#passing the torch.answered
embcrs · 3 months
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@destdevel asked: [When It Gets Hard Starters]
"look. i can tell ya' ain't feelin' great. want to talk 'bout it?"
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"Not exactly."
What was there to talk about? How the fresh hell does one explain coming back from death? Granted, with how the man beside him looked, he could probably relate better than Ace thinks. Still, he barely has processed it himself. And despite it being over two years ago, he still struggles to even think aobut the day without a pinch taking over his features.
It didn't help that his sleep had been horribly erratic the last few days. Each one ranging from incomprehensible nonsense to the recreation of that day, leaving him more exhausted after every one. His chin drops into his hand with a heavy sigh.
"More 'cuz it's just...hard to explain more than anything. Plus," Idly, Ace pluchs the hibiscus from his own hair, twirling it in his fingers, staring down at it. "I'm sure your stories are way more entertaining." Shooting the silver haired man a lopsided grin, gaze finally resting on the other. "Like why ya talk like that. Someone take your swearin' privileges?"
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embcrs · 3 months
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@lovehungered asked: [Protection Starters]
[BARRIER] As danger looms, the sender positions themselves between the receiver and the threat as a human barrier.
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Ace, since being yanked back from death's cold hands, has been painfully aware of his weakness. At the very least, in comparison to how he was. It was frustrating at best, and devastating at worst. But this, his little brother's crewmate stood between him and an enemy, protecting him without a second thought, made that feeling all the more painfully stark.
He'd come to Wano to help. To see Luffy, to see how he and his crew had grown. The last thing he wanted was to be a goddamn burden on them, but he knew the posibility of it was unfortunately high.
It's not like Ace was entirely helpless. He could still fight, a mix of muscle memory and his insistance on Marco sparring with him the moment he was cleared for it playing equal parts. But he got winded faster, wore down easier, and felt that much more mortal than those around him. It was beyond infuriating, and Ace couldn't deny the sting to his pride at the time.
But he couldn't reprimand the blond, or any of Luffy's crew, really. Logically, the would've done this regardless of the man's state. They look out for each other, rely on each other, and Ace couldn't be more proud.
Still, a frustrated, worried noise left his lips without his consent. "...Thanks. Much appreciated." If anything, Ace at least still had his well fought for manners.
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embcrs · 3 months
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Tag Dump
hibiscus blooms and fading embers.ic
i lived bitch.ooc
dying flames in the arms of love.headcanons
the spark of something new.promo
the body of theseus.musings
the brother you once knew is.vis
scorch marks on my heart.family&friends
logs in the fire.prompts
passion burning bright.sinday.nsft
flickering ghosts.dash comm
passing the torch.answered
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embcrs · 3 months
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@lovehungered asked: [Interest Marker]
●●●○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●○○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
"You know I'm always grateful for you all talkin' care of my little brother. Couldn't ask for a better group! Bein' pretty to boot is just a bonus."
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embcrs · 3 months
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@destdevel asked: [Sitting In Lap]
[ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap with one leg on either side of their legs, straddling them effectively.
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In any other situation, with literally anyone else, the current predicament would be quite interesting. Maybe even pleasant. But as it stands, all Ace can really focus on is the sheer weight now weighing him down, like someone dropped a canon straight on his lap.
The action causes a grunt to leave the raven, followed by a pained, hal annoyed look. "Don't take this the wrong way. You're very pretty an' all. A bombshell if you will." Calloused hands come up to the sharpshooter's hips, pushing weakly. "But you weigh a fuckin' ton. Would appreciate you sliding your metallic ass offa me, for the safety and wellbeing of my family jewels."
Ace has no idea what's going though this dude's head, knowing just how...erratic he can be.
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embcrs · 3 months
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@ryusokcn asked: [Protection Prompts]
"I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, even if the world falls apart around us."
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Ace feels like his knees are gonna buckle right under him.
Just the news alone that Sabo had been alive-- alive and thriving all these years, had nearly sent Ace into a tailspin when he found out. It was closely coupled with the knowledge that his brother has obtained the fruit, his fruit, intent on carrying on his will.
He had almost demanded Marco take him to Sabo. Feeling like he had to see the blond with his own two eyes, but at the time, he was still far too unstable. It was too risky to let himself geot worked up, much less travel outside the island.
So, he waited, and kept up with both brothers' actions via the news. He couldn't be more proud of the waves they were making in their own ways. He'd even been a little amused by Sabo's epithet of 'Flame Emporer'. But all the knowledge and pride in the world couldn't prepare for seeing the man in the flesh.
He wanted to say a million and one things, ranging from apologies to teasing ('you still dress like a dork'). But what came out was something far more honest then he meant it to be.
"I'm not...the same person I used to be. I'm weaker...confused, tired, and a mess. I feel like...Like the everything is one second from falling apart--"
'I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, even if the world falls apart around us.'
Ace's chest tightens. it's painful. His heart stutters unnaturally and his replacement lngs catch. But by the seas does it heal something in his sould to hear that from Sabo. Stepping forward, his knees finally give out, collapsing into the blond's arms and squeezing him tight. Tears dampen Sabo's shoulder.
"...I'm so glad you're alive..."
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