#perfect pumpkins' perfect butts
mynonah · 1 year
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The Notebook kissing scene à la Klaine
for @annepi-blog 💕
I don't think either Kurt or Blaine would let that happen to their hair though...
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mamaestapa · 10 months
yes pls omg one with joe 🥺
Baked With Love…|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: You and Joe spend “Thanksgiving Eve” baking together
•warnings: fluff, Joe gets a little frisky, allusions to sex…
“Joey,” you said your boyfriend’s name in a sing songy tone, “It’s pumpkin pie time.”
Joe chuckled and walked into the kitchen, setting his phone down on the countertop of the island and pulling out a chair to sit on.
“Finally,” he sighed out, “you don’t know how long I’ve been looking forward to this.”
Today, you and Joe (well, mostly you) have been working hard in the kitchen, preparing desserts to take to your “friendsgiving” tomorrow at the Wilson’s. You and Joe agreed to make the desserts since neither one of you were too skilled when it came to preparing the actual dinner.
Earlier you made an apple pie and a batch of snickerdoodle cookies, deciding to save the pumpkin pie for last. You had Joe help you get out all of the ingredients that were needed to make his favorite dessert. Once all of the ingredients were spread out on the counter, you pulled out your grandfathers pumpkin pie recipe from the kitchen drawer where you kept the handwritten recipes to some of yours and Joe’s favorite foods. You set the recipe down on the counter, eyes scanning over the instructions.
You walked over to Joe and wrapped your arms around his torso, letting your chin rest on his shoulder as you held onto him.
“I’ll let you decide what you want to do. Crust or filling.” You said, giving him options to choose from even though you knew which one he’d pick.
Yep. You knew it.
“Perfect,” you replied with a sweet smile. You removed your arms from Joe’s body, reaching out to grab his hand instead so you could pull him off the barstool and over to the mixer. You gave him the ingredients needed for the filling, along with the specific instructions on how to make it perfect.
After Joe was situated by the mixer, you began to make the crust. It wasn’t too difficult to make as you’ve made it a couple times before on your own, but it was still a process that included very careful and precise measurements—it’s probably a good thing you’re making the crust and Joe isn’t.
As the two of you were hard at work putting together the pumpkin pie in a comfortable silence, you thought about how you could use some music right now…
“We need some music going right now.” Joe suggested as he opened the can of pumpkin filling.
It’s almost like he read your mind..
“You should play some Kid Cudi,”
You sighed at Joe’s song selection suggestion. It’s not that you didn’t like Kid Cudi because you really did like him and his music. However…that’s all Joe has been playing while you baked. You needed a break from Man on the Moon.
“I agree, we do need music, but can it not be Kid Cudi though?” You asked as you rolled the dough over the floured counter. Joe gasped lightly, sounding slightly offended as he said, “But I thought you liked Kid Cudi?”
You chuckled softly as you turned to look at your boyfriend. “I do,” you said with a nod, “but it’s all we’ve listened to today babe. I need a change.”
“No Taylor Swift.” Joe said, pointing at you and giving you the look.
“How about Tame Impala? We both like them.”
You smiled triumphantly and clicked shuffle on your Tame Impala playlist that was full of yours and Joe’s favorite songs. Borderline began playing, making you and Joe instantly break out into your own little dances while you prepared the pumpkin pie.
Once Joe was finished with the filling and satisfied with how well it was spiced, he brought the bowl over to you so you could put it into the pie pan lined with the crust dough. You thanked Joe for making the filling before scooping it out onto the crust. You evened the filling out before putting it into the oven to bake.
As you leaned down to put the pie in the oven, you felt a pair of hands cup your butt and squeeze gently before quickly pulling away. You yelped at the contact, slamming the oven shut and whipping around to look at Joe, who was a chuckling mess.
“Joe!” you yelped, “what the hell?” You laughed as you finished your sentence. Joe held his hands up, his laughter only growing when he watched your mouth gape open. His hands were covered in flour, meaning there were definitely two white hand prints on your butt right now.
You let out a laugh before prancing over to the counter covered in flour. You grabbed a handful of flour and held your hand up, “Come here Joey.”
Joe chuckled and slowly made his way over to you, “Lay it on me, sweets.”
You took the flour in your hand and rubbed it all over Joe’s black t-shirt, making sure to leave extra white patches over his pecs and abs. Joe reached over and grabbed more flour, throwing it onto the top of your head. You shrieked and grabbed more flour, doing the same thing to Joe. You were both laughing messes as you had a flour fight in the kitchen for a good two minutes. However, the fight stopped when Joe got a handful of flour, rubbed his hands together, and left two handprints on your boobs. You looked down at the white handprints on your sweater. Joe’s handprints looked huge on your chest…
You don’t know what came over you, but you flung yourself at Joe, kissing him harshly. He seems taken aback at first, but he smirked into the kiss as he realized his idea had worked. It’d been a little while since the two of you have been intimate…
When you both pulled away for Joe, Joe huskily ordered you to jump. You did as he said, jumping slightly as he helped you up and sat you on the counter. The two of you made out heavily for the next couple minutes before you remembered how messy the kitchen was. You pulled away from Joe, glancing at the mess on the floor and countertop across from you before looking back at your boyfriend.
“Someone should clean up the mess we made.”You said, cocking your head to the side and giving Joe a pointed look. He just smirked as his hands trailed up your sides, resting on your rib and cupping the side of your left breast.
“Just wait…” he trailed off as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “because that won’t the only mess we made that’ll have to be cleaned up.” He bit down softly on your earlobe, tugging it gently before pulling head away from you. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you looked into Joe’s intense blue eyes gaze.
A smirk pulled at your lips as you wrapped your arms Joe’s neck, clawing at his back as you harshly crashed your lips against his.
Pumpkin pie wasn’t the only sweet thing Joe was going to be tasting tonight…
hi loves!!
i don’t know why i made this a little spicy? i wanted to do something fluffy but as i started writing, i was like mmmm no i should do this instead😌
anyways, i hope you’re enjoying these thanksgiving/holiday blurbs! i’ve gotten some fun requests to go along with the ideas i had too :) i’ll probably post one more tonight, and do the rest tomorrow…because there’s a lot lol
hope you all have a great day/night😚🤍
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Sweet As Sweets
Fred Weasley x Chubby! Reader x George Weasley
(Can be read as platonic, because we all wish we had someone to comfort us on a sensitive topic like this)
Summary: You were being bullied by a gaggle of students for your weight. You were just enjoying a trip to Honeydukes with your friends. Made you self conscious, and that didn’t fly over the twins heads. They are going to fix your problems. Every last one of em
Warnings: Eating disorders, topics of weight, bullying, lots of weight talk, insecurity’s, the twins getting violent because no one hurts their loved ones
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“Well if it isn’t my favorite trio-“ Mrs. Flume would beam, as she saw you three. You and the Weasley twins. All smiles. Every time it was time for Hogsmeade, you three had to come to the candy shop. Who can resist Honeydukes? Certainly not you three. Not to mention she adored the twins. They were always happy to help her, and gave her such wonderful ideas for new treats. She knew that the day they made their shop a reality that she would be more than happy to offer to stock their shelves with sweets. Honeydukes in Diagon alley. A perfect business prosper!
“Hey Mrs. Flume!” You waved, as the twins were already quick to help her with the bag in her hands. Fred with holding it, while George with putting what was needed on the shelves. Some things just needed a human touch, after all. Had you giggle. They were tricksters, sure, but no one can argue that they were business savvy. It’s what made you respect them so much. Jokes, but knowing there was a time and place.
“I was hoping to see you lot again soon. Oh there is this new candy my husband and I created. You three always have such wonderful opinions. Who better to know what kids like than kids themselves?” She would beam to you, and you had to smile. Such a sweet woman. Suppose you three really rubbed off on her.
“I’ll be right back. Boys, can you help me a moment?” She would ask, as the twins gave mock salutes to her. Had her chuckle at their Go Gettem attitude. Had her ruffle their beanies, that kept that vivid orange hair safe and warm. Off to work they went, as you stayed behind. Just admiring the beautiful shop.
“No surprise you are in here again.” Someone would call out to you. Your heart dropped, as you knew that voice. Was one of those prefects. Not the ones like Percy. Those who drank on power, and liked to abuse it. You couldn’t argue with them, or they would take house points from you. Even if you were in the same house. Made it sting more that your own house could wish such pain.
“Leave me alone.” You grumbled, as you tried not to face the gang. You didn’t want to. That gang of prefects was always bullying people like you. People who didn’t starve themselves to the point those high cheek bones were a product of starvation. They felt better than you because they were on the opposite end of the spectrum of hunger. They had their own battles, but they were taking it out on people. Spreading the toxic disease.
“What? Mouth already stuffed full?” Another one of prefects mocked, as they made a pig snout pull at their nose. Followed by oinking, as the gang echoed it. Had your eyes water, as you tried to cover your ears with your hat. Anything to make them shut up.
“Stop hogging all the sweets. We know you are one, but move-!” And a sharp push was given to your side. Had you squeak, as you plopped on your butt. The chain reaction causes you to hit the side of a counter, and pumpkin fizz soak your clothes.
“Now you STINK like one to-!” They continued to mock, as your eyes water. You just couldn’t take it. They were always following you into whatever shop you went. If it had food in it, even though you didn’t go to eat, they haunted you. They were probably jealous you were such good friends with the twins. More like had friends in general, that weren’t surface level. Regardless you would stumble upwards. Slipping on the soda, as you ran out into the snow. Sobbing, as the twins returned.
“Hey, where did-?” Fred puzzled, before the gaggles of prefects quickly hushed. Playing dumb, as they all looked around. Pretending to be curious of what the shop had to offer, while George noticed the fizzy footprints. That made him nudge Fred, and he took the hint. The duo soon outside, to see you sniffling in a frosty bench.
“What happened?!” The twins asked, as they hurried over. George was quick with a hot air charm, just like Molly taught him, as Fred looked over the scene. The orange soda unable to hide your tear stained cheeks.
“I eat alot, that’s what happened!” You hiccuped, as you rubbed your eyes. That had the twins sigh. Not in annoyance, or bother. But in empathy. Not the first time those prefects bullied someone your shape.
“And? We eat alot to!” George tried to defend, but you just sniffled more. “But you two don’t get fat-!” You hiccuped again, as Fred was sitting next to you.
“Oh come off it. Mum’s fat!” And that had George smack his shoulder. “SHE IS-! But that doesn’t mean she isn’t our mum. She’s big, and big ain’t bad. She and we don’t get along that well, but she’s still a wonderful mum.” Fred tried to clarify.
“Yeah. Also the best hugs. Our hugs suck because we’re sticks and bones.” George tried to tease. It was nice, though. They said Fat but not with that negative energy. Was just another word. Wasn’t sugar coating things at all. They were being honest, and not trying to make you feel better to stop your crying. Their words were real. Had you calm down, a little.
“Also, like look-“ George added, as he finished the charm. “You know how us Weasley’s are. Food is like a language. We like food. Food brings people together. And when we become business men, it’s gonna be the best way to say we care.”
You were understanding what he was trying to say. The Weasleys were a poor family, but they tried to feed. Hence why the older siblings were thinner than the younger. To try and make sure the younger ate. But with siblings moving out, getting jobs, food is able to not be so sparse. Food was now a enjoyment, compared to survival.
"When we make it big, I hope we can get fat id anythkng-!" That had you roll your eyes, but you were grasping what they meant. Still, you couldn’t help but pinch at a roll on your stomach.
“Oh stop that.” Fred would soon trap you in a hug. Made you unable to move your arms, as George joined in. Trapped between them too. Forced to listen, and unable to degrade yourself more.
“Charlie is also fat. Like he can’t keep flexing twenty four seven.” George added, as you recalled meeting him before. He was an extremely well built man. Excess mass is still excess mass. He’s right. You can’t just flex all the time. Even muscular guys are squishy.
“But-“ You couldn’t finish your thought, as Fred poked your nose. “Don’t say ‘but he actually has muscles’ you baby. We would love you if you were built like a train, or as skinny as a wooden one. So shut up about that.” Fred would lecture you.
“Not to mention you aren’t even that big. Like come on. Like COME ONNNNN-“ George would whine, as he plopped his head on your shoulder. “Like come on. So what if you eat a little more. You actually ENJOY food. Like come on.” He grumbled on.
“We rather be friends with someone who enjoys our cooking, and experiments to eat, than a skinny asshole who thinks just eating a slice of bread is going to murder you. Like this whole thing is dumb. Skinny this, fat that. Lame.” Fred would huff, as their own bodies were suffering issues.
The twins were very skinny, and that was a fact. They had developed muscle, from quidditch, sure. But they also were still underweight. It was so hard to keep on weight, given how much work they did. Suppose it can be exhausting being told you had a body to die for, when you hated it to begin with. Helped you see that maybe there were just as much perks to being plus size, as there were to being skinny. It’s your body. What’s with everyone wanting to be in your business?
“Come on. You deserve to edulge a little. Come on.” The twins would flutter their eye lashes, in that Halo Wearing way, and you snorted. They would call that a victory, as they smooshed their cheeks with yours. Warmth, love, and affection. What you needed.
“We will be right back. Trust us. Just enjoy the snow-“ They winked, before running back inside. You were a bit confused, but figured better not to question it. They were the twins after all. You made a guess someone’s going to be set on fire.
Seems you were right. It was a little while, but you soon saw the gaggle of school yard bully’s run outside. Their hair indeed on fire, and faces flushed heavily. As if they ate some kind of spicy candy.
They were all so desperate to stop the heat, and were soon all jumping into snow banks. Desperate to stop the burning. Just rolling around, and making a scene. Was such a sight, as they melted the snow. Reached the earth under it, and they were soon covered in mud. Cooled off, but a mess.
“Oink oink, wankers-!” The twins shouted, and laughed. Many of the fellow students pointed as well. Those prefects were in their own little mud baths. All to be pointed at, with laughter and mockery.
“Hey, we got some cool candy that Mrs. Flume wants us to test out. Let’s hit up The Three Broomsticks to try it out-!” George would cheer, as he held up the large bag of sweets. A mixture of bought, gifted, and experimental.
With Fred helping you stand up, to give you some pride and dignity, you would look through the open doorway. There was Mrs. Flume. She seemed to be closing the lid to a candy jar full of red little balls of sweets. When you two met eyes, she gave a hush. With a wink. You would nod your head to her, with a smile, before the twins yanked you off to your next adventure.
“I see someone took up your advice on prank candy.” You giggled, as those twins gave gasps. Making ‘who, us?!’ And fake looks of disbelief. That just had you all laughing even more, as they kept up the dramatic little scene of pretend innocents.
The day could have gone better, but then again the twins found a way to indeed make it better anyway. Such as snuggling with you in a booth. No shame between you three, as you enjoyed a nice hot meal. With butterbeer, and your favorite sweets. A day to just enjoy yourself. Cheat days were needed in life anyway.
You still were a little self conscious, but the twins were happy to help you in whatever direction you went. To be your biggest cheerleader for if you wanted to lose weight, or be your knights in shining armor for if you were contented with just the way you are.
Either way, you’ll never say no to the pure comfort of sharing sweets with the people you found sweet.
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Mm i just think Steve has a ton of sweaters, some snug that fit him well and some that are purposely big so he can drown in the warmth and comfort. And his mind would stop as soon as he sees you wearing one of his sweaters
went a lil silly and wrote a cutie lil blurb about steve's girl wearing his sweater, hope you enjoy! 🫶🏻
Fall-ing In Love ~ S. Harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 0.5K
warnings: none, just tooth-rotting, pumpkin scented fluff
extra notes: all photos in the collage are from pinterest! dividers are by @firefly-graphics!
send me steve thoughts | ask box
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The air was crisp, the scent of your favorite cinnamon candle burning in the living room wafting through the air as the menu credits of St. Elmo's Fire played from the television. Freshly plated pumpkin squares sat on the coffee table next to two mugs of milk, the scent only adding to the aroma of the candle. The scene truly looked like something straight out of a romance movie, and the only thing missing was your leading man.
Just as you checked your watch, the familiar sound of the car engine turning off rumbled outside, prompting you to leave your spot on the couch and head for the door. Instinctively pulling open the door, you greeted Steve with a soft peck before moving to let him in.
The boy's jaw was just about on the floor as he took in the sight in front of him—you, all wrapped up in the sweater he'd forgotten a couple days ago, looking absolutely beautiful and perfect. It was a navy blue number, one that fit him snuggly but seemingly swallowed you whole. You had to curl the ends of the sleeves into your fists, effectively making paws out of the material, so they didn't drag or get caught in any of the snacks you'd made.
"Woohoo," you called, waving a hand in front of his widened eyes. "You good up there?"
He blinked a couple times, bringing himself out of his thoughts. "Just wondering how in the world I got so lucky enough to end up with the prettiest girl this side of the Mississippi."
A blush crept up your cheeks as you flashed a shy smile his way. "You think I'm pretty, Stevie?" you kidded, hitting his chest jokingly. "I never would've guessed."
A deep chuckle fell from his lips as he pulled you in for a hug, his lips pressing softly into your scalp. "I think you're very pretty. The prettiest girl in the whole galaxy."
You shot him a playful look, a smirk tugging at your mouth. "What made me get upgraded in the last ten seconds?"
And with that, he was back to his normal self. Not that Steve wasn't sappy or absolutely in love with you, but that was just the bonus version of Steve. The Steve you'd fallen for was sarcastic and playful and knew exactly how to create the perfect balance of charm and romance. "I take it back. Your sarcasm has you back down to 'prettiest girl this side of the Mississippi'," he joked, slapping you playfully across your denim-clad butt.
In a matter of seconds, you were back in the living room, Steve's face practically glowing as he took in the display in front of him. "Woman, you spoil me."
You brushed a delicate kiss to the sharp line of his jaw, arms wrapping around his midsection. "It's easy to spoil someone when they love you the way you love me."
"I don't know what I'd do without you," he commented, lips meeting the top of your head once more.
Your eyes met his, a knowing smile splayed across both of your mouths. "Well, for one, you'd have no one to share your sweaters with. And for two, you'd die of pumpkin deprivation."
"And that, my love, is a world in which no one deserves to live."
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @esoltis280
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mynonah · 1 year
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Happily Ever After
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fetishfairytales2 · 3 months
Under the Bed, Pt. 1 (Story)
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Based off an old favorite story that has long since disappeared from the internet, updated to fit new characters.
"Let's go, little sissy," I smirked, pulling her by the leash into the master bedroom. "I know Mommy hasn't let you in here for a while, but Daddy and I have a special surprise for you!" Brandi looked terrified as she crawled into the room. She froze when she saw Connor standing behind me, placing his hands possessively on my hips. I laughed at the fear in Brandi’s eyes at the sight of my bull, "Don't worry, sweetie pie," I purred, kneeling down to stroke her cheek. "Daddy won't hurt you...yet."
Connor let out a smug laugh as he spoke. "That's right, you pathetic fucking loser," he taunted, making sure to stare directly into Brandi's eyes as he gave me a strong spank on the ass. "We're just here to have a little fun with you..." He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me in for a kiss, never breaking his gaze from the diaper wearing sissy, who was watching with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Have you noticed any changes since you’ve been sweeping in your cwute wittle nursery, sweetie?” I mocked; “and no, I'm not talking about my new tattoo..." I playfully twirled and lifted my skirt, revealing my lacy black g-string and Connor's name tattooed on my ass. Brandi let out a pitiful sob. "Aww, what’s wrong pumpkin? You know Connor owns my ass now, not you." 
I plopped down on the freshly-made bed, its wooden frame and canopy giving off a modern vibe. It was all part of my plan to make it seem like a normal, unassuming piece of furniture. But in reality, Connor had not only built it, but also put in some serious work in it. I couldn't wait to see the look on Brandi's face when she realized what was waiting for her. "Welcome to our new bed," I said, giving the mattress a pat. I turned to Connor with a loving smile. “Daddy built it just for us and him and I will be sharing it. Don’t worry though cucky-wucky, Daddy thought of you too…” I added with a wink to our little Brandi, who looked terrified and heartbroken all at once. It was perfect. “Why don’t we let Daddy show you?” I asked sweetly. 
"And, here we go again, you fucking freak," Connor rolled his eyes, yanking Brandi by her leash and dragging her towards the nightstand. "Watch closely," he taunted, smacking her diapered butt way too hard. "I'll save the real fun for you later, babe," he snickered at me. Without another word, Connor grabbed a small touchscreen and pressed a button. Brandi let out a squeal as the bed started to hiss and lift up.
I cackled at Brandi's shocked expression as she glanced at the bed, "Looks like we scared the poor girl enough to pee herself!”  I stood next to Brandi as we all peered into the tiny and cramped leather padded space under the bed. "Daddy really didn't leave much room for a sissy, did he?" I laughed, "it looks like he made it just big enough for you to lay down uncomfortably!" I paused and grabbed Brandi's chin, making her look into my eyes, "But don't worry, I made sure to ask for enough room to pad that cold leather with your warm squishy diapees. Aren’t I so thoughtful?”
“Oh, speaking of messy, let me just…” I paused to dig through the night stand drawer. It seemed like Brandi couldn't handle the suspense, the poor darling tried to make a run for it! Of course, Connor was too quick for her. I turned back around to see him pinning her down with a single strong, muscular arm. "Thanks, babes," I gushed as I gave Connor a passionate kiss right over Brandi. "Can you hold her mouth open for me?" 
I giggled as I dangled a huge dildo gag in front of Brandi's face as I knelt down next to her, twirling the massive cock by a series of wires hanging from the other end. "This is going in your mouth," I taunted, sing-song style. "Isn't it just so impressive? And so lifelike!" I moved closer to Brandi's tear-streaked and trembling face. "Do you recognize this beautiful dick?" I asked, teasingly. "It's Daddy's! It's molded right from the real thing, all 9 inches and every single vein!" I grinned sadistically as I watched Brandi's expression. "That little sissy tongue is going to feel right at home wrapped around this!"
"There's also a matching buttplug that you'll get to feel later," I said with a wicked grin. Connor grabbed Brandi's cheeks and pushed them together, which let me shove the gag in and buckle it tight behind the pathetic loser's head. "You might notice these wires here," I forced her to nod by pulling on the wires in front of her. "They're quite long, aren't they? Well, deep under that leather cucky coffin is a bunch of motors and even a couple of special containers! When we plug in this gag and special booty plug, they have magic powers! See those cameras and microphones on the top of the bed?" I turned Brandi's head to look up despite being pinned down. "They help too, isn't that exciting?"
I looked into Brandi's scared eyes, God this is so fucking hot. "Guess what Brandi? Every time that microphone hears me moan and scream Connor's name, or beg him to fuck me, or even call him Daddy, it will make those new friends of yours vibrate and thrust inside of you! Can you imagine that? Both of us feeling that amazing dick at the same time! And you, you lucky slut, you get it from both ends! It can even tell the speed, so the faster he fucks me, the faster those dildos will fuck you. How amazing, right?” I stopped, just to watch as she started to sob again, harder this time. “Aww!” I stroked her head, don’t cry yet girlie, there’s still so much to tell you about!”
"She’s such a kinky bitch, isn't she?" Connor chuckled, pushing Brandi aside with disgust. "You better not move or else I'll make you regret it, loser," he sneered, not even bothering to look back at her. He ran his hand underneath my skirt and grabbed my ass, God he was so powerful. Pulling me in for a rough kiss, he asked, "you’re a wild chick, aren't you?" giving my ass a hard slap. "Tell her all the other kinky shit you've been doing."
To be continued…
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lou-struck · 1 year
Spooky Spikes
Kotaro Bokuto x reader
Flufftober Day 3- Halloween Practice
~Bokuto is excited for you to come to his Halloween volleyball practice so he can show off the costume you gave him.
Warnings: Bare butt cheeks (No Smut I promise very SFW), Bokuto is taller and has a bigger butt than the reader, Cursing.
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There’s something about the fall that makes your little kitchen coffee corner feel just a bit cozier. The warm scents of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom fill your nose as you brew yourself a steaming cup of chai tea. The ceramic mug is warm in your hand as you grip the pumpkin-shaped handle. Carefully walking it over to the sun-soaked kitchen table, the large window giving you the perfect view of your neighbor’s old apple tree. The leaves are just beginning to change from deep green to a crisp yellow around the slightly pathetic-looking fruits.
You raise the cup to your lips, letting your eyes flutter shut as you breathe in what can only be described as ‘Liquid Autumn.’ Blowing slightly on the wisps of steam to take your first sip. You hear a loud thudding sound coming from down the hall and pause. 
Usually, you would be concerned and follow the noise, but you live with your lovingly klutzy boyfriend Kotaro Bokuto. The Volleyball player has never been the quietest in the morning when he is getting ready for morning practice.
“Babeeee, I need help.” his boisterous voice calls from behind you, the sound causing you to jolt as a bit of your tea splatters over the lip of the cup, down your hand, and onto the previously clean tabletop.
“Kou, what do you need ~” You turn your head mid-sentence and lose your train of thought when you see the tall form of your boyfriend. But instead of his defined muscles and owlish two-toned hair, all you see is a long white sheet draped over him; the only thing you are able to see of him behind the sheet is bare feet that poke out from .” What the hell are you wearing?” 
“Boo!” he yells, too elated to answer your question, the happy yet slightly muffled sounds bouncing off the walls and throwing his sheet-covered arms up into the air. “Did I scare ya? I can’t see very well in this thing, so you’ll have to tell me what you think of my costume.”
Oh, right. Today is the MSBY Jackals’ annual Halloween practice. It’s just like any other practice, but the players get to wear some costumes as they play. Judging by your lovable boyfriend’s costume, he has forgotten that he actually needs to be able to play in his costume.
“Are you going as a ghost?” You ask, gently pulling up the sheet to reveal his thick gray eyebrows, pinkish cheeks, and ruffled two-toned hair. It must be pretty hot under there.
“Yeah, pretty iconic, don’t you think?” he winks, leaning in to give you a minty fresh kiss. “It’s a bit hard to see, though. Can you help me make some eye holes?” he asks, reaching a muscled arm just past you over to the knife block. Your stomach drops at the continuation he is making when he grabs your well-loved kitchen scissors.
“Babe, these are our good sheets.” you giggle, gently prying the kitchen scissors from his much larger hands. “We can’t just cut holes into them. And you are definitely not going to be able to play volleyball in that thing. You can’t even lift your arms to Spike.”
His features fall in the most heartbreaking way as he looks down at the linen sheet, mourning the loss of his Halloween costume idea. “But that was my big plan. I thought of it the other day when one of the trainers said that my spikes were scary.” His golden gaze drifts to the glowing green numbers on the stovetop. “Shoot, Practice starts in an hour and I don’t have another costume. What do I do?”
You place a comforting hand on his bicep and give him a reassuring smile. “We still have time to think of something for you, what did you wear last year? I don’t remember you telling me.” 
“I-I can’t tell you that,” he says quickly, his large hand coming up to hide the rapidly spreading blush on his cheeks; it’s too embarrassing to talk about.”
“But not embarrassing enough to not wear it to the gym surrounded by at least twenty people?” 
He still shakes his head adamantly. “I don’t have that costume anymore, we gotta think of something else.”
You furrow your brow in thought, 
“Wait, come with me; I think I have an idea.” You smile, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallway eagerly. The still pristine bedsheet flows behind the two of you. 
In the back of your closet lies a clear plastic tub filled with old costumes and pieces from years past. You dig through the animal masks and wizard robes until you find what you are looking for. Your old Skeleton costume consists of an oversized black t-shirt and a pair of leggings; a realistic skeletal system print covers the entire thing. 
“Would these work?” you ask, holding up the pieces for him to take. The costume was baggy on you, but the stretchy material means that it most likely could fit your much taller, much more beefy boyfriend. 
His eyes light up when he sees the costume, and nods eagerly. “This will be great. I can actually play in these. He picks you up easily and spins you around the cramped closet space. “You’re so amazing Y/n. Where would I be without you?”
“ single and costumeless.” You giggle, returning his bear hug with as much strength as you can muster. “Wait, hang on,” you place your hands on his shoulders as you are hit with your second moment of brilliance that morning. “I think I have some face paint underneath the sink.”
After buying you a fresh tea to replace the one you hadn’t gotten to enjoy earlier, Kotaro insisted on dragging you to practice with him so you can see just how awesome his costume looks in comparison to his other teammates.
As the nosy little thing you are, it didn’t take much persuading to come with him. The scent of icy hot reaches your nose as the two of you pass the athletic training room where a few players are getting taped for today’s session. 
“Are you sure you don’t wanna wear your shorts over the leggings? “You ask, noticing just how tight the leggings are on his muscled bottom.
“No, I don’t need it,” he says, looking down and giving his butt a playful little smack. “It would ruin the vibe of my Amazing costume.”
“I can’t argue with that,” you giggle as he dances towards the sound of volleyball. He certainly is the happiest volleyball-playing skeleton you’ve ever seen. 
“Okay, babe, wish me luck.” Kotaro grins, stopping just outside the gymnasium doors, leaning in towards you with his now skeletal-painted lips puckered. 
You place your hand on his chest and push him back lightly, “Wait, you don’t want to mess up your face paint. You say quickly, noticing the puppy dog eyes he is giving you. 
“I don’t care about that if it means I don’t get a kiss,” he says with a pout, crossing his arms in usual Bokuto fashion. He is already leaning in for your kiss. He knows just how effective his pouty face is on you.
“Good luck,” you smile, leaning in on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. 
He is so happy he practically skips into the gym, pushing open the doors and waving to you one more time before he goes to work.
Now alone, you turn away from the sound of squeaking shoes and spikes to walk up the steps to the upper bleachers, where certain spectators are allowed to watch without distracting the players.
You are now looking over the whole court and see the dozens of players scattered around as practice begins. Costume-wise, it looks like the majority of the players are wearing masks of some sort, making it hard to tell who is who. But eventually, you do see familiar faces.
The blond head of Atsumu Miya grabs your attention as he takes his place by the net, a long, flowing red and black vampire cape tied behind his neck. And judging by how muffled his on-the-court communication is, he must be wearing some of those cheap vampire fangs as well.
Shoyo Hinata Is wearing all black with a large pair of black feathered wings tethered to his back with little elastic strings. They flap clumsily as they fail to keep up with the redhead’s speed as he runs about the court with boundless energy. 
The Third Person you are able to make out is Sakusa Kiyoomi, a true master of disguise. He is wearing his normal practice clothes and really looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. The only thing out of place on his clean frame is the hastily stuck red and white name tag that sits crookedly on his chest.
With those great options to compete with, you can safely say that Bokuto’s costume is by far the best. You watch as the team tries to play. Atsumu keeps tripping over his cape when he jumps, and Little feathers from Hinata’s wings keep littering the court as he bounds around, and the other players keep having to take off their rubber monster masks to breathe and truly look miserable. It keeps you thoroughly entertained throughout the training session. 
In between sets in their practice scrimmage, Bokuto and a few others end up by your bench, and you’re able to hear a little bit of your boyfriend’s not-so-quiet conversation.
“Omi, do you like my faceeee?” He gushes, pointing to his slightly sweaty face paint. “Y/n did it this morning; Arent they sooooo amazing.”
His honest declarations of his love for you are one of the many reasons why you love him. He effortlessly brings a smile to your lips as he continues to show off his painted face. The design really wasn’t that difficult to make. You just looked up a quick tutorial of how to do it online earlier and were able to copy it fairly well.
“No fair,” Hinata whines, coming over to look at the carefully painted design you made. He looks up at you and waves with a big grin. “Hey Y/n, can you paint my face next year too?”
“I guess I can,” you call back to him. “I’m not a professional or anything so I~”
“Helloooo? Your boyfriends jealousy interrupts, waving his hand in front of the shorter man’s face, “They’re mine, getting my face painted by them is a Boyfriend perk.” 
“Oh shoot, is that a thing?” The ginger responds with wide eyes as the two of them finish their water break and jog back onto the court. 
“Watch me, Babe,” he calls, trying to shoot you a wink as he takes his place by the net. The ball is set, and you watch as Bokuto begins his approach; the ball is set high over the net as the owl-haired man leaps for it. Soaring high above the double block in his way, he brings his hand down onto the poor volleyball with a frightening force. The ball hits the ground and bounces off in the opposite direction.
But Bokuto’s kill is robbed of any kind of celebration because the minute his powerful legs land on solid ground, the impact causes those little skeleton-printed leggings of yours to rippppp right down the middle, revealing two things to you and the rest of the gym as a deafening silence falls all around you.
One, Kotaro Bokuto was not wearing any underwear underneath your now-ruined leggings.
And Two, his muscular ass cheeks.
He feels the breeziness down below and looks at you with wide eyes, clearly too stunned to speak, or move, or cover up. 
You are in the same boat as him as your jaw hits the floor and your eyes go right to the rip.
As you are captivated by the scene in front of you, no one else says a word. Some are too fixated on Kotaro’s bare ass cheeks that seem to shine under the fluorescent lights of the stadium, and others are wondering where the hell the volleyball he spiked went off to
A player in a rubbery haunted pumpkin mask steps forward, his footsteps echoing across the silent gymnasium, breaking the silence. His hand flies up to take off the mask, revealing a head of slicked-back black hair. 
Captain Shūgo Meian sighs, Looking completely done as he tosses your poor boyfriend a towel to cover the rip as he speaks. “Bokuto, while this situation is uhhh… unfortunate. It is still not nearly as bad as what happened last year.” 
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Tagging: @eussstasss @enchantedforest-network
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Madison was a normal girl, or at least she thought. Yeah she was as her friend said “stacked”, meaning she has some impressive tits but she was a normal everyday girl.
She loves, arts and crafts, Halmark channel and dont get her started on her pumpkin spice. Unlike most girls her best friend was a boy named Adam. They pretty much grew up with each other and have known each other since they were five. Adam was a good looking man and had a bit of a dominant streak to him. He also loved sex, alot but him and Maddi as he called her never really hooked up sexually or romantically, it just never really worked out that way. Madison knew of his adventures in the real of sex and would normally roll her eyes if he said anything about it. What she did not know what Adam more than anything wanted to screw Madison but he did not want to ruin their friendship so he stayed away in that aspect. That was until he was presented with an opportunity they he just could not say no too.
Adams latest conquest was very much a bimbo, hot as all get out and very sexual and submissive to boot. He loved everything about her. After a amazing night of sex Adam asked her, what made her want to be like this? Her response was Bambi Sleep. Confused Adam started poking snd prodding getting all the info he could on this to only find out it was a hypnosis program that turned the listener into a sexy, sex crazed bimbo. After finding the files he knew what he had to do.
Few days later Madison was home just chilling when Adam came by her apartment to hang out. All was good and they like normal just started talking. Adam had to go on a trip and would be gone for about two weeks but he wanted Madison to try something for him. He gave her an mo3 player and said there is a set if files on there to listen to them every day at least once a day and when he gets back they will talk about them. He said it will help her sleep and be more relaxed so she said sure. She was a woman of her word so yeah she would do it.
Adam left for his trip and as she promised she started on the files. First two nights she listened right before she went to bed only to fall asleep. She was happy because they were doing what she needed them to do, help her sleep. After the fourth and fifth day Madison demeanor changed. She worked from home as an artist so she could pretty much do what she wanted and that ment covering up in a blanket and some pumpkin spice was just perfect but now, she just wanted to be nide. She would walk around her house in the nude and it just felt right to her. She was also horny, very horny and found her self pleasing her self multiple times during the day.
The sixth thru ninth day saw her change even more. Maddison hardly wore make up, she never really saw a reason to but now, as soon as she woke up in the morning she had to be dolled up. She just did not feel right unless she was dolled up. Lipstick, eyeshadow the works she had to do it. She still liked walking around in the nude but now she had to have heels. Six inches, no less was her preferred size. She felt sexy, and yes still horny. She found her self pleasing her self multiple times a day and she was thinking about Adam each time. She wanted him so bad and she knew she would have him when he got home.
The last few days before Adam was to come home she would find that a good girl like her needed to be plugged all the time. She purchased a butt plug that had a furry tail on it and she wore it around the house while being nude. She would find her self pleasing her self with a dildo while thinking about Adam. She wanted him back so bad.
Well, the day came and Adam came back to vist Maddison. He walked in the door to hear her in the kitchen. His first words as he said them down the hall before he even saw her was “How is my Bimbo Doll?” To his shock he found Maddison standing nude in the kitchen with a pair of thigh high black pvc stiletto lace up heels, full dolled up with a tail butt plug in standing at attention. Her response was “Bambi Maddi ready to serve you master, Bambi Maddi will obey you commands master”
Adam knew his planed worked at that time and took full advantage of it. Maddison was gone, only Bambi remained and she wanted to be called Madie.
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From that moment on Maddi was Adams bimbo slut fucktoy and no one would take her away.
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rachelsfav-queer · 1 month
A lil gift for @thekiltongrammarwriter and @caitlynsdog for feeding my PipCara brainrot the last few weeks
Or… Drunk Pippa coming home carrying a stray kitten!
“Pip…” Cara spoke carefully, noticing her girlfriend’s impaired state and not wanting to set her off, “What do you have behind your back?”
Pippa shuffles back and forth on her feet anxiously and looks absolutely anywhere but Cara’s eyes. Chewing on her lower lip, Pippa hiccups and slurs her response, “You have… t- to pro- promo- pro-mi-ssee that you won’t be upset. Be-cause… you look super sc-ary when you’re up��� set.”
Cara holds back a laugh at Pippa’s pout and nearly teary eyes and promises to not be upset. Pippa nods quickly and then nearly falls over from the rapid movement before catching herself. She then reveals from behind her back a tiny, grimy little kitten. Cara sighs at the sight and barely holds back the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose, “Pip-”
“Her name is Miss Snuggle Fluffle Bottoms III and she was all alone Cara!! I couldn’t leave her alone!” Pippa interrupts with a cry, now nearly sobbing just thinking about the poor state of the animal she had found it in and the possibility of having to give her up.
“First of all, pumpkin. That’s a boy,” Cara says, walking carefully up to the shorter girl.
Pippa pauses for a second and then pulls the kitten up to her ear after it meows. “She says she identifies as a girl and wants you to respect her life choices, Cara. I can’t believe you’d be so rude,” Pippa says with a straight face, her tears disappeared for only a moment before starting up again now that the matter has been settled.
“Okay, okay… Beyond that, my love, I hope you realize that this is going to be a very serious responsibility. Miss Snuggle Fluffle Bottoms III clearly is going to need a lot of close care and possibly some medical care as well. All I’m saying is… are you ready to properly take care of this kitten?” Cara asks calmly while pulling Pippa into a close hug, carefully wiping away her tears as they fall.
Pippa thinks hard for a moment, as well as soaking in her girlfriend’s warmth and love and kindness. After some silence, Pippa nods, slowly this time, and speaks, “Yes, Cara. I can… I want to take care of her. She needs love and a family. She’s all alone, Cara! Remind you of someone?”
Cara lightheartedly rolls her eyes and pats Pippa’s butt a couple times, “I know you’re drunk, baby girl, but that was a low blow. I think it’s time for bed for my little kittens, hm?” Just as Cara says that, both Pippa and the kitten yawn in perfect sync, making Cara laugh and coo at the sight which in turn makes Pippa blush and the kitten purr happily. “Come on, you two. A quick bath and then straight to bed. Let’s go!”
End <3
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wheresmulder · 2 years
Things I've recently learned about D'Arcy Carden (mostly against my will):
Is 5'10"
Added the apostrophe to her name bc the smashing pumpkins
"I don't give a fuck about men [cackles] I don't care about them. I don't care about their opinions. I don't. fucking. care."
Can do a perfect Abbi Jacobson impression
Loved early American Idol
Waterpolo player/softball player
Is the funniest person living today
Can't run fast
Has a horde of lesbians (I am one of them)
Doesn't know where the camera is and doesn't care bc Theatre (joking)
Has to consciously count all the cameras (real)
Loves butts
Calls Abbi Jacobson "abigail" as a Nicholas name
Can make me laugh without even doing anything
Abbi: "Listen I didn't ever like... think that I would write a thing where I'm like falling in love with D'Arcy but also... EVERYONE is in... like isn't she the... everyone that D'Arcy meets... you LOVE her. You immediately fall in love." (put this on my tombstone)
Likes the Oakland A's
Was on Broad City
UCB improv extraordinaire
Is literally so fucking gorgeous
The way she says "abbi baby"
Has gone by the nicknames "Big D" and "Big D Energy"
Was in Rats the Musical (drop a rat in the chat🐀)
When asked [verbatim] "what is your relationship with Marijuana: "I do"
When asked [verbatim] "on a scale of 1 to 10 how high are you: "all the way or whatever"
Knows what cunnilingus is
And so as you can see I have no choice but to be completely and totally head over heels in love with her ty for coming to my tedtalk
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dailyreverie · 11 months
Pumpkin patch and everything nice
A/N: Requested by @the-little-ewok 🎃💖 I really hope you like it!! I expected it to be a blurb but hey... here we are now with 1k words lol.
@flufftober - Day 22 Picking [pumpkins]
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader Modern!AU, I guess. Beebee is a Corgi.
Word count: 1.1k words
Flufftober masterlist
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As soon as the wheels came to a stop, you could already smell the sweet treats baking and the distant fire coming from inside the cabin. The pumpkin patch extended for as far as you could see, the brisk air from outside forced you to wrap yourselves in knit sweaters and scarves, it was the perfect fall afternoon of orange leaves, warm drinks, and Poe by your side.
The car engine turned off and at the same time Beebee started barking from the backseat, his tiny dog butt waving in anticipation. You couldn’t blame him, you had planned this trip for weeks and you were sure your dog was as excited about it as you were, Poe’s enthusiastic calls of “are you ready bud?” only fueling the dog’s tail waves. “Are you ready?” He cocked an eyebrow when he repeated the question for you, earning a light push and a laugh from you.
Poe opened his door and rushed to open the one beside him - yes, not yours, but the one from the back that let Beebs out to run freely around the autumn paradise in front of you. “Beebee! Don’t go far!”
“I don’t think he cares.” You joined him on the other side of the car, his arm finding its way around your shoulders and yours around your waist. “You did promise him a big place to run around, if anything-”
Poe nodded, his lips curving into a loving smile. “Yeah, yeah, this is my fault.” Poe finished for you, leaning to kiss the side of your head. You walked side by side to the entrance of the pumpkin-filled woods, taking in the silence of the place only accompanied by the crunch of the leaves under your feet and the laughing kids in the distance.
As you entered the enchanting pumpkin patch, warms wrapped around each other, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment washing over you. The rows of plump, orange pumpkins seemed to glow in the warm sunlight, and it was as if you'd stepped into an autumn picture you’d only seen on those aesthetic blogs you follow. You watched Beebee zigzag through the rows of pumpkins with untamed enthusiasm, barking at every pumpkin he felt could be a threat.
“Don’t think I forgot about your mission.” You bumped Poe’s hip with yours.
Poe smiled, not averting his eyes from the horizon. “My mission? Do you mean the very same reason why we are here?” You laughed at his excitement, squeezing his side; you could even see his eyes already scanning the place. “I promised you, sweetheart. I'm going to find the biggest, most gorgeous pumpkin in this whole patch, and we won’t leave until we have it.”
“I better get my coffee and my muffin, then. Get comfortable while I wait for you.” You teased.
“Oh, so you think it’s going to take me long?” He unwrapped himself from your embrace to stand in front of you with a playful glare in his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged, knowing exactly what a challenge did to him.
Poe's eyes sparkled with determination and affection as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a sweet, promising kiss. “You’ll see. I’m going to ace this mission.” With a mischievous glint in his eyes and one more quick kiss, Poe began his quest for the biggest pumpkin. 
You couldn't help but watch him with affectionate amusement as he scoured the patch, lifting pumpkins, inspecting their size, and occasionally shaking his head as he sought the perfect one.
“Beebs! Come on bud!” Poe’s voice called for your chubby corgi who ran up to him with an acknowledging bark. He followed Poe's every step, as if he too was participating in this mission all with Poe talking to him through it too, giving him instructions on how to find it.
As Poe searched, you made your way to your own mission up to the nearby rustic stand selling hot apple cider, freshly-baked muffins, and other autumn delights. The aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg filled the air, and you couldn't resist getting a cup of steaming cider and a pumpkin spice muffin. You found a cozy spot at one of the wooden tables set up nearby and settled in to enjoy your treats with the perfect view of your boyfriend and your dog equally excited in the patch.
Beebe was the first one to tire out, reaching you with a tiny pumpkin in his mouth, dropping it on your feet, and flopping onto the ground. “Guess who’s winning.” You chanted with a sing-song tone that made Poe grunt - “that’s not big at all”, he even complained, continuing his search through rows and rows of pumpkins.
You were halfway through your muffin when Poe called for you, an excited “Sweetheart!” coming from somewhere down the patch. You spotted Poe in the distance, triumphantly lifting a gigantic pumpkin above his head, his muscles bulging with effort. His infectious enthusiasm had attracted the attention of other pumpkin pickers, who cheered him on as he carried the enormous fruit back to you.
Poe placed the pumpkin down with a satisfied grin, beads of sweat on his forehead, and his hands were covered in dirt. "I told you I'd find the biggest one!" he declared, looking pleased with his accomplishment.
“I never once doubted you,” you said, admiring the massive orange ball that sat on the table between the two of you. 
Poe wiped his hands on his jeans and leaned in for a loving kiss, tasting of the earthy scent of the pumpkin patch. "I hope you're ready for some serious pumpkin carving," he said with a wink.
“Definitely. Do you think I’m going to let Finn and Rose win this year again? Hell no.” You both chuckled, Poe letting himself fall on the chair beside you the same way Beebee had flopped to the ground. He loved that competitive side of you, the very same one that pushed him to find the pumpkin and that was now rewarding him with a taste of your cider.
As the sun began to make its way down, you and Poe gathered your treasures, including the enormous pumpkin and the smaller ones Beebee had gathered, and made your way back to the car - not without running back for more of that cider and a couple more muffins you couldn’t get enough of.
“We should do this every year,” Poe spoke up after a few minutes down the road on the way back, interrupting the sound of Beebee snoring in the back.
Turning to look at him you admired his profile, strong and calm with a soft smile playing on his lips. You reached over and squeezed his hand, your fingers interlocking with his. “I’d love that.” 
Poe smiled wider, quickly looking at your matching loving smile not wanting to miss the way you were looking at him, before lifting your hand to kiss the back of it. He kept your hand in his as he always did while driving. Many more years of this… yeah, you could get used to it.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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kittenfangirl20 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel/Hogwarts AU
*Adam is excitedly telling Eve and Lucifer all about his favorite magical creatures during lunch while both are looking at him with love in their eyes as he starts to get a second serving of lunch*
Lilith: Don’t you think you have had enough?
*Lilith makes pig noises while some of the other bullies start to laugh at him, Adam feels tears sting his eyes, he is mostly muscular, but his stomach is a bit round, he has thick thighs, and a big butt which made him very self conscious, his adopted mother, Sera constantly told him he was perfect the way he was, but that still made him a target of cruel bullies like Lilith, Eve pulls out her wand and points it at a pitcher filled with pumpkin juice*
Eve: Wingardium Leviosa.
*she said it quietly so no one else could hear her, the pitcher of pumpkin juice floats over to Lilith and dumps itself all over Lilith*
Eve: No one asked your opinion.
*the Great Hall goes silent, Eve rarely gets angry, but when she does it is frightening, one of the Professors takes points from Gryffindor and Eve gets detention*
Eve: I don’t care, it was all worth it.
Lucifer: That isn’t fair, Lilith should be punished for bullying.
*Lucifer glares over to Lilith*
Adam: It’s alright, thank you for standing up to Lilith for me.
*Adam holds Eve’s hand and both Eve and Lucifer smile at Adam*
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wandafiction · 5 months
Tickle Monster - Just Us Chapter 37
Warnings: Fluff, Angst.
Word Count: 1904
Series List | Chapter 36 | Chapter 38
It's now Monday, gah I'm so in love with the woman on my lock screen….yes Wanda is my lock screen call me whipped or a simp because that is exactly what I am. The rest of the weekend was really calm, I managed to make my special pancakes which everyone enjoyed while we watched an early morning movie. Yelena and Sharon managed to join us just before I had to get Nathaniel home and ate the spare pancakes I saved for them. I have now been labelled the breakfast chef, so whenever we hang out I have to be the one who makes breakfast. I don't mind, I love to cook.
Sunday Wanda invited me over to hers, to hang out with her and the boys. It made my heart melt when she phoned me to ask, she was so nervous which confused me because I practically spent most of my nights and mornings there before the boys returned from their dad's. I mean she was so nervous Billy ended up stealing her phone from her to ask me instead.
"Do you want to come around to watch TV, play games and help my mama cook dinner?"
It was wholesome and I swear I could hear Wanda blushing from my end of the call. Of course I said yes, and went Via the ice cream parlor and shops to grab some things for everyone including Wanda's favourite Pumpkin ice cream. We had such an awesome day full of us snuggled under blankets laughing and enjoying the movies we watched. Me and Wanda were cuddled up together on one couch, me sat against the corner, my legs laying straight towards the other end while Wanda sat in my lap, her legs intertwined with mine as her back pressed against my front. And Of course I gave her head scratches while she played with my rings on the other hand. 
I kept looking from the TV to the boys every now and again, as they sat on opposite ends of their couch. I caught them looking at me and Wanda a few times, every time they would smile at the sight of Wanda in my arms. It was in moments like those that I knew I would protect those boys, I even gave them my phone number in case they needed anything. 
Anyway, back to the present. I am currently leaving my workplace to head to stark industries, or as we like to call the building the tower. Stark called me in, something about him wanting me to meet a few people who could work a joint operation for his company and mine. So here I am, coffee in hand as I head up in the elevator to Tony's floor. 
Ding . The elevator doors slide open and I am met with the view of the blonde woman at the desk. A smile grows on her face as she sees me and I scoff at the sight of her still sitting behind the assistant's desk after all these years.
"I see papa T still has you as his assistant even when you own half of the company." I laugh as Pepper stands up to bring me into a hug. "How are you Mama P?"
"I am doing well Y/n. How are you doing? How's the thing with the woman you are seeing going?" She sits on the edge of her desk and I park my butt next to her as we both look at the mural on the wall in front of us.
"Honestly I am doing fucking amazing. I feel amazing, I am happy. Also me and her, we may have said 'I love you' to each other." I feel a small blush grow on my face as Pepper's jaw drops.
"No way?"
"Yuh huh. It happened this weekend."
"When you were with Nathaniel and her boys?" 
"Yup. She just hugged me and said the words. Honestly I forgot how to breathe when the words left her lips, it's like the earth stopped spinning on its axis. It was so scary hearing those words but at the same time it was so perfect. They weren't forced or dragged out. It was just the two of us and she just sort of said it in the moment." 
"That's how it should be. You shouldn't have to have these big grand gestures to show your love for one another. I mean sure treat her to an expensive meal out or a surprise holiday once in a while, but don't pin all your love on those things. It's the small things that really woo a lady." 
"What is Tony Stark all about grand gestures?" I bump our shoulders together as she laughs looking down at that floor then back up to me. "He still hasn't got it through his head you are allergic to strawberries has he?"
"No he hasn't." Pepper laughs as I wrap my arm around her. "But he tries and that's all I can ask for."
"That's all anyone can ask for." 
"You speak the truth. Right anyway, Tony is going to be waiting for you."
"Is it formal or can I address him by Papa T?" I stand up from my desk smoothing out my suit.
"No, not at all. Morgan is even in there. It is really an unofficial meeting just something to chuck ideas around."
"Okay, well I will see you on my way out Mama P." I lean over to kiss her cheek as she gives me another hug before situating herself at the desk.
I enter Tony's office, which is huge, to see that instead of him at his desk it's Morgan. She looks up as soon as she hears the door open, her eyes shine with excitement as she spins the office chair around scrambling to get off of it. Her little body darts around the edge of the oak desk barrelling towards me, jumping into my arms squeezing me half to death.
"Sissy!" She snuggles her head into the crook of my neck as I lift her up onto my body a bit more, her legs wrapping around my torso, her arms around my neck. 
"Hey nugget. Look at you, you got so big. How old are you now, 12?" She shakes her head laughing at my silliness. 
"No silly. I'm 5." 
"Oh really? Well, do you know what you get when you are a big, strong 5 year old?" 
"No. What?" She leans back in my arms to look at me in question. 
"They get a visit." I slowly and discreetly move one hand away from her back ready for what I am about to do.
"From who?" 
"The tickle monster!" She squeals as I push my hands against her stomach, attacking it with my fingers as her body squirms to try and get away. 
"Stop!" Her voice is breathless between broken laughter, so I stop for a second to let her catch her breath. 
I move her body so I am cradling her more in my left arm and her right side is against my front as she catches her breath. When I see her breathing calm down a little, her chest not rising and falling so fast, I walk two fingers from her foot all the way up her leg. Her little body wiggles to try and get away but I tighten my grip, not too hard but enough so she won't fall out of my arm. When I reach her t-shirt, she is fully prepared for me to tickle her because I hear her hold her breath. A smirk plays on my lips before I lift up her top slightly, planting a big raspberry on her stomach, making her giggle and try to push my face away with her hands. I do it again on the other side of her stomach, before starting my tickle attack again. 
"Sissy, stop. Please." I immediately stop and bring her body back against mine so she can snuggle against me. 
"You good?" I check in with Morgan bouncing her a few times in my arms.
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"Good. I didn't hurt you."
"No. But my lungs hurt from laughing."
"Okay, well they can rest now. The tickle monster needs a break too." She hums against my neck. "Where's your dad kiddo?" 
"I'm right here." Tony says as he gives me the Tony Stark winning smile as he enters his office from a door on the left hand side of the room, where I believe the toilet is.
"Papa T!" I bounce Morgan up and down to grab her attention. "I'm going to put you down so I can greet your dad."
"Okay. I will be at the desk." Once I put her down she scurries back into the office chair continuing on with whatever she was doing before I interrupted.
I turn to look at Tony who opens his arms up for a hug, which I gladly embrace in pulling him tight as we both pat each other's back. He takes a small step back moving his arm to cup my face, running his finger over where my back eye was a few weeks ago. When he sees no evidence of it he smiles and nods at me.
"How are you Papa T?" 
"I'm perfect dear. How is my favourite daughter doing?" I nod my head in his hands.
"I'm great, but technically it would be daughter-in-law." He points his finger at me trying to act tough.
"You became my daughter the moment you married mine." I give him a sad smile as we pull each other in for another hug.
"There are two people I would like you to meet." He spins my body around to face the back wall that you can't see when entering and my entire being freezes up. "This is Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff. They are my international relations people for Russia and Eastern Europe and I thought they could work with you in getting supplies deployed over there."
I don't say anything. I can't say anything. I am currently looking at a very angry Russian, I mean if looks could kill I would be way past 6 foot under. I mean she would lock my body up, throw away the key, incase me in cement before locking that up and throwing it all in the ocean never to be found again. She is way past livid, I am shitting myself right now. 
I then turn to look at Wanda. My heart breaks as I see tears in her eyes and a look of complete devastation and heartbreak. That look is going to be burned into my brain for the rest of my days, it is going to haunt my mind, my thoughts, my dreams, that look...that look I wish I had never caused. She wipes at her eyes, looking at Natasha who is still staring daggers at me, then back to me. She opens her mouth to speak, no words come out. I do the same. Then finally she sucks in a harsh breath, looks me dead in the eye and asks me the question I never wanted her to have to ask. I wanted to tell her I did, but there was never a good time. The only words that leave her mouth, break mine and her heart as she says them.
"You're married?"
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kitashousewife · 2 years
learning new things
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an: i thought of kita a lot today so i decided to write this hehe
pairings: timeskip!kita x fem!reader
warnings: husband kita, food mentions, kita is the sweetest ever, lots of pet names, mentions of knives and knife usage, lowercase intentional
kita would do anything for you.
which is why this spring, right after the two of you moved into the farmhouse, he spent weeks researching pumpkins and how to grow them. figuring out the perfect soil. how to space the seeds, how much water and sun they needed, and of course how many to get. he settled on four plants to be safe in case he lost a couple.
now it's october and the two of you are a little overwhelmed.
"74 exactly," kita says, more to himself as enters the house for dinner.
"74 what, shin?" you mumble as you set the final dishes on the table. dusting your hands off on your apron before you take it off, you move quickly to beat your husband to the sink.
"first again," he gloats, grinning ear to ear.
"you were closer to the sink!" you playfully slap his arm. "anyway, what did you count earlier?"
his hand reaches to the towel next to him, picking it up to dry his hands. he watches you wave your wet hands around in an attempt to dry them off. he smirks before using the towel to smack your butt as you walk to your seat.
"74 pumpkins, darlin'," he chuckles, sitting down for dinner. "we are swimming in ‘em out there," he tilts his drinking glass towards the back of the house.
"i can't believe we have that many! i only thought we would get a few. we should sell them out front!"
he shakes his head. "that's kinda silly, ain't it? we don't need any money for 'em."
you hum, moving the food around your plate with your fork. "what do you think we should do with them then? i only wanted a few to decorate the front, maybe a couple to carve, oooh and a couple for baking," you think aloud. kita smiles at your dreaming. one of his favorite things about you is how passionate you are about the little things.
"i could always message my friends. i'm sure they would want some, if that's okay with you."
"of course it is shin. i wouldn't mind at all," you hold his hand in his. with a soft squeeze, kita places a kiss to your knuckles.
"halloween is a couple weeks away, i can't believe it. are you excited?"
he chuckles as he glances at the calendar that hangs in the kitchen. "look at that. and sure! are you excited?"
you give him a puzzled look, which he returns. "do you not like halloween?"
he raises his hands up. "it's not that i don't like it, sweets. i just didn't do a whole lot for it growin' up, 'sall."
the sound of your hands hitting the table grabs his attention immediately. "then it's settled!"
"what's settled?"
"we are gonna do all things halloween so that you can experience it! making up for lost time, or something like that. how does that sound?"
kita can't say no to you.
"it sounds great, baby."
the next evening, before dinner, you walk out to the fields to find you probably very hungry husband. the walk is beautiful. the final hours of sunlight warm up the air, the trees are beautiful and vibrant, and most of the flowers you and kita planted this summer are shedding their final petals. as you step towards the garden, you spot him. hunched over some mounds of potatoes, digging through with his bare hands to grab the best ones.
"you know," you step through the gate and grab the pair of gardening gloves that hang on the fence. "you really should wear these."
kita turns around, absolutely elated. he is so happy to see you, even if it's been only a few minutes. "now why would i do that? my hands work just find, baby."
you look across the garden and let out a quick gasp. he really wasn't kidding about the pumpkins. reading your mind, he stands up with a hum.
"let me grab the wheelbarrow and i'll meetchya over by the pumpkins, pumpkin." he throws you a wink and blush, and blow him a kiss. as soon as you reach the sea of orange at your feet, you begin searching for the best ones.
"so how do we know what would be best, miss halloween expert?" he muses as he arrives at your side. you lift up some of the large leaves to get a better look.
"well, i want a bunch to decorate the front porch with, but i can get those a different day. for carving," you bend down and point to two quite rotund pumpkins resting right next to each other. "these two are great."
"whatever ya think is best, darlin'," kita bends down and with his small pocket knife, cuts the pumpkins free from their vines. after placing both of them in the wheelbarrow, he dusts his hands off on his pants.
"shall we walk back home? everything else is about finished, just need'a grab those potatoes i picked earlier and we can head back,"
you nod, pulling the pumpkins behind you. the two of you walk home in silence, listening to the breeze ruffle the leaves and the gravel crunching under your feet.
"hey, i love ya," kita smiles at you as the two of you reach the house. giving him a soft kiss on the lips, you return his smile.
"i love you too, farmer. come on, let's make some dinner. i'm starving,"
he laughs and pokes your side. "from all that harvesting, i'll bet."
after dinner, the two of you make quick work cleaning up the dishes and counters. while kita finishes drying the last couple plates, you dig through one of your closets for an old tablecloth. you cover the kitchen table with it and smile. the table is kita's granny's table, gifted to you when the two of you got married. you set the pumpkins down and wipe them off.
"shin, will you please grab a couple knives before you leave the kitchen?"
"of course, my love," he calls back. you scroll through your phone, trying to decide on what design to do on yours.
"shin!" you squeal, whipping around to see a very amused kita as he sets the knife on the table. "you scared me!"
"isn't that what halloween is all about? i'm just gettin' ya in the spirit," he laughs. "so, where do we start?"
you can't help but join his laughter. "well, before you came along i was looking at some designs to do for my pumpkin. do you know what you want to do?" he hums and walks behind you, wrapping his arms around you and places his head on your shoulder. he points at a photo on your screen.
"that one," he nods. you tap the photo, making it larger. the photo is a rather large pumpkin with an equally large heart carved out of the front.
"you want to do a heart on yours, shin?" he nods again, walking towards his pumpkin. "yeah, because i love ya so much."
after all this time, his comments and compliments still make you blush. every single time.
"i love you too. now," you grab your pumpkin and with your finger, trace a line around the stem. "we cut the top off and scoop out the insides. then we can start carving," kita raises a brow.
"what do we do with the inside?" you shrug and nod toward the trash bin you brought next to the table. "throw it away, i guess."
"seems like a waste, don'tchya think? i don't wanna waste it if we can use it," he thinks.
"we could always bake the seeds! i used to do that growing up. we would have them as a snack after we finished." kita smiles at that.
"i like that idea much more, my love. now, let's jump in!"
the two of you make quick work of cleaning out your pumpkins, setting the insides on the tablecloth for later. you grab a marker and begin to draw a design on the front of yours. as you draw, kita hums a familiar song to himself. after drawing your design, you grab the knife to start carving.
"a kitty? that's so cute babe," he says from behind his pumpkin. "don't look at mine! i want it to be a surprise!"
"okay shin, i won't look. i may need your help though at some points," too focused on his design, he gives you a thumbs up before continuing his work.
you finish quickly and grab one of the fake candles to place inside. turning it on, you clap as you see your design come to life.
"it looks so good! i can't wait to see how they look outside," you cheer, stepping back so you can snap a quick picture. "almost done, babe?"
kita steps back with the biggest and proudest smile on his face. "just finished! but wait, i don't want ya to see it until we put them outside," he chuckles as he turns you away from his pumpkin.
"fine, fine. i will put mine on the steps," you giggle and carry your pumpkin to the door.
you set it on the step outside and walk back a little to get a better view.
"okay, i'm coming! close yer eyes and i'll tell ya when ya can open," he calls from the doorway. you cover your eyes and hear him shuffle, before he stands at your side. "okay, take a look and tell me what ya think."
on the the other side of the step is kita's pumpkin. he carved a heart, and above it he carved your initials. you gasp.
"shin! it's so perfect. our initials? i love it! you did so great," you squeal. he picks you up and spins you around before carrying back towards the door.
"now everyone that drives by can see how much i love my amazing wife," he beams and pulls you in for a kiss. when you pull away, you give him a kiss on each cheek.
"i think it's perfect," you say over your shoulder as you lead the two of you back inside. kita locks up behind you before walking into the kitchen to fill up the tea kettle.
"what's next up on our halloween to-do list, sweetheart?"
"baking these pumpkin seeds, of course," you start and kita nods. "next, we should pick out our costumes!"
"i think that's a great idea. what do ya wanna dress me up as?"
you laugh. "how about peter pan? i think you would look perfect in some green tights, don't you?" you tease.
kita just laughs and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"whatever makes ya happy, darlin'."
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of Kuroshitsuji questions today, wow! Plus, some twst ones.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
GODS YOUR GREENVIOLET COMIC!! FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK It's so good!! I love the idea Violet is somehow a lil kinky that Greenhill but Violet would somehow blame him for a mess in his sheets lol
Hehehe thank youuuuu!!!
I really like to think that Violet has a kinky side, but maybe it’s just because he is the artistic “weird” type and therefore more “in touch” with this hidden side of himself; compared to Greenhill, who is a proper polite boy, but also quite horny when the situation gets even a little bit spicy lol He’ll learn a lot of things about himself when he and Gregory start sleeping together.
Anonymous asked:
I see you like Black Butler. Let me ask you, do you have any art of the Undertaker of Grell? The way I simp is hard but if you don't, that is fine. Please remember to take care of yourself and drink water. Love your art <3
We don’t have any relatively new art with Grell, which is ironic, considering that Grell is the character that I always drew thorough the years whenever we rewatched Kuroshitsuji; I just love the design very much…
We do have some stuff with the Undertaker though! He is one of our favourites actually, even though compared to some other guys I haven’t drawn him much. Which is honestly a shame…
Thank you for loving our stuff! <3
Anonymous asked:
recently I read a fanfic where idia was a cat beastfolk and got absolutely gang banged by octavinelle and I feel the need to share this thought with everyone because cat idia being fucked by octotrio lives rent-free in my head and I can successfully say that gregory violet art did not help
Oh god, a fic about Idia’s absolute true form lol And what a company for him to be in, of course he would get gangbanged by Octavinelle. Thank you for sharing, Anon… Now I’ll think about this concept too…
Gregory is such a kitty cat boy! This is insane, I always forget that technically when it comes to their animal symbols he is supposed to be a wolf. And even in the yesterday’s comic where he is supposed to be a wolf, he still has cat vibes. I guess this is just his and Idia’s genetics lol
Anonymous asked:
I love love love your jackvil art! I hope you receive nothing but blessings
This is so incredibly sweet, thank you so much, Anon! <3
Anonymous asked:
What does Idia think about cosplay in general?Personally I love it and I’m even going as Idia sometime this year.
Anon! This is cool, enjoy your time cosplaying Idia.
If I remember correctly, Idia does like cosplay to some extent – he did cosplay as Pumpkin Knight for Halloween, and definitely had a lot of fun designing, creating and wearing this costume. The only thing is that for Idia to actually want to cosplay a character it needs to be someone who has his head completely covered, because he isn’t comfortable showing either his face or his hair: even if you don’t know that his hair mean that he is a Shroud, it still attracts unnecessary attention… not to mention, ruins the cosplay :( So he isn’t really a cosplayer, but if he is in the mood? He’ll create anything from scratch in like 3 hours and do the most perfect cosplay imaginable.
But! He has a lot of opinions about others’ cosplay. About how they did the hair, the clothes, the swords, the details, every single thing. He appreciates the artistry and creativity, but he is also a bit of a snob.
Anonymous asked:
Referring to the headcanons about Ortho putting things in Idia’s food and drink, I suddenly see why he pees in a bottle 😔
(the hc is from this post)
Yeah, this is also a reason lol but honestly he doesn’t need Ortho’s “help” with this… he really is the type to go “I finish this one level and THEN I’ll go” and basically sits there until it becomes unbearable. A very bad habit!
Anonymous asked:
Bold of you to assume that I wouldn’t eat Lilia’s hand too if it came anywhere near my spaghetti.
Don’t leave this man handless, he needs it to smack butts lol
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mauvelilywilliams · 1 year
Writeblr Garden's Pumpkin Pitch Event
Thanks to @writeblrgarden for the event! :D
Skyline Spirits: Spiro
When the local 'Death' himself, Spiro - Guardian of Souls, dies - the last known area that can carry life is surrounded by the souls of the dead that can't move on. When the dead start mutating and the living start disappearing, "Die" the reincarnation of Spiro must try again to complete the task he failed years ago before all life is wiped off the face of the earth.
Master Post for my Story
Genre: Supernatural-Fantasy Horror-Thriller
Content Warnings: Death, Violence, Fantasy Violence, Blood, Language
Excerpt under the cut
A person is creeping around, trying to keep out of Sluagh sight. But one is hanging out overhead, in humanoid form. It leans forward, beak glistening in the moonlight. It opens its mouth to reveal its jagged beak and the skin hanging from its chin, as it slinks further into the light.
The person is keeping their eye on the murmur overhead. Not realizing the sluagh right above it. The person feels a cough coming on, and tries their best to stifle it. The last thing that they want is for the sluagh to realize someone sick is out at night, unprotected.
The sluagh leans in, listening. It lets its tongue hang out to the side, imagining the flavor this person’s soul could have. The rush of energy it could provide. The euphoria of feeling alive again, if only for a moment. It was intoxicating. Not like this life of running around in a hungry daze, depression seeping into every last pore of their being. To feel alive. That great feeling. If only for a fleeting moment…
The person let out the smallest of coughs. They looked up in alarm at the murmur. But they should’ve looked behind them.
The sluagh jumped from its perch, landing on the person’s shoulders. It screeched in the person’s ears, trying to startle them so much that they would be disoriented.
Then it dug in with its claws. Slashing, grabbing, pulling. And biting. With its beak, biting at the person’s skin, tearing at their clothes, pulling out bits of hair. The person had fallen to the ground and covered their hands over their head in alarm at the ambush. And it was perfect prey now, unable to get to its feet to run. The sluagh dug its back talons into the person’s legs, anchoring them to the ground. They cried out and started slapping around, trying to turn over, but they couldn’t. They were in the sluagh’s hold.
The cry had alerted the other sluagh that there was a life out. And the murmur started to careen over. The humanoid sluagh kept pecking and pulling, trying to overcome their prey. They grabbed at the person’s arms, held them down, and used its beak to grab the person’s head. It twisted so easily. The snap so quick. And the person stopped fighting.
Other sluagh landed or started dive-bombing the sluagh with its kill. It angrily screeched back, wanting to keep its prize.
It stood up straight, flaring its arms and skin out, and opened its beak and clacked it angrily. A threatening stance to the other sluagh. 
The clacking and display was enough to make most of the sluagh back away, but one stepped forward. Ready to challenge the predator for its kill. It held its arms out, displaying its folds of skin, and clacked angrily back. The killer started to step forward, to accept the challenge, but made sure to keep one foot on the person’s head. It wasn’t going to let one of the sluagh pull it away.
The challenger rushed forward, screeching. The predator screeched in response. They both butt heads and the flurry of claws and beaks began. The two challengers picked, slashed, gnawed, and danced - trying to get the upper hand. The predator had gotten into the fight, jumping up, to seem bigger than its opponent, and had left its kill.
The challenger also jumped up, slashing and screeching, trying to get the upper hand. They both kept jumping and slashing, trying to get on top of the other. Because if they could - they would win.
The energy of the fight was contagious. Many of the other sluagh started fighting amongst themselves. With no prize to be had but superiority over the other.
A very few weren’t interested in the fight, and kept their eyes on the prize. The dead body near the warring challengers’ dancing, sharp feet.
One dared to approach, trying to reach for the person’s foot. If they could pull it away while everyone else was busy…
But the sluagh had taken too long. The person’s soul, a blue orb of fiery light, rose from the person’s back. Every sluagh stopped. The fighters even stopped. The killer had the challenger’s claw in its eye.
The chorus of screeching. The flurry of feathered skin, claws, and snapping beaks. The entire murmur of sluagh were clamoring over themselves to reach the soul.
The killer managed to step on top of the pile and snap the soul into its mouth. The challenger’s beak snapped around the killer’s beak, and tried to wrench the soul away.
The killer slashed out with one final slash, knocking the challenger back. And, unhindered by opponents, tossed its head back and let the soul orb slide into its throat.
The rush of energy hit it like a truck. A happy energy that made you want to scream until your lungs were empty and your head swimming from lack of oxygen. Like you were standing on top of the world, in the warm sunshine, looking out at all the possibilities before you and each one was yours for the taking. That everything in your world had been completely wrong, but suddenly everything made sense and it was right.
The light started to dim, the energy wane. What once was great, now became sour. Like you had inhaled a breath of fresh air, but when you went for a second breath - you got an entire dump’s worth of dog shit and wet, rotten garbage scent.
The victorious sluagh began to cough. The rest of the murmur, including the losing challenger, had all backed away and was taking flight again. As if nothing had happened.
The coughing one hunched over, coughing and gagging, until the spent spirit orb was thrown up. No longer blue and vibrant, it was a sickly gray. Instead of floating, it sunk to the ground.
The sluagh coughed up the last remnants and shook off the fleeting feelings of sickness and garbage. It looked to its murmur in the air, and took flight. Losing its humanoid form and joining the mass of darkness, sharp beaks and claws, and feathers.
The soul slid next to its body. As if comprehending what had happened. Before its sickly gray began to darken. It’s fiery flame turned pitch black and wrapped around it like a blanket.
Then began to grow.
The dark form grew until it was its own mass of darkness. Slowly gaining feathers, a beak, and claws. And it flew up to its new murmur. Ready to hunt with the rest of them for what it had lost.
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