#patent attorney in South
motaafricaa · 2 years
Three Things to Consider Before Hiring Professional Intellectual Property Lawyers
From personal to intellectual property disputes, professional attorneys can always help you in any situation. But, when it comes to legal disputes for intellectual property, you must look for the best intellectual property lawyers in South Africa. Professional intellectual lawyers can simplify complex legal procedures for you. They can provide you with the best legal advice and services. Moreover, they are masters of their art, so they can guide you with the legal procedures, which can take a long time without their help. Professional intellectual property lawyers are the wise hire for expert services in legal procedures. But before you hire an experienced intellectual property lawyer, here are some things you must consider.
1. Find the Experienced Professionals
When it comes to intellectual property cases, lawyers with experience handling such cases should be your first choice. There’s no harm in hiring first-timers for intellectual property cases, but the more experience they have, the more they can help you. Moreover, these processes are extensive and require a lot of research and time. If you hire experienced intellectual property attorneys, you are assured favourable results.
2. Ensure They Are Easily Accessible
You can find many lawyers specialising in intellectual property law, but if you are looking for the best lawyers who can be accessible anytime, you must search near you. The less the proximity, the more accessibility to your lawyer. If you hire a lawyer that is difficult to reach, it can be a problem moving forward. Therefore, when hiring a patent attorney in South Africa, you should give importance to the reachability factor.
3. Make Sure They Are Affordable
The legal processes are time-consuming and can be expensive if you haven’t set a budget for it yet. Before hiring an intellectual property lawyer, always look into the cost first. You can also compare the prices of different commercial law firms in South Africa to find professional lawyers. Professional intellectual property attorneys can help handle cases well, but they can be expensive. Therefore, it is important to always know about the cost beforehand.
Professional intellectual attorneys can help provide the best services on time and within budget. They are qualified experts who can handle any case of intellectual property. You can get the best advice from professional experts, and you can also get the best consultation advice from these experts.
Visit https://mota.africa/ to know more about it.
Original Source: https://bityl.co/GJww
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maggiec70 · 10 months
what did Louise Lannes do then for you to have such a low opinion of her?
Why I Dislike/Disapprove of/Loathe/Condemn The Lovely Louise
!800 – 1809: Greed, Pettiness, and Bargain-Basement Bourgeois Mentality
She had the intellectual curiosity of a housefly and the education of the lowest of the bourgeoisie. Not surprising since her mother home-schooled her in the basics, and she had one year only with Madame Campan.
She was greedy and overly fond of collecting trinkets, ornaments, and similar items of no particular quality or style. She demanded, with some degree of shrill relentlessness, plenty of money to pay for all her crap.
She was often unrelenting in her demands for all sorts of things: that her brother be promoted to Lannes’ premier aide-de-camp; that her brother-in-law be promoted to head of V Corps’ engineers; that her father be given a higher-paying, more prestigious position in the imperial bureaucracy. She managed to give blatant nepotism a bad name.
She refused to be social. Ever. She hated the Imperial Court functions and refused to go, using the kinds as an excuse. She didn’t want Lannes to go either, and when he went because Napoleon expected him to, she engaged in monumental pouts. The myths that she was always so lovely, graceful, and sweet on these occasions were just that—myths.
She had two close—unhealthily close—friends, the slimy Dr. Corvisart, whom her equally slimy father introduced to Napoleon, and a second-rate perennially off-duty chevalier. No women friends of any rank. Just as well, because according to almost all the extant memoirs, no woman of any rank liked her, apparently able to see through the “I’m so sweet and demur” act.
She never went to Lectoure, Lannes’ hometown, and threw a real bitch fit when he wanted to go or went without her “approval” simply because he wanted to see his father and his siblings, and a lot of friends.
She insisted if they visited anyone, carting the kids with them, it was only and always to see her family. Full stop.
1809-1822: Treachery, Treason, Malfeasance, and Suspicious Death
She had to deal with claims from Lannes’ first wife, the much-maligned Polette Meric, on behalf of her son, Jean-Claude, until Naps ended that by a sharp letter to Cambaceres.
She actually went to the Tuileries to demand that Naps grant—posthumously, of course—the title “Prince of Seviers” so she could be a for-real princess just like Mesdames Massena, Berthier, and so forth and so on. She threw a significant shit-storm when Naps refused, and he reminded her that Lannes never applied for the letters patent because he didn’t care about the title, so she shouldn’t either.
No one—literally, no one other than Naps—thought she was a suitable choice for Marie-Louise. The historical record is replete with examples from the folks surrounding Marie-Louise, who was no winner herself.
She and her partner in crime, Dr. Corvisart, worked to insinuate themselves into M-L’s life so that when 1814 arrived, they could work to keep her away from Naps.
She made sure, as her letters show, that M-L and Naps II went back to Vienna, accompanied by her soon-to-be lover, Count Neipperg.
She offered her mansion that Lannes had bought and paid for to Wellesley for his headquarters. He refused, graciously, it is said.
Her parents immediately pledged their loyalty to Louis XVIII.
She lawyered up for the next legal battle with Polette, now that Naps was out of the picture.
She went into higher gear after Waterloo, now with nothing to stop her other than Jean-Claude’s attorney, who began to show that her marriage and Lannes’ divorce from Polette were riddled with illegal points.
Jean-Claude died in mysterious circumstances in November 1817. He had never been ill, and died three days after contracting an unknown illness. This has always been suspicious for obvious reasons.
She packed up the kids and went to Lectoure in 1818—she stayed in Auch, however, about 20 miles south—and, in a large PR event, donated Lannes’ house to the town. She never returned nor allowed any of the kids to return.
To be fair, which I always try to do regarding interpreting historical facts and figures, read Regis Bob-Crepy’s bio of Louise. His family married into hers back in the day before she married Lannes, and he is remarkably talented in glorifying his view of Louise. Besides the sheer comedic value for me, the best thing about his book is the letters he uses, which were/are maintained in the family’s hands and never before shared. Of course, we cannot know if others shed a different light on the subject. Given the family’s cavalier and almost criminal way they have treated anything to do with Lannes, his possessions, or his legacy, opting instead for celebrating their ties with the de Broglies and the Berthiers, I can almost guarantee that any shred of anything detrimental about Louise disappeared ages ago.
I have often sneered at the men who wrote biographies and articles about Lannes buying the Louise myth in its totality. But then, the poor dears simply can’t see things that are very clear to us.
Hope this answers your question.
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ennovance · 3 months
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Wow, South Korea! Chevron’ ruling, then patents bonanza (potentially good news for legal industry and litigation finance?)
#AI #patents per 100,000 inhabitants for a selection of notable countries.
#tech #law #lawyer #artificalintelligence #attorney #investor #ennovance
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zooterchet · 4 months
Injustice Society Van Meter (UMass-Amherst)
David Charlebois: Assassinations of major figures supporting Iranian-Mullahs, the Shah of Iran; the pre Civil War movement, militia leaders of the South, however defrauded by Jefferson Davis; not contacted by regiment, to call up, for hostilities against Abraham Lincoln.  All militias, deployed.
Jenna Williamson: Duplication of Sisak death camp, among African migrants, "Jews for Jesus", new Beta-Israeli movement; patronage of Ethiopians, in killing the retarded, those Germans of improper fate or faith to attend school bus, wishing special privilege instead.  Call contact, Army POW, test training, for American forces.
Allison Haimes: Training as defense counsel, for international military tribunals of enemies of United States; use of "Dragonball Z" cartoon animated feature, to place foreign defense counsels to test, as CIA, not MI-6, after having analyzed cartoon produced at own hand, while in North Korea.  On loan, from Bill Clinton, after having sexual fantasies about "female vulcans", of Star Trek fame.
Andrew Brooks: Defense attorney, federal narcotics Canada, and FBI agent, specialist in premitigation of male serial killers, at hands of female debutantes, those arranged in marriage in violation of Appomatox codes of marital bliss.  Having analyzed Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis is determined to be shamed by Papal Nuncio, at being offered Jesus's throne crown, as well as Bible and memoirs, to prove as failed business offer; Jesus Christ, wine debts of police industry per sportsmanship.
Calvin Williams: Cook and special police clerk liaison, UMass-Amherst confidential informant commander, Central Intelligence Agency; placement of communications program, as management of floor, for mass downsizings and firings, having floor committed ear worm advertising haze of American, NATO, or Israeli forces.  The common lessons, submitted per plot of act, to Massachusetts schools, to fire teachers in coercion with "Swift Nick" protocol, common refusal of students their own success, at having been too poor to afford a car or motorcycle.
Matthew Lennox: Hopkinton Sheriffs envoy, to Germany and Harmony Korine, through Werner Herzhog and lover "Ellen Page", Elliott Ledger; the shutdown, of abusive fathers, having struck their children upside back of head, or encouraged child to do so for another, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"; lesbian identity, for daughters or gay men struck, and if refusing, thrown from abates, having used sensei training strategy "between french and koreans", actually Arabs and Asians of Chinese Triads, to refuse Tong; the abuse of Asian women via labor, the Tong, for the shutdown of independent black music, at the hands of Jewish converts.
Kevin Conroy: The claiming of own father, of Batman: The Animated Series, per art stifles and scruples, on the print of DC Comics CIA; the defrauding of the De Salvo family, those serving Army interests of reforming Jewish Holocaust survivors, and German Totenkopf thereof during World War 2, the shutdown of the "Crime Syndicate of America"; blocked by American soldiers desiring a fat, ugly, pork skin rhino wife for American soldiers, so the tradition of the death camps wouldn't spread, and Islam would spread instead.  Islam, being the German Holocaust, and for 12 centuries prior, every slaughter of police indemnified on slave conscript draft, by insurance brokers, homosexual men.
Nicholas Maynard: Renaming of patents, to suppress Kurdish identity, for betrayal of Saddam Hussein and desire of own regime in Turkey; the pressure, against those incompatible with Islam, homosexual identities as established under Muhammad for Marine Corps and molestation of little girls, from boys purchased and sold through youth adventuring clubs, for gender queer children, to operate as banker's finance; Arab mercantile clans.  The end to freedom of internet rights, under Israeli Ayatollah orders, the merger between the Jewish post-War Holocaust Nazi identity, and the Iranian Jewish pre-Phillistine identity, out of Benjamin Netanyahu, a terrorist responsible for 9/11 through French External Security; the Bin Ladens, the blood of Mahatma Ghandi.
Ryan Lewis: The print of "Thrift Shop", off of bassline played by Dave Charlebois, applied to trumpets and endorsing Barack Obama, through "economies of scale"; jazz music and failure of accounting records, to support Obama Care, the Afffordable Care Act, and the failure of farms and numbers overseas, to finally defeated the United States on behalf of Canada; Canada desiring the molestation of children, by teachers unions, the British method, an end to the United Nations sought; the exploitation of British schools, Russian labor, and Chinese pharmaceuticals, all of which used as slavery on local populace; a return to slave numbers of poor, per Canadian socialized medicine, the pointless return to space of childhood, to be fed vegetables and soy, not meat and beer.
Greg Connolly: The refusal of incense, marijuana, tobacco, charcoal, and pork, instead eating Chinese cuisine made from cats instead of pigs; the "Truth Orange" movement, enslaving common culture against the lessons of 9/11, that the world is filled with ignorant people, and for America to survive without terror attacks, America will have to be ignorant too; following public lies, and private policy contradicting, of Ronald Reagan, the slaughter and genocide of African-Americans for siding with Baptists, the Catholic Church of the greater South; having refused children per molestation by Iranian-Jews, the Rabbis, and having sought a brighter future for children, refused by gay men, those stroking beards to point out power at having removed the testicles of an African, Asian, or Mestizo child, all three the work force of America.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 3.22 (after 1950)
1955 – A United States Navy Douglas R6D-1 Liftmaster crashes into Hawaii's Waiʻanae Range, killing 66. 1960 – Arthur Leonard Schawlow and Charles Hard Townes receive the first patent for a laser. 1963 – The Beatles release their debut album Please Please Me. 1970 – Chicano residents in San Diego, California occupy a site under the Coronado Bridge, leading to the creation of Chicano Park. 1972 – The United States Congress sends the Equal Rights Amendment to the states for ratification. 1972 – In Eisenstadt v. Baird, the United States Supreme Court decides that unmarried persons have the right to possess contraceptives. 1975 – A fire at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant in Decatur, Alabama, causes a dangerous reduction in cooling water levels. 1978 – Karl Wallenda of The Flying Wallendas dies after falling off a tight-rope suspended between two hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1982 – NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia is launched from the Kennedy Space Center on its third mission, STS-3. 1988 – The United States Congress votes to override President Ronald Reagan's veto of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. 1992 – USAir Flight 405 crashes shortly after takeoff from New York City's LaGuardia Airport, leading to a number of studies into the effect that ice has on aircraft. 1992 – Fall of communism in Albania: The Democratic Party of Albania wins a decisive majority in the parliamentary election. 1993 – The Intel Corporation ships the first Pentium chips (80586), featuring a 60 MHz clock speed, 100+ MIPS, and a 64 bit data path. 1995 – Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov returns to earth after setting a record of 438 days in space. 1996 – NASA's Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched on its 16th mission, STS-76. 1997 – Tara Lipinski, aged 14 years and nine months, becomes the youngest women's World Figure Skating Champion. 1997 – Comet Hale–Bopp reaches its closest approach to Earth at 1.315 AU.[34] 2004 – Ahmed Yassin, co-founder and leader of the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas, two bodyguards, and nine civilian bystanders are killed in the Gaza Strip when hit by Israeli Air Force Hellfire missiles. 2006 – Three Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) hostages are freed by British forces in Baghdad after 118 days of captivity and the murder of their colleague from the U.S., Tom Fox. 2013 – At least 37 people are killed and 200 are injured after a fire destroys a camp containing Burmese refugees near Ban Mae, Thailand. 2016 – Three suicide bombers kill 32 people and injure 316 in the 2016 Brussels bombings at the airport and at the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station. 2017 – A terrorist attack in London near the Houses of Parliament leaves four people dead and at least 20 injured. 2017 – Syrian civil war: Five hundred members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are airlifted south of the Euphrates by United States Air Force helicopters, beginning the Battle of Tabqa. 2019 – The Special Counsel investigation on the 2016 United States presidential election concludes when Robert Mueller submits his report to the United States Attorney General. 2019 – Two buses crashed in Kitampo, a town north of Ghana's capital Accra, killing at least 50 people. 2020 – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announces the country's largest ever self-imposed curfew, in an effort to fight the spread of COVID-19. 2020 – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announces a national lockdown and the country's first ever self-imposed curfew, in an effort to fight the spread of COVID-19. 2021 – Ten people are killed in a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.
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p5ravin · 7 months
LG Enters the Metaverse, Plans a TV to Issue and Trade NFTs
In a significant move towards embracing the burgeoning realm of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the metaverse, tech giant LG has recently submitted a trademark application outlining its plans to delve into various aspects of the digital economy. The application, filed on July 14, 2022, reveals LG's ambitious intentions to offer services ranging from wealth management and digital token brokerage to providing TV software for the issuance and trading of NFTs. Additionally, LG aims to develop software dedicated to NFT and cryptocurrency transactions, as indicated in the submission to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The scope of LG's vision expands beyond the NFT sector, as the application also highlights the company's interest in developing software for cryptocurrency, electronic money processing, and e-wallet payment services, among other offerings. This comprehensive approach underscores LG's commitment to establishing a robust presence in the evolving landscape of digital assets and blockchain technology.
While the recent trademark application marks a formalized step into the NFT space, LG has been laying the groundwork with prior releases of products aligned with this sector. In May, the company unveiled a collaboration with new media artist Refik Anadol, showcasing NFT artwork on its transparent OLED TVs. This NFT collection, integrating audio, video, and health information, serves as a testament to LG's dedication to exploring innovative ways to incorporate technology into the realms of art and entertainment.
LG's strategic move into the NFT space aligns with a broader trend among South Korean electronics giants, with Samsung and others also venturing into the realm of digital assets. The competition extends beyond electronics, with e-commerce leaders eBay and Alibaba making notable strides in the NFT market. These companies are positioning themselves to provide platforms for NFT exchanges, virtual goods marketplaces, and online retail stores featuring both physical and virtual items.
The surge in interest from major corporations reflects a global trend, with leading international firms from diverse industries seeking to establish a foothold in the metaverse. Trademark applications for metaverse-related ventures have been on the rise, with trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis documenting these applications on his Twitter account. Between January 1 and May 31, 2022, the United States alone witnessed over 4,000 trademark applications related to NFTs.
As businesses increasingly recognize the interactive potential of the metaverse and NFTs, these technological advancements are reshaping the way companies engage with their audiences. LG's NFT trademark application signals not only a strategic business move but also a commitment to innovation, positioning the company at the forefront of the digital transformation sweeping across various industries. The coming years may witness a proliferation of novel products and services, as companies harness the power of the metaverse and NFTs to redefine the boundaries of digital experiences.
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Robert McKinley Attorney - A Prominent Leader
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Robert McKinley Attorney is a prominent leader who has held many roles. His extensive expertise in litigation, corporate, and intellectual property law has contributed to his resume practicing in New Jersey and Philadelphia. His career includes managing assets for over 150 clients and serving as local counsel, and he has more than 25 years of experience in patent, trademark, and commercial litigation. Robert’s department was voted the Best IP Law Firm by South Jersey Biz.
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legalgaze · 1 year
Preserving Your Property: The Role of Lawyers in the Protection of Property Rights
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Image Source: IP Lawyers South Africa
In a state-of-the-art changing economic system, intellectual property (IP) has become an exceedingly precious asset for both agencies and individuals. In South Africa, a country that thrives on innovation and creativity, protecting highbrow belongings is extremely crucial.
This is where IP legal professionals step in as guardians of innovation and champions of creativity. In this article, we are able to explore the function of IP lawyers in South Africa and how they make contributions to safeguarding the state's intellectual property landscape.
The Importance of Intellectual Property
Property encompasses a number of intangible belongings, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and business designs. These assets function as pillars for industries including generation, entertainment, prescribed drugs, and production.
For individuals and groups, ensuring the safety of belongings is important to preserving a competitive aspect and making sure that innovation receives its due recognition.
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Image Source: Intellectual Property Lawyer
IP Lawyers: Safeguarding Innovation
IP lawyers in South Africa are professionals who specialize in protecting, managing, and enforcing intellectual property rights. They play a role, in safeguarding the creations and innovations brought forth by individuals and businesses.
Here are some of the tasks they carry out:
1. Registering Intellectual Property: One of the obligations of IP attorneys is to help customers check in their highbrow belongings rights. This can include acquiring patents, for groundbreaking innovations or trademarking brand names. IP legal professionals guide clients through the registration system, ensuring protection for their rights.
2. Managing Intellectual Property Portfolio: IP lawyers assist clients in managing their highbrow property portfolios. They offer advice on maximizing the value of these assets through avenues such as licensing, franchising, or other commercial arrangements. This expertise helps customers leverage their creations for profit.
3. Enforcement and Litigation of IP Rights: In cases of infringement, IP lawyers in South Africa are responsible for enforcing their client's rights. They initiate proceedings to halt the use of intellectual property and seek compensation for any damages incurred. Successfully navigating IP litigation requires knowledge of laws and regulations.
4. Preserving Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions: South Africa is a nation, with a rich heritage. Safeguarding knowledge and cultural expressions is an aspect that falls under the purview of IP lawyers.
IP lawyers also have a role, in safeguarding knowledge and cultural expressions, ensuring that indigenous communities maintain ownership of their heritage and reap the benefits from its commercial utilization.
5. International IP Matters; Considering the nature of property, IP lawyers frequently engage in international cases, assisting clients in navigating the intricate realm of IP protection and enforcement across borders. This is particularly significant in a world where markets are increasingly intertwined.
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Image Source: IP Attorneys
The Legal Framework for Protecting Intellectual Property in South Africa
South Africa has established a framework to safeguard intellectual property rights. Several key pieces of legislation govern IP, including:
1. Patents Act: This legislation oversees the grant and protection of patents, granting inventors rights to inventive products and processes.
2. Trade Marks Act: It regulates the registration and defense of trademarks, which serve as signs used to identify products and services in the market.
3. Copyright Act: This law safeguards creators rights by providing protection, for musical works as well as computer programs and databases.
4. Designs Act: Here is the paraphrased version; It focuses on safeguarding the appearance of a product, through the protection of industrial designs.
5. The Counterfeit Goods Act aims to combat the trade of pirated goods, providing protection for both consumers and rights holders.
Challenges Faced by IP Lawyers in South Africa
While IP lawyers play a role in safeguarding innovation and creativity, they encounter challenges within the South African context;
1. Limited Resources: Many individuals and small businesses may not have sufficient financial means to pursue IP protection. Therefore, IP lawyers often need to find solutions to address budget constraints while still delivering legal services.
2. Legal Landscape: Intellectual property law is inherently intricate and constantly evolves alongside advancements and changes in business practices. As a result, IP lawyers must remain updated and adaptable to these evolving complexities.
3. Enforcement Issues: Enforcing IP rights, particularly when managing counterfeiting or on-line infringement cases, can present challenges. Similar to different international locations, South Africa faces difficulties addressing these issues.
4. Balancing Innovation and Access: Striking the balance between protecting property and selling right of entry to information and innovation is a delicate undertaking.
IP legal professionals need to remember the implications of their work.
Intellectual assets are vital, for fostering innovation and creativity, and in South Africa, IP legal professionals function as guardians of this asset. They play a function in registering, handling, implementing, and safeguarding highbrow property rights, making sure that creators and innovators can completely benefit from their paintings.
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themarketinsights · 2 years
Lawsuit Financing Market to Witness Revolutionary Growth by 2027 | Vannin Capital, Pravati Capital, Burford Capital, Fast Funds
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on “Global Lawsuit Financing Market Insights, to 2027” with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study, you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market-associated stakeholders. The growth of the Lawsuit Financing market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Major players profiled in the study are:
Burford Capital Ltd. (United States), Pravati Capital LLC (United States), Harbour Litigation Funding Limited (United Kingdom), Global Funding Solutions LLC (United States), Legalist, Inc. (United States), Lawsuit Financial LLC. (United States), LawCash (United States), Law Finance Group LLC (United States), Vannin Capital PCC (United Kingdom), Fast Funds (United States),
Get Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/124922-global-lawsuit-financing-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Scope of the Report of Lawsuit Financing
Lawsuit funding or loan is also called pre settlement loan. It is used by the person who needs to carry on the ongoing lawsuit but requires cash. It is most commonly used in personal injury lawsuit and many other types of cases. After applying for loan, the company evaluates the settlement and then offers money accordingly. Moreover, Lawsuit financing eases the burden and decreases the pressure to settle early and cheap.
On 27th January 2020, GLS capital which is a litigation finance firm has launched with $345 million capital commitments to invest in lawsuits.
The Global Lawsuit Financing Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Consumer Litigation Funding, Commercial Litigation Funding), Case Type (Class Action Lawsuit Funding, Settlement Funding, Labor Lawsuit Funding, Workers’ Compensation, Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Funding, Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding), End Users (Individuals, Attorneys, Businesses)
Market Opportunities:
Rising awareness among the individuals about lawsuit financing
Market Drivers:
Advantages of Law Dispute Financing is Driving the Market Growth
Market Trend:
What can be explored with the Lawsuit Financing Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Lawsuit Financing Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Lawsuit Financing
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Lawsuit Financing Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/124922-global-lawsuit-financing-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Lawsuit Financing Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Lawsuit Financing market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Lawsuit Financing Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Lawsuit Financing
Chapter 4: Presenting the Lawsuit Financing Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Lawsuit Financing market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Lawsuit Financing Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=124922#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia.
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AMA Research & Media LLP
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shamisxgentile · 2 years
Samsung Lawsuit Re Deceptive Advertising & Labour Rights Abuses
Another social media company is paying up as a outcome of Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act. Snap Inc. has reached a $35 million settlement in an Illinois class action lawsuit over its use of facial recognition technology. The lawsuit alleges that Snapchat violated the BIPA law by amassing and storing the biometric information of users who used its lenses and filters — with out their consent.
Jordan and Saghy's attorneys mentioned the issues with Samsung refrigerators have been known for years. They famous that customers sent more than 600 complaints to the Consumer Product Safety Commission about Samsung refrigerators between January 2019 and December 2021. For those affected by the breach, Samsung suggests you keep cautious of phishing schemes, monitor your credit score profiles carefully , read via the safety notice FAQ, and revisit the company's privacy policy.
Apple has filed different patent fits in Japan in opposition to Samsung, most notably one for the "bounce-back" characteristic. Samsung has also sued Apple, claiming the iPhone and iPad infringe on Samsung patents. Apple's evidence submitted to the court docket included side-by-side image comparisons of iPhone 3GS and i9000 Galaxy S to illustrate the alleged similarities in packaging and icons for apps.
And Jane Doe are recognized in the complaint as residents of downstate Champaign. But as of May 2022, any payout to shoppers remains to be hung up in the ninth U.S. Some filers are objecting to the lawsuit’s authorized charges, which may total $88 million,Forbesmagazine stories. In 2016, iPhone house owners were justifiably outraged over what has been dubbed Batterygate, Blumenthal says. People thought Apple was throttling their telephones so owners would pay for a more moderen model. Both Apple and Samsung, the target of different lawsuits, declined to comment for this story.
Consequently, in seeking to take away defective products from the market and offering to replace them or to reimburse purchasers, SECA had acted as a responsible company citizen. The Court then analyzed the second criterion of article 575 of the Code of Civil Procedure, particularly whether the information alleged appear to justify the conclusions sought. In this case, the question of whether or not there was a defect within the Note 7 telephones was not actually what was at stake. The Court stated in its choice that "he existence of a fault does not automatically mean that there's a harm" .
Samsung's lawyer, Williams Price, said in his closing argument that the South Korean company had not infringed upon Apple's patents, in accordance with the AP, but had as a substitute used Google-developed Android software. Nonetheless, Samsung had already threatened to sue Apple over the iPhone 5 this month. And earlier reports indicated that Samsung had planned samsung privacy lawsuit to add the iPhone 5 to its record of infringing Apple gadgets once it confirmed that the smartphone had 4G LTE functionality. Fear that the nascent success of the Apple watch as an add-on accessory would sluggish Samsung’s development in an more and more tech-savvy market.
Jordan, a southern California man who bought a Samsung fridge for $1,300 in June 2020, seen months after the purchase that the temperature contained in the refrigerator was inconsistent. He then used a thermal imaging digicam and located that the temperature was 45 levels on the prime of the fridge and 29 degrees near the bottom, court paperwork state. Langlois declined to say what number samsung privacy lawsuit of prospects had been affected or why it took Samsung more than a month to notify prospects about the breach, which was announced just hours ahead of a U.S. holiday weekend marking Labor Day. Samsung said it had found the hack on August 4, though it did not inform affected shoppers until a month later.
Overall, it's been fairly a tricky yr for cybersecurity and knowledge safety. This was not the primary time the South Korean tech giant fell prey to a cyberattack. Last March, a hacking group leaked a large knowledge trove from Samsung, which included confidential Samsung supply code. The company didn’t inform the three samsung privacy lawsuit,000 consumers who were impacted in regards to the breach till September. Samsung experienced a data breach back in late July and discovered the intrusion in early August. This web site is using a security service to protect itself from on-line assaults.
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motaafricaa · 1 year
Intellectual Property Lawyers Help Protect Creativity And Progress In These Situations
In today's fast-paced world, countless innovations are being made by businesses and individuals. However, it is crucial to safeguard one's creativity and progress, as disputes over intellectual property can arise. In such situations, seeking guidance from intellectual property lawyers at commercial law firms in South Africa, like Mota Africa, is essential.
The tale of a tech startup:
A dedicated tech startup successfully developed a game-changing data compression algorithm. Unfortunately, a well-known tech company accused them of infringement, sparking a patent dispute. Undeterred, the tech startup sought the expertise of an intellectual property lawyer who meticulously compared the algorithms, highlighting the uniqueness of the startup's work. Through skillful negotiations, the lawyer successfully protected the future of the tech startup, forcing the tech giant to back down.
The journey of a music artist:
James, an up-and-coming music artist, found himself embroiled in a copyright battle over one of his chart-topping songs. Determined to defend his originality, he enlisted the help of an intellectual property lawyer. The lawyer adeptly showcased the distinctions in the compositions and engaged in numerous negotiations. Thanks to their expertise, James' reputation as an authentic artist was preserved, and the dispute was resolved.
The narrative of a doctor:
Dr. Emma, a renowned physician, made groundbreaking advancements in cancer treatment. To protect her innovative approach, she collaborated with a skilled patent attorney South Africa. With unwavering dedication, the attorney navigated the complex patent application process, ultimately securing a patent for Dr. Emma's treatment. Empowered by this achievement, Dr. Emma partnered with pharmaceutical companies to make her life-saving treatment accessible to cancer patients in need, ultimately saving numerous lives through her resilience.
About Mota Africa:
Mota Africa stands as a highly reputable firm that specializes in providing assistance from intellectual property lawyers in South Africa. With their extensive experience and expertise across various fields, they excel at protecting the work of their clients in the most effective manner possible.
To contact an intellectual property lawyer, visit https://mota.africa/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3L2Mzg2
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Six GOP States Sue Biden Administration For Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
By Audrey Balazs, Loyola Marymount University Class of 2025
September 29, 2022
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On Thursday, September 29, 2022, six GOP-led states filed a lawsuit against Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan in a federal court in Missouri. The states included in this lawsuit are Nebraska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and South Carolina. These states requested the court an immediate temporary restraining order halting the program. [2]
For context, in Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, one of Biden’s campaign promises was student loan forgiveness. In August 2022, Biden finally committed to the promise and stated that the US Government will forgive $10,000 in student loans for millions of former college students who are struggling to repay their debt [2]. In June 2022, the CBO estimated there are roughly 43 million borrowers that held a total of $1.6 trillion in federal student loans. Under Biden’s plan, $430 billion of that debt would be canceled.
The states suing Biden’s plan suggest that the plan will only cause more inflation and detrimental damage to the economy of their state. Missouri argues that their “loan servicer is facing a ‘number of ongoing financial harms’ because of Biden's decision to cancel loans” [1]. Additionally, many Republicans state that the plan only supports “relatively affluent people at the expense of those who didn’t pursue higher education” [1]. Specifically, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge stated, “It’s patently unfair to saddle hard-working Americans with the loan debt of those who chose to go to college” [1].
Despite the criticism and lawsuit, Biden’s administration is attempting to justify the plan by relying on a post-9/11 law that would allow Biden to forgive student loans during a national emergency– that national emergency Biden is relying on is COVID-19. However, Biden faces more criticism as he recently said in a 60 minutes interview that the pandemic was over. Nonetheless, the administration is still expected to roll out the first wave of student loan forgiveness in October [3].
[1] https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/missouri/articles/2022-09-29/gop-states-sue-biden-administration-over-student-loan-plan
[2] https://www.reuters.com/world/us/six-states-sue-halt-bidens-bid-forgive-student-loans-2022-09-29/
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drewssam · 7 months
LG Ventures into the Metaverse, Plans NFT-Enabled TV
Tech juggernaut LG has made a significant move into the metaverse, signaling its intentions to explore the booming market of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The company recently filed a trademark application for its LG ART LAB, outlining plans to delve into various aspects of the digital economy, including cryptocurrency and NFTs.
The trademark application, submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on July 14, 2022, reveals LG's ambitious vision to offer a range of services related to NFTs and cryptocurrency. These services include wealth management, digital token brokerage, and the development of TV software specifically tailored for issuing and trading NFTs.
Additionally, LG's foray into the digital asset space extends beyond NFTs, as the application also indicates the company's intention to provide software for cryptocurrency transactions, electronic money processing, and e-wallet payment services.
While LG's move into the metaverse may seem sudden, the company has been gradually embracing NFT-related initiatives. In May, LG announced a collaboration with new media artist Refik Anadol to showcase NFT artwork on its transparent OLED TVs. This venture highlighted LG's commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology with the burgeoning world of digital art and collectibles.
LG's entry into the metaverse follows similar initiatives by other South Korean electronics giants like Samsung. Furthermore, industry leaders such as eBay and Alibaba have also shown interest in NFTs, with plans to establish NFT exchanges and virtual goods marketplaces.
The surge in trademark applications related to NFTs underscores the growing mainstream adoption of digital assets across various sectors. According to trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis, between January 1 and May 31, 2022, over 4,000 NFT-related trademarks were filed in the United States alone, indicating the widespread interest and investment in this emerging market.
As LG prepares to venture deeper into the metaverse, its trademark application serves as a testament to the company's strategic foresight and commitment to innovation. With the potential integration of NFT-enabled features into its products, LG aims to position itself at the forefront of the digital revolution, offering consumers new and immersive ways to engage with technology and digital content.
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trademarkmaldives · 5 years
Like many other nations, the immense umbrella of Intellectual Property Law in South Africa (SA) also encompasses the legislation that involves patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and copyright protection. Intellectual property (IP) refers to intangible assets that are created through human intellect. Although beneficial to the owner (creator/ producer) in many ways, these IP assets are vulnerable to exploitation by third parties and should be protected by a powerful means. IP law is one of the best ways famous for protecting intangible IP that can hold immense value. It is a crucial source used to restrict the unlawful use of inventors’ unique assets, and thus, ensure the Intellectual Property Protection in South Africa and other regions worldwide.
Another main objective of the administrators, attorneys, etc., taking care of the IP law in South Africa is to encourage the creators to create more and more intellectual goods. Unfortunately, as the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) provided under the IP law allow the owners to prevent others from using their assets, they often confer negative rights. Hence, it is essential to revise the IP law in South Africa to ensure that people seeking access to healthcare shouldn’t be denied healthcare lifesaving drugs.
One considerable fact about IP law in SA when it comes to the healthcare area is that the granted IPR, i.e., patent enables the pharmaceutical companies to prohibit others from manufacturing and selling the same medicines. The patent, no matter whether for the protection of medications or anything else, lasts for around 20 years in most of the nations globally. It bestows the companies with a monopoly to determine and set the price of medicines produced by them on their own. The highly-priced drugs often push the people in desperate and fatal situations, thus making it vital to revise the Patent Law of South Africa that lead to the granting of excessive licenses fueling pharmaceutical monopolies.
Measures South Africa is Taking or Should Take
Concerning the call to revise IP law in SA and several other nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) has provided some rules and stated that the public health principles related to access to medicines are sustained by the Constitution of WHO along with a wide range of national and international legal policies. Besides, Intellectual Property Rules from the human rights viewpoint must be supervised under principles supporting not just the public health goals but access to medicines as well.
Still, several pharmaceutical firms focus on monopolizing the production of drugs, especially for TB, cancer, and hepatitis C that are the most leading cause behind deaths in SA, only for making profits.
A physician named Dr. Eric Goemaere, who introduced HIV treatment in SA in 2017, said that the treatments for HIV and cancer are very complicated and expensive. That’s why people are afraid of even looking at them. The most disconcerting thought revolves around the resistance put up by big pharmaceutical companies on the creation and availability of these treatments when the patient is dying. The Treatment Action Campaign is the biggest organization that came up to provide relief in such instances by ensuring that all people in South Africa can access suitable medical treatment. By making the large pharmaceutical firms grant licenses to small companies for manufacturing generic ARV (antiretroviral) and numerous other relevant things, it ensures that the appropriate medical facilities are available to all South Africans.
No doubt that the rapidly advancing technology has provided us with numerous new medicines and antiretrovirals, but the concerning fact is that all these are very expensive. Hence, it is recommended that the government, pharmaceutical organizations, and IP Attorneys in South Africa should work on new research and development (R&D) models to delink the cost of R&D from the total cost for drugs or treatments. South Africa should likewise think about the approaches for incentivizing R&D through cash prizes, grants, and more, instead of supporting patent monopolies leading to excessive pricing. The nation should also advocate worldwide leadership by funding people for initiatives like researches. It even needs to invest in the development of drugs for the future rather than just thinking about the intellectual property market in South Africa or outside.
Ordinary People of South Africa
For ordinary people in South Africa, the present scenario means that they can anytime face the situation when it will be essential for them to get unaffordable medicines that are secured under patents preventing other manufacturers from coming up with an affordable alternative. It also means that human rights, constitutional rights, and health are commodified, allowing firms with patents to deploy human sufferings for extracting profits. In short, it suggests that the right to access to health for common residents of South Africa is being undermined, and therefore, the nation needs to think about – of course – the difficulties related to IP law, but while emphasizing the violation of human rights. For more visit: https://www.trademarkmaldives.com
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Robert McKinley Attorney - An Experienced Attorney
Robert McKinley Attorney has extensive experience representing clients in intellectual property cases as well as other areas of corporate law. In 2006, he was recognized as a Pennsylvania Rising Star for his work in intellectual property litigation. He contributed to the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s 7th Annual Intellectual Property Institute Presentation, speaking on Patent Business Landscape: Creative Strategies for Monetizing a Client’s Patent Portfolio. South Jersey Biz voted his department Best IP Law Firm two years in a row.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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I couldn’t believe my life had come to this, waiting in my car as evening began to settle over Far Horizons Medical Associates, watching for Melissa to pull out of the parking lot. We had just walked out together, after what turned out to be a long day of patients for me and...whatever it is she does...for her. A catch-up day, for sure, after a week away from work. Our chat, as we had locked up the office and both headed out to our cars, was idle and friendly. She was headed to the gym, and asked what I’d be doing tonight. I lied, of course, telling her my wife, Sheryl, had a nice dinner planned. Maybe we’d catch up on the series we’d been watching. 
But here I was, watching Melissa finally pull out of the lot and disappear into traffic in her white beemer. Only then did I think it safe to turn off my car, grab my bag, surreptitiously hurry back to the building, and sneak back inside. I felt so foolish...
My practice, I guess I should explain, occupied the biggest of three decent-sized office suites on the ground floor of our building. Well, I say “our”, but it was really Sheryl’s. She had bought it as an investment property, years ago, and rented the space back to the practice. One of the other two suites had been a physical therapy office, but was now recently vacant. Sheryl hadn’t, as far as I knew, been looking actively for new tenants. The third set of offices was currently a financial advisory group; they’d been there a while. 
Above the first floor, there were some smaller spaces Sheryl also rented out for little private offices. There was a patent attorney, a coin trader and a couple CPA’s, but most of them had recently been vacant, too. There was also one space that she’d converted to a basic little studio apartment that was, as of just last night, no longer vacant. It was now, in fact, where I was heading. 
Furtively, I entered the main foyer space of the building through the glass doors from outside, hoping beyond hope that I hadn’t been seen. While the now-locked entrance to FHMA was directly on my right, those to the other two suites on the opposite wall, I headed to an unmarked door in the far corner, which led to a stark, cement stairway, which went up to the second floor hallway, a utilitarian passage which itself led me to…
I struggled a bit with the key but finally got the door opened, switched on the fluorescent overhead light, and sighed. I was greeted with several small stacks of boxes, an old couch, and the silence of bare white walls. At least it smelled okay. 
The fight, last night, was a bad one. I’d known, driving home from the airport, that Sheryl would be waiting for me at home. I realized, of course, even when I was down south at the conference with Melissa, that a full week away was too much. The extra few days at the end to relax was irresponsible, escapist, just a chance to avoid the problems I had up here in my real life - the tensions at home, in my marriage. The loss of respect I’d been feeling at work. I knew in the end it was just going to make them all worse, exacerbating the already festering issues. Now it was coming to a head…
...and the photos didn’t help. 
Sheryl had, I immediately saw as I had stepped in the front door, a manilla folder full of them. Possibly two, in fact. 
“Hi honey,” she said plainly, as I struggled my bag into the living room, dropping it in the arched doorway, “welcome back.”
Full-page photographs, mostly of Melissa posed in various bikinis, lay strewn across our coffee table, spilled from the folder labeled “phone”, in black sharpie. I recognized them all: the white bikini, the burgundy, the rainbow. There were also a few more photos, Melissa in a beach dress, Melissa laughing, a selfie of the two of us together. I recognized those too. I recognized all these pictures, of course, because I had taken them. 
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“Hey uh...what’s all this..?” I asked, dumbly, as my heart began to race. Oh my god, what had she done?? I knew - now, at least - that whatever pictures I took with my phone automatically got shared with Sheryl, that she could see them. I’d kicked myself for my naivete multiple times upside-down and sideways since she’d explained that to me, having seen all the damning modeling pics I’d taken for Melissa at the beach last Wednesday. This was obviously a folder full of them. What was in the other?
“I don’t know, honey. Why don’t you tell me..?” Sheryl answered. 
I, of course, was totally awkward, inept and hapless in my defense. How does one explain hundreds of bikini shots of one’s Uber-buxom Office Manager on one’s phone to one’s wife? Or the photo Melissa took of me, with lipstick on my forehead? How does one argue one’s point when one’s opponent is a high-powered corporate attorney who has prepared her case and stacked her deck against one? One does it...poorly. 
I tried, I really did, to assuage Sheryl, to convince her that nothing happened during our trip, between me and Melissa. Nothing did!! Really!! But I knew my heart was not in it, and - if I was being honest - throughout the last two months since I’d hired Melissa I’d been effectively unfaithful to Sheryl, at least in spirit. I did my best, though, to plead my case and she watched me do it, sitting there on the couch in what she’d call her “warrior princess” look. Hair, clothes and makeup she’d use when she knew her adversary was a male easily swayed by such an appearance...one such as myself. Sheryl was a beautiful woman, and she knew it. She knew the warpaint, the big fluffy blond hair and the tight dress showing off her healthy implants would give her power in this exchange, tip the scales even further in her favor.  
But her coup-de-grace was the pictures. She had printed them, of course, to humiliate me. Nice and big, glossy, they were certainly all that, for sure. But, of course, they’d also be pretty useful to her in court, since she’d have to expect I’d delete them from my phone...which I’d done (after saving them al elsewherel…) Nonetheless, here was her proof. 
She had let me talk, and then she went on her tirade. It actually started calmly enough. 
“Do you realize how weak you look, how pathetic,” she began, coolly,  “spending your time with her? This...girl?”
“M-Melissa’s n-not just a ‘girl’...” I retorted, beginning to defend myself, trying to match Sheryl’s composure, but feeling the heat in my face already and hearing the stumble in my speech, “this was for work, she’s an employee, our office manager, a...a…”
“A what? A G-cup?” she snapped
she’s actually an H-cup…I thought to myself, in a silent flush of shame. 
Sheryl knew, of course, my history, my weakness for the young and buxom. It had nearly ended our marriage in the past, several times. “At first, when you first hired her, I was more disappointed in you than angry,” she continued, regaining her poise, “knowing why you’d done it, that you were basically helpless. I was disappointed that you, after all these years, were still so weak-willed and stupid. I do suppose it's no picnic having that huge penis of yours. It’s honestly the only outstanding thing about you, but it must be a burden. It sort of overwhelms your brain, doesn’t it? Make you make these stupid decisions?”
This was so humiliating. “Sheryl, c’mon..”
“No, really,” she said, calmly, “Sometimes I think I shouldn't blame you for being a slave to that...thing. You’re just a man, and your erection is the biggest part about you. But you’re also my husband. You made a commitment, and I’ve worked so hard on this marriage. So, yes, back then, when you hired her, I was disappointed...but I wasn’t angry.”
Oh my god I felt like a child being scolded, but in my disgrace I held my tongue. 
“But now,” she continued, the heat beginning to build in her voice, “seeing all those pictures, seeing her tits all over you phone, seeing the two of you together, now I’m angry…”
“Sh-Sheryl, listen, I-“ I tried, stepping towards where she sat. 
“Is that really what you want?” she asked, voice breaking for the first time, “To be with someone like her? Someone young and dumb? It is, isn’t it? You like that she’s big and young and dumb, that she’s soft and pretty and that she adores you...”
I stepped in again. “n-no, honey, wait…”
“Don’t ‘honey’ me…” she bit, “not after you hired not just her, but a whole harem of them. Because that’s what you’re doing, isn’t it? Building yourself a harem of young, dumb, soft pretty things?”
“Sheryl, pleas-“
“Be quiet,” she commanded, suddenly standing up from the couch.
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I gasped, and visibly took a step back. She was surprisingly, impressively tall in her office stilettos, and I couldn't hide my shock. If she noticed, she said nothing, just narrowed her eyes for a moment and pressed on. “You should just go be with your big-boobie office manager, your new little bunnies, if that’s what you want. Let them take you and coddle you, tell you it's all okay. Let them kiss away all the boo-boos you got from your big, mean wife.”
She took a step towards me; I took a step back. A smile curled on her face as she watched my reaction. 
“Oh, yes. Don't think I don't know,” she continued, her voice chilling again, “don't think that I don't know what you did with Rina, your secret little fantasies. I know what you like, they all know what you like. Rina told them at the office four years ago and it’s going to follow you for the rest of your life.”
Sheryl stepped right up to me; we were eye-to-eye. wh-what the…?? She watched the shivers run through me as I realized I was not just dealing with someone who could intellectually and emotionally dwarf me, but someone who could also possibly physically harm me as well. 
“Sheryl, h-hold on…wh-what Rina and I did, it-“
Her smile frightened me, and her voice changed. “Awwwww,” she cooed, in baby-talk, her eyes flashing as she took to releasing the years of pent-up resentment, “All that baby-play, what you did with Rina, is that what you want, sweetie-pie?” 
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Suddenly unable to face her, I turned away, stepped away. I felt her following behind. 
“You miss it, hmm? You want it again, right, baby?” she persisted, hammering away at me from behind in that babydoll voice, “But now you want ‘Melissssy’ to be your mommy now, don’t you?? Yes...yes you do!”
“Sheryl, s-stop..!”
“Oh, I'm sorry..! Is that emasculating??” she chided,  “Am I emasculating you? Telling you that I know, that everybody knows, that what you really want is to be an infant?? That you may look like a big strong man - or, whatever you are, these days - but inside you’re nothing but a child. A toddler. A little needy baby that just wants its mommy.”
“Oh my god Sheryl, n-no, please…” 
From behind she took my shoulder and, forcefully, spun me around to face her. “You look at me,” she ordered, “Look at me when I’m talking to you, you understand?”
Meekly, I nodded. “y-y-yes…” I answered. . 
She sneered at me. “Jesus. Face it, honey, you’re an infant already,” she told me, her eyes boring into mine as my gaze dropped; she allowed it, as I was looking at her chest. “Think about it: women own your business, women own your house, women organize and keep your little practice running,” she said, laying bare all my deepest truths, opening the wound that has festered for years. All I could do was stand there and take it, eyes cast downward. “Women figure out what you’re going to eat, what you’re going to wear. And you love it, how we infantilize you, you don’t fight it at all,” she continued, “You all do, you men, these days. You love it. It’s everywhere. Men are becoming like little babies, more helpless every day, while women are working harder, becoming their big, competent mommies, taking care of everything, letting you cling to us just to make it through life. It’s happening, you’ve seen it...”
She looked at me, pausing in her diatribe, and considered. She had me sufficiently cowed, obsequiously speechless; her voice dropped. 
“But you...you...you’ve been this way all along. That’s what makes you different,” she said, half-cryptic, “That’s why they want you.”
“wh-what do you m-mean?“ I asked, a strange fear gripping me, a primal instinct, making me find my tongue and raise my eyes to her. 
She pressed on like she didn’t hear me. 
“In some ways I guess I can't blame you,” she continued, “You're a beta male, surrounded by alpha females...” 
Oh my god, this? Sheryl, too??
“...Me, Melissa, all the rest, all of us alphas,” she stated, as if it was plain as day, “It’s the hierarchy of mankind...or in your case womankind. There's no way you can avoid it.”
“wh-where is this coming from??” I suddenly blurted, the fear and confusion in me bubbling up finally in a defensive yawp, “Is this from those meetings you’ve been going to? I don’t know if I want you going to them any more..!”
holy shit what did I just say..???
“WHAT?!?” she screamed, her hands suddenly on my chest, pushing me with surprising force backwards. I stumbled, my knees catching the overstuffed chair behind me. I fell backwards into it, and sat frozen, stunned, gaping up at her in shock and fright. My heart raced.
She looked down at me, eyes wide. She seemed, for the moment, surprised herself, that she was capable of what she just did...and at how easy it was. 
She took a step towards me; I recoiled below as she seethed. 
“Y’know what I wish? Hm?!?” she glared down at me, imperiously, over her nose and full chest as her anger flashed again, “I hope that someday, someday soon...I hope you get exactly what you want. I hope you get a woman that really emasculates you. That just dwarfs you, with all that she is. A woman that makes you feel tiny, like the weak little man you really are.”
I watched as the anger of the last seven years all came to bear above me, in her, as she began to rage. 
“Oh god!” she cried, “I hope someday you get what you really want! I hope you get crushed between the tits of a huge, strong woman!! I hope you get shrunk to the size of a tiny little bug by her, I do, and I hope I get to watch!” 
Jesus christ what is she saying?!? Where did she get this?!? And why - oh god no - am I getting..? I can’t let her see...
In her fury, she continued, her fists balled. “Oh god I’d like to see that, I'd like to see you squashed,” she spit, “I'd crush you myself, if I could. I'd crush you under my big, high heel.”
I moaned, a pitiful wail. She looked at me, aghast. 
“Oh god this is turning you on right now, isn’t it?!?” she fumed, suddenly incredulous, “Me yelling at you? Me humiliating you??”  She leaned over, brought her face so close to mine. I backed away, retreating the inches I could. Her fists still balled, she all but snarled: “Do you get aroused when a strong woman gets angry at you?” She watched me trembling, and dropped her voice as she began to speak more slowly. “Oh my god you do. You get off on being...belittled,” she said, “Being made to feel small by the anger of a woman. And you love that, you love feeling small, don’t you..?”
She considered me, thought for a moment, ignoring the near-wordless denials I was trying to form. “Well, then, let me help you out, if you want to feel small,” she said and then, without another word, she grabbed me through my pants,
“Sh-Sheryl, no..!” I sobbed, weakly moving to grab her wrist. She slapped me away, her hand now forcefully half-encircling my turgid girth through my khakis. 
She squeezed, then she unleashed. 
“Would it make you feel small if I told you I have more than fifty times the money that you do?? Hm?” she sneered, inches from my face, pressing my outsized cock down into my thigh, feeling it harden with her anger, under her abuse, “That with my new jobs I made more last week than you made in a year. You didn’t know that, did you?? No - I do all our banking, I do all our finances. You wouldn’t know. You let me take care of everything. I own this house, I own the practice.” She squeezed my shaft, roughly, making me spasm, my whole body tense towards her. “You’ve been basically nothing but an employee of mine these past thirteen years. An employee that I let live under my roof, eat my food…”
Insistently, she began to stroke my cock through my pants, slowly, with a strong grip and commanding authority. “How does it feel to be a kept man, hm?” she asked, watching my eyes flutter helplessly in the newly lit blaze of arousal to which she had me held, mercilessly working me now, “I know you. You like people to think that I stay with you because you’re a rich doctor, that you’re a successful man. But it’s really quite the opposite, isn’t it? You stay with me because you’d be nothing without me. I own your house, I own your car. I’m your fucking boss. You have barely anything in savings and what you do have I would totally consume with our pre-nup” 
My voice began to bubble up, to tremble. “w-w-why…?” was all I could manage, not even knowing what I was asking. 
”Why? Why do I stay with you?!? Oh my god I ask myself that all the time, all these years, through all the affairs and the mistakes and the absolute pitiful way you run your life.” My question, my audacity to speak, had only caused her to redouble her efforts; she squeezed me again, pumped me harder. “Why do I stay with you?? I don’t know- maybe because I loved you, once? Maybe because I felt, somehow, that someday you’d change? Or maybe because...maybe because I started to like it. Maybe I started to like the feeling of making more than my husband, of watching him get smaller and smaller to me, inside our home, as I grew bigger and bigger outside it, wealthier and wealthier, more and more successful as he slowly turned into this...this...this little worm, writhing under me, clinging to me. God!!!” she exclaimed, suddenly rising up a bit, putting her free hand on my shoulder, “Do you see what you’ve done to me?!? What you’ve made me become?!?”
Whether on purpose or not, she’d positioned her upper body right in front of my face, forcing me to stare at her chest as she worked my cock. I can see her bra, she’s swelling out of it, modest implants under taut flesh. Implants she got for me, years ago. So she could...do this, more easily. And it worked, it fucking worked…
I groaned again. I was already so close...so close to...to coming...oh god no, not in…not in my pants...p-please Sheryl...
“But, yes. Part of me liked the idea of owning you,” she mused, allowing me to just gape at her cleavage, knowing I was close, “Of having you as a kept man. But now...now...it’s done. I’ve decided - I don’t want to keep you any more. They can have you...”
She reached behind herself, grabbed something off the coffee table, her left hand never leaving my lap.
She held it right in front of me, right before my eyes, a picture...
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“They can have you…”
With a grunt, a lurch that buckled me forward in my seat, I came under her hand, I came in my pants, I came in the most shameful way I could imagine. I came in my pants under my wife’s strong hand as she kicked me out of the house and gave me to Melissa’s tits
“Unh, unh, unh…” I whined, allowing myself only the briefest of moments to ogle the photo, and then casting my eyes down, clamping them shut in my vileness. My cock, so huge, bucked and jerked in the hips of my khakis, soaking them - I felt that already, its hot brine, gooping onto my thigh, making a mess.
“There you go,” Sheryl said, her hand still squeezing my firm spongy shaft, “get it all out…”
I groaned, I groaned as I felt Sheryl move, putting down the photo so she could support me with her right hand to my shoulder. Otherwise, I would have folded forward, right into her
She squeezed me, she milked me, she urged and pulled everything she could from my cock, into my pants, and as my eyes began to open I saw the spectacle, the shameful stain darkening my pant-leg, nearly the entire thing from mid-thigh down to my knee.
”a-are you divorcing me?” I peeped, finally, the first words I could manage as my climax faded, my cock pulsing weakly now. My meekly resigned question sounded fully like a demission, obsequious surrender to whatever she wanted. 
“No, I’m not divorcing you,” she replied, with austere plainness, “The world would eat you alive, and I’m not ready for that yet.” She watched the monstrosity of my erection fading, under her hand. “But I am kicking you out of my house.”
Where will I go??? I thought, with passive acceptance, even as the last pulses of climax had yet to fade. Images of sleeping in my car, soaked in my own filth, crept through my skull.
As if reading my mind (omigod can they all do that??) Sheryl spoke up. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to be homeless,” she said, still tenderly massaging the now softening mush of my spent manhood, squishing it wetly into my leg, “But...you do need to be put in your place. So, I have a place for you. It’s perfect. Nice and small.”
The apartment, at the office, hers, she explained, as I watched her left hand tend to my afterspasms. I’d live there, I’d live in the little apartment she kept as a side thought, a pittance of her charity. I knew I really had no other option, and hung my head. It proved how dependent I was on her; I’d have a place to live only on account of her good graces. It was just something else she could lord over me, show me how small I was. 
“Now, get up. Get up,” she instructed, finally peeling her hand off me, leaving me sticky and foul as she sat back, “Get up and leave. I’ve packed your bags, your things. They're all there already.” She stood, over me, seeing me still trembling from my trauma. “Just go, here’s a key-“ she said, fishing into her top and pulling a key from her bra.
Dismissively, she tossed it at me. “Go lose yourself in her tits for all I care.” It bounced off my chest, slid down onto the chair.
Clumsily, I floundered at finding the key in the cushion, as all the while Sheryl  straightened her skirt, smoothed her hair. “n-no, I’m going to show you,” I began, finally gathering the key, finally starting to stand, rising wobbly to my feet, “I’m n-not that weak. I’m going to prove myself to you...”
”Sure you will,” she said, not even looking at me at this point, “now get out.”
“Sheryl, c’mon…”
“Get. Out.” Her eyes were on me again, cold and hard. She pointed at the door.
At the end, the end of my time in my home of seven years, I was walking towards the front door when my wife said one last thing to me. “Wait…” she said, causing me to pause, look back.
“Turn around…” she said, regarding me with new, discriminating eyes, “...are you shorter?” 
Thanks to TopographicSociety and tumblr reader nycslave for inspirations
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