeah,,, i think it could be interesting, like i said before, if you'd be interested in doing something with an ex like dynamic with them as we could make up like a whole history for them and stuff! but you don't have to, of course. so TOTALLY feel free to hmu in IM's here and ask for my disc if you want, or just talk to me there or in the comments here as to what kind of things you'd maybe want to explore between them yourself.
i like to think that i'm pretty open whenever it comes to potential dynamics, so if there is one here that i didn't check as a 'definitely' (in bold) or a maybe (in italics), then feel free to tell me and we could talk about it! but i am honestly very excited to roleplay with you more and i just want to let you know that although barton can ABSOLUTELY be an arsehole and hard to deal with: whenever it comes to romance, it tends to bring out the best version of him, though i have to say that things probably would be a little rocky at least on his end in the beginning because of the reasons i stated above. )
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myevilmouse · 3 years
Hello there!! 😍💙
May I ask 💰 💡 💋 for the Fanfic Ask Game?
🤗PS Have a nice weekend!😊
Thank you so much for the ask @ele-millennial-weirdo!! These were a lot of fun! I appreciate the distraction--and it definitely is contributing to a nice end of my weekend (which hasn't been particularly great 💙).
💰 What’s one trope you wouldn’t write, except for money?
When I read this question, the first thing that came to mind was EASILY mpreg. It just shot into my brain at hyperspeed, as like yeah no thank you. So I had to make sure it counted as a trope because sometimes I still feel like I'm learning in this crazy fanfic world 😁 But yeah, I am squicked by all things pregnancy in RL and DEF don't have any interest in writing a pregnant Luke or Thrawn but but but if someone was going to pay me to do it, I might be able. I can just imagine it now: the phone rings...I don't recognize the number. It's Kathleen Kennedy on the other end of the line: EVILMOUSE, she breathes in her best 'we're gonna please the investors' voice, THE GALAXY NEEDS MPREG and YOU HAVE TO WRITE IT! Here's a blank check. Now go make Luke impregnate his clone or something. And I, trying so hard not to tarnish the legacy of my favorite Jedi, succumb to the lure of Disney Dollars. "It's all fanfic anyway," I tell myself, "and it'll really be Jake and not Luke shhh." Mark Hamill supports me completely, and we commiserate over blue milk backstage at Galaxy's Edge when my screenplay debuts, with Max Lloyd Jones playing opposite Sebastian Stan because they decided why the hell not give the fans what they want for change, completely missing the point.
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Oh my that got long. But yeah, mpreg. No kink shaming, just very much not my thing.
💡 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
While it’s not weird in general to be inspired by music, I’m going to have to say the weirdest thing I’ve been inspired to write was instigated by @ap-trash-compactor who mentioned a Billy Joel song in passing on the Thryce Discord as having Thryce vibes and my psychotic muse went off on a Sunday afternoon bender, resulting in Thryce:  The Musical, using all Billy Joel songs and inspired by her fic A Dealer In Hope.  For more on that madness you can ready my Trivia Tuesday about it here, and despite having only 14 kudos, I still am proud of it.  It’s insane and it was made for an audience of two (me and my sister who loves Billy Joel and knows nothing about Thryce) so that’s 14 kudos more than I expected 💙 
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💋 Fuck marry kill 3 of your own fics (asker’s choice of fics).
I love this question, an excellent exercise, and since you didn’t give me three fics, I get to pick them myself!  
Fuck:  COPY THAT.  I mean, it’s a Luke Skywalker AND his four clones gangbang, I just can’t imagine anything better (or I would have written that instead lol).  With all those hunks around, I can share with Mara, no problem.  Definitely the most fuckable of my fics.
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Marry:  Oh I would marry any of my Luke fics--he’s such a dream--but I guess I am going to go with COMFORTABLE, which is an old married Skywalkers one-shot and it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.  I’m answering this not from like the fic that is my fave POV, but the fic that would give me the best happy ever after to live in it/marry it, and this is definitely it. Master Skywalker is wonderful (and hot).
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Kill:  I love all my fics (or else why write ‘em?!) but perhaps the one I’m least attached to on a personal level is PROXY, which is my Ventress/Luke.  It was written because I have an ongoing mission of Luke x All The Ladies and I am quite fond of Ventress, plus we had the Luke Deserves All The Blowjobs Challenge.  So...Yeah.  A lot of reasons to write it.  And I like it OK but it’s the one that would be least upsetting if it got killed.  Goodbye, loving descriptions of Luke’s *cough* mansaber and overused pronouns!
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This was a wonderful distraction and I am grateful to you for it!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend too @ele-millennial-weirdo!  Sorry these answers were sort of light on our evil blue stud 💙😘
Anyone else want to ask? The list is here.
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