#peepaw from the backrooms got himself a computer & he's been obsessed ever since
vellichorom · 1 year
Alright! So, does Thierry have any special or specific interests? Because he’s seeming more and more like the guy who gets obsessed with human life to me.
(I’m asking all these questions for information and inspiration to make some art lmao)
ACTUALLY! & this answer might surprise you, but thierry's not actually all that interested in humankind! at least, not beyond experimenting with himself & his human ( enough ) body & letting himself walk in those shoes.
see, the interesting thing about thierry is the fact that- he's already PRETTY well versed in humanity for not being. human. & he's been equipped with the standard knowledge most human beings have regarding their humanity since the beginning, in essence. for being so foreign- & at least distant species-wise, to humankind, one who didn't know that might never actually figure out that thierry was ever any different from them to begin with, apart from some differing logistics & some supernatural abilities ( coding, getting to be incorporeal ) sprinkled here & there.
so! having said that, what more would HE want to learn about humankind for? he's practically an EXPERT, especially by comparison of his fellow narrators, & rosemary's there to fill in the blanks of anything he DOESN'T know, so he's covered. ( human emotions though... those are something else, )
so HIS interests, beyond The Stanley Parable ( which takes up the majority of his focus next to his beloved wife ), are just the opposite as the above! he's into TECHNOLOGY, he's into the INTERNET / INTERNET CULTURE, he's into FANDOM CULTURE, GAMES, WRITING, HORROR, ROMANCE, DRAMA--
basically very much just a media junkie & PRIMARILY of the internet variety. his entire BEING is the definition of ' i was raised on the internet ' & by god it's practically his flesh & blood outside of his own creation.
try him & i swear to YOU he'll go on for HOURS about fandom & ALL the horrific shit you've never wanted to hear about regarding. like- sonic the hedgehog & such. he knows. he will tell you. You will Know.
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