#pen-pal bottle
icharchivist · 2 years
thinking about how Hisoka started out not wanting any material things to help him sleep because he wanted to be able to fall asleep in any situation, even uncomfortable ones, and how Mankai gradually gifted him things to help him sleep, that he first was warry about but soon enough he started to collect
and the boy who started out with nothing in his corner of his room now has a good pillow, countless plushies, which he always considers is a perfect gift, expertise on good pillows, an eyemask for sleeping purpose, welcoming cozy blankets, and even appropriated himself the coffin in the storage room for perfect napping spot, coffin that he filled with pillows and plushies and find ways to keep locked shut so Tasuku doesn’t drag him out of it (or else he becomes evil on purpose), and now he gets to complain everytime someone slightly disturb his sleep.
He agreed on rooming with Homare because he had such a deep sleep that he would have in theory not been bothered by his loud behavior, and instead he grew more and more irritated with it the more people taught him about cocooning because now his sleep is sacred.
And the lonely “nothing allowed to sleep” rhetoric, was traded with “gotta be hugging something no matter what” which led him to have nap and cuddle buddies like Azuma.
And i think it’s really just a peak character arc, to be someone who denied himself all sort of little comfort to not get used to it, to then become an hedonist plushy bot constantly seeking comfort he’s now allowed and expected to have. As he deserves.
#ichatalks about a3#also ngl rant inspired by the fact i just put a hot bottle and a hot-plushy with me under my two covers to watch tv#on my sofa covered in 27 plushies and 6 pillows and i'm just ah yes this is the life#and as someone who also denied myself all of that just a few years ago and had to slowly learn to spoil myself#only for it now to be completely out of control but also just the coziest cozy of the whole cozy world?#I see Hisoka's arc of looking for comfort with pure glee. This is what healing is all about.#Comfy.#i also sleep with a sleep eyemask so like#i' was always bothered by slight lights during sleep and would cover them when i could else i'd be soo annoyed#and a few years ago i was crashing at a friend's place when i left my mom's house#and i couldn't keep the shutter closed bc it was summer and we needed to have all the air inside#so my friend - very concerned - bought me an eyemask and i was just. so confused. because i never considered it a possibility#tried it on and now? I'm content with any eyemask i can have. It's truly really the sleepy comfy mode.#like my plush collection only really started when i was like. 24?#it really started end 2019 and i'm just doing the math but i think i was already a3ing at the time#and to me it was just screw it i deserve plushies it's good to have a pal to hug. And now look at me.#Basically my point is the specific card of Hisoka wearing a massive scarf an eyemask and his Pen Pen plushy is where i'm at psychologically#ANYWAY.#Rambling over i just love Hisoka very much
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olameni · 2 years
In my 8th year of being in the stationery fandom, I finally finished a bottle of ink…
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Private Reserve Electric DC Blue.
I think this was the only the second bottle of ink I’ve ever bought in what has grown into a collection of 80+ inks.
Such a beautiful medium to navy blue color. Full of dramatic red sheen that never seems to dry and always made it on to my hands.
I used to love writing to pen pals who were not stationery people to show them what I meant my sheen.
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scoops-aboy86 · 3 months
By The Heart (Secret Admirer pt 2)
Steddie Week 2024, July 2: Hands / touch starved / Invisible Touch by Genesis
wc: 2136 / rated: T / set between seasons 2 and 3 / also on ao3
After the world fell apart a second time in November of ‘84, Steve had finished out the rest of his senior year in a daze. Partly because Billy Hargrove had broken a fucking plate over his head, giving him a small scar by his hairline that the doctor said would fade and recurring headaches that the doctor said might stick around anywhere from a few months to forever. 
It’s been more than a few months and the headaches are only slightly less frequent and a tiny bit less severe. 
He graduated, barely. His dad keeps dropping pointed comments about how his parents let him stay in their house rent-free after high school, how he’d saved up while attending a nearby college by not having to worry about the cost of a dorm or basic meals, and that it is his gratitude towards them that has moved him to offer the same to Steve. Usually said comments come after Steve tries to sidestep some sort of menial task, and it always feels like a threat.Steve just grits his teeth and takes it—refills his dad’s drink when the bottle is already literally right by the man’s hand, washes the family car after dinner when both his parents know that Steve has a shift at Scoops first thing in the morning, whatever. He can’t afford to get kicked out right now. 
His job at Scoops Ahoy is shit, all bright fluorescent lights and kids screaming and everything getting sticky for a measly minimum wage, but that probably reflects the quality of the job application he’d submitted. 
He has no friends, no prospects, no one in his corner except a bunch of incoming freshmen and the only one who really seems to want him around is off at some sort of smart people camp that he’d never even heard of… Go figure. 
But he has Secret Admirer. 
Okay, what Steve has is a pen pal who has a PO box and prefers to remain anonymous, possibly because Steve is an embarrassing person to have a crush on these days. And it’s really stupid that he thinks of them as first name Secret, last name Admirer, but it’s not like he hasn’t tried to come up with better names! Unfortunately, there are so many things Secret Admirer has called him (sweetheart, darling, dearest, honey, baby) that he can’t really think of anything original with those constantly rotating in his head… He can’t use them, though. It’d be weird. 
The first letter had been shoved into his locker in the last few weeks of school, looking like someone either wrote it with their non-dominant hand or had also suffered a blow to the head recently, and he hadn’t known what to make of it at first. In fact, he’d considered the possibility that Tommy or Billy were playing some sort of prank on him… but he didn’t think either of them could write “To Steve, the heart of my heart” without bursting into homophobic flames, and if it was Carol she would’ve done her girliest handwriting with hearts dotting the eyes. And his Secret Admirer had mentioned things no one else in his life seemed to care about. 
I hope you’re feeling better. Sometimes I notice you squinting or grimacing in the classes we have in common… Are you still getting headaches? Do you get enough rest? You probably already know this, but mental and physical rest are super important for getting your handsome self all recovered, big boy. 
I had a concussion once, not a bad one but it really left an impression. Felt like I was trying to think through a head full of soup for weeks. It sucks that teachers didn’t seem to cut you much slack because, just saying, I noticed they used to do that a lot more when you were still on the basketball and swim teams. Jock privilege placed above consideration of an actual, serious injury? I’m sorry, but that’s the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril, sweetheart, and you deserve better. 
So, yeah. Clearly his Secret Admirer is a nerd who doesn’t necessarily have the best opinion of jocks… but still took the time to notice all those things and write kindly about them. It felt nice, knowing that at least one person out there noticed, maybe even cared. 
And when that letter turned out not to be a one-off, a few more letters in his locker and then one in his mailbox, postmarked and everything, after graduation? Steve was hooked, enough to start writing self-consciously back. 
Which has brought him to the point of wanting so badly to meet this person that he’s stooped to begging, and it’s not even getting him anywhere. 
It’s occurred to him that it could be a guy, of course it has. Steve might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knows it happens. He’d had a friend in middle school, Todd Fischer, nice guy, totally normal kid—got caught kissing some boy in the next grade up behind the gym and turned out to be the worst sprinter of the two. The Fischers had moved out of Hawkins a few weeks later and Steve hadn’t heard anything from or about Todd since. They’d been halfway through reading Romeo & Juliet in English at the time, and Steve remembers thinking when they got to the end of the play that at least things hadn’t gone that badly for Todd and whoever the other kid was. He’s old enough now to know that it could have; between Todd being such a nice kid, Barb dying in his own backyard, and the threat of government agents coming out of the woodwork if he ever breathes a word about certain secrets, the thought leaves a bad taste in Steve’s mouth. 
Anyway, if it is a guy, that would explain why Secret Admirer keeps dancing around his pleas to meet. And the initially disguised handwriting—which had been dropped by the second mailed letter, along with a brief, sheepish apology. 
But it could also be a girl who’s really shy or something. Steve doesn’t want to assume and then look like a total idiot further down the road. Whoever it is, all Steve knows is that he doesn’t want to lose them. He has to play this smart, play it cool… because he knows himself, and already knows that they have him by the heart based on words alone. 
The latest letter is in his hands, crinkled a little at the edges, and Steve can’t help himself from rereading the fifth paragraph yet again. 
… those indecently tiny shorts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about running my fingers up the inside of those thighs. Or my mouth. Whichever you think you’d like best, baby, I’m not picky. And while I do like ice cream, particularly strawberry with rainbow sprinkles in a cone, I can think of something else I’d love to wrap my hand around and run my tongue over before any drips can escape. You just think about that, hmm? Maybe share some of those thoughts in your reply, if I haven’t scared you off…
He’s not scared off. Doesn’t need to know exactly who put pen to paper to imagine hands and lips running up his legs, either, an invisible touch that sends shivers along his spine. 
Okay, maybe it’s been a while. Between striking out from behind the Scoops counter and not really trying all that hard anyway, the only action Steve’s seen is from his own hand… and this letter. He has thoughts, alright, but has a much better idea of how to translate them into action than words. And this is his problem with the whole pen pal only thing, his natural charm (if he has any left) is absolutely useless in this medium. 
The other problem is that he really, really wants to jerk off about this, except he’s got almost no details to fuel the fantasy. He knows that Secret Admirer had a concussion once, but not what color or length or texture or style their hair is; knows they’re on the fringes of popularity and not really into sports, but nothing about their height or build or how they might move against him. Hell, he doesn’t even know if they’re a girl or a guy, isn’t sure if he should try to imagine boobies and painted nails or stubbled cheeks and big hands. 
Secret Admirer has mentioned being a smoker though, of both tobacco and grass, and Steve is not exactly proud of how strongly this makes him want a cigarette just because it’s all he has to go on. He has work in under an hour and Robin hates the smell of cigarettes, will be extra vicious for their entire shift if he comes in reeking of smoke. 
He’ll have to figure out something else…
Dear Secret Admirer, Thanks for writing again, I was really glad to get your letter. I don’t sleep with them under my pillow because sometimes my pillow ends up on the floor and I don’t want to drool all over them. I keep them in a box in the back of my closet, because sometimes my parents have the cleaning lady do my bedroom without telling me and I don’t want her going through my stuff or putting it in weird places that I can never find again.  Sorry for laughing at you You must not have seen me last week when I threw a banana peel at my coworker for It’s not being humble if I don’t deserve Yeah, fuck high school.  Sorry for not rewriting this, I’m running out of paper and my dad’ll kill me if I break into his office to get more I definitely thought about what you said in your last letter. I thought about it a lot. It’s hard to figure out how to explain what though, because I wanted to picture you like you were probably picturing me when you were writing it. You obviously know what I look like, but I don’t know who you are so I had to get creative. (Which isn’t my strong suit. So if this is stupid maybe we could just never mention it again?) Since I don’t know what you look like and it’d be weird to try and picture you anyway, and then what if I’m not even close and that makes it seem like I don’t like you for who you are? I’m not sure if that makes sense. But anyway, since I don’t know what you look like I pictured you dressed like a ninja.  Hear me out, okay? You’re such a mystery. Ninjas are mysterious, and dressed all black to blend in with the shadows. You can’t see their hair or face and they wear gloves because you can tell a lot about a person by their hands. I guess what I’m saying is I imagined you sneaking into my room at night when the lights are off. Totally silent but with this powerful presence, you know? I think if I were in the same room as you it’d feel like that moment right before the whistle goes off at a swim meet, because that’s just like, holy shit it’s about to happen and your muscles are all tense but ready but you’re waiting, coiled like a snake. So I’m coiled like a snake and you’re still a ninja and I’m not very good at this. I’ve done it over the phone a few times but that’s different. I don’t know where I’m going with this just sitting writing this alone in my room with Genesis playing in the background so I’m going to stop. Just trust me, it was hot. If you ever want to exchange numbers I’d be happy to tell you all about it sometime.  It feels weird to end like that, so I’ll also tell you that I tried reading that Hobbit book you suggested and you were right, it’s a lot easier than the Rings book that the kids I babysit tried to bully me into reading. Bibo is freaking out about all these dwarves in his house and I can relate, it sounds like when those kids all show up and try to rope me into driving them around town. At least they haven’t tried to make me steal anything or try to take on a damn dragon yet. Hopefully this book won’t give them any ideas.  — Steve PS If that was so dumb you changed your mind about still writing to me, please let me down easy. Seriously it would be no hard feelings. At least I still have a great ass and great hair, so I’ve got that going for me.
Tag list (open): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @tangerinesteve @steviewashere
@cryingglightningg @theresebelivett @sleepy-steve @rozzieroos @lunaraindrop
@just-my-latest-hyperfixation @wheneverfeasible @swimmingbirdrunningrock @yesdangerpls @matchingbatbites
@ihavekidneys @p0lybl4nkk @grtwdsmwhr @cheesedoctor @thetinymm
@practicallybegging @fuzzyduxk @greatwerewolfbeliever
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wildrangers · 2 months
This Town is Fake, But You're the Real Thing // Matt Smith
This is based on an anon ask from a few weeks ago requesting a story with Matt and a HOTD costar with an age gap. For context, reader is just shy of 30 to Matt's 41. It ended up being longer than expected but that's not shocking🙂
Tropes & Topics: miscommunication, mutual pining, will they/won't they, age gap, resolved angst, fluffy end
Word Count: 2.8K
You’d been dreading and anticipating this filming day for weeks now. You’d been cast as Alys in Season 2 of House of the Dragon and anxiety has been your primary emotion since you received the news. On the obvious side, the show’s massive and will ideally propel your career forward with dizzying speed after toiling away for a decade on small projects. A less obvious, more personal element of the matter is your equally long crush on Matt Smith. You’d first seen him as Doctor Who when you were a teen and you’d become madly infatuated. You nearly drove yourself mad while waiting for filming to start, trying to get your emotions under control before stepping on set. It helped and hurt that he’s such a lovely person in real life.
Within a week of signing your contract, a beautiful gift basket had arrived at your door. You’d curiously brought it inside and nearly dropped the champagne bottle when you found the note: Cheers to being scene partners soon! Can’t wait, Matt. Your first course of action was to tear into the chocolate covered strawberries and your second was to frantically call your manager to yell at her for hiding this surprise from you. You’d sent back a thank you note, which is how, somehow, you two became pen pals in the months leading up to filming. 
In your letters, you two discussed the show and your ideas for your character’s relationship dynamics all while Matt kindly provided guidance when you shared your anxieties about joining such a well-respected and beloved show. By the time you arrived on set, you felt more settled–Matt would be a professional support and colleague, your childish crush left in the past. After all, you’d had feelings for your teenage self’s idea of who Matt Smith was. This Matt is real, kind, your coworker, and 12 years your senior. 
All of this logic dissipated when you heard his painfully familiar voice calling your name across the set you were exploring before filming began. He quickly approached you, grinning broadly as he pulled you into a warm hug. You, thankfully, recovered your senses swiftly, returning his hug before somehow carrying on a normal conversation with him. Several months into filming now, that first day is a blur but you’d left a good enough first impression that you two became close throughout shooting. 
You clung to your logic, desperately fighting back the crush that was rapidly developing into actual feelings throughout this time. Your chemistry on set was palpable and mercurial but in your trailers or sharing a drink after work, your relationship was filled with laughter, stimulating conversation, and affection. You’d bonded over your love for horror movies, jokingly plotting one to star in together in the future. You respected him, this project, and yourself too much to risk all that you’d built for a relic from your teenagedom.
Or, at least that’s what you repeat in your mind as you pace nervously in your trailer, practicing your lines quietly to yourself. Today’s scene is the last for you two to shoot and it’s by far the most daunting for you mentally. Alys and Daemon have a tense relationship, clearly drawn together despite Daemon’s suspicions and Alys’ blurry intentions. This scene is the culmination of that tension and while nothing physically occurs between them, an emotional vulnerability is needed for it to be satisfying for the viewers. 
You hear a knock on your door as the PA summons you to set. You take a deep, steadying breath before following her onto the lot. Harrenhal’s lot is constantly damp and by the time you’re on the actual set, your dress is clinging uncomfortably to you. 
“There she is! How are you feeling, love?” Matt questions, squeezing your shoulders soothingly. 
“Nervous, you?” you admit and his smile turns downward.
“What’s making you nervous? How can I help?”
“It just feels like a big scene, that’s all.” 
“Darling, we’ve done so many big scenes. What else is going on?” he pushes and you sigh, nervously fidgeting with the ends of your wig. 
“I guess it’s weird this is it, you know? It’s been months of us working together and after today we’re basically done. It’s daunting, I want to make sure the relationship feels right at its conclusion for the season.”
“It will, I promise. You’re brilliant and we’ve worked so hard to cultivate this dynamic–we know exactly what to do together, yeah?”
“But do we?” you question and immediately regret it. His brows furrowed as you kick yourself for letting your confused personal feelings get in the way of the work. “Never mind, I’m just psyching myself out. You’re right, as always.”
Matt opens his mouth to reply but the director calls you to your marks and all you can do is squeeze his hand before going to your spot, closing your eyes and banishing yourself from your mind–you are Alys, he is Daemon, you two are fighting because tensions are coming to a head. 
You two do several takes but something feels off. You’re both hitting your lines and your marks but there’s something missing, which you’re obsessively trying to solve as shooting’s paused for lunch. As you finish up your smorgasbord of snacks, your favorite craft service meal, Matt approaches, his eyes focused on you. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Do you trust me?” he asks, his eyes tunneling into yours with an intensity you’ve never seen from him off camera. 
“Of course” you reply without hesitation and he nods. 
“I’m doing a slight improv, will you follow my lead?” 
“Of course” you repeat, just as the director calls you back to set. 
Your nerves have returned but you’re eager to see Matt’s idea play out–you’ve both improved different moments over the course of filming and they often lead to your best takes. 
The director calls action and your lines repeat as they have all day long. You’re lost in the moment, noting Matt approaching you much more closely than previously. This must be it–he wants more physical tension in the scene and you kick yourself for not thinking of it yourself. Suddenly, Matt’s hands roughly grab your arms pulling your chests flush together. 
Your gasp is real, as is the way your own hands rise to grip his shoulders as he towers over you. Your Alys brain kicks in and you switch to struggling against him, eager to get away from this man who could easily overpower you. 
“Don’t leave” he breathes out quietly, a line not in the script, his eyes earnest and glossy with emotion.
“You know as well as I why I must, no matter what we may…sense in one another” you ad-lib and though it fits Alys’ intentions, your own desires easily bleed through. 
“And what is it you sense in me?” 
“Danger…lust” you sigh, eyes instinctually dropping to his mouth. Your heart’s in your throat, this is the most you two have leaned into the characters’ sexual tension. “And what do you see within me?”
“Temptation…damnation” he replies fervently. You two hold each other’s gaze and you feel your eyes growing misty as are Matt’s before you. He begins to lean in and as much as you desperately want to give in, Alys would never, so you forcefully push your hands into his chest until a few feet separate you. 
Your breathing is labored, your face feels flushed, and you nearly forget the final scripted line that concludes the scene, “I told you you’d die in this castle, Daemon…I refuse to die with you.” 
A single tear escapes Daemon’s eyes and you turn on your heels, head high as you leave the room before the director yells “Cut! Holy shit you two, thank god we had coverage on both of you. That was perfect. I’m going to call Ryan to review the changes but that was brilliant. Hang tight for a few minutes, okay?” 
You nod, dizzy with emotion. You can’t force yourself to look in Matt’s direction, the vulnerability and intensity of the scene making you feel exposed. Instead, you stumble over to craft services asking for a mug of tea to settle your nerves. You take a deep swig and feel some of the tension leave your shoulders but the butterflies in your stomach refuse to follow their lead. You hear someone approaching and know before you hear his deep voice saying your name that it’s Matt. 
“Are you okay? Was that too much?” he questions and you force yourself to turn around.
“I’m fine, it was brilliant.”
“Then why do you look so shaken?” he questions, hands going to rest on your shoulders, as they have countless times over the last few months. You find yourself stepping out of his hold, feeling too raw to stomach being touched right now. Your thoughts are racing and your heart is pounding and being this close to him is too much. 
“It was just intense, that’s all.” 
“It was, wasn’t it?” he agrees, his eyes boring into your face despite your refusal to meet his gaze. You simply nod, taking another sip of tea. 
“It felt real” you breath out and immediately regret it. “Sorry, that’s silly, I didn’t mean…” you trail off, unsure how to express all that you’re thinking and feeling right now. 
“I don’t think it’s silly” he replies quietly and you shut your eyes. You have to be imagining things, he can’t possibly be admitting to feeling similarly to you; it’s impossible, for countless reasons. You’re saved from responding by the director calling you back to set and you quickly walk past Matt, mug firmly in your grip as you try to steady yourself to appear professional.
“Ryan loved it guys, that’s a wrap on Daemon and Alys at Harrenhal for season two!” he cheers and the crew bursts into claps and whistles. You force a smile and express your gratitude towards the director and crew before quickly excusing yourself to your trailer, not waiting around to see what Matt has to say to everyone. 
Your team must feel your anxious energy because they get you out of costuming, hair, and makeup in record time. You say your farewells, frantically getting into one of the waiting cars that will whisk you away to your hotel. You regret, on some level, not saying goodbye to Matt but you promise yourself you’ll text him in the morning and meet for breakfast. 
As the elevator rises you text Emma, Hey, crazy day, room service together tonight?
You toss your phone on the bed without waiting for a reply, peeling off your clothes and jumping in the shower. You just need to wash this day away. Once you feel yourself fully reinhabiting your body again, you turn off the water, dry yourself, and do your skincare before changing into sweats. A knock sounds from your door and you feel more tension leaving your body as you go to answer it, assuming you’ll find Emma on the other side. 
Your heart stutters when you’re instead met by Matt’s anxious gaze, his hands feverishly running through his hair. “Matt?” 
“You just left” he replies, voice tight with an emotion you can’t place.
“I…I was tired, I just wanted to unwind” you say, offering this half truth. His intense stare makes you fear you aren’t convincing him. 
“Can I come in, please? Just for a moment. I can’t help but feel like I did something wrong.” 
You nod shallowly, stepping to the side before closing the door behind him. An awkward silence descends and you perch nervously on the foot of your bed. Your phone buzzes beside you and you glance over to see their reply Can’t sorry, I’ve got a night shoot–tomorrow?
“Do you need to get that?” Matt’s voice draws you back to the moment in front of you and you watch as he paces the floor.
“No, Matt, but can you please sit down? You’re making me nervous.” 
“I’m sorry, I just…I keep replaying that final take and what you said afterwards and how you disappeared and I can’t help but feel like I’ve crossed a line or upset you.”
“Matt, you heard the director, it was a brilliant move. It worked beautifully, why would that upset me?” 
“Because it felt real” he replies and you freeze at your own words repeated back to you. “But it couldn’t have been, could it? We were both in wigs and calling each other different names.” 
You don’t know what to say so Matt plows ahead, “Not when we’re friends and colleagues and I’m old enough to be your father.”
You're surprised by the snort that erupts from you, “Matt, that’s a little dramatic. You are not old enough to be my father for Christ’s sake.”
“Well I’m certainly too old to be your partner” he replies quietly, finally stopping his pacing with his back to you. “Far too old to kid myself into thinking you’d be interested in me that way.” 
You freeze, your breath stolen from your chest at his words. “Matt?” you question tentatively, rising to place a gentle hand on his shoulder blade but he moves from your touch. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry. See? I knew this was stupid and unprofessional and putting you in an uncomfortable position and I value our friendship but still went ahead and blew it up and–”
“Matt” you say firmly and he turns at the stern tone of your voice. His eyes are sad as they meet yours and the slump of his shoulders is so un-Matt-like that it breaks your heart a little. You step forward and place your hand to his cheek, a thrill racing through you as he closes his eyes, nuzzling into your touch. You stay like that for a moment, each of you seemingly nervous to break this fragile moment. Finally, he releases a deep breath and his hands land on your hips as his eyes open again. “This isn’t a good idea.” 
“Why?” he questions, stepping closer until your bodies are flush together.
You raise your other hand, gently moving a strand of hair out of his face, “Because I’m just…me and you’re…you’re you, Matt, and you’ll realize that quickly. You’ll also realize that even though I seem to have my life together, I’m ultimately just shy of 30 and still trying to figure shit out. You’re settled, you know who you are and what you want. I can’t offer you the same in return and that’s unfair.” 
Your admission hangs in the air between you for a long moment, “But you’d want to? If I told you I’m not remotely concerned about anything you just said?” 
“I would but only if you believe me when I tell you I think what you said before is bullshit too.” 
He smiles fondly at you, his calloused thumb rising to skim your cheekbone down to your chin, before raising to faintly trace the shape of your mouth. Your heart’s in your throat as you rise on your toes slightly, offering your parted lips to him in offering. His hand curls into your hair as he painstakingly slowly joins your lips together. 
Your heart settles at the rightness of the kiss, the care with which he handles you. He allows you to lead the way, your mouths learning the feel of each other before you brush your tongue against his mouth which he gladly opens to you. As your tongues twine, you surrender to the moment, fully leaning your weight into him as you pull him as close as humanly possible. He returns your eagerness with his own and you’re pleased at the soft groan that falls from his lips into yours. When you finally pull away, he drops his forehead to yours as you catch your breaths that mingle in the air between you. 
The peaceful moment stretches onward, neither of you wanting to end it. However, your stomach finally does as it rumbles loudly causing Matt to laugh. “I always tell you, just snacking all day is not enough, darling.”
“It’s not snacking, it’s a personalized charcuterie board” you protest, chuckling at this long-standing disagreement. 
“Room service? I can’t bear the thought of not being within two feet of you the rest of the night” he says and you nod, chuckling at his admission. 
“First Omen?” you question and he scoffs, pulling you onto the bed with him as he grabs the remote.
“Absolutely not, we’re watching the original first” he insists and you hum your assent, curling into his side and you’re struck by how natural it feels. “Youth, these days” he sighs, jokingly. 
“You really know how to ruin a moment, don’t you Matthew?” 
His only response is to giggle and place a soft kiss to your temple before picking up the phone to order you both a feast.
Matt taglist (message or comment to be added!): @slayraxes-blogs @littlehorrorlover @decaffeinatedparadisepost
Side note: Part Three of my ongoing Matt series is written, I'm just editing and planning what comes next before posting
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reverieblondie · 6 months
Chapter 4: Via the Window
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Eludes to voyeurism kink but nothing explicit.
Summary: It's time you thank Spider-Man properly...
A/N: I hope you enjoy the update! Hoping to get these out more frequently!
Word Count: 2,392
‘If I shut my blinds you won’t know where to come get your thank you.’
‘Thank me how’?
‘Come by Monday night and find out?’
‘I will swing by then’ 
Your Sunday has been spent in two ways. One you had taken the time to get ready for your first week of school. Write out your schedule and figure out what buildings your classes would be in. Best to prepare for your first day to eliminate any surprises that could occur. Two, and far more nerve-wracking; you kept talking with Spider-Man through notes via your window. At the time leaving notes and checking every few hours for a new message from your pen pal was an exciting experience. It was a thrill to get a new message when you weren't even able to catch a glimpse of him! How could he even be that sneaky? 
Well now it’s Monday and you're having to reflect on your messages…
You said you wanted to thank him, but now that it's Monday you find yourself playing with the last note he left you. You're still trying to wrack your brain for ideas, but you can’t sit and stir forever. You have a big day ahead! As you're getting ready to leave for school you're double, triple checking that you have your things and that you look decent. Going from the living room to your bedroom, back to the living room to the bathroom like a madman. Once you scramble into the kitchen to make a bottle of water, it clicks. Turning towards your admittedly out-of-date oven the brilliant idea hits, cookies! 
Who doesn’t like cookies? Maybe it's a bit old-fashioned or maybe he doesn’t like sweets, but it's the thought that counts right? Just a nice thankful gesture right? Well, there are other thankful gestures you could do for him…But you quickly shake away the thought, you don’t even really know him best not to cross any boundaries; not yet at least. 
Getting your mind off of…activities you check your phone and see that you need to leave, don’t want to risk being late on your first day. Doing one last run you check yourself and your things. Before you exit your apartment you find yourself going to your window on pure impose, checking it one last time before you leave. A part of you wishes you would see him swinging by like he's checking on you but you know you won’t catch him. 
Walking out of your apartment you look over to Peter's apartment. You haven’t seen him since your moment together in the laundry room. Admittedly you take your time locking your door for the off chance Peter would be leaving his apartment at the same time as you. Though you quickly come to find that your day is not going to start with seeing a brave hero or your annoyingly cute neighbor, that's not going to be a damper on your day. Walking to school making sure to stay out of the bike lane you open your phone and start looking up cookie recipes. 
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As expected the first day of classes was nothing more than a lot of info dumping about the class and all the materials needed to be successful in the class. Yes, it is easy to just sit and listen but that doesn’t mean it's any less tiring to have to go through. Taking a stretch you feel your muscles stretch and hear your bones softly popping. Just have to go to the store then you can get your little thank you gift for spidy going. The thought of seeing him leaves a giddy feeling to swell in your stomach. But that is soon interrupted when you see a familiar face walking past. 
Well, well if it isn't your odd neighbor, of course he didn’t mention you two go to the same university, typical…
“Peter!”, you call out
In an instant, he's stopping and turning to meet your eyes with a somewhat surprised look on his face, though there is a slight hint of a smile on the corners of his lips. You quickly approach him making your way past the swarm of other exhausted college students. 
“You know this is starting to get a bit frequent, first the elevator, then the laundry room, now here. Are you following me?” He teases with an annoyingly adorable smile. 
“Yeah, if I’m going to stalk anyone it would be a celebrity, not my random neighbor.” 
“You would stalk someone? Bad girl…” 
The teasing nickname sends a rush over your spine but you must resist, he's insufferable…and adorable…dammit. 
Ignoring the comment you kept the conversation moving, “You know most people mention if they go to the same school as someone else they know.”
He shrugs, “True, but that kills the fun of you having to figure it out.”
“Oh, so fun Pete” 
“You're welcome. Are you done for the day?” 
“Yeah, I was heading home, well going to go to the store then home.” 
Peter smiles as he adjusts his backpack, “I was also heading home, you want some company for the trip?” - Well isn't this a friendly change? 
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Now you have eggs and sugar, but chocolate chips, flour, brown sugar, and vanilla extract you need to buy. Just to find them is the issue, this store Peter took you to is different from the one you have started to get accustomed to. Peters runs off to grab something, leaving you to wander down the aisles by yourself, so much for his company... 
As you browse down the aisle something catches your eye and it's staring in your direction. Two men seem to be whispering and glancing in your direction. You turn to see if they are looking behind you but nothing seems to be odd enough to catch any attention. Facing them again you see they have slid closer and you're starting to feel nervous that it may be you that is catching their attention, but why? 
Is there something on your face? Are they staring at your basket? Are you doing something wrong? You're starting to become uneasy as you do your best to just ignore them. They are whispering amongst themselves and you just keep your eyes forward, just ignore them, and let them walk past you. 
As the men start to walk in your direction a sudden warmth then wraps around you for a second you're frightened but as you look to see who has their arm wrapped around you you see Peter's striking profile. 
“There you are, did you find all the ingredients?” 
You look at him confused and he just winks before holding you tighter, sliding his hands to hold you in a hug as his chin rests on your shoulder. The feeling sends a rush down your spine. It's all so quick and confusing, why is he holding you? Did he see you were nervous? Turning you see Peter staring at the two men who had been approaching you up. But now seeing that Peter is with you they quickly scurry away. 
Once they are gone Peter's warmth leaves you and there is a zipping of your bag and things start to click.  
With a smirk, Peter ruffles your hair and you glare at him. 
“You need to pay attention before you get pickpocketed.”
Swatting away his hands he smiles before grabbing your basket and heading towards the register. You bite back a smile and take a second to fix your hair before following him. 
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“You know I could have carried my bags” 
“No, no, it's fine. If my aunt May found out I walked home with someone without helping with the groceries I might just get disowned.” 
“Oh? Is that where you learned to be so chivalrous?” you say mockingly as you unlock your door. 
After a little effort with the old lock, you get the door open and gesture for Peter to step in. As he steps inside and you see him looking around you realize he's the first guest you have had in your apartment. Taking the groceries from him you start putting away things you don’t need and taking out the things you do. 
“You keep staring around at the place, are you not impressed by my decorating skills?” 
“Actually smarty pants, I am impressed, might need you to come over and help me with my place. You even managed to get the mildew smell out.” 
You smile then turn on your oven with a turn to the old dial, “I charge by the hour and am very bossy. I will warn you” 
Peter's eyes flash with mischief, “I wouldn't mind that…” 
Folding your arms over your chest you look at him confused, is he flirting? Peter's confidence starts to falter as he rubs the back of his neck trying to ignore the budding tension in the small kitchen. Looking at your counter he sees all the ingredients out. 
“Making something?” -smooth change the subject
“I am, just some cookies for a…Friend?” that is technically what you are doing…but can you call Spider-man a friend? You two are friendly but friends? Before you can get wrapped up in thought Peter is speaking up. 
“Friend? Judging from how you say it, I assume you two are very close.”
Start to take out your measuring cups and recipe. You roll your eyes at him, “He's a new friend, well acquaintance…”
Peter eyes your hands as you start to place everything down. His eyes on you are starting to make you slightly nervous…but in a good way…where it feels like a rush, “I'm an acquaintance and neighbor.”
“Well, he helped me with something.”
“Um, I carried your groceries and took care of a spider for you.”
“I thought you were carrying my groceries so you wouldn't be disowned, and if I recall you called me dramatic about the spider.” 
Peter thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers, “Playful banter between friends.” 
Wow, he wants cookies. Letting out a sigh you look at his smirking face trying not to smile. “Do you like chocolate chip?” 
“That's my favorite.” -of course it is…
Peter then gives you one more smile before grabbing his bag to leave. “Well, I will leave you to it. Thank you.” 
“Oh get cookies then leave?” 
“I have a deadline, unfortunately, those spider-man pictures won’t edit themselves” 
The mention of the hero's name causes you to perk up, as Peter is heading towards the door you muster up the courage to ask him about it. “Do you think maybe I could see some of your pictures sometime?” 
Peter adjusted his bag on his shoulder opening the door, “Bring the cookies and you can look through all my photos. Later.” 
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Carefully you tie a neat blue bow on the bag to make sure it stays closed. Finally, you got the cookies done and to your credit, they are probably the best cookies you have ever made. Thank you internet for all the baking tips! 
Looking out the window you see it is very late and it's time to get ready for bed after all your hard work. Stepping into your room you go to shut the curtains so you can get changed, but as you go to shut the curtains you have a stray thought…what if he's watching out there…swallowing your dry throat you keep the curtain open and turn your back to your window. He said he would be by later… it's later… 
With trembling hands, you lift your shirt over your head dropping it to the floor as you shake your hair out. 
Is he out there…
Sliding your hands down your body you start undoing your pants slowly, your body feels hot and you can feel your face flushing to a bright red as you strip down to your underwear, closing your eyes you go to slide down your panties. 
The thought of his gloved hands roaming across your skin, the feeling of his weight and warmth pushed against you, stomach tying into knots and with a deep breath you open your eyes looking over your shoulder, and you see…
Whipping your hand down your face you quickly grab your pajamas and put them on. What were you doing stripping like he would be watching…Ugh, that is so embarrassing! You don’t know him and here you are getting horny like a fangirl, get a grip on yourself! You need to start meeting more people so you stop fantasizing about superheroes… maybe Peter has friends…or maybe Peter…
No! Not crossing that line, he's the only person you know in this city you can’t go mucking that up! No way! Off limits! 
Walking to the kitchen you look at the two bags of cookies, Peters you will drop off tomorrow. A smile stretches to your lips, you two have become something akin to friends. It's a relief to have him not hate your guts still snarky though…but funny. Maybe you will run into him at school again…
Turning to the other back you feel your heart race increase, Spidys cookies… You hope that he enjoys these. There is the chance he might find this as a lame gift, you can only imagine what kinds of gifts he receives after saving people. Have others made him treats? Giving him money? Presents? Something else…would he want that…You swallow your dry throat and quickly write a note attaching it to the bag to keep your mind busy. 
Do spiders enjoy sweets? - you include a doodle of a spider seemingly eating a cookie. 
Hopefully, he likes them and isn’t disappointed by the thank you. 
Walking over and opening the window there is a slight breeze that sends a chill through you. You wish you could leave the window open tonight to enjoy the breeze but you know better. Placing the bag of treats on the window seal you adjust the note and the bow so they look perfectly placed. Once set you look out into the glimmering lights of the city taking in the breeze, the sights, the noises, but that's when you hear a clearing of a throat. Looking up you see that iconic mask, body clinging to the wall as he looks down at you. 
“You have a thank you for me?” his voice coos
You forget all about your cookies…
@huesdreamhouse @keiva1000 @spdrwdw @betizda @lunablackcosplay @juliluvhz @avareadsthings @xxrougefangxx @briviny @llpovi @beautyb1ade @lulawantmula @kikieatshomophobes
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florenceafternoon · 7 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Because I will never get tired of them, here are some more fic recs. These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is an extract from the summaries on ao3.
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Never Quite Awake by @sunshinemarauder 
“Endings are nothing unfamiliar to Lily Evans; she’s seen the ends of sisterhood, friendship, and innocence, all from miles away. But this is an end unlike any other. An end that was never supposed to happen.”
If to love someone once is to break their heart, to love them twice is to break yours.
Lily falls for James in her seventh year. But the couple are sent onto two diverging paths when a life-shattering altercation halts their burgeoning relationship. Five years later, she's a curse breaker and he is a soldier.
When they meet again, it feels like coming home.
All the angst that comes with a jily second chance romance that takes place during wartime. A fake dating subplot, cursebreaker!Lily, pining!James. What more could you want. France (country) - a relevant tag
Through The Rain by @bookeatingbean
James and Lily's first kiss, and the story behind it. There's some fluff, some character study, and some good old-fashioned angst.
If you're looking for a character study that shows how they grew up through their school years. This fic shows you that Lily was not a perfect person and James was a bully for the sake of it but he grew to understand that the world does not revolve around him and strives to do better. Or Lily is stubborn and James is the definition of a ride-or-die
It's been a long time by writtenbyfreckles (on ao3)
It's been ten years since Lily left Hogwarts. She's returned to England to work as a Healer on the "ward of the wacky", only to find home isn't as safe as she thought it was. An attack leaves her locked in a ward with her patients, a bunch of Death Eaters and an Auror she hasn't seen for a long time.
I need more cannon divergence Auror!James and Healer!Lily
The Guide To Becoming A Better Man For Lily Evans by @padfootswhiskers
prompt: I decided to walk outside shirtless (accidentally) but I forgot it's winter and why're you screaming at me like that? And oh gosh, you're very pretty.
lingering days, short-lived nights by letthebookbegin (on ao3)
The summer before seventh year, James is desperately trying to think of anything but Lily, who's burrowed her way into his mind and looks quite comfortable there.
The summer before seventh year, Lily is craving a distraction. Avoiding her sister, she picks an ice cream shop for shelter.
At the end of a long summer day, their paths cross - and the rest, as they say, is history.
Ties That Bind by @charmsandtealeaves
Lily Evans grew up with old wives tales about soul mates, but she'd never put much stock in the idea. Not until after she learned about the world of magic and the fact that soul bonds were a thing that actually existed. Which makes these strange new feelings and experiences that much more difficult to manage.
So I read this a while ago but stupidly forgot to bookmark it and then I spent nearly an hour trying to find it again. Needless to say, I ADORE this fic and you should all go read it. Like, right now. Then come back here to talk to me about it.
Lily Evans Doesn't Believe In I Love You's also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
“Did you hear Lily Evans doesn’t believe in I love you's?”
It wasn’t exactly a secret. But no one knew why, until she decided to share a bottle of fire whiskey in the astronomy tower with James Potter.
Same Lily, same
Meet Me At The River also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
A chance encounter with a misplaced owl leads to a correspondence between pen pals. Lily confides in her mysterious Flea and finds herself falling along the way.
I can't remember if I've recommended this one already, but even if I have I'll rec it again because I love it so much!!
Your Friend, James by @thelighthousestale
It is the summer before their 7th year, and Lily and James spend the entire holiday writing letters to each other as their relationship slowly changes from friends to something more.
Just the ending of this one is everything. James and Sirius are never beating the codependent allegations
Castling by @missgryffin
When they were still very young, Remus Lupin’s dad married Lily Evans’ mum. It changes everything.
Lily and Remus are like the little brother who got bullied and then found friends except he invited them over for the first time and they all act weird because they're mildly terrified of his older sister. Friends to lovers jily is only rivaled by academic rivals jily.
Just the Two of Us by @arianatwycross
Head Students James and Lily face a perilous twist when a malicious potion surfaces in hate mail directed at Lily. Dumbledore orders a week-long quarantine in the Head Students' suite. With unspoken crushes lingering, the duo navigates close quarters, leading to unexpected revelations, lingering looks and forehead kisses.
silence and patience, pining in anticipation by @kay-elle-cee
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
The Devil in the Cloak Room by @chiechie97
Getting your heart broken when you’re 17 seems to alter your brain chemistry more than you would think. Which is the precise reason why Lily has no intention of reconnecting with the friends she lost at the end of school.
And besides, she has no chance of knowing anyone at the masked Halloween party her friend drags her to. Especially not the guy in the devil mask. Right?
Usually I rec complete works but this one is so good I had to include it
Deception and other ways to find love by @annasghosts
“I’ll be your fake girlfriend, Potter.” And this is how Lily Evans embarks on the adventure of (fake) dating her former Hogwarts nemesis (and crush, but ssssh, it’s a secret). Will she be able to keep her cool? Will he?
Class of '78 by @emeralddoeadeer
Class of 1978 Five Year Reunion - July 29th, 1983
Now is the time to look upon our shared experience, our similarities must unite us rather than letting our differences divide us. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry invites the Graduating Class of 1978 to return to the castle for a weekend of reconnecting, reminiscing and recreation. We hope the passage of time has been kind to you all and look forward to welcoming you soon.
Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorc, DWiz, X.J sorc, S of Mag Q
It's been five years since graduation, and while many things have changed, some things never will.
James Potter Won't Go Quietly by la_plus_heureuse (on ao3)
Lily Evans remembers plenty about James Potter from Hogwarts. But an assignment from Mojo Magazine to profile the Quidditch star turned activist makes her realize what she remembered was all wrong.
canon divergence staring quidditch player James and journalist Lily
On A Scale of One to Ten (requires an ao3 account) by @petalsinwoodvale
Lily starts falling for an insecure, yet charming auror named James who is recovering from injury in her ward. No one else on staff will sit and talk to him, mostly due to septic skin covering most of his upper torso. Lily, however, finds him charming and funny. Naturally, when James' injuries start healing, he grows more and more handsome. The other healers suddenly take interest in James, romantically ...
foxy by lizpaige (on ao3)
Lily joins the boys at the shrieking shack on a particularly difficult moon in her new animagus form.
Lily & Remus friendship is so special to me
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Whats the Reverse Twins relationship like with pacifica and Gideon post Weirdmageddon? are they friends now?
GREAT QUESTION! one difference in my version of reverse falls compared to gravity falls is that while paz is only a temporary resident for the summer, gideon isnt! he just lives there! so he gets to kinda stay behind and watch the gleefuls try their best to be normal kids, and its great for him too because now he has friends his age (give or take two years) in town that arent gonna bully him :)
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they do still keep in touch with paz though!! mason is her pen pal now
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theyre all friends now but it isnt perfect. the gleefuls have a lot of time being antagonistic to make up for, and they still kinda dont get the "normal kid" thing. which is why theyve given gideon permission to use a spray bottle on them whenever theyre too mean or accidentally start treating him like will. they will learn with time
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velnoni · 23 days
Jesus, I LOVE how you interpret ford. Can NOT emphasize how much I enjoyed reading ur hcs for demi!ford! (and then I also have a much more personal appreciation as someone who’s prob demi. so, I’m excitedly shaking your shoulders a little.)
So how would things progress romantically for demi!Ford and reader, building off ur last set of hcs??
It's so nice to hear this, honestly 💓 and ofc, I'm glad you can enjoy these hcs on a deeper level! This ask is also gonna be a long one so buckle up.
Ford x Reader Romance Headcanons
Link to previous headcanon mentioned in ask
As mentioned in the last post, the two of you would consider a romantic relationship after Ford finished traveling with his brother. Something like traveling the world for anomalies would definitely take a minimum of a year to be frank. And you genuinely missed the guy. You missed the way he fixed his glasses (why doesn't he get a new pair?), the sassiness that came with him debuking theories, and his deep voice. Work wasn't the same without him.
Seeing postcards of him and Stanley always made you happy. And sometimes you would trace his clean penmanship in the letters he would mail to you. There would be days when you would receive multiple pages consisting of findings, personal life, and so forth. And you'd do your best by updating him about the Mystery Shack, your job & your own life in return. Because it was mail, there would be delays in the messages, but nothing neither of you could handle.
As time passed, the letters continued to pile in your drawer. You couldn't help but wonder if Ford and his brother would make it home safe. How does puncing an octopus in the eye even save the day? Those twins were such rascals, you swear.
Sometimes, you will dry out flowers and spray them with a light fragrance before mailing the letters away. Flower language is a wonderful thing, and on a particular night, you placed a chrysanthemum in the mail for the twins' safety. You were sure Ford would understand immediately.
The next letter you got back had a hydrangea. At some point as the days grew longer, you'd recognize your feelings towards Ford, especially after Mabel learned one summer you were the pen pal Ford spoke so fondly of.
When the brother touched back to land, you didn't find out until a couple of days after, both twins greeting you after work. You were incredibly excited over their return, noticing the differences in their behavior and how happy they both looked. The sea did them well, especially Ford. If your eyes lingered on him for a second longer, he didn't notice, but Stan will.
When Stan retires to bed, he shoots you two a wink, you being perplexed and Ford grumbling from his chest at his brother's implications. With the two of you alone, it reminded you both of when y'all started hanging outside of work. The night consisted of jokes, bantering, stories, and one too many cans of soda.
"May I be frank with you for a moment?" he asked. You turned your head in his direction and nodded, "What is it?" Ford would look away for a moment and then clasp his hands together, playing with his fingers, a tick of his when nervous. "S-Stan had told me recently you seemed interested in me. Ahem, well, allow me to elaborate. Romantically. Typically, I don't listen to Stan's gibberish, but he pointed out some discrepancies in your behavior." You made a small show of it by looking at Ford brown eyes and the way his peppered eyebrow creased in presumed concern. Leave to Stan to catch you red-handed. You reach out for an open bottle of soda and sip on the lukewarm contents. Ford was kind enough to be frank with you, and you appreciated that, a pro from a man of science.
"Yeah well...he's not exactly wrong." You swish the soda around in the can, wishing the sloshing sound could be more distracting than Ford's lips parting in surprise. "I genuinely do like you. You're a good man and company, Stanford. Got a few skeletons in the closet, but who doesn't? You're kind, enthusiastic about your work, and you're doing your hardest to move on. It's so easy to speak to you, and I really enjoyed your letters. It made life more bearable, y'know? And yes, I also see you as cute, but that's beside the point."
You glance at Ford, noticing how the tips of his ear were beet red and gave a tiny smile of reassurance. "Look, I wasn't planning on telling you at all. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, I can—" your cut off mid sentence when the older twin raised his hand to stop you.
"I'm sorry, I—" he coughs a bit and stares at you, clearly ready to speak. You prepare yourself to be let down gently. "I...I also feel this way towards you as well." You could hear the anxiousness in his voice and see how his lips turned down.
He would continue to confess about how you were someone he didn't want to let go of. But that even though he was confident enough that he had romantic interest, he was unsure how to go about it or if he wanted to tap into the potential of such a thing. It's been so long...
You reassure him he doesn't have to do anything and that you're happy he would be so open about it towards you. You can't help but chuckle at the irony of it all— the both of you felt like teenagers. He questions you about relationships, your experience, expectations, and so forth, and you answer to the best of your ability.
In the end, you two decided to give it a go. For Ford, he would like to go slow with the dating process, preferring outings that didn't require much physical contact. This could consist of book dates, picnics, movie marathons, dinner, etc.
For the most part, this worked great, Ford is very calculating even while dating, but you hope he'll be more comfortable eventually. It would be months until Ford kisses your cheek, and if it weren't for the scratchiness of his stubble, you wouldn't have noticed. It happened after watching a movie, and you returned the kiss. Ford will shyly cup his large hand into yours.
Ford at first will overthink everything in the beginning of the relationship, wondering if he's competent enough for you or if he's asking for too much. You reassure him that's not the case but sometimes he'll worry.
He's a superstitious man at heart and would prefer for your relationship to be quiet but not out of embarrassment. Half a year will pass before he would be okay enough to cuddle with you in a bed (clothes on). The most you two would do is give small kisses and tight hugs that led into the best naps.
He's an old man, he's bringing flowers when he picks you up for date night because it's classy and he enjoys the smile on your face when you smell them. Sometimes, he will offer you a ride home as well.
Please don't play Mario Kart with him...
He likes when you give him back massages (sweater on) and will gladly return the gesture.
Arguing with him is a nightmare, though. Man is stubborn as an ox and will not listen until you both properly calmed. And even then, he has his pride to uphold—something that has to run in the Pines family. Try to bribe him with hot chocolate if there needs to be a sit down.
Are sexual encounters on the table? Yes but he'd appreciate a discussion about it and if he even feels comfy enough to do so at the moment. He's trying his best to be more open minded and honest, you're his safe place. He's the type of guy to schedule sexual intimacy and no I'm not joking, he's a stickler for time. You don't know whether to be flabbergasted or amused. Probably both.
All in all, expect a simple and healthy relationship with Ford. He's learning just like you are.
Thank you for the ask! Please like and reblog, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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elixirfromthestars · 2 months
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I miss interacting with fellow writers and readers, so I decided to host my own little writing challenge ♡ Between juggling grad school prep and an internship, I wanted to do something to keep me connected to this lovely community, so welcome everyone to my cozy little cafe :) 
The writing challenge starts today and closes on September 29th (National Coffee Day). I will be reading + reblogging every fic. The masterlist will be posted at the end. (if you see this anytime later or can’t make the deadline do not fret, if anything below inspires you, you are welcome to write and tag me and I will add your submission to the masterlist♡)
Below are the rules, prompts, and guidelines ♡
who you can write for: all marvel characters are welcome / any fictional sebastian stan or chris evans characters are welcome too (any characters they’ve portrayed based on real life people will not be accepted though!!) (please keep it to x reader fics only!!)
some general guidelines: Below I’ve provided a number of different prompts and songs for inspiration ♡ Anyone can use them and mix and match however you’d like!! If you use any please let me know somewhere in the post! If none of them below inspire you, to stay within theme please include either a cafe or coffee somewhere in the fic :) 18+ fics are welcome, just please add warnings! Any length of fics are welcome, but if it’s over 500 words please add the “keep reading” option. If you write something as part of a bigger series please write your submission as a standalone ♡
˖°.₊˚☕⊹♡ This is a sweet and cozy little cafe, but of course, there is always a possibility of rain. If anything below inspires an angsty fic, then by all means go ahead and write it! Your submission does not have to include fluff! 
what is not accepted: no dark fics, anything involving minors, incest, rape, noncon/dubcon 
how to enter: please tag me and use #elixirscafe when you post ♡ i’ll leave a like to let you know I saw it and reblog it once I read it :) if i haven’t responded to your post send me an inbox or dm please and thank you! 
Happy writing! My inbox is always open for any questions or comments!! ♡  
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What table are you sitting at? 
♡ Coffeeshop AU 
♡ Soulmate AU 
♡ Bakery AU 
♡ Regency Era AU 
♡ Western AU
♡ Neighbor AU 
♡ Pen Pal AU
♡ Small Town AU 
♡ Royal AU
♡ College AU
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Would you like a sweet treat?
🍩 ༄ؘ “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” 
🍰 ༄ؘ Saying I love you for the first time.
🍪 ༄ؘ “ Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” 
🍫 ༄ؘ  “ You...you learned how to cook my favorite meal?”
🧁 ༄ؘ “ I’m not going to get sick, you baby. Just let me hold you.” 
🥧 ༄ؘ  “ What else do I need when I have my whole world in my arms?”
🍮 ༄ؘ “ I’m only doing it because you’re cute.” 
🥯 ༄ؘ “ Could you hold my hand?” 
🥞 ༄ؘ “ I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” 
🍞 ༄ؘ “ I like hearing your heart beating when I put my head on your chest.” 
🍯  ༄ؘ “ Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” 
🥐 ༄ؘ “ I’ve tried to forbid myself from falling in love, but now I can’t help it.”
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Do you like the music in the cafe? Which song should I play next?
˖°.₊˚☕⊹♡ Feel free to use the lyrics below, the entire feel of the song, or any other lyrics in the song! The playlist is below in case you want to go through and listen to the songs while you write ♡
Apple Cider “ And I don’t even like you that much. Wait, I do, fuck. Call me at midnight. Let’s give this a try.” Beabadoobee
Apple Juice “ Don’t let goodbyes come too easy. Love me, just let me know that you need me.” Jessie Reyez
Apple Pie “I found you under an April sky, and you feel like city life, apple pie baked just right. Home is wherever you are tonight.” Lizzy McAlpine
August “ And I can see us twisted in bedsheets. August slipped away like a bottle of wine.’Cause you were never mine.” Taylor Swift
Bubble Gum “ Sorry I didn’t kiss you, but it’s obvious I wanted to.” Clairo
Caramel “ Love like a landslide, I kiss you goodnight. It used to be easy.” 5SOS
Cardigan “And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed. You put me on and said I was your favorite.” Taylor Swift
Chai Tea “ I love sippin’ chai tea, with you across from me. I love hearing your voice, talkin ‘bout nothing.” Audrey
Champagne Problems “ You had a speech, you’re speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches, and I couldn’t give a reason.” Taylor Swift
Chocolate “ I need more time off with you to turn you on. And I want to wake up without the alarm. A thousand eyes on me constantly, but I just want you.” Ziggy Alberts
Cinnamon “ It’s a slow cinnamon summer. Your spell is pulling me under. Rowing in a wooded hollow. Showing me the moves to follow.” Jome
Coffee Breath “ Make me fantasize,'bout you baby. And you smell so sweet, like fresh-picked daisies.” Sofia Mills 
Coffee Cup “ So we’re swapping our cups, and after a while, we’re swapping a glance. And I can think nothing better than starting the year with a drop of romance.” Anthony Lazaro
Espresso “ Now he’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night, oh. Is it that sweet? I guess so. Say you can’t sleep, baby, I know. That’s that me espresso.” Sabrina Carpenter
Grapejuice “ I was on my way to buy some flowers for you. Thought that we could hide away in a corner of the heath. There’s never been someone who’s so perfect for me.” Harry Styles
Honey + Tea “Girls like flowers, clever poetry. That old adage doesn't work on me, but conversation and a cup of tea. Boy, you had me at philosophy.” Mōzi
Milk & Honey “ So come meet me in the garden, where the angels sing. We’re mixing up milk and honey, soft lips divine. Slow cherry and lay me down, oh, she’s coming to set me free.” Jessarae
Pancakes for Dinner “ I’ll try to hide the way I feel, but I’ll just wanna shout. What do I have to lose right now?” Lizzy McAlpine
Thin Mints “ If you let me lova ya like I wanna, write you all the poems like Whitman. You can take my Thin Mints, if you let me love ya like I wanna.” Evan Crommett
Too Sweet “ I think I’ll take my whiskey neat. My coffee black and my bed at three. You’re too sweet for me.” Hozier
playlist for the songs above can be found here: 🧸
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to my lovely mutuals, please don’t feel pressured to participate or share, just thought I’d share this with you all ♡  
@peteyprecious616 ♡ @malum-forev ♡ @rosepetalsinwinter ♡ @inkedreverie ♡ @nickfowlerrr ♡ @missraion ♡ @pocolottie​ ♡ @sweetiebarnes ♡
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I’m currently trying to write/outline a romance novel. It is starkly different from 3 act structures, what plot outlines/structures would you recommend for romance? Do they usually have 2-3 conflicts? For characters, especially for a normal romance, what are the goals usually, isn’t it just to find love or is that too 2d/flat? I can’t find any external/internal conflicts online, some external ones are available, but yeah, mostly unavailable. What are a few examples and what do external/internal conflicts mean in silly romance novels that are not so deep and intense as general fiction? Stuff on this topic are very scarce, sadly. I’d love ur perspective on this! Thank you in advance, love!!
Outlining a Romance Novel
Romance novel structure depends on the type of romance you want to write. Straight up romance revolves around two people meeting and falling in love. There is usually an external conflict against which this romance plays out, which provides the necessary tension, conflict of interest, fodder for misunderstanding, and other obstacles and challenges that create a bumpy road on the way to true love. However, this external conflict is in full service of the developing romance.
A great example of this type of romance would be the romance movies you see on Hallmark and Lifetime. Here's a trailer for a random one, but fair warning that this trailer gives everything away, so "spoiler alert" if that matters to you...)
In Bottled with Love, Abbey and Nick meet when they're forced to work together on a project at the company he works for (where he's the CEO's wayward son.) The project (and their subsequent butting of heads) is the external conflict against which their romance plays out, but the focus is on the development of their relationship, not on the actual project. This story also has the added internal conflict for both characters, which is the "pen pal" relationships they both have going on secretly in the background, which adds additional conflict later on. Lately, romances that play out against genre conflicts are also popular. Like traditional romance, the romantic couple is still central to the story, but unlike traditional romance, the external conflict is given a lot more weight. And, there are usually internal conflicts for the main characters as well. A great example of this kind of romance is Outlander. I'm sticking in the season one trailer, but fair warning... there are glimpses of scenes with violence, nudity, sex, and SA:
In the case of Outlander, Claire and Jamie meet when she is transported back in time from her home era of 1945 to the past era of 1743. In addition to the external conflict of Claire wanting to get back home to her own time, there's also an English officer (who turns out to be an ancestor of the husband she left in 1945) who is determined to make her life difficult. And, the first few books also play out first against the conflict between Scottish highlanders and the British occupiers. And, you can also have a combination of the two, where it's still a straight up romance, but it plays out against a genre background. In this case, the genre-related external conflict is still minor compared to the development of the romantic couple:
In the case of the first and third example, there are very specific romance beats you'll want to hit. A really popular structure template is Gwen Hayes' Romancing the Beat. The Dabble web site and the DIY MFA web site also both have romance structure templates, and there are certainly others you can find via a general search for romance story structure. In the case of the second example, you will want to hit a lot of those beats, but you'll be weaving that into a story structure for stories with a plot-driven element (like Save the Cat! Writes a Novel or the Three-Act Structure.) Just remember, in all of these cases, you don't have to follow a template to a tee. They're just there as guidelines to help you navigate and plot your story. With romance, though, you do want to make sure you hit the important romantic beats.
As for some of your other questions:
Do they usually have 2-3 conflicts? Most romances have both internal and external conflict. Then, there may be multiple external conflicts if you do a story like Outlander which plays out against a genre-based backdrop and has an external conflict related to that genre.
For characters, especially for a normal romance, what are the goals usually, isn’t it just to find love or is that too 2d/flat? Romance beat sheets will clarify this for you, but yes, if you do a traditional romance, a "happily ever after" is the goal.
What are a few examples and what do external/internal conflicts mean in silly romance novels that are not so deep and intense as general fiction? Examples #1 and #3 provide an idea of what the external and internal conflicts can look like in traditional, straight up romance. External conflict in romance usually happens one of two ways: the protagonist leaves their "normal life" and ends up in a place where they meet the love interest. Or, the love interest gets dropped into their "normal life." Some examples:
-- protagonist leaves their big city job to visit their small hometown for Christmas
-- protagonist leaves their small hometown to attend a friend's destination wedding in Rome
-- protagonist leaves their stressful office job and takes a job a bakery that desperately needs a manager
-- love interest is the new partner on the protagonist's work project
-- love interest is the popular new photographer showing up at the weddings the protagonist plans/coordinates
-- love interest is the new supplier for the bakery the protagonist manages
As for internal conflict, it works the same as in other stories. The internal conflict is usually something that is keeping them from moving forward in their lives. Sometimes, whatever it is that brings the love interest into their lives is a result of them trying to break out of that rut. Or, it could be that however their life changes as a result of meeting the love interest is the thing that helps them get out of that rut.
I hope that gives you some direction for how to come up with conflict ideas and how to structure your story!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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isa-ghost · 4 months
cranboo and phil hcs maybe..........
God where do I start with this. /pos
qPhil headcanons masterlist
I know exactly where. *Slams my fist on the desk.* ENDER KING POSSESSION AND ENDER WALK. Being manipulated by a [perceived?] higher being without their consent and to some degree without their knowledge. Doing things they'd never do in their right minds, hurting people they'd never hurt. Becoming cold and self-centered while controlled. Being terrified of how they can barely if at all control themselves.
Phil misses that kid a lot, actually. He was trying his best, and he can relate to just wanting to settle and belong somewhere while trying to put personal demons to rest or at least escape them. He's glad he could pass on some wisdom and give him a sanctuary while he tried to heal and move on.
He wishes he could've taught Ranboo how to not feel so guilty about things. And to have less shame. He started, but feels like he didn't make a lot of progress.
He hopes he'll cross paths with Ranboo again some day. He'd love to see how his Ender abilities have developed, how he's changed and matured, and same with Michael if he has the kid with him. Sometimes it makes him too aware of his immortality, but he does enjoy seeing how people he knew years ago have grown.
He had mixed feelings about Michael_Beloved. He certainly wasn't gonna hurt him whatsoever though, that's for sure. He enjoyed watching Techno's reactions to the kid.
He can't lie to himself, he was honestly kinda looking for some of the same weird quirks popping up while Ender King was possessing him as the ones he knew Ranboo was developing. He's SO grateful he didn't develop the weakness to water (*laughs in amfmn*)
To this day he wonders what Ranboo was doing with those water bottles he asked him to get. He's a bit concerned, but it's none of his business. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I'm not sure what they would've bonded over, if anything, pre-Syndicate, but they Were neighbors in New L'Manberg for a while. Phil really did enjoy it, he just had no interest in the government part. Living in NL was temporary while he got his bearings in this new realm (and recovered from the fresh trauma).
Consider it because he's a people pleaser if you want, but Ranboo was always really good at helping tend to Phil's fucked up wings. And as rich as he was, he always seemed to have health potions or a gapple or something on hand for Phil to have if he was having a bad pain day. That kindness has never left Phil's mind, and sometimes Quesadilla Island residents reminded him of it.
He would've fucking loved to watch Ranboo fruit it up on Quesadilla Island. Sometimes he imagines how he'd react to seeing Phil fruiting it up and it makes him laugh. Tbf on Ranboo's part, to him Phil would've gone from "I have a wife who's a goddess and I don't need anyone else" to "This is my wife, my husband, my fuckbuddy, his boyfriend, my other fuckbuddy–"
Consider: Because Ranboo ended up in the Nether with Michael, Blaze Empress eventually tells Phil she's located them. It may not be HER Nether, but after QI, her and Rose are kinda like "fuck it, we ball" now. Especially because they wanna make sure Ender King isn't being a bitch in some other realm. They'll beat his ass together in every universe. Anyway: Phil hears she's found Ran and they become pen pals via Blaze.
I think Phil being possessed by Ender King with Ranboo's filthy rich ass in walking distance of his house would've been really fucking funny.
The two of them were so shit at referring to themselves as their Syndicate code names. And because of the way things played out, they never had the time to get used to using them at all. To this day they hear those names and just start laughing like idiots.
Tbh if they were to cross paths again now, Phil would be way more likely to be a "bad" influence on Ranboo. Fuck it we Bolas. (I am eating the concept of Ranboo picking up on Phil seeming,, wilder than the last time they met).
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dragon-communion · 3 months
I'm really full of spite and I'm tired and I want to write Miquella attempting to romance Godwyn pre-Shattering.
Can you IMAGINE.
Godwyn, probably as tall as two or three of Miquella, hanging out in one of the gardens with his datemate Fortissax and talking quietly.
Malenia, offering to suddenly attack Fortissax to leave Miquella an opening.
Miquella talking her down while genuinely stressing and pacing because he doesn't just want to Mind Whammy Godwyn he wants to woo him but nobody's ever explained wooing to the eternally young twin and the epic poems are full of stuff like slaughtering a monster for your love or beating wicked riddles or something. Maybe he could give him flowers???
I'm loving the idea of Miquella getting so stressed that flowers bloom spontaneously at his feet. He gets a little teary-eyed and random servants and guards nearly teleport to him to give him every comfort, but that's not what he WANTS he wants to just Talk To Godwyn the way men do and he's just completely doomed.
There's whispers in the court of marrying Godwyn off to Ranni for political reasons and Miquella stays up late into the night editing and re-editing letters to see what Ranni actually thinks and if he can get away with destroying the potential suit. They've been having somewhat-friendly pen pal debates over the applications of glintstone and amber for years, surely he can do something about this. (She refuses to meet Miquella in person.)
Miquella refusing to wear shoes in Castle Sol, iciest duchy in the land, so Godwyn carries him places.
Both Miquella and Malenia have weird flower/butterfly dysphoria that they handle with varying degrees of effectiveness. Namely Miquella shoves it down so hard it starts to become another person- he's already dealing with the age dysphoria, he doesn't need more. But the one time Miquella and Godwyn talk about it, or talk around it, Godwyn mentions that he wishes he had scales. Trina fronts immediately, pleased and surprised and entirely nonverbal, before passing out right there on Godwyn's shoulder. He's kind of confused about why Miquella turned bright purple but uh. Cuddles work.
One time out of sheer desperation Miquella writes to Volcano Manor because Rykard and Tanith are the only people he knows in an actual romance. Rykard laughs so hard he starts coughing and Tanith tries very hard not to do the same thing. She tells him to dress the part if he wants to woo a man, sends him a bottle of perfume and the best of luck. Sometimes if Rykard thinks about it he starts laughing again, even in snake form.
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nnibarrel · 8 months
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First appearence of Aruemien (Arueshalae x Ramien) from my pen.
She: stands invisible under the stars and moon. Him: casted 'see invisibility' from scroll and on his way to greet the maiden with a kiss... 1, 2, 3...
+ bonus
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This thing actually was born when me and pals from vk fandom made something like spin the bottle event with the pathfinder characters/ And this is litteraly fate that Ramien paired with Arueshalae! I shiped them before that, but that was a signal to action)
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cactusspatz · 6 months
February recs
All 9-1-1 this month (except for a handful of others over at Pinboard)! A mix of gen and Buck/Eddie sorted from shortest to longest, because why not.
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Solid Ground by @kingreywrites (gen)
"Hey Buckaroo," she says conversationally, as if any of this is a common occurrence. "I'm glad to see you awake, but please, whatever you do, don't move, okay?" (Or, Hen is here to catch Buck when he falls. Literally.)
Tightly written rope rescue, with a warm Hen-Buck relationship and Hen being a badass.
flutter in the dovecote by KiaraSayre (gen + Buck/Eddie)
Buck, Eddie, and Bobby quarantine from a bird flu exposure, and everything's fine. Totally fine. They're handling it just fine.
This felt SOOOO MUCH like an actual (bottle) episode and now I dearly wish it was.
things you don't say reach me somehow anyway by @sibylsleaves (Buck/Eddie)
He writes CHRISTOPHER at the top of the page in capital letters. Underneath it goes BUCK. Then PEPA, CARLA, CHIM, HEN and so on until he has fifteen names listed out. Fifteen people to show his appreciation for. He starts with the easiest name first. or, Eddie tells the family he chose how much they mean to him. All of them except one.
So sweet and affecting, with plenty of bonus Fire Fam feels while Eddie's therapy homework leads him to figure out the true shape of Buck in his life.
Winter Prayer by @cal-daisies-and-briars (gen)
When a work conflict prevents Athena from accompanying Bobby to Minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, Buck and May offer to go instead. Over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and Bobby faces his grief.
Quiet and occasionally devastating, with a truckload of soft found family dynamics along for the roadtrip.
piece by piece, you filled the holes that were burned in me by polish_amber / @the-amber-raven (gen)
Buck didn’t see Hen and Chimney exchanging knowing smirks and he was still muffling his groans against the table when they went over to the kitchen to refill their coffee mugs and had a hushed conversation: “Should we tell him that Bobby also asks for feedback?” “Nah,” Hen replied mischievously. “I kind of want to hear what he’ll come up with on the spot.” 5 times Bobby has feedback for Buck during his annual review, and the one time Buck gets a perfect score and has some feedback of his own.
Such a fun use of that bit of canon, and great snapshots of their changing dynamic across the years.
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Buck/Eddie)
When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker. Or, in which Buck and Eddie love each other before they know each other, and know each other before they love each other.
Delightful epistolary identity porn! Very very classic set up but the execution is *chefkiss* perfect.
Evan Buckley & The Coma-Verse of Madness by @cal-daisies-and-briars (Buck/Eddie)
After being struck by lightning on a call, Buck experiences a plethora of alternate realities showing him different directions his life could have taken. Fighting hard to get home, Buck learns what, or who, is important to him in every lifetime.
Great varation on 6x11 (the coma-dream episode), with gorgeous characterization. Emotionally devastating at times, but also devastatingly romantic.
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purelyfiction · 11 months
the name of someone i no longer know
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Jake Seresin x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,406 words
Summary: it's stick season what can i say? also maybe this is whump-tober coded who knows
Content Warning:  alcohol use/abuse, maybe alcoholism, dui mention, police interaction, drunk jake, a little aggression, heartbreak and all around sad
Author Note: what the summary said
Jake had loved California for the reasons that it never seemed to rain. It was flooded with lots of sunshine, beaches and bars. Good music, good friends, good girls and bad decisions to be made.
Until he was sent back to the thick of it - sent to Annapolis to be shipped off for some form of deployment, only to be delayed due to concerns for the ship. Instead of sending him back to California, they'd kept him in Maryland.
Maryland was his personal Hell on Earth.
Flooded with memories of the cooler months, pumpkin patches filled with your laugh, dive bars he'd lost himself in like corn mazes he'd held onto you in. This place haunted him. Especially when it rained and God, did it rain in this damned state.
Another Friday of work slips away from him, until he's at the old bar whose name had been a weapon in the fallout. Jake sits peeling labels of a local beer - they were out of Bud. The jukebox plays a song he doesn't recognize and a couple laughs in the corner of the bar top.
That corner had housed the two of you all those years ago. Conversations about drunken college nights, holidays spent with friends instead of family while deployed, promises made that he'd broken only months later.
His collection of beer bottle caps is turning into a small mountain in front of him. Until the bartender is tapping the wood in front of him. "Last one, pal."
Green eyes groggily flip up to meet his, brows furrowing. "Huh?"
"You've had enough for the night, man." The bartender slides his receipt toward him, the pen alongside it rolling off and onto the floor. The blonde sits up with annoyance.
"I'm fine, first off," Jake slides from the barstool to retrieve the pen off the floor - only to crack his head on the underside of the bar when he stands up, "fuck!"
The man from the corner comes to his side, "Are you alright? That looked like it hurt." When the stranger grabs his arm, Jake rights himself and shoves him back into a barstool.
"Don't touch me." He spits. The stranger holds up his hands to show he's backing off.
"You need a ride." The bartender is pulling his phone from his pocket, Jake shakes his head.
"No, no I'm-" a hiccup breaks his train of thought. The sum of the bill catches his eye and he groans, dropping his initials onto the paper.
"I'll just order you an Uber, where you going?"
"I said no, I can drive." The barkeep nearly gives Jake the stink eye now. As the blonde fumbles his way to the front door, he nearly eats it at the front stoop. He manages to find his way to his truck - a rental no less - he pauses at the sight of an old Jeep Liberty.
The last time he was in Annapolis, he'd bought a cheap one exactly like it off of Facebook Marketplace. He'd needed a way to get around, and considering how often he bounced around, there was no need to buy anything worthwhile.
That same Jeep that you'd refused to get into the passenger seat of one night. You were leaving a friend's Thanksgiving. He'd had too much to drink. You begged him to let you drive, seeing that you were sober - he wouldn't have any of it.
He'd left you in the driveway of your friend's place along the water, snow and all. Annapolis police had him in their custody not even twenty minutes later. Jake had friends in the navy ranks in Maryland, that had helped him avoid a dishonorable discharge at the time - he no longer had those friends.
He also no longer had you.
Jake makes sure his rental is locked before he starts down the road in the direction of the naval base.
His steps are uneasy, a bit sporadic as he walks aimlessly in one direction. A film reel serves as his entertainment for his walk back. Scenes from two years of love, a whole six months of downward spiral toward heartbreak. Total, gut-wrenching and life wrecking heartache. Self-inflicted he now realizes.
The breakup was sharp. His things were packed up. Put into the Liberty. You'd taken your key back, deleted your number from his phone and told him to forget you even lived on the same continent. He'd promised you'd never hear from him.
Jake looks up after a cold round drop plops onto his head. Followed by another. His feet stop walking as he stares up at the rain beginning to fall, the street lamps serving as a backdrop as the downpour begins. He stands there. Watching the rain. His head drops to meet the river running under him, the bridge he stands on giving a viewing point as the speed picks up.
A car slows to a stop just behind him. The headlights make him squint, slowly moving a hand up to block the LEDs that blind him.
"It's a bit wet out here, don't you think?" A voice calls from the side of the vehicle, the door shutting in tandem to another on the symmetrical side of the car.
"Rain'll do that." He snidely retorts, leaning into the jersey barrier along the bridge.
"You think you might wanna find a dry place to settle in? It's getting late, afterall." A second voice consoles him, and Jake realizes why the lights are so damn bright. He'd recognize the striping of the Anapolis police anywhere.
"Ah, I'm-" Another hiccup, "I'm trying to." An older male comes in the rain, graying facial hair, a well trimmed beard as he approaches.
"You look a little lost there, boy."
If only this damn officer knew the half of it.
Neither of them mention his slow reaction times. Or reveal that they'd received a tip from a rather concerned bartender. Instead, they carefully guide him to the backseat of the cruiser. No handcuffs are involved, no harsh words spoken, not a single arrest made.
That doesn't stop Jake from reciting your name, your address and phone number.
Anapolis' police station is dated. The linoleum is scuffed and worn - a creamier brown than he remembers.
"You.. wanna call somebody to come get you, son?"
"I've got- I'll just call her. She'll come." When he pulls his phone from his pocket it's either too cold, too wet, or too dead - or some combination of the three.
The officer with the mustache that matched that of an old friend's hands him two dollars in change, pointing him in the direction of the payphones.
Nine digits. He's got them memorized, though he swore he would forget them.
One ring. Two rings. Four.
Finally- "Hello?"
Your name leaves his lips like a prayer.
The end tone sounds like a gunshot.
Another pair of quarters.
Dial tone. Ring three. Ring four. Voicemail.
Two dollars gone.
"Alright, kid, lets get you sat down for a minute." Jake firms up like an oak tree when the officer grabs his shoulder.
"Hold on, just- I need a charger. Something- she'll call. You've got more change? Just a quarter-" He turns to a nearby woman, desperately leaning toward her, his balance wavering enough that the cop comes to his shoulder again to keep him upright.
"Have you had much to drink tonight, son?"
"I- Didn't- she's gonna call." He mumbles as the officer slowly guides him to a seat. Green eyes look up at the older man and then to the tinted window at the end of the corridor.
"Hate to tell you this... but I don't think she will."
Jake shoots up again, almost falling on his ass.
"She will- I- let me call her again- just one more time-"
The officer resists Jake and his sluggish effort to move back to the phones, finally gripping onto the pilot.
"Sit. I'm gonna get you some water and we-"
"Fuck that. Sir. I just need to get her on the phone- she's not far she-" His words begin on a carousel. Coming back again and again, repeating in the same pattern.
The plastic cup of water in his hands grows warm as he sits in the station. Two officers talk among themselves as they keep an eye on him, mentioning your name. Your address.
The phone number you refuse to use if he is on the other end of the line.
And he waits.
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a-b-riddle · 6 months
Pen Pals Chapter Five: Daisies
I was afraid of my own shadow while finishing up my work. It felt as though at any moment C was going to pop out like some sort of monster lurking in the darkness. 
Did he follow me from my apartment this morning? Or maybe when I went in for my interview? How had he known I had gone out to lunch or was it just a coincidence?
This is why I what I was so afraid of, the one thing I found so thrilling. C could be absolutely anyone. He was familiar, yet foreign. I felt like I knew him, yet I could pass him on the street and be completely unaware that person I was coming across knew such intimate details about me, about my life. That he had seen my body, knew my desires.
But now it had become all too real, all too close to home. He had made no threats. If anything he had done nothing, but take care of me. He was my constant in this crazy world, yet I couldn't shake the troubling feeling. Who was C?
Did he have a kind, soft face or was it more sharp? I could picture a handsome man with a chiseled jaw to match his sharp tongue. The same one I had imagine between my legs so many times before.
By the time 5 o'clock came around, I was a sweaty mess. It had unnerved me to no end. But I won't lie and deny the excitement of feeling... stalked? It was a dark fantasy and something I would never condone in a real world scenario. So why was I getting him wet at the very idea? Why did I find the hint of danger so exciting?
It made him all the more mysterious. But this was becoming worrisome. He came into my place of work or at least ordered flowers to it.
"You headed out for the evening?" The sound of Bucky's voice startled me. Usually I was mindful of people coming and going, but my mind seemed to be elsewhere, not hearing his footsteps as he approached my desk.
"Just finishing up a few things, Mr. Barnes." I smiled before signing off of the computer. I finished all the tasks Ms. Potts had laid out for me with nearly half an hour to spare. 
"Well hopefully your first day went by pretty smooth." Bucky wasn't what I expected given the tabloids and rumors surrounding him. I expected somewhat of a solemn, quiet man, if not at the very least grumpy. But he was actually very pleasant to be around and kind to boot.
"Oh, yes." I smiled, picking up my purse. "I think I really am going enjoy working here." Except for the fact that an unknown man may be watching me leave the building.
"Good." He smiled back, before the flowers caught his eyes. "Delivery?"
"Oh, yeah." I waved off.  "A friend just had them dropped off."
"Nice." He said, he slapped his hand lightly on the top of my desk. "See you, tomorrow." He waved as he headed toward the elevators.
When I got home, I didn't message C first. I knew it was probably rude to at least not even send him a 'thank you' text for the flowers, but the whole ordeal had left me a bit frazzled, so manners be damned.
My stomach was twisted into knots when I heard my phone give a ding. I glanced at it, checking to see if it was Ms. Potts, but sure enough, it wasn't. Staring back at me was a notification from C.
I stood, contemplating answering it briefly before deciding I needed to take a bath, maybe open a bottle of wine. Something to calm my nerves before responding.
But even a bubble bath and a glass of wine didn't seem to bring me any sort of relief. I was wound up pretty tight and for good reason. I never told him where I worked, or given an inkling of where I would be. Sure, he knew where my apartment was, he paid my rent every month. So that only means one thing.
He followed me or at the very least had me followed.
But I could stay soaking in the tub forever, ignoring his texts. Unfortunately, I knew all too well where my bread was buttered and I would be stupid to bite at the hand that had been feeding me without expecting anything in return.
I needed to get it over with. I needed to see what he had sent.
If it was too bad, I could just drop my phone in the bath with me. Maybe that would be enough of an electrical current to kill me. Or maybe enough of a jolt to shock some sense into me. Make me realize how close I was to playing with fire, matches in hand.
I let one eye peek open bracing myself. For what? I was unsure. Maybe a picture he had taken of me while walking back from lunch or while I was at my desk. Security footage of my building? Of my apartment? Oh god.
Get it over with.
I just got to get it over with.
*Eventful first day?*
That... that was it? He was just wondering about my day?
No. I wasn't going to let him brush under the rug that he followed me. We had an arrangement, yes, but this was out of line.
*How did you find out where I worked?*I typed back angrily, changing the subject. My fingers quickly moving before pressing send. The longer I waited for his response, the angrier I became. Eventful first day? You've got to be kidding me. How did he fucking know?
*I didn't mean to startle you, Princess. I just thought the flowers would be nice.* As much as I hated it, my anger began to dissipate. I mean, it was a kind gesture. Creepy, scary even, but still thoughtful. And he knew daisies were my favorite. But still...
*I thought we agreed to keep this strictly online?*That was the agreement. He wanted to remain anonymous. Hidden behind a screen and I was more than happy to oblige with the distance, but it was supposed to be just that: distant.
*I didn't mean to scare you, Sweet Girl. Is it bad to be curious?*There he goes with those sweet names that always seemed to make my cheeks heat up. Princess, Sweet Girl, Sweetheart were some of the few. But when he called me beautiful, gorgeous. Adjectives that no one had ever used to describe me before, it caused something inside me to stir. A need to show him more.
*Well no, but you know what I look like* I bit my bottom lip, suddenly feeling foolish at raising such a fuss and coming across so rudely. Surely he meant no harm to it. After all, it was just flowers.
*So I do. And I've known what you've looked like for a while... and in more intimate ways.* This wasn't untrue. He had seen pieces of me I hardly shown anyone. Granted, I wasn't a virgin, having only one serious boyfriend in high school and we haven't spoken since we started college. But still. I opened myself up to C, made myself vulnerable. 
*I don't know what you look like* That was my only response. I didn't want to even ask how he found out where I worked. 
*Well isn't that a shame* I knew he was being smug. In the short time since our dynamic had shift, I have learned one important and undeniable fact about C: He liked control. Not so much that he wanted to control me per se. But my rent? Paid. Clothes? Delivered to my door. Struggling with anxiety from being cooped up? Scheduled an appointment with a therapist via zoom. 
Any problem I had, he had a solution. Anything I needed done, he had it finished before I could even begin to ask. 
*How do I know you're not going to hurt me? That was the whole point of keeping this online only* I didn't think he would ever hurt me. I don't and he had never given me any impression otherwise, but I wasn't stupid. I know how things like this can warp into something much darker, something more dangerous. 
*I would never hurt you, Sweetheart. I thought the only reason for keeping this 'online' was because you were too scared to act out on your desires.*
*I am 'scared'. You're the one who tracked where I worked like a creep* The anger beginning to bubble back up. Someone who was 'scared' wouldn't have shown him the things I did, confessed the desire I had. That took a lot. 
*Mind your manners, Princess. Now I can actually punish you. Now enjoy the rest of your evening. You looked so tired taking the long way back home.*
I didn't respond after that.
I locked my doors and windows that night and barely slept.
The next day it took an irish cream cold brew to give me a little pep in my step. I had been restless all night even though sleep had desperately called for me. I just couldn't find the peace to succumb. At least not until I walked into work and saw that C had messaged me.
*I didn't mean to scare you too much, Princess. Have a good day at work. I promise no more deliveries for now*
*It wasn't the flowers. I liked them. It does concern me that I feel like you're always watching me*
*Because you're worried I'll do something.*
*Does it make you feel better if I tell you that I've been watching you for sometime?  My chest tightened. Those sexy little tidbits you would send me weren't enough, Beautiful. I would like if we could actually play around with some of those naughty fant-"
"Hey," The sound of Bucky's voice made me jump. "Could you call Steve down and tell him I'm here for lunch please? I can't seem to find my phone." 
"Oh, Mr. Barnes," I said. "Of course. Hold on." I made my way around my desk and unloaded my bag.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized, following closely behind.
"No, no, no," I waived off his apology as I began to call Steve's line, needing to look in my contact book for reference. "You're fine. I was just caught up in reading this email. My apologizes, I'll get Mr. Rogers for you." I said holding the phone to my ear as I began to log into my computer for the day.
"Hello?" Steve answered.
"Hi, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes is here for lunch. He seems to have misplaced his phone." I looked up and gave Bucky a small smile which he returned with a wink.
"Great." He sarcastically replied. "That punk would lose his head if it wasn't attached. I'll be down in a second." He hung up and I turned my attention back to Bucky.
"He'll be down in just a minute." I informed as I sat in my seat. "Is that all, Mr. Barnes?"
"Yeah, thanks, Doll." He said and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's finally nice to be able to go out with all the craziness that's been going on this past year."
"Oh, I bet." I said. "Besides lunch yesterday, I can't recall the last time I've been out. As soon as I moved to New York, the shut down started and it's been hard making friends and just getting out there."
"Well you're welcome to join us if you want." Bucky offered as Steve stepped out of the elevator. "Just grabbing a quick cup of coffee.
"Oh." I said. "I appreciate it, but I really need to get started with these e-mails, but maybe another time. Besides, I had my coffee." I help up my barely touched coffee in my hand. Steve's gaze lingered on me for a moment before speaking.
"Have you eaten breakfast?"
"Well, no." I admitted. "But I'm not really a br-"
"I'll pick you up a bacon, egg and cheese bagel." He said. "Coffee isn't breakfast."
"Mr. Rogers, I-"
"No arguing." He cut me off again. "It's no big deal. We'll be back in a jiff." He made it a couple of steps away from my desk."Oh." He said, stopping in his tracks. "Call me Mr. Rogers again and I'll have to take up your insubordination with Tony." He winked jokingly. That's right. It's just Steve.
"Sorry," I apologized, feeling a heat spread across my face at the reprimand, even if it was meant as a joke. "It's a habit."
"I kind of like Mr. Barnes." Bucky said, puffing out his chest a bit, shoulders pushed back and chin up. "Makes me feel like a grown up."
The two disappeared from my view when another message from C popped up.
*You still there?* Fuck, I never responded.
*Yes. Im sorry but i really need to work right now. Can we talk later?*
*Of course.  Enjoy your day, my pretty girl*
The rest of work was uneventful. C left me alone and I managed to get most of my tasks done by 4 which meant an early weekend for me.
*Its been years of talking to you and getting to know you. Ive seen you. Now I want to feel you* His last sentence caused my insides to twist. Whether in a good way, or a bad way, I wasn't sure.
*Like meeting face to face?* He could not mean meeting face to face. He was always deliberate in remaining a mystery, being unseen. Now he wants to meet?
*Not exactly* Almost instantly the second part of his message popped up.*Why don't we play out one of those naughty little fantasies you told me about?* I had divulged a LOT to C in terms of my desires. Fantasies I wanted to play out, even what kind of porn I watched. How I longed to be degraded and cared for at the same time. 
In some of our roleplaying, he would refer to me as his pet. That's what I was. Not a slave, not a submissive. A pet. Someone who existed for the pure comfort and pleasure of their owner. 
*Which one did you have in mind?*  My chest tightened at my boldness. I should have said no. I shouldn't have even responded, yet here I was playing this game right along with him.
*I want you to leave your door unlocked. You are going to blindfolded, cuffed to the bed and I want you to have your headphones in. I don't want you to hear me coming in.* 
No. No. No. No. Fuck no. 
*you know this is how people get murdered right?* That was it. He had officially lost his mind. This man was absolutely mental if he believed for one moment I would-
*well either way I'm going to have you tonight. If you do as I say, you'll even enjoy it. Just be a good girl for Daddy, Princess.*
And just like that, C had me melting all over again.
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