#pathwork au
justydrawz · 2 months
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LOOK AT MY BABY BOIIII ‼️‼️‼️ I'm so excited to work on pw guys I'm not even joking/vpos
[More yapping + alt versions under the cut]
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WHEN I TELL U THIS GOOBER SITS IN MY BRAIN AT ALL TIMES ‼️‼️ gagagagagagaga j want to strangle him 😔‼️ anyways, I'm trying to figure out what would be the best most impactful way to present PW rn I want it too look cool and stuff yk? buTtt ive never made a webcomic before ‼️ or really any good comics in general, so I've been researching >:]
I dunno if I want to try to like, make my own website for it, or just use webtoon.. - I don't really like the formatting for webtoon since I can't really print it ]: and I like printing my pages, but it does seem like it would be cool [and I bit easier to pull off] than the normal compact comic style, if that makes sense. Also I don't feel like making a website for a silly fnaf comic 😭
My friends keep trying to rizz this poor single father of 2 kids up and I genuinely don't know what to say 😔 it makes me giggle every time tho‼️ ALSO I MADE HIS OVERBITE ON ACCIDENT BUT THEN I KEPT IT WHEN I FIRST MADE IT AND NOW I'M SO IN LOVE AGGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA THE ONE BIG TOOTH 😭😭😭 he is just a silly boy, also the flats is the closet thing u will get too a official ref for him ‼️
Pw Moon, Pw Liam, And Pw Eclipse are the trios of all trios I love them all sm‼️ I really want to redesign Lunar again, but idk how to redesign him properly? Like he has a reason he exist yk and like I feel like he's too beefy now, but also his old old design was to twinkish. Sun and Moons designs are set in stone tho and I love them, along with Eclipse, Liam I'm not too sure about tho.- I like his overall design but I might simplify it like I did with Eclipse 🌱!
That's all my yapping for now ‼️ have a good one!!!
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 7 months
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PW Sundrop we love
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Another DM oriented question.
So I’m continuing the path of, once I answer DMs, posting the results of the question for the room. I will continue to maintain askers as anonymous unless they choose to “DAT ME” again, like the last one, but sometimes these questions help other people have things “click.”
Here was the central question:
So about that, I saw you saying more than once that your DMs are open for people with questions, and I actually have one about a thing you wrote a few days ago. You were answering an anon who was comparing the "TFW splitting" ending to that of Fast & Furious 7, and a couple times you mentioned the philosopher's stones in relation to some of the characters getting them. I have absolutely no recollection of the philosopher's stones ever appearing in SPN, and I don't think I've ever read one of your previous posts where you talked about them in connection to the series. I tried googling it but came up short, probably because I'm very new to these things and didn't really know what to search for (mostly just found a bunch of Hogwarts!AU fics lol). So, am I missing something here? Could you please point me to some sources of information, maybe one/some of your older posts I might have missed? Thank you so much in advance! ^^
Okay so, if you track through my #pagan life tag, I've been breaking down the esoteric symbolism through the season; some of it is very overt--like using the Occultum verse from the Art arcana in the Thoth deck -- "loosely translated" as Castiel put it, in a way that removes a number of asterisks; others are somewhat more obscure, such as the putrefaction of the leviathan in purgatory (reduction, The Blackening, parallel to the shadow) that leaves room for growth into new (The Whitening, represented variably by the blossom or the moon). Some of these pathworks are told in quite literal forms, such as in my 15.11 post I had been talking about the next step being the moon leading us to the inner sanctuary of the soul and the sun -- and the son as Jack -- and a direct ray of light from the so/un being what saves the heart of the family, for example -- all of which became very visible in 15.13.
We even have Rubedo, the final stage and process before gold, in Rowena who threw herself into the red to take what she wants, and was reborn in red, telling them to fix it and claim what they desire.
(here’s that damn chart again, but I need you to look at this and recognize these are literally the process to making ones’ own gold, even if Chuck keeps beating on them that nothing gold can stay:)
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FUCKIN FAMILIAR? RINGING SOME BELLS? I mean hell if the Shadow and Blossom or whatever else don’t do it, I point to Rubedo and remind you that Rowena was literally unbirthing hell while throwing herself into it to take what she wanted.
This may be a roundabout way to begin answering, but absolutely crucial, as understanding these formative steps--Amara in Citrinitas, the Yellowing, the often lost and forgotten step leaving in identical frame to castiel walking out and taking the warm family light from the bunker with him -- on the processes the characters have been waxing and waning through. These processes are what make the philosopher's stone. Does other media cover it, yes. But honestly I feel SPN is doing it the most justice.
While some alchemists sought literal gold (as above, so below, if you can do it in involution you can do it externally too if you learn how to exert the right parts--see: the large hadron collider turning lead into gold before), the general essence of it is the growth from the Shadow (*hits the bell gong noise*) into the purest and independent self, but how even as the independent self, that self interacts with others to form their truest and greatest selves (such as the path of the Empress I speak of with Cas, she who carries the blossom, who feeds young from her own heart, who looks to the moon as a reflection of the sun that her emperor also represents even if in truth they birth the new aeon of Horus together).
The nativeness of gnosticism to SPN modernly is similar to christianity in S4-5, they are fundamental truths driving the show, but this involution of the characters is actually the true driving plot rather than an external revelations plot that the characters navigate through for their growth. Be that things as blunt as the occultum verse or the good ol "What Jack did wasn't evil, it was the absence of good" with the soul as the One True Good and One True Thing in this entire mindset, with life itself only a commentary on how to expand it, and its true place as god--with the demiurge and logos, or Chuck in our instance, being the often bungling antagonist who fancies himself lord because he made the playbox. Like. All of this.
So these fundamental steps and processes coming in and out across the many posts are actually stages towards the philosopher's stone or gold. These come in several forms: such as the cancelled union of 15.09 that Sam failed to carry out, or later the Occultum itself in 15.13. Both of these passed from our Emperor, to Empress, and then to the Aeonchild -- first Sam, then Jack, essentially united in this position together. The "Promethean Era", as Chuck even called it, prefaces the age of Horus, but it fundamentally aligns them one after the other. In this, Jack is our Young Horus, our sun, and the son.
There is a reason my meta is soul-centric. That is to say, since I keep drawing the connection of the soul and the sun (as gnostic stuff does unto itself), think of it as reminding people: The world revolves around the sun, the sun does not revolve around the earth. This also was once a hard mindset for people to grok, but if you take the fundamental reminder that he who has the most souls is god, collect the many things from my soul and heaven metas, and come to realize: Chuck's world actually orbits around the soul, not the other way around. In its fundamental structure, his world is nothing without souls. And I point to the many times I’ve pointed out the occultum meaning, with the earth being symbolic of both the physical world and the body--the body is just a vessel orbiting around the soul, but so too is the world.
But specifically in regards to the philosopher's stone question, the two instances visible are in 15.09 and 15.13, though I suspect we will have one further one. Also along the way I've banged on about the foreshadowing of our fusion of the elixer, which the Art Arcana itself that 15.13 quoted for the occultum itself represents--soul and grace if you will, or some representative mixture (heart of a man, blood of an angel, etc) -- these are our two halves for the union, called the union by which life exists, which also can be seen by the framing IN 15.13 of how Dean and Castiel stand in the shadow of Joseph and Mary as they pass the stone, where Jack is essentially immaculately reconceived.
The true verse of the Occultum is "Visit the interior parts of the earth, so as to find the hidden stone." But this needs a bunch of asterisks on it, because "earth" is symbolic of the body (again, as above so below) and the hidden stone is, essentially, the perfected soul. However, "hidden" in the latin verse is where the very name Occultum comes from, so Castiel's "Loosely translated, in order to be the occultum, the occultum must be in you," was a very succinct synopsis of this without having to take two minutes in asides explaining advanced gnostic thought on screen. But it was quite literally a passing of the philosopher's stone, the second in the season, and final attainment waits for us closer to the end with a truly perfected formula.
Hope that helps.
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jaode · 5 years
Day 1
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My work this month is a demonolatry pathworking for the kitch witch. 30 days of communion with food and meditation.
The focus is on my writing in order to move forward in my occult goals. The hopes of developing a tarot perspective of communion with the divine.
My first day is dedicated to Duke Bune, the 26th Spirit.
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My dish prepared was my version of Au Gratin Zucchini. Garlic and ginger with medium cheddar and topped with diced tomatoes. My focus is on dishes that are healthy and affordable yet simple to prepare. The focus should be on the communion and not the appetites of the humans involved. This can be accomplished alone or with a small group. I find a small dining party best in order to keep the dishes easier to prepare and the focus on the spirit.
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alienpornunlimited · 7 years
When your friend is like “Hey let me tell you about my extensive Woody/Buzz Lightyear AU that’s got all these space opera/Firefly/Star Trek vibes” and you’re like “I can’t believe I have to find a way to put a hit out on you for making me really emotional and invested in finding ways for a cowboy and a spaceman to fuck.”
Thank you for being that friend.
Listen it’s Woody/Buzz and Woody is a Sheriff on a small dusty colony world on the outskirts of Star Command space and Buzz is a stranded space marine tbh and he jacks off thinking about dusty gritty cowboys A’IGHT LETS DO THIS.
The dust got everywhere. Into his armor, past the seals of his ship's interior, through windows and doorways in every building in town- it was ever-present and Buzz found himself falling into a routine with it.
Namely, wasting time washing it off more than was strictly necessary.
The ship automatically took in water from the occasional rain, from the atmosphere, so there was no shortage of that at least, and what it took in was purified and re-used and sterilized over and over. At the very least he didn't have to feel guilty about wasting water, running it hot and wincing as he stepped under the spray, skin prickling like it always did outside of his armor. Plenty of time to stand and let the dust get washed off him, turning the white tile under his feet briefly red-brown before it swirled away into the drain to be cleaned and put back into the pumping system.
Watching the dust go felt good. It felt clean, getting the lingering itch of it out of his system for at least a little while longer.
Less good was the ache of his erection, freed from the armor and stiffly waiting for attention. No amount of scowling down at his own body could make that go away, settling to lean his forehead against the wall of the shower so the spray hit his back, tingling where it trickled down over connection points of exposed metal, swallowing hard.
/Woodrow./ There wasn't any sense in trying to deny the thought- he'd spent enough time trying to force another into the nebulous fantasy of touching himself to know it was hopeless. He'd tried thinking of Warp, of shapely Tangean women, but no use. It always came back to the /Sheriff/ and he let it, taking a long breath before dragging his thumb along his cock, a shudder running up his spine.
How would it feel, to touch Woodrow? He looked...rough, harsh. Prickly stubble and scars that had healed into pathwork lines. He had leaner hands, strong and fast and calloused- just as rough as the rest of him- mm, best not to think of that, his own grip soft as he stroked himself in a steady, slowly rhythm, unhurried and vision unfocused.
There was a feral air around him, intensity that bordered on violence, an energy that filled his movements- Buzz had already been on the receiving end of it's more threatening nature, and while his initial summation had been that the Sheriff was an annoyance, and then that he was dangerous, now the thought of it was exciting- he bit his lip and thought about wirey muscle. Woodrow was smaller than him. Lighter, certainly. But he'd gotten Buzz off-guard before, he could do it again.
Oh! Well, that concept certainly did it for him, squeezing himself firmly with a grunt. There's a fantasy- being knocked back by the grounder, pushed onto that (horrible, lumpy, uncomfortable) mattress in the guest room. Woodrow's jaw, scratchy with stubble against his throat, rough hands against him-
He'd tried his damndest to look unimpressed when the sheriff was riding one of the creatures across this planet. Be it his own mount Bullseye, or something half-wild dragged in at the end of a tether, but there'd been...something there. Something about the motions of the Sheriff's body while on something moving.
The way he held on with his thighs, legs shifting, the curve of his torso as he moved and adjusted to keep balance. He'd wanted a closer look.
His imagination obliged. Hard, lean muscle flexing, a tanned torso with prominent lines where his collar rested, where his sleeves ended. His hips jerked forwards against his hand as he thought of pushing up, against Woodrow, watching him shift like that on him to stay steady. He had no idea of what the Sheriff liked, but...he could imagine just about any scenario.
He wasn't sure what else to imagine, how to sculpt his mental image of the rest of the Sheriff. Just absent musings, wondering how he might look- a nice cock jutting from brown curls- part of him wondered how it'd feel to stroke fingers through the soft curls of pubic hair, wondered if his thighs would also be rough to the touch, lightly furred like his arms. Not that it mattered, really, his imagination kept coming back to Woodrow's face, his amber eyes with the predatory glint. A glimpse of teeth behind lips- crooked and handsome.
Buzz had never considered that humans didn't always look like they did on Star Command. Humans on stations were...well-taken care of. Smooth-skinned and bright eyed, with perfect teeth and a healthy glow to them. Woodrow looked like something out of a history book, from a more savage time.
He hissed through his teeth as he pumped himself harder, feeling the warning coil of pressure in his belly, the tightness in his balls.
In the fantasy, Woodrow was over him, moving with lean grace and harshness, and he drawled and cussed (such a foul mouth!) and bit out 'Spaceman-' and 'Ranger-' and /Harder!/ Then leaning to kiss him rough hands against his body, splayed out against his chest and the taste- he could imagine it. Bitter and tainted with tobacco, with smoke and the salty, meaty tinge everything in the kitchen seemed to pick up-
"Woody-" Buzz choked out as he came, eyes squeezed shut and pressing his weight against the wall, a sudden wave of relaxed fatigue sweeping over him as his seed spilled over his hand and against the shower tile, riding out the waves of pleasant release until he was aware of the water against him cooling, ship's heater exhausted, and the warm afterglow of a fantasy replaced by the quiet shame of salacious imagination.
And then it was time to be done. Time to dry off with the air-jets and slide back into his armor and go back into the dust, until it covered and clogged and filled every seam of his armor again, and he'd repeat the process.
He knew he was in big trouble when he found himself looking forwards to it.
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justydrawz · 2 months
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HE'S BALD ‼️‼️ {he's sad ]: } ANYWAYS I'M ACTUALLY FR WORKING ON THE COMIC buttt I'm like a bit lazzzzyyyy BUT I AM I SWEAR I AM WORKING ON IT <3 Ima explain a few things under the cut
1. Pw chapters will be posted probably every 2-3 weeks
2. For asks involving the characters, the characters knowledge follows the chapters they are in so for example, if I just released chapters 68 and they make a pie, you would be able to ask about the pie ‼️
3. PW is NOT really targeting towards a younger audience and gets dark EXTREMELY QUICKLY I'm not really afraid to touch on sensitive topics
4. SOBS IN I'M SORRY IF THE ART STYLE OF PW IS NOT CONSISTENT ‼️‼️ I try to make it consistent I really do 😔 but yk yk I'm a newbir artist
5. I DUNNO WHERE IMA POST IT YET! most likely on webtoon‼️‼️
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justydrawz · 4 months
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I can ramble about this man for days, this was after his husband died and before he got Moon and Liam {PW is not made for people who aren't comfy with sensitive topics 💚}
Sigh when his husband died ( ]: ) he was blamed for it by a group of uneducated losers, and they raided the poor goobers house and destroyed pretty much everything he had, the police were there the entire time but only pulled the mob away when they started hitting Eclipse.
Eclipse attempted to sue, but the court never let him in and shut the case down before he could get more than 2 words out [L government]
The thing about PW is I really want to explore the topic of race and species equality and Eclipse definitely is a big character that I used to set some stuff in perspective. I really want to brush up on topics that are darker since it's kinda my thing lol
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justydrawz · 4 months
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Whoa PW comic?? /silly
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 7 months
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Eclipse is a bit delusional- He makes stories in his head then believes they are real
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 7 months
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Past Moon ^^ he was such a hard worker
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 6 months
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MORE PW MOON!!! BTW I am working in the comic now >:] (I'm so excited to write angst omg)
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 7 months
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Patchwork coming back 💪💪💪
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 9 months
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 5 months
The path work blog if officially closing
Why? Algorithm + motivation, the algorithm is not really in favor of the patchwork blog as much as it to my main, and I can just share it to you guys there and also I have no real motivation or reason to keep PW and my main separate anymore ^^
Pw is not being cancelled just moved too @justydrawz
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justydrawz · 3 months
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PW DOODLES 😘/silly
Lunar gets a good ol redesign and Sun gets his soon
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pathworked-fnaf-au · 7 months
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Lunar remake >:]
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