sociieties · 8 months
@peachmuses: [ wipe ] reciever wipes away sender's tears / maeil moon.
moon frowns, hand gently reaching out to wipe away arm tears while maeil cries and cries. while curious, he doesn’t dare ask the other why, only offering a comforting silence as before guiding him closer to embrace him. moon ignores himself for the moment, tossing away how fragile he, himself, is — ignores how seeing maeil cry makes him want to and instead pulls away enough to rest their foreheads together.
why matters not.
“ it’s okay, ” the moon murmurs, shifting again to look maeil in the face. both hands cup his cheeks, thumbs carefully swiping away more tears. “ i’m here now. ”
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iiryoku · 10 months
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@peachmuses " dabiiiii, " mischievious reds look up at him, " i've got a very VERY important question to ask you. "
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A huffed sound immediately danced from the male's nostrils upon hearing those words and spotting those mischievous depths directed at him.
❝ If you're going to ask something like "how did you get those scars" then I am going to set fire to those new pants of yours. ❞
He wasn't against answering questions, but knowing that look, Dabi knew, whatever was about to leave the redhead's lips, wasn't anything serious. Or, perhaps, Karin could surprise him for once.
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barrenstars · 2 years
❝ what will you do? ❞ emma asks with a frown, using her spoon to stir the contents of her latte. ❝ koko is in mikey's gang, right? you're in takemichi's... ❞ setting her spoon aside, she lifts her mug and takes a sip, offering the waitress that brings them their desired meals a soft look before she leaves. today was emma and seishu's designated shopping day, but the topic of discussion wasn't clothing at all. it was about the fight between takemichi's toman and mikey's new gang. ❝ i heard that mikey even has that hanma guy in his gang... he helped kisaki try to kill me, i don't even know who mikey is anymore. ❞ it's been a while since emma, herself, fell out with mikey. / @peachmuses
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daichansux · 1 year
ryou's got his hands on his hips, and he's staring directly at aomine. " aomine-kun. " voice stern, " come to practice. "
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"uhhhh no," aomine replies, having pretended to give it some thought. he pulled a muscle overnight and though he could and should have told somebody about it, he decided the better thing to do would be to ditch. everyone was getting a little too buddy-buddy. it's important not to let people think he can be relied upon for anything because with that, responsibilities and expectations will surely follow. he sticks his hands in his pockets. "nah, i'm thinking of quitting. i woke up and just didn't care if we win the next game or not. what difference does it make?" // @peachmuses
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tenacityreturns · 1 year
niji looks directly at kagami, and nods. " boys. " that is all.
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kagami pulls a face of confusion. "HAH---?" it's a nasal sound, louder than he'd been anticipating but he quickly follows up in a quieter tone: "which boys? who did what now?" // @peachmuses
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usuragan · 1 year
@peachmuses / Karin ♡'d for a starter!
A rarity indeed that Sasuke would ever seek out help from another. Let alone from someone whom he believed to be beneath him; but in desperate times call for desperate measures. She proved herself useful in the past; now the only question remains how useful could she be this time?
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❝ Karin. I need your help with something. ❞
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hehosts-moved · 1 year
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❝ you came to the wrong person. ❞ NOT TRUE. THIS IS THE RIGHT PERSON. ❝ i can't help you with that man. i can't tell you anything. and ... i won't. why should i? to help you? to help him (ren)?? ❞ // * @peachmuses liked for a (random) starter from ji-hun !!
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suck-my-tomato · 2 years
❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞ / karin
Accepting; always
@peachmuses ; Karin
“I lost my job.” Sasuke was ranting, venting, and pacing around Karin. It was just not his week. Everything that could go wrong in someone’s life, basically did go wrong. “The girl that I was talking to.” He paused his pacing to look at her. “And actually fucking liked.” Then back to pacing. “She decided she-” air quotes “didn’t want a relationship right now.” The Uchiha scoffed, rolled his eyes, and continued on. “The job I’ve had for the last 6 years did massive ‘random’ layoffs and somehow I was one of the sorry suckers that got the short end of the stick.” Both of his hands took turns running through his hair as if he was trying to soothe himself. “The dude I typically buy my weed at ghosted me after we had set time to meet up.”
With a loud groan, Sasuke finally ended his pacing by plopping himself down on her couch and grabbing one of the couch cushions to put over his face. “Karin, what the fuck did I do for this kind of karma? Is Mercury in gatorade or whatever? I don’t know what to do.” None of this stuff was really that big of a deal, in the long run. He was wealthy, didn’t need a job anyway, and well educated so finding a job isn’t a stress. Girls come and go. The weed dude, fuck him. But everything like this thrown at a person all at once was like getting hit with a snowball that had a rock in the middle. 
❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞
“Distract away.” He mumbled pathetically from under the couch pillow. It’s not the fix he was hoping she would have, but distractions could be good for the soul. “At this point, I’ll do anything to distract myself from it all.”
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murasakiirohana · 1 year
    “See, if I told you to kill him, I know you would--- which is why I am telling you now that that even though what I’m about to say it going to sound very much like an invitation to do just that, it is not. I am merely lamenting on my woes to my lovely sister, okay?  No killing, just venting,” the blonde looks her sister in the eyes as she says the last line to ensure she heard what she said before she moves to plop herself dramatically on the bed that was situated by her sister’s desk, “Anyways.... my date sucked and he should drop dead.”
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: theyre out shopping, shuuzou had found a nicer belt that he liked -- that he wouldn't wear himself but makoto would, and had disappeared leaving the rest of pb behind. he reappears, and tugs makoto closer to him, ignoring the others intently focused on his goal. fingers quickly, expertly, undoes makoto's current belt, tugs it through and is replacing it with the newest one. leather, black, golden accessories that matches makotos eyes more than the silver on the previous. he nods in approval to himself. he knew he had excellent taste in accessories and what would look good on makoto. he finally looks up, " there. "
when makoto said that he liked being manhandled — actually. this is what he meant / it falls into the category of it, but never did he think that shuuzou would take it upon himself to drag him off to the side to snatch his belt off in the middle of the store. makoto stares, stunned / he can also feel kazuya and tatsuya boring holes in the back of his head. answers. they need answers. answers that makoto doesn’t have — and shuuzou’s still not said a word as he begins threading a new belt into loops.
makoto could have, if he was asked to, easily have done this himself, actually. and yet, he’s too stunned to say or do anything about it, allowing best friend to decorate him as he pleases.
“ is it just me, ” kazuya starts, voice low as he leans into tatsuya, “ or….? ” his head tilts, hidden brow raises as shuuzou finishes, looking back at his work like some artist appreciating his work. volume raises, inquisitive and slow, “ mako? ”
“ i— ” makoto blinks himself back into reality, head turning to look towards the other two. ah. “ i… have no clue, man. i just let him do whatever. ”
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barrenstars · 2 years
it's been a few days since she last saw her new friend and she's been doing a lot of thinking. things senju dropped into their conversations had stayed in her mind and aimi wanted to clear some things up, so she didn't bother texting them to let them know aimi was dropping by the gym they supposedly hung out at all the time. before aimi reached the gym, however, she decided to drop into a store and buy senju a boba tea, and she holds it almost protectively in her hands as she reaches the gym and awkwardly makes her way inside, looking around for any sign of the pastel-haired beauty. / @peachmuses
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daichansux · 2 years
they're laying on the bed , counting the plastic stars stuck to the ceiling above ryou's bed that he had placed there as a little kid and hadn't taken down. they're dim now and not as glowy as they once had been. it's midnight , and everyone but the two of them are asleep. he doesn't turn to look towards aomine , but " you know , i think that you have this mentality that you have to be good to be loved , and that's not it. that's not true. i love you regardless of your skills. " / :)
you know, daiki thought but didn't say. he wants to let the moments laying beneath plastic stars cement themselves in his mind for a rainy day. if you moved that star a little to the left you'd have a constellation.
it's so quiet here. the aomine family were all night-owls. when dad was on the day shifts, his mother would stay up watching trash tv until he came home. daiki had stopped staying up deliberately. maybe part of why he never falls asleep early is because he was listening for the door to unlock and for tired footsteps to drag through the hallway. or maybe it was because his mom has the tv on way too loud and he can hear the chat shows with almost perfect clarity. in any case, at the sakurai household, he isn't tired. he's relaxed. fully relaxed. like he's lying in a hot bath in an empty house. no sounds. nothing but himself and his thoughts. this is better, though, because at any second he could lean over and kiss his boyfriend.
daiki held ryou's hand between them. he couldn't not be touching him. his thumb brushes thoughtfully across ryou's knuckles. it's been raining a lot recently, but would ryou like to go camping sometime and see the real stars? boy, daiki would love that. it's something they could do that doesn't involve basketball. plus! daiki could fish and ryou could cook up a delicious dinner! what could be better?
these thoughts are abandoned as ryou speaks. daiki did look over, turning only his head on the pillow to watch him speak, but he comes to regret it. he knows as soon as he hears the word mentality that he's about to get read for filth. speaking so sincerely, daiki is in for a ride, he just knew it. his eyes snap back to the ceiling and his hand freezes. tenses. his cheeks heat up. is that true? maybe. he doesn’t feel a firm divide between himself and his basketball skills, so he cannot imagine himself without them. there is no daiki without basketball. doesn’t that mean the argument is void? or is that somehow worse, that if he woke up tomorrow and for whatever reason, could not play again, he would not be aomine daiki? well, what good is he to the team if he can’t play? that’s those friends gone, if indeed they count as friends. satsuki would still be there because she was there before basketball, she doesn’t even really have a choice about it now. but the others? the other ex-generation of miracles? well, he wouldn’t even want to see them. not with their bad attitudes and indomitable skills. for half a second in this scenario, he fully understands the pain of players who he has made quit before. those who played for fun and not seriously-- or, worse, those who played seriously but could never dream of being as good as him. how many people’s dreams has he crushed in his short lifetime? it doesn’t bear thinking about.
daiki has been quiet for some time now. ryou must have known this would trigger some deep introspection. his grip is relaxed, and he realises that all the while he had been thoughtfully stroking his thumb across ryou’s hand still. daiki doesn’t think about ryou’s skill that much. he’s very good, of course, and he loves seeing him play, but if he woke up one day and decided to quit basketball, they’d still go out. he’d be bewildered, but ryou is more than his basketball, and he’s more than his art, and he’s more than his grades. thinking about it like this is easier. ryou is very likeable, whereas daiki is (deliberately) not. he rolls around in place so that he can rest his head on ryou’s chest and listen to his heartbeat, draping his arm across his body.
“ditto,” he replies quietly. it’s not something he knows how to say without belittling the statement. of course he’d still love ryou without his skill. that ryou loves him at all is enough of a mystery without factoring in the concept of daiki without his basketball. that’s too much to even consider.
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tenacityreturns · 2 years
“there’s a last time for everything.” /kuroko
“don’t start,” kagami practically growls it, balled fists and clenched teeth showing to the whole world that he is worked up. he glares at the opponents, glares at the crowd, glares at the court. none of the first years can talk to him, and he’s given space in case they make it worse. it doesn’t register. kagami is upset and he’s trying desperately to be mad about it because at least he can use anger. 
he can’t use sentimentality or nostalgia. he can’t even put a name to the fear he has about losing this tournament. it’s his last with seirin. any game could be the last, and with each, he’s brought a sense of foreboding. he shakes it every time, but when it returns, it’s worse. he’s got flights booked for america after the tournament ends, and alex is helping him get ready for applying to the nba. it’s just scary. it’s all scary. he wonders how many third years go to their last high school game knowing that this is going to be their future, too. it’ll be so embarrassing if they lose this. what kind of omen will that be for his career? no, he can’t think like that. his eyes drop to kuroko and he can tell that his friend is seconds away from either slapping him to his senses and kagami raises his hands.
“you’re right,” he says, though no one had spoken, “i’m cool. i’m gonna give it my all,” and he spares a moment to glance at the other members of his team, starters and benched alike. everyone holds a fierce determination in their eyes. they’re tense, they’re not going down without a fight. he loves to see it in everyone, but particularly in the younger ones. seirin has a legacy and it won’t be lost, he can see that!
he doesn’t feel like he’s going to cry anymore. he is going to make this one count or he’ll die trying. he plants his hand on kuroko’s shoulder and when he looks out at the court again, he sees the grounds for happy memories to be made. he’s still worked up, but it will all be okay. he knows that, too.
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hehosts-moved · 1 year
‘  he has a weakness. if i exploit it, maybe i can get information out of him.  ’ / ino @ ren :)
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❝ be careful, ❞ says ren, and it's less of a warning in that it's more of a worry. be careful. ❝ he doesn't have any weaknesses that i know of. if he does, he's been good (too good) about keeping those cards close to his chest. ❞
THE ACE OF SPADES. what are the chances of drawing that card? too likely ... when that man is involved ...
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❝ i can't go against him, ❞ he almost chokes. he just can't. ❝ but someone else might. he's been ... he's close. he's someone close. i can't say he's reliable, but things have ... things have changed recently. i think that he might be the first one to work on. work on getting him on our side. if we can, then we might have a chance. you might have a chance. but there is no exploiting him. that man exploits you. exploited / exploiting. it's a circle, a cycle. it's his wheel of blood ... and it never ever stops spinning. it will never stop. ❞ i will never get away from him ... from that man.
// * @peachmuses
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suck-my-tomato · 2 years
  i’m making a fake tinder profile to see how gullible guys are, wanna help?  ” / from karin
prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
for - @peachmuses
“Where are we going again?” Sasuke questioned from the bathroom as he was fixing up the final touches to his look, music ringing loud throughout Karin’s home from all the speakers she had set up. It was either about to be their typical night at a club or he was about to follow her to work for her one shift. Either way, it was always a good time. Upon exiting the bathroom, Sasuke was greeted by absolutely no one in the main living space which gave him a clue that she went to her room to get ready. He was very familiar with the layout of her place, and felt rather comfortable helping himself to one of the White Claws from her fridge before heading to see what she was up to. 
“So…We still going out?” He asked casually as he opened the can, seeing that she was no longer getting ready but now just relaxing on her bed with her ‘going out’ hair and makeup done but her outfit still the pajamas she was in when he first got her. Her answer was not what he expected and the Uchiha arched a brow at it but then slowly started to nod his head in agreement. “Put that your name is like.. Jessica or something basic.” He plopped himself down on the bed next to her, sitting on the edge where he can continue to drink but still offer her some guidance. “Jessica. 26 years old, a vet tech or some shit.”
Watching her fill in the bio, he wondered how many girls he matched with were doing the same thing that she was doing now and if his own Tinder account had been laughed at like they were about to do. That was a concern for another day though. “Your photos are too good to use, lets just google someone else’s.” He chimed in the second he saw her going to her camera roll.
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lifesliced · 1 year
co is taller than him, but that doesn't stop shuuzou from messing up his hair. " you played good today. good job out there. keep it up. "
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❝ yeah? you think so, coach?? ❞ co doesn't need to be assured, although he'd like to be. it feels good to be acknowledged; it feels good to be needed. sweating, he stands tall and proud, back erect, and chest puffed out in the pride he feels he's now earned to display. ❝ i'll do better than keeping it up. i'll be better out there next time. bet. ❞ // * @peachmuses
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