#personally I only eat home made always but that's because I'm allergic to most food
thesinglesock · 2 years
I'm curious about this in general but also about how much this is a cultural thing or not, so if you vote please reblog with your answer and where you're from in the tags
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Day 12
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The days after finding water we're pretty chill, minus finding out that Jeanette's body was gone. There was still some obvious tension between you and Toni and Toni and Martha and Shelby. You hadn't really interacted with either Toni or Shelby in the past few days either, opting to hang around Fatin. You hadn't talked to Toni because you didn't know what to say after the argument the two of you had and you had revealed your feelings for her in front of everyone. Shelby on the other head, had seemed to be the one ignoring you... Well maybe not ignoring she was just very short with you which was totally against her personality. You all had also made a schedule, seeing as you were going to be here for a while. Everyone got one chore a day and every once and a while a day off. Today happened to be your day off and you were glad, your chest pains had been happening more often and that concerned you.
It also concerned you that you didn't know when you would be rescued. The hospital, who was against the retreat but couldn't exactly do anything about it, had given you medication to help with your problem. It was enough pills for three weeks, just in case, but they had been lost like the rest of your stuff. You had checked the pilot bag that held all the medical stuff you guys had but it didn't have what you were looking for either. You've managed to hide coughing up blood by coughing into the elbow of you red shirt or spitting it out while in the woods. You had also been losing your appetite, which has been harder to hide. You'd force down some food and pretend like it was a lot so the other wouldn't worry. But today, luckily, you were starving and prepared to fully eat whatever Rachel brought for food.
"Let's feast!" You hear a Rachel suddenly yell as she stand on top of a little hill, carrying what looks to be a big amount of food. You stood up and attached your leg before joining everyone around the fire. You watch, mouth watering, as Dot cooks all the mussels over the fire. When they're done cooking, the mussels are laid out in a big pile in the middle. Everyone stared at the pile wondering who will go first, since they all understood how little food they had been finding the past couple days. "Eat as much as you want guys, there was enough of them to fill 3 more bags. I just ran out of room." At Rachel's words you all dive in and eat the mussels, except for Shelby. "Why aren't you eating any?" Leah asks as she looks suspiciously at Shelby. Not this again. You think as you eat your tenth mussel, what could you say you were hungry.
"I'm actually allergic to shellfish. Ate one at a birthday party and my throat swelled up like a balloon." Shelby responded as she watched everyone else eat. "That's rough." You say as you grab 3 more mussels. "Damn y/n. Is it good?" Fatin asks jokingly as she grabs another mussels for herself. You roll your eyes and let out a chuckle as you flip her off before grabbing more food. "You know what this looks like..." Toni says, grabbing everyone's attention with a smirk. You mentally facepalm because you know exactly where this is going. "A pussy!" Nora yells out causing everyone to laugh, the girl had definitely come out of her shell more the past few days. Toni nods her head before licking the mussels shell provocatively. "I bet y/n knows what that feels like!" Dot yells out causing everyone to make an "ooo" sound like kids when their peer got in trouble. You and Toni's face both heated up at Dots words and you made sure to give her a hardy punch in the shoulder.
"Can you all stop!?" Shelby suddenly yells out causing everyone to freeze and look at her questioningly. "Shelby, chill out we are just having some fun." Dot says, not really understanding what all the fuss was about. "I am chill, I just don't find that very amusing." Shelby responded, her voice getting a little harsher when she says the word that. "What do you mean by that?" Toni asks as she send you a quick look and you almost immediately understood where this was going. The look was one you or Toni would give the other when known homophobes where in the area or if the two knew you were being judge for doing pda. Was this why Shelley had been short with you the past few days? You did not like where this was going and neither did Toni. "Just... pornographic gestures. I'm from a very Christian home and no one ever does things like that."
You wanted to believe Shelby, you really did, but it explained why you always felt this weird vibe from her. "Don't lie Shelby, I always knew I felt some sort of vibe from you, it's clear now what it was. Toni and I have felt that vibe enough times to know what you really mean." You say, glaring at Shelby. "What... What are you guys trying to say?" Martha asks getting worried now. She knew what you meant when you said vibe, you and Toni had both told her about it. "She's a fucking homophobe." Toni spits out glaring at Shelby. You nod you head in agreement, putting back the mussels you had picked up before all this started. Martha's eyes go wide and she sends a Shelby a pleasing look, hoping she'll deny what Toni had just said.
"Look..." Shelby says as she lets out a big sigh. "I have no hate in my heart for y'all. It was just that I was taught that that way of life is a sin." Toni immediately jumps up and point her finger angrily at Shelby, "Why you little..." Toni was too mad to even finish her sentence. Martha had dropped her head in disappointment and let Fatin wrap and arm around her in comfort. The rest of the girls were just watching as everything unfolded. "I feel sorry—" Shelby starts to say, digging her into an even deep hole. "Fuck you." Toni interrupts her before storming off, you nod your head repeatedly in agreement, not looking at anyone as you finish putting your leg on and following after Toni.
"Toni. Toni. Toni!" You yell as you follow the girl. "Goddamn leg... Goddamn sand..." You mumble as you follow Toni down the beach. Luckily, she does finally stop after she deemed that she was far away enough to breathe. Toni kicks the sand angrily, as she stares out into the water. "I can't fucking believe this, no I can I just hoped..." Toni trails off as she wraps her arm around herself. You walk up to her and wrap your arms around her in a comforting hug, "I know, I know..." "We just get so much shit at home..." Toni trails off as she lets herself relax into your hug. "I know." You say again because that's all you can say. You relax for a few minutes before you get hit with a sudden nausea.
"Oh fuck." You mumble out as you unwrap from around Toni and throw up near the two of you. "Y/n?" Toni reacts in shock as she watches you kneel over as you try and spit out the taste of vomit and blood. Toni ends up turning around to throw up as well. "I didn't know you were a sympathetic puker..." You try and joke as you take deep breathes and slowly lay in the sand, feelin exhausted from throwing up. Toni wiped her mouth before turning back around, "C'mon, we can't stay here the heat wont help at all." Toni says as she pulls you to your feet, trying to ignore how she slowly started feeling worse. Toni has to practically drag your body back towards camp. "Help!" She yelled out as soon as she saw people and Fatin came running over. She took your other arm and most of the weight so Toni could relax some.
Luckily, the other girls seemed to be doing better than you and Toni. Both you and Toni were splayed out on the ground with Martha sitting near by as the other girls moved around the camp doing whatever.  "Come on, lay on your side y/n." Martha mumbles worriedly as she listens to your labored breathing. Toni was at least a little more responsive and had tried to swallow water, while you didn't even react to someone moving your body. "Fuck, she's getting worse..." Dot said as she walked up to check on the three of you. "Where the hell is Leah with that medicine!?" Fatin almost yelled as she looked between you and Toni. Right as she said that, Leah broke through the tree line and ran towards Dot. "Why are they all dirty?" Dot yells out as she roots through the bag. "Only 2? I thought we had 3, I know we had 3!" Dot pulls out two tablets of halophen. "It's obvious who needs them the most." Shelby stated as she sat a little ways away from the group unfold. Dot bites her lip and looks at Martha, "Martha, you good?" "Yeah, I'll take a Pepto."
Dot nods her head and turns towards Fatin and hands her one of the tablets, "Figure out a way for her to take it." Fatin nods her head as she looks down at you. "Toni, I'm going to need you to take this." Shelby said as she took the other halophen tab from Dot. "I'm not taking shit from you." Toni says as angrily as she can. "It'll save your life Toni. Take the damn pill." "Should Shelby really be the one doing this." Rachel questions. "Am I not allowed to help her!?" Shelby says exasperatedly. She climbed on top of Toni and held her nose closed until she opened her mouth. As soon as she did, she stuff the pill in her mouth and covered it, forcing her to swallow. Shelby got off of Toni and turned her attention to you, ignoring how the other girls were looking at her.
"Have you gotten her to take it yet?" Fatin shakes her head no, "She's barely reacting to anything. I'm surprised she's still conscious." The girls sat silent for moment contemplating what to do. They start to panic when you cough up more blood. "Here, give it to me." Dot says as she snatches the tab and a nearby rock. She starts to crush the tab up as much as possible. "Just pour some in front of her nose and breath deep." The other girls don't really question Dot's idea and just follow what she says. "C'mon y/n, just one big breath and then you'll start to feel better."
You were leaning heavily against Toni as you and all the girls sat around the fire. You were still exhausted from today's earlier event. Luckily, they associated you coughing up blood to throwing up to much and you didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise. No one knew about what was wrong with you except for the people at the hospital and yourself. You were finally clear to sleep by Dot because she wanted to make sure the meds had actually worked and that you wouldn't fall asleep just to never wake up again. You were almost asleep when Toni suddenly stands up yelling Martha's name and running over to her. You shake yourself awake and shakily stand up to see what was happening. Your heart stopped when you noticed that Martha had fallen and made no attempts at getting back up.
"Toni you were dying!" "Who cares? I don't matter! fuck, I don't matter. I don't fucking matter."
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lorenzodemedisi · 5 years
Won’t Forget You.
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Steve Rogers x Rachel Summers (Earth-818)
Rachel Summers was beyond the state of shock when the famous Captain America felt from the sky and burst open her ceiling to plunge hard on her living room’s floor. She’s been alone for so long that she completely forgot that in the outside world life was going by. Little did she know that by helping the super soldier in great needs she would yield her own shell in front of the bluest eyes and a killer smile.
FLUFF, Fluffy, Fluff and a bit of Angst! ( wow i’m shocked )
That’s right I'm writing a fluff piece for a change, I'm impressed with myself. My anxiety and depressive ass can be happy sometimes *O*. Anyway, this one-shot will probably evolve into a series...Maybe. But, I fell in love with Rachel Summers when I was reading an X-Men comic last summer and I really wanted to see more of her but there isn’t so much stuff about this character, so here I am, writing a Steve x Rachel. if you want more information about her, here’s a link or just ask me. As always thank you very much for reading, it means a lot to me. Don’t hesitate to give your thoughts, comments, and feedback! I hope you enjoy my fluffy piece. 
A lots of Love. Lex. xxx
Steve Rogers groaned, exhausted and wounded, he felt a cold cloth wiping his forehead. He tried to move his head and opened his eyes, feeling a soft cushion behind him.
« Don’t move. » A soft and feminine voice instructed him. « Your injuries are pretty bad, it’s better if you don’t move. »
But Steve will have none of it. Opening his eyes, he growled low and deep when his vision hit the soft light coming from the rustic windows and a blurred sight of a red-haired woman.
« N-Natasha? » Steve whispered closing eyes, feeling a huge headache creeping inside his brain. « I wished. » The woman chuckled softly, putting the wet cloth in the small bowl on the bedside table. As she saw Steve turning his head toward her, the woman frowned. « I told you, not to move soldier. Don’t let me uses my power on you. » She scolded her eyes becoming gold but when Steve smiled at her words, they turned into a soft blue again destabilized by his reaction, she sighed. « You sound like her. » Steve informed her, his voice raspy and tired. He frowned closing his eyes « W-Where am I? » He asked. « In a safe place. » The woman whispered, looking at the soldier wounds on his hand. « And why… » Steve swallowed, licking his lips. All his body was hurting like hell. Which is good right? It meant that he was healing. « A-And why should I trust you? » He asked, turning his head once again toward the stranger.
He opened his eyes, seeing more clearer, he met her deep and clear blue sight. She was red-haired and a halo of light was around her head, making her looked like an angel. She smiled softly, her eyes were bright and her skin seemed smooth and soft like silk. She was beautiful.
« Because I didn’t kill you when you burst through my ceiling in the middle of the night. » The woman replied shrugging her shoulders.
She smiled one more time before raising from the chair taking the bowl filled with dirty water and leave the room where Steve, tired, get back to sleep. He was badly wounded. Rachel didn’t know from where he came from, but last night he just fell from the sky and dropped on the ground of her living room, making a huge hole on her cabin’s ceiling. Bloody and unconscious, she took him in. Because that was the right thing to do.
Steve Rogers woke up a few hours later, feeling better. Opening his eyes, fully this time, he could see that he was lying on a bed, in a small but very well-decorated room. The walls were only woods, with very beautiful paintings tied on them. The light was less bright and the sun was still up. He put himself on a seating position and looked at all his injuries. His hands were bruised raw, and he felt his ribs burning a bit. His headache was just a dull feeling at this point, and a few cuts on his arms and legs but nothing that his body won’t heal alone. As the door open, Steve took the green sheet, and cover his naked chest seeing the pretty woman from earlier enter with a food tray in her hand. She laughed looking at his reserved reactions. If only he knew what she had to do, in order to help him heal him last night, she thought shaking her head.
« Don’t be such a prude, Captain » She chuckled putting the tray on the bedside table next to him. « Who are you? » Steve asked dead serious, his tone hard. He was thinking fast. Well, as fast as his brain could allow him right now.
He already had spotted the potential threat in the room and possible exit. The woman, even though she seemed really nice and pretty, was a potential threat.
« I’m Rachel. » She smiled, extending a glass of water to him. « Only a few, sip.» She advised him. « I made chicken soup and garlic bread. I hope you not allergic to either of those. » She winced, tucking on her long blue skirt.
Steve looked warily at the food, but his stomach betrayed him as it growled with hunger.
« I can’t get allergies, thanks to the serum. » He informed her, siping his drink. « Right. » Rachel nodded, then took a seat at her usual spot next to the bed. «Do you remember what happened last night? » She asked gently passing him the hot bowl of soup.
Steve shook his head as he put the glass on the small table and took the hot dish in his hand. He took the spoon Rachel offered him and start to take a hot and huge mouthful of the food. He hummed surprised by the delicious and amazing taste of the meal. Rachel chuckled softly seeing him enjoyed what she had prepared.
« Well, according to the news, you and your amazing friends were attacked on your Quinjet last night. It seemed that it was a terrorist group, named H.Y.D.R.A, I think. » Rachel explained to him, watching him eat.
Steve stopped to move, the spoon mid-air as he remembered everything that occurred last night. His team, the Avengers were going home from a successful attack on an H.Y.D.R.A base, and then dozens of men coming from nowhere attacked them, blowing a hole on the small plane. He remembered sending Nat and Clint to safety inside of two Stark’s capsule thing - it was like a small plane for one person. Thor took the fight outside flying in the sky taking most of the men with him. Tony putting on the suit followed the God. And Bruce took this unfortunate moment to change into the Hulk, compromising the all plane already in a wreck. At that point, Steve had already taken down, most of the remaining men. But the Quinjet was crashing, with the weight and angriness of the Hulk. Steve's only way out, was to jump out of it before it exploded on the ground. He remembered jumping, falling and then nothing. He looked up, his eyes catching Rachel’s gold one. He blinked once and they were back into their original blue one.
« Whoah! You guys can surely make every battle into an epic fight. » She muttered, amazed. « What? » Steve frowned. With his super-hearing, he had heard every word the red-haired woman had whispered. « What? » She exclaimed a little bit louder. « I mean, don’t you want to call someone. I don’t know, any member of your Team, perhaps? » She smiled, licking her lips. « Yeah, sure. » Steve suspiciously watched her. And then he remembered the conversation they had earlier « Don’t let me uses my power on you. » She had said to him. Taking a mouthful of the soup, Steve, almost, forget his thought. Tasting the salty and flavorsome soup on his tongue. « But after I finished this miracle. » He hummed taking another spoon.
Rachel discreetly sighted. She had almost been busted.
« Stay put. » Maria Hill advised him. How could Steve stayed put? Half of his team was M.I.A. Apparently, Clint was badly injured, his pod crashing on some rocks or something and Maria Hill told him to « stay put » when he called her through the phone and she said that she will call him when she would have more information. Steve will have none of it. Raising, he put back his undershirt lying at the foot of the bed. He walked difficulty but with purpose to the open door but froze dead in his tracks. He was completely and utterly shocked to see this woman, Rachel flying. Yes, she was flying her body floating in the air, her head raised and inspecting the huge hole, oddly it looked just like his body, on the ceiling. Steve caught the sight of his shield, resting next to the chimney. He took it, without making any sound, but he didn’t know about the second wooden plate next to the blue carpet who creak loudly once you step on it. Rachel heard it, lost control of her levitation, and dropped dead on the ground. She aimed the couch, falling on it hard then bounced once and put her feet on the ground.
« Are you insane, sneaking on people like that? » She yelled, outraged. « You will tell me who you are right now before I knocked you to the ground. » Steve command in his Captain's voice, raising his shield in attacking mode and making a fist of his other hand.
He looked dangerous, in front of Rachel who gasped seeing the huge metal disc being waved in front of her face. She backed away raising her hands in front of her chest, protection mode, and bite her lips.
« Ok, ok. I will tell you everything, but please, Captain, put the shield down! » She exclaimed, making a move toward the ground. « Are you with H.Y.D.R.A? » He asked making a stepped toward her. « No! » She cried out, making a stepped back. She took a deep breath, understanding that he won’t let go of his shield. « My name is Rachel. Rachel Anne Summers and I’m a mutant. I know I will sound completely crazy but - » She licked her lips, her hands were shaking a little. « Try me, I’ve seen a lot of crazy and weird stuff happened. » Steve encouraged watching her warily, up and down. « I’m not from this reality ok? » She sighed. She looked at him frowned and tucked her skirt into her hand. « There is a lot of alternatives reality where, alternate us, exist and have done other choices than we do in our own reality. For example,  where I’m from you are dead. » She explained, shrugging her shoulders. « What? I-m…» Steve stuttered, shocked by the revelation Rachel was telling him.   « Yes, that’s a story for another day, but all you really need to know is that: I’m a mutant and I have powers. » She stated flexing her fingers a bit. « Like flying? » Steve asked nodding at the open ceiling above them. « It’s a little bit more complicated than that. » She grimaced a little thinking about all the Phoenix subject and her statue as an Omega Mutant.  « I need to seat down. » Steve informed her, his head throbbing with his headaches from his injuries but also because of thinking too hard. 
Aliens, alternate realities, H.Y.D.R.A… the modern world was being more and more complicated. He was about to seat down on the couch, putting his shield on the floor but a boiling sound made Rachel jumped on her feet and clapped her hands together.
« Not here, Captain, the milk is ready! » She exclaimed pulling on Steve arm’s for him to rise from his spot. « I don’t understand, why I can’t seat here if the milk is ready. » He frowned feeling his headache returned in full force.
Rachel smiled before walking through a door behind the couch under the bewildered look of the Captain.
Steve faintly smiled as he now understood better the excitement of the woman. Seating on the porch of the small cabin next to Rachel, he sighed. Oddly for him, he was happy. A hot cocoa mug in his hand and the beautiful sunset behind the breathtaking landscape of woods was a quiet and enjoyable moment. Rachel smiled seeing him smiling and took a sip of her beverage. It was one of her tradition when the sunset came, she sat alone on the stairs of her porch and watched the beautiful scenery with hot cocoa and only the quiet sound of the wood for company. 
« What’s a mutant? » Steve asked after a couple of minutes of silence. 
Rachel took a deep breath, maybe it was better to be alone. 
« It’s a person born with a DNA slightly different from the usual combo. » She explained looking at birds taking a flight on the pinkish sky. « It’s their DNA, that gave mutant power. It’s completely random, a baby could be born with a mutant’s DNA whereas his parents are normal. » She turned her head to looked at him. « Unlike you Captain, I was born with my super-powers, thanks to mom and dad. They were mutant. » She took a sip of her drink, winking at Steve who only grinned. « Why are you here then? And not on your own Earth? » Steve asked, putting his cup on the wooden floor. « War happened, people who didn’t understand the mutant, killed us or imprisoned us. » She revealed dropping her eyes on his cup. She huffed seeing he had already finished his drink. « I’m kind of familiar with that. » Steve raised his eyebrows, resting his back again the pillar behind him. « My parents where afraid for me, so, with the help of another mutant, they just send me here. I was eleven. » Rachel bit her lips, feeling the tears threatening to fall on her cheeks, but she held them, not wanting to cry. « I was taken by Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D organizations, that’s how I know Natasha Romanov. » Rachel revealed, nodding her head.
She took a sip of her drink, looking at the trees in front of her house. Soon she would have to cut some of them because of the Winter coming. Steve was surprised, he knew Fury had some very odd and mind-blowing secrets of his own, but he didn’t imagine that kind of secret.
« And so you’ve been alone since then. I mean without your family and friends from your own reality? » Steve asked her, feeling a bit sorry for the woman who rescued him. « I don’t mind being alone. » The red-haired shrugged. « It’s when I do my best thinking. » She replied with a smile.
And I don’t have to hear all the internal thoughts of other people, she sadly reasoned.
« Yes, me too. » Steve sadly smiled, looking at the view in front of him.
It’s been a while since he didn’t just stop, and enjoy simple life things. Like a good view, a good beverage. He turned his head looking at the woman next to him who after putting her drink down had a chocolate mustache on her lips. A good company.
« You have a small something on -» Steve smiled pointing at his own lip. « What? » Rachel frowned, wiping her lips, a soft pink blush on her cheeks. She had taken most of it but not all of it. « Just- » Steve pointed his finger at her own lip, but she missed the spot again. « Wait, here. » He whispered, wiping the chocolate with his thumb, his eyes watching her.
He took his finger into his mouth licking it. Rachel's eyes went back and forth between his pink mouth to his blue eyes. She was strangely closer to him and could see a hint of green into the clear blue that was his eyes. Steve felt drowned toward her, her sweet vanilla and bit spicy scent feeling his nose. Suddenly, he felt dawned by her, and her aura. She seemed to be everything that was holding the epitome of his happiness on her lips and he had to touch them.  Rachel Summers was a mystery, some kind of girl coming from another reality. But she seemed genuine and took him in and patched him up when he felt into her house without any question ask. He didn’t know if he trusted her. He didn’t know if he could but right here, right now all Steve Rogers needed was to let go, for once and enjoyed the sweet and romantic moment. So he leaned his head toward her face as Rachel closed her eyes. He brushed hir lips, asking her, a quiet question. She felt butterflies into her stomach before pressing her mouth on his; raising her hand to softly stroke his clean-shaven cheek. Steve kissed her even more but a faint sound made her broke the kiss.
« Umm…It’s my phone and it’s probably for you. » Rachel flushed, her eyes avoiding to look at him.  « I’m gonna go answer. » He told her, before rising up and entered into the house.
Rachel took a deep breath. What was that? Eyes wide open, she shook her head and bite her lips. Putting her head on her knees she watched the sunset, a shy smile on her lips. 
I just kissed Steve Rogers!
And now, he was leaving. Rachel’s compass in one hand, and one of the many maps, Nick Fury had given to her when she moved into this small house, in his other hand. His full suit on, and his famous shield on his back, Steve was ready to join back his team. According to Maria Hill, a Quinjet piloted by Tony was waiting for him a few miles away from Rachel’s cabin. He couldn’t lend next to the red-haired woman’s house because they were some kind of shield force around her home. When Steve confronted her about it, she only shrugged turning her back to him. Steve took his helmet and put it around his face. Rachel looked at him in the dim light of her living room, the only sound was of the cover-up brushing the wood’s ceiling. The night was now set around the woods and Rachel for the first time, felt empty and lonely. Strangely, sadness filling her cores, even though she met Steve less than 24 hours ago and he’s been conscious for 5 hours of those. She liked those moments she had been with him. 
« That’s ok if I walk through this shield force. It won’t hurt me? » Steve asked suspiciously, sorting his helmet on his neck. « Why do you ask me? I don’t know anything about this shield thing. » Rachel waved vaguely her hand above her head. Steve pursed his lip, knowing deep down that she didn’t tell him all the truth about her powers. « All I can say is that you traversed it last night, just fine and without any complication. » She smiled pointing at the ceiling.
Steve chuckled softly under his breath. She was right. He licked his lips watching her fully. Wearing a long blue skirt with a white crop top, she avoided looking directly in his eyes. Rachel was the kind of woman who was independent, funny, sweet but also mysterious. And he really wanted to decipher every bit of secrecy she was hiding behind these big blue eyes.
« I’m gonna be back, you know. » Steve informed her, with a knowing smile. « No, you won’t, Captain. » She replied, sad. « But that’s ok, I won’t forget you.» She winked.
Steve laughed, before turning around and stepped outside in the cold and icy wind of the woods. She was wrong he will be back, he knew it deep down. 
Rachel Summers was again, levitating by the time Steve was back. But this time, she was flying outside next to trees, with a huge blade in one hand. Steve was looking at her, she hasn’t changed since the night he left her a few months ago. He told her he will be back and there he was. Steve needed some short but good holidays after the Ultron affairs. And after taking the lead of the new Avengers Team, he just left leaving a note to Natasha explaining that he will be back in a couple of weeks. And he couldn't think of anything better place than Rachel Summers’s cottage as a holiday location. Rachel heard a faint crack sound. Someone was there, turning quickly in the air she was ready to attack, her blade up and her fist being immersed into a faint golden mist, but she was shocked to see Captain America smirking at from below. Confused, she lost her balance and concentration and started to fall but this time there wasn’t any couch to fall on to. Rachel started to panic, crying out loud she already saw herself crushed on the floor. But then she saw the outstretched arms of Steve’s as he ran to caught her into his stronghold. Rachel’s body felt right into his figure, but her descent was fast, made the soldier lost his footing and fell to the ground, the red-haired woman above him.
« I told you to not sneak up on him, Steve! » Rachel yelled, hitting, softly his hard chest as she raised to look at his laughing face. « And I told you, I will be back. » He replied still laughing. «  Hey, Rachel, it’s the first time you called me Steve. » « What are you doing here? I saw the news! Are you ok? » She frowned looking at him, annoyed but searching for some injuries on his body.
He wasn’t wearing his suit, but a soft blue shirt and a pair of jeans. Steve looked rather normal dressed this way. Not like the bossy and always serious Captain. 
« I want to know more about your Earth, the other reality. » Steve softly smiled, pushing a stray of her long red hair behind her ear. « And also, about you. » Steve looked at her blushing under his deep gaze.
She pushed herself from his body, taking his hand into her own and lift him up.
« I told you my story if you told me yours? » She asked, crossing her arms on her chest, smiling at him. « That’s fair. » Steve conclude, taking the blade who fell next to them. « Let’s start with this. » He waved the weapon, raising an eyebrow.  « Alright. » She nodded biting her lips. « But I need hot cocoa, do you want one? » « Yes, please! » Steve almost yelled.
Rachel laughed in front of his excited face. She hasn’t forgotten him. But it seemed that he didn’t forget her either.
Tag List: @jtargaryen18​
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maretsuki · 5 years
Tagged by @jvplter - I don't usually do tag games but I'll do this one for you bc you're a bro and Ily ♡
Favorite snack? - Probably doritos bc. Doritos.
Favorite place to go on vacation? - Home. XDD I don't like travelling much, I prefer to stay at home and relax when I get the chance.
What's a song that makes you dance immediately? - Planetary (GO!). i'm not emo i swear i just love this song
Tea or coffee? What kind? - Coffee! I usually have half coffee half milk with some sugar, but only because it's super strong coffee. I hate bitter things but I'm addicted to caffeine-
Do you play an instrument? - No. Everyone who does is so talented tho and I'm just here like 'wHAT THE FUCKKK THATS BEAUTIFULLL'
What's your favorite type of personality? - Idk! I tend to like everyone as long as they're not like, a genuinely mean person--
Favorite comedian? - Torn between Bo Burnham and John Mulaney!
Gummy candy or chocolate? - oh noooooo do i have to choose??? If i had to pick one I'd have to say chocolate but I love gummies too--
What did you 'want to be when you grew up' as a kid? - I used to want to be an artist, now I'm working on being an author :3
What's your favorite physical feature about yourself? - Idk, ig my hair is nice sometimes??? I don't like the way I look fbnr
When was the last time you watched a show or movie on the tv? - Long enough ago that I don't remember-
Unpopular opinion? - 4 genders. No more, no less. Male, female, androgynous/hermaphroditic, and neutrois/sexless.
Are you scared of bugs? - Less scared, more grossed out. You don't know where they've been, you really gonna let them crawl on your stuff?
Cats or cats? - Cats. I love dogs too but. CATS.
Are you allergic to any foods? - Red cabbage, but other than that, none that I know of.
Does the description of your star sign match your personality? - Sortof? It matches more if you take into account more than just my sun sign. (If anyone wanted to know, I'm Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Taurus ascendant. Mutuals get to know all 12 :3)
Favorite type of accent? - Idk, all accents are really cute tbh-
Name the first song that comes into your head! - Idk uh- In Flames by Digital Daggers? That's a good song-
Who is the sexiest famous person to you? - Idk, I really don't pay any attention to celebrities so I don't know many but tbch Billie Eilish is really hot (I'm under 18 and about her age so you can't yell at me for this, its only creepy if you're older than her)
Cake or pie? - I'm honestly not a huge fan of either. I love brownies tho ♡
When was the last time you read an entire book? - Uhh Ready Player One for english class a few months ago- (it's a really good book! And I have a whole essay on how the movie ruined it.)
Favorite junk food? - hmmmmm chips ig?
Do you like your height? - No, I'm too short and it triggers my dysphoria rjjs
Apples or oranges? - Apples for eating since there's no pith, but orange juice will always be far superior to apple juice.
What's your favorite personality trait in a person? - Open-minded.
Do you like salad? - Salad is the worst thing to ever claim to be a meal aside from grits. We don't even talk about grits.
What person inspires you the most? - Idk, a lot of people inspire me. I don't think I could pick one who inspires me most, haha-
What's a song that has made you cry? - Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen. I don't like the musical a lot anymore, but that song still hits close to home with my SAD.
Aaaand finally done!! And I'm tagging @transboisarecutetoo , @kanethetranswolf , and @colliewolf !
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rana-capito · 7 years
blue, navy blue, i'm as blue as i can be, cause my steady boy said "all of them", one hundred something questiiiions
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I’d take a couple more inches but like this is fine2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)It would be so cool to have a snake…but a dog is also really good…3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?cool jackets are cool…for myself I like target man tshirts4: What was your favorite video game growing up?I had these Magic School Bus computer games that were truly excellent. there was one about whales and dolphins and one about rainforest animals5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:idk…the Majority of my thoughts are either very self-centered or just the song that it’s time to have in my head6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?fuck idk. warning: occasional stupid bitch 7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?hmm! vague8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I got sanguine on a quiz I took once and I like that because I like blood9: Are you ticklish?yeah, not Extremely tho10: Are you allergic to anything?guinea pigs, cats, pollen11: What’s your sexuality?i’m Gay12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?Tea13: Are you a cat or dog person?they are both good and i really like both…i’ll say dogs because i’ve been seeing a lot of very good ones lately + the cat allergy14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?VAMPIRE15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?I watch beckiejbrown a lot and I think she’s cool16: How tall are you?5'7"17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?Benjamin..perhaps…but there’s too many bens so I guess I’ll just have to be Larl18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]between 144 and 150 pounds19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?eh…nah20: Do you like space or the ocean more?The ocean..has more animals in it21: Are you religious?non22: Pet peeves?when people call frogs venomous or spiders poisonous23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal…i like Sunshine24: Favorite constellation?i like cassiopeia she’s spiky25: Favorite star?uhhhh I don’t have one26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?i think they are..flexible?27: Any phobias or fears?MIRRORS IN THE DARK MIRRORS IN THE DARK scary. 28: Do you think global warming is real?yeah lol29: Do you believe in reincarnation?not really30: Favorite movie?hmmm. i liked inglorious basterds a lot but i’m mostly saying that because i can’t think of any movies that have made an especially big impression on me at the moment31: Do you get scared easily?..yes i’m sensitive32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?1 frog 2 tortoises 4 guinea pigs & a lot of fish33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]8/10 content is great but posting frequency is too spread out34: What is a color that calms you?green like my room at home35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?I want to go to like..australia. or some other place with cool and weird animals!36: Where were you born?atlanta :P37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?IntroVert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?not really but i like to read things about them anyway40: Hugs or kisses?WHY not both41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?clarissa…so far away…an entire TIMEZONE42: Who is someone you love deeply?Antonie Hvan Leeuwenhoek43: Any piercings you want?maybe something extra on my ear?44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?they’re cool45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?i neiver have done so46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!sexy. very shapely calves. extremely good at calculus and physics and programming. 47: What is a sound you really hate?when my shoe scrapes on the sidewalk48: A sound you really love?the echoes from the main staircase in the mlc49: Can you do a backflip?no :(50: Can you do the splits?no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?i like..karla souza52: Favorite movie?this has been asked previously and i still don’t have a good answer. 53: How are you feeling right now?cool! kind of tired54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?uhh this color’s good55: When did you feel happiest?jeez idk that’s pretty hard to answer56: Something that calms you down?my green chair in my room at home57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]i do not58: What does your URL mean?it’s vaguely homestucky59: What three words describe you the most?cool. sexy. innovative.60: Do you believe in evolution?hell yeah61: What makes you unfollow a blog?content that i don’t like or no content for a long time62: What makes you follow a blog?content that i like63: Favorite kind of person:cool person64: Favorite animal(s):guinea pigs. orcas. cane toads. naked mole rats.65: Name three of your favorite blogs.teensplop.blogspot.com is my ultimate favorite blog ever. my favorite tumblrs are of like random people who i follow and i would feel weird @ing them66: Favorite emoticon:girl with carrots67: Favorite meme:bode was pretty good68: What is your MBTI personality type?i think i got infp when i took it69: What is your star sign?capricorn70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?i don’t have a dog :(71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?dark gray vneck from target and my Excellent jeans72: Post a selfie or two?i’ll do that..later73: Do you have platform shoes?no i’m tall74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?my blood type is A positive75: Can you do a front flip?into a pool or on a trampoline76: Do you like birds?hell yeah! i wanted to be an ornithologist in 6th grade and if that ended up being my life i would be satisfied and happy77: Do you like to swim?Yeah Put Me In The Water78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?hmm. i guess swimming? ice skating is very fun though. and it has to be the correct context of swimming like the water is clean and i can swoop around in it79: Something you wish didn’t exist:*****es80: Some thing you wish did exist:my huge future muscles81: Piercings you have?one in each earlobe82: Something you really enjoy doing:dancing in a loud bar83: Favorite person to talk to:different people have different good talking qualities but there is a special kind of conversation i can only hold with my sister84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?this sure is The Place For Fanart85: How many followers do you have?15086: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?hmm…i feel like yes but i would be very tired after87: Do your socks always match?almost always yes88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?i used to be able to but no longer89: What are your birthstones?i think turquoise?90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?something sneaky and timid and nocturnal91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?it has 5 smooth white petals and a smooth green stem and i was so into it for like some time in second grade92: A store you hate?urban outfitters93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?ideally zero94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly95: Do you like to wear camo?not particularly96: Winter or summer?summer for sure..i like Sunlight97: How long can you hold your breath for?i don’t feel like testing this rn98: Least favorite person?let’s say johnny rives99: Someone you look up to:my veterinarian cousin is cool100: A store you love?binders is pretty cool101: Favorite type of shoespumas 102: Where do you live?in a College Town103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no i love MEAT104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?star sapphires are pretty cool?105: Do you drink milk?on occasion106: Do you like bugs?yeah :)107: Do you like spiders?yeah :)108: Something you get paranoid about?people thinking i shouldn’t be in a place109: Can you draw:yeah i think so110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?nothing comes to mind111: A question you hate being asked?what kind of music do you like?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?maybe…i had this huge itchy leg bump the past few days that i think might have been from that113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yah it’s nice114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?mmm sunny115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Antonie Hvan Leeuwenhoek116: Favorite cloud type:Ummm ones that are interestingly shaped! not just stratus. everything else is cool117: What color do you wish the sky was?blue is good118: Do you have freckles?yah119: Favorite thing about a person:do people like actually have an answer to this in mind120: Fruits or vegetables?VEGETABLES121: Something you want to do right now:eat dessert122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?mmm sky!123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet…124: Bright or dim lights?uhh depends on the mood125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?…no?126: Something you hate about Tumblr:some of the discussions on here happen in really weird and negative ways but i’m pretty much never involved so whatever127: Something you love about Tumblr:lots of nice content128: What do you think about the least?i don’t fucking know since i’m not thinking about it129: What would you want written on your tombstone?something about science contributions maybe130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?i’m not in a really violent mood rn131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?nothing comes to mind132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?yeah133: Computer or TV?computer IS tv134: Do you like roller coasters?yeah :D135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?sometimes…not recently136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?eh138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?this really varies but like in the middle somewhere. not a 1 and not a 10 for sure139: What nicknames do you have/have had?sarah calls me em…that’s it140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?hmm sarah and i had an imaginary little sister named lucille and an imaginary dog named ruby141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?non142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i try to be a good influence?143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?i like…giving ;)144: What makes you angryjohnny rives145: How many languages do you speak fluently?One146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?i’m a lesbian147: Are you androgynous?hmm i think i’ve reached that somewhat148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:i like..my feet149: Favorite thing about your personality:i try to…be nice150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.julia clarissa sarah151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?i’m good staying here thank u152: Do you like BuzzFeed?it can be entertaining but i don’t think it’s good153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]introduced by a mutual friend is the most basic explanation154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?yeah!155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yah156: What embarrasses you?being in the gym157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the gym158: Biggest lie you have ever told:i can’t say it here…it’s illegal159: How many people are you following?130160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?4,507161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?2162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?27,596 wow163: Last time you cried and why:thursday night and i have no Fucking clue164: Do you have long or short hair?short165: Longest your hair has ever been:i think it got past my boobs in the first semester of 9th grade166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?i don’t really have any religious affiliations at all so. neutral167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?..yes? like i think it’s cool and stuff168: Do you like to wear makeup?Not like, regularly, but I like doing my 3am editorial looks169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?No170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?mostly. i didn’t think Too Deeply
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