#pep ily don't murder me please
11 & 18 for Percival, 3 for Ray, and 8 & 9 for Floyd ❤❤❤
Ooooh thank you for all these Nemi!
11). Does your OC have any phobias?
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that Percival does! He’s got his fair share of fears and insecurities, but no outright phobias. Ahaha and dang, really coming at Percival’s fears tonight judging by the next question.
18).  Did your OC have any strange childhood fears?
Ooh, strange by most people’s standards you mean? Because Percival was so scared of water wells when he was younger. Heard a very fake story about falling down one and took a while to get that out of his head. Living on the ocean has definitely helped that one, though.
Hmmm other things? Well, the rational fear of being murdered was certainly enough to keep him up at night, make him scared of falling asleep too. Hot drinks made him uneasy at the very least. That’s about all I’ve got for the moment.
3). What sound makes your OC want to burst their own eardrums?
Not what this question is looking for, but for Ray the first thing that came to mind was people talking while he’s trying to say something. He tries to be nice and patient, but when people talk right over him that just really grinds his gears. He wants to get information out once without repeating it, and interruptions don’t help that. 
As for general sounds, squeaky hinges or those kinds of high pitched sounds tend to get on his nerves. Especially on a rocking ship, if there’s a door that creaks then it’ll be shifting with the waves and constantly making some kind of noise. He makes sure to keep something around to grease up hinges whenever it’s needed.
8). What is your OC’s least favorite food?
Oh hmmm okay so I’ve never had it myself, but I feel like Floyd absolutely despises curry. He’s not used to more flavorful foods in general and most of them he can handle fine, but curry just. eugh. He can’t stand it. Also, I don’t think he likes a lot of things with tomatoes in them either, so there’s that. Otherwise, I don’t know a whole lot about Floyd’s food preferences. He’s open to most anything.
9). What is, or would be your OC’s favorite video game
Okay, so I’m actually making myself really emotional over this for no reason. I was just thinking about how Floyd would probably appreciate more mundane games, especially if this was post-recovery Floyd. He’s already lived enough excitement. Video games would be somewhere he’d escape to, a different world to lose himself in. 
My first thoughts were games like Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, and while I think he’d appreciate them, the lack of a driven plot may make him less interested. While he’s not in this for the stress and action, Floyd needs a bit of push and motivation to do things. So, my brain switched tracks.
I was considering the Professor Layton series (a puzzle, adventure, visual novel sort of series for those who don’t know), and I think that’s a very viable choice for Floyd. It would take a while for him to get a hang of it, and he’d definitely struggle with all the puzzles, but he’d have a lot of fun thinking through them, and roping everyone around him into it too! Yes, I am dragging everyone into a modern AU setting so Floyd can curl up in their little base, play DS, and run around to each of the other crew members to ask their individual opinions on different puzzles until they work out a solution together. After a while, he’d know who was best with which kinds of problems and went to them when he got one he thought they’d enjoy. And everyone would love this! So much! I’m gonna cry I maybe actually have to formulate a proper modern AU to flesh out ideas like this.
But wait! There’s more! My thought after Professor Layton was to jump to other visual novel-ish games, and that landed me at Ace Attorney. While I’m unsure just how much Floyd would like Ace Attorney, especially with the stress and darker themes of murder and moral questions, I had a Thought. Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright. This is the Floyd game. Oh my gosh. Graphics and design he’d appreciate? Totally. A good mix of casual puzzle solving and more high-octane court sequences that push him to solve the mystery? Yes! The satisfaction of feeling like he’s helping people just by solving puzzles for them? Yeah!!!! This is ringing all the bells for Floyd and I just. Also. Think he’d be in Love with the voice acting and cutscenes. And he’d relate preeetty heavily to Luke, and just fall in love with Luke the professor in general. And I!!! Think this game would just spark a lot of joy for Floyd!!!!!
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retvenkos · 3 years
okay, i know that we established the fact that i once shipped u with our unproblematic king, steph(v)en meeks, but let's completely scratch this thought out of our heads, and we're actually missing the huge picture is that you'd be an absolute adorable couple with neil perry. actually, in all honesty, you'd be compatible with every poet, bestie! but.
neil & u would have a golden retriever boyfriend x girlboss duo, who's power would be UNMATCHED
obviously, i feel like in whatever au of whomever you end up with you and charlie are the reluctant family friends!!
and i think it's a given that neil would catch feelings first. i don't make the rules!
charlie would then push neil to talk to you at joint school party's (u can't tell me that henley hall and helton don't do school events together)
at first you're like 'ugh, charles, wtf do u want' and out pops neil like that one part where miss jenn welcomes mr mazarra to supervise the kids in s2, like a puppy dog
poor boy is so eager to talk to you, since he's seen you around town, and u did tech for midsummer (yeah, neil's alive in this au for my sanity and yours)
he ends up following you for the rest of the night and u both end up watching the party from the school staircase, talking about everything and anything
eventually you start hanging out with the poets, and obviously have clara, linds, and i come as moral support for hanging out w/ teenage boys
you both grow super close, and during the spring show rehearsals (it's singing in the rain, because we all need neil perry as cosmo brown in our lives) at henley he's actually glued to your side, and when you're backstage, he's practically always staring off into the wings and the director gets vvv annoyed!!!
but you're probably the teacher's fave out of the techies, so u get a pass for constantly finding excuses for hanging out with neil during rehearsals
mr keating eventually meets you, and gives neil the biggest pep talk for asking you out, which neil swears he was "planning" on doing. (no he wasn't)
that doesn't work, so eventually todd says something to him.
nobody can tell u what he said exactly, all the boys know is that there was a lot of muffled yelling and unearthly screeching
todd is your #1 fan btw, u writers have to stick together, right?
cameron, is the boy that tells u neil likes u before neil actually does
don't yell at me!!! but i feel like you and cam would be besties, and cam telling u is the most affectionate thing ever (i'm a cameron apologist. just. remember that cameron actually really liked neil.)
u don't say anything, or get to, because afterwards cam simply! runs away?? laivgbiagvirau
leaving you actually clueless
so after that turn of events, cameron's a big dummy and goes up to neil and is like "she doesn't like u :("
like nO??? u actually didn't give her a chance to respond bestie!!!
so this leads up to the day of the show, mhm?
neil avoids u all night, and u even got him a boquet of flowers, and now u just feel stupid. like damn. did that freckle faced nerdy ginger just lie to my face on purpose?
u feel offended, and go outside of the back of the school, where surprise! u see neil sulking about you :(
you're gripping his flowers and oh no! it starts to rain!!
so u walk over to him, and hand him the boquet of flowers, mary janes starting to ruin and he just looks up with the brightest smile, and you swear it feels like the sun's coming out (it's not)
neil doesn't say anything after that, and probably starts singing 'u are my lucky star' underneath his breath, and it's an unspoken invitation to start dancing in the rain
u both catch cold the day afterwards, but it was worth it because u dorks can take care of each other as an official couple!
bonus: lindsay probably gushes over the waltzing in the rain, while clara and i go feral over the fact that u got sick jnwvtkjbnkj
n knee ways this was incredibly cheesy, but u deserve it for how many ships u do for all of us! i cannot actually express how much i adore the jesper ask (my beloved, PLEASE!!! i want to milo's goat mom and be the one he trusts with his pistols!!! that is all i-) and we actually need to talk about the fact that kaz & u would be a power couple (and a gorgeous one too, bestie!!) sometime else, because i have MANY thoughts on that.
ily and make sure to take care of urself today! <3
cASS!!!!!!!!!!! you don't know how much i laughed and smiled at this ask,,,,,, dps my beloved,,,,,,
first of all,,, you think i'm compatible with every poet??? my power,,, lol, no, but i love that for me.
and charlie as my reluctant family friend is truly a superior dynamic. we both annoy the hell out of each other but would murder anyone should they be mean to the other. we know far too much about the other, but also have zero idea how the other reacts when not around family,,,,,,,, it's actually becoming a favorite headcanon of mine.
and todd, cameron, and i being besties!!!! okay,,,,, but i get the distinct vibes that you would be related to one of the poets, and that’s also how we get an in to their meetings (someone’s like,,,, *sigh* can my little sister bring her friends to our meetings?) and i mean if i had to pick someone,,,,, it’s a tie between todd and pitts. i just feel like you would work perfectly as the more outgoing sibling of a shy idiot.
(and girl, about waltzing in the rain,,,, no doubt you and lindsay were the ones to teach me. imagine having a sleepover and teaching me to ballroom dance in your bedroom with the radio on. in this dead poets society au, we are having all of the cheesy rom-com friendship moments together. we go to malls together, we whisper about boys at our lockers (which are right next to each other for convenience), we go to the movies together only to see the idiot boys, we do makeovers for each other,,,,,,, covid has me yearning.)
also i love the characterization of cameron in this,,,,,, the whole running away and “she doesn’t like you :(” is hilarious, i dIED.
and we can be techies together!!!!!  i imagine clara and lindsay are actually performers, and after rehearsals when we walk home (because we all live in the same direction - spread across two neighborhoods for convenience) we share the tea between the actors and the techies. imagine our chaos <3.
anyway, who wants to daydream with me about this for the next 100 years???
and i’m so glad you love your jesper ship! i just love the idea of the two of you together. it’s golden. and me and kaz????? i have that energy???? i’m astounded and frankly, flattered.
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