#person: nimet
pazaryerigundem · 4 months
Mersin'de emeklilere Büyükşehir desteği
Mersin'de emeklilere Büyükşehir desteği
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Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi Sosyal Hizmetler Dairesi bünyesinde faaliyetlerini yürüten Emekli Evleri, yaş almış yurttaşların ikinci baharlarını daha sosyal ve aktif geçirmelerini sağlıyor. Halkkent Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi bünyesinde yer alan Emekli Evi üyeleri, bu kapsamda Darısekisi Örnek Köyü’nü gezdi.
MERSİN (İGFA) – Darısekisi Örnek Köyü’nde güzel havanın tadını çıkaran emekliler hem yürüyüş yaptı, hem de birlikte yemek yedi. Ortanca Sokak’ta dolaşan ve rengarenk evlerin önünde hatıra fotoğrafı çektiren emekliler, hep birlikte eğlenmenin de tadını çıkardı. Hem hareket etme hem de sosyalleşme imkanı bulan katılımcılara, Sağlık Dairesi personeli de eşlik ederek şeker ve tansiyon ölçümü yaptı.
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Büyükşehir Belediyesi Halkkent Emekli Evi Sorumlusu Çağdaş Yeter, emeklilerin daha sosyal ve daha aktif olması için bu tür geziler düzenlemeye devam edeceklerini anlatarak, “Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi Halkkent Emekli Evi olarak, emekliler arasında birlik beraberliği güçlendirmek ve onlara hareket kazandırmak amacıyla, şehrimizin görülmeye değer yerlerinden biri olan Darısekisi Örnek Köyü ve Ayvagediği Yaylası’na gezi düzenledik.  Temel hedefimiz oturan değil, hareket eden bir emeklilik süreci. Daha sosyal ve daha hareketli bir yaşam için, emekli tüm vatandaşlarımızı Emekli Evi’ne bekliyoruz. Bu etkinlikle beraber, yaz gezilerinin de açılışını yapmış olduk” ifadelerine yer verdi.
Halkkent Emekli Evi üyelerinden Ayten Küçükdağ, “Günümüz çok güzel ve eğlenceli geçti. Yemeğimizi yedik, çaylarımızı içtik. Emekli Evi, bizim için bulunmaz bir nimet. Böyle bir yer açtıkları için çok teşekkür ederiz” dedi.
Büyükşehir sayesinde çok güzel bir gün geçirdiğini söyleyen Fatma Türk, “Vahap Başkanımıza çok teşekkür ediyorum. Burada gezince kendimi İzmir Şirince, Söke, Marmaris gibi turistik alanlarda hissettim. Bize her türlü imkanı sağlıyorlar” diye konuştu.
Doğada vakit geçirmeyi çok sevdiğini ifade eden Sabri Saray, “Bugün Darısekisi Köyü’nde geziyoruz, eğleniyoruz. Arkadaşlarla bol bol vakit geçiriyoruz. Çok güzel, harika olmuş. Doğada yürümek çok güzel” ifadelerine yer verdi.
Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından düzenlenen birçok geziye katıldığını söyleyen Hüseyin Güler, “Her zaman için Vahap Seçer’e teşekkür ediyorum. Bize yaşlılığımızı gerektiği gibi yaşatıyor. Gerçekten sonbaharımızı yaşıyoruz. Güzel havada oturduk ve eğleniyoruz. Her türlü hizmet yapılıyor” dedi.
Peruze Berki ise, “Doğayla iç içe olmak o kadar güzel ki. Çok mutlu oldum. Yemeklerimizi yedik, çaylarımızı içtik, oyunlarımızı oynadık. Başkanımız Vahap Bey’e, bize sunduğu katkılardan dolayı çok teşekkür ediyoruz. Bu gezilerin devamını dileriz” diye konuştu.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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senatushq · 9 months
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NAME. Nimet Mataraci AGE & BIRTH DATE. 4666 & Fall of 2642 BCE GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/her SPECIES. Demigod ( Hollowborn ) ABILITIES. Amalgamation & Soul Reading OCCUPATION. Owner of the Opera House, Professional Singer FACE CLAIM. Cagla Demir
( tw cannibalism allusions, body horror ) First memories are never concise, glimpses of the world that cannot be processed but—
Nimet remembers the singing. 
She will never forget the singing. 
There is an ever present melody in her life, the soft humming that permeates her world from the moment she can remember. Careful hands join the melody, gentle and tender as they brush against her and her first true memory is reaching to grasp for those fingers, the instinctive fear of the touch disappearing bubbling like a beast in her chest. 
It’s the first time she is ever afraid, but it isn’t the last. 
Nimet is raised amidst song and dance on the Fall Court, toddling after father’s footsteps and tripping over her own feet as childish glee bursts from her lips. The court is her world, comprising an eternal autumn, cat sidhe and pixies that flutter around her as she tries to reach for them, her father and his warder ever present, ever watchful. The evenings are spent on her dad’s lap, clumsy child fingers reaching up to try and touch the peppery kisses on his hair as she laughs and follows along his singing with vocals that are considered clumsy by fey standards but angelic by mortal ones. 
Her life is an eternal wonderland, one she wakes up in the most unexpected of ways. 
There is no hiding that she is a hollowborn, not with her faster growth than any fey children, not with her dad’s honesty. Nimet knows what she is since she can remember, not realizing that it makes her different, that it makes her dangerous. 
Until she is. 
There is an ever present desire sitting at the mouth of her stomach, a hunger she cannot explain, cannot get rid of. Once glance, a world of melodies blooms from a being's soul, a more measured look and she can grasp their nature, their personality, their weakness and beyond. It’s a beautiful symphony, calling for her, urging her to reach out and bring it into herself, to cradle the beauty and the music and make it hers without a care of what it would mean for another. 
She has always known that she can do it, too, that she can reach and swallow the world and become all she is not. 
Her father calls her a blessing, and she wants to believe that she is, but she sees the other fey children and doubts. 
Nimet sees their supernatural beauty, and finds herself lacking, she hears their melodious voices and finds her vocals clumsy and childlike in comparison, she dances with them and watches as they float through the steps while it takes blood, sweat and tears to be passable. 
She knows no grief, no cruelty, but she has always known the heady desire sitting at the mouth of her stomach. 
She wants and wants and wants and wants. 
She wants to be the blessing her father believes her to be, she wants to be as beautiful as her friends, sing as beautifully as them. 
Nimet wants to be good so very desperately, and the desire is all consuming. 
It’s ever present, waiting at the edge of her teeth, sitting on the back of her throat. Awaiting for the right time to manifest fully, this ever present hunger for more that will not stop until the world is swallowed whole, until she is everything she has ever dreamed, the flaws that prick like thorns smoothed out into the perfection she sees on those around her. 
The desire waits for an awfully long time, simmering and waiting for the right moment to be unleashed. 
It all comes to head on a funeral, like many things do. 
Grief had been a foreign entity for Nimet until then, mentioned and understood at it’s basic levels, but never truly comprehended.
Not until now.
Before her lies an empty body, one devoid of the melody that had surrounded her since she was born. Before her lies her grandmother, the woman that led her first steps, that cradled her limbs as she taught her how to dance, that told her stories of Eden and the world she had left behind. 
She doesn’t understand why she is lying so still, can’t. The first time death touches her life, the first time she feels Thanatos standing behind her, and it is one of the people dearest to her heart. It is a wave of grief she is not capable of understanding, an overwhelming tsunami that falls upon her like a lion on a gazelle. 
There is a body before her, ready to be lowered into a patch of carnivorous fungi. There is a body before her, about to be destroyed and returned to the Earth. There is a body before her, devoid of a soul but with potential that only she seems to see. There is the elegant curve of the neck that she has always envied, the few inches of height she had wished she had grown into  and the vocal cords that produces the most beautiful of songs.
The Fall Fey singing their mourning ditty around her only see what has been lost, but Nimet? 
She can see what can be gained.
The ever present hunger, the overwhelming desire, her desperate need, it strikes. 
Nimet moves. 
Desire unleashed, she moves as if in a dream, step purposeful despite acting entirely in instinct. No one stops her, not her father, not his warder, not the countless of mourners, thinking her a child unable to control her actions in her grief. 
They are half right, not knowing she is not about to throw herself at her grandma’s body and weep. None of them are prepared for what is to come, not even Nimet who had held the instinct to consume at bay when she had realized no one felt it as she did. Her Soul Reading is known, seen as a marvel and a gift, a blessing.
This will be seen as nothing but a curse.
Nimet stands next to her grandmother’s body, looking down at her, face wiped from all tears and hunger manifesting as she reaches forward to place a delicate hand at her cheek and pulls, tugs at the thread of desire on her gut that had driven her forward and whispered at her to reach out and sink her teeth on the flesh before her, to consume and make it her own. 
Biting would destroy the delicate arches she wants to possess, though, so she keeps her teeth sheathed, despite the way her mouth salivates in need. Instead, the deliberate effort she puts into keeping her human form falls away and changes. Bones break, flesh shifts as she is connected to the corpse and envelops it into her own in a methodical, bloody pulse of flesh and tendons that swells and diminishes in a quick pulse, leaving Nimet behind. 
Leaving the new Nimet behind. Taller, more delicate, ears pointed and teeth sharpened just as her grandmother’s were. 
She opens her mouth and sings, reaching the melodic tones she had been unable to reach before and wants to laugh in glee, finally feeling like she can be the blessing she had been told she was. 
Her back is turned to the mourners, she cannot see the horror on their face, the disgust and fear that fills the features of those who she calls friends.
She cannot see the anger in Fen’harel’s face at her desecration.
But she will feel it.
Her world is taken from her after that, imprisoned and judged by the Fall Chancellor, exiled without remorse as she is told that her father had been wrong, that she is not the blessing he thought, but rather a curse that had befallen the courts.
Nimet doesn’t see her dad before she is sent out of the Otherworld, he does not meet her at the edges of the Court, too loyal to leave it all behind.
Someone else is there waiting, though, a reminder that she is loved despite the malevolent hunger sitting at her chest. 
Grieving, scared, desperate and afraid, Nimet takes her father’s warder hand and steps away from the Courts, knowing she will never see them again.
It’s the beginning.
It’s the end. 
She doesn’t see her father for a long time after that.
+ Perceptive, Charming, Adaptable. - Anxious, Self-Indulgent, Envious.
played by ori. est. she/her.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Public Alert; Flood looms in several States, as Lagdo dam releases water from dam The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has alerted Nigerians to expect floods as Lagdo dam releases water from its dam. The agency noted that nine States may be affected by the recent release of water from the dam which is expected to last till the end of this month. This was disclosed on Saturday evening by the Director General of NEMA, Mustapha Ahmed while giving an update on the release of water from Lagdo Dam and consequential flooding of communities along the banks of River Benue. The States that may be affected are; Adamawa, Taraba, Benue, Nasarawa, Kogi, Anambra, Edo, Delta, and Bayelsa States. Ahmed said the recent release has led to the displacement of communities and could lead to the destruction of crops and other infrastructure. The DG said: “NEMA has been alerted on sudden increased inundation of riparian communities and farmlands along the banks of River Niger in Adamawa, Taraba and Benue states in the past 48 hours. The sudden situation is attributed to the rapid release of waters from Lagdo Dam in the Republic of Cameroon and has resulted in the displacement of several inhabitants of the affected communities. “Furthermore, croplands and valuable infrastructure are at risk of getting washed away by the flood waters. “Situation reports from Adamawa State confirm the upsurge of flood waters along the flood plains of River Benue. “The situation is expected to be replicated in downstream states of Taraba, Benue, Nasarawa, Kogi, Anambra, Edo, Delta and Bayelsa as the River Benue joins River Niger and flows to the Atlantic Ocean through the Niger Delta.” The Agency cautioned authorities of State and Local Governments along rivers Niger and Benue basin areas to immediately activate their emergency response plans to avert potential damage and losses that will arise due to the flooding of communities. NEMA promised to give further updates as it expects to receive updates from the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), NIMET, NEMA Operations Office in Yola Adamawa state, and from State Emergency Agencies of the frontline states. On the number of those that have been affected so far by flood this year, he said: “The NEMA situation room dashboard indicates that this year’s flood scenario has affected 159,157 persons, resulted in the loss of 28 persons and the displacement of 48,168 individuals in 13 States across Nigeria.”
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capricorngirls · 3 years
oispa ihanaa kaksi kissaa joiden nimiks antaa nasu ja nestori
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princessnimet-blog · 5 years
( melisa pamuk, cisfemale + twenty-eight ) did you see the look of relief on her highness crown princess nimet irmak’s face to have landed in switzerland safe and sound? the plague really took a toll on turkey. the other leader’s of the world are glad to see her here to help see a better tomorrow. plus they’re here to marry any 21-40 y/o female fc to further help their beloved country, but i wonder if the rumor that she has a colostomy bag is true?   
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s t a t i s t i c s
her highness crown princess nimet fatima irmak. twenty-eight. turkish. november 2nd. scorpio. cisfemale. homosexual. homoromantic. monogamous. single. muslim. cancer survivor. virgin.
n e e d   t o   k n o w
-   she is the oldest child of the turkish royal family. she was turkey’s sweetheart and it was a shock to the nation when the girl disappeared from public view from the age of twelve to fifteen. no one knows what happened and all the court has released was that she was being homeschooled during that time. that was true, but it wasn’t the full truth.
-   those three years were filled with fighting for her life, as she had bowel cancer which left her with a permanent colostomy bag. the palace hid it because they didn’t want her scrutinized, nor made fun of but it did make her feel like her body was now unattractive, especially since she was hidden away a year after she was in remission so her hair could grow back. it makes her think that her value does rely in her being attractive - which she doesn’t feel she is.
-   she hasn’t had a relationship - ever and every time she has tried, it hasn’t gone further than an admission of an attraction and her being rejected. so, her current engagement is her first relationship ever and she sees it as the only way to ever get married or have a family. she did put her foot down that she wanted to be matched with a woman, which is why she is glad to be out of turkey where it has caused quite the uproar. she does want this engagement to work out and thus hopes that the other person is also willing to invest in it.
-   she is generally reserved, but polite and cares a lot for her country. she finds it important for people to do their duty and what is right, and tries to do so as well. she is muslim but has a pretty liberal view of her religion, though praying five times a day and observing most rules in terms of food and relationships is important to her. she just doesn’t think that being gay makes her any less of a muslim.
fiancée. best friend. friendzoned. crush. common friend. diplomatic relationship. unrequited crush on nimet. fellow person of (any) faith. lgbt+ mentor of sorts. person in the room next to hers in switserland. anything!
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halfbloodallbitch · 6 years
(so i’ve been making some future/next gen riordanverse ocs. Including some percabeth babies (as well as all the others future kids). These ocs are the heads of each CHB cabin:
Daisuke Yamaguchi, 18, Cabin 1, recently lost his girlfriend after a quest went wrong, friendly but very serious.
Nimet Peynirci, 17, Cabin 3, bleaches her fringe, wears a seashell necklace, either wants nothing to do with you or is way too clingy, was raised by her grandfather after her mother died, grandfather died when she was 11.
Pavlina Ivanov, 15, Cabin 4, has big dreams, clothes never match, bare foot in the summer, walking boots in the winter, pretty easy going as long as it doesn’t interfere with her plans.
Tirta Karin, 17, Cabin 5, badly disfigured on the left side of his face, left arm is a prosthetic after loosing his in battle, protective of the youngest campers, says man up and woman up, once told Alex to enby up (has used it when talking to other nb campers ever since), is willing to listen to everyone’s argument/side of the story but once he’s made up his mind there’s no changing it
Xanti Etxeberria, 16, Cabin 6, has a complicated love life, that’s about all people know about him as he’s otherwise pretty secretive.  
Emily Jerome, 13, Cabin 7, has an autoimmune disease, wears a surgical mask and carries hand soap, good with pegasi, dyes her hair black, sarcasm is an art, goth/punk lesbian, half indian, trouble maker with a heart of gold
Christian Stefansen, 15, Cabin 9, serious superiority complex, doesn’t like being told no, looked down on Percy and Annabeth’s oldest child when she first comes to camp, by the end of the first summer he hated her.
Julie Hummel, 16, Cabin 10, knows what she wants and she will get it, who’s she friendly with and who does she hate? What are her morals? Her beliefs? No one knows. The only thing you can know is she’s probably trying to manipulate you.
Vural Demirci, 15, Cabin 11, puts the hyper in ADHD, does this boy ever sit still, the answer is no, doesn’t think before he acts 99.9% of the time, his best friend Xanti is 85% of his impulse control, has a slight cleft in his lip
Javed Abbasi, 17, Cabin 12, was abused by his stepfather (who he thought was his father) until one day his mother killed him in front of Javed, suffers from CPTSD and has a severe nervous tic, lived with his aunt who was very neglectful before coming to camp.
Alex Janson, 13, Cabin 13, raised by his maternal half brother after their mother abandoned them, wears rings on every finger, best friends with Ninian, frenemies with Jessica, Canadian, doesn’t see the point of gender, doesn’t smile but is actually an optimist.
Linda Smith, 14, Cabin 14, very childish and sweet, carries a stuffed bunny everywhere, always willing to listen, missing her right eye, has a collection of glass ones.
Gulnar Blake, 15, Cabin 15, has an on/off relationship with Xanti, accused him of being a cheat and a liar but no one knows how true this is as Xanti’s very secrative and Gulnar will only make a few passive aggressive comments with no context.
Wafai Karimi, 18, Cabin 16, can seem a little aloof but is a nice guy, until you cross him or his friends, then you’ll be looking over your shoulder for months, is very fond of the phrase the punishment fits the crime, keeps to himself but has a small group of close friends.
Katalinka Sarka, 17, Cabin 17, she’s an optimist, tries to make everyone happy though it doesn’t always work.
Da Xun, 15, Cain 18, suffers from depression, recently went through a bad break up
Klaudijis Ozols, 18, Cabin 19, wants to be a good person, the trauma they suffered as a child made them hard and they can sometimes come across as cruel, they’re doing their best
Ilona Wojewoda, 14, Cain 20, is scary good at love spells, tends to be neutral on most issues, has a resting bored face, queen of the eye rolls.
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ER Observations/Questions
- Abby said Nimet “was just talking”, so that’s the kiss of death.
- I love when they have Luka relate to immigrants and/or parents who’ve lost spouses or children, and having him do both here is nice. I also appreciate that he never makes it about himself or tell his personal story (bishop doesn’t count), but as viewers we know the subtext.
- This mother, wow. Even before the twist is revealed, she breaks my heart, talking to her daughter about embroidering bridesmaid dresses and telling her how wonderful of a daughter she’s been through every procedure...ouch.
- Abby being cranky about everyone taking care of her is relatable, but I do like Sam giving her some perspective by reminding her that at least everyone’s happy for her.
- The scene when the mom explains about her son to Luka and talks about “how do you protect them from all the evil in the world” and Luka says “you can’t” is such a rich underlying reason for him wanting the baby baptized. Yes, there’s the tradition of it, but it’s also a thing he can do, when there’s so much he knows he can’t.
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ahagia-sophia · 3 years
So the other day I commented on some islamic art that I found absolutely gorgeous. And the person who posted it wrote one of the most beautiful things I've ever read about my little response. In English (google translate): A lady who reblogs the post with the sign "Believers are brothers" and is enchanted under it. My view of Turkish art will explode in my head with these sentences from now on. After saying mashallah in mosques, I will say GOD ITS SO GOOD. It is very easy for art to reach people. it reaches but it is not in its own right, there is something like that, it pierces the heart like an arrow. it goes by without ever seeing it, trampling on the mind and so on. The doubts, obsessions, delusions of the mind, the coldness of logic do not penetrate that beauty. hmm. This is exactly why you don't see the deficiencies of the one you fall in love with. The beauty of the one who fell in love with the one who fell in love nullifies all the criticism. I understood that these arts were not the extravagance of the sultans, with the flowers they opened in my soul. I need those flowers and the spending made centuries ago enchants me centuries later and perhaps this lady who is not Muslim. This is the merciful side of the world. My eyes sparkle with the beauty that reflects from your beauty. these are blessings. God bless you greatly. I want to be one of those who reach people with art and goodness. amine. In Turkish: müminler kardeştir'li levhanın olduğu postu röbloglayıp altında mest olmuş bir hanımefendi. türk sanatına bakışım bundan sonra bu cümlelerle patlayacak kafamda. camilerde maşallah dedikten sonra GOD ITS SO GOOD diyeceğim.
sanatın insana erişmesi çok kolay. erişiyor ama öyle kendi halinde değil bir şey var tamm böyle kalbe saplanıyor ok gibi. aklı filan çiğneyerek hiç görmeden geçiyor. aklın şüpheleri, takıntıları, evhamları, mantığın soğukluğu işlemiyor o güzelliğe. hmmm. aşık olunanın eksiklerini görmemek de tam bu sebepten. aşık olunanın aşık olana göre güzelliği tüm eleştirileri boşa çıkarıyor tatatatatata aşık oldun çıq!
bu sanatların padişahların extravagance'lığı olmadığını ruhumda açtırdığı çiçeklerle anlıyordum. ihtiyacım var o çiçeklere ve yüzyıllar öncesinde yapılan harcama yüzyıllar sonrasındaki beni ve belki de müslüman olmayan bu hanımefendiyi de mestediyor. dünyanın merhametli tarafı bu. güzelliğinden yansıyan güzellikle gözlerim ışıldıyor. nimet bunlar ya. Allah ziyadesiyle karşılaştırsın. sanatla ve hayırlısıyla insanlara ulaşanlardan olmak isterim. amin.
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jordanxxkirby · 4 years
“Niiiiimet,” she groaned the length of her roommates name as she picked up a piece of laundry from the floor, “I love you to death,” she told the woman. They were friends, but Nimet was not always the best roommate in terms of cleanliness. “Can you at least throw your clothes into a pile like a normal person? They almost ended up in the trash during my cleaning frenzy,” she was warm hearted toward the woman, tossing the shirt on the back of the couch before finding a spot next to Nimet, “Ugh, I am exhausted, now.” She teased the woman, tipping her head back against the couch. “Do you want to go out tonight?”
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yume-veritas · 7 years
Ruzuo, Celain, Nimet
Ok then...these be from my good friend Elric.
01. Full name: Ruzou 
02. Best friend: N/A
03. Sexuality: he could go either way honestly
04. Favorite color: electric teals
05. Relationship status: single
06. Ideal mate: someone who can handle his stubbornness and curtail his tendency to wind up picking fights with the most dangerous looking people present
07. Turn-ons: unknown
08. Favorite food: salty things, VERY salty things
09. Crushes: N/A
10. Favorite music: anything with a good bass line
11. Biggest fear: Doctors, and being recaptured
12. Biggest fantasy: i mean...no inquest would be great
13. Bad habits: picking a fight, usually unintentionally, with the biggest, most dangerous people present. Also, not trusting anyone...which usually leads to the fighting
14. Biggest regret: unknown
15. Best kept secrets: his regenerative abilities...and the fact he’s got a tail due to genetic experimentation
16. Last thought: “where the glitch am i going to sleep tonight?”
17. Worst romantic experience: N/A
18. Biggest insecurity: he’s really a soft hearted person, but due to circumstances out of his control, he doesn’t trust a single person
19. Weapon of choice: fists, swords...axe, shield
20. Role Model: N/A
01. Full name: Nimet Akarsu
02. Best friend: her dust jackals, and the Djinn of the dust jackal run
03. Sexuality: she could go either way
04. Favorite color: white and gold
05. Relationship status: Single
06. Ideal mate: trustworthy, just, honest person
07. Turn-ons: unknown
08. Favorite food: does coffee count?
09. Crushes: N/A
10. Favorite music: just simple melodies, nothing fancy
11. Biggest fear: Joko taking over everything
12. Biggest fantasy: Finally ridding the world of Joko and his ilk
13. Bad habits: gets a bit...irrational when it comes to Joko and his awakened
14. Biggest regret: not being able to help her Sunspear parents
15. Best kept secrets: where she actually lives
16. Last thought: “Kormir do i hate those cursed awakened...”
17. Worst romantic experience: N/A
18. Biggest insecurity: not being able to actually live up to her parents examples
19. Weapon of choice: the rifle and daggers previously wielded by her parents
20. Role Model: the stories she was told about what her parents did
01. Full name: Celain
02. Best friend: N/A
03. Sexuality: she’s pretty open minded honestly
04. Favorite color: anything that can be seen in a sunrise
05. Relationship status: Single
06. Ideal mate: someone brave, and kind, but also accepting and understanding
07. Turn-ons: exploring, playing silly little games
08. Favorite food: sweets, chocolate
09. Crushes: N/A
10. Favorite music: any
11. Biggest fear: getting close to someone and winding up unable to save them
12. Biggest fantasy: perhaps meeting the mysterious people that awoke from her tree
13. Bad habits: breaking the 4th wall
14. Biggest regret: telling people about her Sight only to get ridiculed and laughed at, instead of being able to help
15. Best kept secrets: she can sometimes see a past or future thing about a person, but she’s got no control over when and what she sees, she also has a strange temporal magic...and is aware of the 4th wall
16. Last thought: “oh....haven’t i seen you before?”
17. Worst romantic experience: N/A
18. Biggest insecurity: telling people about things she Sees
19. Weapon of choice: temporal magic, elementalism
20. Role Model: N/A
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mobianflame · 5 years
BBC - Travel - Turkey's historical custom of 'paying it onward'
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At my local bakeshop in Göztepe, near Kadıköy on the Eastern edge of Istanbul, whatever is actually brought in on the areas in a wood-fired stove hidden at the back. Any room not taken up due to the 1,200 white colored loaves they create a day is filled with jewels, rolls, rye, multigrain and also cornbread, in addition to covereds, cookies and delicacies. Among the continuous flurry of clients, I'll often view the owner offer an individual a loaf of bread with no loan modifying hands. At other times a customer will certainly purchase 2 buns of breadstuff however merely take one.
Exists bread on the hook?
In a lot of Western countries, it has actually come to be common in recent times for folks to palm over funds for an additional mug of coffee or even a loading meal when they spend for their very own, to become kept at the counter for an individual in need. In Chicken, this relatively present day tip of "paying it forward" gets back centuries. It is actually contacted askıda ekmek, and it associates primarily to paying it onward along with bread.Askıda ekmek,
which indicates "breadstuff on a hanger" or even "put on hold breadstuff", has its origins in Islam, the dominant religious beliefs in the country. It operates enjoy this: you most likely to a bakery as well as purchase 2 buns of bread yet only take one. On purchasing the bread, you tell the individual that takes the funds that one of them is actually askıda ekmek. Your addition is actually bagged and dangled all together with others so when individuals are available in throughout the time as well as talk to, "Askıda ekmek var mi?" ("Exists breadstuff on the hook?"), they can take a loaf for free.You might likewise be actually
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It is actually unclear precisely when and just how the method of askıda ekmek began. There are identical, more recent heritages in various other nations, like the Italian technique of "caffè sospeso" ("put on hold coffee"), askıda ekmekis is actually strongly connected to the local lifestyle and religion. Past teacher Febe Armanios, who concentrates on Christian-Muslim associations in between East and meals background at Middlebury University in Vermont, United States, revealed that askıda ekmekis "a personalized originated in Ottoman opportunities and also is connected to the concept of zakat, the Muslim support of faith that centers on various actions of charity". There are five supports of confidence in Islam, as well as fans need to meet them all to lead an excellent and also moral life. The zakat need may be met through giving money or even provisions.The providing of ekmek(breadstuff)is actually of exclusive value in Turkey given that in Islamic belief, bread preserves life as well as the security of lifestyle is blessed."Breadstuff ... is positively crucial to consuming and also is agent of hunger-satiation/starvation-desperation,"Armanios said.In Muslim hadiths, the collected sayings of the Prophet Muhammed, breadstuff is actually nimet, a blessing sent from God. If an item of breadstuff accidently falls to the ground it have to be gotten instantly before putting it someplace higher. Some individuals caress it prior to doing this to even more demonstrate their respect. Plain white colored breadstuff is cooked two times a day in Chicken and also every food is actually followed by a container loaded with sliced clean bun. Leftovers are actually never discarded; when breadstuff goes tasteless, it is actually made into French toast and breadcrumbs. I often find plastic bags having old breadstuff dangling off fencings along my road, positioned certainly there for people to take either for on their own or even to nourish animals.Ottoman sultans used this regard for bread to legitimise their rule and also garner support. According to Armanios, it was thought that a well-fed population is actually an obedient one and also far much less very likely to revolt if prices of food items staples such as breadstuff were always kept in examination. Market regulators, gotten in touch with Islamic muhtasib, policed the purchase of breadstuff to regulate the price and also make certain low-priced fillers weren't used instead of flour(even today, bread costs are established due to the authorities). The Ottomans additionally encouraged those who can afford it to attend to those in necessity. However heritage has always been that when performing zakat commitments, the bad should not be actually humiliated by possessing their identities disclosed to the benefactors and vice versa.Early on, in traditional Islamic communities, this was actually obtained through positioning sadaka taşı(charity rocks)in mosque courtyards. In his 2014 report, associate behavioral science professor Ensar Çetin of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli College in Nevşehir, central
Chicken, defined them as "stalagmites ... changed from early porphyry columns with tooth cavities [in] which to leave money. There [were] Dental caries [ in] the wall surfaces. It is actually a design created not to upset poor folks so the giver and recipient continue to be undisclosed to each other."Permit our company help people that survive the roads who can easily certainly not manage bread Nowadays, sadaka taşı have actually been replaced by websites along with internet zakat personal digital assistants, run through philanthropic structures that rely upon gifts to assist those in necessity. Individuals can easily work out precisely just how a lot amount of money they ought to give, generally 2.5%of
their riches. Askıda ekmek has browsed the web, too, along with yemek.com, a preferred Turkish web site featuring regular dishes, talking to readers to nominate community stores promoting askıda ekmek. Their intention is actually to change it from a regional neighbourhood task right into a national information listing participating bakeries, making use of decision to activity, "Let our company assist folks who live on the roads who can easily certainly not manage bread". One male has taken these technical improvements an action even more. In 2012, Oğuzhan Canım checked out bakeries in Kırıkkale, 80km east of Ankara, ensuring the technique of askıda ekmek therefore more bakeries would engage. It made him think of methods to size the personalized in order to connect with additional individuals. Canım knew there was actually limited federal government help for college student in Chicken as well as that there weren't sufficient bursaries, scholarships as well as food grants to go around.His option is a social organization called Askidanevar(What gets on the Hook?), the very first in Chicken to blend the idea of askıda ekmek along with the range of social media sites platforms. The concept may be actually innovative, however the objective is actually extremely easy: to hook up college student in need to the firms that desire to assist all of them."Oğuzhan Canım, the owner ... modified the technique [to] askıda yemek(food
)and developed the venture. Along with the assistance of [the] internet, he determined to create this project much bigger to ensure that it works efficiently, [as well as] reaches as numerous as feasible. Our experts aim to make more options ... using our electrical power to reach youth, "pointed out procedures supervisor Görkem Özaçık.Askidanevar targets pupils since Canım feels they are actually the future of Turkey. He desires young people to possess the opportunity to read poems, participate in the fine arts as well as seek goodness, and also become total, well-shaped individuals. This way, he strongly believes, they'll not simply do well in their studies, they'll additionally pay it ahead and provide even more to Turkish society and also the planet, with a society of sharing.This comprehensive strategy isn't uncommon in predominantly Muslim cultures.
The neighborhood or team overshadows over the private and also the welfare of all is actually critical. It is actually usual in Turkey for people to appear out for others, be it family members, neighbours, coworkers or even unknown people, in the idea this boosts things for everyone.Askidanevar keeps the askıda ekmek feeling of privacy. Students just recognize on their own when they post their college memory cards on joining.
Once they're members, they may select a" Take"button to obtain a code to use for a cost-free food coming from a stable of taking part bistros. Along with another click, they get the opportunity to acquire books, magazines, theater as well as concert tickets and various other items through discussing or retweeting articles from Askidanevar. Companies select a"Give" button to leave their particulars and also details of what they're offering.Around 150,000 trainees are actually currently signed up along with Askidanevar, making use of around 500 given food items vouchers monthly. Since the social venture's creation 7 years back, it has helped around half a thousand individuals, the bulk in Istanbul, Ankara and also Izmir, Turkey's 3 biggest cities.One student member I contacted, Tuğba, discovered Askidanevar using Instagram. "In 2014" she told me, "I started ... educational institution and also did certainly not get to know brand new individuals [or] new friends. Throughout a top, which I went [to] because of [the]
Askıdanevar ticket body, I [made] pals". For Tuğba, acquiring a ticket to a peak at no price, had an influence on her lifestyle beyond that one occasion. It made her brand-new close friends and offered her a feeling of being a member at college, of belonging to a new neighborhood; one thing she failed to believe before.At the heart of askıda
ekmek-- whether that's leaving a bun in a bake shop or even helping trainees get access to opportunities outside their studies-- is an ethos helpful folks, without any requirement of benefit or acknowledgment to make sure that recipients keep their self-worth and also enhance their lives.In a planet separated by the interest of private profit and abused by disagreement, as Tuğba mentioned, "That is outstanding".
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This content was originally published here.
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An Excellent Idea for a Hassle-free Sightseeing in Vadodara
Want to capture some beautiful sites in your cam?
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If your answer is yes then first thing to learn is that you have to be prepared for your trip such as timings, travel modes and things that you need to carry with you. If you have planning to travel by open public transports then you have to be sure about your timing, you have to plan according to the timings of those vehicles and it might be possible that you couldn’t reach your destination on time. If you are choosing a personal source for travelling like your own car or a vehicle that you can own for some time like a rented car or cab service in Vadodara. By having a personal travelling source, you can fill some enjoyment in your trip.
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Vadodara is an ancient city which offer several sites to visit and which can be a perfect city for having some meaningful trip. Places that you can choose to visit are countless but if you have less time and you want to visit some popular sites then you can go for it, just take a look farther to know that which places you can choose for travelling. In must visiting places Laxmi Vilas Palace, Sayaji Gardens, Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological park, Ajwa Nimet Garden, Vadodara Museum & Picture Gallery that you can choose to visit in Vadodara.
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You can visit these sites if you need to explore the beauty of Vadodara and to reaching these sites you can travel by hiring taxi service in Vadodara and can make your travelling experience excellent. Hassle-free trip inside the city is only possible when you get a ride according to your comfort and choice. For better services of car rentals in Vadodara you can visit this link. It will definitely help you to make your ride easy, affordable and convenient. A benefit to hire cab service is that it doesn’t take much time to reach you and you can begin your trip at the time you wanted to begin. Before starting a planning to travel always prefer a personal travel source to make a satisfied trip.
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pelihomppaa · 5 years
Paras Moonlight Lovers deitti?
Listailen ML-deittejä eri ominaisuuksien mukaan parhausjärjestykseen selvittääkseni kenet heistä minun kannattaa ottaa kohteekseni. .-D Vähän tosin luulen että lopullinen päätös tulee vasta pelatessa riippuen siitä kenen kanssa tulee parhaiten toimeen mutta silti. .-D
Nimet: 1. Ethan 2. Aaron 3. Ivan 4. Vladimir 5. Raphael 6. Beliath
Kyllä, pelkän nimen takia voi jo kiinnostua. .-D Tykkään kaikista top 3:n nimistä!
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Oon jopa vähän yllättynyt kärjessä on tässä vaiheessa lyhythiuksiset, sillä yleensä pitkätukkaiset miehet on jostain syystä mun mieleen. Jotenkin näissä varjoissa pitkät hiukset näyttää vähän hämmentäviltä, esim. Vladimir (4.) ja  Beliath (5.).
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Tykästyin Vladimiriin (1.) heti ensi näkemältä! Ivan (3.) näyttää huppu päässään paljon paremmalta, mutta tämän kuvan perusteella hän jäi Ethanin taakse. Loput eivät ulkonäkönsä puolesta erityisemmin kiinnosta.
1. Aaron - The Loner Aaron is a very particular and special vampire, who doesn't like to confide in others. Although not the most unpleasant member of the group, Aaron is quite mysterious. Will you be able to discover his secret?
2. Ivan - Fiery Ivan is the youngest vampire in the manor and he in unable to get used to his new condition. He seems particularly aggressive and thirsty for blood. Will you be able to free him from his burden?
3. Beliath - The Charmer An epicurean charmer, Beliath fully embrasses the nighttime world. He doesn't seem to be attached to anything or anyone, despite his large number of conquests... Will you be the one he opens his heart to?
4. Raphael - The Idealist An accomplished artist, Raphael looks for perfection in all that he takes on. A dreamer by nature, this vampire knows how hideous the world can be... Will you be able to sublimate his world? Are you the muse he's been waiting for?
5. Vladimir - Melancholic Vladimir, the authority figure, is one of the first vampires to have arrived to the manor. His authoritarian and taciturn personality makes him difficult to approach... Will you be able to break through his shell?
6. Ethan - Impulsive Ethan is an embittered vampire, with an aversion for humans. However, a much deeper pain is hiding underneath this layer of hate. Will you become his salvation? Will you help him to find peace?
Luonteen perusteella en lämpene oikeastaan kellekään, missä ovat kaikki mukavat ja kohteliaat tyypit? Ei jotenkin houkuttele tällaiset vaikeasti lähestyttävät / aggressiiviset / hiljaiset / hurmuri -deitit...
Pisteet: Aaron 5+1+3+6=15 Beliath 1+2+1+4=8 Ethan 6+6+5+1=18 Ivan 4+5+4+5=18 Raphael 2+4+2+3=11 Vladimir 3+3+6+2=14
Vaikka yhteispisteet ovatkin Ethanin tai Ivanin kannalla en haluaisi vielä luopua toivosta Vladimirinkaan kohdalla vaikka hänen "vaikeasti lähestyttävä" luonne vähän huolestuttaa ja vähän tuntuu ettei tulla toimeen keskenämme, mut mulla on silti vähän sellainen kutina että Vladimir paljastuu tosi mukavaksi kun häneen tutustuu. Ivan kiinnostaisi myös semisti, ymmm en ajatellut tällä kertaa tehdä useampaa pelitiliä mut eipä kai se olisi pahitteeksikaan varautua jos tuleeki tarve päästä iskemään useampaa miestä samanaikaisesti... ,-)
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princessnimet-blog · 5 years
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nimet couldn’t help it. she looked at every woman she knew were unmarried, wondering if they were in talks with her family to get engaged to her. she didn’t know anything about her, the woman her family was selecting for her, but she knew she’d be here at some point. was she already here? would she come later? she looked at the women, not sure what she was even looking for. the other woman wouldn’t know they were to be married either, surely? she sighed, a little too loudly, in frustration and then noticed someone near her. she didn’t want to appear annoyed or as if the person near her was annoying her and so she turned to them with a smile. “it is quite warm in here, isn’t it?” she said, to cover her sigh up as one of slight discomfort at the room temperature. ( @beingroyalstarters )
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travellingtrap · 5 years
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Tällä kadulla asui aikoinaan paljon juutalaisia, joiden muistoksi talojen eteen joen toiselle puolelle on laitettu nimet ja melkeen kaikille sama kuolin paikka. Koulussa meillä on juuri menossa kurssi Amsterdamin historiasta. Mutta muistomerkkejä löytyy useilta muiltakin kaduilta:
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People hate that I flip two cigarettes
Upside down in each pack
for luck,
But I hate that people notice
When you gain three pounds,
But not when you buy a new hat.
I’ve been told that the way I sleep
With one leg draped over
The person lying next to me
Is annoying,
But I think it’s annoying
When people tell me
I look pretty,
But only when I paint my face.
I’ve heard that old men
Like to touch the girls who work late at bars,
But I want to know
Why they never kiss the women they married
fourty-two years ago.
I’ve noticed that mothers teach their daughters
That it’s rude to refuse a hug
From an uncle they’ve met three times,
But forget to teach them
That they aren’t obliged to kiss
The boy who paid for dinner.
(via drowninqfish)
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07068396803-tt · 4 years
Flood: 4 killed, over 5,000 houses destroyed in Kano
Flood: 4 killed, over 5,000 houses destroyed in Kano
The Kano State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) has confirmed four persons killed and over 5,200 houses destroyed due to flooding in Rogo and Danbatta Local Government Areas of the state.
Mr Sale Jili, Executive Secretary of the Agency, confirmed the incident in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday in Kano.
NAN reports that the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has…
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