#people with logias have to be a headache and a half
moonpaw · 2 years
If you could pick a devil fruit of each type, which ones would you choose? My picks are monet’s snow logia, the axolotl zoan, and moria’s shadow paramecia. That last one is my favorite
zoan is easy! i'd love a cat-model fruit (furry)
for paramecia, i'm torn between luffy's rubber and iva's hormones lol
i think it would be cool to alter how you look based on nothing but a whim, as well as other people
rubber would be cool not to deal with back and neck issues, and stretching your arm to reach for something without getting up is sooooo helpful
logia is kinda hard, becoming and secreting anything can be troublesome or a hassle, maybe kizaru's light? it would be nice and clean with no real fallout damage that wasn't intentional
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