#paul and his collection of surrogate mothers
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tenaciousdecapitator · 3 months ago
She strikes me as the competent yet underestimated assistant who has to deal with most of the administrative organization and other duties involving the actual conservation efforts that Aether Foundation relies on for their above-board public image and source of funding. Lusamine’s too busy researching Ultra Beasts, tending to her “collection”, or neglecting her children. Faba’s usually stuck in the basement level research labs, where he “delegates” all of his actual responsibilities to other scientists and Grunts while he watches corporate ladder grindset motivational videos on company time.
Wicke is probably the main reason why the Aether Foundation HQ remains operational and supplied (just think of how much food a research facility/conservation center in the middle of the ocean needs per day!) which suggests a remarkable amount of organizational skill, stress management and an ever-present fatigue that she has to ignore to stay friendly around employees and guests. She also helped out both Lillie and Gladion as best she could before they left the facility, in particular referring Lillie to Professor Burnett to help her learn more about Cosmog. It’s entirely possible that both of them consider Wicke to be practically their second mother by now.
I think Wicke has a relationship with her boss that’s somewhere between Ms. Pauling/The Administrator from Tf2 and Caroline/Cave Johnson from Portal 2. She definitely has at least a crush on Lusamine, and that along with her genuine belief in Aether Foundation’s environmentalist mission has caused her to stay loyal to an increasingly corrupt institution, enduring Tapu knows how many one-sided conversations with Faba.
However, that potential crush doesn’t mean she’s entirely supportive of her boss’ actions. She doesn’t trust how much Lusamine obsessively fixates on Ultra Beasts, and stays away from the Foundation’s more unethical underbelly to the point that she actively assists the main character when they attempt to foil Lusamine’s plans. It’s especially remarkable that she’s probably the only Pokemon character in a position of authority for an Evil Team that doesn’t battle the main character. In fact, aside from briefly taking care of a Stufful and some Ditto during the anime, she doesn’t have any official partner Pokemon.
This blend of directly stated and indirectly implied information about Wicke paints a rather bleak picture of her personal life, or lack therof. Clocking in long hours doing work that’s probably almost entirely above her official pay grade, either living in an apartment on the Foundation premises or just sleeping at her desk. Devoting herself to an ideal that many of her coworkers actively conspired against while possibly bearing a one-sided crush on a woman too focused on an impossible goal to appreciate the reality around her. Lillie and Gladion can escape the Aether Foundation, find new friends and surrogate family, explore Alola’s islands and build a life for themselves separate from their mother’s control. Wicke, especially after Lusamine is brought back from possession and sent to Kanto for recovery and Faba is demoted, is stuck on an artificial island, trying her best to keep the Foundation afloat.
Straying from the usual Sinnoh-Unova-Kalos topics a bit, what’s your opinion/headcanons for Wicke?
Unfortunately, no ..... I SHOULD tho. Idk why but SuMo never made much of an impression on me so I've never really come up with headcanons for any of the characters, regrettably.
Do you have any for her? If so, I'd love to hear...
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kangaroo-sniper-imagine · 4 years ago
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Mercs who didn’t pay attention to their family trees
-I’m only doing a few mercs, cuz otherwise this would be huge-
Scout and Spy
When Miss Pauling introduced their newest recruit, The Thief, everyone was at least interested with the new blood. They were useful on the field; fast, silent, deadly, quickly able to steal the info case and dashing back to safety in record time. They were closed off at first, like many are in a new environment, but quickly opened up as soon as they were settled in.
The only person who didn’t quite connect with them was Spy (shocker). There was something about the new recruit that stuck him odd, something familiar about them that he couldn’t just put his finger on. The Frenchman’s son felt similarly.
“It’s like I already know ‘em; which is weird ‘cuz I’m dead certain we’ve never met before.”
It wasn’t until several weeks later, as the ten of you all were joined in the rec room, just enjoying each other’s company after a successful match. Jacque sat in the corner with Mick {not to derail but I totally think that they’re secret best friends who roast each other on the field}, both sipping at their drinks and idly talking as Jeremey sat with them, having a loud conversation with Jane from across the room.
Then they heard it. A deep, throaty chortle that was extremely unattractive, coming from across the room, coming from you
Both Jacque and Jeremy froze, the sound too familiar for it to be comfortable, eyes snapping to you, where you were wildly laughing with Travish. The Scotsman was sloshed and laughed along with your, his thundering laughter almost drowning out your own. Almost.
The sniper took a slow sip of his beer as he as well looked upon the commotion. He hummed in thought, and turned to the frozen spy. “Izzit jus’ me,” he drawled, gesturing with is beer can to you, “or do their laugh sound a lot like yours?”
Scout slowly turned to his father, rage in his eyes, but all Spy could do was watch you laugh that awful laugh. His brain slowly connected the evidence, memories of 20+ years ago invaded his mind, a dalliance with a woman who looks shockingly like you, the nose that you share with him and Jeremy, your strange obsession with your appearance, and most damning of all; the shitty laugh that you’ve seem to inherit from Jacque.
With a deep breath, the Frenchman stood up, determined to get out of the room and hide in his abode so he could scream in peace, but the sudden influx of the realization, rather, caused him to faint.
He awoke, what he assumed, several hours later, in a familiar camper bed. In his peripheral, Jacque could see Mick smoking a cigarette and reading a newspaper with one hand, a mug of coffee in the other. Without even looking up to confirm that the Frenchman was awake, the sniper spoke.
“Your kids are right pissed at you, mate.”
Jacque cursed.
Heavy and Soldier
Pauling was ecstatic to introduce more help, probably under the impression that this person to pick up the slack the other leaves so that her evenings won’t be filled with killing and covering up murders and thefts. Some young thing with a thick, almost indiscernible accent who spoke rarely and quietly. You were called the Electrician, for your… odd choice of weaponry.
Your gun was one of your own design, one you were very proud of, that rather than bullets shot out electrical charges, either stunning your opponent to help assist another teammate in a kill or give off a charge so intense it kills. You spent most of your free time in your assigned work shop improving your gun’s design and creating new weapons.
More than once, the team would hear a loud scream and the sound of a loud thud, only to come and find your door blown wide open and you stuck in the adjacent wall, hair shocked to stiffness and a new white streak added to your hair. Needless to say, you kept the team on their toes with your eccentricities. For some reason, your antics made Mikhail exceptionally worried. It was a weird knee jerk reaction he had, something that hadn’t flared up since he was younger, watching over his sisters.
About a month after your arrival, Jane caught you in his raccoon infantry pen, cooing over the animals that flocked to you. It was the first time he saw you smile since you’ve gotten there, and the first time he’s seen you out of your combat gear, now you wore a too large tee shirt and denim shorts, toes in the Arizona sand, scratching the chins of the furry animals. Deciding to try his luck, Jane approached you with a bellowing welcome, startling you, but you greeted him back regardless.
Jane noticed how much you liked watching the raccoons play with each other, but noticed you looked sad too.
“What’s the long face for, private?”
Your face pinched. When you spoke your words were slow, not used to English. “They have… family. I do not.” With a heavy sigh, you tried to elaborate. Jane didn’t mind waiting for you to collect your thoughts or your thick accent. Years of hanging out with Travish and Ludwig extremely sloshed had taught Jane patience in regards to others when they’re trying to speak an unfamiliar language.
“Mother was from… Russia? But father was from Norway, and mother went to there with him. When mother and father… died,” Jane’s heart twinged at the way your face fell, “I do not know how to find mother’s family in Russia, and father had no family in Norway. So I stay in Norway.” A beat of silence passed as you scratched the head of a curious baby raccoon that strayed closed to you. “I stay alone.”
Jane busted out crying, pulling you into a bear hug and vowing to be your surrogate family for as long as you want. He made it his mission to figure out who your family is. The first thing he did was write down the name of your parents, fully planning on hunting down your relatives after some good old fashioned American bonding.
Just as he was about to reunite with you after grabbing a baseball form his room, the American ran into Mikhail, who seemed pissed off
“You touch Sasha?” He accused, one large finger jabbing into the soldier’s chest. Jane couldn’t find it in himself to get mad at the accusation, he was a man on a mission to cheer up a sad kid and no angry Red was gonna stop him.
“No time,Sputnik! There’s a sad private who needs a moral boost and a good old game of catch!”
Rage quickly turned to confusion, then mild understanding. “Electrician is sad?”
Soldier gave a speedrun version of your sad backstory, even going as far to show the names of your parents to the Heavy. The Russian surveyed the sheet and he sighed. “That is not how name of mother is spelled.” He informed.
Jane scoffed. “And how would you know?”
Mikhail threw the American an unimpressed look. “Because family name is mother’s name before marriage.”
There was a second of realization.
“... is it a common last name?”
“... nyet.”
“... you might want to call your mother to confirm something.”
“... Heavy just might.”
The next morning, Mikhail knocked on Jane’s door so early in the morning, the vet wasn’t even awake yet already doing his morning exercises.
The American looked up blearily to the Russian, one hand scratching his buzz cut head.
Mikhail looked grim. “Heavy call mother. Mother says that Electrician’s mother is cousin to her.”
Soldier mulled over the information. “So… your mama’s cousin is Private Zappy’s mama, so that makes us-
“Makes ME second cousin.” Mikhail insisted.
With an air of smugness, Jane flashed his left hand, displaying a wedding band. “Then I’m their second cousin in-law.”
Mikhail grumbled in annoyance and rolled his eyes, complaining in Russian. “Right. Sister Zhanna’s big mistake.”
With a sense of new found energy, Soldier stuck his chin up high and began marching towards your room, seemingly not aware that he was in only a pair of his tighty whiteys.
Mikhail sighed again but followed Jane regardless to tell you the news of your newfound family.
Medic (italics is German cuz lets be honest, who wants to translate all that)
After months of complaining to Pauling, asking for more on field medical help, upper management finally relented and hired a new mercenary, some bright young thing going by The Nurse.
You were studious, and compared to Ludwig you were very tamed. You saw this opportunity as a job to perform and not a way to finally experiment legally on people without getting arrested the way Ludwig does. You took your work seriously, dutifully dressing every wound, handing out pain medication, assisting Ludwig in his surgeries. You certainly helped lessen his work load during battle, helping with minor injuries so that the doctor could focus on his Ubercharge and on more serious injuries.
You two were professional to each other; despite showing you weren’t exactly sadistic you never chastised Ludwig for his somewhat cruel experiments, and you were always respectful to him and everyone else around you, which is something that impressed him (considering how noting the rest of the team is).
One day while experimenting on Heavy, you solemnly standing next to the doctor with your face covered like the good little health professional you were, the Medic fuzzed in German, adding, “I need a bone saw.”
Without him translating, you turned to your side and snatched the instrument off the tray, passing it to the doctor.
After a moment of thought, Ludwig spoke again. “You speak German?”
“Ja, I am from Germany after all.”
The russain’s rib finally took the blade and now was slicing easily. “What a coincidence. Which part?”
“Munich, but I left while I was very young when my family moved.” After another brief pause, you add, “I actually wanted to become a nurse because of Munich.
Ludwig didn’t mention that he, as well, came from the same city, rather, he decided to prod you and learn more. It was so rare to meet someone he could have a conversation in his mother tongue with.
“What in Munich made you want to become a nurse?” Reaching into Heavy’s chest with a scalpel, Ludwig began to sever the arteries attached to the heart.
“The University. My family lived nearby, and seeing the students come and go made me want to join them… actually a relative went there. My family was very proud of him and I wanted to go with him, but, ah, I was only a child.” Without being asked, you held out a silver pan that Ludwig deposited the heart.
The doctor started the timer, watching the mutilated chest cavity, waiting for the oregano to regrow due to his most recent experimental ‘medicine’. “Hmm, which relative?”
“Oh, my father’s brother’s wife’s…. something.” You replied idly, fetching a notebook and pencil to record the time. “Nephew or cousin’s nephew or something. It is a distant relation. Lost his license though.”
“Really? How?”
“He removed someone’s skeleton if you can believe it.”
Ludwig’s fist clenched so hard that the stopwatch broke. Dammit, now he has to start the experiment all over again.
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unusual-ly · 5 years ago
After Something He Said...
So Alonzo proposed to Zephyr! They’re getting married! No, I won’t be writing a fic or anything about their wedding. Sorry, wedding fics just aren’t my thing...
What happens after they’re married? What happens once Alonzo Morgan becomes Alonzo Styx, and he’s finally an official member of the family he loves so much? Click below to find out ;)
God, I’ve been building this idea up for... almost a year, I think...
(Now, this isn’t really the sort of thing I’m too interested in writing a proper fic about either, but I need to share this, and I’m definitely up for talking about it if anyone wants to. But in terms of fics, I’ll be focusing back on Limelight and the other one-shot collections. I might return to this stage in their lives later on, tho, who knows?)
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- Adoption isn’t really an option for them. There aren’t many cases of kids being given up for adoption on either side of the barrier (most humans would rather pretend everything is fine and perfect rather than face the shame of admitting they don’t want their child, and zombie children who lose their parents are likely to be immediately taken in by other family). Even if there are children to be adopted, they’re more often humans, and Alonzo and Zephyr worry about the ridicule a human child with two zombie dads could face
- But Alonzo especially wants a child. He misses when Lindzey was little and he’d help take care of her. And he wants to prove that he is better than his dad, and that the cycle of abuse doesn’t have to continue. He just doesn’t know how when he and his husband are both cis guys... 
- Zephyr has an idea
- He sits Al down one day to talk. His solution seems pretty obvious: artificial insemination. But Al is a little confused
- First off, because he has no idea what it means. He’s not good with long (English) words. But that’s fine, Zephyr can explain. Second point of confusion: don’t they need a surrogate mother for that? And a zombie surrogate, specifically, which seriously narrows down their choices. How are they supposed to find someone? Especially since when a baby zombie is born, their Z-band is synchronised to their mother’s and they’re supposed to stay close until the bands are disconnected (at either 6 months or a year). Their surrogate would have to be able to live with them for that time
- Zephyr just smiles and reminds him that he has a twin sister. An aromantic twin sister who won’t be worrying about her own relationship or starting her own family. Of course, it’s a lot to ask of her, but it’s definitely the most appealing answer. If Alonzo is the biological father, Zephyr would still be related to the child. Sure, he’d be the biological uncle, but so what? Rizzo is his twin, their DNA is as similar as it could be, so it’s the closest possible thing to him and Al actually having a child together
- Al is starting to like this idea. It would be amazing if he could actually be the biological father to his child. He still double checks with Zephyr that he’s OK not being the bio father - they could always ask Lindzey to be their surrogate. Then again, Lindzey is only halfway through college and he wouldn’t want her to risk her education. Plus, they wouldn’t have the added benefit of twins. No, Zephyr has already thought about this a lot, and this is what he wants
- Now they just need to ask Rizzo and hope she’ll say yes
- They hardly need to ask her. Of course she says yes
- Next step: discussing it with the medics at the containment facility hospital. There’s a whole process to go through but they do go through it. There hasn’t been many cases of artificial insemination in zombies working but they’re all willing to try
- It works! Of course it works I know I’m the Angst Masochist but this is BGZ canon and I wouldn’t do that to them
- Rizzo goes to stay with Zeph and Al a couple of weeks before she’s due to give birth, and she’ll stay until the Z-bands are disconnected. She lives with Zane now. He’ll miss her but he’s also glad to have the place to himself for a little while
- Zephyr has to keep telling himself that this is all so they can have their baby and he must Deal With living with his sister again it’s fine he’ll survive. He is a Mature and Sensible Adult and a Soon-To-Be Dad after all
- Anyway
- The day arrives and the baby is born! A little girl~
- ~*Zephanie Styx*~
- AKA Zephie
- Named after her dad /)^^(\
- I almost added the name Zephanie to my potential BG zombies/families names list back when I started it but something made me want to save it. It was this. I knew I would need that name in the future
- Zephyr cries. She looks so like him. Trademark Styx ~mossy green curls~ and all
- They decide what she’ll call either of her fathers pretty easily. As her bio father, Alonzo goes by the Zombie-tongue, Paka, and Zephyr goes by Dad
- Rizzo feels very strongly about the fact that she is Zephanie’s aunt. Yes, she gave birth to her, and she absolutely adores her, but she’s not her daughter, she’s Zephyr’s
- “I’m her birth mother, but I am not her mom.”
- Alonzo is ecstatic that he once again has someone to sing to sleep at night
- But let’s face it, Zephanie is Daddy’s Little Princess. Zephyr can hardly bear to let her out of his sight. Al is starved for attention
- Her first word is even “daddy”. Surprising for a zombie, seeing as they learn Zombie-tongue first. Alonzo is annoyed. Or he pretends to be
- She grows up to be pretty rough-and-tumble and sporty like her dad, but she also sings like her paka. Of course, Zephyr can sing too, but Alonzo is The Singer(tm) so he’s super proud
- She is Loud(tm)
- Alonzo writes so many songs dedicated to her. One day, when she’s older, she asks him if she can record a song with him. And he wouldn’t dare say no to that
- I just got Father And Daughter by Paul Simon in my head I hadn’t even thought of that before but yea it’s like that
- She also begs Roz to teach her to play drums
- Zach wants to give her dating advice. Her dads Do Not Want Zach to give her dating advice
- Rizzo spoils her. Zane has to stop her from spending all her money. He barely succeeds
- They love Zephie
- I love Zephie
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~ She ~
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zordonmlw7 · 5 years ago
Orphan Black TV Series Timeline
June 1842 PT Westmoreland is born.
1880 Westmoreland publishes a paper on Post Subjectivity and Collective Research Living 
1894 Westmoreland goes to Borneo.
1898 Westmoreland is presumed dead.
1939 John P Matheson is born Texas to oil tycoons.
1950s Neolution becomes a topic of interest at Cambridge.
1962 John takes up the identity of PT Westmoreland.
1965 ??? Year of note on Scott’s timeline of Neolution
1967 The photo Cosima uses to expose Matheson to Revival is taken.
1970s Virginia meets Susan as a visiting scholar at Cambridge.
~Pre 1976? Yannis developed tumors after his experimentation. Pre-Leda.
1976 Military recruited the Duncans for Leda.
~Pre 1980s Kendall Malone is arrested.
~1976-1983 Ethan finds Kendall in prison and discovers her genomes are viable for cloning.  He keeps her identity secret.
~1983 Amelia was hired to be a surrogate by the Duncans. She felt suspicious of them and heard about the experiment and fled to protect the babies. 
10 March 1984 Janika Zingler is born. 
15 March 1984 Amelia gives birth to the twins.  Helena was given to the church, Sarah to the state. Date given by Cosima’s chart, possibly faulty.  
20 March 1984 Danielle Fornier is born.  Cosima’s chart gives her birthday as March 12.
31 March 1984 Rachel is born.  
1 April 1984 Beth is born.  Cosima’s chart gives her birthday as March 13.  
4 April 1984 Alison is born. Cosima’s chart gives her birthday as the 18th.  Aryanna Giordano is born.  Cosima’s chart gives Aryanna’s birthday as the 28th. 
4 May 1984 Krystal is born.   
~1981-1988 5 years after Kendall was harvested, Duncan told her about the cloning. Kendall and Mr. Duncan United Sarah with S.
~Possibly 1988 Ira age 4 is taken from Coady by Susan.
1990 Rachel became aware of cloning. 779H41. (415K98 Lisa Glynn) 
1991 Rachel plays with her parents on tape.
~1991 Helena blinded Sister Olga
~Pre 2013 Rachel made a friendship bracelet for a girl at summer camp.
~1992 Mrs. S takes Sarah in.
~Between 1992 and 1997 S took Felix in when he was 6.
~1993 Ethan Duncan defected to the Bird Watchers in exchange for giving them information about the cloning experiments and Amelia.
1994 Evie enters experimental gene therapy trials
~1995 Gracie is born.
No Later Than ~1996 Sister Urina lost her tongue protecting Helena from nuns.
~1996 Helena sees a masturbating nun and gets her hair bleached. Tomas took Helena in. Helena plays with dolls as she learns about the clones.
~1997 Sarah moved to Canada.
2000 Charlotte is born.
Possibly Pre-2001? 528M32 is the first known Leda with the disease. Rachel is tested for it when she finds out about it. Rachel has an autopsy of 528M32 Miriam Johnson, a homeless musician with an alcoholic mother.
~Pre 2001 Helena learns she is a clone after killing her first clone. Tomas tells her she is the original. Helena begins cutting herself.
2001 Helsinki occurs.
~1998-2002 Alison was Valedictorian and a cheerleader.
~Pre 2012??? Delphine’s boarding school roommate attempted suicide.
~Pre 2005? Sarah has an abortion.
~2005? Sarah Contemplates aborting but decides to carry to term. S is with Sarah when she gives birth to Kira.
~Pre 2010? Paul killed 6 Marines in Afghanistan and covered it up (Did this actually happen or was it a lie composed by Castor?)
~2010-2011 Coady began the sterilization experiments. 1 Month after Paul left, Rudy brought back a girl who Coady treated.
~2010-2011 Mark joined the Proletheans.
~Pre June 2012 Mud overdoses and goes into a coma
~Pre June 2012 6 months after she enters her coma, Mud awakes in Revival.  
~January 2012 Sarah left with Vic to Myrtle Beach.
~March 2012 Paul said Beth didn’t seem to be herself. Began abusing drugs.
~April 2012 Felix is arrested.
~May 2012 Clones being hunted in Europe.
~May 2012 Jennifer Fitzsimmons begins her video diaries.
~Post May 2012 Beth calls Alison about clone club. Beth tells Cosima to meet Alison.
~7 October 2012 MK sees Frank and Roxie making out and hiding a body. She calls Beth. Beth investigates. Cosima calls Beth about transferring schools and splitting with her girlfriend, Emi. Beth has lunch with Art at Fengs. Beth has been messed up for “a couple months" Felix was caught at a club. Beth borrows surveillance gear from Raj. Beth meets at MKs cabin. Beth goes to Club Neolution. Astrid warns Olivier. Alison sends Ramone to give Beth flowers. Olivier tells Leekey that Beth needs a new monitor. Beth meets Leekey and Evie. Beth meets with Hardcastle and Art. Beth installs the surveillance equipment. Beth argues with Paul. Beth sleeps with Art while Maya is home. Trina calls Beth about Aaron’s disappearance. Beth sees Frank and Roxie with Duko remove the worm from Aarons face. Beth shoots Maggie Chen. Beth goes to MK.
 ~8 October 2012 Duko meets with Beth.
Before 25 November 2012 Trina meets with Beth.
Monday, 23 November 2012 Beth puts on a wig. Beth infiltrates Brightborn. Beth meets Susan and threatens her with a gun. Susan says she knows about Ruth and she apologizes about her father. Beth tries to kill Evie, who set her up. Sarah beat Evie bloody. Beth returns to her house bloodied. She has not spoken with MK in 4 days. Beth calls Art before jumping in front of the train. Sarah sees Beth jump platforms, assumes her identity, visits Felix.
Tuesday, 24 November 2012 Sarah tries to get the money, Art finds Sarah and she fakes sickness to escape the hearing, Vick finds Felix, Felix gets Sarah pronounced dead. Felix gets pissed at Sarah, Paul returns early and gets seduced
Wednesday, 25 November 2012 Sarah gets the money successfully, attends her own funeral. Sherry and Rockabilly Bob are in attendance. Sarah meets Katja before being chased off by Helena. Sarah buries Katja.
Thursday, 26 November 2012 Paul leaves, Art and Sarah meet, Sarah gets the briefcase. Sarah reveals herself to Cosima
Friday, 27 November 2012 Sarah meets Alison, Sarah gets the therapist to declare her fit for duty and passes the hearing. Sarah discovers she is a clone
Saturday, 28 November 2012 Sarah’s first day working as Beth. She and Art investigate Katja’s remains. Sarah meets Cosima to pass the briefcase and figure out a plan to deal with Katjas fingerprints
Sunday, 29 November 2012 Sarah working on the desk when Helena calls station. Sarah meets with Mrs. S. Alison teaches Sarah to shoot. Paul returns
Monday, 30 November 2012 Sarah and Art investigate Helena’s motorcycle, Helena and Sarah battle. Sarah asks Alison to be on Standby, Cosima studies the Knife, Helena cleans her injuries in the house.
Tuesday, 1 December 2012 Sarah investigates Helena and receives the folding game, Helena infiltrates the precinct, Helena tells Paul to get her. Alison impersonated Sarah to visit Kirah. Sarah confronts Helena at Maggie Chens apartment. Sarah resigns. Helena is picked up by Thomas.
Wednesday, 2 December 2012 Sarah finds a probe implement. Sarah meets with Alison and Cosima to discuss being watched. Sarah investigates the surveillance equipment. Alison investigates Donnie. Cosima meets Delphine. Felix and Collin hook up. Vic is pressured by Pouchy. Vic sees Alison. Paul meets Olivier. Paul takes pictures of Sarah with Kirah. Sarah and Paul have a confrontation. Alison puts the cam in her bedroom. Dyad learns about Castor when Krystal is attacked by Seth and Rudy. 
Thursday, 3 December 2012 Alison knocks out Donnie and interrogates him. Paul tells Sarah about being a monitor. Alison hosts the monthly potluck. Vic and Paul crash the potluck. Ainsley catches Paul and Sarah. Donnie tells Alison about the letters. Sarah tells Paul about the clones. Delphine meets with Dr. Leekey.
Friday, 4 December 2012 Paul meets with Olivier. Alison is at a couples retreat. Sarah and Cosima discuss monitors. Tomas treats Helena. The cops identify that Katja and Helena’s blood match. Sarah and Felix go to Olivier’s night club.
Saturday, 5 December 2012 Sarah and Paul discuss. Helena and Sarah have lunch. Cops continue to investigate. Dr. Leekey informs Olivier of the fact that Sarah has been impersonating Beth. Olivier tells Paul. Paul says she’s “meeting Christine”?  Sarah meets with Kira. Helena infiltrates Paul’s house. Cosima has dinner with Delphine and Leekey. Paul gets knocked out. Sarah and Felix go to rescue him from Olivier. Sarah calls Helena for back up. Olivier tells Leekey he has her. Helena impersonated Sarah to fight Olivier. The cops identify Sarah.
Sunday, 6 December 2012 Alison returns from the retreat early and us getting a divorce. The cops visit Mrs. S (~Two weeks after November 25) Paul gets dirt on Olivier. The cops meet with Sarah. Alison has sex with Chad.  Aensley confronts Alison. The cops go to the morgue. Helena finds the letters from Kira to Sarah. Cosima sleeps with Delphine. Leekey visits Paul and Olivier. Olivier is killed. Helena takes Kira. Kira is hit by a car.
Monday, 7 December 2012 Helena tells Tonas about Kira and she gets locked up. Leekey reveals he knoed two clones got Olivier. Alison cleans Felix’s apartment. Alison has an intervention. Sarah meets with Art. Leekey meets with Sarah. Mrs. S reveals her contacts in England are scared. Art finds out Sarah stole Beth’s identity. Cosima breaks up with Delphine. Sarah picks up Tomas and takes Helena to Leekey. Leekey reports to Rachel. Sarah meets Amelia. Amelia meets Helena. Helena escapes. Sarah is arrested.
Tuesday, 8 December 2012 Leekey visits Alison to give her the contract. Cosima starts to be sick. Leekey gives Cosina a contract. Mr. Rosen takes Sarah out of custody.  Sarah is taken to Paul. Rachel meets Sarah. The three clones meet in person at Felix’s.
Wednesday, 9 December 2012 The cops meet Vic and stakeout Alison. Delphine meets Cosima at Felix’s. Helena disguised as Sarah kills Amelia. Sarah received the project Leda photo before Amelia dies. Sarah “kills” Helena. Aensley’s body is found. Sarah goes to meet Rachel. Cosima tells Sarah about the patent. Donnie returns to reporting to Leekey. Sarah finds that Kira and Mrs S are gone. Sarah is hunted at the diner. Sarah gets a call from Rachel. Sarah finds Felix at the club. Felix goes to Alison’s to get a gun. Jennifer Fitzsimmons dies.  
Thursday, 10 December 2012 Sarah calls Paul and escapes Rosen. Alison gets a gun from Ramone. Alison gets Aensley’s part. 3 days will be dress rehearsal, day after is performance. The cops find Alison. Paul begins working for Rachel.  Sarah is arrested but released. Ramone delivers the gun. Alison is assaulted by Dyad goons who immediately let her go. Sarah infiltrates the Dyad party disguised as Cosima. Sarah assaults Rachel but is stopped by Paul. Sarah turns to Art. Helena arrives at a hospital where she is picked up by Mark. Kira is photographed by the Bird Watchers.
Friday, 11 December 2012 Felix gets the new phones. Alison attends Aensley’s funeral. Sarah and Art investigate the motel Kira was at. Cosima meets with Dr. Leekey. Sarah is taken to the Bird Watchers base. Alison practices the musical. Felix and Alison discuss catching Donnie. DeAngelo investigates Helena as she is taken by Mark. (Jamie was the father of one of the Bird Watchers who died because of Mrs. S Guns for Fund’s movement). Rachel meets Cosima at her lab and gives her the genomes of Sarah and Katja. Mrs. S eliminates the two Bird Watchers who have turned to the Proletheans.
Saturday, 12 December 2012 Alison sets a trap for Donnie. (Yesterday?) Aensley’s tombstone lists her year of death as 2014. Felix leaves with Sarah. Mark kills Tomas. Mr. Rosen finds the Bird Watchers dead. The Proletheans dispose of their bodies. Sarah and Felix steal from the convenience store. Angela talks to Art. Donnie apologizes for the spying. Jennifer Fitzsimmons diaries (6 months before Katja, died 3 days ago). Sarah and Felix find the cabin. The abandoned truck is found by police. Helena learns that Tomas is dead. Cal arrives at his cabin. Kira meets Cal.
Sunday, 13 December 2012 Alison has dress rehearsal. Felix leaves.
Monday, 14 December 2012 Cosima dissects Jennifer. Felix says he thought Ziggy the drummer was Kira’s father. Tom the cop. Angie is exposed. Alison falls off the stage. Cal and Sarah hook up.
Tuesday, 15 December 2012 Art investigates the Proletheans. Rosen investigates Sarah. Rosen takes Sarah. Helena married to Henrick. Sarah is hit by a truck and is rescued by Cal. Helena has her eggs stolen by Henry. Alison wakes up in rehab. Sarah and Kira get into Cals camper. Helena escapes after Gracie’s attempt at her life. Sarah calls Cosima. Mrs. S speaks to Benjamin. Sarah leaves Kira with Cal. Mrs S hooks up with Carlton. Donnie visits Alison in rehab. Yvonne leaves them to talk. Sarah discovers S knew about Mr and Mrs Duncan. Cute concierge, Troy. Rosen speaks to Leekey. Sarah is rescued by Helena who murders Rosen.
Wednesday, 15 December 2012 Rachel finds Daniel was killed by Helena after returning from Taiwan with Paul. Helena and Sarah escape to Felix’s. Rachel forbids Cosima from using the Stem Cell lines. Cosima finds out about the experimental lines. Felix delivers Helena to Art. Sarah calls Cal and Kira. Gracie refuses to speak about Helena. Maggie Chen found clones for Helena to murder. Collin and Felix go on a second date before being interrupted by Paul, who uses Felix’s hand to contaminate Daniel’s gun. Gracie gets her stitches off. Cosima finds out about Rachel’s obstruction. Helena escapes from Art and reclaims her motorcycle. Sarah and Helena find Mr. Duncan’s photo in Maggie Chen’s locker. Helena prepares to assassinate Rachel. Rachel and Paul have sex(?) Helena is stopped by Rachel. Cosima receives treatment. Sarah and Leekey meet. Paul discovers their meeting. They are given 3 days to find Mr. Duncan. Sarah and Helena camp. 
Thursday, 17 December 2012 Cosima continues treatment. Scott comes in to work with Dyad. Vic comes into rehab with Alison. Art checks in on Felix. Sarah and Helena arrive at Cold River. Helena meets Jessie Towing. Sarah investigates the archives. Donnie visits Alison in rehab. Sarah calls Cosima and tells her Mr Duncan was there. Helena gets arrested by Roy the cop. Gracie visits Helena in the police station. Vic rendezvous with Angie. Sarah finds S with Peckham. S speaks with Paul. Alison and Vic talk about Ainsley’s death. Alison hears Vic conspiring with Angie. Cal realizes he’s being monitored. S takes Peckham. Cosima sees her polyps. Alison tells Felix about Vic. Cal and Sarah rendezvous. Tony is told to find Beth by Sammy.
Friday, 18 December 2012 Paul reports to Leekey. Cosima finds out she’s been using Kiras stem cells. Marian and Leekey meet. Vic and Sarah chat. Alison has family day. S meets with Leekey and confirms Rachel does not know what he did to the Duncans. Sarah pretends to be Alison at family day. Angie is misled by Alison and Felix. Donnie finds out about the clones. S has Rachel and Paul meets Duncan. Rachel gives Leekey a chance to leave with his life after telling Marianne she would kill him. Cosima tells Sarah about Kiras stem cells. Donnie kills Leekey.
Saturday, 19 December 2012 Sarah and S reunite with Kira and Felix. Cosima revokes Delphine access to her lab. Donnie hides in bed. Art meets Tony. Felix goes to help Art. Rachel searches for Paul. Rachel tells Delphine about Leekie. Felix meets Tony. Delphine meets with Sarah. Cosima catches Scott hosting game night. Cosima and Delphine get high and make up. (2 days prior Tony got news)
Sunday, 20 December 2012 Alison and Donnie make up over night. Tony meets Sarah. Rachel discovers Paul has disappeared. Rachel meets with her father. Alison inspects Leekey’s body. Cosima tells Scott she’s a clone. Cosima meets Ethan. Kira reads the Book of Dr. Monroe.
(Week 1 of Helena’s Pregnancy) Monday, 21 December 2012 The Hendrixes clean Leekey. Helena has her eggs harvested. Rachel promotes Delphine. Cosima group chats with Alison and Sarah. Alison breaks concrete in her garage. Helena sees the nursery. Mark and Henrick discuss. Delphine and Clone Club meet at the clinic. Cosima and Scott look at the genetic information. Vic visits Alison. Helena sees the children being abused. Donnie warns Angie to back off. Helena is impregnated with Helena’s babies. Ethan explains the science behind designing the disease. Marianne and Rachel meet. Rachel watches old videos and calls Dr. Neelam. Sarah sleeps at the clinic. Helena and Gracie try to leave. Mark breaks Gracie free. Alison and Donnie bury Leekie. Helena murders Henrick and burns down the farm. Rachel infiltrates the clinic disguised as Sarah.
Tuesday, 22 December 2012 S and Sarah argue. Dr. Nealon works with Sarah. Kira takes a cell phone from her nurse. Sarah signs a contract with Dyad. Cal shows up. Helena shows up at Art’s. Ethan is in custody. Mark and Gracie escape. S meets with Paul. Ethan commits suicide. Cal meets Paul. Paul meets with Marianne Bowles and exchanges Castor information. Scott and Cosima prepare the pencil cannon. Rachel breaks the marrow vials. Sarah fires the pencil at Rachel. Cal takes Sarah home from Dyad. Helena meets Cosima and Alison. Clone dance party. Helena is kidnapped.
Friday, 23 December 2012 Cosima discovers Kira has the book. Sarah learns about Charlotte and Project Castor. Mark and Gracie get married. 3 weeks since they learned about Castor and since Krystal was attacked. Clone seems to know about Helena’s kidnapping. Helena in a box. A while since they have been to Shite Beach. Marianne has gone to Europe. Delphine returns from Europe. Sarah notices Helena’s disappearance. Alison coaching. Marcie campaigns. Donnie gets fired. S is assaulted in her home by Seth. S tells Sarah about Helena’s kidnapping. Keanon and Delphine discuss Ferdinand’s arrival. Sarah agrees to help Delphine. Alison pretends to be Sarah. Sarah finds out about Helsinki. Rachel thinks it’s Monday. Delphine threatens Rachel and finds out Rachel knows about Helsinki. The attack on Alison is aborted. Rudy is broken out. Dr. Nealon finds that the clones have escaped. The clones tag team another girl. 
Saturday, 24 December 2012 Coady watches Helena who has been in the box for almost 48 hours. Delphine has left to Europe. Cal shows Sarah and Kira the Apartment. The clones meet with Paul. Cosima receives some treatment from Scott. Ramone confronts Alison. Art was reinstated 2 days ago.  Sarah finds out that the clones attacked a girl. Helena is waterboarded. Coady announces Helena is pregnant. Felix takes care of S. Scott and Cosima meet with Nealon. Sarah learns from the girl about Rudy and Seth. Ramone and Alison meet. Rudy tells Seth he knows he’s glitching. Rudy breaks into Felix’s. Helena is being tested. (Helena has been pregnant for a week or two) Coady tells Helena Sarah sold her out. Sarah meets with S. Ramone sells Alison the drugs. Paul infiltrates Cal’s home. Paul claims Sarah was in Marianne Bowle’s basement “yesterday.” Paul reveals he knows Cal is a war profiteer. Rudy confronts Sarah. Cal and Seth face each other. Rudy kills Seth. Sarah agrees to let Cal and Kirah move to Iceland. Sarah vows to find Mark.
Sunday, 25 December 2012 Art finds Seth in Felix’s bath tub. Cosima and Scott find out about Seth. Mark tells Gracie a bit about his past. Art tracks down Alexis who tells them that Mark has Henricks truck and that Helena and Gracie are pregnant. Gracie shows up to Mr. Finch’s home. Finch hands over the trunk without charging Gracie the $1000. Mark and Paul arrive at Coady’s, who found out about Seth’s death. Coady warns that the base is at risk of being shut down. Cosima and Scott dissect. Nealon works with Rachel in her recovery. Rachel is told that she is dead to topside. Art and Sarag meet with Willard Finch. Alexis tells Bonnie she may know where Mark and Gracie are. Art admits he was in love with Beth. Sarah sees Gracie in the diner. Mark tortures Finch to death. Bonnie finds Gracie. Sarah finds out the Castors are their siblings. Bonnie assaults Mark. Sarah rescues Mark. Sarah operates on Mark. Gracie meets Mr Appleyard. Alison and Cosima discuss the Castor clones. Helena is taken into the infirmary. Helena scoped out the base. Helena sees the Castor clones being operated on. Gracie bleeds vaginally. Sarah calls 911 to get Mark treatment. Alison meets with Jason Kellerman. (Cosima is 5'2) Felix puts Cosima on Sapphire. Bonnie banishes Gracie. Mark takes Sarah to the gravesite of Abel Johanssen, the Castor original sample. Helena kills Parsons. Rudy confronts Sarah. Mark and Rudy kidnap Sarah and take Abel’s bones.
(Week 2 of Helena’s Pregnancy) Tuesday, 27 December 2012 Rudy is given 48 hours. Gracie shows up at Art’s. (2 days since Gracie met Sarah) Cosima goes on her Sapphire date with Shay at Bobbi’s. Sarah and Helena chat in confinement. Coady takes blood samples from Sarah. Art takes Gracie to S and Felix. Cosima extends her date with Shay. Mark tells Coady he consummated his relationship with Gracie (18). Sarah finds out Paul is a major. S tells Gracie about John Sadler. S went with her Aunt Joan after John was killed. Shay massages Cosima. Sarah thinks they are in Mexico. Gracie parties with Felix and S before collapsing. Sarah and Helena escape. Helena kills the guard. Art meets the victim of Seth and Rudy.
Friday, 30 December 2012 Sarah dreams about Kira. (It’s been 5 days since Sarahs gone). Paul meets with a military higher up. S says her people suspect the base is in Mexico. Cosima wakes up in Shay’s place. Alison and Fonnie party in money. Delphine returns from Europe. Paul encounters a sick Sarah. Rudy is chasing Helena in the desert. Paul finds out about the rape logs. Gracie is taken to Dyad. Mark was part of Sammy’s team. Paul arrests Coady. Coady admits to giving Sarah 2 units of Rudy’s blood. Beth tells Sarah about how Paul moved in with 2 suitcases. Paul calls Castor higher ups, is promised help in six hours. Felix screams at Rachel. Rudy finds out about the Coady’s arrest. Delphine has been stalking Shay. Cosima meets with Shay. Scott tells Cosima that Rachel knows the code. Sarah asks Paul if he loved her. Defect affects Castor brains and Leda epithelial tissue. Rudy infiltrates the camp and kills the medic and frees the corporal. Paul calls Arlington and finds out he betrayed them. Sarah has to go northwest. Paul tells Sarah he never loved Beth. Coady shoots Paul who uses a grenade to blow up the Castor original and all of Coady’s research. Sarah and Helena escape.
At Least 31 December 2012 Helena and Sarah are at a canteen waiting to meet Benjamin. S meets Helena. Ali and Donnie give Mrs. Hendrix the contract. Delphine meets Shay and asks Cosima for a sample. Jason and Donnie leave to meet with Pouchy. Ali goes to the candidate event but has to deal with her mom. Helena tries to fight S. Rachel finds out about the book while being tested. Alison hands over $30k. Cosima gives the Alison speech. Cosima meets Mrs. Hendrix.
At least 1 January 2013 Krystal tells Delphine about her assault and losing her boyfriend Hector. Coady meets Arlington and La Cantinera. Nealon meets with Delphine. Helena stays with the Hendrixes. Shay does Yoga with Cosima. Scott and Rachel continue to decode the book. Crystal is 350 km from S. Shay meets Scott at Dyad. Gracie goes to work with Helena. Felix meets with Crystal. Rudy meets Scott batbhis apartment. Denise the Cat. Felix takes Crystal’s ID and discovers she’s investigating Castor. Delphine finds out about the book. Scott helps Rachel escape Dyad. Rachel translated the copy of the book. Nealon shows up to confiscate the book. Rachel has a seizure. Donnie and Jason fight.
(Helena is at least 3 weeks pregnant) At Least 2 January 2013 Cosimas resignation from Dyad is accepted. Nealon and Rachels plan to help her escape goes through. Crystal is in captivity posing as Rachel. Susan has received Rachel. S takes Felix and Sarah to London to meet Terry. Helena teaches Gemma how to fight. S finds out the Castor original was an inmate from before the numbering system was changed in the 80s. Donnie recovers from his fight with Jason. Cosima rewre the file on Shay Delphine gave her. Terry meets with Ferdinand and is being beaten. Gracie leaves. Helena treats Donnie’s wounds. S finds a bloody Terry. Sarah gets someone to meet with her. Donnie meets with Pouchy. Helena murders Pouchy and gang. Delphine interrogates Shay. Casthov tells Sarah about Kendall Malone. Gracie reveals she was the mole. Kassov meets Ferdinand, who murders him. Sarah meets Kendall. S asks Kendall about Mr Duncan.
At Least 3 January 2013 Rachel awakes on the island and sees her prosthetic eye. Kendall is delivered to Scott at a location secured by Art. Coady and Rusy meet Benchman. Election day. Donnie tracks down Jesse Towing. Cosima meets with Shay. Ferdinand demands Kendall. Cosima meets Kendall. Felix and Sarah find Mark and Gracie. Helena fights Rudy. Mark sets a trap for Coady. Ferdinand arrests Coady. Delphine discovers Nealon is aligned with Neolution. Nealon tries to give Delphine one of the maggotbots. Ferdinand murders his Neolutionist bodyguard. Clone Club celebrates Alison’s election at Bubbles with Dinner. Delphine tells Shay she can know everything and is given a card with 324B21. Delphine meets Cosima. Delphine is shot in the parking lot by Duko. Crystal watches her be taken away by Vanleer. Rachel learns Charlotte is on the island and reunites with her mother. Kira reunites with Sarah, S, and Kendall.
3 months after season 3
No earlier than 5 January - ~April 2013 Cal and Sarah split up.  
2 weeks before Day 2 A columbian had his cheek removed.
(Helena is at least 16 weeks pregnant, does not appear to be further than approximately 17 weeks) ~No Earlier than April 2013 Day 1 MK warns Sarah that Neolution is coming for them in Iceland. They escape and torch the cabin.
~ Day 2 Alison does Zumba. Felix paints. The group meets at Hellwizard’s comic shop. Sarah finds out about cheek cutting case from Art. Sarah finds Beth’s drugs. Sarah takes Felix to club Neolution. Helena gets ultrasound. Scott finds out about Kendall’s leukemia. Felix tells Sarah he found his birth family. 2 weeks ago, a Columbian had his cheek removed. Sarah is shown video by Dizzy. MK communicated with Sarah at the laundromat. The cheek cutters check on the maggotbot.
~ Day 3. Ira checks on Rachel. Has not met Susan in 6 weeks. Kira plays with Hellwizard. Cosima investigates the maggotbot. Sarah meets Adele. Sarah meets with Dizzy. Alonzo Martinez. Rachel learns Charlotte was cloned from her of 400 attempts. Helena meets the detectives investigating Pouchys murder. Kira tells Cosima about her vision. Carol Lumbar was coordinator, Trevor Sowaltski did transportation, Teddy Malechi hung posters. Charlotte got Rachel’s message out. Art tells Sarah about the dental clinic. Donnie alleged that Leekey died in Autumn. A nurse speaks to Sarah thinking she’s Beth. Ferdinand and S meet. Sarah was almost.operated on by the Neolution nurse. Ferdinand tells Sarah that Susan is alive.
~ Day 4 MK declares Marianne dead. Cosima and Scott exhume the maggotbot. Ali meets Trina at a cafe. Donnie and Felix go to the clinic. MK and Sarah meet at Dizzys. Cosima isolates the maggotbot. Alison talks to Porsche Grossman who is several months pregnant at Least. She tells them about Dr. Bosch and the Brightborn treatments. Helena buries her babies and leaves. Sarah and Dizzy break into MKs home. MK sets a trap for Ferdinand. S disarms the bomb. Susan tells Rachel that she knows about the messages. Cosima and Felix see Evie Cho’s Brightborn video.
~ Day 5 Crystal is training in self defense and has discovered a connection between the Castor clones, Dyad, and Hector. Sarah and Kira paint a mural. Cosima goes to the Brightborn orientation. Evie shares about her SCID. Felix implies that S is an Irish Traveller. Evie and Susan meet. Evie tells Susan that Crystal is at Brightborn but thinks it’s Sarah. Duko tells Art he knows about the Hendrixes dealing drugs. Helena left a day or two ago. Donnie gives Crystal a massage. Susan tells Evie that Cosima has infiltrated Brightborn. Crystal is grabbed by Brightborn. Cosima witnesses the birth with defects. Susan pleads for Kendall.
~ Day 6 Susan and Ira discuss in bed. Krystal speaks to the police force. Sarah meets with Evie and Susan. Kendall tells S has leukemia. Sarah receives the hard drive from Sarah. Cosima transfers the data to the hard drive. Ira laments. Sarah gets the operation. Susan sees Scott collect Kendall’s blood. Felix meets with Krystal. Susan is kidnapped. Sarah Chase’s after Ira with Benjamin. Ira goes to a hospital with Benjamin. Duko has kidnapped Kendall. Evie arrives to destroy Kendall.
Days 1-6 are implied to take place over approximately 12 weeks as when Helena returns on Day 10, she appears to be near the start of her third trimester whereas she was near the start of her second when she left.  
~ Day 7 (Friday). Rachel searches the estate where she is being kept. Sarah leaves Kira with S. Alison prays. Gemma has her birthday party. Susan tells Rachel about Westmoreland. Felix cares for S. S has only cried a handful of times. Susan and Rachel discuss the dissolution of Project Leda. Sarah and Dizzy hook up. Dizzy recess he was friends with Ed Capra. Duko arrests Donnie. Cosima almost takes a maggotbot in the face. Felix tells Cosima Delphine is alive. Felix stops Sarah from jumping.
~ Day 8 (Saturday) Sarah returns home. MK talks to Kira. Rachel sees the swan. Donnie encounters a Neolutionist in prison. Sarah is having a "two day hangover”. Mika talks to Sarah. Alison and Adele visit Donnie in prison. S stalks Duko. Sarah and Art meet. Duko and Alison meet. Felix meets Alison at her revue. MK is sick. MK tells Sarah about Duko. Alison tells Duko to go to the Rabbit Hole where he is ambushed. S tortures Duko. S murders Duko.
~ Day 9 (Sunday) Coima collects Sarah’s eggs and goes to the island.
~ Day 10 (Monday) Evie announces her plans to build in Tissdale. Sarah and Felix meet with Rachel and Ira. Helena hunts deer in the snow. Tabitha Stewart and Kendra Dupree. Evie receives video blackmail. Donnie is released (Monday). The kids are in Florida. Tabitha killed. Twins are kicking. Trina talks to Sarah about Brightborn. Tabitha called Trina. Kendra went to Tisdale. Detective warns Evie about Art and tells her about Kendra. Evie’s bot is working. Ira tracks Sarah. Island is pre Cambrian rock. Helena meets Felix and Adele. Helena’s stomach is bigger. Alison and Donnie bang. Rachel receives more visions. Sarah and Art meet Kendra and her baby. Adele leaves.. Kendra shows Sarah the video euthanizing the baby. Susan tells Cosima she was under pressure to create Charlotte. Jacob was born blind. Sarah discovers Kendra left with Ira. Art takes the cheek choppers into custody. Helena rescues the Hendrixes from the cheek choppers. She has been in beavertail national Park. Rachel exposes Evie.
~ Day 11 Cosima finds a cure. Dr. Ian Vanleer takes over as Brightborn CEO, he was Evies physician. Ferdinand visits Rachel. Vanleer kills Evie. Alison hides with Helena. Sarah and Krystal meet. Vanleer tells Sarah about Rachel’s plans. Rachel meets with the board of Neolution. Rachel stabs Susan. Cosima and Charlotte attempt to escape. Rachel attacks Sarah and stabs her leg. Susan threatens to kill Rachel. Charlotte and Cosima are rescued by The Messenger. Delphine and Cosima reunite. Delphine and Cosima keep the cure secret. Rachel patches up Susan who tells her Westmoreland is alive. Ferdinand threatens S and Kira. Sarah informs Felix of Ferdinand. Sarah starts a fire using a photo of Kira. Sarah dresses her wounds with a tampon. Sarah is attacked by Yannis.
~ Day 12 (Not yet June?) Sarah carves a spear from a stick. Mud shows Cosima Revival. Moreland is 170 as of last June. Art gets introduced to Maddy, his new partner. Helena hunts while the Hendrix s are in hiding. Revival hunts for Sarah. Delphine treats Aisha, who tells her they are there for the fountain. Felix leaves Ira in Hellwizard and Scott’s custody. Maddy blackmails Art. Alison is kidnapped by the Neolutionists. Delphine is being sent to Sardinia. The hunters leave Sarah when they see signs of Yanis. Rachel takes over at Revival. Helena attacks the Neutionist and gets an arrow in the belly. Sarah meets with Cosima and warns her about Yanis. Rachel and The Messenger encounter Cosima trying to give herself the cure. Sarah is shot with a tranquilizer.
~ Day 13 Sarah awakes in captivity. Ferdinand greets her. Sarah has slept for “a while”. Rachel offers Sarah a truce. Sarah takes Kira to school. Aisha tells Cosina about her tumor. Felix meets with MK. Mud takes Cosina to Moreland. Cosima sees the photo of Westmoreland. Rachel and Ferdinand do yoga. Helena hides from the doctors. Sarah impersonated Rachel and leaves with Kira. Helena attacks the doctor with the needle. Ferdinand follows Sarah to Felix’s. MK pretends to be Sarah. Ferdinand kills MK. Rachel fires Ferdinand. Delphine meets with S.
~ Day 14 Alison and Donnie meet cop. They mourn MK. S takes Kira to Dyad. Alison sees Aensley’s family at The family fun fair. The Hendrixes get searched. Alison confronts Ramone. Maddy plants evidence in the Hendrixes garage and tries to break open their garage floor. Donnie drinks Alisons drugged Apple Juice. Donnie passes out in the middle of his performance. Alison meets Rachel. Rachel commands Maddy to dispose of the bodies and fix the garage. Alison decides to leave for a little. Helena is safe with the nuns.
A week before Day 18 Leonard sells BlueZone to a subsidiary of Dyad. 
Days 15-20 happen in succession
Day 15 Westmoreland speaks to Susan. Aisha and Charlotte find Daisy the pig bleeding. Charlotte finds a tooth. Mud takes them.back to the village. Sarah discovers Kira’s cut herself. 3 days until Kira’s next Dyad appointment. Ira visits Susan. S and Sarah take Dr. Perkins identity. Charlotte tells Cosima about the bear. Madame La Roux. Mr. Mitchell. S and Sarah visit Helena. Adele arrives knowing about Clone Club, having been told by S. S and Sarah impersonate Dr. Perkins to get Coady from Dr. Nemmit. Coady tells S and Sarah about Yanis. Cosima sees Mud with Yanis.
(Roughly week 32 of Helena’s pregnancy) ~July 2013 Day 16 Felix’s art opening is in 3 weeks. S and Sarah reconvene with Adele and Felix. Ray was attacked. Felix and Adele go to Switzerland.
Day 17 S leaves to investigate. Mud tells Cosima that she let Yanis escape after his experiments made him become violent. Rachel gets the cure from Westmoreland. Delphine returns from collecting stool samples. Cosima tells Delphine about Aisha’s tumor that is being studied. Lin28A. Delphine tells Cosima about Kira receiving testing at Dyad. Cosima tells Moreland she knows about Lin28-A. Cooper sends Mud and Salvador to the wood shed. Cosimas parents are Sally and Gene, who are both professors. Delphine goes to Geneva to meet with Felix and Adele. Yanis kills Salvador. Susan tells Cosima about the plans to harvest Kira’s eggs for the surrogates. Mud tells Cosima his name is Yannis. Westmoreland murders Yannis. Cosima is locked in the basement. Delphine and S meet. Ira begins glitching.
Day 18 Krystal and Brie. Have 15000 subscribers. Dyad arrives to pick up Kira. Mud tells Cosima that she’s from Seattle. S got the Coady info from someone else. Krystal and Sarah communicate. Leonard Sip, CEO of BlueZone cosmetics. Westmoreland brings Coady to the island. Scott collects blood samples from Bri who is flirting with him. Salvador’s widow speaks out against Revival. Coady tells Ira she is close to a cure. Krystal sets up her spy can for Leonard. Scott identifies that Bries symptoms are in line with an allergic reaction. Brie admits she’s a kleptomaniac. Susan realizes Westmoreland is doing Parabiosis. Krystal attacks Leonard. He reveals the experimental face cream is a drug delivery system that works on the cellular level and made the rabbits it was treated on lose their hair. Anna tells Mud that Aisha has died. Ira breaks out Cosima. Rachel takes Kira to Dyad. Cosima exposes Westmoreland to Revival. Revival goes up in flames. Ira succumbs to his glitching. Susan is killed using the poison she tried to administer to Westmoreland. Cosima escapes the island.
Day 19 Mr. Albie Teeb had his daughter saved from a genetic heart defect. Rachel announces biopsies of Kiras liver, lung, and stomach. Cosima arrives on the mainland. Cosima sends her boat adrift. Cosima tells Sarah about the plan to collect Kiras eggs. Kira has at least another day before her hormone treatments make her ready for egg harvest. Felix and Adele have sent them into on the Neo money trail. Cosima tells Rachel about Westmoreland. Alison is in California and will arrive tomorrow. Cosima tells her that Coady is on the island and Susan is dead.
Day 20 Rachel visits Susan’s grace. Coady’s background is in genetics. ((Rachel previously signed a document of emancipation.)) Coady tells Rachel she killed Susan. Hashem Al-Khatib is in control of Kuwaiti consulting firm, where Dyad subsidiaries send their money. Alison arrives home with her haircut and purple dye. Alison talks about the Yungian she met. Alison shows Donnie her “Live Deep” tattoo. Rachel announces Kira can be harvested within 24 hours. Mark is brought to Coady. Mark plots with Coady to find Helena. Gracie arrives at Helena’s monastery. Rachel finds the pad that has been receiving feed from her eye. Rachel allows Kira to call her mom. Alison clears out her craft room. Westmoreland overhears Sarah pleading for Kira. Rachel returns Kira to Sarah. Rachel exposes Westmoreland to the board. Rachel rips out her eye. Rachel is treated.
Although Gracie’s appearance makes it appear that Day 21 occurs immediately after Day 20, it seems more likely that Day 21 takes place a full 2 weeks after Day 20.
Day 21 Rachel wakes up found by Ferdinand. Charlotte and Kira go to stay with Maya and her mom. Delphine, Felix, and Adele arrive back. Felix’s art opening is today. Gracie claims Mark died 2 weeks ago. Gracie found Helena after she told her about Sister Urina. Alison and Donnie help Felix set up. Delphine and S meet with Ferdinand. Hashem Al-Khatib has been bribing governments to obtain genetic info for Neos. Collin arrives at Felix’s art show. Gracie lies about Helena’s location. Felix shows off the clones at his art show. Adele reveals that S and Delphine have been working with Ferdinand. Art arrives at the Art show. (Ezra the Art Guy) S prepares a bouquet. Helena finds Gracie’s Phone. Several of the Neolution board members committed suicide. Rachel betrays Ferdinand. Maddie kills Gracie. Helena is captured. Neolution gets exposed. Ferdinand assaults Rachel. Ezra wants to exhibit Felix’s work in New York. Felix introduces Collin to S. Hell Wizard raps at Felix’s show. S and Ferdinand talk about the files and die.
(Around Week 36 of Helena’s Pregnancy) ~August 2013 Day 22 They hold a funeral for S. Sister Irina leaves Helena’s journal for Sarah. Helena is at 35 weeks. Helena is being transported with Mark and Coady. Art and Felix visit Tachel at The Regent hotel. Westmoreland is being treated at the birthing facility. 4 days since Felix’s art opening. Art investigates Maddy. Ian Van Leer and Francine Blair have been found dead. Seon Packe Korean found hanged. Jules Marten reported missing by his wife. 3 board members left including Al-Khatib. Art kills Fronternac. Virginia euthenizes Mark. Helena begs for freedom. Al-Khatib calls Westmoreland to offer him Rachel. Helena attempts suicide. Sarah infiltrates as Rachel but is exposed. Coady performs the transfusion. Scott enters the Dyad wing where Helena is being held. Helena breaks Coady’s face and escapes. Sarah leaves Helena in the basement. Maddy is taken down. Felix and Donnie are outside waiting to take them home. Westmoreland takes meth. Maddy is found. Westmoreland shoots Coady’s assistant. Helena kills Coady. Sarah kills Westmoreland. Art and Sarah help Helena deliver.
22 April 2014 Krystal receives the cure.
11 May 2014 Gillian West receives the cure.
Day 23 Post 11 May 2014 Helena is living in her suite in Alison’s garage. Donnie is a regional manager of an architect company. Sarah is studying for her high school equivalency test. (Stephanie Wald, Orlando Florida, 167G23, Early Onset Clone Disease) (Gillian West, El Paso Texas, Cured May 11) Tony from Cleveland. Krystal from Kingston Ontario, Cured April 22. Art found 5 Ledas. Camila Torres, Cartagena. Felix arrives from his opening in New York. Sarah has the For Sale sign at the house. Sarah doesn’t take the exam. Everyone attends Helena’s baby shower, including Collin. Charlotte is permanently living with Art. Jemma and Kira help Helena open gifts Felix meets with Rachel who now has a glass eye. Rachel gives Felix the list of the Ledas. List contains 274 Ledas. 
Day 24 Cosima and Delphine are in Columbia to cure Camila and afterwards are headed to Brazil to cure 14 Ledas there. Sarah keeps the house.
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missallycat · 5 years ago
Did you know? - Gilmore Girls FAQs, trivia and curiosites
I’ve watched this show so many times, I stopped counting years ago when I reached double digits. Is my favorite show of all times and I’ve been told almost nobody knows it as well as I do, so I decided to put together all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years of trivia tidbits, although in that I’m nowhere near an expert ;) my deal is knowing these characters and their personalities and the lines of the show lol but I figured I’d give it a try and collect all the trivia and tidbits of knowledge I’ve gained over the years in one post that I’ll continue to edit to add more stuff (there are a couple that I didn’t get a chance to add right not that will add later on)
1. Yes, that’s Kirk in guardians of the galaxy 2 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0348231/. And yes Sam Smith (depending on the photo) does look like Kirk (Sean Gunn). Sean Gunn also played the movements of Rocket the racoon.
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2. And yes that is Jess dad's girlfriend Sasha now as April's mom (yes she was/is in Twin Peaks http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000145/). Amy wanted to work with Sherilyn and rumor has it she was offered the role for Lorelai first but there’s no article yet to be found stating this directly from the Palladinos mouths.
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3. And yes cousin Marilyn and Gran, Lorelai the first, Richard’s mother, are the same actress. (Happy Day’s Mrs Cunningham http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005385/?ref_=nv_sr_1).
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3. Yes the girl in SH high unnamed who asks Lorelai a question and Logan’s LBD friend Juliette are the same actress. Different character. Riki Lindhome played the unnamed student of SH high and Juliette
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5. Yes the first episode looks completely different (not just in the diner) because it was filmed in a different location (Ontario, Canada).
6. Yes, that’s Luke in Seinfeld. (”sponge worthy guy”) and in Will & Grace, jerk guy obsessed with huge boobs, Grace wanted to impress with the water bra. Lauren was also in Seinfield as one of Jerry’s brief girlfriends. That’s also a young Lauren in Caroline in the city.
7. That’s Chris in friends (hums when he pees guy). Yes that's both Luke and Chris on Will & Grace (Luke water bra artist narcissistic guy, Chris cabin in the woods hot guy).
8. Yes that is Logan (and with Usher for that matter lol) in that scene at 7th heaven . And yes Logan. Matt Czuchry was in the good wife, and he has his own show now “The Resident” on Fox. Currently filming a second season (as in October 1st, 2018)
9. Yes Crazy Carrie was also the Stars Hollow High teacher (by a different name) in the pilot. Same actress that plays crazy Carrie but different name of character
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10. No, nobody knows if the show will ever come back (as far as it’s been told everything points to a NO). The Palladinos don’t double book, they are happy doing Mrs Maisel and they devote themselves to one show at the time. The last interview they gave on the subject was to Michael Ausiello in the podcast you can hear in the links. 1. A direct link to the article from November 2017 but is important to listen to the podcast http://tvline.com/2017/11/27/amy-sherman-palladino-podcast-interview-gilmore-girls-mrs-maisel/ 2. This is a link directly to the podcast that opens right up and they say "it would have to be the right time , we don't know but we're open. We said no before and ended up doing more that's why we're open now but it would have to be in a different format", Daniel doesn't repeat the would have to because he already said it right before in the same sentence. Basically is nothing we didn't know. However is a very interesting podcast http://hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/b/8/1/b810a8eea76b5eb5/Amy_and_Dan.mp3?c_id=17932724&expiration=1526427435&hwt=95629606ee9caf86bc57bb8d2d70cf6a. Amy and Dan Palladino show creators and writers and producers, these are the people who made this universe, these are the people who the show belongs to, this is THEIR baby and they made a damn good one.
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11. No, Lauren Graham did not have cancer and write a book about it. (different person, same name).
12. No, Lauren and Scott didn't hate each other's guts they just weren't BFFs. They have both said this endlessly, they have respect for each other. Scott had a crush on Lauren when he begun the show. But from what has been told and learned about Scott, it seems he doesn’t like to get along with the rest of the cast unless is for his personal gain.
13. NO Rory is not a surrogate. They never even discussed the surrogacy Lorelai with Rory neither did Paris with Rory and Gilmore Girls is a light dramedy not a soap opera it doesn’t have sudden hidden scenes that come to change the show completely, other shows, soap operas could do that, Gilmore Girls DOES NOT. She is NOT pregnant of the Wookie. She never slept with Paul (the actor even said it wasn’t Paul’s) Milo said Jess is not the father and doesn’t romantically love Rory anymore. Only Alexis and Matt were told who the father of the baby is. The Palladinos have said clearly that the father of Rory’s baby was never meant to be a mystery. The only person that fits is Logan. The only actors they have told are Alexis and Matt and told them they could do what they wanted with the information but they have chosen not to say anything because is Amy’s story.And the Palladinos have said IT IS THE OBVIOUS CHOICE. So, Logan is the father, is no cliffhanger is open ending. Yes it would be lovely to see more of them but the Palladinos don’t have the style of wrapping up things in a big pink bow.
14. Ace is Logan’s term of endearment for Rory, it shows respect and admiration, it comes from what they used to call top reporters in the 50’s movies, he first calls her that in a IM conversation at the Yale daily news in the episode season 5 episode 6 of Norman Mailer, I’m pregnant!. Not in the poker game, not in the LDB first gathering. Is a term of respect for her abilities investigating the Life and Death Brigade.
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15. The love rocket. Rory understood the meaning because it was the same model, came from an episode of the Twilight zone that was Logan’s favorite. It didn’t need confirmation from Logan because Rory had already said she understood it and she explained it to Lorelai in the same episode: “When Logan and I were first going out, we were in the pool house one night really late, and we were falling asleep on the couch. And this episode of "the twilight zone" came on -- "the long morrow." There's this astronaut who was supposed to go into space for 40 years, but right before he left, he met this beautiful woman. But for those 40 years that he was going to be in space, he was going to be in suspended animation. So when he came back to earth, he was going to be really young, but she would be really old. So he goes into space, and when he does come back, the woman is still young and beautiful because she put herself in suspended animation to wait for him, but he's really, really old because he took himself out of suspended animation so he could be old with her. He spent 40 years alone in space just waiting to see her, and he was willing to come back as an 80-year-old man, giving up almost his entire life just to spend those last few years with her. The point is, that this is Logan's favorite episode of "the twilight zone." And when we watched it together, he said, "that's true love." That's true love! This is the most romantic gift I've ever been given.”.
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16. Chris wasn’t at Rory’s high school graduation. He was however at her college graduation. The reason they give is he had to work. Probably the actor who was a guest star was doing another project and couldn’t be in the episode or they just didn’t want to write him in so they could develop more the arc between Lorelai and Luke.
17. June 3rd is the date of Rory’s court date AND the date chosen by Lorelai for hers and Luke’s wedding in the original show. Is the same date different year, coincidence as Lorelai herself says the date happened to happen. There’s a theory that is ASP’s best friend Helen Pai’s birthday. Since it was in an old interview we haven’t found the confirmation of it yet becaue there’s no data (at least on the searches we’ve done so far by various people) on Helen Pai’s date of birth.
18. Lane’s story is loosely based on Helen Pai’s, executive producer of the show and Amy Sherman Palladino’s best friend. HEP ALIEN is an anagram of her name (Pai’s name). Helen Pai’s husband is real life Dave Rygalski which was the character of Dave initially based on until the actor had to leave for a better offer.
19. The real life Dave Rygalski shows up in the troubadour’s “attack” episode, he was with Daniel Palladino who was singing a beaver ate my thumb Dan is singing and Dave is playing the bass. Daniel Palladino is also the town loner, the one who protests at the church and appears briefly in the pilot episode leaving Luke’s. In total Dan Palladino shows up three times in the show
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20. Keiko Agena and Emily Kuroda are Japanese American that’s why when they speak korean in very few moments in the show is very difficult to understand for people who do understand korean. Also Mrs Kim’s real name, at least Korean’s name is Jong Ya. Lane’s is Hyun Kyung, without last names, which come first in Korean Culture so Lane would be Kim Hyun Kyung, Mrs Kim however would not be Kim as last name, that’s a westerner tradition, in Korea women don’t change their last name when they marry and they are referred as Madam, Auntie, or as mother of such (name of youngest child) depending on level of familiarity. There’s never a mention of Mrs Kim’s “westerner” first name.
21. There’s also no idea of what Lane’s father does or where he is during the original show. Amy Sherman Palladino show creator said she never saw the need to create or cast a Mr Kim because it was more to focus in the mother and daughter dinamics. No is not the unnamed Asian waiter at Luke’s. Mr Kim appears in the revival for a brief moment, never before. There’s a fan theory going around that he was never there because he had to constantly be traveling to supply antiques for the store. Lane mentions “my parents”, “my mother and father” in a handful of ocassions through the show. He WAS NOT the unnamed Asian waiter that is always at the background at Luke’s. The Palladinos had never made anyone pass for Mr Kim not even as the back of a head until the revival as a way of fan service and as a joke like saying “oh look, so maybe he had been there the entire time”.
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22. The translation of the korean wedding ceremony is here: https://missallycat.tumblr.com/post/173812878159/i-got-a-sidekick-out-of-you (is a tumblr post) complete with before and after.
23. What does Lane’s grandmother say when she arrives at the house before the wedding? Grandma takes her coat and she sees Lane, she calls out her name Hyun Kyung-a (the a is an added sound they use for familiarity when they call someone's name) and tells her to come down. After Lane comes down she pats her in the cheek and says Lane is "oh so pretty!". Lane replies, "welcome, grandmother, I am very happy you came." The grandmother then says, "it's good to have come / I'm glad I came." She then talks to Mrs Kim (Yong Ja-ya Jong Ya is the name the ya the added familiarity informal sound), asking why is that Budha statue here in the room?. Mrs Kim says I was going to move it, mother (formal). Grandma walks through the house she's saying, "ugh, it's so dirty and stuffy in here - open a door." Then Mrs Kim says something that sounds sort of like, "rest first, please." When the camera cuts to Lane and Rory giving each other 'the look,' Grammy Kim is saying, "hey, why didn't you come out to the airport?" Mrs Kim maybe replies, "you said yesterday... that I shouldn't..." (and the sentence doesn't finish). Grammy Kim then says, "the atmosphere/karma is bad [in here]. It needs to be changed. Let's bow 108 times."
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24. The episode of Jess in California “Here comes the son” WAS the backdoor pilot episode of what was going to be made into a spin off. But it wasn’t deemed interesting enough by the network to justify the expenses of shooting in the actual locations so it didn’t happen.
25. Miss Celine and Drella the harpist are the same actress. Alex Borstein. She was going to be Sookie, she was in the unaired pilot but due to conflicts with her other show she couldn’t be so she came later as other characters. She was also the voice in Dwight’s answering machine (especially my trivial pursuit!) and the woman’s voice in the museum. Jackson was married to her but they are divorced know.
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26. Paris (Liza Weill) initially auditioned for the role of Rory, she didn’t get it but they liked her so much they created Paris for her.
27. Luke was initially going to be a woman but they figured the show needed more testosterone so they casted Scott. This has been the first and only major role Scott Patterson has had in his entire “career” as an actor, the one that led him to get a few more minor roles, rumor has it, he’s very difficult to work with and not talented enought to be worth the pain. He milks Gilmore Girls every chance he gets.
28. Sookie was going to be gay but the network put a stop to that, they didn’t want any openly gay characters in the show. The Palladinos were new at this so they accepted the network’s conditions. Is probably why Michel was always put as bicurious or closeted gay man during the original show and was only fully out in the revival as an obvious thing that needed no explanation or backstory because everyone always assumed Michel was gay.
29. Kirk (Sean Gunn) was initially just an appearance, Mick in the pilot episode, then swan guy, then Kirk new manager at Doose’s new in town who didn’t know Miss Patty or anyone and then became the Kirk Gleason we know and love. Sean Gunn was initially an extra but they loved him so much they created Kirk Gleason as permanent character for him.
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30. Gypsy and Berta, the maid in AYITL are both played by the extremely talented, Rose Abdoo. She was hilarious in a reading when they hadn’t casted anyone yet so she was given the part. Her language is “berta-ese” lol She speaks mostly Spanish, a couple of words could be Brazilian portuguese (maybe?), is mostly nonsensical Spanish words in the kind of Spanish that wouldn’t make a sentence with any meaning or sense and Rose Abdoo said she had changed a few vowels of the words to make it more confusing.G
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31. The unkown town elder (towel guy) is played by William Morgan Sheppard. He was never in the show before or after.
32. None of the elders were the same actors or characters of Richard’s two friends in the golf outing with Rory. But one of those friends was the reverend that buries gran, and in the revival is Charlie of the gazette.
33. Rory’s resident advisor Tess the girl who hands her the keys on her first day of Yale (SE04 EP2 “The Lorelais first day at Yale”) is a different actress than Sandee from Sandee says in AYTIL (a year in the life, netflix GG revival) Tess name is Joy Darash http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1384632/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t17 Sandee is Julia Goldani Telles http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5065920/?ref_=tt_cl_t3 (if you ever saw ASP’s show bunheads that’s Sasha)
34. When they take the roadtrip to Harvard. The picture of the girl Lorelai stares at when she’s in the hallway is a stranger it has to do with the year not the girl herself. That's the year she would have graduated if she went to an Ivy league college as it was planned. It was sort of a “what if” moment.
35. Emily Gilmore didn’t go to Yale she went to Smith to study History. Women weren’t admitted in Yale at the time Richard and Emily went to college but it was usual that girls colleges and guys colleges would have parties together and visited each other when there were couples. First mention of Emily attending Smith was in season 5. How many kropogs to cape cod. Richard jokes how Emily got kicked out of the women’s softball team for elbowing another girl. In season 7 I’m a kayak hear me roar, Emily says she went to Smith and majored in History.
36. They talk about Richard’s mother in the first season in past tense but later on Trix appears. It was an error of the first season when things weren’t that defined.
37. Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia did date in real life, apparently it ended really badly. She also dated Jared Padalecki. She didn’t date Matt Czuchry at least not that is known but both are extremely private people, however they are good friends and trust each other a lot from every interview they have given and enjoy working together. She’s now happily married to her Mad Men costar Vincent Kartheiser and they have a beautiful boy together.
38. Luke’s diner has the sign of William’s hardware store and not Danes’ because as a fandom we assume William was his dad’s first name. You’ll see changes in the diner all through the show. However Luke’s parents names are never mentioned ever during the show. The pilot episode was filmed in Unionville Ontario in a building that was formerly Williams hardware. For continuity when they moved to the studio lot at Warner Brothers the name was kept. I don't remember them ever explaining the name on the series other than the hardware store belonged to Lukes father
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39. Lorelai’s doll house is NOT the same dollhouse on friends but it is the dollhouse they show on sale at Kim’s antiques, in one episode where Lane is going to talk to her mom about the band and Mrs Kim cracks the joke “but is past their bedtime”.
40. Yes Gil from Hep Alien is Sebastian Bach from Skid Row.
41. Yes the “hug-a-world” that was in the garage in season 4 is on their couch in season 1! (Same as the scary clown pillow is in a number of seasons lying around lol)
42. Alexis Bledel is actually a Latina. She was born and raised in the US but grew in a Spanish speaking, latino, household, her father and paternal grandfather are Argentinian, her mother, like herself was born in the US, but Alexis’ mother grew up in Mexico. Alexis didn’t learn English until she started school. The episode where Rory speaks Spanish with Esperanza (Season 6 episode 2: “Fight face”) she anglicized her native Spanish BECAUSE Rory didn’t know much Spanish. There’s an old interview with Ellen Degeneres on set while filming season 6 or 7 that she’s asked to translate for Lauren, she doesn’t translate everything due to nervousness. (It also happens when you live your adult life in a country that doesn’t speak your first language, growing up bilingual, you tend to adopt the accent of the language you use most and tend to confuse some words when you don’t use your native language often).
43. People praised the chemistry and physical closeness between Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, but there is actually a very logical reason for this: Alexis was a model and was just starting out acting and had a tougher time making her marks, so as veteran, Lauren often physically moved Alexis to make sure she was in the right place. Lauren told “The Today Show” in 2015: "The camerawork on that show is very specific and we really had to hit certain marks, which especially when you start out, is just a foreign concept...I remember a lot of times just kind of grabbing her, just kind of leading her arm. So, in the beginning, people are like, 'You have such great chemistry.' And I'm like, 'I'm mauling her. That's why.'"
(check this entry from time to time because I’ll keep writing fun facts)
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years ago
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Friday Releases for June 4
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for June 4 include Lisey’s Story, Sweet Tooth, Gully, and more.
Gully, the new movie from Nabil Elderkin, is out today.
Powerful and unflinchingly honest, Gully is the explosive and timely story of three boyhood friends—Calvin, Nicky and Jesse—surviving an upbringing in LA’s roughest neighborhoods. Steeped in violence but united by friendship, together they find their escape in one out-of-control night of partying. But when the rampage stops, retribution begins.
Flashback, the new movie from Christopher MacBride, is out today.
Frederick Fitzell (Dylan O'Brien) is living his best life—until he starts having horrific visions of Cindy (Maika Monroe), a girl who vanished in high school. He reaches out to old friends with whom he used to take a mystery drug called Mercury, but realizes the only solution lies deep within his own memories. So Frederick goes on a terrifying mental odyssey to learn the truth.
Under The Stadium Lights
Under The Stadium Lights, the new movie from Todd Randall, is out today.
Milo Gibson (Hacksaw Ridge) and Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix) star in this inspirational true story of a small town high school football team who beat all the odds to win their state championship. After a crushing defeat ended their prior season, everyone counted the Abilene Eagles out of title contention. Facing doubts and personal challenges both on and off the field, it will take the guidance of their team chaplain (Gibson) and a surrogate father figure (Fishburne) for them to realize what they can achieve when they stand united as a team. In this uplifting underdog story, the Abilene Eagles will once again soar in an incredible comeback that will be forever remembered in sports history.
Xtreme, the new movie from Daniel Benmayor, is out today.
Two years after his brother Lucero betrayed his family, killing his father and son, and leaving him for dead, Max , a retired hitman, is ready to execute his revenge. His carefully designed plan is moved forward when Lucero’s men mercilessly kill the family of Leo, a teenager under Max’s protection. With nothing to lose, Max faces Lucero’s men one by one until he reaches his final target.
Chasing Wonders
Chasing Wonders, the new movie from Paul Meins, is out today.
Filmed over five years, CHASING WONDERS is a heart-warming story of a young boy, who, encouraged by his grandfather to live a life of hope and possibility, takes off on the adventure of a lifetime to find the magical Emu Plains. His journey through the lush landscapes of Australia and Spain leads him to the heart of the human condition - learning to acknowledge the complexity of what comes before us but struggling not to be defined by the past.
Slow Machine
Slow Machine, the new movie from Joe DeNardo and Paul Felten, is out today.
From directors Paul Felten and Joe DeNardo comes a miniature epic of music, murder, espionage, and paranoia.
Death in Texas
Death in Texas, the new movie from Scott Windhauser, is out today.
Billy Walker is finally let out of prison after serving a seven-year sentence for manslaughter, only to find out that the only person who stuck by him during the entire ordeal, his mother, is now dying of liver failure. After visiting her doctor, Billy learns that he must break a few more laws in order to get his mother to the top of the transplant list in order to save her life.
Lisey’s Story
Lisey’s Story, the new TV series from Pablo Larraín, is out today.
Based on the novel by Stephen King, this terrifying thriller follows widow Lisey Landon (Julianne Moore) as a series of disturbing events revives memories of her marriage to author Scott Landon (Clive Owen) and the darkness that plagued him.
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth, the new TV series from Jim Mickle and Beth Schwartz, is out today.
On a perilous adventure across a post-apocalyptic world, a lovable boy who’s half-human and half-deer searches for a new beginning with a gruff protector.
Dom, the new TV series from Breno Silveira, is out today.
Dom tells the story of Pedro, a handsome boy from Rio de Janeiro’s middle class who is introduced to cocaine in his teen years, putting him on the path to becoming the leader of a criminal gang that dominated the tabloids in Rio in the early 2000s: Pedro Dom. Shifting between action, adventure and drama, Dom also follows Pedro’s father Victor Dantas, who as a teenager, makes a discovery at the bottom of the sea, reports it to the authorities and ends up joining the police intelligence service. The series shows the journey of father and son living opposite lives, often mirroring and complementing each other, while both confront situations which blur the lines between right and wrong.
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northamptoncouplestherapy · 4 years ago
There is a thin line between sacrificing a lamb and striking a deal with the Devil.
We give up whole parts of ourselves to belong in our families. In turn, for those of us who dare to come home to ourselves, we risk losing our family and severing the ties that bind us.
When I was twenty-one, I became the first member of my family to earn a college degree. In hindsight, this seemingly positive milestone, or the culmination thereof, both gave and spared me a lifetime of heartache. By achieving an advanced education and moving just an hour from home, I unknowingly left my family, and in doing so, embarked on the long, arduous task of breaking through the invisible (but formidable) barriers of class and intergenerational trauma.
Pittsfield is a city people never leave or never return to; I only knew I had to go —that hanging out with girls who were “dating” their father’s friends and losing five of my cohort in just ten months to alcohol, suicide, and drugs filled me with foreboding. My peers and I shared a unique darkness. One that went beyond the cynical, independent, and pragmatic nature that hallmarks Generation X. We shared history rooted in trauma bonds. Collective memories steeped in Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd, psychedelics and Jack Daniels, sex hallmarked by confusion versus consent, a blur between victim and perpetrator —think Lord of the Flies meets Heavy Metal.
Despite having just over forty-one thousand residents, my hometown lays claim to one of America’s highest crime rates (from the smallest towns to the very largest of cities). If you visit, you have a 1 in 27 chance of being a victim of a violent crime. Put differently; you’re more likely to be mugged or collide with a drunk driver than to get COVID19 while not wearing a mask. The irony is the city lies nestled in the center of the sleepy Berkshire hills. The surrounding landscape, a living Norman Rockwell painting, populated by wealthy New Yorkers and nineteenth-century “cottages.” Home to the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Tanglewood, where tourists eat bacon-wrapped figs and sip Sauvignon Blanc on the lawn. The Berkshires —where you can visit Herman Melville’s house in Lenox and score crack in Pittsfield, all in the space of an hour.
My twenty-one-year-old self-fled to the Pioneer Valley, and misfit though I was, I claimed it as my home. Just fifty-one miles as the crow flies, it kept me within driving distance of my closely knit (but) turbulent clan while affording me the possibility of a new life. Northampton was both academic and bohemian, brimming with universities, bookstores, cafes, and the arts. It was an altogether different planet, and it terrified me.
I had no idea of the implications of this move —of what it meant to transition from a working-class family in a post-industrial ghost town ravaged by racial and class warfare to a white-collar world steeped in privilege and academia. I could not foresee the coils that spun out from my childhood to my future. How they’d wrap around my life like the tentacles of a giant squid, choking me, pulling at my dreams, dragging me under —how I’d thrash, how it would take decades before my lungs acclimated to the water that would birth me, and the casualties of connection to be incurred along the way.
When we were teens, we traversed Pittsfield via an underground network of train tracks. We believed that if we put an ear to the railway metal, we would hear the train coming long before seeing it. That as long as we maintained a vigilance by pressing an occasional cheek against the hot-rolled steel, we’d anticipate the train’s arrival —hear the hissing of the rails, feel the engine’s vibration in our skull. In hindsight, this is how we lived our days. A trick we played to maintain the illusion of immortality –we believed that a car full of balloons would cushion a crash, that powder and smoke were less lethal than needles.
The reality was, we were often too stoned or just plain afraid, so we never actually listened for the train. Never anticipated the deaths of our friends.
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We lost the first one to suicide. Pinned between two car bumpers on a Friday night bender, Paul never acclimated to his right legs’ amputation. Several months following the accident, he shot himself in the face in front of his fiancé. Then there was the motorcycle crash. Timmy was a bad boy from the town’s outskirts; he had warm cocoa curls and a smile sweeter than John Travolta. He flew his Harley around a corner, jacked on cocaine, and never landed. That same Autumn, up Barker Road, Ryan and Ellen wrapped their green Chevy Nova around a maple tree — he lived, she did not, their newborn baby home sleeping in her grandma’s arms.
Dearest to me was Bill, driven mad by an excess of Gooney Birds —that particularly potent blotter he partook of as a daily sacrament, so much so that the blur between his tripping and psychosis became indistinguishable. I can personally attest to the magic in those dime-size tabs, how it tingled your tongue and altered reality for days. Under its influence, I saw a bag of marshmallows breathe, watched my cousin’s hand melt into the ochre shag of a van rug. That November, Bill’s delusions drove him wild and deep into the woods of Hatfield; his body found unmarred amongst the ashen brush. The authorities said it was a lacerated liver, that he bled to death internally —that it was like going to sleep.
At what moment do we begin the slow and steady handing over of our hearts? I remember being six and staring at dirty linoleum, my mother sobbing on the kitchen floor by the dishwasher. There were shards of glass underfoot; to walk toward her would require cutting myself. I believed that I had broken her —that my sister and I spawned a storm so vast that our home would not see sunlight for months. Our Italian grandmother and father concurred. So, I clapped my hand over my mouth each time my voice yearned to escape and swallowed it whole. Again, and again, I walked barefoot on glass to reach her. A little blood seemed a small price to pay. Slowly, I learned about relational transactions, equating love with pain, and silence with safety.
There is a thin line between sacrificing a lamb and striking a deal with the Devil. The first (we hope) affords us blessings and wishes. The latter steals our soul and damns us. When we offer up our voice in exchange for belonging, we silence our longing. It is a curious thing to consider; that to no longer Be our Longing, we must sever something, and it leaves me wondering what becomes of our hunger?
For me, my father’s blows and punches — an act of desperation intended (literally) to knock some sense into my inebriated fifteen-year-old head, no longer registered pain. My mother’s second wave of melancholy did not inspire compassion. The afternoon five girls ambushed me in a ballfield, and I felt the bubble gum on my tongue crumble like chalk when mixed with blood (a chemical reaction few have experienced) —I floated above the grass. Any part of me that longed for tenderness, validation, reassurance, and kindness burned down
—this is what trauma does; it begets and destroys, permeates, and empties.
Fortunately, memory is malleable. To evoke a memory is to flick a switch —light up a constellation of neural pathways that are as intricate and ever-changing as the night skies. Our recollections are not so much facts as they are stories, and like all works in progress, they are subject to edits and revisions. Memory is as affected by our perceptions of the present as our perceptions of the past. This concept offers immense hope for those of us who have had bad things happen, which is to say —Everyone.
Implicit in this idea is that our perceptions can radically shift our stories —that when we mine our past for meaning, we will arrive at new understandings concerning our misfortunes, sorrows, and pain. Our divorce will no longer be a disaster, but rather a turning point that catalyzed a life otherwise not possible. A malignant tumor might serve as a wake-up call to a life otherwise spent underwater and holding our breath. I’m not implying we should wish adversity on ourselves but rather acknowledging that ultimately, we will all belong to some club. The “I lost my spouse to suicide” club. The “I had seven miscarriages and ten years of fertility treatment” club.” The “My mother was an alcoholic and my father left when I was two” club. To be alive is to be in a club.
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I believe the road to wholeness begins with the slow and steady patching of our hearts’ fractured pieces. That by stitching together tiny moments of connection, risk, and vulnerability, we find our way Home. That it’s not a straight line, but a somewhat never-ending journey where hopelessness, fatigue, and lapsing into old habits is standard. As we age, there lies the potential to write our story versus having our story write us. And if we stay the course and remain open, we will slowly assemble a network culled through friendship, psychotherapy, surrogates, and self-made kin. We will come to a deeper understanding of the hows and the whys of our life and we will find our people.
It took me thirty-one years of individual therapy, earning my master’s degree in Psychology, becoming licensed as a psychotherapist, moving one hour and a lifetime away from home, one marriage, a divorce, and a child to find my way. The cost —immeasurable. To paraphrase Maya Angelou, I belong nowhere because I belong everywhere. I belong to myself. I belong to a tribe of tattooed scavengers who have mastered the art of melding dung to feathers —a band of gypsies, ravens, and heretics who hover between scrappy and soulful —who happily fly alongside Icarus, broken wings and all.
What we share beyond our common humanity is a visceral knowing that suffering is here to stay. That trauma is inseparable from life. That loss is both holy and abysmal, and that grief is, in turn, the most sacred and proper response to joy. We are all wretched and omnipotent, sitting in the sun and soaked to the bone.
This is what trauma does.
Like what you’ve read? Sign up to receive my musings filled with heart, concrete tools, and cutting edge resources via my blog: Loving Well.
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democratsunited-blog · 6 years ago
Obama urges people to vote Democratic in ‘pivotal’ midterm election
Obama urges people to vote Democratic in ‘pivotal’ midterm election
OBAMA DIVES IN — Former President Barack Obama took a big public step back into electoral politics on Friday, saying in a speech in Illinois that the midterms will be “one of those pivotal moments when every one of us as citizens of the United States need to determine just who we are, what it is that we stand.” He also publicly critiqued President Donald Trump by name for the first time since leaving office, calling him a “symptom, not the cause” of the ugliness of American politics. Obama reserved his sharpest criticisms for the Republican party at large. My colleague Edward-Isaac Dovere: “It’s about Republicans ‘who know better in Congress … bending over backwards to shield’ Trump. They’re hypocrites, he said, and they’re just as dangerous to America. At times mocking them and at times laying into them, Obama said they’ve abandoned all that they’re supposed to stand for as Republicans, and as citizens of this country.”
He then headed west to California, hosting a rally Saturday for seven Democrats seeking to win seats currently held by the GOP. “I gave a long speech yesterday,” Obama said Saturday. “Today is a different role. Today, really what I want to do is highlight the extraordinary collection of candidates who have decided to step up.” But as POLITICO’s David Siders noted, Republicans saw some upsides in 44’s Golden State swing: “Although Hillary Clinton carried the districts of all seven candidates featured at the rally during her 2016 presidential bid, Obama lost five of them in 2012, carrying only the two competitive districts in California’s Central Valley. Obama lost California’s Orange County twice. Of his return appearance, said Rob Pyers of the California Target Book, which handicaps races in California, ‘I’m not sure it’s helpful.’ ‘It seems like a gift’ to the National Republican Congressional Committee, he said.”
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The reaction from Trumpworld has been muted, at least by the standards of this White House. Vice President Mike Pence pooh-poohed Obama’s appearances: “It was very disappointing to see President Obama break with the tradition of former presidents and become so political and roll out the same tired arguments that he and liberals have made over the last eight years,” he said on “Fox News Sunday,” despite working in an administration that sometimes revels in breaking tradition. Trump himself has largely held his fire. During a campaign stop in North Dakota on Friday, the president said that he “fell asleep” during his predecessor’s speech. Trump himself best summed up what Republicans are feeling about Obama’s return to the national stage: “If that doesn’t get you out to vote for the midterms, nothing will.”
Good Monday morning. A big congrats to everyone’s favorite Senate reporter James Arkin, who got married over this weekend. In lieu of wedding gifts, send him your best scoops once he returns later this week. As always email me at [email protected] or DM me at @ZachMontellaro.
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Days until the 2018 election: 57.
Upcoming election dates — Sept. 11: New Hampshire primaries. — Sept. 12: Rhode Island primaries. — Sept. 13: New York (state-level) primaries.
BIG MONEY — The Koch network is adding another arm to its constellation of conservative groups. Campaign Pro’s Maggie Severns: “The new super PAC, AFP Action, will give the Koch network’s largest arm — Americans for Prosperity — significantly more leeway to push lawmakers directly on political issues, adding another tool to AFP’s arsenal at a moment when the Koch network is trying to assert its power in Washington. … The new super PAC has been under discussion for some time and does not affect the Koch network’s already-set plans to spend $400 million on politics and policy this election cycle, spokesman Bill Riggs said.”
NO DETENTE — The DCCC has pledged to not used hacked materials in campaigning. But the NRCC? Not so much. The Atlantic’s Natasha Bertrand: “Their Republican counterparts declined to match that commitment, pulling out of the pledge negotiations just days before the oath was finalized and shifting the blame to the Democrats—and to the press. ‘I will say we were close’ to reaching an agreement, said a [NRCC] official familiar with the talks, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters about internal discussions. But ‘one of the major sticking points’ was how to address the press coverage of hacked materials, the official added.”
PRIMARY PREVIEW — With just a couple of primary days left, New Hampshire’s 1st District remains one of the last undecided battleground districts. Campaign Pro’s Elena Schneider previews Tuesday’s Democratic primary: “Democrat Maura Sullivan entered the race for New Hampshire’s battleground House seat as the archetypal candidate of 2018 — but with one nagging problem: She moved to the district in June 2017. … [Democrat Chris] Pappas is, unsurprisingly, emphasizing his local roots and endorsements, including Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan and former Gov. John Lynch. In June, Pappas pledged to raise the majority of his money from inside the state, a move contrasting with Sullivan’s mostly non-New Hampshire fundraising.”
TRUMP ON THE TRAIL — Trump is heading to Mississippi for a rally promoting GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith on Friday, the Mississippi Clarion Ledger’s Geoff Pender reported. Hyde-Smith is facing former Democratic Rep. Mike Espy and Republican Chris McDaniel in the November special election.
PANIC BUTTON — Republicans are issuing an all-hands-on-deck call in a bid to shore up Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) reelection fight against Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke. POLITICO’s Alex Isenstadt: “With a string of polls showing GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s lead slipping, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick showed up in Washington on July 25 to deliver an urgent plea to White House officials: Send President Donald Trump. … The lieutenant governor soon got his wish: Trump announced on Twitter late last month that he was planning a blowout October rally for Cruz, his former GOP rival. …
“Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who’s planning an October fundraiser for Cruz at Washington’s Capital Grille restaurant, said he had a simple directive to GOP givers. … The anti-tax Club for Growth, which spent millions on Cruz during his 2012 Senate bid, has started a seven-figure advertising blitz aimed at tearing down the Democratic congressman. … A handful of other well-funded groups are considering joining the effort, including the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity, the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund, the newly formed Senate Reform Fund, and Ending Spending, which in the past has been bankrolled by major GOP financiers including New York City investor Paul Singer.”
THE RARE RED PICKUP? — Republicans are turning to Minnesota for the rare opportunity to play offense in the battle for the House. USA Today’s Nora Hertel and Eliza Collins: “Republicans are working hard to grab Minnesota’s Congressional Districts 1 and 8. President Donald Trump captured both of the mostly white, rural districts in 2016 – District 1 by 15 percentage points and District 8 by 16. Then Republicans got lucky when both Democratic incumbents decided not to run. … National Republicans have deployed their best surrogate – the president – to fire up the base in District 8, while outside groups are pouring money into the state.”
LOOKS FAMILIAR — In a Congressional Leadership Fund ad in Kansas’ 3rd District, a mother said she is fearful of policies promoted by Democrat Sharice Davids. But left out of the ad is the fact that she is a state GOP official. McClatchy’s Bryan Lowry: “What [Alana] Roethle does not say in the ad is that she is secretary of the Kansas Republican Party and a member of the Kansas Lottery Commission, who was appointed to her seat by then-Gov. Sam Brownback in 2015.”
ANTI-VAX GONE MAINSTREAM — Kevin Stitt, the Republican gubernatorial nominee in Oklahoma, expressed skepticism of vaccines. The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein: “Stitt said he personally did not vaccinate some his own kids and opposed legislation that would require vaccinations for children if they wanted to attend public schools. ‘I believe in choice,’ Stitt said … [A spokeswoman] said that Stitt did not believe that vaccinations cause harmful medical side effects — an oft-argued and scientifically baseless claim from vaccine skeptics. The ‘root of his decision,’ she said was the desire for parental choice.”
** Presented by AARP: There’s only one true deciding factor in this year’s elections: 50-plus voters. They won’t be ignored and their votes are up for grabs. Medicare, Social Security, support for family caregivers, and prescription drug costs are all on the line—so you can be sure they’ll be voting in record numbers. aarp.org/vote **
POORLY TIMED PROBLEMS — Ahead of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s contested Democratic primary against Cynthia Nixon, he’s dealing with two problems that his opponents say are emblematic of his tenure. The New York Times’ Jesse McKinley, Shane Goldmacher and Tyler Pager: “[A span of a new bridge] never opened as planned on Saturday as engineers invoked a ‘potentially dangerous situation’. … What had seemed a perfectly orchestrated ribbon-cutting, just days before Thursday’s primary, quickly morphed into a cudgel for the governor’s opponents, who accused him of putting politics above public safety and called for a federal investigation. Then, a second problem erupted for Mr. Cuomo on Saturday, when a flier landed in mailboxes of Jewish New Yorkers: a political mailer, paid for by the State Democratic Party that Mr. Cuomo funds, tying together a photograph of his opponent, Cynthia Nixon, and the loaded words ‘anti-Semitism.’ The flier drew swift rebukes from fellow Democrats as Mr. Cuomo distanced himself from its content.”
UNDER WRAPS — The RNC asked a judge to keep a plan for a potential 2020 recount secret. POLITICO’s Josh Gerstein: “The document was turned over to the Democratic National Committee as part of long-running litigation over the GOP’s alleged use of so-called “ballot security” measures to discourage minority voting. A transcript of a phone conference held in the case last year indicates the memo involves designation of particular counties as ‘high risk’ or ‘medium risk’ during a potential recount. Democratic Party lawyers said the selection of those counties raised the specter of the race-focused efforts the RNC agreed to abandon more than three decades ago.”
WALKER ON THE ROPES? — After several attempts, Democrats are convinced that this is the year they finally knock off GOP Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin. POLITICO’s Natasha Korecki: “The signs that Walker is ripe to be taken down are everywhere. His opponent, Schools Superintendent Tony Evers, has a slight lead in recent polls and there’s evidence that critical suburban voters are shifting leftward. … Just as important, Democrats are running a populist candidate they believe is made for the moment — Evers, who built momentum from decisively winning a crowded primary and went on to raise $1 million in his first week as the nominee. … The governor’s real soft spot in his bid for a third term, however, might be his 2016 run for president. …
“Walker’s durability and resilience — he’s been running and winning tough elections since his early 20s — inspires confidence among Republicans. He’s the last man standing among a Wisconsin GOP triumvirate who ascended to national prominence in the Obama era only to see their fortunes sputter during the Trump presidency.”
2020 WATCH — Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has taken two moves that signal he’s eying a presidential bid: He’ll headline the Iowa state party’s fall gala and has dispatched staffers to help Democratic candidates in the state, via The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs.
CODA — FACT OF THE DAY: 100 women could be elected to the House for the first time ever this cycle, with projected GOP losses being more than offset by projected Democratic gains, via Dave Wasserman.
** Presented by AARP: Americans 50 and over are the nation’s most powerful voting bloc. In fact, more than 60 million of them voted in 2016—and this year, they’re more motivated than ever to making sure that their voices are heard in Washington. They’re frustrated with broken government. And they’re fed up with politicians who’d rather get into fights than get results. The issues they care about most including Medicare, Social Security, support for family caregivers and prescription drug costs, are all on the line. America’s 50-plus voters have put the candidates on notice. Anyone who ignores them will feel it on Election Day. aarp.org/vote **
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The 15 Coolest Black Comic Book Characters
Melissa McBride has transformed the role of Carol from the comics. As a substitute, she begins relationships with Morgan and King Ezekiel within the books. While Rick and Michonne began a relationship on the show , that is not the case in the comics; the two are simply good friends. Michonne within the comics vs. the show. Others, like Carol, are completely totally different from their comic-book counterparts. " The Walking Useless " relies off of the popular comic sequence of the same title from Robert Kirkman. Tober has additionally self-printed two children's picture books. And like The Neo, X-Men writers dumped the character, so we by no means noticed his grand reveal. Throughout the 1990s, one of the most powerful X-Men foes was the omniscient mutant Gamesmaster, whose origins had been unknown and powers appeared countless. Provided that Paul Stanley has moonlighted as a Marvel character , I wish they used him as an alternative. When the X-Males had been at the nadir of their popularity (before the movie, after the early Nineties hologram cowl boom), they battled a shadowy, mutant-like species known as the Neo. And like most characters who resembles Poochie from The Simpsons, absolutely no person mentions him now. Who: The most Nineteen Nineties X-Males character ever. Drake came out as homosexual in Extaordinary X-Men #6, and received a solo series in August 2017. AMERICA #1: Miss America Chavez is the queer Latina hero we needed and, final year, she got her own comic book, simply known as America. He married his husband Kyle Jinadu on this issue in June 2012, the primary identical-intercourse marriage proven in mainstream comics. He worked with England's Excalibur workforce earlier than main X-Power for a time, and then returning to Excalibur and also main MI:13. He was part of Peter Wisdom's black-ops strike power iteration of X-Pressure, simply before Zeitgeist's group took over. The young X-Men member is trying just a little more mature along with her new hairstyle, and it seems like the friendship between her and Deadpool is as heat and dynamic than ever (sarcasm). In Black Panther, he is less corny and more critical — and, most importantly (minor spoiler), he's but "another damaged white boy" for Shuri to fix. Within the MCU, Ross is a supporting character who initially popped up in Civil Struggle. In Most Popular Comic Book Characters , Klaw was a Dutch physicist who attacked Wakanda for its Vibranium resources. Though he would not go by Man-Ape in Coogler's film (thank the Panther God), M'Baku does put on a white gorilla masks while in battle — symbolic of his tribe's deity, the Gorilla God. In the comics, Ramonda, referred to as the Queen Mother, was T'Chaka's third wife and a surrogate mom to T'Challa. The movie faucets into W'Kabi's warrior roots. Chief of Wakandan security, W'Kabi served as T'Challa's loyal second-in-command till his loss of life in Hudlin's Black Panther Vol 5 #5 in 2009. First look: Black Panther Vol four #2 (2005) However the Nakia we meet in the MCU is a far cry from the jealous younger lady in the comics. First appearance: Black Panther Vol three #1 (1998) In the comics, Erik Killmonger, born N'Jadaka, and his household were exiled from Wakanda following his father's betrayal. In Black Panther, he is nonetheless acclimating to the function of king, however his obligation to Wakanda is still paramount. As such, he was a bit of a loner, however he did spend some time with those Avengers. Even in print you could find many fantastic series primarily based on the Book of Mormon, Church history, or LDS life. On this planet of on-line comics, LDS themes are gaining traction with 30+ artists dedicating their work to demonstrating humorous points of Mormon tradition. And Brian Crane recurrently attracts photos of temples or the Ensign in his award-winning, syndicated comic strip, Pickles. Church member Floyd Gottfredson drew the Mickey Mouse comic strip for forty five years, turning this iconic mouse from a mischief-maker into a heroic character who represented good values. Mormons have additionally helped shape the world of comic strips and on-line comics. And whereas we are at it, Godzilla and the Italian comic protagonist Martin Mystère, who stars in a popular U.S. cartoon series, deserve honorable mentions. Whereas the crew's creators will not be LDS, there is not any doubt that LDS delusion and tradition power this collection.
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marthawkg6152-blog · 7 years ago
Rita Dove's My Mom Gets into The Work Force".
My household and also I commemorate Mama's Time in a famous restaurant dealt with through our papa annually. An appointing mommy is defined as biological mom which utilizes her egg to generate an embryo dental implanted in any other woman" (the woman which gives birth to the child is actually called hold or surrogate mother). The relationship a youngster possesses with its own mother is generally the best important relationship. Encountering the death sentence if sentenced, this The golden state mom is actually indicted of stabbing to death her 3-year outdated identical twin daughters Lily and also Tori. Throughout the thirty-six years prior to the Scripture of Mark shows up, the four evangelists got info regarding Mary the Mama from Jesus from the earliest oral interactions concerning her among the earliest Christians. Furthermore, Paul never made use of the word mother" in his works to describe Jesus' mother. Mom's Day has actually come around once more, and also the question emerges from what you need to receive your mommy. The White Swan was actually a person she must come to be to simply her mommy and to survive and also the Black Swan was a response to being oppressed through her mother. Some mothers will consider the old method from neglecting where they put something. A concealed label from a 13-year outdated boy raped his next-door neighbor Anna"Anya" that was actually years of ages after that. This is an old claiming, however a real expression: One mommy can easily look after 10 youngsters.
Now she is to get married to fellow inmate Robbie Layne, which eliminated his very own mother by gouging out her eyes. For some reason, when a child wears a pureness band and takes that guarantee, as opposed to people observing it as portion of his relationship with God, they presume it points out extra about his partnership to his mama. A lactating mama must eat along with greater fats too, as post-delivery she requires at least FIVE HUNDRED fats greater than the typical times on on a daily basis. Yet another infant shower present suggestion is actually something to help the new mom organize each one of infant's bonus. Pleased you liked this rhyme discovered because old territorial penitentiary in Yuma, Arizona. When a mommy is actually fighting for her kids she may find that she is going to perform whatever it requires to obtain her method. My mama enjoyed me, however she did not know effective ways to engage along with teenagers, or frequently, younger children. The kid is actually unaware that he has been actually setup for a difficult task that he will fall short at. That is excessive for a little bit of child to accomplish the mental requirements from his mommy. He stated the guy refuted knowing that his mother had alzheimer's disease, even though he participated in a conference along with doctors and social laborers on February 9, 2015 to explain her sickness. Despite that imperfections, the film's horrors plays off everything from the hoggish mobs of celeb lifestyle to exactly what it's like to become a mom (complete with the planet's most odd vociferation factor). My mama in law took the campaign and also confident my fit4you-2017.de parents to appreciate our first Xmas in my husband's property alongside all my in laws. But, the saddest point was that my mommy felt that manners and elegance was the only means to possess a vocal or even prosper. I began a collection that featured brass sales register, metal land surveyor's equipment, old English brass tools, telescopes, military and sea metal and of course watch, vintage timepiece establishments, fobs as well as Victorian jewelry.
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