#paul your doctor is so babygil until he very much isn't
geronimomo-spd · 2 years
8th doctor, emotions and masking
ok finished Creed of the Kromon and i found this one bit fasinating (please do not take this as a pass to listen to t his story it is not worth it and my point can be made even stronger with other episodes)
this doctor fucking fasinates and makes me angry and confused at the same time like it all started with a line after the triel, like Charley is being sent away to beecome a fucking slug monster ok and he is like "don't worry charley! im gonna solve this soon :) like, the 8th doctor doesn't get angry, unless its about his presonal feelings or very little in every story and its very easy for him to go back to happy again!
like it was very apperent in his story with the Daleks a few stories ago, he laughed at them!! he got angry they are runing time, but we never get a "im gonna stop you, im coming for you, i will do this!" moments from him, like, almost nothing!! that's why it was so unsetelling in Scherzo!! because he doesn't do this! and i thought that now post Scherzo, we will see this kind of behavor more but nothing!! this doctor feels so much younger then every incarnation its wild
like it came to a point that right after they are taking her away you can hear a voice going "don't you dare touch her!!" and the transcript says that the doctor says this, but that's just it!! no its not!!! that is not Paul's voice and its Crizz!! im sure it is!! so it was pure wishful thinking and a very clear case that any other doctor would have said this in this cenerio, he just doesn't its not how he does things and that's fasinating
i feel like an arciologist finding ancient findings of an ancient culture its all very interesting to me also, this is coming from me finishing Natrual History, (as much as you can argue about the editor being a true version of the doctor done a 180, which i sort of do), i also now accept that this doctor will have a lot of dark and scary moments!! when he is not happy and excited, e seems to marvel at the bad guys, but he still won't get angry like this often!!
he obviolsy cares he just shows it differently then any other doctor i have incantured, idk maybe i need to expiriance more of others doctors
now that i finished that scene i am here to say this, ok as i continue a little he got angry after Charley wasn't in the room!! why are you hiding your anger my love what are you hiding you little shit
it feels like masking to me! or at least the kind performance that is so indep with who he is that its hard to see who is he and who is the performance, it checks out to me couse of the way he only showed his true anger after Charley was out of the room! a kind of anger that i was waiting to see for most of his stories! trying to be more appealing while having emotions he just think are not suited to who he wants to show!
also i think there is a lot to say because Scherzo is such an episode for the doctor actualy screaming and showing his real self and then Creed is "ok nothing good came out of that thing… ill just try to… come back to the real me! (ie what he concives is the real him right now, ie his romantic always happy and excited agenda) but not quite being there because now he really is starting to feel the rift between himself and his masking that he also conciders himself
anyway to put a cap on it, 8 is caculated, but its more fighting in how to show genuine emotions, its caculated and shit, but it always feels still very real at the same time, i relate to the way he shows his emotions like that a lot, caculated but very real at the same time.
the emotions are real but he is constantly caculating how to show them and that is so relatable and fasinating to see in a doctor
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