#participant: princesseellie
spideypoolbigbang · 2 years
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Title: Two Idiots and a Baby
Author: riseofthefallenone ( Tumblr | Ao3 )
Artist: princessellie3 (Tumblr )
Rating: Teen (for swearing)
Warnings: None Apply
Word Count: Estimated 60k
Posting Date: August 21st
Summary: Peter’s roommate bails with little notice before the renewal of their lease. Not wanting to give up the apartment, Peter puts out an ad for a new roommate. He didn’t really expect to end up living with a newborn and her “ex-special forces” father, but… Here they are, and he wouldn’t change a thing about it.
Teaser Excerpt (under the cut):
Given how much information Wade dumped on him in the email, Peter is still a bit shocked when he opens the door and finds himself face to back-of-the-head with an infant strapped in a papoose against a broad chest. Said broad chest is straining against being contained within a Spider-Man t-shirt that may or may not be one size too small. Peter stares at a bald and small and so very squishy head, and tries very hard to remember if Wade mentioned anything about a BABY.
And then he looks up, and up, and WOW.
Scarring? Yes. Cheekbones to die for? Absolutely. A jaw that slays? Definitely. Blue eyes with a twinkle of mischief? GOD yes.
If Peter isn’t already blushing, then he will be in a moment.
“H-hi.” Aw crap, his voice cracked. He clears his throat and tries again. “Hi. You must be… Wade?”
“Actually, the baby is Wade. I’m Ellie. Nice t’meet’cha, Pete.” Wade’s voice sounds like he’s smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since the day he was born. It’s rough and deep, and Peter is DEFINITELY blushing now.
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spideypoolbigbang · 2 years
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Title: Two Idiots and a Baby
Author: riseofthefallenone ( ao3 | tumblr )
Artist: princesseellie3 ( tumblr )
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 50,235
Posting Date: Sunday July 21, 2022
Summary: Peter’s roommate bails with little notice before the renewal of their lease. Not wanting to give up the apartment, Peter puts out an ad for a new roommate. He didn’t really expect to end up living with a newborn and her “ex-special forces” father, but… Here they are, and he wouldn’t change a thing about it.
Fic Masterpost  | Art Masterpost
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